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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  March 26, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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throw the little one or the little one, okay, okay, i ’ll put the gun down, you go out and pawn it, screw it, we’ve agreed, you creature! well, the watchman immediately remembered when he told him about the yellow cubes, otherwise he would have. oh,
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there was a robbery that night, i didn’t call a taxi, that’s for sure , that’s for sure, that’s it, i have to go, okay, bye , listen, thank you, great, think about it, i’ve read a lot. everything came to light when the business was sold, he was left with no destiny, he decided to take revenge for one, otherwise we would have found him ourselves, listen, you will note in the rapport that this was our joint operation, okay.
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elisha, wait for us! it's okay! oksana petrovna, you were quick today, but there was no line at the bank, well, today there will be a salary, but it’s just a part, she’ll say,
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there’s a big game on the air. terrible terrorist attack on crocos city hall, the participants in the terrorist act itself were arrested, some of their accomplices were detained, they, as we know, have already begun to confess.
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islamic extremist circles, but what ’s interesting is that while in russia they are investigating not very much... we also see that the united states is using different channels.
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white house, admiral carby, as for the escalation in ukraine, putin and his entourage have no ties with ukraine, it was a terrorist attack carried out by militants isis kharasan
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and period, end of sentence, end of story, ukraine. there is no ukrainian intervention , point to provide evidence, because there is none, yes , we are here in early march, but for a start i really like it, there will be a point, well, in general, it seems to me that there is no need to talk to russia like that, it’s time to go to washington . this has long been understood, in 2006 shackles, she did this same elegant statement that independence for kosovo, russia has no right to consider this
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a precedent, period, and i was there at that time. the end was reached, saakishvili’s aggression in south ossetia was repelled, and
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russian operations were successful. on this story , but they want it so much, they want it so much, well, here’s the cover, let’s, for example, look at what he said about the origin...
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defense of one’s own, but only this really became the beginning of isis,
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that’s right, he founded the idea, and i would also say that the co-founder... which is based in afghanistan, so, i
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i have reliable information that this cell has direct contacts with american intelligence agencies, because at that time and... so america had isis not only in syria, but the services also had their own contacts in isis, i am naturally not at this table ...
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no, ukraine had nothing to do with this in regards to its own role. your award ceremony, the awarding of young cultural workers, but nevertheless, it is certainly impressive, normal life, your comments about the fact that... regarding the current priorities of russia? our the country is known to struggle to protect its
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lives. and, unfortunately, our ill-wishers, our competitors, opponents, forced us to defend these interests. in this direction, karen, that you can the ceremony in general is quite modest.
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immeasurably, this, this, this is what he talks about, and just, well, i, in any case, perhaps due to my profession, see that he, he, he, he. i am full of rage, i think we are all full of rage, and as they say, and as they say,
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of course, the most powerful emotions are both rage and compassion for your compatriots, who died and were captured in this trap, now regarding this matter, you know, this is my position, apparently, thanks to this you are kind. invite me to your wonderful program, i am not a politician, i am not a professional political scientist, i am an artist. it is sometimes permissible to follow the main tool of artistic intuition - it seems so vague, especially of some kind of material.
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ukraine is behind this. and with the help of the united states, but ukraine. firstly, this is a reason. doubts, well, first of all, listen, i don't i know you saw this - the performance of this.
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ukraine, he actually says in black and white that they screwed it up, no one knows why he blurted out what we actually signed, as he says, it was all in this, johnson said there, what is it? what did he say, which one, which one, we did it, we will come again, here is his direct text, this was said, another
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official, the head of the security service of ukraine, vasily malek, said. such characters as kiva tsarev tatar, can you? we write the test in the head, and it remains forever next to where it belongs. there is another prilepin in relation to him, he headed one of the nf, on the way
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a tank mine was triggered, that day he was driving. debts to the ukrainian people, period, but officially the sbu was edited not because he said anything bad about the russian authorities and president putin, but because there were offensive statements of a sexual nature. after this, i want to ask you, karen, why do we even have to,
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they brag about it, listen, they are preparing poisoned food in order to send it as humanitarian aid. waved a test tube in this in what’s his name because of something so
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that, as it were, public opinion there is ukraine. they put the leaders of ukraine outside the law, and for them they are saving zelensky, that’s what they are saving, zelensky should not be underestimated at all, he is a key figure in general in their game in ukraine, a horrific terrorist act has been committed. the current consequences are, in my opinion, why they are most important.
