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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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in the 21st century, you didn’t have to go and show it to everyone, but for you to have it as a service to which you, as citizens of the russian federation, have every right? mom changed the children’s clothes five times a day, so that god forbid they would take the children away because our officials, and it’s easier for them to take the children than, you know, it’s easier to take them away than to give them an apartment, and the mother protected her children like a mother hen died in these same thickets... i sincerely feel sorry for you, that’s all we can do on our part, we, of course, we don’t say that you tomorrow they will give you housing, at least you need to get through to the governor, as my colleague said, we have been considering the emergency housing program for 10 years, that is, we first discussed the old housing stock, emergency housing, now we are discussing each program of people who die in this emergency housing, well, i sincerely sympathize with you, but i think that after the release of this program the situation will still change.
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the popular front will take this situation not just under control, but under special control, it will be stopped, i promise you that, and i would i wanted to appeal here not only to velikiye luki officials, but to officials who in other territories, regions, republics of our homeland behave like this, you should be obliged to do this, and not send reports to the top, as you came up with there? we film a lot of emergency houses , we film a lot of stories, it’s not about the emergency situation, it ’s about the fate of a person, not just one fate, but i ’ll remind you that this is the year of our family, we probably don’t want the children who were born to us , i saw a toilet for the first time in my life at the age of 19, i got an a, music in our school, in mine in mathematics two, a dysfunctional family who drinks... a child sees all this, and he
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hits her hard, he breaks his jaw, breaks his nose, they saw him, he smells of fumes, they think i’m lying at home drunk, and you’re wearing socks knitting, yes, i love you, dear, yes, this is my favorite girl, why did you break your beloved girl’s jaw and nose, everything is fine, the child was being strangled, a drunken friend of the father, a crowd of their drunks gathered, squatting, swearing, among vladik, he is at risk, valentina nikolaevna. good evening, the big game is live and i am vyacheslav nikonov, we are in the last election week, and as we said yesterday. it will be marked by attacks
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by the ukrainian armed forces and special forces against our targets in order to destabilize the situation within our country as much as possible. today there was everything: massive drone strikes, and raids by special groups to seize russian territory in the belgorod and kursk regions. nothing came of it, that’s what the ministry of defense and the federal security service reported. russian armed forces and the federal security service thwarted attempts by ukrainian saboteurs to break into the belgorod and kursk regions. since march 10 , the fsb of russia, together with attached units of the russian armed forces, have stopped several attempts to violate the state border within the specified constituent entities of the russian federation, the special service said. losses.
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an il-76 plane crashed near ivanovo, killing 15 people, including passengers and crew members. indeed, great grief for everyone, our most sincere condolences. yuri ivanovich podalyaka is in direct contact with us now. yuri ivanovich, it’s clear that they won’t leave us alone this week. how do you rate in general?
