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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 25, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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yes, any generalization is unfair to anyone, but still today they don’t listen to rock the way they did, once upon a time, yes, some time ago, so maybe i ’ll sharpen the point, yes, well, intentionally, but i don’t see in modern russian music, continuity with the great russian literature, with the great russian culture with russian rock, i don’t see it there, i’m wrong, at one time such a terrible word of music appeared, it appeared in the nineties, the word format , then everything began to be divided, because before that everything was somehow together, if you take there , let’s say the seventies, there was rock pop music and some kind of disc, it was all together, and then it began to be divided into formats, and then trends appeared, rap didn’t just appear, you don’t need to know much nothing, you don’t need to study music especially there, make yourself these beats, so to speak, there and then say what comes to mind: it’s come, this is such a trend, and it
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’s also supported by the industry, it’s on its own, it wouldn’t have lasted long , this is also a stage that indicates that everything it should begin, so to speak , to develop in a new circle, and it won’t go anywhere, and over time, those seeds that are the most tenacious will sprout, that is, into the more interesting ones, which have some meaning behind them, but still.. ... one way or another, music , and at the core, as a manifestation of culture , literature, but this connection, this is this symbiosis, and people will always return to them, because this is actually folk art, you are amazingly diplomatic today, there is in russian, modern that rap, as they call it, there is a connection with the great russian literature, do you see it or there are more opportunities for literary expression there than in rock, that there needs to be something there,
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something to broadcast constantly, and a lot, there are a lot of opportunities, yes, yes , yes, another thing is how it is used, the opportunity is small , unfortunately, we are with you today, of course, we had so much theological and cultural and musical, i’m not afraid of that word measurement, but i know, in conclusion, what i would like you to talk about ask, since we talked a lot today about russian literature. now, if you had to advise our foreign contemporaries to get acquainted with russian literature, well, through some work or work, i won’t say there, name three there, but that’s what first comes to mind, falls on the heart, you advised first of all, i’m always ready with ease call pushkin and his poems. and prose, yes, this is one circumstance,
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the second circumstance is that in poetry he reached such heights that are already called fairy tales, and in poetry, well, actually, in general pushkin is our everything, yes, yes, alexey nikolaevich, what would you advise, well, i would probably slash at dostoevsky, of course, but not everyone can handle it, yes... here is the person who discovered it for himself, said that so he writes about terrible things from the perspective of light, not everyone can probably understand this, but nevertheless, i said in some interviews that i just had such friends who - they are such cult musicians, there and to this day since then they are cult musicians in the west, now we have been to such gatherings very interesting, where you come to such a house, there are people walking around in clothes for centuries, so
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the hostess sits down at the piano, everyone came just for this, they start playing neoclassical music, how interesting it is, then they start talking, then it turns out that one of people are such a leading hollywood screenwriter , i didn’t even know, he wrote so many films, so we were just talking with him about literature and when i said the word dostoevsky, and his face suddenly changed, he changed, so straight... ...became completely different bowed suddenly, i think he was bowing to me or something, bowed like that, oh dostoevsky, yes, and, of course, there are people who understand this, understand, sooner or later after all, i was listening to you just now, i remembered, some i recently watched an american detective series, and there are two detectives sitting in a car, one opens the glove compartment, there is an idiot of dostoevsky, he says, a good book, tostoevsky, he says,
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we were gathering our thoughts about russian rock as a cultural phenomenon, thank you, v russia is in mourning for the victims of a monstrous terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, there are already 137 people, including three children, the list of dead has grown today as rescuers have advanced in clearing the rubble, but this work is not finished, and most
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likely the new numbers are also not final. this evening at 5:8, at the same time when the first shots were fired in the crocus on friday, a minute of silence began under the mitron. from the foundation in which the word we mourn and the date of the tragedy, march 22, 2024, were laid out with candles, the wall of the dilapidated building lit up and the cranes flew one after another. song about soldiers which after death become birds , cranes on the elements of raslol gamzatov sounded sad, but it also contains a note of immortality of the dead, if we remember them, families to whom trouble has come will be helped, the culprits will be found and punished, vladimir putin said this,
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addressing the russians the day before dear citizens of russia, i am addressing you in connection with the bloody, barbaric. with gratitude to the ambulance and air ambulance crews, special forces soldiers, firefighters, rescuers who did everything to save people’s lives and bring them out from under the fire, from the epicenter of the fire, to avoid even greater losses.
