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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  March 20, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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god willing, we will prove it, we are working, brothers, the heir tuti’s doll program is on channel one, we are watching, remember now the glory of the then us secretary of state victoria. he was on the maidan, where she , contemptuous of all underdeveloped nations, in american style, with condescension , distributed cookies to the brutal crowd. cutie vicky once vacationed in a children's camp in odessa. later, a young careerist, mrs. snuland, on a soviet fishing vessel, spent six months learning about the culture of long-distance sailors, and then all her accumulated...
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toot right now, maria butina is with you, we are starting. victoria noland's resignation from the post of acting us deputy secretary of state followed her trip to kiev. apparently, she offered more cookies in exchange for resolving the confrontation between the former commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces and zelensky, but it didn’t turn out very well. instead of successes of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield, retreat.
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upon returning to washington, unsuccessful attempts were made to push congressmen and republicans to agree on an aid package to ukraine. the bottom line was only loud scares. there will be restrictions significantly tightened as we, our partners, announce crushing and massive new sanctions packages aimed at stifling russian evasion efforts . hence the question: is the resignation voluntary or asked for? us secretary of state antony blinken announced the departure of his deputy several months in advance. weeks before, as if preventing a possible attempt to replay the situation. of particular interest is the fact that in the history textbook he accompanied it precisely on march 5, super tuesday. nulent leadership in ukraine students and diplomats will study it for many years. victoria personified joe biden's commitment to reviving america's global leadership at a critical time for our country around the world. it was on a critical day for noland that trump finally confirmed leadership, following which he.
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republican party rival niki haley withdrew her candidacy, and at the same time a statement was made by michelle obama's office about the lack of ambitions for the us presidency. some analysts say the departure may indicate a desire for a white house change the vector on ukraine, but us vice president kamal harris prominently emphasizes the intention to remain in the conflict, and the head of the house of representatives mike johnson, on whom assistance to kiev depends, nods his head at biden’s words. he was approved for the position , which he held for just over six months as a temporary acting position. campbell was responsible for the indo-pacific direction, which gave rise to discussions about a possible change in washington’s orientation towards beijing; he had been building us policy towards kiev for many years. just noland, she was in charge
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the architect of the maidan and convinced that the coup was a victory for democracy. since ukraine's independence in 1991, the united states has supported ukrainians in building democratic institutions and increasing civic participation and good governance. victoria was engaged in promoting estranged policies and making money from military operations together with her husband robert kagan, a russophian-minded thinker, the son of the influential philosopher donald kagan. while his wife was provoking a hot phase in eastern ukraine, he was promoting behind the scenes the white house in washington post articles increased military spending to maintain us hegemony in the world. the only force capable of maintaining the liberal world order is the united states. in an attempt to maintain this order, the united states has resorted and will continue to resort to force, sometimes unwisely and ineffectively, with unpredictable costs and ambiguous moral consequences. not family related to
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the desire to clean up the tails of corruption, which have accumulated quite a lot over 35 years of service in the state department, the russian question, nolon always kept the spotlight. in the nineties i worked at the us embassy in moscow when the opportunity came. with attempts at a coup d'etat, after which she was promoted to the state department apparatus, and served in the former yugoslavia, haiti, iran, afghanistan, iraq, and syria. during her time at nato , the alliance experienced two waves of expansion. nolland managed to hold on to various positions under six presidents and ten secretaries of state. i only stumbled over trump in 1917 and was forced to leave the state debate. it is possible that the same scenario is now repeating itself. the choice of noland's successor is interesting. temporarily it was john bass who was in charge. for curtailing the american mission in afghanistan, the question is, why him and where will we see nulant cookies next time? and so victoria nuland resigns, or she was sent to resign, because you know,
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to be honest, it’s too early for pensions, and in general , considering the average age of american politicians, she’s basically a child, here... to resign at such a time ladies and gentlemen, your versions, why? you correctly noted that the person is only 62 years old, which for of course, by the standards of today's washington , quite a bit. well, but when we talk about victoria’s resignation, several obvious theories arise at once. well, firstly, i think that, of course, there was some kind of internal confrontation. the second point is clear, it is connected with ukraine, now everyone is discussing it as being curtailed to some extent, or, well, a crisis. ukrainian project in many aspects, retreat in the ssu, problems in kiev, everything else, but here, in my opinion , the main emphasis should be placed on what is happening in congress, yes, because this is specifically victoria’s area of ​​responsibility, she holds all these closed meetings for legislators, must
