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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  March 13, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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hey guys, how's business going, yeah, okay, slowly, okay, it's time for you. great, we need to gather a hundred of our guys, strong , healthy, business-like, so that they’re not idiots , you may need them soon, but what to do, how to do what, clean the country of dirt , make ukraine great, okay, relax, the time will come, let’s say that you have to do it specifically
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, believe me, you won’t be bored, but the lifting ones , and you have a business assistant, and if you don’t keep the bad ones , there will be money, gather the guys, a hundred , there are questions, there are no questions, on maidan nezalezhnosti.
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like everyone else, why arnold? he has such a nickname and an impudent face. good afternoon. alexander alexandrovich asked to convey congratulations to you on your past birthday.
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30% is enough for us, money is not a priority for us, but what then is an agreement, we need to discuss in advance how the future will be arranged, i am ready for proposals. hello, hello, hello, how are you, the best , glad, listen, i, well, in short, i won’t say anything to the boss about you and me, this, but it ’s a pitchfork, this, but he won’t forgive, weakling, glad , you understand, schmuck, useless schmuck, you knew it, crap. hello, dad, hi, are you coming today?
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well, then i’ll come, well, we need to talk, okay, tomorrow, where? okay, okay, go ahead, bye, uh-huh. what's taking so long? you said, if everything is swept away in 2 hours , we’ll go out, that the money was a pity for us , you’re driving, the voice came here personally, personally to the cop, to get you all out, because we’re like a family, he’ll harness for us all, if well, i don’t understand what i ’ve been sleeping on all this time. shut up, get in the car, fuck off,
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how are you, okay, let's go, didn't they hit you? let 's go already, igor, hello, the deaf have been released, what, listen, we had to, they called from above, gave everyone a preventive pad, went home, sorry, okay, i understand. hello, hello , mikhail petrovich, at home, yes, he’s waiting for you , that’s right, no, everything is under control, yes, that
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’s right, spouses, hello, what’s up, people’s voices just came out, everyone was there. who they want to invest in now, but it’s not yanukovych, no, they don’t need yanukovych anymore, he’s playing with the eu, with nato, he’s playing badly everywhere, for them he’s a serial loser, a loser, a waste of time, and so are businessmen no, all
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an oligarchy that has a joint business with russia is also not reliable, well then the kremlin will bet on tymoshenko, tymoshenko is the only man in ukrainian politics. either they give ukraine money, or it goes under europe.
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styopa, open the door, i’m setting the table, yes, i’m coming. good afternoon, franko stepan nikolaevich, well, let’s say, bob of the city, captain kozyr, usanka vitaly denisovich, born in the eighty-first year, who is your relation, well, my brother, so what? that's it, dad, whoever is there, come to me, mom, come with me for identification, passport. take it, mothers then you’ll say, are you and your brother similar in this way, what happened, hello, nothing, nothing , mom, i’m away for work, how come, i haven’t eaten again, this is your brother,
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mine, and why is your last name different, franco? great-grandson of the poet? his mother remarried when his father died, his body was caught near the bukhara market, is this what is under the azeris? yes, what could he not share with them? they didn’t divide, i’m divided, they’ll wash themselves with their own blood, lynching, franko stepan nikolaevich
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is illegal in our country, he hatched out and started playing with the bugs, well, you’re a cop, how about cleaning up the city? not can you, maybe i can clean it up, ukraine will be for ukrainians, i didn’t let you go, where do you work? own auto repair shop, wow, i'll check, check, citizens. yes, senior lieutenant piroshnichenko, you can’t park here, yes, i know, i
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’m leaving already, yes i understand, but they violated the documents, and let’s check for alcohol, now, here are my documents, i apologize for such parking, wait, that's it , please be careful on the road, of course, thank you. listen, listen to me, the voice thinks, the cops pushed through some of you, with a drum done, you need protection now, you’ll be with me, he won’t pull you... he won’t, i’ll always smack you, think, you’re not stupid,
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go away, egg, sit down. lost weight, they didn’t touch you, what they wanted, 10 no, she threw powder on me, forget what else, forget it, they said i’d be in jail for a long time, y... my brains were dripping, they pushed me, no, they asked about me, no,
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they asked about that club , with whom i was, everything, yes, you’re lying, you’re not lying. look, i will quickly find out if you are lying, and if i find out, it will be bad for you, very bad, exact words will not help you, understand?
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there's a call for you, yeah, yes, i'm listening to you, something is gurgling there, water, the horse is breathing, my handsome man, but i understand, i understand, i understand, the amazon is ours. let's get to the point, listen to how crazy everything is going on in the streets, and crowds of people are out, the crowds
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are free, we need to use it all, i now have pictures on all channels 24 hours a day non-stop, all the news crews are at work, well, this it’s cool, cool, cool, listen, you still need to provide them with what they call vloggers, bloggers, let them also write their articles on the internet, and then everything starts right away... social networks instantly shared, we need to give interviews not only with politicians, we will find real characters and like the voice of the people, about 10 people who are adequate and... preferably younger, so that the grandmothers of the country can see that the youth have made their choice, well, and some freaks in the face two three , there’s one with a crooked jaw, a journalist or something, she’s always drooling, yes, they ’re all drooling now, but why freaks, well, funny pictures, let them send each other, listen, you tell me then in the evening
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monitoring, insert a selection like this, okay, of course, people in the square need to be warmed up, the tea needs to be poured stronger than what , i told my friends to set up two scenes on the maidan, so that no matter where the tv camera turns, there are crowds everywhere, guns everywhere, screaming, people’s rage, spectacular, the world is ruled by the tv picture, oh, and we we’ll give it to the world, smart girl, smart girl, i love you, that’s it, let’s kiss him,
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bye, heat, i’m sorry, i ordered without you, but i couldn’t resist here, but that’s okay, of course. well, there’s already a blush on your cheeks, it’s better for you, whatever you order, nothing to put out of me, it’s you, you haven’t been poisoned, my dear, lord, daughter, well finally, dad, dad, it’s not igor, who? gromenko is yours, yours, i see it too, igor himself is to blame, i haven’t seen him for days, i was sitting alone at home, he hasn’t touched me for months, dad, okay, okay, okay, in the end, the main thing is
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the child, i’m glad. i’m glad, i ’m glad, just don’t try it, if you’re afraid that you can’t handle it, i’ll always help with the child, with igor, i ’ll talk to him, he’s an understanding guy, i’ll solve it, and eat at least something, boy, yeah , yes. it ’s still early, i haven’t found out yet who released the deaf? no,
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okay, now the bank's business comes first. about, well done, girl, that means, go to the archive yourself, i have organized an urgent meeting, i’ll do it, mikhail petrovich, they called, called, give me the club. first of all, you were fired, why? i allow you to write in your own way, and secondly, that your spirit was not welcome near you, disappear, you understand, if i find out that you did not understand, i
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will multiply you by zero, you know i can, get out . after graduation, we got to the office, she just said that you wouldn’t approve and we didn’t , it was milnik who showed up, but i should be her husband, i love her, but she left me get out, otherwise i'll castrate you! all is well with you? yes, i will help,
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i agree. who brings you the goods? i don’t know who, but there’s a man hiding with us, they brought him a lot of money, in sports bags, i heard they brought them. for business, for what business, i don’t know, okay, something else, let’s do this, you will communicate with the saint, you know him, he took you near the club, this is my man, he is noisy, but good, you don’t need to be afraid of him, i understand, yes. and remember, dust, if you become friends with us, your life will change for the better. from media reports, as far as ukraine is concerned, it is high time for
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the country's leadership to listen to the voice of its people and resume the path to european integration and economic recovery. a correspondent for the lvov publication also reports: “football fans took to the streets, chanting, whoever doesn’t jump is a muscovite, muscovites are stabbed to death with song.” will still lose, because it is impossible to fulfill these demands , there are 300 billion losses in the first year alone, this is an economic collapse,
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but we have a lot of letters, people don’t read to the end what they write, so it’s time for me to get out of here, to poroshenko’s union i will not go, why? because this is a 100% american project, and yatsenyuk? whose: make tea cuckoo, not sure, after the failure of vilnius. introduce radicals into the game legally, let go of the reins, i’m not sure, yes, that’s it, they need to be brought
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to elections, made your competitors, this guarantees re-election in the second round, the nationalist has no chance against you, the south, east will vote for you, center, and this is more than 60%, but isn’t such a combination dangerous now? further, further outlaw them altogether, but gradually cut off this tail piece by piece,
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why bother the radicals and deprive yourself of a favorable situation, guaranteed victory and re-election in the second round before 2020? not sure yet. you have to think, you can’t lose such a chance of re-election, it’s stupid, stupid. let's get ready, there is a topic, get ready. let's get together, there's a topic,
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hi, how are you, it sucks! they killed vitali, what’s wrong, she calmed her mother down, soon she’s already messed up, the neighbor stayed with her, tin, vitali, brother, my, brother, you know , they didn’t seem to really communicate with my brother, yes, but still, i somehow feel sorry for my mother, well, i'm going to get some pizza, i'm off it i’ll take the skin off a living
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person, i don’t know who could have done this, mens said, they found him at the renkazers , the guys gathered there, the traders from the market killed my brother, my vital, tomorrow at 12 everyone is at the market where these upirs work, we are looking, who did this, and gather all of ours. ukraine for ukrainians. are you chewing? yes, i already forgot the last time i ate, yesterday, probably, yes, me too. should i refill your tea? i've already peed myself. our girl of few words approached me. meets. well done, girl.
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it’s just dangerous, but no more dangerous than an overdose from a brothel die, i agree, there is one shady person, he is apparently at the bottom of the shalman , he needs to break through, the voice is preparing a deal, the dust said, they brought him money, apparently a lot, you can take the girl yourself so that i don’t have to be seen with her, i’ll take it, but it seems like nothing, well, okay, who ordered the deaf people to be released, found out, no... but i’ll find out, this is a sandwich for me, take it, eat it, eat it, i’ve already eaten the second one, although, of course, i didn’t refuse a homemade cutlet i wish i had forgotten the last time i ate homemade food, yeah, me too, glad i’m not a fan cooking, dumplings - this is the pinnacle of our family dinners, our rare family dinners, at which she eats me, in short,
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finds out who brought the money to the voice? we would like to get to know this person better, so what? yulia is determined to be released , she wrote down your rank, but her health is fine, dexterity heals her back every day, that ’s all, a man came to me from fishman, it’s this one... with glasses, or what? yes, arnold, and what do they need, no? said that the bank robbery in donetsk was not theirs, and offered to cooperate, learned about the conditions, conditions, 50%? no, he said that fishman agreed to 30, yes, it doesn’t seem like him, he needed it badly, why, or pan fishman again wants to play for all the players on the field, i don’t know yet, you need to know, you need to make sure
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that ... to find out that you are batting your eyes , go to work, fishman, fishman, fishman, mikhail petrovich, what happened here, but i was driving, i stopped by, but no, i won’t go into the house for 5 minutes, it’s good here.
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well, this is your fault, how can it be, igor, like a girl alone at night, in the evenings, young! give birth to a second one right away, happy family, well, i went, it’s good here.
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we still need to talk, open the door, i’m sleeping, you woke me up, you’re not sleeping, let ’s talk, i’ll stay now, i’m glad, you
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’re pregnant, who is this lucky guy, go away. don't touch me now, please.
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hello, hello, american, with you, and in honor of the opening, we have promotions every day, today two eclairs for the price of one, would you like some? thank you, i’m somehow not very sweet,
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if you liked it, you can come again, all the best. "don't offer coffee, straight to the point, your people of course, we let you go , but that doesn’t mean anything, we were really interested in you, friend, it’s even a pity to leave, especially since we haven’t agreed on cooperation with you yet, and you, as we know,
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have started big things, big things, big incomes , so you have to share so that big things can be done without big problems, and this is what helps you get rich, check one for yourself, maybe i’ll buy it, i know, you think that again someone will call someone, but there is no voice, now i and i myself have someone to call, really, yanukovych, i don’t have big things to do, so you consult, explain your hopeless situation, i’ll consult, and at the same time clear your voice here.
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who was that? the cops who kept my people, they strongly hinted to me that i had your business, a lot of money, but how did they know? i don’t know where they found out from, but they want a share, they won’t leave, well , damn some bone, let him choke. miss me. i’ll sit down, i’m anna, igor, where
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are you from, anna, i’m from france and i really like to drink alone, then let’s drink together, with pleasure, champagne, oh, but it’s very cold, these russian winters of yours, rather snavetsky, then vodka. a little bit, please, you speak russian very well, i speak a little bit, chin-chin, you’re a tourist, but what are you doing here, can you guess? some kind of business, well
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, a beauty salon, a french fashion store, i don’t know, maybe some salon of expensive french useless fashion, you are a spy igor, and you’re funny, i’m a journalist, a journalist, and what do you do? and i’m an entrepreneur, i receive, pack, package, give it to further distribution, i just thought that you were an athlete, well, you almost guessed it, running with obstacles are my hobby, and you , what is now relevant for women, is the same as always, and pestilence, love, now it’s hot, now it’s hot, now it’s cold
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, well, russian winters, russian vodka, russian man, warmed up, oh, i think you’re tired , you work a lot, and you know where i work, i know everything about everyone, and i also know where the money from donetsk goes. who are you? i'm a journalist, i just have friends . this money went to poland, from there a lot of weapons are sent through the carpathians. just thought you might be interested. and your bus too, my boss, for what? this. the operation was initiated by the cia, and i want, um, there is such a wonderful russian word:
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nasolit, annoy, oh, annoy the tsir, i understand, we’ll meet the cargo, we’ll bring it. we bring everything here to the shalman, headlight, and where will we put the barrels, then you’ll find out, headlight, headlight, here’s the spark and the headlight, your bat is ours. good morning, our earliest tv viewers, on the calendar march 13, wednesday, i am with you in the studio today, ekaterina strizhenova, thank you for being with us, we will continue to celebrate maslenitsa, we will prepare many different pancakes, we will choose an electric a pancake maker, we'll go fishing in the primorsky territory
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, we'll take a look at the urals, and we'll also find out how vlogot lace is woven today, in general, we have a very extensive program, but let's start with gymnastics for the brain, get your palms ready, good morning, how much time do your children spend sitting, half a day at school and the same amount of time during lessons, teach them to do neuro-gymnastics more often, exercise for the brain is simply necessary, and at the same time let’s stretch our hands, put them on the table, the right one is turned up, and the left... down, we change the position of the hands to opposite, let's practice, now let’s complicate the exercise a little: the left palm looks up, now it will line, and the right one is pressed to the table,
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we turn it towards the ceiling again to the table, now we change the position of the hands, the left one works, and... the right one rests. milana, don’t rush, you’ll quickly get lost. we perform the exercise slowly. we think that what we are doing is that once you remember the sequence of movements, you will be able to speed up. coup. one, two, flip, one, two, flip, one, two, flip, one, two. get distracted by physical exercise for a minute, at least once an hour, it will help knead. it will be easier for children to relieve accumulated tension and focus on homework. on the calendar, march 13, today is the third day of maslenitsa week, gourmet, well , since we are all gourmands, we will feast on pancakes, and you know what, today let’s prepare pancakes according to the old
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classic recipes that our grandmothers used to cook. the best recipe, time-tested in the village. kokhali of the nizhny novgorod region bake pancakes in the old way for maslenitsa. the recipe is very simple. kvashnya is prepared from milk, eggs, and a pinch of salt. and these pancakes have a very interesting filling. in ancient times , on rivers such as kerzhenitsa and vetluga, people most often used local fish for the filling. previously it was burbot, but other fish will do. village resident tatyana prepares herring filling and cuts it into cubes. a small piece of butter. the first one was to fry for a combination of vegetable oils and try the children’s son vanya, he is a lover of pancakes will be especially tasty if they are sweet pancakes, so nastya appreciated that there will be someone
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to pass on the old recipe. at all times pancake batter has the same composition: flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, but the technology is different. any. from the village of yuryevo, omsk region, also bakes according to an old recipe, puts everything in by eye, mixes, pours boiling water over it. the result is choux pastry, which is why the pancakes fit into the hole. modern frying pans do not recognize love, but this one bakes, it is more than half a century old, and the pancakes on it are so delicious that they are eaten instantly. experienced housewives know that a frying pan really depends on a lot: marina inherited it from her grandmother i got two frying pans and a recipe for pancakes. all the beauty of it. marina discovered the recipe when she moved from megapolis to the countryside and began making pancakes from homemade ingredients. milk 4% fat, eggs from our own chickens, sugar, salt, butter and vanillin. we really love filling our pancakes with cheese, and if we simmer them a little more in a frying pan,
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we get a very interesting dish. village products are different from store-bought ones, the pancakes made from them are special, too. yeast is diluted in milk, as the dough has risen, add butter, sugar, cream, three eggs, beat the white separately, and 1.5 cups of wheat flour, 2 and a half cups of oatmeal, ate these pancakes. together with salted saffron milk caps they knew how to celebrate maslenitsa deliciously. elena savina, channel one. spring is a good time for those looking for seasonal work. there are many vacancies in a variety of fields, the salaries are quite decent, and various pleasant additional bonuses are often provided. if you are thinking
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about seasonal outdoor work, now is the time to look for it. andrey from bataysk has already found a place for himself in kuban as a machine operator in an agricultural company. prepare the equipment, the tractor, prepare the seeding plant, carry out maintenance, so that when the command is given for sowing, it will already be done. the equipment is ready. return ticket at your own expense, salary from 80 to 100,000. there is enough work from march to november; seasonal workers are expected on farms in the rostov region. we have about 2.0 hectares of arable land, we grow absolutely all the crops that we need, we fully provide ourselves with feed, hay, and straw. here in khutor bely shtat - 12 people, in the spring there was no such team can cope, so we need... and also lunches,
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accommodation and a normalized schedule from 8 to 17. and yes, nature, sea, no deadlines and stress, vacancies have opened for tree trimmers in bakchesarai, we are bringing out the central branch, and then we are bringing it to young people who will bear fruit, this is what marina will teach... she’s been coming here for four years, i ’m interested in how the tree develops, how it is, how to prune it, the salary is from one and a half to two thousand per shift, plus accommodation, food, ordinary laborers are expected here, the gardens are constantly expanding, so there is always work. krasnodar territory, crimea, are waiting for employees of the tourism sector, now they mainly need general workers, to put the pool and territory in order, they will start looking at the end of march. salaries there vary per month, with an average of 70 thousand.
