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tv   Vsyo proshlo khorosho  1TV  March 23, 2024 12:55am-3:06am MSK

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stop, we're leaving.
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what does it mean? god knows, i didn’t start this war, but i ended it. we are leaving. what are you doing to me, but if god forbid, what happens to you, but you’re my only daughter, yes, but don’t cry, dad, because you’re a horse.
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hello, there is a special news release on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. so, a monstrous terrorist attack in the moscow region. at this moment it is known that 40 people were killed and more than 100 were injured. the data is preliminary and official, but it has not been updated for several hours. let me remind you, armed the criminals broke into the kroku city hall building and began to shoot the people there. the meeting's operational headquarters is currently working on site.
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and those, accordingly, who can be identified here, we understand that we have no right to do so, the ministry of emergency situations, of course, is doing their job, extinguishing the building, and we, accordingly, are now concentrating only on those who are wounded in hospitals, we moscow, and federal clinics and the moscow region, khinke, krasnodorsk and odintsovo, respectively, so we will deal with the hotline, we will do our own. tasks, and then you already held an operational headquarters in the operational unit, all services are in place, everyone is doing their own thing, accordingly our task is to provide complete information on those who are hospitalized, these are moscow, the moscow region and federal clinics, four cities in our moscow region , dolgoprudny, khimki, odintsovo and krasnogorsk, where those who were respectively delivered in our clinic were hospitalized, we will publish the lists in the near future. the straight line we are
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opening now is 122.0 in order to get the necessary information for those who are looking for their loved ones and relatives. and the first list of victims of the sitikholi crisis appeared on the website of the ministry of health of the moscow region, in total in the moscow region 145 people were injured, many were hospitalized in the capital’s clinics, well, it is clear that the total number will be much higher than announced at the very beginning. the condition of many is serious or extremely serious, nine people, doctors are fighting for their lives. only at the moscow regional ambulance station registered four dead, 33 people were hospitalized there, one of them a child, according to preliminary data, this is a girl. there is also... information that the boy was hospitalized in moscow; in total, at least eight children were injured; as it becomes clear, quite a few of them came to crocus city for the concert. in the first minutes after what happened in the city hall, everything was reported to vladimir putin: the president receives operational information and
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gives all the necessary instructions, his press secretary dmitry peskov said. to provide assistance after the tragedy there will be all resources of medical organizations in the moscow region, moscow and federal medical centers are involved. reported this. cabinet of ministers, control over the provision of assistance to the head of the ministry of health , mikhail murashko. the first news about the tragedy in the moscow region appeared at the beginning of nine in the evening. here are some shots from the scene. a group of criminals attacked croca city hall. a lot of people gathered in the building at that moment. big concert of the popular rock band picnic. all tickets have reportedly been sold, which means more than 6,000 people could theoretically find themselves in the building at the time of the attack. and many of them, even. they didn’t understand what exactly happened, eyewitnesses themselves talk about it. here are shots of the first seconds of the attack, unknown masked men with machine guns enter through the main entrance, shooting at everyone in their path. judging by the footage, there are four terrorists, although there were reports that there could be five. be that as it may, two are firing from machine guns,
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two are walking behind, apparently directing the actions of the killers. we cannot and will not show how unarmed people were shot of people. the footage from the scene is very brutal. this footage was filmed in fai. on the balcony in the auditorium, three people were firing , as eyewitnesses say, the terrorists, having broken through from the faye into the auditorium, began to shoot from right to left, and after the shooting they threw a molotov cocktail, a fire started, the fire spread rapidly, the flames engulfed the roof, the fire area, according to preliminary data, was 13.00 km, a partial collapse of the roof occurred, at least three helicopters arrived to extinguish the flames, including the world’s largest serial mi-26, they all dumped water on the roof of the building;
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our correspondent konstantin is also working there , and our correspondent konstantin is broadcasting live. konstantin, we are waiting for details of what is happening in crocus now. andrey, hello, well, in moscow it’s now about one in the morning, so more than 4.5 hours have passed since the terrorist attack, this is what we are seeing now here in the parking lot and in general on the territory of crocus city hall, from the moment the first ambulances, the first cars, special equipment of the security forces and the fsb began to arrive here. and since that time, the russian guard has not seen any fewer of these vehicles and equipment here, and we only observe how more and more new vehicles periodically arrive here, delivering here, apparently , specialists who are now needed here to conduct investigative actions, to carry out inspections and for general completion of fire extinguishing. as for the actions
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of the security forces, when the journalists were just arriving here, it was approximately 9:00 pm moscow time, that is, about 30-40 minutes after shots were fired in the building crocus siticho. the area nearby , which the cameraman is now showing, is the area literally in front of the entrance to crocus city hall, it was not cordoned off, and there, in general, in one general crowd there were victims, doctors, security forces, and this, of course, interfered with the work of special authorities and, of course, firefighters in the first place security forces, and therefore at some point a decision was made to clear this territory, the journalists were moved to the same distance that we are now, about 200, probably meters from the entrance, and... our colleagues who work on the other side of the building then captured the footage that followed, and the special forces of the russian guard completely inspected the entire parking area, because there were concerns about whether something else was mined here, whether there were cars with homemade explosive devices, shortly before
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our broadcast, the russian guard reported that this inspection, the cleanup has been completed at this point, we can already say for sure that the territory adjacent to... not only the cathedral, the entire management works here, including operational headquarters, was one of the first to arrive here. at the moment there is no other information regarding their fate, it was previously reported that
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a search is underway, this is actually the last thing that was said on this topic, and as for actually extinguishing the fire that arose as a result of explosions that were heard inside, and the fire spread over about 13.00 km, for several hours we watched as helicopters arrived here one after another, a string of them dumping tons of water on the roof of the kraku city hall building and now - for the first time, probably in a long time , for about 10 minutes we don’t hear the rumble of helicopter engines, this indicates that the water discharge is completed, we don’t see an open flame on the roof, information has already been received, the ministry of emergency situations reports that there is a fire localized, about 160 tons of water were dumped on the roof of the building, but the work of rescuers of the ministry of emergency situations and, accordingly , firefighters of moscow and the moscow region continues here on the spot, because the colossal territory of crocus city has to be examined, this is a huge object, therefore the work of the security forces firefighters and doctors, it has not yet been exhausted here, as for doctors, it is working here, according to the ministry
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of health, according to the government, more than 70 ambulances are on duty, and some time ago we saw ambulances with sirens and special they were leaving the parking lot with sound signals, apparently they were taking someone else somewhere, and indeed the data is now being updated by the ministry of health of the moscow region, the last figure that was published there, 145 victims, including children and... the moscow region reported that , that a girl was hospitalized with a gunshot wound, children's ombudsman belova reported that a boy was hospitalized with a gunshot wound, so children, children are also among the victims, sadly, the work continues, rescue doctors and in general everyone, we are all here today we will still be there for a large amount of time, because well , there should still be a lot of information coming in regarding... regarding the investigation, as i already said, but here we, of course, rely on data, official,
