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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 15, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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well, firstly, she was mistaken , there is already terror there, only this is their terror towards the russians, absolutely and for a very long time, as for the iron curtain, well, in general , if they themselves try to erect it, we, of course, must destroy it, we we we must always remember that, first of all, in latvia , estonia, and lithuania, there are much fewer of these neo-nazi governments, it ’s not for nothing that there is a picture of veterans on the screen. these neo-nazi governments have been holding hostages for three decades, these hostages are the russians there, and let the curtain fall it’s easier to do this, of course, so of course we won’t allow any curtain, but how can we not allow it, but you know, 2 years ago it was quite difficult to answer this question, and after february 24, two years later, he looks at us and tells his own people.
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i wasn’t, because i was deported from there in 2004, i’m on nongrat’s list of people, but those who go there say that during the day riga is empty, like moscow in the eighties, well , yes, like moscow in the eighties, yes, i see, uh, i see, then yes, well, judging by the tone, in fact, uh, i chose, so to say, a little bit playful and cheerful, as if frivolous, well, just some kind of strong, now that’s right, evika, yes, she’s talking about some kind of iron curtain, and they, as a rule... marya vladimirovna zakharova noticed that they have iron on the curtain they have a curtain, my god, what are they going to do, but on the other hand, that is, it’s like they’ll build on peat, there’s a lot of peat in armor, they’ll build on peat, you see , we still slip into some kind of humor, but that’s because so differently, so differently to look at them, if you don’t remember about their terror against the russians, then just laugh, of course, let’s do this now, to the emirates, to the emirates, i know, yes, let’s do this now, eh
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let's look at the plot, after all, this is our project , it's time to remember and let's remember, because the topic of sovereignty, independence is one, well , this is just a favorite topic and theme among western political strategists, the script has been worked out, the technology, so to speak, exists and has also been worked out in the baltics, one of the key ones to say the elements of the points in it - by the way, pay attention, well, this is just as an epigraph to our plot, because all the time of soviet power
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, the baltic lands, so to speak, became part of the russian empire following the results of the northern war at the beginning of the 16th century. russia defeated the swedes and gained access to the baltic sea. finally, all the territories of the baltic states or the baltic region. annexed to russia in 1795 . the lands were divided into estland, lefland, courland and velen provinces. battles of the first world war completely redrawn the geography of europe. under the pressure of the german army, they had to leave the courland and part of the liflyan province. two revolutions in 1917 brought an end to the russian empire. the government entered into separate peace negotiations with germany. the terms of the brest-litovsk treaty were draconian. the baltic states were taken over by germany and austria-hungary. the areas lying to the west of the line established by the contracting parties and previously belonging to russia will no longer be under its supreme authority.
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russia refuses any interference into the internal affairs of these regions. germany and austria-hungary intend to determine the future fate of these areas once they are cleared of their population. the occupied baltic states were considered as a colony of the german empire, the creation of a baltic duchy was announced, and heinrich hagenzollern, the brother of the german kaiser, became the ruler. german became the only official language, and the germans began to export everything valuable from the region. the loss of germany in the first world war did not affect the situation in the baltic states, because the soviet union became the common enemy russia. according to the armistice of campiène, france and great britain retained german occupation forces in the territory. baltic states, just to prevent the arrival of the russians. all german troops currently located in the territories that constituted russia before the war must return to germany as soon as the allies recognize that the moment has come for this, taking into account the internal situation of these territories.
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german troops were supposed to overthrow the power of the bolsheviks, the british and french helped with weapons and money. only in 1919 london sent latvia more than 2 million pounds sterling military. assistance and ensured the work of local nationalist cells , however, the governments that came to power with german bayonets and with the help of british money turned out to be insolvent; uprisings began to break out throughout the baltic states; by the beginning of 1919 , bolshevik power was established almost everywhere, which was immediately recognized in the rsfsr, however, the sovietization of the regions was not part of the plans of the western powers, and the baltic states had the honor of becoming the first cordon sanitaire from russia. usually to to stop the spread of the epidemic, a cordon sanitaire is established. if similar measures were taken against the spread of bolshevism, it could be defeated, for to isolate it means to defeat it. after the outbreak
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of world war ii , hitler created a whole network of death factories in the baltic states. jewish ghetto concentration camps. the nazis tortured hundreds of thousands of people in dungeons. only in one concentration camp with us, together with other children, they took us to the hospital, there was a german doctor, in the middle of the room there was a table with different instruments, the doctor said that there is no need to cry, since we will all die anyway, and this way we will be useful. children with measles were taken to the so-called camp hospital, where they were immediately bathed in water, which cannot be done with this disease, because of this, the children died after 2-3 days, they... did not, the measles went inside the body. volunteers for the ss legions began to be recruited from local residents. in the baltic states there were several such teams that caught partisans, killed local residents and carried out executions. soviet troops kicked out germans from the baltic states in 1944.
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nationalists also fled with the germans, who later became useful to the west during the cold war. in the usa and britain , some diplomatic missions continued to operate before the military regimes. an estonian government in exile was even created. the united states continued this theme somewhat after the collapse of the ussr. in 2008 , the us senate unanimously approved a resolution on the need for russia to recognize the soviet occupation of the baltic states. congress asks the president of the united states and the secretary of state to urge the government of the russian federation to recognize that the soviet occupation of latvia, estonia and lithuania was illegal. the us has never recognized this illegality. the forcible occupation was maintained by uninterrupted diplomatic relations with these countries throughout the soviet occupation. a new stage in the development of the baltic states for the west began with the collapse of the ussr. after joining the european union and nato, a large-scale campaign began to oust everything russian, even to the point of real
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discrimination against the russian-speaking population. well, discrimination is the most delicate, so to speak, correct word that you could consume. so we can call it all harsher, that would be fair.
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by force or, as they say here , by diplomatic force, they were simply presented with appropriate ultimatums, on the basis of these ultimatums, soviet troops entered the territory... in the sense of the use of military forces there and other aviation, respectively , no matter what the decisions of parliament were , yes this parliament voted, you can say this or that, yes, it is very important that violence implies. some kind of violence there was no violence, so to speak, physical, i’m trying to understand, i’m trying to understand,
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they think, well, i won’t prove anything here, they believe that the existence of their statehood was interrupted by the soviet union, the soviet pro-communist, communist, in fact, it’s power, so in the elections, which means that after that they were occupied. by the germans during the beginning of the great patriotic war, so be afraid of the germans, so i want to say the balts, so accordingly, but the thing is that they perceive the germans, both of the example of the first world war and the example of 41-4, more positively, so to speak, attention, now i’ll interrupt you for a second, we just showed you in the story who the germans of the example are 41 dash 40?
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and only anatoly kuzichev can vote, this is very convenient from the point of view of anatoly kuzichev, the latvians did this in relation to their own nation, and then, having invented the myth of occupation. by carrying out privatization, they redistributed the national wealth created by the soviet union, only mostly in favor of the latvian nation, moreover, they recognized the ss legionnaires, this old guy, as victims, repressed, therefore, by the soviet regime, and meanwhile, if they were honest to the end, and we later saw
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this in ukraine, in ukraine this the scheme gave birth to a civil war, they then had... to flog themselves for complicity, in their language, in socialist construction, honestly 95% of the latvian nation, the lithuanian nation and the estonian nation participated in socialist construction, they needed revanchism, denying the soviet past , they they can’t go anywhere other than nazi revanchism, which is what they’ve come to, and judging by what you describe, in general, strictly technical, this is not some kind of emotional assessment, not an emotional epithet, it’s strictly technical...
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so here in general, until the end of the first war in the russian empire, the balts and balts were called not estonians and latvians, but the germans who lived there and were subjects of the russian empire at the time of peter, to a large extent these were the so -called...
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centuries russians and took away their land property, then the leadership of these ozzey germans on the territory of the already independent, specifically latvia, the baltic national committee, uh-huh, called on german soldiers who were supposed to leave the baltic states under an agreement with the entente to germany, where there was chaos, revolutionary events, inflation, voice. and so on, go to their service for 100 morgens, yes, well, that’s 25, but no, i want to say that they helped to resist this government. national, after which they were told: gutbay, according to the treaty of versailles we don’t owe you anything, because one of points of the treaty of versailles,
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excuse me, was that this is an agreement of more than 400 pages, so any person who entered into any agreement with a german company or with a german private individual, for example, 100 marks, is free under the treaty of versailles. these obligations, and the latvian government of carles ulmanis, referring to this, said that we do not owe you anything, then these german soldiers, united, let 's say, in quotes by the baltic barons, deprived of just one fell swoop, tried establish their own power there, german, because for centuries, starting from the time of the tofton order, then under the swedes and under the russian empire, the main leading force of these ozean provinces or.
