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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 1, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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yulka, the central 812 needs reinforcements , what a creature, let her go, i gave you all the money, i gave the money, she says, they were already mine, you didn’t give them to me, but returned them, she has nothing to do with it, no, no need, weapons on the ground,
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but to hell with you.
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and the money, thanks to his cunning manipulations, he has a fortune, he’s got a fortune, i don’t argue, thank you for your help, taxi driver, so there are four of them, half-box, the driver of the gang, after the robbery, evacuates the gang to a safe place and
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gets rid of the cars. dzhegurda. at this stage we assume that during the robberies he plays the most active role. lefty. we know practically nothing about him. finally, mishanin, most likely the leader of the gang. apparently, he is an authority figure, he is feared and respected, and he recruits newcomers, such as polozov, into the gang. now for the first time we have a real opportunity to take on the gang. let's take poloz and cover everyone. there's a big game on the air. from point of view.
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distorted picture of the large-scale terrorist attack that occurred in russia on march 22 of this year, according to incoming information from the state department, us intelligence agencies, affiliated ngos and the media has been tasked with removing from the world community any suspicions about the involvement of vladimir zelensky and his entourage in the crime. the white house fears that the discovery of a kiev trace in what happened will highlight the terrorist nature of the ukrainian regime and will finally derail washington’s plans to increase support for ukraine. to say that the actions, in this
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case, of the american authorities and specifically the cia, are a violation not only from my common point of view. that he was manipulated by russia, my then deputy for the center of national interests, wrote an article in which he talked about the methods of the cro, he knew them firsthand, he was
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the head of analysis for russia and the cro for a number of years. his name was george beebe, and he wrote the following in his article.
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what is surprising is that, well, not surprising, but what is remarkable is that washington, including the state department, and the central development authority, and other departments, automatically, instantly and simultaneously began to talk about who allegedly did this, you don’t know, about what did this remind you of? what this reminded me of was 2014, which means
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the tragedy in the ukrainian skies with mh17, it just happened, obama immediately said and immediately imposed sanctions. in relation to the russian federation, and this was the first , so to speak, such a jump to these sanctions, very harsh, and it seemed that these sanctions were written in advance, they were simply looking for some reason to apply them, and so then , well, many shuddered even from the fact that there weren’t even any attempts to play the investigation yet, right away all this was already said and done, this one manner of behavior, it is not the first time it has manifested itself, it is characteristic, it is not ... new , now from the point of view, that means, of how this is all conducted, what the foreign intelligence service spoke about, here we are in our commission for the protection of state sovereignty we also monitor, including the one you head, yes, which i have the honor of heading since 1977, so we
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monitor, but what do these same foreign agents and other public of this kind say, you know, there was also confusion there at first, but then apparently there was a clear command, a directive, they let's just go therefore. way, the style changed a little, it depended on specific characters, but what was said in washington was exactly repeated, the same thing happened, we also see this monitoring, in almost all the capitals of nato countries and the european union. in other words, we are talking about coordinated, specific work aimed at tying up loose ends, shielding the kiev criminal regime and actually accusing the russian authorities and security services of that they
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are the behavior of the accused, who have not yet accused him of the suspect, accuse him, they have not yet had time to accuse him of the suspect. suspects him, but he is already starting to shout, no, it’s not me, it’s someone else, and as for foreign agents , the foreign intelligence service also spoke about this, let’s listen, representatives of the russian non-systemic opposition living abroad have been instructed to inflate the topic of the groundlessness of the attempts of the authorities of the russian federation to use a terrorist attack to justify the svo in ukraine, the murder of civilians in the moscow region directly relative. massive rocket attacks and attacks by drgs in the kursk and belgorod regions, it becomes obvious that the united states, by denouncing
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the criminal kiev regime and providing it with assistance, risks being suspected of involvement in international terrorism. i can even tell you, senator, that this language, this is how i accuse the cia, if you like, of being overly confident, so i told our colleagues and... foreign intelligence, well, they can be overly sensitive, the cia runs the risk of being suspected that take risks, they are already suspected, that’s why they , that’s why they behave this way, no, you know, it’s hard not to suspect , i would say like this, uh, in principle, for example, it doesn’t matter to me what the name of a particular shop in american, so to speak, government institutions, which i came up with all this and did it, i’m saying it as i think it’s possible. because either it is used in the dark by some radical organization from
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the south, or it is used by someone from another place, or some information is given, or physical assistance is provided on earth, this is already it doesn’t matter, it’s all mediation , it’s all complicity, it’s all complicity in one form or another, then the investigation should look into who invested the most in it, but clearly absolutely... what is it from what we see and know that these performers are just pawns, well, completely obvious pawns who were attracted, and as for the isis banned in russia, but this is a product of, in general, american foreign policy, which, well, in my opinion, this is widely recognized, is even including in the usa, yes, yes, yes, yes, i i just wanted to say that even this is not strongly denied, and uh, i know, academician, academician naumkin, that you know a lot on this topic and have written a lot, but... i will contact you about the conflict around gaza later, and forgive me, if i may, i’ll just remember
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, but you know what the trick is, it’s not that they remembered isis again, it’s that they even remembered isis, as long as they don’t think about kiev, so what matters is whether the senator’s impression is correct, i also have the impression that isis is really a product of american policy in the near future east, in my opinion, this is so obvious and what it is that it does not even require special evidence. because this is a widely recognized fact, which, as you rightly noted, in the united states is shared by the majority of analysts, specialists, experts, yes, they used isis, they used al-qaeda, al-qaeda, especially this is all a product, naturally, of american policy, the use these terrorist groups, academician, i want to ask about the role of the cia in the emergence.
