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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 25, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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for defense, then i was a little boy , as if i was passing by, i saw, well, our local militias, as it were, i couldn’t imagine becoming a military man, well, now we have matured, we had to defend our homeland, liberate, we are fighting for that so that we have peace, our future generation, children, relatives did not see all this, in the ovdeevsky direction, in addition to the village of tonenka, the group of troops is the center, the village of orlovka was also liberated, it is located in the north. our units continue to push back the enemy. evgeny lyamin, dmitry koschurin, nikita sebastyanov, irina chyuchuy, channel one. and finally, about the weather, which will pleasantly surprise muscovites this week. it’s already warm and sunny in the region today, the air will warm up to 9°, and then the temperature will only rise. by the weekend in the capital and region, almost summer values ​​reach +17, and in some places even up to +20. meteorologists do not rule out that the record, which has stood for 17 years, will be broken. at night
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it will still be cool from zero to -2, the roads may still be icy in places, especially in the morning, that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program time will tell, we welcome the viewers of the first channel, we continue the information channel in the studio ekaterina shugaeva and anatoly, yesterday in russia there was a day of national mourning, it’s clear the topic before our program today is ours...
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taxi drivers delivered for free there to the metro, not because the aggregator told them: “guys, here we are, now we have such a concept for free,” he said, thank god, and well done, aggregator, just, well, bow to the ground, they went there themselves, they went there themselves , you see, this is also very important, the volunteers who delivered water, the residents of nearby houses who immediately jumped out, some in bulk, some with tea, some with something else, you know, i said this on saturday, now i’ll say it again, again ...
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"saved each other and so on, and here's an amazing story, amazing why? well, when we say the word called zoomers, zoomers, well, there is such an ironic, well , like fools, senseless, it means creatures that, what are zoomers, what are they, these zoomers, actually fourteen to fifteen year olds the guys who worked in the wardrobe, well , they worked part-time, apparently, yes, they accepted outerwear when the terrorists broke into the building, when the shooting started, here are three guys: artyom danskov, islam khalilov, nikita ivanov, which means that not only did they not give in, here they are, these guys, not only did they not succumb to panic, they got their bearings and started leading people out, imagine yourself in their place, what it was like, and what the first impulse of a person is, it just seems to me, it seems to me, to scream and run away, and then more precisely in shooting started in the wardrobe, it was from there that they took people out, but that’s just not the right word, just well done, i’m just proud, proud of these.
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zoomers, by the way, now we have one of the kids, yes, i’m the youngest of these guys of all, artyom donskov, yes, he’s in direct contact with us, artyom, hello, how old are you, artyom? 14 years old, 14 years old, now you can’t even be called a zoomer , you are now a real hero, you are now very, well, really, now all zoomers are in your face, but real heroes, artyom, but tell me straight out, well, we we are so i i think i described the general plot in a nutshell, so to speak, but now, of course, it’s much more important, much more interesting - to hear from you that how everything happened, that you heard, that you began to act, we don’t interrupt, tell us directly, there are no small details, everything in a row tell me what you remember, what you saw , please, well, it all started as usual, it was a normal working day, before the concert nothing foreshadowed trouble, it was only until the third bell for the start of the concert, at some point it starts, we were at minus on the first floor, like the entire wardrobe
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, a huge crowd of people begins to descend towards us from the first floor, our worker comes down after them and says that they are shooting there, but we... don’t hear, we don’t see anything, nothing is clear, that’s how once at that moment when this huge crowd of people ran into fae, and several shots were fired, and your actions, after which, yeah, and after which the whole crowd ran towards the plot room, through the door, uh, but there was a dead end with the rest of us they understood this, but when everything, everything a hundred... people stopped, didn’t know what to do, we decided to take the evacuation into our own hands, and what are you, we quickly got our bearings, we started, then islam opened the emergency door, we started taking all the people out, shouting to them
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to make sure that we took all the people away, listen, and you had some kind, artyom, you probably had some kind, there was instructions, yes, well, that is, you knew where, so to speak, where, where to go, which door to open, where? terrorist attacks and we were already ready, that is , you separately seem to have told you that maybe if there are terrorist attacks, you will receive separate instructions on how to behave, through which emergency exit to go out, be stunned, wow, this is this, that and apparently, apparently artyom means, well, we all mean, but you remember those warnings from the british american embassies, about the fact that on the eve of march 8 there may be some means... some kind of terrorist attacks, apparently, so this, this is what artyom means, well, and accordingly you were given some kind of instruction, that is, you they knew where to run, where to go, yes, artyom, there were emergency exits are open, well, those were next to us , yes, as far as i know from the news,
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some were closed and people had to break down, break down the doors, artyom, please tell me what was the most difficult thing, you said that here you are the crowd had to shout where to go, that is, it was still probably a crowd. there is the only notification that you have that they are shooting there, that is, the only one you received, it was from her, that’s right, i understood, yes, that is, you heard the sounds of shots, but
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you haven’t heard any fire alarms yet, yes, well, yes, because we started, we started evacuating before the fire started, and even before it started. of course, of course, of course, but please tell me, artyom, well, honestly, uh, it was scary, well, exactly at the moment, at the moment of this, no, but the fear already began when i was driving home, when i got home, it began watching the news, what was happening, i was scared for the people, scared for myself, that i was there and could, well, give in the hall or, well, yes. artyom, please tell me again, you all ran out into the street through the emergency exits, everyone immediately went home, because you were all without clothes, yes, all these people, and you, no one stayed around to see what was happening, and you no longer saw the fire, everyone just quickly went home, well, in
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half shared, some tried to leave as quickly as possible, some were waiting for information, some were keeping an eye on what was happening, yeah, that is, what about the fire alarm? so in the end it didn’t happen, until you had even left for home, you still didn’t hear the fire alarm, well, since we were already far from the building, well, we didn’t listened, uh-huh, artyom, can i also ask a question, well, since... you are the same age as my children, of course, this is truly amazing, and i would like to say that my people there are practically slackers, so you work, that is, you study in school and still work, why did you go to work, how do you manage, well, i have time after school, on weekends, well , i don’t have any specific goal to work, i just wanted to be independent from my parents in my pocket money, that is, i don’t want, i don’t i wanted to ask them for more, well done, uh huh...
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on the family, that your mother’s name is alexandra, what you have two little sisters, but you don’t have your own home, well, excuse me, and that you are huddled in a small apartment, and your mother is not given a bank loan, it’s true, well, no about the loan, but everything else is yes, well, i’m right here i feel that apparently some kind of task is forming a task for us, of course, because since yes, artyom, since you don’t have your own apartment, you still want to apply. banks to give a loan to your parents, your mother, so that you can get a mortgage, so that you
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can buy for your large family my own home, i join, but i want to tell you that listen, i’m not saying this for pathos, not to perform some kind of aria here, but in general, with these guys, i think, so to speak, everything will be fine with the family, so to speak, yes, with such boys, for your sisters, for your great love, artyom , you are great, you are great, be proud of you, hang in there, thank you, happy. well, you know , i think that in fact, the authorities of the moscow region have probably already taken, as they say, to the pencil this whole family, therefore, and if suddenly something doesn’t work out, we ’ll have better control just in case , it’s just really the time, these families need to be helped, because the result is obvious, they raised a kid who saved people, that’s it, now, but remember, guys, i’m specifically i won’t say, but i remember during some...
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or in my small town, because
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well, even these people, you either ended up in your family, the feeling that you were practically not knowing , the feeling that these people - these are your people, and you are their person, it’s not going anywhere disappears, both law enforcement officers and those who came to lay flowers, that is, there is an indescribable feeling in the air that we are, well, we are a family, and there is also a lot of memorial there. yes, i would still disagree a little that we have changed so much, we always have in our people this feeling of compassion, the need for mutual assistance, i ’m talking about most people, because if you remember nordost besslan, then there were many cases of heroism, and i'm not just talking about special forces, the guys there died carrying out in their arms children or blocking them with their bodies, but they were.
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i think they are trying to excite, so they are subtler than it might seem at first glance, they are subtler and work, as it were, well, so to speak, more sophisticated, thank god that we realize this, but not even that, this is not rational awareness, just uh, as if there was such a sincere response, as far as i can judge, yes, but on its own, well, no, neither one nor the other thesis, but does not give rise to a real real response, so it spreads
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even more hatred , we are now we understand that we are not just being beaten, we are also being deceived, this is a deception. we’re starting to hate them more and more , and let’s look here again - let’s continue to discuss the friday tragedy itself - can you imagine this is a huge complex of actually the crocus and kroocus expokus cityhall buildings, as far as i understand, only one of the elements of this huge complex, here in the other on the wing of the same building of the third pavilion of crocus expo, where the concert hall is located, another event was held , also large, very serious, championships russian dance championship. sports, here it’s interesting, when does it mean that the concert hall was attacked by terrorists , a competition of dancers, can you imagine, people are dancing there, i’m such an audience there, children in general there, yes, in general, as a child, yes, from the age of 14, yes, that’s it - accordingly, the competition is in full swing , this story began, let’s now talk to the president of the all-russian
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federation of dance sports, breaking and acrobatic rock and roll with nadezhda erastova, nadezhda, thank you very much for being with us, hello , hello, nadezhda, please tell me what happened, because we heard information that when the krokos building was already on fire, and you were in the right wing, and you still didn’t have an evacuation, it seemed like your parents were already starting to panic, and the tournament was still going on, i want to say the following: we had competitions, really important starts, and uh, unfortunately, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we didn’t hear either the sound of a shot or the sounds - no explosions, no burning smell, nothing, that is, competition continued absolutely as usual.
