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tv   Vremya  1TV  March 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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god bless you, i didn’t expect to reach the super game , this is very exciting for me, thanks to everyone who was rooting for me, we in the trio supported each other very much, incredible emotions, i wish everyone to be on this wonderful program to experience the same the range of emotions that i experienced today. thanks a lot! hello, it’s time for the program to air, we’re starting with the tragedy in the crocus city hall near moscow, shooting, which, according to the ria novosti agency, was opened.
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there are dead and wounded. the tas agency, with reference to operational services, reported smoke and explosion. and already before the start of the release, it was reported that the roof was almost completely engulfed in flames. people remain inside , this evening one of the domestic rock bands was supposed to perform in crocus, burst into the stalls, the attackers opened fire, then threw a grenade or incendiary bomb, people in the hall lay down on the floor, after 15-20 minutes they began to get out in polish, in law enforcement officers are already working in crocus, ria novosti supplements its information, the capital amun and the cathedral were raised on alarm, firefighters were called, the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, went to the scene, and was created.
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operational headquarters. throughout the episode we will return to the events in crocus city hall. so far, according to the ministry of defense, oburon, which, in response to shelling of russian territory, attempts to break through our border, has damaged infrastructure working for the military needs of the enemy. 49 retribution strikes in a week. alexey ivanov, more details. the moment of an accurate hit on the dneproges. our missile, judging by its characteristic plumage, is the strategic cruise x101, eyewitnesses filmed. before the blow at the station, the missile also fired heat traps so that it would not be shot down by ukrainian air defense. so, with several high-precision strikes, our military disabled the dnieper-hpp, the largest hydroelectric power station of the main water artery of ukraine, as eyewitnesses report, both turbine halls, ges-1 and ges-2, were destroyed , and the sluice devices were destroyed. power lines,
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the station was stopped, it supplied about a tenth of the electricity to the country's system and acted as a so-called peak regulator, while the dam itself the power plant is intact, there is no threat and there is no breakthrough, but it will no longer be possible to cross the dambi from one bank of the dnieper to the other. electricity from the dneproges went, including to enterprises that produce military products, and ensured the operation of the railway infrastructure. this is, in particular, transportation to the forward positions of the armed forces of ukraine. western technology and weapons. this night and in the morning our troops launched a massive attack not only on energy facilities, but also on railway junctions, places where ukrainian fighters and foreign mercenaries gathered, as well as warehouses with ammunition. as a result of the strike , the functioning of industrial enterprises producing and repairing weapons, military equipment and ammunition was disorganized. in addition, foreign military equipment and weapons delivered to ukraine and the country were destroyed. the transfer of
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enemy reserves to the front line was disrupted, and mercenary units of the ukrainian armed forces were hit in areas where combat capability was being restored. all goals of the massive strike have been achieved. explosions occurred at several military-industrial complex facilities ukraine. one of them, the kharkov transport machine building plant named after malyshev, is part of the ukroboronprom concern. it is known that the plant repaired and restored armored vehicles for the ukrainian armed forces. they're serious there. the workshops of the elektrozhmazh plant, where combat vehicles were produced instead of electrical equipment, were destroyed. and in dnepropetrovsk, as the riyanovosti agency reports, the target was the yuzhmash plant. the drones with which ukraine attacked targets on the territory of our country were assembled there. the drones were assembled at the factory motorsich aircraft engines in the city of zaporozhye, where the impact version of the old s200 rocket was redesigned. all this production, apparently, has been destroyed today by our high-precision weapons. the missiles
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targeted military airfields in starokonstantinov and kolomyia, where they were preparing to deploy nato f-16 aircraft. about such powerful blows. will inevitably follow, in ukraine they had to guess, this happened after two terrorist attacks on the crimean bridge, this happened now, what will be the response to militant attacks on belgorod and kursk region, the russian president made it clear a week ago during a meeting with permanent members of the security council. the kiev neo-nazi regime is trying to carry out a number of criminal demonstrative armed actions. this is primarily an attack on...
