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tv   Perevedi yeyo cherez Maidan  1TV  March 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:56pm MSK

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holy, how are things in ubok? lieutenant colonel melnik, bubo misses you, come back, but i don’t, i have at least one day off at the office a year, and the police only fine you for saying a day off. okay , friend, i’ll do what i can, we took a load here, they say they fossed it for the voice, this is your client, there’s no need to screw him up, we need to identify the whole chain, and take my tongue from the deaf, we’ll recruit him, just in time, we’re just about to have a disco tomorrow we graze where people work, gather for a new year’s corporate party, well, that’s great, get involved, you’ll be their santa claus, and i i’ve known everyone for a long time, this is my pasta. the best
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people in the area, okay, you’re like a wife there, that’s fine, okay, if you take your tongue, i’ll come over, come on. well, we’re going according to plan, of course, viktor fedorovich, no worries, to hell with it, i just thought, viktor fedorovich, don’t even doubt it, we’re doing everything right, everything will be fine.
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main intrigue. will ukraine sign an association agreement? expert opinions are divided, but european politicians are unanimously confident that the doors remain open for ukraine. as we have just learned, president ukraine's viktor yanukovych refused to sign an association agreement between ukraine and the eu. this procedure was planned for today's summit in vilnius. details for them in the news.
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hello, hello, well, son, choose which ones you need, i need peonies, peonies, or maybe roses, look at which ones you don’t take either, it’s not painful for them to receive a rose in the face, from whom, from my missus, is it her birthday, well , okay, okay , here you go, peonies, here you go, yeah, thank you. igor viktorovich, if you are interested in rada mikhailovna giving up her addictions, pay more attention to her, she is still going through the death of her mother, hi, thank you, my phone number. please, good health,
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thank you, all the best, rada mikhailovna, fuck you, your favorite flowers, as always on your birthday. i'm glad, well, say at least something, why are you silent , thanks for the congratulations, well, by the way, you were late, the nanny was the first one today, she brought me a casserole with condensed milk , there was a candle in it, and you were late, late, your dad called, he's here today he's coming,
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birdie, yes, pa, hi, how are you, i'm going home with my beloved husband, that’s good, what gift do you want, thank you for allowing me to check out earlier, this was your gift. birdie, i 'll come to celebrate, kiss you, okay, okay, bye!
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that's it, we accepted the documents, i gave you all the best, guys, this is for sergei viktorovich, his man will come at lunch, viktor fedorovich, hello. you shine like a polished nickel, your mood is good, of course, still excellent, but i’m not sure, viktor fedorovich, you did everything right and signed the agreement in its current form, we discussed it,
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asking then why i went at all looked like a fool, you didn’t sign the agreement now because, in your opinion, it needs to be finalized, there’s a traffic jam. screw it up, viktor fedorovich, i assure you , moscow can roll out a lot of things, hell then it’s in perfect order, after your vilnius demarche, the champagne corks in the kremlin flew off the ceiling, you think, i’m sure.
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down the car, got it!
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ukrainian telegram channels write that there were supposedly no biological laboratories in ukraine. tomorrow on the first. of all those living today
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civilization on the planet, the most ancient is chinese. and almost always, china has been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant, who described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, famous monochronic painting, chinese poetry, refined literature, in china of course. was ahead in sophistication of, well , almost all countries. after the end of world war ii, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of denciopin's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so that the sinicized model of nep operates in china. premiere. the beginnings of the film seventh china on wednesday
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on the first, but renat lenetich, seryozha, in donetsk they pulled 25 lyams from the bank, and this was for vitya’s court company, there was money and stones, there is a city there. this warning, i feel it, i don’t understand, there’s a warning for not signing in vilnius, but it can’t be, anyone hears us, one second, no one hears us, uh-huh, uh-huh, i see, thank you. in donetsk , a private bank was robbed, your cells were cleaned out, and that there
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were 25 million and stones, stones, there were 50 lyams worth of briuliks, viktor fedorich, find it, absolutely fear of loss. who could do this? i will contact the prosecutor general, but to hell with the prosecutor general, let the sbu deal with this, not the prosecutor general, not the ministry of internal affairs, i need results and complete confidentiality, only sbu, i understand, i understand, i will entrust this matter to my most reliable people, how interesting, how interesting and strange, you didn’t sign the agreement, the next day they steal you away. well, the amount is certainly not lethal, but isn’t this a signal? listen, give us mahitas, can we have
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two? look, she’s already working, there, accepted, handing over, there, we’re working. let's go , as you think, it's not enough, we still have to kill two more. three, where next? in shooters?
