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tv   Segodnya vecherom  1TV  March 16, 2024 9:35pm-11:36pm MSK

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in the state of western aggression, our invincibility, both in the broad sense and on the battlefields of the northern military district, is a clear confirmation of this. this decade was a time of rapid development of crimea. i think you and i have something to be proud of. having headed crimea at that historical moment, sergei aksyonov recalls the incredible unity of people and the support of the president, which helped the peninsula return home bloodlessly. crimeans believed. to russia,
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and this faith justified itself, that is, i mean in the sense that our country is real, he doesn’t abandon his own people, he’s a real leader, who always supports both regions and people in difficult situations, that is , he never leaves anyone alone with a problem, as shown by his decision by our president at the beginning of a special military operation, a forced measure, understandable in this case , but with the right, noble goals, first of all to protect those who live in territories that have been subjected to direct genocide, it is impossible to say otherwise. it all started with us, this is the motto of the tenth anniversary of the reunification of the peninsula with russia, the events the crimean spring forever changed the fate of not only sevastopol and crimea, but the entire country. the main symbol of the peninsula - the swallow's nest - was decorated with huge tricolors of russia and crimea in honor of the holiday. vitaly katchenko, ruslan yusupov, elena shtokolova and victor vasin. first channel crimea. maslenitsa week is coming to an end, and on the weekend it’s time to celebrate widely.
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the weather is very wonderful, the holiday is rooted in the history of ancient russia, hence the rituals, it used to be important to observe them, because they celebrated maslenitsa on the day of spring equinox, a special date for our ancestors, this is the slavic new year, they even said in much the same way that as you celebrate maslenitsa, you will spend the year, so they celebrated it cheerfully with songs, dances and games; in altai, the maslenitsa festivities attracted not... several thousand man, among the guests
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there are even russian heroes, why not a painting by vosnetsov? happy holiday to everyone, happy siberian maslenitsa, the whole family comes to maslenitsa to ride a troika or test their strength in bag fights, conquer the top of the penalty post or win the opposing team in a tug of war. maslenitsa is celebrated throughout the country, the capital is sunny in the spring. great, first of all we were lucky with the weather. weather and didn’t expect the sun to be there, very bright, very beautiful , you want to take pictures everywhere, well , what’s maslenitsa without clay, at vdnkh professional chefs gave a master class on making a festive delicacy , we don’t add soda, a very tasty pancake, tender- tender, inside is the same tender cheese, gozi, with no filling, sweet or salty, it’s a matter of taste, resist the pancakes impossible, here is a foreign guest, arriving at
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maslenitsa, the first thing they do is try the famous treat, i like it, valeria rodriguez flew to russia from mexico to participate in the world youth festival in sirius, in case. she liked it so much that she decided to stay longer and visit other cities. novosibirs greeted her with maslenitsa. this is a wonderful holiday, it is so bright and very cheerful, i especially liked russian music, when you hear it, you want to dance. and in china it was possible to get acquainted with russian culture without leaving beijing. maslenitsa the celebrations took place as part of the cross-years of culture, announced by decision of the leaders of the two countries. pancakes for chinese guests too.
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they took it out, greeted us, but didn’t allow us to burn it. there will be a reason to visit russia. the largest effigy in the country, 17 m high, was burned on the territory of the leninskie hills nature reserve. the scarecrow is attached to the fire as a symbol of the passing winter. it is believed that with the last burning of solomenka, spring will come into its legal rights. tomorrow is the last day of maslenitsa festivities. for orthodox believers, it... coincides with forgiveness sunday, on this on this holiday, it is customary to let go of all old grievances in order to enter lent with a light heart. tatyana kozlov, maxim putintsev, natalya lyublinskaya, mikhail kunitsin, larisa nikitina and konstantin anisimov, channel one.
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that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. and now on channel one, the program is tonight. rom kastro, a product of the steller group, veda vodka, a product of the stellor group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon with stirsman, a product of the stellar group, whiskey mankatcher. product of stellar group.
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the golden domes of churches above the river are an unripe land. milk, i run along the mown grass, above me, the sky is blue, high, i’m still
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a boy of about five years old, and my joy sings, my happiness flies. grandmother's tales about love and courage, where goodness and truth are preserved, the white light is cherished, grandfather's medals for berlin for prague, and spring fireworks, you know? that we are all people together, my happiness flies, and my joy sings, this is all my family, this is somewhere in the depths, this is the most sacred thing that
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remains in me, this protects us and heals us, like god. not grace, it's something you can't buy and not take it away. indifferent time will pass around the area, delineating the addresses that are dear to me, we will know profit and calculation, but in each other, we will stop seeing heaven. it will become hard, i will tell myself again, in spite of all times, this
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is all my family, this is somewhere in the depths, this is the most sacred thing that remains in me, this protects us and heals us, like god. grace is something that cannot be bought or taken away, it is all my family, it is somewhere in the depths, it is the most sacred thing that remains in me, it preserves and heals us, like the lord’s grace, it is... what cannot be bought and cannot be taken away, this is something that cannot be bought
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and cannot be taken away, today in our studio gathered exactly those who, through art , express bitterness, anxiety, pain and pride for those who are struggling today. in the fields of the northern military district. today in our studio we will perform songs and poems written and born in the trenches. well, you know, i was at a meeting in the federation council and while i was waiting for the meeting to start. i saw this book, began to leaf through it and was amazed at how many unique
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poems were written, penetrating, and our meeting today is dedicated to how indeed, artists did not stand aside, and this was reflected in their work in different ways. father caprian, your story is mine. i was fascinated because you are a person who renounced everything worldly, you took part in combat operations in afghanistan, were an aircraft pilot, almost died, lost both legs, but despite this, you served in the army for another 13 years, rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel and were awarded the rank hero of the soviet union. being in the military, we again decided to return to the front line, here you are on the screen, here how many awards do you have? now it’s difficult
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to recognize you, of course, in this wonderful hero, but well, i think you can look at your eyes, yes, of course, you know, of course, this is a very amazing story for me, i didn’t intend to go into monasticism, i tried to know god, this started in 2009, lord. called for service, this was a complete surprise for me, and he called in such a way that i stopped doubting even a little that there is a spiritual world, well, that there is life after death, i already knew after being wounded, since i i had clinical death three times, i have wonderful memories of my stay in that spiritual world, so there is no death, i can say this with absolute conviction, a transition from one life to another, just as we pass from life in the womb. into this earthly life, then
