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tv   Eksklyuziv  1TV  March 23, 2024 6:20pm-7:10pm MSK

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he offered money for what, what did he offer? for money he offered that such cases of transactions, what cases, specifically, what did he tell you, such murders, that who to kill, the whole place, they threw it off, they said specifically who to kill, and people, what kind, no matter who, there he said, 500,000 rubles would come from a certain preacher, judging by the words of another captured terrorist, the processing was carried out for more than one day, how did he meet them telegram, telegram?
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execution of mass murder, and this is the handwriting of ukrainian intelligence. don't continue this topic i will say this, we have killed and will continue to kill russians anywhere in the world until the complete victory of ukraine. the ukrainian intelligence services find people in russia who need something, establish contact with them , and smoothly lead them to what they need.
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customers from the same centers using the same schemes are used to carry out terrorist attacks, the promises are still not a man who has skills in using weapons, although teenagers setting fire to relay cabinets already on the roads are the same in the telegram for earning easy money, the sent molotov cocktail scheme and a potential terrorist , not understanding consequences for themselves, why they were detained, for planning an arson, the military registration and enlistment office acted why instructions on... instructions
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from ukrainian military personnel. how did you meet them? in the internet. once again , the recruitment scheme used by the ukrainian special services is elementary. and many do not even realize that they are falling into their network. october last year. after the start of israel's operation in the gas sector, hundreds of people stormed the makhachkala airport and even looked for jews in the engines of a plane arriving from israel in order to kill them, avenging the palestinians. meets.
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sent parcels from a friend on the internet, thinking that they were helping to send electric stoves, which actually had plastic inside. the fact that in ukraine they are trying to use any method to destabilize the situation in our country, recruiting terrorists of all kinds and using their skills as killers, has long been no secret. for example, the release of the french tv channel france-24 about the move in january 2023 to ukraine from syria, where he fought, among other things, against russian troops, abu umar ashishani, known for the events in bakhmut. we wanted to go further,
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unfortunately, it didn’t work out, but soon we will reach both the caucasus and moscow. the last time az shishani, howling in the country of ukrainian nationalists, appeared on the internet on the eve of the russian presidential elections, claiming that he was supposedly in the belgorod region, from where all the saboteurs had currently been driven out. anton vernitsky, natalya mashtakova, sergey deev, channel one. doctors are doing everything possible to save the lives of the wounded, in hospitals, more than 100 victims. after emergency assistance is provided, they are transferred from moscow region to capital clinics. thus, nine victims were admitted to federal medical centers today. gunshot wounds, burns,
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carbon monoxide poisoning. additional medical teams have been working in hospitals since the evening. dozens of operations were carried out simultaneously. everything you need is there, this is a special issue. and the minister of health mikhail murashko , doctors report on the health status of patients. three victims were transferred to the clinic from regional hospitals in the morning. in total , 107 people continue to receive medical care people, both in the capital and in the moscow region. there is enough blood, dressing materials,
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once again i want to emphasize that a total of 19 medical organizations were involved in medicines. all ambulance teams worked, professional work made it possible to actually ensure delivery of patients in extremely serious condition to medical organizations and promptly begin resuscitation and surgical measures, the situation for many is improving, just recently one patient was discharged home after stabilization of the condition, so doctors fight for each person. burns, bullet wounds.
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the victims were transported not only by ambulance , but by air - 29 people, some in serious condition were admitted outside the name of sklifosovsky, operating rooms were immediately deployed, including hybrid ones, various types of damage, there are gunshot wounds, there is damage from various shrapnel, and there is glass. and so on, mainly these are vessels, for example, damaged, there are burns, there is poisoning by combustion products, there are patients with combined injuries, combined injuries, this is when there are fractures, there is damage to the organs of the abdominal cavity, also poisoning by combustion products or burns
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of the respiratory tract, yes, so this is a very different pathology. one of the victims in krasnogorsk received severe burns; the girl had to pretend to be dead in order to survive. they stood there. we went out the exit , they saw us, one of them ran back and started shooting at people, i fell completely , they did what they did, and the girl, just in the krasnogorsk hospital, is now 21 people, they are receiving all the necessary help , six remain in intensive care, including one child, patients who are in intensive care, they are already in a state of awakening, they can already tell who...
