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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  March 30, 2024 6:00am-9:01am MSK

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goodbye, see you, katya, we’ll talk again and again. well, to you, our dear interlocutors, i, as always, tell you my sacred mantra, read with pleasure, dear friends. hello! i am pilot cosmonaut anton shkaplerov and this is a space stories podcast. today we will talk about space experiments that are carried out on astronauts at the stage of preparation for space flight, during their flight to the iss and after returning to earth. my guest is the developer of these experiments, elena fomina. elena is the head of a very interesting department, i'm afraid i'll make a mistake in the name. to say it yourself, as
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correctly, yes, this, this is a very beautiful name, it’s called the physiology of human gravitational stability. you work at the institute of medical biological problems of wounds, yes, we are trying to prepare for long-distance flights, to understand how to withstand weightlessness, and accordingly, why is it called human gravitational stability, because, for example, in our department there are three laboratories, one deals with weightlessness, this is just laboratories, where i work, and in addition, there is a laboratory that deals with artificial gravity, that is, there are laboratories that deal with what happens on earth, practically we see from very strong gravity to weightlessness, all this here we trace the spectrum, well, you have been working at the mvp for more than 15 years, you work directly with us astronauts, so we can say that all the cosmonauts who were on the iss, you know everyone very well, for everything... you carried out your own experiments, which
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were, which are being held now, well naturally, there are some that will be in the future. please tell us how you got into imb, because i know that before that you were the dean of the institute, and what prompted you to go into astronautics, probably everything from childhood, everything even further than the dean, in general i’m all my own i spent my childhood on tsalkovsky street, our house was on tsalkovsky street, it turns out that when i was still little. girl, the first thing i had to remember was the address, you live on tsalkovsky street, naturally my parents told me who tsalkovsky was, then indeed, i already worked at the university , the department was called recreation, rehabilitation , we worked with highly qualified athletes, determined what psychophysiological profile the sports elite should have in order for them to perform well later, so that they would be at the olympic games, at the champions, like him prepare it, and how to select it.
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at first i worked with the best people from a sports point of view, but i think it ’s professional burnout, it’s just that i ’m no longer interested, so yes, i’m something something i’ve achieved it, yes, i’m a dean, i know how to prepare students, how to get them to a diploma, well , i taught physiology, sports physiology, psychophysiology, well, at some point it becomes uninteresting, you want something new, that’s how life turned out, so turned around. life, that i came to the institute and i think that now i am again working with the human elite, that is, your work in your department is that, firstly, you monitor our physical condition, that is, since we are engaged sports on board, we go through before the flight certain tests, that is , you squeeze out of us how we can run on a treadmill, i don't know, spin a bike, lift weights, then watch us during everything.
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well, the meaning of all this is obvious in order to remind you what gravity is, but i remember exactly, on the fourth flight, when i arrived, i had no adaptation at all, that is, i have the feeling that i was in the same environment or, in general , i didn’t feel any change, that is, i immediately began to tumble, move as i wanted, when i got to the station, well, firstly , we flew much faster than 3 hours, and secondly, apparently our body already understood. what happens, although these internal and physiological changes, in any case , occur in a person when we find ourselves in weightlessness, that is, in our case gravity disappears and the body cannot just say with a click, this is weightlessness, space, let’s work like
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a braid, no , he continues the body, correctly, to work as on earth under the influence of gravity, so there are these changes, and the most important thing is this redistribution of blood in the body, well, i felt it somehow. but it was no longer painful or difficult in any case, so this training and experience was taking its toll. yes, the most interesting thing is that we even made such publications, what we need to understand here, for example, if we send to mars, we need to send a person for whom weightlessness is already familiar, experience of adaptation, or take a person who has never flown before and send him, but i still think that we need to take a person who is familiar with weightlessness, firstly, he will it be easier to enter... and most likely, readaptation to the ground was probably easier, so was your recovery easier after the next flight? yes, after the fourth i also came back, i practically didn’t feel any problems either in movement, well, i also think that here it’s even more important how we get there, that is, when you find yourself again in
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gravity conditions, here you will be under white hands we met you and we will rehabilitate you here, and there it means how easy it is to adapt to weightlessness, respectively - it will be easier for you to re-adapt to the conditions of gravity, well, martian, lunar, so i still think that there is scientific evidence for this too, that you need to take a more experienced cosmonaut, whose body already knows how to adapt to weightlessness and how to then return to conditions of gravity , but in order for us to feel good in zero gravity, we have a bunch of simulators, we are rotated in centrifuges, on chairs and so on, so our partners somehow got away from this - well, not just moved away, i - to me, well maybe at the dawn of astronautics they were doing this, now of course they have more emphasis on tablets , that is, they have formology in the first place, that’s where the line is, what is better or combining, for example, i think that you yourself
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found the answer, it’s better it’s always easier to combine and eat a pill, but if the body has turned on its reserves and you’re doing well, then there’s no need to interfere, our structure is so delicate. system, so let it be in the first aid kit if you’ve had too much to drink and that’s it, but if your body has turned on its mechanisms, then don’t disturb him, we are talking about getting used to it, yes to weightlessness, then there is a long flight, how not to forget gravity, what methods do you have and what do you use when the astronaut is on board the iss. for now, of course, we only have our physical training mainly; for future flights, as tsolkovsky said, we will probably still have artificial strength. gravity, a centrifuge, but so far we don’t have this, in general we can say that we prevent it quite well , taking into account the fact that valery polikov flew 438 days, we can say that the flight is already to mars, but it turns out that we have a strength trainer, a treadmill and a vilargometer, this is how we remind the body what
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gravity is, how it will return later, how it will have to move again in conditions of the earth, and lapwing, yes, lapwing, about odnt training, now it’s just very much for me. interesting topic, now there will be a short flight, and in this short flight i want to use lapwing, use dnt training, this has never been done before, but in general in short flights, there were some experiments, not others at all, because they flew to me, here are the extreme japanese, i didn’t notice that they were directly doing experiments, here imbp, do they even allow you, unfortunately no, i was very glad, that we were able to do an experiment... with an arab cosmonaut, when there was such an international project, and we were able to examine him before, during the flight, he also ran on the track, then after we all this was a short flight, it was a short flight , now a belarusian girl is about to fly, i also want to try to also add ldnt training
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during the flight, by the way, how did you perceive ldnt training, how did ldnt feel in general, and how does it expand with us, well, lapwing, negative pressure to the lower half of the body. that is, these are special pants, let's call them that, in which we fly into astronauts, we lace up such rubberized fabric , we need something like that. this pressure difference, that is , it’s the same as with gravity, and most importantly, well
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, firstly, the heart, i think, works almost the same way, well, maybe this is actually, this is just for the sake of it, well, i know that these valves that are located in our veins, yes, that help, push blood to the upper part of the body when we are vertical, opening, closing, over time, well, i don’t know , well, the quality of the flight is long , they don’t atrophy, they don’t die, they just, well , i think so, fall asleep, yes, but... here they have to, uh, remember what it’s like, push this blood, and we do it in about two weeks three before landing, increasing the time, and the pressure drop, so that just to wake up these valves that are in our veins, uh, by the way, our partners are somehow skeptical about this, well, there were astronauts with me who were happy to train before landing, so the point is what they are doing now. their dnt suit , that is, astronauts are now in model experiments on the ground again looking at the effects
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of dnt training, and they hold a person with negative pressure in the lower half of the body right at 6 o’clock, it is proposed to make a sleeping bag such that during sleep it was possible to create such pressure and create a vacuum. the point is, you see, when we arrive in conditions, you arrive in conditions of weightlessness, while you were on the ground, you had to raise this blood all the time. due to the force of gravity , it turns out that as soon as the blood went to the well, in the cronial direction, we say, well , that is, to the head - immediately the heart no longer needs to work like that, it doesn’t need to work with this muscle pump, it will be detrained, we have this concept of dis 'use, that is, i say that the body system is done very correctly, if not is used, then there is no need to support it, only there is no need for blood, that is , there is no such pressure, so we are also lost. it turns out that
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the blood flow to the heart increases, the receptors signal a lot of blood , a lot, you need to lose it, but how to lose it, well , the fluid immediately leaves the body, well, you felt all this and you know how it happens, so when we return, we even drink special salt supplements, that is, roughly speaking, salt, well, made in the form of tablets, for a certain time for a certain time.
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“i don’t have milk, what do you want to do, feed my girl, go to the ivanshina mistro, don’t interfere with the sick’s rest, we continue the conversation with elena famina about space experiments, usually an astronaut who flies for six months, about 50 experiments are planned for each, yes, i remember that before the flight you bring a special paper on which there is a list of experiments. there are points there that you give for them, and then you invite us
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to choose and sign which ones we want and which ones we don’t want, but i’m that kind of person, i i understand how a lot of money was spent on me to prepare for the flight, i know how expensive the flight itself is, i understand the responsibility, we don’t have a thousand cosmonauts, there are a little more than a hundred in 60 years, so well, it’s a piece of goods, let’s put it this way, i understand that if you brought this paper as an experiment, then every experiment, no matter how long it is
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... what we need is, tell us about this experiment in detail, what it is, otherwise now i’ll tell you that the person refused, everyone is wondering why he well yes, what was there on his place, what is this experiment, all these simulators are all a means of prevention, a treadmill, a vilargometer, shoes, it turns out that we wanted to see what would happen if, for example, we removed the treadmill, can we within 6 days when a person doesn’t train on the treadmill, but he has... we turn off one tool and see what happens, naturally we test the person before and after, see how, look at the test on the treadmill, that is, you do the test on the treadmill, we have a regular one test, known to you mo3, which, that is, promise an astronaut sensors, look at the heartbeat,
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look at the cardiogram, look at the electromyogram, glue it to the legs. that means, that is, look at how the muscles work, correctly , how the muscles work, how the heart works, plus you also put on a mask, we analyze the composition of the inhaled and exhaled air, because when a person, here we are sitting now, this is the so-called aerobic energy supply mechanisms, it’s all easy, we just get oxygen, we use this oxygen as a source to restore our energy resources when you run and you run faster and faster, it turns on other so-called anaerobic mechanisms, we are already starting there without oxygen, there is no time to break down your reserves and somehow provide you with energy, at this time the composition of the exhaled air changes, that’s why you ran in a mask, because that it is important for us at what point this amount of blood donated will increase, and besides,
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the level changes. did a test for your lactate level, because the more you went into these anaerobic mechanisms, the more lactate you accumulated, and accordingly, we can say that in conditions of weightlessness, by the way, what results did we get from prevention, due to the fact that you are running here in active mode, even when you run 15 km, active mode on a treadmill, that is, when the treadmill itself runs with a motor. roughly speaking, we accompany her and run, well, like a regular fitness room, but the passive one is when the treadmill is standing, we need to push it with the force of our legs, yes, yes, and i wanted to say that there is one cosmonaut
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who, throughout the entire flight, only ran in passive, pushed. yes all the time and uh i must say that this is an astronaut who used to fly on the world, and he said that i know what this is, it definitely works, and i will, better i will train like this, and this is probably already me okay, i’ll come back later, so here are the results of the experiment, the prevention is such that we will still need to include a passive mode in the test, that is, now we have even worked out a new new test protocol on the ground, we need to now. the main thing is to take tests for long-distance flights, because when we assume that what is to come to the surface of mars, for example, landing, we must assess the performance during the flight , predict whether this crew member is ready to leave, and what is needed, what needs to be corrected , whether we need, well, i don’t know, somehow change
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the training, or maybe even choose from the crew members, this one can go to mars, but it’s better to let this one stay. mars, to what extent his level of performance will be, to what extent he will be able to perform all these work operations, so there from a banal landing, yes, this landing module, which will need to be controlled by someone, before i think, as quickly as possible it... just work, getting to the surface, yes, there will need to be some kind of batteries turned on, this was all discussed, what it is it’s literally a matter of the first hours, which is why we are now a constellation and doing experiments. what kind of experiment is this? this is a constellation experiment, which was generally conceived back then, even then krikalev was the head of the center, and boris ivanovich kryuchkov was
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with him, and boris morukov, that is, it turns out two cosmonauts, scientists came up with this one experiment, in a spacesuit with a sign, we make a lunar and martian sign, but now it’s clear that the lunar one in the main spacesuit , the astronaut is suspended by... gravity is done, yes, yes, we look at the work operations that you can perform immediately after the flight, that is, the astronaut after a six-month flight, arriving, literally the next day, yes, the space suit comes in and begins to carry out this experiment, yes, plus there is also a centrifuge, that is, they drive it under the limbers, yes, they check how it reacts, we have also added marine control. by sea rover, spacesuit, but the next stage is a helicopter flight, specifically landing, yes, in general, i think it’s very interesting,
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they do nasa too, they have such an experiment, leaving the capsule, but their capsules are just designed that way they are building, as if a capsule, a model, based on these experiments they also determine what strength a person should have in order to be able to perform work operations, now i was in... they brought it to houston, they built this structure, i, naturally, i want to try, well, everything fell apart for them, even under me, everything fell apart, well, they will probably improve it, but i think that what we have done is more interesting, because here it’s all somehow specialized, of course, it’s not easy, but i understand the need for such an experiment for the future, yes , so of course we are doing this, it is very important that petya dubrov did all this for us, are you after six months? petya flew for a year, and this was his first flight, with petya, in fact, everything was, well, i would say, we didn’t really know how he could do it or not, for
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me it was complete delight that he year completed everything that he completed the constellations, and he completed the preventive measures, a week later, after a year-long flight, the man ran 15 km/h along the track, i think this is the best indicator that we led him well, that you really did. observed and gave him good recommendations. we continue the conversation about the experiments that the cosmonauts, selena fomina, are performing on us. and at what stage you connect to the astronaut, that’s during his preparation for the flight. first, the training center has selected you and is preparing you. then in at some point, specialists from the institute arrive, conduct tests, in particular tests of mo-3, which is standard, even if there is no experiment, we...