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counselors and students are expected in stavropol. kirill, the commander of the student teaching team, became a counselor for the first time 5 years ago, and got involved. as a rule, counselors wake up at 6 am, fall asleep at 3:00 am, because they were preparing some next prop or they came up with a new dance so that in the morning they would have something new to show the children. counselors are also about responsibility, of course. therefore , before hiring you will have to go through a selection process, but then the sea, children, constant competitions, sports, if you dream of active recreation, it’s worth it. marina sidorova, anna gazhala, channel one. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. let's devote the next couple of minutes to our health. cholesterol. when it is higher than normal, it is. generally not useful, so it’s a good idea to do it regularly tests and check its level, and also
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, let’s listen to what the highest category doctor sergei arsenin says, your cholesterol level is slightly elevated, the right choice of foods will help normalize it, you shouldn’t eat scrambled eggs for breakfast, fried food won’t do us any good. it’s better to boil two eggs or prepare a steam omelet. the white contains choline, and the yolk contains vitamin d and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. these substances help normalize blood cholesterol levels. we also eat fish twice a week. fatty varieties, but not smoked, not salted. we bake mackerel, sel or capelin. garnish with buckwheat, oatmeal or barley porridge. they also remove cholesterol, and we also add pickled cabbage, add fresh chopped herbs,
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sprinkle with sesame seeds, and season the salad with unrefined flaxseed oil. such a lunch helps cleanse blood vessels and prevents them from becoming clogged, and also reduces cholesterol levels. by the way, its excess occurs due to chronic stress and not enough. active lifestyle, gymnastics will come to the rescue. we start with walking: we walk around half an hour every day, if this is not possible, then in the morning on the way to work we walk at least a few stops, this is very useful. body cells are saturated with oxygen , the production of the joy hormone increases, stress goes away, metabolism improves, as a result, cholesterol returns to normal... the summer season is approaching normal, for many it has already begun, summer residents have become more active on social networks, asking different questions,
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asking each other friend of the council. for example, many people are interested in if there is an abandoned area in snt where no one has been there for years appears, is it possible to take advantage of it, otherwise the land is idle , let's find out, here is another abandoned plot of land, you see, its fence is already rickety, every gardening association has abandoned dachas, the further from the city, the higher the number of abandoned ones, because that the land is cheap, it’s not convenient for everyone to travel, there is no highway, no gas, no electricity. can mow the grass, plant it in a garden, build a house, in general, start using it without permission illegally, suggests an unscrupulous chairman or general meeting, do not agree, any decision of the general meeting to provide an abandoned plot to a neighbor is illegal from the moment it is adopted, since the general meeting does not have such powers, snt are not the owners of this land, so what to do, first of all, we ask the chairman to help find
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the owner, raise documents, pay slips, minutes: meetings, register of owners, the management of snt is interested in itself, because the partnership is losing tens of thousands without receiving contributions, documents from state data fund, there you can also find out who was once given the plot, so we managed to find the owner of this house, which is rooted up to the very windows in the ground. we found a surname in the old records from 6 years ago and submitted to the ministry of internal affairs that this person had indeed died, so... then we went to the notary to look for relatives. it turned out that the owner’s daughter entered into an inheritance, moved to another city, hasn’t been to the dacha for many years, and now the chairman andrei chigvintsev is persuading her to sell the unnecessary plot. if the owner does not take care of the site and does not sell it, then, for non-payment of contributions, he may be expelled from the snt membership and fined for non-use of land. the amount is serious. 1% of the cadastral
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value. but most importantly, the chairman of snt can apply for one. owner to court , this is what they decided to do in this gardening partnership , the owner does not come, does not pay his debts, we cannot collect anything, unfortunately, he does not officially work anywhere, one of the options that we are now considering is to go to court, an arrest will be imposed to the land plot, further sale of the property is possible, the plot will become municipal property, the local administration will be able to legally rent it out or sell it, but if the owner could not be found, say, no one has entered into inheritance rights. the situation is simpler, after 10 years such property will be considered selective; according to the law, it goes to the administration of the municipality, establishes the boundaries of the plots and after that the plot can be put up for auction. anyone can participate in the auction, not just a neighbor; the one who pays the most will win. nadezhda pravdina, alexander ivanov, channel one. here how to spend less time in the kitchen and
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spend more time on your family and yourself. for every housewife, space organizer maria belkanova has some advice on this matter, let's listen to them. women spend 18 years of their lives in the kitchen - scientists have calculated, and not only to prepare food, but also to put things in order later, i will suggest techniques that will save time, so that after cooking you don’t have to wash the kitchen from greasy stains, i cover the stove with food. .. with foil, and i hide the kitchen apron behind the cutting boards, even if greasy splashes fly in all directions, most of it will fall on the foil, all you have to do is collect it and throw it away, and the board can be wiped with a damp cloth, breakfast is ready, the stove is perfectly clean, i move on to washing the dishes, take
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a long time to put on protective gloves , so i use... a brush with a handle, if necessary, grab a steel wool or a new sponge, it’s quick, convenient, and my hands remain well-groomed. another trick, i’ll show you how to fill a trash can in a couple of seconds, tear off the bag, put it on the bin, and place it in a stack several bags for the whole week at once. kets will take even less time, a little ingenuity, your kitchen will be clean and tidy without much hassle. and right now we are going to where beauty is born. in vologda , unique vologda lace, known throughout the world, has been woven for several hundred years. our correspondent, alena astrakhansova , met modern craftswomen. i learned how bobbins are drawn, how bobbins sing,
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how they are created. lace jewelry, and by the way, men also study this craft, in videos world stars. on the catwalks, in social media trends. vologda lace is fashionable, there is a competition for the specialty of lacemaker at the college of folk crafts. this year we had 38 applications for 15 places. even guys with tattoos take to pooping. yes, this does not surprise vologlia, no one. it turns out, so far , not as deftly as with my fellow students. the motor skills of the hands, it all moves like this, you constantly get confused. you sit, groan, local girls in vologda joke about dna from lace, almost everyone in the family wove it, nina soshnikova inherited her great-grandmother’s pillow, stand and poops, when
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she fingered these very puppies with her hands and how these 40 pups sang, it is impossible to forget, they were silent for decades, and recently they began to sing again and as if in unison, children are curious. they’ll come up , they’ll jingle, i say, well, sit down, jingle, now you’ll weave yourself, grandpa had to urgently cut some more , for the girls, it makes my soul happy, we started with simple splinters, that’s what they call the patterns they use to weave, now they’re aiming for collars, no who doesn't exist, they won't be in the local lace factory store for a long time are stale, here they know a thousand and one ways to fit into a modern image, if we have a jacket lapel... we can always lay it down like this, creating a flounce, something that many are afraid to do, we can fold the collar and it turns out to be a brooch, we can under, for example, a sleeve
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, twist the collar in this way to create a defect, as if we had a monocuff. more popular than this accessory, perhaps, are only jewelry made of lace and epoxy resin, although they are not cheap, in just a couple of weeks everything is sold out. weave a micro pattern into a higher one aerobatics lace was recently even assigned a new category, that is , lacemakers had five categories in total, the fifth was the highest, but a sixth category was introduced for jewelry. the combination of materials, thread and metal, wood or epoxy is at the top today. this is how seemingly out-of-fashion items look fresh. this is something new, it’s no longer like grandma’s on tv collecting dust, yes, that is, this is already vologda lace that can be used in the modern day. this is wonderful. how do you like lace? precisely in order to get the lace effect, not it’s just a flat picture, what’s interesting is that it
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can be used as a sliver when the item wears out and turned into real lace. alena astrakhantseva, nikita kulakov, alexey gubanov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. well , now i give the floor to my colleagues from... the channel one service, let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. vladimir putin gave a long interview to our colleague, ceo of the international media group russia today vgtrk presenter dmitry kiselev. how will our country develop? the next 6 years, economy, demography, relations with ukraine, the place that russia will occupy in the world, these and other important topics from the first person, watch today at 10 am moscow time on channel one. russian pilots
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destroyed the enemy command post in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation, su-34 fighter bombers attacked positions in the ssu with fap-500 aerial bombs with universal planning and correction modules. that is, they make sledge traps, when you lift them, they explode, that is, it is advisable to do this with overhead charges, explode them, do not lift them, in any other way, do not neutralize them,
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only undermine them. a new example of the valor of our soldiers, private artur garipov was able to repel an enemy attack in his direction, acting in cold blood on the front line of defense and eliminated 10 militants. junior sergeant andrei inyutin using a drone. discovered an enemy column of armored vehicles that had moved towards our positions. andrei passed on the coordinates of the enemy to the artillery and it destroyed the enemy. kiev against the backdrop of failure. at the front, violent mobilization is being tightened, new footage of the kidnapping of two men with military registration and enlistment office employees has appeared on the internet, the young people were apparently captured on the highway near a gas station in front of people passing by. one of them started filming, but no one dared to intervene, despite desperate cries for help. call the police, police, police, call, call the police, people, don't leave. and this
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happens: widespread raids in public transport on busy streets, in courtyards, in gyms. as zelensky said at the end of last year, the ssu urgently needs 5,000 people. he had problems with mobilization from the very beginning of the northern military district. few people were ready to die voluntarily for the regime. and now, when kiev is defeated, there are no volunteers left at all. against this background, the verkhovna rada is preparing a bill on new mobilization rules. the document provides for liability for evaders in the form of blocking. and bank cards, a ban on driving. today the initiative will be considered in the second reading. the german armed forces have a shortage of shells, military equipment and personnel. this is despite an additional €100 billion investment in the defense sector. this data was presented by bundestag commissioner for military affairs eva högl. according to her report , there is a real shortage of personnel in several german military units, and the lack of equipment concerns everything from heavy equipment to spare parts. in addition, högalä
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pointed out problems with the barracks, which , according to her, look shameful. representatives of the bundestag note that everything got worse after germany began sending weapons from its reserves to ukraine. plans for a peaceful resolution of the ukrainian conflict that do not take into account russia’s position will not bring results. this was stated by turkish president recep tayyip erdogan, speaking in ankara to the ambassadors of foreign countries. he also called for avoiding any steps that would lead to escalation.
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evidence that the president deliberately kept classified materials after the end his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. soldiers of the eleventh army corps unit of the zap troops group were able to vote early in the russian presidential elections; a mobile polling station was organized for them in one of the dugouts, not far from the front line. military personnel also participate in the voting in the rear areas of the northern military district, such as, for example, in units of the vostok group of troops. the soldiers of the first brigade also underwent the same procedure. first
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army corps of the southern group, mobile election commissions continue to visit remote areas of our country, among them the kuril islands, paramushir and shumshu, where the lighthouse keepers of the pacific fleet voted. that's all for now, stay with us, the program "good morning" will continue to air on channel one. good morning to everyone who has already woken up and turned on channel one. on the calendar march 13, wednesday. i’m with you in the studio today, ekaterina strizhenova. thank you for celebrating the new day with us, right in the morning we are heading to the primorsky territory, fishing is in full swing there. together with fishermen on the ship, our correspondent, ksenya ionkina. let's join too. sea of ​​japan, vostok bay. od mooring of a fishing trawler plastun. we leave at 7 am, snowstorm, almost visibility. zero, fishermen
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are reassuring that by lunchtime it will be calm, visibility is low, so 50.4, from early february to mid-may in the primorye it’s mentai season, the fish go to the shore to spawn, so fishing in the coastal zone, today it’s cloudy, so that is, it’s not lays tightly on the ground, that’s when the sun shines, that is, it lies more densely on the ground, what are the forecasts today, no one can give forecasts for fishing, 9:30 here it is, the first dense school of mentai. two bells, a signal to set up the networks. just a minute ago they were lowered into the water. how long will the net take to wrap around the joint? the captain will understand the sounder from the recording. half an hour later, the catch is on deck, by eye it is determined to be 8 tons, not much, but the day has just begun, they will be at sea until sunset, it sounds romantic. what kind of romance can there be in the process and it’s so strong and easy for the guys, well, we’re working, we’re working,
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to feed their families. in the nineties , uncontrolled fishing pressure reduced the mentai population to critical levels. she has been restoring for the last 7 years. it’s midday, the weather has improved, but today there are a lot of trawlers on the coast, fishing turns into a competition, there is no competition, but still, of course, it’s better to be the first in this place to do the trawling, before you have time to turn around, there will already be a person nearby, here you need speed, 14:00, this time the nets are full, trawl winches. they can’t cope, they lower guinevaya from above. another note, and it’s definitely a record for this season, the fishermen have just lifted a bag, according to their estimates, there are more than 40 tons of mentai. the first sorting is right here at sea. sink overboard, fish in the hold. here it is, the japanese-sea
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mentai, large, it is most likely a female, females are always a little larger, but in general these individuals can reach up to 5 kg. the team works clearly and coherently, and does not hide.
