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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 18, 2024 1:35am-2:21am MSK

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in the winter of 2014, the issue of the future of ukraine was being decided in the center of kiev. the protesters were openly supported by representatives of the united states and the european union. those who recently defended nato officers from the crimeans found themselves literally on the other side of the barricades. special police squad. significance berkut stood up against the aggressive crowd, after the victory of the maidan a real hunt began for the berkut fighters, when events were already heated to the limit and when...
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the berkut fighters, who escaped from the fiery hell of euromaidan, do not yet know that after for several days they will again have to stand in the way of a crowd of brutal radicals. at that moment , preparations were already underway in sevastopol for the rally of the people's will, which was scheduled for sunday, february 23. it was clear that there was a coup in the state, the state ceased to exist from the point of view of its characteristics of the state, including the organization of power, there was no power in the country, power was seized by incomprehensible, illegitimate people, and such a good situation was created in which it was possible to make a decision in accordance with will expression. the people of sevastopol understood that
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following kiev, maidan will come to the peninsula. attack. and if in kiev militants fought with the police, then in crimea a bloody massacre awaited everyone. action had to be taken immediately. now i have in my hands a unique document, a historical document without any exaggeration, this is permission to hold a rally in sevastopol on february 23. 2014 rally, which took place on nakhimov square, with which the russian spring began in sevastopol, in crimea. ya.
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holy war, we are being driven into the framework of second-class citizens who will be prohibited from having the same right to history and the russian language that we have by definition, by the right of our birth, russia, russia, russia, russia, we have already mentioned the train of friendship.
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which never reached simferopol in february 2014. the crimeans thwarted this landing of the kiev nationalists, but there was another force on the peninsula that could organize massive...
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the regiment was formed, some kind of protection was needed, to which my father, krivoruchen colleagues nikolaevich, he said, let's make shields, well, at least a small amount, but it was necessary for 2 days to form at least 80 people, but
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in 2 days we did 80 hours, we slept here, ate, painted, everything here was in the haze of our flag, the crimean, on february 25... armed fighters of the sevastopol special forces berkut set off to the perekop isthmus to plug the bottleneck that connects the crimean peninsula with mainland ukraine. key routes were taken under control. most of all, of course, i was surprised that at those checkpoints that were set up in the north of crimea, there were very local residents actively began to help. people began to come themselves, bring food, bring warm clothes. guys came up and said: we want to join you, take us as volunteers, organize self-defense. in just a few days , half a ton of explosives were confiscated at the changar checkpoint; it’s not hard to imagine what they were intended for. the radicals, they disguised themselves very heavily.
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there were double walls in the trucks, there were also secret rooms through which they tried to smuggle weapons, ammunition, molotov cocktails, and all kinds of bits with nails. there are all sorts of sharpened axes welded from rebar. wednesday, february 26th. the supreme council of crimea appoints a session at which the issue of a referendum is raised. it was proposed to determine the status of crimea democratically . residents of simferopol with st. george ribbons and tricolors gather near the building of the parliament of the republic. they want to support the referendum on the independence of the republic and not allow the majlis to seize the building.
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aggressive supporters of the mejlis appear at the building of the supreme council of the republic, and representatives of pro-fascist organization right sector. the scenario of the crimean maidan has begun to come true. it is at this moment that the future of crimea is being decided. glory to ukraine, glory to heroes! glory to ukraine! hero! and on the left they stood with ukrainian flags. starting from the third rank, the third to the fourth rank were their instructors, they were dressed in bright, colorful colors, bright red, light green, a
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color that could be seen in the crowd, yes, we have green, blue, brown, they have red and yellow ones like that. to the militants from the maidan and the radicals led by the mejlis, the opposition is from activists of the pro-russian party and the people's self-defense movement and simply concerned residents of crimea, but they are outnumbered. the advantage was on the side of the mejlis, which began to act. and after giving their command, these first three ranks turned in that direction, created three columns, put their hands on each other, walked around our formation from behind, each took out two bags of some kind with white powder from their pockets and threw them at ...
