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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 29, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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there are children's products where everything is guaranteed to be prohibited, here we have a great girl, she takes screenshots in a modern way, photographs tanion, neon everything in a row, wait, andrey petrovich, let's emphasize your life hack, in children's products, in children's dishwashing detergents, everything is contained harmless, absolutely, so if you want nothing to be there, either gloves, or use children’s products, as our wonderful pediatrician, professor, also doctor of sciences, andrei petrov does, there is another way, reducing the chance of contact with these detergents, it is of course expensive, you just need to buy a dishwasher, all the capsules are in a shell, that is, when you put a capsule in this machine, you have no contact with this, there is something to answer for you, there is something to answer, because unfortunately you are like. ..
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it’s better anyway, well, in general, we’ve already been completely sick of these anionic nonionics, once again the anionic puff is bad, not the ionic puff, good, what can i tell you, dear friends, that’s all for today we were fine, let you will have a great life.
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the information channel on the first begins its broadcasting, the program time will tell, we are working live, in the studio of oles losev, ruslan ostashka. ukrainian, the trace in the terrorist attack has been proven. today is exactly a week since the tragedy in crocus city hall and the investigative committee of our country confirmed that the terrorists were connected. with ukrainian nationalists, well, in the west they still don’t want to hear anything at all, and the role of ukraine in this terrorist attack , the official representative of the white house, john kirby, generally fell into hysterics and switched to outright rudeness towards russia. my uncle often said that the best manure sellers often carry samples in their mouths, russian officials seem to be pretty good manure sellers. well, the lower the intelligence, the worse the insults smell. the americans, by spitting,
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risk simply choking, like the ukrainians in their offensive and attacks of hatred. in ukraine itself they are very afraid that our army is about to launch a large-scale offensive and a special military operation may end this year. all details immediately after a short advertisement. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains. local residents remember all their ancestors, right here at...
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their premiere on sunday at the first gin сnop product of the stellar group, in the fifth grade i watched all the episodes of the police academy and decided how cool, i want to be like them, but i’m just from shift, hands i said. on behalf of the investigative committee, we are conducting an official pre-investigation check of the turbine, we are working, i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, does not like me, but maybe, well, let’s sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do it this way just glory, yesterday they called me to the css, as i understand it, they were given instructions to kill you, who didn’t i deceive like that, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha. see me off,
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do you want to meet, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first, name: this republic translates as golden mountains, local residents remember all their ancestors, this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambola, is located, welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, altai mountains. why are you serving otyag? u we are considered, this is all living things, there is a spirit around it all. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. this action is dangerous, which is why there is morality in the run. jumps to a height of 2 m, go away, life of your own, premiere, on sunday in the first, in the fifth grade, i watched all the episodes of the police academy on the ground with my hand up and
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decided how cool, i want like them, yes, i’m just from shift, hands, i he said that on behalf of the investigative committee we are conducting an official pre-investigation check. covering the prime minister from monday on the first. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains. local residents remember all their ancestors; this is where the entrance to the regional country, shambhala, is located.
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welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. why are you treating the hearth? we believe that all living things around us are spirits. build a new life with her, or am i ready for a taxi, i’m calling, i just wanted to say, please be careful, okay, i’ll try, leave tolya alone, let me help with this somehow, don’t interfere, division announces a full combat
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undercover, premiere from monday on the first, yes vyacheslav mikhailovich, there is, i’m already eating. today is exactly a week since the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole last friday at 19:58 , terrorists opened fire from machine guns on civilians in crocus. the attackers managed to reach the concert hall, where by that time thousands of people had already gathered for the concert. here the terrorists not only started shooting, but set the premises on fire. the massacre itself took the terrorists only 13 minutes. currently lost data 143 people, including five children. the investigation is now in full swing. yesterday , another suspect was detained in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus. he financed the attackers, but most importantly, our fears and the version that
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the investigation put forward about the connections of terrorists with ukraine were confirmed. the investigative committee stated that the ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack in crocus has been proven. the terrorists were associated with ukrainian nationalists. the us is desperate, they are running out of time. well, the germans, apparently, understand more than anyone that
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the patience of the russians is a powerful force, especially when it bursts. vladimir petrovich, but now, when the role of ukraine has been confirmed. is it possible to somehow unwind this whole chain and you will lead these...