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and against the united states, shiite forces, the shia militias , on which the united states was counting, said that they would only welcome american intervention, this turned out to be not entirely true, the shua militias became active in baghdad, even began to move north, where there was a majority of sunnis, then the united states began to form sunni units . then some of these units became isis, not like that, of course, absolutely like that,
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because the americans have traditionally always created terrorist squads, organizations that they used in their own interests, you can give the example of al-qaeda, how al-qaeda was created, in exactly the same way, even before isis appeared, and we know what methods the americans used, they, say, let go...
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said a person for support, whom it seemed could they count, adviser to president zelensky, a bastard? there is no russian opposition, it is not wealthy, it is ineffective, it has no influence on the processes that are taking place in the war, it is essentially destructive in the current russian opposition or the dissident movement does not have the slightest chance of influencing anything, of changing them in principle. this is what kind of sect they are, this is said by a person on the channel, who is most likely a foreign agent, he is like a ukrainian politician, i don’t know whether he is a foreign agent or not, but he is definitely an enemy of russia, and it would seem that he should support these people, well, they know, why
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are they, why are they supported, if they don’t play any role in russia, i’ll tell you, this is a competing structure, so he says, we’re real, so to speak. foreign agents servants the devil, and there the cat is not real, in fact, i would not downplay the harm that the so-called foreign agents bring, but no , excuse me for interrupting you, i believe that they cause harm, only they do harm not as political opposition, no, no, this has nothing to do with the political opposition, because the word agent is a person who was hired or for one purpose or another in favor of a foreign state or some foreign legal entity, what does he receive for? some kind of allowance, is engaged here about political activity, that ’s what we’re talking about, but to call them the opposition in the literal classical sense of the word, well, it’s really pointless, that’s all, but what, well, that’s what they do, you said that they are not harmless, that’s what they do, they are not harmless in the sense that the tasks that they are entrusted with, these tasks are invented, as
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a rule, by the same state department or the central intelligence agency, these tasks are destructive, they are set. use, but it is obvious that they must provide services of some special kind, but they are mercenaries, just of a different kind, you see, they are not the same mercenaries, although we already have
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these mercenaries too, they are pure traitors, they work... under the control of western intelligence services, and the most important thing is their difference from, well, let's say so, normal , natural opposition, the opposition, with all its political views, with all its thoughts, is, nevertheless , a patriotic force, that is, it loves its homeland, those who are trying to portray themselves as the current opposition, being there, do not love their homeland, our people do not love, these are the ones who they hate, and of course, in this case , they cannot and will not have any opposition, their place is in the dustbin of history, where they will be thrown out anyway, only the western masters have done this to their lackeys more than once, so i want
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to ask you general andrei kortopolov, chairman of the committee duma for defense in the past deputy minister. defense, why does ukraine go to all these tricks? one point of view is because they are not doing well on the battlefield. and now let's listen to what an authoritative person in this matter, president zelensky, says in his a very recent interview with the washington post. the lack of us support means that ukraine has no air defense, no petriot missiles, no. 155-mil artillery shells, this means that we will have to retreat step by step,” zelensky said. to describe the military situation, he took a piece of paper and drew a simple diagram of the zone. combat operations, if you need 8.00 shells a day to protect the front line, and you, for example, only have 2.0, you will have to make the front line shorter, as of course, retreating if the front
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will break through, the russians will be able to enter big cities, we are trying to find at least some way not to retreat,” concluded zelensky, the general, he is joining forces to knock out american help, or at least to some extent reflects the true state of affairs, well, he is speaking by example . to what is taking place , of course, he says, this is so that american help will come, but he is not far from the truth, today, we have talked about this many times, in this studio there is a strategic initiative, it belongs to the armed forces of the russian federation, we superior to them in almost... all the main parameters of armed struggle, but the most important thing is that we are also superior to them in tactics and operational art, this is already very
