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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 11, 2024 12:45am-1:30am MSK

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behind me, like a rider on a horse, above me, there is a blue sky, a swan cloud and they forget to float on a long journey after themselves. people's artist, but he is all the time, when he went to moscow, he did a lot of concerts in moscow, he sang classics, there is figara, figora, figara, this one, this one, and my heaven always sang, but then with you this happened more than once, the songs became popular again and again and every time, this feeling, this feeling passed, then it somehow dulled the feeling that there was a star fever.
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it was possible that she, so to speak, was promoted , that the song was popular, well, as i said, the magician’s science went, and the other didn’t, but there were at least two, but if both hadn’t gone, it would have been unpleasant, of course, yeah , the moment of star fever, was experienced, no, no, it wasn’t, i was always trying something new, something new, and derbinev did everything too. i sometimes told him, i say, lena, well , for a long time you can’t write everything, but the most difficult thing, he says, is to come up with something, when i know what, i’ll do it in 2 hours, that is his technique was excellent, but here’s how to write a love song, but again, what he says, well, the song, well, again, i love you and i’m suffering without you, that means, here he is, so the idea came to him, for example, mirage, odinsky. it’s difficult
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, let’s talk a little more about gaidai, how you met and how this moment of getting used to happened, after all , two creative people, it’s interesting, yes, when he quarreled with nikita bogoslovskaya, it means he had no one, no candidate no, and he didn’t even know the composers, so especially, just not... his wife, nina grebeshkova, she said, well, he says, here’s a young composer, zatsepin, he has a good song, he’s not above me, he says: “i know songs, good ones , good songs, but how he will write to me as an eccentric, i don’t know, i have to think.” and then he still took a risk, after that, and the first song that you showed him, what was it? i didn’t show him any songs, there was an operation and a film, there were no songs anywhere, but i wanted music in the third novel. song
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when they are there, the house is shown and in the window, they are there it’s like they’re hugging, but also this, but close to this, in any case, i say, lenya, yes i say, let’s make a song here, no, no, no, there’s no need for a song, there’s no need for a song here, i’ll do it twice i even told him or three , i say, we don’t risk anything, we’ll record a song, yeah, we’ll put it on, if you don’t like it, take it away, there will be instrumental music, no, no, you just don’t need to record the song, don’t, and then he i often said to me: if you had insisted, the song would have remained from the film, such a regret, i say, i say, this is the first time i’m with you i’m working, i have to somehow force you to agree, but it was necessary, of course, gaidai could guess the hit, whether this song would be a hit or not, no, he was the only thing he said, i need a song, not one that will be played on the radio or on records, and so that people sing. i say, lenya, this
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is a very difficult task, will the people sing or will the people not sing, well, at the beginning, that means there was an operation, hey, this song there means, i just jumped to the last short story, at the beginning he well, they gave me the script, of course, he gave me the script, i read it, there were stage directions, that means music, he noted there, here’s the music, head, and here’s the march, here’s the golob, here’s the march, there’s another waltz, maybe here. everything, everything, everything that he, well, the maximum of his brief, yes, then, of course, he wasn’t going to write any bullshit, so, not marches, i wrote mine, he means he read it, then he tells me, that’s why you’re writing samba here , not golob, i say, samba, this, i say, you suggested to me, just as i suggested to you, and i say, when i came to your studio, i saw him the script is so thick, you know, it’s simple.
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it was just by chance that this smirnov artist, who is from dushivaya with a stick, was running after it, and he was all black, i say, well, you suggested it to me, i say, we need to do a samba like this, he may be brazilian somewhere from where, well, this is how it is, so to speak, he’s all his, so to speak, that is, in fact, you defended every episode and your music, i explained why, then... here like this, and here like this, here's the bus, what are you going to do? i say, well, here’s the bus, everything is there shorik is trying hard for everyone there, giving in to everyone , which means it’s raining, and he’s giving in to everyone, which means the place is so nervous, it should be like that, and there, of course, a very
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complex rhythm was recorded, which was somewhere artificial, there was even a bass there, there pum-pum-pum-pum, it was made from a ruler, an oak ruler. you put it on the table like this, you make it like this, i even wrote the notes here, which ones i moved them along this exact line, this is then something else, then live instruments , of course, were real, already played on this royal overlay, which means tata played, but much more faster so he first played twice as low somewhere here and then i...