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at least to the organizers, as you correctly noted, yes, maybe not the customers, but the funding came from there, that’s what
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they said in our investigative committee, i’m sure , that in the near future they will give more detailed evidence and explanations on this topic, because of course, this should be conveyed to the world community, first of all, how to punish when they those involved in ukraine have been identified, now it is important to maintain consistency, procedurality and methodicality, and above all, my colleague said absolutely correctly that there are three... of this terrorist attack, then automatically there comes
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responsibility for the customers, but the united states does not hid that they finance the ukrainian armed forces of ukraine, the gur, the ministry of defense of ukraine, and so on, and if the gur, for example, and the sbu are recognized as terrorist organizations, then automatically for the united states and those countries that their finance, responsibility comes as who, sponsors of terrorism, all this is the usual normal course.
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and so on, well, here you have a direct example that sanctions work, sanctions
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are a double-edged sword, they work in both directions, valerievich, could this terrorist attack be solely an initiative of kiev? well , first of all, you know, i always stipulate that we now rely on the actions of law enforcement agencies, investigative agencies, yes, that is, we, of course, have the entirety of the evidence base, here we are waiting for conclusions, of course, from the investigative committee and from others. performers, instructors, that is , it is clear that ukraine could not implement this on its own, it can be an interface, it can be a platform, it can be a place of refuge and evacuation, well
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, this is all this, but in fact, for now this is just such reasoning on the topic, in any case, it worked...
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from the united states, a well -known war criminal came here to tourists in the seventies, i thought they wouldn’t find out, but they found out, caught him, and he got everything that supposedly, budanov can sleep peacefully, but no, budanov does not sleep peacefully, this is doubtful, well, if only strong drugs help him, they put him under, man, the fact that he sleeps at all, he seems to understand perfectly well, and the most the main problem for budanov is that he is actually a public figure and it is dangerous for him if in washington or london they decide that such a public figure should no longer exist,
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decisions will be made there accordingly, by the way, the same thing is known zelensky, well, after the investigator’s statement committee. that the ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack had been proven, the official representative of the white house, john kirby, refused to even listen to this and simply openly began to be rude, he compared russian officials who talk about ukraine’s involvement in the terrorist attack with manure sellers. my grandfather often said that the best manure sellers often carry samples in their mouths, russian officials seem to be pretty good manure sellers. well, american politicians. march 7 at 11:15 am moscow time,
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in accordance with the usual procedures for the established channels that were repeatedly used by the previous us government, we provided a written warning to russian intelligence agencies: the us will continue to share information about possible terrorist attacks with other countries, regardless of relations with them. well, here’s how... the white house representative’s speech best illustrates that a thief ’s hat is on fire, and it’s not only on the heads of american politicians that western journalists have been repeating the same thing almost hysterically for a week now thesis, ukraine has nothing to do with it. islamic state. took responsibility and even published a video of the terrorist attacks in the moscow region, but vladimir putin still believes that ukraine is involved in this. however, kiev categorically denies any
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connection with the incident. what do you think so far about the kremlin’s reaction to this terrorist attack? i think almost immediately the russian government began to blame the ukrainian authorities for what happened, but based on intelligence data from the us and other european countries, we understand that ukraine had nothing to do with this terrorist attack. isis claimed responsibility for. attack, but the kremlin, i think, is trying to establish a non-existent connection between isis and ukraine in order to justify new strikes on ukraine. there is no indication that ukraine is in any way connected to the attack, but the real question is what russia is going to do next. we have seen russia continue its campaign of missile attacks on ukrainian cities on ukrainian infrastructure, but this was already happening before... the terrorist attack occurred, the question is whether this will lead to an even greater escalation conflict? what benefit does it bring to vladimir putin to say that this is not isis, but
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ukraine? i think that putin and senior russian leaders are trying to use this statement to boost the morale of the population to increase support for the conflict in ukraine, but this fact does not make this statement true? i am not at all sure that ukraine could be in any way connected with this attack. well, the white house decided that if there is no evidence of ukraine’s non-involvement in this terrorist attack, it is necessary to use speculation and words. in ukraine it is strong frightened, the chief intelligence officer of ukraine, kirill budanov, suddenly suddenly changed his shoes and began to declare that it turned out that he was against terrorist methods. explanations appeared from patrushev and bortnikov, who accused me personally. and ukraine in a terrorist attack, this is nonsense. by the way, if we touched on this painful issue, even though this is the enemy, in principle i do not approve of terrorist acts against civilians. this is how interesting
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it turns out that budanov, obliged to accommodate the united states, suddenly began to sharply deny. how interesting it really is it’s funny to hear such words from kirill budanov, he justified terrorist methods more than once, and moreover, he used them himself on the same crimean bridge. let's remember that peaceful people died there, about this.
