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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 1, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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maybe in june and before that we should not only prepare and stabilize the situation, since our partners are very worried about us strengthening, they keep their fists for us, they say: you have the strength, we say: no, we need help right now, we need additional help right away, if there is no help from the united states - zelensky told cbs, ukraine may lose, the british times publishes an article with a frank headline: it’s time to talk about the fall. kiev, but commander-in-chief syrsky reports to the nationalist agency ukrinform about the future offensive in ssu. our goal is to prevent the loss of our territory. to deplete the enemy as much as possible, inflict the most possible losses on him, form and prepare reserves for offensive actions. why this bravura fantasy? obviously, the quirky syros is currying favor not only with zelensky, but also with western curators, because discontent with the west is a dangerous thing for the ukrainian clique. here is the head of the national defense and security council.
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people, and no one even mentions the announced half a million recruits, but ukrainian military commissars continue to be angry, and ukrainians flee, in the turunchuk river, near the border with moldova, border guards caught a twenty-two-year-old odessa resident who got stuck in the reeds and almost died, what are you doing there, you idiot, where are you from, from odessa?
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the best thing for ukraine, i want to emphasize this, is for it to reach a settlement with the russians. i think it is extremely important that ukraine becomes a neutral state. i also think it is very important that the united states stop all aid to ukraine and that the europeans collectively provided assistance, economic, not military. this thesis is not new, but the carnivorous european diplomat barel explained why he has not yet converted it.
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multinational and multi-confessional country. representatives of different faiths need to treat each other with respect and not forget that the strength of our country lies in unity. the president spoke about this more than once again during a frank conversation with army aviation pilots. for security reasons, the filming of vladimir putin’s meeting with military personnel was carried out so that the faces the pilots were not included in the frame. when i listen to such jingoistic patriots, including those who say that russia.
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the number of messages with proposals to carry out other terrorist attacks has sharply increased, and often criminals try to recruit the most vulnerable, children and adolescents, those who are not always aware of what they are doing, but ignorance of the law does not exempt from punishment for some offenses, criminal liability begins from 14 years, for example,
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under the article on knowingly false reporting of an act of terrorism. obviously, there is no need to enter into correspondence with provocateurs, but simply ignoring the message is not enough. lawyers explain why. in general, the first reaction of any law-abiding citizen who receives this kind of message should be to immediately report this kind of recruitment to law enforcement agencies. the fact is that failure to fulfill this duty in itself entails criminal liability. article 205 with sign 6 of the criminal code of the russian federation establishes liability for failure to report crimes of a terrorist nature, including including for failure to report the recruitment of members of terrorist groups. most of the accounts used to intimidate children have been identified as registered in ukraine. 1. similar accounts have already been blocked by telegram. but there are other messengers and social networks, and it is not a fact that they all carry out the same systematic work. you need to be on alert yourself, especially parents.
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the ministry of education explained what to pay attention to. the agency has issued recommendations on how to act when unknown persons try to force children to break the law. as. prevention, in setting the privacy of your messenger, you can set a restriction on receiving messages, prohibit receiving calls, text and voice messages for all unknown numbers. be vigilant, attentive, informed, continue to monitor your child's behavior and pay attention to any changes that may indicate an ongoing threat. remember that terrorists and recruiters may also use robotic simulators. communication. our special services are doing a lot of work to eradicate the terrorist underground in different regions of our country. strengthening security measures after the crocus cityhole tragedy helped prevent terrorist attacks in southern russia. today in dagestan, makhachkala and kaspiysk the cto regime was introduced for several hours.
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fsb special forces detained three militants. they found an entire arsenal, automatic weapons, ammunition and an improvised explosive device. no civilians or security forces were injured during the operation. the other day a big one. fsb officers detained three people from central asia who were planning to detonate a homemade bomb in a crowded place. components of the explosive device and chemicals for its manufacture were found during the search. the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole claimed 144 lives, including five children. and the list, alas, may not be complete yet; identification continues. the fate of many remains unknown, but the relatives still have hope.
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for those who didn't make it. oleg and lyudmila sytnikova sent this video to their relatives a few minutes before the crocus the first shots rang out in cityhole. then there were several days of uncertainty and hopes that the eyewitnesses were talking about someone else. on the left side, a man with gray hair and glasses, about 50 years old, maybe older, with his wife, they fell on top of each other, you could see the bullets hitting them. i saw one freak who was shooting there in a cap with bristles, like that. when the shooting started, kamilla lugueva was in the auditorium on the balcony, the terrorists below were lucky, she was able to run out, then panic, a fire consuming everything, suffocating the eaters smoke, camilla was looking for a way out, climbed into a hole in the wall on the stairs, fell into a concrete bag, from which she could not get out, was already saying goodbye to life, then i was lucky again, to be honest,
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i was a little resigned to the fact that i would never get out of here, but i nailed myself to the wall and some miracle happened, the floor just collapsed under me. i fell another 3-4 m down, two minutes passed, i heard men’s voices, it was 50/50, either they would kill or save me, and just in my, well, this room where i was sitting, two rescuers came in, camilla was v crocus with... first me, then my wife, both were pulled out of the other world first by rescuers, and then by doctors.
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nadezhda’s daughter was also at the crocus with her husband; it was their anniversary, 15 years of marriage, and they decided to celebrate by going to a concert. she called me at 5:45 p.m. on the twenty-second, saying: mom, we’re in moscow, we’re going to a concert, that’s it, after that, there were no more calls. take him in serious condition in the hospital.
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a well-known person in the world of martial arts, he was very decisive, brave, in general, all those qualities that one should have yaroslav, a man who practiced martial arts, was very sociable. paralympians, table tennis players, this time it’s not just training, training in memory of katya. ekaterina popova, a member of the russian paralympic team, spent many years at these tables, honing her skills, and is a ten-time russian medalist. champion of russia, she was the leader of the women's team, at the end of april there will be a
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russian championship, she had to do this, well , together we strived for this, to be not only in the top three, to be the champion of russia and to get to the selection to go to the olympics, she was not only a partner, a partner, but also a very good person, she taught me a lot, ekaterina was with her mother, the places for wheelchair users were next to the stage, my mother went to watch the concert on the balcony, then i couldn’t get through to my daughter. on saturday, the ninth day of the tragedy, a memorial service was held at crocus on the site of a spontaneous memorial, the archbishop.
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they said that russia and i, a man and a woman, ran out and they killed him in the back, she tried to pull him away, but unfortunately she didn’t i was able to, he stayed there, and not... a body, so to speak, that is, apparently burned, the tragedy touched each of us, and from this, from this tragedy, something will be born, we woke up on the 23rd, already in a different russia. moscow armenians gathered in the armenian temple complex and held the funeral service for thirty-five-year-old karen yangebaryan. he was not at the concert, but at the time of the tragedy he was on business near the crocus, rushed to help, dived into the smoke through the main entrance, pulled people out, took them to the doctors, ran inside again, gave his jacket to one of the victims,
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as a result, he inhaled carbon monoxide and became very hypothermic, in the morning he was hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute respiratory tract infection, but they could not save him, this act fully characterizes koren, he really was always so responsive, kind, there are really few people who could sacrifice their lives , saves others, the most important thing is that we don’t kill him, the most important thing is that we...
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the headquarters included her in the list of dead by default, because a blood relative, her brother, donated biomaterial for genetic testing examination, so everyone calls with illnesses, but i believe so, after all, there is still no clearly established fact of her death, it is premature, we can only hope for a miracle, but miracles do happen, the tragedy in crocus is the pain of everyone individually, whoever it directly affected, the whole country as a whole, any psychologist will say that at such moments we need to stick together. anatoly lazarev, veronica lvuchenko, artyom tikhanov, anastasia kobuzeva, maria emelyanova, maria martanova, nika vishnyakova. first channel. news tagged urgently. the russian foreign ministry, using an established channel through minsk, conveyed to ukraine demands for the immediate arrest and extradition of all those involved in terrorist attacks on the territory of the russian
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federation. among them is the head of the sbu vasily malyuk, who admitted to organizing the bombing of the crimean bridge in ukraine. and revealed details of the organization of other terrorist attacks in russia. the best doctors in the country are fighting for the lives of the victims in krasnogorsk. according to the ministry of health, 98 patients have already been discharged from hospitals. another 69 people remain in hospitals. 17 of them are in heavy and extremely heavy condition. the office of the commissioner for children’s rights under the president is also doing a lot of work. one of the important problems we are solving now is child orphanhood. we have children. who were left orphans after the terrorist attack, and we identified them at home, for example, there a fourteen-year-old boy sent his parents to a concert and his parents died, so our task now is to establish guardianship as quickly as possible, find relatives, discuss assistance to the victims and families of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack prime minister mikhail mishustin with representatives
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duma factions. the head of government held a series of working meetings with parliamentarians on the eve of the annual report of the cabinet of ministers in the state duma. i especially want to thank the doctors, rescuers , employees of the internal affairs bodies, who promptly, without delay, detained the criminals involved in this tragedy, and of course all the caring people, real heroes, who, despite the mortal danger, brought people out, protected the terrorists, those who were nearby and those people who came to donor centers, who donated blood, your courage, fortitude... proof that we do not have someone else's grief. now there is an investigation into these events, the perpetrators will be punished, they do not deserve mercy, and today our main concern is about the victims of this crime, about the patients who are being treated in medical institutions, about relatives visiting
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loved ones, about the families of the victims, who will, of course, need psychological help and material. those who are in trouble are supported by the whole country, many decided to donate blood, donors came in an endless stream, banks write off loans, athletes are screen stars, they quit their jobs to visit the wounded in the hospital, musicians unite for charitable projects, about the strength of good people, in kristina kivieva’s report, we rejoice on the floor of a destroyed concert hall, a symphony orchestra under its direction. candles continue to bring flowers to the spontaneous memorial at crocus city hall. many perceived the tragedy as a personal grief. people express their support and words of sympathy to all those who
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lost loved ones in the horrific terrorist attack. and this is happening all over the country. an endless wedge of cranes that rises into the sky, shown on the facades of buildings in murmonsk and yekaterinburg. 3,000 candles were lit in samara as a sign of grief. paper cranes appeared on the windows of houses in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. they were cut out by schoolchildren and teachers. the tragedy united people, everyone with all their hearts strives to help and show compassion. the tolpykin family could not even imagine that they would receive such support. on march 22, they seemed to have survived the worst, they ran out of the burning concert hall, holding hands tightly, but the same renault with the terrorists flew into them at a furious speed. speed. eight-year-old ilya suffered the most. when i rushed to ilya, he was lying unconscious. that is, you can understand my emotions, my feelings, i heard my wife scream, literally 2 minutes later they were not indifferent, apparently passers-by said that there were still chances,
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the child was breathing, because they had a pulse, a woman, i remember this woman, yes, i convey my gratitude to her , the emotions of a father, any parent , are difficult to convey at this moment, the world ended at this moment, well, it’s probably scarier to go through something difficult in life, ilya has a concussion, a skull. somewhat complex operations, now the boy is not in danger, but we have to wait, but ilya the hockey player cannot imagine his life without ice, having learned his story, the best hockey players on the planet decided to cheer him up, i heard with you, your little sister, trouble happened, you are now on the planet , i know that you are a strong, brave, strong guy, you will definitely endure everything, and a scar makes a real man, we are very worried about you, in the summer there will be...
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almost immediately after the tragedy, a collection to help everyone affected by the terrorist attack announced and russian red cross. at the moment , more than a billion rubles have already been collected. among those who responded and donated part of their income were large retail chains and small cafes in nizhny novgorod and other cities, which without hesitation donated their proceeds over the past weekend. moscow restaurateur sergei mironov was one of the initiators of the aid campaign and sent out a cry on his social networks. he was immediately joined by dozens of colleagues, this is our city, this is our country, these are our citizens, we live here, we earn money here, and business should be conscious, i thought that sharing
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the profit, not receiving this profit is a small problem, it is important to help people, it is important to support them, it is important to support their loved ones, so it seems to me that this was a completely natural shak. compensations have already begun to be paid to the victims and families of the victims in moscow and the moscow region, they will receive 5,000 rubles each... to date , 268 compensations have already been paid, in addition, at least eight russian banks have announced that they will write off the loans of victims of the terrorist attack in crocus. it has now been established that 51 clients will definitely be written off for a total amount of about 70 million rubles. and of course this data is constantly on a daily basis. are updated, updated , volunteers, ordinary students and high school students are on duty at the memorial in the moscow region all week, explaining how they can help, pouring tea to warm up, without them
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it would be very difficult with...
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not a flock of cranes, i will swim in the same blue in the darkness, calling out like birds from under the heavens, it is impossible to stay away from all of you whom i left on earth, this is our pain, with which we live today, but these...
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russia does not threaten anyone, but it is forced to protect its people, its interests, we had no other choice than the north military district. the supreme commander-in-chief announced this at a meeting with military pilots. vladimir putin recalled that after the collapse of the soviet union, moscow offered the west a new security relationship and instead nato went east. the military budget of the united states is almost 40% of global defense spending. our country spends on the army. 10 times smaller, but frightening to the average person horror stories about the russian military threat are beneficial to the western elites, we have no aggressive intentions towards these states, and we would never have done anything in ukraine if they had not carried out a coup there, and then started military operations in the donbass, they the war was started by 14, so this is complete nonsense, the possibility of an attack on some other countries, on
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poland, more and more. this is the same thing that scares everyone among the czechs and is just nonsense, another way to deceive their population, trick people out of additional expenses, force them to bear it's a bonus on your shoulders, that's all. the reaction of the west to the terrorist attack in crocus is very indicative, sincere sympathy of many ordinary people and formal duty among politicians and representatives of the intelligence services. there are also those who sympathize more with non -terrorist victims. and again, daily, almost ritual spells: kiev has nothing to do with it, especially the west. all this, of course, makes us remember the russian classics and our folk wisdom, even a thief’s cap is on fire. giorgi alsashvili will continue. in the very first hours after the terrorist attack in crocus, a narrative about the forbidden islamic state, which attacked moscow, quickly occupied western media. like an axiom that does not require proof,
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a bunch of crocuses. why could an islamic state attack russia? absolutely, this was revenge on the part of the islamists, speaking in the genre of source journalism; when the news is presented with reference to an unverifiable statement, experts sitting thousands of kilometers from the scene of the tragedy called not so much to believe in their theory, but not to believe in it , which contradicts it. i bow to trust any source, as long as it is not the kremlin. in other words, think about anyone, just not...
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i don’t explain why, although from the point of view of sound logic, answering the question of who benefits from this, we cannot exclude ukraine, we have repeatedly said that we do not do any - or final conclusions until the investigation is completed completely; the investigation is still working on the facts, new circumstances are being revealed, but we simply cannot rule out obvious versions . attempts to prove otherwise, white house compensates for the lack of arguments so desperately that its representatives lose face. my uncle used to say that the best manure sellers often carry samples in their mouths, russian
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officials seem to be quite good manure sellers. of course, this could not be left unanswered; obviously, through no fault of moscow, communication between the two countries boils down to a controversy over manure. there are no such proverbs in russian, because they carry manure in their mouths not here, but overseas, but there is our proverb: whoever hurts, says so, by the way, now it’s clear why in the states, a common expression is to wash your mouth with soap. as for the european media, the statement of the french journalist anniva tends to justify terrorism; by the way, she not only does not rule out a ukrainian trace, but openly admires the professionalism of killing, if it is ukrainians, then this is... an absolutely masterful move. i'm not saying that it's them, but i emphasize that if it's about them, then it's just a phenomenal blow. let's not forget this. the american agency bloomberg did not disdain to go into overt manipulation. according to four people directly linked to the kremlin, there is no
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evidence of ukrainian involvement. putin participated in meetings at which officials agreed that there was no connection with kiev . we are talking about the heads of law enforcement agencies, whose statements, in fact, fundamentally refuted this statement. journalists, but by the way, confirmed another publication in the new york times, that the information about the terrorist attack received by russian intelligence services from their american colleagues was far from complete. hostile relations between washington and moscow have prevented u.s. officials from sharing any more than the bare minimum information about the attack for fear that russian authorities could learn about the methods of u.s. intelligence sources. behind all such details there is one big omission: ukraine. any attempt to raise this topic in communication with american officials amounts to talking about disinformation and propaganda. i believe the russian authorities are promoting propaganda and disinformation. i think it's pretty obvious that they're trying use this terrorist attack. this is a tragic
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incident in which, unfortunately, russians died to justify their aggression in ukraine. and whatever the underlying facts are, it doesn't matter. they may fabricate facts to justify their actions. to whom colin paul's test tube is a fact, the real picture of the event is only a background for manipulation, as was the case in the story about the attack on nord streams, where the western press at first even hinted at russia, saying that it was beneficial for them to annoy europe, and then switched to leaks about kiev saboteurs, because ukraine, as caesar’s wife, is beyond suspicion, but only until suspicion falls on caesar himself. sergey chevlo, channel one. in tragic moments.