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and honestly, when i reported, there were people who said, no, this is dangerous , it’s impossible, i say, well, a one-year flight, but we ’ll have time to restore it, then, no matter , we’ll try, in this sense, of course, petya
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is great for agreeing, that is, everything went as expected, everything went well, for him, in general it turned out that our performance has not decreased so much, it turns out that we are now we understand whether we can do it during, for example, a flight to mars, but you’re tired of the same thing all the time, the choice is not that big, that is, it’s great. great, a strength trainer, that is , it turns out that you can , for example, not do it for 10 days, and during this time you can rest and then enjoy running on the tracks again, but this was all normal, there were some emergency situations, thank god no, i think that we are working to ensure that everything is normal, that all experiments were carried out as normal, yes, well, it happens, well, you probably, yes, well, this is it.
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if something breaks, of course, by the way, they have now made it so that they will directly download pro, so that it will be the same for our cosmonauts, so that you work in the same mode as an astronaut, so that you simply download automatically from the ground all the protocols, that is, programs, how to study, and so on. well, you know, we write letters to you every week, the point is that we will analyze how it changes after certain training influences, using artificial
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intelligence, so that you have the next... program , we are doing it, i know, lina, that you, well, at least it depends on your department, permission to go into outer space, that is, before my exits, i took tests, these are what ? tests and how do you conduct them? well - not just me, we have a lot of people there, everyone, everyone is responsible , because extravehicular activity is probably an operation that is very responsible and of course, everyone is very sensitive to it, as for the exit, this one here manual vilargometry test when a person pedals a bicycle not with his feet, but with his hands, we must evaluate
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the strength of the hands, because during out-of-vehicle... activities you mostly hold on with your hands , and now it’s good that we also have a strength trainer, you can use a strength trainer also train your hands, respectively, so that you are ready for non-ship activities, but this test, manual vilargometry, the so-called umo-6, which is our standard test, the results of this test are the basis for what we allow, well we sign the conclusion, permission to leave. or not a permit, but in my experience, it has never happened to any astronaut that, based on the test results , they said, you need to practice more and take another test, this has happened, but so that someone’s exit was postponed, this has never happened , thank god, everything, everything is fine, but this is with our cosmonauts, and i had to work with american astronauts, yes, so even my first, so to speak, the first time i went to the star, it was a gene failure. and
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michael bard, that is, it turns out that i saw immediately a cosmonaut, an astronaut, the two of them were going to fly then, well, about foreigners , i remember telling you when i was in japan i met your named brother, it turns out cosmic, cosmic with a cosmic brother, but i came to japan, he says, you know anton shkaplery, i know , he is my brother, that means you are my sister.
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that by this time the moon will have already been developed, there will be space settlements there at that time, and i think that ships will launch further from the moon in the direction of mars. think what these houses will be like on the moon, how we need to hide from radiation, how we can live in conditions of reduced gravity, but physicists will tell us that there, in particular, there is also such a factor as a hypomagnetic environment, that
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is, a reduced magnetic field, we still have to understand how dangerous this is for of a person, this is the state, and the institute is now quite actively engaged in this, while this is a question, we will study it, yes, unfortunately , the question is open, our program has come to an end, today my guest was doctor of biological sciences, professor, elena valentinovna fomina, head of department physiology of gravitational stability of a person, a person, an excellent specialist and person, i’m anton shkaplerov, this was a space stories podcast, hello, dear tv viewers, olga ushakova and nikita are with you. on the calendar, march 30, saturday, the ninth day since the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, we mourn the victims of this terrible tragedy, we wish a speedy recovery to the victims, mercy and goodness to all of us. mercy and kindness are what unites us all,
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no matter what religion we have. to the memorial at crocus city hall, people still carry lights, every day priests serve ponies. when people feel some kind of calm, when the first panekhida was held on sunday, they thanked us, they said that this is the first time we breathed after all those events that happened on march 22, different people come here with their thoughts and feelings, maxim verbenin died here, this is my son’s friend, but... our common pain, our common grief, it was just an emotional outburst, in one second they took it, got ready and came, they remember victims of the terrorist attack in churches, there were no indifferent people, we saw this stream,
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an incessant stream that went to the memorial, not everyone succeeds, everyone can do a little, can come to put a memorial in the temple, what unites? for believers , this is not just a set of words, a conversation with god, in which they find peace and support, ask for health for the sick and repose for those who have passed on to another world; for all religions the soul is immortal. it is wrong to say that there is no man, there is an immortal soul, it is with god, let us pray for him, so that this soul could be now.
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this is the heartfelt impulse that exists in a person, if he suddenly did something wrong, put a candle in the wrong place, but this is not scary, because it is not in external manifestation, the main thing is that everything starts from the human heart, and this thought unites all religions buddhists also customarily light candles and incense, but there is nothing stronger than sincere prayer, in buddhism we call it monlam or auspicious prayer, this is the most powerful prayer that a person can read, you can... memorize many different texts, you can memorize different texts of prayers and sing them in a chant, that’s it, but the power of these prayers may be small if he does not have this good motivation. thoughts and actions , that’s what’s important, sathera from cambodia, like many after the terrorist attacks in crocus cityhole, was looking for something to help,
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went to donate blood, well, when they stood there for about 7 hours, i saw a lot of people, they were very tired, but they were very supportive of each other friend, they are all themselves... the most chatty people, i decided to buy 10 kg of bananas and all the people fell apart, this is how a person works, if there is something in his soul kindness, regardless of gender, nationality or religion, goes to... helping another person, especially during times of serious upheaval, you want to feel that you are not alone. in the synagogue at these moments everyone unites, they just gather, they come to pray together. public prayer is much more welcomed among us, it is loved by god much more. in mosques they also read the koran without interruption, and they go to the imam for advice. it happens that muslims also ask to pray for the health of some of their russian friends. and acquaintances, acquaintances of another nationality, that is, this is the moment of such
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grief, it unites people as much as possible, because, despite different upbringings and confessions, we have much more in common, we are all people who want to live in peace in harmony. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia novokhatnya, andrey ivanov and natalya kaldaeva, channel one. on this mournful day, channel one made significant changes to the broadcast network. follow the program on the website. first channel in the application, today tomorrow in the program there is a multi-part drama the burning bush, based on the works of boris vasileva, this is a real, very powerful movie , a piercing and poignant film that must be seen, the tanks are from where we are holding them, i owe you my life, the climate of kindness does not forget, three wounds, a shell shock, two medals for courage military merits, this is antonina ivanichina , intelligence lieutenant events from 1945 to 1947 antonina
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returned from the front, she looked around , children were running around peacefully, her mother said there was a ghost living there, the neighbors were gossiping, and what is it, the fairs are noisy and now she is being offered to try on shoes , take it, beauty, and if do you want them to teach you how to cook soup, you can have beets, you can have chicken, will you cook something for the first time, foam? this is a peaceful life, antonina, but it seems that you are not ready for it, you don’t take off your uniform, don’t change the content, they teach you, be simpler, otherwise you won’t survive among ordinary people, here you need to be more cunning, you say so exactly, but do it your own way , i just don’t want them to gobble you up, and you’re just running into trouble, where to give in, where to remain silent, it’s okay that i ’m saying this, she’s an intelligence lieutenant, she’s used to seeing further, knowing more, subtly analyzes, that's where he shoots...
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to the essence, to understand his heroine, and this is also a story of an ode to femininity, she is just that, making her way in the harshest conditions, the writer boris vasiliev noticed this subtly, in another of his stories, about the dawn here are quiet, today tomorrow on channel one the drama the burning bush, it’s impossible to get rid of a habit , its bottomless variety, others, victoria bolenskaya, channel one,
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memorial day. with the whole country, the tragedy in
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krokusehol left no one indifferent, including children, from them today in principle you can’t hide anything, but they still remain children. many parents wonder how to talk to them about something terrible and tragic, whether it is necessary to do this at all , and what to do if the child is scared and cannot calm down. the topic is, of course, very complex. delicate, but there’s no getting away from it, now let’s try to calmly figure it all out, whether to talk about what is painful and scary for the youngest children, up to 4-5 years old, if... the baby sits at home with his grandmother, then of course well, i don’t know about the situation situation, it’s probably not worth talking to him , so as not to scare or traumatize him; it is important, if you yourself are alarmed, not to broadcast your fear to your child. if you are in severe anxiety, you must definitely reduce it, otherwise the child will cling to this background. the child is the eldest, and he himself came up with
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a question: we need to talk. maria and her son misha discuss everything, even the most difficult situations, i’m sure they shouldn’t be kept silent. the information would have reached him, there would have been a slightly different question for me, why didn’t you tell me about this, what did you tell me? gathered, and the family is an island of trust, but how to speak correctly so as not to destroy trust, first about your feelings? a tragic event happened, i am very worried, i worry about people, what is happening to me, to explain to him what is happening at this moment with mom, with dad, we let the child speak out, we try to understand what exactly he is afraid of, timofey.