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i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens, who did not remain indifferent and indifferent in the first minutes after the tragedy. along with doctors and security officers, they provided first aid and transported victims to the hospital. we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, families whose lives have been affected by terrible misfortune, and wounded victims. i express my deepest sincere condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones. together with you. the whole country, all our people are mourning, investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime, but it is already obvious that we are faced not just with a carefully cynically planned terrorist attack, with a prepared and
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organized mass murder of peaceful, defenseless people, the criminals cold-bloodedly and purposefully went to kill, shoot at point-blank range our...
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terrorists, murderers, non-humans, who do not and cannot have a nationality, face one unenviable fate, retribution in abundance, they have no future. our common debt now our comrades at the front, all citizens of the country, to be together in one ranks. i believe this will happen, because no one and nothing can shake our unity and will, our determination and courage, the strength of the united people of russia. no one will be able to sow poisonous seeds of discord, panic and discord in our multi-ethnic society. russia has repeatedly gone through difficult, sometimes unbearable trials, but has become even stronger. this is how
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it will be now. today vladimir putin in memory of those who were shot by terrorists, who suffocated in the smoke, who did not manage to escape from under the concrete and metal, lit a candle in the temple of saving the man-made image in novoogorev. the head of state crossed himself at the crucifix in the twilight and silence under the arches of the church. over 10,000 people came to the site of the tragedy today: flowers, candles, tears, the very day when it is easier to be together. endless. the flow of people to the memorial at crocus city hall is like their endless pain, they come here all day to express their grief,
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to somehow understand what happened, to look at each other through their tears eyes to see, at this terrible moment we are not alone. today, as if in the morning, i understand how important it is to tell your loved ones how much you love them, because at one moment everything can end, as if just some kind of madness, just maybe... you just might come somewhere someone can just take your life, just some crazy people, there are simply no words, like, love each other, say kind words to each other, because there can be a lot left unsaid, we must appreciate this life, rejoice in everyone day, hug each other. swear, at least - for the sake of those people who are no longer there
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, who cannot do this, well, this is a common tragedy, i can’t just sit at home, i don’t know how to survive such grief, my daughter stayed in the car, she didn’t even it’s very difficult to take her with you, these shots of a destroyed concert hall, taken from a helicopter, are like the personification of the hole that formed in the hearts of all those who lost loved ones in the terrorist attack, it’s unbearably difficult to be near a drowning person...
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in voronezh, people are on duty stand at the memorials i was moved to tears by this grief, it was impossible to sleep at night, how wonderful, a very difficult day, a very difficult day, a terrible tragedy , our condolences, among the dead there were children, some of them died in the arms of their mothers, their bodies were found in an embrace, along with toys in yekaterinburg, someone brought a cardboard with the words: nothing will ever justify terror, on sakhalin, along with the mourners... the sky was crying, yesterday morning, it was unkind, it was terrible, terrible, so much do you think that these poor people
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have survived, and what else they have to do is not to say i can, because there are simply no words to express it all, there are dozens of confused eyes at the memorial in krasnogorsk, people are trying to find loved ones, a friend’s wife, yana pogadaeva, he was here yesterday, he came, he is not on the lists. she is still not in the hospitals, or among the victims, or on any lists. in 2 days, in search of yana, igor visited all the hospitals several times, we talked to him yesterday, as soon as the news started pouring in, he...