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what happened last friday, based on these values ​​of creativity, humanism and mercy, they unite us in support. all victims in our determination to be strong and united, and here a clear, unambiguous position of those who serve culture plays a colossal role. the unifying role of art was also discussed during the working trip. president to the tver region in the small ancient city of torzhok. there, the head of state met with cultural workers, but first he had live communication with residents right on the street. someone wanted to personally congratulate vladimir putin on his recent...
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east, of course, we need to develop this route in such a way that as many people as possible can use them to get to places of visit, to tourist attractive places along the route of transport, i mean in general the expansion within and interregional, including air traffic, modernization of the supporting network of highways, which i spoke about inland waterways. construction of new expressways, railways and
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highways. what's going on with boeing? the giants of the american aviation industry are haunted by troubles: either the highway will fall off, or something will happen to the emergency oxygen system. 2/3 of the workers who assemble them are afraid to fly their planes. our own united states correspondent, mikhail akinchenko, looked into the reasons for the cool dive-boying. how are you going to convince customers who say they'll never board a boeing plane again because... they don't feel safe, how do you win back customers who say they're too scared to board a boeing plane again? how can you calm down fearful clients? we believe in our aircraft, we deliver safe aircraft, we are confident in the safety of our aircraft. over the 4 years that david calhoun has headed the company, he has never been able to convincingly answer these questions, and yet, having taken a high post in january 2020, he promised to deal with the low quality...
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but it’s still far from calm. in a memo to company employees, david calhoun wrote about the need to quote: fix what is not working and return boeing to its previous heights. in the first 3 months of this year , the corporation lost a quarter of its value. its shares continue to fall with each new aviation accident. breaking news about a serious incident on board a plane from sydney. obviously, this was not the kind of flight the passengers dreamed of.
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the plane essentially stopped, it was as if it just fell out of the air, it went nose down. i was sure that everything was over, that we were falling. when the pilot entered the cabin, i asked him what happened. he replied that all their devices suddenly went out. the airline, which is owned by buing, cited some
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unknown technical event as the reason for the sharp vertical shift, which no one knows for sure yet. in the history of world civil aviation, experts assure that such incidents have occurred. it hasn’t happened yet, it’s very strange, usually when something like this is associated with air currents, the shaking lasts longer, in this case there was a sharp change in vertical speed, and then everything got better, very similar to a computer glitch. meanwhile, it is known that just months earlier, on the same route, along which a boeing 787 of the same airline was flying, interruptions in the operation of the main power generator were already recorded; whether it was the same plane or another is not specified, but many paid attention to... . interview four years ago, published in the publication bulletin of corporate crimes. when installing floor panels on an aircraft titanium fasteners are used. once the nut is tightened, the protruding portion of the bolt is sheared off, leaving razor-sharp titanium scraps up to 3 inches long that end up in the underfloor space where all the electrical
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wiring and electronic equipment is located. this is the control system for the aircraft and on-board power supply; these metal scraps fall there. the interlocutor is from... a former quality control manager at the boeing plant in charleston, where the 787 series aircraft are assembled. in 2017 john barnett officially retired, but he himself claimed that he was simply forced to resign after his own numerous complaints about neglect of safety standards. from the very first day, we were constantly being urged to deliver the plane faster, we are behind schedule, we have no time to deal with the problems that you are drawing attention to. the company was in a hurry to start sales in the fall of 2011. the first production dreamliner was transferred to the japanese airline olnipon airways, but a little over a year later, on january 7, 2013 , the battery on board caught fire. the next day on january 8, the american airline united also reported problems with the battery wiring. a month earlier
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, three more similar problems were registered on 787 series aircraft, and there were also problems with engines, brakes, oil leaks and... cracked glass in the pilot's cabin. soon, dreamliner flights were suspended around the world for several months. in 2020, the us civil aviation administration banned the sale of aircraft of this series due to manufacturing defects. another ban reportedly due to structural defects in the fuselage, it was imposed less than a month ago. it was canceled on march 10, but questions about the quality of the 787 boeings remain. would you fly for this? no, wouldn't you fly on that? no, i wouldn't fly on any of these planes because i see the quality because of everything that 's going on here. the footage, published by al jazeera, was reportedly taken with a hidden camera in the assembly area of ​​one of booing's factories. of the fifteen employees interviewed, 10 responded that they themselves
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would never risk using their product. one of the most serious problems was called the low qualifications of workers, which also... oxygen masks worked, the same john barnett a few years ago drew attention to the fact that approximately every fourth oxygen system in new boeing aircraft is defective, defects, according to him, were found in pressurized bulkheads, after the accident with the alaska airlines plane, the us civil aviation administration reportedly carried out 89 inspections, 33 of which
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boeing planes did not pass, 33 checks out of 89 are 37%, maybe... this is not bad for hand-made toy airplanes, but in the case of real airplanes, 37% turn the airliner into a metal coffin. and this is far from a metaphor: in october 2018 , a lion eiro boeing 737 crashed on takeoff from jakarta airport. all 189 people on board were killed. the manufacturer hastened to attribute the incident to poor pilot training, but 4 months later there was another exactly the same disaster. podiba crashed.
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the prosecution's witness was supposed to be the same former quality control manager, john barnett, but on march 9 he suddenly failed to appear at the preliminary hearing. that same day , his body was found in a van in a hotel parking lot. the police report seemed a bit too vague. i can't say if he was targeted, i hope not, but i know there were people who were angry with his testimony. the former employer issued official condolences to barnett's family, which sounded, if uncynical, then at least disingenuous, because boeing could have suffered potential losses in the event of losing the lawsuit. reach tens of billions of dollars, and this is not counting reputational losses, which are already prohibitively high. if we were talking about
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another, much less well-known company, then it most likely would have ceased to exist long ago. but booing is different. approximately four out of ten aircraft in the world were produced at its factories, and it will not be possible to refuse their use. yes, but this is not necessary, because the greatest danger is posed by new models; by the way, there are no plans to supply them to russia. the snow has just melted, and allergy sufferers have already begun to have problems. until recently, it was considered impossible to tame the seasonal scourge with the help of vaccination, but russian specialists have developed the world's first allergy vaccine, and preclinical trials have already been completed. next stage: the result is highly anticipated by everyone who suffers from polynosis, the forecast for the coming flowering season, how to deal with the symptoms and what to cross off the menu so as not to
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aggravate allergies, yulia anishchenko’s report is about all this. i remember, i went out to the cat, once i nazira, i said: mom, i’m happy, i immediately started dancing. veronica is 7, a cheerful girl who loves figure skating, singing and dancing, but with the arrival of spring there is no fun and no truancy. the signs are that the pressure drops, that is , fainting, this is dermatitis, this is birch and alga dusting, and in the fall due to the flowering of grasses, it turns out that the girl’s eyes are swollen, in the spring veronica suffers because it’s like a princess spends six months in confinement, studying at home, to this a...
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many times exceeded standard levels, i will say this as an example on average, this is 700 finger grains per unit area, last year it was 15,000, so of course we have many new patients. ivan has been allergic since childhood, he can’t go outside without droplets, in the spring his health worsens sharply, his performance at school drops, during pollination he and his mother try to go to another country, but there is another problem that you can’t easily escape from. yes, there are many prohibitions, these are stone fruits, nuts, but... something is possible, for example, like with apples, but i can’t, you can, for example, bake them, make a pie out of them, very rarely i can
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afford to cut them, just very small pieces with... eat immediately after that, take the necessary medicine for his favorite apples and nuts, ivan is forced to refuse due to cross- allergy, a condition when the body confuses similar molecules and produces unpleasant symptoms: itching, swelling, inflammation of the mucous membrane. patients with tree pollen allergies often experience cross-food reactions to apples, pears, stone fruits, peaches, cherries, cherries, apricots, nuts, and of course, there are often barn carrots, and therefore, of course , our patients want not only to get rid of the symptoms of polynosis, but also from the symptoms of food allergies. for those who do not yet know exactly which products can cause a dangerous reaction, including anaphylactic shock, doctors advise undergoing extensive testing. modern tests detect up to 300 different allergens at a time, but if the result is positive, the only effective method so far will help: immunoprophylaxis of polynosis. the patient is given a microdose of the allergen, gradually increasing it, as if accustoming the body. and here,
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of course, self-discipline plays a huge role. therapy is carried out annually, it is carried out from 3 to 5 years, such a mistake in patients, they feel good during the season and even for several years after one course they can feel good, but then again they return to where they came from, it is necessary, so that they will definitely come again. a new word in the treatment of polynosis - vaccination, the world's first drug for pollen allergies birch trees were developed by specialists from the federal medical and biological agency. it is created from synthetic protein, so there are practically no negative reactions. the preclinical phase was successfully completed, where it showed the high effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. and literally in october-november 24 of this year , clinical trials on this vaccine begin at our institute. in our region , the trees do not yet produce dust, and people have tears in their eyes and noses, according to scientists,
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the reason is pollen carried by the wind from the south russia. be careful. during this period , special mobile applications will help; the program can track the concentration of allergens in the air. in the very near future we expect the alha and hazel trees to start dusting, and then the birch will begin to dust, and its maximum amount will occur just during the may holidays. in addition, the situation is aggravated by climate change. according to scientists, global warming is leading to an increase in the flowering period. according to who, in the future every second person will suffer from polynosis. doctors remind that preventive measures will help. avoid serious complications. timely implementation of osit therapy during the season , stay outside as little as possible, wear glasses, a mask after a walk, take a shower and change clothes. yulia anishchenko, maryana soboleva, artyom tikhonov, anna lepatova and sergey klishin, channel one. hello, dear tv viewers, we wish you all a good
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morning. on the calendar, april 1 is monday and it is a pleasure to be with you today. greets roman budnikov and yulia zemina, thank you for celebrating the new day with us, we have big plans, there are a lot of relevant and useful things ahead, for example, we will calculate how much you can save using promotional codes, we will choose the most reliable dishwasher, yes, we will celebrate world bird day, we will talk about biometrics and how they are used now, we will make sure that smiling is useful, that's for sure, but let's admire the blooming cities, our eyesight does not let us down, spring is already blooming in the southern regions and by the way, about problems with the eyes... yes, yes, let's start - this morning, as always, with a warm-up , a fitness instructor is already waiting for us, sergey blucher. good morning, there are different types of planks, all of them are great for strengthening muscles. i’m standing in a classic position, now i’ll do a variation of the plank with increased load
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on the back abs. join us. we sit on the floor, feet wider than shoulder-width apart, lean on our hands and go into a reverse plank, that is, belly up, bend our knees at a right angle, you should get a figure similar to a bench, don’t throw your head back, overload your neck, pull your chin to your chest, now complicate the exercise. first straighten the right leg, we put it in place, now we work with the left, we continue to practice, the exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the whole body at once, especially the abs, back, as well as the back of the thighs and buttocks, you see how much benefit, so
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let’s work that the back is white, but stop yourself, no, no, this is no longer relevant, of course, this is no longer funny at all, and i don’t want to laugh at it, now i’ll be absolutely serious, dear tv viewers, start this morning with a smile. because smiling and laughing is very useful, yes, and we didn’t invent this, it’s scientific fact, yes, in childhood we smile 400 times a day, as we grow up, we put on the mask of a serious person and reduce the number, women to fifty, men in general to seven smiles, with laughter it’s even more complicated, adults believe that laughter is some kind of a childish emotion, and for me, a stern man, it doesn’t seem to be...
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firstly, for the functioning of the brain, if, for example, you are preparing for an exam in a good mood , an a is guaranteed, a smile, including an artificial one, triggers the production of happiness hormones, then get to work dopamine is taken, this a hormone that creates a joyful anticipation of something, but in principle draws our attention to what is happening around us, and if we have started a process that increases the level of dopamine, our local memory capacity increases, the brain seems to receive a signal that c... you need to write down what is happening now, secondly, people who are positive burn kilocalories faster, according to various sources, from 10 to 130 in 15 minutes of laughter, so a cake
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eaten in a cheerful company does not count. the third plus, a smiling person lasts longer remains young and fresh when we live without a smile, we live, suddenly we get marks on our cheeks, suddenly streaks appear, and those people who smile have better ovals, they strengthen this one... i’m talking about someone else, this is a reason to smile, children, here we are with the children, now we are smiling and rejoicing with you, we take an example from them, we can reach 400 smiles, alena astrakhantseva, stepan erofeev, vladimir repin,
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channel one, feed surprise, that’s the motto of culinary specialist evgenia selverstova, well, it’s nice i’ll surprise you, i hope i need to cook it now spaghetti with delicious vegetable sauce and add surprise to it. potatoes with mushrooms, wow! i boiled the spaghetti and served the pasta with a rich, delicious sauce. i cut the carrots into strips, the onion into half rings, fry the ingredients in vegetable oil, add chopped champignons, sweet peppers and tomatoes. after 5 minutes, pour a glass of boiled water, add tomato paste, straight away. potatoes cut into strips, close the lid, simmer the mixture on low heat until tender, add chopped garlic for a bright taste, ready, ready to serve,
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i put spaghetti in a deep bowl, mushroom sauce with potatoes on top, sprinkle the dish with aromatic cilantro, delicious, try making this too, bon appetit! our good cheerful morning continues right now , time to look into the world wide web. our columnist igorsky has already been there and learned the most interesting things from there. this time the main characters are cute animals, who at first were unlucky because they found themselves in a difficult situation, and then lucky because they met kind, caring people. here so. let's start with a story from the leningrad region. there, road workers helped the ice family move. using a crane, they moved the two-hundred-kilogram nest from an old tree to a new support. a year ago , road workers already carried out a similar operation, the storks that arrived from the winter were satisfied, they even had offspring. and
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this is a dog named belesh, what a wonderful name! crimean rescuers pulled him out of an abandoned manhole, but that could have been the end of the story. on the morning of the next day, firefighters saw a unit familiar to mardakh at the gate, and this there was a whitewash, since then we have to save it. wolves, bear and wolverine. for several years now he has been helping furry predators who are in trouble. according to kirill, for him this is not just a hobby, but his whole life. we are going again to the leningrad region, where there is sleep. and now the calf is in good hands as a sea creature. when he grows up and gets stronger, he
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will be released back into his natural habitat. on the calendar, april 1st, the time for flowering begins, and even though there is still snow in the middle zone, here and there, in some places, primroses are already blooming. oh, i already have it i feel that in the southern regions of our country , cherry plum, almond, quince, viburnum, mimosa, tulips, and of course, the beautiful magnolia are already blooming everywhere, in general, spring is making its way to spring. in sochi park, visitors do not let go of their phones, there is quince, viburnum is blooming, and also mimosa, so sunny. we were very surprised, mimosa had never seen it grow, we smelled it, took pictures, and saw sakara. sakaruya is called cherry plum blossoms; at the beginning of spring it is difficult to pass by them when you see meadows of tulips, there is no doubt, this is real spring. seeing so many tulips is, of course, as they say, a woman’s happiness. not
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only women’s, in sevastopol, guests and residents of the city also cannot pass by the colorful flower beds with tulips, men take photographs, just as a souvenir, i want to have such a piece of my hometown on my phone, the crimean sun is slowly making a miracle, nature comes to life, in such a difficult time, it really warms the soul, it warms us and inspires us to create, says oleg tansura, he calls:
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it is believed that one of the oldest plants of this family grows here. it was planted before the revolution and it is believed that it is 108 years old, but this is a lot, the rest of the magnolias that i know in the republic arboretum for garden plots are much younger.
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first channel. premiere at the moscow sovremennik theatre. the performance is my life. based on the play by south african playwright athol fugard, people live here. marina vakhrusheva has all the details. two-story ruins against the backdrop of rocky mountains, all in the cold light. contemporary theater on stage, premiere of the play, this is my life. this is such a faded world, dilapidated, where... behind there is incredible nature, and they live in such ruins, as a metaphor for the inner world of all the characters. to emphasize the darkness and highlight the shadows in the performance, the entire theater lighting park was used, which is about 400 devices, plus new ones to illuminate the characters from all sides. this play, as far as i know, has never been staged in russia, completely new material, it’s one thing to work with russian classics, chekhov, dostoevsky, tolskay.
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ourselves, well, that is, what is happening there, such a big subject, when we already began to look at some details, we realized that it was not in vain that the author had written it after all. what kind of house is this, what kind of house is it, stunted, mossy, old, forgotten, unnecessary, even to the owner himself. in the role of the mistress of the house, actress alena bobenko is going through a breakup, behind her is 10 years of life with her loved one, everyone has their own pain. there was nothing wrong with his soul. when
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women choose a man, they don't think about it. they have their mouths open and don’t even realize who is in front of them. no, everyone wants to cuddle, but then these needles dig in and throws another character away, but nevertheless, this desire to cuddle and to be understood, to be hugged, to be loved, is the most important thing here. some of the musical compositions for the performance are written directly into the play, but the director and the composer added five more: two piano and three phyllancel. they made a live piano and a live veloncello to make it warm. and here the creation of this comfort is very important. at home, which is happening here, plus typesetting music, here and there is janis joplin, and let zeppelin, and well, in general, there is a lot of iconic music that the audience will generally hear. premiere at the sovremennik theater. marina vakhrushovo, nikita kulakov, rostislav kolesnikov, channel one.
