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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 15, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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native steel, it is very fragile, if , for example, you even drop a knife, it can simply split into several parts, it is also not recommended to heat it, because the sharpening can also deteriorate, even when the japanese boss taught me, he says, in no way in this case, a knife cannot be sharpened in hot water, only in cold water, i don’t know why, but i think that the molecules probably expand, change and change, even, for example, with any heating.
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horizontal, but as i understand it, another system is very important in risk, no less complex, much more complex, this is the person who cuts, and there already appears, as i understand, many angles, many axes of rotation, that’s how significant a person is, his posture, his movement for correct cutting, so, probably, let’s start with the fact that first, a person who holds a knife in his hands must think about what he is doing and why he is doing it, this... it is very important that the brain works in tandem with the hands, the mind is a little cleared of any problems of complexity in in this world, a person comes to work, he must cut, the first thing is the surface, this is his the location of the cook, how he stands, again , the height at which he cuts, if, for example, he will cut lower than 90 cm, because all tables that are surface are made at a professional level, the height is very important, because if it is low , then it will be inconvenient for the cook... to stand cutting and he will stand there for a maximum
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of 2 hours and then say i’ll go and won’t work here so we also take this into account in this height density the surface on which the cook will cut is very important the surface for example glass boards i don’t i recommend cutting because the knife will quickly become dull, it’s best to use plastic wood , you can’t use it at all, but it’s better if you take our restaurant, we use pararasinene wood, which we order from japan and which does not leave any cuts after we cut, that is, we will return besides the fact that this is the area, this is the height and the pressure with which the cooks and the mind will cut, i probably can’t help but add one more small physical element, this is the difference between hardness and strength, there is a concept hardness. roughly speaking, who is scratching
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whom, you can scratch glass with a diamond, and with a knife, even a good one, it is quite difficult to scratch glass, but on the contrary, glass can slightly dull the iron, yes, at the same time, iron has strength, unless it is some kind of special japanese knife , naturally higher than that of glass, you can break it with a knife, you don’t need to do this, of course, but on the contrary you are unlikely to succeed, but as i remember, nikolai... according to his initial activities in science, he is a physicist - experimenter, so i suggest from talk, move on to practical experimental testing of our ideas about cutting, yeah, and now let's try cutting and see how it turns out, yes, okay, so, let's start, we probably have products and a very competent opinion from a physicist and... we are today let's look at the myths and
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why this is needed in general, well, for example, for households, there is a cucumber, it can be cut - in this format, that is, what we talked about earlier, the surface is dense, no, the most important thing is that it does not i went anywhere, it will be convenient, again the angle of pressure, that is now we will cut through either in this format, or we can do it like this, like this, and here the lever also works, i understand, here the lever really works, because you see, we have an angle, again, and pressure, but i understand correctly, that the longer the knife, the, naturally , the greater the leverage effect and the easier it is to cut hard objects, of course, in any case, well , look at the area of ​​the product, if there is a small cucumber, but a homemade one, you can take a smaller knife, it will be it’s convenient to cut some small ones and clean them up there things, again this little cucumber quickly. it’s easier and more convenient than doing it
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with a big knife, where all this is still difficult, that is, it can be done in a format like this, that is, as i said. the knife has three parts for which it can be used, the first is to cut the half, for example, in this format, or the middle, this is when it is already denser, for example, a carrot, you can already chop it, well, the lever also works here, you rely of course , it is undesirable to lift it, that is , it is there all the time, this board is like a stop, that is, we rest against it and we cut, chop, this one partly, this is when, for example, there is already some kind of cartilage or something else there, when it is possible to cut through, that is, this is effort. this is possible when the product is, for example, frozen, and it is also very important how to hold the knife, look, if you are holding it now, your knife will move, the cutting can be different, so to make it correct, we still, no , also not so, you need to be relaxed, take the knife in this format, that is, so that