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watch the game of two football teams, whether he was satisfied with the match, we unfortunately do not know, but the fact that the video has already been watched almost 10 million times, we can say for sure, now let me introduce you to a dog named enzo. actually, he is very brave, at least that’s what the owner says. the only thing that scares him is the car wiper; as soon as it turns on, the dog immediately hides from fear under the seats. 3 million users have already taken pity on the poor guy. and this is a penguin named pico. it is treated with acupuncture. the fact is that the bird has problems with the spine. according to veterinarians, their patient bravely endures all procedures and has already begun to walk more confidently swim, pendlin's mood improved. well
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, finally, on one of the beaches near els there was a tug-of-war competition with a length of 516 and 85 cm. and this is a new world record. two teams of 50 people took part in the competition, and the winners took just over a minute to win. today is the third day of maslenitsa, delicacy, what better time than today to enjoy pancakes with honey. some people really doubt whether it is possible to find real, natural, proper honey somewhere in march? and now let's let's find out, at the same time we'll find out what to do if the honey is candied. how to choose it correctly, in general, everything, everything, everything, everything about honey will be told to us by experienced people who really know absolutely everything about it. who said bees hibernate in winter? this is a myth, to develop it, we came to a beekeeper from switzerland , benjamin pereslaval zalessky. while
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it's cold, the bees warm themselves in a makeshift enclosure. they eat honey, they divide such a ball, the club is in the middle, the middle is about 22 degrees on the edge. then 8° they are so simulating behind this sim is not sleeping, this is their death, if they are sleeping, sometimes they go out onto the ice of the territory, look how tenderly beniyamin is to his bees, we can pet them, stroke them, this is mung bean, and this is irina, here the first honey is produced with flowering in central russia in mid-june, so that’s all the fact that last year’s honey is now on the shelves doesn’t mean it’s bad, the honey has no expiration date, but with the same pancakes it tastes better if it’s liquid, evenly... it won’t spoil, but so that it doesn’t crystallize and retain its texture, the manufacturers have the technology. it is stored in honeycombs at a certain temperature, if the temperature will be low, it will crystallize, if it is
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high enough, then it will, so to speak, lose its useful qualities. vitamins do not tolerate temperatures above 40°, so if it is already candied, do not heat it, do not stir it in hot tea, only for a bite. basically, i wanted the freshest honey, we are waiting for may, the first spring honey is collected in the south, for example, in the krasnodar region. if you take spring honey, this is white acacia, our black maple, one. probably the most elite honeys , too, in terms of aroma, richness, fragrant, these honeys that do not crystallize for a long time are still in such a liquid state. acacia is one of those honeys that can remain in this liquid state for up to 3 years. what about honey from the supermarket? the choice is huge, you need to look at the composition, there should be only one item, natural honey, the name of the plant, for example, acacia. manufacturers are starting to sin, right? they can add maltodextrin, which is sometimes added to make the product cheaper, sometimes they add
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glucose-fructose molasses, which used in confectionery production , in this case then it is no longer honey , therefore there will be no benefit from this , consider pure sugar with flavoring, there should be no crystallization only at the bottom, there is great doubt that this is natural honey, i will explain why, because it crystallizes it should be like this evenly throughout the jar, and not precipitate. also, the texture should be uniform without flakes, as here, this indicates that either the storage technology was violated or the composition was tinkered with. ruslan yunyaev, yuri lebedev, vasily yurov, vladimir popov, channel one. pancakes all week, every day, but it's really a test. well, let's prepare something, well, maslenitsa, but unusual, for example, pancake cake. how do you like this idea? chef ivan kudryashov has an excellent recipe. write it down. maslenitsa is in full swing, everyone is celebrating, from young to
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old, today there will be a pancake cake, i have already baked them, i take the thickest one, lay out a greased springform pan so that it turns out to be a small side, send it to preheat the oven for 7 minutes so that the pancake dries out and holds its shape well, but for now i’ll prepare the cream: put 20 toffees in a saucepan, pour a quarter glass. milk, stir constantly, bring the mixture to a boil, when the candies have melted, remove the milk from the heat , whip a glass of heavy cream in a separate bowl, add a pinch of salt for fluffiness, as well as chilled caramel sauce, but not all of it, leave a couple of tablespoons for decorating the cake , mix the ingredients, place the pancake on a flat dish, in the middle. spoons of caramel cream, roll the pancake with an accordion, i lay it in a circle, starting from
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the edge of the mold, i try to make sure that the edges of the pancakes protrude slightly outward, a slight carelessness in the design will add charm and charm to the dessert, i pour the remaining caramel over the cake, the festive treat is ready, have a delicious maslenitsa, on the calendar. on march 13, an important event awaits us very soon - the presidential elections in russia, voting will last 3 days from march 15 to 17, right now about how the ballot works, how it is protected, what information is on it, and what to do if you chose electronic vote. the ballot, the main election document, is protected no worse than banknotes, there is also special paper, this green grid is not for... and if you try to make a copy of this ballot, or scan,
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print, then the ballot will come out blurry, that is, according to it it will immediately be clear that this is not the original ballot. of course, this is not all protection; a special stamp with a unique number is stuck on the ballot with notches, they do not allow you to stick it twice, the state sign was made. there is a stamp on the stamp, to stamp the signatures of two commission members. no seal, stamp or signature. the ballot is invalid, and if your polling station operates a kaip, a complex for processing ballot papers, the stamp must be pasted on the other side, otherwise the machine will not count the form. another difference for a commission where there is a kaip is the presence of a square seal; in commissions where it is not used, there is a simple round seal. the ballot also contains all the basic information, voting rules, information about the candidates, and of course, boxes for our checkboxes. plus signs and any other signs, you need to choose the candidate for whom you want to vote, put any sign that
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you like, as a rule, the voter selects a check mark, sign. but maybe a plus sign, any other, the law doesn’t regulate this in any way, a flower will also count, rarely, but sometimes they draw flowers. if you spoiled the ballot, for example, accidentally put two marks instead of one, you can ask the members of the commission for a new one, they must cancel the old one in front of you, cut off the lower left corner. if you vote through the remote voting system electronic voting, then the ballot will be electronic. at first glance, it is much simpler than paper, without a protective mesh.
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this is such a career growth, but again there are many mercenaries there who first went to ukraine, they went on safari, so it was advertised there that i think about bandera, yes, that’s right, i have no problems with this, it turns out that the poles are training those those who fight under bandera’s ideals can go on the attack with them,
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money, but i am not going to participate in assault operations. this is too dangerous, i want to help the country, but at the same time i’m very i want to live, all the places where foreign mercenaries gather are big targets for our rocket scientists, the van and lexus show is on the first day today, then about money, for example, you bought a subscription, for example, a fitness club for a year, and then something you have changed, well , you didn’t like it, or you are moving, or something with your health, in general, before... 3 months have passed, the club has not returned the money, lawyer svetlana andrianova explains, this is illegal,
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article 782 of the civil code and 32 of the law on consumer rights, refund money for... not the used subscription must be, but often the client’s contract states otherwise. all these provisions of the contract do not comply with the legislation on the protection of consumer rights and do not comply with the general provisions of the civil code, because when we receive a certain service and then no longer need this service, the contractor can only withhold from us the amount that corresponds to the volume of services provided. the clauses of the contract should not contradict what is written in the law and not.
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that the amount you plan to return to us is now interest is beginning to accrue for the illegal use of other people's funds, article 395 of the civil code. alas, it was not possible to reach an agreement with the club, in which case the next step is an official complaint. we write a claim addressed to the director of the fitness center to the legal entity indicated in the header of the agreement and send the claim in writing by registered mail with notification. where we clearly write the contract number, and the amount of funds paid, be sure to indicate how many days or months you went to the fitness club and ask to deduct only these classes do not respond, we write a complaint to rospotrebnadzor, they will check the organization and give an order to return the funds, by the way, this all applies to any subscription, not just a fitness club. it’s another matter if you like the fitness club, but,
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for example, you are sick and cannot visit temporarily, then without dispute you can freeze your subscription for a while. that is, if we say he has a subscription for 12 months, or at least for six months or even for a month, of course we can make concessions to such a client and extend him until he recovers and comes k... another option, when you like everything and are not sick, but are moving to another city, the subscription can be reissued for someone else and thus get the money back faster. anna obrosimova, dmitry roshkov, channel one. dear spring, it’s time for repairs, if you can’t wait to pick up a drill or screwdriver, well, first of all, wait a little, it’s too early. please don’t wake up the neighbors, and secondly, first listen to what alexey has to say. you are just starting to work as a screwdriver, there are tricks that will help you, let's say we want to make a tiny
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a hole in veneer or a thin board, so as not to damage the fragile material, the drill needs to be of very small diameter, but what to do if there is none? take a nail, insert it into the screwdriver chuck and drill a hole. the nail does the job perfectly. thin material did not split, here is another situation: you have a thin drill, but it is impossible to fix it in the chuck, here a used pen refill will help us out, insert the drill directly into it, cut off the excess and calmly insert it into the chuck, now you can work, the drill is fixed tightly, i’ll share another useful... hack. task: we need to make a hole in a stack of paper. but there is no hole punch. let's make a tubular
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drill. we need a small piece of thin aluminum tube. we clamp it into the screwdriver chuck and press it against the sandpaper at an angle of approximately 30°. and sharpen the edge. let's check, please, with such a drill the hole in the paper turns out smooth and neat, use it, these tricks will come in handy more than once. now attention, all football fans are broadcasting the best goals russian football from sports commentator viktor gusev. that's how it was six months ago, louis. chavis was greeted at his new club dynamo moscow with a fiery music video in true mexican style, and now the player himself lifts the spirits of the fans by putting on a real
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show on the football field. in the twentieth round of the russian championship, chavis scored a great goal against akhmat. having worked the ball under his left foot, the mexican irresistibly fired into the top corner from long range. maxim glushenkov often pleases fans with spectacular goals locomotive. in this premier league round, he again scored one of the most beautiful goals. in a match against the sochi football club, glushenkov left the defender behind and struck a cool shot from the penalty line into the near corner. one of the heroes of the tour was rostov’s attack line player, mahamad makhibi, who scored a double in the game against krasnodar. the decoration of the meeting was the first of two iranian goals. young rostov halfback kirill shedinin made an elegant pass. and mahibi handled the ball perfectly and sent it into the net. zenit at the end of the tour, who became the leader of the championship, scored goals for
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every taste in the meeting with the urals. andrei mostovoy hit the opponent's goal, managing to take advantage of wendel's fantastic pass from the center circle. and ivan sergeev traditionally distinguished himself when he came on as a substitute. after an excellent pass to floukno, the zenit forward easily beat the defender and sent the ball home. under the crossbar, by the way, both mostovoy and sergeev were included in the final entry of the russian national team for the march matches against serbia and paraguay, with lokomotiv having the largest representation. railway workers delegated five players, including anton mironchuk. he will meet in the national team with his twin brother alexei, who plays for the italian atalanta. let us remind you that our national team will play against serbia on march 21. and on the twenty-fifth with paraguay, both matches will be held in moscow. today on channel one there is a continuation of the serial film, transfer her across
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the maidan. sbu lieutenant colonel igor melnik is investigating a bank robbery and finds himself embroiled in political intrigue. don't miss the new episode today immediately after the program time. you will move to the big leagues. thank you, korzhu, a piece of a big pie, a high-profile case, has been assigned to investigate. igor, lieutenant colonel of the sbu, korzh, his father-in-law, lieutenant general of the ukrainian security service. case, investigation, bank robbery in donetsk. the president's campaign money was stolen. how interesting? and it’s strange, you didn’t sign the agreement, the next day they sneak in on you, isn’t this a signal? the miller is helped by major ubob, nicknamed saint, through his man in the underground group they managed to find out the name of the performer, a certain fara is involved in the robbery. they called donetsk, they we searched all the databases of the ministry of internal affairs, there was no headlight. the mill turns, the miller will inherit. headlight, headlight. here igorok and the inhabited faraatova were found. let's go, i think he's doing his legs. why
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comrade lieutenant colonel? intuition, brother, intuition. follow the object, we are nearby. glad that the miller is not at home and his wife, the spectacular one is in love with another sbu employee. unexpectedly, mila and her father, a general, want to help her lover with business. and when you straighten it out, you walk around with a hump. you have to pay for your proud posture. everyone who contacts the rada, get into trouble, but these are events of future episodes. passions are flaring up on the maidan. i will give you permission to withdraw all assets from ukraine. in response you, in response i. he hates her, fears her like fire. they called you a witch, katya? i propose that you give an order to the ministry of internal affairs of kiev to begin clearing the maidan to install a new year tree. confrontation between intelligence services of different countries, sbu, ubob, criminal groups, oligarchs, love, betrayal, premiere, transfer it through the maidan, watch the third episode after the program time, and these are the holy trump cards.
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dmitry kiselev. how our country will develop in the next 6 years, the economy, demography, relations with ukraine, the place that russia will occupy in the world, these and other important topics from the first person. watch today at 10 am moscow time on channel one. now about the progress of the special operation, a concentration of ukrainian militants
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who tried to take refuge in... a fortified strong point was destroyed near artyomovsk. precise blows were struck by the crew of heavy flamethrower systems. the work was carried out at night , it was safer. thermoboric projectiles, hitting the target, they spray gas, which then ignites. the temperature reaches several thousand, plus excess pressure. it is almost impossible to hide from such an attack. we work every day, well, at night, every night, we create big trouble for the enemy. our goals are strongholds, areas of contact, enemy manpower and closed firing positions; we do not allow the enemy to rotate troops. another command and observation post of the ukrainian armed forces has been liquidated in the kupinsky direction. this is the work of the anti-tank complex crew fagod. among his main targets are precisely such bases, equipped with various equipment for monitoring our troops. motorized riflemen get as close to them as possible. in
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a matter of seconds, the installation is brought into operation... 10 militants were eliminated in one blood on the front line of defense. junior sergeant andrei inyutin, using a drone , discovered an enemy column of armored vehicles that had moved towards our positions. andrei passed on the coordinates of the enemy to the artillery and it defeated the enemy. kiev, against the backdrop of failures at the front, is tightening its violent mobilization. new footage of the abduction of two men by military registration and enlistment office employees has appeared online. the young people were apparently captured
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on the highway. 500,000 people are required, he had problems with mobilization from the very beginning of the northern military district, few were ready to voluntarily die for the regime, and now, when kiev is defeated, there are no people left willing. on this. however, the verkhovna rada is preparing a bill on new mobilization rules. the document provides for liability for the evader in the form of blocking accounts and bank cards, driving ban. today the initiative will be considered in the second reading. the west
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continues to pump ukraine with weapons. this time, washington will transfer various types of ammunition worth $300 million to the kiev regime. this was announced by presidential national security adviser jake salevan. the shipment will include artillery shells.
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corps of the west group of troops, a mobile polling station was organized for them in one of the dugouts, far from the front line. voting involves the military and the rear areas of the northern military district, such as, for example, in units of the vostok group of troops.
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the soldiers of the first brigade of the first army corps of the southern group went through the same procedure. train election commissions continue to visit remote areas of our country, among them the kuril islands of paramushir and shumshu. tihaki lighthouse keepers voted there.
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we make a decision to buy or not, marketers put pressure on these levers, to increase pleasure and reduce suffering. to understand what our brain responds to, marketers use iitker. biobracelet on the wrist reads the voltage pulse, the camera captures the pupils on the monitor screen. we go to an online store, what does the device detect? you liked the visual at first; it is unlikely that if you don’t like the visual, you will choose this product. the second is need. buyer: not all advertising banners and promotions work, only those that are relevant to us now, for example, my eye caught the tab for my beloved women, last of all the price, this is a classic scheme. you need to understand what to say, these emotional reactions, they are individual, they may not
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even be related to the site, because maybe you remembered something here and your own, and for us it is important that several respondents have such a reaction. a lot depends on age, gender, financial situation and even emotional state. with this in mind , marketers have come up with... tricks that will work for everyone, the first is the effect of loss aversion, for example, there you know these promotions, when there are 3 hours left, or 20 minutes left before the end of some sale or some promotions, and this works very well, because we don’t want to lose, there is an artificially created shortage, they say there is only one thing left, the second trick is zero risk, free cancellation of a reservation for example a hotel, a popular slogan today: we found it cheaper, we’ll refund the difference, the third - anchor effect. about a discount, and then system 2 rarely turns on , which must think about whether this is really a discount or whether it’s an inflated price, and whether this discount is really so big, that is, what we received with... immediately it offends us very much. the fourth trick is the effect
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you just. today we are overloaded with information, in order to relax us, product descriptions are short, clear and vivid. this helps you make a purchasing decision faster. and fifth - the effect of compromise. this is about subscriptions, when we are offered several options. the cheapest is not the best in our minds. the premium option is very expensive, costly, it means fear of loss, we choose the middle option. in fact, the brain makes the decision to buy even before we do it...