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success, of course, in quotation marks, of the ukrainian armed forces, organization of provocations, what else can be expected in your opinion? well, actually, you know, but it was obvious. that we too would prepare for such provocations, it was clear that they would happen, and i can assess, at least from the first few days, that the readiness of our special services is very good, and because if earlier the enemy even succeeded in doing something, there they sometimes entered the territory of border settlements, then today on the eve i want to remind you that a whole group was defeated, which was preparing, as i understand it, today to seriously enter the belgorod region, its the day before they destroyed, that is, they caused large parterres, today there are four. enter the territory of the region, were repulsed, were scattered or destroyed, suffered losses, and again we struck preemptively, which again i would like to point out,
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because we didn’t have such opportunities before, that our intelligence, all intelligence forces began to work head and shoulders above what they did even six months, a year ago, very well you... that he understands, but refuse they can’t, they need a picture, they need to try to disrupt the elections, well, the only thing else they can, of course, escalate is, of course, they will try to make some kind of provocation on the black sea in crimea, this is obvious, well, as it were, also enemy intelligence, now drones and american and ukrainian are very active
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they are working in the western part of the black sea, and this is usually a harbinger that they are preparing some kind of provocation, that is, we still need to be on special alert for a few more days, you know, to try to repel everything. and so that the enemy, you know, doesn’t get away with slurping and, accordingly, continues to let the army calmly beat him as it should be. what's the news from the line of combat contact? you know, good news yesterday from our guys with such a light cavalry throw, unexpected for the enemy, well, so you understand, it’s coming and now it’s going to unravel, our guys are crossing the stream, which is in itself. it’s difficult to cross, they quickly enter the village of pervomayskoye , cut the enemy’s defenses in half , force the enemy to turn on panic mode, as a result of this mode our attack in the nevelskoye area is also successful, and today our troops, as a result of these actions, have completely occupied nevelelskoye and are thus compressed into pincers group of opponents
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in the central and southern parts of pervomaiskaya, respectively, they have two options: either quickly leave and, accordingly, continue on to new ones borders, try to hold us back, or fall into the cauldron, suffer heavy losses, and this is fraught with further reaching the rear of the krasnogorsk enemy group, i think that in the near future we will try to develop this success, well, we wish our guys success here, there are also successes at novomikhailovsky direction, novomikhai has taken very important fortified fortifications in the northern part of the village, i also really hope for a positive development of the situation, especially since we are developing successes in the georgievka area, victory is also an achievement, our troops moving forward, well, there is a very, very strong counter battle. or rather the northwestern avdeevka, where the enemy, having thrown into battle strategic reserves, as nato generals write, are trying to find, well, not even attack, but they need to disrupt our possible offensive actions in the spring, summer campaign, they are trying very hard to occupy very good high-altitude lines in
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the ocheretin berdychi area, which we occupied, and , accordingly, there is a very powerful counter battle here, while the enemy is not doing much here, and the reserves are being very compressed a very large battle is going on in the area... shot down with the engine running, damaged equipment and escaping terrorists, well , actually, that’s where it all ended, what was it? well, you know , you and i have already discussed what the consequences will be
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after this summer offensive of the year 23 failed, where the enemy will try to probe our defenses, where he will try to break through so that it will be like... you can disguise the equipment with a surprise rush to try to move into our territory along open roads try to do something there, but since times have changed, we prepared not just defense there, but also means of warning, the advance of the enemy coincided in such a way that we already met him on the approaches, and not only the attacking group, but also those who covered with fire weapons, in particular , the french caesar self-propelled artillery mount was destroyed, which was supposed to... provide this fire support, in principle, the offensive
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fizzled out, the enemy no longer acted with company-tactical, platoon-tactical in groups, attacked from three directions , in all three directions he received a rebuff, it is clear that there will most likely be more attempts of this kind, and there are belgorod, kursk, and bryansk regions, they will try to do something and throw all their forces at these , i am sure that as part of... their, let's say, victories are not happening now on the line of combat contact,
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shells are limited, they need to be saved, which means they need to be used somehow, and in order to disrupt these elections, well, we see , for example, what is happening in the baltic states, yes, when our citizens who must come to vote at our embassy are told that if you come, we will arrest you there and put you there, because you support the aggressor country there, but drinking rudeness, as they say, is from the baltic countries, yeah. this is the general mood, to disrupt the elections , to denigrate them in some way, and so on, the enemy will try, but we are ready for this, well, it’s no coincidence, in fact, all weekend , the embassies and the united states of all nato countries posted an announcement that left all territories of our country, since there will be all sorts of dangers and terrorist attacks there, well, they know better, of course, it is clear that all this is not even organized in ukraine, these are all matters related to the activities of western intelligence services. this is absolutely no secret for us, but if they think that this can
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intimidate the russians there and force them not to go to the elections, as they plan, then i think the reaction will be exactly the opposite, just out of principle, even those who i didn’t want to go vote, so he’ll come and vote, but they certainly don’t know a russian person, well, no they know, they don’t understand, it will be exactly like this , but nevertheless they don’t have everything, although they are afraid, and they want to hurt us as much as possible and are injected, here is the federal republic of germany, well, obviously there is a thirst for revenge there , it’s just obvious, how many they were beaten and historically , they don’t have everything. of course, we all remember the conversation between german air force representatives who were planning an attack on the crimean bridge. well, today the state duma you...