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moscow also helped us by sending us another 25 brigades, these forces of funds were quite enough to disperse the victims to receive already... a help center for relatives of the victims opened in krasnogorsk, a flow of calls, we posted information on the website of the ministry of health of the moscow region, in order for there to be it is clear who is where, in which medical institution in moscow or the moscow region, and accordingly we have a direct line 122.0, we will continue to provide all necessary comments and explanations around the clock, respectively. today doctors are fighting for the lives of patients. psychologists,
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including specialists from the serbsky institute, work with patients and relatives of victims. yulia nishchenko, alexander isaev, irina chyuchuy, channel one. the capital's blood center announced that it is extending its work and will accept everyone who comes to help those affected by the terrorist attack. more than 2.0 muscovites have already expressed a desire to become donors; from the very morning at the reception points there are huge lines of people who are ready for hours on their day off. you have to wait your turn to donate blood. anna kurbatova talked to them. it’s hard to sit at home when you realize that you can do something, help somehow. this is a very strong tragedy, it affected us, and we ran here, rushed, was anyone in the crocus? no, no one was in the cropus, we just live close and that’s why first of all we want to help. we will help as much as we can. we want, so that someone really needs our blood. so - said everyone who came to the blood center. moscow and moscow region, some had relatives and friends in the croque network hall. i had a friend there at
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the concert, and i heard these shots on the phone all this, and i could not remain indifferent. is your friend okay? with a friend, yes, he was on the balcony and evacuated, and immediately decided that today i would sing the blood myself. here today are not only honorary donors, those who, in principle, have ever donated blood before, a huge number of people. today we did this for the first time in our lives, i just recently turned 18, i have the right, and i think i have an obligation , well, to help, yesterday information was published that by 8:30 anyone can come here, donate blood, donate plasma, but look what a huge number of people, people , of course, began to come long before 8:30, despite the rain, despite such dank weather, already at 7:00 in the morning queues began to form here in the heart room, they came, got acquainted with... the queues were all gone to each other, someone gives scarves to someone else, well, everyone helps each other. already in the first hours
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, most blood centers published preliminary data: somewhere 500 people came, somewhere 600, but this was only in the first hours. now the number of caring people who have donated their blood or plasma is, of course, much larger. people walked all day and are still walking. i will stand as long as necessary. i hope that my blood will be useful to someone. i probably already considered the third hour necessary, because this is something small, something that principle we can convey. the flow of those wishing to donate blood and plasma is changing, of course, this is a reflection of the unanimity,
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the unanimous support of our people, the desire, well , to convey some piece of ourselves, our support in this terrible tragic situation, we simply see that the whole society has stood up in order to, well, to do everything possible, all this, despite the fact that only yesterday there was official information to all the victims. there will be enough blood during a terrorist attack, said health minister mikhail murashko, but people are still here. how the news came out they wrote that the centers were open, and we immediately decided in the night that we would definitely go this morning. this is how we can help , we want to help everyone who needs help, that is, we have been standing in line for probably about 3 hours, well, mind you, no one leaves, everyone just comes up, because it is impossible to stay away from what what happened, well, many blood centers in moscow and the moscow region. we decided that today we will work until the last person who wants to donate blood. anna
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kurbatova, vyacheslav omilyutin, dmitry bedorev, natalya sidorova, alexander kovalev, first channel. many of those who survived crocus cityhole owe their salvation to a true hero. there is no other way to call them, people who at the time of the terrorist attack maintained their composure, showed iron restraint and courage, in terrible moments thought not only about themselves, and ultimately helped dozens of people, primarily women and children, to choose. publications, others, simply finding themselves next to the concert hall, helped the wounded. stories told by participants in the events of olga pautova. i saved the most important wife, i i was very happy this morning. he asks not to show his face and not give his name , he fears for his safety, and he has not yet come to his senses after yesterday’s horror, the horror during which this guy saved several dozen lives, when the shooting started, he and his wife were already in the visual in the hall, horror appeared that they were about to kill us in blood, it was simply ridiculous for nothing, i looked at my wife, she was terrified, and i