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because we were all covered in blood. it's hard to imagine what this couple's friends experienced when they identified them in one of the creepy videos from executions. zhanna was recognized by her bright blouse; nothing is known about the woman yet, and her husband roman is in serious condition in the hospital. for a long time there was no information about the assistant director of the picnic group, ekaterina. and then a few hours ago, loved ones heard something terrible. her husband told me that he
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knew her. katya died. katya was an irreplaceable person with whom. they worked very friendly. there is a tragic story behind every name on the list of those killed. the couple, a mother and father of two boys, were late for the concert, ran into the crocus city hall last, and were shot at emphasis svetlana moryakina died on the spot, her husband nikolai was taken to intensive care in khimki. one of the dead was ekaterina novostelova, miss tver. maxim verbenin moved in a wheelchair. he was at the concert with his girlfriend. she told her mother how heroically her son died. i started calling my son, well... there was no connection with him, with great difficulty i got through to natasha, she shouted into the phone that maxim was dead, she said, i look up, i see that this terrorist is shooting at him point-blank. maxima. during the terrorist attack killed a married couple who had been helping to save lives for many years. oleg and tatyana were volunteers of the lisa alert search team. their call sign hamlet from luke
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is more of an irony; they will always be remembered in the squad as the kindest and most sympathetic people. the acquaintance took place inside. detachment, then a relationship began between the guys, as soon as there was a call, they asked for a volunteer to search, if one unsubscribed, literally a few minutes later the second unsubscribed, and they were sure to ask to put each other together, here we are in the crocus, before the start of the concert 10 minutes, this video is the last thing that oleg and lyudmila sytnikov sent to their daughters; they had long dreamed of an evening with a rock band, which they fell in love with during their first dates. they made a pen for our daughters for those who didn’t get in, and for those who didn’t get in, after a few minutes shooting starts in the hall, since then there is no information about the spouses, several rows above the sytnikovs were the sisters anna and tatyana, anna managed to call to my mother after the start of the brutal attack, she was barely
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breathing, wheezing, saying, we are suffocating, we we’re on fire, help, that’s all she had time to say, that’s it, there was no more communication after that. angelina is looking for her entire family, her mother, stepfather and twelve-year-old brother, they were also able to contact her when the terrorists had already broken into the hall. they were at a concert, they called and said that they were lying on the floor, shots were heard, they asked to call an ambulance and the police. alexey vysotsky was supposed to work as a director at the control panel at that very concert; he and his colleagues helped frightened people get out of the publication and miraculously saved himself, but that’s andrey’s fate. and igor amchentsev still unknown. igor amchintsev ran to pull the guys out from the minus first floor. andrey ran after the student organization, he brought all the students out and came back to check if anyone was left, but the connection was not lost, it was simply a miracle that saved us. your son worked here, here he is, yes. yes, it's just
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not his shift the next day should be death. come, come here. for all. spectators, it should have been a pleasant friday evening, of which there would be many more in their lives, today we all feel very bad for them, and their relatives this wound will never heal. olga pautova, maria emelyanova, maryana soboleva, artyom tikhonov, andrey mikhailov, alexander grinostaev, channel one. 11 detainees in the terrorist attack case, four direct perpetrators are already in moscow, they are being interrogated by the investigative committee, the election of preventive measures is possible ahead. in the coming hours in the basmanny court of the capital. then everyone faces a life sentence. the federal security service continues to look for accomplices. all over the country, as soon as the tragic news arrived from...
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the second call before the start of the concert, the visitors at first do not attach importance to the shots, someone even takes them for part of the show, the full enormity of the situation becomes clear when the criminals enter the faye, now the frocus have started shooting, the shots are getting closer and louder, or how ever closer yes and louder, yes, yes, yes, then everyone started running. the lines sound almost non-stop. later, at the scene of the tragedy , investigators will find two abandoned kalashnikov assault rifles, an impressive amount of terrorist ammunition. more than half a thousand rounds and about 30 magazines, wound in pairs for
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quick reloading. we were in the wardrobe, the shooting started. some people hide in the wardrobe, afraid to attract the attention of the killers, and later are safely evacuated through the back door. we have now managed to escape. we climbed out into the street through some basements. here he is, without a weapon behind the machine gunner , acting as a coordinator, showing the way to the concert hall, the militants burst in at 20:03, that is, 8 minutes after the start of the attack, let's hurry up, maybe let's? the crocus hall is full, it can accommodate more than 600 man, tickets to the concert of a rock band picnic were sold out, executioners from above are firing at unarmed people, standing in the back of
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the stalls, shooting from a machine gun, shooting at the crowd, when a man came in, started shooting, it is clear that there is fire right from the barrel and people are falling , forward, people are trying to escape, someone is squeezing into... the regiment, someone is getting out between the rows on all fours, we are leaving, we are leaving , we are leaving, they are trying to leave through the stage, i was sitting in the hall from above, where there were balconies, then we heard shots, at first they didn’t understand what happened, then i personally saw how the terrorists came in and started shooting everyone. most of the upper tier is in indirect visibility of the terrorists, in order to kill as many people as possible, the militants took an incendiary mixture with them in their backpacks, they set the chair on fire, and it envelops everything.
