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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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it’s just holy horror, but the transatlantic elites still ignore the will of the people, although it ’s quite difficult to ignore, here in poland they boast that they send their volunteers, and 75% of poles say that we are categorically against , only 10% are in favor, but this only says that democratic mechanisms have not been working there for a long time, and authoritarianism is really spreading there, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory... if only it were ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00. hello, channel one has evening news, andrey ukharev is with you. a passenger bus was demolished by a fast train at a crossing. tragedy in the yaroslavl region, there are dead and injured.
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the militants detained in dagestan were involved in the terrorist attack in crocus, they brought weapons to the killers, and they themselves planned an explosion in kaspiyski, to cut off the ukrainian armed forces from supply routes, two important bridges were immediately destroyed by our fighters, the automobile one in gulya pole and the railway one in kurakhovo. on measures to support the participants of the special operation and their families, as well as on the development of the vologda region.
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crossing in the yaroslavl region, an express train demolished a passenger bus, eight people died, all of them were in the car , the tragedy occurred in the village of berendeevo, it is known that the crossing itself is equipped with a barrier, which was lowered at the time of the accident, how did the bus end up on the rails right in front of rushing fast train arkhangelsk-moscow, now remains to be determined by the investigation; according to preliminary data, the cause may be a technical breakdown of the bus, due to which it stopped on the rails. the driver applied the emergency brake. but the collision could not be avoided. the footage from the scene of the accident shows that the impact simply threw the car off the road into the enemy. urgent messages are coming from belgorod. ukrainian militants again attacked peaceful neighborhoods in broad daylight. eyewitnesses share footage of the aftermath. one of the ammunition allegedly went into the playground in the yard. there is a large crater in place. another video from telegram channels, as they write, the blow hit the car, the car caught fire. a resident claims that shells also hit... the roof
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high-rise buildings into the parking lot in front of the cinema, people managed to take cover from the shelling in the building. the ministry of defense reported that air defense systems shot down 17 projectiles from the czech-made vampire multiple launch rocket system over the belgorod region. now there is news about the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, the fsb reported that militants detained the day before in dagestan are involved in it. it was established that they supplied the terrorists with money and also delivered weapons to the perpetrators from makhachkala to the moscow region. at the same time, they themselves were preparing another major terrorist attack in kaspiysk. it was prevented as a result of a large-scale operation by the special services. the details were only revealed today. footage of the arrest and interrogation of olga knyazeva. the fsb special forces are preparing to detain; in a few seconds the terrorist on the ground gives his first testimony. where are the weapons? where's the bomb? in my apartment. the counter-terrorism operation began in dagestan in the early morning of march 31. detention teams worked in kaspiysk in several areas.
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the organizers of the terrorist attack came to pick up weapons, delivered, as it now turned out, from dagestan, i brought them weapons from makhachkala, i only with finances and weapons, as he supported financially, as can be seen in these footage, those detained near an atm are discussing something, either withdrawing money, or depositing it into the account, and then making a transfer, according to the fsb, one terrorist is from dagestan, two from central asia,
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and it became known that the investigative committee is petitioning for the arrest of another tenth person involved in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus, according to the investigative committee, a few days before the tragedy, the man transferred money through his bank card for the terrorists’ accommodation, part of the funds translated to one of the perpetrators after the attack. russia is preparing to appeal to international courts regarding the ukrainian trace in a number of terrorist attacks committed in our country. meade, as required by procedure, has already handed over a note to kiev, which is essentially a pre-trial claim.
