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tv   Perevedi yeyo cherez Maidan  1TV  March 18, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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where the procession took place in honor of the tenth anniversary of the return of crimea to russia, how do you like moscow, i really like it, especially since i live in crimea, and there is not much snow there, snow is my dream, i was born in december.
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they live there, so for us it’s a national holiday, one might say, a family holiday, and for all crimeans, it’s simply the best day of the year. it became the best day in 2014. today we have a very joyful, bright holiday day, after a hard, long, exhausting voyage, crimea and sevastopol are returning to their native harbor. to native shores on board permanent registration in russia. the return was peaceful and festive. in the referendum, 96% of crimeans who voted were in favor of reunification with russia. the parliament of crimea has submitted a proposal to join the russian federation. it was accepted, as the russian president announced when speaking before the federal assembly. dear residents of crimea and the city.
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and the strength of the spirit of the nation and the people of russia showed such maturity and such strength, supported their compatriots with their unity. it is important for us to continue to maintain the same consolidation in order to solve the problems facing russia. the signing of the agreement on the admission of crimea and sevastopol to russia took place in the st. george hall of the kremlin, where , starting from the mid-19th century , ceremonies related to russia’s victories and inclusion in it were held. new
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regions, in 2014 the return of historical russian lands to the state was celebrated for the first time; there was no alternative to this, since otherwise the militants from the kiev maidan, who organized massacres there, would have come to the peninsula when they they began to kill people, including crimeans on the maidan, it became clear that these were no longer toys, that this plan was being implemented, everyone began to understand that their plans were about the destruction of the republic, about the destruction of the entire russian language and culture.
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and the kiev regime did not refuse, they tried to make the life of the crimeans as difficult as possible, they cut off the water supply from the dnieper, blew up power line supports, blocked transportation by rail, the answer was this: the crimean bridge was built, the tavrichesky and baloklava power plants began operating, a new airport was built in simferopol, the modern federal highway tavrida passed through the peninsula, and every year on march 18 the whole country celebrates the anniversary of the return. sounded today in the pavilions of vdnkh, where concerts and discussions were held about what was achieved in crimea during the 10 years of the russian spring and what else is planned. anton shkaplerov from space , on board the iss, watched how his native sevastopol and the entire island were changing, it is clearly visible, no matter in winter or summer, at night or
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during the day, so i always fly over crimea, if possible, i will definitely i’ll look, on the night side of the earth, when it’s night in crimea, it’s very clearly visible that... 10 years ago it continues now, when the northern military district is underway, the crimeans, together with the whole country, are working for victory. today everyone has only one toast - this is for our victory, which is for achieving the goal of a special military operation. today i am sure that any crimean or russian has no other tasks than for the guys to return with victory, having fulfilled them accordingly.
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lunach after the new series of films, transfer her through the maidan of the release of the great game. today the church honors the memory of st. luke of crimea. the russian saint of the last century enters lent. in the cathedral of christ the savior , the canon of repentance was read by patriarch kirill of moscow in serus. in all orthodox churches there are special quiet and strict services that set up 7 weeks of fasting prayers, the extent of which everyone can determine together with their priest and doctor. in moscow, they said goodbye to alexander shirvint, people's artist of the rsfsr, an inimitable, brilliant director, screenwriter, sensitive mentor and ironic interlocutor. mator, whose apt and sharp word had a special weight of charm. alexander shirvant
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was 89. for most of his life he served at the satire theater, where flowers were brought today. alexander shirment said: i was raised by the light from under the door of the office where my father, a violinist at the bolshoi theater, worked, sad crying, violins, a sea of ​​flowers, friends, colleagues and spectators, in the hall of the satire theater, where alexander anatolyevich gave smiles and laughter for more than half a century space time, inspired and consoled. today, for the last time , they say thank you for life, for irony, for optimism until the last minute. me myself.