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there’s no point, it’s empty today, then there’s a vorsage, that’s what they’re talking about? did you ask for a translator for you ? damn it wasn't anywhere translator, what don’t you understand there? now they'll rest and transfer. yes, they’ll move on, how much did they take, about eight wallets for sure, well, that means they’ll share it in the car, yeah, nothing over there. pretty , let's sit, let's move, let's go, let's just eat
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, don't move, i said, calmly, don't twitch, quietly, don't twitch, i said, that's it, that's not mine, that's not mine, that's not mine, i say, what’s mine, what are you, beauty, what are you doing, and i’m an old nervous cop, it’s not a boy to run after women like that, now i have to search you, but how are you? i thought maybe you had a gun or explosives or some kind of weapon, let’s go.
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there was 25 million in cash there, they were stolen and $50 million worth of stones were taken from the cell, and whose money was it? this money was given to president yanukovych for the upcoming elections, for the destruction of the tegnebok nationalists, nationalists, why? tegnebok is needed in the second round of elections as a counterweight, he will easily win against him, center, south, east, he will never vote for anatsikov.
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who could have done this, in short, appoint a executor, let him know who and keep him informed, there is, you keep staring at your phone, reading the news, the news, and the news. so we're going for a birthday party, you'll buy flowers, cognac, you know what kind, you look great, wonderful, yeah,
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that's what i wrote, i need to write a green hat , it's stuffy here, central heating, let my people go, oh, like everyone, how many are you you want, a voice, he’s dmitry sergeevich , an artist by training, i know what my name is, who i am by...
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it’s hard to talk to you, and it’s stuffy in your place, like in a bathhouse, okay, i’ll see you later, it ’s not steamy my voice is aching, why are you up, egg? cool, damn, you're a weakling. you have two bouquets, i bought one personally from myself,
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well, of course, a toast to my classmate, i ’m going to. “sorry, from work, but i’m still going to drink a glass of this wonderful mineral drink, for the family, for your guys, family, for the family, cheers, thank you, dad.
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” you’ll take this matter for yourself, this is a one-on-one chance a million such a chance, you have to do this so that filimonov’s people don’t take this spoon out of our mouths, well , you know, he’s been beaten for a long time.” they’re digging , did you get into an argument or something, i called, why not answered, didn’t want to and didn’t answer, but just wanted to discuss how we would celebrate, what to celebrate, well, your birthday, remember how... after graduation, we rushed to odessa on a reserved seat, there was a hotel like that, remember, the bed creaked, cry also, why are you
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sour, you want your father to ask what ’s wrong, and straighten up, you’re walking around with a hump in your head, you ’ll solve the case and hop, you’ll move on to the big leagues, this is... not to look for the roar in the barns, this is a chair in the ministry, at the same time we will please our patrons and filimonov and our deputy will pin him to his fingernail, or else we’ll kick him in the ass, so what, do you agree? well done, that’s all, okay, i’ll call you this week, we need to talk, let’s discuss something, something to discuss, i said, and
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then not here. no, i’ll still send you a gardener in the spring, come on, it’s painful to look at, come on, here’s tina, i left the phone in the house.
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hello, loudspeaker on the machine, i found out, lyochkin called the boss to his place, taught him a lesson to take control of a bank robbery in donetsk, interesting, i’m waiting for details, a little later, see you later. good evening, good, is he at home? pass, at you have an amazing perfume, it's an air flavoring, i know. lieutenant colonel igormelnik
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son-in-law. well, of course, this is a chance to bring your snout closer to the trough, to pull your zetka up. are we going to do something? korzho about five years ago it was necessary to press soft tissues so as not to shine. i’ll go to our half-breed, the fort, poulyan. the man and his father were lucky, he left the scoop in his slippers , the cia immediately agreed, and he got his son a job, oxford, harvard, spruce pine, and further down the list, now i’ll go to him with a report, i’m on the fifth floor. lieutenant colonel and
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gremelnik, korzh’s son-in-law, is now involved in the donetsk business, served in the bob for a long time, now he’s transferred to the sbo, head on, well, find an opportunity to move their departments away, completely, they shouldn’t get too far, much less bring them back, as they say here, grandma yanyku, they don’t need to help, i need help and those i represent. philly, you know, we value those who help us, we value them and pay strictly according to the price tag, come on, dasha,
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are you going to sleep here? where should i sleep? we have many rooms. but in general? that you are at home today didn’t rush off somewhere to catch someone, handsome macho, brave crime fighter, how did you pull me out of the shit then, but i, i believed that you pulled me out of the sect to be with me, and you, as it turned out , it’s not so cool that i only go to bed with you, watch your language, and evenga is unfinished.