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convince the world that the terrorist attack was the work of the banned isis, however, as the department noted, attempts to attack kiev are not selling well even in the west. the white house’s attempts to justify zelensky and his junta are an illustration of the russian proverb: a black dog cannot be washed off finished off. the kiev regime has long been waging a full-fledged terrorist war against our country, as its representatives, such as budanov or malyuk, openly talk about. the killing of civilians in the moscow region is a direct relative of massive missiles. shelling of drg attacks in the kursk and belgorod regions. at the same time , data received by the service indicates that when organizing attacks, ukrainians actively use satellite information provided to them by american intelligence. well, the investigative committee of russia, meanwhile
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began an investigation into the facts stated in the statement of state duma deputies and public figures. we are talking about who and how sponsors terrorism directed against our country. the appeal contains information from. open sources, it, according to parliamentarians , confirms the existence of an organized group, which includes top officials of the united states, the nato bloc of the ukrainian regime, among the crimes are not only terrorist attacks in russia, but the largest sabotage that affected the interests of several countries, the undermining of northern streams. based on the results of consideration of the appeal regarding the need to investigate the organization of financing and carrying out terrorist acts by the united states, ukraine and other western countries. directed against russia , a procedural check was organized in the central office of the investigative committee of the russian federation. as part of the investigation , the investigation will carefully study the data presented and make a procedural decision. the ministry of internal affairs proposes to tighten control in the migration sphere. they have already prepared
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a corresponding bill and sent it to the government. in particular, we are talking about to reduce the period of temporary stay of foreigners, introduce additional measures upon entry. provided details. official representative of the department irina volk. the law establishes the legal basis for the introduction of biometric personal identification upon entry into russia, reducing the period of temporary stay of foreigners to 90 days per calendar year, a digital profile of a foreigner, a controlled regime of stay in russia for certain categories of foreign citizens, strengthening control over employers, customers of work or services, attracting foreign labor. beyond judicial restrictions on the rights of illegal migrants. as well as a ban on government bodies, organizations, individuals and legal entities providing any services to violators of migration legislation, as well as other decisions aimed at regulating the presence of foreign citizens on the territory of the russian federation. the russian military destroyed a bridge in the city of
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gulyai polye, through which supplies were supplied to ukrainian militants in the zaporozhye direction. that's how it was. striking strike our aircraft made an accurate hit, resulting in a total loss. this bridge was of great importance for the ukrainian armed forces; ammunition and equipment were transported through it, as well as rotation of personnel on the front line. there was another way to supply the militants. a strike from the rszz destroyed a railway bridge crossing, a powerful explosion on the overpass
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was recorded by our reconnaissance drone, here is footage of objective control, the bridge over the volchie river stood until last thursday in the city of kurakhiv, about 40 km west of donetsk, in the territory occupied by militants of the kiev regime, there were two sightings, the third was for destruction, they were well adjusted, and the commanders who were on the bird, everything was coordinated, the distance was quite large. yes, at maximum. a hurricane, like the great-grandson of the famous katyusha launcher, usually destroys enemy personnel and equipment over large areas. immediately, an artillery shell arrived almost like an iskander missile or like a high-explosive aerial bomb with a planning module. hit the target exactly. losing the bridge will significantly weaken enemy grouping in the donetsk direction. here you can clearly see the span of the overpass that has fallen into the water. cannot be restored. this was a very important strategic facility, the command reported. it had to be hit, a very strong good supply left from there, the crew of this combat vehicle
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, together with the first days of a special military operation, understand each other without words, the installation is deployed very quickly, in a couple of minutes the hurricane is already ready to fire, the vehicle is noticeable at the front, it was named in honor of famous cartoon characters who always they are rushing to help, the soldiers say the same, they are ready at any moment to provide powerful fire support to reconnaissance and infantry. 220-caliber shells, we always rush to help, we always work on the target, but pay attention, that’s it, yes, they signal, they wave, we signaled back, the commanders appreciated the sniper work of the artillerymen , the crew will be presented with awards for the destroyed bridge, the guys are working on five plus, very difficult, deserves an award, more than one award, this is a combat vehicle, a hurricane is on duty, one might say around the clock, now another crew has received...
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the enemy also made eight attempts to break through the battalion's defenses, it was revealed that the enemy lost 14 tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 500 manpower killed, i am very proud that presented by the minister of defense of the russian federation, it’s the first time i’ve seen it live, to be honest, i still haven’t understood that i ’m a hero, but we crashed all six elite units together with the commanders, the task was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew your maneuver. everyone acted confidently, harmoniously, there was fear, of course, but everyone overcame it, everyone completed the task, even
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not 100, but 200%. our soldiers are moving forward along the entire front line, the enemy has lost a total of more than a thousand people in one day, operational-tactical aviation, missiles, troops and artillery, a radar guidance point, a combat control vehicle and two launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft complex have been destroyed. in addition, i was struck by... the temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries in the kharkov region, by air defense forces in the dpr an enemy su-27 was shot down. and today the ministry of defense confirmed information about the destruction of the sixth american abrams . this happened in the avdeevsky direction. there, our soldiers managed to capture a valuable trophy, the german bmp marder. alexey kruchinin examined this combat vehicle , here is his report from the front line. when the ukrainian armed forces attempted to counterattack in the area of ​​the village of severnaya, near avdeevka, the marder, a bundeswehr infantry fighting vehicle, stalled in a deep rut. the crew escaped. the soldiers of the first slavic
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brigade of the southern group of troops decided pull out the infantry fighting vehicle, it is not broken, not burned, in general. valuable trophy, paved a new road , cleared fields, provided a secret approach to the settlement of severnaya, with the help of an evacuation platoon of the pervoslavyanskaya brigade of a tank battalion, carried out the successful evacuation of this vehicle, the work took place at night, constant shelling from the enemy, so to speak, it’s easier there and get hooked, it’s easier to get hooked there, if some nuances happen there, the main armament is a twenty-millimeter cannon, inferior in thirty-millimeter firepower that is installed. on our infantry fighting vehicles, but the marder has powerful armor, designed , as experts say, to protect against those same thirty-millimeter guns, but as you know, the thicker the armor, the heavier and less agile the vehicle. the enemy sent kamikaze drones, marder was hit by shrapnel. the car was protected by strong armor. the bmp withstood the blows of its former owners. the guys from the evacuation platoon did not flinch.