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traveled to iraq and syria, where they gained military experience. they were the ones who should have become the shock force of unrest. it was hisbu tahrir in crimea that organized mass protests at that time. they had a clear command from kiev, to destabilize the situation as much as possible, unleash bloodshed and... conditionally, this was, say, such a dormant role of this organization at this very moment, if this had happened, of course, thousands of people would have suffered from this , much more blood would have been shed. at some point, radicals from among the protesters broke down the doors and entered the building of the supreme council of the autonomous republic. this is the first act of the capture scenario authorities in crimea, but something went wrong. the same berkut, the fighters who were burned on the kiev maidan, spat upon and humiliated
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by the ukrainian press, recorded as traitors to independent ukraine, did not forget how he was greeted in his native crimea. the hizbud-tahrir militants simply became cowardly and fled when they saw that they would have to fight with trained and determined professionals who were ready with all their might to repel a crowd of radical islamists. this was a turning point. civil confrontation in crimea, if kiev had decided to put pressure on crimean spring not with the help of nationalists in civilian clothes, but using parts of the ukrainian army, then even with the support of berkut the crimeans would have a hard time. the new ukrainian government was ready to destroy everyone who disagreed with it. in 2 months she will show this bloody determination, first in odessa. and then in the donbass, thousands of ordinary people of different
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professions and ages all as one stood up to defend their land, we are crimeans, we want to live in peace, harmony and so that nothing interferes with us in this matter, victory or death, the crimeans had no other choice, they gathered here in a semicircle. aksenov stood here, guys, we need to block off all strategically important objects, military units, these are bus stations, this is a railway station, the line reached the airport, everyone of course understood that the objects were dangerous in order to block it, but blocking it is one thing, but enter a protected area armed. object to capture this object - it was completely different, right here we break
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the fence, run down with these barrels, with these tires, we just get to the takeoff, here, but we don’t understand where the runway is, where the field is, then these blue lanterns turn on along the runway. “guys, that’s it, we ’re here, and i’m calling, i’m ready now, right on the take-off, i’m there, ready to set fire to the take-off, just wait, wait.” “that’s it, no need, no need ,” he says, they reported to kiev that the airport had been captured and that the planes were to leave. another self-defense detachment went to the station to meet the friendship train full of maidan militants to deal with the crimeans, the day before in on the air of a ukrainian tv channel
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, an activist of the radical movement right sector made threats against crimeans. try it anyway. the destruction of the territorial integrity of ukraine will be severely punished, since power is not given, the right sector will form a train of friendship, and we will go to crimea in the 91st unc, this train of friendship that was formed is true, this is not someone’s invention , yes, these nationalists, well, wow, in 3 months they did whatever they wanted, they got a taste for it, crimea has already begun in crimea... they have already begun to rise, they are the train of friendship, so that here just drown everything in blood in crimea, we will build our crimea together, peace in crimea, the moment of truth for crimea came on the night of february 26-27, 2014, we sent a letter to the leadership of the russian federation, we understood that we ourselves would not be able to control the situation ,
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or rather, we may not be able to hold on, because that power has in mind that they...
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lutsk and ternopil stubbornly held on. only on march 19, the crimean self-defense units begin a risky operation to capture warships. the brigade group boarded a tug to enter from the sea. the tug entered tightly between krovet lutsk and krovet khmelnitsky. thanks to surprise and quick coordinated actions, the ship was captured in just 5 minutes.
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house on the status of the republic, russia, russia, the issue of protecting the republic during the preparation for the referendum remained the most pressing. there are still 193 ukrainian military units remaining on the peninsula, numbering almost 20,000 people. they are completely blocked by russian army units, but there are no guarantees that they will not make a breakthrough. but in kiev they never decided to give it away suicide order. on march 2, 2014 , sergei aksyonov issues a decree subordinating all military formations of the armed forces to himself as the supreme commander-in-chief of the republic of crimea.
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2 days after the all-crimean referendum , on march 18, 2014, in the st. george hall of the kremlin , a ceremony took place that crimea had been waiting for for 23 long years. president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. you lined up at the column, i said: listen, sasha, i have a flag, we will unfurl it,
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we unfurled the flag, then what happened the following: vladimir vladimirovich began a solemn speech, and we realized that once the flag of sevastopol was unfurled, it could not be lowered. the president of the russian federation , vladimir vladimirovich putin, authorized representatives of the republic of crimea, alexey mikhailovich chaloy, authorized representative of the city of sevastopol, sign an agreement between the russian federation and the republic of crimea on the admission to the russian federation of the republic of crimea and... russia russia
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3 weeks of the crimean spring, that shocked the world went into history. we cry with joy. long live russia, long live the heroic city of sevastopol, i cry, i scream, i laugh all the time. sevastopol is a russian city, it is the most russian city. on the 16th, we knocked on my mother’s door, she opened it, hurray, forever, you made the right choice, because we simply have no other way.