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that ukraine was unlikely to act independently, but in turkey they said that the terrorist attack in crocus could not have happened without the participation of western intelligence services. it is obvious that it is impossible to carry out such a professional action without the support of intelligence of any state. such actions always have sponsors, there are lobbies that want to continue the conflict in ukraine. alexey alekseevich, such a small panic, but our enemies have a big, big panic, a very big panic, yes. first of all, how can this be explained by such a harby of his, in fact, this is such a peculiar reflection of joseph biden’s foul language towards russians, russian statesmen.
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kirby simply mirrors his boss, but what is this, what does this mean? usually this is a manifestation of neurosis, this is a manifestation of such a suppressed fear of responsibility, this is quite obvious, because the motivational part of the accusation, or rather, what the united states is doing there in relation to russia is absolutely absent, what i’m talking about, the fact is that, excuse me, isis, an organization banned in russia, has no motivation to attack russia. for one simple reason, because russia is extremely friendly to the islamic world, moreover, it has not recently done anything that could provoke isis, which means that there is a really serious customer, now let’s look carefully at who the united states calls the organizers of the terrorist attack velayat kharasan, you are laughing, these are the people who stayed in afghanistan, after they worked for the united states of america, is actually a branch of the cia, a proxy of the cia.
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it’s an idiotic situation for the usa, because everyone all over the world understands that this is not so, but the talking heads of western politicians begin to produce and reproduce this factual lie, trying to lead them away. consequence of sending him on a false trail, and this is so obvious that it even becomes a shame, to be honest, decent people become ashamed of kirby, ashamed of biden, ashamed of any other western politician who produces this lie. well, you understand, they act according to a long-established scheme, when they throw in a certain thesis and begin to do it periodically intrusively, driving into people’s heads exactly what they
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want to convey, and it works. this is an information zombie that no longer works, olesya, because it may have worked before because there was a reputation for western media, western politicians, but now their reputation is gone, moreover, everything they say is normal people, normal people, in normal countries, this is the overwhelming majority of the world community, they treat this with great suspicion, moreover, with prejudice, they know that they want to mislead them. radion valerievich, do you think ukraine will cover up its western customers? well, because this isn’t even a conversation with ted ottet, but a conversation with a criminal, and the criminal will have to tell how it happened, what happened, whether this ukrainian criminal will shield his westerners, such fragments from films, these kind of detectives, yes, that is, i’m right there, here ’s a picture, there either zelensky or eermak is sitting in the dock, saying: i’ll hand you all over,
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they started promoting their version, they started putting forward their scenario, they immediately started pointing out, yes, that is passed, nothing has happened yet, the fire is still burning, no one has been caught yet, that means an hour and a half passes, this character appears and says, that means ukraine has nothing to do with it, we’ve already sorted it out, yes, so then after a few more hours they say, isis is here, yes, that is, guys, go in any other direction, but just don’t touch ukraine, because alexey alekseevich absolutely said, yes, that means there is a doubt that westerners
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are financing ukraine.
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it turns out that they need to be removed, but i don’t know what opinion they generally hold in the west, here of course, you know, we need to remember one thing to remove and blame it on russia. well, by the way, we won’t give them any hints, it seems to me that they’ve probably already thought through everything, as far as pinning it on russia and greetings to russia in general, we regularly received this from them we get, let's remember, then, how victoria, relatively recently, even before her resignation from the post of deputy secretary of state of the united states, came to kiev, and what surprises she promised russia.
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well, they definitely won’t make her a scapegoat, but let’s see, you and i just heard kirby’s statement, in general, kirby’s statement is the level of degradation of the entire american leadership in general, yes, because he would once have been an admiral, yes, and
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now allows himself to say this, but pay attention to what he said, he said, that we transmitted information through channels worked out by the previous government, that is, translated... from russian, from english into russian, it basically sounds like the channel that was used during the trump era by the us leadership was not used, this first, second, obviously, again, why are they so nervous, because the information model has broken down, you know, a week ago, right after the terrorist attack, when i spoke, i said, terrorists are waste material, now i ’m looking carefully, and we are convinced , what...