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thought that, well, if i covered her with my body, it would not save us. hurry up the slaughterers, at that moment a group of people had already rushed to the stage, there there was an emergency exit, but one of the terrorists was standing there, point-blank, shooting everyone in a row, the men and his wife were only a few meters away, and i notice that he begins to reload the machine gun, i understand that in another 3 seconds and i and we are dead, a second to think about it or do something or die, i rushed to him, ran around him on the left, grabbed him by the machine gun, began to pull him down, and with my right hand... i struck him in the head with my hand. at that moment , another healthier man jumped up and also began to strike him several times. we laid down. people immediately began to run out of the hall. the man and his wife found each other only on the street and immediately went home, perhaps not even realizing what a feat it was, because before that he had only had to fight a couple of times in his life, and the guy had no special training. in my presence, people were not killed,
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cold-bloodedly, mercilessly, as they were shot in tera. this is very already. terrible, how do you understand that you could be next? perhaps we would never have known about this hero if none of the women named elena, it was she who told this story to the journalists, there were probably three people already lying dead, all covered in blood near the stage, but the young man just jumped on him, he took away his machine gun and just beat him with the butt of his gun, and people just took advantage of this just a moment, and he just gave us the opportunity to just go out... mikhail posted on social networks everything that happened to him and his girlfriend natalya, when the fire started, they hid in the toilet and only thanks to the guy’s determination they were able to get out of the building captured by the fire more several people. at the moment when it became clear that we would either suffocate or need
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to run, everything was black; in my life i would not have believed that it was so possible not to see in the smoke.
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crushing all these barricades of us into a small corridor, she commanded everything behind me, and we went down into the faye, but bypassing this terrible epicenter where everything happened, it worked the way it needed to be done at that particular moment, and this is just a hero , judging by the sound, terrorists are shooting somewhere nearby to get out of the building, men they break the window and let the women go ahead, mom faster, come on, come on, come on, come on , someone, saving themselves, manages to take out and... the most defenseless, i saved two families with small children, and there were children in the building that evening there were a lot of people, ballroom dancing competitions were taking place on the top floor, the story of a man who saved several dozen people in his arms with a baby, all of them ran out straight in their costumes, wearing only shoes, spread across social networks. oleg took his family, gathered 50 other children and went to look for a way out,
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they opened one of the main doors on the floor, and everything there was in smoke, i had to go downstairs, the exit there was fenced off with an iron fence, which... i just live on this side and realized that i couldn’t drive past, knowing what our situation is now , i just wanted to help as a human being, in fact this is what happened, people simply could not leave, soon dozens appeared near the concert hall. taxi cars, taxi drivers drive up, they take everyone for free, i’m first a person, and then a taxi driver, my sister called me from her parents, she said that she woke me up, she said that happened, and i decided to help,
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take, take someone, for free, if anything , you’ll take three, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, tatyana managed to help several families, people seemed to not believe that they managed to get out of this hell and ran straight out onto the road, they were without clothes, without outerwear, when we were driving, they... were either silent, or crying, and they had madness in their eyes, they did not understand what was happening, the only thing they had was a desire , this is, of course, to get home quickly, volunteers brought water and medicines and food, residents of nearby houses brought hot tea to law enforcement officers and journalists until late at night, someone has already brought warm clothes, someone who is ready to shelter someone at home, this night for hundreds of people...
