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tv   Shou Vovana i Leksusa  1TV  March 14, 2024 12:05am-12:46am MSK

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in the fourteenth year, it all started with the blockade of slavyansk, that’s where we actually were, then i saw the ukrainian army, which was really hungry, ragged, unmotivated, they handed over stories from machine guns, they had rusty equipment, it was this army that was actually decided in the west, to train and prepare for major military operations, of course, for this already in the fourteenth year - american instructors did this exclusively in order to remake the troops in ukraine. in fact, so that everything comes to what, what is happening today. as we see, the states have been deliberately preparing ukraine for conflict for a long time. let's move on to today. in many ways, poland is involved in training the ukrainian army, namely the large polish private military company european security academy. we called the management of this company on behalf of petro poroshenko. according to our legend, petro poroshenko is recruiting fighters from.
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his own private military company, and he needs proven and well-trained soldiers, which is why we turned to the leadership of the european academy security. we talked with the director of this company, thomas brylim. let's get a look. hello. hello guys, how are you? good morning. good morning, mr. president. first of all, i want to thank you for what you are doing and what you have already done for our country in this time. we have been trying to support the ukrainian armed forces for a long time and are very proud that we have such an opportunity. my name is thomas bryl, i am the chief operating officer of the european security academy. we will be very happy provide you with support to the extent that you need it from us. as you probably know, we have the largest training facility in europe, the second largest in the world, and we are ready to meet various requirements. such work.
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conducted with us on a regular basis, we provide accommodation for units of private individuals, as well as private contractors from ukraine, who undergo specialized training here at our academy, however, based on our experience in training military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces, the most important thing is - it is to provide a common level of training for everyone. we are not talking about a few very well- trained military personnel, units, battalions. about ensuring the training of all military personnel, at the moment, how many military personnel are being trained in your training centers, i mean how many military personnel from our country are being trained by you, how many have been sent by our ministry, people from various departments are contacting us, i can prepare for you to send a certificate to you for review, groups are sent to us periodically, but i must emphasize
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: to note separately that now this does not happen so often, now fewer people come to us than in the past, why not so many, the rest are at the front, the first question, of course, alexander, to you, what is the european security academy, have you ever heard of it? i've heard about it, but i think it's enough, let's say, arrogance on the part of these people to call themselves the largest system. moreover, they still exist in the anglo-saxon world, once they have chosen their orientation in in the anglo-saxon world, of course, in addition to the black water academy, which is known to absolutely everyone, but i will note that there is generally the world’s largest organization g4s, this is a british training system that includes various modules, from chop to fighters on the front line, and where they are based in britain, not great britain, and across europe there are 680,000 people in this system.
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from the point of view of the armed forces, that is , innovative technologies, the presence of absolutely everything from a fifth-generation fighter, the actual chip production program, and excuse me, weapons of the radio-electronic warfare class, tanks and so on, this is france, that is, well, france is a militarized country, so there’s not much to explain here, so it says what poland, which is still persistently trying to pull the blanket over itself like this, can say , we are the best, little friend of the big american elephant, we are here, americans, look at us, you... don’t need old europe at all, oh well, i
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’ll probably end my remark by saying that the bundeswehr really not for years i set my goal to create something strong, i would say, convincing. is being implemented not on a polish basis, as far as i know, but from the uk and the states all the way to germany, so to speak büchel is the same, so to speak, naturally take ramshtein crisis development center. situation when analyzing what happened on the ukrainian front, is located, by the way, in romania, right on the romanian-ukrainian border, where the american division of the screaming eagles cry eagles is stationed, the 101st us division is considered the most, i would say, combat-ready unit, and also stands
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four french brigades, by the way, all of them are special forces, and several tank companies equipped with french leclerc tanks; a colossal training ground has been created there for the preparation of the ukrainian military base. the european security academy, exactly the polish one, yes, there, there, well, this is such a career growth, but again many there are mercenaries who at the beginning went to ukraine, they went on safari, well, that’s what they thought, that’s how they advertised it there, the most interesting thing is that training has been going on for 10 years, in fact,
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from this academy, they boasted to us about their letters of recommendation, including from arsen avakov, mentioned. in the news even our famous bilinked, who is connected with the american intelligence services, he conducted an investigation in 2016, it turned out that it was this same polish academy that trained the fourth company of the azov regiment, and also separately among them there were also activists of ukrainian ultra-legal organizations, the national corps, traditions, order, national squads, which are prohibited in the russian federation, what could they teach these people?