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important, because tactics and operational art allow us to level out, let’s say, if used correctly , uh , discrepancy in combat potentials, because look, what the tactics of the ukrainians have so far relied on is the retention of relatively large urban enclaves, why? yes, because there is where to hide, there is shelter where you can position themselves, where to place firing points, where they can hide behind the civilian population, as they very often do, but today this approach of theirs is practically useless, why? because our modern types of weapons, primarily aircraft bombs with universal planning and
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correction modules, simply take them out of there, but they need to think about something, but there is nothing to think about, because, let’s say, ordinary combat work in the open terrain, requires a much more serious approach, what? they are not today ready, and these shells he’s talking about are air defense systems, what they need, in order to continue shelling our border towns and villages, to continue shelling donetsk, they are their favorite shells, 155 mm caliber, before they send everything there, but not to the battlefield, just like they do enough. with scarce rocket ammunition, this czech system is a vampire, they wouldn’t be running around belgorod, if they were going to fight, they would
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generally need to reveal where our military installations are located, and first of all, attack defeat of these objects, but they are doing exactly the opposite, whether he begs for this help or not, time will tell, but here is the first part, what we talked about, the entire ukrainian strategy, so-called, it is built on theoretical acts, well, about shelling we have already talked to you, remember the crimean bridge, remember a lot
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of everything else, they weren’t shy then, they boasted, they said look how we did, they would have said it here, they would have said it here if these performers would have reached the border, well, they they’re not bragging now, but... with our southern temporarily occupied territories, this process is almost completed, this could pose a serious problem for us, but i hope that we will somehow
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cope with the land section of the railway in... everyone has experience there is , and it is much easier than with the crimean bridge, the threat is clear, your assessment of the reality of this threat , they may well try to do this, they have enough capabilities for this, in principle, including sleeper cells, including weapons that will have a range to reach this railway, in principle they... have it today, they will definitely try to do this, based on this we also need, simply, understanding their capabilities and desires, to build our defensive tactics for covering this railway, and this is the main there will be a transport facility in order to simply level all these attempts to reduce it to zero, general, i
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had... this is a very complex complex of various structures, which include bridges, overpasses, and when assessing a possible location delivering a strike, this is all generally calculated, of course, it is much more expedient to strike at a transport artery and not just hit an embankment, which will then actually be filled in 3 days.
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much, much less, they simply continue to parasitize on the soviet legacy, because during the so-called independent ukraine, not a single meter of railway was built, so they are just lucky, they don’t know how to use it, they all want to mess something up with us , it won’t work, of course i’m just like you generals, i take general budanov’s threat seriously
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and... about my plans and gives russia enough time to prepare for this situation, although of course it will not be easy. we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes. we spoke with the head of the international olympic committee on behalf of one of the african politicians, the anthem of russia. can
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be executed, the russian flag cannot be raised, he could have contradicted himself, for starters he violated his own charter, his own rules, now thomas bach himself is calling on the world to boycott igor truzhba, i also i’ll inform president macron about this initiative, he seems to have to develop the entire world sport, but he tells us, i ’ll call this one, that one so that they don’t go there, now apparently they are preparing some kind of document that...
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some argue that the main building msu is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship. the best examples, schoolchildren, where do you dream of studying? i believe in science, i believe that the main development of society will be vector, vector of science, victor of science, premiere on wednesday
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on the first. there's a big game on the air. the un security council recently adopted a resolution demanding a ceasefire in gaza. israel stated that the resolution was not binding for them. president biden, his secretary of state, his vice president, all say with one voice that israel's actions are counterproductive, going too far beyond measure.