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psychotherapist maria khazova tries to go to the playground between school and the swimming pool. anxiety is relieved very well when we do ordinary ordinary actions, for example, we swing on a swing, walk, talk about life, make future plans. yes, there are events that we cannot control, we cannot influence them, but we can know how to act if they happen, beads. we explain the algorithm of behavior in emergency situations to the child, for example, if a child says: i’m afraid to go to shopping centers, we can tell him that look, let’s go to the shopping center and i’ll show you, there are signs there called evacuation plans. elena has already reminded her son timofey these safety rules. always know where
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the election exits are, what to do, how to help, how to even help girls. and we definitely monitor the child’s condition. anxiety, insomnia persists, god forbid, panic attacks begin, we can already say that, unfortunately, post-traumatic stress disorder has developed, we need the help of a psychotherapist, he may prescribe sedatives, the task of parents is to convey calmness and readiness to always be there. nadezhda pravdina, pavel dits, first channel. our program continues. spring is a time of great cleaning, when now is the best time to get rid of everything old. and unnecessary things, clean the house, the soul, and by the way, this really helps to put in order not only the house, but also the nervous system, as experts say. for many, cleaning is a boring routine, but if you look at it a little differently, it is a kind of monotony, repetition of actions, and this is what calms you down. we
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begin to control our space, thereby we feel safe. but the result is also important. evgenia, for example, hates cleaning her apartment. most of the time it looks like this: and no matter how hard my husband tries to persuade him, he only gets around to cleaning it when it’s really messy and he’s run out of clean clothes. in general, if it were possible to delegate all household chores, i would certainly gladly do so. and our other heroine, tatyana, never mind, the mess bothers her, if she needs a distraction, she takes care of the house. every weekend i set aside a certain time, an hour or two, for cleaning. it gives me pleasure, i calm down, i'm relaxing from this. relieves stress for a reason, firstly, physical activity equals endorphins, and secondly, the feeling of a feasible task increases self-confidence and instills calm. a small victory, plus a small victory, plus another small victory is already a big victory over something big, so you seem to improve yourself, your self-confidence increases, and you work more productively, the absence of visual noise
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helps you concentrate on more important tasks, for example, if you are sitting in front computer, you think you are solving a problem, your vision, your eyes, they snatch others. objects, and this prevents you from thinking smoothly and correctly, but not everyone either, evgenia did not agree with the neuropsychologist, it’s debatable, it seems to me, because for me personally a more productive creative mess is more productive, but even the most creative people should periodically conduct an audit, because every a thing carries certain information, a memory of events associated with it, positive or negative, so we throw away everything bad, everything good of the little things, of course, we leave them within reason. well, this is how we unload ourselves. we agree that if you need to let something new into your life, you need to get rid of the old. ideally, give everything its own place and come up with a system. even evgenia hangs things by color here. layout by categories reduces cleaning time, review things for relevance, get rid of unnecessary things, order in things, order in thoughts, how in
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the process of organizing we unravel it all, sort it out, also everything in life begins slowly unwind and get better. we still asked evgenia to clean up , it turned out that even an unloved activity can have a lot of advantages, and it became more convenient, for sure, and i discovered a couple of things that i forgot about, it’s nice, the result is cool, you can breathe easier at home. literally, there is less dust and dirt, cleaner air, and falling asleep in a tidy apartment, according to research, is much easier. legia belyanskaya, mikhail chetveryakov, anatoly brekalov and yulia kuvabina, channel one. the terrorist attack at crucus cityhole left no one behind. indifferent, these days it has become especially clear how important it is not to lose touch with loved ones, to take care of those who need our help, who sometimes lack our attention. people of advanced age and grandparents especially need it. call them and visit them often. calls to grandparents, the more often, the better, they are always waiting, every day
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the grandchildren call, they tell everything how they went, how many suitors they have, ask how they are doing, how are we doing, why wait, dial right now , how's your health, nothing, we're creaking little by little, grandma, flowers, show what's there, how the red one is just starting to bloom, come on, oh, what... a quarter of older people not only live alone, but they do not have extensive social connections, sometimes they simply have no
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one to turn to for help, and everyday issues are more difficult to resolve with age, volunteer anita is in touch with five grandparents, bringing them food and medicine from the foundation. when they can no longer cope, they write me this message sos help, maria lionti had a similar case when her oven broke. we also consider such situations and buy household appliances that are needed right now. today she was invited to try her baking and thank her again. my mother is ninety -seven years old, a veteran of the great patriotic war, so she needs dietary food, i bake everything, the situation is financially difficult, after all, we rent an apartment, i don’t work , i take care of my mother and i’m thinking who to ask, thanks to the guys, the branded bread was a success and conversations over tea too. she is a good girl, i must say, the elderly are ready to help, ladushki, ladushki, where we were at my grandmother’s, galina
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petrovna is called the grandmother of the entrance, local boys and girls disappear from her place in the evenings, here i’m rolling my wheels , sitting on the splits, and also doing homework together, now the program is different, very difficult, but so read, they read, they help with something, wherever i can, their grandchildren have already grown up, they are not jealous, they rather make them happy. for the grandmother, who focused only on maintaining daily existence, they of course lose this interest, they forget about their hobby, they stop communicating even with their neighbors, they it’s easier to live on a minimum, so if yours like to cook, we stop by for pies more often, go fishing, sometimes we also take a fishing rod in our hands, and we also teach them to use video calling so that we can see them smile at least once a day. alena ostrakhantseva, vasily valetov, channel one. the tragedy in kroku sitikholi did not leave anyone indifferent, all over the country people responded to the misfortune and
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came to help, our athletes did not stand aside, did not stand aside to provide any possible assistance, our athletes, without hesitation, supported this impulse, which covered all russians, the russian national football team joined the donor campaign, daler kuzyaev and others donated blood for the victims. islam khalilov helped many people get out of the crocus building that evening; islam’s favorite club fulfilled his fan’s long-time dream.
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will join the russian red cross, other league clubs, olympic champions and coaches also contribute to material assistance to the victims, but how could it be otherwise, because perhaps the most important thing in sports is unity and support, hello, today is august 10, 1945 years, we want to know everything about you, you’ll get by, i ’m talking about... who is this? antonina, mathematician, why is she here? she saved my life, now i am in your debt, antonina , why did you never tell me about your wife, you loved her very much, i understand everything, you can’t be alone now, it’s good with you, tanya, it’s not boring, nothing you want
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to tell me, well, there’s climate, sorry. i was wrong, i blurted out in a vehement way, go ahead, let’s have a real day off tomorrow, let’s go to the cinema, there was a misunderstanding, first a small one, then big, how you want to be stupid , not notice anything, believe everything, burning bush , today is tomorrow on the first, if it weren’t me, i would belittle you on my knees so that... all the authorities would come to him, because he then performed in the district hospital those operations that were performed or even not performed in moscow in moscow clinics. 406, we received
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a telegram from him, which he wrote: i received... gave it to the people, hear my voice, that’s the name of the album that our musicians released in support of the victims of the terrorist attack in kropus cityhole near moscow. as you know, this cinema and concert hall was named after muslim magamaev, so the album included songs by our legendary favorite singer. and this album is another confirmation that we are
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together, even during difficult trials. the release is available on streaming platforms. a huge tragedy for the whole country, the birds stopped singing, the light of the stars touched the roofs, in the hour of sadness, they heard my voice. in memory of
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the deceased artists. gathered in one studio, your traces from dill by the river, like mica, and tanks, and between me and you there are centuries, moments and years, dreams and clouds, the melody of love is heard again, i heard the events of you a long time ago, hear my voice with...
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do not despair, the noise takes 100 green branches, lyuba, basta, vladimir kresnyakov, stas mikhailov, vanya dmitrienko, lyusya chabotina, valeria, as if holding hands, perform lines familiar to us.
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hear my voice collection is available on streaming platforms vk music, yandex music, nts music, hi-fi, sound streaming. proceeds from broadcasting the album will go to help the victims. don't transfer money each of us needs to make our contribution.
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right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. today is 9 days since an armed attack was carried out on the city hall crocus near moscow. the victims of this terrorist attack were 144 people, including. children, 382 were injured, dozens are still in hospitals, many in serious condition. on the evening of march 22 , four people broke into the concert hall building armed terrorists, they opened fire indiscriminately, trying to kill as
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many people as possible. the attackers had bottles of gasoline with them, which they poured over the hall and set it on fire. many visitors died as a result of the fire. the terrorists managed to escape from the crime scene, but within a few hours they were caught in bryansk. region on the way to ukraine, their five accomplices were also detained in the following days. the investigative committee of russia has already established a connection between the terrorist attack and the kiev regime. the terrorists said that they were heading to kyiv for a fee. it also turned out that the attack was financed from ukraine; funds were transferred from there to the bandits, including in cryptocurrency. meanwhile , people continue to bring flowers and toys to the spontaneous memorial near kroku city hall and light candles. many people cannot hold back their tears. condolences. in connection with the death of people comes from all over the world, memorial events are held, one of the largest was organized the day after the attack, an image of an endless line of cranes
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rushing to howl was projected onto the wall, the same videos appeared on media facades in various russian cities. today is remembrance day on channel one and therefore there have been changes in the program schedule. today you won't see any entertainment programs, ours. broadcast, in particular there will be stories about heroes, thanks to whom they managed to save many people. in stavropol, fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack, three people were detained, all of them arrived in our country from the center.
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reconnaissance attack helicopter k-52 and multi-purpose mivotin. the crew's targets were at extremely low altitudes, bypassing the zones defeat enemy air defense systems, and when they approached ukrainian positions, they fired unguided missiles at them. we received coordinates, went to the area, taking into account the relief, folds of the terrain, and carried out the use of aviation weapons. according to the aircraft gunners, the target was completely destroyed, the vehicle was beyond us. all tasks were completed with great success. another stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine was destroyed in the donetsk direction, attacks on the fortified positions of the militants were carried out by the crew of goobitsa giasb, and then the enemy dugouts were cleared out with more precision using fpv drones. our artillerymen showed effective work in the area bordering the belgorod region. there, ukrainian militants tried to set up a firing point for a mortar crew. the positions were camouflaged in the forest. our reconnaissance detected it with the help
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of a copter, several geocinth strikes and the enemy was destroyed. new examples of heroism and dedication of our soldiers. guard captain of the medical service anna sidarenko risked her life to save her comrades. under enemy fire, she evacuated the wounded and provided them with first aid. captain roman solomnikov was able to restore the communications machine in difficult battle conditions. thanks to this , the artillery received the coordinates of the enemy and he was knocked out of his occupied positions. positions. the key thermal power plant in the east of ukraine , zmeevskaya tes, is completely out of order; it provided electricity to enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the kharkov, poltava and sumy regions. as ukrainian power engineers stated, all units were destroyed and auxiliary equipment was damaged. this is the result of high precision attacks by the russian armed forces on energy facilities that supply factories for the production and repair of military equipment and are used. to ensure military
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logistics of the armed forces of ukraine. the so-called retaliation strikes took place on march 22. as previously stated in kiev, almost all power units of the burshtynska eps in the ivano-frankivsk region and the lodyzhynska eps in the vinnytsia region were also affected. forced mobilization in ukraine has brought society to the limit of patience. if earlier they were afraid to react to the lawlessness of the military commissars, now they are ready to openly enter into conflict with them the battle. as a resident of the khmelnitsky region. after a conscientious altercation, a cudgel was used, when the women broke the windshield, the frightened military commissar chose to escape in time after the next blow to the car , the glass of the driver's door shattered. in ukraine they got to mikhail bulgakov, joseph brodsky and mikhail glinka, and also the decembrist. the local institute
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of national memory declared them symbols of, as they put it, russian-imperial politics and a threat to national security, on this on the basis of this, it was stated that the preservation of monuments and geographical names in honor of these historical figures is no longer acceptable, and a little earlier , the arch of people’s friendship in kiev was considered a threat to the national security of ukraine, and they also saw in it a hint of the glorification of russia. the us approved the transfer to israel. fighter bombs worth several billion dollars, this, as the washington post writes, despite the fact that the american administration fears the start of an idf offensive on the city of rafah, in the south of the gaza strip. in this regard, the publication notes the same bombs that the states are now planning to transfer to israel, and previously used during raids on the palestinian enclave, which led to mass deaths. and all this plus the fact that last week the state department approved the transfer of 25 f fighters to tel aviv. spending on israel
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, the united states is unable to find money for ukraine. for several months now, congress has been unable to approve a bill to allocate additional funding to the kiev regime. that 's all for now, stay with us. hello dear tv viewers, nikita pimenov and olga ushakova are with you. today. march 30, the ninth day since the terrorist attack in krokusehole. we mourn the victims of this terrible tragedy, we wish a speedy recovery to all of us who suffered, mercy and kindness. during these days. it was very clear how many kind, good, caring people there were around, ready to respond to trouble and come to the rescue, because there is no such thing as someone else’s trouble, the platform in front of crocus city is like a place of common pain. in krasnogorsk since
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last weekend, queues at flower shops, people from all over russia, galina from arkhangelsk, because it’s very sad, and the child here works in the next building. to support people, it so happened that we ended up in moscow, we ourselves were in the city of nizhnekamsk, and could not help but visit this place, i myself am from beslan and i, probably like no one else, understand what this situation is, so this is all the pain, i want to somehow do something too, hundreds of people were brought out of the crocus by teenagers working part-time in the wardrobe, roman, vladislav, islam. there, there, there, there, everyone go in that direction, i shouted at the whole floor of the city hall, at the whole foyer, go to the expo, they shoot, they shoot , they started sending everyone to the expo, pushing them, everyone there, there, there, there, to the expo, to the expo, i remember the people, those who
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just stood for some reason, and didn’t move, just stood , we looked, i saw one of my friends, he also sent people there to the expo, his name is artyom, he studies with me. katya, olesya, yana and andrey, they also helped as much as they could, they did everything. how many more stories like this? administrator asif and cashier zarina were working in a café nearby that evening, leading away the frightened, frozen people.