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so it remained his dream, and they dreamed of congratulating him on his ninetieth birthday in the summer, and in the fall they were waiting for him at the centenary anniversary of the theater. he himself resigned from the post of artistic director, he himself chose reliable hands, he himself decided that his last performance, where we were, should leave with him, an avid fisherman, a football fan, an aristocrat with a pipe,
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he was, as if not from our time, at the very in fact, a contemporary of beaumarchais and maliere, well , talk, well, talk, well, start slowly, when we had... a period of friendship, i think that now there are these amazing guys, mark zakharov, andrey mironov, misha gerzhaen, they are all gathered there now. they look at us, smile and say: don’t let us down, guys, as you know,
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life is given to a person once. at first , the label stuck to him for a long time. shirvint, actor of negative charm. he borrowed his calm face from his idol buster keaton, and paradoxically learned to joke from daniil kharms. but as soon as rezanov sent shirlint to the bathhouse once, we fell in love with him forever. the last one, zhen, the last one of us all. evidence of his life, you see that here this suggests that he was a man in all directions, i was buying flowers today, i take this hump and say, you know, where am i going to the funeral in shirvint, suddenly one of the flower girls says how he died, she said that shirving can’t die, that’s him , that’s the radiance, that’s the radiance for everyone, that’s how you have to manage to live your life, that... everyone loved you, everyone respected you, please tell me about your colleagues, this is such a colle,
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oh it’s always easier for colleagues to tell themselves that the famous duet, shirvin and verzhavin , did not leave television screens in the eighties, it was painful for alexander anatolyevich even to remember a dear person after his departure. the widow of mikhail derzhavin, roxana babayan, said a long and bitter goodbye today to her closest family friend, although they said more than once that shirmin himself would only ironically ask... his mother, she was witty, because when i asked her, i said, rossomolna, what plans for the evening, she didn’t go anymore, she said: “vologechka, now i’ll put on a ballroom dress and go dancing.” i think the team will respond to the departure of valtim petrovich with new labor successes, although how can promstal products be successful without you? amazing.
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in the tattoo, today they kissed her hands , thanked her for loving, protecting and inspiring, i have no time to care, you are attractive, i am attractive, what a waste of time, they played for many years, i played his wife, whom he divorced many years ago , the performance was touching, tender, so i am very grateful that alexander anatolyevich was present in my life, and the feeling that i... is also some kind of unreality does not leave me, and shura decided to listen to what
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they will talk, then call the date and say, it means this one lied, this one came up with everything, casanova has gone completely crazy, things are done during quiet hours, but since our profession. it will remain so, his radiance, kindness and humor will not disappear from our hearts. alexey
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zototov, mikhail kunitsin, tatyana shilina, nika vishnikova, sergey klishin, channel one. that's all, well, right now the film premiere is 2014 ukraine, transfer it through the maidan, a new series. you are funny, look at these houses, the sharp
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glass sticks out. broken heads, but they are peaceful they are silent and no one will hear, two sides , one was throwing their souls, someone got it, it will be time to eat, all the miles are profitable, this is understandable, but the person will not listen to her, where are the birds flying. why dare you knock with coins , why choose lyuba, leave lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba hisses, lyuba washes herself, lyuba dies, lyuba fights off, lyuba awakens, lyuba smiles, the word conquers everyone.
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for evil, their mouths are full, they don’t want to talk about trouble, they believe that they will carry you through beauty, wag their tail, unworthy of a star, you know what is happening, be silent on the sidelines , a river of tears, severe frost, people through and through, bomb admins, likes on a brand new post are important to you, and it’s important to them not to get hit in the morning, you’re also part of this battle, but at home it’s warm, and there’s a hero , hahata skray, someone else's grief, let's justify ourselves involuntarily, there people are fighting for a peaceful day, there people are just that.