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we will move on to another heavenly one, then completely by chance for me, although there are no accidents with god, but for me it was by chance that i met elder elijah nazdryany, and who completely unexpectedly blessed me for monastic vows, well you understand, 59 years old, being a married man... from two legs, well, what kind of monasticism, this is not a social institution, but then the age is such that to stop being an officer, to become a monk, it is very difficult, very diametrically. government activities, when i worked as an adviser to the president, when i was engaged in helping children who were injured, it is now in demand, well, to the maximum
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extent, even to a greater extent, by the way, even my creative component in life is... through people, that's why my combat experience is it helps a lot, and being wounded in particular, helps me in meetings with our guys and in my zone, in hospitals, when you decided to return to the front line again, it was also some kind of command or what prompted you, you know, i afghanistan,
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when i was in the hospital, i wanted to go to afghanistan again, i understand very well those guys who want to return. and this is a good desire, there is a different, completely different life there, when you return from there, i remember when they took me from the airfield to ambulance to the hospital, i watched how people walk, just talk, go to cafes, restaurants, sing songs, watch tv, and i returned completely, i returned from another planet, and this planet, which for me used to be before the war was dear, she became a stranger to me. i want to return again to where the best qualities of a person are manifested, friendship, when a person is ready to give his life for himself, and there were such cases before my eyes, so they gave their lives, when i groan for each other, you yourself die for a comrade, what my father taught me, and already with the beginning of the north military district, this
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was also not my initiative, i really wanted to, but i... a monk, well, when in our church it was decided that the military clergy and monks would go to the north military district and support the guys, of course, when they offered it to me, i gladly went there and will continue to go there, because it is necessary. you talked about your mission in the story, let's take a look. holidays and everyday life await us, i ’m young again, we’ll be happy, talk to me, grass, we fought close to each other, they now, we used to, this is not just a fight for ukraine, so that people there come to their senses, become
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different, this is a war for children, those who now live in ukraine, because they were raised. all this time in hatred, and where there is hatred, there is no love , which means there is no god, because god is love, so this god’s help, it appears here often and clearly, that’s why guys find true faith here, thank god , and then all life changes, so god is on our side, love remains in us, it exists, but...
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the fighter just said that faith is very important, yes, how much have you encountered such a miracle from god, yes, you know, there was a miracle from the first days of the trip there, but it especially manifested itself, you know, a soldier died, and we began to pray over him, and you know...
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all tired, exhausted, and this icon and i stood in front of them, they applied to it, here i have the icon in my hands, there it was, well , nothing flowed, yes, suddenly such ointment was just so abundant, that’s when they applied to the icon, and the world is it’s life-giving, it’s god’s, it’s god’s help, it’s healing, it’s giving strength, that’s it it literally happened before our eyes , such miracles, yes. dmitry, tell us about yourself. to say, last year i went to svo, got into a car and went to lugansk. of course, there was a preliminary agreement with the paratroopers hospital
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, where i was invited, i was actually the only neurosurgeon there, i just worked non-stop, there are no tourists there, i can definitely do that , when you sit under shelling, you cross yourself, you understand, now they will kill you, why did i come here, here, but when it all ends, you realize that you are where you need to be, and you right. i received that you went there and there was some help from you, some kind of healing happened before your eyes, something that you no longer believed in, this was of course at the second stage, when i was already in the hospital, and there it was just a unique case for me, that is, it was, i arrived on the fourth of december, but on the sixth it was, as if it wasn’t even an operation, that is, he brings a guy to me who fell silent, it seems like there are wounds on his head, but everything is moving, but he doesn’t talk, so i started processing him, it’s just that this is usually the primary surgical treatment , there are a lot of wounds on the head, it’s all covered in blood, you cut it all out, clean it out, then look with a probe and once, nothing, twice, into the third level of the op, and
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you fall some deep, you realize that something is wrong then, they sent me there , thank god, the hospital is good, there was a ct scan of the brain, they did it, in general, everyone was horrified, there it ’s like that for a doctor, the sagittal sinus runs through the center of the head, if only a little bit, literally a few millimeters, he would have come to me i just wouldn’t have hit, the sinus would have been wounded, it would have drained blood would be on the position. here he is right next to him, there are fragments, there are pieces of bones, everything is mixed up, in general, he went to the operating table, we removed all this , in the morning i go to the intensive care unit, he is hello, i was just stunned, of course, in the morning he was already there, he went to rostov and his fate in the future is, unfortunately, unknown to me, well , he came to express his gratitude to you,
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their positions were moving, we had to close the hole, what they punched through with a drone, that ’s when this the hole was closed, he was wounded, and do you remember how you ended up in the hospital or was it already in an unconscious state? no, i passed out for about 10 seconds, it turns out my friend pushed me and by doing so he brought me back to my senses, mm, it turns out i’m 4 km from there. on your own feet, on your own feet, in the mud, there was such an obstacle course, and how long did it take for you to return to the battle? well, i was lucky
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, it turns out, well, judging by dmitry’s story, you were not just lucky, this is a real miracle, and, by the way, the 137th regiment medical service asked you to say hello to you, thank you very much thank you very much, i am very pleased , a certain christ, he was not small, but tall , bravast, big-nosed, with gray, slightly unkempt hair, there can be no last judgment until all nations know about christ, so someone
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has to get there to the limits of the universe. christ, he was crucified on exactly this... this is the letter x, such a sign across the whole country, which christ accuses and which the faith of the apostle andrei pervozvanov accuses. andrew the first-called premiere, today on the first. you can’t understand the nome of russia, you can’t measure it with a common arshin, it’s special for her to become, in russia you can only fly. two feelings are wonderfully close
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to us, it is found in them. russia part two, tomorrow on the first. tonight in our studio we hear songs and poems dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland. here the soldiers are walking along
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the scorched steppe, quietly singing a song about the dead birches, about the brooding weeping garden. i smell a field about native forests, about native forests in a wide field, here are the soldiers coming, the song is ringing, and about the formidable redoubts. in this song we sing about
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joy, and about death for the sake of life, and about loyalty in battle and reliability in our battle glorious fatherland, here you are no soldier. on the unfamiliar side, kill all the thieves and return home, where there is a thoughtful garden, and a fragrant ima, where there are glad forests, where there are glad forests.