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darembat managed to bring the trophy. we are fighters of the first slavic brigade, taken away from under the noses of the ukrainian nazis. bmp marder, victory will be ours. marder 1 a3 modification of this bmp comes from the late eighties. since the beginning of 2010, the bundeswehr began replacing them with new puma infantry fighting vehicles; decommissioned marders are now transferred to kiev. the combat journey of this particular vehicle turned out to be short and inglorious. the mileage is about 50 km, that is, it barely managed to get from the storage warehouse to the front. even the caterpillars were not changed to something more suitable for the dense donbass black soil. they started the car and... the marten only works on asphalt, in in the soil her paws are hopelessly stuck, heavy , clumsy, on such a road she really feels very bad, ours will be more passable, even faster, the vulnerabilities of mardor, like its strong points,
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are now the subject of careful analysis: russian military experts are studying electronics, drives, the chassis, armament of the vehicle, fortunately everything is in good condition, inside there are inscriptions in english, german and the latest in ukrainian, instructions on how not to break the bmp ahead of time. the marder's crew is three people, over there the driver's seat, and the troop compartment is designed for six people, two rows of three seats, but it seems that seven or eight paratroopers can be accommodated here. the seats, by the way, are quite comfortable, soft, the germans value comfort. another exhibit for the exhibition of captured western equipment, where, perhaps, with the efforts of russian fighters , it will reach under its own power. the suu has already lost more than 10 such infantry fighting vehicles, abandoned and destroyed. however, germany is going to send kiev another 20 1 a3 marders. no other way than this for companies. alexey fruchinin, roman khrolenko, ruslan mishcheryakov and larisa nikitina. first channel donetsk people's republic. about
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what measures to support svo participants the vologda region is implementing. today, the acting governor of the region reported to the president. it was in october 2023, almost six months have passed, there are preliminary results, i could talk about them in great detail , tell show, in this case, you opened a page where we illustrate our
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program for the overhaul of schools, in total it is planned to renovate 75 schools, 23 already this year. and 59 gardens for 2 years, a total of 22 programs have been prepared, which are designed for the next five years and will be launched this year; in almost every direction there is already a vision of how to go, what to strive for, and what is the most priority for the near future, priority - these are housing and communal services, we are going to reinstall 84 km of networks, healthcare, these are issues of providing new qualified personnel.
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collecting applications for the acquisition of equipment in the military unit, loaves, urals, uaz, very good, we need to continue this work, like this, this is how we built it , keep it like this, the main thing is not to lower this bar, so that people feel constant attention, until the appointment...