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neither us pressure nor pressure from any other country. the liquidation of hamas battalions is a condition for victory. without this, we will not be able to eliminate the real threat to our existence. still, israel is serious the country is militarily, economically, but the country is small. 10 million people , surrounded by a sea of ​​arab states, is, well, independent in many respects, but to say that they are self-sufficient militarily would be a very serious
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exaggeration, why not, i am sure, this is quite obvious, forgets that that he, well, maybe he is deep down. does not forget that he is already in serious international isolation, who today in general, the friends of israel, except, rest of course, the isolation in which he increasingly finds himself with ammunition, it is quite obvious that he, just like... zelensky also needs more weapons, more, especially ammunition from the united states, and it is not a fact that he will receive them, given that , that even such a seemingly reliable ally is betting, this is trump, let
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’s listen to what trump just said, this is very interesting, you must end the war, you must end it. you have to do this, you can't let this continue, and i i want to say that israel should be very , you are losing a lot of support, that’s quite rightly said, because netanyahu forgets that he can finally turn, which... will simply be unacceptable to everyone, that’s why he reacts so sharply, despite the fact that he is not going to implement the resolution, in favor of the un, he reacts so sharply to the position of the united states, which abstained, although this is all
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very vaguely done, and the united states in general does not refuse support for israel, he reacts very sharply, he canceled the visit and went there instead. he was sent there by holland, the minister of defense, with whom he has serious conflicts, in general , as with the israeli military establishment, and this all shows that he is at... a certain political impasse, it seems to me that he still has no strategy, he makes contradictory statements to each other, that israel will not enter gaza and will not be present there, there will be no israeli presence, and then he says that the palestinians will not be returned to the north of israel, and there will be israeli presence and we still don’t know what the strategic plan is for israel and especially... mr. netanyahu, what does he still want to do,
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turn the north, the gases, turn it into such an outpost, a military one? for the israeli army, then this war will certainly continue even longer, because it is impossible to end hamas with this operation in rafah, which he is planning, it is impossible to do this with the methods that he is trying to develop in his operational plan, will remain on hamas, and even the fact that they say that at 11:00 they have already killed the militants, destroyed, there are 15 or so major commanders, but that’s not the point, how many commanders have been destroyed, how many fighters have been destroyed, the fact is that it does not lead to the elimination of the hamas movement as such , moreover, even some arab, i won’t say supporters, but such...
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well, then even technically it
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is impossible to do this, what kind of humanitarian assistance is he talking about, when they even provide basic humanitarian assistance, or not either they let you in, or strike directly at the places where it arrives. unfortunately, i don’t really imagine how the egyptians guard their border, with gaza; netanyahu can generally drive them there to egypt without egypt interfering. well, it seems to me that without the permission of egypt, with which netanyahu, by the way, still has diplomatic relations, he is trying to work with egypt, with jordan in this regard. well, let's imagine that one and a half million people took everything and in an atmosphere of complete hopelessness they took it and moved in a crowd to break through this border. probably, theoretically, this can be imagined, but i don’t think it will be done, i think that... ultimately, there are enough means to make
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this border impregnable, but if such a border breakthrough is carried out, the egyptians they are preparing some kind of backup moves, they are forming camps for refugees, tent cities and so on, that is, they are ready for something there, but i think that they will stand, of course, until the last, or they will demand such a high price for it , to make concessions that...
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this is apparently not just his tactics, i think this is some kind of thoughtful step, he is going, he is going to aggravate the united states, that’s how he is going to get out of this, i don’t know, israel has serious problems with another neighbor, syria, and you, general, i am sure,
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are following what is happening there in syria militarily, uh, israel, so they are striking. i know that they are attacking hezbollah and some militias associated with iran, but they are actually fighting against the syrian army, the official army, well, officially they are not they are fighting, air strikes are carried out periodically, and at the same time they attack not only the objects themselves, but also the air defense forces that cover them, and the air defense forces cover them, the syrian army, and the syrian army suffers losses.
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not ready, without the support of someone, it is simply doomed, it will be exactly the same as what we see now in the gas sector, someone needs to help this, but we know there is support from iran, there is also support there from a number of, let’s say, unnamed actors, but this is not enough, because you understand that...
