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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 5, 2024 12:55am-1:41am MSK

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and klyuchevsky, regarding alexander nevsky, he quite rightly said that he had to demonstrate when to combine incompatible qualities, on the one hand, military valor, on the other, humility, a monk, in fact, this is the image to which we are accustomed to alexander nevsky in armor with sword and so on, this is from the time of peter the great, because peter...
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the context is connected with western europe. the struggle was going on for the baltic lands then, but before this struggle began, it must be said that the west germans, in fact, believed territory of estonia, territory of latvia.
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after this penetration acquired a more aggressive character, bishop meimgard, who was appointed by the pope to the bishopric, interestingly, exkul in russia, that is, this territory was considered as if already russia, there is ruthenium, to be precise, who brought christianity to livonia, he was at first, he concluded an agreement with the livs, and, accordingly, he began to build stone castles there, on the territory of christianized tribes, but... he was not satisfied with the christian zeal of these tribes, uh, they even threatened to kill him, and his successor , bishop berthold schulte, was distinguished by even greater zeal, which ended with him being killed 2 years after he became bishop after the death of his successor in 1698, which in turn led to the first crusade to the baltic lands against the pagans, of course, these are not the same crusades that were against the arabs, but for the liberation of the holy sepulcher, but subsequently... it must be said that riga,
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which the germans would rebuild to penetrate these territories, was perceived as such northern jerusalem is far from the southern one, especially since the crusaders had setbacks there just at that moment, jerusalem was lost, here, accordingly, here is a new application of forces, and - the crusades were then repeated in the baltic lands, on the initiative of the monk theodoric, an associate of these bishops organized the order of the swordsmen in 1202 to conquer livonia. prince vladimir polsky began to act not very successfully against the swordsmen at the beginning of the 13th century, battles took place with varying success, in 1224 she was a knight estonia was ceded, in addition, the danes were still advancing in the north of estonia, who were then very actively moving into these lands, revel itself, the future tallinn, yes, this was a danish fortress originally, in 1233 a new northern crusade was organized, that’s what he called it.
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there is another very important point, how the levonians, the levon order, moved to the east, they advanced little by little, but they immediately staked out their lands, that is, they... they organized castles there, they subjugated the population, christianized them, and it was very difficult to get them out of there, after they had built castles and fortresses there, as the russian princes penetrated into the same territory, they simply took tribute, well, in general, from your words it is clear that there was such a kind of buffer zone, yes , such a neutral zone and there were such tribes that were simultaneously forced to pay tribute and... i have the impression, in any case, well, i don’t know for sure, i can’t say for sure, but this also comes from chronicle
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sources, which, strictly speaking, , that's it, of course, there were some attempts to introduce christianity, but first of all... after all, in those days such material interests dominated, tribute, tribute, first of all, well, in relation to the crusaders, in those days these two things were very difficult to separate, in fact, they are difficult to separate, of course, one must still understand that there is not a single evidence that the vatican at that time proclaimed some kind of crusade against russia, against russia, no, these were crusades for the baltic states, yes , yes, yes, yes, that 's it.
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to fight against lithuania, the russian principalities went as far as the right bank of the dnieper, they were subject to constant raids from lithuania, we know more about raids from the east, there were the pechenegs, the polovtsians, then the horde itself, but there were raids from the north-west, this is strictly speaking, lithuania. and the main merit
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of alexander nevsky from the point of view of his life, oddly enough, was the fight against lithuania. this was definitely more important for contemporaries. the lithuanians seemed to come from nowhere, from the forest, whatever. paths, attacked cities, erased cities from face of the earth, the polt principality was literally bursting at the seams, the lithuanians had captured smolensk by that time, and the first thing alexander yaroslavovich did was build along the shilon river, it would later become famous in connection with the battles of the novgorodians with the prince of moscow, already at the end of the 15th century, but along this river he built towns to protect novgorod from lithuania, and this was more important than the fight with the swedes, because of which it later began to be called nevsky, well, in general, many times for... of course, but also with the swedes were also important, the swedes colonized the territory with north in several waves, penetrated into finland and laid claim to karelia, here the father of alexander nevsky, yaroslav sevaldovich, he, as they say, adopted the method
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of the crusaders, he began to christianize karelia, send priests there, and , accordingly, troops too, as a result karelia to it is still ours, yes, that is, it can be said, the merit of yaroslav. the swedes tried to build some kind of fortification in this place, we don’t know exactly what, yes, which could control the ivoryak’s path to the greeks, because this path had, as it were, two northern branches, one through the western dvina, in ustya the germans put riga there, that is, they had already plugged it with a cork, and through not... with volkhov there, respectively, where st. petersburg is now, respectively, the swedes could also take control of this very important trade way, in fact, the ancient russian principalities united at one time into a single state, the kiev-novgorod, so to speak, actually on the way from the voryaks to the greeks, which is also often forgotten, they could control, the swedes could take
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control of this second sea route, in face alexandra, the novgorodians of novgorod, did not miss it this time and stopped this opportunity if...
