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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  March 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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what our enemy does, hoping to achieve a result, he achieves a result, but exactly the opposite of what was expected , that’s all, they don’t understand who they are dealing with, russia, they don’t understand who they are dealing with russia, and the russian will go there , where he needs, and not where biden wants to go, and he can still send him to hell, and we will have to go exactly there, because our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be... ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game returns at 11:00 p.m., don't miss it. hello, there are evenings on channel one news, andrey ukharev is with you. responsibility to voters. vladimir putin met with his
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proxies at the last elections. victory in the elections is only a prologue to those victories that russia so badly needs and which will definitely come. there is a big conversation about the development of the country and the protection of citizens, including in border areas. the belgorod region is again under attack, there are fatalities from shells exploding in a residential area, residential buildings, school buildings and kindergartens in the region have been damaged. the catering unit was destroyed, a daring dangerous operation under continuous enemy fire, we made a leap, quickly jumped there, jumped in, examined everything , filmed it on camera, the american abrams from the inside, russian special forces studied the car , took the samples we needed, the outcome that millions of motorists were waiting for, the intersection of the road with the upper fields, the area was crowded...
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new ramps and overpasses will help relieve traffic jams at any time. hundreds of world- class scientists who will now develop our science. the european organization for nuclear research refuses cooperation with russian specialists. russia will follow its plans in the special operation zone, although it could respond to attacks on civilian infrastructure. vladimir putin spoke about this today at a meeting with his trusted representatives. according to him, all victims of attacks from ukraine will receive the necessary support and assistance. the president thanked the residents of the belgorod region and other border regions for their courage. regarding the voting results, vladimir putin emphasized that such a result indicates great trust citizens, but the sense of responsibility towards them increases many times over. konstantin with details. vladimir vladimirovich putin. thank you.
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became, this made me more happy that we didn’t have to persuade anyone, nothing, they came in crowds, we had queues, well, they came to vote, they showed that we are one whole , that we are a family, we voted for the family, for a huge, united family, we voted for the future, for a social state, for our leader, for our children, for an independent, free, sovereign russia, the people must be together.
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no, we don’t want to be together , vladimir vladimirovich said correctly, well, for us to respond in kind now, and for children to suffer and kill children, we don’t want that, we understand that there is a plan that he said, vladimirovich, it goes according to this plan, and we trust him, we believe and we think that everything will work out, victory
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will be ours, on behalf of the families of the participants in the special operation, the head of the department for work with the regions of the fatherland defenders fund, maria kostyuk, addressed the president, she is the mother of the hero of russia, andrei koftun, who died in battle. and today in the kremlin with her are the military chevrons of her son. it was the regiment commander who handed him over to me after his death, i travel with him everywhere, i still expect that i will get to the territory where he died, it’s debatable, it’s still gray, well, he’s not helping, well, it’s like a story of greatness, we went through the election campaign together , we go to different regions together, together we open memorable places, we talk there with the youth, it doesn’t help, we all need victory today, as a meaning, as a meaning of the greatness of our country, as... talk about everything, for the most important thing,
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thank you very much for everything, i won’t say what you did now, but your work today is highly in demand, needed, when we created this structure, when... which testifies to the great trust of the country’s citizens in what we we do, and most importantly, what we are talking about as our plans, this requires, of course, imposes, firstly, a really great responsibility, you even know, somehow
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there’s a little feeling, well, not anxiety, but a sense of responsibility , of course, it increases many times over the 3 months of the election campaign vladimir putin received more... this is the only way to achieve the final result, i really hope that together with you we will follow this path
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of creation and construction of a new russia, in all its components, in the economy, in defense capability, in art, in domestic politics in the construction of our state and its state institutions, well, in general, in all directions, in order to make our country, our homeland, russia even stronger, even more led. the result of each depends on the country's result in in general. victory in the elections is only a prologue
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to those victories that russia so badly needs and which will definitely come. thanks a lot. konstantin panyushkin, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, anna zayakin, alexander kovalev, channel one. join efforts to achieve national development goals. vladimir putin called on the leaders of parliamentary factions. at the meeting late the night before, the president would emphasize.
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they will forgive a lot, they will look at a lot so nobly, but our task with you is to work to the maximum, well, to the maximum. today, our ministry of defense reported that the russian military has completely cleared the village of kazinka in the belgorod region from the remnants of ukrainian formations, the enemy has been destroyed. the zelensky regime, having suffered another defeat on the battlefield, is trying to achieve at least some effect in the information space, and for this.
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the last person who came in was hit in the hand, right here on the wrist.