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it occurred to me, we should do it differently, i did it differently, i bring it to him, he says, well, we have already approved everything, i say , well, it will be better, you look , i need to get used to it again, i say, well, if it’s better, it’s okay, we watched it, i liked it more, that is, after
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this episode he can’t help but trust me, so there you go so they gradually got used to it, but in gaidai’s films, music is so subtly involved? in all the action there is someone there lifts a brick, she freezes, and so on, but how did the process happen? i was sitting at the editing table myself, here’s some episode, let’s say , fishing, here he’s catching fish, so i also noticed some points, i wrote down for myself, but you write all this down in meters, there’s also a meter, there’s 3 m 7 frames, let's say 3 m 7 frames, he turned his head there, well, for example, and there 9 m 15 swung a mount over his head there, it was an important moment at this point, it means i ran out of topic, i did it on purpose, what is there some kind there was a topic going on there and she ended here
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with a small gap of a pause and then, this is the accent, that is, the accent - it doesn’t mean a hit on the head, a hit on the drum, but somehow something that coincided with the screen, well... 17 m there and a half i'm already 40 seconds there 42 seconds my favorite job with gaidai what is probably the most interesting thing was of course the first operation because it was unexpected and i really liked it interesting of course it was all in
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today's industry in today's industry you worked with young directors, look is this film industry born at work? there were, there were several, as they call it, series, yes, series, here, sasha oravin , like that, alexander oravin was, i did several series, but, well, somehow the return is not the same, then there is no eccentric comedy anywhere, just such music, but music, it’s a little sad, but now your work is musicals, now musicals, yes, how many have i done? eight musicals already, so now there will be a new one, more, so we’re working with
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the muse, but how do you determine which one? to deal with a musical, which may not be necessary, well, i just like it, i once watched the cartoon ivan tsarevich and the gray wolf, very good, i really liked that the fairy tale seems to be somewhere around here in our time around the corner and i went to the producer and said: i say that you will allow me to make a musical based on your script, and he, he agreed with me, my manager, malik signed a contract with him, so i made a film, it is showing at nona grishaeva with great success, now you have some music on your phone, in the player, on what do you listen to modern music, which i prefer to hear at home on good speakers - in the phone, is it just a phone? just listen , what kind of music is there, no bass , no low hours, but what do you have, what is in your
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repertoire, what do you like to listen to, in your repertoires, when do you want to listen, listen, i i just i don’t have time to listen now, now i’m like this, as they say, there’s so much to do that when listening, there’s no time to listen, for a while i listened to young people, i’m interested young people to listen to what they are doing there? but for now they still need to work on themselves and work on interesting things for themselves ; some changes are already happening little by little, but everything will happen. dear friends, but unfortunately we have to finish already. alexander segheevich gave us a huge amount of advice today, if you listen carefully to our podcast again, you can write them down in principle, but start with just this advice, work hard, don’t allow yourself to be idle. here's to living a stable life, getting into the flow, loving your
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profession, and the most important thing is to love what you do, alexander segevich, thank you very much for this conversation, and i would really like from our viewers, from everyone , to present you with this bouquet, for you, oh yes , this is it, yes, this is for you, thank you very much, thank you for coming to us, this is from all our viewers. good already with him, yes, thank you, health, happiness and a lot of inspiration, thank you, and new, new music, aleksandrevich, it is really needed, this is the only way it will be, thank you, thank you , hello! i'm pilot cosmonaut anton shkaplerov, this is a space history podcast.