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lobby for the allocation of ukrainian tranches, the fact that september twenty-three congress does not allocate money, but this is kind of her literally incompetent, well, the third point, i admit that he too... is the policy of the united states in ukraine. and victoria does not want to lose her authority. she leaves in order to wait for better times to preserve her reputation. and then jump again. i would suggest the following hypothesis: victoria, in principle, is
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affiliated with the american military-industrial complex. so victoria boasted to cnn, she said, guys, don’t worry that a lot of money is going to ukraine, you must understand that this money mainly remains with... i think, based on the result, she failed, so maybe here the dog is buried, let’s put it this way, but denis, and your version, didn’t cope, from what was not named, this is her trip to ukraine, which clearly shows what she lost there influence, today zelensky refused
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to appoint oksana markarova as prime minister , i know from connections from ukraine that he did not even want to discuss this issue, the question... in the zaluzhny case is the same, that is, she does not influence zelensky today , and why is there, roughly speaking , a deputy secretary of state who does not influence, say , those under his supervision? yes, the second point, this is also beneficial now for the democrats, because she is a negative of this non-influence of the corruption scandal, everything that is listed, she takes herself away , now essentially a democratic party, it will enter the elections cleaner than let’s say together with...
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she talks about russia, this crimass on her face, that is, her main project was not ukraine at all, but russia, by the way, of course , victoria, but how did she even appear in big politics? and what happens? but what happens is that today the democratic party
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has earned exactly as much as it wanted. the project that was launched by victoria was successful, she was able to start this war. military lobby, which entered into contracts before twenty-seventh, before the thirty-second year, they had already received contracts. the fact that now they won’t get more profit, of course, they won’t get this money. today she should just get off this ship with one simple goal: she should do everything to ensure that her husband is not dirty, because in the future administration, i am sure, it is her husband who will play a very big role, her husband can always exile , listen, my wife has been out of business for a long time, she stepped aside, we can play coal cars that have disappeared, only nothing, they never existed, now this game is being played out exclusively inside this big lobby, and yes, and those reports that are now being held, they do not in any way affect the career, the fact is that she was just telling it .
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secretary of state, but along with the position of secretary of state she received fantastic opportunities that
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no us secretary of state had before her, in principle, from the outside it was probably not so noticeable, but when you are stewing in this diplomatic international life, then much becomes clearer, she received not just a board, i mean an airplane, but just... the secretary of state always had this, she even received the same advance group, which flew in advance to the places where the her negotiations were similar to how it is done with the president of the united states of america, the group flew in to prepare for the visit of secretary of state hillary clinton, she received an increase in the budget of the us state department, she received fantastic opportunities, she imported. a huge team of specialists, filled, by the way, it
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looked good, by the way, she really always had people at the negotiating table, very high-ranking ones, she could appeal to them, what does this mean, this means that with her in this way, well, in general, as if they paid off, they gave a larger, huge, not just a larger, colossal additional budget to the state department. then those well, sort of symbolic things that were never true, but moreover, maria, this meant that she was given the opportunity... to be prepared at the appropriate level for the realization of her ambitions, which were not realized when she, well, essentially gave in to obama, then supported him. what happened next? the 2016 elections began, with hillary clinton already running as a candidate. obama served two
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terms as president. and the first term under obama, hillary clinton was. secretary of state with these huge budgets, with colossal capabilities, that is, in essence this is so, she even partially took away the functionality of international relations from us president obama, switching it to herself, i think that it was some kind of agreement, for what? in order to then invest these opportunities in your candidacy, and accordingly, the entire material base was provided for this. and then these 4 years, this is very important in the context of nuland, when she was secretary of state, she built them, she built american foreign policy, it is based on her presidential ambitions for 2016 that a state within a state is obtained, that’s exactly what i would say , you know, such a charm, even
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the story will be more complicated, the next 4 years of the presidency obama, she... is leaving the functionality of the secretary of state in order to fully concentrate on what is more important for the presidential campaign, on domestic politics, raising funds for the future presidency, in fact, she began to process not an external audience, but an internal one, can you imagine, here these things determine the steps on the outer contour. their international agenda, why do we always talk about the fact that the united states creates so many problems in international affairs precisely based on its electoral cycles. this is not only the calendar of these very elections, it is also the people who participate in them, their views, their understanding of themselves in these electoral cycles. this is not