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about the detectives, but he is the main participant in the grandiose international scandal of not even a year, but rather a decade. former national security agency employee edward snowden told the world about global espionage by american intelligence agencies. as a result , snowden received temporary asylum in russia, he is somewhere nearby, it is not known exactly where. number 881 moscow kiev. and makar petrovich, we flew successfully. you are happy to reach your home village. thank you, you are happy too, thank you, you did the right thing by arriving on a plane, at the kiev station they say tires are being flattened, crime is gathering, i understand you, kiev has changed, yes indeed.
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look, you're going to have to get back to your voice, we need you there for a cause, for a cause that will affect everyone, but you see, what is happening in the country, it can only get worse, devastation, rebellion... war, this will affect everyone, you, me, voices, no one else will touch you there, i give you my word, the officer’s word, i hope you don’t die me, everything that i told you about myself is the pure truth, it was something like a confession,
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you understand, when everything is over, we will be together, do you believe me? mary, there is enough evidence, your fingers are everywhere, you are in deep trouble, miller, don’t poke me, i understand, your fingers are everywhere, it’s better this way. and other biomaterial, you’re not thinking about that, lieutenant colonel, the photographs with the french woman are closely related to you, the journalist is yours. an employee of french foreign intelligence found you, persuaded you to work against your homeland, what do you need, you will work for us, you will do everything we
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tell you, we agreed, no, well, that means you will go to jail for the murder of a french citizen, you won’t get away with it, or we’ll kill you. thank you, they didn’t like
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you, why are you whining, well, you’re constantly whining, why shouldn’t i whine, first your dad hit me, i was covered in bruises, then your hubby lashed out at me, he was already at work. all they’re looking, and how are you feeling, with your dog abandoned, i mean, your husband gave a concert and left, he left the house with a sports purse, he came with a purse, he left with a purse, that is, are you free now, my dear? bird, now everything will be fine with us, i won’t give you to anyone, well, at least i have you now , okay, that’s enough, let’s go.
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his temperature is above 39, his pulses are 50, mucous, dark red, in general, everything is very bad, i took tests, i’ll find out everything tomorrow, what are you doing, you’re sick, right? just him, it ’s okay, we’ll buy some medicine, everything will be fine, yeah, so, what kind of rotten footage is this, why
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did everything blow away, what kind of face are you showing on the news, who is this? in kiev, unknown , a ukrainian journalistic publication was brutally beaten. this is true tatyana chernovol, an active participant in the protest on the maidan , an information war going on in the local media. this is the one that is on time. the prosecutor's office immediately opened a criminal case on this fact for intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and soon arrested several suspects. finally. great. spread this topic on social media. well, come on, let's go let's shoot. let's not be thieves.
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i took a break to think, but at that moment i was hitting hard, of course, so what, she ’ll agree, maybe i’ll understand yes or no soon, by the way, yulia thinks that the americans decided not to share the maidan with europe, that they will act as a united front, there’s a lot of confirmation of this, just cookies, that ’s what it’s worth, but it’s not so, well, that’s okay. frozen, no, there’s a cafe nearby, we can go in and drink coffee, why, there’s no more information, well, drink coffee,
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eat cookies, why? i can't, oh no, i i don't i can and i don’t need anything, what, nothing , what are you chewing on, you think i’m hitting on you, i ’m sorry, it’s just that yulia vladimirovna gave birth to a groom recently, i decided what kind of groom, what are you doing there, i doubted myself a little, but it’s true, the mother tells herself that women are snakes, and you still live with your mother, you will definitely meet them.
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ukraine will be in nato, they want
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ukraine to be a member. nato, so that ukraine is not just not russia, but so that it is anti-russia. it was clear that there was a coup in the state, there was no power in the country. created such a good situation in which it was possible to make a decision in accordance with the will of the people. aksyonov stood here and said, guys, we need to block off all strategically important objects. we have reached out.