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on march 9, yuri alekseevich gagarin would have turned 90 years old. he did what seemed impossible; with his first bold step, he literally burst into outer space. my guest today is my old friend, my real teacher, major general, first deputy head of the zhukovsky air force engineering academy, professor, candidate of technical sciences. sciences vyacheslav konstantinovich markov. hello. vyacheslav konstantinovich, today we want to remember what gagarin was like, talk about his heroic flight. and, of course, understand why his name is forever inscribed in the history of all mankind. i know that you began your studies at the academy together with yuriemsevich gagarin, on september 1 , 1961. by that time he had already become famous, he had completed his space flight.
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please tell german stepanovich titov, it means that at first everything was mixed, but after a month and a half or two, i now definitely don’t...
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that gagarin after the flight was somewhere abroad every month, otherwise he was traveling all the time, he glorified the soviet union and glorified the soviet man, he himself was a very
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soviet man in spirit, obligatory, loyal, conscientious, i once said. that it seems to me that the country was lucky that the first cosmonaut was gagarin, he never let the country down, not in any foreign country, anywhere, the whole planet loved him, and he lived up to this, so we later met with gagarin, i personally rarely met, but when they came to classes, and teachers often had to travel to star locations so as not to to distract them , teachers went to the star, on the contrary , the academy already went, then the academy went, then they came, that is, there was... a complex curriculum, the curriculum remained the same, but the curriculum changed, what is a curriculum, this is in wednesday is, these classes are on thursday, and so on, here is the curriculum, and it, of course, was adjusted according to how busy they were, and in order not to waste their time, it often happened that teachers went out, and they studied part-time, it turns out , you know, in-person, in-person,
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in-person, because they were lagging behind cosmonauts, they had their own work and service, they were required to take tests and exams. this is mandatory, this usually happened at the academy, but it happened even in the hospital, if the teacher suddenly had to take a test from gagarin, then he went to visit, to the hospital, and shveikin was lying there, he taught cosmonauts, mathematics, he yuri was very strict, he gave him a four, then he worried for a long time, he says, he answered between the four with a five, and i, he says, due to my boring character, gave him a four. but all the teachers were also under supervision, you see, higher mathematics , shveikin, choir, everything else is excellent , vorobiev is here, that is, this is a real page of the grade book, this is a photo of his grade book, yes, all the teachers here are very close to me, all my friends, i met quite rarely , that’s when they already started
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their diploma design, and what is diploma design at the academy? aerodynamics, and then deputy head , at first he was the head of the academy’s department for educational scientific work, but he was mainly involved in science, and he was a scientific the leader of this complex graduation project. sergei pavlovich korolev, this is the task given by sergei mikhailovich, you say: show them what the difficulty is. not only the cosmonaut, the general designer has difficulties, show them how difficult it is, and yuri alekseevich gagarin was appointed the general designer of this diploma project, his narrow part is maneuvering on takeoff and landing of the ship that he drew, and in our academy made this model, but it is a famous model with front
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lattice wings, i’ve often seen them at this stage. gagarina, why? because we at department number 15, the department of aerodynamics, organized such a diploma hall for cosmonauts, at department fifteen they all sat on the third floor in the lecture hall, next to the office, for yuri alekseevich we allocated the power of universal respect, he was allocated a separate office, and this in this photo, that place was given up for... defense, and this, since yuri alekseevich studied takeoff and landing issues during his diploma, then on this simulator, an analog simulator, he practices the elements
