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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  March 24, 2024 7:40am-8:11am MSK

7:40 am
“i needed her help in one case, who is she to you, operative? no, of course, but what are they doing, with ladlena, with whom, with kovaleva, the forensic expert, what kind of bullets, what kind of case, case, old case, already it's a closed case , a gunshot. the killer still hasn't been found, i can't get this case out of my head, i didn't sleep all night again today, yeah, and then you call irina at work all day, then the teachers look at me sideways, how about you? irina can help with the investigation, lesh, when irina wanted to help her friend this annie, she came here with some strange schemes.
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yeah, so i thought, suddenly she will see something new with fresh eyes, you know, she will find some detail, a clue, paperwork, analysis, a mistake, the officer’s word that your wife is working on an already closed case, chikusti. like sonya, with her ears up to the hematoma on her head, she was more frightened, she scared us, of course, they almost killed her, well, sonya made a list of those who could hear her then, the first on this list, as i understand it, was letnev, so... so what
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should we do now? need to do an analysis works of each from this list, and for the purity of the experiment, analyze the earliest poems, and where should we look for them? the trouble is that most poets have begun to publish more mature works, so we need to make sure that they themselves bring us their first poems? that would be good, but why are you laughing? it seems to me that i... hello, konstantin ivanovich, corpses in preshchensky park near shmilyov, this is the third autopsy room, and i’m not here on this matter, but i don’t have any other business with you, tell me, you’re irina zemyana’s neighbor. yes, well now it’s clear
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where did she get information about the eliseev case? will you be arrested? no, then what? i would like to ask you, vladimina yuryevna, not to shout at every corner about the details of the criminal case. alexey heard you this morning. and i would like to ask you not to be drawn into the vision. civil criminal cases, especially married women with two children, you understood me well, yes, alexey , i heard you were discussing some kind of bullet, a bullet in rerberg’s head, but what does this bullet have to do with this, this old wound, is not relevant, apparently the girl was wounded during the war, but i and she asked about the bullet, but i’m not a ball player, what will i tell her, okay, let’s figure out what kind of rifle bullet it is. these are definitely not bullets from
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a rifle, a rifle has long bullets , it wouldn’t survive, but what do you think it is, if not from a rifle, yes, you really are not a ball player , you can hit the head from such a distance that the bullet loses its destructive power only from a sniper rifle, this is the basics of ballistics, good afternoon, remember what i told you about this. i’m so glad that you called me, it’s such a horror what happened, our camp was attacked, that is that what you say? tonight, when she
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was returning to her home, they tried to rob her, almost broke her head, but she was alive, in the hospital, the nurse sat next to her all night, watching. so that it doesn’t get worse, but why didn’t she see who attacked her? no, she doesn’t remember what happened well at all, apparently due to a concussion, oh, how terrible, monstrous , anechka, what are you, what are you, sergei ivanovich, give me some water, forgive me, but the most important thing is that everyone is alive, thank you , thank you. these are just sonya’s favorite flowers, i should have bought them for her to the ward, but i didn’t think of it, do you want us to go to her hospital now, give her these flowers, and you can read poetry to her?
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of course, but in her condition, i think it’s better to limit ourselves to a simple visit, yes, you’re right, although you know, sonya loves poetry so much, she was very inspired by last night, she’s generally a very sociable person, there’s only one woman in the room with her all the time walking somewhere with a book. premiere, big story, maidan, part two, today on the first. and according to the plan, this road should ring the whole of moscow, exactly along the city border. how many kilometers is this? 109. wow! yes, they will be building this mkat for another 10 years. obrusty, please, i read in the newspaper, they will hand over the first plot by the end of next year.
7:47 am
yes, irina mikhailovna, yes, are you on the phone? why me? because lately the only people calling here are you. all sorts of men, hello, serina mikhailovna, good afternoon, konstantin ivanovich, you were interested in, alexey told me, yes, he came to me here to clarify the situation, excuse me, but nothing, so this ninth-caliber bullet from a pistol walter p-38, this pistol was the main one in service with the germans, i... but nothing is clear to me, at what distance did you have to manage to hit the head with a pistol so that the bullet would get stuck in the skull at the end , this some kind of game, clearly.