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and check this sign. well, now let's let's find out what this wednesday will be like, according to astrologers. march 13, fourth lunar day, twenty-ninth solar day. affable and friendly, in the old days they would say courteous, at the same time good-natured , optimistic, but carefree. he doesn’t take risks in vain, he understands what caution and calculation are. this day is very good for business contacts, everything related to real estate will go well, they won’t stay in... “get along with chefs, tailors, hairdressers, designers, and in general
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everyone who makes life more pleasant, tastier, more beautiful, and he also loves all sorts of concerts, vernissages and just get-togethers. he also has his downsides, he is a little touchy, he can be greedy for flattery, it is easy to spend money on all sorts of beautiful and fashionable things, men and women suddenly stop hearing each other on such days. aries, you are very sensitive to this, be careful with this and do not rush to dump on your family everything that, as they say, has boiled over, you will regret it later. otherwise , the day is great, when everything works out and even a little bit of luck, free up the evening for a pleasant meeting. taurus' day may begin somewhat nervously, but you just stay calm and don’t get worked up over trifles, by lunch everything will settle down, maybe even some small personal victories, that’s what, if you ’re on a diet, get ready for the fact that today you’ll have to muster your will into a fist. something like a date awaits the twins, but it will be in the evening, and during the day they will have to work harder. a lot, little time, and even the bosses may
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burden you with something extra, but they love you money; be careful while driving. a busy day for crayfish, when all sorts of things don’t happen no news from where, but you can’t see any assistants , but the glory is all yours, besides, you can strengthen your authority in the team, and the evening will help you forget about business and relax, just let’s go without alcohol, it’s a good day for the lions, though they’re in a mood today he lives his own life, not everyone will understand this, the stars have warned you, lionesses can be a little capricious, men will have to endure it. virgos have a normal working environment; those who invent, test, implement something, and in general anyone who needs precision and clarity will do well. thinking, and virgos can also find out that someone is in love with them. the stars do not advise libra to deal with money today; all sorts of meetings, public speaking, presentations, reports and similar events will go with a bang. evening. obviously he was going to please you with something, scorpios
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are just having a good day, except that the scorpios themselves will spoil it a little with some impulsive and rash act, but here everything is in your hands, visit old friends, they will soon come in handy, a successful day for sagittarius, just don't take everything too personally remember that the world is colored, not black and white, a new interesting acquaintance is possible, most likely on the basis of a common hobby. capricorns may discover that some kind of intrigue is brewing next to them, you don’t need to be careful with your money, especially if you are tempted by all sorts of super promotions or earning money in one click. aquarians today are charming and charismatic, ladies, plus everything, are full of a special subtle charm. in general, it is clear who is in the spotlight. some unexpected news may come later in the evening, double check their. the stars promise pisces some kind of surprise, or maybe some changes. there is no need to be afraid of them, but rush into them. and it’s also not worth your head, as for the office romance, according
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to the luminaries, it’s not very good for you now, by the way, but it’s up to you, well, good luck, old recipes are... great, it’s a tradition, but in our 21st century there are so many different kitchen gadgets, how could one not use them, yulia kozlova decided to test the newfangled electric pancake makers, and at the same time remembered how and when these devices appeared in the first place. bake pancakes in a frying pan are a proven classic; whether the fashionable kitchen gadget of an electric pancake has an advantage will be tested together with culinary college students. several samples, dani has a compact submersible one, at first glance it’s convenient, you dip the pancake pan into the dough, a container for it is included, you wait for it to brown on one side, then turn it over and fry on the other, but daniil is dissatisfied, for some it may be convenient if get used to it, but the pancakes are very small, they burn in the center on the sides, yes, the diameter
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submersible pancakes are small , so they weigh a little, you have to hold them with one hand, and the edges of the pancakes are dry, because the layer of dough there is thinner, because... the working surface is slightly convex, and such a device also does not have temperature control, do not take a low-power one, you will bake slowly and for a long time, 800 w and above provide stable heating up to 240°. alexandra has a classic electric pancake maker, the diameter and power are one and a half times larger. i liked the coating, and i liked the fact that there is temperature control, that is, you can reduce it, you can increase, you can monitor the degree of cooking of the pancakes. the non-stick coating can be different: plain dark - inexpensive secondary plastic. please note that it is easy to scratch. it’s good if the kit comes with a wooden dough spreader. light marble is less vulnerable and lasts twice as long. it’s convenient when the work surface has sides; the dough won’t run away even for a beginner.
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as a rule, more expensive electric pancake makers do not have them. so there is a risk that the dough will spill over the edges. there is also temperature control here, but... this electric pancake takes a very long time to heat up , so adjusting the temperature also takes quite a long time, but such pancakes are made of reliable, durable materials - steel and cast iron, but if lightness and compactness are a priority, choose a model with a plastic body, some are equipped with replaceable panels, you can fry several pancakes at a time straightaway. yulia kozlova, alexander ivanovsky alexander aleksenko, channel one. you carry me. these are the guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, such an intimate conversation with the audience, the first rehearsal, the boss is shattered,
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he just goes to the microphone, only the first words are spoken and the whole world turned me upside down, thoughtful rastorguevskys, so to speak, here we are... on friday at the first. ukraine will be in nato. they want ukraine to be a member of nato, for ukraine to be not just not russia, but for it to be anti-russia. it was clear that there was a coup in the state, there was no power in the country. a good situation was created in which
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decisions could be made in accordance with the will of the people. stood here said: guys, it is necessary to block all strategically important objects. we sent a letter to the leadership of the russian federation; we understood that we ourselves would not be able to control the situation. we need our russian troops to arrive quickly. the transfer of crimea to ukraine is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum. more than 96% were in favor of reunification with russia. we are in russia. to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, crimea as it was. premiere, march 17, on the first. today we have reached the middle of the pancake week. there is still more to come four days of holidays. well, on the last day
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of maslenitsa, as you know, according to the old tradition , an effigy is supposed to be burned. what kind of scarecrow it will be, it all depends on. just like last year they wanted to build the largest scarecrow in the country, more than a five-story building tall, they calculated that it would take 60 m of boards, 500 m of timber and 80 m of fabric, and the smallest maslenitsa scarecrows are made, it seems in the kuban, made from ragoz, these are dried stems of swamps grass, and on all sides, with the convex side, we apply it so that the groove is on the outside, this material is good it’s burning, though they will only burn stuffed animals... after a year, it is believed that this doll should be at home for a whole year, it will collect all the sorrows, troubles, illness, when they burn
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the big maslenitsa doll next year, they will burn this little one along with it , trouble will leave every family. you can make such a doll from fabric, the main rule is no needles, they just wrap it with threads and don’t draw the face, let’s believe that evil can get into the stuffed animal through the eyes, we’re done with... inviting spring all the good things into the house. in udmurtia they once burned not stuffed animals, straw, and then their spring holiday mixed with our slavic maslenitsa, it turned out vaydyr, butter time. the whole village walked around. they rode horses, the horses were decorated with bells, bells, everything rang. nowadays you can’t find horses and sleighs in the village, but the whole world collects stuffed animals , we carry from home what we have, everything old, yes, what?
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we love maslenitsa. nazir nagumanov, anna gazhala, marina sidorova, channel one. let's devote the next couple of minutes to our
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health. cholesterol. when it is higher than normal, it is generally not useful. so it's not bad regularly do tests and check its level. well, let’s also listen to what the highest category doctor sergei arsenin has to say. your cholesterol levels are slightly elevated. the right choice of foods will help normalize it, you shouldn’t eat scrambled eggs for breakfast, fried food won’t do us any good, it’s better to boil two eggs or prepare a steam omelette, the white contains choline, and the yolk, vitamin d and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. these substances help normalize blood cholesterol levels. also twice a day week. we eat fatty fish, but not smoked or salted, bake mackerel, herring or capelin, side dishes with buckwheat, oatmeal or
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barley porridge, they also remove cholesterol, and also add pickled cabbage, add fresh chopped herbs, sprinkle with sesame seeds, season the salad with unrefined flaxseed oil, such a meal, cleanses blood vessels and prevents them from blocking, and also reduces cholesterol levels, by the way, its excess occurs due to chronic stress and a sedentary lifestyle. this is where gymnastics comes to the rescue. we start with walking: we walk for half an hour every day, if this is not possible, then in the morning on the way to work we walk at least a few stops, this is very useful. body cells are saturated with oxygen, the production of the joy hormone increases, stress goes away, metabolism improves, and as
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a result, cholesterol returns to normal. the summer season is approaching, for many it has already begun, and summer residents have become more active on social networks. they ask different questions, ask each other for advice: for example, many are interested in if there is an abandoned site in snt where no one has been... higher, because the land is cheap, not everyone can mow the grass, plant a garden, build a house, in general, start using it without permission illegally, the unscrupulous chairman suggests or general meeting, do not agree, any decision of the general meeting to provide an abandoned
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plot to a neighbor is illegal from the moment of its adoption, since... does not have such powers, snt is not the owners of this land. so what to do? first of all , we ask the chairman to help find the owner, raise documents, payrolls, minutes of general meetings, register of owners, the management of snt is itself interested, because the partnership is losing tens of thousands without receiving contributions. the local branch of rosreestr stores documents from the state data fund, where you can also find out who was once given the plot. this is how we managed to find the owner. this one, which has grown up to the very windows into the ground of the house. found the name of the sixty-sixth in old records years, they reported to the ministry of internal affairs that this person had indeed died, then they went to the notary to look for relatives, it turned out that the owner’s daughter had entered into an inheritance, moved to another city, had not been to the dacha for many years, now the chairman andrei chigvintsev is persuading her to sell the unnecessary plot, if
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the owner himself does not take care of the site and does not sell it, then for failure to pay. contributions, he may be expelled from the snt membership and fined for non-use of land. the amount is serious. 1% of the cadastral value, but most importantly, the chairman of snt can file for such owner to court. this is what they decided to do in this gardening partnership. the owner does not come, the debts are not paid. we cannot recover anything; unfortunately, he does not officially work anywhere. one of the options that we are currently considering is to go to court, the land plot will be seized, and further implementation is possible. property, the plot will become municipal property, and the local administration will be able to legally rent it out or sell it, but if the owner could not be found, say, no one has entered into inheritance rights, the situation simpler: after 10 years, such property will be considered escheat; by law, it goes to the administration of the municipality, establishes the boundaries of the plots, and after that the plot can be put up for auction.
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anyone can participate in the auction, not just a neighbor; the one who pays will win. more. nadezhda pravdina, alexander ivanov. first channel. we greet the morning and continue traveling around the country. our correspondent, dmitry kuzmin , explores the urals. this region is ancient, multinational, very hospitable, where old traditions are respected and with pleasure they are told to guests. riddle of five deer. you need to throw the ring from one loop to another without untying the rope. you'll break your head, the savvy mansi had six-year-old children cope with this task, they gave it for several days, the child had to figure out what to do in the tundra for a child, in the ethnopark near yekaterinburg there were a lot of surprises from the ancient people. good morning, these are the birch bark masks that mansi hunters wore so that the bear wouldn’t recognize them. the bear is a sacred
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ancestor for mansia, which did not stop him from being hunted. asking for forgiveness. they appeased the spirit with figurines of animals, but where did the hunters get their stoves and bread? they never grew grain, did they? in the 11th century , novgorod merchants came here for the first time, and we had this suspicion that maybe it was they who taught our taiga hunters how to build these ovens and brought grain here. the indigenous peoples of the urals have long lived side by side, adopting the best from each other. the sankvyltab, like the gusli, is still heard in some villages. the neighbors heard it sounded right at the time holding a bear festival, and that is, i just called the bear, but no, it’s not a bear, i called it and did good to it. in the 18th century , mansi hunters went north, where they learned from the germans how to breed deer. they love apples very much. over time, the descendants of the indigenous peoples of the urals settled, assimilated in some places, but there are also those who keep the old traditions. in the southern
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urals live the nagaibakes, baptized tatars; there are less than 6 thousand of them left. who can write, who can’t,
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there are only a few, maybe a dozen, a dying language, so as not to forget, the talk of grandmothers is collected on the gaibak dictionaries and teach children, so what next, there’s a dead end here, by the way, the whole film crew thought about the mansi riddle, they couldn’t guess, maybe you can do it. if you're in the urals, stop by. dmitry kuzmin, nikolay krysanov, ivan smolyanov, first channel ural. hello, the news is on air, in the studio sergei tugushev. vladimir putin gave a long interview to our colleague, general director of the international media group russia today, vgtrk host dmitry kiselyov. how will it develop? our country in the next 6 years, economy, demography, relations with ukraine, the place that russia will occupy in the world. these and other important topics are told in the first person. watch today at 10 am moscow time on channel one. russian pilots
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destroyed the enemy command post in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. su-34 fighter bombers attacked the positions of the ukrainian armed forces with fap-500 air bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they make traps, when you lift it, it explodes, that is, it is advisable to do this with overhead charges, explode them, do not lift them, in any other way, do not neutralize them, just undermine. american congressmen,
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ardent supporters of supporting the kiev regime , are collecting signatures in order to bypass the speaker and put to a vote the issue of allocating new funds to ukraine. western media write about this. among the initiators is a fellow party member, the head of the house of representatives. republican brian fitzpatrick, a former fbi agent and current pennsylvania state legislator. to implement their idea, the authors of the petition must secure the support of more than half of the members of the chamber. there are only a few cases of such a procedure in us history. according to press, speaker mike johnson is now trying in every possible way to prevent such attempts. we are talking about the most long-suffering package of $60 billion for ukraine, which republicans in congress are considering. they have been refusing for months now. the german armed forces are short of ammunition, military equipment and personnel, and this despite an additional investment of 100 billion euros in the defense sector. this data was presented by
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bundestag commissioner for military affairs eva högl. according to her report, in several german military in parts there is a real shortage of personnel, and the shortage of equipment concerns everything from heavy equipment to spare parts. also, högel. pointed out problems with the barracks, which , in her words, look disgraceful. the representative of the bundestag notes that everything got worse after germany began sending weapons from its reserves to ukraine. the operation to free the hostages unfolded in rio de janeiro. a man hijacked a bus with seventeen passengers, including two children. it all happened at the bus station, and the police immediately uncoupled it. the criminal was not allowed to leave the station. according to local media, at some point about... after which he surrendered to a law enforcement officer.
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there is no word yet on his motives or demands. at least 26 people were killed and almost 4,500 were injured during the fire festival in iran. most have burns of varying severity, mostly from pyrotechnics. every year on the last wednesday. before the iranian new year, the islamic republic celebrates the so-called red wednesday, millions of people take to the streets, light bonfires, set off fireworks, misuse of which often results in injury. us special prosecutor robert huhr has corrected president joe biden in a lie, who previously stated that he never disseminated classified information that he kept, but this contradicts the conclusions of investigators working on the case of improper treatment...
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to become the democratic candidate for the upcoming november presidential elections, despite the fact that the majority of us residents consider him unable to win a second term as head of state, his competition the republican party's nominee is expected to be former president donald trump, who, according to media forecasts, will also win the primary. the first
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attempt to send a satellite into space on a private launch vehicle ended in japan; it exploded in the first seconds of flight. on board was a government apparatus weighing 100 kg, designed to monitor the surface of the earth. the rocket debris fell in the mountains near the launch point. the reason for the explosion is still unknown. the program will continue to air on channel one. good morning. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one. in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova on the calendar march 13, wednesday. and right now we are going to where beauty is born. in vologda , unique vologda lace, known throughout the world, has been woven for several hundred years. our correspondent, alena astrakhansova, met modern craftswomen, learned how they draw splinters, how puppets sing, and how lace jewelry is created. and by the way, this. men
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also study the craft, in videos of world stars, on catwalks, social media trends. vologda lace is fashionable, there is a competition for the specialty of lacemaker at the college of folk crafts. this year we had 38 applications for 15 places. even guys with tattoos take to pooping. yes, vologda doesn’t surprise anyone, it’s not as dexterous as her classmates’ hand motor skills are, it’s all so confusing, you’re constantly sitting, groaning, vologda jokes with local girls, almost everyone in the family wove dna from lace, nina soshnikova inherited her great-grandmother’s pillow, stand of poops, when she fingered these very poops with her hands and how these 40 poops sang. it’s impossible to forget,
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they were silent for decades, and recently they started singing again and in unison? children, they are curious , they will come up, rattle, i say, well , sit down, rattle, now you will weave yourself, grandfather had to urgently cut out more, for the girls, it makes my soul so happy, we started with simple chips, that’s what they call the patterns they use to weave, now they were aiming for collars, no one has anything like that in the store. local lace factory they take a long time don’t lie out, here they know a thousand and one ways to fit into a modern image, if we have a jacket lapel, we can always lay it in like this, creating a flounce, something that many are afraid to do, we can fold the collar, it turns out to be a brooch, we can under , for example, a sleeve like this, twisting the collar to create a defect, as if we had a monocuff , is perhaps more popular than this accessory only... made of lace and
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epoxy resin, although it is not cheap, in just a couple of weeks everything, everything is sold out, weaving micropatterns, aerobatics, lace, this is exactly what they recently assigned even a new category, that is, there were five categories in total for lacemakers; the fifth was the highest, but for jewelry they introduced a sixth category. the combination of materials, threads and metal, wood or epoxy is in the top today, so seemingly out-of-fashion items look fresh. this is something new, it’s no longer like grandma ’s tv gathering dust, yes, that is, this is already vologda lace that can be used in the modern day, it’s wonderful, but how do you like lace on thin and t-shirts? believe it or not, this is a print. the designer had to redraw every stitch on the computer precisely in order to get the effect - lace, not just a flat picture. interestingly, it can be used as a splinter when the item is worn out and turned into real lace. alena astrakhantseva, nikita... kulakov, alexey gubanov, yulia
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kuvabina, channel one. even if you are in a hurry, i am sure that you will definitely find one and a half minutes for a short but fascinating immersion in the world wide web. surf nothing is needed, our columnist yegor uspensky has already done everything for us, let's see what our video journey today reveals, a new internet star. in south africa, leo came to watch two football teams play. unfortunately, we don’t know whether he was satisfied with the match, but we can say for sure that the video has already been watched almost 10 million times. now let me introduce you to a dog named enzo. actually. he is very brave, at least that’s what the owner says. there is only one thing that scares his car wiper: as soon as he turns on, the dog immediately hides from fear under the seats. 3 million users have already taken pity on the poor guy. and this is a penguin named peko. it is treated with acupuncture. the fact is that
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the bird has problems with the spine. according to the veterinarians, their patient bravely endures all the procedures and has already become more confident in swimming.