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melnik, i wish you good health, borisov the ubob of donetsk , it’s not too late for me to call, they told me, you are now in charge of the business, yes, this is my business, i have good news here, one of the bank employees was in a coma, so... he even speaks to himself a little, post security near the ward, that’s it, i ’m on my way there now, borisov, how are you, sergey, seryoga, i’m leaving on the first flight, be next to her, i’ll interrogate her personally, yeah, received, we’re waiting, here are analysts from three independent
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agencies , survey results. the focus groups were prepared by my team, let's keep it short , there is no time, well, specifically, we are doing everything right, first, we are calming the east of the country, creating the illusion of rapprochement with russia , even greater cooperation with it, second , we are taking all those who are undecided in the west in the central regions of the country under ourselves , allen, yes they pay you money, and good money, viktor fedorovich, i’m asking specifically what should i do, all these pictures, create an illusion, calm it all down... general words, i want to hear step by step, specifically, point by point, and preferably without risks , otherwise i ’ve already imprisoned one, she’s now a heroine for everyone with regmatism, and i’m a villain, her ratings are growing, but i have nothing but pictures from your california smart guys, step by step, through the government, through azarov boyko, through mifirtush , his media group is pumping up the topic of future problems when signing an agreement on
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associations with the eu. here there are 300 billion losses from the budget and the like. at the same time , we let russia understand that there is a real threat of maidan in the country. people want croissants from parisian coffee shops, so you need to create the illusion of rebellion.
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after november 29, do not stop and achieve peacefully.
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“hello, hello, we need to meet, there is information, urgent, rather ordinary, ordinary, which means you’ll wait, we’ll meet the day after tomorrow, where we usually do, and until then, dig up something more interesting, while it’s no
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use to you that you’re silent, i understand, i understand. the three of them broke into the bank in masks, started beating and shooting, i didn’t understand anything, it was very scary, i heard their voices, no, i was in shock, i don’t remember, okay, then they took the money they brought. the officers forced me to open the cell, and then one dragged me into the parking lot, they started shooting there, he was hiding behind me, then suddenly he took off his mask, you can tell, no, i didn’t
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see his face, it was covered in blood, but one of the robbers called out to him, it seems , headlight called, headlight? f first? yes, a couple, exactly. ok, thank you. katyusha, my joy. hello, for. well, i’m fine, come in, come in, yes , i literally brought you a cake for a minute to see how my health is, yes, everything is fine, thank you dear, thank you, and it’s nice that you
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don’t forget me, well, maybe somehow come in, let's sit, chat, eat some cake , i'll definitely come in, i'll run now, let's run, dear, run, hello, i came, i just brought the cake, maybe... i'll pick it up, yes.
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pylnova marina ivanovna, aka dust, 25 years old. no parents, special boarding school for hard of hearing in mironovka, escaped
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at the age of 15, orphanage for minors, no criminal record, after all, since i was 15 i have been in business and never had a drink, now the translator will come, i can speak , i just can’t hear, but i can read lips, and what will i say now? vulgar, he sang the most important songs for me at our first acquaintance with the divine future folk artist, i personally didn’t have any opportunity, these are the guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, this kind of inflated conversation.