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he said as he commented , pay attention, by the way, to some impeccable, well, completely inaccessible to me, correctness of our president, please, as for the small state of europe, well, first of all, we treat everyone with respect, no matter what , and secondly, that’s when they, these little ones states are calling for tougher policies towards russia and... to take some extreme measures, including, say, sending troops and so on, these are still those states, they understand this, that will not
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feel the consequences of the provocative actions they have made statements, those who can feel, they behave much more restrained and correctly, but i didn’t really understand, i think what is meant is that they will not feel, so to speak , the consequences of the provocative statements he made. i said they won’t make it in time, do you think it’s it was meant? no, not that, i’m not vladimir vladimirovich, that’s why i’m turning to you, alexander yuryevich, did you notice? yes, therefore, everything that our president said in these small states is translated into two words, jackal-tobacco, got it, and that is their historical mission? provoke big neighbors into confrontation, hoping that the jackal doesn’t care, that somewhere it will fall
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, a bunch of, for example, all sorts of gingerbread after the great patriotic war, it’s absolutely starting, here’s anatol, i’m literally 2 minutes away, yes, this was also in the plot, this is one of the important things, this is my version, i will not insist on it, but it seems important to me, 100 years ago, what was said, the italian prime minister was quoted as saying about the cordon sanitaire. a geopolitical strategy was adopted in the european region, which was in effect until today, this is precisely the strategy of a belt of buffer states between europe and russia, then soviet russia, this is after the first world war, there is a line and so on, then this belt from the black sea was created to the baltic sea, called countries are limitrophe countries, we remember all these, but
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now what’s the change? with me, this is about the ukrainian topic, of course , but the baltic states should get ready, i understand, thank you for saying, i just wanted to know what i wanted, my question was that when, well, let’s assume, you still see they’re saying now , one way or another we will have to agree, sooner or later this will end and so on, i ’m thinking that all this will end, one way or another, in general now, even oddly enough , it doesn’t matter where they go, so these are the balts, these here are the psychopathic ones, they will dissolve, disappear like a dream, like morning fog, well, you
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actually answered this question. a sign, now it’s really the west, europe, in particular, they are building a great eastern rampart against us to protect us from us, can i show you where it’s passage please, so latvian look, it passes right here, between poland and the kaliningrad region, i understand, behind this in full swing, it turns out the baltic states, they are not going to defend it, i understand, we unfortunately don’t have much time, alexander nikolaevich.
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they hear, this cannot but cause them concerns, accordingly, in response to the anxiety that this causes them, they are trying to take certain measures, which, from my point of view, are rather unsuccessfully called the iron curtain, i understand, but please tell me, alexander nikolaevich, if i understood your logic correctly, and you, so to speak, are sympathetic to these measures, but what do you think, so to speak, what needs to be treated more carefully?
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well, in accordance with this , certain foreign policy decisions were made, the result of which we have today, including this result is manifested in the position of the baltic countries, which we are discussing today, that’s all, so i ask you directly for 2 minutes, you have to hear for a minute that the enemy must hear that we know that he is our enemy, the baltic states have become mental enemy of russia and fell into a state of war.
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today, when it stops, what will happen to them , and what will the west finance with ukraine? the economic model of the baltic states , no matter who it belongs to, depends on russia and is ensured by russian transit, because geography
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... finish about lithuania, you said, yes, well, lithuania, unlike present-day latvia and estonia historically for hundreds years was not part of the russian empire, the polish-lithuanian state led by the nobility, but the polish-lithuanian noble nation, which was called the polish-lithuanian commonwealth or the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, so their historical destinies are greater. connected not with the germans, with poland, it seems to me that this difference needs to be clarified, thank you very much, thank you very much, yes, friends, it is clear that we have something to talk about, it seems to me that the main thing is, nevertheless, we said, the main thing was determined, about
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the fact that keep in mind, alexander nikolaevich warned alexandrovich, but they hear us, so everything was said based on this, however, advertising and we will return, march 17th. special edition of the program time, russian presidential elections. you carry me recal, well, he sang the most important song for me, with our when i first met, i personally didn’t have any chance of guessing him as a future national artist. these are the guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, such a sincere conversation with the audience, the first rehearsal, the chief of irritations. and just goes to the microphone, only the first words are uttered, and the whole world turned me upside down, the thoughtful rastorguevskys, so to speak, let's go, we'll go on horseback,
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the audience loves any ensemble, they love, love these songs, they know them, they sing together, i i am very grateful to the viewer for the fact that these 30 s more years, they are with us, god willing, everything will be fine with us in the future. i drew a cat for you there, knowing that you love them, who doesn’t love them? lyuba, lyuba, today is on the first. 10 years ago, the dream of millions of crimeans came true; the peninsula was reunited with russia. i have been living in crimea since 1960, when we switched to russia, our poverty ended. our people really came, i have been living in this state of euphoria for 10 years now. opened to everyone, people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula, the crimean bridge was completed and the airport was opened, the airport was built, roads, hospitals, kindergartens appeared in crimea
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, delight, i stopped seeing fields that were ownerless, that is, everything was involved, hello, my vines, they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible dream combination, what is our crimea, and what more? to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series, tomorrow on the first. that's all. first, our daughter was born, then we got married, and then we officially got married. the will of zhenya belousova, the public's favorite passed away at the peak of his career, he was only 32. zhenya said: “oh, i can’t imagine what it’s like to be old, here at 40, you don’t know what you’ll look like, it’s enough until you’re forty, the crowds of fans will fly by.” novels, meetings, all this time he loved only her, i say: you know, i don’t want to live like this, i decided for myself, if i decided for myself, then that’s it, the mother of my beloved daughter zhenya belousova for the first time after the loss plucked up the courage to admit, before his death, belousov begged her to return to him,
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came home, thought about how we would start living, this is all over again with forgiveness, that’s all, many years after those events, beloosov’s wife and daughter were faced with an attempt by the singer’s illegitimate son to sue part of the inheritance; he can now enter into the inheritance either with... his permission or through the court. our exclusive is a unique document, the existence of which only a few people knew. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. tomorrow. on the first, if your little sister or brother cries, don’t calm him down with words, it’s better to hug him silently, my castle rings, says nikolai, we received a letter from one of the fathers, who writes that you know, our girl also studied in this class, and we understand that she is not suitable for you, but maybe you will give her a chance so that she at least lives in a peaceful life, on august 30, we are counting the children, about one girls the question is, if stra
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we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was not a big man, but he was tall. brovaz, nosed, with gray, slightly unkempt hair. there can be no last judgment until all nations know about christ. so someone must go to the ends of the universe and preach christ including the scythian. this is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory. peter dedicates it to andrey. order of the apostle andrew is our patron, the apostle stood on a high
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stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanez, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones. why st. andrew's cross, a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter ha - christ. he was crucified on just such a cross. this letter x, such a sign across the whole country, which unites christ, and which exchanges the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called. andrew the first-called, premiere. tomorrow on the first, we have the next hour, i want to announce the next hour, it is so complex, i hope you will be interested, we have many very important topics for conversation, this is our belgorod, and the russian border region, these are the bronze flies that sensed for some reason, the romanians are mysterious, so in the second part of the next hour we will show you a very interesting one. hegemony, for example, is not
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only about aircraft carrier groups and the declaration is also a biological laboratory, for example, here is a fragment of this conversation, they opened it there on the border with russia, then they found a biological laboratory there, you can assess the likelihood of using a biological one. sometimes you just had to look at their
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documents, that they would never give it to anyone, everything is very generally quite simple, so this is one factor, the second factor they have, which means they have this fear of containment, creation on their own territory, people quite, let's say, to put it mildly, selfish, yes, with some, again let us put it this way: pliable allies or those who have joined them, they are ready to play. in these games, why not put it in georgia and ukraine, rather than do it in the state of texas. news and we'll be back. hello, news time is first. we will tell you about the most important events right now. so. within 3 days, russians will choose who will lead the country in the next 6
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years. voting started today at 8 am local time, more than 94 thousand polling stations throughout russia. for the first time , electronic voting is used in presidential elections, more than one and a half million people have already taken part in it, a third of all who submitted applications. let me remind you that you can participate in elections remotely in 29 regions, including moscow. in addition, more than 2 thousand voting stations are open in the capital, and despite the weekday people.
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i have already voted, i was very pleased, at this polling station a very large part of the voters have already come, cast their vote, and i also want to urge those who are making plans for this weekend, in the remaining two and a half days, to be sure to come to vote, fulfill your civic duty, and these are not some pretentious words, i am absolutely sure that participation in the elections... of the president in the fateful elections, which will largely determine the fate of our country, its development, the future of us and our children, is participation in such a vote is the highest degree of such civic responsibility. meanwhile, in
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some regions of the far east, the first day of elections has already ended, the turnout is high, for example, in chukotka, already by mid-day at the polling station. more than half of the registered voters went, and it didn’t hurt bad weather in the kuril islands, people went to vote despite the snowstorm and stormy wind , gennady kortelev about how the elections are going, so symbolically we are giving a start, the beginning of a historic presidential campaign, equal in importance, which has never happened in the history of new russia, hurray! when there was an hour left before midnight in moscow, chukotka and kamchatka were already preparing to greet voters, and at exactly 8:00 the russian anthem was played at the polling stations.