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the sky is so wide, the soldiers are walking along the scorched steppe, quietly singing songs about birches and maples, the great thoughtful garden. and the weeping willow about native forests, about native forests, and a wide cornfield.
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zhenya, thank you very much for your speech, i know that you have been to the northern military district zone more than once, and that you spoke in hospitals and... among the fighters , tell us about it, well, i’m trying to do what what i can do, and because the song, i believe that the song and what we do can also help the guys in some way, for example, recently, when you sang in the hospital, this is just this performance, then the guys came up and they said that we were going to the concert, it was already difficult to go, because the wounds, they were all wrapped and bandaged, but they say that after... certain songs that i specially selected so that there was a repertoire, there were patriotic ones, which -funny songs, lyrical, i want to live again, i want to live again into battle, but it costs a lot, that is , this is what we actually
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do, it amazes me every time, i ask the guys this question, we take pictures, they come up later, how full they are, despite their generation, how full they are strength and desire, after this concert... all the helicopter pilots, the guys who were shot down, are recovering, lying down, and i say, well, how are things going with you, then i say, go home to retire, how long to go home, no, we need to get better now , we’ll get there again, the equipment is waiting again, we need to fly, we need to work further, further to the guys, and it amazes me every time, because almost all of them are eager to come back later, wonderful, thank you very much, i know that you found time for us, thank you for speaking from, thank you very much, kat, i i know that you visit the zone very often.
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the sisters baked there, and then we went to the wards, because of course only those who are sedentary can sit in the hall, mostly the guys lie there, they don’t have the opportunity, i remember the guy seryozha, but i just didn’t understand, he had are there legs there or not, under the blanket, they just took him out for the operating room, when i was there for the first time, when i came with songs through some, he was already sitting in the hall, we were already taking pictures with him, they assembled his leg there, and then... igumi’s sumarin monastery elisaveta, she gave concerts in moscow, we already helped the guys specifically, and collected a concert with dima pevtsov, first 1 million, then millions more, they go
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specifically, we bought fireproof clothes for the tankers there - katya, the thing is that every the word that you sing for them is only nothing sad, i sing for what they are... that it’s not all in vain, that i thank them, and maybe you’ll sing something now with me,
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you wormwood, wormwood, grass, bitter grass. wasn’t i the one who squeezed you, the one who sowed the grass, the one who deformed the samal? yes, she didn’t climb on her own, she wasn’t a villain, she was happy,
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but at whom? you left me, my little stinker, but to whom? so sad, my soul just hurts about this,
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probably the most precious thing is my family, my children, my beloved woman, my mother, my relatives who are waiting, you know, my grandfather, he he fought for 8 years, vasily gusev, he served in the army, then he was sent to the finnish war, then he went through the entire great patriotic war, reached berlin, then to sakhalin, grandmother... for 8 years, they had two sons, he arrived, he had a shell shock, but he was alive , he even has photographs in his chest pockets, so plump, and there are her grandmother’s letters, so he says: this is my armor, they protected me throughout the war, they protected your letters, because more valuable than the love of loved ones who believe and pray and wait, there is nothing for them for our fighters. here's father kiprivanovich, how important is prayer in
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a trench, how much does faith help in overcoming various difficulties? well, any person believes in something, without faith it is simply impossible to live in principle, we all believe, because you understand, this is our most important prayer, which the lord jesus christ gave us, our father, yes, who is this? our father, god is love, and christianity is the teaching of love, that is, how to learn to love, and the lord says that the kingdom of god, which means the kingdom of love is within you, this is the main thing, because that a christian can only be that person who has love in his heart, even for enemies, and tries to fulfill the commandment that the lord gave in relation to enemies. “love your enemies, bless
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those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who offend and persecute you , then through our prayers the lord pacifies the hearts of those who hate us, who fight against us, he destroys their evil, prayer unites us with god, through prayer we accept god's grace, grace is just the energy of god, the energy of love." then the kingdom of god begins to open in your soul, the kingdom of love, and of course, he is the father, when you, lord, help, the simplest formula, lord, have mercy, this is forgive, help, what kind of father would refuse to help his child, that’s how the lord is for us, when we pray to him, he protects us and moves us, well, is there another prayer? “my angel, be with me, that’s often used when children write, that’s
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fighters, yes, for some reason they mention this particular prayer, children, it’s more open for them the spiritual world, that’s just it, we’re addressing children, you’re my angel, yes, because i have an angelic soul, which means he’s closer spiritually to an angel, so for a child it’s natural to be an angel, an angel, he and, as they say, he also writes letters.