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data from the fsb, the investigative committee, the russian guard and the ministry of internal affairs, andrey. yes, konstantin, the information will be updated, we will definitely come back to you during the issue. the agency rator reported about half an hour before our release that the terrorist group of the islamic state claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in kroku city hole; it is banned in russia. it is clear that such information needs to be verified, however, it exists. in connection with the terrorist attack, hotlines of various services have been opened, mobile operators are canceling fee for calls, a single helpline, you can call from any region, 8 800 333 44 34. the ministry of health of the moscow region will answer the numbers +7 498 60203 01, +7 498 602 0303, admission of sick victims to moscow hospitals per day +7495 621 . emergency psychological assistance of the ministry of emergency situations of russia +7495 989
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5050 other communication lines are also working, the full list is published by the government portal objasnyaem.rre in its telegram channel. as has already been reported, there are children among the victims of the terrorist attack. according to updated information, there are at least eight of them. among those who was taken to the hospital, one boy with a gunshot wound, as you heard, another child was hit with the butt of a machine gun. she told me about this. presidential commissioner for children's rights maria lvova belova. according to her, her condition is stable, doctors assess it as moderate. according to the regional authorities, two one-year-old girls were admitted to the krasnogorsk hospital, also with gunshot wounds. residents of moscow and the region are calling to donate blood for the victims; many people need it. federal medical and biological agency reported that tomorrow from 15 am the blood center will begin accepting donors. you can also contact other addresses. in the capital, this is the donor center on the treadmill. polikarpova street 14. tsaritsina donor center. on baku, 31 and another donor center on shabolovka, on baku, one is a donor center on
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shabolovka, building 57. what is important, you must have a snills passport with you. a supply of necessary medications, there are now a lot of them in medical institutions, but in such situations the bank always needs to be replenished blood. surgeons, resuscitators and psychologists from the fmba are now working at the scene of the tragedy. well, at the capital's institute of emergency medicine. they are packing up operating rooms and decided to simply leave in order to free up wards for the victims , of course, now
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there is no information on the workload of hospitals, but judging by the number of ambulances, it can be assumed that a new operating room will be required, and additional operating rooms and... health, colleagues, thank you, olga , olga knyazeva live, in the moscow region security measures have been strengthened at the entrances and when leaving the capital, reinforced crews of traffic police officers are on duty, they are equipped with personal protective equipment, the ministry of transport maintained the maximum third level of security at all transport facilities, additional screening at airports, they
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work as normal, but passengers are asked to arrive in advance, the same is true at train stations russian railways have strengthened control. on trains, at stations, crowded places, and at moscow metro stations, employees check bags and backpacks of passengers at the entrance. security measures have been increased in all shopping centers, owners are recommended to strengthen security with the help of the national guard. in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city, the ministry of education and science recommended that universities transfer students to distance learning on saturday. menkult has canceled mass and entertainment events in its federal institutions for the coming days. this decision was made in the capital, moscow mayor sergei sabya announced this in his telegram channel. joined for security reasons and as a sign of solidarity and power of many other regions, territories and republics throughout the country, in including in new regions. a high alert regime has been declared in the leningrad region, in simferopol - a spontaneous memorial on the central square of the city, in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks in sitikholi. people laid out the inscription "moscow mourns and continues to bring flowers" from burning candles.
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lamps and a whole sea of ​​scarlet carnations at the embassy of our country in minsk, the residents of belarus are mourning together with... with the russians, near the deposition building , also soon after the news of the tragedy , a spontaneous memorial appeared, to which people are coming now, even despite the late hour. chronology of this evening's events in the material of dmitry kulko. the beginning of the attack on visitors to crocus city hall was caught on the dvr camera of a passing car. a white car stops ahead, from which the terrorists get out and immediately open fire with automatic weapons on the people at the entrance. they go inside, shooting at everything. on their way, hearing shots, visitors do not immediately understand what is happening, then they begin to run away, try to hide in the foyer and corridors, we are now in the crocus, it has begun shooting, the first reports of the attack appeared at 20:15, at this time the performance of one of the domestic rock bands was supposed to begin , to which many people came, it is known that
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all tickets for the concert were sold, the hall is designed for 6,200 people, eyewitnesses report that there were five terrorists. the footage clearly shows four people, two with weapons, two more apparently directing their actions. at about the same time, the attackers break into the auditorium and detonate ammunition. according to eyewitnesses, it was a molotov cocktail. the chairs catch fire and the fire quickly spreads throughout the building. this is what people who managed to escape during the attack say. at first, people started running quickly, there was some kind of incomprehensible noise, then i saw that there were people following them, shooting, they were firing faster, faster at these doors. we were in the very top far corner. we entered in about 3-5 minutes, took a photo in front of the stage, just sat down, shooting started, well , we heard it from different sides, and we were sitting in the far upper corner, we were on the edge edge went to the evacuation exit, sat in the hall above, where the balconies were, then they heard shots, at first they did not understand what had happened,
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then i personally saw how the terrorists came in and began to shoot everyone. they finally threw molotov, everything was on hold, we were led to the exit, later several more explosions thundered in the crocus, everything inside was shrouded in smoke, terrorists walked around the hall, firing bursts, people pressed themselves to the ground, trying to hide behind the backs of chairs, after 15-20 minutes they began to get out in polish troops, they gave up the concert, people were gathering, they heard clapping, shooting, machine gun fire, short bursts of smoke, people ran in all directions, it was unclear where to go, at first they stayed in the toilet because... there was a crowd, then the lights went out, there was already a lot of smoke, with the help of firefighters we partially went down on the wires , the firemen had already partially set up the ladder and we... one by one lowered the child, the women, and went out. visitors tried to find a safe way to the street; some escaped through underground rooms. shooting started,
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there was a picnic at the concert, we now managed to hide, we some basements came out onto the street, people remained in the area, not understanding what had happened, some visitors were hiding inside, a barricader. passages. among those who found themselves in the crocus at the time of the tragedy was our colleague, sports commentator viktor gusev. the start of the concert was approaching, it was already 8 o’clock, maybe the beginning of eight, a little , as usual, the concert was delayed, my wife and i were sitting in a box that hangs over the back of the stalls, suddenly at some point i saw that people were in stalls, as if from under my box, from the center of the hall, they rushed to the stage, and they climbed up the stage and ran behind the scenes, at the same moment i heard machine gun fire. organized some kind of show because people climbed onto the stage, and then when there was smoke, when i heard shots, i realized that
