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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 17, 2024 2:00am-2:50am MSK

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“the ship will depressurize, you will die on the spot, but it’s not all up to you what to think about it, what to think about it, yura, the nut didn’t fall on you, but what do you have, is one missing?” yur, come on, we’ll find you when you land. you didn’t forget to take the pill, otherwise you don’t really have a face. well, old mouse, you feel sorry for me. now i
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need to support yura at such a moment, but i myself need to be supported, well, like they gave you music, no, not yet, i hope it will be soon, well , it’s understandable, after all, these are musicians, bye there, bye here.
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the tightness has been checked and everything is in perfect condition. okay, reception, as understood, i understood you, yes, the picture is not the first quality, a rotten picture, interference, comrade chief, the rocket body is fanning, checking radio communications, i know what i’m afraid of, we were discussing it here before this explosion.
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don’t blow up the balloon if it falls towards a potential enemy, so i’m in favor of blowing it up , you know why, because i’m afraid that the enemy will find out what we’re flying on, i’m ashamed, you see, you’re not ashamed, what have you, is everything okay, sergei pavlovich?
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ked, i am alone in the dawn, cedar, i am alone in the dawn, everything is fine with us, before the start of our operations, until minute readiness, a few more minutes , 5 minutes left, come on, come on, come on, i wish, what day is it today, and guys, this has never happened on planet earth, well, here it is, now it begins. prepare the keys,
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prepare the keys, eat, eat, prepare. minute readiness, as understood, i understood you, minute readiness, occupied the starting position, occupied, cedar, i am alone at dawn, during the launch i will broadcast the details to you, i understand, the key to start, the key to start, there is the key to start, understood? put the key on drainage, there is a key put on the drainage, a key is put on the drainage, i understand, the cable
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mast has come off, i understand, the ignition is given, the preliminary stage, i understand. intermediate, most importantly, i understand you, get up, let's go!
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goodbye, see you soon, dear friends, it’s too early to rejoice, guys, it’s too early, yes, don’t yell, you’ll jinx the little one, the vibration is getting faster, you’re feeling good. overloads are growing further.
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kedar, i am the dawn. gagarin’s pulse is now 158, before the start it was 66, heart, sergei palovich, i know endurance, yury, it’s not about the heart, how can you hear me, answer me, keder, what then, depressurization, turned off due to overload, or maybe yura turned on something wrong, go away, smart guy, i’m telling you, keder, if you can hear me, i’ll answer. ked, where are the fives, where are they, cedar, answer as you hear me, cedar, i am a charge, how can you hear me, 7g, 8g,
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nine. man, a real man, can you hear me, i’m zarya, answer, keder, zarya, i’m keder, i hear you fine, everything’s fine, everything’s fine, the second stage is working. feeling good, can you hear me? the head fairing has been reset, in review
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i see the ground, okay, the ground is visible. i see rivers, folds of the terrain, good, visibility is good, excellent, everything is visible in the overview, welcome, cedar, cedar! i'm excited, well done, everything is going great, good, visibility is excellent, beautiful!
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i’m a pilot, we were taught to fly by the stars, and i’m a pilot’s wife, come here, pilot’s wife, you’re my wife, forgive me. maybe i should pray for you, yura, when you
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fly, like some others, when you fly over us, my heart just skips a beat, well, pray, if it makes you feel better, maryavanna. wife of the regiment commander, i asked her tell fortunes, about you, about me, about us, and what did she tell fortunes about, she said that you will have one flight, but this is some kind of nonsense, well, that’s what we thought, i already have half a hundred of these flights, and what has she guessed yet? and she also said that we will soon have a child, and
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is this true? well, not very soon, hurray , hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, i will have a son, i will teach him to fly, let it be a girl, and i will teach her to fly, hurray, charge, i am a cedar, the second stage has switched off, the overloads are growing further, 10, stop, cabin. well, how are you feeling?
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excellent, yes, condition , cheerful, well, wonderful, what kind of bow is this, did you tie it, i ask, did you tie it, i tried, tried, try to tie bows on your braids, there are such overloads here, look, this morning i went to donate blood , i looked in the book, and there were 10 sheets on each, more than ten names of these studies, determining sweat reflexes using the minor method with a warm-air bath, it’s like with a warm bath, well , no, what’s there to be afraid of, there are no stoves. don’t hold, don’t throw, one two,
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what happened to the torley, they wrote it off often, why are you on, the vessels burst in the barracks? so wait, you were removed from the examination or written off from aviation. listen, friend, don’t worry, go to the unit, they’ll sort it out there, yeah, okay, guys, i’m unlucky, you’ll be lucky, you’ll get likes.
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listen, maybe it’s not too late to write a report to leave here, but quietly, guys, let’s not be nervous, now the most important thing is equanimity and the desire to defeat medicine, together we will, we will break through, medicine in the morning, medicine in the evening.