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actions , vladimir putin also had a telephone conversation with the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev, and both sides confirmed their intention to continue close cooperation. solidarity with our country on these issues was confirmed by the president of kazakhstan kasym jamar takaev in a telephone call in a conversation with the russian leader, he condemned
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violence against civilians. condolences from the president of turkey in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin, recep tayyip erdogan also condemned the terrorist attack and declared his readiness to develop cooperation with russia in the fight against terrorism. a terrorist attack in which, according to the latest data , 133 people were killed, the entire country. accepts it as a common grief. residents of russian cities share their grief and pain with families who have lost loved ones. spontaneous memorials began to appear at night, people bring flowers, light candles. russian churches abroad have flowers and words of sympathy and support are heard everywhere. report by yana podziuban. scarlet carnations on the cold paving stones, spontaneous memorials all over the country. in cities, large and smaller, people bring flowers, gather, and mourn in silence. from some of this , why is this being done, what is in people’s heads, that is , there may be some kind of ideology or what kind of religion that can justify this, at dawn,
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before everyone else in donetsk, the military with a fast step with flowers in their hands, people flock behind them townspeople here know where to go, memorial it is filled in red, and it is rarely empty, only usually relatives and friends from moscow call to find out if everything is okay, now it’s the other way around, in moscow there are many acquaintances, there are relatives, so we communicated and talked about this topic. everyone is in great shock, the loss of loved ones, and we know what it is and therefore decided to support, for 10 years we have been overwhelmed with grief, and we probably feel it very strongly, people are innocent in this, i can’t speak, it’s scary, death is scary, there are children's toys in flowers, families died, children died, fragile life in the flames of candles that were lit all over the country, and this pain cannot be extinguished, it’s a pity... the children died, i can’t even speak, this is our common pain, sorry, we’re just watching this, apparently who he
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won’t look, won’t see, won’t read. in krasnodar they bring flowers to the still unfinished church, light candles, pray in volgograd so that they can see and feel support far away in moscow, put words together from candles, because sometimes it’s too hard to speak, we express our deepest sympathy and condolences. “we are people, we are living people, and it is very difficult for everyone to survive this grief, i condole with all those who died and those who lost their loved ones, to say , together with moscow, of course, we are one country, one people, in moscow people come with their families and flowers, overgrown earth, wet asphalt and cold iron bars, with sympathy people are trying to warm those whose loss is irreparable, a terrible tragedy, i really sympathize. to the families of the victims, we must hold on, move forward, we cannot be broken, when today i found out that the children died, and i am working with children, for me it was just a shock, really
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in fact, we simply must... all unite together as one country, one power. at the headquarters near the walls of the smoldering kroku city, the relatives of those who went missing cannot be found either in the lists of the dead or in hospitals, their sons-in-law are like their own son. works in crocus city hall itself. can't contact him? and here the story is one more terrible than the other, how dying mothers hugged their children, how fathers covered their family with their bodies, he just disappeared, there was a wounded man, so you already know that he was wounded, right? from where he covered his wife with himself. behind every name on the list tragic story of the dead: a spouse, mother and father of two boys. they were late for the concert, ran into the hall of kuroku city last, and were shot at point-blank range. svetlana maryakina died on the spot, her husband nikolai was taken to intensive care in khimki. alexander gerasimov, father of six children, died. a young family from kirov dreamed of a trip to moscow; friends gave them tickets to a concert. before the concert , they called their relatives and said: it’s about
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to start, the shooting has begun, alone. tver, maxim vrebenin, he moved in a wheelchair, at the concert he was with his girlfriend, how he died, his mother tells me, i started calling my son, well, there is no connection with him, with great difficulty i got through to natasha, she shouted into the phone at me that maxim died, she says i i look up and see that this terrorist is shooting at maxim point-blank, denis buchkov, 41 years old, took his wife and twelve-year-old with him. son, their seats were in the amphitheater, they managed to hide during the shooting, the boy is in intensive care in serious condition, the eldest son is looking for his father, he didn’t go to the concert, my mother has already regained consciousness, but remembers almost nothing. igor works in a car service center, as soon as the news started pouring in, he rushed to rock city to look for his wife yana, 1959. that’s it, after that she didn’t get in touch, yes, she read my message, the second message was no longer read. he searched in the crowd for those running away, he went around everything, he was in all the hospitals, he will now
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go to all the hospitals.