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it starts, i’m driving and thinking, well, if the birds start flying around us or they’re killed by shelling, then i’m alone with my mother, well, somehow it’s not scary, but who did you leave it to, stronger than most... on saturday on the first, cognac monte chococa,
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stellar group product, rum, castro, stellar group product, veda vodka, stellar group product. all week, every day pancakes , well, it’s really a test, well, let’s cook something, well, maslenitsa, but unusual, for example, pancake cake, how do you like this idea, chef ivan kudryashov has an excellent recipe, write it down, maslenitsa is in full swing in full swing, everyone is celebrating, from small to large, today there will be a cake made of pancakes, i have already baked them, i take the thickest one, lay out a detachable form with butter so that it turns out to be a small side, send it to the preheated oven for 7 minutes so that the pancake dries out and holds its shape well, but for now i’ll prepare the cream: put 20 toffees in a centurion, pour in a quarter glass of milk, stir constantly
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, bring the mixture to a boil, when the candies have melted, remove the milk from the heat, whisk in a separate bowl a glass of heavy cream. i add a pinch of salt for fluffiness, as well as chilled caramel sauce, but not all of it, i leave a couple of tablespoons for decorating the cake, mix the ingredients, put a pancake on a flat dish, two spoons of caramel cream in the middle, roll up the pancake with an accordion, i lay it in a circle starting from the edge of the mold, trying to make sure that the edges of the pancakes protrude slightly outward. a slight carelessness in the design will add charm and charm to the dessert. i pour the remaining caramel over the cake. the holiday treat is ready. have a delicious maslenitsa. spring is my favorite, it's time
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for renovations. if you can't wait to pick up a drill or screwdriver, well, first of all, wait a little, it's too early. please don't wake up the neighbors. and secondly, first listen to what alexey beizhi has to say. you're just starting to work screwdriver. there are tricks that will help you. we want to make a tiny hole in veneer or a thin board so as not to damage the fragile material, we need a drill with a very small diameter, but what if we don’t have one? take a nail, insert it into the screwdriver chuck, drill a hole, the nail does the job perfectly, the thin material does not split, here’s another situation: you have a thin drill, but it’s impossible to fix it in the chuck, here... a used pen refill will help, insert drill straight into it, cut off the excess and
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calmly insert it into the chuck, now you can work, the drill is fixed tightly, i’ll share another useful life hack: task: we need to make a hole in a stack of paper, but there is no hole punch. let's make a tubular drill, we need a small piece of thin aluminum tube, clamp it into the screwdriver chuck, press it against the sandpaper at an angle of about 30°, sharpen the edge, let's check it, please. with such a drill, the paper hole turns out smooth and neat, use these tricks more than once
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they will also be useful to you. today is the third day of maslenitsa, dear, when, if not today , can you enjoy pancakes with honey ? some people really doubt whether it is possible to find real, natural, proper honey somewhere in march? but now let’s find out, at the same time we’ll find out what to do if the honey is candied, how to choose it correctly? who said that bees go into hibernation in winter, this is a myth, to develop it, we came to a beekeeper from switzerland, benjamin, pereslavel for alessky, while it’s cold, the bees are warming themselves in a homemade enclosure, they eat honey, they divide such a ball, the club is in the middle, the middle is about 22 degrees, at the edge it’s 8 degrees. simot for this sim does not sleep , this is their death, if they sleep, sometimes they go
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out onto the ice of the territory, look with what tenderness benjamin shows to his bees, masha stroke them, stroke them, this is masha, and this is irina, here the first honey comes out with flowering in in central russia it’s mid-june, so everything that’s on the shelves now is from last year doesn’t mean it’s bad, honey doesn’t have an expiration date, but with the same pancakes , liquid honey tastes better, it’s evenly absorbed into the pores for doesn't crunch my teeth. in general, honey can be stored at room temperature, it will not spoil, but so that it does not crystallize and retains its texture, manufacturers have technology: it is stored in honeycombs at a certain temperature, if the temperature is low, it will crystallize, if it is high enough, then it will, say so, lose useful qualities. vitamins do not tolerate temperatures above 40°, so if it has already been candied, do not heat it in hot tea , do not stir it, only as a bite. basically i wanted to. freshest honey we are waiting for may, the first spring honey is collected in the south , for example, in the krasnodar region, if you take
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spring honey, this is white acacia, our black maple, one of the most elite honeys , too, in terms of aroma, richness, aroma, these are those honeys which do not crystallize for a long time are still in this uh liquid state, acacia is one of those honeys that can remain in this liquid state for up to 3 years, but what about... with honey from the supermarket there is a huge choice, you need to look at composition, there should only be one point: natural honey is the name of the plant, for example, acacia, manufacturers begin to sin, but they can add maltodextrin, which is sometimes added in order to reduce the cost of the product, sometimes they add glucose-fructose molasses, which is used in confectionery production, in this case then this is no longer honey, therefore there will be no benefit from this, consider pure sugar with flavoring, there should be no crystallization. only at the bottom, there is great doubt that there is natural honey here, why? i'm explaining because
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it should crystallize evenly throughout the jar like this, and not fall out in sieges. also, the texture should be uniform without flakes, as here, this indicates that either the storage technology was violated, or the composition was cheated. ruslan yunyaev, yuri lebedev, vasily yurov, vladimir popov, channel one. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is chinese. and almost always, china has been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant with with great amazement he described the power and... the level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the famous monochronic painting, chinese poetry, sophisticated literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries, after the end world war ii, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china, more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in
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china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy, one of the first decisions pin after he became the leader of china... there was the creation of an institute for the study of bukharin’s ideas, so that the chineseized model of nepa operates in china. premiere, civilization. the seventh film. china. today is the first one. on the calendar march 13th, an important event awaits us very soon, the russian presidential elections. voting will continue. from march 15 to 17, right now about how the ballot works, how it is protected, what information is on it and what to do if you choose electronic voting? the ballot, the main election document, is protected no worse than than banknotes, there is special paper, this green grid is not for beauty,
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copy protection, and if you try to make a copy of this ballot, or scan, print, then... the ballot will come out blurry, that is, it will be immediately clear from it that this is not the original ballot paper. of course, this is not all protection; a special stamp with a unique number is stuck on the ballot with notches, they do not allow you to stick it twice, the state sign was made. there is a stamp on the stamp, and the signatures of two commission members on the stamp. no seal, stamp or signatures, the ballot is invalid. and if kaip, a complex for processing ballots, operates at your polling station, the stamp must be pasted on the other side, otherwise the machine will not count the form. another difference for a commission where there is a kaip: the presence of a square seal in commissions where it is not used, there is a simple round seal. also on the ballot is all the basic information, voting rules, information about the candidates, and of course, boxes for our checkmarks,
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plus signs and any other signs. you need to choose the candidate you want vote put anyone. a sign - which you like, as a rule, the voter chooses a tick, a sign, well, maybe a plus sign, any other, the law does not regulate this in any way, a flower will also be counted, rarely, but sometimes they draw flowers if they spoil the ballot, for example, they accidentally put two marks instead of one, you can ask the members of the commission for a new one, the old one must be extinguished in front of you, cut off the lower left corner, if you vote through a remote electronic voting system, then the ballot... will be electronic, it is at first glance much simpler than paper, no protective grid, no stamps, just information about candidates in boxes for a tick. so, wait, what about the secret of the will of expression? if you clicked on the vote box, then your ballot is already gone, but if you can say so, a virtual common pile, it has become faceless, this ballot is in no way tied to you, and this is one of
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the main requirements, so if you suddenly made a mistake if you press send, you won't be able to re-vote. but it is impossible to spoil such a ballot. natalya leonova, dmitry lekhachev, dmitry roshkov, konstantin leonov, anna ryabova, channel one. next about money. for example, you bought a subscription, for example, a fitness club for a year, and then something changed, you didn’t like it, or you moved, or something happened with your health. in general, you changed your mind about going there. is it possible to get the money back, or at least part of it? let's find out. subscription. 3 months have passed, the club has not returned the money, lawyer svetlana andrianova explains that this is illegal, article 782 of the civil code and 32 of the law on consumer rights.
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there should be a refund for an unused subscription, but often the client’s contract states otherwise. all these provisions of the contract. a certain service, then we no longer need this service, the contractor can deduct from us only the amount that corresponds to the volume of services provided. the clauses of the contract should not contradict what is written in the law and it does not matter whether the client’s signature is in the document, this is stated in article 422 of the civil code and the sixteenth... you can read our standard contract, our lawyer insists on withholding the money after a statement was written about return is illegal. you understand that the amount
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you plan to return to us is now beginning to accrue interest for the illegal use of other people's funds, article 395 of the civil code. unfortunately, it was not possible to reach an agreement with the club. in this case, the next step is a formal complaint. we are filing a complaint. we send a claim to the director of the fitness center to the legal entity that is indicated in the header of the contract and send a claim in writing by registered mail with notification, where we write clearly: the contract number, and the amount of funds paid, be sure to indicate how many days or months you went to the fitness club and ask to deduct only these classes, they do not respond, we write a complaint to rospotrebnadzor, the organization will be checked and given an order to return the funds, by the way, this all applies to anyone...
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to feed and this way you can get your money back faster. anna obrosimova, dmitry roshkov, channel one. on the calendar it’s march 13th, today is the third day of maslenitsa week, sweetie. well, since we are all gourmands, we will feast on pancakes. and you know what, let's cook pancakes today according to the old classic recipes that our grandmothers used to cook. the best time-tested recipe. in the village of khaakhaly, nizhny novgorod region. pancakes are baked in the old-fashioned way for maslenitsa. the recipe is very simple. kvashnya is prepared from milk, eggs, and a pinch of salt. and these pancakes have a very
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interesting filling. in sarenos on rivers such as the kerzhenitsy and vetluga, people most often used local fish for the filling. previously it was burbot, but other fish will do. village resident tatyana prepares the filling from herrings, cut into cubes, add dill, eggs, onions. pancakes are baked in the oven. pancakes will be especially tasty if they are fried in a combination of oils, vegetable oil and a small piece of butter. the first one is for children to try. they didn’t come to my son vanya, he’s a lover of sweet pancakes, so nastya appreciated that she would have someone to pass on the old recipe to. at all times , pancake dough has the same composition: flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, but the technology is different. lyubov from the village of yuryev, omsk region. is already baking according to an old recipe, putting everything on peephole, stir, pour boiling water over it, you get choux pastry, thanks to this the pancakes fit into the hole.
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love does not recognize modern frying pans; he bakes on this one, it’s over half a century old, and the pancakes on it are so delicious that they are eaten instantly. experienced housewives know that a lot really depends on the frying pan. marina inherited two frying pans and a recipe for pancakes from her grandmother. marina felt all the charm of this recipe when she moved. from the metropolis to the village and began to prepare pancakes from homemade products, milk 4% fat, eggs from our own chickens, along with sugar, salt, butter and vanillin. we really love stuffing our pancakes with cheese, if you then simmer them a little more in a frying pan, you’ll get a very interesting dish, village products are odd compared to store-bought ones, the pancakes made from them are special, another recipe from vologda, so... ancient that when i tell you about him , the hostess olga viktorovna immediately switches to the old dialect. previously, we baked more oatmeal pancakes, but wheat was born poorly, so they baked oatmeal pancakes
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us, oh, my dear , they were so delicious, for these pancakes they make a dough, yeast is diluted in milk, as the dough has risen, add butter, sugar, cream, three eggs, beat the white separately and flour, one and a half cups of wheat , 2 and a half oatmeal, they ate such pancakes in the old days with salted saffron milk caps, they knew how to celebrate maslenitsa deliciously. elena savina, channel one. hello, sergei tugushev is broadcasting news in the studio. vladimir putin gave a long interview to our colleague, ceo of the international media group russia today, vgtrk presenter dmitry kiselev. how will our country develop in the near future?
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we work, well, at night, every night, we create big trouble for the enemy, our goals are strongholds, areas of reinforcement, enemy manpower and closed firing positions, we do not allow the enemy to rotate troops. another command and observation post of the ukrainian armed forces has been liquidated in the kupinsky direction. this is the work of the crew of the fagod anti-tank complex. among its main targets are precisely such bases, equipped with various equipment for
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observations of ours. troops, motorized rifles get as close to them as possible, in a matter of seconds, the installation is brought into combat position, the strike and the crew also quickly folds and goes to a reserve position; in the ovdeevsky direction, our fighters, using a towed d-30 howitzer, destroyed a 120mm rolling mortar in the ssu. the militants managed to evade the fire of our military for almost a day, but thanks to aerial reconnaissance, the target was discovered and destroyed. and further.