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election officials have a lot of work ahead. russians have to make a responsible choice; people go to the polling stations with colleagues and families. this is a family. and the country , we can say that as one and the same thing, only on a different scale, we vote, of course, first of all for the future, so that we, our children, have it, we have nine children, and so that they will always be friendly , i tell them this story that all the kids, all of you are like my fist, when our fingers are separate, then each one hurts separately, when we are together, then we are like a fist, we are very strong, just like our country, everyone should.. let us all unite together, go to the polls and cast our vote. most active voters in chukotka, where already 2 hours after the start of voting , all residents of one of the villages took part in the elections. there is also a high turnout on sakhalin. almost three hundred polling stations have opened in the region. most of the people who came early in the morning were those who needed time to vote before going to work. the influx
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of voters we expect is quite large, as this morning has already shown, unexpectedly. from 8:00 we had a queue, but we managed, the situation here is amazing, everything is fine with us, the neighboring kuril islands are strong there is a blizzard, cars are covered in snow on their roofs, but people are still in a hurry to vote. according to the central election commission , more than 2.5 million people took part in the early voting, which took place from february 25. the russian presidential elections will be held from march 15 to 17 in a three-day format. this was done primarily for the convenience of voters. i am fulfilling my civic duty. the fate of the country is being decided, we cannot be extreme, so that family values ​​are supported, but so that we live in peace and tranquility. everyone’s opinion is important, voting takes place in the most remote areas points of a huge country, here is the coastal village of yamsk on kolyma, where only 70 people live, and
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this is the buryadsky uluz of ulintui, there are about 300 residents, someone came to the site on horses in national costumes. the procedure takes no more than 5 minutes: you come to the polling station with your passport, go into the secret voting booth , and place your completed ballot in the ballot box. probably, now is the time when we need to show solidarity and unity in society. it’s an important event, and it’s our civic duty to vote for everyone, come to section to make a choice, the election of the president of russia, this is always important, responsible, and i must definitely give my vote. this is our future, this is the future of my children. to ensure everything was transparent, public observation centers were opened in the regions. at least two video cameras are installed at each site; they are aimed at the places where the lists are being processed. portable and electronic ballot boxes, representatives of 16 countries are observing the process,
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the electronic ballot box counts the votes, but if questions arise, paper ballots remain there inside, they are then counted manually, this completely coincides with the procedure that we have in new york, an excellent impression, that is , it is clear that the process is organized at the highest level, let’s say, everything, all standards.
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citizens of our great russia, but in fact , historically we are very old citizens, so to speak, we must take part, take responsibility and share the fate of our
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homeland. it is very important for young people that we have peace and tranquility, because we joined greater russia, and now , as we are responsible citizens, we must go vote all together, because i love russia, i think it is necessary to elect a president, a head of state who will lead us to new victories, success. i fulfilled my military duty at the beginning, i consider it my civic duty to naturally be one of the first to vote for our city, that this is russia, very happy, very glad and very sorry that my husband did not live to see this happy deed. during the elections , the work of temporary polling stations was also organized, one of these, at the russia exhibition, which takes place in moscow at vdnkh, a point was opened so that employees did not have to go somewhere specially to exercise their constitutional right, they could directly at their workplace. fast, very convenient, let me remind you that the central election commission has provided for a mobile voter mechanism, thanks to which citizens have the opportunity to vote
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anywhere in the country, and not by registration. the situation at the polling stations, not only in moscow, but throughout the country, is closely monitored by the central electoral commission, all data flows into information center of the central election commission, my colleague anton vernitsky works there, and now he is in direct contact with the studio. anton, greetings , you arrived at the central election commission at dawn, i give you the floor. yes, good afternoon, good afternoon, we continue to monitor changes in the voting data in the country, a new leader, kherson region, 58 per vote, almost the same as in the donetsk region, there is also around 58%, the fact is that in our new regions, elections began ahead of schedule, they took place in front-line areas from february 28 to march 14, this is due with security, but this does not mean that new regions will no longer vote today, the polling station for those who... have not yet done so, is open the same as throughout the country until 20:00 local time on march 17, well right now ella pomfilova
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is meeting with international observers who came to us for the elections, 706 of them from 106 countries are accredited, and foreign observers plan to visit at least 50 of the same regions where voting is taking place, has anyone already visited them? which in our opinion is very important, in our opinion it is very important if now... to provide , on the one hand, universal criteria, say, that characterize the degree and quality of choice in a particular country, but with mandatory consideration of the specifics of the country, its uniqueness, so that it is impossible to impose on the country from one system. through these demands, a system of values ​​that is alien to them, those who will not be in the presidential
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elections are the representatives.
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this time, in the area of ​​​​the village of kazinka, belgorod region, a kilometer from the border, two mi-8 helicopters landed a group of thirty saboteurs guarding the village discovered them and struck them with aircraft and artillery. the enemy suffered significant losses, the surviving militants retreated, entered a minefield, where they were destroyed. over the past 3 days, the ssu has lost more than one and a half thousand militants killed and wounded; during attempts to break into the territory of our country in the belgorod and kursk regions, all attacks were emphasized by the ministry of defense. were repulsed, in addition, the enemy lost eighteen tanks and twenty-three armored vehicles. and just during the attack on in the belgorod region, the village of belovskaya , the house where the children were at that moment was under attack. the nine-year-old boy zhenya showed real heroism. during the explosion , he selflessly protected his little sister, angelina, who is only 9 months old. both children were injured; doctors assess their condition as moderate.
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today , doctors from... will arrive to help them and other victims. moscow. and back to the topic of elections. the central election commission spoke about the provocations that were staged at polling stations in several regions at ballot boxes poured ink to ruin all the ballots and prevent citizens from making their choice. this was announced by deputy head of the central election commission nikolai bulaev. commission employees have already contacted the police and the russian national guard with a request to strengthen the security of the urns. we have an emergency at three polling stations in kursk, voronezh and...
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several cars were damaged by the wreckage, the rocket attack began at the moment when their work began, this is not an accident, i think the polling stations began, in general all this, all this history, i think, is precisely set up for the elections, belorodians who came to vote in the presidential elections were forced to go down to shelter, but the shelling did not affect the course of the elections, much less the fact of the elections, after the end of the air raid, the work of polling stations resumed, as our ministry of defense reports, in
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just 2 days during attempts to break through we have lost our territory. and look at them, so to speak, they all worked according to the same training manual, they threw in, i published this on my telegram channel, some kind of crazy orders, some well... in general, they tried to sow, i don’t know , i don’t know, panic and other mistrust, fear, but compared to what happened last year, i see what a restrained, calm, absolutely such a reaction, something has changed in us, we did they just understand how these manuals work, how... technology or something else works, or are they, so to speak, completely out of desperation doing some kind of nonsense? well, let's say, firstly, that the elections could not be disrupted and will not succeed, no matter how hard anyone tries, these, these, these, these
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these convulsive attempts actually turned into a crossbow for ukraine, it actually appeared as an untrofitser dova who flogged herself in this situation, because a...
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back to the president’s last interview, i was also on my way to program, i thought that i was actually even a little surprised by this calm intonation, i began to think what the reason was, i realized that this was such a conversation of a very confident person, confident in his strength, in the strength of his arguments, understanding that the other side doesn’t even have a theoretical chance of somehow shaking it.
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absolutely senseless gestures , because what’s the point of crossing the border of another state if you know that even if you survive, you’ll get out immediately, because there’s nowhere to actually go, especially with
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such forces, this is of course a pr campaign, for this the kiev regime put in an insane amount of pr, and there are co-workers there, you know, excuse me, now wait, yes. what did our reaction to this say, yes, i would also i was pleased, considering this , i added not only a more or less calm reaction, but in fact, for us it is starting to work for the cohesion of society, the opposite effect, that is, politically they screwed up much more than in the military sense, they expected. to the discord of our society, they were counting on the fact that they would hit the center of belgorod with missiles, the indignant people would demand that the authorities stop the war there and all that, but with us it’s the other way around, and elections, i ’ve been watching reports from far away this morning
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east, i haven’t heard this before during the presidential elections, every second person says that we need peace, that is, people understand the stakes today, not prosperity, no salaries, no pensions, but above all... the situation, and well, these are strategists, no , from a military point of view, of course, i just don’t understand, from a political point of view, this is a strategic mistake, but wait, what do you mean when you say their politicians have stopped adequately assessing the situation, them in the broad sense of the word , well, western, of course, western, which gave good for these operations, which may have helped in development, it’s just listen, it’s just, well, it’s like flaws in the intellect or the system or the approach.