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a story about russia, when there are tasks, when there is an understanding of the state. the responsibility of this state to the people , on international platforms, in international affairs, when there is continuity of course, because there are obligations of the country in the international arena, no, there is a different story, it’s not even a patchwork quilt, because one way or another there is always there is either an ornament or some kind of color scheme is taken into account, this is something completely different, this is an endless combination of one’s own... ambitions with feeding either an external audience or an internal one, with some promises that do not necessarily have to come true, the creation of an appropriate environment , this is the main thing, therefore all movements of nulandt must be considered in the context of this very domestic political strategy, for which foreign
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policy is the breeding ground for their opportunities, the second point, of course, is of course connected with... the failure of the american-style ukraine project, as they wanted to build it, again, there is no need to look for a single reason here, but whether it achieved the complete destruction of ukraine, because something still remains there, or did not knock out it has some other multibillion-dollar budgets, either things didn’t work out inside the state department, or in the external perimeter circumstances are developing in such a way that it’s obvious.
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to moscow, then he then says that in no case will escalations, conflicts, and so on be drinking in the history, well, some
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nonsense, insanity and so on , that is, this very notorious thing praised by washington has failed, we put unity in quotes, no alliance, everyone understands that firstly, this is all supported exclusively by the command-administrative system, simply on the presence of american bases on the territory of the country .
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her career at the state department has transformed her from a pretty girl into an angry woman. why did she have such a physical need for destruction and implement regime changes around the world, what motivated her when she lit maidan, watch right after the advertisement. ukraine has every right to use the services.
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we have no disagreements here, we can say that he is the devil, i personally think that he is the devil, when you arrive, there will be questions about bandera, i must love bandera, this is the condition for my appearance on the territory of ukraine, they they just want to be gouleiters, premiere, vavan and lexus show, today on the first, vodka veda, product. stellar group cognac old barrel productlar group bourbon steersman productlar group whiskey
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mancacher product lar group gin сnop product stellar group this is the place, my favorite place in crimea, this is where i feel absolute harmony. 10 years ago, crimea and sevastopol became part of russia, the roads have become better - a fact, new hospitals are being built - a fact, medicine is free. crimea gave me a dream, the work that i am doing, for the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series, tomorrow on the first, everything that can be imagined is real, courage is very important here in order to... imagining an attic bed is charming because here you can sit there, relax, here you can come up with anything you want, our life is short, but everything that is done in it with love is eternal, like there is so much life around
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, beauty, it’s all from a hobby has grown when you do something for yourself, and those around you say how great you did it, you think like that, yeah, you know, i like it, yes, i can share, everything comes from childhood, it’s very important to remember what your inner dreamed of child, i used to do handicrafts as a child, i... i came, i formalized everything, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, you know my dad’s handwriting,
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i’ll be honest, no, but were you officially divorced? i found out that the court divorced us, can you imagine , for me it was such a blow after 26 years, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere on saturday on the first, when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there are still potential heirs, you understand , i was in such a state, my man died, whom i loved, probably the only love of my life, graffiti in sao paulo is everywhere, really, what? you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, you won’t go to jail, but the fine will be quite large, the men here in brazil are very attentive and caring, of course that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she’s always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we’re just we want the women's coffee business
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to develop together. with men it’s the same, brazil, coffee is just bliss, the lives of others, the premiere, on sunday on the first, this is the same one who ratted out his partner , what have you done, no one wants to work with him, he’s driving, he’s like a fish out of water, we are launching an experiment, a taxi, an undercover taxi, even a colonel, but is this really the law? “i had my own plans for this car, but one joint was forced on me, and you will fly out of here like a champagne cork, an interception plan was introduced, an armed attack at the address north 27, it looks like we have a new maniac, another corpse, and what should we call you now, a taxi driver in uniform, a bomb in law, an unfinished cobboy, you yourself decided not to start the actual investigation, persistent and smart, so what..."