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this year's fire season is forecast to begin in late april and may be more difficult than last year. in this regard , preparations for control and prevention are being carried out in all regions. landscape fires. krasnoyarsk forest special forces. first training before the fire season, descent of alcohol planes. first, the most experienced below, then on backup so that the descending paratrooper does not get tangled around the trees, bushes growing, something that might get tangled somewhere. for beginners, this is also a test to see if they can work in real conditions? the height at which paratroopers work reaches 40 m. a rumbling machine. on the mi-8 helicopter, of course it brings chaos into its own, there must be orderliness of actions, out of 2.0 firefighters in the region, 660 are paratroopers and paratroopers. thanks to the ecology national project, the air service now has new parachute systems lesnik 3, flight weight up to 150 kg and high
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landing accuracy. in total, over 5 years , the region’s forest fire station received more than 2.0 pieces of equipment, cars, boats, boats, plows, and soil throwers. last year we reduced the number of forest fires threefold, and extinguished up to 87% of forest fires in the first 24 hours. in the leningrad region last year , 162 forest fires were extinguished in the first 24 hours; hundreds of units of new equipment were also received under the ecology national project. 10 years ago the average area in the leningrad region was 2 hectares, but now we are reducing the average, well , we have less than a hectare from 0.2 to 0.8 hectares in average to help. surveillance cameras on cell towers during the fire season from april to october in control rooms work around the clock. the cameras are in automatic mode, if they see smoke somewhere, they show a red dot. in the ulyanovsk region , drones are used to detect fires. nine new
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devices will arrive this year. and some statistics. by the end of 2024, all regions of the country will be 100% provided with forest fire equipment. now this. the indicator is 95, but the main thing in the matter of forest conservation is responsible attitude of a person, therefore we do not forget about the basic rules and do not go out into nature during periods of high fire danger. evgeny belyakov, nadezhda zypkina, channel one. anatoly konstantinovich, mario, give me as a wife. you can give it away. it's a good idea to collect your dad's dowry. we have embroidered shirts here. so very beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing has been preserved, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friends helped her put on her wedding attire, who came to us, well, who who young man, bring out our beauty, well
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, the groom, to be at the wedding, let's go quarrel, measure off, quarrel, measure off, yes! we're having a wedding on sunday first. spring is marching across the country with leaps and bounds, and cheerful allergies are sneaking up behind it, in some places allergy sufferers have already felt its symptoms, and in some places they are just preparing for this process, and we feel and prepare, oh, oh, a doctor of the highest category, sergey arsenin, now will tell you how to resist this scourge; let’s just say that you need to use not only medicine. but washing, cleaning, and even proper cooking. polinos. this is what is called an allergy to plant pollen. if you are familiar with this problem, then take the drug. prescribed by a doctor, it is better already 3 weeks before the start of flowering.
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these maps will help you get your bearings. they are available on the internet; at the height of the season, it is especially important for us to protect our apartment from pollen. we ventilate it only after rain. if possible, install a fine mesh on the windows. i remember that allergy symptoms are aggravated by dust, so we remove it from the house. special attention. better for cleaning use a vacuum cleaner with a heppo filter. it
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cleans surfaces of dust as much as possible. we install the same type of filter on the air conditioner. we also keep in mind that pollen allergies are often accompanied by food allergies. it is better for us to avoid honey, peanuts, chocolate, oranges and nuts. these are highly allergenic. we follow a universal diet. we cook porridge for tomorrow, for example, rice, buckwheat or hercules, stew cabbage or bake potatoes. for dessert you can have apples. to protect your mucous membranes from pollen, before going outside we put on glasses and a mask, preferably with filter. and when we return home, we pack our outerwear in a bag and put it on the balcony, wash our clothes and jeans, then wash and
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treat our nose with saline solution. follow my recommendations, this will help you get through the allergy season as painlessly as possible. on the calendar, april 1 is an important date: international bird day. lives in russia. 837 species of birds, 15% of which are listed in the red book of russia, yes, right now we offer you to admire the most beautiful, rarest amazing birds of our country, have they flown, did the zookeeper think dating glukhov that flamingos will nurse here in altai, these birds are not found in russia at all, we cook special porridge for them, make minced vegetables, minced fish and add artemia motul gamarus, crustaceans, it’s thanks to these crustaceans that flamingo has such an amazing pink shade of feathers,
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it was necessary to get unusual food when a young bird, while flying from kazakhstan to the caspian sea, was thrown into the altai snowdrifts by gusts of wind, came out, like this black stork, listed in the red book of russia and some neighboring countries, on our territory there are no more than 500 breeding pairs. the bird itself came out to people, asked for help, so in its natural habitat... chorurnayusts live very secretively, they love when they start stroking their feathers, when they spread their wings. it is more difficult to find an approach to a rare bird of prey that has gotten into trouble. the volgograd rehabilitation center deals exclusively with such people; they know how to handle fillets that have been hit by a car. they are considered one of the rarest predators in the european part of the country, there are only 2.5-500 individuals of buzzards, about one and a half of them. thousands, a peculiarity of hawks, for example, kites, they know how to pretend to be dead, that is
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, the beak is actually open, the tongue is hanging out, the eyes are rolling upward, there is a complete feeling that there is a dead bird in front of you, you loosen your grip a little when examining it, clinging to your hand with its claws, instincts, and this white-tailed eagle stepanida does not recognize her relatives in any way, she stubbornly considers herself a human, and does not understand why she sits with the eagles, because she grew up with a person, and then became unnecessary until she understands that she is rarely... number there are approximately 2,500 pairs of white-tailed eagles, as well as other red book predators throughout russia, this eagle was rescued a year ago from an animal prison, with her peculiar character she does not allow anyone into her enclosure, she attacks, well, somehow we immediately became friends with her, she told me trusts, the female during rehabilitation in sochi even laid eggs, in captivity it is very rare, in nature such a bird will no longer... survive, but maybe it will be possible to produce offspring, as they do in the ryazan region, white
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cranes or siberian cranes are bred here, all over the world they are not more than 500, couples live here permanently and raise chicks, which are then released into the wild, help restore the rare japanese cranes, their eggs in special boxes are delivered to incubators at a reintroduction station in the amur region, grown chicks are released there in their usual habitat. vladimir odentsov, denis demeshin, irina safonova, channel one. in all schools on channel one, the first lesson is now starting. in all schools and colleges of the country, conversations begin about... important and today's topic: russia is a healthy power. today we are talking about something important, the honored coach of russia, two-time olympic champion in figure skating, maxim tronkov.
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what means? well, i think that this is a kind of complex that is individual for each person, for some it helps to get up early and exercise, and for others, on the contrary, sleep longer and maybe go to bed later, because it all depends on the person’s personality, on his type of occupation, but of course, this is the maximum exception, probably, of bad habits, what good habit helps you personally, for me there’s been enough sports in my life that i still can’t bring myself to do it. continue to do it on a regular basis. tatyana, she takes part in ice shows, that is, she is on the ice much more regularly than i am, but i coach more than i train, because i have my own athletes with whom i work, and that’s why i work with them every day. i still get up on the ice every day and maybe sometimes i show some things and movements, but still it’s not so intense, you can even call it physical education
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pretty hard. are you teaching your children to play sports? i am categorically against big- time sports for my children, but at the same time, if they want, if they are interested in it, then please, our youngest son is still very young, that is, due to his age, he still cannot play sports, and angelica is her she turned 7 years old recently in february, she is engaged in figure skating, she also does amateur rhythmic gymnastics just because she likes it, when she wants, she always has the opportunity to go to the skating rink, this is probably the healthiest person in the family, because all day long she stretches, bends into some incredible shapes, and of course, makes us happy with this. why do schoolchildren need to think about health? health is, first of all, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt, that is, there are some hidden moments when it gets sick, it will be too late. so, therefore, of course, at any age you need to at least take care of
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your health, get sick, i understand, sometimes it’s nice at school, i go to... lessons and so on, but in general, the healthier we are, the calmer for our parents and our body. how do you look after your health? my family calls me a superhero because i almost never get sick. i think it's just my ural health. well, of course, a sport like figure skating, like any other winter sport , is, of course, hardening, you are constantly at... in such sub-zero temperatures and just a lot of children come to figure skating to harden up, that is, doctors tell parents that they need to engage in some kind of the sport they usually choose is figure skating because it’s not exactly outdoors, but at the same time it’s beautifully comfortable. the three most useful healthy habits in your opinion, well, the most
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useful are probably those related to hygiene, brushing your teeth, taking a shower regularly. second, probably, it’s in the fresh air, you need to stay as much as possible, now i know that young people spend much more time at home on gadgets, on computers, and so on, and thirdly, moderate physical activity, that is, physical education, exercise, going out play football with the guys in the yard, skateboarding, roller skating - this is also great, and also develops immunity and physical condition, maybe i seem like some old grandfather... more often, but i still advise schoolchildren to spend more time outside, the most important thing, because what i had in my childhood, i don’t see it now, maybe that’s why i miss it, we lived in the yard, we walked, made friends in the yard, they are on social networks, and there were a lot of interesting things in life memories associated specifically with
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the yard, with mine, with my grandmother’s dacha, with grandfather's, where i spent the summer, and how many children are you planning? how did it happen with the third ? the answer to this question: god has the first child, i wanted that it was time for us and my beloved daughter was born, the second child was already... tatyana’s plan was that they needed a second child, but they were just growing up , we seemed to sigh and somehow life began to get better after all these ups and downs with young children, and with infants, it so happened that such a gift appeared in the form of a third child, on the calendar the first of april, the first day of the second spring month, even if you are very, very busy right now, you have... a busy schedule and no free time at all, find at least half an hour, take a walk in the spring park, of course, add good emotions to yourself, lift your spirits, this is exactly it , what is needed now. calendar
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spring has already been a month, the snow is still lying, it turns out that there are several types of spring and not everything is here yet, this is astronomical spring, meteorological spring and phenological spring, when the buds swell and so on, the astronomical has arrived on the day equinox, here is a meteorological reserve. comes when the temperature stays above zero for at least 5 days, at night too. in general , meteorologists call spring a time of unjustified expectations, which is understandable. what to do in the park now, take a walk. even if the buds have just appeared, there is a white and gray landscape around us, we breathe. the sun was bigger, it didn’t get any stronger, the dust was still there. so, fresh, clean air is what we need now, vitamin d, although it may still be small, it is there, and the sun itself lifts our spirits. spring awakens everything, well, some are better it becomes a feeling somewhere, yes, of course, you can go in for sports, it distracts from negative thoughts, not necessarily serious,
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like sergei, he catches every snowy day, in the spring, before the snow stood on skis, as the snow melts, walking, you can just run, first of all we stretch our legs, we really need resorts, elena is not afraid of snowdrifts or puddles, at least...
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a separate genre, this is a phenomenon, and in some way this person is a mystery that is always interesting to solve, happy birthday , well, let's go fishing, oops, wow,
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they love you very much, yeah, they love you, why? the world through the eyes of vladimir pozner is amazing, at the age of 74 he crossed america behind the wheel, 84 wandered along the famous roofs of stockholm, 87 picked it up. samurai sword. kendo can be practiced from childhood until you are 100 years old. and at your age. yes yes yes. over 63 years in journalism , posner has become a separate genre. the word journalism was born in france, like the birthday boy himself. how much do i owe you for this? one kiss. great idea. internal copy of dartanium. vladimir gerald, dmitry duboigny boyer returned to the soviet union at the age of 19. i entered the biophage of moscow state university, dreaming of tracks.
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like going into outer space, now we can easily make a video call to anywhere in the world, then in 1985 ordinary people, separated by an ocean, spoke openly to each other for the first time, then everything is cool in our tv advertising. this famous phrase ended with the words “we have love.” the love of tv viewers accompanies vladimir pozdner wherever he appears. good evening, on the air of the program " times", i'm vladimir poznen. 2008 the pozner program starts on channel one. vladimir pozner, with filigree precision , reveals to us the qualities of the interlocutor, which he himself is not even aware of. journalistic gift, ability to charm. and
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at the same time ask uncomfortable questions, and most importantly, listen and hear. many issues are already history. matroskin is essentially a hero of the nineties. one of the most difficult guests for vladimir vladimirovich was mikhail zhvanetsky. advice from pozdner to future journalists. don't interview people you love. i'm more happy than satisfied. you appreciated it, this is me, mine answer, how else? vladimir pozner himself answered marcel proust’s questionnaire, with which he ends each of his interviews. the main quality is patience. favorite activity is tennis. yes yes. three times a week vladimir pozner on the tennis court. i go to fitness. i love it when girls look after me. today vladimir pozner is 90. channel one is 29. the youngest birthday boy with respect and
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with all my heart. congratulates the elder. premiere on channel one. vladimir pozner 90 minutes. asya ratkevich - channel one. we remind you that april 1 is monday on the calendar. it's arrived time to find out what new has happened in the country in the world by this hour. we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, today several innovations are coming into force in the country, first of all, this is an increase in the social pension, it will be indexed by 7.5%. the recount will occur automatically and will affect more than 4 million people. in addition, starting from april, on behalf of the president , the salaries of doctors and nurses will increase, while all additional payments will remain the same. accurate the size of the premium is determined by local authorities in
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each. region, and medical workers from small russian towns and villages will begin to receive increased salaries from this month, so in cities where from 50 to 100,000 people live, doctors will receive an additional 29. rubles, average staff for 13. doctors from settlements where fewer people live 50 thousand people will pay an additional 50,000 rubles every month. and mid-level health workers 30,000 each. a number of changes will affect the exam for...
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these include any change in boundaries or housing area, you will have to approve everything from moving the doorway to dismantling the built-in wardrobes. moscow demands that the kiev regime immediately hand over all those involved in the terrorist attack on russian territory and stop any support for terrorist activities, our shmit conveyed an official note to ukraine through minsk. we are talking about a bloody attack on krokuhol in the moscow region, the undermining of the crimean barbarian bridge.
