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tv   Igrai garmon lyubimaya  1TV  March 10, 2024 6:55am-7:41am MSK

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but because looking at his biography i looked, well, how is it possible, well , sometimes a person chooses one direction in his life, he chose wrestling in his life there and he goes boxing there, he did something else in sambo, well gagarin, well, he played basketball and football and hockey, he played in the orchestra, he did everything he could, he was an elitist, he was an elitist, but this is his destiny, i think it’s not because he hung around, because he wanted to try everything, how he came to the flying club in saratov, there is a story that, well, just he saw that somewhere... someone was flying, he saw some story about a club, he wanted to go there , that is, he saw, he went and won, something like that, it seems to me, is a very useful phenomenon in general for people, that is, to do what you like, to achieve some success in it, not what is customary, well, go to something and you will become a worthy person, but do it and get pleasure and not wait for what will happen to you, go, go, hop , stood up, this is the most important thing, and therefore this is probably the quality of loving life. enjoy every moment of it, and
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it helped him become the first, and it attracted me to gagarin, i make him so natural to me, enjoy here now, here is yaroslav, i played in a film once, but artistically, i just came and played myself, we didn’t prepare for anything, tell me, before you played the role of gagarin, you had to, uh, somehow specially prepare , well, of course, i read everything that... what, what, what is, what happened at that moment, there is a small funny moment that during filming, it came together very well, everyone, all the actors, all my partners, always when with met me in any scene , no matter what it was, they told me, smile, you look so much more like gagarin, i say, well , first of all, gagarin was not a sick person, in order to smile endlessly, he had to do something like this do, i think the director may have chosen himself because of your smile, because gagarin is very... busy
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with your smile, yes, well, we tried it during before filming, we tried it there and on the computer there they pulled me up a little closer to gagarin, it all didn’t look very good and we did some kind of plastic makeup, tried it, but then we realized that it was better to look for this love for life through his internal history, than to try to copy him like this, you know that the most difficult thing was that there are a lot of chronicles that are about him filmed, it was filmed after landing , that is, we see him, he is happy, he is even there... footage that seems to have been filmed before, well, that is, in fact, they were filmed after landing, this is the task of deciphering what he is like was really alone, like, well, like he was worried how scary it really was, well, at that moment, i understand that for those who are flying now, well , the path is completely clear, the path is clear where, we don’t know what to expect, so many simulators, everything else , of course, he was the first to go, well, i think now you can ask vyacheslav about his childhood... well
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, now in the city of gagarin, formerly gachcheni, that is, what he was like in childhood, what he was interested in, i don’t know what made him stand out among other guys, well, actually, the museum is a place where we not only store the truth subjects, we study these subjects, and we, in fact, for such, well, balanced historical truth, yaroslav just said that he read a lot, and this is also very difficult to understand with gagarin, because, well, a huge amount of literature has been written, there are a lot of tales , a lot of myths, we really try to separate what is called, considering what time it was, there was no such thing, as i understand democracy and openness, yes, of course, of course , many questions arise, many questions, why such decisions were made , not others decisions, yes, this is a peasant guy , he was born in not far from now, and the village of klushin - this is the city of gzhatsk then, in fact
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such a place, i will say, it is very important for the history of russia, because it is, as it were, on the border, smolensk region, all the wars that happened all went through these places, there, in fact, in the seventeenth century, great events took place, and accordingly the times of the napoleonic wars, that is, a place where they always seemed to first defend, then let enemies through, and then they kicked them out of there, that is, yes... i’m oblivious it’s not just and you can’t say that it’s some kind of small village, it’s actually such a good prosperous, well prosperous village, a big village, kentr, probably 9-10, it ’s located from the city, this is probably the earliest photograph where the whole family , it so happened, a photographer came to the village, this event was after or before the war, no, this was before the war, it’s about the forties, even there it’s the thirty-ninth, and zoya, here’s the sister, and...