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as expected , they do not talk about the consequences of the destruction of military infrastructure in ukraine, but the ministry of energy of the country has already called the missile strike the largest, in some cities, for example, in kharkov, there was a blackout, there was no light, no communications, kharkov region is the goal of our the military space forces had at least two energy facilities: zmeyevskaya tets and tets-2. in western ukraine, burshtynska tes in the ivano-frankivsk region was damaged, this is the country's largest thermal power plant, the turbine hall was reportedly destroyed. the lepatbur thermal power plant also goes to neighboring countries, romania, hungary, slovakia; in the vinnitsa region, explosions occurred at the lodyzhinskaya thermal power station.
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the gas transportation system has also been destroyed in most regions. this was stated by naftogaz of ukraine. energy infrastructure damaged also in lviv and khmelnytsky regions. emergency power outage schedules have been introduced. direction, over 3,000 ukrainian militants and traitors, seven tanks, 15 armored vehicles were destroyed, today footage of the destruction of the american m-777 howitzer along with its crew was published near our border, 30 km from it - belgorod and there again explosions in dense residential
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buildings from missile systems burst fire, killed and two wounded. in valentina solovyova’s report on the situation in other border settlements affected from shelling. district of the city, the arrival was approximately 7:30 in the morning, a shell hit the roadway, at that time a local resident was walking her dog here, she died, it was not possible to save her, but we see that the facade of a residential building was cut, glass was broken, special service, the moment the shell arrived was caught on video, once again a woman was just walking her dog, this is footage from a neighboring yard, several cars were completely burned out after the impact, two wounded people were getting ready to go to work, the owner of one of these cars, alexander was inside the car at the moment, when a ukrainian shell was already flying at him, he was warming up the car, the alarm went off on the phone that there was a missile danger, he jumped out of the car, everything
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was coming, fortunately he managed to bounce off, it immediately burned with the car, or that, of course, there was a direct hit on the car, the car immediately hit then along the chain, the rest caught fire, several honeys were cut by shrapnel. understands that people have been putting up with it since '14, we 've been putting up with it here for so long, but how can we, and there they've started to get indignant, but we 've been putting up with the russian people for years, despite the shelling, so there was half an hour ago, and you were in the mood, no, no, no, we can’t be defeated, we’ll go hand-to-hand. every day , militants use large-caliber artillery to hit border settlements in the belgorod region. now we are entering the grayvoronsky urban district. we are traveling together with popular front activists, bringing humanitarian aid to the residents of grayvoron,
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who, despite regular shelling, refused to leave their homes. on the road , fresh craters from arrivals, unexploded shells, mine clearance services are marked with tires or anything else. large objects, this the very center of grayvoron, a pedestrian street , here you can see the consequences of the arrival, there have always been crowds here, but now - on the street... you can hardly meet people in the city, they just hit the city, and civilians , many who were just taken out here now from the border village of kazinka, now it looks like this: 16 civilians still remain in these houses, families with small children left their native village under fire, how do you explain the shots to the children? we say, this is my uncle playing, and my son, this is their grandfather, he he says, yes, it’s thunder, can you see the sky ?
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people's front activists are delivering humanitarian aid targeted to people's homes, guys , thank you very much, god bless them, we hope for the best, as over time they will be taken away somewhere, if you lose heart, then there is no light to live here at all, a fighting spirit in the good sense of the word, because both people and we are really waiting for victory, victory will be ours, because the guys are great, everyone on the front line really doesn’t give up.