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something was wrong here, who was shooting, i didn’t see these people who did everything, because we, in turn, immediately rushed from the lie back into the corridor that unites these boxes, and this corridor was barricaded on both sides, there were men, women, teenagers, we began to barricade with furniture, but... in for some reason it was quite a long time, or it seemed to me that it was a long time, at some point they started knocking and we saw that it was a woman knocking, an employee of crocus, she said: let’s do the opposite, open one door along this staircase down, and we ran down, and apparently, going around this epicenter of faye, where everything terrible happened, we, in some kind of side passage, jumped out into the street, ran further towards the store your house and saw the rest only from afar. visited, got out from the top tiers of stairs, despite the fact that explosions were still heard on the second and first floors. at 20:32 , firefighters responded to smoke in crocus city hall, and at about the same time
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, the moscow sobr and omon officers were alerted. the fsb reported that law enforcement agencies are taking the necessary measures in connection with the shooting in crocus. meanwhile, the fire spread throughout the entire hall, within half an hour after the first reports of the attack , footage of the burning roof appeared, and the flames also engulfed the upper floors of the building. most visitors. could have run out of the building, but there were still people inside , they were removed from the roof by lifts, 100 people were rescued by the ministry of emergency situations from the basement, 70 regional and moscow ambulance teams were sent to the scene , the victims were taken to hospitals, the air ambulance service is working, a helicopter also took part in the fire extinguishing, 4 hours after the beginning of the attack , the fire was localized. dmitry kulko, natalya mashtakova and sergey prokofiev, channel one. words of sympathy, unconditional condemnation of terrorists and solidarity with... come from different countries from the leaders of belarus, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, armenia, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, abkhazia, prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, presidents of venezuela, bolivia, palestine
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, cuba, tajikistan, turkey, iran, iraq, egypt, jordan, qatar, bahrain, united arab emirates, tunisia, syria and pakistan, from the secretary general of the league of arab states, from the central african republic, serbia and the republika srpska of bosnia and herzegovina, israel. brazil, argentina, mexico, colombia, chile, nicaragua. the condolences were joined by the administration of the united states, the president of italy, the german foreign ministry, france, spain, austria, switzerland , malta, greece, slovenia, portugal, norway, belgium, the netherlands, luxembourg, canada, poland, the czech republic, the british and moldovan embassies in moscow, the official representative of the head of diplomacy of the european union. patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia prays for the dead victims. i am deeply shocked by the terrorist attack that took place in the crucus city hall concert hall, which
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claimed many civilian lives. the crime committed is striking in its cynicism and cruelty. i express my sincere condolences and my heart goes out to you you. i am convinced that law enforcement agencies and special services will do everything possible to successfully and as soon as possible solve the daring crime and bring it to justice.
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the non-biological agency receives blood donors in the capital at centers on begovaya and shabolovka in tsaritsina from half past eight in the morning. it is important to have your snils passport with you; according to the ministry of emergency situations, the fire was localized over a huge area of ​​almost 13 m. the roof of crocus partially collapsed. it is clear that there is still a lot of work to be done on the territory. firefighters and, of course, investigators. traffic restrictions in the area have been lifted. in moscow, the moscow region and other regions, mass and entertainment events have been cancelled. a number of universities will not conduct classes today, inspections have been stepped up at airport stations, the same thing in the metro, traffic police control entries and exits from the capital, vladimir putin gives all the necessary instructions to the relevant services, constantly receiving information from them, the president was missed about the incident reported immediately, said his press secretary dmitry peskov. and now it's urgent
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message, deputy prime minister. tatyana gollikova reports that almost all operations hospitalized after the terrorist attack were carried out, and the seriously injured were transferred to intensive care. that's all for now, stay tuned, changes have occurred in the first channel's broadcast schedule. all entertainment programs were taken off air for the weekend. goodbye. st. petersburg, 1721. your majesty.
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lieutenant demarin has arrived on your orders. from now on, not a foreman, but captain demarin, i serve the fatherland, glad to see you, balabo, hush, crow, that’s who, the light of russia, not you, shirkuns, courtiers, wherever you want to serve, in the life guards at court or to war, i’ll send you, i’m not accustomed to palaces, sir, bring back the natabol, there’s no war there. “so i ask that it never exist, that’s what i ’ve been thinking and dreaming about all my life, so that everyone understands that the power is strong through our renunciation, so that not for ourselves, but for each other, for the fatherland, and where are there such people in the russian state?
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to live and prosper to the envy of its enemies, that is what we have stood for and will stand for, from now until the end of time, to the faithful sons of russia, now living and laid down their heads, and separately, to captain dimarin. petrovich, well, if you confess to me, i’ll punish you, but i’ll save your life, no one hears you, tell me, it’s my fault, i didn’t keep alekseevich in my thoughts, i detained you. now i’m playing too much,
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send me, pyotr alekseevich, to a monastery, let me atone for my sins, experience, be it your way, zerzhiy!
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the city of tobolsk, ivan demarin and masha gave birth to five children and lived happily all their lives in tobolsk. where is peska? don't know. where are you running, children, let's go to dinner, dad, i'm our drum, we'll wake you up now, quietly, take care of the city, elijah the prophet, take care of the city, semyon ulyanovich remezov lived
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to be 80 years old, leaving the stone tobolsk cream to his descendants. the first maps of russia and chronicles of siberia. grandfather, look, grandfather, look, there is an angel. ivan buggolts, the founder of omsk, rose to the rank of major general and died in glory and honor at
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the age of 70. renat johan and brigitte scherzenfeld returned to sweden only 18 years later and became famous in their homeland by publishing detailed works.
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we've arrived, nadyusha, home to dumplings.
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wow, our people have arrived, well, thank you, oh, i’m running, i’m running, i’m running, hello, hello sergeevna, oh, welcome, welcome, leonid ivanovich, oh, we've been waiting a long time, mother. mother, the fur coat is new, i like it, of course, nadezh
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sergeevna, saved it is due for the renewal, i have a gift for you too, now let’s go and show you, mother, can’t you hear, we have arrived, i hear, i hear, it’s not deaf, i’m a dispatcher, this is drozdov, oh, what is this, it’s a black heel. the very fashion, come on, here's another try-on, yeah, yeah, oh, i'll go dance, i'll sparkle my heels, thank you, mother, where did you take my driver with a connection, to get sour cream to the state farm, that means, mother, a car without mine don’t call for permission, otherwise they won’t give orders to the garage anymore, ah, disorganization. general, you , he commands his nonisha wife, he raises his tail at his mother,
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leonid ivanovich, where are you going to have lunch, dinner, i hear you are being transferred to moscow, take me with you, who will let us into moscow without you, hello, hello, hello , welcome, leonid ivanovich, leave us, let ganich come in, yes, leonid ivanovich, there is this inventor about the corpse, i have no time. apologize to him, golya
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karimovna, let him come home to me will come in on the day off. turn to the fuel depot. let's get to the heart. come closer. the heating pipe
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burst, which i can’t hear, come over, i told you, well, we’ll be yelling across the yard, the pipe burst, i think it also burst while i was away, i thought it was something new , we’ll fix it tomorrow, so, something i i wanted to tell you, yes, yes, sending firewood to the apartment of our kulibin, lopatkin, a couple...