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information is being spread on social networks that people find mine petals on the landings of their houses, which are wrapped in dollar bills, there are a lot of messages about this on social networks, we are sure our viewers have seen this. the first messages appeared in kirchi, the crimean authorities denied this information and called it fake, here it must be clarified that although the soviet anti-personnel mine is a petal, it is small, it is a small explosive device, but wrapping it in some kind of banknote is simply physical impossible, ivan pavlovich, let's to deal with this whole story, why the minepetal is thrown in in general, it’s just that it made a lot of noise in its time, such a brand that scares, unfortunately they undermined sitting on it. in donetsk, we know this, they are difficult to notice in the foliage, but
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installing them yourself, as i understand it, is problematic, putting them into combat position, moving them, hiding them in houses, or still, no, installing them is not problematic, this is exactly what it is designed for, by and large, although the main use of the petal is still use through cluster munitions, that is , dispersion, but uh, you know, i’ll wrap it, it’s impossible to wrap it in a one-dollar bill. but in any case, the ears will be visible, here is a good picture of what the petal looks like, they were there right away, i assumed that they would probably be covered, that’s how it is shown in the other photo, again, you you know, in fact, human psychology is like this, and we already talked about this today, and in gura in the sbu, everything is calculated. specifically on the psychological impact, primarily on
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people, the psychology is such that one out of ten will either lift or kick this thing, this is, well, it simply cannot be otherwise, well, that’s how people are, yes, that is, there is no calculation here, for example, if this is like a planned action, here there is no calculation that i saw a dollar and threw it away, but of course not, here it’s just a calculation that something unusual will either be picked up or kicked, well, why are they throwing in these fakes, why are they spreading it so actively, it’s very simple , look, firstly, what city are we talking about? kerch, yes? kerch, on the one hand, is there, not far from the northern military district zone, on the other hand, out of reach of these comrades who want to destroy crimea as such. so, to sow panic, and not even panic, you know, not panic, doubts about who is doing this, my neighbor, who is this, yes, they are all somewhere nearby, this is this, this is this.
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their condolences, and some people began to gloat and write, that’s what you need, and this was not only with the beginning of the northern military district, it was about kabzon, about mark zakharov, i think, well, how so, people lived with us in the same country, read the same books, watched the same films, listened to the same songs, what happened to people during this time? well, this is dehumanization, probably, that is
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, technology, which, well, probably, values, now they are exaggeratedly emphasized in ukrainians, these western values, all this is the face of this very thing, i want to understand the nature of this hatred, why did they buy ukrainians like that? wanted, because they wanted, probably, i remember a conversation with my friend, about a week later he was just in such excitement, but you don’t understand, we are now the center of the earth.
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even the military already realizes that the conflict in ukraine will end within a year. the military is confident that the armed forces of the russian federation are preparing a large-scale offensive operation for the summer in order to strengthen their position before the auction. we believe that the war will last until 2025. one of the key factors is the case of financing the deteriorating economic situation within ukraine, which increases the negativity towards the authorities and the reluctance of society to fight. yuri ivanovich, podalyaka joins our conversation. yuri ivanovich. hello, is it really possible to end the conflict in the near future, why is ukraine now so actively starting to throw this topic into its information space, well, because this is their wish, they want to survive in any form, it is obvious that for them any preservation after that will be a success defeats they
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suffered, they understand that it is impossible to win, especially taking into account, for example, today’s and march 22 attacks on the energy structure, i analyzed carefully and looked at what, in general... our horizon planning for these attacks is very deep already before the next heating season, and if nothing fundamentally changes, then by the end of the year, from an energy point of view, ukraine may not exist, but how can you fight in the modern world without energy, without industry, without anything, without logistics, without logistics, without anything, of course, this is unrealistic, and military experts understand this perfectly well, by the way, i also want to add a few words to my previous colleague, who is my comrade bartage yes... regarding what happened to people, in fact, let’s look at the global problem, because among us, russian citizens, there are also enough of the same idiots, we constantly write about them, that is , this is a big civil war on the territory of the post-soviet space, and any civil war ends with the complete destruction of the other side from the point of view of statehood, and accordingly, for
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the enemy, so that you understand, well, i understood the society, the only way to win is to survive, for them it’s a win, they then... that they won everything, they defended independence, that’s it, now they’re in nato they will get there, and they will be taken into nato and so on, so they are already preparing their population for this option, realizing that there are no borders of the ninety-first year and no borders of the twenty-second either, that is, everything is leading to the fact that kiev, realizing that he lost the war, he is trying to survive by any means, when they can say this officially, let’s consider the issues, because while they are talking about the borders of the ninety-first year, they are no longer talking. for the last couple of weeks they have not been saying that someone out there is still trying this to act out the topic, but basically they don’t talk anymore, i think that this will be a gradual process, because the breakdown of psychology is always going on, so that it does not break, it must be gradual, that is, it prepares a person gradually, like an okonton, and that is, gradually a person they must be accustomed to that thought there within six months
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, look at the case of mobilization, that is, tell the guys, well, you don’t want to fight, let’s measure ourselves now, you see, we have energy workers, you see.