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terrorist attack is far from the first terrorist attack against our country in recent times carried out by russian investigative actions by the competent authorities indicate that the traces of all these crimes lead to ukraine. the fight against international terrorism is the responsibility of every state. the russian side demands that the kiev regime immediately stop any support for terrorist activities, hand over the perpetrators and compensate for the damage caused to the victims. violation of ukraine's obligations under anti-terrorism conventions will entail its international legal response. now the latest data on the progress of the special operation: russian paratroopers destroyed the group ukrainian armed forces infantry in a strong point on the orekhovsky sector of the front, they managed to detect the enemy with the help of a drone. an armored group advanced to the area assigned to them, acting professionally, our soldiers destroyed the enemy fortifications with 100-millimeter cannons. the militants suffered heavy losses. in the southern donetsk direction, crews of malka self-propelled artillery guns are working along them, they are hitting the fortifications and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine,
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among the destroyed are many nato vehicles, including the polish artillery mount krap american paladin. strikes the enemy with air is applied by calculations, fpv of drones in the northern direction with the help. the crews of the k-52 and mi-28 helicopters launched a missile strike on enemy positions, eliminating 35 militants and three pieces of equipment. we are getting close enough, but fortunately our comrades, the army men, are working, flying mi-8 ntpr helicopters. create interference, in general, the enemy, we hope, does not see us, yes, but it is so, that’s why we secretly carry out our work. the largest peace rally of the year took place in the netherlands and against the supply of weapons to ukraine, in
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amsterdam , russian flags could be seen in the crowd; on dam square, an opera singer performed katyusha. takes it high. similar actions take place in the netherlands every month, but this rally for the first time brought together more than a thousand people, they lined up in one huge heart, and then walked to the museum square, where they met with another demonstration, where they also opposed military aid to ukraine. organizers explained that many participants decided to join the protest for the first time after statements by french president macron about the possibility of sending european troops to ukraine. the weather at the beginning of the week will take muscovites into june, forecasters report. the temperature on monday tuesday is about 20°. this is significantly higher than normal. it is even warmer in the kursk, kaluga, tula, rostov
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regions, as well as in voronezh, belgorod and lipetsk. the thermometer will rise to 24°. on the black sea coast it’s +26. the water, of course, is still cold, it’s too early to swim. well, towards the end. on the calendar monday april 1st, from this today, a number of important innovations await us, in particular, the size of social pensions will be indexed, and the rules for delivery will also change. rights, it will be easier for owners to make redevelopment, in general, anna ambrosimova will tell you about this and more. the pension will be increased, indexation by 7.5% from april 1. benefits are recalculated once a year
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to compensate for inflation; the next increase will be in 2025. changes in the housing code, as well as the law on state registration of real estate, will simplify the procedure for redevelopment, and also the translation process. non-residential premises, now faster, an innovation in the food sector, registration in the marking system for caviar, sturgeon and salmon fish is mandatory; while the markings are just being prepared, they will help verify the authenticity of the products. innovations for future motorists will change the rules for passing the driving test; it will be possible to retake the internship only after six months, but the number of penalty points on the exam has been increased to seven. in addition, it will be more difficult for driving schools to obtain a license. control behind the material and technical base, and if the license expires this or next year, drivers have a three-year grace period for replacement; the license will be valid until 2027 or 2028. what else
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is new, the threshold for duty-free import of parcels delivered by express carriers and by russian post, now it is not a thousand euros, the duty will have to be paid only if the foreign product is more expensive than 200 euros or weighs more than 31 kg, if... the price or weight is higher, the tax is 15% of the purchase price, but not more than two euros per kilogram. biometric passport. the first such passports per gram began to be issued 18 years ago. already yes. over the years, biometrics has ceased to be exotic. withdraw money from a bank, take out a loan using your fingerprint, pay for a trip on the subway. all this can now be done using biometrics. how it works? is it possible to deceive biometrics? where does it all start? burg and kaliningrad for issuing passports with biometrics. then in 2010, it became
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possible to issue biometric foreign passports valid for 10 years. what's happened biometrics according to the 2006 version? an electronic chip is sewn into the passport, it contains a 3d photo of the person and standard passport data. in 2010 , fingerprints were added. the first such documents are drawn up at the ministry of internal affairs. in 2014, they are issued at the mfc, and a year later you can order without leaving your home, through government services. because of that chip. this is one of the most secure documents. what is biometrics in a foreign passport? this is biometrics, which is stored in the ministry of internal affairs of russia and is available to authorized employees, that is , this is biometrics, which is necessary for carrying out certain checks, confirmation identification of a person, namely an official. since the fifteenth year, the biometric passport has not changed, only the chip is constantly being upgraded. today, biometrics are used for services to make our lives easier. our 3d photos and voice are stored in the state unified biometric system. in principle
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, organizations and government bodies can no longer store biometrics for commercial players in order to provide services based on biometrics. you can upload your data through the state services biometrics application or at any bank that is included in the system. to a citizen needs to go to any bank branch with a passport snils. сnels is required in order to register an account on the state services portal. if the client has an account. already registered, there is a verified account, then sneils is not required. a bank employee will take a photo, record your voice, and send samples of biometric data to the ebs. after the citizen’s biometric personal data has entered the database of the state unified biometric system, and the citizen can use his biometrics in any bank, any bank branch or companies that can use biometrics. like what. it is called by the person to apply for a loan, buy groceries in the store,
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from march 30 you can check into a hotel. the most interesting thing is how payment identification systems understand that this or that person is in front of them. the unified system distributes so -called vectors to accredited companies, roughly speaking, this is our digital image for a computer. based on biometrics, the derivative is made mathematical, this is a vector, it’s like safe because it is impossible to recreate a face based on a vector. just don't be paranoid. this is a voluntary matter; it will be removed from the unified system starting in january. ruslan gunyaev, this year is displayed in public services, here the data of a specific company, or you can generally revoke consent to use denis panomariov, anatoly brikalov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. well, it’s not that it’s really necessary, but it offers a very good discount, so we have to take it, rum, we have to take it, you admit, this thought often comes to mind when they send us some another tempting promo code, huh. of course, varvara fedorova decided to find out when
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you can really save on promotional codes and where to look for them and how to resist buying another unnecessary thing at a discount. hunting for promotional codes is an art, they hide well, this online leather goods store posts them on social networks through bloggers. promotional codes are small, they range from 5 to 10%, and most often they are one-time, this is more for getting to know us. the store understands. it’s not profitable to make a discount, it’s profitable to build loyalty program, such that customers come back, spend bonuses from previous purchases, that is, those who subscribe to a specific blogger are lucky, and not subscribed, you just won’t find out who exactly published the promotional code, but this does not stop the principled opponents of the full price, as soon as we see a plate with a promotional code, this is automatic for us, we go looking for a promotional code, that means it exists, that means it exists and sooner or later we will find it, promotional codes are most often searched for in...
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and so that the page is displayed at the top of the search, it takes time, but i try, i enter the word promotional codes, the name of a specific store, product categories, well, they are not found yet, but for the word cycling products, wet cycling products, they are not there yet, the first links, obvious keywords do not work, oh wait, yes, i found it, found, found, it took time, but yes, you can find a promotional code simply through the browser, save 10, 15, even 20% on everyday expenses, but... often promotional codes are a bait, some stores send them if
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a regular customer has not received anything for a long time ordered. we can remind ourselves small a gift, that is, there, we are here, we are, remember. this is how you open your mail, and didn’t someone remind you, there’s a whole tab called promotions, something that usually doesn’t open right away in the trash or spam, i enter the word promotional code in the search, and, for example, food delivery, which i i use it regularly, they offer me a 15% discount on my next order, which is nice. in general, to start saving using promotional codes, sometimes it’s enough to start paying attention to them. varvara fedorova, vasily valetov, evgeniy marinku. channel one, by the way, today april 1 marks the 135th anniversary, can you imagine, one very important appliance, the dishwasher, oh, it’s symbolic that it was invented by a woman, strange, josephine cochrane, she said so herself, if no one is going to invent the dishwasher, then i
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’ll do it myself , josephine, dear, thank you, thank you, our maria nikolaeva also decided to put the final spin on this matter, and went in search of the most convenient one. and an economical dishwasher. because women can stand at the sink less and not ruin their manicure. thank you, josephica crane. for 135 years, dishwashers have been making our lives easier. small tabletop devices measuring 40x46 are on sale and take up little space. convenient, you can install it in the kitchen, even if there was no space initially. such options are often taken for... dachas, but 60x90 built-in dishwashers are actually more difficult to fit into the interior, they are clearly calculated. another obvious difference is the capacity of compact ones - on average there are eight sets of dishes, large ones up to seventeen, large pans will fit from a frying pan, and accordingly the power varies from 600 to 800 w versus 2,000 per cycle, but in
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the case of full-size machines you can save a little on electricity if there is a function for supplying hot... water directly, in general the operating principle is similar: water enters, heats up, mixes with foam, sprays through a special spinner, wash the dishes, then a filter for rinsing, consumption in small devices is 7 liters, in large ones 12, but it’s still more economical than washing by hand, in order to wash the dishes after dinner there are three to four, experiments show that it costs money manually, well at least 50 liters of water, that is, here the water saving is simply several times... now the functionality of the dishwashers installed is , of course, greater, but here you need to understand that any complication leads to an increase in the likelihood of failure, that is, the more complex the machine, the less it will be reliable in the end, so decide what you really need, for example, some kind of half-load function, delayed start,
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floor indication, or an option such as convection drying mode due to additional airflow, moisture evaporates in 5 minutes, with tabletop ones... they just have regular drying, hot water evaporates, hot air further settles on the walls and flows down, but from the point of view of caring for small ones there is more fuss, you need to clean the filter more often, it gets dirty faster than with full-size devices, and when choosing in both cases, we make sure that all the parts of the frame are made of durable metal, the rollers are optionally made of reinforced plastic, and a leakage protection system is required, then there is every chance.
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“we are extending our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we honestly drove all over america behind the wheel and he he drove all the way, he’s just such a tomboyish guy, where did you earn your millions, a birch is a berezutsky, that’s right, what will you say when you find yourself in front of him? my father, he was russian, knew his name by heart, poet, pushkin, pushkin, i didn’t think that i would leave my wife, 37 years old after all”:
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it’s a good idea to collect a dowry with your dad, with us there are embroidered shirts here, it’s so beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing up a bride has been preserved.
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on the first one, imagine the situation, you you’re walking, not touching anyone, suddenly a kind passer-by says: your whole back is white, let me clean it up for you, man, you’ve got everything dirty, let me clean you once, in your pocket, here’s a kind passerby pickpocket, how do these kind of swindlers work, now security expert osman dilibash will tell you, listen carefully. do you know why cafes are a good place for pickpockets? why don’t you come, have a snack, relax, or even work, like me now, you are busy with your own business and don’t keep an eye on things, which means it’s easy to rob you. here is the video from the camera observations. three people at a table are pickpockets, their victim is a guy with a laptop. look, the criminals are starting to change seats and rearrange their things. this is necessary in order to be closer to the victim’s bag, a convenient position has been found, once the ivor takes out someone else’s wallet, now he takes
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the money from it and returns the thing to its place. now the guy won’t even be able to prove anything, who knows how much money he had with him, the job is done, the criminals leave. what you need to protect yourself in a cafe, do not hang your bag, put it next to you and cover it. not only in a cafe, imagine the situation, you are walking down the street, then a random passer-by tells you that you are dirty and supposedly helps you clean your jacket, something like this, look what he does, he takes a mobile phone out of the victim’s pocket, there are other pickpockets... .. one tricky method, works best on stairs, the video is summer, but the time of year does not matter, the thief’s accomplice pretends
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to have dropped something, detains the girls who are following him, and the pickpocket quietly takes out the phone from one of them , which ones are here draw conclusions, under no circumstances allow strangers to touch you, there are phones in the crowd, but... not in the back pockets, in the bag, put them at the very bottom, just like a wallet, wear the bag on your stomach, here so, throwing it over your shoulder, then pickpockets will not be able to get to your valuables, they say that a person does well what he really loves, yes, here is the clothing designer maria amachaeva, you know, she does everything sincerely, with love, so that’s it, what she undertakes turns out like this. now she will restore old cuffs, the sweatshirt is still fresh, but the cuffs are worn out, i’ll show you how
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to repair them: i rip off the cuff, open it inside out, open the side seam, fold the cuff in half with the front side inward, align the edges and secure with pins, measure the distance to the deepest one. scuffs or holes, i got a piece 5 cm long, this will be the width of the new cuffs, i draw a marking line, lay a knitted machine stitch, cut off the worn fabric, fold the part into a ring, since it’s knitted not only was it erased, but it also stretched out, causing the detail to fall slightly. i set it aside 1 cm deep from the original stitch, fix it on the sewing machine, trim the allowances, bend the part
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in half, inside out, return the improved cuff to its place, slightly stretching it, attach it with pins to the sleeve, fix it with an overlock stitch, ready. i repair the second cuff in the same way and sew it to the sleeve, the sweatshirt is like new again. a traditional boat regatta took place in great britain. between the country's two oldest universities, oxford and cambridge. for the first time this the competition on the thames took place in 1829. many years have passed since then, but the popularity of the regatta is only growing. this time our colleague, sports journalist of channel one, viktor gusev, will tell you how it all happened. who is better, oxford or cambridge? the oldest british
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educational institutions have been trying to resolve this sport for many centuries. the two illustrious universities have traditionally competed for academic prestige, research grants, and even political influence, but the most fundamental rivalry is between oxford and cambridge, of course, sports. both university towns are located on the banks of the river, and it is not surprising that students have long practiced rowing. about two centuries ago, in 1829, oxford, but the loser, of course, asked for revenge, as a result, this regatta became traditional, the format of the competition remains unchanged, the distance is slightly less than 7 km, from start to
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finish, the rowers need to make approximately 600 strokes of the oars. one of the key factors is the ability of the eight to quickly adapt to the weather, but foggy albion it is known to change rapidly. the ability to adapt to the far uneven flow of the thames is important. the specifics of the regatta force the rowers to work their oars to the limit from the very start, because if the opponent manages to break away by more than a body length, they will catch up. it would be almost impossible, and this was exactly the scenario for this year's men's race: the cambridge rowers quickly secured a lead and maintained it until the finish. moreover, the light blue team achieved a golden double for the second time in a row, winning and women's race. now their advantage in the historical confrontation has become even
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more solid. the overall score of victories among men is 77:81, and among women, cambridge wins crushingly. 47:30. watch today on channel one the continuation of the undercover taxi detective series. lieutenant alexey turbin continues to roam the city streets, playing the role of an ordinary taxi driver. at the same time , he always finds himself in the thick of things. if you forgot something, maybe missed something, maybe got confused in the plot. we ’ll remind you of everything now, we’ll unravel everything, central 3693 entered the area of ​​the bus station, took a successful duty 3693, an unusual taxi driver is roaming the streets of st. petersburg, this is the scene of a crime, continue driving your checkered cars , police lieutenant alexey turbin, he is patrolling the city as if an experienced grandmaster is calculating the moves
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of criminals, in general - then, in my opinion, everything is clear. it seems to me that it is not entirely clear. turbin helps people and at the same time causes mistrust of his colleagues. why is the turbine being offered to participate in the undercover taxi pilot project? listen, peps, let me mind my own business, and you mind yours. nobody wants to work with lieutenant turbin. his partner beat the suspect during his arrest. turbin did not defend his friend, he told his superiors everything as it happened. he believes in justice, but for everyone else it looks like it.
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from the teaching staff, otherwise the consequences for you will be as severe as possible, and what the turbine is hiding from his colleagues is that the fingerprints found in the taxi near the turbine completely match the fingerprints of this person. undercover taxi detective watch today on first channel. listen, haven’t you thought about joining ukrozysk, in my opinion, you’re getting lost.
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why does it disappear? i am the drawing. svetlana neimanes, maria bronzova, asya radkevich, joseph kobrin. first channel. we remind you that on the calendar april 1, monday, it’s time to find out what new has happened in the country and in the world by this hour. we pass the word. to our colleagues from the information service of channel one, this is news on channel one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, hand over everyone involved in terrorist attacks on russian territory and stop any support for terrorist activities, moscow put forward such demands to kiev, our foreign ministry conveyed the official note to ukraine through: from minsk. we are talking about the bloody attack on croc city hall in the moscow region, the blowing up of the crimean bridge, the barbaric murders of russian journalists daria dugina, vladlyan tatarsky, and the assassination attempt on the writer zakhar prilepin. among the demands
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is the arrest of the head of the ukrainian security service, malyuk, who cynically admitted that kiev was behind the organization of the bombing of the crimean bridge. among the victims of all these atrocities are civilians, including children. only in as a result of the attack on croca cityhol , 144 people died . the bloody terrorist act committed on march 22 in krasnogorsk and shocked the whole world is far from the first terrorist attack against our country in recent times. the investigative actions carried out by the russian competent authorities indicate that the traces of all these crimes lead to ukraine. the fight against international terrorism is the responsibility of every state. the russian side demands that the kiev regime immediately stop any support for terrorist activities, hand over the perpetrators to compensate for the damage caused to the victims. violation of ukraine's obligations under anti-terrorist conventions will entail its international legal responsibility. now about the important innovations that come into force today. first of all, this is an increase in the social pension. it
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will be indexed by 7.5%. the recount will occur automatically and will affect more than 4 million people. in addition, starting from april, on behalf of the president , the salaries of doctors and nurses will increase. however, all additional payments will remain. the exact amount of the premium. stores that sell alcohol on tap, now regional authorities can, at their discretion, prohibit the sale of any alcoholic beverages in such outlets if they are located in apartment buildings in
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the adjacent territory, with the exception of cafes and restaurants. pleasant changes for those who travel by plane; from april 1, airlines will pay passengers a fine for flight delays; they will reimburse 100 rubles for each hour, but not more than half the cost of the air ticket. and today registration started for first class, and in many regions this can be done through the state services portal. in special operation news, russian paratroopers destroyed a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry in a stronghold on the orekhovsky front. we managed to detect the enemy with the help of a drone and an armored group moved to the designated area, acting professionally, our fighters destroyed the enemy fortification with 100-millimeter cannons. the militants suffered heavy losses in the south.
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in the northern direction , a ukrainian fortified stronghold was destroyed with the help of copters. point, clusters of ukrainian armed forces personnel and their equipment are attacked, our pilots, so zaporozhye, part-time work for the crew of k-52 helicopters. israel has approved a ground action plan for rafah in the southern gaza strip. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that no pressure will stop him , while citizens make it clear to him that they are dissatisfied with his policies. in jerusalem, for the first time , more than 1,000 people came out to demonstrate, they demanded the release of the halls captured by hamas.
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it took several hours to extinguish the fire, according to the preliminary version, the cause of the emergency was there was a gas cylinder explosion. yars strategic missile systems have been deployed on combat patrol routes at the barnaul missile formation in altai. the military will have to cover up to hundreds of kilometers and conduct various maneuvers, engineering field positions, camouflage, combat outposts, and countering enemy sabotage groups. the main task is to check the readiness of personnel...
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and equipment for long-term duty; missilemen of the tagil formation of the strategic missile forces in sverdlovsk are also undergoing training region, they have already completed tasks of detecting and destroying saboteurs of a mock enemy using drones, now the fighters of the formation are carrying out tasks to strengthen reconnaissance and build up security. that's all for now, good morning to my colleagues. and good morning, dear tv viewers, thank you for celebrating this new day with us, roman budnikov and... zemena on the calendar monday april 1 is the first day of the second spring month, immediately in the morning , food for thought. ophthalmologists they say that visual acuity may decrease in spring? yes, why is this happening? how can we help our vision? are there any methods of prevention? should you wear sunglasses in spring? there are many questions, and there will be answers. we were so looking forward to the bright sun, but , alas, it’s better not to look at it without protection when there is no barrier to the ultraviolet rays for the eyes.