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so to speak, optics, this is the general degradation of the western political and military establishment, which we repeatedly talk about when looking at politicians in europe and the united states, but the same thing happens to the military, because monopoly power in the world not only corrupts, it, in the absence opponents - begins to degrade, this is evidence of that, you know, i i would like add. of course, degradation, but not only, because there is a group of politicians, such as president biden, president macron, we will not list them all, this is the united states and the european union, who have invested all their political capital in this ukrainian project, as soon as it ends , this political capital will be reset to zero, and this will certainly be the case for each of them; subsequently, each will become political bankrupt, that’s why.
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said so calmly that well, we are ready for a nuclear war, it gives me goosebumps the tone in which this is point one, we are ready for a nuclear war, point two, our nuclear triad is of higher quality and more advanced than the american one, point three, our our vanguard through the american one is like a knife through butter, three points together, they are just in different places , of course, they didn’t even consider it completely differently, this is very good, that’s it, i’m sorry, friends, thank you, and more.
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our old acquaintance, with whom he was called to unite the world with covid-19, but about this very much else, ekaterina serizhenova talked to saidar ishmukhametov , let's see, we had a big epidemic, for us, as a country, for residents, yes, it is a danger, yes, and there are also companies that, well, let's say, are interested, sharply, which received a huge surge in this one, yes, they earned it, and that’s normal. there are scientists who made money, in my opinion, about 14 billionaires became scientists in the west during this period, and you became a billionaire, you invented a vaccine? not yet, not yet, but we hope you carry me like a river, kulya, well, he sang the most important song for me, at our first acquaintance, a guessing future folk artist, i personally did not have any opportunity, these are the guys from our house... this style is closer to me,
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that is, such an intimate conversation with the audience, the first rehearsal, the boss irritated, he just goes to the microphone, only the first words are uttered and the whole world turns me upside down, thoughtful rastorguevsky, let's go , we'll go on horseback, the audience loves the ensemble , love, love these songs, they know them. sing together, i am very grateful to the audience for the fact that these 30-odd years have been with us, god willing, everything will be fine with us in the future. i drew a cat for you there, knowing that you love them. who doesn't love them? lyuba, lyuba, today is on the first. it is not for nothing that crimea is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy; here, 2.0 years ago , apostle andrew, the patron saint
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of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was quite large, but tall, bravast, nasad, with gray hair. a little quarrelsome hair, there can be no last judgment until all nations learn about christ, so someone must reach the ends of the universe and preach christ, including to the scythians, this is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory, peter andreev dedicates the order , apostle andrew is our patron, the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stone, why is the st. andrew's cross symbolic? name, because it resembles the letter x. christ. he was crucified on just such a cross. this letter ha is such a sign across the whole country, which christ accuses and which the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called accuses. andrew the first-called, premiere, tomorrow on the first.
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welcome to the city of kirov. vyatka, kirov. vyatka, of course, kirov. let's go, let's go. it's time for milking. it’s true that brown cows give chocolate milk, no, it’s not true, let’s try to make a bird, the simplest figurine in the dymkovo toy, some kind it turns out that the penguin, gorynych - it was a severe dangerous predator, power from the kotelnicheskoe location, your personal record, 9 seconds, 15 m, faster than elevators, all winter mushrooms grow on trees, this is chaga, the asexual form of the mowed tinder fungus, they might not speak as if someone doubted it.
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it was clear that there was a coup in the state, there was no power in the country, such a good situation had been created in which decisions could be made in accordance with the will of the people. aksyonov stood here and said, guys, it is necessary to block all strategically important objects. we sent a letter to the leadership of the russian federation; we understood that we ourselves would not be able to control the situation; we needed our russian troops to arrive faster. the transfer of crimea to ukraine is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum. more than 96% were in favor of... reunification with russia, we are in russia, guys, hurray for the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. crimea, as it was, premiere, march 17, on the first. short
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circuit. how to restore normal rhythm hearts. about this and much more in the program “live healthy”. on monday, on the first. a symphony of five russian empires opened up to me, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and prosperity, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion. after the death of total darkness, we are resurrected again and move along the paths of improvement. i , along with the whole country, rejoiced. finally, ours have gone, we are breaking. it was. a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet. in blood, in smoke, in the fires, amid the whistle of bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession. on
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monday, on the first. the coronavirus pandemic has hit the world. in 2020 , it provoked the active development of virology, the pharmaceutical industry, and in particular the production of vaccines. russia became the first country to create a publicly available vaccine against covid-19. during the pandemic , russian scientists were able to develop three vaccines against coronavirus. one of them is kavivak, it was created in a short time a team of scientists from the chumakov center for research and development of immunobiological preparations. for more than half a century it has been the leading scientific institute in the region. another vaccine from the federal research center named after chumakovak is being prepared for public circulation.
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very young people, our average age of developers is 30-32 years old, and this is generally a very young age, so these are the future of today’s science. one of the main directions of aidar ishmukhametov’s research work is the development of platforms that allow receive whole virus vaccines. under his leadership, specialists from the chumakov center developed new vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis, as well as a vaccine for the prevention of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. aidar aratovich, the head of who
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, said that a new pandemic awaits us all, what kind of virus can we be talking about? since 1918, the head of who and, in general, a number of scientists and administrators have been saying that we need to prepare for a certain situation, perhaps epidemiology, by the way, they were talking not only about the epidemiological possibility, as a result of which we must take action. a series of actions, that is, this is some kind of preparation, perhaps, for a possible, possible attack within an attack in the sense of humanity, which should have behind it regulations for our actions, and who are they preparing in this way, people or scientists, they are preparing rather the administrative system, yes, in general, all over the world , the administrative system is engaged in this, that is, health care systems, firstly, yes, which should, on the basis of such potential threats developed , make some kind of game to say that in
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situation a you must have weapon b, response c, action d and so on and so forth. how do you assess the likelihood of an epidemic? well , no one can say that you are engaged in all these bastards, we are engaged, we are engaged in regulations, what to do if, but we are not engaged in predicting when this will happen, these are two after all.
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but that is, this is not a disaster, this is not a disaster at all, each country until it suits us, we will not sign, well, i hope so, yes, this is what is being done, again by the administrative bodies, the system healthcare, first of all , it is the political authorities who decide whether to follow us, but nevertheless , the political authorities decide a lot, because when we invented the first vaccine, it made everyone very tense all over the world, instead of being happy, here is a vaccine , we will save people, so to speak, and then it turned out that it is very important who is first. we ourselves
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did not have enough of this vaccine, therefore, as a normal state, a normal country, first of all , our citizens should have been vaccinated, yes, with this, in fact, is one of the main points, the second point is that there are multinational companies that made their vaccines, perhaps to someone. i wanted to earn more in this situation and competition in foreign markets is always a very complicated story, yes, so in general everything here is generally quite clear, besides, we were completely fair, well, from my point of view, if i can evaluate the actions of the system, it was a number of, let's say, normative acts were adopted, which were somewhat different from the generally accepted ones, from those adopted to this time, and this is normal, because there was a military situation in this regard, and some, let’s say, processes. related to the registration was a little accelerated, yes, which also generally gave reason to say that
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guys, let’s finish it for now, and so on, and release it, so two or three normal factors have developed. is going to conduct checks on countries, how well the laboratories are prepared, and so on and so forth, whether we will have a leak, this is not espionage when you register medicines, the regulatory system of the country, or in in this case, the cart must check the state of production in which this is done, we do this, i mean, we have special structures, there are so-called licenses and so on and so on, that is, a number of regulations in accordance with which is checked at the enterprise that produces this or that. who is an international organization that does the same thing when exporting something, well, as a rule, it is to a third country, yes, it is not internal, it is usually africa and so on. that's it
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they say that they are doing a prequalification system, transfer, registration for receiving. permission to sell the drug abroad, that is, they check , they check how it is done correctly, whether they wash their hands, conditionally, before producing the drug, wait, but then they will recognize our technology, you know, they monitor not the drug, but they are sitting here talking about how the process is organized, that is, they don’t believe us, so, if we give them documents, they have to come, but no one ever believes, we return to the situation with covid, on in the same wuhan, do you know how they did it to her? conclusions were drawn, but we have discussions, probably among your questions there is something similar to that, after all, he escaped, there was an artificial or bad virus, and what conclusions did the chinese draw, well, firstly, the evidence base not about the first, not about the second, not about the third, no, yes, what the chinese did, it means they additionally installed a monitoring system not only at the enterprise,
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the enterprise itself for control over production, but now also a regulatory one chinese system. if it looks, it means that an additional system has been installed, that is , there are conditionally two sensors, two logs , and so on and so on, so that it can be accurately determined, that is, we have gone the way of how to visualize the processes that occur in production. so tell me, can the virus be taken out of the laboratory in principle? purely theoretically, such an action could probably be carried out, and you are absolutely right in this, but any microorganism requires a certain temperature for itself.