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in this environment, it is enough for migrants, moscow, to flee to ukraine, so
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it seems to me that, that is, so to speak, these there could be some kind of scoundrels to do this, it could very well be. services and some kind of isis cells, we have already seen this in afghanistan, we have already seen this in syria, this would not be something fundamentally new, one does not exclude the other, well, yes, but even in this case, something said that the real isis members are with everything. their own this, but these are people of ideas, but they cannot say that they are 50 people, this
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, as they say, is not their style, this is not their style, so in my opinion, these people have nothing to do with what he said karen georgievich, this is bad. we will come to the conclusion that the kiev regime is a direct and immediate participant in the war in ukraine, financing, supplies of weapons, ammunition, instructors, intelligence data transmitted.
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ukraine, they, naturally, will refuse only one thing, which is what they will deny to
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the last, there is not even a doubt about it. you know, i listened to an interview today, this happens very rarely, but in general, he makes it clear that the main interests are the main ones. we believe that the action, the ukrainian special service this is directly related to, i think, you named the usa, britain, ukraine, these are the three countries that. but there are already certain
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developments, the president spoke about this, which means that not so long ago, we see, it means that what is happening, there is still too much work to be done, as you are right, that’s when he says what’s behind it. this is a very serious charge. absolutely correct. and since he says this, it means he has information that cannot be disclosed yet, an investigation is underway, and at the initial stage, and a court that will take a preventive measure.
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by the way, the president of russia said about this, it is clear that the customer of the damage to russia, and this is not just one country, unfortunately, i think, the british, as usual, have something to do with this
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, the excellent work of both special services and special units, because immediately calculated where they could go, that is, they. well, they didn’t drive to central asia, they didn’t drive to transcaucasia, they drove and the calculation was made correctly, because there they were identified, caught, to the end, in
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general, we learn a lot of things that... now, apparently, it’s too early to disclose, but early, tragically, they struck in a variety of ways, from drones to some kind of invasion against russian territory. territory of russia, which, that these territories belong to it or once belonged to it, tell us about these military actions of ukraine from the point of view of what was shown. condition along the entire line of combat
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contact, if we take up to. capture of the ukrainian group, that is, they are defeated here, but they inflict on our legally our country, they inflict blows to the world's population. the same thing that the ukrainian government is doing specifically in relation to terrorist attacks, which
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the head of the sbu constantly forgot to tell daria dugin, who was a girl in the military actions there to the ukrainian people, just a girl, a political scientist. and as for the direction, that ’s exactly the red line, that this cannot be done, but precisely... failures at the front, active participation in the planning of the operation, that is , in addition to providing intelligence on the supply of weapons, they take
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full part in the planning, attacking generals suffer, let’s say, defeat in their actions, and this is a kind of response that, from their point of view, mm... well , perhaps would require the movement of our forces from various directions towards the north, this is a certain logistical gain, perhaps that’s why they blow up, including in terms of energy, as we know, they were left without light, electric traction ran out there, because, well , electric traction, there is such a complex process going on here, all these puzzles,
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even. nothing, just nothing, and these people really, that both mishet and the cia are here, then there is this chain, we just remember, that’s what they did in principle, that is. most of the terrorist groups in the world were financed by, well, many things, if we also remember the history of the ostyn company , when pirates were hired as privateers so
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that, roughly speaking, they would destroy, say , the same spanish goleons, well, of this state, therefore, despite the fact that we are now being filled. thinking and logical, because in this situation. in these ukrainian operations against bryansk and belgad we, who seem to be fighting against
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russian authorities, in fact, russian patriots, that’s exactly what they are from belgrade. your reaction? well, on the one hand, as if we understand that all these are far-fetched things, on the other hand, tango is usually danced together and... ukrainian units that are fighting for freedom, we say that they are fighting in the ranks of the russian army, here they tried to create, excuse me, as in this case with the latest terrorist attack, they are trying to create the impression that they are doing the most odious things.
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someone else, led all the main offensive operations, well, not only, this is a larger question.
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dmitry peskov, it is important for us to stop the process of damaging our security, to exclude the possibility and forces to take away our crimea, how can we allow the existence of a state on our borders that has been documented.