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tomorrow in russia there will be national mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack. according to the latest data , 133 people died. about the fact that our country faced a barbaric, carefully planned mass murder of defenseless people, vladimir putin said in an address to citizens. the intelligence services have already detained 11 people, four murderers, who shot visitors to kroku city hall and seven of their underlings. the terrorists tried to escape to ukraine, but were stopped in the bryansk region. all the perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime, no matter who they are, will suffer fair and inevitable punishment. russia will establish and punish everyone who prepared this terrorist attack. all those affected by it are now being provided with all the necessary assistance, prime minister mikhail mishustin said today. many organizations, in particular a number of large banks, have announced their readiness to make their contribution; they are ready to write off loans to loved ones of victims who died. i will add that more than a hundred
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wounded remain in hospitals, half of them. the best doctors are fighting for their lives, using the capabilities of nineteen clinics in moscow and the moscow region. dozens of operations have been carried out, everything necessary to provide assistance is available. however, for the blood bank at the transfusion center is accepting donors in the morning. in moscow alone , more than 2.0 people came to donate blood today. and in the cathedral of christ the savior, this evening, patriarch of moscow all russia kirill held a memorial service. hundreds of parishioners attended.
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and we mourn, today, anyone driving around moscow saw this burning candle on every billboard and not only in moscow, in many... cities of our country we mourn the victims of a monstrous terrorist attack, mass murder, the number of victims continues to constantly grow, and today we pray, today we want the lord to rest the souls of the departed, and today we express our condolences to the families, relatives, friends of those who died, and wish recovery to those who are now in a hospital bed struggling with the consequences of this monstrous terrorist attack. there were many
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terrorist attacks in moscow, and it seemed that we had already been tested by these tragedies, but no, every time it is always very painful, this. hurt, the enemy knows this, he is trying to strike blow after blow in order to weaken us psychologically, to divide us, to separate us, to sow discord, to frighten us, but it will not happen. today, russian president vladimir putin declared march 24 a day of mourning and addressed the russians, thanking them for their courage. and let’s actually listen to the president , dear citizens of russia, i am writing to you in connection with the bloody barbaric terrorist act, the victims of which were
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dozens of peaceful, innocent people, our compatriots, including children, teenagers, women, for the lives of the victims, those who is in serious condition now... i am sure they will do everything possible and even impossible to save life for health of all the wounded. special words of gratitude to the ambulance and air ambulance crews, special forces soldiers, firefighters, rescuers who did everything to save people’s lives, get them out of the fire, from the epicenter of the smoke fire, and avoid it. even greater losses, i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens, who in the first minutes after the tragedy did not remain indifferent and indifferent, along with doctors and security officers, provided first aid and transported
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the victims to the hospital. necessary help we will help everyone, families, whose lives have suffered a terrible misfortune. to the wounded victims, i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones, the whole country, all our people mourn with you, i declare march 24 a day of national mourning, in moscow and the moscow region, in all regions of the country, additional... character measures have been introduced , the main thing now is to prevent those who are anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage forces behind this bloody massacre from committing a new crime. and today the patriarch of moscow and
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all russia, his holiness, kirill, performed a litiya in the main temple of the armed forces. let's listen. what the patriarch said, with particular pain we are experiencing everything that happened today, the first reaction of the church should be prayer, then a judgment will follow, an official point of view will be expressed, i am now preparing an official document related to this: criminal events, but first of all we must fulfill it is our christian duty to pray for innocent people killed. in general, in my opinion,
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it is clear what happened, although, of course, there will be more investigation, not only the perpetrators who have already been arrested and are testifying will be identified. but customers, but i think we are able to conduct an investigation ourselves and give answers to many questions, we will begin the investigation from the beginning.
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then how did the representatives of the united states of america and ukraine behave? during our conversation there was a lot about the british, their special cunning, approach, i don’t take them into account, and today i would like not to defend my point of view in this regard, while the conversation about isis, it seems to me absolutely untenable, at least... from a professional point of view, the holy
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month of ramadan, friday, evening maghrib prayer, transition to infrat, this is a transition to breaking the fast, with strict fasting, as muslims do during this period, and those muslims which supposedly represent the interests of islam, it seems to me, in this case... taking into account what kind of installation things
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can be, including from my native homeland, khatyn, in which i was a boy in these places, by the way, so that you understand , there 218 - the ss regiment, which was staffed by 99% of bandera members, was burned. khatyn, i remember when i arrived and they were talking about the ss men , my grandfather was talking about it, he said, he says, what are you saying, there were no germans there, he says, my second cousin was burned to death, there were only ukrainians there, and i am very much with him i had a fight, then an eighth grader, with my grandfather after these events, only when i was already a deputy of the state duma in 1999, according to information , i received complete information about these... events, and of course, these, let's say,
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certain milestones have been placed, they become very symbolic, and the fact that today the intelligence services of the united states, having prepared this group, which, when captured, turned out to be, well , outwardly somewhat incompetent and inadequate to carry out such measures. she worked very confidently and professionally in crocus city, this suggests that either reconnaissance was carried out, or serious training was carried out, they knew in which places to ignite the liquid so that it ignites as much as possible, so that people are cut up, they are merciless professionally shot people, children and women, while remaining here...