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to encourage people, where do you get the strength from? energy, you see, it comes from somewhere, probably due to the gratitude of people , i took out, i don’t know how many, but definitely more than a hundred people in my car, well, in an armored car, how it turned out, as you look to this situation, that they are hitting peaceful houses , well, this is, you know, this is fascism, there is no other word for it, residents are trying to help the military, the popular front has developed a special radar application. where anyone can report a drone or a projectile flying, the data immediately goes to the
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response services. we choose, well, relatively speaking, there is a drone there, report the fact of arrival , that is, we see that the drone is flying, we point, take photographs and write comments, and the application, when you download the application, it automatically prompts you to select the region in which you live, and it also automatically gives a geolocation of where it is located, this primarily helps the military, it also protects citizens of the russian federation from shelling, because all messages that come to the radar are automatically sent to all special services, you can download the application on your video camera using the qr code that you see on the screen; the number of its users is already about half a million people. valentina solovyova, alexey bokhvalov, grigory emelyanov, tatyana bakulina and stanislav opletin, channel one. it was decided to remove 9.00 children from the belgorod region away from danger;
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more than ten regions are ready to accept them; places for their accommodation, study and recreation have already been prepared: dagestan, stavropol, moscow region, st. petersburg , tula, yaroslavl, ulyanovsk regions. to penza to health camps on special the first group of children from the shebekinsky, grayvoronsky and belgorod districts departed on a dedicated train today. i think i’ll see a lot of good, amazing things, be in a good mood, otherwise we’re sitting at home, i want to see a lot of new friends at the camp, meet someone there, and i think it’ll be cool, we’ll see off our granddaughter in a good mood, we’re happy , that the main thing will be safety, i’m seeing off my daughter, an egg sports camp, i’ll be doing the school program, i’m in a great mood, we thought it would be a little bit.
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under the chair, after that the roof of the crocus city hall caught fire, it is now burning, i ask the operator to take a closer look at it, the fire department, the fire department is here, the ambulance is here , yes, yes, in this regard it is a very large area, it is difficult to estimate it, maybe 100, there may be more square meters, and special vehicles are approaching from all sides, and according to some data, people remain in the building, and it is known that the governor of the moscow region went to the site at the operational headquarters, everyone who should be here is here now,
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alexander, it is unknown, but they definitely exist, i i’ll add your information, alexander. more than 50 regional and moscow ambulance brigades will gather at tikrok site hola, amon cathedral, firefighters there, regarding the work of the operational headquarters headed by the governor, it is already in place, everything is working as usual. sergei sobyanin ordered to provide all necessary assistance to the victims. alexander, i give the floor to you. well, from where i am, i can only see. i don’t see the fact that emergency service vehicles are constantly arriving, constantly approaching and approaching people who would leave the city hall building, at least they are not visible at a distance of 300-500 m, our correspondent
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alexander lyakin works at crocus city hall, where? there was a shooting today. so, we will return to this topic during the release, we will keep everything under control while we continue. seven traitors who were preparing acts of violence in the interests of ukraine were detained by the fsb in moscow. machetes, an axe, knives, an arosol pistol, pepper spray, flags with enemy symbols, confiscated during searches, correspondence in gadgets with those who switched sides enemy and took part in hostilities against our army, year of birth. the president has more than once demanded that the president more than once demand a tougher fight against those who have taken up the path of treason, but the ideology that guides them is dangerous in itself. this is how vladimir putin began a video conference with permanent participants of the russian security council today. dear colleagues, good afternoon. as a first question, today we will consider measures to
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combat the spread of neo-nazist ideas. i won’t go into details, we... give ourselves the report is what it is and how important it is in the context of today's events, let's start working, please, we have two speakers, let's start, in the pacific fleet , the volkhov submarine, with a caliber cruise missile, hit a target at a training ground in the khabarovsk territory, the distance exceeded 100 km, safe shooting was ensured.
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to close ranks for the sake of a successful shot, it’s quite another to actually come to an agreement. the hungarian prime minister, for example, finds his colleagues' ideas dangerously crazy. we must be careful not to succumb to this psychosis of twenty state leaders and not lose the ability to correctly navigate in accordance with the hungarian national interests. the most alarming thing in this whole story is that things that were unthinkable just 2-3 months ago are becoming commonplace. i remember how the germans said that they were not ready to send lethal weapons to ukraine. weapons, they said, we’ll send better equipment and helmets. the ukrainians even laughed at this. now we are talking about the fact that germany will provide ukraine with missiles that can reach moscow or deep into russia. therefore, what now looks ... absurd and impossible, in 2-3 months may become a reality; according to mr. orban, the impossible, which under certain circumstances may turn out to be possible,
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includes macron’s reasoning about sending troops to ukraine , which still frightens the old world . warlike rhetoric is firmly entrenched in the minds of those sitting at the round table, and it seems that the armor of european knights, ready to go on a new crusade, is about to rattle. the prime minister of estonia is vying for a place in the vanguard. me i'm worried about russia's victory, if they win, then the security architecture of the whole of europe, and not just europe, but the whole world, will be at stake. we will see more wars everywhere. ms. kallos also made a statement the day before that she was committing political suicide by radically increasing defense spending, but there was no choice. it is difficult to say what european politicians are counting on in an attempt to sell the imaginary idea of ​​a russian threat, but this is exactly the horror story that the summit participants are diligently painting on their own.