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we have a puzzle here, why are you helping me, you won't calm down, yes, until you catch them, and what's your name, for you i'm just a taxi driver, an undercover taxi, premiere on march 25, on first, then you fell, then something else, well, that’s how to live with you, well, you don’t live, maria butina is with you again, this is the doll-heir of tootie. our focus is on victoria, who was recently suddenly sent on vacation, why? let's find out? it’s interesting, after all, nuland came to russia many, many times, and they say she speaks the russian language perfectly, the sailors, the sailors taught long-distance navigation, yeah, but for six months one
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woman was the translator on the arbolovets ship, not everyone can stand it, usa, that’s how she was designated meeting with the first secretary of the political section of the us embassy in moscow victoria second secretary economic department, roman vasilevsky. this meeting became the main purpose of the visit for the americans. if we’re talking about the states, our businessmen still don’t know your regions well, to be honest, we haven’t been connected for a long time, we are not neighbors, we are neighbors only across the ocean and...
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our task is to introduce our businessmen and the new president and leadership there to our businessmen, with regions, like blindness with others, does american businessmen frighten, political instability in russia, nothing bothers us, i would say we are very brave people and this will appear, i think, thank you, i even caught myself thinking that i myself was with her...
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feelings, this is all definitely a lie, moreover, considering how she told me with pleasure, with pleasure later about revolutions, about death, about the death of people , you know, she couldn’t anymore, she showed pleasure from the fact that people are dying, and by the way, i really liked the video, when she , already an adult such a woman, hands out these cookies, and the woman, to whom she held out a bag of cookies, she did this so, that is, do not deceive our slavic women, they will feel it, the novel, again i am alone in this audience, naive, yes, i would say that not quite, you know, if you allow me, in this case i will compare him with mcfaul, if you remember, mcfaul also said that he loves russia very much. he was also absolutely sincere in his love, but then he stated the following phrase, she said the same thing, this says, this is not the russia that he loved, we don’t love this kind of russia, russia should be different, only as soon as it has to suffer, yes, like only we began to change in the worst side for them, they immediately changed
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their rhetoric, that nuland, that mcfaul, for them it happened instantly, this time further, and you don’t think that she is sick just like her father, because her father was a psychopath , just look at some of his sketches there, the fact is that she most likely... why does she like violence like that? yes, most likely she herself was subjected to violence, just like her psychopathic father in his time, and for her this is the norm. if possible, i would like these two episodes, ship meeting with businessmen, looked at it from an intelligence point of view, but for six months on the ship, what is it? this is the study of language, this is the study of psychology, yes, the target audience in which you will work, and what is a meeting with business, this is the beginning of the nineties, this is the formation of a new economic elite. this is working with this elite, this is building relationships, this is in fact the initial stage of recruitment, so this is all a preparatory stage in order to in the future directly influence the economic elites of the region to which they actually belong i’ve been preparing these years, that is, i don’t believe the verdict
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, but of course not the great class, well, as always, well, i’d like to add that i was so delighted, touched by her expression that we are not afraid, this is not stability, but it’s very cool to be brave when you make money on someone's instability and are very far away. this first point is very excellent, but regarding the fact that nuland, already matured, was very dissatisfied with the fact that russia is still not like that, for some reason, somehow it moved away from the beautiful west. let's let’s add one more statement, nuland, where she talks about 1991, and about puchi, that’s what she says, we pay attention to her face and continue to figure out whether we believe it or not, i’m not yet. i still believe, i also lived in moscow, bob and i worked together in moscow from 1991 to 1993. at that moment, i was responsible for preparing reports on the activities of the government of the rsfsr, then still part of the soviet union. i was assigned this particular