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she heard that a photographer arrived, she ran away, got permission that she could, i i’ll take a photo, here she is standing on the left , she’s changed them all, you see, so shirts, there’s an older, older brother, there ’s a younger one standing behind valentin boris , yura gagarin is sitting, by the way, you see how he looks, he’s not smiling, here yaroslav now noticed an interesting point that this famous smile, if you look at all the photographs, this is such a smile and such a smiling gagarin, he is after the flight, not even after the flight, i would say after april 14, even if you look at the photograph, first photograph, we have them on display in the museum, when he was just taken literally an hour later, here he is just a military man... a man has returned from the underworld, it ’s so true, he hasn’t moved away from it yet, he doesn’t believe it yet, he still doesn’t believe that he’s back, because you said it correctly, but there are 11 emergency situations, everything went wrong, that’s how many times you’re talking with the chief designers, some, yes, they
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say, no one would sign now even with one percent of such situations, here making such a flight, a good strong family, dad, which means he has such a working bone... he received it from his mother, from anna timofeevna, he helped his father a lot, that is, he also had everything burning in his hands, for example, there is a small one in the museum of the city of gagarin wooden frame, which is on his father’s instruments, so he made it with his own hands, so carefully, to put just these photographs there,
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photographs of his parents, and this is a school photograph, in general, he went to first grade, back in klushino, in september, he is very he wanted prepared, he means. big, there were three rooms there, they, well, in general, my father literally tore out the dugout in 2 days, they spent the entire time of the occupation there, they spent more than one year, yes, it was only klushino in 1943 liberated , life was difficult, of course, and
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there was nothing to eat, and there was not much to pay off, we went through a lot , we almost died there, boris almost died, there was his younger brother, there the germans hung him up, they literally barely took him off, he screamed yura and ... his mother literally saved him there, the elder zoya and valentin generally drove him to work, they were driven to germany, and managed to escape , it was like that, then they fought until the end of the war, then in 1945 they decided that they were not going to move , he moved to zhatsk, my father was so, damn it, i’m not so it was crazy in his hands, he knew how to do everything so well, and the stall was very good, he was dismantling the house, this is in... and here there are a huge number of stories, a huge number of sources, because i also managed to communicate with people who were friends with gagarin, were classmates, a lot of classmates, a lot of classmates,
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i just know that i remember when i, when i flew into space, well, we have the internet there , you can read, well, i read, for the first time , i read, i look, and there, in short, they write, well i... was sitting in the middle class, i was sitting, and sometimes i read, i had never heard these names in my life, there were other names there, all the balaclava was their own, yes, the most important thing is that if you put them all at one desk, it it will be longer than our school, that’s all, and most importantly, who sat with me is alexey nesterov, he now lives in st. petersburg, who sat with me for, he never said anything about it anywhere, can you imagine, a very similar story, because every year five or six people come to our museum who say that it was he who closed the love affair with gokarin, although we we know. i know who now? yes, yes, everyone is attentive , we listen to everyone carefully, so to speak, we don’t offend anyone , you don’t need to read 200 volumes about russia, attend
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one concert of the beryozka ensemble, the audience keeps saying, well, that’s how they are, they don’t walk, they float, it’s always a mystery , and this is your secret, and the secret it is not disclosed. no, folk character dance in the form in which we teach is not taught anywhere in the world. so, sometimes you have to work. this is dancing for the viewer , these are smiles, nadezhdina finds out that they have a ring romance, prima birch and moisievsky’s solis, and naturally, this is a scandal, this is a nightmare, these are screams, you will be mine, now we just remember goosebumps, and of course, i said yes, birch, beauty in russian, the premiere
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of the documentary film is on the first day today, he will bring a flash drive, an electronic key and money you can send it remotely, i understand, well, you are generally magicians, you grabbed other people’s money and divided it, i took a share for my services, he took his, i don’t understand, corruption in english, bribery, corruption, decay? oh, i smell the money they are sharing, whose question is it, isn’t it mine , how much does he have where he has it, i ’m not going to rob my father, transfer her across the maidan, the premiere, tomorrow after the program time, the master decided to do his legs, money we are taking out, we are going to drive in a wild boar, out of everyone living on the planet today. the italian merchant