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accordingly, a competition, here you say , yes, someone apparently showed a video, i’m just wondering, that’s how you are, what then, that means , what happened next, how did you decide all this, how did you really decide, i’m completely with you i agree, i subscribe to every word , just to start running around yelling, lord , lord, what’s happening here is to cause another panic, cause even more victims, so i absolutely agree with yours, your approach, just tell me, so, did you see this video or heard these or?
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as preventive measures, we blocked the elevators, we blocked the doors that lead to the site, until the situation is clear, what is happening, this is what we had to do, i emphasize, there is nothing, no sounds, no smell, no shots, nothing , absolutely nothing, no, the warning signals do not work, that is, in this case you make a decision based on a specific situation and understand what if outside. there are shots and open the doors, people will run, they might just an abyss, and it will be even worse, hope, but tell me, these are the actions that you just described, blocking the elevators, blocking the entrances, exits there, and so on,
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it’s like it’s on a hunch, you guessed that need to be done, or are there some clear instructions for such cases, when official competitions are held, a safety plan is signed, but you know, our situation, if you strictly follow the plan, it doesn’t hit, we didn’t catch fire, that is, after all, well, yes , that's what we're talking about? eventually or later it started evacuation, what happens next? i can say this, those people who had judges, athletes , who were on the floor,
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who did not have a mobile phone with them and who did not get information, they remained calm, those people who had phones in front of them, succumbed to panic, tried run away without waiting for what the organization says. without waiting for an organized evacuation, this is a terrible decision, because by succumbing to panic, people could potentially put their lives, theirs and their loved ones in danger, uh-huh, hope, thank you thank you very much that there really are leaders who don’t give in to panic and try to calm you down, but thank god that everything worked out and let’s hope that your competition will continue, because now i know yes...
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let’s see now, it means , how the world itself reacted to what happened. so, friday evening, a monstrous, absolutely hellish terrorist attack there in the moscow region, well, formally speaking, it is so. and look, people naturally began to get sick from all over the world. i will repeat this seemingly simple formula. and the depths there, officials from countries unfriendly to us found the strength, the opportunity, and considered it necessary, yes, to find some human words. but in order to turn to russia, but there, not to, not to the government, there, to the people, but it doesn’t matter, we found human words, why am i so emphasizing on this, because someone didn’t
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find it, this is important, let’s first about... show us. france strongly condemns the terrorist attack in moscow. we express our solidarity with the families of the victims, the victims and the russian people. we condemn the terrible terrorist attack on innocent concertgoers in moscow. our thoughts are with the families of those killed and wounded. the united states strongly condemns the horrific terrorist attack in moscow. our deepest condolences go out to those who have lost loved ones and those who have been injured or harmed as a result. these dishonest attacks on innocent civilians. poland strongly condemns the brutal attack on crocus city hall in moscow. we all mourn together with the families of the victims. i condemn in the strongest possible terms the heinous act of terrorism, committed yesterday evening near moscow. the international community must remain firmly united in the fight against the scourge of terrorism. in general, barel simply acted in a completely new role for himself, absolutely human, absolutely important, absolutely
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accurate, absolutely honest words. you can do this in daily mode, he will now scroll 180, this is understandable, but better yet 360, this is a rare case when i want to wish him, so to speak, to live according to the anna lena berbakh formula, but 360, which means it’s about humanity , now let's go with you let’s turn to, well, i don’t know what to call it, to her human, that means two comments from officials - persons, our former allies, by the way, maybe this is the answer, our former allies of the baltic republics.
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well what is this? but they have already lost focus, that this is precisely the human face, they , too, have lost many of the human faces, and this all says that we have many opponents, many, and even those who are at odds with the enemy, you know, this is all not from great mind, unfortunately, for everything too, because, by and large, it’s stupid not to condemn such terrorist acts, well , it’s just stupid even internationally.
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absolute enemy, i’m not going to put up with him on this basis, of course not, but he tells me: listen, i’m also a man, your enemy, that means forever, but a man, and this is an animal, he pays money for those who were shot, and then he says to our faces: well, you know, nothing, this is interesting, about who pays money to whom, this, by the way, is generally the most important question, and the fact that i remember, yes, well, naturally, we started on social networks, well, right there. everyone understands what’s going on, our former epidemiologists, now they are, that means they are now fsb special services, all professionals, i just don’t know, ottaskarzeni, that means, here they are, how can they miss by so many kilometers, i think so i’m guessing, i’m not that same thing myself , not from the fsb, uh, well, i’m guessing that in fact it was possible that there was such a calculation to see, but where will they rush, and why not assume exactly such a calculation, where they will go, i i think it's well... to me
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it seems extremely difficult to talk about this topic today, because a little later we will probably only find out what the special services want to tell us, then the special services arrested us, well, that’s enough quickly.
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but it was possible to lay only on the opposite side of the street, and this is somehow explained, and why? where, let’s say, on the opposite side there are two more
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spontaneous memorials, these are bandarovsky and navalnisky, that is, and i don’t want a comma, as if, take it there, that’s it, yes, it’s clear. let's just say that bandarovsky is already there time since the beginning of the northern military district, there are some atrocities going on there, navolnitsk only recently appeared in principle, so flowers were also not allowed near the walls of the embassy, ​​exactly on the opposite side, where all these shabysh are, this is just subtle trolling, so you know, so that it doesn’t happen pictures, here is the russian embassy, ​​here is her wall, here are the flowers. no, but there we have all sorts of them here , all sorts of them, and these are the ones we need, just like that, well , how did they lay out flowers in general, people come anyway and leave flowers where they lay them, of course they leave them, well they lay them of course, on the opposite side,
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because the police do not allow laying at the walls of the embassy, ​​everyone is sent to the opposite side, where such a spontaneous memorial has already been created, as it were, and quite actively. they are actively placing the blame, yes, of course, i also took part in this, but they immediately told me that at the walls of the embassy under no circumstances, it’s clear, yes, listen, thank you very much, sasha, do you know that you are not leaving, please , yes, no, this is the same, no, don’t leave the connection, we will now say goodbye to the viewers of the first channel, dear, as part of our stream , i still want to ask you something, if it’s important, friends, i’ll find out, don’t worry, tomorrow i’ll tell you everything and... i’ll retell it, well, then the advertisement is now on first channel and see you soon on air. the world's largest investment corporation black rock, the black rock company is placing its people and spreading its tentacles throughout
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the offices of government, its leader, a certain mr. fink, maybe it ’s time for larry to become president? no, what are you talking about, i'm still too young for this, he's bigger than president of the united states, the conflict, the longer this goes on, the more russia will weaken. the ultimate goal is to take control of russia and its resources. america and its next dirty fink. dolls of the heir tutti. today on the first. lyosha, do you
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work part-time as a taxi driver? remember, i told you about the secret work. attention on gorikovskaya 158 has penetrated. apartment, this is the son of the victims, alexey turbin, our colleague. no matter what, you always can. i can count on you, even despite our divorce, i can’t stay away from him, you don’t love, they killed my parents, i can’t even find out how they are trying to kill them, hold on, you got divorced recently and, as i understand it , you haven’t been on a date for a long time, yes, an undercover taxi, the premiere, watch the time after the program, from now on.. . no contacts with this simpleton from the teaching staff, a symphony of five
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russian empires was revealed to me, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and flowering, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion, after the death of pitch darkness we are resurrected again and move along the paths of improvement, i am together with the whole country i was jubilant, ours have finally arrived, we are breaking. it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet. in blood, in smoke, in fires, among whistling bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession, first today. new ukrainian myths about old browning machine guns. darkness, something is flying. something is whistling, someone is shouting something in some language,
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to shoot down a rocket in the dark, but how did they see it? tsypso got to the point of rewriting history architecture. ukrainian empire is hot ice, soft stone, this is something that cannot exist. the basovsky palace in odessa and karpus are simply solid russian classicism. and it turns out that anti-tank missiles also need clothes. which? antifake. premiere. tomorrow on the first. well. i'm different, different. evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia. he became famous for the video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow for family reasons. in these films, he awakened to his heroes the truth of popular sympathy. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? i had never killed anyone before tanya, i took her by the arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview
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with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country, and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why didn’t he succeed? avoid tragedies? all this god's providence, as the lord manages, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday. at the first, you didn’t have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something , maybe we’ll have dinner together, come on, then your wife came to you, asked how you were, you should sit down and talk like a human being, we quarreled , sulked, she’s happy with me, lesh, we can meet, olya, i hit him because he climbed into someone else’s bed, let everything remain as it is. what remains is that the turbine is not yours, how are you here for something?
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you know, if you love, you understand, but you don’t want to invite me to dinner today, sorry, it’s for work, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. and at the beginning, the latest data on the condition of those injured as a result of the rokus cityhole terrorist attacks, as reported by the moscow region authorities, 97 people remain in hospitals. we are talking not only about hospitals in the region, but also about the capital and... you can contact the hotline, number
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phone is now on your screens. according to the latest information from the investigative committee, the list of those killed includes 137 people; the tragedy will forever remain in the memory of russians, the kremlin emphasized today. this terrorist attack will not be forgotten in our country, noted presidential press secretary dmitry peskov and added that vladimir putin receives the report in real time. from all operational services, the families of the victims will be provided with financial assistance of 3 million rubles. in addition, the moscow authorities will pay the moscow region to the victims from 500 thousand to a million. the application center has started work in the capital for...
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consolidated as never before, every tragic event unites society, but i don’t remember in my memory that such a flow of people, such a huge number of telegrams of condolences that we received from
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foreign human rights ombudsmen, foreign obbutsmen, of course from our colleagues authorized... for human rights in the constituent entities of the russian federation. the terrorist attack left no one indifferent. memory actions in different russian cities, an endless wedge of cranes that rise into the sky, shown on the facades of buildings in murmansk and yekaterinburg. words of sympathy and support for the families of the victims and victims come from donetsk. 3.00 candles were lit the day before in samara as a sign of grief. these are shots from nizhny novgorod, the historical center, the chkalov stairs, an action in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack. in krasnogorsk near moscow. paper cranes appeared on the windows of houses in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. they were cut out by schoolchildren and teachers. people unite in their desire to help those affected by a terrible terrorist attack. today, residents of moscow and the moscow region rushed to the blood donation center again. there are still a lot of people interested.