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only the ozone layer or clouds can retain it in the atmosphere, and as we know, no matter how clouds there are not always, and the ozone layer has been destroyed in recent years, by spring the ozone layer such seasonal holes appear and form, when there are more of them, then the weather forecast is appropriate, we look at the uv radiation index in it, and not just the temperature. the ultraviolet index is low in the coming days, and... it’s time to protect yourself, the problem seems to be easily solved, the sun is with safety glasses, but someone doesn’t wear them, i want to play all my life without glasses and i can’t see very well in them, let's see if this is the case with the ophthalmologist, i put on dark glasses, look at the vision test table, i think i see the letter b in the first row, two errors - that's numbers, i take off my glasses, now i see and can name them. numbers: 2, 8, 6, the quality
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of vision deteriorates, accordingly we strain it, we strain it, yes, we ourselves know, straining the eyes is harmful, the more often, the faster the vision deteriorates, the first bell is difficult to see in the dark, so if you wear dark glasses uncomfortable, this is a signal, check your eyesight with glasses, it is important to find those in which the eyes feel good, and without glasses, it is better not to get carried away with sanitary procedures while walking, long and short waves of rays penetrate into the eye and if they reach excessively the environment of the eye can damage both the cornea and the lens. the rays are capable of this, the wavelength is 400, good dark glasses should cut them off, and you still need to protect your vision from the draft wind, because of them there is dryness in the eyes. if we have a lack of tear film, the likelihood of damage to the surface, that is , mechanical injury from these foreign
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bodies, it is in the dry eye that there may be inflammation, since there is no normal tear film that would contain substances that can defeat bacteria that have entered accidentally into the eye along with a foreign body. the main advice is to blink more often, only then will tear fluid be produced, and to make moisturizing drops work even better, three eyes, especially at the edges, only then apply them. anna obrosimova, stepan erofeev, anton polikov. to the first channel. so, friends, let's start a new day. and we start with a warm-up, because there are big plans ahead, we need to master it all, the fitness instructor, sergei blucher, is already waiting for us. good morning. there are different types of planks, they all perfectly strengthen muscles. i’m doing a classic plank, now i’ll do a version of the plank with an increased load. press your back, join us,
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sit on the floor, feet wider than shoulders, lean on your hands and go into a reverse plank, that is, belly up. bend your knees at a right angle, you should get a figure similar to a bench, do not throw your head back, overload your neck, pull your chin to your chest, now we complicate the exercise: first we straighten the right leg, put it in place, now we work with the left, we continue to practice. exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the whole body at once, especially the abs, back, as well as the back of the thighs and buttocks, you see how much benefit there is, so let’s work, on april 1 on
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the calendar in the old days they believed that if this day was warm and clear, then we would have a dry and windy summer, and if it rained , then in the summer there will be no drought... uh-huh, that’s also good, signs are signs, now let’s listen to the astrologers’ forecast for this day for the whole of april, a very powerful month has arrived, energetic, decisive, active, an excellent assistant to everyone who wants to move towards something -new, though he is what is called character, stubborn, takes risks, likes to command, here he needs to be reined in, but he will add strength to our confidence, push ongoing cycling projects and , in general, business life will intensify in april, but... we are ready for the fact that in the first ten days some imperfections, errors, and this is also a bit of a distracted time, so pay closer attention and don’t forget about safety precautions, with the beginning of the second decade everything will finally accelerate and fly forward, there will be a chance to prove yourself, to successfully use opportunities missed by others, to profitably
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invest money or buy something, and personal life will pick up noticeably in april. aries can feel this today, their sails are filled with the wind of change, this is great, chief. don’t go astray, so be clear about what you really want, overall it’s a good day, the main thing is don’t overreact to all sorts of little things. and taurus has a positive day, while those who need to communicate a lot and be charming have a generally excellent day. true, the authorities may surprise you with some strange orders. be philosophical about this. something may change gemini's plans. most likely it's there will be some news or someone’s request. if there is an unplanned trip. be careful on the roads, and someone else may fall in love with you today. crayfish can catch someone’s amorous gaze, today they are generally very noticeable, the ladies are simply irresistible, about business in them, perhaps, let’s say , some nervousness, it is possible that because of the machinations of competitors, let’s calm down, without emotions, leos are blessed with
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unplanned expenses, they will subsequently pay off, another question is whether you will be able to convince your loved ones or business partners of this, after lunch, expect some news, virgos obviously love money today, this, of course, does not mean that you can waste it, but treating yourself to some seasonal new clothes is not forbidden, otherwise the day is not bad, although not very predictable, but not boring. libra's mood may suddenly deteriorate. the stars say you have to fight this somehow, otherwise you might miss the chance to show your talents, and the evening will definitely lift your spirits. just don't get carried away with alcohol. someone might try to unsettle scorpios. rounda from the category not everything has grown together, get over it calmly, after lunch everything will get better, there will be a chance to advance in some business, and the evening will be completely pleasant. a great day for sagittarius, cheerful, energetic, businesslike, when everything works out and even a little bit of luck, among other things, it will be possible to agree on something with
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your superiors and take care of your wallet, smartphone and keys. capricorns also have a good day, although it may require flexibility and the ability to negotiate, and capricorns are clearly inclined to be stubborn, but the star... you have been warned and be careful with technology, it may become capricious. aquarius saints say: today the meaning of words is very great, so don’t throw around words without thinking, carefully read what you are going to sign. some of the aquarius may be unpleasantly stung by jealousy, but figure it out yourself, expect guests in the evening. pisces simply have a successful monday, when work goes on, which is called a rush and takes less time than it seemed. after lunch, someone might make you happy.
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100th anniversary of vladimir posner, premiere, today on the first, vodka veda, product
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steller group. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. stirsman bourbon, a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of stellar. product of stellor group. in all schools on channel one, the first lesson is now starting. in all schools and colleges of the country, conversations about important things are starting. and today's topic is russia - a healthy power. today we are talking about something important, the honored coach of russia, two-time olympic champion in figure skating maxim tronkov. what does it mean to lead
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a healthy lifestyle? well i think it is a certain complex that is individual for each person, for some it helps to get up early and exercise, and for others, on the contrary , sleep longer and maybe go to bed later, because it all depends on the individual. a person from his occupation, but of course, this is the maximum elimination of probably bad habits. what good habit helps you personally? i have had enough sports in my life that i still can’t bring myself to continue doing it on a regular basis. tatyana, she takes part in ice shows, that is, she much more regularly than i am on the ice, i coach more than i train, because i have my own athletes with whom i work, and it’s with them that i still stand on the ice every day. and maybe sometimes i show some things, movements, but still it’s not so
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intense, it’s quite difficult to even call it physical education. are you teaching your children to play sports? i am categorically against big-time sports for my children, but at the same time, if they want, if they are interested in it, then please, our youngest son he’s still very young, that is, due to his age, he still can’t play sports, and anzhelika, she just turned 7 years old. does rhythmic gymnastics, simply because she likes it, when she wants, she always has the opportunity to go to the skating rink, this is probably the healthiest person in our family, because all day long she stretches, bends herself into some incredible shapes , and of course it makes us happy. why do schoolchildren need to think about health? health is, first of all, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt, that is, there are some hidden. moments when you get sick it will be too late, that’s why, of course, at any
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age you need to at least take care of your health, i understand that if you get sick at school, sometimes it’s nice not to go to class and so on, but in general, the healthier we are, the calmer our parents will be and our body. how do you look after your health? my family calls me a superhero, because i almost never get sick, i think it’s just my ural health, of course , a sport like figure skating, like any other winter sport, that’s of course hardening, you are constantly on the ice in such sub-zero temperatures, and just a lot of children come to figure skating to harden up, that is , doctors tell their parents that they need to engage in some kind of sport, usually they choose figure skating because they are not quite street, well at the same time... beautifully convenient. what are the three most beneficial healthy habits in your
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opinion? well, the most useful thing is probably something related to hygiene, brushing your teeth, taking a shower regularly, the second thing is probably fresh air, you need to be like as much as possible. now i know that young people spend much more time at home using gadgets, computers, and so on. well, the third thing is moderate physical activity, that is, physical education, exercise, going out. play football with the guys in the yard, roller skateboarding, this is also great and also develops immunity and physical condition, maybe i will appear with some old girl... grumbling, but i still advise schoolchildren to spend more time on the street, the most important thing, because what happened in my childhood, i don’t see it now, maybe that’s why i miss it, we lived in the yard, we walked, were friends in the yard, they are on social networks, and there were a lot of interesting memories in life connected specifically with
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the yard, with mine, with my grandmother’s dacha, with my grandfather’s, where i spent summer, and how many children are you... children at the moscow sovremennik theater premiere, the play is my life, staged based on the play by south african playwright athol fugard, people live here. marina vakhrusheva has all the details. two-story ruins against the backdrop of rocky mountains, all in the cold light. contemporary theater on stage
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premiere of the play "this is my life". this is such a faded, dilapidated world. where there is incredible nature behind, and they live in such ruins as a metaphor for the inner world of all the characters. to emphasize the darkness and highlight the shadows in the performance, the entire theater lighting park was used, which is about 400 devices, plus new ones to illuminate the characters from all sides. this play, as far as i know, has never been staged in russia; it’s completely new material; it’s one thing to work with russian classics. chekhov, dostoevsky tolstoy, you know, this is cultural code, here is a playwright absolutely unknown to us. the play is my life, based on the play, the people of south african playwright athol fugard live here. director gulnas balpeytsova adapted the text for the stage. the writer's philosophy and dialogues have been preserved. actions in the boarding house on the stage are four, the hostess mili has three guests. the house is
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mili herself, it’s like her insides, that is, she wanted this house. as you know, to put it inside yourself, well, that is, what happens there is such a big subject, when you have already started to look at some details, we realized that it was not in vain that the author wrote after all, what kind of house this is, what kind of house it is, how stunted, mossy, old, forgotten, unnecessary, even to the owner himself, in the role of the mistress of the house, actress alena bobenko, is going through a breakup , behind 10 years of life with a loved one, everyone has their own pain,
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channel one. on the calendar, april 1 is an important date - international bird day. russia is home to 837 species of birds, of which 15% are listed in the red book of russia. yes. right now we offer you to admire the most beautiful, rarest amazing birds our country. let's fly. did
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daria glukhoy, the technician, think that flamingos would be nursing here in altai? these birds are not found in russia. in general, we cook special porridge for them, make minced vegetables, minced fish, and add motul, artemia hamarus, these are crustaceans, it’s thanks to these crustaceans, flamingo has such an amazing pink tint of feathers, we had to get unusual food when the young bird was flying from kazakhstan on the caspian sea, gusts of wind threw them into the altai snowdrifts, they came out, like this black stork, listed in the red book of russia and some neighboring countries. there are no more than 500 nesting pairs on our territory. the bird itself came out to people and asked for help, since in their natural habitat black storks live very secretly. loves when they start stroking his feathers, when you spread his wings. it is more difficult to find an approach to a rare bird of prey that has gotten into trouble. the volgograd
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rehabilitation center deals exclusively with such people; they know how to handle fillets that have been hit by a car. they are considered one of the rarest there are only 2.5-500 predators in the european part of the country. and buzzards, there are about 1,500 of them. features of exterminated, for example, kites. they know how to pretend to be dead, that is , in fact, the beak is open, the tongue is hanging out, the eyes are rolling up, there is a complete feeling that there are dead birds in front of you, you loosen your grip a little when examining it, it clings to your hand with its claws, instincts, but this white-tailed eagle stepanida does not recognize its own relatives, she stubbornly considers herself a human and does not understand why she sits with the eagles, because grew up with a person, and then became unnecessary, until it understands that it is a rare unique bird, it will not be released into the wild. the number of white-tailed eagles, like other predators listed in the red book, is approximately 2,500 pairs throughout russia, this eagle was rescued a year ago from an animal prison, due to
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her peculiar character she does not allow anyone into her enclosure, she attacks, well, somehow we immediately became friends with her, she trusts me, the female even laid eggs during rehabilitation in sochi, it is very rare in captivity, in nature such a bird will no longer survive, but maybe it will work out offspring come out. as they do in the ryazan region, white cranes or siberian cranes are bred here; there are no more than 5,000 of them all over the world. pairs live here permanently and raise chicks, which are then released into the wild. they also help restore the rare japanese cranes. their eggs are delivered in special boxes to incubators at a reintroduction station in the amur region, and the grown chicks are released there into their familiar habitat. vladimir odentsov, denis demeshin, irina safonova, channel one. this year's fire season is expected to begin in end of april and may be more difficult than last year. in this regard, all regions
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are preparing to combat and prevent landscape fires. krasnoyarsk forest special forces, first training before the fire season, descent of alcohol planes. first, the most experienced ones are below, then they serve as backup so that the descending paratrooper does not get entangled in trees and bushes. there is something here somewhere that can be confusing for beginners; it is also a test of whether they can work in real conditions; the altitude at which paratroopers work reaches 40 m. car, and the mi-8 helicopter, of course it brings chaos into its own, there must be orderliness of actions, out of two thousand firefighters in the region , 660 are paratroopers and paratroopers, thanks to the national ecology project, the air service now has new parachutes...
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10 years ago the average area in leningrad region was 2 hectares, then we are now reducing on average, well, less than a hectare we have from 0.2 to 0.8 hectares on average to help and surveillance cameras on cell towers during the fire season from april to october in control rooms they work around the clock cameras in automatic mode, if they see smoke somewhere, they show a red dot, in the ulyanovsk region they also use a fireless dot to detect fires. nine new devices will arrive this year. and some statistics: by the end of 2024, all regions of the country will be
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100% provided with forest fire equipment. now this figure is 95, but the main thing in the issue of forest conservation is the responsible attitude of people, so we do not forget about the basic rules and do not go out into nature during periods of high fire danger. evgeny polikov, nadezhda zypkina, channel one. morning news will continue on monday. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. today , several innovations are coming into force in the country, first of all , an increase in the social pension; it will be indexed by 7.5%.
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the size of the bonus is determined by local authorities in each region, and health workers from small russian towns and villages will begin to receive increased salaries from this month, so in cities where from 50 to 100,000 people live, doctors will receive an additional 29.00 rubles. average staff 13,000. doctors from settlements where less than 50 thousand people live will receive an additional 50,000 rubles every month, and mid-level health workers under 30,000. a number of changes concern the driving license exam : a little more mistakes are now allowed in the practical part, the number of allowed penalty points has been increased from five to seven, but if you fail to pass three times, you can try again only after six months. for those who have been deprived of their license for driving while intoxicated. re-examination is possible only one year after the expiration date. the period for which the rights were taken away. in addition, foreigners will be required to change their driver's
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licenses to russian ones. guidance in the approval of apartment redevelopments, now this includes any change in the boundaries or area of ​​housing; everything will have to be approved, from moving the doorway to dismantling built-in cabinets. moscow demands that the kiev regime immediately hand over all those involved in terrorist attacks on russian territory and stop any support for terrorist activities. our shmit conveyed the official note to ukraine through minsk. this is about bloody attack on krok. the arrest of the head of the ukrainian security service, malyuk, who cynically admitted that kiev was behind the organization of the bombing of the crimean bridge. among the victims of all these atrocities were civilians, including children; 144 people died as a result of the attack on kroka cityhole alone.