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described with great amazement that power the level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the famous monochronic painting, chinese poetry, sophisticated literature, china, of course , was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries. after the end of world war ii , the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of ping's first decisions after he became the leader of china was was the creation of an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas. so in china there is a sinicized nepa model. premiere, civilization. the seventh film. china. on wednesday on the first. so if we go back to school
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and then of course he, well, he is very active, very active, why active from that side, he is really the first, he really was a hooligan, he was a hooligan, well, he was a hooligan, like he was a normal boy, but he was the leader in everything, and not into the forest, he’s the boss there to collect some shell casings, some old weapons, he’s a captain, that’s if, well that’s later it became a little bit, if if the sport is the captain, for example, you remember... the saratov period, the saratov school, the famous photograph where the national team is standing, it means that this school and gagarin is the shortest in height, and he is the captain of the team, but what what is a team captain? this means that the guys chose him, that’s already his character, for 2 years he was the captain of the basketball team, here is this photo, here is their physical education teacher, here is the first one at number five, that’s really why he was chosen, the cosmonauts at the beginning, and now we astronauts, well, yes, the first one goes everywhere.
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there is another very important point here, when we analyzed all the documents on the preparation of the first detachment, you understand, we even made such a mathematical formula, he was really according to the first estimates, this is a very important point, so he was really ahead of titov and others according to estimates, that’s all add up all the grades that he received in all the final exams in preparation, he was, he was number one, and you know, this distinguished gagarin, so we show him in the museum...
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a charismatic person, he was charismatic, i would also regret it, well, what do you think, he was, i’ll even say this, the girls really liked him, he was very...
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the edge of such a little stubbornness, so i won’t get up until i do this, that’s why i could sit at night , and this happened, and it didn’t work out, there were moments, when he finished sixth grade, many of his comrades decided to leave for moscow, and he also makes such a decision, apparently it’s not easy for his parents, they let him go alone, so he
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comes, there his uncle helped him, comes to the city of lyubertsy, comes to the city of lyubertsy, now even... on the coat of arms there is an astronaut of this city, and he really wanted to have some kind of real specialty that would come in handy later: a stable worker, a mechanic, but he didn’t have enough education, this year, which he lost due to the occupation, only one , so you can go to the pilots, they all didn’t want, who did what, why, when they first got to the ukhtomsky plant, here he is in his book, the road to space, he then describes, we were so scared, he says, that’s all it thunders, it sparkles, lava flows, and... then nothing came of it, by the way, these things are connected with training here in lyubertsy, in the lyubertsy school, and at the same time he graduated from the school for working youth, and both with an a, and it is stored, firstly, firstly, there is a desk there, we recently showed it in the museum, there is a desk there, and the director of the school told me the liberec school, the liberec school, that often the tenth college, gagarin came to them in
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the year sixty-seven, he came and... they were preparing a line there, there was a report, and then the children became bolder, when he was already so open, so good, that’s right, and says: yuri alekseevich, can you recognize your desk? he says, well, he smiled, yes , i’ll try, and there were some kind of desks, that means , wooden tables with lids, yes, he went to one lid, opened it, the second lid, which you come up, it’s mine that says, he noticed something there, let’s say so, under the cover, tell me why gagarin is everything for us, because everyone in our country wants to be the first in their business, because we are the kind of country that wants to move forward, because creation is our bond. yaroslav, what do you say? gagarin is incredibly beautiful
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an example of how one can live, i have already said this, that... that gagarin still chose a lifestyle that you want to envy, nobly envy, and if you use this lifestyle, you will achieve a lot, and some gates will open for you that you don’t even suspect about, because to be the first in everything and not just gloatingly try to achieve something, it’s through pleasure to go, you will succeed, i so i think, that’s why it seems to me that the museum and in general not only in our museum, this is a real museum. cosmonautics, it’s just that you need to go to all the museums, to all the cities where it is stored, you need to take schoolchildren so that, in general, they are charged by gagarin. dear friends, unfortunately , time has come to an end, today we remembered yuri alekseevich gagarin, talked about what he was like in childhood, what he became after the flight, how do you feel about him, different generations,