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so far everything is unchanged, in the sense for i can’t say anything about the enemy in a good sense, we, in principle, have made progress on novomikhailovka, the northern part of the settlement there was taken from the enemy now in the western part, essentially covered on three sides, i think the days of the enemy’s ornizon here are numbered, and this already enveloping the flank, a blow to the rear of the ugledar group, also the enemy realizing that he had given up those positions from which it would be convenient for us to further enter the chasvyar and, accordingly, break through the defenses in the ocheretin area, in the area ... and at any cost he is trying hold positions. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podolyaka, he was in direct contact with us, but, unfortunately, our territory
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is being attacked by the enemy, including with drones , and now we all must be in line in terms of observing what is happening in our sky. the popular front has launched a special application, where anyone who sees something suspicious in the sky and not only in the sky can report directly to our competent authorities, download the applications, for more than 4000 years... i think that each of we should now be concerned about safety our entire state. a short ad and we'll be back. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains. local residents remember all their ancestors; this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambhala, is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. why are you treating the hearth? we consider this to be all living things and there is a spirit around everything. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. this action is dangerous,
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why during the run morality jumps to a height of 2 m. go away, the life of your own. premiere, in sunday on the first. when i was in fifth grade, i watched every episode of police academy. brought out, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, the installation is to wet you, who am i not natasha, lyosha, this is work, do you want
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to meet, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains, local residents remember all their ancestors, this is where the entrance to the mystical country is located. shambhala, welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. why are you treating ottyag? u we are considered to be all living things and there is a spirit around everything. this broth contains almost all known sciences, amines and acids. this action is dangerous, why during the run morality jumps to a height of 2 m. go away, the life of your own. premiere. sunday in the first, fifth grade, i watched all the episodes
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of the police academy and decided how cool, i want to be like them, yes, i’m just off shift, i said, on behalf of the investigative committee, we are conducting an official pre-investigation check of the turbine, we are working, i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, doesn't bother me likes me, or maybe somewhere... let's chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let's do this, for your sake, and just glory, yesterday they called me to the css, as i understand, they were given instructions to kill you, who didn't i deceive you like that? , in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, this is for work, do you want to meet, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first. the title of this republic is translated as golden mountains, local residents remember all their ancestors, this is where the entrance to the mystical
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country, shambhala, is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. why are you treating otyak? we believe that everything is alive and there is a spirit around it all. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. this action is dangerous, which is why there is morality in the run. jumps 2 m high, go away, the life of your own, premiere, on sunday on the first, the information channel on the first continues, the program time will tell, we are working live, the kiev authorities report that this night russia launched a massive attack on energy facilities of the country in six regions, dnepropetrovsk, khmelnytsky, lviv, ivano-frankivsk, cherkasy and chernivtsi regions. well, meanwhile, in europe, everyone is sure that in july russian troops
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will already be in kiev. i would rather say, what is the forecast? let's listen to the times, authoritative scottish political commentator en martin. it's july and the russian army is at the gates of kiev. as the russians approached the capital, a new wave of refugees left ukraine in search of safety from incessant bombing. this is the nightmare scenario that western politicians are now contemplating. events are forcing military and civilian leaders in london, washington, paris and brussels to draw up. catastrophic collapse of ukrainian forces, deprived of the weapons and ammunition they need, contrary to popular belief that this is an eternal frozen conflict in which neither side can achieve a decisive advantage, fierce fighting is taking place on the front line, there is a real risk that ukrainian troops will be driven back back, we need to think completely differently about how dangerous threats are, arm ourselves accordingly, prepare for the worst, at
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best hope that we will be pleasantly surprised, well, that... russia is preparing for a big offensive, the british write, edition for icons, they believe that kiev has practically no chance to repel this attack, and zelensky can only pray. there is a fear that by the summer russia will launch a new major offensive, as it did last year, and the prospects for ukraine to maintain its position this year times look much less confident than then, which is why it urgently needs to mobilize more troops to build more reliable defenses. ukraine. has begun strengthening defensive lines, in a sense this is understandable, the government is still dreaming of a new counter-offensive and is afraid even of the thought that the current front line will turn into something similar to a new border, which will cut off a fifth of the country and deprive it of most of it access to the sea. the idea that this particular line will become the basis for future peaceful negotiations, zelensky just wanted to avoid, but now the dangers are so great that of the worst options, this is the best.