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"konstantin eduardovich tsalkovsky believed that humanity would reach such a level of development that it would begin to populate other planets. he had many brilliant insights about interplanetary space stations, about multi-stage rockets, about the principles survival in space, about landing." all these ideas were brought to life by soviet and russian engineers, designers, the first of whom was
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sergei pavlovich korolev, he sent the first satellite into earth orbit, he sent the first man into space, yuri alekseevich gagarin. russia has always been and will forever remain the first in space. now there are about 12 spacecraft in orbit, not counting the debris. and it all started with this. a large ball with antennas transmitting a simple radio signal. we are the first launched an artificial earth satellite. american competitors had many times more money. they had a third reich rocket designer, wernher von braun. their country was not destroyed by a terrible war. they made money on it, and so did we. just think about it,
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only 12 years have passed. after the end of the most terrible war, our great victory, and the soviet union has already paved the way for humanity into space. and only 16 years passed after the end of the terrible war and the great victory, when gagarin said his words: “let’s go.” and for the boys of the sixties, the answer to the question of what you want to become was obvious, only an astronaut. our space for world civilization is not only a breakthrough in science and technology, it is also a huge leap for the entire fair half of humanity. the provision of devices without changes, the mood is cheerful, the state of health is excellent, from ancient times to the space age we are a civilization of the most beautiful, brave, honored women. and they will stop the galloping horse and enter the burning hut.
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the place of a man to defend the faith of the fatherland is a man's work and even to take over with a sword is combined with the complete absence of what is now called feminism. a student, a komsomol member, an athlete, finally, she’s just. in eastern fairy tales, in the same, say, 1.1 night, or in fairy tales about faithful and unfaithful wives, a woman is a beauty, beautiful as a fourteen-day moon, she goes to the hero as a reward, simply. in russian fairy tales, a woman is a person, a comrade-in-arms, an adviser, and most often a faithful wife who is ready to undertake a heroic deed. a russian
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woman is not just a gender. the moscow university academy of arts was established, and the army won a number of brilliant victories catherine the great, under her, turkey
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was forced to renounce its rights to the kryg. russia acquired kuban and novorossiya, from the bug to the dniester. poland was divided with austria and prussia. under catherine the great, russian possessions extended to the line delineating the eastern border of modern poland. “i took my toll,” said the empress. revolutionaries and statesmen at the dawn of the soviets, wife of vladimir lenin, deputy commissar nadezhda krupskaya. alexander kalantay, people's commissar and the world's first female ambassador, polina zhemchug. people's commissar and wife of vyacheslav molotov, to this day there are no such number of women in power as we have anywhere in the world, and also great artists, ballerinas, writers, artists, poets, great athletes, great wars, russian civilization certainly has a female face, first of all, well, girls, and girls,
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our civilization inspires, so everything is in order with the girls, with the sky. nikolai egorovich zhukovsky was the first to explain the effect of wing lift and formulated methods for calculating this force, the most important for airplane. aircraft designers still work according to zhukovsky’s formulas. on august 27 , 1913, the famous russian pilot pyotr nisterov brought the theory to life by performing a closed loop in a vertical plane for the first time. the first aerobatic maneuver was called a loop. in the summer of 1937, nizhny novgorod genius valery chkalov with his co-pilot boydukov and navigator belikov flew from moscow to vancouver over the north pole without
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a single landing. this was the first flight from moscow to the north american continent. again our aviators accomplished what everyone then thought was impossible. they were accepted in america as never before. “we arrived on one engine and we must not forget that the engine worked without turning off for three days and we flew normally and would have flown normally, but we constantly perform after all the complete devastation, yes, we managed to rebuild at the same time to still participate in the arms race , participate in all these events, realizing that it cannot be otherwise,
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with weapons that have no analogues in the world. the anti-people regime in kiev and its overseas patrons were clearly convinced of the combat power of su and migov. sukhoi superjet ms-21, il-96,
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tu-214. today i am a citizen. russian aviation is confidently taking wing again, we russia has always stood apart, and we, due to our geopolitical positions, due to our political views, we have always, or most of our time, always been isolated, so all our schools, like aircraft manufacturing, so with tank building, there is mechanical engineering, she mainly relies on her own experience. 6 and 9 august 1945 american b-29 super-heavy bombers dropped nuclear bombs on the japanese cities of jeroshima and nagasaki. the americans were the first
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to make nuclear weapons and the first and only to use them. they thought about maintaining nuclear weapons for a long time against peaceful cities. napoli and hatched plans for the nuclear destruction of our country would have been destroyed if in 1949 we had not tested our own bomb. our civilization has revealed to humanity the power of the peaceful atom. the heart of a nuclear power plant. the turbogenerator is operating at full power. the world's first nuclear the power plant was built in 1954 in the city of obnensk, kaluga region. this station was created under the leadership of the father of our nuclear program, academician igor vasilyevich kurchatov. and then the soviet union
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overtook america in creating thermonuclear weapons. on august 12, 1953, the first test explosion of a hydrogen bomb was successfully carried out. we did some work. today russia is one of the world's leading producers of nuclear energy. 36 power units and 11 nuclear power plants on its territory. rosatom works the same way.
