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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 17, 2024 1:15am-2:01am MSK

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and so the poems, so this, it’s very difficult for us, it won’t suit us, but it’s from the film, i say, this doesn’t concern you, you didn’t order it, or in this form, or you don’t take it, no, nothing, i say , i won’t redo anything , they took it, but they took a new song that was not from the film, this was a problem, that is, cinema was the surest way to deliver it to the audience, yes, but there were more possibilities for the text. the attitude was different, everything was different, i had a case, i made a gran record on a melody and it was called not a matter of weather, well, it seemed like nothing terrible, but the bad council passed , everything went through, they looked at everything, everything was handed in as a record, the cover was already ready, it was necessary at that moment to send something somewhere else up to the komzomol there or somewhere there, i don’t know, and from there a letter arrived, it’s not about the weather
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, change the title, it’s not about the weather, which, logically, changed the name, it would have worked in a movie, please tell me, here you were in the twenty -second, twenty-third year re -recording songs for a record, for vinyl, to the studio, the secret of the third planet, why, my manager did it, he was the one who released it records, he said, can i release records, and that is, you are again on the wave , it turns out, well, this is the merit of my manager, and well, you could have refused to say, let’s not make records, well, that’s right, i think he did the right thing, now they still sometimes ask some special ones come with such a pack with a large one with large boxes so that i can sign them; collectibles , please tell me how you were captured by music ; at what age did this happen? well, i
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was sent to study piano as a child, at first there was a private teacher, she came, then it means that someone probably advised me, i don’t know why, but they gave me a music school and did the right thing, so i graduated from this music school, but of course no one thought that i should be, i didn’t think about it myself that i would be a composer, i was more fascinated by technology than music of some kind, although i am somewhat interested in technology. although i was composing something, even there , somewhere around 10-11 years old , i was composing some kind of play there, my grandmother was sitting with me, and my grandmother even shed tears, she said how sad, she said, what a sad song it worked out, well, then i started composing, but my father was a surgeon, well, he really loved music, on saturday he forced me, let's go listen to music.
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yes, but not every saturday, when he could too , because it depended on him, he worked at more than one job, then he had some other consultations somewhere, if he couldn’t, then they didn’t listen, but basically that’s all -they did listen, i remember, and somehow at first it was difficult for me to sit and listen, because the guys there were playing football in the street or something like that, and i could see out the window there, and i had to... and then somehow- that
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turned on and listened with pleasure. we continue the creative industry podcast on channel one. our guest today is composer alexander sergeevich zatsep. but people’s artist of the russian federation, do you remember that moment when your song first became a national treasure, here are your feelings at that moment, that once everything, the feeling, yes, it was of course.
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smiled tenderly at me, because the ruinous one flies, hurries after me, like mine... nick on a canoe, above me, the sky is stronger, swan clouds and the plant floats on a long journey after itself, sung ermek serkebaev is there. people's artist, but he is all the time, when he went to moscow , he did a lot of concerts in moscow, he did the classics, there was figoro, this one, and definitely my heaven, but then this happened to you more than once, the songs became popular
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again and again and every time this feeling , this one, it has somehow passed, it’s already drowning , it feels, after all, it was possible that she had it, so to speak. they promoted the song to the people, well, just like i said, the wizard, it went, but the other one didn’t go, well, there were at least two, so if both had not gone, it would have been unpleasant, of course, uh-huh, the moment of star fever was experienced, no, no, it wasn’t, i was always trying something new, something new, and terbenev too, i sometimes told him,
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i say, “well, he says , he’s hooked on a young composer, he has a good song, the sky is blue above me, he says: “i know the songs, they’re good, the songs are good, but i don’t know how he’ll write to me for an eccentric, i have to think , then he still took a risk, after that, and the first song that you showed him, what it was, i didn’t tell him
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showed no songs, there was an operation and a film, there is no song anywhere, in the third novel i wanted there to be a song when they show the house and the window." they seem to be hugging there, but also this, but close to this , in any case, i say, lenya , yes i say, let’s make a song here, no , no, no, there’s no need for a song, there’s no need for a song here, i even told him two or three times, i say, we don’t yearn for anything, we'll record a song, yeah, we'll play it, if you don't like it, take it away, there will be instrumental music, no, no, it’s just that the song doesn’t need to be recorded, it’s not necessary , and then he often told me, if you had insisted, the song would have remained, such a regret from the film, i say, well, i say, well, this is the first time i’m working with you, i have to somehow force you to agree, but it was necessary , of course, gidai could guess the hit, whether this song would be a hit or not, no, the only