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today the initiative will be considered in the second reading. the west continues to pump up ukraine weapons. this time, washington will transfer various types of ammunition worth $300 million to the kiev regime. this was announced by presidential national security adviser jake salevan. the batch will include shells for artillery, including cluster shells, missiles for hymers and zenith xtingger, anti-tank cartridges and systems. all from the pentagon arsenal. the biden administration called it an emergency relief package. they clarified that it would only be enough for the ssu for a couple of weeks. this, by the way, is just the first tranche from the united states about ukraine this year. new there are no funds for the kiev regime; their allocation is blocked by congress. and what we managed to scrape together has now become possible due to savings on new contracts with manufacturers to replenish us stocks. at the same time, salevan emphasized: it is constantly impossible to use such a scheme without influencing the state’s own combat readiness. and he has already
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openly added that the money allocated by washington for ukraine is in fact an investment in american industry to support jobs in forty states. meanwhile, the danish ministry of defense announced that will allocate $337 million to purchase artillery mounts, mortars and ammunition for ukraine. plans for a peaceful resolution of the ukrainian conflict that do not take into account russia’s position will not bring results. this was stated by turkish president recep erdogan. before the ambassadors of foreign states, he also called for avoiding any steps that would lead to an escalation of conflicts in the region and their spread to the north atlantic alliance. soldiers of the unit were able to vote early in the russian presidential elections eleventh army corps group west. a mobile polling station was organized for them in one of the dugouts not far from the front line. military personnel also participate in voting in the rear areas of the northern military district,
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such as, for example, in units of a military group. east. the soldiers of the first brigade of the first army corps of the southern group underwent the same procedure. train election commissions continue to visit remote areas of our country. among them is kuril. good morning, good morning to everyone who has already woken up, turned on the first channel, on calendar march 13, wednesday, in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova, thank you for celebrating the new day with us, early in the morning we are leaving for the primorsky territory, there... our correspondent is fishing along with the fishermen on the ship ksenia ionkina. let's join too. sea of ​​japan, vostok bay. mooring of a fishing trawler plastun. we leave at 7 am,
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there is a snowstorm, visibility is almost zero, the fishermen are calming down, it will be calm by lunchtime. visibility is low. from early february to mid-may. in the primorye it’s mentai season, the fish go to the shore to spawn, so the prey is in the coastal zone, today it’s cloudy, so, that is, it doesn’t lie tightly on the ground, that’s when the sun shines, that is, it lies more densely on the ground, what are the forecasts today? no one can give fishing forecasts. 9:30, here it is, the first thick joint of mentai. two calls, a signal to set the nets, just a minute ago they were lowered into the water. how long the net will take to wrap around the school, the captain will understand from the recording of the holoter. half an hour later, the catch is on deck and is determined by eye to be 8 tons, not much, but the day has just begun, they will be at sea until sunset, sounds romantic. what kind
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of romance can there be here, since the processes are not so strong and easy for the guys, well, we work, we work to feed our families. in the nineties, uncontrolled fishing pressure reduced the mentai population to critical levels. over the past 7 years it has been recovering, and now the generally acceptable catch is no more than 20% of the population. it’s midday, the weather has improved, but today there are a lot of trawlers on the coast, fishing is turning into a competition. there is no competition, but still, of course, it’s better to be the first in this place to do the trawling; before you have time to turn around, there will already be a person nearby, speed is needed here. 14:00, that's it this time. the fishermen have just lifted the bag; they estimate it contains more than 40 tons of mentai. the first sorting is right here at sea. sink overboard, fish in
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hold. here it is, the japanese-sea mentai, large, it is most likely a female, females are always a little larger. in general, these scabs can reach up to 5 kg. the team is working. clearly coordinated and does not hide, we are satisfied with the catch, quite happy that it’s either 5-8 - tone catch, or 30-40 tons, there is a difference , god willing, now we have another one of these, if we pull it out, it will be absolutely great, in 3 hours, another successful catch, a good day, all that remains is to restore order on the deck and you can return to shore , today early, around eight o'clock, by ten o'clock the mentai will be handed over for processing, the ship will stay overnight, so that tomorrow as early as possible,
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it will hit the top corner. maxim glushenkov often pleases lokomotiv fans with spectacular goals. in this premier league round, he again scored one of the most beautiful goals. in the match against the sochi football club, glushenkov left the defender behind and
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struck a cool shot from the penalty line into the near corner. one of the heroes of the tour was rostov’s attack line player, mahamat makhibi, who scored a double in the game against krasnodar. it became the decoration of the meeting. the first of two iranian goals. young rostovite kirill shedinin made an elegant pass, and makhibi handled the ball perfectly and sent it into the net. zenit, which became the championship leader at the end of the tour, scored goals for every taste in the meeting with the urals. andrey mostovoy hit the opponent's goal, managing to take advantage of wendel's fantastic pass from the center circle, and ivan sergeev traditionally distinguished himself as a substitute. after an excellent pass to flourdinho, the zenit forward easily beat the defender and sent the ball under the crossbar. by the way, both mostovoy and sergeev were included in the final application of the national team. russia for the march matches against
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serbia and paraguay, lokomotiv has the largest representation. the railway workers delegated five players, including anton mironchuk. he will meet with his twin brother on the national team alexey, who plays for the italian atalanta. let us remind you that our national team will play against serbia on march 21, and against paraguay on the 25th. both matches will take place in moscow. you can watch our program, all other programs of the first channel and your favorite tv series on our website, smartphone, tablet, laptop, tv, if it supports the corresponding function, in general, on any device, anywhere at any time, watch the first channel. the calendar still shows march 13th; on this day our ancestors watched the snow melt around the tree. well you you know, such circles form there, but if their edges are... steep, then spring will be quick,
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but if logically, then it will be protracted, when you leave the house, you can look under some suitable tree and check this sign. well, now let's find out what this wednesday will be like according to astrologers. march 13, fourth lunar day, twenty- ninth sunny, affable and friendly, in the old days they would say courteous, at the same time good-natured, optimistic, but careless in vain. takes risks and understands what caution and calculation are. this is a very good day for business contacts, everything related to real estate will be great ; cooks, tailors, hairdressers, designers and in general everyone who makes life more pleasant, tastier, and more beautiful will not be at a loss. he also loves all sorts of concerts, opening days and just parties. he also has his downsides: he is a little touchy, he is prone to flattery, and it is easy to spend money on all sorts of beautiful and fashionable things. men and women suddenly stop each other on such days. hear, aries treat you very well, be careful with this, and don’t
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rush to dump everything that you have on your family you , as they say, are boiling, then you will regret it, otherwise the day is great, when everything works out and even a little luck, free the evening for a pleasant meeting, for taurus the day may start a little nervously, but you just stay calm and don’t get worked up over trifles, to by lunchtime everything will settle down, even some small personal victories are possible, so if you are on a diet, cook. to the fact that today you will have to gather your will into a fist, something like a date is shining for the twins, but this will be in the evening, during the day you will have to strain yourself, there’s a lot of work, there’s little time , and even the bosses can overload you with something extra, but they love you money, be careful while driving, a busy day at the crayfish , when all sorts of things are pouring in from god knows where, and you can’t see any assistants, but all the glory yours, in addition, you will be able to strengthen your authority in the team, and the evening will help you forget about business and relax, just let’s go without alcohol, it’s a good day for the lions
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, however, their mood today has a kind of life of its own, not everyone will understand this, but the stars warned you, lionesses may to be capricious, men will have to endure this, virgos have a normal working environment, things will go great for those who invent, test, implement something and in general for everyone who needs accuracy and clarity of thinking, and virgos can also find out that someone i’m in love with them, the stars don’t advise libra... today, dealing with money, all sorts of meetings, public speaking, presentations, reports and similar events will go with a bang, but the evening is clearly going to please you with something. scorpios are just having a good day, except for the scorpios themselves it will be spoiled a little by some impulsive and rash act, but here everything is in your hands, visit old friends, they will soon be useful to you. a successful day for sagittarius, just don’t take everything too personally , remember that. the world is colored, not black and white, a new interesting acquaintance is possible,
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most likely based on a common hobby. capricorns may discover that some kind of intrigue is brewing next to them; you don’t need to be careful with your money, especially if you are tempted by all sorts of super promotions or earnings in one click. aquarians today are charming and charismatic, ladies, plus everything, are full of a special subtle charm. in general, it is clear who is in the spotlight. some may come later in the evening. unexpected news, double-check them: the stars promise pisces some kind of surprise, or maybe some changes, there is no need to be afraid of them, but you shouldn’t rush headlong into them either, as for official matters. she, in her opinion, is not very bright for you now, by the way, but it’s up to you, well, good luck. ancient recipes are great, they are tradition, but in our 21st century there is so many different kitchen gadgets. how can you not use them? yulia kozlova decided
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to test the newfangled electric pancake makers, and at the same time remembered when these devices first appeared. pancake oven. frying pan is a proven classic , is there any advantage to the fashionable kitchen gadget of the electric pancake, together with students of the culinary college we will test several samples, dani has a compact submersible one, at first glance it’s convenient, you dip the pancake pan into the dough, a container for it is included, you wait for it to brown on one side, then you turn it over and fry it on the other, but daniil is not happy, for some it may be convenient if you get used to it, but the pancakes are very small, they burn in the center on the sides. yes, the diameter of submersible pancakes is small, so that they weigh a little, you have to hold it with one hand, and the edges of the pancakes are dry, because the layer of dough there is thinner, because the working surface is slightly convex, and such a device also does not have temperature control, do not take a low-power one, you will bake slowly and for a long time, 800 w and above provide stable heating up to
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240°. alexandra has a classic electric pancake maker, the diameter and power are one and a half times larger. i liked the coating, and... i liked the fact that there is temperature control, that is, you can reduce it, you can increase it, or you can monitor the degree of cooking of the pancakes. the non-stick coating can be different: plain, dark - inexpensive second-hand plastic, keep in mind that it is easy to scratch, it is good if a wooden dough spreader is included in the kit, light marble is less vulnerable and lasts twice as long, it is convenient when the work surface has sides, the dough will not run away even for a beginner, in more expensive electric... pancake makers, as a rule, do not have them, so there is a risk that the dough will spill over the edges, there is also temperature control here, but this electric pancake maker takes a very long time to warm up, so adjusting the temperature also takes quite a long time, but such pancake makers are made of reliable , durable materials - steel and cast iron,
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but if lightness and compactness are a priority, choose a model with a plastic body, some are equipped with replaceable panels, you can fry a few at a time... there are still four days of holidays ahead, well, on the last day of maslenitsa, as you know, according to the old tradition , you are supposed to burn an effigy, what kind of effigy it will be, it all depends on your imagination, which, as you know, there is no limit, maslenitsa the stuffed animals are already being prepared...
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the side was outside, this material burns well, although the stuffed animals will be burned only after a year, it is believed that this doll should be at home for a whole year, it will collect all the sorrows, troubles, illnesses when it burns the big doll next year - maslenitsa, i’ll burn it this little one along with her , trouble will leave every family, you can make such a doll from fabric, the main rule is no needles, just wrap the threads around the face... don’t draw, let’s believe that evil can get into the stuffed animal through the eyes, finished on the window , to invite spring to all the good things in the house, woodmurti, once they burned not stuffed animals, straw, and then their spring holiday mixed with our slavic maslenitsa, it turned out to be vaydyr, oil time, the whole village walked, rode horses,
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horses decorated with bells, bells, everything rang, now horses and sleighs cannot be found in the village, but stuffed animals are collected all over the world. we carry from the house what we have, everything old , yes, what else is in the chest, and the old ones, and they make two: grandfather and grandmother, the grandmother is also the bride, you see this decoration, a monista of coins, it was believed that the more there are, the more enviable betrothed, an udmurd man, he is hard-working, he has an ax on his fez on his belt, which means he goes into the forest, chops down a hut, everything is done, he burns such people. says svetlana from sevastopol, you don’t hope that everything will work out the first time? it turned out
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a real hut, yes, a hut, turn your front to me, your back to the forest, yes, not according to the rules, but it’s fun and delicious, the mood is immediately so spring, and this seems to be the most important thing for which we love maslenitsa. nazir nagumanov, anna gazhala, marina sidorova, channel one. the country house is approaching. season, for many it has already begun, summer residents have become more active on social networks, asking various questions, asking each other for advice, for example, many are interested in if there is an abandoned plot in snt where no one appears for years, can they take take advantage, otherwise the land is idle , let's find out, here's another abandoned plot of land, you see, its fence is already rickety, every gardening association has abandoned dachas, the further from the city... the higher the number of abandoned ones, because the land is cheap, not everyone is comfortable driving, there is no highway, no gas
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, no electricity, they can mow the grass, plant a garden, build a house, in general, start using without permission illegally, proposed by an unscrupulous chairman or a general meeting, do not agree, any solution general meeting to provide an abandoned plot to a neighbor is illegal from the moment of its adoption, since the general meeting does not have such powers, snt is not the owner. this land, so what to do? first of all, we ask the chairman to help find the owner, raise documents, payrolls , minutes of general meetings, register of owners, the management of snt is itself interested, because the partnership is losing tens of thousands without receiving contributions. the local branch of rosreestr stores documents from state data fund, there you can also find out who was once given the plot, so we managed to find the owner of this house, which is rooted right up to the window into the ground. they found a surname in the old records of the year sixty-six and filed with the ministry of internal affairs that this person had indeed died, and then they went to the notary
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to look for relatives. it turned out that the owner’s daughter entered into an inheritance, moved to another city, hasn’t been to the dacha for many years, and now the chairman andrei chigvintsev is persuading her to sell the unnecessary plot if the owner himself does not take care of the plot and does not sells, then for non-payment of dues he may be expelled from the snt membership. i. fine for non-use of land, a serious amount, 1% of the cadastral value, but most importantly, the chairman of the snt can sue such an owner, this is what they decided to do in this garden partnership, the owner does not come, does not pay debts, we cannot collect anything, unfortunately, he does not officially work anywhere, one of the options that we are currently considering is to go to court, a seizure will be imposed on the land plot, further sale of the property is possible, the plot will become municipal itself. the local administration will be able to legally rent it out or sell it, but if the owner could not be found, say, no one has entered into
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inheritance rights, the situation is simpler: after 10 years such property will be considered selective, it, by law, goes to the administration of the municipality, establishes boundaries plots and can then put the plot up for auction. anyone can participate in the auction, not just a neighbor; the one who pays the most will win. nadezhda pravdina, alexander ivanov, channel one. spring is a good time for those who are looking for seasonal work, there are many vacancies in a variety of fields, salaries are quite decent, various pleasant additional bonuses are often provided, you are thinking about seasonal work for the spring, it’s time to look for it, andrey from bataysk has already found a place for himself in kuban, as a machine operator in an agricultural company, prepare equipment, a tractor, prepare a seeder.
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here in hutter white state there are 12 people, such a team cannot cope in the spring, so we need veterinarians, by the way, they have already arrived, tractor drivers, and cattle breeders, and general workers, of course, the salary is from 80 thousand, and also lunches, accommodation and a normalized schedule from 8 to 17, and yes, nature, the sea, no deadlines and stress, vacancies have opened for tree trimmers in bagchesarai. how is it, how
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to trim it, salary from one and a half to two thousand per shift, plus accommodation, food, ordinary laborers are welcome here, the gardens are constantly expanding, so there is always work. krasnodar region, crimea, are waiting for employees of the tourism sector. now we mainly need general workers to tidy up the pool and area. at the end of march already will start looking for staff in a hotel, boarding house, restaurant. salaries there vary, with an average of 70 thousand per month. counselors and students are expected in stavropol. kirill, commander of the student teaching detachment. i became a counselor for the first time 5 years ago, and i got involved. as a rule, counselors wake up at 6 am and fall asleep at 3:00 am, because they were preparing some new props or coming up with a new dance so that in the morning they would have something new to show the children. counselors are also about responsibility, of course, that’s why before hiring you will have to go through
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a selection process, but then the sea, children, constant competitions. sports, if you dream of an active holiday, it's worth it. marina sidorova, anna gazhala, channel one. today on channel one, continuation of the serial film , take her across the maidan. sbu lieutenant colonel igor melnik, investigating a bank robbery , finds himself drawn into political intrigue. don't miss the new episode today immediately after the program time. oh, you'll move on to the big leagues. thank you karzhu, a piece of a big loud pie. the case was entrusted to investigate igor melnik, igor, a lieutenant colonel of the sbu, korzh, his father-in-law, a lieutenant general of the security service of ukraine. case, investigation of bank robbery in donetsk, the president's election campaign money was stolen. how interesting and strange, you didn’t sign the agreement, the next day you are robbed, isn’t this a signal? the miller is helped by major bob, nicknamed "holy". through their man in the underground group, they managed to find out the name of
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the performer. a certain farah is involved in a robbery. they called. they searched all the databases of the ministry of internal affairs, there is no headlight , the mill is spinning, the miller will leave the legacy, headlight, headlight, so your broken kufara was found, let's go, i think he 's doing his best, why comrade lieutenant colonel, intuition, brother, intuition, follow the object, we are nearby, glad to be absent the miller is at home, his wife, the spectacular one, is in love with another sbu employee, unexpectedly fell in love with her father, a general, wants to help her lover in business, and you straighten up, you walk with a switchback hump, you will have to pay for your proud posture. pay everyone who gets involved with the rada gets into trouble, but these are events of future episodes. passions are flaring up on the maidan. i will give you permission to withdraw all assets from ukraine. and in response you, in response i, he hates her, fears her like fire. they called you a witch, katya? i suggest that you give an order to the ministry of internal affairs of kiev to begin clearing the maidan to install a new year tree.
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confrontation between intelligence services of different countries, sbu, government. we’re watching the third episode after the program , it’s time and these holy trump cards of the owner of the owner need to be calmed down victoria ivan belchenko channel one. hello, on air news, in the studio sergey tugushev. vladimir putin gave a long interview to our colleague, general director of the international media group russia today, vgtrk host dmitry kiselyov. how our country will develop in the next 6 years, the economy, demography, relations with ukraine, the place that russia will occupy in the world, these and other important topics from the first person. watch today at 10 am
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moscow time on channel one. the pilots destroyed the enemy command post in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. su-34 fighter-bombers attacked the positions of the ukrainian armed forces with fab-500 aerial bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they allow the crew to remain at a distance from the line of combat contact. the safe advancement of our infantry is ensured by brigades of soper. they make passages in minefields for the advancing troops, and also clear explosive objects cleared from the ukrainian one.
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ukraine, western media write about this. among. initiators fellow party head of the house of representatives republican brian fitz-patrick, a former fbi agent and current pennsylvania state legislator. to implement their idea, the authors of the petition must gain the support of more than half of the members of the chamber. there are only a few cases of such a procedure in us history. according to the press, speaker mike johnson is now trying in every possible way to prevent such attempts. we are talking about that same long-suffering package of $60 billion for ukraine.
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pointed out problems with the barracks, which , in her words, look disgraceful. the representative of the bundestag notes that everything worsened after germany began sending weapons from its reserves to ukraine. the prime minister of poland promised to reduce duty-free food from ukraine to a minimum. donald tusk stated this on national television. the head of government was forced to make such promises by the ongoing protests of farmers. they demand that the polish ones be closed. a market for cheap ukrainian grain and other products from its eastern neighbors, because of which local farmers are incurring colossal losses, and they are also seeking warsaw’s refusal from the european union's green deal, which
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imposes unaffordable demands on farmers. us special prosecutor robert hyor caught president joe biden in a lie. he previously stated that he never disseminated the classified information he kept, but this contradicts the conclusions. obama even before he became head of state. my team and i conducted a thorough independent investigation. we found evidence that the president deliberately
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kept classified material after the end of his vice presidency, when he was a private person. meanwhile, joe biden has reportedly secured enough support from his fellow party members to become the democratic nominee in the upcoming november presidential election. despite the fact that the majority. residents of the united states consider him unable to cope with a second term as head of state; former president donald trump is expected to compete with him from the republican party. according to media forecasts, he will also win the primaries. around the world, 26 people died and almost 4,500 were injured during fire festival in iran. most have burns of varying degrees of severity, mostly from pyrotechnics. the islamic republic celebrates the iranian new year every year. the so-called red environment, millions of people take to the streets, light bonfires, set off fireworks, the improper use of which often results in injuries. and
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the last failure ended in japan, the first attempt to send a satellite into space on a private launch vehicle, it exploded in the very first seconds of flight. on board was a government apparatus weighing 100 kg, designed for observing the earth's surface. rocket debris fell in the mountains not far from... turning out of the store, you realize that you spent significantly more than you planned to buy something that you don’t need at all, you can congratulate the marketers, they did a very good job. it's a paradox, our brain loves
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to shop, but doesn't like to spend money. when we choose a product, neurons in the so-called pleasure center are activated; when we see the price , the anterior cingulate cortex is activated; it also works when we are in pain, depending on what part of the brain. more actively, we decide whether to buy or not. marketers put pressure on these levers to increase pleasure and reduce suffering. to understand what our brain reacts to, marketers use eye tracker. the biobracelet on the wrist reads the voltage pulse, the camera captures the pupils on the monitor screen. we go to an online store, what does the device detect? you liked the visual at first; it is unlikely that if you don’t like the visual, you will choose this product. the second is the needs of the buyer. not all advertising banners, promotions work, only those that are relevant to us now. for example, my eye was drawn to the tab for my beloved women, last of all the price, this is a classic scheme.