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excuse me, but you are back at school, yes, no, i came by on business, yeah, well, see you, yeah. well, usyanova, how do we translate this phrase? union council, i hope you know what it is? soviet union? what is the soviet union? for you, for all of us, prodi, this is our homeland,
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the soviet union. my homeland, that’s right, i’m giving you a b, well, look, next time , what about rima, nadezhda sergeevna, yesterday you gave me a d for a hint, with yanova you kept giving me hints, i heard it myself, vyaltsevy honopeto, girls, let syanova resolve ours herself doubts, if you were prompted, i will also give you two, they suggested, sit down. i'll leave you a c, but only for honesty, and for knowledge in don't wait for the next discrepancy. nadezhda sergeevna. nadezhda sergeevna, we are coming to you. i am listening to you. they have a large family, they are poor,
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she has to work a lot at home, so she does not do well at school. we are helping her.
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let me wish you great success in your new role in a ministerial position, thank you, leonid ivanovich has given you a hard time, happiness to you leonid ivanovich, happiness, thank you, brastislav petrovich, and you come to us for hunting , relax, hunt, i’m stunning the place, i with pleasure, with pleasure i will come, come on, they’ve given you an apartment , i don’t know, don’t take it on the sandy street, there are low ceilings, on the kaluga highway they say:
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that’s right, good evening, you said it’s a day off, but i see it’s not the right time, sorry, i’ll wait, come in, we don’t let guests go like that, come, come in, lenid ivanovich, i don’t shy away from the team, come in, we all have our own, hello, we have a new addition, good evening, nadezhda sergeevna, you sit in my place, take care, nadyusha for the guest, vodka with frost, let me tell you that i am a member.
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but tell me, how do you feel about the machine they are building in this regard? i mean avdiev's car. yesterday in casting? no, lopatkin, is this a real present day, because a car is the fruit of collective labor, in contrast to your solitary handicraft? i am at least a loner, but not for myself. thanks for the treat, but i'm in a hurry. are you offended? all the best, goodbye. here you go.
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are you coming to us? yes, to you. come in. hello.
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oh, hello. and you come in, come in. mom, masha is kicking again. change your seat, change your seat. come on in, sit down and help yourself to some of our potatoes. thank you, i'm on business with you. what kind of business is this, i’m simena’s teacher, and i wanted to ask you to free simena a little from homework, but i see that this is impossible, yes, our affairs are like this, i myself work and also work overtime, we have the same name as mistress , our mother is sick, now our hostess, oh, good girl, don’t want some steamed milk, the whole house is on her, take off the raincoat and come here to our half, it will be brighter there, thank you, our
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permanent tenant, help, dmitry alekseevich, hello, nadezhda sergeevna, well, yes, you must know each other, yes, we are acquaintances, please, come in, sit in my place, you don’t want our potatoes, agash. give me a plate, like this, also a teacher , please, you have captured our entire family assembled, and as you can see, so to speak, our entire team is on edge, doesn’t drink, doesn’t kick the bucket , i see, and this is your job, and mine, dmitry alekseevich, if it’s not difficult, what is the essence of your invention? let me smoke, uncle and i peter only one at a time. yes, of course, smoke around, everyone smokes, they don’t smoke like that.
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i’ll be happy to tell you, besides, i don’t want to. so that you share a common view of me as a city madman, but you know that at one time i graduated from the university, here is your milk, nadezhda sergeevna, drink to your health, thank you, sima, there is war, injuries, so i come to teach music physics, i once took my class on an excursion to the production workshop of our plant, and i saw how pipes were made, and they were made as in the time of dimidov, in an obvious way, in an earthen form cast iron was poured from a hand ladle. this seemed so wild to me that i designed my own machine based on the principle of in-line centrifugal lithium. now, you can see, you see, the patent office recognized my invention as a useful original one. i got up and went to bed thinking that i was useful. i was even called to moscow, uncle peter and i danced to celebrate, and almost demolished the dugout. i’m giving up my physics, you remember, i’m going. and i find out that my car was reviewed
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by a certain avdiev. academician, and he spoke authoritatively during the discussion, fiction, well and if the academician says it’s fiction, the minister refuses to implement the project, and besides , avdiev has his own similar idea, do you want to say that he got it from you, but at least he stole it wisely, no, essentially, it’s the same demidov's method, only in modern packaging without uncle vasya with a ladle, and well, as you can see, i continue to work, and this is a new, improved version, i sent an application to moscow, to the casting institute. we are waiting for a call for discussion, you seem to have heard the rest at the table, and you don’t even get bread cards, during this time you go to school they took the new physicist, well, nothing, not with bread , as they say, alone, we would have had other cards for whatman paper, well, i don’t understand, you could have contacted the plant management, you didn’t
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understand much about the matter. in the simplicity of our souls we turned to comrade drozdov for whatman paper, he really gave us two sheets, like a wall newspaper, after all, we can’t live without whatman paper, and our carcass is chinese, well, nadezhda sergeevna, you won’t get lost anymore. that's it, nadyusha, goodbye muzga, did you receive the telegram? the appointment was approved by the central committee, an apartment in moscow was allocated, after 3 days we're leaving, so we're getting ready. well then, i want to ask you, otherwise i won’t have time to get ready. ask, we answer. well, tell me, how were you
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cultured people able to put on such a performance yesterday? “they almost made him into a city madman, and even in front of a stranger, they just attacked him, especially when he disappeared behind his back, you’re talking about the inventor, and why did this suddenly touch you so much, he doesn’t even receive bread cards, he was called to work over avdiev’s car, but no, he is a martyr, an exalted nature.” genius, but i don't believe in existence sublime natures, next to the concept of genius there is always the concept of the mob, and for him i am the mob, yes, i am the mob, then we go to the mob,
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a laborer of the collective cause, don’t smoke here, hello, i judge people the same way, whether he is a good or a bad builder of communism worker, why do i have the right to think so, because i can’t think otherwise, leonid ivanovich, i don’t understand, the plant exploded there, what are you threshing, even nightingales, when it exploded, who was on duty, well, let him think that he’s been fired to hell mothers, cast iron release, big? thank you, you consoled me, without sacrifice. lenya, what happened? and no calls to vdiev yet, work for the girl happened, normally menial work. yes, i’m going, what is svisunov hoping for? good afternoon, comrades. you know who i met yesterday,
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our dmitry alekseevich. lopatkina , oh, good, hot, but isn't this absurd, an excellent physics teacher takes off the corner, there are no cards... your certificate dmitry alekseevich, thank you, goodbye, the direct inspirers and
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organization of the soviet army and navy are you, you armed. so, comrades, the design of a machine for production centrifugal flying, the pipes that we have to click in machines like cigarettes are today cast in many places by hand, or on machines that are essentially not machines, but
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only devices for manual labor, and this despite the colossal possibilities that cast iron provides, cast iron is liquid, it flows like water, but we don’t use it, excuse me, let’s get to the essence of the project, please, cast iron, liquid, steel, thick, we went through this in school, the prerequisites for its creation, now not only are there no calculations, but there is no theory that would help us make such calculations, it seems like you were a physics teacher, yes, you were,
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but you didn’t become an engineer, fellow shovel, so you ended up theoretically, well, completely, excuse me, bankrupt, you wanted to build a fundamentally new machine by touch, so to speak, at random, but we have no such thing... science has not existed and will not exist, i still don’t hear real criticism of the project, i ask you to criticize specifically with a pointer and chalk in hand, allow me, i’m somewhat late to the beginning, but the car i know the author well, and i know the author too, i have a question: which is better? which is loaded from the muzzle or a machine gun? absolutely right, a machine gun, that’s what the author is proposing, he wants to eliminate the cannon servants and give instead a machine gun belt, which will save us time...