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crimea, as it was, is first today. the eminence grise of ukrainian politics, the architect of the maidan, sergei lyovochkin. it was you who pumped up the country for a year, ukrainian europe. and now, when people don’t want to leave the square, you are the last one. his wife was still handing out these cookies, and that’s when his wife’s photo ended up on the quitoria table. heated not only maidan, but also anti. maidan, it was simply a legend of oneself regarding the issue of his involvement directly in the maidan itself. seems to be back in business. he is counting on the possibility of some radical scenario. this could be the third maidan. intimidating zelensky with the fact that after may 20 his legitimacy is in doubt, he will wait a moment, put his claws into the liver and pull this liver out. tents, firewood, food will be paid for in a shako, pitch the tents in the mariinsky park. lyovochkin will now have six months for real humiliation and such a ball
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vampires. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to do does not exist, we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and want to introduce you to dmitry savitsky, russian writer, who has been living in paris for about 15 years, i came to my beloved woman and through...
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who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49.5 minutes of jazz for me is not just a program, an important program for me, i i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49, ciao baby, matodore on friday at the first, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear. you rented a hotel room, yes, i’m clear, come here, and you’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything into one pile, but we’ll get used to it, live separately, we’ll break up anyway, well understand, well, it’s not us
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who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, from the non-tip spouses you know a statement was received, after death, they want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, started together with my wife, nichaev. ok, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon at the first one, how
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could i even fall in love with you, you’re not my type at all, you’re a wimp, a rag, then in odessa a guy in a hotel was rude to us, you said that, remember ? let's go, he's drunk, yes, igor would then, okay, that's enough about igor, your igor, he's looking for problems everywhere, you know, waving his hands and getting into all the fights, a lot you don’t need intelligence, you, you don’t have a man in you, now i’ll show you a man, well, that’s enough for you, okay, then let’s discuss your lifestyle, why, first of all, stop drinking, you’re carrying my child. whoever you want, boy, i don’t care at all, i don’t want anyone, i want to go to the lazurka spa hotel, look what toys i found, great, i want my son to have all the best, or not to come back like
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i left with the cop, so with the ends. the heads came, the nazis, what do they need from me, i haven’t had anything to do with him for a long time, call these idiots, and you go and gather ours just in case.
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good afternoon, how can i help? they told me, here is a headlight from mendogo gais, so i need a headlight, and preferably a live one, there is no headlight here, and if i find it, how can you take yourself a little, you can carry it away, voice, and we didn’t come to quarrel, we want to talk, we'll find out something, let's leave, what do we need? there was a man here, we were told his name is fara, we have a question for him, i’ve never heard of it, well, your ears are bad, so you haven’t heard, but if you clean them, and if you all have your ears cleaned here, call your mother, i’ll give you one
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action, stepan, slow down, he’s just worried, uh-huh, why are you suckers poking me, but you are ruining the nation, pushing, ukraine will be clean of drugs. voice, once again, we need farah. these are not my people, the deaf, you are the deaf. okay, i’ll repeat to you for the third time , there’s no light here, okay, we believe you, stepan , we’re leaving, okay, wretched people, i had a brother , vitaly, he’s gone, i’ll find the one who did this, i’ll make him wash his face with blood, i’ll see you.
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we will work, we still won’t make everyone happy. alin, let's write down a new year's message, otherwise the new year is coming. we have everything ready, viktor fedorovich, here is the text. let's rehearse. so. dear compatriots, 2013 is coming to an end. this has been a difficult year, perhaps the most difficult in the history of independent ukraine. it was. achievements and challenges, disappointments
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and new hopes, but by and large, 2013 has become a year of progress for us, through maidans , national round tables, political disputes and frank dialogue, we are following the path of interaction, national consolidation, this path is very thorny, but we will go through it must be together, and for some reason. and how long have you been with her? no, recently, have you been seen together? repeatedly, igor, how can it be that you were scammed like a kid?