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thousands of people responded over the past weekend alone. the center even extended its opening hours in order to accommodate everyone who came. some became donors for the first time. they were so shocked by the tragedy.
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in its cynicism and cruelty of the event, strength and courage to the relatives of the victims, a speedy recovery to all the victims. words of support come to russia from abroad, not only from our compatriots, but also citizens of other countries, spontaneous memorials at diplomatic missions people carry flowers and candles. azerbaijan, hungary, italy, cyprus, ireland,
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some come with children, this is the picture in different parts of the world, for example, the middle east, footage from palestine, latin. america, ecuador. residents of the united states also express solidarity with our people. the russian embassy receives many emails from ordinary citizens, and books of condolences have also been opened at the departmental missions. in tajikistan alone , thousands of people paid tribute to those killed in the terrorist attack. i feel the pain that is being endured those people who have lost their relatives and friends. and in general, this is a blow to the entire people of russia and, perhaps, not only russia, and even the former. four terrorists, the direct participants in the attack, have already been charged, a preventive measure has been chosen, detention for a period of almost 2 months, as... each faces a sentence of up to life imprisonment, all four, let me remind you, are recruited mercenaries, one of them confessed earlier during interrogation ,
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shot at people for money, they promised half a million rubles. during the court hearing monitored by dmitry tolmachev. the meeting ended only at 2:00 am, although journalists had been on duty at the basmanny court building since sunday morning, it was decided what preventive measure would be chosen for the accused during the investigation, and it also became known what punishment they would face. expectation. the press was acquitted only by 9 pm; deller john mirzoev was the first to be brought into the courtroom. this thirty-two-year-old man with blood stains on his face. citizen of tajikistan, was temporarily registered in novosibirsk, but registration expired, married, four children, unemployed, no criminal record. we accuse john merzoev and borotovich of being placed in custody as a measure of restraint. these four
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, now he starts another one, this is thirty-year-old rachbolizot muradali, also married, has a child, did not work anywhere, lived in podolsk, and twenty-five-year-old shamsidin fariduni lived and worked in a factory as a laborer in podolsk. natives of the city of gisa, the republic of tajikistan, a citizen of the republic of tajikistan, unemployed, married, having a minor child, no previous convictions, although services all four of them used a translator, this one speaks well and understands russian, he had previously said that he had agreed to a proposal from a certain preacher to kill people for half a million rubles, the last person involved, the youngest nineteen-year-old muhammadsabir fayzov, was taken, accompanied by doctors, to the courtroom. brought in in a wheelchair. the only one who resisted the arrest was the same hairdresser from
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ivanovo. presumably, it was he who filmed how terrorists in the kroku cityhall building shot and slaughtered defenseless people people, and was also the driver of the white renault in which the terrorists were driving on the day of the crime. in order to satisfy the defense of the election against fayzov, preventive measures on unrelated detentions will be refused. term of arrest. for everyone the same almost 2 months, the article of the charge is also a terrorist act with causing death up to life imprisonment, taking into account the number of those killed, at least three have already fully admitted their guilt. dmitry tolmachev, mikhail novitsky, victor shvagerus, alexander dudin, evgeny leonov, channel one. military, who participated in the detention of terrorists in the bryansk region, received awards, we are talking about the soldiers of the state border cover unit, they did not allow the criminals to escape to ukraine. were awarded state medals for courage and departmental medals for military distinction. the command notes that our soldiers conscientiously performed their duty, carrying out a successful
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operation to capture the terrorists. in the special operation zone, our military destroyed another abramsk tank, as reported by the ministry of defense, the attack was carried out from the hail by fighters of the dnepr group, on they have many destroyed targets, including behind enemy lines. the artillery worked in the avdeevsky sector. the militants' fortification was hit by stab howitzers. the enemy positions were revealed in the air. drone operators, the distance to the target was more than 10 km, fired with high-explosive fragmentation shells, which made it possible to inflict maximum damage on the enemy, immediately after camouflaging and retreating to cover. in the kupinsky direction , the army aviation crew acted harmoniously as part of the strike group of k-52, mi-35 and mi-8 helicopters. they destroyed equipment and engineering constructions of ukrainian formations. our military carried out new attacks on the rear targets of the armed forces of ukraine, explosions are reported. in the odessa region, where, according to some sources , the energy infrastructure was damaged, also in the nikolaev and dnepropetrovsk regions. in addition, strong explosions were
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heard in kiev. our ministry of defense has repeatedly emphasized that strikes are carried out only on military facilities and infrastructure used by militants. at the same time, the ukrainian armed forces are shelling residential areas where there were and are no military installations. belgorod four people suffered as a result of another militant attack. three were hospitalized. the regional governor announced this. the city was hit the day before, seven high-rise buildings, more than two dozen apartments, as well as 11 cars were damaged; emergency services were working in the private sector. now about the weather, which according to forecasts will pleasantly surprise the residents of the capital, the sun has already come out today, weather forecasters promise up to +9, by the weekend it will become even warmer, despite possible precipitation, the air will warm up to 17°, and in some places even up to 20, this temperature is more typical for... may, it is possible that the 2007 record will be broken, then on the last day of march meteorologists recorded almost 17.5°.
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and at the end of the release. on the first one, a multi -part undercover taxi crime detective series starts this evening, a police lieutenant, disguised as a driver, exposes the most dangerous criminals, how he manages to gain their trust and whether it is possible to remain himself, playing different roles, complicated crimes, a complex psychological game and spectacular chases. olga pautova already i watched the first episode. we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, so you can work alone without a partner.
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somehow, at the beginning, he is some kind of renegade, because no one takes him seriously, despite the fact that he is kind, open, always ready to help, always for the truth, he is such an ugly duckling for everyone, now his only partner is this is a taxi car, punishment turns into the chance of a lifetime, because when criminals try to escape from police officers in uniform, they run straight into the hands of the turbine, dear, do you need a taxi? yes, let's! with each new episode, the criminals become more cunning, the cases are more complicated, and the danger is greater. alexey turbin is ready to take any risk just to bring the villains to light, but what can this lead to when you have a cold-blooded maniac in the back seat. why don't you use a navigator? otherwise i already thought that you were not a real taxi driver. when a person is undercover, he becomes
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someone else, which is what my character begins to do at the right moments. play some role, tries to somehow win over criminals, and this is just such a contrast with the fact that he is a policeman, but this is such a game within a game, and it’s cool, just think of me, they’re some kind of wheatgrass, the crooks have pinned down, they’ve wrung out the car, but they don’t want to do anything with garbage, and what will a resourceful operative do when he himself turns out to be a victim of a crime, especially if the investigator is ready at any moment to transfer him from the status of a victim to the main suspect, when i need a taxi, i’ll call you, but for now, get the hell out of here, absolutely absolutely... loner, which is protected from any personal stories, from any personal relationships, and turbina also perceives this main character primarily not as a person, but as a witness, as a victim, as an employee, practically does not take into account his human qualities. yura, who are you anyway? i told you so, taxi driver. it would seem that the hero has even more problems, but love, as often
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happens, happens at the wrong time, will he succeed... so, watch the first episode of the undercover taxi at the first
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time after the program today. that's all for now, the broadcast will continue program, time will tell. the information channel first continues, time will tell this program, we are working live , nothing stops the ukrainian militants , neither the tragedy in crocus cityhole, nor the grief of ordinary, peaceful people, all last weekend with such double cruelty and sophistication they shelled our border regions, throughout all these days, air sounds sounded in belgorod... yesterday kiev terrorists fired from a czech- made vampire volley fire rocket system, 22 shells were destroyed over in the belgorod region, residential buildings, shops, cars and dormitories were again damaged , about 80 private houses were damaged, more than 200 apartments, 53 cars were damaged, there were dead wounded, in addition, under fire, of course
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, all the border territories of the belgorod region are now in direct contact.. belgorod, compared even to last year, when i was here, the city is empty, we are now right at the site of one of the arrivals behind me, you can see, everything is tied with tape, and separately, of course, i want to note, now, using by chance the work of public utilities and, in general, all services that are involved in eliminating the consequences of shelling, because if it weren’t for this tape, it would be difficult to even imagine that something happened here yesterday, yesterday one of the shells hit right in... the balcony itself on the top floor, the balcony collapsed, there were cars standing here, the cars were completely burned and, just so you understand, this is the center of the city, this is the very, very center of the city, missile signals,
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missile sirens turned on at about 5 o'clock in the evening, this is, well, you know, this is the hour at the peak as much as possible here in the current conditions, this is the very center of the city, the administration building, literally a few tens of meters from here, the neighboring... street right here is the building of the local television company vgtrk, so here it is the very center, and there are no military targets, they hit and target specifically civilians, civilians, and choose the time when, in order to potentially increase the number of casualties, so you understand, for example, on weekends they are as scheduled, from about 9 until 10 o'clock in the evening they carried out shelling, about them, i am talking, of course, about the pro-eviks of the kiev regime. at 7 7:30 in the morning just when people, someone goes out for a walk with their pets, one girl died just like that, someone just gets ready, goes to work, they do everything to
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maximize the number of victims, of course the system air defense works here, it works very well, very, well, without any interruptions , of course, of course, as you said, just yesterday there were more than 22, 22, exactly 22, active shells from the czech rszz vampire there were unfortunately, some of them were intercepted , some of the shells that kiev militants fired at belgorod, as a result of this terrorist attack, they hit, hit peaceful areas, another target yesterday was the dormitory of the local university, also literally by some we miraculously managed to avoid casualties, the shell hit right into the roof of the hostel, and we saw everything that was happening in the rooms, and of course... it was very lucky that the students escaped with only fright, and in general now, of course, the entire border region is suffering, suffering, belgorod, as i already said, it’s empty, it’s very
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realistic to observe and see empty streets, shops close earlier, some grocery stores can only be open until 6 to 7 pm, for example, if we talk about shopping centers, most shopping centers, especially outside the city, especially. .. safety of the civilian population, thank you very much, correspondent arti igor zhdano was in direct contact with us from belgorod. yesterday was a day of national mourning in russia. and every citizen of russia perceived this
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tragedy as purely personal. this is our grief united as never before. and despite the rain , tens of thousands of people came to the building of the crocus city hall concert hall, everyone carried flowers, candles, and children's toys. this wall, this one , is made of flowers, it stretches for 20 meters. the commissioner for human rights in russia tatyana moskalkova this morning came to this spontaneous memorial organized near the crocus city hall building and, together with members of her staff, laid flowers. and besides, she called friday’s tragedy a bloody, inhumane terrorist attack, noting, that society is more consolidated than ever. today is the time when each of us must. comprehend what is happening and understand that at this time there is no one who is not involved in a special
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military operation, that today a completely different time has come for each of us, civilian, military, everyone. i must understand that the time for relaxation has passed, in our office of the commissioner for rights. people, the entire structure was rebuilt so that assistance could be provided instantly, evacuated from donetsk, lugansk, from ukraine, from belgorod, which today arrived with their children in a safe place, today each of us is restructuring our work so that, understanding new challenges and...