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immediately anchors us very strongly. the fourth trick is the effect of simplicity. today we are overloaded with information, in order to relax us, product descriptions are short, clear and vivid. this helps you make a purchasing decision faster. and fifth, the effect of compromise. this is about subscriptions, when we are offered several options. the cheapest is not the best in our minds. the premium option is very expensive, costly, and means fear of loss. we choose the middle option. in fact, the brain makes the decision to buy even before we do it... this is how to spend less time in the kitchen, spend more time on your beloved family, well, this is the dream of every housewife. the organizer of the space, maria belkanova, has some advice on this matter, let's listen to them. women spend 18 years of their lives in the kitchen, it’s been calculated. and not only to prepare
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food, but also to clean up afterwards. i i’ll tell you some tricks that will save you time. to avoid having to clean the kitchen from greasy stains after cooking, i cover the stove with food foil. and i hide the kitchen apron behind the cutting boards. even if greasy splashes fly in all directions, most of them will end up on the foil. all you have to do is collect it and throw it away. and the board can be wiped with a damp cloth. breakfast is ready, the stove is perfectly clean. i move on to washing the dishes. it takes a long time to put on protective gloves, so i use a brush with a handle. if necessary, i hook a steel wool or a new sponge, quickly and conveniently, and your hands remain well-groomed. one more trick, i'll show you.
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in a couple of seconds, fill the trash can , tear off the bag, put it on the bucket , stack several bags at once for the whole week, now changing trash bags will take even less time, with a little savvy, your kitchen will be clean and tidy without much hassle. let's devote the next couple of minutes to our health: cholesterol, when it is higher than normal, is... in general, not healthy, so it’s a good idea to regularly do tests and check its level, and also, let’s hear what sergei arsenin, a doctor of the highest category, will say. your cholesterol level is slightly elevated; choosing the right foods will help normalize it. you shouldn’t eat scrambled eggs for breakfast; fried food won’t do us any good. it’s better
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to boil two eggs or prepare a steam omelet. the white contains choline, and the yolk contains vitamin d and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. these substances help normalize blood cholesterol levels. we also eat fatty fish twice a week, but not smoked or salted. baking mackerel, sel or capelin. garnish with buckwheat, oatmeal or barley porridge. they also remove cholesterol, and we also add pickled cabbage, add fresh chopped greens, sprinkle with sesame seeds , season the salad with unrefined flaxseed oil, such a lunch helps cleanse blood vessels and warns them for blockage, and also reduces cholesterol levels, by the way, its excess occurs due to chronic stress and a sedentary
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lifestyle, gymnastics will come to the rescue. we start with walking: we walk for half an hour every day, if this is not possible, then with morning on the way. we walk at least a few stops to work, this is very useful. the cells of the body are saturated with oxygen , the production of the hormone of joy increases, stress goes away, metabolism improves, as a result, cholesterol returns to normal, if a sister or brother cries, do not reassure with words, it is better to hug silently. my lock calls, says nikolai, we got it. a letter from one of the fathers who writes that you know, our girl also studied in this class, and we understand that she is not suitable for you, but maybe you will give her a chance, so that she at least lives in a peaceful life , on august 30, we are counting the children, about one girl is asking the question, if you are afraid of
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loud bangs, and you are afraid that debris will fly at you, wrap yourself in a blanket like in a cocoon , try to stay away from the windows, it's not just a fight. for ukraine, so that people there will change their minds and become different, this is a war for children, this is god’s help. on saturday, on the first. mencatcher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. our program, all other programs of the first channel and yours favorite series. you can watch on our website, smartphone, tablet, laptop, tv, if it supports the corresponding function, in general, on any device, anywhere at any time, watch the first channel. we greet the morning and continue traveling around the country. our
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correspondent, dmitry kuzmin, explores the urals. the region is ancient, multinational, very hospitable, where old traditions are honored and people are happy to talk about them. guests. riddle of five deer. you need to transfer the ring from one loop to another, without untying the rope, you will break your head. among the savvy mansi , six-year-old children coped with this task. they gave it for a few days, the child had to figure it out himself. what to do in the tundra for a child? in the ethnopark near yekaterinburg there are many surprises from the ancient people. good morning, wear these birch bark masks. mansi hunters so that the bear does not find out. the bear is a sacred ancestor for mansi, which did not stop them from hunting it, asking for forgiveness, they appeased the spirit with figurines of animals, but where did the hunters get their stoves and bread? grain was never grown. in the 11th century , novgorod merchants came here for the first time, and we
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had this suspicion that maybe it was they who taught our taiga hunters how to build these ovens and brought grain here. the indigenous peoples of the urals have long lived side by side, learning from each other.
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now it’s ready, delicious, very tasty, in a small rural museum they preserved century-old millstones and dishes, they know how to churn butter by hand, you can’t buy this in a store, furniture, down pirins, outfits of village fashionistas, everything is homemade, painted with natural paints, one problem, few people speak the gaybakov language, you can count. who can write, who can’t, there are only a few, maybe a dozen, a dying language, so as not to forget, the talk of grandmothers on the gaibak is collected, dictionaries are taught to children. so what next? there's a dead end here. by the way, the whole
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film crew thought about mansi’s riddle, but they couldn’t guess. maybe you can do it. if you're in the urals, stop by. dmitry kuzmin, nikolay krysanov, ivan smolyanov, first channel ural. as they say, labor made a man out of a monkey. apparently this the truth was heard somewhere by a primate named boo. fidgety, he found a couple of screwdrivers and decided to check the condition of his owner’s teeth. nevertheless, to the considerable delight of 2 million , internet users did not dodge, but played dentist for him. on the calendar , march 13, today is the third day of maslenitsa week, gourmet, well, since we are all gourmands, we will feast on pancakes, and you know what, let’s today... prepare pancakes according to the old classic recipes that our grandmothers used to cook. the best
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time-tested recipe: in the village of haakhali, in the nizhny novgorod region, pancakes are baked in the old way for maslenitsa. the recipe is very simple, kvashnya is prepared from milk, eggs, and a pinch of salt. and these pancakes have a very interesting filling. in sareno, on rivers such as the kerzhenitsy and vetluga, people most often live. local fish were used for the filling, previously it was burbot, but other fish will do, village resident tatyana prepares the filling from herring, cuts it into cubes, adds dill, eggs, onions, bakes pancakes in the oven. pancakes will be especially tasty if they are fried in a combination of oils, vegetable and a small piece of butter. the first one is for children to try. they didn’t let my son vanya in, he’s a fan of sweet pancakes, but here’s nastya. i appreciated that there would be someone to pass on the old recipe to. at all times, pancake dough has the same composition: flour,
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eggs, milk, salt, sugar, but the technology is different. lyubov from the village of yuryev, omsk region, also bakes according to an old recipe: he puts everything by eye, mixes it and pours boiling water over it. the result is choux pastry, which is why the pancakes fit into the hole. modern frying pans do not recognize love, bake pancakes on this one, it’s more than half a century old they are so tasty that they are eaten. instantly! experienced housewives know that a frying pan really depends on a lot: marina inherited two frying pans and a recipe for pancakes from her grandmother. marina felt all the charm of this recipe when she moved from megapolis to the village and began preparing pancakes from homemade ingredients. milk 4% fat, eggs from our own chickens, sugar, salt, butter and vanillin. we really love stuffing our pancakes with cheese, if we simmer them a little more later... in a frying pan, it will turn out very an interesting dish, village products are different
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from store-bought ones, the pancakes made from them are special, another recipe from vologda, so ancient that when the owner olga viktorovna talks about it, she immediately switches to the old dialect. previously, we baked oatmeal pancakes more, but wheat was not working well, so we baked oatmeal pancakes, oh, they were delicious, they make apara for these pancakes, dilute them in milk. later, as the dough has risen, add butter, sugar, cream, three eggs, beat the whites separately, and one and a half cups of wheat flour, 2 and half oatmeal, we ate such pancakes in the old days with salted saffron milk caps, and knew how to celebrate maslenitsa deliciously. elena savina, channel one. if you like your job,
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you overcome even the small difficulties that arise with pleasure. we ourselves are responsible for our lives, and we ourselves must decide what our life will be like. what wonderful people we have, not only women, but all the people, what a wonderful country we have, together we can do a lot. many people go in for sports, and this makes me very happy, so i would like to encourage all russians support this path. i believe that the main quality that should be. in my grandchildren it is to grow up to be good, kind, decent people. i believe that the key role is to cultivate patriotism - among the people, in the people, to sow good and bright things. and so that no one gets sick. even if you're in a hurry, i'm sure you'll definitely find a minute and a half for a short but fascinating immersion in the world wide web. you don't need to surf anything. our columnist yegor uspensky has already done everything for us, let's see, opens
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our video trip today is a new internet star, in south africa a lion at... a game of two football teams. unfortunately, we don’t know whether he was satisfied with the match, but we can say for sure that the video has already been watched almost 10 million times. now let me introduce you to a dog named enzo. he's actually very brave. that's what the owner claims, at least. the only thing that scares him is the car wiper. as soon as it turns on, the dog immediately hides from fear of sitting under the seat. 3 million have already taken pity on the poor guy users. and this is a penguin named pico. it is treated with acupuncture. the fact is that the bird has problems with the spine. according to the veterinarians, their patient bravely endures all the procedures, has already become more confident in swimming, and penguin’s mood has improved. well , finally, on one of the beaches near els there was a tug-of-war competition with a length of
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516 and 85 cm. and this is a new world record. the competition was attended by two teams of 50 people, the winners needed just over a minute to win. today is the third maslenitsa day, gourmet, when, if not today, can you enjoy pancakes with honey. some people, however, doubt whether it is possible to find real, natural, proper honey somewhere in march? but now let’s find out, at the same time we’ll find out what to do if the honey is candied. how to choose it correctly, in general, everything, everything, everything about meth will be told to us by experienced people who really know absolutely everything about it. who said bees hibernate in winter? this is a myth, to develop it, we came to a beekeeper from switzerland , benjamin pereslavl zalevsky. while it's cold bees warm themselves in a makeshift enclosure. they eat honey, they divide such a ball, a club,
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the middle is uterus, the middle is about 22 degrees to the edge. then 8 degrees they sit like this behind this , they don’t sleep, it’s their death, if they sleep, sometimes they go out onto the ice of the territory, look how tenderly beniyamin is to his bees, we can pet them, pet them, this is mung bean, this is irina, the first honey is produced here with flowering in central russia, it is mid-june, so everything that is now on the shelves has passed the year, this does not mean bad, honey has no expiration date, but with the same pancakes it tastes better liquid, evenly in... will not deteriorate, but so that it does not crystallize, retains its texture , manufacturers have technology, it is stored in honeycombs at a certain temperature, if the temperature is low, it will crystallize, if it is high enough, then it will, let’s say , lose useful qualities, vitamins cannot tolerate
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temperatures above 40°, so if it’s already candied, there’s no need to heat it in hot tea , don’t stir it, just... in principle i wanted the freshest honey, we’re waiting for may, the first spring honey is collected in the south, for example, in krasnodar region, if you take spring honey, this is white acacia, our black maple, one of the most elite honeys, also in aroma, richness, aroma, these are the honeys that do not crystallize for a long time , they are in such a liquid state also, acacia is one of those honeys that can last up to 3 years. in this liquid state. what about honey from the supermarket? the choice is huge. you need to look at the composition. there should be only one point: natural honey. and the name of the plant, for example, acacia. manufacturers are starting to sin yes, they can add maltodextrin, which is sometimes added to make the product cheaper. sometimes glucose-fructose molasses is added, which is used in confectionery production. and -
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in this case, then it is no longer honey. accordingly, there will be no benefit from this, consider pure sugar with flavoring. there should be no crystallization only at the bottom, there is great doubt that there is natural honey here, i explain why, because it should crystallize evenly throughout the jar, and not precipitate. also the texture should to be uniform without flakes, as here, this indicates that either the storage technology was violated, or the composition was tinkered with. ruslan yunyaev, yuri lebedev, vasily yurov, vladimir popov, channel one. on the calendar march 13, an important event awaits us very soon. presidential elections in russia, voting will last 3 days from march 15 to 17, right now about how the ballot works, how it is protected, what information is on it and what to do if you choose electronic voting, the ballot is the main document elections, it is protected no worse than banknotes
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, there is special paper, this green grid is not for beauty, copy protection and if you ... make a copy of this ballot, or scan, print, then the ballot will come out blurry, that is, it will immediately be clear to him that this is not the original ballot. of course, this is not all protection that is stuck on the ballot. a special stamp with a unique number with notches, they do not allow you to stick it twice, the state sign was made. stamp stamp, signature stamp two commission members. no seal, stamp or signatures are present, the ballot is invalid. and if kaip, a complex for processing ballots, operates at your polling station, the stamp must be pasted on the other side, otherwise the machine will not count the form. another difference for the commission where kaivka is located is the presence. square seal; in commissions where kaibas are not used, there is a simple round seal. also on the ballot is all the basic information, voting rules, information about
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the candidates, and of course, boxes for our checkmarks, plus signs and any other signs. you need to choose the candidate for whom you want to vote, put any sign - which you like, as a rule, the voter chooses a tick, sign, well, maybe a plus sign, any other, the law does not regulate this in any way. a flower will also be counted, rarely, but sometimes flowers are drawn, if you spoil the ballot, for example, accidentally put two marks instead of one, you can ask the commission members for a new one, the old one must be extinguished in front of you, cut off the lower left corner. if you vote through the remote electronic voting system, the ballot will be electronic, at first glance it is much simpler than paper, no protective grid, no stamp, only information about the candidates, boxes for show. so wait, what about the secret of the will of expression? if you clicked on the vote box, then your ballot is already gone, well, so to speak, a virtual common
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pile, it has become faceless, this ballot is in no way tied to you, this is one of the main requirements, so if you suddenly made a mistake, click send, it will no longer be possible to re-vote, but it is also impossible to spoil such a ballot. natalia leonova, dmitry lekhachev, dmitry roshkov, konstantin leonov, anna ryabova, channel one. well, right now there is a news broadcast on channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. vladimir putin gave a long interview to our colleague, general director of the international media group russia today, vgtrk host dmitry kiselyov. how our country will develop in the next 6 years, economy, demography, relations with ukraine. the place that russia will occupy in the world, these and other important topics from the first person. watch today at 10 am moscow time time on the first channel. now about the progress
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of the special operation, the accumulation of ukrainian militants who tried to take refuge in a fortified strong point was destroyed in podtemovsk. precision strikes were carried out by the crew of the santsep heavy flamethrower systems. the work was carried out at night, it was safer. thermoboric projectiles, hitting the target, spray gas, which then ignites. the temperature was up to...