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ok in our future, i drew it for you cat, i know that you love them, who doesn’t love them, love, love, on friday first, if a little sister or brother cries, don’t calm him down with words, it’s better to hug him silently, my castle is ringing, he says nikolai, we received a letter from one of the fathers who writes that you know, our girl also studied in this class and we... understand that she is not suitable for you, but maybe you will give her a chance
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so that she can at least live in peace life. august 30th, we are counting children, about one girl there is a question: if clapping is scary loud, and you are afraid that debris will fly into you, wrap yourself in a blanket like a cocoon , try to stay away from the windows, this is not just a fight for ukraine, so that people there change their minds, become different, this is a war for children, this is god’s help. on saturday on the first : he was fishing, we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ, he was considerable, but tall, bravast, nosed, with gray, slightly unkempt hair, it cannot be the last judgment until all nations know about christ, so someone must reach the limits of the universe and preach christ, including as a scythian. stood on a high stone, prayed for the enlightenment
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of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stone, he went to preach, to meet all the troubles, sorrows, he was moved forward by faith. why is st. andrew's cross a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter x. christ. he was crucified on just such a cross. this letter ha is such a sign throughout the whole country, which accuses christ and which accuses faith of the apostle andrew pervozv. andrew the first-called premiered on saturday on the first. good afternoon, tell me, he’s 10 years old, i ’ll get him a 10 year old asshole, easy,
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they took three bags of drugs on you, copied how you worked the bar counter of a sucker, and translate. well , i’m translating, i can’t do it that fast, well, comrade captain, let go of his hand, he won’t be able to answer me like that, a trump card in his repertoire, yeah, it’s okay, he was just sitting in a bar and drinking beer, beer you are drunk. you 'll get drunk with me, comrade captain, don't touch him, he was just drinking beer in the bar, he disabled, you know, disabled, and beer for you instead of medicine, yes, the next question, look at me, where do you get the drugs from, look at me, then i won’t be able to transport it to him if he looks at you, where do you get the drugs from,
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who are the boxes for he brings packaging, well , who brings the boxes, what kind of boxes, he doesn’t know about the boxes, i’m sure, but what about your voice, your boss? you know his voice, or remind you, but he was just relaxing in the bar, comrade captain, why are you shouting like that, he’s deaf, he doesn’t hear you, otherwise i’ll go deaf here with you now, this one won’t say, there’s another one there, i think it won’t be any easier, let me interrogate her myself, politely. girl , hey, i saw her first, we’re changing the second car, there’s no tail, we’ll be there tomorrow.
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“no coffee, no ktar”, we found some bags at your place, they planted it on me, it’s not mine, yes, yes
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, of course, you can read lips, so, you ’re looking at 10 years, at least, who are you for? for the sake of a voice, he bends you over there, puts you on drugs , then the brothel forces you to work, but not a prostitute, i want coffee, sit down, think about my proposal, here’s my phone number, huh? coffee, if you don't mind.
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you go again? and you again?
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what are you doing? these are my personal things. please get out of here. that they knew grief and that your children were leaving, yes
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, i wish you peace, i wish you well, and i wish everyone well, and i wish you souls, i’m glad to see you guys, come to the bar. he looked at me like that, and i remembered him.
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so that everyone is healthy, where are they in the dnieper.
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why are you, i feel bad, come to me , why are you, it’s still good, good, you’re doing well, you want it to get even better, i’m pregnant,
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most americans believed that, in general, he had already become inadequate physically and intellectually, such energetic
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performances, i think. a force that is the equivalent of fascist germany, and that this force has already begun an attack on europe, and if this force is not stopped in ukraine, then democracy throughout the world, including in america, the american way of life, will be in
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mortal danger, well, of course , who... at the head of this terrible force is president vladimir putin, and it is also clear who is stopping biden, and he compared himself with president roosevelt on the eve of the second world war, well, it’s clear, who is preventing biden from repelling the new totalitarian aggression is, of course, his election rival donald trump, contrary to all american tradition. when presidents begin their messages with issues of domestic policy, which are naturally closer to what is called the heart and wallet of the voter, he began with foreign policy. there is one exception: american presidents started out on foreign policy while the country was at war. president roosevelt really
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started with foreign policy. that is what he did. biden and how he bet on the central place of the fight with russia, and the way he formulated the internal choice of americans between two candidates, as a choice between freedom and dictatorship, this, of course, is what is called speaking for yourself, well , let's listen to what biden said about russia , the unprecedentedness of our situation lies in that freedom and democracy are under attack. both within the country and abroad at the same time: abroad , russian troops are advancing, invading ukraine and seyahouse throughout europe beyond its borders. if anyone is in this the audience thinks that putin will stop at ukraine, i assure you, this is not so. but ukraine can stop putin if we support ukraine and give it the weapons it needs to defend itself. this is all that ukraine asks for. they are not asking for american soldiers to be sent. there are no
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american soldiers actually fighting in ukraine, and i am determined to preserve this one. status quo, but now aid to ukraine is being blocked by those who want us to abandon our role as a world leader. history is being made now, history is watching us, if the united states leaves now, it will put ukraine at risk, europe will be at risk, the entire free world will be at risk, and it will embolden those who wish us harm, my message to president putin is simple: we will not leave, we will not bow, i will not bow, that's it, senator andrei ivanovich.


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