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"we were on the verge of reasonable negotiations several months ago, even before putin’s re-election and zelensky’s military degradation, us leaders learned of this possibility and issued an ultimatum to zelensky: no negotiations or settlement. or we will not support your government with non-military funds in the amount of 45 billion dollars, which ukraine now receives
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annually . war, and bring global war to the brink destruction of all humanity, this is obvious, these are just horror stories for ordinary people in order to extract additional money from taxpayers... in the usa , to extract additional money from european taxpayers in the confrontation with russia in the ukrainian theater of military operations. the goal is to weaken
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russia as much as possible. it is obvious that in the search for means to achieve its goal, the united states persistently invites europeans to participate and even encourages them to pay attention to frozen russian assets. and although the eu summit did not immediately promise anything finally decide. this time the discussion is active. i am glad that the leaders approved our proposal to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets, this will ensure the purchase of military equipment for ukraine, we can expect about 3 billion euros in 2024, similar amounts in subsequent years. european financial thought, however , extends much further than the use of interest on other people's money. there is an idea to find a way so that ukraine’s friends have everything at their disposal, and they don’t have to pay anything for it. this requires a certain level of financial stability.
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dollars, so that it does not look like theft and does not frighten off those who are accustomed to keeping money in a european savings bank, the task is, frankly, non-trivial, it is no coincidence that this idea has even more opponents than the bold plan to send nato troops to ukraine with the clear prospect of starting a third world war war. kiril brainin, ekaterina koryaka, alina abdyukhanova and sergei prokofiev first. the topic was developed on the other side of the atlantic. the un security council directly posed the question to russia: is the west ready? fight with our country? georgiy lisashvili followed the discussion. at the very beginning of the meeting , russian postpret vasily nebendya said that nato’s involvement in the conflict in ukraine is much greater than is recognized in the west. taking into account the fact that the ssoo has not been fighting with its weapons for a long time, we can say that the goal of our svo is to demolish. now the militants survive solely on supplies from nato countries, but even despite the forced transfer to the front of the most expensive
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western equipment. russian armed forces they consistently continue to destroy abrams, leopards and highburs. at the same time, a new moment was the more clearly realized course of kiev’s western curators towards escalating the crisis due to the fact that the war against russia at the hands of ukrainians does not bring the desired results. the reasoning of washington and brussels, at the same time, according to the russian permanent representative, is extremely contradictory. relatively recently , these same states argued that ukraine should be accepted. nato, because russia will not dare to attack an alliance country. now we can hear completely the opposite: kiev cannot be allowed to lose, because russia will not stop in ukraine and will attack nato countries. where is there any consistency in your statements? do you realize that with your irresponsible rhetoric you are raising the stakes and risk moving the conflict into a new, acute and unpredictable phase. against this background, how can we interpret regular calls for russia
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to start negotiations? we note the increased number of requests from foreign partners to us with calls to move on to negotiations to end hostilities. leaving behind brackets the fact that the kiev regime, as we have seen more than once, is in principle incapable of agreement, and has itself legally prohibited any negotiations with russia, i would like to ask everyone present a question: with whom should we conduct these negotiations, at least hypothetically ?