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thing he said was, i need a song, not the kind that is played on the radio or there on records, and for people to sing, i say, lenya, this is a very difficult task. will sing the people or the people won’t sing, well, in the beginning, that means there was an operation and these songs are there, that means i, i just jumped to the last short story at the beginning , well, they gave me the script, of course he gave me the script, i read there were stage directions - that means music and he marked there, here is music golob and here is a march here golob here is a march there also waltz , maybe that’s all everything that he, well , the maximum, he means he read, then he says to me, that’s why you’re writing samba here and not golob? i say samba - i say it, you suggested it to me, just as i suggested it to you, and i
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i say, when i came to your studio i saw his script was so thick, you know, well , everything is just huge, what kind of script is it and he... you will do it, i say, well, here’s the bus, everything there is shurik trying to everyone,
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it’s inferior to everyone, which means it’s raining, and it’s inferior to everyone, which means the place is so nervous , it must be like that, and of course a very complex rhythm was recorded there, which was artificial somewhere, there was even a bass there, there’s pum-pum-pum- pum, it was made from a ruler, an oak ruler, you put it on the table, this is how you make it. then live instruments of course, the real ones were already playing on this overlay . royal means he played ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, but much faster, so he played first twice as low somewhere here, and then i sped him up twice and he... so in general, he was very nervous , he immediately accepted, of course, all this, all this music, but sometimes it happened, uh, that sasha
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, but it’s impossible to make it faster, i say, it’s already here, well, for example, some number there faster , i say, well, this is the maximum, i say, the musicians simply won’t play anymore, at first he still had mistrust, so he says, so you brought me this music, maybe you already showed it to someone, they didn’t like it, and you gave it to me...
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swung the crowbar over his head there, it was an important moment, in this place,
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it means i ran out of topic, i did it on purpose so that there was some kind of topic going there ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, she ended here with a small backlash of a pause and then, this is an accent, that is, an accent - this does not mean a blow to head, there’s a hit on the drum, and how can it somehow coincide with the screen, well, that’s just meters, so i’m translating, now. this is necessary it was to recalculate, which means then to write down, then to write down and so that it would be synchronized , all of these didn’t exist yet so that you could count quickly, but later i had such a sign and up to 100 everything was already calculated for me, let’s say 17 m there and a half i’m already. exact here 40 seconds there 42 seconds my favorite work with gaidai what is the most perhaps
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the most interesting was of course the operation and the first one because it was unexpected and i really liked it interesting of course it was all in today’s industry in modern right in this industry, you worked with young directors, do you look at the work of this film industry, are there any directors of gaidai’s level being born? what are they called, serials , yes, serials, that’s sasha oravin, alexander oravin was , i made several serials, but somehow the return is not the same, then there are no eccentric comedies anywhere, it’s just that kind of music, but music, it’s a little sad , but now your work is musicals, now musicals, yes,
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i already have what, eight musicals already, so now. there will be a new one, so let's work hard but with musicals, how do you determine which musical to deal with and which one may not be necessary? well, i just like it, i watched a cartoon, like ivan tsarevich and the gray wolf, very good, i really liked that the fairy tale seems to be in our time somewhere around the corner, i went to the producer and said, i i say, what will you allow me to do? to your script, and he, he agreed with me, my manager, malik signed a contract with him, so i made a film, it is running with nona grishaeva, with great success, now you have some music on your phone in the player, on which you listen to modern music, which i prefer to hear at home on good speakers, on the phone, it’s just that
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if you just listen to the phone, it’s not even what kind of music there is. there’s no bass for several hours either, but what do you have, what’s in your repertoire, what do you like to listen to, in your repertoire, listen, i just don’t have time to listen now, now i’m like that, as they say, there’s so much to do, that when to listen, there is no time to listen, for some time i listened to the young people, i am interested in them listen to what they are doing there, but for now they still need more. there are some changes already, little by little, but everything will be fine, dear friends, well , unfortunately, we need to finish this already, alexander segheevich gave us a huge amount of advice today, if you listen carefully to our podcast again, you can basically follow them, but start with
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this advice: work hard, don’t allow yourself idleness, live steadily , get into... the flow, love your profession, and most importantly, love what you do. alexander sergeevich, thank you very much for this conversation, and i would really like from our viewers, from everyone, to present you with this bouquet for you. oh, yes, this is it, yes, this is for you , thank you very much, thank you for coming to us, this is already exercise, good exercise already with him, yes. thank you, health, happiness and a lot of inspiration, thank you, and new new music, alexandrevich, i really need it, that’s the only way it will be, thank you, thank you.