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they will tell everything they know and don’t know, they will remember what they thought they had already forgotten, for us now it is very important to establish the entire chain and, as deeply as possible, the intermediaries who interacted with them, who trained them, and we see that the actions that took place. related to the shooting, everything else, this suggests that the person is not, of course, a special forces officer there, a unit, but he shot, he shot at people, he is not afraid of shots, he is not afraid of this loud sound, it’s not just like that, a person who took a weapon from a hiding place for the first time cannot do such things right away, they acted according to a clear plan, according to a script, of course, when they had an initiative, as i understand it, connected with further movement, they didn’t even bother to change clothes suddenly... clothes there to change
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the car, perhaps it was not planned by the organizers of the terrorist attack, maybe they should have died here and in the end water, they should have been beautiful by now meet at the border and destroy there, but the chain connected with international terrorism, contact the curators together with the turkish special services to understand where these threads go next, and we know that this as a transshipment base is very often used for negotiations, including by others intelligence services, intelligence agencies of the world, this is very important, i am sure that in the near future we will establish all the scenarios where they previously took part, how they got into the country, how they were here, how they legalized their existence, did they know they all knew each other before and how they were recruited, the whole chain, it is very important, including for preventing such situations in the future, let's be honest, the west will not stop there, the west will try to pump russia up from all possible sides. he cannot
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defeat us in a fair fight forward, as barel said, we will find out on the battlefield, they will use such dirty methods, and i will remind you that mi 6 intelligence, without hesitation, writes on its official pages on the network a former twitter : need more terror, we need more explosions. mark milley, the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, clearly just called for this, that you should do more operations in the rear, every russian should be afraid of being cut off.
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methods, we see that each terrorist organization has its own special style, how they act, some are suicide bombers, by the way, many moments intersect with which they should not die, some take hostages in order to then demand some decisions, but there is one terrorist an organization in the world that really
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likes to use social engineering methods , call someone via telegram , oblige someone to do something, someone has to pour brilliant green and blow up military registration and enlistment offices for just 3 kopecks. tas, citing his sources , reports that today in kiev, as a result of a missile strike at the kiev zhulyany airport , two american patriot air defense systems were hit. you know what’s interesting: the united states is now persistently trying to exonerate the kiev regime, and in general the whole of ukraine, from involvement in this terrorist attack, despite the fact that preparations were made in ukraine. acceptance of these terrorists, which already makes ukraine an accomplice to this absolutely terrible crime, a terrorist attack, so you always said that the americans are ready to gradually merge ukraine, but the fact that they are shielding them says the opposite, now
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plans have changed, no, they are not shielding ukraine, they are shielding themselves, who doubts who is under whose direct leadership... the special services of ukraine work, we have known this since 1914, when the tsru officers drove into the sbu building, occupied an entire floor, and there was an american flag, ukrainian officers were prohibited from entering there since 1914, so if we manage to prove that ukraine is at least involved in this crime, then we will automatically blame washington for this, but the fact that they were ready to accept terrorists doesn’t give us a reason? estonia, but we did not accuse
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estonia of being involved in this murder, so this must be proven, and it must be proven, absolutely, because it is... from the point of view military-political, world military-political point of view, what happened in crocus city is a step that changed everything, not here, not in ukraine, but in international relations in general, this is the translation of the entire system of international relations that is now and so it is in a state of chaos, we are generally entering a period of international anarchy, when there are virtually no organizational documents restraining everything there. and also in this process, with the help of such a terrible terrorist attack, also set fire to all this - here the fate of peoples and states is at stake, that’s why it is necessary to prove, it is necessary to prove convincingly and bring charges , and since the supreme one said that we will find and
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retribution will overtake all those involved, including customers, developers, but these names must be named and the names of these organizations they... she gave up, that we hit two patriot installations at the kiev zhulyany airport, let us recall that the patriots were used to destroy our transport plane on our territory, which was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange, and there were our those accompanying us and our crew who died,
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whether it was a terrorist attack or not, what is happening now in crocus happened, and how they tried to fence off ukraine, the west, they are smearing each other with the same paint. they cannot be separated, we, of course, did not blame estonia for giving the murderer, terrorist dasha dugina the opportunity to leave, but then they did not try to excuse the estonians, as now they are trying to excuse ukraine, they showed themselves in full glory, it is too obvious, so in fact, they are interconnected, that terrorist war, which they wage against us and the informational one, which they don’t even justify so much. and they are shielding ukraine, because the company that goes to the west is for the western consumer, to whom they tell it in plain sight, of course, so to speak, they mention isis, which is banned and recognized. here, but they say that this is happening because there are people dissatisfied
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with the president, that muslims are being oppressed here, that there is almost, so to speak, some kind of partisan movement, and they are solving a bunch of different strategic problems, that is, in -firstly, they they are trying to quarrel the peoples of our country with each other, to quarrel the confessions, and they will continue to pump up this topic, at the same time, here everything was basically correct by colleagues and andrei klintsevich, which means they see it in the west. there was unity of society, and around the president, turnout: the number of votes for putin, nothing happened there with the color revolutions, so they moved on to a place that will go on for a long time, unfortunately, they are planning a whole series of terrorist attacks in major cities of our country, which will according to these here are the schemes, how it is, so to speak, uber-terrorism , yes, and this will continue, fueled by information, because their task is to achieve, well, so to speak, discord in society. and there, of course, there are no hopes for a long time about a change of power, in connection with this
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, i take this opportunity to again want to return to the topic, we need to change the legislation, including in terms of false mining, we will look at our shirimetyev airport in a day there, it means they almost mined the plane, supposedly, there ’s a shopping center in st. petersburg, these are such jokers, but we war has been declared, you can’t say that, just sit there and maybe not jokers, maybe on purpose, i’m, well, i’m jokers in quotes. ruslan, it’s just that if people on the way out there receive, i don’t know, several days of administrative arrest or some kind of censure, well, it shouldn’t be like that, he should pay a fine of tens of millions of rubles, commensurate with the damage, delay of the plane, and evacuation of people from the shopping center, but we need to discourage them from such actions, and at the same time we must support our heroes, patriots, vigilant citizens, because it was a story in st. petersburg when vladimir sukhin, a donetsk guy, a young participant from...
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attracted the transport police, and nothing, so to speak, in the media they began to call her a learned astronomer, who was detained there by an almost crazy participant svo, she’s not at all and he was the only one who paid attention to this, they punished him, they didn’t encourage him in any way, well, if we are with such, so relaxed, in a situation about us of war, well, it shouldn’t be like that.
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but at the same time we must survive the fifth column with red-hot iron and not only the fifth, but and those who are like jokers in quotes, yeah, well, it feels like they’re trying to provoke us into doing something, so you say, we ’re hitting in a targeted manner, but i have a feeling that they want to get more of something, but they simply continue to increase the level of cynicism there. knows no limits, one of the kiev bars has a set on its menu, that is, called crocus city, here it is illustrated by photographs of a burning hall, for 249 hryvnia, clubbing visitors are offered a taste of fried mozzarella, french fries, chicken wings and onion rings, well in kiev now everyone is indignant, outraged by the fact that the terrorist attack in russia turned out to have diverted the attention of the western public from ukraine, so...
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the civilian population of ukraine was actively attacked, that is , the russian federation specifically carried out terrorist actions against ukraine for 2 days or two nights, directly attacking the energy infrastructure , critical infrastructure and directly striking the dnieper ges with eight missiles. after this, a terrorist attack occurs in the evening. which completely changes the information agenda for the big number of countries from what russia did in ukraine to what happened in the moscow region, in krasnogorsk, in crocus city. they decided to raise the falling rating with the help of noise, andrei fransovich, what lengths are they willing to go to in order to remain on the agenda, after all, they are not embarrassed to even admit to the terrorist attacks that they carried out before, it surprises me, of course, what is stopping them from doing this admit, this is not what they are admitting, after some time the exact same story will happen when...