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recently for the people of antiquity who created the first russian state, the russian land was a harsh place, requiring serious survival skills. russia is the largest of the northernmost and coldest countries in the world, 2/3 of the territory is covered with snow 2/3 of the year. in some ways this is not bad. the harsh winter protected against tropical diseases that devastated other parts of the globe, but the size of the country's climate took its additional toll on... any activity.
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most of russia is located in a zone of risky agriculture, where the harvest is not at all guaranteed. the harvests failed more than once the cause of a terrible famine, when people died out in thousands and hundreds of thousands. if in western europe agricultural work is carried out within 300 days from february to november, then in non-black earth russia only a few are suitable for farming. 130 days. during this period, russian peasants, young and old , were forced to work hard, because otherwise they would die during the long winter. hence, probably, often spree forms of relaxation during the long winter months of rest. thanks to heroic work russian peasant, our civilization managed to survive, our great scientists such as michurin, vavilov,...
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in 2023, russia produced 143 million tons of grain. we occupy a solid first place in wheat exports. we hold 20% of the total global market. however, the feat of the russian peasant left such a deep mark on our culture that even today in the 20th century many, even city dwellers, cannot imagine life without a vegetable garden, from their own experience, comprehending the hardships of traditional farming and the joys of a hard-won harvest. according to the number of dacha plots, russian civilization ranks first in the world by a wide margin. 10 years ago
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, the dream of millions of crimeans came true, the peninsula was reunited with russia, i have been living in crimea for a year , when we went over to russia, our poverty ended, our people really came, for 10 years now, i have been living in a state of this euphoria, the heart of crimea is open to everyone , people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula, the crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built in crimea.
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sometimes you can hear that russia was unlucky with civilizational elections. her destiny it would have turned out happily if it had accepted christianity not from constantinople, but from rome and joined the bosom of western civilization. you just need to keep in mind that in the time of olga, the first to convert to christianity, or st. vladimir, who baptized russia, the choice was between the brilliant constantinople, where 1 million people lived and... rome was mired in carnal pleasures, bathing in vasily’s milk, orgies of all kinds, the viaducts are still working, there is a ruined form of democracy, but that rome is not. western europeans were indeed
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compared to the inhabitants of constantinople, but it was deaf. maybe it’s not even a problem, it’s not their fault, but it so happened, they walked in high heels so as not to get dirty in the creatures that splashed out of the windows there , etc., etc., nothing like the grandiose, absolutely gigantic constantinople with its cathedrals, hippodrome, theaters, well, even... russia was very lucky, it received direct access to the treasury of the world's mind, culture from the most advanced and civilized country on the land of that time, the rameev empire, with which, if anyone could compete, it was only china. when vladimir's ambassadors arrived in hagia sophia, they saw an absolutely colossal
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temple, the like of which did not exist in the west until the 14th century. and when they see. the trinity, kazan, vladimir, icons of the mother of god, are not only symbols, but protectors of god’s native land. god is unknowable, incomprehensible, he cannot be imagined, no human imagination or knowledge is enough for this, why do we
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love icons so much, why do we have icons, catholics also have them, they have them, they have them, but they admire precisely on... the icon by its otherness, because on the one hand this is a human image, of course, on the other hand this is a different image, a different world, what rublev did is higher than usual what was in byzantium at that time, that is, here having taken this beginning, russia elevated it to a higher level. the icon became the starting point, and secular painting began from it. at first.
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an attentive eye will see a byzantine trace in one of the main symbols of our civilization, which appeared already in the 20th century. the moscow metro still evokes the same feeling among foreigners cultural shock, which our ancestors must have experienced when they found themselves in...


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