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i want to immediately object to you, well, object, you forget about centrifugal force, that heat loss in a hot rotating mold will be minimal, and the main thing is that as a result of tilting the mold during its rotation , the flowing metal will be instantly distributed along the entire length, based on the well-known formula, where the time of heat removal, overheating more filling time, but what do you say, pyotr venediktovich, but what can i say, it’s clear that it’s a dark matter, building this car means spending millions. dubious experiments, i wouldn’t want
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you to bother me with them, despite the fact that i tried to overwhelm you, but you know, this is the usual az... of a scientist, nothing more than that of a hunting dog, and you not a teacher, you are a very decent engineer, it is dangerous to argue with you, to let you down, thank you, me. okay, one question for you: is your machine suitable for casting bodies? rotations with internal voids? well, let's say, this shape. in principle, it all depends on the configuration of the gutter. and if you use another material, for example, an aluminum-magnesium alloy. all units contain a reserve of heat resistance. you don’t leave your
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cars, it’s a pity that my habitat is far from moscow, but i’m convinced we ’ll see you soon, be healthy,
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nothing, it seemed so.
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oh, strict, but fair, yes, nadyush, i keep forgetting to tell you, our fellow countryman, what a fight i threw at defending a project at the casting institute, and how, of course, ours was rejected karfay. guards his borders, and he left , what else, he’s sitting in moscow, scribbling complaints , i already have two lying around, and where is he sitting, it’s winter, and the devil knows, their inventors have skins like wolves, they’re not afraid of the cold , but the most important thing is that now i can see everything from above, it turns out that they called him for a reason, they have been introducing centrifugal casting abroad for a long time, but the avden machine is still unknown how it will behave?
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but this is disgusting, and you know better than anyone that ordinary theft is disgusting. lopatkin himself robbed, go, especially fresh ones and doesn’t like singles, she prefers marriage not for love, but for convenience, and she does it smartly. shur, i’m right, i’m asking you as a woman, but i’m also a woman, i’m answering you, you’re wrong, you’re a badass.
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what they did was not true, well, nadezhda sergeevna was offended, tired, or maybe upset, everyone is saying that from the new year the karchiki will be abolished and there will be new money, why are new ones bad for you, so how can they give a ten-kopeck piece for a ruble, but leave the old prices, like with cards, you will spread rumors, alexandra to the music, i'll send it back. you can, you can’t, oh, how strictly, but i’ll go in, according to the marriage certificate, then i’ll go out, that ’s it, i don’t love you. it’s not true, i have to love you, you know, you better not make me angry , you turned out to be such a petty person, you kill a living person, he didn’t even cross your path, and you and your people threw a noose and crush, crush, and crush this one, listen, come on
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so that this person in my house is no longer discussed, myself, but i didn’t think that you would be so excited, or are you already fascinated by our romantic hero? now i remember where i saw you, so your project with pipes turns out to be a pipe, sorry for the collab, but how do you
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know, don’t be afraid, i’m not a japanese spy, i had the pleasure of being present at your defense, colleague, hello, vasily, hello evgeniych, so, here we go,
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here is my den, be careful, there is a slipper here, just don’t be surprised. and there is something to protect here, don’t believe me, we need proof, please
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, so, this is a drink, and now a snack, incredible, but it needs to be done immediately, oh, even immediately, i thought so too, but while i was writing in authorities and waited for an answer... “ a sample of this powder was stolen from me, and now the americans are using it to extinguish fires in oil fields, but if only this, here you go, i ask you, this
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, this, this, here he is, people, walking down the street , i can’t give this to him, i’m giving up my life for nothing, and i can’t, but what am i telling you here, you tried it the hard way, i don’t declare my findings now, i don’t want the cradle to go to the damned poles, it’s better i’ll burn, together with her, one day bulba, have breakfast. you’re probably tired after all, we worked all night, then we’ll get some sleep. however, where do you sleep? you're not a muscovite, are you? listen! move in with me, i assure you that you sleep better here than at the station.
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busko, evgeniy ustinovich, a former professor at moscow university, and now a slanderer, a slanderer against soviet science, a hooligan, and many more titles that i can’t even remember. lopatkin, dmitry alekseevich, a former physics teacher, has not yet been awarded such titles, deserve it, colleague. everything is ahead, dmitry alekseevich lopatkin is not registered in moscow, 30 kopecks, please, please, thank you, next, girl, so what?
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what kind of music would evgeniy stinych go to the conservatory for a performance, we can afford it, i don’t know. more wonderful music than music about number theory.
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dmitry alekseevich, try even harder, with victory, evgeniy ustinovich, but the head.