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well, what are you, what, are you 16, that it would blow your mind like that, but what exactly do they want from you, your grandmothers want to take you out, they say you owe filimonov, you won’t give it back, nonsense, nonsense, ah, filemonchik, filemonchik, that’s old crap, but you had common business, yes, well, you did something. yes, i took a share for my services, he took his, for the sake of it, not a word about it, i, i left home, an elderly person, why, well, i returned home, what am i without? tricks, we don’t need any circus now.
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i've been waiting for half an hour, i'll come in, come on. don't be afraid of anything, no one else will touch you here,
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we'll play with you, what are you talking about, you moron, at whom the freak pointed the gun, he threw a blast while on duty, is he always like that?
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well, the parties have come to a favorable agreement on loans. katenka, my girl has arrived, zaya ivanovna, i ’m without cake today, what a joy, i don’t eat sweets, come in, they’re waiting for you, sergei
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sergeevich, welcome, hello, katyusha, sit down. thank you for the table, ivanovna, thank you, no problem, i have to leave you for a while, i have two more urgent matters today, yes, zoechka, ask our french friend lebrouli to see me, he definitely wants this, i understand, definitely, dear aunt. dear aunt, she trained our communist partisans in south america, she shoots with both hands, she’s a native of kiev, thanks for the kiev cake, but as with tymoshenko, there will be no promotion, but no , it seems normal, everything, yulia appreciates me, the sbu likes
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me believes, by the way, it’s important, yanukovych met with yulia, said that if she there will be no electorate
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... mash, hi, hi, listen, we didn’t come to an agreement then, but we can come in, sit somewhere, i have a lecture in the morning, well then i’ll just see you off, work somewhere or you’re just studying, but no, i lived with my father in lvov for a couple of years, now i’ve returned to my mother , your parents are divorced, well, yes, but you, i have a mom, a dad and a bunch of other relatives, we have a big family, listen, maybe we’ll go to a club sometime and hang out, i don’t go to the club,
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i don’t have time, i’m writing notes, but my father wouldn’t allow the old rules. and you movie did you watch the groovy apersina? no, well , let’s see together, you decide everything so quickly, so what? like the team, right? well, there is a little. ok, that's it, don't see me off any further, why? this is my home, we've come, bye, bye. i live in the depths of russia, in the land of lakes and rut rocks, here the mountains are blue, the rivers are blue and there are blue
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colors of metal, i am engaged in journalism and a desire has appeared, well, to create my own project within the framework of it, i interview, i am a clothing designer and today to be in fashion russian, and this is very cool, happiness for me when close people nearby... understand you, love you, appreciate you, respect you, my land is sad with you and celebrates with you, neighbor, brother, someone else passing by will wish you good morning, that’s happiness, ukraine has every right use the merits of any forces. viktor shindarovich, an agent, after the start of the svo, he promised the russian... people terrible punishments and disasters, he regrets that he ended up on the peacemaker’s site, there were already attacks on me in vilnius, they watered me with a ketchik,
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if you can divide the money in half between support for the armed forces of ukraine and refugees in the humanitarian component, that is, he has now confirmed what a sunshine that he helped, regarding dugin and so on, not everyone agrees with what we are doing in relation to crimea and belgorod, this is very tough, but we don’t have any disagreements here, we can say that he’s the devil, i personally think that he... damn, when you arrive, there will be questions about bandera, i have to love bandera, these are the conditions for my appearance on territories, they just want to be gouleiters, premiere, vavan show and lexus, on wednesday on the first. kvn, major league, new season, on saturday on the first. to the 135th anniversary of the birth of alexander.
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yes, levuchkin himself doesn’t seem to mind, i’m thinking about replacing him, klyuev has good connections with europe with the british, with the french, with the germans, so after vilnius he will be very useful for us, i agree, but what about the bank case in donetsk, we found that - nothing, yanukovych doesn’t understand that the oligarchs sensed his weakness and...