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hello, sergey pavlovich, well, they sleep like babies.
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have they stuffed sensors under mattresses? i still i can't believe it all happened exactly like this. everything just happens, you still have to take off, but it won’t hurt to land.
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what's happened? we have scorpion 3, blackout, turn off the lights.
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i wish you good health, sergei pavlovich, they are flying and interfering with work, apparently by the lesser paurus. people are working. that's right, sergei pavlovich. they are working, we have a schedule, they will work this out for you, turn on the lights, there is, i take full responsibility, let’s all go to the third level, all services of the cosmodrome are declared on seven-hour readiness, sergey pavlovich, can i work? take your time, everything is fair, check it, honesty, first of all, if
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you made a mistake, come and report, it depends on you whether we will go into a new era tomorrow or not? services of the cosmodrome, begin checking all systems. it's time to get up, i slept well, as i was taught,
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i slept well, okay, gera, let 's write a novel together in half, you are german, i am yuri. yuri german, soviet writer, it’s not funny, oh, little star, it looks like you, or what? she came running to see me off, why did you come to us, well, cosmonaut, you’ve already been there, what you saw, you’ll tell me, but seriously,
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really, it’s good to fill it up, otherwise i ’ll be scared now. gera, well, there’s no need to worry like that, you ’re next, and your program is 100 times more interesting, if you want, let’s switch places, why, thousands of thousands will fly, but they’ll remember the first one, understand? do you know why you should definitely come back? why? because
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if you don’t return, then the road to space will be closed for all of us forever. comrade cosmonauts, it’s time for a new eagles, i didn’t expect to see you here, yes, that’s who we are, we came to drive away evil spirits
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with songs and dances, okay? yes, help me guys, let's help, now, now , yeah, german, let me help, come on, come on, come on , that's it, guys, come on, yura, i dreamed about something today that... they have it there, i'm worried, i'm not i know, i’m worried about how they are doing with two little kids, they’ll survive, we raised four of them during the war, they’re all alive. well, i’m worried, are you really
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good at walking, or what? what about walking? at the lesopedist, take a sweatshirt, yeah, it will take you three hours to get there on your own foot, 3 and a half there, 3 and a half back, ah, something is unsettling in my soul, yeah, yeah, no worry, mother, we raised the children , we will raise the grandchildren, this is life, it’s clear, it’s clear,
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express moscow vladivostok, well, yes , they travel in comfort, you’re welcome, you took the hotels with you, that’s it... we have a golden key, comrade colonel, and can you turn me around, it’s inconvenient for me to drive backwards, guys, turn me around, well, you have permission to film, they told me to film as an astronaut, you’re an astronaut, an astronaut, well, sort of, well
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, that’s all, okay, yurka, yesterday in the evening we approached the rocket, sergei pavlovich saw us and said, well, why are you, he says, everyone is spinning around around, like grooms around the bride, yes, yes , there are many, many grooms, but there is only one bride, yes herman, that’s it, i understand the answer, you can continue, yurka, you won’t let us down there, but we won’t let you down here, not for long let's say goodbye, guys, oh, yurka, you are the only one for us all, and we are like a fist, like a crystal. comrade officers, by the decision of the state commission, you were all enrolled in the space pilot training squad, guys, the government parties, the ussr ministry of defense entrusted it to me
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personally. responsibility for your training, in a word, as they say, in our aviation, i leader, you are followers, that's right, thank you, comrade, please sit down. what will we fly into space on? well, of course, on a rocket, not on a snowstorm. comrade officers. comrade officers, please meet our general designer, sergei pavlovich korolev, sit down, please sit down. well, eagles. out of more than 300 applicants, 20 were chosen, it’s you, well , let’s get acquainted, anikeev, me,
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belyaev, me, bondarenko, me, bykovsky, me, varlamov, me, volynov, me, gagarin, me, gorbatko, me, zaikkin, i, kartashov, i. komarov, me, leonov, me, nelyubov, me, nikolaev, me, popovich, me, rafek, i, titov, i, felati, i, khruno, i, shonin, i, great, well, here you are, little eagle, tell us about yourself, about your family. senior lieutenant, gagarin yuri alekseevich, born in the thirty-fourth year, graduated from the orenburg flight school. you can’t understand russia with your mind,
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you can’t measure it with common arshins, it’s something special, you can only believe in russia. two feelings are wonderfully close to us; in them the heart finds food, love for one’s family. russia, part two, tomorrow on the first,
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short circuit, how to restore normal heart rhythm, about this and much more friend in the program, it’s great to live, on monday on...