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wrote 60 years later, that is, several generations have passed since these events, notes that 24 knights died in the battle with the russians, and this is not the case there were never, 24 people, 24 of these same knights, who were singled out, by the way, with difficulty, because the order fought a war in lithuania, the teftons conquered prussia, prussia had not yet been completely conquered by that time, and accordingly these were terrible losses to the vassals orders, infantry, local population, all this was not counted. and what is important to say is that indeed this defeat forced the knights to concentrate on other
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directions, that is, to no longer interfere with where they received so much from the novgorod residents and from the novgorod prince, and anatoly konstantinovich, give maria to me as a wife, you can give it, it’s a good idea to collect a dowry from your dad, we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so beautiful, it’s been preserved from the province.
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boty, like a fierce beast, devoured entire areas, tormenting the remnants with his claws. bravest princes russians fell in battle, others wandered in foreign lands, looking for intercessors between non-believers. and were not found. mothers cried for their children, before their eyes, trampled by tatar horses, thinking about their innocence, like many of them, wanting to save it.
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and the horde conquest should not be underestimated, because archaeologists actually know very well that a number of cities simply did not arise again after it was wiped off the face of the earth by the horde conquest, just remember that there is old ryazan, yes, there is ryazan, yes, that's two different places, there is a large distance between them, because old ryazan did not recover after the ardyn invasion, and in general there are quite a lot of such examples, the real danger of implanting catholicism is a controversial question, to what extent? it was, as far as the knights had the strength, to carry it out, but the fact that this danger existed in principle, it must be recognized, this is the method of colonization that the knights demonstrated, which the germans demonstrated, this is a gradual slow advance with coverage ideological, with the help of denmark and with the help
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of the construction of fortresses of the local population, baptism with fire and sword, yes, this still took place, but... some elders, and the baskays were already calculating the overall result and, if anything, punished , not disdaining robbery simply, not disdaining robbery, but they intervened, in addition to denmark, they interfered in internal affairs very often, so many stood up and sometimes killed the baskaks, those princes
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who were given a label to rule. khansky demanded that novgorod also pay total tribute. hero nevsky, once a zealous champion of the novgorod honor of freedom, had to take such an unpleasant task with grief and persuade a proud, ardent people, who were still famous for their exceptional independence, to slavery.
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well, strictly speaking, in addition to novgorod, you can remember tver, and torzhok, old russa. some of the most acceptable conditions at that time within the framework of possible conditions so that his ... subjects could still survive, as for faith, he also achieved some success, of course, during the invasion itself was plundered quite a lot...
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a debatable topic related to the behavior of alexander yaroslavovich in relation to korda, you actually already touched on it, i will refer to the opinion of academician valentin lavrentievich yanin, and he wrote literally the following about alexander nevsky. alexander nevsky , having concluded an alliance with the horde, subjugated novgorod to horde influence, he extended it to novgorod, which was never conquered, that’s what you were talking about, by the tatars, he extended tatar power to novgorod, and gouged out the eyes of those who disagreed a novgorodian, he has many sins of all sorts, despite the fact that he... was the winner of the germans during the battle on the ice in other battles, but nevertheless novgorod was betrayed to the tatars by them, but at the same time novgorod was protected from
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the tatar defeat, thank god, that is, yayanin, like our other historian, now living igor nikolaevich danilevsky, noted such complexity, ambivalence of the figure of alexander nevsky, danilevsky even spoke out more often, but without this complexity, without this ambivalence, the figure will be mythologized one-sided, let's talk about... while in tatary with the great khan, he allegedly gave his word to the catholic monk karpin to accept the latin faith, would have fulfilled his promise
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if he had not died suddenly, and that the son is obliged to follow the good example of his father if he wants spiritual salvation and worldly happiness, and so on. alexander, according to the chronicle, called upon wise people, consulted with them and wrote to the pope: we know the true ones. of course, he doesn’t know that alexander nevsky is actually a saint for the catholic church. this is a historical podcast russia-west
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on the swing of history. today we are dealing with the figure of alexander nevsky. what religious situation was russia in then? many people don’t know about this either. this means that at this moment the byzantine empire was fragmented after the attacks of the crusaders. that is, there is no patriarch of constantinople. the patriarch is in nicaea and his legitimacy is generally there. somewhat doubtful, there is also no kiev metropolitan after the tatar invasion, and the new kiev metropolitan, by the way, on the initiative of the galletian prince, goes for a corresponding blessing for the actual with his powers to nicaea, he receives them, but he returns to the north-west to alexander, because the actual support, the kiev metropolitan, is with alexander, and with the prince, later the grand duke of vladimir, and he...