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a containment system has been observed, these are, let's say, procedures that do not allow contact, well, leakage, of biological material from the enterprise, and that somewhere was not brought to the proper level, these are the very production conditions that we tried to talk about earlier , yes, so to speak , it turns out that it is not by chance that he observes this, of course, it is not by chance, it means that it is really necessary, well, it is always necessary, i... reminded that there are national systems, they also do it, everyone does it , who, in this case, is not a pioneer, first, national systems were created, how do you evaluate the methods of combating covid that we all experienced, what experience did we take from there? this means that isolation has always been the main method of combating infectious diseases, this has been for centuries, and there is from school
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textbooks, there is the plague of the 13-14th century, where there was no isolation, there was no understanding of this, in my opinion something was missing there...
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special relationships, listen, well, if one person in the team didn’t take root, it’s because of him, maybe in general, absolutely true, absolutely true, so, so it’s always been, so, always so will be, it’s the same as with children , who sometimes have, so to speak, mothers like... who stubbornly still do not vaccinate, but certain, well, let’s say, gaps are formed in society, where infectious processes can persist, and if side effects, complications, this is also very important, well, let’s do this, let’s divide these complications, but still, if some drug or vaccine in our case somehow affects, that is, creates a slight temperature, there are some ailments , weaknesses, it means it still works, yes, then there is a fact that the medicine.
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it has nevertheless turned into a fairly easily tolerated disease, but one with fantastic contagiousness or a fantastic speed of spread;
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in fact, it needs to live and spread, and not kill, so to speak, its carrier. this is why he disappeared like that, literally, there was a feeling that he suddenly, where is covid, wait, where is covid? at least he hasn't gone away, he exists, he exists, yes, he just exists in a different form. and as dangerous as he was. on now, this spring, do we need to get vaccinations against covid? this is an ambiguous question, look what is happening, uh, there is no epidemic as such, on the one hand, on the other hand, people, as i say again, are different, yes, there are people at high risk of the disease, there may be some weakened categories , where it is necessary to apply this, and i am afraid that this responsibility will still have to be placed on the attending physicians, and this will be the correct story. i would be against completely vaccinating people and children in this situation, this is how i would answer this question, here are the vaccinations we did, i did the satellite, this vaccination, they just
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wrote a lot of horror stories, it didn’t change my dna there, let’s say, it doesn’t change in any way and has no such possibility, is it possible to get a chip with the help of such an injection, of course not, there is no such technical possibility today, maybe someday there will be one and...
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what kind of disease are you, roughly speaking, focused on, what are you working on, this is a very interesting story, which means there is a national calendar vaccinations, yes, there are some 11 drugs in it, yes, but we have, let’s say , enough of them, we lack a number of things, we do not have complex vaccinations, yes, so to speak, we have a lot of individual vaccinations, yes, yes, but we have a triple one , there is, there is, there is, but we also have problems like... which have now come to light, in fact, this is one of the main tasks: to bring the calendar, to make it more modern to introduce complex vaccines, this is one of the problems, by the way, and
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complex vaccines so that once instead of eleven, once and instead, well, not instead of eleven, instead of several , let’s not go into depth, but in principle this is one of the things, so we are now working on this together, naturally with other organizations, in particular, there is an organization nation bio, which deals with probably 90% of vaccines are produced in the country, and this is in the country, huh?
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the strategic task is to ensure that one or two drugs that exist in foreign production are nevertheless replaced; in particular, last year we released an inactivated polyumelitis, and this was the first time in our country for many years, so to speak, and before that these were foreign companies, we produced 2 million doses for the first time last year, the population received it, i think that covid is of course a high-profile
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topic, but here’s the thing, that we made polymelite... this was probably more important and more strategic for us about it is the same, i remember, through a spoon, there are two of them, alive through a spoon, and killed with an injection, and which enters, maybe enter into other complex studies, here is another one we have it wasn’t, we bought it, but we are this country - in large quantities, for a lot of money , more precisely, and now it is now there, it’s like a big story, yes, one of the interesting topics we have, it’s together with...
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well, let’s say thus, incapable of further reproduction. we take a virus, take away its ability to reproduce , yes, it retains the ability to produce antibodies, such work already exists, in particular, we are doing this, there are such approaches, let’s say, many mothers have developed such a stereotype that the western vaccine is better than the domestic
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one, what can you... say about the vaccine, the existing vaccines included in the national calendar are 100% effective and safe, they have been tested for years and so on, we just have a very good biological foundation, we have it country, after all, since soviet times, since soviet times , we have still paid significant attention to biological biosafety and, somehow, historical safety, i can’t help but ask you then about military biological laboratories.
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on their own territory, people are quite, let’s say, to put it mildly, selfish, yes, with some again, let’s formulate pliable allies or those who have joined them, they are ready to play...
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research can always have a dual purpose, this is also generally understandable, yes , if you are developing some kind of vaccine, then you always know this strain, you know it well and so on, but today there is not a single proven biological weapon that has been accurately recorded, but this drug produces an effect, and as a result which is possible, this only happened , you know, there was a documented attempt - in japan, when during the second world war an attempt was made, there was even some kind of biological group, when the japanese, so to speak , well, already towards the end of the war, created, if i’m not
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mistaken , fleas that carried the plague with them, they tried to pack it into containers and send it to america, something like that, i do n’t know how this story ended, yes, to say, but these are documents, there are documents that such an attempt took place, at least done, yes, but it was... very untenable, because the fleas died , yes, well, i don’t know, i’ll say again how we ended up, because it’s absolutely true, you ’re talking about the key point now, because it’s becoming impossible to control this process anymore, it’s only ours who could shoe the flea, but the japanese did not succeed, you open the bag, they jumped out and today there were some attempts, perhaps in the era of the iron war, but they no longer need to forget that the virus is not against humans, but the work is much more interesting.
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it’s still a relationship between science and production, this is the problem today , that is, what should a scientist do, where is the business located and what is the role of the state in this compilation, this is probably the story that is the most difficult today, by the way, to say, one of the very significant things that we took out of the epidemic is... well, our ministry is science and higher education , for the first time the ministry has done, i believe that this is a major step, it is invisible, maybe from the outside, a staged implementation has been made -
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drug, that is, if it has been evaluated so far here is a test tube, we are faced with this , yes, here i definitely have a vaccine, let’s just prove it further, and the stages of this vaccine from here to from this test tube to... then you guys, yourself, yourself, here and this is exactly what today, well , it seems to me, one of the weak points is ours as a system, yes, because
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then we still need to make many test tubes from this one test tube, and then we need to prove that this possible for people, and then you need to prove that this is in systemic production million test tubes, the same thing as... a support system, what is called an industrial partner, there is no big money, there is no, well, if we are talking purely about the vaccine.
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dara ishmukhametova. time will tell who is
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who and put everything in its place. thank you. since you see all the viruses, germs, you probably look at things differently. they gave you a glass and poured water. in terms of silliness, if that’s already the case. first i vaccinated myself, and then three days later my own wife, so that... this means you love your wife. a after how many children did you vaccinate, after how long did your wife give it? a little later, a little later. it means you are a person, well , it doesn’t matter, big or small children, it’s a pity, a pity, yes, i’ll tell you honestly, i, too, first myself, then the children, hello, the news is on air in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, russia is choosing its own... the future is in our country started presidential elections today. at 8 am
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, over 94,000 polling stations opened in every locality. they will work until 8:00 pm, and so on until sunday. for the first time a leader who will we choose to lead the state for the next 6 years within 3 days. another innovation of this company, new regions are participating in it. the polling stations have one of the highest turnouts in the country. 29 subjects conduct remote electronic voting. applications have been submitted. as for voting in the capital, about 80% of muscovites prefer to vote remotely, ella pomfilova spoke about this less than an hour ago. the moscow city berekom reported that everything is proceeding normally without any violations. together with the capital all russia, many came to the polling stations before go to work. report by ivan prozorov. three-day voice scheme.
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“this is my duty, this is my responsibility , it is necessary, it is necessary for the country to live richer, for there to be unity of opinion at the polling stations, in the current situation, every vote is important for the future of russia, for russia, for our course, for our leadership, for our positions, world, for everything good that happens in our country, for the future, for stability, for..." in addition to the main polling stations, there are 94.00 of them
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throughout the country, another 2,500 are organized in sanatoriums, home care, hospitals, plus mobile voter system, remote electron. voting is all for the convenience of voters. the big work, however, is just beginning. the polling station is expecting its biggest influx of voters this weekend. ivan prozrov, vyacheslav chereshko, roman mikhalenko, svetlana vidyashkina and alexander kovalev. first channel. in the first hours of the polling stations, well-known russian politicians and heads of departments had already made their choice. foreign minister sergei lavrov came to one of the polling stations in the center of moscow in the morning. chapter defense department sergei shaigu, chief of the general staff. gerasimov voted together at one of the points in the southern military district; the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov also filled out a ballot and put it in the ballot box. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin also took part in the voting; he arrived at polling station number 75 of the capital’s district. in st. petersburg , the head of the upper
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house of parliament, chairman of the federation council, valentina matvienko, also cast her vote in the presidential elections. she arrived at plot on tavricheskaya street. head of the men's agricultural enterprise. it's time: the information center monitors the voting process, continuously receives information from all polling stations, and sums up preliminary results. according to the latest data, voter turnout nationwide is almost 7.5%. the head of the central election commission, ella pomfilova, said that the headquarters is constantly in touch with colleagues from the regions. she also cited data that
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almost 2,600,000 voters took advantage of the opportunity to early vote in the russian presidential elections. in the country where?