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nothing changes, this is of course unworthy target for our means of destruction, we have more serious work, and i would point out that the latest air operations that we carried out, they also changed, let’s say, the military tone, some objects were hit for the first time, this is very important, first of all for europe, for example, underground gas storage, they are
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the largest in europe in western ukraine, and europe has been counting on them for a long time. considers them part of its gas infrastructure in general, that is, in fact, by defeating this facility, we dealt a blow to the europeans, primarily to germany and poland, and in general this is the first time that we deliberately targeted a gas infrastructure facility, it was still kind of outside the brackets, yes, because we sell everything there, so the tone of our attacks also changed, it didn’t change in connection with this monstrous terrorist attack, it changed as... according to plan, that’s why these cafes, the most important thing for us is to get video recordings and visitors from these cafes, our hackers can do this today, no need to wait, and fold them carefully, we’ll come to kiev, we’ll find everyone, alexander, what are they trying to achieve, because they wanted them to feel better after these terrorist attacks and after similar sets, this is simply shown by the story with the bar,
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that they don’t control their nazis, because they really need to put it down emotions, but it’s impossible, and the same thing in...
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under management today, they have shares in military companies, and they swallow up entire countries. ukraine has already been sold. the one who owns the enterprises is the de facto power. management of investment assets gives to artificial intelligence. artificial intelligence considers the population of ukraine to be 17 million people. there are 11 million pensioners in ukraine, people are indifferent to him. america and its next dirty fink. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. is this the same one who
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ratted out his partner, or what? what have you done? nobody wants to work with him. behind the wheel he is like a duck to water. we are launching an experiment. taxi? undercover taxi. colonel, is this legal? i had my own plans for this car, but you were forced on me. one joint and you you'll fly out of here like a champagne cork, an interception plan has been introduced, an armed attack at 27 north , it's very likely that we have a new maniac, another corpse, and what should we call you now, a taxi driver in uniform, a bomber in law, a cowboy unfinished, you decided to start the actual investigation, persistent and quick-witted, so what kind of puzzle do we have here, why are you helping me, you won’t calm down, right? until you catch them, what’s your name? for you i'm just a taxi driver. taxi undercover prime minister, watch after the program
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time. then you fell, then what else? well, this is how to live with you? well, you don’t live. i saw the symphony of five russian empires, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, reached power and blossom, and then fell into the abyss. confession today on the first
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day, eve, new ukrainian myths about old browning machine guns , darkness, something is flying, something is whistling, someone is shouting something in some language, to shoot down a rocket in the dark, but how did they see her? tsypso got to the point of rewriting the history of architecture. ukrainian empire is hot ice. soft stone is something that cannot exist, the brosov palace in odessa, the building is just solid russian classicism, and it also turns out that anti-tank missiles also need clothes, what an anti-fake premiere, tomorrow at the first, well , i’m different, different, evgeniy steblov , one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was glorified by roles where he looked confused and unhappy, light, you love me, i’m walking around moscow, family circumstances, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes, and i for a very long time not i understood what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would
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beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years. turbin, can you hear me, i need to ask you a few questions, if you need any help, speak up, come and kill yourself, look
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after the program, time, our guys at the front are now clenching their fists even more , they have long understood perfectly well who they are dealing with there, our colleague,
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now i’m going to meet an amazing woman, the story of how valentina vandzha walked alone from avdeevka to donetsk broke through a literally continuous battlefield, spread across social networks, and today we will learn the details first-hand. valentina, hello, hello, you ’ve appointed us a meeting place here... at the station, because it’s not far, somewhere right now you live, yes, yes, yes, and in general, i haven’t been to the station for a very long time, this is such, you know, an iconic place for donetsk, because here. i flew from ovdeevka for many years, yes, unfortunately, it’s still not safe here at all, tell us how you broke through from ovdeevka, to donetsk, under bullets, under shells, well,
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probably, the territory, yes, and just like that they extinguished it with mortars, just an incredible amount, the military noticed that outsiders , in the end, the ukrainian troops simply managed to smash this house into rubbish, everything collapsed ceilings, including the ceiling of the basement , it all collapsed on us, it’s a great happiness that, in general, no one was killed, pieces of this reinforced concrete that fell, well, that’s it, i
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decided that... i’ll go to donetsk, street it’s wide, you can see very far away , there’s nowhere to hide, copters are flying, mines are falling, the street is on fire, you don’t even know what’s lying there under your feet, yes, you have to look carefully, this whole road is broken, broken up and strewn with something, so to speak , persistently repeated to people several times, i understand that everything is shocked, i just wanted them to remember that if i, for example, disappeared, yes, i wouldn’t get there so that at least someone... could remember where i went, but some information remained, where at least, so to speak, to look, i came to a checkpoint, russian military, there was also a battle going on , that’s why i had to wait for an hour and a half for a while, until they had a pause, a group of military men was walking, apparently they were instructed to take me with them, they took me and we arrived, well, to the commander, they warmed me up there,
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so to speak, gave me tea, fed me, there they offered medical assistance, in general, the word, medical assistance to you, i didn’t need it, yes, just imagine, in such madness, yes, it was just a miracle in its purest form, hello, how are you, okay, everything. accept gifts , wow, this thing will be useful to you, it’s like that, considering that ours burned down just a week ago, oh, how did you feel, how did you feel, you ’re doing everything on time, thank you very much, our tv viewer, vadim doroshev from the moscow region , contacted the mzhev project and said: i have it, i want to give it to you, just deliver it, katya brought it, katya can deliver anything, sasha, let’s go for this, this.
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volga 333 it’s immediately clear that what you’re doing is all artillerymen. we must understand that basically our artillerymen are not specialists, they are volunteers, and miners from donbass and from all corners of our vast homeland, that is, those who, out of the ash of their hearts, came to defend our homeland, there are also grandchildren and children at home, everything is as it should be , i have three granddaughters, the oldest. 17 years old,
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the youngest is 5 years old, my wife, by the way, is also a combat veteran, wow, wow a friend, you can say, yes, yes, that’s how it is, but how could it be otherwise, she reacted with understanding to my decision, yes, of course, there’s no way without tears, but nevertheless, nevertheless, well, you have to do your job, how my wife's name is lena, maybe? now he will turn to her somehow, helen, dear, don’t worry, everything is fine with us, and i say again, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, everything is fine, yours. my husband is in his place, good evening, my name is sasha, by chance i went to the front,
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i volunteered, i have just comrades they also gathered, let’s go, as if i would go with them, well, that is, such an initiative, but if the right corner of your house seems to be on fire, you don’t need to put it out until... your room catches fire, the bible says: by their fruits, you will recognize them, we observed the behavior of the americans just as they were withdrawing from afghanistan, that is, those afghans who collaborated with them, they were then abandoned, they left all their data, yes, to the taliban, there are people there even for planes clung on, the americans just packed their suitcase and dropped off and that’s it, here’s ukraine, they don’t understand this. they think that they are now following these instructions and acting in the interests of the americans and they will be rewarded, but no , they will also be abandoned, in fact, here, well,
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they write to you a lot, all the walls are covered, they write from everyone cities are especially soulful. the texts are read, you know, a little with errors , a little somehow, well, naively, maybe somewhere, but it’s so sincere, the children tried so hard, that every letter is read very warmly, afganych is a call sign, not just so, they fulfilled their international duty in afghanistan, yes, eighty- sixth, eighty-seventh year. well, accordingly, you already have a lot of years there, quite a lot, a lot, so you volunteered, how can you sit at home when our children are on the front line, they have seen so much
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, gone through so much, experienced so much, we must pay tribute to their parents for such an upbringing, for such patriotism and in their soul... faith in victory, do they know what they are fighting for? they know. i want to give you another letter for this collection, it’s more likely - according to age from granddaughter. so, hello , dear soldier , victoria khoslavskaya writes to you, i am 9 years old, i live in the koma republic, the city of ukhta, i wish you good health and success in battle, thank you, soldier, for the fact that i can study, go to dances, and exercise vocals, read poetry, it’s all your merit. victoria, thank you very much for these warm words, we will definitely all return and return
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with victory. call sign kundus, with whom we served together in kunduz. and you are a combat veteran from 87-89, served in the artillery regiment, came out through termes hairatan, with the rank of captain, then went to serve in germany, chief of reconnaissance of the artillery of the regiment, and a paratrooper, yes, i served and was assigned to the airborne troops, covered paratroopers in afghanistan and carried out tasks. to destroy the enemy, the fact is that my grandfather was born on this land, and he went through the war to berlin, a full holder of the order of glory, a foreman of a mortar battery, my grandfather said, you will be an artilleryman, i entered the first year, i did not enter, i served, by the way , on the western
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ukraine, in the city of lvov, in the iron division, in ukrainian, yes, calmly, i speak in pure language, this is my native language, this is my homeland. and my grandfather is buried in my car, my teachers, unfortunately, are no longer there, but there are many teachers who are 89 years old, i bow to them, thank you for teaching me to shoot, to fight, to defend my homeland, and i am also grateful to the people's artist mikhail ivanovich noshkin, i’m very friendly with him, a little more, a little more, the last battle, it’s difficult, the most, we’ve been so long, we’ve been so we haven’t rested for a long time, we simply didn’t have time to rest with you, we plowed the fields in the plastonian way, tomorrow, tomorrow, finally, the last battle. a little more, just a little more, the last
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fight, it’s the hardest, the most, but i want to go home to russia, i haven’t seen my mother for so long, and i want to go home to russia, it’s been so long, i haven’t seen my mother for so long, this is mine kernel. don’t hide your faces, let them be afraid, we have nothing to fear, we are officers. you see, these men at the front,
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real russian men, with their heads held high, they say we don’t need to hide our faces, we are each in our own place. noshkin, the last battle , it is the most difficult, very wise words , the darkest time, it is before the dawn, we believe that the dawn, it is close, it is not far off, we now need to be in the same formation, to be united and unshakable, for sure. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. the latest data on victims as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole was reported by the authorities of the moscow region. 97 people remain in hospitals, including children.