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unexpectedly, a crowd of people came to us. many were dressed in evening clothes, leaving them that we had all sorts of clothes, a blouse, a blouse, our girls also had their own there. they gave me away, yes, i gave away my jacket, which is a girl, well, from the guys, she was sitting here crying, vitaly the taxi driver, his friends called him, they asked him to pick him up, he took him and returned, i saw how other cars stopped, give me a ride, help, i want a huge thank you to our give the traffic police why, because i had eight people sitting, i had two people sitting, that is, a woman holding a child in her arms, the employees stopped, but they stopped everything that evening. he looked, he didn’t say anything, he just said, move on, because people understand where we’re taking them from. over the weekend, thousands of people from different professions and nationalities came to blood donation centers. ivan russky, individual entrepreneur, guzel tatarka, massage master. we saw an advertisement in the navigator that we needed
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to come, donate blood, and help. have you ever donated blood before? he yes, i no. this is my first time, this is the only thing i can do now do. have you been to the dacha? yes, i looked it up on the internet at the dacha. that's it, okay, sorry, hundreds of those who helped donors just like nuruddin from kyrgyzstan, and neman, he is azerbaijani, yesterday my colleagues and i donated blood here, it started to rain, we realized that it was very cold, it was very difficult, standing it’s been raining here for 4 hours, in line today we decided to bring umbrellas and raincoats so that the guys would be a little, a little more comfortable. hussein is from iraq, yana is half syrian, both medical students, advised those who came to take the test blood. i was searching for.
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the city received higher education and returned to its native walls. at that time, the school did not have
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a physics, mathematics or computer science teacher. and our director invited me to work at this school. there was no need to persuade, zakhar initially wanted to return to the village, he sees only advantages in this. firstly, young teachers are supported by the state. benefits when paying for utilities, assistance in purchasing a home. secondly, everyone here knows zakhar’s family, he is a hereditary teacher. people are already sure there will be children. taught, trained, what the local it’s easier for a person to trust city teachers , children don’t always open up as much as in the countryside, thirdly, there is room to grow and develop here, zakhara’s family has a large farm, cows, pigs, rabbits, after work he takes care of them and thinks about a development plan agrotourism, invite people to the village, get acquainted with everyday life, just relax, it’s interesting for the city people , it’s beneficial for the village, it’s these young specialists who are raising up the village today, andrey tripyatka from the village of tazovsky in yamali dreams of opening his own... pharmacy, now he’s a pharmacist in pharmacy at the hospital, i was born in tazovsky
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, then went to tyumen, i graduated from this profession last year, in the twenty-third, i immediately thought that i would go north, i would work here, i was right, the team is friendly, the salary suits him, but if someone thinks that the village is boring, then it all depends on the person, andrey is sure, he has a busy life, after work there is a gym, english courses. he also studies programming and never gets bored. pharmacist andrei and teacher zakhar have not yet started their own families, so it was the appearance of his wife and child that prompted sergei ivanov to return to his native village of grigorievko near chelyabinsk. it’s calm here, there’s fresh air and there’s work to do. sergey, head of an engineering team at an agricultural enterprise. i’ve been working for a little over a year, i’m getting ready to work as a copper, and after getting a job at an agricultural enterprise, i got a chance to participate in the state improvement program. according to the program for the integrated development of rural areas at the enterprise
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, the family of agronomist olga osintseva has already received a house; they admit that not everything in the village is smooth, there are difficulties. are planning stay in the village and continue working. the only thing that bothers me is the lack of any infrastructure. but in the future, this matter can be corrected, young specialists believe. the main thing is that there is a determination to bring life in the village to a decent level. elena savina, channel one. people who help other people, and not for money, but just like that, are, of course, volunteers. let's say thank you to them, they are doing a great, important and necessary job. primroses have begun to emerge in the coniferous forests of yalta, only there is garbage nearby. elvira and her husband have been going out for many years these kind of cleanup workers are eco-volunteers. we probably always have been. we have never set any results, we just want our nature to be clean and our forest to be beautiful. nobody pays them. they do it just because they can, these guys also often do cleaning, for free, they help
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elderly people in the krasnodar region, now they are cleaning up raisa grigorievna’s site, i want to do it, i don’t have the strength, i can’t straighten my back, and there is a lot of work on the site, they dug up vegetable garden, trimmed figs, repaired taps, poisoned cockroaches here and there, repaired i recently started roofing, we are doing different things, how to find those who need help, mostly word of mouth. today they have 103 wards, sometimes someone needs to fix a computer, someone just needs to talk to. egor from nizhny is familiar with such requests, he is also a volunteer, during covid he decided to help people, deliver food and medicine by car , helpers began to appear, the need to help people is growing, society understands that without his participation no positive changes are possible, for this reason they participate personally helping people today this is a whole group of auto volunteers.
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one or another equipment, but in order to be we train all search engines how to use the older ones, you need to go around a certain number of searches, constantly practice, take a compass, satellite navigator, radio station with you, you need to be able to navigate the terrain, know how to provide first aid, how... keep psychologically while you wait for rescuers and doctors, everyone who came here has their own motives, united by the fact that everyone has an absolutely disinterested and absolutely honest the urge to see our cherished one as soon as possible is found alive. there is no pay for a search call; everyone here, simply because it’s the right thing to do, helps each other to be useful. volunteering is not about fashion, it is about simple and human kindness. elizabeth. on the calendar
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, march 30, on this day 130 years ago , sergei ilyushin, aircraft designer and developer, was born. the most popular combat aircraft in history, the il-2 attack aircraft and, by the way, many other famous famous aircraft. academician, winner of many awards and orders. all of him regalia simply cannot be listed, how he found his calling, what his path to heaven was, how modern designers continue his work, more about this right now. how did the son of a godfather become a legendary designer? sergei ilyushin, the eleventh child in the family. for 15 years he worked to build an airfield near st. petersburg, he saw airplanes for the first time in his life and the idea was born to try something himself, the aviation circle institute and his own design bureau already at the age of 40, then he almost died, he himself was at the controls, one night they were supposed to fly to voronezh, midway the engine stalled, the mechanic forgot to add oil and
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was forced to make an emergency landing, stalin issued an order that... all aircraft designers forbade him to fly the planes himself. a memory for life, scar ilyushinskaya’s broken eyebrow, as if he saw in advance his db-3 bombed berlin already in august forty-one. the germans did not at all expect that such a - let's say , daring sortie - was possible by the forces of the red army. even the blackout didn't work. the planes are simple, reliable, just like him, a man. first in the world armored attack aircraft l2, saved thousands of lives. note in the lieutenant's flight book.
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18, then our first turbojet intercontinental il-62, his last masterpiece, here is an epic landing in an open field in the eighty-ninth gdr. in the seventies, sergei vladimirovich left his post to genrikh novozhilov, the il-86 was designed without ilyushin. for more than 30 years of operation, it has not lost a single passenger. his team continues to create men's aircraft. i have a fairly young team, the average age of which is area 30 years old. deep modernization of the il-76 aircraft of 100 professions. the il-76 md90a has no analogues in the world; it does not require special infrastructure or serious maintenance, which is extremely important when operating in difficult to reach areas. as
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well as the turboprop il-114 300 for 60 passengers. now, in fact, it is entering the testing stage. full-size, which means it is completely assembled from domestic components. il-96-400m wide-body, 370 seats. the flight sheet is signed on the hood of the black volga, another tradition that is not changed more than half a century. dmitry kuzmin, konstantin struchkov, channel one. the heroes of our next report are engaged in a very big, important, bright matter. they revive temples that were once destroyed and... erect new ones, and this business has become for our heroes, the work of their lives. for almost 100 years, since 1931, the church of st. nicholas stood abandoned in the village of kudley, nizhny novgorod region. two openings, they were almost completely destroyed. archpriest alexei vesnin has already restored seven churches, but this one he says
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was the most difficult, they were so big destruction. they raised the walls, strengthened the masonry, and installed windows. in the summer, for the holiday of trinity , a cross appeared on the dome; in the village of kudley, for the first time in a long time, a religious procession took place. and everyone had such a spiritual upsurge that the temple, which had been abandoned, which had stood in disrepair for many years, began to be reborn. the temple attracts people. nadezhda shmileva understood this from her own experience. all this construction began with tears, with something incredible like this. it was a grief for me when my mother became very ill, before my mother’s operation hopeful, i had a dream that in my native village of novy kliny, kaluga region, it was necessary to revive a source in honor of the icon of the vladimir mother of god and erect a cross at the site of the death of soviet soldiers. nadezhda took this as a sign and moved to the village. it was very difficult for me to overcome myself, or, one might say, to reconfigure my body to such a wave
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that i would then never say that why should i? yes, it was necessary to find funds for the task, a temple appeared next to the source, while it is not permanently operating, but people have already come here stretch, for alexander ryazanov of the four. the construction of the temple is also connected with family history. six generations of men in his family were priests. he himself works for the ministry of emergency situations, but he always dreamed of building a church. i looked at a lot of places, but here is a special clean, bright, quiet place, not far from the city. alexander collected the money for the foundation together with his wife and son, registered the land, and received a blessing. i had to. acquire knowledge such as - starting with design estimates, understand what it is this and ending with yes, how to make
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a truss system, at what angles and how to do it all so that it can withstand a bucket load, builds one, but there are many who want to help. after raising the dome and installing the bell, the temple in the name of the great martyr and healer pantileimon became visible from the federal highway and people flocked to it. in the area there are 200-300 people who come here and gather and just relax and just pray and just, you know , rest with their souls, one of the parishioners donated money for the iconostasis for bright week the temple will be with icons. sergey fondikov, leonid krokholev, maryana storonevskaya, channel one. on this mournful day, channel one made significant changes to the broadcast network. follow the program. website of the first channel in the application. today and tomorrow on the program is the multi-part drama the burning bush, based on the works of boris vasiliev. this is a real, very powerful movie, a piercing
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and poignant film that is a must see. where are we holding the tanks from? i owe you my life, klim doesn’t forget kindness. three wounds, concussion, two medals for courage for military merits, this is antonina ivanchina. senior intelligence lieutenant events from 1945 to 1947. antonina returned from the front, she looked around, children were running around peacefully, her mother said there was a ghost living there, the neighbors were gossiping, but what was it? it’s noisy at the fair and they’re already asking her to try on shoes. take it, beauty, and, if you want, they will teach you how to cook soup, beets, maybe, chicken, what will you cook for the first time? take off the foam, it’s a peaceful life, antonina, but it seems you ’re not ready for it, you don’t take off your uniform, you don’t change content , they teach you to be simpler, otherwise you won’t survive among ordinary people, here you need to be more cunning
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, you speak exactly like that, but do it your own way , and he just doesn’t want them to eat you up, and you ’re just running into trouble about where to give in, where to remain silent, it’s okay that i’m saying this , she’s an intelligence lieutenant, she’s used to seeing further, knowing more, she analyzes subtly, that ’s where... skims off the foam, and not in the kitchen, we want to know everything about you, you’ll get by, the strong core of the front-line soul about such front-line soldier boris vasiliev wrote to people, a film was made based on his story, actress klavdiya korshinova, even with her silent presence in the frame, conveys the main thing, if this beautiful girl had lived with me to prepare herself for the role, klavdiya would dig a trench at the training ground, deeper and deeper, this is her way,
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memorial day. on the first, with the whole country. on difficult, sorrowful days, it is especially important to feel that you are not alone, that kind, sympathetic people live next to you, like... who, if anything happens, will always help. meet your neighbors, make friends with them, let's live like neighbors together. in difficult situations this is very helpful. this is my home, 14 entrances, 504 apartments. there are 251 people (50%) in the general chat, but even this is enough to feel comfortable and calm. in case something happens, help will always come. yes, it seems like they’re just neighbors, to whom we often
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don’t pay attention. he is also a psychologist, took courses, but helping out on the road is not discussed at all, he himself has found himself on the side of the road more than once, you always see someone standing on the road, either they vote or don’t vote, you understand that you probably need