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when a cook or someone is cutting at home, you can calmly chop and control it, and it is very important to hold the product with your left hand, not only with your fingers, and also hold it. with the whole hand and be very careful with your fingers , yes this is very important, you can cut yourself even with the dullest knife, and this is what most often happens when a knife is a blunt instrument, people most often cut themselves with their thumb, tuck in their thumb , yes, that’s right, and we’ll show another very interesting cutter of mine like this probably the most exclusive which few people know how to do, again surface area. now it will be a little different, the cutting principle will be the same, that is, we will now cut the tape from cucumber, what are you afraid of your fingers , i’m not afraid, that’s why i stick here, here i control the part with this finger, and here with this finger and i feel it, that is, here
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the process happens, as we said, cutting, once forward, that is, we only cut forward, we don’t cut backwards, you apply it. quite a lot of force over a large area, but here i’m not really force, i’m not pressing, i’m doing the opposite, it’s me cutting, that is, with small movements , a sharp knife, a sharp knife, again it’s sharpened, now we’ll try to cut it not with a one-sided knife, but with a knife that has two sharpenings, it’s great, very good, but can we show this knife again, this is a knife with a side sharpening, yes, that’s right, this is called takahiki, a japanese knife... it’s quite dense on one side , it’s very easy to lay on the surface, it removes the required part of the thickness, i can’t now cut, for example, the same kind of cutting with this knife, we’ll demonstrate it now, that is, it’s a double-sided knife, it’s sharpened like that , that is, the surface angle is very important here, i
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i’ll try to do it here, of course, but i’m not sure that i’ll be able to do it as filigree as it was from the previous one due to the fact that the angle... goes from both sides, yes, yes, yes, you see, now it’s already difficult for me too it takes more effort, now i press directly , but there i didn’t make any effort, you see, with me it no longer wants to go further, because the knife here is sharpened on both sides, that is , the angle is different, here the angle turns out to be one, here it is with two sides, well, for another task, because well... this angle is needed in order to after the cut, move the cut parts apart and
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make it easier for the cutting edge to penetrate deeper, it is very interesting that it will be inconvenient to chop with such a knife, but you can try, yes, try it. with this knife, on the contrary, it will be very easy to cut, for example , things like this, now we will move on to a much more complex system than a knife, this is a person who cuts, a person, how to stand, as i understand it, you can’t sit, yes, well, sit, firstly, it will be uncomfortable, because the back will still be there. and the lever of pressure, that is our hand turns out to be like a lever , here we are chopping, if i sit down now, it will be uncomfortable for me, the angle will be smaller and i won’t be able to cut, so the surface on which we cut the plane is very important, again a knife, i actually i use this knife to cut relatively only
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fish, there i very rarely cut vegetables, how many knives do you have at home, but i have one, generally one, only one at home, because i cut everything at work and at home. i have a small universal knife, approximately, but the length is very important, and again we ’ll come back to this, here it turns out to be 27 cm, here it is 21 cm, here 21 for me is the most optimal for home conditions wherever possible. peel something, well, not potatoes, for example, yes, cut the same sausage, some kind of steak, thinly slice, and cut up some, for example, chicken for cooking at home, so, we’ll take fish, we ’ll cut, let's take the chilled salmon , first we will remove the top part, this is the rib part, again the angle is very important, with this knife. for example, it will not be as convenient to do it filigree as it can be done with one-sided sharpening, because this is it
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rests, it turns out to be on the surface of this part of the abdomen, and we can easily adjust the thickness of the cut - on the rib part, that is, this is also very important, the less meat remains here, the percentage of the processing ratio will be much lower, exactly on kitchen, this is very important. well , saving, it’s not a matter of saving, it’s even a matter of the right one, it’s technology, we shoot very well, that’s why we need a two-sided knife, we rested on one side, it turns out to be the surface, here we can easily remove from the sirloin, resting against the flat surface of the knife, on a flat, dense surface of the board, and we remove all this from the skin, leaving nothing to the surface itself,