7:48 am
lakhova worked my shift, she was a great girl, it’s a pity, she really didn’t want to go to the hostel, her parents took her things, and your library book probably won’t be returned now either. who is so bad? is this some kind of poet they say, a poet? yeah, she ran around like crazy, bragging that her friend rerberg i met a poet, and now he’s supposed to introduce her to someone like that, that’s it, i got around to it, and this braid is also from both girls at
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the kokoshil, bitch, if you take the marriage, i’ll take it. she didn’t say anything else about this poet, but don’t worry, the police have already found him, they say that when they were embroidering the door to his apartment, he jumped out of the window from the fifth floor out of fear, i have a daughter, i have two sons, yes, she will finish school soon, but i still haven’t noticed how she has grown, both of mine are in the army, when i hear stories like this, i always think, she didn’t meet these monsters, right on the street, on the street, natasha was crying, she didn’t meet her at all, it was the bad rerberg who introduced her, natasha was on her shift, saw her on
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the embankment, together with someone, and said who it was, and she says, this is a poet, that’s it, vasily, look at the marriage. oh, culture is of course a right and necessary thing, but why do you need a poet when you look at the guys at the factory, yes. it turns out that the main target was maria rerberg, the poet wanted to kill her, maybe we’ll call him dikhtor for accuracy, i agree, okay, it seems to me that rerbrik recognized the dikhtor on the street, natasha plakhova turned out to be just a random witness, yes, but why didn’t maria even try to call the police, or give some kind of sign to natasha that he was dangerous, yes, she knew who is he for what? and here i am, forgive me, it’s my fault,
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where are you going, i’m a poet, to sofya lvovna. then don't run around in the hallway or in the hallway. and halliluyev, is he on the list? no. in general, it’s surprising how lyatnev managed to gather all the poets so quickly. and you know, he has an influence on people. it even seems to me that some of him afraid. comrades, is everything assembled there? shall we get started? i came, we can start, great happiness, run, run, run, run, foe, run, that means i can’t, the doctors forbade me to run, you’ll finish the game, honestly, you ’ll finish the game, as if a boy, you know, is running after you around floors, but the house is sold out, sophie lvovna, i don’t remember what happened to you , they say i was attacked, well, you don’t remember anything at all, can you imagine, you
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don’t want to join your comrades at all, you sat down, some kind of circus, nothing circus, i wanted to support you, why are you so loud, you ’re being discharged tomorrow, why bother making a fuss, i should lie down and rest, i’m not dragging you to work. i was hired as a typist by comrades, patients, respected doctors, and nurses, you see, the word heals, this is very correct, the word dressed in rhyme, it not only heals, it develops the mind in a person, and i would even say, moral qualities , which every soviet must and must develop in himself. person, sofya lvovna, suggested the theme of the evening, and we happily supported her, the very first and most
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the last poem at the moment in the work of each of the poets. do you remember how fun it was in the spring, the birds were in a hurry to return home, their wonderful foam filled the garden, but last spring, back with the damp fog, autumn rain, the world will mourn us, moving into the engines, moving forward, working together for the benefit of the councils, our friendly brave , one people, the sun has shone over my homeland , brighter rays have not been seen in the world, the sky is laughing and the heart is singing, dog... is calling me on the road,
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my comrade is washing, yes gim, you are still working, i’m done, i’m handing over the case, and what are you doing here, i mean? i mean, if you need something, i’ll bring it, but i’ll bring it myself, i ’m so old that i won’t be able to walk around again, but no, comrade major. can let you down, or are you yourself? no, i’ll get there myself, goodbye
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, the trees have fallen, it’s cold, it’s slushy, but really, my friend, it’s enough to cry over a glass of strong wine, about how far spring is, peace and joy, let them return, and before you have time to look back, how happiness will smile again, and life will return your love. thanks a lot. wonderful evening, fellow patients , we have lights out in 45 minutes, so please go to your rooms, the staff to their jobs, thank you, that’s it, everything was very good, in my opinion, everything was successful, and i don’t even want to discuss it, no words, no words , really, vitya, yes, no words, no, i’m very glad if we cheered you up, how, thank you