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romanovich here an important figure in our history, well, firstly, he is also a saint, and secondly, his figure is depicted on the famous monument of the millennium of russia, danilo romanovich, and he was an unusually brave man, he is a hero of the battle in the heat of the moment, this is when.. .
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other approaches to solving the problem, in general i must say that he tried to find some two options, here is the option of alexander nevsky, to come to an agreement, so to speak, with the horde or to fight stubbornly,
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historians of his struggle , in particular, some reproach him with his brothers, because his brothers tried to lead the anti-horde movement, the famous nevryuev army came out on alexander’s side,
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which... in general, brought a little less trouble to russia than the bots of his burden, from one point of view, but alexander’s position can also be understood, because russia then, at least to the extent that the lands under his control could not resist the horde, that is, there simply was no strength, this was very well demonstrated by batu’s invasion itself. lithuania more or less succeeded, but it also temporarily fell under the power of the horde, and of course there the power of the horde was weaker due to the fact that russia resisted; russia spent a lot of effort. there is also a complex political connection here, which needs to be understood, which is very easy to swing ideologically in one direction or the other, yes, discarding very important fundamental details, from the point of view gorsky, alexander’s activity, on the contrary , contributed to the local, somewhat limited nature of the attack of this unruly army, that is, alexander here appears not quite as an accomplice of the mongols, yes,
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but as such a compromise figure; history, of course, has proven that alexander nevsky was right, that’s because he turned out to be more being insightful, he managed to endure a lot, forced the russian people to endure, but ultimately the russians...
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and this is very difficult to fit into one figure, which, of course, became a banner of struggle against the west in moments of aggravation of relations. the nickname nevsky appears at the end of the 15th century. but along with others, and takes root precisely under ivan the terrible, under whom, in fact, alexander nevsky was canonized in 1547, this is the beginning of the reign, the independent reign of ivan iv, he was elevated to the kingdom at that moment, in the context of deteriorating relations with livonia, then the future, of course, livonian war, in which the livonian order will be destroyed. the cult of alexander nevsky intensifies during the livonian war war, he rises to the shield under peter i, of course. it is no coincidence that the alexandra nevsky lavra, where his relics are transferred, is named after him. in the 19th century , relations with the germans were calm, prussia and austria were allies of the russian empire, and the attitude towards alexander nevsky was calm. churches
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are not named after him in his honor. but when the first world war approaches, relations with the germans deteriorate and during the first world war again alexander nevsky, the man who fought against the germans, is again in the dust. and of course, updating during the second. you mentioned the film at the very beginning, the brilliant film by sergei ezenstein with cherkassov, respectively, in the title role, which, by the way, is actually an actor depicted on the order of alexander nevsky, we don’t know what alexander nevsky looks like, and, accordingly, the main character of the film is from einstein, and completely myth from historical truth, especially taking into account the insufficient number of sources in the mass consciousness , it is almost impossible to separate, i think, here the task of the historian is still to understand further, but in the mass consciousness alexandrevsky...
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watch on the website of the first channel hello, dear friends. this is the life of the remarkable podcast. and i’m with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov. and my guest is a wonderful theater and film actress, irina apeksimova. hello irina, thank you for coming, hello alexey, thank you very much for the invitation, irina, you have played many wonderful roles in the theater, in cinema, you play many roles in life, please tell me honestly, honestly, what it is
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acting is a calling, a destiny, a curse, profession, all together, something else, why am i asking, because i watched one of your interviews, at the very end of this interview you talked about not becoming an actor, so... that’s what you think, i really think so , whenever possible, i urge everyone not to go into this profession, because i madly love this profession, in general, all my time is devoted to it, despite the fact that i simultaneously work there as a theater director, nevertheless we will definitely talk about this, anyway, as if in my feeling, i am of course an artist, an actress, and what difference does it make, by the way, i was always worried about an artist, an actress, an artist - this is such a very artist he can be...
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i urge people not to believe in this superficial brilliance, but to think that this is really a very difficult profession, i don’t urge men go into this profession, because it is still very feminine, and for women it is a much more difficult profession than any other female profession, because it requires a lot of strength, both moral and physical, and incredible endurance, and if men do not go into profession, who should play then? will it be? in general, it’s a disaster, because almost 90% of the world’s repertoire, from the ancient greeks to the present day, are roles written for men. and by the way, when there is admission to theater universities, the ratio of boys and girls is taken into account;
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i don’t know how it is now, in my opinion, it is still taken into account; at the time when i entered, of course, there were much fewer girls than boys. well, are you generally satisfied with your fate in the acting profession? "i can't say that i'm not happy, because i'm the lord god loves, after all, everything that happens to me, and where i am today." i probably should be satisfied, but to say that i am 100% satisfied is also wrong, because i didn’t play a lot in cinema, in the theater i was much more lucky with this, i still am, and much more interesting and varied complex roles, and with directors i have much more luck in the theater than in cinema, but then it will be strange, to say, i’m happy , no, that's not true, of course, i'm not happy, of course, i still have the feeling that it’s not played about...
