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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:20pm MSK

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yaganna, let's go, friends, don't get too excited, there's a quarter of an hour left, you might miss alyoshka, there's nothing you can do, you'll have to wait. hello, the news is broadcast in the studio by ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics: the election marathon, the main one is about how the final day is going, in some regions voting has already ended, and civic duty and housing. freedom, in belgorod people go to
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the polling stations, despite the shelling, high turnout in our new regions, and today is the main voting day abroad, at polling stations outside the border of the queue, how everything is going there, where the highest turnout is and how much it is by this minute in the whole country, all the latest information is from our correspondent from the central election commission, the terrorists’ plans have been thwarted. another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to carry out sabotage in the area of ​​the village of kazinka , belgorod region, was stopped by our military and the minister of defense with an inspection of the troops of the southern military district, with special attention to the enemy’s unmanned boats. thousands of protesters have one main call: to stop supplies to ukrainian militants. large-scale promotions in paris, all in the wake of macron’s belligerent statements. farewell to winter and a great excuse to try russian pancakes. ends, today
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is forgiveness sunday for the orthodox. so, the presidential election is the main final day. in some regions, polling stations have already closed, in some places there are only a few hours left to come and make your choice to determine the future of the country. here are the latest cec data. in-person turnout across the country was more than 66%. and taking into account the online format, the indicator of the last presidential campaign has already been exceeded. people are active they vote in belgorodskaya. areas of our new regions, even despite the attempts of the kiev regime to interfere with the process. militants have been shelling residential areas since the morning, but they are unable to intimidate people. read more about everything alina sanueva. so, voting takes place in belgorod. the siren sounds, everyone quickly goes down to the shelter. there is no panic, they calmly wait out the alarm in a safe place. ukrainian militants have been targeting residential areas since the morning, but despite the danger, people still go to the polling stations, they say.
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everything will be absolutely wonderful, i’m so proud of us, a mother of many children with the beautiful name lyubov russia came to the elections with four children, she says so that schoolchildren understand that voting is everyone’s duty, this is a special day, a special one, that is, well, this very important, this is probably more important than on your birthday, in fact, this is a fateful day, the future of your homeland depends on every person, in fact, so you must definitely participate, observers are closely monitoring the voting process, including because milestone, ducement cuneyt from turkey being photographed. i really liked the ballot scanner system, in turkey there is no such thing, in our country the ballot is printed on a long sheet of paper, after the voter has ticked the box, he must fold it like an accordion, pack it in an envelope and put it in the ballot box, this is quite difficult, especially for older people , residents of the far east were the first to elect a president; newlyweds alexei and ksenia kiryano went to the polling station. immediately after
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the ceremonial painting in sachs, congratulations, we decided, as if, why not, not vote, go, as it were, well, after all, well, we are patriots of our country, of course. build a house, plant a tree and, of course, create a big family. eleventh-grader nikita lishkov turned 18 today, he says that participating in elections has been a long-time dream, that’s why he came to the polling station on his birthday, he made the decision himself. i think that yes, every person should come and vote, this is where our future is. they actively vote in the urals, they come one at a time, with their families. that's it, thank you, you voted, yes five, hello, we live in this country, so make a decision.
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and vote, we have been waiting for this day for 10 years to vote, everyone has their own motivation, it’s no secret that almost the entire west has taken up arms against us, they are waiting for the failure of our elections, they are waiting for us to show our disunity, so we now we need to unite, and those who have not yet made their choice to come and vote will not wait for failure, as evidenced by the high assessment of foreign observers who have arrived in russia. representatives from 106 countries. i have already i managed to see several polling stations in moscow. i visited one of the election headquarters. this is the second site in suzdal that i visited. i didn't notice any violations anywhere. i talked with local observers, they also note that everything is going smoothly. what strikes foreign
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observers is the atmosphere, which is not at all the same as it is presented in the western media . i was surprised that in russia so many young people come to vote. we don’t have this, and in general i can imagine it. the final day of the election campaign, so i encourage everyone to come and vote. at home, today is the final house, and today vladislav davankov, a candidate from the new people party, voted in the presidential elections, came to the polling station in smolensk. this is the lyceum where he
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studied. on you. today i am voting in my hometown of smolensk, in my school, and i urge all those who have not yet had time to come and vote for the future of russia. well-known politicians are also voting; deputy prime minister tatyana gullikova filled out a ballot at one of the polling stations in the center of moscow. also your minister of energy nikolai shulginov fulfilled his civic duty. in addition, secretary of the general council of the united russia party andrei turchak voted in the capital. famous artists are also voting today; in one of the moscow schools, the singer yaroslav dronov, better known under the pseudonym shaman, filled out the ballot. participated in elections in the capital. he noted the unity of the russian people and especially the youth, who are now choosing the future of their country, people's artist of russia nikolaidze came to the polling station in sirius, where is on tour, presidential elections are being organized on federal territory for the first time.