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i get the impression that now the main strategic line is within the western, well, i would call it a discussion or struggle or discussion, is the method and flag or lack thereof when sending troops into the territory of ukraine, that is, someone wants these to be nato troops, for example, macron, who once spoke about death brain
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finds herself in conflict with russia, it suddenly turns out that this is her personal german conflict with russia, which started over the supply of weapons, so chancellor scholz takes such a cautious position not out of love for russia, not out of some historical responsibilities, as he believes , don't fight with russians, but simply out of pure pragmatism, either you hang out the nato flag and then everyone somehow goes there, or if this flag is not there...
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nato does not plan to send troops to ukraine, it is important for us to consult and come to a unified approach on these important topics, because they matter to all of us, sending troops even from individual countries will have a negative impact on the entire alliance, well , in france, already in paris, actually hanging on poles, well, such posters as macron, we will not die for ukraine, well and ukrainian comedians have already begun. for macron, let's listen, let's see, people, applaud those who call for war, we don't hear you, if macron tells me, you are going to fight against russia, and i will go against macron. then he will say, there is a little dilemma, either you fight for france, or
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france becomes russian.
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thanks to degol, thanks to our calculations that we must balance the anglo-saxons, nothing, they trampled all this and now before the eyes of both europe and macronchu.
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or we will start winning, we will need to make ready-made decisions on how to achieve this treat, what to agree to, no, so he still wants to be on the horse, but some of his prestige has already been so lost that it seems like he’s somehow already serious... there ’s more ridicule at him, he’s not even taken seriously those who would like him start laughing at politicians, this is the very same thing that can happen to him, it would be better to blame the aggressor and so on, but nevertheless they can organize terrorist attacks, they can carry out acts of sabotage , they can send sabotage groups, immediately after advertising we more let's look in detail at the latest footage from the ministry of defense about how the sabotage group was defeated.
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schemes for pumping resources out of ukraine will be closed, the gangadze case hung kuchma himself on a hook, he cut off his head when he was alive. the history of incriminating evidence and pinchuk was a negotiator for the clinton foundation, which he donated in the region of 25 million dollars, the leadership of the administration was seized by the united states, you get married in this context to kuchma’s point, a joke was popular in ukraine. kuchma yet he was lucky that he had a daughter and not a son, because pinchuk would have married someone anyway, they are looking after ukraine, they are making sure that the owner’s will is carried out. kuchma, who was lucky. dolls
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of the heir tutti. today is the first one. eh, today is the third day of maslenitsa, dear, the last day when you can clean up. we will tell you how to do this correctly in our program, and of course, all the most important things about medicine.
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russia's righteous blood. civilization premiere, film in the eighth, russia, part two. in thursday, on the first. carry me, he sang the most important song for me. when we first met, i personally had no idea of ​​guessing him as a future national artist. these are the guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, like this.
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that these 30-odd years have been with us, god willing, everything will be fine with us in the future, i drew a cat for you there, i know that you love them, who doesn’t love them, lyuba, lyuba, happy friday on the first, songs and poems dedicated to the defenders are heard in our studio of our fatherland, you are a person who has renounced everything worldly.
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the big game is live, today the border areas of our country are becoming victims of ukrainian provocations, there were attacks on the belgorod administration, two people there were wounded and shell-shocked, shibekina is now being shelled, and of course there were attempts by ukrainian sabotage and development groups to penetrate the territory of our country and well... we just received exclusive footage from the ministry of defense about how this attack was repulsed. alexey petrovich, will you comment? well, here they show this checkpoint, as i understand it, this is nekhoteevka, where we see a ukrainian tank that was trying to retreat, so it received two hits, one, this is a t-64 tank, the hit disrupted its dynamic protection and unwound its harp , as he says, he unwound the psaltery.