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you can’t break street rules, sorry man, i’m not local, oh, wait, wait, thank you. “hello,
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nadezhda sergeevna owes you, i saw him, your inventor, you understood everything, nadezhda sergeevna, oh, he drove me around moscow, but it turns out he lives here, completely nearby, in lyakhov lane, but because if you’re just visiting, then the keys.” they don’t take the fender out of your pocket, i’ll come, i’ll tell you, uh-huh , hello, boy , hello, hello, please tell me, and dmitry alekseevich, uncle zhen, he lives with uncle zhenya, uncle zhenya, hello, hello, and lopatkin, dmitry alekseevich, i’m going to see him , and dmitry alekseevich, what’s your question, well, i’m his old friend. yes, you’ll distort it, old man, maybe you can wait? yes , yes, you are welcome! okay, here we have a living room,
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a creative room, so to speak, a master cabinet, so, oh, excuse me, now, i apologize, so you two live together, right? that is, we live together, but everything is legal , temporary registration and sit down, no , thank you, i’ll probably go, but you decided to leave after all, well , maybe it’s right, it’s a difficult day for the all-russian central council of trade unions, the ministry, the patent bureau, maybe i can give him something, yes, i, no, that is, thank you, here
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, excuse me, all the best, come here, oh , i fed lukiri palovna, as if he was back in the mood again, the apartment is moscow , our food is ural, to your health, then so, girls to the left , boys to the right, us and palanych also needs to gossip a little, shura, cut us a lemon, grab it, whatever it is, zinaed afanas, well, it suits you so well, but it’s a complete lie. “nothing suits me with my figure, oh, i’m confused, eh , how much crap you picked up in your special store, here’s my thing, i ’ll try it on any figure, yes, of course, please, oh, how good, and how much is that i gave it away, at
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current prices it would be 4200, well , i don’t have that kind of money . you don’t have to say, it’s none of my business, but mine just won’t notice, which means yours won’t recognize it, well, they decided, yes, i’m just now i can do two 800, i ’ll send you the rest from muzga, well, we agreed, don’t you believe me or something, then take it back, i
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don’t like it, zinada afanasyevna, i believe, of course i believe. lopatkin, lives here, dmitry alekseevich, here? what's your name? evgeniyunovich, that’s right. are you true, professor? excuse me, who are you? courier, pass it on. “citizen, you , wow, what is this, evgeniyvich, money, i understood by touch where it came from, the courier brought it, but
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some strange thing was not written down. this money is yours, calmly dispose of it in your own way discretion, the note must be kept, but now we have money, money, money, then 3.0, perhaps you know where they come from, i have no idea. you’re a child, give them to me right now, i’ll take them where they should be, along with a note , don’t you know that they’re from there, if they ’re from there, especially since we have to spend them quickly, we didn’t give anyone a receipt in blood, you madman, madman, madman, i beg you,
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give up this money, dear evgeniy ustinovich, and finally call on the logic that is so necessary for a scientist. if this unknown philanthropist, low bow to him, and if these are enemies, they need to be damaged, hence the conclusion: spend money on whatman paper, ink, cigarettes and materials necessary for your unbreakable tiles, the main thing is to update your wardrobe, i have a suspicion that we are sometimes met on clothes, and this is harmful to the matter, so now let’s go to mostork, please don’t drag me into your adventures, vily veliy, what the hell, first evening, come, primerenko, light, mevy,
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we sent a letter to the leadership of the russian federation , we understood that we we won’t be able to control the situation ourselves; we need our russian troops to arrive faster.
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the transfer of crimea to ukraine is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum. more than 96% were in favor of reunification with russia. we're in russia, guys. hooray! to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea. with russia, crimea, as it was, is on the first tomorrow. a symphony of five russian empires opened up to me, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and prosperity, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion. after death and pitch darkness, we again we are resurrected and moving along the paths of improvement. i am with the whole country.
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confession on monday first. hello, dmitry alekseevich, are you there? is it you, nadezhda sergeevna? we haven't lost our heads in moscow yet. hello. your cloak is new. and a hat and a sea of ​​mascara and batman. this is an amazing and strange story. i will go. you will find serge. yes, shura, you run, i’ll catch up now. a friend brings a comment.
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do you think i can? no, i do not think so. and to be honest, nadezhda sergeevna, you are still a wife as far as i am concerned known to be an ally of my enemy. i don’t know drazdov, i don’t want to know him anymore, and you’ll forgive me that speech i made at school, i was repeating other people’s stupid words. dmitry alekseevich, i will never betray you. honestly. meet me.
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nadezhda sergeevna. very nice. i promised nadezhda sergeevna tea from your wonderful tea leaves. there is tea, we bought it in eliseevsky. we even bought a cake. please, hope, have a seat, thank you. the guests and my secrets are known, by the way, nadezhda sergeevna, maybe you will recognize the knots i was talking about drozdov, i’m not, what are you talking about, this is a very simple projection, there are inscriptions, yes, well, i don’t know, it seems that this is the word they pronounced ladle, dispenser, but let it be, the rest is too tough for them, evgeniy ustinovich, well and
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what are you conjuring over? be careful, nadezhda sergeevna, professor busko’s inventions are terribly classified, yes, all foreign intelligence agencies are hunting for them, well, serge’s hope does not apply, here are ceramic tiles, intended, as you know, for tiling, for example, bathrooms, well, even the most beautiful ceramic tile, it has trouble, it breaks a lot during transportation , but thanks to -
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you know, i really like it with you, and i’m sure you are wonderful scientists, but in your experiments and thoughts, you completely forgot about such things as comfort, coziness, and excuse me, i’m not even talking about the frequency of order, i think you need a good housekeeper, in this capacity... i dare to offer myself to you, no, no, decorating our house with your presence is always, i’m not a painting, i’m a woman , no, this is impossible, why am i not soon? i will be able to repay that saving money, although the debt is recorded by me, and you know who, i don’t know anything, i’m not burdened with any family worries now, i promise you not to invade the holy of holies of your creative thought,
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i’m just... i’m taking patronage over you, like the timurovites in our school, i will be timurovka at your house, he agrees, happily agrees, believe the old man, melitya, number 23. refuse, refuse, am i really tired of writing the same thing every time, they should make a form once and for all, refuse if only the numbers would be changed to get everything appear at the district prosecutor's office. appear at
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the district prosecutor's office, room number nine, to the counselor of justice, comrade titova, why are they calling you? well, what happens, comrade lopatkin, some move soviet science forward, create things, while others criticize it, right? your complaint... the central committee was sent for consultation to leading scientific specialists, they were unanimous in their assessment that there is criticism, and there is slander against honest people. i have been instructed to familiarize you with the response letter of this group of scientists. we.
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unprecedented foray, false innovator, how do you like it? well drafted, we are forced to seek help from soviet law, we don’t like such signals, comrade lopatkin, we really don’t like it, and are you to blame for this? what does it mean? tell me, how many years have you been working here? unclear. well, let's say 3 years. and how many people were brought to justice during this time for clamping down on something new? well, are you surprised that we complain? tell me, maybe you have seen such
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a picture on the street. there is a foreign car standing, shining all alive, like a bird, around him a crowd of our people, enchanted and overwhelmed by this radiance, was it? unfortunately, that's when i'm like this. i’m starting to feel a burning sensation here, and it seems to me that if i look at this for another minute, i’ll fall and won’t get up. avdiev, fundator , volovik, tupik, they are the ones who condemn us to this shame, and you believed them, and yet all these scientists, if i may say so, are crawling on the machine of yesterday , destroying everyone who thinks differently , dissidents cannot be destroyed, they are necessary to ourselves, well, as a conscience, so we must encourage our enemies, right now, openly... such an active fighter for the idea is still not a party member, such letters don’t really look like a recommendation, okay, let’s
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do it this way: here’s a table, take a pen, paper and state your point of view again. just without unnecessary emotions, imagine that you are writing not a complaint, but a serious problematic article in some central newspaper, well, let’s tell the truth.