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so open the wallet, well, someone is just greedy, someone thinks that this is money for wind, well, the guys and i calculated how much this maidan costs, look how many there are now - 200 tents, yes, yes, already more, so okay, let's take 200 as a basis, before the event 7,000 people were constantly living on dynamo, now somewhere 15-20,000, this means everyone needs fat, communication, medicine, right? it comes out to 20-25 bucks per snout, multiplying all this by 15,000, it turns out to be 300,000 dollars a day. further.
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rent of two stages, generators, spotlights, ambulances, dry closets, field kitchens, printing of leaflets, their distribution, potbelly stoves, firewood for the bourgeoisie, well, you have to warm up somehow , yes, most importantly, paying for security, foremen, fanas groups, in total it turns out to be 30-35 million dollars a month. it’s not a cheap pleasure, just like that, if this dance continues for another month, there will simply be no one left willing to support it, especially if there are not 200, but 400 tents, yulia, where are the grapes, come on.
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so, alina nikulina, a political strategist, russian from siberia, worked in yukos, after her dismissal she moved to london, but on the wave of the orange revolution she came to kiev. he's spinning yanukovych already seriously, but he is not her customer. who? it's not clear yet. someone else is not in sight, but now she is clearly playing on the side of the cia. yeah, let's move on. so, the finances and media of the maidan are behind the oligarchs, here is the data. foreign embassies are already openly supported: lithuania, poles, transfer cash here, carry money in the trunks of diplomatic cars or through boryspil, where by mail on the plane. information was also collected on the work
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of religious organizations, social networks and public activists. supporting maidan. by the way, nuland met with tegnebok, klyachko and yatsenyuk. yes. can you find out what they were talking about? what did you agree on? may i know who was the interpreter for these meetings? there was hardly a translator there. nuland speaks russian perfectly. in 1981 , she worked as an exchange worker in odessa, as a counselor, in a pioneer camp. young.
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called son-in-law, but why son-in-law? he is korzh’s son -in-law, the same one, by the way, korzh himself was entrusted with anti-maidan work, there, however, everything quickly died out, but this miller, what is he, what is he? an honest service worker, promising, but now he is closely herded cia, oh, what a, uh, valuable personnel, okay , we’ll work, offer him cooperation, for... people are needed here, there will be a lot of work for a long time, what kind of people, what happened, igor, i forgot my slippers, or your new doll i didn’t tolerate your work absences, but come on, come on, my love, you’ll dirty the floor, and
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you feel sorry for the floor, nothing else, no one, yes, but what about you? he’s back, beloved husband, how can it be, you left so boldly, honey, and by the way, you brought your socks, i found three of your socks in the serial car, honey, three, three, igor, don’t throw away your wealth, okay, you’ll have dinner, my love, and maybe i’ll prepare some borscht for you, you want, everything for you, my love, igor, if you’re reading this, it means i’m not alive. i understand what i was doing, but i did my job, and of course, i thank you for everything that happened to me over the past weeks, because i had you, probably this is love, anna. this one
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here this one here here, well here here change. san, the key is on 17, i’ll give myself, why the hell did i listen to you, but i should have searched this shalman of the deaf, in case it’s there these headlights, we shouldn’t have just left, we only had two, one step to the side and we’re dead, don’t do things like that. stepan, teach me how to do things, everyone knows who is behind us, who will jump on us, the guys have arrived.
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well, guys, it’s time to get down to business, stop wasting your time, so what are we going to do? we need a public action, it’s time to go to the maidan, otherwise we’ll see these potheads.
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fool, do you remember what swamp i pulled you out of, remember, i remember how i put you on your feet, taught you how to work, but who is he? he was a cop and will remain a cop. uses you and throws you out when you become nenu, i didn’t finish, on the other hand
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, the cops have their own man, a prospect, their own man, who is that, me, you, of course, you, who? okay, i ’ll think about it, so let me go, i said, i haven’t decided anything yet, my beauty, i ’ll think about it.


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