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country, mikhail announced today no terrorists will be able to intimidate our mishustin, the prime minister began a series of working meetings with deputies of duma factions on the eve of the annual government report. the conversation with representatives of the communist party of the russian federation began with a minute of silence, chief. now, according to the head of the cabinet of ministers, he will take care of the victims, on
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the instructions of the president , the entire government apparatus has joined in this work, he is keeping the situation under control, continues to inform the head of state of the patient in a timely manner, now there is an investigation into these events, those responsible will be punished, they are not deserve mercy, and today our main concern is for the victims of this crime, for the patients who are being treated, and of course, for all caring people,
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real heroes who, despite mortal danger, brought people out, protected terrorists, those who were nearby and those people who came to... donor points , who donated blood, your courage, perseverance , the best proof that we do not have the grief of others, thank you very much to everyone, i am convinced that no terrorists will be able to sneak into a country where such people live, but ours direct responsibility to do everything possible for their well-being, for the development of russia. the crocus concert hall has already been cleared by more than half, the governor of moscow announced this today. basically, according to the head of the region, the rubble was dismantled on the stage, in the stalls and on the balcony. heavy equipment will be connected soon. we also continue to distribute items to everyone who applies for them. you can come to crocus throughout the week. all emergency services continue to work at the scene of the tragedy.
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we need to do everything down to the last chair for in order to win... exceptional efforts to find bodies, about two-thirds of the total area was cleared down to concrete, this morning an examination was carried out with the dogs, unfortunately, the dogs don’t feel anything, until tomorrow, until 17 o’clock, we let's complete the search operation; in one of the krasnogorsk schools today two schoolchildren, islam khalilov and artyom, were awarded. donskoy, who saved people during the terrorist attacks in crucus city hole. children's ombudsman maria lvova belova came to the school where teenagers studying in a solemn atmosphere presented them with certificates for dedication, courage and personal courage. the students worked as cloakroom attendants at crocus and were well aware of the location of emergency exits in the building. and when people in panic could not
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figure out where to run, they found out at the right moment and indicated the path for evacuation. real heroes? many people write. thanks to the fact that i helped their relatives there, their grandparents, their dads, most likely they still take up education from childhood, mm, dad always said that in any way you can help, always helping first there was a line for people, that night was terrible, i was worried about people, i’m very glad that i got out of there and also helped people, that is, it ’s doubly good, our children couldn’t have done it differently, despite their age, yes so still very young, i say how... when the guys came out, my heart sank, because i understood that they themselves really needed to be saved, yes, and at the same time the guys ran and tried in every possible way to help those people who had gone the wrong way, but this is truly amazing, and it seems to me that this is a very clear example of that everything is fine with our youth, russia, our country has a future. the real heroes
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these days are those who come to donate blood at blood transfusion centers, in the capital and moscow region, who have been queuing for three days now. the main places for donors are the gavrilov center, fmba on shchukinskaya, sklefosovsky research institute. people stood in any weather, no one left, they say they simply could not stay at home during these tragic days for the entire country. i considered it my duty to come and donate blood. this is our country, these are our compatriots, when such a situation, we are all obliged to provide help, because people are not indifferent, i have already said that... this country is like ours, and we unite when we need help, like many here, i could not remain indifferent, especially when -my child’s life was saved by a plasma transfusion, but he was seriously ill, well, remember the events, i understand that someone may also need such help, so well, here i am, we
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are one people, and if someone some kind of trouble, even if we help each other out, because no one can break us in any way, people care. the criminals were sent to pre-trial detention until may 22, the term was the same for all, as well as the article of terrorism as part of an organized group of persons, resulting in death, punishment up to life imprisonment, the militants were brought to the courtroom in turn, one, accompanied by doctors, was brought in a wheelchair, all four are citizens of tajikistan, recruited mercenaries. earlier, during interrogation, one of them admitted that he killed people for money; he was promised 500,000 rubles. now about the strikes on
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the rear targets of the ukrainian armed forces. it is reported that in at the zhulyany airport in kiev , two american pet anti-aircraft systems were hit by missiles. the crew, according to some sources, included mercenaries from nato countries. an infrastructure facility was also damaged in the nikopol district of the dnepropetrovsk region. as for the special operation zone on avdeevsky itself. control, as a result of successful actions, units of the center group improved the situation along the front line and repelled 10 counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces assault groups. in the donetsk sector, fighters occupied more advantageous positions and defeated manpower the enemy, including in the area of ​​kleshcheevka, andreevka and novomikhailovka in the dpr. the militants lost two armored fighting vehicles, including us-made bradleys, as well as two self-propelled polish krab guns and two electronic warfare stations. air defense systems destroyed more than a hundred ukrainian drones and 31 missiles from american multiple launch rocket systems. hymers, vampire and hurricane. and in the area of ​​the liberated
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village, the thin enemy, as they say, is not allowed to raise his head. to gain a foothold in those parts, our defenders had to overcome evgeniy lyamin will tell you about a giant minefield and how they operated in the most difficult conditions. the thin village looks like this from above. now they are moving beyond its borders, the enemy is being pushed further back, there are close battles on the ground, our soldiers are storming fortified buildings, how difficult and dangerous this is can be understood from these shots, for example, on the left, attack aircraft of the first army corps managed to enter the trench of the armed forces of ukraine, meters at 15 dugout, the enemy is there, a firefight begins to help our fighters, fpv drone operator warns that he will attack , we need to take cover, hits the enemy dugout, our attack aircraft manage to change stores, the dust has not yet settled completely, the soldier carefully approaches the dugout, opens fire, the drones of the ukrainian armed forces are also constantly in the sky, they see everything, and immediately flies after already an enemy fpv drone is attacking
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our fighters, detonating between them, retreating to cover. in the village itself, the buildings are low, one or two floors, even in these almost ruins, the ukrainian armed forces tried to build a defense before entering the thin one, the fighters say, first it was necessary to cross a field, 600 meters long, full of mines; at night, the path was cleared by sappers. in the morning the assault groups went, to cross the field , how to live a whole life, what are the features , it’s scary, well, here you go, here are all the features, ildusa 57, the oldest in the assault unit, of course, this is a smile after the battle, when he replays everything in his head, how he was occupied house after house, the goal was to run and go into the house, and realizing that since they were shooting from here, the entrance was being shelled from the other side, i put a board down, with the straps in my teeth and my polish coat in snorts, i crawled and fell into this house, from there he already made it clear to them that all our house, where it was difficult, they requested
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artillery support, they destroyed the enemy , including with the help of corrected artillery ammunition in krasnopol. the central street, from there only later as alleys, as a rule, any street, any direction, any turn, is first of all a firing point. moving forward, the fighters managed to capture foreign-made enemy equipment. the first slavs were fighters. well, in general, they entered, cleared, won, and this large attack drone, the so-called mayaga,
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which carries mines, was shot down from a machine gun by the crew of the first army corps' anti-tank guns, they attempted a counter-offensive at night, for this they used two of these unmanned aerial vehicles, they first worked out our positions with artillery, small fip kamikaze drones, and then these uavs accompanied their infantry during the counter-offensive, it was shot down, the counter-offensive was successfully repulsed, and by the way, at that moment we jumped into their own trenches on their shoulders, we captured two more positions, the enemy, rolling back, requests help, and here rocket artillery comes into play, hitting the reserves. the hurricane strikes the enemy's rear area, there is a concentration of personnel and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine,
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one salvo, another, right there, it is necessary to fold, at this time the soldiers are watching the sky, alexander, deputy platoon commander, he is 24, donetsk himself, ukrainian troops entered how they wanted to cut off the cities, he remembers well, 2014 he was a teenager from... arrows of ukrainian artillery, civilians of donbass, airstrikes on the beach in zugressi, attack on a residential building in snizhne, the appearance of the donetsk militia, which came to the defense. then i was a little boy, as if passing by, seeing. well, our militias are local, so i couldn’t imagine that i would become a military man, well, now we have matured and we had to defend our homeland, liberate, we are fighting so that we can have peace, our future generation, children, relatives of all they didn’t see this, in the avdeevsky direction, in addition to the village of tonenkoe, the group of troops-center , the village of orlovka was also liberated, it is located in severna, ours
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units continue to push back the enemy. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kaschurin, nikita sebastyanov, irina chyuchuy, channel one. and finally, about the weather, which will pleasantly surprise muscovites this week. already today it is warm and sunny in the region, the air will warm up to 9°. well, the temperature will only continue to rise. by the weekend in the capital and region, almost summer values ​​reach +17, and in some places even up to +20. meteorologists do not rule out that the record, which has stood for 17 years, will be broken. it will still be cool at night. from zero to -2, the roads may still be icy in some places, especially in the morning. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the “big game” program. live broadcast of the big game. i'm vyacheslav nikonov. good afternoon. yesterday at 20:00 moscow time
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, cranes flew across the country. on the wall of the hall named after muslim magamaev, who performed this song wonderfully, there are candles in the shape of cranes. it really was a very symbolic, very touching moment, the unity of people, the unity of the whole country, people of all nationalities, all religions, and general... "national prayer for the repose of the souls innocently killed by these non-human terrorists, the number of victims continues to grow, the latest figure for the dead is 144, among them there are children, there are 97 people in hospitals so far, and
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naturally we are all together too. we pray for rest the souls of the dead for the recovery of those , for the lives of whom doctors are now fighting. well, the answer to those who organized this terrorist attack will be, it will be tough, and i think it is already happening. i don’t know if you will agree with me, yuri ivanovich podalyaka, but in my opinion, the blow that was dealt today to the decision-making center in... decision-making in kiev on the anti-missile and air defense system around kiev can in many ways be considered as our first response, specifically to the terrorist attack. yuri ivanovich, good afternoon, the floor is yours. hello, yes, it really can be considered, because so far, well, everything converges on the fact that this is the first recorded launch in combat conditions of a hypersonic zircon missile, which is in
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service with the black sea fleet, and accordingly she covered the distance.