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18 minutes have passed since the first shot, at this moment the family that miraculously escaped the terrorist attack runs across the road, the terrorists run them down, an eight-year-old boy receives severe injuries, he is taken to intensive care, meanwhile the fire has engulfed almost a third of the building, the ministry of emergency situations employees, promptly arrived at the scene, some people were rescued from the roof using... lifts, there was already a lot of smoke, with the help of firefighters we partially went down on wires, partly the firemen set up the ladder, and one by one we lowered the child, the women, got out, here i am in a minute came back out of there, more than 70 ambulance teams were sent to crocus city hall, the wounded were sent to the capital’s clinics , including by air ambulance, helicopters extinguished the burning building, dropping tons of water, security agencies were raised on alarm, as a result of the defense... hours after the tragedy , they managed to capture all four terrorists; they tried to rush to ukraine, hundreds of kilometers from the border near the village of khatsun , bryansk region, a white renault was intercepted. after committing
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a terrorist act, the criminals intended to cross the russian-ukrainian border and had relevant contacts on the ukrainian side. to shed light on the scheme by which the terrorist attack was organized and to find out who was behind it, the special forces carried out special instructions, took the criminals alive, and shot not to defeat, but to the wheels. which is why initially a couple of terrorists managed to escape into the forest, one of them was hiding in a tree, ready, a tramp, everyone was caught, a cold-blooded executioner who shot at defenseless people, when meeting with operatives, he sees in fear, another shooter, who several more hours ago , he walked imposingly between the bodies of his victims, now he is trembling during interrogation, either from animal fear, or from drug withdrawal, apparently, at the time of the massacre of people, the militants were taking psychotropic drugs, which affairs in crocus for... why he shot, why instructions with a frightened look, he tells the operatives everything, it doesn’t look like the behavior of an ideological fanatic, he says he just killed for the sake of it.
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from whom i received it i have not yet received half i received it where i received it from card to card i transferred it, but it’s just much more likely that what awaited the militants on ukrainian territory was not a fee but a bullet in the forehead; in the best case , detention and throwing the perpetrators of a terrorist attack are commonplace there. in this case, there is still an opportunity for ukrainian, possibly western intelligence services, to appear as heroes in the fight against the global terrorism. for those who ordered the attack, at worst, it would have been better for the militants to have died in russia during their arrest, but this did not happen. now during interrogations there is no doubt that they will tell you everything they know. did they say specifically who to kill? yes, what kind of people? it doesn’t matter who the couple comes in, he said. all four recruited mercenaries turned out to be foreign citizens,
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they speak russian poorly, or at least they do. the photographer who photographed crocus visitors two weeks ago during the concert of opera singer alessandra safina recognized this militant, although it’s not so simple; when detained , the terrorist had a pitiful, frightened look, but it was definitely him, pay attention to the wings of the nose, the lines of the eyebrows and hair growth. another visitor to that concert saw all four of them; they were probably studying the layout of the concert hall and the location of security posts. three of them were in a group, one was bearded. wearing some kind of green jacket, he called, laughed and spoke not russian, and the fourth one stood near the window in a sand uniform, i didn’t see it - initially, mm, because later he would meet me on the second floor, they looked around, and i thought that these were officers, most likely, well, at least the one in sand
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uniform, the detainees... the security forces took them to moscow. the active phase of the terrorist attack took only a quarter of an hour, but during this time the attackers carried out a massacre with so many victims. the crocus was set on fire in such a way that the fire could not be extinguished until the building collapsed. at the same time, the detainees do not give the impression of professionals. this means that the attack plan was designed in such a way that it could be implemented by not very prepared people. apparently their leader told them what to do and how to do it, where to place the explosives that ignited. chairs to the ceiling - this is quite a serious distance, and in order for the fire to penetrate there, it is at least necessary to have a large reserve of such, frankly speaking, fiery power. it is known that the terrorists lived together in a hostel in the north of moscow. they were hardly old friends; at least two of the detainees had only known each other for a couple of weeks back. the youngest of the recruited mercenaries, this nineteen-year-old guy worked as a hairdresser. you can’t tell from pictures from social networks that he is capable of such