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what will happen if you don’t listen to them , they show with the hands of israel, in ukraine it doesn’t work out very well, but there it seems to work for now, but it works there, because the enemy there is completely different, but it’s scary, they show, they show it on tv , they talk about it, they talk about it everywhere, so that all these other countries, and those that are further from israel, form an opinion that it’s better not to get involved with them, because god forbid , it will be like... in gas, but the policy of intimidation is traditional for them. syria was on the verge of extinction. you and i know very well what was left of it in 1915, but thanks to the support, first of all, of russia, today syria is quite a normal, independent
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country, it controls most of its territory, again concluding the northeast, who chopped off who? americans, americans together with i came to the soviet union, i was nineteen years old, and i had no stronger desire than the desire to be russian. well, this is my school. how could you learn our russian language? your russian language. the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we
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honestly drove all over america and he drove himself all the way, such a straight-up boy. where are you, your millions? earned a birch - this is berezutsky, right , what will you say when you find yourself in front of him, my father, he was russian, knew his name by heart, poet, pushkin, pushkin, i didn’t think that i would leave my wife, 37 years together, you fell in love, very much, first wish, so that all my loved ones, my grandchildren, my great-grandson, so that they are healthy, then that’s all for now... on the first. conspiracy against russia. we decided to discuss what thomas bach, the head of the international olympic committee, thinks about this on
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behalf of one of the major african politicians. what else has the west come up with to destroy our sport? those who support the government cannot participate. the international olympic committee has become a private club. what secret negotiations are taking place within the international olympic committee? president macron will fully support this.
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were used back in the nineties, intimidation is also an element of their policy, we also remember everything, we remember the bombing of belgrade, we remember their actions in general in the balkans, what this has led to now, what remains of yugoslavia and how serbia survives surrounded by this unfriendly everything around you. western protectorate, and the west does not offer us anything new,
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we know all their approaches, all their methods very well, but we also know something else, that we have our own the right to do as we see fit, we have a clear understanding that...
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we have two allies, the army and the navy, we have our friends, we have those all over the planet who believe in russia and believes in its
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president, thank you, the army and navy , of course, alexander ii spoke about this very effectively, but at that time there were no aerospace forces, the unmanned component was an academician. well, i would like to support this topic, because today we see how more and more the united states is their closest allies, they, saying that they were supposedly trying , in any case, even to express sympathy there, it is very good that they did this to one degree or another together with their allies, they had to do this, and saying that they are fighting terrorism everywhere, including they are trying to justify their... presence in syria precisely by the fight against terrorism, they actually encourage today precisely terrorist methods of fighting russia, they actually
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continue to act as sponsors
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of the discussion, there are now two obvious incubators of terror, terrorists, terrorism, one is the territory of the former ukrainian ussr , which was nurtured, so to speak, by the west, primarily washington, and the other, also not without washington and the west, is the middle east, more precisely, if we are talking specifically about the gas sector, but there is a very important thing here, here it’s not for nothing that today the french, the french special services, are so afraid to hold the olympic games properly, they understand that america is there...
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with frankness, that the tragedy of russia, that it is so big, that such different peoples live in it, that in order for these peoples to govern, a vertical is required, and
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a vertical is bad, a vertical does not allow...
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but unfortunately, i am afraid, you are right, senator, that their activities cannot be underestimated, that they do not know how to achieve any real political influence in russia, they they know how to achieve this, for example, in the american congress in the english parliament, pushing through more and more sanctions against russia, therefore, well, let’s just say, their activities...
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have such a somewhat limited nature and have nothing to do with the activities the real political position on these people is harmless too. you can’t name it, it was a big game, we’ll meet tomorrow on the air, and i remembered it very well, because this flight -
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at that moment my father looked at me like that and sarcastically said: well, what have you achieved in your 27 years? good afternoon, good afternoon, good
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afternoon, i am vladimir poznar, and i have the pleasure of greeting all of you who are at this moment watching the preparations for the launch of the soyuz ms-19 spacecraft. vladimir pozdnar certainly did not think that 60 years after the flight gagarin, he will... comment live on a real launch into space, but not a simple one, then the film crew of the film challenge was sent into orbit, and it became a real sensation, ignition, launch, wow, you won’t believe it, i wanted it, it something wonderful, absolutely.
12:00 am
in paris, he was born there, why not in the soviet union, you ask, we first learned the answer only on the legendary broadcast of a teleconference hosted by the now famous vladimir pozner. in our tv advertising, everything revolves around sex. if you have one tv advertising. we don't have sex, and we are categorically against it. we have sex. this is a mistake, but it seems that we got ahead of ourselves and baptized the little one.


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