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during the impact, a man died; he was traveling in this car; as we can see, it was completely riddled with shrapnel. two more people were injured. the regional governor, vyacheslav glodkov, arrived at the scene. the wounded and local residents whose apartment windows were broken will receive comprehensive assistance. according to preliminary data, the shelling was carried out from a czech multiple launch rocket system. local residents already know how to behave during strikes, the main thing is to move away from the windows, take cover in the corridor, closet or bathroom. i immediately saw a missile danger and we immediately quickly went to the bathroom , they threw some heap from the roof, i thought it was something, but this the glass flew, you understand what kind of deployment they took up there , that’s where they stood, and from there they hit wherever they hit, and it’s all against civilians, just peaceful people, but for children, another blow fell next to the
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kindergarten in the building, the windows were damaged, and the cars parked nearby were cut with shrapnel. asphalt part of the projectile. severe destruction on the territory of another preschool institution. only kindergarten workers were in the building. fortunately there were no casualties. we were with the security guard in the kindergarten when they announced missile danger. we hid in the corridor, where we always hide with the kids. everything was shaking, the glass was shaking, the doors were shaking. we sat and prayed. this morning , regional authorities reported that due to incessant shelling, a decision was made to begin early holidays for schoolchildren in belgorod and border areas.
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it was thrown back beyond the borders of russian territory, while the losses of the ukrainian armed forces in the direction of action of the groups, covering the state border during eight days of hostilities amounted to more than 3,500, or more precisely 3,501 people, of which 790
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were irretrievable losses, 23 tanks, 34 armored vehicles were destroyed , including 11 bradleys, as sergei shaigu noted , since the beginning of the year alone, the russian military has destroyed five patriot anti-aircraft missile systems, six haymars installations, 27 bmp by, five leopards and four abrams. western technology burns well in many respects and is inferior to russian technology. just today , footage of an american tank shot down near avdeevka appeared; russian special forces got to it. the tasks of our times...
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and they also filmed everything on video, is this an operation or, as the fighters themselves say, the jump was daring and deadly, we had to run across under fire from the militants, here is the abrams, on the list of those shot down, this is the second abrams, destroyed by our guys from the center group, on board this vehicle number 105, 2 disabled march, the first vaunted american tank was burned to the ground near the village of berdychi, we made a leap, quickly jumped in, and looked around. filmed, got samples, so to speak, without loss, everything was good, in a good mood, positive, they returned joyfully, the samples seized from the tank revealed to our scouts a lot of important secret information about the enemy, the short but very valuable filming itself allows us to assess the condition of the equipment, fortunately the damage to this abrams was not
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critical, well, its turret was turned towards the village, it looks like... at the moment when it was unzipped, because its forward caterpillar was unwound, that is , the left one was untwisted, its hatch was knocked down, inside the tank the symbols on the instruments were duplicated in ukrainian, they simply stuck signs on top of the inscriptions in english, on the partition where the ammunition is located , one of the crew wrote the presence or , alternatively, the consumption of shells, nine high -explosive fragmentation anti-tank, five armor-piercing sub-caliber, perhaps even with a core made of... they said what let’s cover, we are moving back, we opened fire under pressure so that the boys could easily run out, why couldn’t this
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be done at night, for example, because the situation in the sky did not allow it, constant enemy birds, this one itself abrams was first immobilized and then finished off by drone operators with the call signs falcon and patriot; footage from a kamikaze drone appeared at the beginning of the month; only now the fighters have revealed the details of the destruction of the tank. the movement was already a dive, when we saw the equipment, it was hit, after that we flew out second, it turns out to be a comic drone, after which we discovered that the equipment simply stopped, accordingly , we had already finally worked on the standing equipment, we knocked out an abrams, which costs hundreds of thousands dollars, we hit a bird, which costs 40,000 rubles, let's correct our hero a little , the cost of abrams is estimated in millions of dollars, i... the value of the combat mission performed by operators and reconnaissance officers only increases, with just a similar drone, our uav operators neutralized, one might say ,
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even from the first time abrams, you can see this machine, it’s made of metal, there’s aluminum, ammunition is hung here, it’s tied up, it takes about 5-10 minutes to fully equip and prepare the birds for work, and assembles... drones kamikaze volunteers thousands of kilometers from the front in the urals named the drone after a mythical creature from russian fairy tales. this is that it is a bat, in a combat position it is a little like this bat, the only thing missing is the tufts, here is the city for the operators who did this, i know them personally, they were trained as drone operators on the effectiveness of air strikes, i can already compare. the fighters say that we are in the same team, we work remotely and fly low, and the overall result
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is western equipment rusting on the field. alexei ivanov, valentin stukanov, alexander napalkov, andrey golderev, maxim trubnikov, natalya moshtakova, channel one, donbass. 3.5 million residents of new regions have already taken out a compulsory medical insurance policy. they should receive assistance at a high level. according to russian standards, mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with the head of the compulsory health insurance fund ilya balanin. the prime minister called for special attention to be given to participants of a special military operation who need rehabilitation. the budget for the current year of the compulsory health insurance fund is over 4 trillion rubles. about 20 percent more than the corresponding last year. naturally, when planning the budget, we significantly expanded.