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naturally, many at first don’t even understand, with stories, the first seconds of the attack , what is happening, they are running around the huge hall, who is going where, someone is hiding behind a column, this man, risking getting hit by bullets, overturns bar tables, trying to build a shelter for those who are already cowered in horror, something is happening down there, some kind of general, first confusion in the auditorium gives way to panic. frightened people are rushing to the exit right in their chairs, fortunately there was someone who gave the command in a calm, firm voice, perhaps she saved these people, having recovered from the horror, dozens of people remember how to get out of this hell, they were helped by young guys, practically children , schoolchildren also worked in the cloakroom of the concert hall, they, of course, knew the layout of the building well, but such composure and readiness to help, when complete madness was happening around,
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was it really... possible to demand and expect from them, we are from the third floor, and there is a guy at the emergency exit, a boy literally, he was showing exactly the safe exit, and there were people standing there, there. perhaps we are talking about nikita ivanov, he calmed down and led dozens of deathly frightened people along the service corridors, perhaps it was nikita’s friend, fifteen-year-old islam khalilov, everyone went there, there, there, there, to the expo, to the expo! a few seconds of video, where eighth-grader islam calmly and confidently leads people literally from under fire, many of us have watched more than once over the past 24 hours and sent to friends and relatives , in order to maintain faith in people, one of the terrorists, islam saw, was not afraid, i saw one, that’s why
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he had such a beard in green camouflage, walked with a machine gun like that, there was a stampede and everyone was in shock, at first no one i understood what to do, where to go, when people began to run away from the side of the escalator, there from the side of the stairs, then i already realized that... the attack had come and the moment the instinct itself had already worked automatically to evacuate people in the direction of expo. expo is a huge exhibition complex adjacent to concert hall. islam knew that it was easier to hide from terrorists there and find a way out into the street, so he sent more than a hundred people there, and he himself went last, so that god forbid, no one would fall behind or get lost. i started shouting to the whole faye, to the whole croc city hall, people, people are shooting, shooting, i started shouting: “everyone, run to the expa and bye.” i helped everyone where they needed to go and you waited until everyone was there, but you didn’t walk behind, that is, you walked last, locking yes, yes, to know that i didn’t leave anyone. a modest guy, a passionate football fan, might save himself and no one would condemn him for
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it, but he decided to help others , his parents raised him so well, i’m proud of my son, thank god, that’s what he was able to do, so he helped with his children , he himself is also alive and well, the rest of the people he brought out , also survived, i just wanted. honestly, i just don’t consider myself a hero , it was part of my job, it was better to sacrifice myself than to let hundreds of people die, the wardrobe staff, the students led people out from the lower level so clearly confidently, as if they were doing this not for the first time in their lives, i didn’t think so, how many people do i take out, the main thing was to run through the crowd , to be the first to direct, at least people knew where to run, it was unclear whether it was safe at the top, i stopped, asked people not to panic, reassured people that everything was fine, the doors were all open, it turns out we went upstairs all the people were just leaving, nineteen -year-old administrator dasha was in the hall during the attack, a fragile girl, she also felt uneasy, but she coped with her nerves and saved
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many lives, i was scared too, i was scared too, i just screamed everyone come down down behind the stage, go down behind the stage, it turned out that a number of people and i had to go behind the stage, well, behind this curtain, they were shooting there, it was scary, but we... got out, i tried to do everything i could, concert, please , the crocus cityhall security officer calmly explains to people why they shouldn’t panic and go out through the nearest door, behind it everything is already covered in toxic smoke, and you can easily lose consciousness, but you need to close your nose and mouth to follow it. our sports colleague was trapped among hundreds of people in the amphitheater commentator viktor gusev regrets that he never found out the name of his savior.
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i am the administrator of the viplozhikhol, this is the same determined girl sofia, a few years ago she came to moscow from sakhalin, not to give in to panic and lead people around the burning hall, her sports training, many years of ballroom dancing helped her, a woman ran up to me and said what save us, please, there was shooting, machine gun fire immediately started, and i immediately realized that it was a terrorist attack that showed the direction.
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i jumped out for sorting, because people were running, getting into the car, asking for help, but we physically can only save one at a time, i started sorting them, based on the severity of their condition, and turned to my comrade.