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i know for sure that i will choose the person who will make our lives better. i am very proud to be here today; electing a president is very important. our compatriots who are now abroad are also actively voting. about 300
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polling stations have been organized in 144 countries; they are open on the territories of embassies, consular offices and rossotrudnichestvo centers and military units. the capital of the czech republic. for example, russians come to cast their votes in the building of our country’s embassy, ​​and this is footage from cyprus, where about 120,000 russians live, in the capital of the republic, nicosia , there was a queue at the polling station. urgent news from the fsb, agency employees reported on the prevention of terrorist attacks in bryansk. a member of a ukrainian terrorist organization banned in russia, who was preparing sabotage in the region, was detained there. we received the footage. just on the instructions of a curator from kiev, a recruited russian removed explosive devices from a cache and planted them near the entrances to the administrative buildings of energy companies and social infrastructure facilities. another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to carry out sabotage and break into the territory
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of the belgorod region near the village of kazinki was thwarted by our military personnel together with the fsb. the ministry of defense reported this. ukrainian fighters, together with foreign ones, are... to increase their reserves, the territory has been remotely mined, our fighters have also liquidated a tornado evacuation group of the armed forces of ukraine with the help of installations, more than 50 militants have been destroyed, now control over the village has been completely restored, in general over the past three days were noted in the military department, the west group, together with the fsb border service, repelled all attacks of the ukrainian armed forces' attempt to break into the territory of the belgorod kursk region, the enemy lost 1,500 terrorists, 18 tanks and 23... now about the work of our soldiers in the special operation zone in the northern direction russian
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units destroy shelters, observation strongholds, as well as caches with ammunition; the ssu uses the heavy flamethrower system of the sun. crushing blows from thermoboric shells literally they burn out militant positions. deploying the complex takes less than a minute to complete the task. and this is footage of how the artillerymen of the center liquidated the avdeevsky sector. a ukrainian motorized infantry group, as well as an armored vehicle with reinforcements. having received the coordinates from the drone operators, the duty crew of the mstas installation aimed three shots and hit the target. a job on which the quality of life of millions of people across the country, in metropolitan areas, and in small towns and villages directly depends. as part of the national project, safe and high-quality roads have been put in order and built over the past 5 years. more details about
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what has been done and what remains to be done? the road we are driving on now leads to the deveyevsky monasteries, famous throughout the country, in neighboring regions, the southern bypass of arzomas, on weekdays, that’s how free it is here today, on weekends there are always a lot of cars, but that’s how it is now, and before it was all the traffic flow passed right under... the city center, here there was a roadway, bus stops, a large spontaneous parking lot, now the area is pedestrian and there is nothing distracting from local attractions. the old streets have acquired their historical appearance, and there are only more tourists, and there are excursions here and sometimes we listen to them from behind, it’s really interesting. now that the transport artery has been moved away from this historical place, we can somehow enjoy the beauty of the building. their historical appearance, and drivers can enjoy the new highway without traffic jams, thanks to our project , safe and high-quality roads, over 5 years
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more than 88.00 have been repaired and built in russia km, avtorkhanova and kamechkov streets in chechnya, there are universities, schools, and several kindergartens, to put these roads in order, residents turned to the mayor's office, as a result , two dozen traffic lights were installed there, pedestrian crossings appeared, convenient exits, you see the markings ... so the signs have been installed here, that is, we are no longer so worried about the children, vorovskogo street in sochi is one of the central ones, the residents also knew about the national project and are very happy about the renovation. it’s very nice to understand that this is a federal project, safe and of high quality roads, that all this reaches us, i especially really like the tiles, the new light ones, you and i are between the second and first supports, where we can... see that we literally have 35 meters left to get there, the sliding of the span will be completed. in tver
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, construction of the western bridge across the volga is underway; residents of the zavolzhsky district, who need to get to the center, are still suffering in traffic jams. it now takes about 50 minutes to get through the city by public transport, and of course, this is a very anticipated construction, but long-awaited. we we go with the child to the regional hospital, it happens. for me, of course, it will be very comfortable and convenient. the bridge will increase the accessibility of the entire regional medical cluster, which also includes a prenatal center and a medical university. the nizhny novgorod region is also waiting for an updated , high-quality bridge; it connects the regional capital with the northern regions. work here is just beginning, so far only at night, so as not to disturb drivers, while road signs and traffic lights are being installed on the neighboring bridge, it will take over the main work load during repairs, and this bridge will be renewed. there is also a railway crossing under it , and some repair work will also be carried out there, there are nuances here,
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the contact network will have to be de-energized for safety reasons, and this will have to be done exclusively at night in order to adapt to the movement of trains, at this time the trains runs rarely, the borsky bridge itself was built in the sixties, people will notice the convenience, the fact that the speed can be increased, do not care about the average, accordingly, once the speed increases access.
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and i say goodbye, right now the big game program. good afternoon, live: the big game, and me, vyacheslav nikonov. voting has begun in the presidential elections of the russian federation. actually, here ella pompilova is giving a start to the election campaign, which has begun. in our country, of course, in our eastern regions, in chukotka, in...
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and the head of our armed forces, the minister of defense shaigu, the chief of the general staff gerasimov, the speaker of the state duma volodin cast their vote in saratov, they vote, naturally, in new territories, salda, pushillin are casting their votes , glotkov is casting his vote, despite all efforts, valentina matvienko is casting her vote, and many... our other leaders, who have already started voting as ministers, deputy prime ministers, that is, the voting is going very well and very actively, well, i think that in fact the latest events, this completely brazen attack that the ukrainian armed forces carried out in the belgorod and kursk regions, they have increased
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electoral activity. to the russians, because, well, when our people are beaten, then we give an answer adequate, we never give up in such situations, on the contrary, in these conditions , of course, it is very important to come and cast your vote in order to demonstrate our unity, solidarity in the fight against this common evil, in fact, as far as they continued yesterday, but the results were the most deplorable, despite the most bravura statements. leadership of the ukrainian armed forces, this is what our ministry of defense said, let's listen: march 14 by the armed forces of the russian federation, together with the border authorities of the fsb of russia another attempt to break through by units of the ukrainian armed forces into the territory of the belgorod region of the russian federation was thwarted, this time in the area of ​​the border settlement of kazinka. in general, over the past three days, all
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attempts to break into the territory of the belgorod and kursk regions of the russian federation were stopped. units of the armed forces of ukraine are reflected. the total losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to more than 1,500 militants, of which about 500 were irrevocable, 18 tanks and 23 armored combat vehicles were destroyed. like this. yuri ivanovich podalyaka monitors everything that happens on fronts of the northern military district, as we see, from moscow, against the backdrop of moscow state university. yuri ivanovich, well today, your post this morning, i already read that you remembered an old joke about how... the mice choked, but continued to eat the cactus, it looks like there really is a situation from this clip, well, apparently, they have no options, because you know, yesterday our guys who repelled this attack noticed that they were pushing forward, not to mention losses, they had square eyes, drum, what is happening around them, they
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simply begin to move forward, even after being wounded, and this indicates that they are on drugs, this is already... in 2022 , such a situation was known at the front among the guys , it is clear that they are always like this do when you need to force someone to go against their will, as i understand it, there were very few people who wanted to die, so they tried to increase their number in this way, well, the ministry of defense named the figures, that is, they gathered a huge number of people, you need to understand that these they don’t have enough people there now at the front, to plug the holes where they are retreating, how big a stake they placed on this, and what great fellows our guys are, we need to give them another position. because there are a lot of guys there, they are conscripts, that is, no one chickened out, no one gave up, and they showed miracles, in fact, just miracles of courage, they fought off attack after attack, and with minimal losses, again. our intelligence, the fsb, the border guards, the russian national guard worked very well, everyone worked, everyone did an excellent job, so here’s the result, this is really a very good result of everyone’s work,
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and the conscripts there really repelled this offensive, and we see that they are also capable of making a very serious contribution to our common victory, but what news from other fronts of the northern military district, you know, that's what i said, they have a lack of reserves, so we can... there are also large ones here, they also send large reserves there, but nevertheless, so far this does not really help them, and also in other areas that are less significant, but still they are also important because they pull reserves from these main directions and allow our
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guys to move forward. yes, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podalyaka, from moscow, from the territory of moscow state university, about the latest events on the fronts of the special military operation, well, in the west too, as it turns out. are closely following our election campaign, although, naturally, they are watching in their own way, here is the official statement from the head of the state department of the united states of america, matthew miller. let's listen to him. the united states condemns russia's ongoing efforts to undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of ukraine by holding effective elections in occupied ukrainian territories. the united states does not recognize it. ukraine within the framework of the presidential elections in russia, so that it is clear: lugansk, donetsk, zaporozhye, kherson and crimea are ukraine. the results of these
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potemkin exercises will be dictated by moscow and cannot reflect the free will of the ukrainian citizens who are forced into them vote. this only once again demonstrates russia’s blatant disregard for its obligations under international law. the united states will continue to use everything.