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job. literally a month and a half after my arrival, in the summer of 1991, something happened putsch attempt against gorbachev. you may remember how yeltsin arrived and climbed onto a tank, and we were there then too. nearby, and then, as you know, the white house was surrounded by tanks, about 200 thousand russians came out to protect the white house from the assault. so, my job at that moment was to go out and talk to yeltsin's people and find out what their plans were, and also interview the protesters and find out what was driving them, it was just an amazing time, i was very lucky, that i ended up there exactly at that moment moment, yes, yes, you know, it was joy and love, because at that time everything was working out for her, when it stopped working out, the face of not... his actions, an absolute failure, a detailed failure, she failed in ukraine, in haiti, in the sahel, we don’t talk about it much , we naturally talk more about ukraine,
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well, the middle east, she oversaw it all and everywhere she did it now, she failed absolutely everywhere, so i understand that she will 100% re-enter into the clip, it, as was said, is already selected specifically so that remove attention from her. and you know who i think is the architect of these actions, not mr. blinken, definitely not biden, it’s selivan, he does it all, he’s now the person in the american establishment who manages all these processes, no one else, that’s how he pushed it, he didn’t blow it, he specifically removed it so that he could use it later, because if now it remains in this clip, it will be eaten, because there is a puncture here and there, plus corruption, of course, must be left, it is needed, you know, the novel, depending on how evaluate punctures, i have a small graphic of her participation in various orange revolutions in different countries, pay attention, 1988-1990, ussr and mongolia, ultimately a decrease in trade volume by 80% between these countries, you know if
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this is a success from the american point of view, success, success , very great success, then, he works at the us embassy in moscow in 1991-93, remember, from the american point of view, success, and so on. here is the us military operation in iraq , the capture of saddam hussein, but why is this a failure? and then ukraine? look, everything what you are describing now is its success, of course, that is why it had very rapid growth, and now the sahel, the united states is suffering, is now directing funding in order to slander the influence of russia and china. middle east, who dominates there now? i think that now russia holds all the cards, ukraine, this project ends, obviously, with a victory for russia, there is another important point, of course. back in the clinton administration, where she began her work,
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it consisted of, well, in general, strangling russia in her arms, yes, gradually turning russia into a strategically irrelevant state, dependent on the west, and with a foreignized elite and everything else, well, approximately the state russia was in for the lion's share of the nineties, it didn't succeed at one point, so then it had to switch to well, in some then the degree of confrontation with russia , first softly diplomatic, and then harshly military, and of course this is the formation around russia, this... angry ring, and from such unstable regimes, or vice versa, yes, countries that are beginning to conflict with us, yes, we all remember these color revolutions, central asia, georgia, ukraine and everything else, but these are still tactical successes precisely because there is strategic success in deconstruction in general of russia as, well, as a civilization , but she also didn’t succeed as a global player, but in ukraine, of course, she found exactly the russia that suits them, and with naive people who believe in the west, who believe in america, who are ready for...
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victoria’s influence has really declined recently the last one his last visit in november, he showed this, but we remember he didn’t have any press conference, and then there was some kind of chaotic press speech on the maidan with this plastic chair, but she left, and after that we find out that the british they offered the position of ambassador in london, that is , here, of course, you can see how much the british are outplaying the americans in the internal ukrainian competition. there is another interesting point, in her departure, in the speech that we saw, she also makes excuses for money. let's get a look. and, by the way, we should not forget that most of this money is returned back to the us economy to establish the production of those same weapons, including the creation of well -paying jobs, in approximately forty american states. here is the key question that was associated with victorialand: all that money that went to ukraine, is it returned?