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either or die, i rushed to
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him, ran around him to the left, grabbed the machine gun, began to pull him down, and with my right hand struck him on the head, at that moment another healthier man jumped up and also began to strike him several blows, we put him down, in general, it’s amazing how clear and supportive people are they saved those who could not do it themselves, men broke out windows and let women go ahead, took children out from the top floor, where ballroom dancing competitions were taking place at that time. until late at night
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, people who cared were giving a ride, a strong crush began, people began to run back and forth, forward, and the shot kept getting closer, getting closer, we’ve all known this guy for many years, rudger garicht, winner of one of the seasons of the musical project, the voice of children, where his mother was most rooted for him, of course, along with her and also four friends, they also came to the concert the day before yesterday, in front of rudger the nonhumans killed the girl, and a minute later they found themselves in a terrible crush, one of the door wings did not... open, everyone begins to panic, they begin to squeeze even more into the narrow door, stuck right in the door, they couldn’t get through , there were families, they were separated, and there were people , there was one, there was one goal, just to squeeze through this door, larissa, the crowd pressed him to the wall, then rudger found the strength, pushed aside the strong man, literally pulled his mother out , they don't remember how they got there at home, but now her son is her personal hero, he just stood, hugged and stood, you begin to understand that it could happen to you at all, that you are just me...
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you wrote and sent him a letter, yes, we
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were taken hostage, take care girls, we will die, we are burning, these are the words you wrote to your husband, take care of the girls, daughters, yes, someone managed to fall there, someone... did not have time, here before my eyes is a disabled person who sat and could not in principle, there is nowhere to run away, the terrorists shot him in the back, it’s just that the family came to the band’s picnic concert with two children, a son and a daughter, 10 and 12 years old, we were very scared, yes, very scared, i had thoughts, i need to save the children , first of all, the children, my wife, to get them out of there, so i would it doesn’t matter to myself, but i would need them, to save them, along the row like this , right next to each other, so that i say lie down, i tell you not to raise your head, that’s because if i were there. when i saw that they started shooting, i of course wanted to cover my children with me, so that at least to protect them, so we went up, up, up, probably, jumped out of this hall, ran when we were at home, that first of all we did everything together, hugged, hugged, hugged, yes, just like that on its own in consciousness itself, it seems to me that it probably only came yesterday that it happened, that we were just
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literally, that we had our second birthday on march 22, everyone has their own story of salvation, someone was lucky to be in the right place, at the right time, the concert staff helped someone...
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2528 sk for the moscow region and another number 8 800 100 12 60. a single multi-channel line of the investigative committee. every detail is important, it is necessary minute by minute, second by second to restore everything that happened that evening. any information can be extremely useful and help the investigation.
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the identification procedure began today. so far, the bodies of 137 people have been found at the site of the terrorist attack. three of whom are children. the investigation of the crime scene continues. to date, 62 bodies have been identified. for the rest of the dead, to establish their identities genetic examinations are carried out. in connection with the terrorist attack, telephone hotlines have been opened. cellular operators are eliminating call charges. a single helpline on your screens. contacts of the ministry of health of the moscow region. number for information on.