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come on, we have not been able to answer the question on earth: is a person capable of living normally in conditions of weightlessness? will his mind be able to work without gravity? will he lose the ability to act intelligently under the influence of cosmic horror? this is the formulation of a bastard. well, finally, all six. can an astronaut's psyche withstand the sight of the earth from space?
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in the association you know how to play, i can do everything, yeah, sun, tundra, fairy tale, mother, song, friends, horror, hunger, joy, children. there is a department! spaceship with man on board went into orbit! now hooray.
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well, brother konstantin, what have you got from me over the years, you've had a blast, sergei pav, well, you 're smart, you know how i've dreamed about this all my life, but he flew, he didn't envy anyone, but they envy him, what do you mean? we forgot, there’s still a descent, have you forgotten, we still need to descend from orbit, well , have you forgotten, let’s descend, well... nikita sergeevich, korolev is on the line, come on, korolev, how is it, gagarin, entered orbit, gagarin is on flight in orbit, it’s going well, well, well done, sergey pavlovich, just make sure that i
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have everything, sort of, it’s not only you, but in odessa, they say, it’s with us, with kiev too, everything will be like... let him become hoarse now, comrade levetan. nikita sergeevich, you shouldn’t worry, you have pressure, wait with the pressure, now there will be pressure all over the world. connect with malinovsky. connect with marshal malinovsky. malinovsky, your first cosmonaut will be a lieutenant for a long time. let's give him a captain, nikita sergeevich.
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stop, i'll make you a new plane, leave me alone, don’t you want to be a pilot, boriska, leave me alone, boriska, mom, oh, i’m hungry, what are you doing? be patient, my dear, be patient , i can’t stand it any longer, i want to eat, be patient, soon my father will bring flour, be patient,
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be patient, he flooded the stove, the bastard , he will cook our chickens, yuri, i’m hungry. i told him not to come into the house.
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now, now, rub it, hold it, son, oh , oh, oh, now, it hurts, son, that's it, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, calm down, calm down, i told you, well come to this hut, he could, yura?
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blockhead, the homeland hears, the homeland knows where in the clouds its son is flying.
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she watches you.
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the rocket exploded at launch. there was a leak in the fuel line, people died, burned alive, the tragedy occurred due to technical miscalculations and basic human errors, you must know and understand the possible consequences. sergei pavlovich, is that why they delayed the launch of the ship? the rocket that exploded was not our vkb, but we have one too. problems with the ejection life support systems, additional launches are needed before we we’ll send one of you into space, well, here ’s a bucket of sweat in your studies, not a drop of blood in battle, what sergei pavlovich, i say, means we’ll better prepare, what we’ll prepare for, it turns out that the americans will be the first in space, the launch of the ship is scheduled for march, but it’s not a fact that it will take place, then it
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will be... lenochka, how similar do you look like your dad? i can sit with her tomorrow if you want. what is there? yura really wants a boy, but i think it will be a girl again. what will you call it? if it's a girl, then tick it. nice spring name. helen, do you want to have it?
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sis, girls, i just found out , such news, what, that valush, just don’t worry, okay, you can’t worry now, lenochka, len, you go, please, play in your room, okay, go, go, talk , girls, i found out everything, out of twenty they chose six. kortashov has fragility of blood vessels, now instead of his back it’s a complete bruise, and varlamov has a displacement of the cervical vertebrae, it’s not clear who was taken away, but yura, he got it, germandovy also got it.
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we need to think about how we can congratulate them. what are you do not understand? some of them will probably die. and what do you suggest? i need to write a letter. from us, from our wives, to kamanin with a request that holosty be sent on the first flight. well, for example, bykovsky, or nikolaev. i am personally against it, it seems to me that this is wrong, there lived
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a poor knight, silent and simple, i will reduce the gloomy pale, the spirit is brave and direct, look, fasten your camouflage, well done, german stepanovich, the result is 2 minutes better than bukovsky , you see how hard he’s trying, that’s german, well done, that’s right, you can see right away, a man wants a politician into space, that's right , come on, grisha, who doesn't want, who doesn't want, you don't want to, by the way,
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so far - this is the best result in the squad, 2 hours 6 minutes, well done, well done! ada rovgatovna, nelyubov’s pulse is not normal, so why don’t you look, but stop , open it, help, come on, give it here, calmly, calmly, calmly, here on the couch, be careful, grisha, grisha, grisha, carefully, we retreat, we retreat, we retreat, we retreat, to the tent,
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that is, i’m the best, grizh, i lost it, i had to to bring you to your senses, nothing, nothing, you want to say that i’m not the first, you know, grisha, it’s not for us to decide, we’re all the first here. spring, i am a cedar, i can’t hear you, spring, i am a cedar, welcome, dawn three, dawn three, i am a cedar, welcome, dawn three, can you hear me, i understand you, i hear you,
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satisfactorily, how is the flight going, the car is working, excellent, flight. goes well, i continue my flight in orbit, hello to the blond, you are not blond, you are red, no, i am blond, do you want to listen, we see how the ramp has arrived, the door of the plane opens, young heroes, cosmonauts, are descending to fuck , on their smiling faces there are traces of fatigue , traces of the tension with which they had to overcome the incredible difficulties of space, wait, it’s like someone was already
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flying off, at 10:15 a.m., when an unknown force pressed their bodies, increasing its mass tens of times, the space pilot is the wind? the crowd greets and applauds, the people of our country look with love, delight and admiration at the young heroes who have discovered new reserves. in the history of mankind, okay, you were listening to a radio show literary club of fantasy lovers prometheus, greetings from the future, what are you, the program, no, i thought no one told us, and we are sitting here, this, but i really believed it, i already thought that they had already flown.