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without naturally after this 50 push-ups with bouncing, and all this under the sun at a temperature. mr. bryl praises his organization like this solely in order to earn even more money, if 10 years ago they may have made some contribution by preparing assault units, but today, well, i can’t imagine who can teach soldiers anything more , as not those who
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have been participating in modern combat operations for 2 years already, so i think that this is increasingly such a profanation, a scheme of earning money for this academy that has been tested over the years. to the world, what about it is their letters of recommendation regarding this organization that testify, including the fact that it is very interesting that the same fighters of the azov battalion, with tattoos, trained with them, and the leadership of this organization itself was not at all embarrassed by this fact, you know, in ninety-nine, 2000 . there was such a big problem in the american army, everyone was checked, everyone wrote down all the tests that all the soldiers had, why? because there were a lot of nazis, they made sure there weren’t shvastyks, there weren’t ss insignia, and this is a big problem, if there were, then what, well then there could have been censorship, they could have ended their careers, i
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’m more interested in this pmc, to what extent is it affiliated with the state of poland, in contrast to the anglo-saussian... countries where the pmc has the right to exist, well in continental europe the status is not defined, the status of a private company, they are not part of the polish ministry of defense, this is understandable, this is from the point of view of legislation. from the point of view of training people, they say approximately everything, they are training mixed units, i would not be surprised if they are training the polish-lithuanian iron wolves brigade, because this is already the status of some kind of joint international formation, so to speak, or a military formation, by the way, which is now turning into an army, well, not into an army, into a large unit, 30,000 people, they announced a formation center in ewowowo in lublin based on the iron wolves brigade. that is, in such places they are most likely preparing, this gray zone in the army took off one
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chebron, put on another chevron, now you won’t listen, listen to what he says on vacation, there are always people performing certain operations without announcing the flag. well , regarding affiliation with the polish state, just the following passage, where the leadership of this pmc honestly admitted to us what kind of connections they have with the polish government, we will definitely prepare a detailed one for you. what is the average price for training one soldier, for example, for one week, from
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1,500 to 2.0 euros per person, but this amount includes accommodation and three meals a day, yeah, all inclusive, we have a very flexible approach, mr. president. by the way, are there any problems with the polish government? we cooperate and maintain ties with our government since we are a polish company. but we also train members of the polish armed forces, just for your information: we have ongoing projects, and courses at our training complex are open to the polish government, so our relationship with the polish government , i can say without a shadow of a doubt, is really good. if we talk about the scale of work, accredited training programs and training complex, then we have no competitors in the world outside the united states. we train a couple thousand people throughout.
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we provide security, physical protection, and also provide consulting services to many very wealthy influential people around the world, we do this on a regular basis and of course we can provide assistance and assistance, our academy has such a talent pool, so of course we can introducing such a candidate to you in a decent meeting when you arrive in poland or by email is not a problem. by the way, how do you estimate how many polish citizens are currently taking part in the conflict
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on ukrainian territory? i believe there are thousands of people, but it is difficult to establish the number reliably. he named 1,500-200 - this is the average price per week for a ukrainian serviceman, that is, this is how much ukraine spent during these years. gentlemen, this is really how it is here. commercial speech, yes, so that you, you at least appreciate the scale of the disaster that this strange creature is saying, i just know that to prepare one, say, person to shoot at for stationary targets, you need approximately 1,500 rounds, for a moving target 15,000, according to the norm, the phrase is all inclusive, but no , well, i already said, including accommodation, three meals a day, dessert, and whatnot, that is, this is just a conversation about nothing, but fuel, but what specific specialization, i don’t know, maybe they are training soldiers there?