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you can even see anti-tank mines there due to this surprise trying to break through, well , there is no surprise, because really all these actions were planned, well , foreign intelligence services are clearly behind them, in the west it’s still the bet is on escalation, the fact that this bet is not working is seen by objective western observers, in particular david sachs, a fairly well-known american
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public figure and part-time billionaire, let’s listen, if you look, it was not biden who said at the beginning of the war, then you will see that they all came true the other way around, he said that we will weaken russia in order to prevent it from introducing this type of war again, in fact we have made the russian army stronger, it is larger than it was before, russia produces a lot more weapons, the industrial base is expanding, plus it's now battle-tested , battle-hardened, especially against western weapons, so biden has created a lot. now let's look at biden's economic statements , he stated that sanctions will destroy the russian economy, in fact the russian economy is growing faster than the economy of any g7 country, the country is truly thriving, sanctions have crushed the economies of our european allies, as linsigram said, this is the best money we have ever spent using ukrainians to kill russians, this led to unprecedented.
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bringing him back into this conflict, which they present as aggression, and i think that in their policy, not only in relation to russia in relation to the middle eastern countries, they also behaved. well, not smart, i would say stupid, because you noticed, it’s already 159 days after the special operation of the israeli armed forces against hamas began on october 7, and how the mood of the israeli leadership has changed with the american leadership regarding the israeli leadership, and how the attitude has changed - in the middle east to this conflict, i must say that today the houthis said...
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and here, we are preparing for lent, the orthodox lent, so i congratulate all orthodox christians on the olivet week, so this ramadan, if it is usually considered that this is a month of peace and prayer, fasting, now the leader of the houthis, abdalmalik al-houthi, said that neither the americans nor the israelis should hope, we will only strengthen this holy month of ramadan with ours.
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nato armed forces, and the options themselves in fact, there are really not so few, one of them was voiced by the deputy chief of the general staff of the polish army, let's listen, american soldiers have been in poland for a long time, there are several thousand of them, they regularly train with us, the usa and other allies also support us in other areas, in in the air, at sea, in space in the field of cybersecurity, an increase in the number of american soldiers in...
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if you watch this video carefully, we will see that we are talking about the celebration of poland’s 25 years in nato, yes, this is like an occasion for what they are talking about talking. further, poland is ready to invite americans in ever
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-increasing numbers, and this statement in this sense is a continuation of similar statements that they made before. it seems to me that the americans somehow initiate such polish activity in order to always look like a good evil investigator in the game. kinder, there is poland, there is the baltic states, now there is macron, who suffered, naat’s brain death occurred, so they are all eager to fight, and there are good , balanced americans who are the whole bunch they are holding back, it seems to me that the americans, with one hand instigating a military conflict, with the other hand are preparing the ground for appearing even in this for russia, for the russian. politicians, well, some more or less possible negotiating partners, so we see everywhere that the americans speak from a more balanced point of view, none of the american politicians said a word about sending nato troops to the territory of ukraine,
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while they seem to have weapons if they give, everywhere we see this seems to be a question with financially suspended, no one says whether they will give or not, there is an internal political struggle, it is not clear who will win, and if he wins... trump, then maybe america will generally take a different position in relation to nato, that is , such a pyramid, if, if , if the united states of america sits on it, well, this is such a poster uncle sam, with a good nature.
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coordinator of all american intelligence services, they have 17 intelligence services, yeah, she seems to be coordinating it all, although in reality the figure is not the most, so to speak, influential, but very informed, here's what she said, let 's listen to her, putin's strategic goals remain unchanged, nato expansion and western support for ukraine reinforce his long-held belief that the us and europe are seeking to limit and weaken russian power. continues to modernize and strengthen its nuclear capabilities, despite
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the fact that it already has the largest and most diverse stockpile of nuclear weapons. we remain concerned that moscow will jeopardize long-established global norms prohibiting the use of asymmetric or strategically destabilizing weapons, including in space and cyberspace. this is the kind of intelligence they have, yes, though. oh, god forbid that someday in russia a woman, excuse me, will be appointed to that position.