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very much, get well soon, how is there a coincidence in style, three poets? farshetenko and letnev, after all, letnev, two more have imitation that is not as obvious as the common features of romanticism, not specifically, so these we can’t cross out two either. ignatenko can be safely crossed out, i noticed something wrong with his arm, or some kind of spasm, probably after being wounded. i almost couldn’t, but why do we only have two crossed off from the entire list? nothing, when we justified you, not everything went smoothly at first either. what are you whispering about? are our poems discussed? what kind of list is that? i'm sketching out possible candidates for poetry meetings in our library. oh, how
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wonderful, it’s nice to be on the list, but for some reason the list is big. much it’s more pleasant to be in a close and narrow circle, goodbye, all the best, remember , comrades, what an evening we had in the hall on clean ponds, huh? imagine, ladies , the hall is old, but cozy, the acoustics are amazing , there is no need to overload the connections, so who am i accompanying, only to the stop, irin-katerina, goodbye, bye, why let me ask you only to the stop, well, because i don’t want , so you know where i
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live, oh, here it is, i want to remain mysterious music for you. evening at the cultural center on clean ponds, where, according to investigators tetov met his third victim samoilova, it’s letnev for sure, he saw samoilova at the evening and framed titov, so i ’m following, and you go towards the speedy one, be careful, you too, hello, good evening, will you, no, thank you.
7:59 am
or force you to act aggressively. where can we get witnesses? opera didn't find anyone? we must look for more than just witnesses, witnesses to his war crimes. i have already sent a request to the military archive. i’m looking for everything connected with the german newspaper that was handed over in mogilev, which sophia remembered. we could get letnev to talk, find out where he fought and whether he was in 1943 in the mogilev region.
8:00 am
it’s dangerous, after the incident at the writers’ club, he’s already on alert. you underestimate anna and her.
8:01 am
hi, i put the kids to bed, thank you, we need to talk, let’s go to my office, i could understand when you were worried about your friend, but now where have you gone, lyosha, why don’t you understand, well, i have one thing every day and also, it’s hard, every day i return to these tasks that you have...
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you have a family, and i’ve never forgotten about it.
8:03 am
8:04 am
good morning, piotr nazavich. come in, come in, explain yourself, konstantin ivanovich, on what issue, pyotr anatanovich, do you not like my work, do you doubt my competence?
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hysterical, leonid sergeevich, start decorating, you know, i don’t want to. with the choice
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of the author, sometimes you read, the poems are good , this is the appearance of the poet as a citizen , i understand you very well, you had valery efemovich lednev perform for the evening, the poems are beautiful , the audience gave a standing ovation, yes, after the performance, hello, and he left immediately or communicated with the audience, it’s immediately obvious that you are a responsible person, i’ll tell you honestly, don’t have anything to do with letnev, it’s scary. man, in what sense? after the evening he got monstrously drunk backstage, so i had to leave him to sleep on porter overnight. i couldn’t call the police, you understand, i was responsible for this, i had to pay a watchman to sit with him all night, in case we started to get rowdy with him. i understand you. sofia,
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are you sure that you can already work, i’m sure, konstantin ivanovich, with letnev an alibi, parshin, our other suspect, also has an alibi, on the day of the third murder he was in leningrad, sofilya, maybe after all, he should work, and not lie in the hospital. the propaganda book that you remembered was actually published in mogilev, they sent me extracts from several cases of war criminals who moved from there to moscow, maybe there will be some here...
8:08 am
“i’ll study everything, if anyone comes here - then he will come in and say that i instructed you to prepare materials for systematizing statistical data on archival matters, you are simply real scout, have a seat.
8:09 am
hello, hello, katerina, not yet, no, let 's start without her, yes, but why, again we don't have a single suspect, we have, when forty-three, we have, where is mogilev, we have who , fascist propaganda, we have a whole library, i...
8:10 am
tell me what you have there, i would like to talk to you, come on, come on, talk, comrade major, i couldn’t help but notice your strange behavior, or rather suspicious, yes, you are acting suspiciously, that is, you constantly go to the archives and...


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