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meeting in order to once again complain about the assistance that is provided to ukraine for its self-defense and to note that the supply of weapons to ukraine is prolonging the war that was started by the kremlin. we once again call on russia immediately withdraw troops from the territory of ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. the security council, which was designed as a body where leading powers seek compromise through dialogue, appears to be increasingly turning into an arena of behind-the-scenes pressure. before the meeting on ukraine at... american diplomats literally forced their colleagues to vote in support of washington, and they eventually raised their hands behind the fig in their pocket , hoping that moscow would veto.
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a line of petitioners is reaching out to us. channel one usa. and again to the topic of the hour shooting in the crocus city hall concert hall in the moscow region. more than 70 ambulances from regional and moscow teams were delivered to the scene of the emergency. more additional information security measures have been strengthened at the capital's airports. well, our correspondent alexander lyakin is here with new information, he’s live. alexander. our camera yes.
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they are in the building, including on the roof, there is information that they are being rescued, creatures, here, the operational headquarters, everyone has arrived here, 70 ambulances have already been named, but they are constantly arriving and some of the cars are leaving, that is, such a carousel around this square in front of the building, here are all the special security services, here is the operational headquarters, which is headed by the governor of the moscow region, it is known that this evening...
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at least five armed people burst into the building, three of them were three had automatic weapons and opened fire on unarmed people who came to the concert. it has begun. panic and the death toll is known, their number is being clarified, but the fire does not stop, the fire is getting stronger, but the firefighters are working, this is not visible from here, with this point is not visible to the work of firefighters, but i repeat once again, the color of the smoke has turned white, which means they are pouring water on it and fighting the fire, andrey, i fought.
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the american white house said it was aware of what happened and called the footage from the scene horrific. the federal medical and biological agency has strengthened teams in operating rooms to evacuate people, and the moscow department has sent large capacity buses. and just now it was reported according to interfax that... for now we continue the release. the central bank today, as expected, left the key
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rate at 16%. as the central bank reported, alternative options were not even discussed. inflationary pressure, although weakening, still remains relatively high. credit resources will still be quite expensive, but deposit rates will remain attractive. against this background, the russian economy continues to grow rapidly. the economy is growing above potential, as evidenced by persistently elevated inflation pressures. inflationary expectations further fuel consumer demand. citizens' interest in large purchases has been growing since december. this is largely due to rising incomes. and now we are witnessing a rather unusual situation where strong growth in savings is accompanied by active growth. in the future, we expect that the accumulated effect of tightening monetary conditions will motivate people to save even more, and this will contribute to a more pronounced slowdown in inflation. on the medical topic,
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thrombus, cardiac arrest, clinical death, it would seem that there is no chance, but the coordinated operational work of doctors, plus new technologies, the patient has a chance not to only salvation, but for complete restoration, in case. second birth and how does time stop when the minutes are counting? they pulled me out, i kind of, to be honest, i didn’t expect that so many people would walk around me, vadim evgenievich was between life and death for several days, how he ended up in intensive care, he doesn’t know, everything happened with lightning speed, sharp pain in the heart area, further memory loss. the only thing, according to the information that my neighbor’s wife told me, which...
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often develops with cardiovascular diseases, in such cases it takes just a few minutes for resuscitation, but technology today makes it possible to literally freeze time. you understand, when you are standing on the edge of an abyss, and you are holding on to some kind of rope and you know, here you have an abyss, now you let go of your hand, you are finished, but here, well, how does consciousness chick-chick, a similar incident happened the other day in samara, acute pain behind the sternum, ambulance - loss of consciousness, this time the patient’s heart stopped. for 50 minutes, we were called to the emergency room, he was on a gurney in pain,
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as if with signs of clinical death, when we had already achieved restoration of hemodynamics, that is, blood pressure, heart rate, artificial, yes, we were already at coagulation rest, took him to the intensive care unit, connected him to a ventilator , and of course, the main question is what andrei semyonovich saw until his heart was beating, yes, this question interests everyone, but , unfortunately, i didn’t see anything there, or maybe fortunately, fortunately, that... fulfilling one’s duty, what they fight until end for the patients' lives. and in conclusion release once again the topic of the hour: shooting in
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the crocus city hall concert hall in the moscow region. there are killed and wounded. the quantity is being specified. judging by the video, there were five attackers, three with machine guns and two clearly directing the actions. machine gun fire was opened in the stalls before the start of the rock concert. then a grenade was thrown, there is a version that it was an incendiary bomb. an explosion, a fire, a third of the crocus building was engulfed, taz reports. interfax reported a second explosion, but this requires verification. the tapes also receive data about pops due to fire. inside there were people left. they were removed from the roof using lifts. the ministry of emergency situations rescued 100 people from the basements. many managed to evacuate earlier, 15-20 minutes after the attack. 70 regional and moscow ambulance teams were sent to the scene. the first victims have already been admitted to hospitals. the head of the ministry of health controls the assistance. mikhail murashka. two are in moderate condition. the law enforcement
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agencies are taking the necessary measures in connection with the shooting in crocus. this was reported by the russian fsb. in place is amon and the cathedral, a division of the russian guard. movement on the moscow ring road in this area is blocked in both directions. the mikini metro station is right there, operating as usual . there is a headquarters headed by the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin expressed himself.