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fighters treated them, today they are more likely to even laugh if they know that there are foreign mercenaries on this side, because the most important opponents are ukrainians who have gained a lot of combat experience, like mercenaries, those who arrived are either combat veterans who jumped on the dunes
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of afghanistan or iraq and are unlikely to bring any practical benefit today. combat operations, where the main struggle is spotters and artillerymen, yes, or these are young marginals who were impressed by the western media and went to help, but they leave their positions quite quickly, and we will look at the resumes of our mercenaries after the advertisement. the t-72 is an improved version of the amx-30. western experts are spreading vile lies about our tanks. conventionally there is nothing in common, this is a tank of an older generation, i don’t think that this is a fake against our weapons, it ’s more of a pr than the legendary soviet sausage for 220 did not please the fake makers, smoking was done using harmful residues of turpentine, not smoked meat, it’s boiled sausage , it’s unlikely that any skipedary was used; the toring put sokolovsky on the list of terrorists, as well as the brothers in the northern military district, what
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is this? antifake, premiere, tomorrow on... on the first. 10 years ago the dream of millions came true crimeans, the peninsula was reunited with russia. i have been living in crimea for years. when we moved to russia, our poverty ended. ours really came. for 10 years now, i have been living in a state of this euphoria. the heart of crimea is open to everyone. people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula. the crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built in crimea. roads, hospitals, kindergartens appeared, delight, i stopped seeing fields that are ownerless, that is, everything is involved, hello, my vines, they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what is our crimea, and what else, on the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia,
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the documentary series premieres on saturday on the first. this is the vavan and lexus show and we continue. polish pmc, you and i roughly understand how it works. we decided, again, to create our own virtual, private military company named after petro poroshenko. just through the director of the european security academy, we asked to connect us with some proven poles who can get a job in the so-called.
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from a marine unit naval special operations units, but i was the first from the polish side to give instructions. i know that many countries participated in the training of these guys, but i was the first from poland in this team, i can be
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an instructor, i don’t give up anything right away, but i’m not going to participate in assault operations because it’s too dangerous. and now i have a different life. security, there was a guy from scotland and he is fighting in ukraine right now, he is young, he is a little crazy, when i chatted with him, he
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really wanted it, it seems to me that this is in in principle, characterizes most of those people who want to earn money in ukraine today, because they want to help the country, but at the same time they really want to live, and only michael kirch wants to live. polish forces, officer of the training cell, commander of the assault squad of the battle group, commander of the ship division, commander of the radio communications and electronic warfare unit in syria, also completed graduate school at the national defense academy. i’m wondering, what can this particular submariner teach the ukrainian army as a combatant? a swimmer can be trained to work, excuse me, a saboteur, a combat swimmer, setting underwater charges, but not at such a depth where professional manipulators are required, who, so to speak, transport and place the drone,
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that is, this is simply not his level of competence , elementary, this is not even the level competence of a fighter, this is the level of competence of a military engineer, he could provide security, he is capable of fighting underwater, can use underwater firearms, knows how to work with a knife, understands how, roughly speaking, to provide safety... of the inserted object , that is, this is normal work, well, if you want, really a combat swimmer, there is no need to look for supercompetence here, the army is built on specialization, especially in such difficult things, that’s what he said, that i’m not very i’m burning with the desire to die there for ukraine , etc., even if i have young friends , let the young people fight, and the young ones who are interested in this, but i’m ready to receive money, i’m ready to somehow train them, that’s the question is... how much is the general mood among the poles, are they ready in general, to die for ukraine, yes, because this is not the first prank, the guys have already called other foreigners before and the majority
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say that yes, we would like to be where it is safe, no one wants to be there somehow to control on the front line, i think that during the time that the special operation was going on, the mercenaries, including the poles, suffered such losses that now, of course, no one is eager, now they don’t need it, and where do the ukrainians need the poles, in which ones? well, most of the mercenaries are not some kind of fighters of narrow specialties, but, of course, there are those who control there, conditionally patriots , there are hymers or there artillerymen who give access there, strike there, but basically these are still ordinary infantry, yes, which suffer huge losses in modern combat operations, and these are the ones who came as to earn money from abroad to ukraine, this was quickly understood. a conflict between soldiers of the regular army of ukraine, mercenaries, so they have such a yes, the conflict is that the ukrainians are sent forward
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as cannon fodder, as a rule, by the poles the same ones go because they are not fools , they don’t want to die, this is not their war, in principle, they go second, otherwise, by the way, sometimes it’s the mercenaries who complain that they are thrown into a place, it seems to me, if at the beginning they somehow felt sorry for the imported ones - on the other side, this is more of a pr story, yes, then today...