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these political milestones that you mentioned are quite appropriate and correspond to the mentality of these animals, condolences to relatives, and this...
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really sticks out from all the cracks, according to - to my mind, well, let’s remember , indeed, since we’re talking about this, victoria, who is going on her farewell visit to kiev, returns and makes a statement that as a result of ukrainian additional funding, putin will definitely have unpleasant surprises this year, then, before march 8, the american embassy warns all its citizens that... in the near future, extremists are planning to attack large gatherings in moscow, including concerts, and this duplicates the british intelligence services, all european intelligence agencies. well, as soon as information about the terrorist attack began, the first thing white house spokesman kirby said was that ukraine had nothing to do with it, the second was that
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isis was behind it, and then it poured out of every outlet, isis , isis, isis. wesley clark, commander-in-chief. nato forces in europe. let's listen. this a clear war crime. ukrainians would not do this, no matter how angry they are with russia and no matter how this terrorist attack demonstrates the horrors of war to muscovites who are favorable to putin. there is no doubt that the ukrainians are working against the russians. there is an attack in belgorod. ukrainian agents are infiltrating russia and drones are flying in. i think that this whole situation has led to some imbalance in the russian system.
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such a statement, especially considering that this month the us embassy has already issued a public warning about extremists planning to carry out a terrorist attack. the term extremists typically refers to these fanatical islamist groups, the igelka, which are believed to be possibly responsible for the attack. the russians have long been believed to have brutally suppressed muslims in syria and afghanistan, as well as the caucasus. therefore, i consider it very plausible that it was islamic militants who carried out the attack. and here's mike mcfaul. also, until recently, ambassador in moscow. now ukraine is fighting russia with its army, they are doing everything possible to give rebuff they strike targets on russian territory that they consider military. in my opinion this is true, but they have never carried out terrorist attacks against russians anywhere, at least to
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my knowledge, therefore it is consistent with the fact that they have not carried out a terrorist attack. now we are dealing with the fact that igilka has taken responsibility for this. i think.
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playing some strange giveaway, like binladen, like isis, these organizations are very convenient for the united states of america in order to conduct their operations, in order to create.
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to society, a message from the authorities so that the authorities correct their course, that is , receive this label, yeah, and correct the course, from the point of view of the experience of the most powerful, largest, terrible terrorist attacks in russia, this strategy is useless for russia, since it does not work with the help of terrorist attacks to shift the course of the russian state, it didn’t work after the terrible nordost, offensive, terrible, it didn’t work out in the case of beslan, it didn’t work out horribly, it didn’t work out in other similar cases and won’t work
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now, but perhaps this is a new type of cancer, a different type, which is becoming more and more visible, and the point is that we live in a super-saturated information space, and any world news related positive to russia should be crossed out by some a nightmare event , terrible...
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that these will be people who can be declared part of isis, although they are absolutely, we will see this later, in the second part of our
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program, that they are absolutely not like isis, this is not isis, these are animals, this bandits, this is really a consumable material, machines for machines for war, egil blew themselves up, they are americans here, in my opinion, they simply exposed themselves with their information campaign, of course. they knew who would carry out the terrorist attack, when he would do it, to do it and what the cover operation would be, but since the american political figures of the intelligence services, they believe too much in their propaganda that we are slurping away here, then their thimble games, they are on in fact, they are calculated as two times two, we will continue after the advertisement, big: history, a program for those who want to know the past, so that


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