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only with the landing of the goat he gives, yes i know, i know, he flies well, he will ruin himself and the equipment at the same time, listen, and you put something under his ass, you think because short, the wrong angle of view , well, you say, he flies well, which means he doesn’t see the ground when landing, well, think of something, grigorych, it’s fun, it’s fun, why are you dear, but it’s fun.
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sergeant gagarn completed a training flight? we noticed this, taking into account the error-free execution of the flight mission, as well as the determination the hard work, diligence of sergeant gagarin, the command of my person decides to allow sergeant gagarin to fly independently with the assignment of the next military rank in the overall standings. was he not prepared? yura, kureva! well, it seems that someone
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was sitting on his tablet, now you can’t smoke, you said, comrade squadron, excuse me, i ’ll buy you a new one, don’t worry, gagarin, it’s just a tradition, i’ll tell you something else, you’re without 5 minutes lieutenant, and maybe he rose to the rank of colonel, so remember, there are no mistakes in the sky forgives. meal, uh-huh, candy, and hera, candy, well, no, no, guys
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, come on, comrades, let's get a little more serious, more serious, tari, general, we 're being filmed, that's right, the americans can film their own. but we can’t, our heroes are no worse, but better, yes, yurka, friend, remember, you are there for us all, eh, hold on, yurka, hold on, come on , oh, yes, it’s normal.
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hermann, you are my friend, come on, come on, come on, yura, thank you, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, friends, everything, well, alekseevich, see you in the kuibushev area. preparing for a communication test. i understand
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you, felt boots, felt boots, oh, you are not hemmed , old man, oh, you kolya, kolya, nikolai, stay at home, don’t walk, august 10, 8:00, we are approaching the planet mars, 65 million
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kilometers have passed, prepare the landing site , laboratory assistant irina lebedeva, excuse me, how did he find out that i was on duty today, the tenth day went, well, firstly, not to become a marsian, but to become a marsian, and secondly, what were you thinking about, besides the laboratory assistant irochka? about the future, comrade chief, everyone has pictures of the past, you are about the future, damn it is enviable to your future. i’m working on, one, two, three, four, five, as we understand, welcome, i understand you.
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attention , the hourly readiness is announced, cedar, i am alone at dawn, the hourly readiness is announced, i understand, the hourly readiness is announced, all work is being completed on the farms
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, you will probably hear noise now , they will be cleaning the service areas, attention, the carriages are leaving, i am not making any noise i hear some do. there is no signal from the contact in the hatch cover. why don't you report how you're doing? sergey palovich, we have finished installing the manhole cover. lid installed, right? are there any distortions? no, sergei pavlovich, everything is fine. that's
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the thing, it's not normal. no kp-3 signal. will you have time to remove the cover and reinstall it within the declared readiness? we'll make it. this happened to us after closing the hatch, like one contact did not show, we will now remove the hatch and then install it again, so don’t worry, i understand you, everything is fine, completely calm, this hasn’t happened for a long time, my whole body is sweating. you can, you are ready, you are ready, and don’t even listen to yourself, there will be an extreme situation, ship
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depressurizes, you die on the spot, but it’s not all up to you what to think about... what to think about it, yura, the nut is not mean to you, but what do you have, one is missing, yur, oh well, we’ll find it when you land. did you remember to take the pill, otherwise you don’t really have a face? well, old mouse, you feel sorry for me.


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