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of takeoff and landing like a pilot, like an astronaut, the analogue machine contains the characteristics of this device, which we gave them after purging, these characteristics are included, and he tries, well, he tries, he always has everything it worked, right? available for the last 2 months, they sat at the department without leaving and sat until 11 to 12 at night, this was before graduation, when they were studying, when they were already doing their graduation project, they practically did not leave the academy, they
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worked very seriously towards them, consultants came, in addition to the general leader sergei mikhailovich belotserkovsky, doctors, twice a state prize winner, and so on, very famous scientists, they were assigned to them, to yuri alekseevich, everyone was assigned. from the department, a consultant by specialty, that is , not a scientific supervisor, but as a consultant, scientific supervisor sergei mikhailovich, and also consultants, if any complex questions arose, then there was arkady aleksandrovich gubchik, this is a consultant in aerodynamics, and pyotr andreevich dechenko, alexander andreevich dechenko was a consultant on flight dynamics , this is exactly at the department of flight dynamics, he was a unique person, unique, unique in his... modesty, kindness, responsiveness, friendliness, and at the same time with humor, well, i won’t even tell some jokes i would tell you, well
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, you don’t know, well, at least one harmless one, well, for example, maybe you caught, no, we had a very large man, unlike me, very large, i think, 120 kilograms, 130 was like this, sidorin and he gave it to him... gagarin, did you meet him, did you communicate with his family and loved ones? you know, we talked a lot with the family, i don’t know how many times i went, but many times i went to konech bofeevna with sergei mikhailovich, without sergei mikhailovich, this is anna timofeevna. when we arrived, she said: yes, everything is fine, normal, everything is just wrong with my wiring, so the next time i brought two electricians from the academy, while we
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were talking with her, drinking tea with her, the electricians replaced them, well, they arrived with copper, good wires, well, where it was necessary, everything was quickly replaced, she stayed, then a separate house was built for them, this shot is very dear to me, anna timofeevna called us sergei mikhailovich on her 75th . as i remember, this caught me in kazakhstan, so what right away did you build a regiment? they shouted for a long time hurray, glory to the soviet homeland, glory to the first , well, like all people, general rejoicing, i don’t know, even like a military unit, a strict
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military unit, why did you sabantuy in the evening was such that god forbid, well on the second flight was canceled, of course, when he they told my father this news, well , they said, in my opinion, your yura flew, he says he’s definitely mine, well, yes, major, he’s like that, definitely not mine, my elder wind, yes, yes, there is such a story, there is one, for him during the flight assigned, during the flight, the minister of defense reported to khrushchev that we were assigning him the rank of captain, khrushchev said: don’t be greedy, give him a major right away, he was awarded immediately, through the rank he was given a major, he was a most worthy person, and what a pity that he was so quickly died, you know, yura was so focused on... everything that he didn't he did it, he did it very well, and i understand him, and you understand better than me why he wanted to fly, he was a pilot, in the spirit of a pilot, he had to fly, he
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wanted to fly into space. and then he wanted to go into space for years , he really wanted to do science, and i’m sure that these are the bookmarks that he made in his graduation project, if he had become involved in science, he would have done a dissertation quite quickly, and part of this work that he completed as a graduation project, part of this work, i don’t know how many percent, five, by 10, but it would have been included in his candidate's dissertation, when they read it to him...
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we dedicate our song to you, your durvut, he turned around like that, and the white-toothed strangers, smoothed his hair with his hand, while he was not yet on the bench, kind - good ra! he was touched tenderly, tenderly, with stubble and red hair, even if there was no one, goodbye, goodbye, dear, shameless life, beat, beat, yes, life, burned, burned like a karen, i loved you, oh, like a karen. i
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loved you, oh, how i loved you, i loved you, oh, how i loved you, oh, he didn’t know after how for a long time i swam with the fragments of it thrown, the stream hit him in the back, i ran silently with my carrion, it hurt, it hurt...
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i loved you. gakarim, i loved you, he, gogarin, i loved you, he.