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there is such experience, you can boast and then you can find, as a mercenary, there is security for ships, trade, oil rigs, that is they prefer people like this who have gone through military experience, this is also career ladder, so to speak, another candidate for petro poroshenko's team, polish mercenary igor gornyak, let 's see what he said, can you tell me more about your experience, since 1999 i have been cooperating with...
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i would also like to ask a few sensitive questions about ukrainian nationalists: you are not afraid to interact with some of them. these are nationalists, these are people who may ask, what do i think about bandera and all this? yes exactly. i have no problems with this, especially with azov. me too have friends. i have provided
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security in my life. yes, they have combat experience, and i also have guys with experience, now they are instructors, but they took part in this war. then send them a list of their applications. i respect any foreigner who is ready to work for our beautiful country. and i hope that our cooperation will go well. as i already told you, i am ready to ensure your safety in any conditions.
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once 17 years, as he writes, work experience for each recruit invited by him, bring a friend, yes, but igor like promised that we would pay a thousand euros to various theaters of military operations around the world, it would seem that the poles do not need to explain what happened there on the territory of western ukraine, about the pogroms that ukrainian nationalists carried out on the poles, how villages were burned. stabbed and killed, and now it turns out that the poles are training those who fight under bandera’s ideals, they can go on the attack with them, money, well, now, as we found out, we talked with american mercenaries, they said that the salary ranges from 40 to 100 thousand hryvnia, well, just like an ordinary soldier, actually, they complain that they don’t even receive this money, their wages are delayed, they are not
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paid, there are all sorts of frauds.
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there were others, in fact, as for the poles, they all have exactly one line, that is, we , who want to join our virtual battalion, are ready to work for you, but as guards, but we don’t want to participate on the line of combat contact, we want still to live, we have good candidates, but not us, here again you can trace a certain difference, those who vehemently wanted to participate in hostilities on the side of ukraine, some of them have already died, some have left, some have gained combat experience, now, apparently, they have included this in their resume, and somewhere themselves sells more expensive, you also need to understand that in modern combat operations, right now in the zone of your own, and more than a thousand km , the front line, positional battles and mainly
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the work performed by the infantry, it is necessary to hold on with clenched teeth - in a trench along which it is extremely precise today everyone is hitting both mortars and howitzers, where kamikaze drones also hit, this requires a lot of... fortitude , great motivation, great discipline in the troops, mercenaries are completely different in spirit, and not where it is easier and where you can earn more, so they can divers they can cook there, they can teach them how to reload quickly, they can do some other nonsense, as long as they give money, as long as they allocate some grants to support ukraine, and they calmly develop them at their training grounds, all places where foreign mercenaries gather are hot targets , of course for our intelligence.