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artillery and it defeated the enemy. kiev , against the backdrop of failures at the front, is tightening its forced mobilization. new footage of the abduction of two men by military registration and enlistment officers
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appeared on the internet. the young people were apparently captured on the highway near a gas station in front of people passing by. one of them started filming, but no one dared to intervene, despite desperate cries for help. police, police, police, call. call the police, people, don’t leave, this is happening everywhere in public transport, on busy streets, in courtyards, in gyms, as he said at the end... he had problems with mobilization from the very beginning of the svo, voluntarily dying for the regime is not enough who was ready, and now that kiev is suffering defeat, there are no willing ones left at all. against this background, the verkhovna rada is preparing a bill on new mobilization rules. the document provides for liability for the evader in the form of blocking accounts and bank cards and prohibiting him from driving . today the initiative will be considered in
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the second reading. the west continues to pump ukraine with weapons. this time, washington will transfer various types of ammunition worth $300 million to the kiev regime. this was announced by presidential national security adviser jake salevan. to the party will include shells for artillery, including cluster rockets for highmars and stinger anti-aircraft guns, cartridges and anti-tank systems. all from the pentagon arsenal. the biden administration called it an emergency aid package and specified that it would only be enough for the armed forces of ukraine for a couple of years. this, by the way, is just the first tranche from the united states to ukraine this year. there are no new funds for the kiev regime; their allocation is blocked by congress. and what we managed to scrape together has now become possible due to savings on new contracts with manufacturers to replenish us stocks. at the same time, salevan emphasized: it is constantly impossible to use such a scheme without influencing the states’ own combat readiness. and he also openly added that
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the money allocated by washington for ukraine is in fact. investing in american industry to support jobs in 40 states. meanwhile, the danish ministry of defense announced that it would allocate $337 million to purchase artillery mounts, mortars and ammunition for ukraine. plans for the peaceful resolution of the ukrainian conflict that do not take into account positions russia, will not bring results. this was stated by turkish president recep tayyip erdogan, speaking to the ambassadors of foreign countries.
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mobile election commissions continue to visit remote regions of our country, among them the kuril islands, paramushir and shrumshu, where lighthouse keepers of the pacific fleet voted. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one. i’m with you in the studio today, ekaterina strizhenova on the calendar march 13, wednesday. and we're leaving right now. to where beauty is born. in vologda , unique vologda lace, known throughout the world, has been woven for several hundred years. our correspondent, alena astrakhansova, met modern craftswomen, learned how they draw splinters, how puppies sing, and how lace jewelry is created. and, by the way, men also study this craft. in videos of world stars. on
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the catwalks, in social media trends. vologda lace is fashionable, for the specialty of lacemaker at the college of folk crafts - contest. this year we had 38 applications for 15 places. even guys with tattoos take to pooping. yes, this vlog does not surprise anyone. it turns out not yet as clever as that of my fellow students. hand motor skills are everything. local girls joke about dna from lace, almost everyone in their family wove, nina soshnikova inherited her great-grandmother’s pillow, a poop stand, when she fingered these very poops with her hands and how these 40 poops sang, it’s impossible to forget, they were silent for decades , and recently they started singing
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again and how are the children, they are curious , they will come up and jingle, i say, well , sit down and jingle, now you will weave yourself, grandfather had to urgently cut out more, for the girls, so the soul rejoices, we started with simple splinters, that’s what the patterns are called, according to which they use to weave, now they have turned their attention to collars, no one has anything like this, in the store of a local lace factory, they don’t sit around for a long time, here they know a thousand and one ways to fit into a modern one. if we have a jacket lapel, we can always fold it like this, creating a flounce, something that many people are afraid to do it, we can fold the collar and get a brooch. we can, for example, twist the collar under a sleeve in this way to create a defect, as if we had a monocuff. perhaps the only thing more popular than this accessory are jewelry made from lace and epoxy resin, although they are not cheap. in just a couple of weeks, everything
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is gone. weaving a micropattern is aerobatics. lace, this particular one, was recently assigned even a new category, that is , there were five categories in total for lacemakers, the fifth was the highest, but was introduced for jewelry. sixth discharge. the combination of materials, thread and metal, wood or epoxy is at the top today. this is how seemingly out-of-fashion items look fresh. this is something new, it’s no longer like grandma’s tv gathering dust, yes, that is, this is already vologda lace that can be used in the modern day. this is wonderful. what do you think of lace on hoodies and t-shirts? believe it or not, this is a print. the designer had to redraw every stitch on the computer just to get the effect. lace is not just a flat picture, interestingly, it can be use it as a splinter when the item wears out and turn it into real lace. alena astrakhantseva, nikita kulakov, alexey gubanov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. we
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know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was not a big man, but he was tall. brovaz, nosad, sedy. a little unkempt hair, there can be no last judgment until all nations know about christ, so someone must reach the ends of the universe and preach christ, including a scythian. the apostle stood on high stone, prayed for the enlightenment of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones, he went to preach, to meet all the troubles, sorrows, he was moved forward by faith. why st. andrew's cross, a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter: ha, christ, he was crucified on just such a cross. this is the letter x, such a sign across the whole country, which unites christ, and which exchanges the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called. andrew the first-called, premiere on saturday on
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first. good morning to everyone who has already woken up turned on the first channel. on the calendar, march 13, wednesday, in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova. thank you for celebrating the new day with us. early in the morning we set off for the primorsky territory, fishing is in full swing there, together with the fishermen on the ship , our correspondent, ksenia ionkina, let us join, the sea of ​​japan, the east bay, and the mooring of the fishing trawler is plastun. we leave at 7:00 in the morning, there is a snowstorm, visibility is almost zero, the fishermen are calming down, by lunchtime it will be calm, visibility is low, that's why. from the beginning of february to mid-may , it is mentai season in primorye; the fish go to the shore to spawn, so the catch is in the coastal zone. today it is cloudy, that is, it does not lie tightly on the ground, but when the sun is shining,
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that is, it lies more densely on. what are the forecasts today? no one can give fishing forecasts. 9:30, here is the first thick joint of mentai. two bells are a signal to set the nets, literally a minute ago they were lowered into the water, how long the net will take to wrap around the school, the captain will understand from the recording of the holster, after half an hour the catch is on deck, by eye they determine 8 tons, not much, but the day has just begun, they will be at sea until sunset, it sounds romantic, what kind of romance can there be here with the processes not so strong and easy for the guys, so we work, we work so that feed their families in the nineties. controlled fishing pressure has reduced the mentai population to critical levels, over the last 7 years it has been recovering, and now the generally acceptable catch is no more than 20% of the population. it’s midday, the weather has improved, but today
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there are a lot of trawlers on the coast, fishing turns into competition. there is no competition, but still, of course, it is better to be the first in this place to do the etching; before you have time to turn around, there will already be a person. near here we need speed 14:00 this time the nets are full, the trawl winches can’t cope , they lower a guinea from above, another note and it ’s definitely a record for this fishing season, the fishermen have just lifted the bag, according to their estimates there are more than 40 tentai, the first sorting is right here in sea, shell overboard, fish in the hold, here it is a large japanese-sea mentai, it is most likely a female, the female is always a little larger, but... in general, these osupi can reach up to 5 kg. the team works in a well-coordinated manner and does not hide, they are satisfied with the catch , quite happy that they will catch either 5-8 tons, or 30-40 tons, there is a difference,
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god willing, now there is another one like this, if we pull it out, it will be absolutely great, in 3 hours, another successful catch, a successful day, all that remains is to put things in order on the deck and you can return to shore, today early, around eight or ten o’clock the mentai will be handed over for processing, the ship will stay overnight so that tomorrow they can go out into the bay as early as possible. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, stepan erofeev, evgeny morinkov and dmitry ergulev, vladivostok, channel one. further about money , for example, you bought a subscription, well , for example, a fitness club for a year, and then something changed, well, you didn’t like it, or you moved, or something happened with your health, in general, you changed your mind you go there, is it possible to return the money or at least part of it, let's find out, i bought a subscription to the fitness club for a year, but only used it for the first week, alexandra ford, i didn’t like the situation, it’s very old, there’s no renovation there, everything is wrong , as we would like, 3 months have passed, the club
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has not returned the money, lawyer svetlana andrianova explains, this is illegal, article 782 of the civil code and the thirty-second law on consumer rights, there should be a refund for an unused subscription, but often the client’s contract states differently: everything these provisions of the contract do not comply with the legislation on the protection of consumer rights and do not comply with the general provisions of the civil code, because when we receive a certain... service, then we no longer need this service, the contractor can withhold from us only the amount that corresponds to the volume of services provided. the clauses of the contract should not contradict what is written in the law and it does not matter whether the client’s signature is on the document, this is stated in article 422 of the civil code and the sixteenth of the law on consumer rights. we voiced this to the administrator, the answer was surprising. the payment was never received, the refund was due within 180.
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the next step is an official claim: we write a claim addressed to the director of the fitness center to the legal entity that is indicated in our contract header and in writing we send a claim by registered letter with notification, where we write clearly: the contract number, and the amount of funds paid, we must indicate how many days or months we went to the fitness club and ask to deduct only these classes, they do not respond, we write a complaint to rospotrebnadzor, we will check the organization. and will be ordered to return the funds. by the way,
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this all applies to any subscription, not just a fitness club. it’s another matter if you like the fitness club, but, for example, you are sick and cannot visit temporarily, then without dispute you can freeze your subscription for a while. that is, if let’s say he has a subscription for 12 months, or at least for six months or a month, of course we can make concessions to such a client and extend it for the moment when he recovers and comes to us. another option when you like everything. and you’re not sick, but you’re moving to another city, the subscription can be reissued for someone else and thus get your money back faster. anna obrosmova dmitry roshkov, channel one. dear spring, time for renovations. if you can't wait to pick up a drill or screwdriver, well, first of all, wait. a little, it's too early. please don't wake up the neighbors. and secondly, first listen to what alexey beizhi has to say. if you 're just starting to work as a screwdriver, there are
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tricks that will help you, let's say we want to make a tiny hole in veneer or a thin board. in order not to damage the fragile material, you need a drill with a very small diameter, but what to do if you don’t have one, take a nail, insert it into the screwdriver chuck and drill a hole. the nail does the job perfectly, the thin material did not split, what a friend. situation: you have a thin drill, but it’s impossible to fix it in the chuck, here a used pen refill will help us out, insert the drill straight into it, cut off the excess and calmly insert it into the chuck, now you can work, the drill is fixed tightly, i’ll share another useful life hack, task we make a hole in a stack of paper, but there is no hole punch, let's make
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a tubular drill, we need a small piece of thin. aluminum tube, clamp it into a screwdriver chuck, press it against sandpaper at an angle of approximately 30°, and sharpen it edge, let's check, please, with such a drill the hole in the paper turns out smooth and neat, use it, these tricks will not...
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civilization premiere, film eight, russia, part two, tomorrow on the first. cognac, monte shoca, product of stellar group. rum, castro,
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product of stellar group. spring is a good time for those looking for seasonal work. there are many vacancies. in a variety of areas, the salaries are quite decent, various pleasant additional bonuses are often provided, we are thinking about seasonal work for the spring, now is the time search, andrey from bataysk has already found a place for himself in kuban, as a machine operator in an agricultural company, prepare equipment, a tractor, prepare a seed drill, carry out maintenance, so that when the command for sowing is given , the equipment is already ready, the ticket is here... there back at your own expense, salary from 80 to 100 thousand. there is enough work from march to november; seasonal workers are expected on farms in the rostov region. we have about 2,000 hectares of arable land, we grow absolutely all the crops that we need, we fully provide ourselves with feed, hay, and straw.
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here in hutter, the white staff is 12 people , such a team will not cope in the spring, so we need veterinarians, by the way, they have already arrived, and tractor drivers, and cattle breeders, and general workers , of course, a salary of 80 thousand, and also lunches, accommodation and a normalized schedule from 8 to 17 , and yes, nature, the sea, no stress deadlines, vacancies have opened for tree trimmers in bakchesarai, we are bringing out the central branch, and then we are bringing out the young ones , which will bear fruit, they will teach you all this, marina is coming here. fourth year, me i wonder how a tree develops, how it grows, how to prune it, the salary is from one and a half to two thousand per shift, in addition, accommodation, food, ordinary laborers are also welcome here, the gardens are constantly expanding, so there is always work. krasnodar territory
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, crimea, they are waiting for employees of the tourism sector, now they mainly need general labor, to put the pool and territory in order, at the end of march they will start looking for staff in the hotel, they will have to go through a selection process, but then, the sea, children, constant competitions, sports, if you dream of an active holiday, it’s worth it, marina sidorova, anna gazhala, channel one, today on channel one there is a continuation of the serial film, take her across the maidan. sbu lieutenant colonel igor melnik
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investigates a bank robbery and finds himself embroiled in political intrigue. don't miss the new episode today immediately after the program time. you will move to the big league, thanks to karzh, a piece of a big pie, a high-profile case, igor melnik has been entrusted with investigating, igor, a lieutenant colonel of the sbu, korzh, his father-in-law, a lieutenant general of the security service of ukraine. you've found your broken kufar, let's go, i think my legs are doing, why is comrade lieutenant colonel , intuition, brother, intuition, follow the object, we are nearby, i am glad that the miller is not
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at home, his wife, spectacular, glad is in love with another sbu employee, unexpectedly met with her father, the general, wants to help her lover in business, and wake up, you walk around with an eternal hump, you will have to pay for your proud posture, everyone who gets involved with the rada gets into trouble, but these are the events of the coming episodes, passions flare up on the maidan. i will give you permission to withdraw all assets from ukraine, in return you, in the answer is me, he hates her, he’s afraid of her, he’s been called a witch, katya, i suggest that you give an order to the ministry of internal affairs of kiev to start clearing the maidan to install a new year tree, the confrontation between the intelligence services of different countries, the sbu, the directorate for organized crime control, criminal groups, oligarchs, love, betrayal, premiere, take it across the maidan, let's film it. we’re watching the third episode after the program, and these holy trumps of the landowner, the landowner, need to
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be calmed down. victoria bolenskaya, ivan belchenko, channel one. this concludes our program, i’m ekaterina strizhanova, i wish you good morning and a successful working day. see you on channel one. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. with the precision of a sniper, how our tankers, with the help of drone operators, destroy dugouts and strongholds of militants in seversky.
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su-34 air fighters attacked enemy positions, new footage from the ministry of defense. another 300 million dollars. the white house announced the allocation of a new emergency aid package to ukraine, while emphasizing that it it will only last for a few weeks. what other countries are ready to fork out for weapons for kiev? ahead of schedule. in the krasnoyarsk territory, as part of the program for resettlement from emergency housing, 14.00 people have already become new residents. and very soon another 3.00 will move into comfortable apartments. it’s a great blessing that we can all sit at the same table together. at the old apartment we ate and drank tea in turns. dedicated to the man who created the best special forces in the world. my name is zaitsev, gennady nikolaevich. i am the leader. operations for the liberation of your children, a feature film by the commander about the legend of state security, the leaders of the alpha unit gennady
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zaitsev, the hero of the soviet union himself was present at the special screening. vladimir putin gave a long interview to our colleague, general director of mi russia today, host of vgtrk dmitry kiselyov about how russia will develop in the next 6 years, about the economy, demography, about relations with ukraine, about the place that... ours will occupy country in the world, watch today at 10:00 am on the first channel. now about how the special operation is going: our military destroyed the command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction, enemy positions were attacked by su-34 fighters with unguided aerial bombs with a special planning module. it allows you to deliver an accurate strike from a safe distance. the avdievsky section is the work of our artillerymen, they hit the so-called nomadic one. a mortar of militants, which they constantly transported from place to place and fired from it at the positions of russian troops, two sighting
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then a direct hit in the shelter, where the enemy was trying to camouflage the vehicle with the gun. and footage from near artyomovsk: our power, the solntsepek heavy flamethrower system , destroyed fortified strongholds in the ssu. soldiers have to work at night more often than during the day, it’s safer, plus the effect of surprise. our military is opening the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces. and in the belogorovka area, not far from seversk, this is a powerful fortified area, the militants dug in there for years, created a whole network of underground fortifications, getting to the enemy is not an easy task, tank crews are working in in conjunction with operators of... attack drones, you need to act quickly and accurately, blow by blow, and also protect your vehicles from enemy warbirds, with an advanced report by oleg shishkin. the t-62's camouflage netting is barely visible among the trees; this is the safest section of the route; then there is open area, and the tank can easily be detected from the air. tankers from the southern group of troops are working against the enemy entrenched in belogorovka from closed firing
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positions, from a distance of several kilometers; targets are determined by aerial reconnaissance. closed dugouts, fortified areas, and we try to inflict maximum damage on armored vehicles. several of our reconnaissance drones are hovering over the enemy at once; cameras allow us to see what is happening on the ground in detail; in almost every dilapidated building, ukrainian militants have equipped firing points. but he's digging. tankers demonstrate sniper accuracy from the first shot, destroying enemy fortifications. ay there, there. and he also gives it right there, straight away, to smoke out ukrainian militants from underground fortifications, a difficult task: the tank crews are trying to destroy the building in order to cover the dry land workers with concrete debris. as a rule, one projectile is not enough for this; a series of accurate hits is needed, which is called a perfect hit.


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