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if you are scared by loud bangs, and you are afraid that debris will fly at you, wrap yourself in a blanket, like in a cocoon, try to stay away from the windows, but in case the explosion is very close, you should first seal the glass with tape, do not look out the window, don't make a mistake, it's better install a protective snowflake on it. if the walls are shaking, don’t lose your mind, use the bathtub as an escape capsule, warm clothes - a space suit, everything will be fine, you ’ll wake up at home, tomorrow, but... for now, imagine that you’re not here, imagine that every day they give fireworks in your honor, imagine that this is nearby, building something, don’t destroy it, imagine that this is a toy factory, my angel, be with me, you are in front, and i am behind you, my angel, be with me, you are in front , and i’m behind
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you, my angel, be with me, you’re ahead, and i'm behind you, my angel, be. follow me, you are singing, coloring, color the whole world, draw in front, and i am behind you, read fairy tales, sing like safe kids, adults and children are walking together with smiles on their faces, turn on the cartoons louder, start watching, luntik, smeshariki, masha and bear, it’s preferable to memorize the best episodes , in case the electricity turns off, if your little sister or brother cries , calm him down with words, it’s better to hug them silently , squeeze them tighter, breathe evenly, we’ll stay alive, if we are destined for it, to fight fear there is no other method, we stay at home , we have nowhere to run, at some point it will become clear to you, you are afraid of death, but he began to be afraid,
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my agent, be with me, you are in front, and i am behind you, my angel, be with me , you're ahead. and i am behind you, my angel, be with me, you are in front, and i am behind you, my angel, be with me, you are in front, and i am behind you, after the commercial we will return to the studio again, we will talk about the feat of the russian soldier, tomorrow there is a special . program launch time: russian presidential elections. the central bank of ukraine announced the receipt the first tranche of russian financial assistance in the amount of $3 billion. now you can exhale and calmly practice only the eu. from this moment on, the confrontation takes on
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a positional character. yanukovych does not understand that the oligarchs sensed his weakness. and they play serious maidan. i need.
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i will walk along the road through the fire, through the trenches bursting to death, and i will reach you, unharmed and alive, to the place where we parted, the breeze subsides at my height, support. washes away the storms, i remember you, pressing against the wall, i’m in a damp dugout, cold,
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i forgot how to cry. in war, losses are now a given for me, and i trust silence more, i hide my pain and my joy, we simmer the prize at my height, the work washes away. i remember you, snuggling with my family, and i ’m damn cold. just be sure to wait, i will return to you in the spring, with
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the last of my strength i will preserve love and life, i will not hide it away, i will cover it. it was sergei nikhaenko with the song height and tonight we gathered to talk about how current times are reflected in art, how they seriously influence various theater and film figures, well, since today we have already remembered our colleagues who during the second world war worked very hard for our soldiers and worked on the front line, let's... look at the plot, let's remember some of the names of the truly greatest artists who have gone through this great time. we artists
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were also fighters, fighters of the army of arts, an army that from the first to the last days of the war carried its combat vaca. already a month after it started. art, once serviced one battery, which is located at the very forefront, we
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played in a shell crater, our spectators, they sat around, these shots were filmed in the black sea fleet at the airfield, and i read for the soldiers, they laughed, reacted, well, without humor it’s hard to live in the world, in general, taxis. ivan semyonovich kozlovsky arrives on the steppe front, just before the start of the battle of kursk; two soldiers have not yet managed to get into the active army. but ivan semyonovich brought a song from this film with him, i know that nothing will happen to me, i remember
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i received a letter from one pilot, i was flying on a mission behind enemy lines, my legs were wounded, but i still held the helm, i just thought b... some extraordinary contribution not only to art, but, of course, to fate, everything
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generations, yes, i am very pleased, petenka , that i met you, because once upon a time i received one award with your grandfather, your grandfather, oleg lunstrom, people's artist of the rsfsr, legend of soviet and russian jazz, composer, conductor, arranger , i could not imagine that almost 20 years later i... would meet my grandson, and he will open something new for me, but i kind of heard about you, i knew how many times you had been in the zone, and you were nicknamed the violinist on the tank, well, first of all, we just watched an absolutely amazing,... to my, and the video, and about our colleagues, uh, friends, during the great patriotic war, more than 30,000 artists gave more than one and a half million concerts at... at the front, there was not a single formation of the red army in which a concert was not given, and of course, to the best of our ability, so to speak, with modest strength, we are trying to
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continuity, and many of those sitting here, actually the majority, right? and to maintain continuity with them, so to speak, i come, play concerts, play concerts for soldiers, on the front line, not on the front line, in military hospitals, this is my essence, my essence. i am a violinist, i am a musician , thank you for standing here for us, we stand with you, my great-grandfather died here, was also drafted into the great patriotic war, died in the same areas, in fact, where they are happening now military operations, so this land, to put it mildly, is not for me
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foreign, this is my land. here they showed a piece of video where i was standing on pallets in the city of mariupol on april 10, 2022, where the heaviest battles were still going on for the city center, for azov-stal. so i played bach’s chikkona there, and bach’s chikkona, well, you can look at it from different angles, it is, of course , life-affirming, because chikkona. bach is dedicated to the ascent to calvary , and you and i know, and as i always play as a soldier, i say a few words about bach, and end with the fact that we know the plot, that there was betrayal, then crucifixion, and then, of course, the inevitable sunday, and sunday is a victory, the real victory of life over death , there are different situations, absolutely, i always look at the situations, sometimes you arrive, and
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you have 15 minutes there and i play there with a little blue modest handkerchief, falling from my drooping shoulders , you saw off and promised to save the blue handkerchief, sometimes at night, we parted with ourselves, nervous wife, the flow
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of the desired dear, i receive your letters, i hear the voice of my dear, and between the lines, the handkerchief again stands in front of me, and i have dreamed more than once , dreamed of the early morning hour, curled blue handkerchief. the sparkles of a girl's eyes, how many treasured fruits we carry in our hearts with us, the joys of meeting, a girl's shoulders, we remember the suffering of battle, for them, relatives, loved ones so desired, are shot down by a machine gun. for the blue
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scarf that was on our dear shoulders, thank you very much, since we were talking about how miracles really do happen, have you encountered anything like this, yes, we were in mariupol in the summer of twenty-two, too , we went to the cathedral, which there is an unfinished cathedral right opposite the destroyed drama theater, and there was a housekeeper there, that is...