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these days have been quite successful and, in essence, the battle has already begun on the outskirts of chasoy yar, an offensive is underway in the avdeevsky direction. what is your latest news from the front? yes, the enemy, realizing the danger of our advance in the chasoy yar area, let me remind you the day before, we approached approximately 1 km from the city, the most important thing is not even this, but the fact that it was taken to a part of a strategically important hill, the eastern part of this hill. on which our troops have gained a foothold and, accordingly, from where they can further advance right in the center of chasoy yar, this is a key point of enemy defense for the entire northern donbass, from here it is good to attack in the rear of the seversky group.
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similar machines, i think that our troops, well, sort of, i know that this attack was repulsed, the enemy may try to attack again, but at least now what i know is that our aviation is working closely in the microdistrict, the channel that is the first, standing in the way of our troops and the artillery is working very well, we are really looking forward to good news from this direction, and ours are advancing on a broad front, south of ivanovsky, an offensive is also underway along the second hill, which is located between ivanovsky and kleshcheevka. several enemy positions have also been taken here and the offensive continues here too, due to the loss of this hill, which is between ivanovsky and bogdanovka, the enemy had to abandon about half
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of the settlement last night, so most of bogdanovka is already under our control, well, because he has to stay there it was no longer possible, we simply shot from above all their positions, and the offensive also continues in the avdeevsky sector, here our troops continue to move forward between thin and pervomaisky, occupying enemy positions. some of the enemy himself leaves, realizing that he cannot hold out here, and the most important thing is that a little to the north we are now trying to cross the river bad or bad in semyonovka to try to take a plazahead, while simultaneously attacking in the berdychi area, in fact this is the most important position , which also cannot be lost by the enemy under any circumstances, because having taken ocheretin , which is located a little to the north, this is a watershed ridge, we again go out only from the south, essentially to the flanks, to the rear of the enemy’s torez group and the entire front... the srednedonetsk front, which the enemy has, after these two attacks, if we succeed, it may literally crumble, as in its time in the ovdeevsky sector, and there are also good offensives noted, well, actions and results
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in the novomikhailovka area, the enemy admitted this morning that most of this populated area is no longer under us only in its western outskirts does the offensive continue, or rather , the offensive in the northern sector is resumed, our troops of the 106th division of our neighbors begin offensive operations, thank you very much ivanovich podalyaka. as always, an accurate analysis of what is happening on the fronts, a special military operation. kiev is now clearly changing its tactics , or has already changed its tactics, that is, the strikes carried out by the kiev armed forces are against civilian targets, we see shelling of belgrade, we see this terrorist attack in moscow, behind which, of course, are ukrainian special services too, here is the governor of the kherson region, vladimir saldo, he noted that the tactics have changed in relation to the kherson region, let's listen: the enemy uses artillery, including cluster munitions and mortars, but they only finish off close to the coastline, the uavs circle on
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the roads on olezhka and kokhovka and attack peaceful vehicles. ukrainian terrorists are sending drones to hospitals, other public buildings, transport stops, houses - this is a deliberate attempt at terror intimidation population. that is, kyiv has clearly moved on. tactics of terrorist actions, they need to create an unbearable moral and psychological situation among civilians, make people think that the russian authorities today are not coping, the military today is not providing, according to their understanding and those narratives that do not provide any kind of security, we are excellent we understand that today...
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what kind of offensive actions the enemy is carrying out, we immediately occupy their defense, and sometimes we retreat so that they, they suffer colossal losses, are caught in the cauldron of fire, at the same time, being in this state, we understand that behind the back of the ukrainian armed forces there are forces, including firepower, with crews, with people, everything that macron recently said is... an announced, absolutely clearly announced production of special nato special forces units on the territory of ukraine to work, and in such a serious manner...
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we need to prepare morally and psychologically our population, which is already deformed, what happened in crocus is one of the elements, they do it widely, well, now they really are resorting to tactics terror, but terror is always a tactic of the weaker side, maybe, of course, we are conducting a strategic defense, but by defending ourselves, since the beginning of the year we have already won several hundred square kilometers, as stated and...
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located with the inscription russia and here in the back you can see quite a large number of flowers, children's toys, which the danish residents bring here to this place all these days as a sign of solidarity with the victims from all over russia, who, like the non-dan residents, know for 10 years of terrorist acts from outside ukronazis, how painful it is, the loss of loved ones, and i prepared... a short
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report, let’s watch it, and i will comment on the plot, glory to the cuckoo. donetsk residents continue to bring flowers and soft toys to the wall with the inscription russia on the central square of donetsk. who else knows this pain of loss and empathizes with everyone, all the victims, all loved ones who lost their relatives, their friends, in this terrible bloody terrorist act. we, of course, as residents of donbass, support moscow, krasnogorsk, we together with all of russia, we we understand this, we observe all this all the time, we have been shelling for 10 years already, angelo’s children too , they put the russian flag at half-mast on lenin square as a sign of mourning for the dead, they want to intimidate us, in fact we are rallying even more, of course, we will definitely win together, it broke my heart.
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very persistent character, which 10 moscow, you and me, danish residents - these are people who have experienced all the terrorist attempts on the part of the ukrainian regime since 1914, who knows better than them pain and suffering as a result of carrying out such terrible savages.
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game, who really moves these pawns in it? let's talk after commercial. the world's largest investment corporation black rock, the black rock company places its people and extends its tentacles throughout the offices of government. and the leader, a certain mr. fink. maybe it's time for larry to run for president? no, what are you saying, i’m still too young for...
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we are not interested in ending this conflict, the longer this goes on, the more russia will weaken. final goal - take control of russia and its resources? america and its... we are launching an experiment: a taxi, an undercover taxi, even a colonel, but is this really legal? i had my own plans for this car, but they forced one joint on you, and you ’ll fly out of here like a champagne cork, an interception plan was introduced,
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an armed attack at the address severnaya 27, it’s very likely that we have a new maniac, another one corpse, what should we call you now, taxi driver in uniform, bombed in law, koboni? completed, you yourself decided to start the actual investigation, persistent and smart, so what kind of puzzle do we have here , why are you helping me, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, what’s your name, for you i’m just a taxi driver, undercover taxi , premiere, watch the time after the program , then you fell, or something else, well, that’s how to live with you, well, you don’t live. a symphony of five russian empires opened up to me, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and prosperity, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion. after the death of total darkness, we are resurrected again and we move along the path of improvement. i
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, along with the whole country, rejoiced. finally, ours have gone, we are breaking. it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me... a prose writer into a poet, in blood, in smoke, in fires, amid the whistling of bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession. today is the first one. vluchannya. new ukrainian myths about old browning machine guns, darkness, something is flying, something is whistling, someone is speaking in some language, something is screaming. in the dark. shoot down a rocket, but how did they see it? tsypso got to the point of rewriting the history of architecture. ukrainian empire is hot ice, soft stone is something that cannot exist. brosovsky palace in odessa is simply solid russian classicism. and it also turns out that anti-tank missiles also
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need clothing, what kind? antifake, premiere. tomorrow on the first. well, i'm different, different. ordinary russian artists, he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i did not understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and she hissed me like an electric shock. our exclusive.
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an exclusive with dmitry borisov premiered on saturday on the first. you didn't have the feeling that god could be so for... the big game live. the scum who committed this monstrous terrorist attack, which has already killed 143 people, has been brought to justice. here these faces. basmanny court. chose a measure of restraint for them in the form of arrest, although the lawyer asked them to limit themselves to house arrest , you know, of course, everyone is in a boil, but let ’s really, justice should
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have a say here, the investigative committee of our special services, which should extract absolutely everything from them, find everything - the same ends that will lead to the real... the customer and the real puppeteer of this whole business, and it is obvious to everyone that these strings to the puppeteers stretch far beyond the borders of our country, from the president of the united states, that’s what he said. vladimir putin is already trying to connect
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this with ukraine and says that ukraine is responsible for the terrorist attack. does america have evidence of this? no, and first of all, let me start by saying that what happened in the terrorist attack and the number of people who died is obviously a tragedy and we should all express our condolences to those families. no, there is no evidence, and we know that... in light of the additional measures i ordered last month, we are accelerating
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the training of isis forces, including volunteers from sunni tribes in anbar province. is getting bigger. this is 15 years old, well, really, then in the internet version it was added that he meant the iraqi security forces, although in fact he was talking about isis, well, i ’ll remind you of a very recent quote from december 4. who headed the joint chiefs of staff, right up until this time, let's hear it: there shouldn't be a single russian who goes to bed wondering if his throat is going to be cut in the middle of the night, you should go back there create a company in the rear, it was he who addressed the ukrainian armed forces, well , i still want to say from the very beginning that we all pray for the dead, for those who are wounded, as orthodox christians... because lent is underway now, the most one of the most, so to speak, such
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strict first weeks of lent, it is always a time of temptation, always such a difficult time, so to speak, thinking about what life is, and as if including a reason not to forget about eternity, this is the first , second, there is no need for any panic, because panic will in any case contribute to the enemies, whoever they are and their game, there is no need for despondency, depression, so to speak, out of fear, but there is also no need, so to speak, for some kind of brutal brutal aggression towards other people, so to speak, here we need such a firm, balanced, but at the same time sober position, who can stand behind this, can the ukrainian services stand, yes they can, because bandera terrorism, strictly speaking, is the strong point of the nationalist regime in general, can the americans, yes they can, because what do you you know, and through isis you can act through a chain of intermediaries, we know that al-qaeda was created by the cia, pakistani military intelligence, so this is also possible, so here, of course, so to speak, all these are necessary...