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help, i stopped , i... went home to get a wheel, the person didn’t even have a wheel. 4 years ago, ksenia rozhdestvenskaya moved to korolev near moscow to make friends, organized a community of young mothers, now there are more than 500 people there, there was one moment of such severe depression, i just realized that i needed a specialist right now , i just can’t help it, it doesn’t work out, and i wrote: girls, is there a psychologist among you in our neighborhood? i need it right now, and a girl wrote to me, she ended up right in the next house, and nadezhda ivanova’s blood pressure dropped sharply, she also asked for help, and came yes, from the next building, the girl measured my blood pressure, made me some hot sweet tea , put me to bed, sat with me for a while, saw what was improving me, collected her tonometer and left, as if i didn’t name this person, i honestly don’t know how it wouldn’t be to my face, maybe i won’t recognize it either, but the very fact that something suddenly happens to you, you always have someone
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to turn to, but does it work? it always goes both ways, it’s good not only for the one who was helped, but also for the one who helped, supported or simply smiled. ruslan yunyaev, elnur valeakhmetov, anatoly barikalov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. the tragedy in crocus tikhol left no one indifferent, including children. today, in principle , you can’t hide anything from them, but they still remain children. many parents wonder how to talk to them about something terrible and tragic, is it necessary to do this at all, and what to do if the child is scared? and can't calm down. the topic, of course, is very complex and delicate, but there is no escape from it. now let’s try to calmly figure everything out. should we talk about what? painful and scary for the youngest children under 4-5 years old. if the baby is sitting at home with his grandmother, then , of course, he is not aware of the current situation; it is probably not worth talking to him. so as not to scare or injure. it is important, if you yourself are anxious, not to convey
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your fear to your child. a tragic event has passed, i am very worried, i am worried about people , what is happening to me, to explain to him what is happening at this moment with mom, with dad, we let the child speak out, we try to understand what exactly he is afraid of, timothy 12, in class it’s scary to sit, uh-huh, you listen to every joke , you’re afraid, in such cases words alone are not enough , you need physical contact, hold your hand, hug, kiss and even cry, it wasn’t
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very good, he woke up and called us and also spoke and even cried, and i think that this is right, and we cried, and the neighbors cried, and the children cried, the child is afraid to fall asleep, there is such a technique, cover him with pillows so that he feels safe when we have physical contact or the child will fall asleep more calmly and let's keep the usual rhythm as much as possible, son seryozhey, psychotherapist maria khazova tries to go to the playground between school and the pool , anxiety is very good. is removed when we do ordinary ordinary actions, for example, swinging on a swing, walking, talking about life, making further plans. yes, there are events that we cannot control, we cannot influence them, but... we can know how to act if they happen, we explain a clear algorithm of behavior in emergency situations to the child. for example, if a child says: i’m afraid to go to shopping centers, we can say that look, let's go to the shopping center and i'll show you, there
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are signs there that are called evacuation plans. elena has already reminded her son timofey of these safety rules, to always know where emergency exits are, what to do, how to help, how it can be necessary to help even girls. “we are monitoring the child’s condition, anxiety and insomnia have persisted for more than a month, god forbid, panic attacks have begun, we can already say that, unfortunately, post-traumatic stress disorder has developed, we need help psychotherapist, he may prescribe sedatives, the task of parents is to convey calmness and readiness to always be there." nadezhda pravdina, pavel dits, channel one. the terrorist attack in the sitikholi circle did not leave anyone indifferent. these days it has become especially clear how important it is not to lose touch with loved ones, take care of those who need our help, who sometimes lack our attention, people of advanced age, grandparents, especially need it , call them more often, visit them, call
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grandparents, the more often the better, they they are always waiting, every day the grandchildren call , they tell everything about how the teenagers went, how many suitors they have, ask how... i’m here, i’m nearby, this is how emotional connections are strengthened, an elderly person, even if he lives far away, does not feel cut off from families. we have approximately 42 million pensioners, we conducted social surveys , experts believe that a quarter of our elderly
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people not only live alone, but they do not have extensive social connections, sometimes they simply have no one to turn to for help, and to solve everyday problems with age more difficult, volunteer anita. contacts with five grandparents, brings them food and medicine from the foundation, when they can no longer cope, they write me this message sos, help, maria liontine had such a case when the oven broke, we also consider such situations, we buy equipment household , which is needed right now, today she was invited to try how she bakes and thank her again, her mother is ninety-seven years old, a veteran of the great patriotic war, so she needs... dietary food, i bake everything, the situation is financially difficult, after all, we are renting an apartment, i don’t work, i ’m taking care of my mother, and i’m thinking who to ask, thanks to the guys, the branded bread was a success and the conversations over tea were also good, she’s a good girl,
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i must say, the elderly themselves are ready to help, okay, okay, where were at my grandmother’s, galina petrovna is called the grandmother of the entrance, local boys and girls disappear from her in the evenings. well, i’m here doing the splits, doing the splits, and doing homework together, now the program is different, very difficult, well , read, read, i can help the children, their grandchildren have already grown up, they are not jealous, they are rather happy for their grandmother, who focused only on maintaining everyday existence, they of course lose this interest, they forget about their hobby, they stop communicating even with their neighbors, it is easier for them to live on a minimum, they love to cook , we go to pirogues more often, go fishing, sometimes we also take a fishing rod in our hands, and we also teach them to use video communication so that we can see them smile at least once a day. alena ostrakhantseva, vasily valetov, channel one.
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psychologist yulia romanova came to our studio, our colleagues, daria shulika and sergei babaev, talked to her. julia, hello, hello! “hello, many have lost the ability to do their usual things, to live normally, they constantly catch some messages, read the news, here’s how to understand that this is already some kind of obsessive condition that requires attention, well, almost specialists, and if this interferes with the usual way of life, that is, what does this mean, for example, if i have a day off and i follow the news, i participate in some conversations, but in the morning i get up, i go to work, i feed the children. i’m doing some of my usual things, then we can say that this is just living, a state, experiencing anxiety, and a person can recover from this on his own, but...
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fell into some kind of sadness, despair and generally stopped do ordinary things, loved ones most often want to pull a person out of this state, because it is always very difficult for us when someone next to us is in grief or sadness, it is difficult for us to withstand it ourselves, so people want to pull say: stop, don’t do that , pull yourself together, this doesn’t work, this doesn’t work, what can we do, we can be understanding, if it’s difficult for us to be human, then... we can honestly say, you know, here i am with you, i’m with you, but i can’t
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stay in this state for so long, i’ll go work, i’ll go live my normal life, but you know that i’m nearby and you can call me, which always helps, but you don’t know , what to say, you don’t know how to behave, a simple human hug is something that always saves, because at this moment, at this moment, the hormone oxytocin is produced, and oxytocin gives us a feeling of security, hugging each other, hugging our own. i’m somehow invested in
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making things better or i can do something, this is a good story, this is much better than people just writing comments there to nowhere or just endlessly watching the news feed, you can start doing good deeds , and they can be done at arm’s length, but somewhere near us there are always people who also lonely, who may also be scared, it is possible, that is, any activity , it gives us the feeling that i... they are involved in it, because if this is a very small child, well, just
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a baby, yes, then he is involved - this through mother’s condition, if these are older children who can hear, see, who also have access to news and they , of course, are involved in it, plus also, well, i don’t know about anyone, but in our school i was taught lessons by three children and they were told what to do in such a situation, if suddenly it happens at school, that is, there is definitely information noise and children are involved in it, what should be done?
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thank you julia for your valuable advice, thank you, our guest was an experienced psychologist yulia romanova, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. bourbon. steersman is a product of stellar
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group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. hello, today is august 10, 1945, we want to know everything about you, you’ll get by, i forgot about everything with you, who is this, antonina, a mathematician, why is she here, she saved my life, now i’m in your debt, antonina, why do you? didn’t tell me about your wife , you loved her very much, i understand everything, you can’t be alone now, it’s good with you, tan, it’s not boring that you don’t want to tell me, well, there’s klima, i’m sorry, i was wrong, i blurted out in a fit of passion, go ahead, let's
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have a real day off tomorrow, let's go to the movies, there was a misunderstanding, first small, then big, how do you want to be stupid? don’t notice anything, believe everything, burning bush, today is the first tomorrow, if it weren’t me, i would be on my knees begging you to became my wife when he appeared on the crimean land, like a father, the child-loving saints, all the authorities were traveling to him. because he then performed in the district hospital those operations that were performed or not even performed in moscow in moscow clinics. in 1946, we received a telegram from him, which he wrote: “i received an appointment to simferopol, the whole of crimea is my diocese.” in those
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days, being ordained was a recognition of the fact that you were going to golgotha. when he was exiled. people rebelled, sat on the rails and did not go train. healer luke, today on the first. the lord gives us the image of a holy man who gave himself all to people. the tragedy in sitikholi left no one indifferent. all over the country, people responded to the misfortune and came to the rescue. our athletes did not stand aside either, do not stand aside and provide any possible assistance. our athletes, without hesitation, supported this impulse that gripped all russians. the russian national football team joined the donor campaign. daler donated blood for the victims kuzyaev, fury ladygin and other players, as well as
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coaches and administrative staff. rybist anastasia simak, in addition to sports, has another calling: she is a volunteer. at the fire and rescue center, together with other rescuers, anastasia took part in clearing the rubble and searching for victims. fifteen-year-old moscow spartak fan islam khalilov helped many people get out of the crocus building that evening. islam's favorite club fulfilled a long-time dream of its fan and arranged for him to meet the football players. in addition, for the student took a tour of the red and white stadium. they gave us a personalized t-shirt and a subscription for everyone in the family. is now in the hospital, where he was visited by olympic champion ilya kovalchuk, who gave his mother-in -law a hockey jersey; from overseas, little ilya received an important message from another
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hockey legend, alexander ovechkin. i know that you are a strong, brave, strong guy, you will definitely endure everything, and a scar steals a real man. i wish you a speedy recovery, i know the quality of hockey, so soon you will return to the ice and show everyone that i am i believe you, dynamo captain andrei mironov also recorded a video message to support ilya. we support you as a team, wish you good health, and naturally, next season we invite you to our games. well, in our football championship, goals scored are now at a special price, the russian premier league. in this round will multiply their number by a million, the final amount will go to the russian red cross, other league clubs, olympic champions and coaches also contribute to material assistance to the victims, but how could it be otherwise, because perhaps the most what is important in sports is unity and support.
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hear my voice is the name of the album that our musicians released in support of victims of terrorist attacks. crocus city hall near moscow. as you know, this cinema and concert hall was named after muslim magamaev, so the album included songs by our legendary, beloved singer. and this album is another confirmation of that. that we are together even during difficult trials, the release is available on streaming platforms, you don’t have to pay anything, just listen, and with this you will help those who especially need this help, i ask, i ask, at least there is no need for debt, at least there is no need for debt, my pain, my pain, you leave me, this pain is forever, hundreds of people come to the site of the tragedy just to be silent. the whole country is mourning, in fact, because for us this is a huge tragedy for the whole country,
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because the birds stopped, the light of the stars touched the roofs, in an hour of sadness and sadness, my voice. hear, in memory of the dead, the art of different generations gathered in one studio: your traces from the dill by the river, like mica, they are tanks, and between me and you, and centuries, moments and years.
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hear my voice, a collection of compositions by muslim magamaev, the concert hall in crocus city hall was named after him. today these 12 songs are like 12 confessions. golden darkness , hidden by a veil, he is better than golden, my favorite song by magamaev, perhaps a little sad, but in the end the light comes out to hope, hold on, uh, don’t despair, in my heart this light always takes, the noise takes, 100 green.
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i experienced these terrible emotions, these terrible feelings. thin line.