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of course, it is precisely to show such a state feeling, because when we vote, regardless of any preferences, we show that in our consciousness we have a successive statehood that we value, our state was, is will be, it will be what we will be themselves, that’s why, that’s why i think that these are them, in general, the psychology of the russian people is precisely is such that when we are hugged, we melt.
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there was a period when we tried to please them, to imitate in everything, we know that they will, everyone understood this, they will be all the same, at one time kenon wrote in his memoirs, if a russian diplomat asked me what we should do, in order to please the shat, i would say, alas, nothing , you have been made into a monster of evil, because they need an enemy, the elite considers itself a knight on a white horse, on a white horse, which protects the immaculate maiden, and this is the american people, therefore... what would whatever you did, it's just will be perceived as weakness, and it will work out accordingly, so we need to stand and never show weakness, these are precisely those civilizations, protestant ones like that.
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it is also not always understood, but today i also voted at my usual polling station, as has usually been the case for many decades, but today a large number of our citizens came for the first time.
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he allowed himself a certain historical allusion, remembered the name of the great russian statesman grigory aleksandrovich potemkinov in such in a visual context, as always , this is something like potemkin, i want to say that the cities of novorossiya, any, simferopol, odessa, kherson, ekaterina slav, god bless the memory, which is called dnepropetrovsk, now they call the dnieper and many, many others can still be to list a dozen, probably one and a half, these are just those sama.
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also fake, fake, because potemkin, catherine ii, they built these cities and built them thoroughly from the very beginning, that is , today we remember mariupol, odessa, nikolaev, kherson, ekaterina aslav, all of this stars of the russian empire, then of the soviet union, and of course, they will be stars and industrial, cultural centers, of course in our time , our country is today.
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our homeland, and i’m even against the fact that this is an important step in gaining belonging with what they call new territories, because this is our original, historical one, and no matter how angry they are about this, it won’t change anything.
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the president of france macron is becoming more and more embittered, about this after the advertisement. march 17, special issue programs time, russian presidential elections. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group.
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songs, they know them, they sing together, i am very grateful to the viewer for the fact that these 30 -odd years, they have been with us, and god willing, everything will be fine with us in the future, i drew a cat for you there, knowing that you love them, who doesn’t love them, whatever, whatever, today on the first day, 10 years ago, the dream of millions of crimeans came true, the peninsula was reunited with russia, since the sixtieth year... “i live in crimea, when we passed to russia, we've run out poverty, ours really came, for 10 years now, i have been living in a state of this euphoria. the heart of crimea is open to everyone , people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula, the crimean bridge
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was completed and opened, an airport was built , roads, hospitals, kindergartens appeared in crimea, delight, i stopped seeing fields that were ownerless, that is, everything.” hello, my vines, they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what is our crimea, and what else? on the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series. tomorrow on the first. premiere. i love my country. tomorrow on the first.
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after the loss, she gained the courage to confess , before her death, belousov begged her to return to him, came home and thought about how we would start living, this is forgiveness all over again, all many years after those events, belousov’s wife and daughter were faced with an attempt by the singer’s illegitimate son to sue part of the inheritance, he can now enter into the inheritance either with my permission or through the court. our exclusive is a unique document, the existence of which only a few people knew. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. it is not without reason that crimea is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy. here, 2.0 years ago , apostle andrew, the patron saint of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was
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one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was not small, but tall. brovaz sad, with slightly unkempt gray hair. there can be no last judgment until all nations know. about christ, so someone must go to the ends of the universe and preach christ in including keefe. this is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory. peter dedicates the order to andrew, the apostle andrew is our patron. the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanez, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stone. why is st. andrew's cross a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter of christ. he was crucified on just such a cross, this is the letter ha , such a sign across the whole country, which christ accuses and which he accuses faith of the apostle andrew the first-called. andrew the first-called will premiere tomorrow on the first short circuit, how to restore
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normal heart rhythm, about this and many other things about the program to live healthy, on monday on the first. big game live, a couple of years ago emmanuel macron, the president of france said that nato was brain dead, now he himself wants to act as the brain - nato, but for now, this french cockerel sounds. like a hawk, but the role of the hawk is clearly not given to this cockerel, macron’s appeal to the nation was announced the issue of ukraine, confrontation with russia, uniting europe to repel the russian threat, then it all came down to a television interview, and it seems only
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on the second channel of french television, where he said, of course, how we have 10 barrels of prisoners. let's listen to macron, how macron sees the current situation, the role of russia and the possibilities of countering it. not our goals, because if russia wins, then the life of the french will change, europe will lose its security, the security of europe, the security of france are at stake. we already have experienced the consequences of this war in our daily lives, several of our hospitals have not been working for several days due to russian aggression, the consequences have been felt by the whole of europe, gas prices, the state of our economy, the cost of grain and the subsequent economic shocks, all these are the consequences of the war unleashed russia, if russia wins this war, then trust in europe will... will be reduced to zero, where will trust in this land, in the european union, whose members allowed
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this to happen, come from, what will happen to the security of europe, or do you think that poles , estonians, latvians, romanians, bulgarians will be able to live in peace for even a second, i’m not even talking about moldova, which even today is not part of the european union, but which at that very second will be under threat, in fact, here when i read it, even already translated, there was nothing new from what he had already...
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suit, a great military strategist and figure,
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from someone else’s shoulder, nothing works out for him, unfortunately, this is so, and i think that the french , i remember the french, in some outback, especially the older generation in on the eve of may 9 he says: yes, we remember, if not for the russian soldiers, europe would have perished under nazism, they are trying to remove all this from education. this new elite has already been confiscated, it repeats like a mantra about russia’s aggressiveness, but again i always want to read pushkin, well, nothing will work out for them, nothing will work out, it’s like he mentioned poland, that you will step through it to the bone, as pushkin said, just try to come, the tribes were coming, threatening russia with trouble, but macron, of course, fantasized, i just don't know.
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it will spread, if the war spreads to europe, it will be an exceptional choice, the exclusive responsibility of russia, if we decide today to be weak, if we decide today that we will not respond, then we are already defeated, well, there is no such feeling, in fact, the situation of the actual civil war in russia was very similar back in 1918-19, when the french, the british and the prochonta, they divided the territory of russia into their own spheres.
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equipment, shipyards were robbed, grain was exported, well, in order to somehow soften their condition after the first world war, when france had largely exhausted its resources, and then we remember poland, who... helped poland, which waged aggression against soviet russia, and again the french, they helped, so they say where is france, where is russia, well, that’s it, they forgot the lessons of de gaulle, they forgot about what he said.
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they didn’t return the fleet, by the way, the black sea fleet, which they took away then in exchange for payment for frangel’s services; our fleet was stationed in tunisia, twenty in the fourth year, the french, when they recognized the soviet union, they promised, no, they didn’t give it up, they didn’t give it back, they didn’t give it back, and of course, hitler entrusted only the one who, of all the foreigners, to storm moscow, only charlie magne,
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who defended the last one was the fruit of the residence. they fought for the french for france in order to liberate it, these are soviet prisoners of war immigrants, many of whom were from the white immigration there, we can still remember the war, the crimean war itself of 1854, then the french, i remind you, also landed in the crimea, suffered colossal losses, because among all the allies
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of that time, yes, that is, the british, the italians, so to speak, the sardinian kingdom, the italians also participated, yes. well, the turks and the french had the greatest human losses in the french army, more than 100,000 people, in general they lost during this company twice as much as the russian army lost, that is, this war is considered unsuccessful for us, but we did not give up an inch of ours territory, in fact, except for balaclava for a small amount of time, which was under english occupation, but specifically balaklava, the russian empire did not have any territorial losses, although during that war it was already...
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according to the conditions of the opinion poll, absolutely not ready, in general, to resist the russian army if it entered the united europe. in general, the population of a united europe will tell their authorities their government as a whole. come on, dear people, we won’t protect you from the russians any further, russian tanks will come, which means russian tanks will come somehow. we will live with them, so they really begin to have a militaristic hysteria, what else should they do now, well , helplessness, in fact, comes through in the words of european leaders in these words of macron, here jose borel made another statement, remember, he was talking about europe like the rest of the garden is like a jungle, again this
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brussels gardener is in the ears of the brussels sprout gardener, i... this is exalted for something good, so they use their voice to throw stones even at the primate of the catholic churches, i imagine that among my conservatives... these are mostly staunch catholics who dream of us joining forces to save the great european culture and christian values, they are of course not very
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influential there among the masses , but nevertheless, these are not marginalized people at all, i can imagine how outraged they are, but the way ukrainian ukrainian leaders said in a simply insulting tone, and shut up is none of your business, that was the meaning of these statements addressed to the pope, but dad, although... the current pope francis sometimes he gives the impression of a person who has been far from international relations and their analysis, so to speak, for a very long time, nevertheless, these people usually figures of such a scale have a certain wisdom to see panoramicly where this is going, and european civilization is certainly dear to him, flesh and blood, which he is, and he understands perfectly well where it is heading, he is not...