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it turns out that the fascist has completely
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different styles, although this is a single ideology, but there is german fascism, and it is so epic, still striving for some kind of surrealism, somewhat pompous, by the way, the least cruel, so... and remember, the germans in basically, it’s boring, that’s it, that’s it, it was ukrainian fascists, unfortunately, this , this, this fascist society in ukraine came to power, that’s why i. it seems to me that, after all, the definition here should be
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quite strict, because i repeat, nationalism is, well, nationalism can be different, nationalism can be combined. states, the west, but we must not forget that the enemy is me. it seems that what dmitry peskov said is that russia cannot allow borders. in other words, this
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regime either must disappear. what does he have the goals of at least the attitude towards russia have fundamentally changed.
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this regime, yes, of course, but, but that, vladimir mikhailovich, peskov also
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said something about the radicals. russia, the russian authorities, the people who left, literally took the position of the enemy of their country, these people will not be welcome here, they will not be accepted, that’s for sure, president putin recently said that they must be destroyed, because they are now our enemies. i think that everything is clear here, but how they differ from the vlassovites is nothing, we destroyed the vlassovites and these must be destroyed, by the way, i will return to your words, you said, either the regime will disappear, or there will be radical changes, from the second or there should not be, this regime must disappear, it
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must be re-educated. who will feel that russia is not an enemy, and i think that there will be an unhealed wound that will always be there, and i wanted one more thing, i don’t know whether i’ll have time or not, this is a significant terrorist threat, he’s absolutely right, we can’t relax we need, remember, everything... some victories in the fight against international terrorists, now in ukraine, things are going, frankly, poorly,
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when on guriyanova street, by the way, i lived there a kilometer away, this happened at night. their entrances, there was no panic, because the president immediately said that he would destroy terrorists anywhere, but i will not repeat what is known, attention, the president held several meetings, on monday with the government, he is in constant contact, constantly.
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there's a big game on the air, we'll be back in just a few minutes, the head of the olympic committee called for a boycott of igor friendship, we talked. from vavan and lexus, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. do you work part-time as a taxi driver? remember, i told you about the secret work,
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no matter what you can always count on me, even despite our divorce, i can’t hold on. you got divorced recently and, as i understand it, you haven’t been on a date for a long time, right? undercover taxi, premiere, tomorrow after the program, from now on no contact with this simpleton from the teaching staff. russian.
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usa basketball teams at the olympics vada is not touching them, they definitely want to organize these friendship games are to try to undermine the olympic games, which is why we urge countries not to participate. olympic movement.
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there's a big game on the air, now it's our traditional circle. in the future, the options that they see there are negotiations or something else, it is impossible to have options, it is impossible for the option to come to power as. and an adviser, a former adviser to the secretary of state,
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children of both britain and the united states, so that fascism, the fascists who came to power, brought them, they were led for a long time, they were educated, now we have this antagonistic black looking glass. on our border, and this black mirror must be broken, and not only the stand that stands under it must be broken, so that this does not repeat at other points, because - what does it mean to break the stand, you do not mean an unlimited war with everything western peace, and an unlimited war will end quickly enough within.
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the desire to repeat such things has disappeared, at least for some long, historically foreseeable time, when you talk about such damage, you talk about damage, politics is a delicate thing, as i already said today, tangas are danced by two people and that’s it. the western world has a lot of troubles all over the planet, and those countries that are now losing
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their reputation will simply collapse catastrophically. so i watched the event that took place on march 22. we have been saying for many years, here are young people who are very unpatriotic, very patriotic, remember the two boys, schoolchildren who worked in the wardrobe, helped people leave, were paid in one piece, i think it’s worth a lot, i didn’t
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keep silent, as in my we had time such. drink vodka, and strictly speaking, nothing goes beyond that, you know, but fascism is completely different, different, it’s nazism, even
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more likely, well, fascism, nazism. this has already been somewhat introduced, so to speak, well, it doesn’t matter, i mean that fascism, nazism is when the destruction of others.
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why are 6.00 people gathering in one place, no security, if there were at least a dozen armed people there, it’s quite possible, well, for this, apparently, some kind of regulations are needed, because...
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thousands of migrants, in general, have invested huge efforts and talent in building our country, i have great respect for them. either he must demonstrate that he has transformed
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, the angle that he will not be able to, which was demanded from where it already seemed, that’s all, he was forced into a collateral so that they would not start selling off his property, 350. that this level of collateral was reduced up to 150 million, after all, donald trump, he’s such a vankov,
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buy it, but if you want new energy, they put it on the stock exchange. his media company and began to sell shares, like shares are being sold off, but the majority owner is in control, the attempt to destroy the trump campaign failed, that's what was destroyed today, that's the bridge. and under the city of baltimore, and this is a tragic situation.


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