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pay attention to the latest short number 122.0 searching for people injured in a terrorist attack. we return to the first page and find the window for compensation for victims. also follow the link for more details. here already in the article about material assistance to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack, those who hospital or minor injuries are treated at home. i’ll add a link to a telegram channel under the main six windows for more advanced ones. users. condolences are coming to russia from different countries. today the president of tajikistan called vladimir putin. imali rahmon condemned the terrorist attack in a circle. sitikho said that terrorists have neither nationality nor religion and emphasized the solidarity of tajik citizens with the people of russia. rahmon assured the russian leader
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that tajikistan will closely cooperate with our country in the fight against terrorism, extremism and religious radicalism. a call was announced from the president of azerbaijan to vladimir putin. ilham aliyev said: the azerbaijani people are nearby in this difficult time. he is convinced that both those who committed the terrorist attack and those who stood behind them will suffer inevitably. the day before , the presidents of belarus alexander lukashenko, uzbekistan shavkat merziyoyev, kazakhstan kasym zhamar takaev, turkey rejeb tayyip erdagan and syria bashar-assad called moscow. china is shocked by the terrorist attack in the moscow region and supports russia, said chinese president sijin ping. prime minister of india narendra modi strongly condemned the heinous crime. a message addressed to vladimir putin was sent by north korean leader kim jong-un and mongolian president ukhnaigin. khurylsukh. asia, africa, latin america, middle east. from everywhere there are words of sympathy and support for the families of the victims
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. abkhazia, nicaragua and the republic of serbian bosnia and herzegovina, as a sign of solidarity with russia, also declared mourning. in the united arab emirates , the famous burch khalifa skyscraper and headquarters were illuminated with huge russian tricolors national oil company. in belgrade at a friendly match between football clubs cervena zvezda and zenit. fans chanted in support of our country. russia, serbian and turkish presidents addressed the authorities publicly to our people. i would like to express my sincere condolences to the citizens and leadership of russia. i hope that the terrorists who committed this terrible crime will be brought to justice. on behalf of my country, all our people, i express my condolences to the russian authorities in connection with yesterday's terrorist attack on a concert hall in moscow. we strongly condemn this heinous terrorist attack on innocent civilians. the countries of the organization whose policy
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towards russia gave every reason to call them unfriendly did not remain in the country: washington, european capitals, the eu and nato. they, as they said in our foreign ministry, under pressure from the international community, nevertheless strengthened their condemnation of terrorism. but here’s what’s worth highlighting: firstly, the reaction of lithuania, where they commented on the terrorist attack without mentioning it. and latvia, where people were banned laying flowers at the fence of our embassy, ​​and secondly, the position that the press took in the west, like a carbon copy, promoting the version that ukraine and terror are two different entities. by the way, the white house also shares this position, because it was stated by vice president kamala harris. and no objections were reported from biden. the russian foreign ministry responded. any acquittal of kiev by washington until the completion of the crocus investigation. must be considered as evidence. mikhail akinchenko read and watched. who
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did it? the question that is being asked these days is all languages ​​of the world, the russian special services are still searching for a comprehensive answer to it, but the american media already know everything and explain everything. what do we know and what can we trust about these events? i have no doubt that isis is responsible; cells of their kharasan division exist not only in afghanistan, but in turkmenistan, tajikistan, iran, central asia, long-standing grievances against russia. well, for those who are hard of hearing, in large letters at the bottom of the screen: isis claimed responsibility for the attack in moscow, here even on the ultra-liberal cnn , the eternal antagonist of the conservative fox channel, there suddenly was an attack of incredible mutual understanding. captions. broadcast says there is no doubt about egil’s responsibility for what happened. the isis group,
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which we are talking about possible participation, is called the islamic state of kharsan and is located in afghanistan. and we know that in russia there are many people from central asia, a muslim population, some of whom have become radicalized in recent decades. mainstream western media suddenly began to substantiate the reuters news release. in crocus cityhol, firefighters were still fighting the fire with a rescuer. were looking for survivors, a message had already popped up on the news agency’s feed with a link to a previously unknown telegram channel of the islamists, where they declared their responsibility. usually, it is customary to carefully check such information before publication, but here, apparently, is a special case, which all major publications immediately began to replicate. claimed responsibility for the attack terrorist group isis - reports its news agency. a us official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the us had no reason to doubt the statement. but we doubted that the terrorist agency amak, which for some reason is so trusted by americans, gained
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fame back in 2015-2016. the murder of people in california's san bernardino, a suicide bombing in a jakarta coffee shop and a terrorist attack in a baghdad shopping center in 2016, this resource covered in sufficient detail, but nothing has been heard about it since 2017, so many years later this sleeping agency suddenly woke up in connection with the terrorist attack in moscow. in general, by all indications it looks like a typical resource of some special service that supports its existence for highly specialized tasks. at the same time, the same american media. with incredible zeal they justified the kiev regime, although no one had yet brought forward a single accusation against the ukrainian authorities, but they began to justify themselves in advance, one might say, proactively, as if they knew something, i don’t think that the ukrainians would launch an attack on such a target , quicker they are targeting oil refineries, radar installations, military installations, this is a clear war
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crime, they would not do this despite. for all the anger they feel towards russia and the desire to bring the war home to muscovites who support putin. i think the ukrainian government would not do this. all these efforts to divert attention were so coordinated that they only served to attract him even more. after all, everyone has long known that if the united states too persistently diverts suspicion from someone, and at the same time diligently pointing a finger at another, it means that something is unclean here. former central intelligence analyst.