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good afternoon, good one, i have an interesting thing for you, but nothing, hold on, come on in, i managed to get it in leninka the latest issues of molodying news, they are usually only given out, keep them, carefully, but nothing, they are usually given only to candidates or doctors, but i said that they were carrying out the instructions of professor avdiev and they gave them to me, imagine, i copied them out, i was afraid that they would take it away, evgeniy ustinovich, hello, bemetalli, a pipe made of two layers, but i thought about this, externally. carbon steel layer, internal, well, let's say, acid-resistant for the needs of the chemical industry, well , nothing is said about this, but it’s already clear, damn take it, this can be done on my car, but how do they do it, but it doesn’t , it says that for the last four
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years their designers have been struggling with this idea, but they can’t come up with anything, oh, but they haven’t done it yet, that’s it , they install steel pipes almost every week, they change them, well, they corrode, the main thing is almost nothing... and this is the whirlpool, mysterious, alluring, but so devilish. arrived, you arrived, yeah
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, you arrived, as in the joke, the husband arrived from a business trip, and the wife, what a wife, you say, you’re still walking somewhere in the evenings, in front of housekeepers, at mother's. isn't it his? from him, just not because of why you think, now don’t think about it, i don’t think so, genius is higher than our sinful thoughts, they need worship, service, enthusiastic devotion, you are an adult, smart woman, you fell for his bait, i forgot about the house , about the family, about yourself, in the end, you seem to have failed everyone, i understand, the woman fell in love with a man, and i love him as much as i love you,
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you are no more, why, well, this is a long conversation, because last year you led me to this, she fell in love with him for his torment, and her husband - the reason for this torment. nadya, i hope you have enough leftovers to ruin your life and my career with divorce. don't be afraid, you didn't ask the main thing, does he love me? i'm interested. in
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that case, comrade drazdov, forgive me, you’re just a fool. i think, comrades, it’s not a sin to drink once again to the birthday boy, who himself finished a lot of work yesterday. for you, dmitry.
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food is just a business necessity. yes, but still don’t leave, this is not for him, he still won’t appreciate it. don’t look at what he’s doing, and there’s also the professor. dmitry alekseevich, so what? well then, what is your business if not your life? well, that means business necessity is equal to vital necessity. what did you need to prove? please hold it. evgeniy ustinovich, where are you going? i told dmitriyovich 3 days ago that today i had a business meeting with one person, what time is it now? i’m already 40 minutes late, it’s okay, tram, train, whatever, i’ll make it in time!
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how is he doing this all of a sudden? it’s even strange, he told me something three days ago, he said it, didn’t he?
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nadezhda sergeevna, yes, just tell me, yes, here granny was all angry at night, a little it didn’t burst, but i immediately realized, yes, it’s complete. i’m happy, but this boar needs it so much, who is this boar? yes, leonid ivanovich is yours, what are you doing? isn't it the owners? boar! then who? an inflated boar, and now also a horned one? are you visiting him again today? i don’t know, shura, i don’t know. oh, zhurochka,
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zhurochka, your hope is gone, sergeevna. completely, forever. and we try to cool it with air. so that the edge crumbles less, worse than that, leonid ivanovich, the consumption of cast iron does not reach the design capacity, the consumption is high, but it seems like 2 kg per pipe, but in mass production it costs a pretty penny. leonid ivanovich , leonid ivanovich, they’re calling from the newspaper pravda, we’re calling here, drazdov is listening, but we might as well not introduce ourselves, comrade, editor-in-chief, we know this guy, no way, he sent you a complaint, he knows how to fool people’s brains, i’m a comrade in time, but that’s not the point, the lopatin machine was rejected by an authoritative commission, listen, thanks for
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the signal, it will be done. i’ll deal with this issue now, thank you, well, lopatkin is writing a slander again, he really brought the article up, we were about to publish it, then we decided hold back, and what to do, and what to do, go, who should i, before the deadline for the first one passing to moscow, and what do you think, yes, there’s nothing to think about, that’s all. today we are sending the reaction of the ministry, so little is so, yes, perhaps they overlooked it, the farm is very large, but they don’t get around to everything , we recognize the criticism as timely, are you serious or are you joking, if you please, but they need your shovel, as they didn’t if it were him, someone else would
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have turned up, you read malinkov’s speech at the meeting of leading leaders carefully, right? there at the end about bureaucracy in science and technology, about young innovators are under pressure, and now for a newspaper to respond with such an article, this is just right, and we are extreme, yes, whipping boys, no , listen, this lopatkin, do you even know where he is, where he gets his money from? look, look, and he, i’m already taking myself, will be received by the minister, so you’ve been writing you for 5 years, marinet,
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mounted fire, it’s roughly known, well , allow me, comrade lopatkin had another project, and we expressed it. did you take ideas from this worthless project for the car that is being built in the museum under your leadership? well done, you can see right away the inventor, you see, for his own, and the kilvitsa for the lion cub. why are you, leonid ivanovich, being so ignoble with your opponent? well, competitions , yes, but without peeking into someone else’s tetra , as for the red tape with this new option, we didn’t even discuss it or see it, but i saw it, i like the idea, but i didn’t understand everything, allow me to report, report, by in essence, this is a new third option, its fundamental difference from the previous ones is the ability to cast pipes in two layers.
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brings us such original ideas, create a group based on the kb institute, leonid ivanovich, we heard that the project has no analogues in the world, which means that it is classified as a secret author in the state, go ahead, comrade minister. nadezhda sergeevna drozdova was busy working on the project as a technical employee and translator, i
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would ask her to also be included in the group. she is an engineer? no, she's a teacher. what kind of jokes are our teachers making? soon you engineers will be shut up behind the train. no, i have a staff position for your employee. out of state please. dear friends, i greet you all from the bottom of my heart, i congratulate you on this holiday, on the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia, our sun will go down, bright colors should be plakarmi, i am searching, hold on brother to the end, find the way to happiness. dream open your soul , dynomat advice, don’t defeat her, this is the first word
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and the first step, a mother’s heart, the baby’s laughter, give him the strength to win, a rally concert in honor of the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. russia allegedly kidnaps children for cadet schools, children are taught to become adults, that is, not only to make decisions, but also to bear responsibility for them. there is a big competitive selection, we have about six people per place , it’s quite difficult to get there, the mariupol port allegedly began to be cut for scrap metal, of course it needs to be restored, the old one needs to be cut down, new ones built, the port infrastructure is only being maintained, modernized and increased, and a new trend in italy , a film about donbass, why i didn’t like it so much.