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well, for the situation as a whole, thank you for watching us, see you soon, hello, this is a psychic podcast and we continue to put together the puzzles of our lives, trying to find. that formula of happiness that everyone dreams of, or at least try to do it. our today 's heroine anastasia lived a completely happy and prosperous life, she was a hired office worker, she had
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a stable salary, but an annual bonus, everything that is due to those who work for hire, stable, good, constantly, with moderate nerves, but in any way. predictable in case, but this was not enough for our heroine; at some point she decided to change her quiet, calm office life to freelancing. many of us actually dream about this , it seems to us that, my god, what freedom, how cool, how great everything is, all fate, all our decisions are in our hands, but anastasia was faced with challenges that, in general, ... i didn’t think so, let’s try to figure out whether she was psychologically ready for a change in this format and whether each of us, well, according to his structure, according to his psychotype, he is ready for what is called freelancing. hello
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anastasia, good afternoon, our expert today, psychologist, professor, doctor of cultural studies, andrei zberovsky will help us with you. why did you even decide to leave your homes? somewhat, as i understand it, everything was good, stable, suddenly there was such a sharp turn, yes, and i worked for more than half of my life as an employee, in very large companies, and these are world -class companies, on a federal scale, and my work i was connected not only with some mass positions, let’s say, but i grew in my career, became an expert, developed, and of course the growth was in income, in principle i ’m happy with everything. moreover, i changed industries , i changed companies, the growth was very cool, yeah, gradually, of course, i wanted an increase in income and just some kind of expertise further, because i
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adapt quite well, i learn very well, in particular, when covid started and we switched to a remote work format, i even moved to dagestan, that is, i worked and lived in another region and everything worked out. everything was great, probably the highlight of my career was the transition to the moskovskaya company and arrival in moscow, and i myself was born in a small town in the tver region. and it was something like this, wow, i’m in moscow, in a large company in a great position, i was already working with managers, that is, this is just such a significant growth, but i realized that there seemed to be less freedom, that is, i was moving to another region and i really liked this mode, the ability to move, that is, not always sit in the office, in moscow there was this need to be at work 24:7 and i’m not ready to pay that price for
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that position, the functionality that i received and it ended up that at the end of september last year i left for project work for freelancing, but right here - at first there was euphoria, as you said, freedom, lunch, some kind of free movement around cities, exhibitions and so on, but it turned out that it was as if i was there don't wait, that is, when you have work in hiring, a structured regime, and structured tasks, but there is no team here, i’m alone, and i need to build marketing, design a website, and do something else, that is, i need a team, so now i ’m looking at all of this at the moment and i’m wondering if they’ll go back to hiring, because they don’t have the result that they would like, naturally in
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finance, and to organize a team, again, you need finance, that is, as if before starting this freelance job you had to gather people, consult there with producers, coaches, i don’t know, psychologists, draw up a plan, a budget, and little by little, it’s possible to switch from hiring to freelancing, that is, as if taking responsibility for yourself. and then i also joked that i didn’t go
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freelance, but the job itself left me, that is, you can say, the conditions for your stay at this job were just this project, yes, that is, there is no project, which means your position is not there, then there is, after all, it was not your spontaneous decision, but you just thought about it, and then, well, how often does it happen, yes, that fate gives a magic kick, and we’re flying, that’s another thing, in what direction are we flying, how much time do we have? the company specially gathered several people who... were thinking about freelancing and created optimal starting conditions for them, as usual, for the circumstances, this is how it turned out most often, so let’s say there is such a typical mistake freelancing, it is connected with the fact that a person either continues his expertise, that is , the expertise that he accumulated in a previous job or works, or a person completely changes his expertise, so what was your idea of ​​your freelancing, are you an expert in the new?
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let’s start with this, there was no plan , honestly, come on, there was no plan, but now i’m thinking, perhaps, my work, it’s almost the same as what i did in companies, but i’m thinking about how to formulate , i probably took a step, not exactly to the side, but expanded it, that is, i was engaged there, for example, in training, yes, now i am carrying out some more , well, actions, probably in this.


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