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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 5, 2024 1:40am-2:20am MSK

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they didn’t renew the contract with all of our executive committees. on this, in my opinion, on january 7 or 8, 2000 , my service in the art theater ended. and you never returned there again? no, i returned there once, oleg pavlovich tobakov already called me, and i played seagulls, which efremov flocked. i was introduced to the role of arkadina, and it was just funny, because treplevo played with my classmate, and i played him. arkadin, here, but that was also very short-lived, i never returned to the art theater, which would take a long time to drive, quietly, a bicycle, bicycle, that's right, i work in a circus, in which room, say i'm cleaning the cages as a collector, the youngest city of the golden ring, ivanova, ivanova, that's right, the city of brides, my visual life. premiere, i love my country, on
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saturday on the first, in the land where there is eternal snow and cold, people wear earflaps all year round, and to keep warm, having drunk a lot, all the people dance in a crouch, the unknown flies to the banner of znan, to attack novosyoersk, to one secret base you can take callus syrup, the man is hardy, there and strong, he has no troubles for anything, he is even in in space she solves problems with a wrench, here is the gym, the cauldron, only it is open to members, and somewhere there in the wonderful background anaya is already flogging, her legs are swimming, the head of her finger is scraping the bottom with screws, so...
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the americans see, our russian the world in its cinema. on saturday, on the first. dear friends, we continue, this is the life of the wonderful podcast. i’m with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, and my guest is the wonderful actress irina apeksimova. it turns out that in your life there were two of these great olegs, oleg efremov. and oleg tabakov, what would you say about them? could you tell? and tobakov and efremov are two incredible blocks, terribly similar in some ways and completely different, different in approach, different in existence, even in acting, despite the fact that they studied at the same school, they are very different tobaccos from efremov, well, tabakov was still a young artist when efremov created a contemporary, yeah, and although tabakov did not personally study from efremov. but as if
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efremov were its leader, these are probably people who, as it were, you know, consciously didn’t happen, no one taught me anything, well, tabakov naturally taught me acting, and you studied with tabakov, i studied with tabakov and he taught us very seriously, for which i am incredibly grateful to him, because he was very tough in the learning process , his motto is that he must answer. for every student that he lets out from under his wing, that this artist will be able to earn his own piece of bread and butter, and that the acting profession is a craft, and it is truly a craft, and this craft must to own, and thanks to him, after all, you see, i think that the number of people who are now at the top of the artists are tabakov’s students, that is, oleg pavlovich taught everyone very well...
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but it turns out that this is exactly how one should teach, that the path to this very peak lies through the strictest discipline, cruelty, toughness , and so on? unfortunately yes, it seems to me that yes, it is clear that when we were learning it was all very offensive and it was not clear why, but now i understand that you need to teach this way, because this is the only way you can to enter this profession, that is, what we started our conversation with today, this terrible, humiliating... such a beloved profession of acting, if you have a very serious school laid down, on the other hand you have such a fairly rich western experience, but you worked in europe, worked in america, and how things are there, well, there was a movie there, and i still starred with jean luc gadara, and gadara didn’t even come to me, from gadara, from gadara himself, and like a gadar, he was beautiful.
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gaddar was amazing to me at that moment, because the very name gadar, you understand, it was dark in my eyes, he invited me, but i acted with him, i was at the audition and... when i was approved for gadar, it was very funny, because well, this can’t be, because this can never happen, yes, and naturally, i shot what was the name of the film, the film was called these funny russians, the film, as far as i understand, did not work out, but it doesn’t matter, i had such an experience in my life and i communicated directly with godard, you know, somehow manage to change my acting school, i think that i didn’t... succeeded with him, because it was a completely different experience and like an incredible reverence for such authority, naturally i just went by touch, plus of course the difficulties of translation and everything else, but there was such an experience, there was an experience with an american hollywood
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director philip noyce, i had experience with a german director, that is, well, somehow , somewhere, well, it’s still very different from working with our directors. it is different in the same way that each director is different from each other, that is, in this sense you can to say that cinema is a more international thing than theater? well, yes, probably, of course, as far as i understand, you eventually created your own theatrical agency? yes, when i was kicked out of the art theater, there was nothing left for me, you were terribly offended, what are you talking about, life is over, i think for two years i could not drive past the passage of the art theater, that is, the current kamergersky, at one great russian writer had the same feeling: mikhail afanasyevich bulgakov had komkhat, yes, he too swore that he would not step foot on the mkhata, after maliere’s play was filmed, i must say, he broke his promise, this unites me, mikhail afanasich, i could not even turn my head towards the art theater, it was incredibly offensively painful, judging,
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in general, because of this, i created my own theater company, i didn’t know how to do anything except how to appear on stage as an artist, well , act in films, well, i’m still saying, you have such a social streak. i’m saying this out of stupidity, of course, but to immediately become some kind of manager, i think that my dad would be happy, after all, of your movie roles, which ones do you value most? well, it seems to me that the only role that i played was the cage, despite the fact that the film was shot in such not
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very successful, successful years for russian cinema, and it failed in many ways, because in my opinion the script is brilliant , but from... because yes, i know how it was filmed, and i understand that it could have been much more interesting, much better filmed, much, well , by all accounts, it wasn’t scary for you, i i watched this film, it’s like flying over the cuckoo’s nest, only it’s even scarier,
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because it’s not a men’s mental hospital, but a women’s one, yes, so it’s completely creepy, you weren’t scared at all, how interesting i have this question, but this film ... did they write the script specifically for you, did they create the role, or were you found for this role? i asked to see sergei beloshnikov, we crossed paths with him somewhere, and this is the only time in my life, i don’t remember how i got the script when i asked him to take me for this role, because i really wanted to play something in a movie, the filming took place, despite the fact that it was, well, probably quite physically difficult.