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and today i had two wonderful people as guests , this is a theater actor. and cinema yaroslav zhalnin assistant for scientific work to the director of the memorial museum of cosmonautics vyacheslav klimenko and i anton shkaplerov and this is a space stories podcast, let's get started, oh i can't, play! i’ve arrived, hello , hello, welcome, may they always reign in our hearts without
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... no, without worries, never know the day, somewhere a pitiful woman is crying, forgive me for love, i can’t do otherwise, i’m not afraid of insults to my friend, insult the end, there is such space in the sky of love, my heart. they are a stone, you will get sick, i will come, i will spread the pain with my hands, i can do everything, i can do everything, my heart is not
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a stone, i can do everything, i can handle everything, my heart is not a stone. i’ll fly, you tell me, the fire will pass through the storm, i won’t forgive the cold lie, my heart is empty. if you get sick, i’ll come, i’ll take away the pain with my hands, i can do everything, i’ll lubricate everything, there’s nothing in my heart,
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i can do everything, i’ll smooth it all out, there’s no place in my heart. you see the star lit up in the night, whispers a precious fairy tale, only lack of spirit destroys us, love and affection heal, i will melt the pieces of ice, with my heart of grief. i will always love you, i can’t do otherwise, i will arrange the pieces, yes.
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with my warm heart, i will always love you, i can’t do otherwise, let’s cut it out. i will love you always, i can’t help it, bravo, bravo!
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today it’s fashionable to wear a tenu dress, look, don’t be late, crafty pa, i want to be cute for you. i like it, but you shouldn’t know it, i want you, my dear, to like it, but you shouldn’t know it, the girls laugh, it’s not in fashion to hook up. but every flower has a dodge,
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i want you to like me, i, too, have been waiting for matchmakers for several years, i have also been waiting for matchmakers for several years. here the stars sparkle in your eyes , bathe in them, don’t sing an accordion of sad songs to me, i want you dear, you’ll like it, appointed it’s destiny for me to be with you, i want...
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you’ll like niliki, it’s destined for me to be with you, bravo, passing through barnaul garvanit , the golden ten of russia, daniil vyalkov, altai republic, to your applause. and a joyful presence, and my dear, sleep soundly, having forgotten about yesterday’s insult , having forgotten, in the spring outside the window, you see something terrible in your dreams, and in the morning i will open the window, slide off the windowsills,
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pick up races on two palms and not hear i’ll take a step back, and you have very sad eyes today, otherwise there’s something in them grief, and then happiness in them, then flashes in their eyes, and in the morning i’ll open the window and slide off the ledge. kovsa, two palms , pick up the braids and don’t hear, i step back, and in the morning i’ll open the window, slide off the window ledge into the sun, two palms, i’ll pick up some beauty, and without a sound, i’ll walk back,
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the snowy jam is working and the frosty moon is shining on top. again i see one of the rings through the snowstorms of aganyuha at the acne again. and i see my native outskirts weeks later, a light at the window, we are all homeless, how much do
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we need, what was given to me, that’s what i sing about, here i am again for the parent with... the whole dinner again i see my old lady, looking, and her eyes are watering, watering, quietly, without... a wave, as if painless, wants to take a tea cup, a tea cup, slips
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from my hands, dear, kind, old, gentle, with two sad ones, you are not friends. listen to this snowy harmonica, i will tell you my real life, listen to this snowy harmonica , i will tell you my real life. and outside the window there are sweeping sobs in a wild and
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noisy child, it seems to me that linden trees, white linden trees, are crumbling. our garden seems to me sprinkling linden trees, white linden trees in our garden. women in koluga wore a shirt with a sarrafan and a shirt with a ponyova, choose some modern shoes, maybe with a narrow toe or something so that it looks daring,
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and as for the men's suit, we will make a red wedding shirt, kaluga dough, in essence, it turns out that this is a gingerbread that is eaten with a spoon, all for the sake of sweetness, so that there is happiness, body dough for the bride and groom, here is copper money for you, so that you people are not poor, happiness, for health, for a long life, we play wedding, premiere, today at the first, steersman bourbon, product of stellar group, mancacher whiskey, product. stellar group gin сnop is a product of stellor group. we had it with us. the lines of his monologues became aphorisms. never exaggerate the stupidity of your enemies or the loyalty of your friends. yes, well said.