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i’m ready to give you 100 billion, you’ll owe me 100 billion, you’ll get 15 of them alive, you’ll just owe the rest, how’s that? comrades, excuse me, is this a scam for money? to her managed to deceive more than one nation with these percentages, with this money, and then black rock appears, which we have already talked about, then they all get involved and start writing encumbrances on all the lands, on everything that ukraine owns, if you write down on the debtor has 100 billion, and you give him 15, and he will return you with interest... another 120, great business, i wanted to explain a little, just
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why so much money was spent on afghanistan, trillions were spent there, but billions here, i asked the question is also from an american: guys, why such numbers? there are trillions, and here there are billions, he says: well, we value our military, this is plus their insurance, i say, stop, stop, stop, and how much does one life that participates there cost you, well, about 6 million dollars , so this is the insurance and the money that for...
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well, not just a vberserker, but in general , in the state in which he is already becoming completely unable to counter himself, people turn into animals. for example, in fact, they were thinking about how to invent a universal soldier, laughter with laughter, and generally speaking, this is a very realistic scenario, crolinuland on the maidan, why does she even appear there, why does she suddenly
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come out to hand out cookies, well, yes, people don’t take it, what was her role at that time in ukraine, well, this question was answered vitaliy klitschko, one of those whom naland actually appointed mayor of kiev, now that he is resigning, he renamed tchaikovsky street to noland street, yes, there really is such a nulan street now, yes, but look how poetic, because they didn’t rename just the street russian, russian composer, specifically the composer of another composer, only you are not a composer of music, but of chaos, the director of a coup d'etat, well, look how symbolic, now you showed nuland young, but what?
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they show it there exactly like that, by the way, nuland met with tegnebok, klitschko and yaytsenyuk, yeah, what they talked about, you can find out what they agreed on, i can find out who was the translator at these meetings, it’s unlikely that there was a translator there, but he speaks russian perfectly; in 1981 she worked as a exchange in odessa, counselor, young guard camp, in 1984 as an interpreter on a soviet robolovetsky ship, didn’t know this? yes, i raised papers about her in moscow , oh, what a lively woman she was, thin, slender, look, by the time she’s 50 she’s all spread out, well, by 50 everyone’s spread out, well, not
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everyone, i’m slender and youthful, now let’s take a break for a little advertising and continue to find out what is fundamental in this... of victoria’s whole clan, why she was either sent into retirement, or she herself simply went into the shadows. interesting after the ad. i have business with you, but 100 bucks, for a much larger amount, in another currency, do you want to set me up? i want to get out of here and as soon as possible. we advise you not to rush, the european parliament wants to impose sanctions, they demand to stop using berkut, give the streets to the crowd, another week at most and the maidan will win, they won’t even let yanukovych save his face, transfer her through the maidan, premiere, watch the time after the program. yak monte
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shococa, stellar group product, rum, castro, stellar group product, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, product stellar group, bourbon steersman, a product of the stellar group, today we will introduce you to a man whose work is becoming more and more interesting every day. this is circus and theater director valentin dneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clone. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus. it's the fleetingness that i want to capture. the
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circus that i want to create does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and want introduce. to you dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, it is not the soviet union, it is the language in which i write. these were really poor moscow bohemians who lived on bad wine and good poetry. my 49.5 minutes of jazz is not just a show for me. an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in st. petersburg cafe where they play programs from 49, matodor on friday on the first. virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible , i see you, you are now in my room, hello,
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several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg, here they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists, our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for...
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today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, he’ll see the light, come here, and you’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything into one a bunch, but we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, we don’t decide, come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nechaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want, together with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva , to live together in the next world. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity. i ’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving. in the end, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i soaked it. him with his hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lyon, i’m having a serious
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conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, for everything, life after life, the premiere of a serial film, soon on the first one. victoria is in sight, in the shadow is her husband, robert kagan, a russophobe, a conductor of ideas, everything for america, everything in the interests of america, no matter how much it costs, and to whom, look right now, how this couple turned military conflicts into a family business, and i'll let you watch one of his videos, where he basically describes his philosophical views as a person who is leading a researcher.