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europe, what europe is, is essentially an atheistic lgbt territory, which, in essence, is no longer about any faith we can't there. europe often suffered from religious wars, we know from history, but then there were protestants, gogynots, as for example, in the same france, convicts, today it seems to me that europe stands on the breed of another religious struggle, where there are religious traditional values ​​that are still stayed or are trying to create something out of themselves, this agenda, violent, liberal-fascist, atheistic in its essence, it is pressing on europe, it is right on the rock.
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well everyone, hello, my name is ugahvi, i grandmother from the chuvash , my name is ilina, and i am daria, and for everyone we are the same, in order to be completely happy, you need personal happiness, unfortunately, at the moment i don’t own it, there were about 100 guys, they were all built. shirengu, and the girls were told that you choose, so i chose, happiness is when you get up in the morning, nothing hurts you,
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don’t disappear, i beg you, russia is, first of all, the people who made it a great country and a great power, and let god, the main thing is health, and the rest will be fine, 10 years ago. the dream of millions of crimeans came true , the peninsula was reunited with russia , i have been living in crimea since 1960, when we came to russia, our poverty ended, our people really came, for 10 years now i have been living in a state of this euphoria, the heart of crimea is open to everyone, people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula, the crimean bridge was completed and opened , an airport was built, roads and hospitals appeared in crimea
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, he sleeps so sweetly, afana sit, afanasi fed, that’s right, what he left on, he left on night train, he just sees your reflection in my coffee pot, he sees your reflection in the coffee pots, he said, we don’t need this kind of hockey, who is ozerov, nikolai ozerov, absolutely right, and i kept flying, but i knew that dreams.
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is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy; here, 2,000 years ago , apostle andrew, the patron saint of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ, he was not small, but tall, bravast, nosed, with gray hair, a little unkempt hair, there can be no last judgment until all nations know about christ, so someone must reach the ends of the universe and preach christ , including with keef, that’s actually it. a point that has connected us since the 3rd century, because the scythians lived on our territory. andrew, peter dedicates the order, apostle andrew, this is our patron, the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones. why st. andrew's cross, a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter ha, christ, he was crucified on exactly such a cross, this letter ha
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is such a sign across the whole country. who accuses christ and who accuses the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called andrew the first-called premiere tomorrow at the first karigritar welcome to the city of kirov vyatka kirov vyatka of course kiev let's go let's go it's milking time it's true that brown cows give chocolate milk no it's not true let's try to make a bird the simplest figurine in the demkovo toy some kind of penguin.
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when the russian state, emerging from non-existence, reached power and flowering, and then fell into the abyss of non-existence, after the death of utter darkness, we are resurrected again and move along the paths of improvement, i , along with the whole country, rejoiced, finally ours have gone, we are breaking, it was a dazzling flash, a spiritual explosion, who turned me, a prose writer, into a poet, in blood, in smoke, in fires, amid the whistle of bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession. on monday, on the first. big game live. these days marks the tenth anniversary
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the crimean spring, when... crimea and sevastopol returned to their native harbor, and i think it is no coincidence that the presidential elections of the russian federation were scheduled precisely on these days, when the 10th anniversary of that very referendum, in which the overwhelming majority of crimeans and sevastopol residents one of the creators of the crimean spring, certainly vladimir andreevich konstantinov, chairman of the state council, gave their votes to be together with russia. we congratulate you, firstly, on your tenth anniversary, in what mood are you celebrating the holiday and how is there an election situation there? thank you very much, we are in a wonderful mood, on the eve of our tenth anniversary, on the eve of the start of the election campaign, a lot of good events happened in crimea, seemingly
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ordinary in our lives. uh, but at the same time , uh, fantastic in its meaning and scale, ipatorim opened the terezhkova embankment after a long and large-scale construction, this building is unprecedented in its scale, if you do it, you will be able to appreciate it, it’s better, so to speak , the best global achievement is in... in this area , this is very important for crimea as a resort region. yesterday the reconstruction of the ivazovsky gallery was opened. schools, kindergartens, tavrida art boasted a new film studio that is not being built. and dozens, dozens, dozens of such projects are being built in krimu at the same time, by the tenth anniversary. today is a special day for
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every crimean. because exactly 10 years ago it was he, everyone, who made the decision to return crimea to their homeland, it was a personal decision, sometimes a decision. were accepted in every family and they were very painful, this is precisely the product, the product of the unity of the entire people, this is the strength of the crimean spring, and today on the day, so to speak, on the eve of the ten-year referendum, a very high turnout, activity, music in the polling stations, good mood, before coming to all our solemn events, i visited several... to see how everything was organized, of course, people with such a mood, everything today is the same as 10 years ago, all this is in our memory, and i think how long our generation will live, it will always be in the life of every person as a separately lived life, a great life,
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a successful life, because the crimean spring is a successful political action that not only saved crimea from destruction, which... was being prepared for it, but also betrayed russia’s confidence in itself, the necessary meanings for further development and overcoming existing challenges, of which there are more than enough, it washed away all this crimean spring, all this liberal scum, which at that time was beginning to gain some strength in russia, and after that it actually ceased to exist or goes away. into oblivion, crimea returned us all to our true symbols, to our true values, so these are the moods i have very, very good, i share them with you. and if you remember history, your feelings, your mood, there was
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february 26, 2014, when the nazis tried to storm your parliament building and that’s when the referendum took place on march 16.
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choose this path of european integration, the crimeans then said: no, to this process, we want to go to russia, we want to be friends with russia, we we want a single economic space with russia, even then being under incredible pressure, i personally had an incredible sense of freedom after the referendum, it’s probably difficult for you to understand, the humiliation that i experienced. the great russian people, finding themselves in a foreign land, in a completely alien civilizational space , which was not only not native, but which was completely hostile for us, we
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always had to justify ourselves in some way, we endlessly had to feel for ourselves some guilt for our history, for our culture, there has always been something wrong with us . all the years of being in ukraine, endless justifications in all of these stupid and stupid tv shows, where either crimeans or people of russian, russian orientation were justified on this or that historical occasion, by the thirteenth year, by the end, i will say, we are already very seriously lost, already the russian language in official address in crimea. left, the films were all in ukrainian, they attacked in full front, why did it arise their idea is to completely destroy crimea, autonomy, everything russian, here are our sacred places,
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monuments, faith, in the end, because that coup d’etat, which was planned by the west with the goal of humiliating russia, stopping its development, and then how... ...then western ukraine, especially its narrow ethnic part, is not even all of western ukraine, precisely the one that betrayed our people in 1941. all our people, all our people, thank
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you very much, vladimir andreevich, thank you very much, congratulations to everyone in your person crimeans, sevastopol residents on this wonderful holiday, well, many thanks to you from the entire russian people for what you did then and continue to do now, it really was wonderful, it was wonderful, i want to say one phrase: it was the moment when our leadership , driven by the common feeling of the people with... by the way, that’s even me when i see the footage,
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these, everywhere i was at these moments, but i arrived in crimea at the very end of february, then nothing happened yet and we were ready in in general to any development of events , frankly speaking, including the most severe, let’s say, but the enemy had no options, there were none at all, because these figures are 96%, yes, they really absolutely reflect reality, there were no . in crimea there are no real opponents, yes, among the representatives of the so-called regional elite there were all sorts of swindlers and opportunists who were perfectly accustomed to living under the so-called ukraine, got used to the local corrupt, so to speak, connections and opportunities, and used them well, got rich, but at the same time, when they saw a huge mass of the population who were ready to die for... to become part of russia, they
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all simply covered their ears and began, as they say, in those places, to change their shoes while jumping, it was just a pleasant sight in its own way i must say that we still haven’t fully realized the significance of the reunification of crimea from russia, it seems to me, because here, yes, this is the restoration of justice, of course, historical justice, this is pride in our country, the great multinational country of which. .. was originally built as, yes, a great empire , as a union state, this, of course, is pride in the fact that crimea is developing today, this is that the west was shocked, he said it correctly here, that is, the will of the people was united by the will of the state of our president, so this, of course, was by no means what the west expected, they thought that yes, we will raise it there again or we will give in, we will go aside, no, russia has changed. the most important thing is that russia has changed, and we are moving
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forward today, and we have regained that geopolitical a position that at one time made us a great power, without which not a single cannon in europe could fire. crimea woke up russia, it began to revive, began to restore itself, and will never stop at this process, because our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news and see you again at... 17:00 don't miss it, hello, news time is on the first, we'll tell you about the most important events right now. 3 days that will determine the future of our country, in russia, presidential elections, come you can go to the polling stations from friday to sunday from eight.


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