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herself at home every day and read the psalter, read prayers, turned to her ancestor, in short, the whole house burned down, except for her apartment, here is a completely black house and one apartment. which the fire did not reach, well, for me this is an incredible miracle, just, well, yes, an incredible story, leonid guryshkin is present in our studio, who can also tell about his miracle, yes, i wanted to tell my story, at one time i taught in school, in the village of shabsha, this was the thirteenth or fourteenth year, after a while the time came to gild the hearts. "yugra battalion, i went to the northern military district, and it so happened that with my students, with my comrades, we ended up in the same trenches, on the front line, we were under heavy
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fire, just hard shelling, so i was wounded, i was thrown back by the wave a few meters, as i say, i’m wounded, but not broken, it’s impossible to break a russian soldier, impossible.” here is a fragment - there was a matchbox, i was wearing a bulletproof vest, but it literally came in side by side, i stood up, around me were my comrades, sardor, asker, my students, they led me to the dugout, my student nikita began to provide first aid, he literally recorded, here they are on the screen, you can look, this is nikita, you can look. and it’s clear, that’s what i wanted to say , but they said, these are the best qualities, but they are learned there, i also wanted to say that, in fact, our dad, and my platoon commander, my company commander, my comrades, brothers,
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despite why, they were all under fire, you know, the komikazes were flying above us at any moment, they were dropping, this is bad, i don’t care about everything, he started the atv, 2 km... i had to go to the point where i would get help directly, and my lung, look, my lung was hurt, punctured, uh, my chest suddenly began to inflate, it was necessary to operate on me urgently, he they took me to that point, they helped me, uh, they performed an operation , i also took this opportunity to thank all the doctors, volunteers, surgeons, excuse me, i’m already in tears, because i’m alive, and these brothers are with me. there, it's worth it, excuse me, i just wanted to say a little more, but the great i won’t name the city by location, yes, but there was such a miracle, literally i’m walking and
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i see, look, there are three hails, and the rocket is three hails, around the church, but not into the church itself, they didn’t explode, they were neutralized, that’s it it’s a miracle, it’s true, it’s a miracle, it’s true, thank you very much and that’s all. wonderful, i say , i knew all the most beautiful things in myself, i wanted to say to the whole of russia, before, you know, all the time i had i i i i, no, there is only us, you and i, we, we, there is only us, as long as we exist, we will all live, we will all help, advise and go only forward, god willing, your students saved you.
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a man who lives in territory controlled by ukraine, he writes this poem was written recently, written about avdiivka, he is glad that it was taken and is waiting for the russian soldier when he returns to his native land. “we have returned, avdeevka has been taken, our difficult path has been soaked in blood, our native brigade has thinned out, in order
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to turn history back, we have returned, here is a monument to those who fell in that bloody, distant war, who looked with silent reproach at what was happening? country, we returned, forgive us, grandfathers, it took so long to return? that legacy of your victory, which once had to be lost, we returned, rest in peace, all the heroes from different times, who went into battle behind the commander, unfurling the banners, we returned, it’s so difficult to convey this important idea, no, not everything. but it’s impossible to forget
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all the guys who couldn’t make it, we’re back, but this is the beginning, there’s still a lot of roads ahead, so that at the end, smiling, wearily, we see the threshold, we’re back, a banal phrase, stuck in my teeth like a bitter lump, the city... smeared with smoky soot, we returned, like an echo in the houses, february 17, 24 years, 0:00 hours, 05 minutes, i want to invite alexander st s stepanov to the studio. alexander performed and
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even sang with the military personnel there on the front line more than once. the song that will be played now has become a hit; our soldiers have been singing it for a whole month on all directions of the front. again, the night is crazy, so spring comes, so the narrowness is replaced by warmth in the heart, again at night the moon is with him. on duty alone, reflected as in mirrors, in these cloudy puddles, migrating proud birds gaze into the distance and fly back, he, he is an example for the guys, those who also do not sleep, guarding the borders, give him the strength to win. so that he returns home
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and reigns in peace, give him the strength to win, he is for older heroes, but for young heroes, and he will not take a step back, let it rain or hail, he is not for the sake of a reward, he is calling for duty to the fatherland and his heart. he, he is an example for the guys, the detachment is leaving into the night and he will keep his word to each of them, in the distance, the light is shining from the window, our faith is strong, there is strength in unity and courage, with him, with him the country is calm, always, no matter what happens, give him strength. so that he wins,
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so that he returns home and peace reigns, give him strength, so that he wins, he is a hero for the elders, but for the leaders he died. give him strength to win, to return home, to reign in peace. give him the strength to
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win, he is a hero for the elders, but for the young he is dead, after the advertisement we will talk about the role of women, at the moment when loved ones are in the line of fire, ukraine will be in nato, they want. for ukraine to be a member of nato, so that ukraine is not just not russia, but so that it is anti-russia. it was clear that there was a coup in the state, the authorities in the country.
