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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 19, 2024 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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drill alert for breakdown of compartments, fires and other extreme scenarios. yes, it’s hard, of course, but such is the life of a submariner. the hospitality championship for participants of the world youth festival is an unforgettable tour. my impressions of russia are simply incredible. we have already left russia, and we are already thinking about how to return? miracles, nature and technology, food
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and dancing, and what will be remembered most? world leaders and heads of government congratulate vladimir putin on his landslide election victory. the calls and telegrams continued to arrive overnight. warm words in telephone conversation from the crown prince of saudi arabia, mohammed bin salman al-sad. the parties confirmed their readiness to further actively develop friendly ties and mutually beneficial cooperation. i wish you success on the path to further progress. sultan of amana, hisam ben tarek al-said. the special friendly nature of bilateral relations was emphasized by the chairman of the presidential council of libya, mohammed al-menfi. the president of the transitional period of mali, asimi gaita, wrote about friendship and strategic partnership. good luck during congolese leader danny sasunge wished for a new term in office. world leaders congratulated vladimir putin all day the day before. among them are chinese president sidin pin and indian prime minister narendra modi. turkish leader recep tayyip
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erdogan. let me remind you that vladimir putin, after processing all the ballots, received 87.28% of the votes. a historic result with a record high turnout, it exceeded 77%, that is, more than 87 million people took part in the elections. now the special operation is in donetsk direction. our units destroyed the ukrainian drone control center. transmitted the coordinates of the target. attack aircraft struck enemy positions in the zaporozhye sector. in addition, the rotation of the infantry group was disrupted. near artyomovsk, paratroopers shot down a baba iga copter. south donetsk direction. our k-52 alligator is in action. the militants' strongholds were destroyed. fighting is taking place in the northern sector. tula paratroopers are pushing back the enemy. in the center of the events is the film crew of gusein huseynov. old, good and time-tested. the d-20 152 caliber projectile is capable of
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not only destroying any equipment, but also destroying a dugout, a shot, here it is, oh, excellent, one more fire, the crew of this gun strikes not only at the forward positions of the ukrainian armed forces, destroys targets behind enemy lines, the artillery of the 106th turk airborne division is advancing in the northern direction, it is aimed, the coordinates of the target on duty, the gunner arknet, this is his call sign, he practically knows by heart, they work on them several times a day, he came to the front line until...
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we were friends in the fourteenth year, but we came here, well , we met at the entrance, well , because i don’t know, maybe we are not indifferent and we can’t stand aside, couldn't stay aside are the guys from the anti-tank group , both volunteers, they know their job well , they immediately stop any attempt by enemy equipment to break through, the vtu crews can work not only against heavy armored vehicles, but also manpower, now they have worked on hidden infantry. enemy
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, if the target is not urgent, they try to work either early in the morning or at sunset, when visibility from the air is the worst, so it is more difficult for the enemy to figure them out, duels happen here, duels of tourists, this is, roughly speaking, like work a sniper, only with a large caliber, must lie down, wait, figure out where the place of work is from, and work on the target, and not give away his target at the same time. the score in these duels is confidently with our paratroopers. gusein guseinov, farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov and tatyana bakulina. first channel donetsk people's republic. the russian economy turned out to be much stronger than the west expected, and the sanctions did more harm to its initiators. a truth that is increasingly recognized by the european and american media. in particular, the german channel zdf notes that unemployment in russia is at at a low level, the defense and construction industries are developing, state support measures are being implemented, and after the imposition of the embargo, oil exports were successfully reoriented from west to east; in january alone, our country
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earned more than 14 billion euros. and here is what the american publication hill writes about sanctions. western analysts expected a reduction in russia's gdp this year; instead , russian economic indicators grew by more than 3%, thereby surpassing most western economies. moreover, the international monetary fund recently revised its forecast for russia for this year and announces growth of 2.6%. according to an kruger, former first deputy managing director of the imf, the effectiveness of sanctions decreases over time, the burden on those countries that impose them increases. potentially, this could lead to the fact that the influence of dollars...
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the same france increased purchases of ukrainian products threefold at once, all this against the backdrop of large-scale protests by farmers in poland, the ukrainian agenda intersected with the environmental agenda, here is the response of the farmers: blockade two checkpoints on the border with germany. the loss for america, russia, the whole world, was the loss of astronaut thomas stafford, that same historic apollo soyuz mission. in the summer of seventy-five, soviet and american ships docked in space. commander. even in the conditions of the cold war , we can extend a hand to each other. stafford and leonov maintained a lifelong friendship. the astronaut’s family grew up with two boys from our
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country. ionov helped them adopt. when he passed away, stafar came to moscow in 2019. he himself was already seriously ill, barely kept his feet, but had to say goodbye. awarded the russian order of friendship, he was 93 years old. commercials now, we'll be back in a few minutes, don't switch. well, hello everyone, my name is ugahvi, i’m a chuvash grandmother. my name is ilina, and i am daria, and for everyone we are the same, in order to be completely happy, you need personal happiness, unfortunately, at the moment i don’t own it, there were about 100 guys, they were all lined up, and the girls they said that you choose, so you chose, happiness is when you get up with
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in the morning, nothing hurts you, don’t disappear, i beg you. these are, first of all, the people who made it a great country and a great power, and god grant that the main thing is health, and the rest is everything. this, friends, is the green light of a laser, it is with this laser that kidney stones are simply crushed into fluff, start, doctor, here ’s how to get rid of kidney stones about many other, super important and interesting things in the program to live with... today on first. well, is it time to think about the future? and here the revolution will begin soon. clashes continue with soldiers of the internal troops and special forces berkhut. the miller is now
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on our hook. somehow i don’t believe that he will ditch his father-in-law. yes, he is nothing without his father-in-law. major tsibul, right hand of general filimonov. not at all, it ’s through him that we’ll work with ponikulina, transfer it through the maidan, the premiere, watch the time after the program. viktor fedorovich, this is the minimum evil we need now, which will lead you to victory in 2015, on the 135th anniversary of the birth of alexander vertinsky. his love. we're too tired.