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this is happening now, before, of course, it was, as they say in odessa, two big differences, then to really exist in theater artists, i don’t know how much cinema is on stage, these are two huge differences , let’s put it this way, because these are different systems of existence, different lifestyles, if in the cinema the movement of an eyebrow or eyelash, a cover can already speak of something, then in the theater you can do it 54 times and no one will notice. it’s clear that you need to work, exist in different ways, then
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after all, cinema is a race over a very short distance, it is impossible to repeat this in the theater, and you still need to drag it all out from the beginning to the very end, and then in the end , on stage, no matter what the director, the artist responds for yourself during a performance, and cinema is the art of the director, editor, editor and cameraman, of course, in many ways, but do you still like to act more? in the theater or cinema? does it depend on what to play? i love playing movies in the theater, but due to the fact that of course i will repeat myself, that i’m much luckier in the theater, then of course, probably in the theater. i can imagine your roles in films very well, but in the theater i was somehow less fortunate to see you, but this is apparently my omission, so it’s just a little easier for me to talk about cinema with you now, because is it true? they say that you were offered to play in a small faith, but... it didn’t happen, yes, it’s true, i was approved, and i myself
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refused, do you regret it? i regretted it the first time the film came out, because that at that time i was filming another film on lenfilm in the film tower by the famous director viktor ivanovich tregubovich and that is, because of this film i refused to act in small faith and as if the tower had not had such success, that is , it went unnoticed practically .
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something incomparable, you are completely different, with a tail, so romantic, on the other hand tough, and generally a cool film, and it’s like that, it’s a deep film, yes, about this hypocrisy that was in life then , this is the desire to go out, yes, to conquer it hypocrisy in general is the impossibility of doing this, and it seems to me that you have a really wonderful role there, and it’s really a terribly disappointing thing that this film went unnoticed, but this film was made in the tradition of such good soviet cinema.
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yes, of course, we all remember this, but then you starred in a film, which, in my opinion, also sounded very much in the limit, even though you have a small role there, it is so expressive, so bright, so memorable, and
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there which theater did you serve? in art in amkhati with oleg nikolayvich efremov. and already has there been a split? yes, the split occurred in 807 , in my opinion, eighty-eighth, eighty-seventh, i’m ashamed of not knowing exactly this date, but i don’t remember now. again , what i read on the internet, yes, what i looked at from some reference materials, in addition to the fact that you were engaged in acting work, you also began to engage in social activities, you mean the moment of my dismissal from the artistic then that you created a trade union there, or a trade union was created there, in which you played some role, oleg nikolaevich efremov, he was an innovator, and
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he always came up with something in the theater, he wanted the theater to live, for the theater to seethe, there were many wonderful young artists in the theater, he came up with what was needed. create a trade union of mkhat actors, yeah, since at that time i was filming quite a lot in america and france, wherever i was, thanks to oleg nikolayevich efremov, the repertoire was adjusted just for me so that i was filming in london in los -angeles, she flew in for a week, played all her performances, flew, that is, well, here he is he says, you will be the chairman of our trade union, but what’s the logic, if you are so busy, there’s only one thing you need to do here : you’re filming. i had a plus, i played a lot of leading roles in the art theater at that time, young, advanced, recognizable, you will be our trade union leader, and oleg nikolaevich was one of those people, who, you know, is like a blue bird, he said, we everything was simply based on his incredible charisma, charm, talent, this man followed him,
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yes, of course, oleg nikolaevich, he said, was an art theater trade union was created, naturally, i was the chairman of the... group, as it is called, the provokom, i took all my friends, andrei panin, sergei veksler, vera vorankova there and so on and so on, mikhail efremov, yeah, there we created such a union, but what was the goal of the union, i have no idea what the goal of this union was, but we had to do something, at that time there were very, well, such incorrect acting contracts, because this is the nineties years, all the artists had contracts for 3 months, that is, even...
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my service at the art theater ended, did you ever return there? no, i returned there once, oleg pavlovich tobakov had already called me, and i played seagulls, which efremov stood for, i was introduced to the role of arkadin, that’s what was funny, because with my classmate zhenya mironov played trembling, and i played his mother arcadena, but that was also very short-lived, i never returned to the art theater. what will take a long time to drive? quiet, bike, bike, that's right, i work in a circus, what kind room, say, a janitor, i clean the cages, the youngest city, the golden ring, ivanova, ivanova, that’s right, the city
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of brides, my visual, my life.


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