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as if it were true that the milky way , the lord lowered it onto his stripes, his shoulder straps burn like mercury, he is so beautiful that it makes us sick, he is filled with white light, he laughs kindly, his soul is like... oregon, bright to him and to her life is sung. life was crazy, hot, kokarin, i loved you, he, kakarin, i loved you, oh, gogarin. i loved you, oh how
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karen, i loved you, oh. my guest today is yaroslav zhalnin, a theater and film actor, hello, good afternoon, and today i am also visiting the deputy
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director for scientific work of the memorial museum of cosmonautics in moscow, vyacheslav klimenko. yes, good afternoon, hello, well, let’s talk, what does yuli alekseevich gagarin mean to you? gagarin must be there. in my life, we call him a hero, when he went to this, i think that he did not think that i wanted to become a hero, i think that he just knew how to dream, first of all, because looking at his biography, i looked, well, how is it possible, well, sometimes a person chooses one direction in his life, i don’t know , he chose wrestling in his life there and he goes boxing there, he did something else in sambo, but gagarin, well, he played basketball and football and hockey, played in orchestras and whatnot. was, yes , this is his fate, i think it’s not because he was hanging out, because he wanted to try everything, how he came to the flying club in saratov, there is a story about what, well, he just saw, that somewhere someone is flying, he saw some story about a club and wanted to go there, that is, he saw, he went and won, something like that,
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it seems to me that the phenomenon is very useful in general for people, well, that is, to do what you want i like it, to achieve some success in this, not what is customary, but go to something and you will become a worthy person. to get off and enjoy it and not wait for what will fall on you, walked, walked, hop, stood up, this is the most important thing, yes, so this is probably a quality, loving life, enjoying every moment of it, it’s for him too it helped me become the first, and it attracted me to gagarin, i make him so natural to me , enjoy here now, here is yaroslav, i played in a film once, and in art, i just came and played myself, we didn’t prepare for anything, tell me. before playing the role of gagarin, did you have to do any special preparation? well, of course , i read everything that, that, that , that is, that was at that time, there is a small funny moment that during the filming, it
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came together very well, everyone, all the actors, everyone my partners, always when they met me, in any scene, no matter what it was, they told me: “smile, you look so much more like gagarin.” i say: well, firstly, gagarin was not a sick person to smile endlessly, he had to do it for something, i think the director may have chosen himself because of your smile, because gagarin very famous for his smile, yes, well, we tried it before filming, we tried it there and on the computer there they pulled me a little closer to the gagarin, it all didn’t look very good, and they did some kind of plastic makeup, tried it, but then they realized that it was better to look for this love of life through the internal history than...
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in fact, such a place, i will say, it is very important for the history of russia, because it is like on the border of the smolensk region, all the wars that happened, all went through these places, there, in fact, in the 17th century, great events took place, and accordingly, the times of the napoleonic wars, that is, a place where it was always as if they were first protected, then let through through enemies, and then drove them out of there, that is, yes, that is , it’s not just, and you can’t say that... some small village, it’s actually such a good prosperous, well, prosperous
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village, a big village, the center, probably 9-10 , it is located from the city, this is probably the earliest photograph, where the whole family, it so happened, a photographer came to the village, this event was after or before the war, no, this is before the war, this is about the year forty, even there thirty ninth, and zoya, here’s my sister, she heard that the photographer had arrived, she ran away. received permission what can i do, i'll take a photo, here she is standing, standing on the left, she changed them all , you see, so the shirts, valentin is standing, the elder, elder brother, the younger one is standing behind valentin boris, yura gagarin is sitting, by the way, you see how he looks , he doesn’t smile, now yaroslav noticed an interesting point, that this smile is famous, if you look at everything in the photograph, there’s such a smile and such a smiling gagarin, after the flight, he didn’t even... after the flight, i would said, after april 14, you’ll even look at
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photograph, the first photograph, we have them on display in the museum, when he was just taken literally an hour later, he just brought his military unit, listen, it feels like a man from the underworld has returned, it’s so true, he’s not yet moved on from this , he still doesn’t believe, he still doesn’t believe that he’s back , because you said it right, yes, there were 11 emergency situations, everything went wrong, that ’s how many times you’re talking with the chief designers, some, yes, they they say no one... would sign now even with in one percent of such situations, such a flight is accomplished, a good strong family, dad means such a working bone, everything was burning, everything was burning in his hands, it’s interesting that mom is not just a peasant’s daughter, not just a peasant woman, it just so happened that her family for some time she lived, she lived in st. petersburg, gagarin’s grandfather was such a hereditary worker at the st. petersburg flying factory, also, by the way, a flying flying factory. so she received a three-year education, she knew how
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to read, unlike her dad, so she gave him a lot i read, told fairy tales, that is, this is the first education he received, he received it from his mother, from anna timofeevna, and he helped his father a lot, that is, he also had everything in his hands, for example, there is a small wooden frame kept in the museum of the city of gagarin, which is on his father’s instruments, so he made it with his own hands, so carefully, to put there just photographs, photographs...