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the bloody terrorist act committed on march 22 in krasnogorsk and shocked the whole world is not the first terrorist attack against our country in recent times. investigative actions carried out by russian competent authorities indicate that traces all these crimes lead to ukraine. the fight against international terrorism is the responsibility of every state. the russian side demands that the kiev regime immediately stop any support for terrorist activities, hand over those responsible and compensate for the damage caused to the victims. violation of ukraine's obligations under anti-terrorist conventions will entail its international legal responsibility. now the latest information about the launch of a special operation, russian paratroopers destroyed a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry in a stronghold on orekhovsky section of the front. the enemy was detected using a drone. and an armored group advanced to the designated area. acting professionally, our soldiers destroyed the enemy fortifications using 100-millimeter cannons. the militants suffered heavy losses. in the southern donetsk direction
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, self-propelled artillery crews are working along them. they are hitting the fortifications and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces; among the destroyed are many nato vehicles, including the polish artillery mount crab american paladin. air strikes against the enemy are carried out by fpv drone crews. in the northern direction with the help of copters, a ukrainian fortified stronghold was destroyed, and a concentration of ukrainian armed forces personnel was attacked by their equipment. our pilots, while working part-time for the crew of the k-52 and mi-28 helicopters in zaporozhye, launched a missile strike. 35 militants and three pieces of equipment were eliminated at the enemy positions, we are getting close enough, but fortunately our comrades are working, the army men who fly mi8 mtpr helicopters, create interference, in general, we hope the enemy doesn’t see us, yes, but that’s how it is , that's why we secretly carry out my job. the largest
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event of the year took place in the netherlands. in support of peace and against the supply of weapons to ukraine in amsterdam , russian flags could be seen in the crowd; an opera singer performed katyusha on dam square. similar actions take place in the netherlands every month, but this rally for the first time brought together more than a thousand people, they lined up in one huge heart, and then walked to the museum square, where they met with another demonstration, where... they also opposed military aid to ukraine. the organizers explained that many participants they first decided to join the protest after french president macron’s statements about the possibility of sending european troops to ukraine. the weather at the beginning of the week will take muscovites into june, forecasters report. the temperature on monday tuesday is about 20°. this is significantly higher than normal, even warmer in the kursk, kaluga, tula, rostov
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regions, as well as in voronezh, belgorod and... pepetsk, the thermometer will rise to 24°. on the black sea coast it’s +26. the water, of course, is still cold, it’s too early to swim. well by the end of the week central russia is facing weather swings at night. on friday in moscow and the region up to -4. that's all for now. good morning, dear friends, thank you for starting a new day with us on channel one. today is the first of april, yulia zemina is with you. and roman budnikov. what, the back is white? stop it, are you really, no, no, this is no longer relevant. of course, this is no longer funny at all, and i don’t want to laugh at it, now i’ll be absolutely serious. dear tv viewers. start this morning with a smile, because smiling and laughing are very useful. yes, and we didn’t invent this, it’s scientific fact. yes. as children, we smile 400 times a day. we grow up, put on the mask
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of a serious person and reduce the number. women up to fifty, men generally up to seven smiles. laughter is even more difficult. adults believe that laughter is some kind of childish emotion, and i am a stern man. and rightly so, this is useful, firstly, for the functioning of the brain, if, for example, you are preparing for an exam in a good mood , an a is guaranteed, a smile, including an artificial one, triggers the production of happiness hormones, then dopamine takes over, this
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a hormone that creates a joyful anticipation of something, but in principle draws our attention to what is happening around us, and if we have started a process that increases the level of dopamine, our local memory capacity increases, the brain seems to receive a signal that attention, you need to write down what is happening now. secondly, people who are positive burn kilocalories faster, according to various sources, from 10 to 130 in 15 minutes of laughter, so a cake eaten in a cheerful company does not count. the third plus is a smiling person longer stays young and fresh. when we live and live without a smile, suddenly we get marks on our cheeks, suddenly jowls appear, and those people who smile have ovals. better, they strengthen this muscle of youth, we really call it apples, so they don’t fall, on the contrary, they seem to tighten up and make the face younger, more defined. cosmetologist olga moroz says: there is no need to be afraid of wrinkles, gloomy people have no less of them, but
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the sun around the eyes is much more beautiful, and you can always find a reason to shine. here i have i’m in a good mood, i go and share it, and this makes everything around me feel good, people walking nearby also smile, be surprised, potatoes with mushrooms, wow, i boiled spaghetti, serve pasta with a rich , very tasty sauce, cut carrots into strips, onions, half rings, fry
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the ingredients in vegetable oil, add chopped champignons, sweet peppers and tomatoes, after 5 minutes pour a glass of boiled water. add tomato paste, spices, chopped potatoes, close the lid, simmer the mixture on low heat until ready, add chopped garlic for a bright taste, ready, you can serve, put spaghetti in a deep bowl, mushroom sauce with potatoes on top, sprinkle the dish with aromatic cilantro, mm, delicious, try making this too. bon appetit. on the calendar, april 1st, the time for flowering begins, and even though there is still snow in the middle zone, here and there, in some places, primroses are already blooming. oh, i can already feel it, in the southern
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regions of our country cherry plum, almond, quince, viburnum, mimosa, tulips and of course, the beautiful magnolia are already blooming everywhere. in in general, spring is on its way to spring. visit sochi park. they don’t let go of their phones, here quince and viburnum are blooming, and also mimosa, so sunny, we were very surprised, mimosa, we’ve never seen it grow, we smelled it, took pictures of the sakura. we saw, sugar is the name for cherry plum blossoms, at the beginning of spring it is difficult to pass by them, when you see meadows of tulips, there is no doubt, this is real spring, to see so many tulips is of course, as they say, a woman’s happiness, not only women’s, in sevastopol guests and residents of the city they also can’t pass by colorful flower beds with tulips, men take photographs, just as a souvenir, i want to have this on my phone...
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a riot of color and painting in full swing in anapa. narcissa, cherry plum, almonds, tatyana can’t tear herself away for several hours, she writes to magnolia, says: if you don’t have time to capture it, consider yourself late for the whole year. a beautiful transition from white to pale pink, purple, the gradient is very beautiful, in contrast with the cold shade of nature. magnolia is admired in all southern cities, including vladikavkaz. it is believed that one of the oldest plants grows here.
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they appear after a long winter, they are so delicate, if you look at them, they really look like droplets in shape, and this is just the beginning, we are waiting for a blooming spring in all cities of the country. irina safonova, ruslan ziganzhin, anna gazhala, lyudmila kalieva, channel one. spring is marching across the country with leaps and bounds, and behind it a cheerful allergy is sneaking up; in some places allergy sufferers have already felt its symptoms, and in some places they are just preparing for this process.
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let's just say that you need to apply not only medications, but washing, cleaning, and even proper cooking. polinosis, this is the name for an allergy to pollen, if you are familiar with this problem, then it is better to take medications prescribed by a doctor 3 weeks before the start of flowering, you can find your way around... these maps can help, they are on the internet, especially at the height of the season it is important to protect your apartment from pollen, we ventilate it only after rain, install fine mesh on the windows if possible, remember that allergy symptoms are aggravated by dust, so we remove carpets, soft toys and pillows, everything. this could be a forest collector.
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be sure to do wet cleaning at least three times a week. wipe surfaces with a microfiber cloth. it perfectly collects the smallest dust particles. by the way, most of it accumulates on chandeliers, curtains, upholstery and mezzanines. during cleaning, we pay special attention to these areas. for cleaning, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner with a hapafilter. it cleans the surface. from dust as much as possible, we install a filter of the same type on the air conditioner, we also keep in mind that allergies to pollen often food also joins in, it’s better for us to avoid honey, peanuts, chocolate, oranges and nuts, these are highly allergenic, we follow a universal diet, cook porridge for tomorrow, for example, rice, buckwheat or rolled oats, and stew. or we bake potatoes, for dessert you can have apples
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to protect your mucous membranes from pollen, before going outside we put on glasses and a mask, preferably with a filter, and when we return home, we pack our outerwear in a bag, put it on the balcony, wash our colors and jeans, then wash ourselves and. .. treat the nose with salt solution. follow my recommendations to help you make the most of the allergy season. painfully on the calendar april 1 is the first day of the second spring month, even if you are very, very busy right now, you have a busy schedule and have no free time at all, find at least half an hour, take a walk in the spring park, of course, add good emotions to yourself, lift your spirits, this is exactly what is needed now. calendar
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spring has already been a month, the snow is still on the ground, it turns out that there are several types of spring and not everything yet. it's astronomical spring here, meteorological spring and phenological spring, when the buds swell and so on, the astronomical spring came on the day of the equinox, but the meteorological spring is delayed, it comes when the temperature remains above zero for at least 5 days, at night too. in general, meteorologists call spring a time of unjustified expectations, which is understandable. what to do in the park now, take a walk, even if the buds have just appeared, there is a white-gray landscape around, we breathe, the sun is bigger, but it hasn’t gotten stronger. in total, fresh, clean air, what we need now, vitamin d, even if it is still small, but it is there, and the sun itself lifts the mood, spring awakens everything, well, yes, it gets better somewhere, sensations, yes, of course, you can go in for sports, it distracts from
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the negative thoughts, not necessarily serious, like sergei, he catches every snowy day in the spring, before the snow was on skis, how the snow melts. walking on foot, you can just run, first of all we stretch our legs, we really need resorts, elena is not afraid of either snowdrifts or puddles, run at least 25 minutes in comfortable rhythm, the blood supply will already improve, the immune system will be invigorated, you feel anxious, you are tormented by insomnia, running will help with this, and migratory birds are starting to return in the park, somewhere you can already find common birds, owls are still being found in falconers, owlets, when it becomes... .now grown up, well, he has a little bit of wings, yes, but they still don’t know how to fly, but they have a thirst for adventure and travel, they get out of their nests and start wandering, as you understand, this little guy has found adventure , saved him vacationers in the park, now he lives in an ornicological station under supervision, but
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in general he usually advises not to look for birds, listen, it reduces anxiety, close your eyes, which is not meditation, jays give voice, and thrushes give voice, starlings are from that population, which remained to spend the winter, in the end you can have a picnic like this on a bench with the birds chirping, the park in the spring is a full-fledged anti-stress, give yourself such a gift and take a walk, elizaveta nikishova, konstantin struchkov, anna ryabova, channel one. and good morning, dear tv viewers, thank you for celebrating this new day with us, and roman budnikov. and yulia zemina. on the calendar is monday, april 1, the first day of the second spring month. and right away in the morning, food for thought. ophthalmologists say that visual acuity may decrease in spring? yes, why is this happening? how can we help our vision? are there any methods of prevention? should you wear sunglasses in spring? there are many questions, and there will be answers. we were waiting for
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the bright sun, but without protection, alas, it’s better not to look at it when there is no barrier ultraviolet. it is bad for the eyes to retain it in the atmosphere only the ozone layer or clouds, and as we know, no matter how clouds are not always there, and the ozone layer has been destroyed in recent years, by spring the ozone layer thins and such seasonal holes are formed, when there are more of them, then and the weather forecast is appropriate, we look at the uv radiation index in it, and not just the temperature. the ultraviolet index is low in the coming days. one, maximum two, that is, it’s too early to hide from the sun. index 34 it's time to defend yourself, the problem would seem easy it is decided, the sun wears protective glasses, but someone doesn’t wear them? all my life i want to see without glasses and i can’t see very well with them on. let's see if the ophthalmologist puts on dark glasses and looks at the vision test table.
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i think i see the letter b in the first row. two errors are numbers. i'm taking off my glasses. now i see. i can name the numbers. 2, 8, 6, the quality of vision deteriorates, accordingly we strain it, we strain it, we ourselves know that straining the eyes is harmful, the more often, the faster the vision deteriorates, the first bell is difficult to see in darkness, so if you feel uncomfortable wearing dark glasses, this is a signal, check your eyesight with glasses, it is important to find those that make your eyes feel good, and without glasses , it is better not to get carried away with sunscreen procedures when walking, long and short waves of rays are about... 400 good dark glasses we must cut them off, we still need to protect our vision from draft winds, because of them there is dryness in the eyes, if we have
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a lack of tear film, the likelihood of surface damage, that is, mechanical injury from these foreign bodies, it is in a dry eye that there can be inflammation, since there is no normal tear film that contains substances that can defeat. is produced, and to make the moisturizing drops work even better, three eyes, especially at the edges, only then apply the drops. anna obrosimova, stepan erofeev, anton polikov, channel one. on the 1st of april on the calendar in the old days they believed that if this day is warm and clear, then a dry and windy summer awaits us, and if it rains, then in the summer it won’t be... yeah, that’s good too, signs are signs, now let’s listen to the astrologers’ forecast on this day for the whole of april, a very powerful month
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has arrived, energetic, decisive, active, an excellent assistant to everyone who wants to move towards something new, however, he is what is called character, stubborn, takes risks, likes to command, here he needs to be reined in, but he will add strength to our confidence and will push ongoing cycling projects and in general , business life intensifies in april, but... be prepared for the fact that in the first ten days some imperfections and errors will emerge, and this is also a bit of a distracted time, so pay closer attention and don’t forget about safety precautions. with the beginning of the second decade, that's it it will finally accelerate and fly forward, there will be a chance to prove yourself, successfully use opportunities missed by others, invest money profitably or buy something, and your personal life will noticeably liven up in april. aries can feel this today, the wind of change fills their sails, this is great. the main thing is to stay on track, so be clear about what you really want. overall, it’s a good day, the main thing is not to overreact to all sorts of little things. and
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taurus has a positive day, and those who need to communicate a lot and be charming in general great. true, the authorities may surprise you with some strange orders. be philosophical about this. something might change the twins' plans. most likely, it will be some kind of news or someone's request. if there is an unplanned trip. be careful on the roads, and someone else may fall in love with you today. crayfish can catch someone’s amorous gaze, they are generally very noticeable today, ladies are simply irresistible, about their affairs, perhaps, let’s say , some nervousness, it is possible that because of the machinations of competitors, let’s calm down, without emotions, are you likely to have unplanned expenses, they will later pay off, another question is whether you will be able to convince your loved ones or business partners of this, after lunch, wait for some news and... virgos today clearly love money, this, of course, doesn’t mean you can waste them, but you won’t
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be able to treat yourself to some seasonal new clothes, otherwise it’s a good day, although not very predictable, but not boring, libra may suddenly be in a bad mood, the stars say we need to do something about it fight, otherwise you might miss the chance show off your talents, and the evening will definitely lift your spirits, just don’t get carried away with alcohol, some kind of nonsense may try to unsettle scorpios... it’s not a big deal, take it calmly, after dinner everything will get better, there will be a chance to advance in some way... in fact, the evening will be quite nice. a great day for sagittarius, cheerful, energetic, businesslike, when everything works out and even a little bit of luck, among other things, it will be possible to agree on something with the authorities and take care of your wallet, smartphone keys. capricorns also have a good day, though it may require flexibility and the ability to negotiate, and capricorns are clearly inclined to be stubborn, but the star in... was warned, and be careful with technology, it may become capricious. the aquarius luminary says: today the meaning of the word is very great, so do not throw
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words around without thinking, carefully read what you are about to sign. some of the aquarians may be unpleasantly pricked by jealousy, but figure it out yourself, expect guests in the evening. pisces simply have a successful monday, when work is going on, which is called hunting and takes less strength time than it seemed. after lunch, someone might make you happy. give the evening to your loved ones, good luck to you! today, on april 1 , the leader of our television, journalist, writer, tv presenter, vladimir poznar, celebrates his anniversary! congratulations ! but you just said a mentor, a journalist, a tv presenter, this is of course all correct, but not everything, vladimir vladimirovich pozner is already a separate genre, this is a phenomenon, and this is in some way a man of a mystery that is always interesting to solve, happy birthday . well, let's go fishing, oops, wow,
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they love you very much, yeah, they love you, why, the world through the eyes of vladimir, it’s too late. amazing: at 74 he crossed america behind the wheel, at 84 he wandered along the famous rooftops of stockholm, at 87 he picked up a samurai sword. kendom can be practiced from childhood until you are 100 years old, at your age. yes yes yes. over 63 years of journalism, posner has become a separate genre. the word journalism was born in france, like the birthday boy himself. how much do i owe you for this? one kiss? how about a kiss? great idea. internal copy.
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good evening on the air of the program times, i vladimir poznav. 2008 the pozner program starts on channel one. vladimir pozner, with filigree precision, reveals to us the qualities of the interlocutor, which he himself is not even aware of. a journalistic gift, the ability to charm and at the same time ask uncomfortable questions, and most importantly, to listen and hear. many
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issues are already history. this is essentially a hero of the time in the nineties, one of the most difficult guests for vladimir vladimirovich was mikhail zhvanetsky, advice from pozdner to future journalists, do not interview those you love, i’m more happy than satisfied, there are, so look, you ’ve appreciated this, this is me, my answer, just like i answered marcel proust’s questionnaire, which...
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we remind you that on the calendar april 1, monday , the time has come to find out what new has happened in the country in the world by this hour. we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. this is the news on the first, maria vasilyeva studio, hello, hand over everyone involved in the terrorist attacks on... russia to stop any support for terrorist activities, moscow put forward such demands to kiev; our foreign ministry conveyed the official note to ukraine through minsk. we are talking about a bloody attack on crocus city hall in the moscow region, the blowing up of the crimean bridge, the barbaric murders of russian journalists, daria dugina, vladlen tatarsky, and the assassination of the writer zakhar prilepin. among the demands is the arrest of the head of the ukrainian security service, malyuk,
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who cynically admitted that he was behind the bombing of the crimean bridge. the bloody terrorist act committed on march 22 in krasnogorsk and shocked the whole world is far from the first terrorist attack against our country in recent times, the investigative actions carried out by the russian competent authorities indicate that the traces of all these crimes lead to ukraine. fighting the international. the duty of every state, the russian side demands that the kiev regime immediately stop any support for terrorist activities, hand over the perpetrators and compensate for the damage caused to the victims. violation of ukraine's obligations under anti-terrorist conventions will entail its international legal responsibility. now about the important innovations that come into force today. first of all, this is an increase in the social pension. it will be indexed by 7.5%. the recalculation will occur
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automatically and will affect more. people, in addition, from april, on behalf of the president , the salary portion of the salaries of doctors and nurses will increase, while all additional payments will remain the same. the exact amount of the premium is determined by the local. authorities in each region, and health workers from small russian towns and villages will begin to receive increased salaries, so in cities where from 50 to 100,000 people live people, doctors will receive an additional 29 thousand rubles, average staff will receive 13 thousand. doctors from settlements where fewer than 50,000 people live will be paid an additional 50,000 rubles every month. and for mid-level health workers under 30,000. from today the law on so on... now regional authorities can, at their discretion, prohibit the sale of any alcoholic beverages in such points if they are located in apartment buildings in
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the adjacent territory. cafe exception and restaurants. pleasant changes for those who travel by plane: from april 1, airlines will pay passengers a fine for flight delays and will reimburse 100 rubles for each hour. but no more than half the cost of the air ticket.