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cognac, monte shococa, stellar group product, rom castro, stellar group product, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, stirsman bourbon, product. stellar group whiskey mancacher product of stellar group gin сnop product of stellar group e'.
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friends, that’s why i’m running along the road with my magical pattiphone, my sad torment. cheerful speeches , friendship is born, light is born, a big secret for a small , for a small company, for a modest company, such a huge secret, and there was a second with someone, and there would only be someone to talk to, but there would be only one person to talk to, and it was b-, but it
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was b-, and it was b, but there was only someone to talk to, hello everyone, welcome to the best! today we have an unusual release, it will contain as much finesse as you have not yet saw, because not only cool kids, but also small animals, that is, children of people and children of animals, will appear on our sofa, and that’s not all the surprises, we are starting the biggest show about the little ones, the best! our next participant has a unique talent, at the age of 9 she knows how to control several aircraft at once, she is the best at the show, pigeon trainer alisa mikhalevskaya, come
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on, you’re young, come on, you’re young, come on, you’re young, let’s be young, let’s be young , young for the road, give way young people, give way. hello, hello, alice, who are you with today? i came with a dove, his name is tom, it ’s like, you know, he’s not real, he’s so beautiful, he has this tail just like a peacock. this is such a breed, peacock pigeons, they have long been used as decoration in castles. of course, it's true, it's like decoration. tell me, how long have you been working with pigeons? i’ve been doing pigeons for a year, my mom and dad gave me my first pigeon on the advice of my trainer, what kind of circus trainer do you have, in the circus studio, yes, yes, in the circus studio, and so you were working there, the coach brought a pigeon, and he brought pigeons, brought props and gave them to me, well, i was
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new then, and let the new ones try, i asked my mother for a very long time, one time i come home... my from school and i see in the hallway there is a cage with two pigeons, i kissed mom and dad so much, you just couldn’t believe your eyes, do pigeons live in your apartment? no, we live in a private house, there is a two-story cage on our street, yeah, but that one, we call these apartments, how many do you have total pigeons? i only have five pigeons, yeah, but they have different characters, there is someone harmful. they have very different characters, he likes to hug, kiss , there are other pigeons who don’t like, they love, don’t touch me, don’t come near me, but how do they listen to your commands then, if you took a pigeon, that’s just it, you have to first tame him, and then start
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practicing with him, repeat one trick several times, do you want me to teach you the simplest trick, give me one hand, can i stay away? i'm here like that, yes i'll leave my hand i'll leave you alone no, that’s exactly what you need, maybe first a compliment is still normal, but this is a trick , i already think the dresser is tickling my hand like that , why is he moving towards me oh, he’s so ticklish to me , this is very ticklish, i can’t do anything, give me a second one, i won’t give you a second hand, you sit down alice what do you want what are you doing? my god, he dug his claws into my hand, why do you pull this hand a little, straighten it, straighten it, where, and this le, oh god, this is a ladder, let it go, lord, like this, alisochka, please, my arms
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are bending , so i'm considered a trainer pigeon, huh?


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