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had to hastily retreat without additional help in 2024
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there will only be more such avdeevkas, and it seems to me that this will be a huge historical mistake for the united states. this is, in fact, all the wisdom of the american intelligence services. yes, they have a very interesting one, based on what? they believe that the twenty -second year was the most successful, russia left kherson was the site of the kharkov offensive, so if the ukrainians are given more weapons and equipment, then they will definitely achieve their goals. but other statistics , which the bureau does not like to voice, say absolutely the opposite: no matter how many weapons are supplied there, nothing changes, that is, the figures are impressive, but at the same time, the bursan still has little to do with this other thing, that’s when the draft pentagon budget was now drawn up next year, then there, for example, ukraine was completely crossed out as a separate item of aid; moreover, they found a hole in pentagon funding for 10 billion dollars, and there some politicians said, there is an urgent need... to restore the defense capability of the american army, here
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is poland, which says: come, dear americans, settle down, of course poland invites them, because it has invested the most, not counting germany, in this conflict, took out loans, if the americans come, they will pay for the deployment of their troops, and he names the desired number of americans who should come to the territory of poland, 300,000 there you count, it will just cover all the debts of poland that she i collected it in the form of loans, that is, it goes on fussing all the time. not just a trillion dollars, but as much as you like, the main thing is that the paint doesn’t run out, that is, it’s possible to print pieces of paper , but it’s not possible to turn the pieces of paper into some kind of real material assets, including military ones, there are no specialists, the materials are here and there, there entire manifestations to whom, well, for a trillion you don’t even need paint, they are all digital, so it’s possible, yes, even without
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paint, it’s done quite quickly, if i may remind you that 8 years ago in in st. petersburg there was a middle east conference with the participation of our foreign ministry and...
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everyone will die along with your country, it was freedom and democracy, if he wins, then you are the first proposal, but it was also the last in which he, in principle, mentioned the united states . biden was quick to explain that his highest priority has nothing to do with america, in fact his highest priority is sending billions more dollars to ukraine, a foreign war. is a member of nato, for a war that could europe for a war that has nothing to do with usa. we are not bound by any agreement to intervene in this war, because ukraine cannot harm only our country, it has already done this, and seriously forever. the invasion of ukraine is the most important thing for joe biden, not the invasion of our own country by the drug cartels that rule in the southern
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states, not our deteriorating economy, which you encounter every day, not the decline of our schools, in which children cannot read at all. number of deaths from fentonyl overdoses, no apparent reduction in life expectancy, no destruction healthcare systems, not the suicide epidemic of violent deaths that americans are suffering from, not the armies of drug addicts who live on the street right outside the walls of the building where biden read his speech, none of this matters, biden's highest priority is helping ukraine, this is crazy, this is crazy, but still, well, tucker carlson. of course - he has the opportunity to cut the truth, so he says the most important thing is what we are talking about here in this studio, for the united states, we are not bound by any treaty to participate in the war in ukraine, end of quote: this is the essence of this intra-species, intra-western struggle,
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when you need to drag as many fuel weapons as possible into some territory, start a war there, then further push your... satellites, partners, allies there, but push so that your hands are free and there is no obligation to die for ukraine, for poland, for the czech republic and so on, they must die for the interests of the united states of america, in this sense , an absolutely classic situation, 1939, when poland received british guarantees, it seemed that britain entered the war, but did nothing to help poland, so when we see joyful polish soldiers celebrating...