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that is, in this way what happens to us, everything really depends, especially in a restaurant or in technological process of factories from cutting, and then from the technology itself for preparing this product. so, now we will do it as follows: that is, here is the corner, and we cut it, it turns out, once, with a slight movement, uh-huh, let's take another knife, let's say this one, we we also can’t do it, as you can see, the knife, firstly, is short, it doesn’t have enough angle, and i’ll most likely have to do it all in two movements, because i can’t do such a cut in one, wait, and you cut fish like ? and i or you buy sliced ​​right away, i cut fish with teeth, when, well, teeth are
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a separate topic, we will make a separate podcast about teeth, so let's take it, we had chilled, chilled fish, and now let's take it, i i understand that we have a different phase state of water, a different the state is the water phase, here we will just try, since i can hardly remove it from the skin, we will need a heavier knife here. because it will be very dangerous to cut with this knife, because here, firstly, it can split it, even so, yes, because the metal is very thin , the sharpening is very thin, if we cut on the hard part, the teeth will break as they appear jagged, wait, if you rub for a long time, the water will melt, let’s try to melt, we’re doing an experiment, let’s try, in any case, here’s something and something is clearer, in theory in theory. if you actively press repeatedly, then due to the pressure the phase stage should change
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, you get water and cut everything, look, here the water turned out to be liquid, yes, that’s right, the work of friction forces turns into heat, this heat is enough to melt the ice, transfer it to the liquid phase, well, yes, so let's try one more movement, as we said, again the angle. pressure, that is , you can still cut in this format, that is, the corner is held, rests against the board, these are pressed here there is such a lever, this is such pressure , that is, right now we get right here, we take the weight of the body, press and cut through our steak of wonderful salmon, with you is the podcast schrödinger's cat, in which we talk about everyday things from the point of view of nikolai
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melovanov. can you give me a couple more tips on how your hand should be positioned? the hands should be relaxed, not tightly clenched, because if they are clenched tightly, it will be very difficult for the cook or anyone at home who cooks to move, a relaxed state, but again, so that the knife doesn’t go anywhere, you need to cut in something like this. in a format, and the movement is only the hand or the shoulder is involved, as if the whole body is involved here, because we have the back, arms and legs, that is, support, so now i’m doing it right. but if you lightly hold the shoulders, take the knife in your hand, depending on what you are doing, so you need to stand a little with your feet wider and stand and do the operation like this, then all the strength will go to the left hand, resting, cutting, if you are cutting, for example, slicing fish, then a little bit will be needed here it’s different to cut in this way, i see you
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’re bending it down a lot, but here i’m still adjusting the product a little bit so that i can make a thin slice. in fact, human posture is a big complex physics, it’s not for nothing that scientists, engineers, and mathematicians spend so much time developing anthropomorphic robots so that all these movements along so many axes can be correctly reproduced, yes, everything is correct, but we will, i think so, yes, let’s try, what is the difficulty, why do you need some special knives for nori? well , there are no special knives for nori. but here we will just do some kind of experiment now, because here the area, the surface of the leaf will be very large, it is dense, that is, seaweed, yes , that’s right, if you take, for example, a small knife, then i will need to cut it in this
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format, here we are dividing one whole into two wholes. and if we take, for example, a large knife, that is, we applied the effort of simply cutting, but here we will apply pressure, that is, we will rest against the board and cut our wonderful nori sheet with such a movement, well, in both cases it turned out convincingly, yes nikolay, can you comment on the difference in these two approaches to cutting nori? well, this is a technological difference, in any case, we... apply pressure to this product and this pressure is enough to disrupt the interaction of the molecules of this seaweed, this sheet, well, there could probably be, i think, a leaf paper,
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let's say, now we will do such an experiment, we have already cut the raw materials, now we will see how it works. in the finished dish, that is, with us, i see how you do with any chef, if you have imagination and a very competent use of products, then we will now make a small sashimi roll and see how it can also be cut, in what corners, because now we had these raw materials, but the finished product is still cut differently , so it turns out that we are now making a cut, we place it on a sheet on a snor, here you also see the movement, a one-sided knife very easily helps smoothly. cut, it was not for nothing that the japanese came up with such knives, they invented them for fish. so, we take our wonderful cucumber ribbon, take the rest the cucumber that is left, we carefully wrap it all, pack it all in our wonderful cucumber tape, that is, we