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as excavators have moved into the fields in recent weeks, zelensky has stressed that while his troops have so far managed to hold off the russians, mostly at a distance, they are not prepared to defend against another major russian offensive expected in the coming months. well, against this background , criticism of the commander-in-chief of the ssu, syrsky, is growing in ukraine, this is what the ukrainian telegram channel writes. on the sidelines there were rumors that sabotage
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of the critic of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, alexander syrsky, was growing in the army. he is considered ermak's dog. who does everything that the head of the president's office tells him, can collapse the front, you see, lately they have often started talking about dogs and saying cheese dog, shols there means also a pack of ivan pavlovich, yes, it really is, and you know, what are the problems of the syrsky - after all, the syrsky was formed as a military leader, we will use this word, although... i would not like to apply such words to these people, but no less formed as a military leader and not the armed forces of ukraine, but the office of the president, this, by the way, was said, that is, he does not think differently, but what kind of pattern, how to proceed from what, was given instructions to take this to such and such a number, because this is what we will celebrate, this must be presented, and now there is a general chaos, excuse me, chaos in the political
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sense, in the military-political sense, in the military sense, he doesn’t know how to act, so criticism is growing. on the one hand, he would be happy to work out some kind of general concept, but how to work it out if the supreme commander-in-chief, which means the country is in general all the time in academia and doesn’t understand what ’s going on in his office itself, much less what’s going on outside it, especially, which means budanov is hiding, the chief intelligence officer, what should he proceed from? london and washington don’t either they can sort it out among themselves, and this is precisely what chihardata is all about.
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to return zaluzhny now, he will also find himself in the old situation, he will begin to demand this, that, that, this is not there, he will say, i can’t fight, end of story, again, in general, they don’t know, they are at a dead end, but meanwhile, western experts believe that there is a way out of this dead end, in particular, an analyst from the times, he makes a forecast that the west will develop an anti-crisis plan for ukraine now, alexey alekseevich, what it could consist of this anti-crisis plan is not the mar plan.
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with ukraine to the end, to support it to the end, pats on the shoulder and so on, they have intensified recently, because in reality the aid is decreasing, and these are obvious results, what is this for? happens, and you know, when in any commercial project there is such a period as profit-taking, now the ukrainian project is going through, it is approaching this period when it is necessary to fix profits, the west believes that it can win, but it is already bigger. doesn’t want to lose anything, it’s called cutting the bones, but what is happening now is that no help is coming, it’s cutting, they are cutting the bones, because there is no point in spending further, they see this, because everything else will be in vain, moreover, this will increase costs, but worth it
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a real problem, but it is necessary to fix your interests on the territory of ukraine, which means ukraine will be occupied by western troops, and not in the nato format, because in this case you will have to deal with russia. with russia to fix profits after all, because they believe that ukraine is a profitable enterprise, they spent 200 billion dollars, euros and so on on this whole thing, now they need to fight back, now
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they need to rob ukraine in order for this recapture, what happened at forty happened than a year, the opening of a second front, yes, after all , the second front opened not in order to defeat hitler and help the soviet union, but so that the soviet union did not reach the english channel, just in this sense, right now. approximately the same thing is happening, yes, they occupied germany then and divided everything into occupation zones, so the americans are still there and have remained. i wouldn’t be surprised if kiev is divided into occupation zones, eastern and western , sorry, well, as they say, time will tell and it really will now let’s move on to front, footage has been published showing fighters of the southern group of troops smashing the enemy in the northern direction, let's see for the boys to charge for the donbass.