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israel has approved a ground action plan in rafah in the southern gaza strip under pressure as citizens make it clear that they are dissatisfied with his policies. in jerusalem, for the first time , more than 100,000 people demonstrated, demanding the release of those captured. hamas hostages and early elections blocked the roads, the police used water cannons to clear the passage, in another part of the city
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they were refusing military service, a large fire was extinguished in the krasnodar region, a camp site was burning there, most of the building was wooden, the fire spread rapidly and covered an area of ​​500 km, at that moment there were they are resting... various maneuvers, engineering arrangement of field positions, camouflage, combat guards, as well as counteraction to enemy sabotage groups. the main task is to check the readiness of personnel and equipment for long-term duty.
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the missilemen of the tagil formation of the strategic missile forces in the sreddlovsk region are also undergoing exercises; they have already worked out the tasks of detecting and destroying saboteurs of a mock enemy using drones. and now the fighters of the formation are carrying out tasks to enhance reconnaissance and build up. security, good morning to everyone who is coming to us and yulia zemina, on the calendar monday, april 1, from this, the size of social pensions will be indexed, the rule for registering a license will also change, it will be easier for owners redevelopment, in general, she will tell you about this and more. let's quit. the pension will be increased. from april 1, indexation by 7.5%. benefits are recalculated once a year to compensate for inflation. the next increase is already in 2025
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. changes in the housing code, as well as the law on state registration of real estate. the procedure for carrying out redevelopment will be simplified, as well as the process of transferring residential premises from residential premises. faster now. innovation in food. only in six months, but the number of penalty points for the exam has been increased if the deadline the id expires this year or next year, 2028 or 2028. what else is new? the threshold for duty-free import of parcels that are delivered has been reduced. you will only have to pay if
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the foreign product is more expensive than 200 euros or weighs more than 31 kg. if the price or weight is higher, the tax is 15% of the purchase price, but not more than 2 euros per kilogram. biometric passport. the first such passports per gram began to be issued 18 years ago. already. yes. over the years, biometrics has ceased to be exotic. money in the bank, take out a loan using your fingerprint, pay a trip to the subway, now all this can be done using biometrics, how it works, is it possible to deceive biometrics, where did it all begin, where is it going, ruslan yunyaev will tell you about it. the biometric passport is now an adult, he is 18. in 2006, an experiment was conducted in moscow, st. petersburg and kaliningrad to issue passports with biometrics. then in 2010 the possibility of registration arose.
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biometric passports valid for 10 years. what is biometrics according to the 2006 version? an electronic one is sewn into the passport chip, it contains a 3d photo of a person and standard passport data. in 2010 , fingerprints were added; the first such documents are issued at the ministry of internal affairs. in 2014, they are issued at the mfc, and a year later you can order without leaving your home, through government services. because of that chip, this is one of the most secure documents. what is biometrics for a gran passport? this. that is, this is biometrics, which is necessary for carrying out certain checks, confirming personal identification, specifically by an official. fifteen years ago, the biometric passport did not change, only the chip, forgive us our lives, our 3d photos and voices are stored in the state unified biometric system; commercial players, in principle , organizations and government ones store biometrics more. for the purpose
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of providing services based on biometrics is no longer possible. you can upload your data through the biometrics government service application or at any bank that is included in the system. a citizen must contact any bank branch with a passport snls; snls is required in order to register an account on the government services portal. if the client has an account the entry is already registered, there is a verified account, then snells is not required. in the ebs, after the biometric personal data of the biometric system, a citizen can or in companies that can use biometrics, from march 30, you can check into a hotel, the most curious thing is how...
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since january of this year it is displayed in government services, here you can withdraw it. from a single system. ruslan gunyaev, denis ponomarev, anatoly brikalov, comes to mind when they send us another tempting promo. when is it possible to use promotional codes? really save money and where to look for them. their products, posts them on social networks
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through bloggers. promotional codes are small, they range from 5 to 10%, and most often they are one-time, it is profitable for beer to build a loyalty program so that customers return and spend bonuses from previous ones. purchases, that is , you subscribed to a specific blogger, you were lucky, but you didn’t subscribe, you just won’t find out who exactly published the promotional code, but the principled opponents of the complete. he exists, that means he exists, and sooner or later we will find him. promo codes most often searched in telegram channels, and the channels themselves using keywords in the search bar inside the messenger. we drive in discounts, promotional codes,
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life hacks, freebies. here's a great promo code. 2,500 discount on cycling products, and other very profitable offers for marketplaces. i’m wondering if it’s possible to... this promotional code by search, most likely not, i’ll explain why, it means that promotional codes, as a rule, are last-minute, yes, they have an expiration date of a day or two, they then disappear, and so that the page is displayed at the top of the search, it takes time, but i try, i enter the word promotional codes, the name of a specific store, product categories, well, they are not found yet, but for the word bicycle products there is no promotional code for yet, the first links, obvious keywords do not work, oh, wait, yes, found it, found it, found it, it took time, but yes, find it you can simply use a browser to save 10, 15, even 20% on everyday expenses, but often promotional codes are a bait, some stores send them if a regular customer hasn’t ordered anything for a long time, we can remind
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ourselves with a small gift, that is, we are there here, we are, remember about us, this is how you open your mail, didn’t someone remind you of yourself, there’s a whole tab called promotions, something that usually doesn’t open right away in the trash or spam, i enter the word promotional code in the search, and, for example, food delivery, which i regularly use, offers me a 15% discount on my next order, this is nice, in general, to start saving using promotional codes, sometimes it’s enough to start paying attention to them. varvara fedorova, vasily valetov, evgeny marinkov, channel one. by the way, today, april 1, marks 135 years. can you imagine that one very important appliance, the dishwasher, oh, it’s symbolic that it was invented by a woman, strangely, josephine cochrane, she said so herself, if no one is going to invent the dishwasher, then i’ll do it myself. josephine, dear, thank you very much, our
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maria nikolaeva also decided to make her final contribution to this matter and went in search of the most convenient and economical dishwasher, for being women. may stand less sinks and do not spoil the manicure. thank you jezephilnik kakran. for 135 years, dishwashers have been making our lives easier. on sale are small tabletop devices measuring 40x46, they take up little space and are convenient. you can add it to the kitchen, even if there was no space initially. such options are often used for summer cottages; here are built-in dishwashers 60x90. it’s actually more difficult to fit into the interior, they are clearly visible. calculation. another obvious difference is the capacity of compact ones - on average there are eight sets of dishes, large up to seventeen. frying pans and large pots will fit, respectively, and the power varies, from 600 to 800 w versus 2,000 per cycle. but in the case of full-size machines, you can
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save a little on electricity if there is a function for supplying hot water directly. but in general the operating principle is similar. water enters , heats up, and mixes with foam. sprinkles through a special spinner, washes the dishes, then rinses the filter, consumption in small devices is 7 liters, large ones 12, but it’s still more economical than washing hands. in order to wash the dishes after dinner between three and four people, experiments show that at least 50 liters of water are wasted manually, that is, the water savings here are simply several times. now the functionality of the installed dishwashers is, of course, greater, but here you need to understand any complication. leads to an increased likelihood of failure, that is, the more complex the machine, the less reliable it will be in the end, so determine what you really need, for example, some kind of half-load function, delayed start, indication on the floor, or an option such as a convection drying mode, due to
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additional airflow, moisture evaporates in 5 minutes, tabletops take 20 to dry, they just have regular drying, hot water evaporates, hot air... settles on the walls and drains down, but from the point of view of caring for small ones, there is more fuss, you need to clean the filter more often, it gets dirty faster than with full-size devices, and when choosing in both cases, we make sure that the frame all the parts are made of durable metal, the rollers are optionally made of reinforced plastic and are required system protection against leaks, then there is every chance that your assistant will last as long as possible. maria nikolaeva, vasily valetov, i came to the soviet union, i was nineteen years old, and i had no stronger desire than desire. not to be russian, well, this is the time, we extend our hand to you, we have sex , my school, how were you able to learn our russian
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language, your russian language, there is clearly no time for teleconferences, we honestly drove all over america behind the wheel and he i drove all the way myself, such a tomboyish guy, where are your millions? earned, birch is berezutsky, right, what will you say when you find yourself in front of him? vladimir pozner premiered today at the first
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cognac monte chococa - a product of the stellar group rom castro a product of the stellar group vodka veda a product of the stellar group cognac old barrel a product of the stellar group. just imagine the situation, you are walking, not touching anyone, suddenly a kind passer-by says: your whole back is white, let me clean it for you, man, you’ve got it all dirty, let me put it in your pocket, just like that, my friend. a passerby pickpocket, security expert osman dilibash will now tell you how these kinds of scammers work, listen carefully, you know why a cafe is a good place for pickpockets, why don’t you come to have a snack, relax or even work like me... now you are busy with your business and don’t keep an eye on things, which means
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it’s easy to steal from you. here is the surveillance video. three people at a table are pickpockets, their victim is a guy with a laptop. look, the criminals are starting to change seats and rearrange their things. this is necessary to get closer to the victim's bag. a convenient position has been found, once the ivor takes out someone else’s wallet, now he... takes the money from it , returns the thing to its place, now the guy can’t even prove anything, who knows how much money he had with him, the job is done, the criminals leave, what you need to protect yourself in a cafe, do not hang your bag, put it next to you, cover it with outer clothing so that it does not attract attention, like this, thieves, of course, can operate not only in cafes. imagine the situation: you are walking along street, then a random passer-by reports that
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you are dirty and supposedly helps you clean your jacket, something like this. look what he does, he takes a mobile phone out of the victim’s pocket. pickpockets have another tricky method that works best on stairs. the video is summer, but the time of year does not matter, the thief's accomplice. pretends that he dropped something, detains the girls who are following him, and the pickpocket quietly takes out the phone from one of them. what conclusions can be drawn here, under no circumstances, do not allow strangers to approach you touch. in a crowd, do not carry your phones in your back pockets, but in your bag, put them at the very bottom, just like your wallet. and carry the bag on your stomach. like this, throwing it over your shoulder, then pickpockets will not be able to get to your
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valuables. in all schools on channel one, the first lesson is now starting. in all schools and colleges of the country, conversations about important things are starting. and today's topic is russia - a healthy power. today we are talking about an important, honored coach of russia, two-time olympic champion in figure skating, maxim. what does it mean to lead a healthy lifestyle? well, i think that this is a kind of complex that is individual for each person, for some it helps to get up early and exercise, and for others, on the contrary , sleep longer and maybe go to bed later, because ... it all depends on the person’s personality, on his type of occupation, but of course, this is the maximum
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exception of probably bad habits, what good habit helps you personally, sports in my life. so much so that i still can’t bring myself to continue doing it on a regular basis. tatiana, she takes part in people's shows, that is, she is much more regular than i am on the ice, i coach more than i train, because i have my own athletes with whom i work, and it’s with them that i stand everything every day i do the same on the ice and maybe sometimes i show some things and movements, but still it’s not that intense, it’s quite difficult to even call it physical education. do you teach your children to play sports? i am categorically against big-time sports for my children, but at the same time, if they want, if they can interesting, then please, our youngest son is still very young, that is, due to his age, he still cannot play sports, and anzhelika, she turned 7 years old recently in february, she is involved in figure skating,
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amateur, just as amateur, she does rhythmic gymnastics, just because she likes it, when she wants... she always has the opportunity to go to the skating rink, this is probably the healthiest person in our family, because all day long she stretches, bends herself into some incredible shapes, and of course makes us happy about this. why do schoolchildren need to think about health? health is, first of all, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt, that is, there are some hidden moments when it gets sick, it will be too late. that’s why, of course, at any age you need to, at least to a minimum , take care of your health over... years, i understand that at school sometimes it’s nice for me to go to classes and so on, but in general, the healthier we are, the calmer for our parents and our body. how do you look after your health? my family calls me a superhero because i almost never get sick. i
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i think it’s just my ural health. well, of course, a sport like figure skating is like any other winter sport. sport is, of course, hardening, you are constantly on the ice in such sub-zero temperatures, and just a lot of children come to figure skating to harden up, that is, doctors tell their parents that they need to engage in some kind of sport, usually they choose figure skating because they don’t it’s completely outdoors, but at the same time it’s beautifully comfortable. what are the three most beneficial healthy habits in your opinion? well most useful is probably something related to hygiene. we brush our teeth, take a shower regularly, secondly, it’s probably in the fresh air, you need to stay as much as possible, now i know that young people spend much more time at home on gadgets, on computers, and so on, and thirdly, moderate physical activity, that is, physical education, exercise, going out to play football with the guys in the yard, rollerblading on a skateboard,
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this is also great and also develops immunity and physical condition, maybe i’ll... with some old grandfather grumbling, but i still advise schoolchildren to spend more time outside, the most important thing, because what was in my childhood, i don’t see it now, maybe i miss it, we lived in the yard , we walked, made friends in the yard, and not on social networks, and there were a lot of interesting memories in life connected specifically with the yard, with mine, with my grandmother’s dacha, with my grandfather’s, where i spent time. so, how many children are you planning? how did the third one turn out? the answer to this question is that god has the first child, i wanted, uh, that now it’s time for us, and my beloved daughter was born. a second child - it was already tatyana’s desire that she needed a second child, but as soon as they grew up, we seemed to sigh and somehow life began to get better after all these
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ups and downs with young children, and with infants, it turned out that it was a gift. this one appeared in the form of a third child, watch today on channel one the continuation of the serial undercover taxi detective. lieutenant alexey turbin continues to roam the city streets, playing the role of an ordinary taxi driver. at the same time, everything time is in the thick of things. if you forgot something, maybe you missed something, maybe you got confused in the plot, we will now remind you of everything and unravel everything.
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causes distrust among colleagues as to why the turbine is being offered to participate in an experimental undercover taxi project. listen, peps, let me mind my own business, and you mind yours. nobody wants to work with lieutenant turbin. his partner beat the suspect during his arrest. turbin did not defend his friend, he told his superiors everything as it happened. he believes in justice, but for everyone else it looks like an ugly duckling who is not on the team, no, not with us. if you want to know, go ahead, resign from the police, hand over your weapons to siv and come, i’ll tell you. while you are in uniform, i cannot divulge the secret investigation to you. and i won’t, i’m free, a lieutenant colonel in ossetsky is investigating the murder of turbin’s parents and a series of attacks on taxi drivers, turbin wants to help the investigation, wherever you look,
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his figure appears everywhere, his shadow is visible everywhere, vasitsky has his own diocese, he doesn’t i like how someone gets in there, especially from another department, some kind of lieutenant or whoever he is, a patrol guard , a subordinate in osetsky ina shares information with the turbine, what’s wrong with the eyes? and i cried all night, finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, doesn’t like me, won’t inna regret trusting the turbine, from now on no contact with this scoundrel from the teaching staff, otherwise the consequences will be for you, them as rigid as possible, and what hides the turbines from colleagues, fingerprints found in the taxis near the turbine completely match the prints from this person, the suspect is approaching me 8:12.
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we remind you that april 1 is monday on the calendar, it’s time to find out what new has happened in the country and in the world by this hour. we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. today , several innovations are coming into force in the country. first of all, this is an increase in the social pension; it will be indexed by 7.5%. recount will take place automatically and will affect more than 4 million people. in addition, from april on behalf of. the exact size of the bonus is determined by local authorities in each region, and medical workers from small
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russian cities and villages will begin to receive increased salaries from this month, so in cities where from 50 to 100 thousand people live, doctors will receive an additional 29 thousand rubles, average staff by 13.00, doctors from settlements where less than 50 thousand people live.
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everything from moving a doorway to dismantling built-in cabinets will have to be approved. moscow demands that the kiev regime immediately hand over all those involved in terrorist attacks on russian territory and stop any.
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the bloody terrorist act committed on march 22 in krasnogorsk and shocked the whole world is not the first terrorist attack against our country in recent times. the investigative actions carried out by the russian competent authorities indicate that the traces of all these crimes lead to ukraine. the fight against international terrorism is the responsibility of every state. the russian side demands from the kiev regime. immediately stop any support for terrorist activities, hand over those responsible and compensate for the damage caused to the victims. violation of ukraine's obligations under anti-terrorist conventions will entail its international legal responsibility. now the latest data on the progress of the special operation, russian paratroopers destroyed a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry in a strong point on the orekhovsky sector of the front, they managed to detect the enemy with the help of a drone , an armored group advanced to the designated area, acting professionally, our fighters from 100-millimeter cannons destroyed the enemy fortifications, and the militants suffered heavy losses. in the southern donetsk direction , crews of malka self-propelled artillery guns are working on them, they are hitting the fortifications and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces.