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well, little eagles, we will fly a lot, confidently, comrade chief, but resolve the question, go ahead, eh... but are we
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going to fly on a rocket or what? well, he didn’t write it on a broom, did he? well, here you are, little eagle, tell us about yourself. my name is mars. well, let's assume that mars is in our hat. let's take notes in the hat. so, i didn't write it. everything, everything, everything, everything, everything. have you written? let me quit. not everything, guys, not everything. that’s all now, just another piece of paper, come on, tetov german stepanovich, congratulations, thank you, well, well, continue, mars rafikov, i recognize the familiar handwriting.
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every person should have a dream, i have a dream, which one he uses with a light key, that’s right, gagarin, and you have a dream, there is one, well, share it with everyone. 10 years
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ago, the dream of millions of crimeans came true, the peninsula was reunited with russia, i have been living in crimea since 1960, when we transferred to russia, our poverty ended, our people really came, i have been living in this state of euphoria for 10 years now, the heart of crimea is open to everyone, people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula, the crimean bridge was completed and opened. an airport was built, roads, hospitals, kindergartens, and delight appeared in crimea. i stopped seeing fields that were abandoned, that is, everything was used. hello.
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talk to me, dad, i want to go to the city, go to a vocational school, take it away, they give you a uniform, an overcoat, boots, a bed in a dormitory, they feed you three times a day and they give a scholarship.
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first he combs you with an ax, it hurts, then with a plane, it also hurts, but less , then he sands you with a rasp, then with sandpaper, sandpaper, softly, smoothly, so that there is no knot or flaw, you tell me what is more beautiful, here is a column or, here is a blank - the column , of course, is legal, i make a million of these columns, but the driftwood has its own character, its own twist and its own god's grace, crooked and its own,
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as they say, well, why a city, why a city? decided, decided, go ahead, i submitted the report on command in september the year before last, i submitted the report in the afternoon, and in the evening i’m already taking off, i’m flying, and the sunset is beyond the polar regions , you know, they, they are like a fire in september in the fall, like an atomic fire, or the wings of an angel, so i’m flying into a fire, i looked up, and there are
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black and black stars, suddenly someone... then, through this fire, he told me: you will be the first to break through there, i immediately believed, but it was not god who said, no, of course, but a voice, we are pilots, we believe in voices, yes, we believe. but this is only because technology cannot be completely trusted, and who can? to yourself. hermann, what if we really hear
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these voices there? for thousands of years people have been peering into this sky, and dreamed, tried to make it. look closely, yura, at first glance there is chaos, but it is in this chaos that harmony is encrypted, somewhere out there, the answer to our existence, we are standing on the threshold of the universe, there is only one step left to take. mom, what is this star?
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this is light, son, like from a light bulb, or what? these souls glow. carcasses, yes, the souls of the righteous, innocent children. why are they so beautiful? people call them god's tears or god's times. if there were a god, we wouldn’t have no. oh, you know, i read here, such a cabin they built that it was possible
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to fly the earth all the way to the moon, yes, yes, they did it, well, what kind of fool would fly such a distance, what a fool you have to be, crazy, to leave your family on the ground and fly so far. mom, they won’t send a fool into space, there is complex technology, they simply won’t trust him with it, but you, you won’t fly, no, mom, you know, i’m a military man, wherever they order me, i ’ll go there, what about valya, valya, what, valya, she’s a military wife, a pilot’s wife. you know, i was looking for someone like that, she understands everything,
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listen, we’ve been hanging out with you for half a day, maybe give me this smoke break, okay, yeah, yes, i myself enjoyed a smoke break, break, you don’t notice anything, why, hello, hello, well, the cameraman just shoot the brisk, and you have chrysantine? yes, yes, of course, but it’s possible, like what? my wife just loves chrysanthemum, please, can i, but how much does it cost? it means something, of course, it means you’re taking it, it means that the final choice has already been made, where you grow it, this one will fly first, you’re a backup, and i’m generally a spare, grisha, but you yourself understand that anything is possible out... at any minute, and there is still a whole week before the official conclusion.


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