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but exchanging security for money, especially in capital region and this is obvious, in my opinion it is impossible to exchange cultural identity for money, therefore immigration policy is a policy of distributing citizenship, it requires serious revision, for example. let's say some time ago we heard news about corruption component when distributing passports, which means
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in st. petersburg, in many other things, if people begin their lives with criminal offenses, yes, it should be looked at, but nevertheless, it is nevertheless clear that it is not evil nationality, any evil, like good, in fact, yes, but there is something to think about, in my opinion, this is unambiguous, well, you are absolutely right that evil has no nationality, and we know history very well, and there with the same helicopter that was hijacked by the russians non-ice, right?
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knew what it was and guessed that the united states knew that ukraine was preparing something, they were going to do ukraine, and the fact is that ukraine not only did it, but did it with the help of weapons and other assistance, provided.
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in no case should we write off barack obama and say that he is an absolutely written off former president, according to the federal law of the united states of america he receives all the information about the activities of the intelligence services, he has the right to request any secret confidential information, he is in the game. a if he is in the game, then those words that were uttered by trump, that america, in general, in the person of obama, hillary clinton, are the ones who raised these
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isis, educated them, fed them, gave them money, gave them a whole ideology , then of course. you have to think that there are two countries that are now very strongly starting to promote the terrorist card; in the first place , after all, i will not put the usa, but britain, because it is britain that today has large resources for financing these structures around the world, and if we let's look at recent reports that are quite striking , which were carried out from 15 to 22, then great britain does not have the coolest army in the world, but it has the largest network in the world, which according to...
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politicians and security representatives at downing street 3 days before this terrorist attack took place. investigating even further, i discovered that victoria is a harbinger of death, which, if it comes close to you, rest assured, a civil war is coming in your country. so, i saw with my own eyes how she promised the russians several unpleasant surprises in the coming weeks and months. i investigate further and find that white house press secretary john kerrobee announced that american citizens have been warned to stay away from crowded places, including. shopping centers and theaters in great moscow, the greatest city in europe, the capital of the largest country on planet earth. and now i have four pieces of evidence that make me believe that the united states, its nato allies, is their
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puppet servant, the obrobok state of ukraine. really responsible for this mass kill. this is a member of the uk house of representatives, he sees more than kamela harris. in any case , he does not close his eyes to obvious facts. which we will discuss after the commercial. the world's largest investment corporation black rock. the black rock company places its people and extends its tentacles into the offices of government. its leader is a certain mr. fink. maybe it's time for larry to run for president? no, no, i’m still too young for this. he is more than the president of the united states. the shadow ruler is not only the financial world. under management today, they have shares in military companies, they are swallowing up entire countries , ukraine has already been sold, the one who owns the enterprises is the de facto power,
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he gives the management of investment assets to artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence considers the population of ukraine to be 17 million people , there are 11 million pensioners in ukraine, people are indifferent to him, we are not interested in ending this conflict, the longer this goes on, the more weakened he is. no, russia. the ultimate goal is to take under the control of russia and its resources. america and its next dirty fink. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? what have you done? nobody wants to work with him. behind the wheel he is like a duck to water. we are launching an experiment. taxi. taxi undercover colonel, is this legal? i had my own plans for this car, but they forced one joint on you, and you’ll fly out of here like a
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champagne cork. a plan was introduced to intercept and carry out an armed attack at severnaya 27. it’s very likely that we have a new maniac, another corpse, and what should we call you now as a taxi driver in the law who is unfinished, you decided to start the actual investigation. monastic and smart, so what’s the puzzle here , why are you helping me, you won’t calm down until you catch them, and what’s your name, for you i’m just a taxi driver, a taxi under the guise of the prime minister, watch the time after the program, then you fell, then something else, well, this is how to live with you, but you don’t live, a symphony of five russian empires was revealed to me. when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and flowering, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion, after death and total darkness we are resurrected again
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and moving along the paths of improvement, i , along with the whole country, rejoiced, finally ours have gone, we are breaking, this there was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet, in blood, in smoke, in fires, amid the whistling of bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession. today is the first one. new ukrainian myths about old browning machine guns. darkness, something is flying, something is whistling, someone is shouting something in some language. shoot down a rocket in the dark, but how did they see it? tsypso got to the point of rewriting.
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the world's largest investment corporation black rock, the black rock company places its people and extends its tentacles throughout the offices of government, its leader, a certain mr. fink. maybe it's time for larry to run for president? no, no, i’m still too young for this. he is more than the president of the united states.
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she's happy with me. lesha, can we meet? olya, i hit him because he climbed into someone else’s bed. let everything remain as it is. what's left? why isn't the turbo yours? how do you understand anything here? if you love, you understand. would you like to invite me to dinner tonight? sorry. this is for work.
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undercover taxi. watch the time after the program. big game live. western media leaders unanimously point to isis as the main version of a possible terrorist attack, or rather an already carried out terrorist attack. but russia is considered as a backup option, russia , which blows itself up, shells, bombs, but there are people in the west who clearly see that, in fact, completely different forces are behind this, there are not many such people, they formulate their thoughts very clearly, so markus kaim, one of the very few german political scientists who dared to question this version,
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to date, one most important question remains unanswered: what did the russian leadership do? we are talking about a political context that could cause special strong anger and violence, because in fact this is an anti-western organization, at the moment it is not clear to me what actions of the russian country towards islamic groups, the government, the muslim population caused anger and death, but this remains to be determined during further investigation. considering that the situation in syria has been calm for many years, and the latest attacks have been carried out on the muslim population. many years ago, i think that talking about isis attacks on russia is a bit far-fetched. well, and italian the journalist, juliana, stated that, in fact, it was the west that created this frankenstein. it is absolutely clear that isis has nothing to do with this, it is the ukran-nazi regime with the support of the united states. terrorism will have unpleasant consequences for the whole of europe with
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all the nazis who will feel it. betrayed as soon as ukraine ceases to exist as a viable nation-state. the collective west has created a frankenstein monster who wants revenge by killing his master. west, when they say west, i support, but in this in this case, it would be correct and specific to say that everything connected with the taliban, al-qaeda and gil are derivative terrorist structures created. and financed for decades by the special services of the united states of america, we have repeatedly talked about this, we have proven that, by and large, they do not really hide it. remember the events of vyacheslav alekseevich, when the nord streams blew up. the first narrative is that the russians did it themselves. a short amount of time passed, they stopped shyly talking about it, because it was absolutely clear they understand that the americans did it.
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including based on technical capabilities, when we are talking about such a serious matter, our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies will literally in the near future... give practically answers to all questions, it is very important that today in this conversation we are not interfered with or harmed, but nevertheless , today we have the right in the big game to talk about geopolitics, classic examples of the work of american intelligence services in the world in terms of their dominance, since the fourteenth year the entire ukraine project is a project of the intelligence services united states of america, and literally immediately after.
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the transition to breaking the fast after a long day of hunger strike, which is carried out, all this time is being done, so that during this period...
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in order to, yes, break us psychologically, but to create a split in our society, including along national and religious principles , which of course will not succeed, but the west draws interesting conclusions for itself, of course, but macron , who is not participating in the big game, but
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really wants to, first of all strengthened his own security, it is logical, but then naturally they they demanded more assistance to ukraine, troops to ukraine, the american congress already said that with the exception of the baltic countries to a very small extent, poland and the czech republic, which is nothing of itself, all of europe is against macron, and in a harsh manner. we were talking about the franco-german agreement, about military-technical cooperation. let's not forget that we have already jointly developed
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and abandoned a fighter, we have been building a heavy tank together for more than 10 years, we have not advanced a single step, because all this is very difficult, the arms industry needs cheap energy, this is not there, and competence in the industry is not there either. no, even germany is deindustrializing, well, finally we need money, which we don’t have either, so all this is chatter, well, i wish it was all chatter, of course, but the adventurism and irresponsibility of european leaders, multiplied by their illusion about that we won’t do anything, she can push them to do this, that is, roughly speaking, they can do something, say, with the same french, they can send them there, and then look at what we will do, we will hit, we won’t hit, if we hit one option, if we do n’t hit the other, in this sense... by the way, the current strikes, our intensified strikes on infrastructure, i think are very correct, my personal opinion is so should have been done from the very beginning , to destroy the infrastructure of ukraine, because unfortunately, although this is what we once built all together, yes, all the people built together, but unfortunately, any means
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that support ukraine as a state prolong war, so attacks on the centers decision-making, throughout all communications and throughout all industrial enterprises, with all the means that we have, this will be a loss... there, they come, they leave, they chat there about something, so to speak, yes, make sure that they they couldn’t stick their nose out so that they knew for sure that the next missile would hit the head, then maybe, you see, so to speak, they will calm down, yes, apart from strength, they understand little, in the congress of the united states, now they have another vacation congressmen, but here is the chairman of the committee foreign affairs, house of representatives michael mccaul says that it is quite possible that the issue of assistance to ukraine will be put to a vote, that's what he said. speaker johnson has told you when he
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intends to vote on additional aid to ukraine given the fact that we are running low on ammunition. he is committed to bringing the issue to a vote after easter. that is, this will happen no earlier than april 9, when you return from vacation. i would like this to happen as soon as possible quicker. i think the situation is terrible.
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we are already facing a
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$4.900 billion deficit in health care and many others. now social security is being added to this, although we haven’t even done the calculations yet. the president doesn't have a plan, he has principles. he wants to work with congress to find a way to protect our social security and increase our ability to pay through 2034. additional assistance to ukraine, america
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has experienced a unipolar moment that began after the collapse of the soviet union, it i felt permissiveness after the bombing of belgrade, which began just 25 years ago, now this impunity continues by inertia, but in the power of america it is gone, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we 'll give the floor to the news and see you. again at 17:00 don’t miss it, hello, it’s news time at first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now , starting with information from the capital’s authorities, and post


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