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among the destroyed were many nato vehicles, including the polish krap artillery mount and the american paladin. air strikes against the enemy are carried out by fpv drone crews. in the northern direction , a ukrainian fortified strong point was destroyed with the help of copters. a concentration of ukrainian armed forces personnel is being attacked their technicians are our pilots. so in zaporozhye , the crew of the k-52 and mi-28 helicopters carried out a missile strike on enemy positions and eliminated 35 militants. three pieces of equipment, we are getting close enough, but fortunately our army comrades are working, flying mi-8 ntpr helicopters, creating interference, in general, we hope the enemy doesn’t see us, yes, but that’s the way it is, that’s why we we carry out our work secretly, the largest rally of the year in support of peace and against arms supplies took place in the netherlands
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ukraine. assistance to ukraine, the organizers explained that many participants decided to join the protest for the first time after statements by french president macron about the possibility of sending european troops to ukraine. the weather at the beginning of the week will take muscovites into june, forecasters report, the temperature on monday tuesday is about 20°, this is significantly higher than normal, even warmer in the kursk, kaluga, tula and rostov regions, as well as in voronezh, belgorod and lipetsk,
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the thermometer. up to 24° on the black sea coast and even +26, water of course, it’s still cold, it’s too early to swim, well, by the end of the week, central russia will see weather swings on friday night in moscow and the region down to -4. that's all for now. and good morning, dear tv viewers. thank you for celebrating this new day with us, roman budnikov and yulia zemina. on the calendar monday, april 1, the first day of the second spring month, immediately in the morning there is information for thought. ophthalmologists say that visual acuity may decrease in spring? yes, why does this happen, how to help our vision, are there any methods of prevention, is it necessary to wear sunglasses in the spring? there are many questions, and there will be answers. we were so looking forward
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to the bright sun, but..., alas, it’s better not to look at it, when there is no barrier to ultraviolet light, it’s bad for the eyes, only the ozone layer or clouds can retain it in the atmosphere, and as we know, clouds don’t always exist, and the ozone layer has been destroyed in recent years, by spring the ozone layer thins and such seasonal holes are formed, when there are more of them, then the weather forecast is appropriate, look at there is an index for eff radiation, and not only... the ultraviolet index in the coming days is low, one, maximum two, that is, it is too early to hide from the sun. it's time for index 3.4 to defend itself. the problem seems to be easily solved by wearing sun protection glasses, but who doesn't wear them? i have lived my entire life without glasses, and i can see very well with them on. let's see if this is the case with the ophalmologist, i put on dark glasses, look at the vision test table. i think i see the letter b in the first row. two errors
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are numbers. i'm taking off my glasses. now i see and can name the numbers. 2, 8, 6, getting worse the quality of vision, accordingly we strain it. we're stressing out, yes. we ourselves know that straining your eyes is harmful. the more often, the faster, vision deteriorates. the first bell is hard to see in the dark. so, if you feel uncomfortable wearing dark glasses, this is a signal to have your glasses checked. it is important to find those that are good for the eyes. and without glasses, with sun protection procedures on... walks , it is better not to get carried away, long and short waves of rays penetrate into the eye and if they reach the eye in excess , the cornea can be damaged. so is the lens. for this capable rays, wavelengths of which are 400. good dark glasses should cut them off. you also need to protect your vision from draft winds, because of them there is dryness in the eyes. if we have a lack of tear film, there is a possibility
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of damage to the surface, that is, mechanical injury from these foreign bodies. it is a dry eye that can cause inflammation. since there is no normal tear film. which would contain substances that can defeat bacteria that accidentally enter the eye along with a foreign body. the main advice is to blink more often, only then will the tear fluid is produced, and to make the moisturizing drops work even better, three eyes, especially at the edges, only then apply the drops. anna obrosimova, stepan erofeev, anton polikov, channel one. on april 1, on the calendar in the old days they believed that if this day is warm and clear, then a dry and windy summer awaits us, and if it rains, then there will be no drought in the summer, yeah, that’s also good, it will be taken by signs, now let’s listen to the astrologers’ forecast for this day , for the whole of april. a very powerful month has arrived, energetic,
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decisive, active, an excellent helper everyone who wants to move towards something new, it’s true that he, as they say, has a stubborn character, takes risks, loves to command, here he needs to be reined in, but he will add strength to our confidence, push us... current projects and business life in general in april will be activated, but be prepared for the fact that in the first ten days some imperfections and errors will emerge, and this is also a little distracted time, so pay closer attention and don’t forget about safety precautions, with the beginning of the second ten days everything will finally accelerate and fly forward, it will a chance to prove yourself, to successfully use opportunities missed by others, to profitably invest money or buy something, and your personal life will noticeably liven up in april. aries can feel this. today, the wind of change is filling their sails, this is great, the main thing is not to go astray, so firmly understand for yourself what you really want, overall it’s a good day, the main thing is not to overreact to all sorts of little things, taurus is having a positive day , and those who need to
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communicate a lot and be charming are generally excellent, however, the bosses may surprise some strange orders, take it philosophically, something may change the plans of the twins, most likely it will be like in the case of affairs, there may be, let’s say, some nervousness in them, it is possible that due to the machinations of competitors, let’s calm down, without emotions, if you are facing unplanned expenses, they will later pay off, another question is, will you be able to convince of this? or business partners, expect some news after lunch ; be careful while driving. virgos today clearly love money, this, of course, does not mean that they can litter, but it’s not forbidden to treat yourself to some seasonal new clothes, otherwise it’s a good day, although not very predictable, but
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not boring. libra's mood may suddenly deteriorate, the stars say, this must be dealt with somehow, otherwise you may miss the chance to show your talents, and the evening will definitely lift your mood, only with alcohol. don’t get carried away, he may try to unsettle scorpios, some kind of nonsense didn’t work out, get over it calmly, after lunch everything will get better, there will be a chance to advance in some business, evening it will be really cute. a great day for sagittarius, cheerful, energetic, businesslike, when everything works out and even gets a little lucky. among other things, you will be able to agree on something with your superiors and take care of your wallet, smartphones, and keys. capricorns also have a good day, although it may require flexibility of skill. negotiate, and capricorns are clearly inclined to be stubborn, but the stars have warned you, and be careful with technology, things can get capricious. aquarius saints say: today the meaning of the word is very great, so don’t rush without thinking in words, carefully read
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what you are going to sign, some of the aquarians may be unpleasantly stung by jealousy, but figure it out yourself, expect guests in the evening. pisces simply have a successful monday, when work goes on, which is called hunting and takes away. then on the safety net so that the descending paratrooper doesn’t get tangled up, there are trees and bushes growing around, something might get stuck somewhere, for beginners it’s also a test to see if they can work in the real world? conditions , the height at which paratroopers work is
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reaches 40 m, a rumbling machine, and a mi-8 helicopter, of course it brings chaos into its own, there must be orderliness of actions, out of two thousand firefighters in the region, 660 are paratroopers and paratroopers. thanks to the ecology national project, the air service now has new lesnik-3 parachute systems, a flight weight of up to 150 kg and high landing accuracy. units of equipment, cars, boats, boats, plows, soil. last year, we reduced the number of forest fires three times; we extinguished up to 87% of forest fires in the first 24 hours. in the leningrad region in the past 162 forest fires were extinguished in the first 24 hours. hundreds of new equipment were also received under the ecology national project. 10 years ago the average area in the leningrad region was 2 hectares, but now we are. during the fire season from
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april to october, control rooms work around the clock; cameras are in automatic mode; if they see smoke somewhere, they show a red dot; in the ulyanovsk region they use drones to detect fires; nine new devices will arrive this year. and a little bit of. by the end of 2024 everything regions of the country will be provided with 100% forest fire equipment. now this figure is 95, but the main thing in the issue of forest conservation is the responsible attitude of people, so we do not forget about the basic rules and do not go out into nature during periods of high fire danger. evgeny belyakov, nadezhda zypkina channel one. good morning, dear friends, thank you for starting a new day with us on channel one. today is april 1, yulia zemina and roman budnikov are with you,
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that back is white, but stop in the middle in fact, no, no, this is no longer relevant, of course, this is no longer funny at all and i don’t want to laugh at it, now i’ll be absolutely serious, dear tv viewers, start this morning with a smile, because smiling, laughing is very useful, and it’s not we came up with it, this is a scientific fact, yes, as children we smile 400 times a day, as we grow up, we tighten up. adults believe that laughter is some kind of childish emotion, and for me, a stern man, this is not supposed to happen, but even theirs can't be stopped if the company around is right, if we we come, i don’t know, there’s a factory with a clown show, where in one workshop everyone knows each other, these... man, yes, they are stern men, but they will laugh a lot,
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they have nothing to be shy about, they work well when it’s family audience, as a rule, the children begin to laugh, then the mother begins to pick up, and then the father, as if for the company, already relaxes, and rightly so, this is useful, firstly, for brain function, if, for example, he is preparing for an exam in a good mood an a is guaranteed, a smile, including an artificial one, triggers the production of hormones happiness, then dopamine takes over. this is a hormone that creates a joyful anticipation of something, but in principle draws our attention to what is happening around us, and if we have started a process that increases the level of dopamine, our local memory capacity increases, and the brain seems to receive a signal about that , pay attention, you need to write down what is happening now, secondly, people who are positive burn kilocalories faster, according to various sources, from 10 to 130 in 15 minutes of laughter, so the cake is eaten... a smiling person stays longer
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young fresh, when we live without a smile, we live, suddenly we get jowls in our cheeks, suddenly jowls appear, and those people who smile have better ovals, they strengthen this muscle of youth, we really call it apples, so they don’t fall, they, on the contrary, seem to tighten up and make the face look younger, more defined, cosmetologist olga moroz says, don’t be afraid of wrinkles... no need, gloomy people have no less of them, but the suns around the eyes are much more beautiful, and you can always find a reason to shine, here i'm in a good mood, i'm going to share it, and from this makes everything around you feel good, people walking nearby are also smiling, they are pleased to see that you and i are smiling at each other and talking, this is a reason to smile, children, here we are with the children, now we are smiling and happy with you, and we take from them for example, we can reach 400 smiles, alena astrakhantseva, stepan erofeev, on the calendar on april 1, the time of flowering begins and even though
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there is still snow in the middle zone, but here and there, in some places, primroses are already blooming, i mean that already. i feel that in the southern regions of our country , cherry plum, almond, quince are already blooming everywhere, viburnum, mimosa, tulips, and of course, the beautiful magnolia, in general, spring is on its way to spring, in sochi park visitors do not let go of their phones, here is quince, viburnum is blooming, and also mimosa, so sunny, we were very surprised, mimosa, we’ve never seen it grow, we smelled it, took pictures, saw sakara, sakara and... cherry blossoms are called plums, at the beginning of spring it’s difficult to pass by them, when you see meadows of tulips, there is no doubt, here it is, the real one spring, there is so much to see tulips - this, of course, as they say, is a woman’s happiness, not only women’s, in sevastopol, guests and residents of the city also cannot pass by the colorful flower beds with
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tulips, men take photographs, just as a souvenir, i want to have such a piece in my phone. city, the crimean sun is slowly making a miracle, nature comes to life, in such difficult times, it warms the soul very much, it warms and inspires to create, says oleg tansura, he calls himself a plein air artist, that is, he paints not in a studio, on the street from nature, here you have to have time to catch moment, here on the kletsky peninsula the plum almond tree is the first to bloom, so it’s like a plenary start to painting, a riot of color and painting. in full swing and in anapa, daffodil, deer, almond, tatyana can’t tear herself away for several hours, writes magnolia, says: if you don’t have time to capture it, consider yourself late for the whole year, beautiful transition from white to pale pink, purple color, the gradient is very beautiful, in contrast with the cold shade of nature, magnolia is admired in all
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southern cities, including vladikavkaz, it is believed that one of the oldest plants of this family grows here. it was planted before the revolution and they assume that it is 108 years old, but this is a lot, the rest of the magnolias that i know in the republic are on garden plots, they are much younger, it’s a pity that magnolia blooms for only a few days, in fact, if you are careful , you can find that the central regions are also beginning to bloom, so what if there is still snow in tver, and nearby are primroses, the first droplets of warmth that awaken after a long winter. they are so tender if you look at them, they really look like droplets in shape, and this is just the beginning, we are waiting for a blooming spring in all cities of the country. irina safonova, ruslan ziganzhin, anna gazhala, lyudmila kalieva, channel one. spring is marching across the country with leaps and bounds, and
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cheerful allergies are sneaking up behind it, and in some places allergy sufferers have already felt its symptoms, and in some places they are just preparing for this process, and we feel and prepare, oh. oh, doctor of the highest category sergei arsenin will now talk about how to resist this scourge, say so that you need to use not only medicine, but washing, cleaning and even proper cooking. polinosis is the name given to an allergy to pollen . if you are familiar with this problem, then it is better to take medications prescribed by your doctor 3 weeks before flowering begins. these maps will help you get your bearings. they are available on the internet; at the height of the season, it is especially important for us to protect our apartment from pollen; we ventilate it only after rain; if possible, we install a fine mesh on the windows. we remember that allergy symptoms are aggravated by dust, so we remove it from the house
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carpets, soft toys and pillows. all this could be a dust collector. be sure to do wet cleaning at least three times a week, wipe the surfaces with a microfiber cloth, it perfectly collects the smallest dust particles. by the way, most of it accumulates on chandeliers, curtains, upholstery and mezzanines. during cleaning, we pay special attention to these areas. for cleaning, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner with a heppo filter. it cleans surfaces of dust as much as possible. we install a filter of the same type on the air conditioner, we also have in mind pollen allergies often food also joins in, it is better for us to avoid honey, peanuts, chocolate, oranges and nuts, these are highly allergenic, we follow a universal
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diet, cook porridge for breakfast, for example, rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, stew cabbage or bake it. for dessert you can have apples to protect the mucous membranes from pollen; before going outside, we put on glasses and a mask, preferably. filter, and when we return home, we pack the outerwear in a bag, put it on the balcony, wash the colors and jeans, then wash and treat the nose with saline solution. follow my recommendations, this is will help you get through the allergy season as painlessly as possible. feed and surprise, that’s the motto of chef evgenia selverstova. well,
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isn't it nice to be surprised? i hope now i need to cook spaghetti with an exquisite vegetable sauce and add to it, and marvel, potatoes with mushrooms, wow! i boiled the spaghetti, served the pasta with a rich, very tasty sauce, cut the carrots into strips, onions, and half. rings, fry the ingredients in vegetable oil, add chopped champignons, sweet peppers and tomatoes, after 5 minutes pour a glass of boiled water, add tomato paste, spices , potatoes cut into strips, close the lid, simmer the mixture on low heat until tender, add chopped garlic for a bright taste, ready, you can... serve, put spaghetti in a deep bowl, mushroom sauce with potatoes on top, sprinkle the dish with aromatic cilantro ,
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mm, delicious, try to cook this too, bon appetit, watch today on channel one the continuation of the serial undercover taxi detective. lieutenant alexey turbin continues to roam the city streets, playing the role of an ordinary taxi driver. at the same time, you always find yourself in the thick of things, if you forgot something, maybe you missed something, maybe you got confused in the plot, we ’ll remind you of everything now, we’ll unravel everything, central 3693, we arrived in the area of ​​the bus station, took a successful duty 3693, by an unusual taxi driver is roaming the streets of st. petersburg, this is a crime scene, move on, police lieutenant alexey turbin is driving his checkered car, he is patrolling the city as if... an experienced grandmaster is calculating moves of criminals. in general, in my opinion, everything is clear. it seems to me that it is not entirely clear.
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turbin helps people and at the same time causes mistrust of his colleagues. why is the turbine offered to participate in an experimental project, an undercover taxi? listen, peps, let me mind my own business, and you mind yours. nobody wants to work with lieutenant turbine. his partner beat the suspect during his arrest. there were no turbines. attacks on taxi drivers, turbines wants to help the investigation, wherever you look, his figure appears everywhere, his shadow is visible everywhere, at vasitsky
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his own diocese and he doesn’t like how someone gets in there, especially from another department , some kind of lieutenant or whatever he is, a patrol guard, vasetsky’s subordinate shares information with the turbine, what’s wrong with the eyes, and all night i sobbed, finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, doesn’t like me... will inna regret trusting the turbine? from now on, no contact with this rogue from the teaching staff, otherwise the consequences for you will be as severe as possible. so what hides turbines from colleagues? the fingerprints found in trubin's taxi completely match the fingerprints of this man. the suspect is approaching me. 8:12 don’t even try to watch something undercover taxi detective on channel one today. listen, have you thought about applying? the search, in my opinion, is stubbornly disappearing, why is it disappearing, i am a chutazh, svetlana neimanes, maria bronzova, aisaratevich, joseph kobrin,
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channel one. this is where our program ends, but a new spring day is just beginning, take care of yourself and your loved ones and see you on the first channel. and right now the news will continue our broadcast. bye. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. immediately hand over all those involved. an official note from our foreign ministry to ukraine. not only the terrorist attack in crocus city, the attacks on the crimean bridge, the murder of russian journalists. through the fire he returned again for the wounded. what's your last name?
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you're the man, bro. kamil nasipov, our report about the hero who saved people from a trap in a crocus. marten hunting is a valuable trophy for our fighters. took away from under my nose ukrnazis, bmp marder, victory will be ours. and what was found in the german combat vehicle is material for both engineers and intelligence officers. april begins with an increase, indexation of pensions, increase. what else will change, the new rules will affect air travelers and those who are going to get a driver’s license. instead of scorched earth, a young forest, a national ecology project, a simple one, a big one.


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