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this is what american allies in the middle east are now experiencing, about this after the advertisement. viktor fedorovich, you understand all these worries, horror stories, it’s all easily controlled, just as we turned it on, we’ll turn it off, but such a combination is not dangerous now, serious events are planned, gather a hundred guys, and raising money is not a priority for us, but then we need to discuss in advance how it will be arranged. for the future we need to understand who the kremlin will bet on, who they will want to rely on here now, transfer it through the maidan, premiere, watch after the program. time, do you know where i work? i know everything about everyone, and i also know where the money
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from donesk is going. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is chinese. china has almost always been the most populated country and the first economy in the world. we can remember the famous book travels of marco pola, the italian merchant described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he... after the end of the second world war , the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 1,000 specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of opin's first decisions after becoming the leader of china was to create an institute.
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from everything worldly, being military, they decided to return to the front line. for a monk - this is not typical, of course, for the kind of life i live now, it’s all my family, birds start flying or shelling starts, i’m driving and thinking, well, if they kill us, then i’ll be alone with my mother, well, somehow it’s not scary , but to whom did you leave my wife stronger than many...
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all nations will not know about christ, so someone must reach the limits of the universe and preach christ, including the scythians. the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for
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the enlightenment of the people of chersonesos, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on stone he went to preach, to face all the troubles and sorrows, his faith moved him forward. why is st. andrew's cross a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter ha - christ. he was crucified precisely on. on such a cross? this is the letter x , such a sign across the whole country, which christ accuses and which the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called accuses. andrew the first-called, premiere on saturday on the first. big game live. yesterday we already congratulated everyone.
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hundreds of wounded according to the al-jazeera newspaper, but no one can say for sure, and before, if you remember, 27 thousand, well, somewhere around 30 , now the amount has exceeded 30, we are already counting in thousands, they also talked about children, only houthi, i repeat again, houthi said that the month of ramadan has come for so that we feel the pain
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experienced by women and children killed in the gas, this is ours. i think that this pain is felt throughout the muslim world and far beyond its borders, and not least, of course, in iran, where they will also draw appropriate conclusions, but for now iran today, together with china and russia, began naval exercises in the northern indian ocean, while kanaani , the official representative of iran's mit, said that iran is ready for... this is quite possible, but you need to understand that the number of these nuclear weapons, if iran will create on the basis of its mines,
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which in some cases they have two or three, then... that the uranium content there is low, that is, it will be limited, limited, but if we return to these exercises, we need to compare those exercises , which go to us western borders, this is the defender camp, there is a nordic response and so on, they are all clearly anti-russian in nature, here exercises are taking place to ensure safe navigation in this rather hot region, that is, the release of ships that are...
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now already in the vanity canal , there are much fewer ships sailing through the red sea than around africa, this change happened literally rapidly, so we see that through the cape of good hope, it is much bluer than through the suede canal, but at the same time interesting the consequences for us were that it was on the part of european firms that the demand for the trans-siberian railway grew. to transport containers through our territory by 40%, and this is already a reality that exists, because indeed this is a route that, well, at least half
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as long in time as this route, that is, for us, in fact, the situation is not so bad, especially since the problem related to the northern sea route is also becoming more urgent, and this is what the houthis can do, in fact. yes, it seems, yes, well, the northern sea route is still controlled, in general by us, of course, well , in fact, this really opens up new prospects for the development of logistics through the territory of russia, and as you know, one of the main components of the struggle in the history of mankind is the struggle for trade routes, from the greek thief, from china to europe, the one who controls the flow of goods not only receives additional income, he receives additional weight. in world politics, so now our task is to make our railways more passable, in order so that more cargo can pass through in a unit of time, because an increase of
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40% is a very serious increase, and this is just the beginning, this is just the beginning, so here , of course, is the development of the railway network, it is very, very important, of course we must not forget about the northern trade route, but... that in the near future we need new programs for the development of railway and transport infrastructure in general, not only transport well and financial structures, because the americans , by their actions, among other things, have already begun ruin the dollar and what our president’s assistant ushakov said the other day, that we are now working hard to create the brix cryptocurrency, this is a serious challenge to american global dominance, well , you know, not us...
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hello, the evening news is on the air in studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics.


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