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"i am your devoted orpheus, the heroes of our next report are doing very a big, important, bright cause, they are reviving churches that were once destroyed , building new ones, and this work has become for our heroes, the work of their lives.” since 1931 , the church of st. nicholas stood abandoned in the village of kudley, nizhny novgorod region, for two years
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openings , they were almost completely destroyed, archpriest alexey vesnin had already restored seven churches, but this one, he says, was the hardest , the destruction was so great, they raised the walls, strengthened the masonry, inserted windows, in the summer, for the holiday of trinity, a cross appeared on the dome in the village of kudley for the first time for a long time there was a procession of the cross. everyone had such a spiritual upsurge that the temple, which had been abandoned, which had stood in disrepair for many years, began to be reborn. this was an incredible grief for me when my mother became very ill, before the operation, my mother had a dream of hope that in her native village of novye kliny, kaluga region, it was necessary to revive a spring in honor of the icon of the vladimir mother of god and erect a cross at the site of the death of soviet soldiers.
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nadezhda took this as a sign and moved to the village. it was very... difficult for me to overcome myself, or one might say, to reconfigure my body to such a wave, so that later i would never say that why do i need this, funds were found for the task, a temple appeared next to the source, while it is not permanently operating, but people are already drawn here. for alexander ryazanov from chita , the construction of the temple is also connected with family history, six generations of men in his family were priests, he himself... he works in the ministry of emergency situations, but he always dreamed of building a church, i looked at a lot of places, but here it’s especially clean , bright, quiet place, close from the city , alexander collected money for the foundation together with his wife and son, registered the land , received a blessing, i had to acquire knowledge such as, starting with
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design and estimate documentation, to understand: what it is and ending with yes, how to make a rafter system, under what corners and how it all is, so that it can withstand the wind load, he is building one, but there are many who want to help. after raising the dome and installing the bell, the temple in the name of the great martyr and healer pantileimon became visible from the federal highway, and people flocked. there are 200-300 people in the area they come here, gather and just relax and just... on the calendar march 30, on this day 130 years ago, sergei ilyushin, an aircraft designer, developer of the most mass-produced combat aircraft in the history of the il-2 attack aircraft
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, by the way, many other famous ones, was born. how he found his calling, what was his path to heaven , how modern designers continue his work, more about this right now, how the son of a peasant became a legendary designer sergei ilyushin, the eleventh child in the family, at the age of 15 he built an airfield near st. petersburg to earn money, it's his first time in i saw you in life. airplanes and the idea was born to try something myself, the aviation circle institute and its own design bureau already at the age of 40, then he almost died, he himself was at the controls. one night we were supposed to fly to voronezh, and halfway through the journey the engine stalled. the mechanic forgot to oil and illushen was forced to make an emergency landing. stalin issued an order that all aircraft designers were forbidden to fly airplanes themselves.
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memory for life scar. ilyushinskaya ’s broken eyebrow, as if he saw in advance his db-3 bombed berlin already in august forty first. the germans did not at all expect that such, let’s say, a daring sortie was possible with the forces of the red army; even the blackout did not work. the planes are simple , reliable, like himself, like a man, the world’s first armored attack aircraft l2, saved thousands of lives. note in the flight book of lieutenant valentin skapintsev. november 25 , 1943, two junkers were shot down, but the mud was also hit. there was simply no living place, but nevertheless he flew, the father, in the conditions of the already polar night, cold, he managed to find a site on this lake to plant there airplane. skopintsev bequeathed to the children to find the sunken il-2, the humpback waited, craftsmen from novosibirsk even lifted it into the sky. the war was still going on, and ilyushin was thinking about the il-18 passenger airliners, then our first
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turbojet intercontinental il-62, his last masterpiece. here is an epic landing in an open field in the eighty-ninth gdr. in the seventies, sergei vladimirovich left his post to genrikh novozhilov. the il-86 was designed without ilyushin. for more than 30 years of operation, it has not lost a single passenger. his team continues to create men's aircraft. i have a fairly young team, the average age of which is around 30 years. the il-76 md90a aircraft of 100 professions has no analogues in the world; it does not require special infrastructure or serious maintenance, which is extremely important. in operating conditions in difficult accessible areas, like the turboprop il-114 300 for 60 passengers, now we are actually entering the testing stage, full-size, which means completely
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assembled from domestic components il-96400m wide-body 370 seats, the flight sheet is signed on the hood of the black volga, another tradition that has not changed for more than half a century. dmitry kuzmin, konstantin struchkov, channel one. saturday morning continues right now, we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. hello, the news is on air, in the studio sergei tugushev. 9 days have passed since march 22, when it happened. but an armed attack on the crocus city hall concert hall near moscow. the victims of this terrorist attack were 144 people, including children, and 382 were injured. tens up they still remain in hospitals, many in
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serious condition. on friday evening last week , four armed terrorists broke into the concert hall buildings. they opened fire indiscriminately, trying to kill as many people as possible. the attackers had bottles of gasoline, which they poured over the hall and set it on fire. died as a result of the fire. the terrorists managed to escape from the crime scene, but within a few hours they were caught in the bryansk region on their way to ukraine. subsequent days five accomplices were also detained. the investigative committee of russia has already established a connection between the terrorist attack and the kiev regime. the terrorists said that they were heading to kiev for a reward. it also turned out that the attack was financed from ukraine; funds were transferred from there to the bandits, including in cryptocurrency. meanwhile, to the spontaneous ones. people continue to bring flowers and toys to the memorial near the crocus sitiho, light candles, their feet cannot hold back their tears, condolences for the deaths come from all over the world, and promotions are held memory, one of the largest was staged in
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the first days after the attack, an image of an endless line of cranes rushing to the heights was projected onto the wall, the same videos appeared on media facades in various russian cities. today is the day on channel one. in this regard, there have been changes in the program schedule. today you won't see any entertainment programs. on our broadcast, in particular, there will be stories about heroes, thanks to whom they managed to save many people. in the stavropol region, fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack, three people were detained, all arrived in our country from central asia. according to intelligence services, they were preparing an attack together with a mass gathering of people. before the suspects were captured, they were under surveillance. you can see it in the operational footage. how terrorists bought components for explosives, and during a search of their home , chemical substances with damaging elements were found. in addition to the news of the special operation, a large group
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of ukrainian militants was eliminated in the kupinsky direction, and a stronghold was destroyed . this is the work of our pilots, the crew of the k-52 reconnaissance and attack helicopter and multi-purpose mi-8. they reached the target at extremely low altitudes, bypassing the affected areas of enemy air defense systems. and coming to the ukrainian ones. positions , unguided missiles were fired at them. heavy losses for the ukrainian armed forces on the artyomovsky sector of the front during the day , more than forty fpv drone strikes were inflicted on enemy fortifications. the operators worked in pairs, one guided the device to the target, the second , using a reconnaissance copter, adjusted the flight for precise guidance. we help a lot with offensives, we move forward, we work in positions there when there is an offensive, they give the command that there is a dugout there, some kind of dugout needs to be dismantled, where he is sitting there. drg group, we are destroying them. another ukrainian armed forces stronghold was destroyed in the donetsk direction. the strikes on the fortified positions of the militants were carried out by the hyatsin b crew. and then the more
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targeted enemy dugouts were cleared out of the trenches using fpv drones. our artillerymen showed effective work in the area bordering the belgorod region. there, ukrainian militants tried to set up a firing point for a mortar crew. the positions were camouflaged in the forest, but they were visible from the air. our reconnaissance detected it with the help of a copter, several geocinth strikes and the enemy was destroyed. a new premiere of the heroism and dedication of our soldiers, the guard, captain of the medical service anna sidorenko, risking her life, saved her comrades, evacuated the wounded under enemy fire, and provided first aid to them. captain roman solomnikov was able to restore the communications machine in difficult battle conditions. thanks to this , the artillery received the coordinates of the enemy and he was knocked out. key thermal power plant in eastern ukraine zmeyivska tes in full disabled, it provided electricity to enterprises of the military-industrial complex in
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the kharkov, poltava and sumy regions. as ukrainian power engineers stated, all units were destroyed and auxiliary equipment was damaged. this is the result of high-precision strikes by the russian armed forces on energy facilities that supply factories for the production and repair of military equipment and are used to provide military logistics for the armed forces of ukraine. retaliation strikes were carried out on march 22. for this, long-range precision weapons were used, air, sea, ground-based drones. as previously stated in kiev, at the moment almost all power units are affected, burshtynska ts in the ivanno-frankivsk region and ladyzhynska ts in the vinnetsk region. a hit was recorded at the dnepro-hpp, the most important energy facility in ukraine. forced mobilization in ukraine has brought society to the limit of patience. if earlier they were afraid to react to raids by military commissars, now they are ready to openly engage in battle with them, like these enraged residents of the khmelnitsky region mothers and wives. the soldiers, who were literally
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kidnapped and forcibly sent to the front, attacked the car of the military commissars, after a verbal altercation, a club came in, when the women broke the windshield, the frightened military man chose to escape in time after the next blow to the car , the driver's door glass shattered. in ukraine they got to mikhail bolugakov, joseph brodsky and mikhail glinka, and the decembrists also got it. the local institute of national remembrance declared them symbols. and on this basis it was stated that the preservation of monuments and place names in honor of these historical figures is no longer acceptable. us president joe biden, who is going to compete for a second term in the white house, called the views of his main political rival, former head of state donald trump, old. actually , biden himself. obama, convinced
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those gathered at the election event that no one could do such an important job better than him. trump, according to biden, is too old and out of shape for this, despite the fact that the current president is 81, whereas his predecessor is 4 years younger. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to broadcast the program, good morning. hello, dear tv viewers, nikita pimenov and olga ushakova are with you. today is march 30, the ninth day since the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. we mourn the victims of this terrible tragedy, we wish a speedy recovery to all of us who suffered, mercy and kindness. these days it has become very clear how many kind, good, caring people there are around, ready to respond to trouble and come to the rescue, because there is no such thing as someone else's misfortune.
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to visit this place, i myself am from beslan and i , probably like no one else, understand what this situation is, all this pain, and i want to somehow do something useful, hundreds of people were brought out of the crocuses by teenagers, part-time workers in the cloakroom, roman, vladislav, islam, there, there, there, there, everyone go in that direction, i screamed at cityhall at the top of my voice, go to the ex post.
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how many more stories like this? administrator asif and cashier zarina were working in a cafe nearby that evening, and they appeared frightened frozen people. suddenly. people came to us, many were dressed in evening dress, leaving them that we had all sorts of clothes, blouse, blouse, our girls there also gave theirs, yes, i gave my jacket, which is a girl, well, from the guys, it’s here i was sitting crying, vitaly the taxi driver , his friends called him, they asked him to pick him up, he took him and came back, i saw other cars stopping, i wanted to give him a ride, i want to give a huge thank you to our traffic police, why, because he was sitting with me...
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to help, in general, before this they donated blood , yes he is i’m not, it’s my first time, this is the only thing i can do now, you were at the dacha, yes, i looked at the dacha on the internet, that’s it, okay, sorry, hundreds of those who helped donors just like that, like nuruddin from kyrgyzstan and niman, he is azerbaijani , yesterday my colleagues and i donated blood here, it started to rain , we realized that it was very cold, it was very difficult to stand here for four hours in the rain, in line today we decided to bring umbrellas and raincoats so that the guys would have some. a little more comfortable. hussein is from iraq, yana is half syrian. both are medical students. we advised those who came to donate blood. i was looking all day for where to go, where i needed help. i arrived right at seven in the morning and plan to be here until the end of the evening. we are
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a medical profession, but our profession is to help people, so we must come. actor sergei and business analyst daniil at the distribution of sweets. cookies have also arrived for those who donated blood. we are trying to support everyone who came to replenish their strength, 24 thousand donors throughout the country, more than 10 tons of blood, almost 2 tons of plasma, and flowers, toys, flowers again, yulia molostva, ksenia ionkina and elizaveta nikishova, channel one. on this mournful day, channel one made significant changes to the broadcast schedule, following the program on the channel one website in the application. today and tomorrow on the program is the multi-part drama the burning bush, based on the works of boris vasiliev. this is
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a real, very powerful movie, a piercing and poignant film that is a must see. where are we holding the tanks from? i owe you. i owe my life, the climate of kindness is not forgets, three wounds, shell shock, two medals for courage for military merits, this is antonina ivanchina, senior lieutenant of intelligence events from 1945 to 1947. antonina returned from the front, she looked around, children were running around peacefully, her mother said there was a ghost living there, the neighbors were gossiping, and what is it like at the fair, it’s noisy , they’re already offering her to try on shoes, take it. is put in and, if you want, they will teach you how to cook soup, you can have beets, you can have chicken, that for the first time you will do something, skim off the foam, this is a peaceful life, antonina, but it seems that you are not interested in it ready, you don’t take off your uniform, don’t change the content, they teach you, be simpler, otherwise
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you won’t survive among ordinary people, here you need to be more cunning, you say to do it exactly in your own way, i just don’t want them to eat you up, but you’re just running into trouble , where to give in? where to remain silent, it’s okay that i’m saying this , she’s an intelligence lieutenant, she’s used to seeing further, knowing more, she analyzes subtly, that ’s where she skims off the foam, and not in the kitchen, we want to know everything about you, you’ll get by, the strong core of the front-line soul about such a front-line soldier wrote to people boris vasiliev, a film was made based on his story, actress klavdiya korshinova, even with her silent presence in the frame, conveys the main thing, if only the red maiden. to prepare herself for the role, claudia dug a trench at the training ground, deeper and deeper, this is her way to get to the essence, to understand her heroine. this is also a story about an ode to femininity, which is how it makes its way in
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the harshest conditions. the writer boris vasiliev noticed this subtly; in his other story about zora, he is quiet here. today tomorrow on channel one the drama the burning bush. not it is not possible to draw out habits from its bottomless variety, while others, victoria opolenskaya, channel one.