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not very good, he blew bubbles, he blew bubbles let him in, and i gobbled it up, i don’t know about you
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, but i just love cleaning, we bought him a ball for his birthday, took a long time to choose and he destroyed it, in 5 minutes, we didn’t even have time to go outside, it’s always new year’s, always housewarming , if the owner is with you, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere is on sunday on the first, alenavna, let's somehow be more attentive to work. we relate, today is all, yes you have, this is the news on the first and we continue: today in russia is the day of the submariner, 118 years ago the first four submarines were included in the fleet, modern submarine forces are national pride, consisting of nuclear and diesel boats with ballistic and cruise missiles, the service of a submariner is a job for the brave, as they prepare...
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at the central post, they practice actions when using missile weapons for the crew , exercises are a common thing, like training. launches from the waters of the arctic ocean, the cruiser has more than once successfully hit targets at the kamchatka firing ranges, these asterisks are exactly what is shown when from this particular mine, on what date the missile was launched, here you see what a combat silo we have, here there were five launches, launching either single or in one gulp, and the submarine can launch from a depth of up to 55 m, the engagement range of its ballistic missiles is thousands of kilometers, to the racer and the harsh arctic. which is why, over the years of service, the matte black body has repeatedly floated up in the ice. here, at
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the northern fleet training complex, crews train several times a year. breakdowns , fire, different scenarios. the task of this sailor in diving suit is to crawl through a narrow torpedo tube, so in the case accident, you can get out. yes, it’s hard, of course, but such is the life of a submariner. and they all begin their journey here with the foundation of boru. in this training center , since the sixties, the personnel of nuclear submarines, 320 crews, have been trained, over all these years they have undergone inter-cruise training, spent months working out emergency situations, random people do not stay, only those for whom this is more than work remain, here, let's say, people who came for money will not be able to serve, here it is only spiritual, let's say, readiness to give their life , if necessary, for their homeland for a comrade who are...
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a couple of closets away, they do not consider themselves heroes, but those who are patiently waiting for them on the shore, so that the serviceman can serve more comfortably, he must know what he has on on the shore everything is in order, if in the rear... everything is fine, then everything will be fine in the service, this crew is celebrating the holiday far from home, the submarine volkov went to perform tasks at sea, under the thickness of the water shoulder to shoulder it performs its daily feat. alena germanova, maria martanova, dmitry klimov, ksenia ugarova and denis torobchinov, channel one. brilliant music in incredible performance. the national youth symphony orchestra under
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the direction of valery gergiev gave a unique concert for the 180th anniversary of the composer roman corsa. the performance took place in tikhven, leningradka. the concert became the culmination of a grandiose festival, which opened with an exchange tour between the bolshoi and myriinsky theaters. level and emotions that will remain forever in russia, the regional program has ended world youth festival, it was held on a grand scale in sirius, and after that, participants from all over the world went to dozens of our cities, from vladivostok to kaliningrad, to discover russia, and absolutely everyone talks about the incredible impressions that foreign guests will remember most, alina tsanoeva will tell you that
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the weight of the dam is 15 million tons, the volume of concrete is about 6 million cubic meters, foreign guests were shown the turbine room, how the turbine of a hydraulic unit works, but the most exciting walk along the ridge of the platinum, from here from above almost 100 m away there is a gorgeous view of the genisei, the impression of russia is simply incredible, i liked everything from the culture to the food, as far as it goes. it’s amazing that emotions haven’t yet let go after the festival in sochi, how the guests were captivated by the rich regional program; on this trip, many people ’s stereotypes were destroyed, especially about russian people. in europe there is a very strong stereotype about russians, they think that we are all, all russians are serious, scary, that they don’t smile, they don’t have a sense of humor, and i believe that there are countries in europe, which are more similar to this
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stereotype than russians, in fact, russians, i think, are very similar to spain, to the south of europe , to latin america, we... like to have fun, we are kind people, there were such ideas that russians are cold and unsociable, but when we arrived here, we radically changed our minds, because they were all very friendly, welcoming, hospitable, guests were greeted from vladivostok to kaliningrad, the visit to the kurzhskaya spit national park began with welcoming dances. introduction to history region and its original craft. the region has always been famous for catching gentar, and then a walk along the shore.
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it always fits right and looks so cool, we especially thought when we were in sochi the flow was right according to the weather, yes, wear it whenever you like , well, why do we need ear flaps, why do we need warm clothes, but when we arrived in nizhny novgorod, we realized that , that the most necessary thing, during excursions, guests did not let go of their phones, they wanted to take pictures of everything, so that later they could show them at home and tell how their trip went, and it seems that many here now have one dream for all, we left rossieni. are we already thinking about how to return? i want to move to st. petersburg and live there, i think that next year i will come here with my dad, it will be his 50th birthday, his anniversary, he has a dream to visit russia. alena sanoeva, sergey burkeev, vechtapsakov, tatyana kozlova, lyubov filippova, andrey brokos, maryana soboleva, larisa nikitina, channel one.
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that's all for now, thank you for being with us, the second episode of the documentary film under the skies of crimea, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of deunification, is on the air right now. peninsula with russia, the past and present of an amazing land that you want to return to again . the vtb united league determined the symbolic top five of the previous week. it was led by malik newman, who helped avtodor cope with the rune. the american basketball player has 34 points, which is his personal record. five rebounds and four assists. the saratov team takes third place in group b. the team won the match against yenisei; compatriot jean charles scored eight points (1


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