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to the right 0.12, less than 100, consumption 17, the armed forces of ukraine are losing western equipment, not only jaguars, but also abrams are burning, here new first shots of the internal structure have appeared, of this anglo-french stormshadow missile, which is practically...
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what is happening now on the direction, we find out from war correspondent pavel kukushkin, hello, but this is one of the most...
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heights from the nearest heights, this is between bogdanovka and ivanovsky, there to the extreme area, the so-called chas fyaara canal, there are literally 2-3 km left already, so the ukronazis are resisting very fiercely, trying to stop ours, our advance, but again i repeat, our guys heroically , with the support of the aerospace forces, with the support of artillery, the attack aircraft are taking meter by meter, position by position, moving forward. some tactics of
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the ukrainian militants are changing or as it was, it remains so, everything may be new models equipment has appeared, but no, so far nothing very new has been observed there, the only thing is quite high and the activity of drones, the enemy really does not spare drones, this is an artillery famine, but this also cannot be called famine, they are still slightly compensating for the decrease in artillery activity . the use of drones, this situation is now observed. thank you very much, war correspondent pavel kukushkin was in direct contact with us. radion valerievich, what do you think, in the west they are now scratching their heads regarding what can help ukraine, is there even this circle, a circle of salvation, a lifeline for ukraine? you know, to be honest, i’m not very sure what the west thinks about ukraine. the west thinks about its interests and, accordingly, is looking for options on how to either... continue
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to exist for a while this project called warring ukraine, or start moving away from it, but somehow saving face by saying that we we won anyway, it ’s been so long since we planned to do so right away, that’s why now this is the hysteria that’s being whipped up, in my opinion, it is quite pragmatic, because that flow of material in the western stream, its task is still to force the same american senators, congressmen, and vote for a package of money for ukraine, that is... which means you will lose, and then russian orcs will come to europe and kill everyone, this is the biggest thing, they are essentially blackmailing europe now with this, they are active, if you don’t stop them in ukraine, then your chance to stop the russians in ukraine with our help, they say, is a key manipulation, a key manipulation, the way out of which is clear - it’s just providing money, for which option, which option? will suit the americans, the british,
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the westerners, and, in general, anyone with the preservation of some kind of mandated territory on the site of the former ukraine, and so that, well, roughly speaking, two streets of lvov will also suit them if they say that the main thing is that he remained there, it was the center of the toxic spread of actions to the territory of ukraine, to the territory of russia, here are the brilliant states, i’m talking about belarus is also talking about european countries, so here is the option that the ukrainians are talking about...
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correctly, we understand that the issue of bringing in an already defined european contingent, this is what alexey alekseevich spoke about, what macron said, it is now being actively worked on and well, they are trying to accustom the public, including considering these scenarios, that the issue has been resolved, and are simply waiting for when, when this key moment may come, when they go there they will already say, that’s it, here we are standing here, this means that are they ready to negotiate, what’s that all about? this doesn’t mean anything, at least for us it doesn’t mean anything, that is, if they entered the territory of military operations, then they will rake in exactly the same way as ukrainian units, mercenaries and everything else, so in this case, only.. let's just say that they will put, for example, their airfields at risk, they will put at risk some of their own places on their territories that are directly related to their participation in hostilities, that is, they themselves will be drawn in in this confrontation, because until recently they all very actively distanced themselves from any option where
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they would be called as direct accomplices in hostilities. vladimir petrovich, taking into account the failures in the ssu at the front, our advancement, the likelihood of a terrorist threat on the territory of our country.
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this is technology and science, so in accordance with military science, solve one more question, then the situation will really change radically. ivan pavlovich, literally 10-15 seconds, what can we expect in the near future? from ukrainian terrorists. we must wait for ukrainian terrorists and new attacks.
12:00 pm
unfortunately, you have to be prepared for this, by the way, best of all, and as i understand it, this will happen, and we will act preventively. what should we expect from them, you know, i would like to say, we don’t need to expect anything from them, let them wait for us, shake and be afraid, and we will definitely come, we will definitely come, because our people are there, our land is there, and terrorists the methods they use, of course, do not intimidate us, we will only unite, then the news is on the first. hello, there is news on air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. at the beginning, attacks on the rear areas of the armed forces of ukraine are reported, explosions are reported in the dnepropetrovsk, ivano-frankivsk, kirovograd and cherkasy regions of ukraine. objects there are damaged.


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