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memorial day is on the first with the whole country. the ninth day since the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. we mourn the victims of this terrible tragedy and wish a speedy recovery to the victims. and mercy and kindness to all of us. mercy and kindness are what unites us all, no matter what religion we have. people still bring lights to the memorial at crocus city hall. every day the priests serve ponyhid. heard at least for the salvation of our souls
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, let us pray to the lord, the funeral service and prayer is that important moment when people feel some kind of calm, when the first funeral service for the resurrection was performed, they thanked us, they said that we were breathing for the first time after all those events that happened on march 22 . different people come here with their thoughts and feelings. maxim verbenin died here, this is my son’s friend, but he is ours. common pain, our common grief, it was just an emotional outburst, in one second they took it, gathered and came, remembering the victims of the terrorist attacks in the churches, there were no indifferent people, we saw this stream of a non-stop stream that went to the memorial, not everyone succeeds, everyone can do a little, can come to put a memorial in the temple, what unites everyone? christian and buddhist temples, synagogues and mosques, prayer. for
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believers, this is not just a set of words, a conversation with god, in which they find peace and support, asking for health for the sick and repose for those who have passed on to another world. for all religions the soul is immortal. it is wrong to say that there is no man, there is an immortal soul, it belongs to god. and let’s pray for him, so that this soul will feel better now. then it becomes a little different and we don’t think about ourselves, we think about the person we love and we pray for him. in orthodox churches, it is customary to place candles for health in front of icons in a round candlestick, for repose on a special rectangular table with a crucifix on the eve. during the funeral service, it is installed in the place of the central icon of analoya in front of the altar, but if a person makes a mistake, nothing bad will happen. as the holy fathers say, god kisses intentions, and this is the most important thing. that a heartfelt impulse that exists in a person, if he suddenly did something wrong,
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put a candle in the wrong place, but this is not scary, because it is not in external manifestation, the main thing is that everything starts from the human heart, and this thought unites all religions, it is also customary for buddhists to light candles and incense, but there is nothing stronger than sincere prayer, in buddhism we call it monlam or auspicious prayer - this is the most powerful prayer that a person can read, you can memorize many different texts, you can memorize different texts of prayers and sing them for chanting, here, but the power of these prayers may be small if he does not have this good motivation. thoughts and actions, that’s what ’s important, sathera from cambodia, like many after the terrorist attacks in crocus cityhole, was looking for something to help and went to donate blood. well, when they stand there for about 7 hours, i saw a lot of eyes, they are very tired, but they are very supportive of each other, they are all themselves. all people, this is how
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a person works, if there is kindness in the soul, regardless of gender, nationality or religion, he goes to help another person, especially during serious shocks, you want to feel that you are not alone, in the synagogue at these moments everyone unites, they just gather , they come to pray together, public prayer is much more welcomed here, it is... loved by god much more. in mosques they also read the koran without interruption, and they go to the imam for advice. it happens that muslims also ask to pray for the health of some of their russian friends. acquaintances, acquaintances of a different nationality, that is, this is the moment of such grief, it unites people as much as possible, because despite our different upbringings and confessions, we have much more in common; we are all people who want to live in peace in harmony. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia novokhatnya, andrey ivanov and natalya kaldaeva, channel one.
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the terrorist attack in crucus cityholi left no one indifferent; these days it has become especially clear how important it is not to lose touch. with loved ones, takes care of those who need our help, who sometimes lack our attention. people of advanced age, grandparents, especially need it; call them and visit them more often. calling grandparents than the more often the better, they always wait. every day the grandchildren call, they tell everything about how the teenagers walked, how many suitors they have, ask how they are doing, how are we doing, why bother...
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they conducted opinion polls, experts believe that a quarter of our people are elderly, not only live alone, but do not have extensive social connections. sometimes they simply have no one to turn to for help, and everyday issues are more difficult to resolve as they age. volunteer anita is in touch with five grandparents, bringing them food. and medicines from the fund, when already can’t cope, they write me the following message: sos, help, maria lyonce didn’t have such a case when the oven broke , we also consider such situations, we buy household appliances that are needed right now, today she was invited to try how to bake and more once again , thank you, my mother is ninety-seven years old,
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a veteran of the great patriotic war, so i need dietary nutrition, i bake everything. the situation is financially difficult, after all, we rent an apartment, i don’t work, i take care of my mother, and i’m thinking who to ask, thanks to the guys, the signature bread was a success and so were the conversations over tea, she’s a good girl, i must say, the elderly themselves are ready to help, okay, okay, where were they at grandma’s, galina petrovna is called the grandmother of the entrance, local boys and girls disappear from her place in the evenings, well, i here i’m spinning the wheels on the splits, i’m sitting, and also... they’re doing it together, now the program is different, it’s very difficult, but it’s like reading, they’re reading, they’re helping me with something, i can do it for a child, my grandchildren are already grown up, they’re not jealous, they’re rather happy for their grandmother who focused only on maintaining everyday existence, they of course lose this interest, they forget about their hobbies, they stop communicating even with their neighbors
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, it’s easier for them to live on a minimum, so if yours like to cook, we go for pies more often , we go fishing... sometimes we also take a fishing rod in our hands, and we also teach them to use video communication so that we can see them smile at least once a day. alena ostrakhantseva, vasily valetov, channel one. our program continues, spring is the time for big cleaning, when now is the best time to get rid of everything old and unnecessary, clean the house in soul. and by the way, this greatly helps to tidy up not only the house, but also the nervous system, as experts say. for many, cleaning is a boring routine, but if you look at it a little differently, it is a kind of monotony, repetition of actions, and this is what calms us down, we begin to control our space, thereby we feel safe, but the result is also important. evgenia, for example, hates cleaning; her apartment looks like this most of the time. and no matter how hard
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my husband persuades her, they only get around to cleaning when i'm a complete mess, and i've run out of clean clothes. in general, if only household chores could be done. there’s no way tatyana, the mess bothers her, if she needs a distraction, she takes care of the house. every weekend i set aside a certain time, an hour or two, for cleaning. it gives me pleasure, i calm down, i relax from it. the process relieves stress for a reason. first, physical activity equals endorphins. secondly, the feeling of a feasible task increases self-confidence and instills peace of mind. small victory plus small victory. plus one more small victory, this is already a big victory over something big, so you seem to improve yourself, your self-confidence increases, and you work more productively, the absence of visual noise helps you concentrate on tasks...
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but we throw away all the bad things, we leave all the good things in the little things, of course, within reason, well, in this way we unload ourselves, we agree that if we need to let something new into life, we need to get rid of the old, ideally, allocate a place for everything and come up with a system, even evgeniya has things here flowers are hung, yes, the layout by category reduces the cleaning time, reconsider things for relevance, get rid of unnecessary things, order in things, order in thoughts, how in the process of organizing we unravel it all, sort it out, also everything in life begins to slowly unwind and get better. we still asked evgenia to leave. it turned out that even an unloved activity can have a lot of advantages. and it’s become more convenient,
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i’ve probably discovered a couple of things that i forgot about, it’s nice, the result is cooler, you can breathe easier at home. literally, less dust and dirt, cleaner air. and falling asleep in a tidy apartment, according to research, is much easier. legia belyanskaya, mikhail chesterikov, anatoly brekalov and yulia kuvabina, channel one. on difficult, mournful days, it is especially important to feel that you are not alone, that there are kind, sympathetic people living next to you, who, if anything, will always help, get to know your neighbors, make friends with them, let's live together like neighbors, in difficult situations this very helpful. this is my house, 14 entrances, 504 apartments, 251 people in the general house chat (50%), but even this is enough for...
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a person in our entrance to get sick; we needed him from the eighth floor. to be taken out to the ambulance, because two young girls arrived who were, well, physically unable to carry out an adult or an old man, we turned to the chat asking the men to help, by the way, you were the first to respond to this request, the elderly man was taken down and loaded into the ambulance, possibly saving his life. sometimes, to support even a random person nearby, it’s enough just to ask how you are doing, - says taxi driver artyom valosovich, he is also a psychologist, took courses, but helping out on the road is not discussed at all, more than once himself.
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went home to get a wheel; the man didn’t even have a wheel. 4 years ago, ksenia rozhdestvenskaya moved to korolev near moscow to make friends, organized a community of young mothers, now there are more than 500 people there, there was one moment of such severe depression and... i understood that i needed a specialist right now, i just can’t help it, it doesn’t work, and i wrote: girls, there is a psychologist among you in our microdistrict, we need right now, and the girl wrote to me, she happened to be right in the next house, and nadezhda ivanova’s blood pressure dropped sharply, she also asked for help, and came from the next building, the girl measured my blood pressure, made me hot sweet tea, put me to bed, sat with me a little , looked at what was improving me, collected my tonometer and left, as if i didn’t know the name of this person, i honestly don’t know how... not to my face, perhaps i won’t recognize it either, but the very fact that something suddenly happens to you, you always have someone to turn to, but this works always in both directions, it’s good not only for the
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one who was helped, but also for the one who helped, supported or simply smiled. ruslan yunyaev, elnur valeakhmetov, anatoly barikalov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. hello, today is august 10, 1945, we want to know everything about you. i forgot about everything with you, who is this? antonina, mathematician, why is she here? she saved my life, now i am in your debt, antonina, why did you never tell me about your wife, you loved her very much, i understand everything, you can’t be alone now, it’s good with you, tanya, isn’t it boring, what don’t you want to tell me? well, there klim, i’m sorry, i was wrong, i blurted out out of the heat, fuck you, let’s have a real day off tomorrow, let’s go to the cinema, there was a misunderstanding, first a small one, then
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a big one. how i want to be stupid , not notice anything, believe everything, burning purchase, today tomorrow is the first, if it weren’t me, i would beg you on my knees to become my wife, rumca product, the name of this republic translates as golden mountains, local residents remember all their ancestors, this is where the entrance to mystical country, shambola,
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welcome. the tragedy in kroku cityhole left no one indifferent, including children. today, in principle, you can’t hide anything from them, but they still remain children. many parents wonder how to talk to them about something terrible and tragic, whether it is necessary to do this at all, and what to do if the child is scared and cannot calm down. the topic, of course, is very complex and delicate, but there is no escape from it. now let’s try to calmly figure everything out. should we talk about
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what is painful and scary, for the smallest children under 4-5 years old, if the baby is sitting at home with his grandmother, then of course he is not aware of the current situation, it’s probably not worth talking to him, so as not to scare and traumatize, it is important, if you yourself are anxious, not to broadcast your fear to the child, if you are in severe anxiety, you need to reduce it, otherwise the child will cling to this background, the older child, and even he himself came up with questions, you need to talk, maria with son misha discusses everything, even with... i am very worried, i worry about people, what is happening to me, to explain to him what is happening at this moment with mom, with dad, we let the child speak out, we try to understand.