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and you are silent, the winner, and i decided not to waste energy on speculation, i was given the opportunity to work, i must work, this concerns you, my dear employee, you again, i am at school, you will have a free work schedule, i understand, you cannot offer me any other form of gratitude, but... i have reagents there, but everything, everything where i could help you has already been done, well, consider , that i have invented a reason to see you as often as possible, promptly, i praise you, oh, hello, but
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you will allow me to pass, of course, you can. hello, hello, great, eagles of the designer, hello, hello, hello, i brought the author, hello, meet lopatkin, dmitry alekseevich, and this is his employee, nadezhda sergeevna, very nice. ivanovich , hello, antonovich, can you just tolya, take it, we’ve heard a lot about you, comrade shovel, well, if you’ve heard it, it means you’re working, that is, shovelkin will be your workplace, but if you want we’ll give you another one, we have a lot of space, we unloaded it in mind secrecy.
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where are you going, thief? what did you say? what did you hear? manto was stubborn, ganichovo is now walking around in it, what else to sell, i thought? getting drunk while drinking? this is my fur coat. there's nothing of yours here. pulled him out of the shit, the minister did it, and you disgraced him in all white light, i had to lie at my feet, wash my feet and drink water, you open the door for me, i have my textbooks, notebooks there, over there in shura’s closet, pack everything and get exhausted, where are you going to spend the night grandma, yesterday in line they said , the girl was stripped at night in the horde, everything
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was stripped down to her underwear, the mistress jumped out, and... khamela is here in moscow, this is not your brain, i ’ll quickly get you from here to where you need to be, shura, don’t mess around with her, i’ll go, you will not go anywhere, you are registered here, and only the owner can write out those registered, and even then by court, i know the law, i am the mistress here , i have my own law, well, get out of here, slut, old witch, woman and gas for mercy, it’s me, look, “that’s how you need it, corga, you’ll crawl on your knees, at your feet you’ll be lying around, how can you, wait, nadezhda sergeevna, here are some more pies , i’ll take them, now why did you
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pile them up here?” “okay, he calls the ministry, why would he give a report, how are things going, they love reports, and you tell me, dmitry alekseevich, everything is fine with us, everything is wonderful, we will make a car in a month, and a world class one at that, let's rub the nose of avdiev and his company. the board
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of the ministry wrote down hello, warmly congratulates the entire team on the early industrial launch of the pipe casting machine, this is a worthy gift for the anniversary of comrade stalin, period. one copy to the newspaper is true, the minister has already called, i heard, we now have pipes, you know better than the lazy ivanovich, there is no one and nothing to congratulate, low-quality pipes break at the first blow. i understand you. i lost, i need to overcome my resentment, after all, man, maybe you still have some free time you'll invent something new, like new, and a car?
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if i were you, about theft, i would be more careful, young man, lionit ivanovich , just a week, in a week the project will be ready, all that remains is to build and test a prototype, well, just build, build, oh, you don’t have the funds, ask us at the ministry. and we will also ask someone whether to release these funds to you or not, academician avdiev, and why not, he has proven his competence with real deeds and has an opinion to nominate him for the stalin prize, this is a deception, a deception of the state, the pipes will inevitably be thicker than the norm, this is a colossal overconsumption of cast iron, and whitewash, how many will be broken along the road, and during construction, listen, while i’m still good, my advice to you, go back to...
2:56 am
what go away.
2:57 am
that’s it, that’s enough, i’m not going anywhere else, i don’t want anything, dmitry alekseevich, well, nothing terrible happened, nothing. nothing, you just need to, you just need to breathe out all this evil, breathe in the resentment again with a deep, light chest, life is not over, and this is the most important thing, yes, probably for us. the trap is no worse spy, the ministry spent money , they discussed you, they assigned the best
2:58 am
designers to you, they tinkered with you, which means the car won a fair creative competition, that’s what they wanted, and now any of your complaints will sound like malicious envy of...
2:59 am
to the personnel department , and there’s this guy there, he listened to what i told him about myself and asked, are you going to study to become a revolver, i’m saying this, to become a security guard, or what? they were some guys there who came up and said, “let’s fight,” and i said, “what the hell, i’m a real worker?” i want to learn a profession, but it’s such a joke with them, they’re having fun, how can it be, shura, they lived in a technical family, a common thing, a revolver machine, oh, of all the equipment i only knew... the wheelhouse, so dear comrades, do you want, you don’t want to, but there is a working tradition, from the first paycheck. to the closest people, oh, so
3:00 am
comrades, you have a guest, a man, a call, but no, this is not to us, for all the good things, nadezhda sergeevna, so that everything goes well in your life with dmitry alekseevich, shurka, i congratulate you, thank you , where are you anyway? decided to stop? lopatkin dmitry alekseevich, i have a summons from the military prosecutor's office. sign here, it doesn’t
3:01 am
say when to show up, immediately, the car is waiting downstairs. wait, this is a misunderstanding, nadezhda sergeevna, don’t worry, i’ll be back soon, let me at least see him off, evgeny ustinych. uh, what? everything is fine.
3:02 am
so, to summarize, did the work you did contain state secrets? yes, it did. who was the main person responsible for the non-disclosure of state secrets? apparently me? more precisely, me. yes. was there permission granted?
3:03 am
nadezhda sergeevna nadezhda nadrozdova to documents containing state secrets, by order of the director, she was enrolled as a freelance employee, but nothing was said there about admission, for which some specialist, a pipe-maker, no, she is a teacher, did not understand, teacher, subject, english , it’s clear, did you have intimate intimacy with her, well, i mean sexual relations, no, more precisely, there wasn’t, throw your shoulder blades on the shaft, you’re getting dark , you did it every day, you’ll draw a man for an hour , finish it, leave him, there’s nothing to do with him stand on ceremony, he'll say something like that to you, formalize the case, disclosure of state secrets, i... you have no more questions,
3:04 am
for now, i'm under arrest, here's the resolution, nadezhda sergeevna, a couple of circles, okay, and shot drives me in. or maybe a small one to warm up, which i grabbed, but i can’t make noise, but yesterday you slid down, turned pale, nadezhda sergeevna, what are you doing? it would be already the fourth month, ila, and what will happen now, he will have a son, and he knows, but why should he know how long, but it’s time, you go, otherwise you’ll be late, but what about you? and me too,
3:05 am
he won’t come out today, i feel it, let’s go, then i’ll have time to see you off before the metro , grandpa there is probably already crazy, you need to warm up in bed with your dmitrich, he didn’t embroider, of course, i didn’t doubt it, and you weren’t waiting for him there, but where it was necessary, i believe that it was necessary there, where no... no one comes out? the design bureau was dissolved, all the documents for the project were sealed, and they were in the regime chief’s safe, i told him everything.


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