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medical examinations are provided to assess reproductive health; about 6 million people will be able to undergo such examinations this year. the program provides for an extraordinary procedure for providing medical care to combat veterans. moscow considers it unacceptable that the west has extended its russophobic policy to the sphere of fundamental science. so in our mid commented on the refusal of the european nuclear organization. research from collaboration with russian scientists. cern, the world's largest laboratory, home to the large hadron collider, was once created with russian participation.
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mida official representative maria zakharova recalled that our physicists are involved in working on experiments that are important for all humanity, and the decision of the cern leadership contradicts the spirit of scientific cooperation. the instrumentalization of this area for the escalation of geopolitical confrontation, the transformation her into the sanctions mechanism are.
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in populated areas, large shopping centers, there were always traffic jams there. now this place has convenient ramps, traffic flows can move much faster even during rush hours, thanks to directional ramps, the capacity has increased by one and a half times. the impression of drivers who have already appreciated this in the report by ivan prozorov. oh, sometimes it happened that i just wanted to get out at the amkada, lock the car and leave. now it's basically normal. when time is not only money, but also nerves, and they were needed
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iron ones to get through. through the transport hub in the east of the capital in the area of ​​kotelnikov and mkada. this section has always been tightly constrained by traffic jams on one side of the moscow ring road, a large market on the other, a large shopping center, old kleiver, that is, the previous type of interchange could not cope with the flow of cars. instead , a modern, multi-level one appeared, and the builders introduced stage by stage as they were ready, expanding this bottleneck. the mayor of the capital, sergei sabyanin, accepted the work of the builders on the longest section of the 650 overpass. you can see the entire grandiose structure , construction began in 2021, according to the design, the flows do not intersect, the exits are directed, some of them have already been launched, today a direct overpass was opened from the outside of the moscow ring road to the center of the capital, as well as a turnaround from the inside of the ring road towards the region, to the city of dzerzhinsky, a very large object, the interchange of the upper fields and the moscow ring road, all the main artificial structures, there are eight of them, these are ramps, overpasses, built, this will,
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of course, significantly improve traffic. in the southeast of mkad, on one of the most congested areas, well, the population of nearby areas will feel an improvement in traffic flow. according to tradition, the first to drive along the road were the vehicles of the road and municipal services. emotions were shared by the first drivers and passengers of public transport, who spent 40 minutes just making turns in the general queue. the exits were inconvenient, it was inconvenient to drive through constant traffic jams. now, at least driving around amkad is much better. there are a lot of complexes here. and a lot of people come, because of this we need a solution, and changes yes, unloading has already begun; according to estimates, the adjacent section of the moscow ring road will be unloaded by almost 10%. traffic on the streets of verkhnyaya polya on yegorevskoe highway, kapotnya street will be about a third, the traffic situation on volgogradsky prospekt will become freer, the transport situation will improve in the areas of lyubleno, maryana, kapotnya, the moscow region towns of dzerzhinsky and kotelniki, where in total more than 600.00 people live, people constantly stood here , we also
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stood here on the road for a very long time, now everything is fine. my minibus, have an easy trip, thank you, pass the capacity of the interchange should increase by 30% , due to this, during rush hour, drivers will be able to pass the exits several times faster, they promise to complete the work completely by the end of the year, when another overpass and a ramp will be completed, as well as two underground and one overground pedestrian crossing, by the way, the longest on the moscow ring road is 315 m, this is part of the large work on the reconstruction of the moscow ring and adjacent highways, which the capital authorities began in 2012. congratulations to the muscovites, this is a serious object, the twenty- first interchange of the reconstructed roadway, there is one more junction left, which we will probably finish at altufik this year too. drivers are asked to be patient a little longer; the end of this grandiose construction project is already close. ivam prozorov, vyacheslav chereshka, mikhail fedorov, victor averin and alexey simonov, channel one. now let's move to vdnkh, where the grandiose exhibition russia is taking place, our cameras are installed throughout the entire complex, this is the view from the ferris wheel.
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lives now in moscow, in his small homeland in 1959, his family is from buryatia, but the visitor was andrei batorov, he won a trip to baikal, in fact to his webrf pavilion, for the winner, his parents and sisters gave an excursion dedicated to russian cities, his upcoming trip promises to be eventful, too, if you remove 6:00, this. how many years, very unexpected, such a big surprise, we certainly didn’t expect it, so it’s surprising that our homeland is calling us back to baikal, closer, closer to home, well, thank you very much, very unexpected, very pleasant surprise, that’s all for now , we are monitoring developments, and the information channel is on the first the program will continue, time will tell.
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hello, live on channel one, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, and today we’ll be there as always.


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