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have already created such a dish, well, a complex design, with different densities, different fibers. cut in a slightly different way, we just saw that cucumber can be cut like this, salmon like this, nori like this, here you need to cut it in this format, that is, with a saw, because i’m unlikely to be able to cut it evenly like this, because it will break the entire integrity of the structure of this product, dish, it will go away in the hall is not in the form it should be, so here we use a holding motion, rest against it, cut it a little. and we treat ourselves, and here it’s the same, we treat ourselves, and we received such wonderful rolls with fresh cucumber and wonderful fish, thank you very much, it seems to me that our physics lesson can be completed on this delicious note, nikolai, i think so, it’s
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simply impossible not to choke on saliva looking at these amazing... work, thank you, of chef’s art, really, thank you, mikhail, thank you nikolai, i was with you podcast schötdinger's cat, in which we talk about ordinary things from a scientific point of view. hello, a creative podcast is live. industry, i’m sure you remember these immortal lines, you don’t choose times , you live in them, you die in them, there’s nothing more vulgar in the world than to cry and blame, as if you can change those for these, like in... the market, and the nursery brought me to the house first, where pushkin lived, they said: stand, i asked, is this the neva river, they told me, what are you, this is a car wash, usually guests
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come to our studio, and today we came to visit the great poet and his to my beloved city, because st. petersburg and kushner are inseparable, let’s go, hello! hello, i’m pleased that you invited me, well, since i write poetry, this will be - basically the topic of our conversation, i started writing poetry very early, probably at the age of 9-10, i think that the knowledge of a child, early death. knowledge at 4 years old, at 5 years old, contributes to growing up, and maybe even somehow influences future poems. my
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father, returning from the front, he fought on the leningrad front, reached the port of pelau in germany, and, by the way, received an order red star back in 1942, and my mother and i... lived with relatives of my father’s older sister in syzarny, we were hungry, one day my mother was working, she worked as a typist, typed on a typewriter, brought a bun from work, and it was absolute happiness , because in my eyes, i no longer remember, i didn’t remember that there are rolls in the world, only bread, in kindergarten, for example, i remember,
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at the age of 5 it contributes to growing up and maybe even somehow influences future poems, here well, that means i can read it, let’s say i took a big book with me, so i’ll read it the poem that was included in my book , the first impression, was called, you know, it’s 60, 1962, can you imagine how long ago, when
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i’m very sad, i take out my notebook, without shouting, without sighing, i’ll call someone... something, oh, the voices of my friends , thank you, thank you, for the fact that you were at home in late evenings, for the fact that in the difficult interweaving of love and your grief, you forgot how you lived, you said nothing, behind the usual the words were such kindness, as if god was behind you and was telling you, then you can imagine, a poem with the word god was not published in soviet
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times, yes, this is surprising, however, one day i called brodsky and asked how you were living, he said: you answered nothing, that is, you remembered this poem. you know, i’ve been to london, paris, venice and rome, there’s nothing better than st. petersburg, i still don’t know, and this is not boasting, st. petersburg seems to me very beautiful, the only condition is that you have to come in the summer, about the main building headquarters, then a roll of yellow paper. unfolded from left to right concave like the sky, oh sky, oh a sea of ​​drawing gloss, a cold sky
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, oh, break away from the hands of the italian, curl up into a tube again, under his gray cloak, under his arm, so that the seam is torn, so that the italian walks, huddle in the shade of the st. petersburg gardens, under the wind in the wild cold, and two glances after him, i understand between... a century and a moment there is no particular difference, more than built buildings, i will love the features of cities, cheerful is consciousness, the mysterious unsteadiness of them, quarenghi was a classicist, did not like iborocco, but shoot, he said yes, but when i pass by - smolny cathedral
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, i take off my hat, and i really want to take off my hat , every now and then, because indeed, the city is so beautiful, why, it is all crossed by rivers, where you will find such an avenue as nevsky, which is crossed by both the car wash and the fontanka, and the griboedov canal, which is correct... of course, call it ekaterinsky, because griboyedov is a muscovite, he has nothing to do with it, it was built under catherine, and then there ’s the niva, and so on, in general, an absolute miracle, yes, here’s a poem petersburg rivers, i see, i see, early in the morning, directed into the neva, both the bypass and the fountain.