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when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and flowering, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion, after death and total darkness, we are resurrected again and move along the paths of improvement. i, along with the whole country
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, rejoiced, finally, ours have gone, we are breaking. it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet, in blood, in smoke. in the fires, among bullets whistle, russia attacks, reclaiming its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession. on monday, on the first. it so happened, the men left and abandoned the crops before the deadline. now they are no longer visible. the windows have dissolved in the road dust, grains are flowing from the ear, these tears of uncompressed fields, and cold winds quickly flowed from the cracks, we
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are waiting for you, hurry up your horses, in good time , in good time, in good time, let no fair winds blow, and caress your back, and then come back quickly, and they will cry for you, without your smiles are turning pale, the babies are drying up, we live in high prisons, no one can enter these buildings, loneliness is waiting instead... once we settled in the houses, we have lost both freshness and charm, the whiteness of the shirts we are wearing, and the old songs have become boring, we have stuck them in our teeth, we have you we are waiting,
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hurry up your horses, in good time, in good time, in good time, may the fair winds not beat you, but caress your back. we will meet you on foot, icons, tired , not whole, any, if only not for the emptiness of funerals, not for premonitions of them, we are waiting for you,
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hurry your horses in good time, in good time, in good hour, let the fair winds not beat you, but caress your backs, and then... come back quickly, for they are crying within you, without your smiles the ribs are turning pale and drying up, it so happened, the men left, this song was now sung for us by polina agureeva, a man , who for me is not just a wonderful and wonderful artist and my long-time friend. this is a girl who has always been a romantic heroine for me, but for the last 2
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years she has surprised me very much, the performance that she created, living and dead, it amazed me to the core, because this is a very famous, very deep work, at which it is impossible not to cry, it is impossible, today it sounds completely different, despite the fact that the text was familiar to me, but there was a feeling...
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settled there, suddenly around one girl has a question, and i ask, here the question is, what is this, she says, this is the child about whom the letter was, yes, i say, well, great, we’ll wait, at that moment the clerk comes in, who says, just that news has come that the child is in green corridor, a family was being taken out, and they were shot in the back, the whole family...
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that this is something like it requires blood, we have a text like this in the play, the village, well , it demands blood from me, understand, we understood that we we have to go there, when we passed this border, polina was with a guitar, and some warriors were also walking with some kind of cases, one of them, remember , a sniper came up to you and said, and that’s exactly what we are, our knees are straight in general, we gave up completely, we just drove on, the feeling was there, i remembered. i had physical i had physical i have a feeling that i’m in another one, how is the air density there different, tell us about the monastery, and about the monastery, but we were just lucky enough to meet the nun nikola of the vasilyevsky monastery, so she told us a lot about how in recent 2 years, but they have suffered a lot
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in general since the fourteenth year, now they are actually bombing terribly on the line of fire. that is , an actually unique monastery was destroyed, it is a copy of the assumption cathedral in moscow, the main cathedral, yes there, but the problem is this, we they couldn’t understand in any way, i think, well, how is this possible, this is not a military facility, there are drones constantly hanging over the monastery, all the time, only someone from the brethren shows up or the sisters are running there, only from the brethren, they have old people, and the children lived there , they bombed all the time, they threw mines at it right away, the children, they threw it, it doesn’t fit in my head, how can this be, who? and i really want to look at that person who sits there at this typewriter, sees that children are walking there, monks, it’s covered in mines, that’s how they
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are people, they’re children too, unfortunately, it’s very scary. a very bitter topic and we can talk a lot about it, but first of all we have today’s meeting, it is dedicated to art, yes, but we are just talking about a patient, i understand, and this hurts everyone, but on this patient in recent years we natasha and i send each other almost every day some quotes, poems, sometimes songs, you also began to write poetry,
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my wife is stronger than many women, she is a military wife, and fate has not promised her an ordinary world with with his usual course of affairs and days, humbly watching the clock, but secretly cursing their slowness, for weeks, often months, she never tires of waiting for me, my wife is stronger than many women, when i go on business trips, she will cover up a pattern of cracks on the wall, she will walk through the rooms like a foreman, move
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the closet, fix the door herself, which was broken by her son, and at night she draws a heart from our two-hearted halves, god willing , she will not love me less... having had enough of separations, my wife stronger than many women, but this strength is my fault. thank you great, ksenia, i understand that all these events also changed your life and somehow influenced the creation of the work.
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i wrote, but first there was music, then what needed to be done was to write the text, i turned to masha, so maria wrote poetry, yes, yes, it turned out that ksyusha wrote to me, yes, what she wrote such music was born, listen, maybe something will work out, but she told a little backstory, told about her son, about her experiences as a mother, so i listened to this music many times. it just happened to me, the words came on their own. in the end, who became the performer? as a result, i found
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olesya kovaleva through a friend, vocalist, and i decided and suggested olesya. it’s great, we have an author in our studio, we have music, an author of poetry, and of course we’ll invite olesya to join us on stage. i can’t close my class this night, under the icon i hide my switch again, even though you’ve grown up , my son, i want to be near you, i want it so much, remember the songs. i sang at night, if you couldn’t sleep , my son, and today between us, hundreds of streets and
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roads, a mother prays sleepless at night, that... to hug your living son, come back, my beloved, i'm waiting for you back, kondyl, the rain is falling near the blizzard, you only live in separations of faith, as if years, days, weeks, are pouring
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forever, if you wait, my dear, how anxious you are there. mothers’ hearts always hurt for their children, i ask you to be careful, come back quickly, on a sleepless night the mother prays for her son to live. hug, come back, my beloved, i’m waiting for you myself.
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after the advertisement, we will continue the conversation about art, which is dedicated to the defender of our fatherland. crimea. no wonder they think the cradle of russian orthodoxy, here 2.0 years ago apostle andrew, the patron saint of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was not a big man, but he was tall. bravast, nasad, with gray, slightly unkempt hair. there can be no last judgment until all nations know about christ. therefore, someone must reach the limits of the universe and
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preach christ, including with keef. here. actually the thread that connected us already from the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory. peter dedicates the order to andrew by the apostle andrew, this is our patron, the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanez, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones. why the st. andrew's cross, a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter x, christ, he was crucified on such a cross, this letter x is such a sign, such through everything. the events on the kiev maidan and the crimean spring are already 10 years old, on the first channel action-packed series, transfer it through the maidan, the people want kurasan from the parisian coffee shops, so you need to create the illusion of rebellion, a rebellion of leaving to the west. european values ​​were presented as an alternative to corruption,
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an american appears.