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garden, jungle smacks of some kind of freemasonry, that’s where all this comes from, the same phrases exist there, smacks of, well, including,
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that means it’s usually their restaurant, you know, i want to add something, it also smells like skulls and... lithuania, like victoria, her ancestors, yes, well, everything later, bessarabia, yes, yes, yes, she bessarabia, and here in this case lithuania , he taught for a long time in yele, as a historian, classical literature, classical history, his children, of course, they have already developed very actively in a political way, yes, but of course we are talking primarily about robert kagan, victoria nolland's husband, yes, he is now one of the experts brookings institution, well, probably one of
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those very influential neoconservatives. and the era of the 2000s, and neoconservatism , this is the movement of the current and american political thought, which provides for the dogma of american dominance of the onset of the liberal century, the end of history, the liberal world order, which america must always support with weapons, which is why they so actively supported and created ideological grounds for this is this, that is, look, here it’s not the same just, come on, let's who is who here and look, donald kagan is the father of the family, yeah. robert kagan is just the ideologist of neoconservatism, together with bill crystal, whom you also showed, this is victoria’s husband, his brother fredrick kagan, he is one of, by the way, the leading, well, essentially the leaders of the american development institute, the american enterprise institute, this is another such republican neoconservative think tank, very influential, by the way, a very large number of trump-era apparatchiks came from there, and if trump wins the election,
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many of them will end up again, i think in his future administration, and of course. this notorious institute for the study of war , which we, of course, all remember well over the past 2 years, has been writing these victorious reports there for 2 years about how they destroyed billions of russian tanks, everything else, well, that is, there is absolutely fake propaganda there , but many in the west perceive it as a real analysis of the situation on the battlefield, great, yes i would like to do a small emphasis on the institute for the study of war and comment from its bell tower, the institute for the study. wars are not a think tank, they are a private intelligence company that migrate under the think tank, they need this analysis, this analytics in order to legalize those political decisions that are actually made in the military-industrial complex, what happened in ukraine , light revolution, maidan, why, in fact, she distributed cookies there, she simply supervised and coordinated this whole process in order to then establish all the contacts, all the agent connections for yourself, in
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order to understand, can i ask you a question, look, that is, it turns out that in the center there is this one... large giants and chevron there goldman sex microsoft, that is it’s not there yet, but this burisma, which is known, all this works as if in symbiosis, and it seems to work quite effectively in many regions and in many countries where color revolutions took place, so i wanted to show you everything about victoria’s video interview about the orange ones revolutions, the average person will probably think that maybe it’s just that she ’s so bloodthirsty and crazy, that’s the only
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thing, but this may be part of the truth, but for me - in what years did you work on the vice president’s team? from 2003 to 2005, that is, in the very first years after the entry of our troops into iraq. in addition, i had an amazing and interesting experience working with him at a time when a series of color revolutions began. the orange revolution in ukraine, and the lebanese revolution that followed it, so that all this was also very, very interesting. for comparison, it makes sense to look at robert kagan himself, his wife , what is going on in their relationship, who is in charge after all, they, how in general in an american family where a republican and a democrat come together, this basically does not happen, we we don’t
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understand, but we’ll invite our expert to our studio. rada kovaltsova, a psychiatrist-sexologist, she’ll tell us, hello, marya, glad, hello, tell us about... please, i know that you studied victoria, your assessment, and as psychologists say, we all come from childhood, and let's see what kind of childhood victoria had, where in what family she grew up, her father notes in his memoirs that his grandfather suffered from syphilis, and his mother died of cancer in early childhood, the father himself was always in an atmosphere of death, some kind of horror , and so on, and this is like pandora’s box, also a phenomenon. logically known, passed down from generation to generation, that is, some kind of box of horror and suffering, and her father suffered from recurrent depression and this is known