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which means one of the main attractions, grandfather’s residence, will remain even more popular frost in veliky ustyug. santa claus works for us around the clock. does he go on vacation in the summer or something? the task of developing domestic tourism is to ensure that the estate of father frost operates all year round. it will melt in the summer. in summer he should be in at least magical ice palace. last year in the vologda region. almost 4 million travelers visited, but the tourist flow, according to filimonov, due to the construction of new hotels and the creation of new excursion routes, should increase at least twice more, and this is the plan for the next 6 years. anna
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kurbatova, ekaterina yarovenko, yuri yarchenko, channel one. a number of innovations have come into force in russia today, for example, the social pension is indexed by 7.5%. this measure will affect more than 4 million people. also. doctors' salaries will increase significantly, and they are also changing the procedure for passing driver's license exams, airlines will pay passengers for flight delays, a resort tax for tourists is being introduced in st. petersburg. valentina solovyova will tell you more. we have an additional payment, the president recently introduced it , maybe less than a year ago, it was 14,500, well, this was the additional payment simply for the fact that we are local doctors, as if to make it a little easier for us, now here it is it seems they say they will raise it this month. an updated one should be arriving by now, they say that there will be 50. 5000 rubles for doctors, 3000 for paramedical staff, this is the maximum amount of payments that doctors in small
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cities, regional centers and villages will begin to receive in april, the president announced an increase in social benefits in february, this measure along with the program the zemstvo doctor will not only help attract additional specialists to work in the village, but also retain those whose contracts are expiring, say the chief doctors of district hospitals. it was clear to everyone that if the president... said it, then the president would do it if to compare with previous payments , special social payments, then it was there, well, three times less, but roughly speaking, we already have it so that people have already gone to the hospital, the most interesting thing is that there are no payments yet, but people have started to return, the doctors have left, and the nurses are starting to return, i think this is wonderful, in addition, on the instructions of the president, from this day on, the regions must increase the salaries of doctors. up to 50%. from april 1 , social pensions will change; they will increase by 7.5%. the recalculation will take place automatically and will affect more than 4 million people. a number of
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innovations will affect motorists. new regulations for passing the driver's license exam come into force. and while taking a driving test in the city, you can receive up to seven penalty points. previously, five were allowed. and after three unsuccessful ones. so now it will be possible to try to retake it only after six months, certain restrictions are prescribed for violators, it will be more difficult for them to get new licenses, when a person could drive while drunk, he was stopped by an inspector, well, in fact, he could refuse to undergo a medical examination, and then he was suspended for 15 days, then he got out, went to the traffic police, retook the exam, or passed the exam and received a license, but now from april 1 it will not be possible to act like this, for... .years, a person will not be able to pass his license in any way, also today amendments to the housing code come into force, they relate to redevelopment, the essence of the innovations
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was published by the rosreestr in... on cards, so the law clarifies the very concept of redevelopment, which previously caused controversy. redevelopment, yes this is already construction work that affects changes in the apartment, this is, for example, the installation of doorways, the dismantling of doorways, this is the construction of some kind of partitions, this is even the joining of premises to the apartment. the procedure for registering changes in an apartment has been simplified, so at the end of it the owner will no longer need to waste time submitting documents to... the registry, the department will receive such data automatically and another innovation is now for travelers and tourists, from this day on airlines will pay passengers fine for flight delay 100 rubles per hour, but not more than half the cost of the ticket, tourist tax, 100 rubles per day, when checking into a hotel, adults, veterans, disabled people, members of large families, university students of the northern capital, funds collected from
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the funds will be used for construction and maintenance of the city’s tourism infrastructure. valentina solovyova, anastassia slobodenyuk, ekaterina koryaka, yuri rublev, channel one. support for entrepreneurs was discussed today at a meeting between mikhail mishustin and representatives of the new people party. conversation in continuation of a series of consultations before the government report to the state duma. as mishustin emphasized, supporting business is especially important now when russia is strengthening its technological and industrial sovereignty. we also see your active participation in projects for the modernization of the donetsk-lugansk people 's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, support for small medium-sized businesses there; together with deputies from other factions, you provided the necessary adjustments to legislation, in general, promoting private initiative very important, especially now, when strengthening our technological, financial, economic, and industrial sovereignty is on the agenda.
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that this is not the first time they are preparing an attempt on my life, about two attempts, you probably saw it, it was in the news, there was another one, they are preparing new ones, they need to show that this woman is not just a journalist, not just a mother of many children, quite deserves to be killed, but what does she deserve, because look, she called for killing ukrainian children, i am a public person, i lead my social networks, everyone who knows me understands perfectly well that i did not call.
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russia has resumed testing of the ill-114300 aircraft. the second prototype, built at a plant in lukhovitsy near moscow, has taken to the skies. a relatively small airliner, it can accommodate a maximum of 68 passengers, a real workhorse for the regions, it can take off from small airfields, and can even land on snowy ground. another advantage is the ability to operate in harsh climates. this plane is highly anticipated in the north, in siberia, in the far east. the il-114-300, which... will replace the old an-24 on local airlines, is created from domestic components, the engines for it were also developed in russia. during the first test flight , the reliability of all systems was confirmed. the flight went well, there were no failures, the task was completed in full, with excellent quality, the plane.


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