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i look like a bottle of a river to a thief and a bridleless canal, i see the morning agility of their names on the planks of a deadly black river, an elusive thread, i hear a sigh of awkwardness, a cry in the life of a life-lived vision. forgings , glare, reflections, horseshoes, a bold reflection of oil, i see a gray tint, a sink, a woman, from ont hooks, climbing a wall, a buckle, a carp, a smolenka, a styx, a cocytus, a yachyront, you see, connected to the st. petersburg rivers, two ancient ones. .. well
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, because st. petersburg has not seen anything on in your century, in your history , you’ve seen so much, you come home, rustling with your cloak, wiping away the rain on your cheeks, is life still mysterious, still mysterious, no need for ghosts, shadows, dark without that, ah, the prose in it is even stranger, more mysterious than anything, i value life, the close-up, the unevenness, and the znov, the flaw seen in it, as if through a strong microscope, the biologist will say the screw in a circle, that you can’t take your eyes off, i don’t know if there is a soul in us, but in the cells he will say, there is, and he i’m all the more embarrassed because i’m dedicated to, well, that
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means i can live some more, mysteriously, some more, you will come home, your hand in the chalk , as if propping up, and this night, and this darkness, and the stone portal, marble and granite teach us, not to remember insults, but to remember how the foliage flies to your feet, creatid, how the world sways, hold on , i’ll wipe the leaves off my cheeks, i’ll wipe them off, they decided, they made life even more mysterious, these are the poems , you see, they are unusual, yes, in rhythm, in size, and why is the sleeve cute, so i worked at a school, at a school for working youth, at zhukov street on the vybsk side and...
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it will confuse me, i’m not busy with something, they say, with two things, i’ll risk comparing myself to a swallow in the sense that i float with two wings
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, a stream of air holds me, i look, i am faced with the marks, who is not agile here, not me, i lead with a feather. if someone standing behind you pounces, covers him with a wing, i’ll say this, you’ll get in trouble with me, two things to do, i, my friend, have two things to do, of course, i couldn’t be called a parasite, that’s the whole secret, at the dacha, where the river to the field, to... the mouth at my shoulder, the arrival of president degaulle means almost nothing, as long as
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a military orchestra is playing marsillaise in moscow, we are reaching out with a cloud to the forest, and have fun looking around, your arrival in russia, page. history, brezhnev said, i would meet you, little dosenichka, sings, mr. general, selfless service of the bushes, a dense forest-wall, like franco-soviet friendship, and even stronger than she, you read your poems to akhmatova, right? yes, i visited her several times, unlike brodsky, bobushev, rein and naiman, who went in fours, i came alone, and i’ll tell you, it
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’s much more difficult, it’s clear why, the first time lidia yakovlevna ginsburg brought me there, he was a wonderful philologist, she is a student. i think that the best thing in russia is its poetry, one wonders if anyone can
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compare, well, that is, no, of course, the germans have many wonderful poets, the british too, but still, when you start listing, starting with the orb clematis. true, one cannot forget batyushkov before pushkin, yes, one cannot forget bratinsky, a friend, pushkin, and so on and so on, so the list will probably include several dozen names, the russian language, i want to say, is generally incredibly convenient for poems, honestly, well, i don’t know french, is it possible, what? with them the emphasis is always on one thing, on one word, on the last word and that’s it, but with us, it can be on the first, second, third, tenth, whatever you like, further, in western verses, and not only in western
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, the phrase must begin with what, with the subject , i went, i went out into the street, yes, he looked out the window, and so on, and we, and we have such a row of clouds, a flying mountain, these are guns, where they are approaching. gred's proposal, that's where she is, and this gives the poet a wonderful opportunity use these things in poetry , take advantage of them, they help write poetry, so i’ll read a poem: i love the tyranny of rhyme, it achieves, makes... sudden meaning and perfection, and truly,