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but the tanks are different now, they already have loaders , as a rule, there are no new equipment, and people were right when they said, do your job, which you can do better today, sing, therefore, being there, it seems to me, is now the most important task of any artist, this is probably the least we can do,
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well, listen, it’s difficult for me to share, because my life absolutely turned upside down on may 26, 2014, when they started bombing donetsk, they started bombing the airport, that’s when they don’t bomb you, well, that’s normal, and you can’t even imagine that this a distant victory that we were proud of, this is the war that was ended, including by my grandfather, that it suddenly might not... he was still so very fighting, he was on his feet without any signs of dementia, here he is , he died in 15 on november 10, and he was bombed, he lived in dokuchaevsk, everything was bombed
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time, a dokuchaevsk shell hit the garden, and he asked, tell me, and he asked my mother, and he asked me, tell me, who is fighting with whom, he could not understand, he could not understand who was fighting with whom, that is, for him. .. we need to give russian passports , it was a moment of great joy, it was april, i remember very well, i was driving and we were all listening to the radio, suddenly there was news that now we would receive russian passports, cars stopped , people just started hugging, so you all
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say that you are scared to come to donbass, polina, you said, yes, that it’s straight to the top of your ears, because it’s scary, you don’t know, now it’ll fly in and lie down there. what should i do, and you know, when i’m driving around donetsk with my mother, my mother sits in front, she gets a little seasick, and i’m behind, so we’re driving, for example, to the village of the abakumov mine, we have relatives living there, birds start flying or there the shelling begins, and i’m also scared, i’m also very scared, but i’m driving and i think, lord, well, i’m traveling with my mother, well, i’m not afraid of anything with my mother, but if will fall into ours, i swear to you, this thought, it just hit me, because well, you know.
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there are 33 texts, this is not a random number, but because this, of course, is based on the number of earthly years of jesus christ, yes, the poem is dedicated to mary and my father, whose name was nikolai , with wormholes, yes, bleeding, the war is scarred, over the fields that the roadsides are full of black crows. along the road that spreads like a ribbon, that god sees chopped up, the fair-haired girl walks clearly, there is a blue flower in her hair, her arms are no thicker than twigs, her feet -
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ballet vault, she will be one of good girls, one of naive holy orphans, her... blatitsy , gloomy poverty, her cross, the metal will drain, this girl, so transparent, it is unlikely to make her talk, on the road where the dirt is extreme, where warriors on the alert, this girl , restless, begins a line with herself, silent, merciful, drowning in darkness, this girl is reliable, like war, that in my window, on the palms of the valley crosses, in front of my eyes there is a shroud of rain, this girl is called
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maria, she two-thirds, i am, thank you, anna. i want in the face of the girls of the vevalti orchestra under management of svetlana bezrodnaya to say to all women, to our girls, a low bow, orchestra, anya just said, the year was sixteen or seventeen, terrible, indeed, in the donbass, i’ve been since the fourteenth year, but the orchestra that consisted of went there. only from the girls, these are mothers, wives, and no one refused, no one, and they asked me to go with them, i, of course, could not refuse, it was a great honor for me to go with sveta
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bezrodnaya, to go together with them, i watched these girls ride on these buses, it means it was winter, cold, unsettled, but at the concert there were dresses, heels, violins, even the girl was playing the drums, the halls were full, starting with the donetsk opera house. lugansk, full halls, when the audience came in the sixteenth and seventeenth years not in jeans, in suits and women were at the parade, well, in the person of these girls i want to all the girls who are in the war, who support, who put their entire lives , because a woman is not alone, around her... the whole family, the whole family, yes, here i am
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i bow, the orchestra is 35 years old, 90 years old to svetlana bezrodnaya, who stood for 3 hours, conducting with a violin, an unbending woman, one of such brave women, a war correspondent poet, anna dolgoreva, her poems about what women dream and pray about there advanced.
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i want to live at sunset, the cows moo and slowly walk along the road to live. i want, for this wormwood smell, infused like a word in silence, thank you, lord, father, live, so that you can live, so that you can live, give me wine. prolong the sensations of many stars and many grasses, time
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it goes so slowly and is felt so acutely, we were in a monastery, prayed for health, grasshoppers were basking on a log, i want to feel it slowly. golden, unique, the cup of early destruction, lord, father, pass by,
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dmitry, you volunteered for... a military operation, tell me, yes, being a teacher of history and social studies, in february of the twenty- second year we were told to conduct open lessons on what is happening in new territories, and telling children, i saw that it is not enough to retell someone else’s text, and older children they perceive it as... rightly , well, that is, they still don’t understand, but you
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can’t convey it, and as a teacher, i couldn’t fake it, so the decision was made to see from the inside what was really happening, that is, for me. for a historian, this was very important, so the volunteers went there , i was lucky that i ended up in the sparta battalion in donetsk, a beautiful city, that is, i fell in love with this city, but, but in fact, when i arrived there, that feeling of fear, well the military is clear, they are professionals in their field, and you are a volunteer,
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well, accordingly, the commander built our unit with the strength of a dozen, took this package, and this package is from moscow there, that is , from all over the country, so he distributed it to each fighter, distributed a letter randomly completely, what was my surprise when i open, say, a letter, it is quite outwardly simple and... i turn this letter over and see that, well, first grade, liza , this drawing, and there is the settlement of kudinovo, kaluga region, i then thought, well, this cannot be, that is, from all over country, i was one of the battalions from kaluga, with on all sides, one letter from the kaluga
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region, it goes to me, at that moment there was a part of fear.