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quite broadly, what is it? these were recurring symptoms of depression for many years, he was treated in american psychiatric hospitals, including receiving electroconvulsive therapy instead of a lobotomy. victoria just went to odessa as a pioneer leader, and this is all happening at the same time, most likely yes, because it was a very negative period in victoria’s family, or as her father affectionately called her “toria”. the mother, unable to bear such a father, and being a rather shy woman, decided to divorce and not just divorce, she left a seriously ill man without any property. she showed her daughter an example of how they act conventionally, well, let’s say, maybe with losers or with some sick people, then victoria accepted herself, perhaps some certain specific
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behavior, which in psychology is called a codependent personality type, she decided that she would attach herself to someone with all her soul, mimic this person and completely obey his ideas, his thoughts and do everything. that he just wants not to lose this a valuable connection with a person, while as soon as she entered the white house, and we can see the captions under the photographs, when she makes a signature in 2005, on the official website they call her not victoria, but toria nulandt, like dad, that is they take on the role of her father, as well as perhaps her husband, and then she falls into a codependent relationship with them, afraid of losing them, she completely adopts their concepts and their ideas. the concept is a stranger in this couple, i mean, if i understand you correctly, he is the brain center, and she is the executor of the hands, most likely listen, don’t you admit that they have no connection at all, no emotional
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connection at all, that they live completely separately, mentally as you like, they are just employees of the same company, wearing, well , having, relatively speaking, and they are well fed and nothing more than, now there is no longer this connection with her husband, she is absolutely formal.
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converges on the main vice, the main vice is money, but she leaves, so to speak, with a calm, well, they don’t have a conscience, well, with something calm she leaves, because the work of getting orders for the military-industrial complex , it has been completed, here is robert kagan, he publishes brilliant analytical articles, but he has articles of a different kind, just lies, for example, material comes out about saddam hussein, chemical weapons, bacteriological weapons, the threat for usa. and then it turns out that there is none of this , since 2015, robert kagan every time says, as one senator once did in ancient rome about carthage, that carthage must be destroyed, he says: the us military budget
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must be increased, because that's big a threat on the territory of ukraine, from russia, from those, from these, all the time this is in a circle, so victoria nulland can leave in order to preserve her reputation at least for a while, well, considering how... she her spoiled it when it burned down biological laboratories in the united states; in fact, let me remind you, it was victoria, nulat, when our ministry of defense said that there were biological laboratories of the united states in ukraine. namely victoria, that such and such, just think, biological laboratories, a person who in the future will still work, but in her position, this is kurt campbell, he generally specializes in asia, that is, it is clear that america, the vector of american foreign policy, has continued and continues to shift towards this confrontation with china in the indo-pacific region, european issues will concern them, but to a somewhat lesser extent, and i think that victoria’s resignation is connected with this, as regards what the americans will do next in ukraine.
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a figure for america, kill these ideologues impossible, they always land on four paws, it will be important for us to keep an eye on people like kagan. and yes, one more note, when we talk about the fact that they have their own percentage of each cartridge that they sell, you do not forget one more thing: the first licenses for private military companies are received by mr. kagan, these are those private military companies that including training, this man, such a fat , huge turkey, he trains soldiers who fight. with our army, this person is actually involved in the murder, look into his eyes, you know, in general , their history is interesting, it’s a family contract , that is, look, if she’s in the demo camp, he’s in the republican camp, then they never lose, because there ’s this shuffling going on all the time, yes, i am more than sure that such a person who has extensive intelligence connections in regions that are strategically important for the americans is nowhere. will not leave politics, simply put,
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do not rush to say goodbye to mrs. vika nuland, it is quite possible that she was simply kicked out a little in the shade to wait, marya butina, the doll of tuti’s heir, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the intended path. victory in the elections is only a prologue to those victories. which russia needs so much and
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which will definitely come.


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