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having said that in order to protect the nation, it is necessary to firstly deprive the children, so killing their fathers, the children grow up and take revenge, killing the children, the stink never grows and the nation suffers not because ukrainians are capable, and why the stench is basically robbing, crushing, cutting, driving in, suffocating the musk, so maybe these words of the ukrainian regime should be listened to first of all, they are much better
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explain the reasons for the terrorist attack in moscow, what is the story about pakistani islamists, and what if... the terrorist islamic state is inextricably linked with the ukrainian one, because for some reason those who attacked unarmed people in moscow tried to hide in ukraine, but in washington there is nothing like that, as they say , point-blank they don’t notice. we have no signals, none at all, that the ukrainians are in any way connected with this. here one cannot help but wonder what signals the americans have then, why not share them with russia, as shared russia in... on march 7, the us embassy in our country published recommendations for its citizens to avoid crowded places and refrain from going to concerts. they obviously knew something, but why did they hide important details from the russian
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intelligence services? from my own experience, i participated in the preparation. warnings of this kind, i know that they are based on reliable development data indicating an imminent terrorist attack, such warnings are based on sources reporting terrorist plans, they ...
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significantly complement the american and she has more evidence. here are the footage that was distributed by the associated press a year ago. they show the commander of one of the ukrainian units with the call sign kurd, on his commander’s head there is a crown with the flag of that very islamic state, which, by the way, is recognized as terrorist and is prohibited not only in our country, but throughout the world. where this person came from in ukraine is generally no secret. back in 2022, the russian foreign intelligence service reported that us intelligence services had gone to the american one.
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at one time, the west actively used in his interests of various kinds of cross-border radical terrorist groups, including encouraging their aggression against russia. it is natural that the neo-nazi kiev regime, again, with the support of the west, often on their direct orders, switched to terrorist methods, such as shelling of peaceful cities, assassinations of government officials and public officials. attempts to recruit perpetrators of sabotage and terrorist attacks at critical russian infrastructure facilities and in places where people are crowded. search technology
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performers has been proven and despite its wide popularity is still effective. they search for suitable candidates on the internet, determine their psychotype, find weaknesses and, through primitive manipulation, force people to carry out orders. someone like... this girl is pouring green into a ballot box, scammers called me and forced me to do this, you admit your guilt, i was manipulated 5 days before, they forced me to take out loans, put in an atm, in a month, how much money did you translate for them? well, someone, coveted by a promise easy money, sets fire to relay cabinets on railways, or, having made a molotov cocktail according to instructions, goes to set fire to the military registration and enlistment office. why were they detained , for planning the arson of the military registration and enlistment office, why were the instructions on the instructions of the ukrainian military, how did you meet them, on the internet,
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the suspects in the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall tell a surprisingly similar story, they wrote on telegrams without a name, without a surname, without anything , and how they pinned you, are you the one? were you looking for or did they find you? no, they wrote to me, why? did they write to you specifically? the lesson was going on, he listened to sermons, listened to the preacher there , yes, he offered money, he offered money, for what, what he offered, for money he offered, what kind of things, what kind of things, specifically, what did he tell you, what kind of murders, what to kill whom, the whole place, they threw it off, they said specifically who to kill, and what kind of people , it doesn’t matter, in short, there the second member of this terrorist gang remembered the name of the subscriber who recruited them, niki abdulo, not only offered money, but indicated the coordinates caches of weapons promised a window for escape on the russian-ukrainian border, here
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the question involuntarily arises: did abdullo have a mykola partner with the authority to resolve this issue? all this, of course, still needs to be verified and the truth found out; the russian special services know how to do this. mikhail akinchenko, sergey civella, channel one. these mykols, raised by the west, and now covered by them, have started terrorist attacks . belgrade, grayvoron, kazinka, our peaceful border town and villages. daily blows from ukraine, they beat cynically from salvo fire missile systems at dense multi-story buildings, where schools, kindergartens, and hospitals are nearby, each missile has a damage radius of tens of meters. only last night our air defenses repelled such an attack by the czech vampire rszzo, another 22 shells were destroyed in the air this evening, but they will not intimidate people with a terrorist attack. valentina solovyova from the place about how belogorye lives now.


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