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in october the germans came, they set up a workshop in this house, although the house was nice, big, there were three rooms it was, there they were, in in general, my father literally tore out the dugout in 2 days, they spent the entire time of the occupation there, they spent more than one year in this dugout, yes, it was only in 1943 that klushano was liberated, life was difficult, of course, it was there’s no point and... moving to zhatsk, my father was so
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, damn it, everything was so bright in his hands , everything, he knew how to do everything, and the stall was very good, he’s dismantling the house, this is in klushino, yes, and moves, they move, well, now gagarin, to gzhatsk, and he collects this house, here he goes to study fully, here there are a huge number of stories, a huge number of sources, because i also managed to communicate with people who were friends with gagarin, were classmates, and there are many classmates, many classmates, i just know that i remember how... and sometimes i read , i have never heard these names in my life, there are also such names, the most important thing is that if you put them all at one desk, it will be longer than our school, and most importantly, who sat with me, alexey nesterov, he is now in st. petersburg lives, who sat with me for , he never said anything about it anywhere, can you imagine,
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a very similar story, because every year five or six people come to our museum who say that it was he who closed the love affair with gokarin , although we know, i know who is now paying attention. if if the sport is a captain, for example, you remember, here is the saratov period, the saratov school, the famous photograph where they stand, the national team, it means that this school and gagarin is the smallest in height, and he is the captain of the team, but what is the captain of the team, this means that the guys chose him, that’s his character, for 2 years he was the captain
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of the basketball team, here is this photo, here is their physical education teacher, here is the first one at number five, that’s why they chose him, the astronauts? and we are already cosmonauts, well, yes , the first one goes everywhere, in fact, this is a very good question, that’s why he is the first, we studied for a very long time, we can tell a lot of things, of course sergei pavlovich had a very attitude towards him, he really , of course, he in general, he called everyone oreliki, my eagles, yes, that’s it, but gagarin really treated him very well, probably it was sergei pavlovich who chose who would fly first, you know, sergei pavlovich would choose, sergei pavlovich would choose, and of course there and now everyone writes that kamanin also writes that he chose and... i think that the decision was made at the very top, but there is still a very important point here, when we analyzed all the documents on the preparation of the first detachment, you understand, we even made such a mathematical formula, it was realistic according to the first estimates, this is a very important point, here it really is ahead of titov and others in
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grades, that's all, add up all the grades that he received in all the final exams in preparation, he was, he was number one, and you know, this is different. gagarin, here we are demonstrating, showing his different certificates in the museum, he studied with an a everywhere, he finished with an a everywhere, but at the same time, this is how he says, his teacher said, and even, and even after the flight at the academy, he had one it was a b, and the teacher later admitted that it seemed to him that apparently gagarin was too cool, he needed to be shown, because he he says he was already a four-five, but i decided, i’m such a cool teacher, i... i gave gagarin a four, then all my life i regretted what he gave him, i was the only one who gave this four, i would have regretted it too, just like you do you think he was a charismatic person, he was charismatic, i’ll even say this, the girls really liked him, he was very, you know, he was very, you know, there is
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a description of how he dressed when he went to school, yes, when i went to school, i had pressed trousers all the time, a white shirt, this canvas one bag, that is, his mother was watching him and... at the same time, he was very open, very open in the first place, just in everything, by the way, i wonder where the last name came from, there are also a lot of all sorts of stories around this, they asked at the press conference , what do you have to do with the princes of gagarin, gagarin, who live, he said that i don’t know any princes, then a myth began to spread that it was actually someone who was a serf there, was, well, theoretically it could be like that, because the truth of the land, the land of these noblemen. but it’s interesting that this is a bird , this is the bird itself, this is also some kind of symbolism in this , here is a loon, by the way, the nickname was, loon, so returning to what i studied, this is what the teacher said, i took it with perseverance, i would even say that, you know, so...


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