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specifically, he is afraid, timothy 12, it’s scary to sit in class, yeah, you listen to every rustle, you’re afraid. in such cases, words alone are not enough, you need physical contact, holding your hand, hugging, kissing and even crying. the night was not very good, he woke up and called us and also spoke, and we even cried, and i think that’s right, and we cried, and the neighbors were crying and the children were crying. the child is afraid to fall asleep, there is such a technique. cover him with pillows so that he feels safe when we have physical contact or so, the child will fall asleep more calmly and maintain the usual rhythm as much as possible. son seryozha, psychotherapist maria khazova tries to go to the playground between school and the pool. anxiety is relieved very well when we do ordinary ordinary actions, for example, swinging on a swing, walking, talking about life, making future plans. yes, there are events which we cannot control, we cannot
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influence them, but we can... know how to act if they happen, we explain a clear algorithm of behavior in emergency situations to the child. for example, if a child says: i’m afraid to go to shopping centers, we can tell him that look, let ’s go to the shopping center and i’ll show you, there are signs there that are called evacuation plans. elena has already reminded her son timofey of these safety rules, always know where emergency exits are, what to do, how to help, how to help even girls, and necessarily. we are monitoring the child’s condition, anxiety and insomnia persist for more than a month, god forbid panic attacks begin, we can already say that, unfortunately, post-traumatic stress disorder has developed, we need the help of a psychotherapist, he may prescribe sedatives, the task of parents is to convey calmness and readiness always be there. nadezhda pravdina, pavel dits, channel one. psychologist
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yulia romanova came to our studio and had a conversation with her. our colleagues daria shulika and sergei babaev. hello. hello. hello. many have lost their ability. go about your normal business, live normally, constantly catch some messages, read the news, that’s how to understand that this is already some kind of obsessive state that requires attention, well, almost from specialists, and if it interferes with the usual way of life, then there is what this means, for example, if i have a day off and i follow the news, i participate in some conversations, but in the morning i get up, i go to work, i feed the children, i do some their usual business.
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don’t do it, pull yourself together , it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, what can we do, we can be understanding, if it’s difficult for us to be human, then we can honestly say, you know, here i am with you, i’m with you, but i can’t stay
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in this state for so long, i’ll go work, i ’ll go live my normal life, but you know that i’m nearby and you can call me, which always helps, but you don’t know what to say, you don’t know how behave yourself, a simple human hug is what always saves, because that at this moment, at this moment , the hormone oxytocin is being produced, and oxytocin gives us a feeling of security, hugging each other, hugging our animals, that is, any bodily contact is exactly what always helps to cope with anxiety. julia, many people perceived the tragedy in kroku city holly as a personal grief, they went, donated blood, came to spontaneous memorials, brought flowers, toys, wrote emails of support, can such active actions really help cope with... anxiety. yes, indeed, it is active actions that often help a person create a feeling of being useful , that i am doing something, that it is as if i am somehow investing in making it better
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or that i can do something, this is a good story, this is much better instead of people just writing comments to nowhere or just endlessly watching the news feed, you can start doing good deeds, and they can be done at arm’s length. but somewhere next to us there are always people who are also lonely, who may also be scared, it is possible, that is, any activity, it gives us the feeling that i am bringing benefit to the world, and this allows, again, it gives us a feeling of being needed first of all, and this again removes anxiety. it may seem that this situation has affected adults, so we read the news , we see everything, we hear everything, we worry, and children are busy with their toys, their cartoons, this does not concern them, how true is this and what to do if the child really does too are you involved and worried about this? it's an illusion, well, an illusion that children are not involved, children of any age, they are in it involved, because if this is a very small child, well, just a baby, yes, then he is involved through the mother’s state,
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if these are older children who can hear, see, who also have access , including to the news, and they, of course, this is involved, plus also, well, i don’t know about anyone, but i have three children at our school. what parents need to do first of all is not to ignore or brush off children, because some parents, due to the fact that they do not know how to behave, they they say: stop it, this won’t affect us, but where are we, we live far away, where is moscow, and where are we, yes, don’t be stupid, go do your homework, do your homework better, and thus, parents brush off...
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and so that they didn't feel lonely, but didn't ignore them in any way. thank you, julia, for your valuable advice. thank you. our guest was an experienced psychologist yulia romanova. the heroes of our next report are engaged in a very big, important, bright matter. they are reviving temples that were once destroyed and building new ones. and this thing became for our heroes, the work of their lives. for almost 100 years, since 1931, the church
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of st. nicholas stood abandoned in the village of kudley, nizhny novgorod region, two openings, they were almost completely destroyed, archpriest alexey vesnin had already restored seven churches, but this one, he says, was the most difficult, the destruction was so great, they raised walls, strengthened the masonry, installed windows, in the summer for the trinity day a cross appeared on the dome in the village of kudley for the first time in a long time...
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reconfigure my body to such a wave so that i would never say why i need this, funds were found for the task , a temple appeared next to the source,
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on the calendar march 30, on this day 130 years
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ago sergei ilyushin, aircraft designer, developer of the most popular combat aircraft in the history of the il-2 attack aircraft and, by the way, many other famous famous cars. academician, winner of many awards and orders. it is simply impossible to list all his regalia, how he found his calling, what his path to heaven was, how modern designers continue his work, more about this right now. like a son peasant became a legendary designer sergei ilyushin, the eleventh child in the family , at the age of 15 he was building an airfield near st. petersburg to earn money, he saw airplanes for the first time in his life and the idea was born to try something himself, the aviation circle institute and his own design bureau already at the age of 40, then a little did not die, he himself was at the helm, one night we were supposed to fly to voronezh, halfway through the journey the engine and mechanics stalled. i forgot to add oil and illushen was forced to make an emergency
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landing. stalin issued an order that he banned all aircraft designers fly the planes yourself. a memory for life scar ilyushinskaya’s broken eyebrow, as if he saw in advance, his db-3 bombed berlin already in august forty-one. the germans did not at all expect that such, let’s say, a daring sortie was possible by the forces of the red army; even the blackout did not work. the planes are simple... shot down. there was simply no living space on the plane, but nevertheless it flew. father, in the conditions of the already polar night, it was cold, he managed to find a site on this lake to land the plane there. skopintsev bequeathed to the children to find the sunken il-2, humpbacked, waited, craftsmen from novosibirsk even lifted it into the sky. the war was still going on, and
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ilyushin was thinking about passenger airliners il-18, then our first turbojet intercontinental il-62. and his latest masterpiece: here is an epic landing in an open field in the eighty-ninth gdr. in the seventies, sergei vladimirovich left his post to genrikh novozhilov. the il-86 was designed without ilyushin. for more than 30 years of operation, it has not lost a single passenger. his team continues to create men's aircraft. i have enough a young team with an average age of around 30 years. deep modernization of the ill-76 - an aircraft of 100 professions. il-76 md-90a has no analogues in the world. it does not require special infrastructure or serious maintenance, which is extremely important when operating in difficult, accessible areas. like the turboprop il-114 300x60 passengers.
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now, in fact, it is entering the testing stage, and the full-size ones are, therefore, completely assembled from domestic components. il-96-400m wide-body, 370 seats. the flight sheet is signed on the hood black volga. another tradition that has not changed for more than half a century. dmitry kuzmin, konstantin struchkov, channel one.
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on the first memorial day with the whole country, archpriest mikhail potokin came to our studio, our colleagues, daria shulik and sergei bopaev, talked with him. last friday, march 22 , a terrible tragedy occurred in crocus cityhole: adults and children died. how to survive this, how to find the strength to help those who really need it. today our guest is the chairman of the social department of the moscow city ​​diocese, rector of the church in honor of the holy martyrs florus and lava on the toe,
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proterei mikhail potokin. hello, father mikhail. hello. hello. today is the ninth day after the terrorist attack. and so on, and these days, well, it is believed that on these days the fate of a person somehow changes important in the world where he has now passed, his soul has come, it must be said that we also happen in our lives, because when we have some kind of change , the simplest ones, we get used to it first, but it’s impossible even to change our place of residence from
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so that you can immediately get used to what is where you have it, what is where, and there it is very serious, because a person enters the spiritual world. where he can change little , but we can change, because we still live, remember, love, know, care about him in prayer, this is precisely what strengthens him in these days, when his future fate in in the world where he went, well, god has no dead, this means that everyone is alive, that man has eternal life that does not end, we are born into this world, we go to another world, but our soul and personality remain, father mikhail, you yourself... really helped the relatives of the victims in this terrible tragedy that happened in the circle from city hall, please tell us about this work, i don’t know about help, yes, but for me i’m here was at...
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the crucifixion of christ, at this moment, on friday, christ dies on the cross, also to share all our grief, and therefore we must remember that christ is always next to the person who suffers and who only wants call on his name, yeah, but the priests were not only at the scene of the tragedy, not only in morgues for identification, but they are constantly in hospitals where the victims are, what is their role there? well, in hospitals, where the victims, of course, they console and talk with relatives and listen to prayers for health and those who wish to participate in
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the sacraments of the church, they visit communion or confession or unction, they make it clear that they are not abandoned, including the church prayer for them not only as these priests, but the whole church, for a person it still will not pass without a trace, you see, a person who was present in the place where this happened, you know, even... what size it will become, and from the fact that i saw it, this was with me, it’s terrible, so really, it seems to me that everyone who survived who witnessed it needs spiritual help in our our joint prayer for them, father michael, march 30th is the saturday of the second week of lent. this is the day when orthodox christians commemorate the dead, please tell us where this tradition came from? well, the path of fasting is long, it’s
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6 weeks plus holy week, but it’s necessary always remember that fasting ends on sunday, the sunday of the future life, so when we undertake lenten labors, you and i not only work ourselves, but also pray for those who have already passed on to another world, as they say, because this is also for them the path is important. they are closer to sunday, they know more about the afterlife, but at the same time we remember them, we pray for them, therefore, on the path of fasting, you and i also remember the second, third, fourth week of fasting among the departed. in such sorrowful days, consolation can be found in doing good deeds. you need to remember in the temple, you can pray, light a candle, give a note, but another important thing is that the earlier they commemorated what they saw in the memory of the deceased, it is in good deeds in their pa...
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they will live not only for themselves, you understand, that’s why now, if children are generous, if they love friends, help people, yes, try to live with an open soul, then parents will be happy, loved ones will be happy, then when our life here will be worthy, happy, genuine , father mikhail, thank you very much, thank you thank you, today our guest was the chairman of the social department of the moscow city diocese, the rector of the church in honor of the holy martyrs florus and laurus on the toe, wiped... mikhail potokin. the world has given up fritz,
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capitulation. unconditionally. victory , little one, forgive me, baby, but i can’t accept you, forgive me, why do i have the least of all, because i earned the least of all, come on, hit me, hit me, together, let’s knock each other’s heads down, little one, something happened to you, the girl will live here, you won’t you will offend me, understand? senior lieutenant , you don’t recognize me, i don’t know at all how to live in civilian life, i don’t understand anything about it, the burning bush, today is the first tomorrow, something has changed inside, how
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to get everything back, maybe you know? then he did those operations in the district hospital, all the authorities came to him, because he did things that were done or not even done in moscow in moscow clinics. in 1946, we received a telegram from him, which he wrote: “i have received an appointment to simferopol.” all of crimea - my diocese, taking orders at that time was a recognition of the fact that you were going to golgotha, when he was exiled, people rebelled, sat on the rails and did not let the story go. healer luke, today on the first. the lord gives us the image of a holy man
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who gave himself all to people. hear my voice is the name of the album that our musicians released in support of the victims of the terrorist attack in cropus cityhole near moscow. as you know, this cinema and concert hall was named after muslim magamaev, so the album included songs of our legendary favorite singer. and this album is another confirmation that we are together even during difficult trials. the release is available on streaming platforms, you don’t have to pay anything, just listen, and with this you will help those who especially need this help.
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in memory of the dead, artists from different generations gathered in one studio, your traces. the barks are like izlyuds, they are thin, but between me and you, the century of moments and years, dreams and clouds, are heard again.


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