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it’s simply amazing to be friends with him, because he ’s smart, brilliant, he commented on everything, spent a day, and came out educated. can i kiss? no no. i once told him, mikhail mikhailovich, you know that you are a genius, he made me so easy. “yes, clarke, i know, i ’m confused, this march marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, i remember how everyone froze at home, turned on the tape recorder, recorded zhivanetsky, and i couldn’t understand. at 11 years old, what this man was saying , in the hall people were happy, in my house they were happy , this is not prose, this is poetry, zhvanetsky’s dictionary is the dictionary of the country, our exclusive today is the satirist’s wife, son and friends, about his work and his last conversation with him, the main advice , which my dad gave me, he told me have a conscience and do what you want, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, today on the first. light maslenitsa has begun, why
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the first pancake is lumpy, who should eat it, as well as all the most important things about medicine and health in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first. when the monolith of red communist ideology collapsed, many tiny ideological microorganisms flew out of this monolith, there were tolstoyans, looking for, i stood with them, premiere,
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alexander prokhanov, confession, tomorrow on the first. only you alone, only you alone, honey, only you are alone, only you are the most beloved, only for you, only for you, all the flowers, only for you, only for you, all the dreams, the years run with you. you and i are together
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forever, let no burden pass us by, only happiness comes to the house. together we are with you, together we are with you hand in hand, together we are with you, together we are with you, only with you, only with you everything will pass, in the journey of life, in the journey of life , forever. the years run by with you,
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we are together forever, let the sadness not nastya, they pass by, only happiness comes to the house, let them bypass nastya with loads. aside, only happiness comes to the house, now a half-forgotten and pistol genre, a family trio will joyfully perform the folk song “blue envelopes”, and you have long been writing postcards or letters to your loved ones. the night passes
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melting at the threshold, a nice poplar tree at the edge of the village, my dear, oh, what a road lies far between us, my dear, oh, what! and the road lies far between us, why don’t you write me letters? about your unknown fate, or you fall asleep, you hear me dragging around here to you, good july
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nights, only youth is good, good, only sweet in speech, from which the soul suffers, good, only sweet in speech, from which the soul suffers. bravo, well done, cheap kids, write letters, there lived one girl, in the taiga region, and
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she sang happy songs to me under the accordion of a bell. ah, tanya, tanya, tanya, for my heart, she left suffering, nothing more, suddenly her soul sang with suffering. froze, it’s such a pity that your date never came, oh tanya, tanya, tanya, for my heart, it left suffering, nothing more. danya.
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her voice does not give me any kind of ringing and in the distant old place i remember tanya tanya tanya tanya for my heart has left suffering and nothing else. suffering and nothing more.
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somewhere in rose-colored childhood, where the beginning, the beginning, mother’s songs floated, her voice swung her tongue. i secretly remembered for many years, many days, that voice above the crib, the voice of my mother,
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