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i was thinking about victory, well, i can say that we have such a tradition, a custom, when, well , a person dear to you, a fighter there, an acquaintance, yes, and we exchange chevrons, at that moment i thought, definitely, when, well, that is, they handed it to me this is a letter, and i’ll be sure to give you a chef, look at the gift for you.
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perhaps, i heard a lot today , i heard more than once, that the conversation is about fear, but if i believe, and that there is no death, that those guys who ours died, they are now with god, you you know, in conclusion i’ll tell you one little story that happened quite recently, a shell hit a group of our guys , everyone died, except one, he was unconscious, so he tells: this story after the explosion, when he was still unconscious, he suddenly saw the sky, well, above him, which means that all the guys who were next to him were asking them a question: are you with us or are you staying? he says: i thought, no, i ’ll stay for now, so he remained alive, these are such
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miracles, they happen there very often, you can do more than one program about bodies on war, meetings of people from... god, with angels , how they protect, you know, faith, if a person believes that everything is according to god's providence, and according to god's providence, only what is for good, even what seems to us. often tragic, so war is allowed to us , it is also allowed to happen by god’s providence, because we are all carried away by too much consumer life, pleasures, entertainment, but if we believe that there is our father who takes care of each of us, and that he, and this has been noticed for a long time in war, they die better, why? because here they are... having given their lives for us, they gave it, this is what love is, yes, and god says: there is no greater love than to give your life for
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your friends. therefore, you know, we as people, of course , worry about the loss of loved ones, of course, this is completely normal humanly, but we must still remember at one moment that those who are there are in god’s love, and love is joy , and the lord says: “abide in me, and i in you.” and... my joy will come to you, and your joy will be complete, your heart will rejoice, and there will be no joy in that will not be thrown away from you. thank you very much, i want the song to be played at the end of our program: time for good people. and it will be performed by a good man, alexander vanyushkin, the author of the unofficial anthem svu 333, a retired special forces lieutenant colonel, now a volunteer who regularly delivers everything necessary to our defenders at the front. and even a good mood.
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the darkness recedes near the dawn into a new world, the time has come and during the plague, the champion horse, no matter how he fought, did not merge, and the villain was springing, only it had already arrived. there was a time good people, the time of good people, century after
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century, year after year, step after step, back behind back, behind the line formation, after the battle battle, we go home victorious. let not for us, but for our children forever, the time of love and kindness come, then, everything that has not already been killed, whole, only stronger, means it has already come. strength, the time of good people, the time of good people
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, century after century, year after year, step after step , back behind back, formation behind formation, battle behind battle, we go home with victory, after century century, after year year. step by step, back behind back, behind the line build, fight after battle, we are going home with victory, home with victory, home with victory, hey!
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it is not for nothing that crimea is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy; here, 2,000 years ago , apostle andrew, the patron saint of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. today, like many years ago, st. andrew's flags fly over the ships of the russian fleet. there was an order named after him. now again it is the highest state award; it is to st. andrew the first-called that russians still pray to this day for the protection of the fatherland.
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we are now almost in the thick rocks, in this place they were mining white limestone in the first centuries, these negative angles that we see are precisely characteristic of the method of mining the stone precisely in the first century. a suburb of sevastopol, here is the inkerman st. clement monastery, one of the oldest cave monasteries in crimea. you are, by the way, listen carefully to these words, in the most ancient cave temple, operating throughout the canonical territory of the russian church, here we see this ceiling, it’s practically not touched, look, please, see this indentation, there was a candila hanging here, here it is
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literally, here i am touching it with my hand, how old it is, god only knows. that 's literally all, i want to tell you that when you stand here at night, only candles and lamps are burning, you understand that practically nothing distinguishes you from those martyrs who also prayed here. the name of saint clement is inextricably linked with andrew the first-called. clement, practically a contemporary of the apostle, lived on border. once in crimea, clement was extremely surprised
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to find several thousand christians in khersanes and the surrounding area. the figure for... the century is simply colossal; for most of these people , the sermons of the apostle andrew the first-called became the impetus for accepting the faith. the apostle andrew knew how to come to people, to many people, to strangers. you see, it’s not like you invited me to tell you something, but in general a person just came to strangers and convinced them. do you understand what power? but how did the apostle end up in krimu? the answer to this question is in holy scriptures. galilee is a region in northern israel. there are mostly mountains and hills here. it is not for nothing that even the name galileo is translated as a wavy surface. this is where
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lake galilee or lake genesar is located. it is important, about the same as baikal for us, its area is almost 170 km, even in our time 2.0 tons of fish are caught here annually, and in the time of christ it fed all the nearby cities, at the same time a simple fisherman named andrei lived and worked here . from the gospel it is known that andrei was born in vevsaida, a small town on the shores of lake galilee. galileans.
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to hearing the sermon, so they heard the preaching of john the baptist at the flowing of the lord. we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. this is already a lot. there is very little information about what apostle andrew actually looked like. true, sources from the early 9th century speak of some details of his appearance, but not in his youth, but already in adulthood after the death and resurrection of christ. his appearance was wonderfully described by epiphanius the monk, such an interesting phrase: he was considerable, but tall, bravast, nasad.
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the merchant's text even says: andrei, your name means fire, he has recognizable flaming hair, his beard, they can be depicted in different ways, but this is very much his type, and even where it is not signed, we can easily see it recognize by this appearance. andrew originally became a disciple of john the baptist, when jesus passed by the lake of galilee and saw simon and andrew fishing, he said, “go.” follow me, and i will make you fishers of men. they left their boats and nets, and from that day they became disciples christ's. andrew, earlier than the other apostles, who followed the lord, received the nickname
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of the first-called.


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