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heavenly, suddenly a bird flies in, it turns out there is on earth bliss, how unhappy i would be, without this i would be forced, without a barrier, an obstacle and an expensive hint, and i would not know what... i lack consolation, surprise, confusion, an unexpected meeting, a shake-up, this is the russian language with its echoing cases , suffixes and easy running, emphasis, but let’s not go into details between us, a gift is a gift, only a gift, and our language... was invented by a genius, and there’s as much as
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you like, you know, this, this is some kind of miracle, free, some kind of, there is great freedom in the russian language in this sense with the epigraph, may be cruel with the white nights from the block, there would be no place for either fear or anger, all our sins would be forgiven. if the russians abroad in europe knew poetry, if they were able to read them in russian, then they would say this: i dreamed of lermantov in the marching shneli, and then pasternak, you know, tanks, submarines, aircraft carriers, don’t count. i drove past the groves in
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a carriage, the block stood at the gate, may can really be cruel, disastrous, a white night, with my mind it’s impossible to cool down these construction sites with time, my first book was torn apart, it was terribly scolded by the newspaperman. igor sergeevich kuzmyachev. well, me too, of course, well, oh, it was very painful, i
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’ll tell you the truth, it was very painful, but why were they scolded, for what, for what were they scolded, for what, for the intimacy, that was akhmatogo’s favorite word they scolded him for his intimacy, for his love of objectivity, for the absence of poems about great construction projects , the poet values ​​​​his country, no other
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country needs him, translate him into sanskrit, even into french, he is pathetic from the embarrassment, he is in a foreign rich language, that’s all languages ​​are rich in their own way, lives in an uncharacteristic melancholy, the sound does not go with the sound and... and the lips are compressed, imagine a picture, all the mosques are written and painted by someone else’s hand, the original and the copy. but raphael on the copy, like in a mask, will like it, but is unlikely to admire what you can’t steal the list with a frame, the poet values ​​his country, falling in love with it in grief, in misfortune,
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so for me this was really important, so i remember, they wanted to ask me a question, why didn’t i leave? the school and my students looked at me with kind eyes and felt compassion for me, they understood that this defeat was dishonest and, moreover, the book was swept from the shelves, the ten thousandth edition was instantly
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sold out, i’m not bragging, well, brodsky had to leave, he had a different character , he had another... released, i say, well, how do you like it here, he they didn’t let me out in soviet times, then he says, no, it doesn’t matter, he wrote an evil poem against me, which was called a letter to an oasis, wow, we are
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an oasis, but in what year, in ninety-one, two, when forgive us , there was nothing to eat, i was terribly upset, well , there was such a disagreement, it happened, then he apologized, then they made up again, everything was restored, everything was fine, he performed before that, then at my evening he was very well seeing him, here he is, he wrote some wonderful words, you know , you can show it, you know, may 12, 1972, the second year, this is when he was leaving, how it happened, i was working part-time not at school, of course, on newsreels, i read some texts there ,
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i go out, and he goes to the meeting, well, we hugged, that’s all, and he says, i want to come in. to marina , you wait for me, to marina basmanova, she was walking to rimsky korvsky nearby, and why does she want for these, and i want to tell her about leaving, that is , he made the final decision to leave, i was terribly upset by this, of course, but but he received the nobel prize, and i tell him, well, you see, you left, did you win? i’m not, i lost, and he says: i don’t think so, because life was not fun for him, but was it really fun before vlatov, i’m living, no, but you, you’re lucky , no, i don’t read happiness into myself, but, but i’m not complaining either , at least i'm not complaining, that's uh.


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