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voting in the russian presidential elections was organized at a high level, as stated by foreign observers, in particular from the cis. representatives of the mission work in dozens of regions, monitor... stops at polling stations, keep in touch with the headquarters of the candidates, and are interested in how they evaluate the voting process. the observers will present their final conclusion to the central election commission tomorrow, but we can already say that everything is going well. or observers from the public chamber and from political parties are sitting everywhere, observing
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, which means that in all polling stations voting is already taking place calmly, in an organized manner, of any kind, without any deviations from the electoral legislation. there is a real excitement at polling stations abroad, most of them are open only today, and not for 3 days, as in russia, so from the very morning there are huge queues at the diplomatic missions, people go to vote with the whole family. together with the central bank, our diplomats did everything so that citizens could use their constitutional law, we are talking about those who permanently live away from their homeland and from those who study or travel, and also, for example, are on tour in another country. anastasia kobozeva with details, how is everything going? these are the kinds of queues you could see in beijing today. all the polling stations in the middle kingdom, there were six in total, closed literally for a few minutes... we
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are always with the country, so we feel our homeland, even far away, being from it, positively without violations, this is how the elections were held in celestial empire - summed up the russian ambassador to china. i see in this activity of russian citizens living in china a... reflection of an understanding of the importance of the moment, the importance of the fact that at this crucial time we all need to show cohesion and unity in choosing the future of our country. a cossack choir has come to fulfill their civic duty; they are on tour in beijing. it so happened that on such a holiday for the country, we ended up here, well, that’s what i think. that not everything is for nothing, it’s a holiday, and as they say, on
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for any holiday, we dress in the most beautiful , the best that we have, and we also met the aeroflot crew at the embassy, ​​the pilots and flight attendants had flown to china the day before, while they were waiting for the return flight, they decided to vote, it’s very nice that the state is taking care of all citizens had the opportunity, wherever they were, to make a choice, because it was very important.
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on huge screens there are videos from polling
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stations and those where they have already started counting votes and those where voting is still underway, shortly after the closure of the last sections in the cycle. will announce the first preliminary results. our correspondent anton vernitsky works all day at the central election commission. anton, hello, how is the voting going? hello, katya, since in the far east of kamchatka, as you said, where march 18 has already arrived, in chukotka voting has already ended, votes are being counted, now the central election commission is talking about a record that cannot be broken. in the chukotka autonomous okrug, turnout in 12 polling stations was 100%. this was announced by the governor of chukotka.
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intimidation of people, intimidation of people, both members of election commissions and our observers, but this increasingly leads to a completely opposite result than the ukrainian and western intelligence services would like to see. on the contrary, the people of russia are uniting, we look at what our public observers say, they convey to us the words of people, the turnout in the belgorod region, the alarm announced today was close to 80% in the morning and people continue to go to the polling stations, an indicator of readiness to conduct legally transparent voting confirmed not only by international observers, but also by the fact that more than 405 thousand members of election commissions were trained before these elections, just so that everything would work perfectly. this number, by the way, is comparable to the population of cities such as
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stavropol, tver and ivanovo; by the way, 88.5% of the members of study commissions are women. their average age, may they forgive me, i’ll reveal, is 45.5 years, and a few more numbers, well, i think you’ll be interested, members of the commission who went around voters before the elections were equipped with pedometers, and so they passed they are more than 33 million steps, or , in other words, 600 times around the earth, but we are monitoring how the data on turnout at polling stations changes, it naturally grows right during our broadcast, these data are live, well, of course, by this time, we have long woken up in moscow, st. petersburg and other large cities of central russia, and we continue here at the central election commission to monitor how the voting is going on, we remain at our post, katya, yes, thank you, anton, it was my colleague anton vernitsky, he is working at the central election commission. in other news: the russian military stopped all attempts by ukrainian sabotage groups to penetrate our border territory. we are talking about the village of kazinka, belgorod region. as reported in minobarny, the enemy
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was hit by fire. as a result of air strikes, drones and artillery , up to 65 militants were destroyed, the czech rszzo vampire installation d-20. meanwhile, in the southern donetsk direction, our fighters liberated the village of mirnaya , zaporozhye region. in other areas repelled about one and a half dozen enemy counterattacks. the total losses in the ssu are over 800 militants and the total amount of equipment, including foreign ones. the assembly and testing sites for unmanned boats and drones were also affected. almost 170 ukrainian drones and 23 vampire shells were shot down in one day. surface-to-surface missile s-200, converted for attacks on ground targets. sergei shaigu inspected the work at the command post of the black sea fleet as part of a trip to the troops of the southern military district. the minister of defense heard reports from the command on the current situation in the performance of combat missions. instructed personnel to conduct daily training to
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repel enemy terrorist attacks, including using unmanned boats. to defeat the enemy. meanwhile, the western press is increasingly paying attention to how conscripts are being caught in ukraine, the american washington post writes, in some localities. there are almost no age-appropriate men left. military registration and enlistment office employees are trying to plug holes in the ranks.


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