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because there is no opportunity to take a double, to test, to do something differently, well, this is a purely financial issue, yes, this is a purely financial issue, because certain. the number of minutes of production per day is a financial issue, for example, but there was a film about yesenin, yes, you also played such a quite interesting, bright role there, that’s how you feel about this series, i remember that it’s wonderful, i had the most vivid impression of the wonderful work of sergei bezrukov, yes, amazing, very subtle, very precise work, it’s true, but i... i remember that someone, it’s been quite a long time since i watched this series,
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someone told me i really liked one of the actors, some were not convincing for me in some ways, but again the whole film was held together without hands and this is the main thing, he really worked there superbly. i have a very good colleague, she worked at moscow university, she is an expert on yesenin, she wrote a very good book about yesenin book, she, when this film was just launched on channel one, where even from. i won’t even watch some kind of horror, but it’s just something, and then the next day she came and said: this is yesenin, this is what they got, this is exactly how it all happened, and now i’ve also watched several episodes , and it’s just really impossible to tear yourself away, there really is some kind of magic, thanks to the armless guy, he really plays very well, and well, everyone else there is such a very good actor, in principle, the script is really there not bad, that is, that’s what it says there. with knowledge of the matter, with knowledge of the era, actors get into tv series, it’s a blessing for them
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to get into a tv series, well, depending on what kind of tv series, such a first-class tv series, well, a tv series like yesenin, of course, or there was one in my life in my opinion, a very good series , empire under attack, yeah, yes, this is happiness in a series like, well, where did i end up in the bourgeoisie. dear friends, we continue, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, i am with you, its leading
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writer alexey varlamov, visiting me wonderful actress irina apeksimova, then there’s really such a new, kind of turn in your fate, which is very interesting to me personally, because here we are partly similar, i’ve been involved in literature all my life, writing books, teaching, suddenly i was offered to become a rector literary institute, for me it was quite difficult. agree, disagree, but i decided that i have written several books, i can write another one, but this has already happened in my life, i have never been an elector, let me i’ll try, but now i’ll refuse, then i’ll think, what a fool, i could have been a rector, and i refused, for almost 10 years now i ’ve been working at the letin institute on tverskoy boulevard, in your case, how did it happen that you’re so wonderful actress, yes, how suddenly you were drawn into this administrative whirlwind, well, in about the same way i was offered to become the director... of roman viktyuk’s theater, because in his private theater company roman grigorievich staged two
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plays for me, and we were like would be friends, would be are quite close, in his theater there was such a situation that it was necessary to replace the director, and i was offered to become the director of roman viktyuk’s theater, but the director is not even an artistic director, and not the main one, well, it was impossible for viktyuk to become an artistic director, in principle this this is absolutely administrative work, there are papers, government procurement, i don’t know what else is there. a person who draws up these contracts himself, that is, you became on the other side of the barricades, did you realize this, no,
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to be honest, i didn’t realize any minutes, i was just so interested in it, and there was a feeling like, well, i can do it, it’s great, i can’t do it, no big deal, by the way, i had the same thing, i understood perfectly well that i was not a personnel official, and if i didn’t turn out to be a rector , well, it didn’t work out, of course, he wasn’t there before, neither the vice-rector, nor the head of the department, but he just stood up. became, became, turned out, turned out, that is, you have a similar story, an absolutely similar story, yes, if you are how many, i’ve been working as a director for 11 years, a little older, that’s how i became director of the roman viktyuk theater. do you have your own office there, secretary? but no, i never had secretaries, i, i - at the nataganka theater there is an office, but this is absolutely not a secretary, not a secretary, i don’t know how to try very hard, you know, not to turn into a manager, by the way, you and i are there , yes , irina, alexey, it’s good when someone comes
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to your office and they call you by your first name, patronymic, or just by your first name, they call me by your first name , patronymic, of course... well, probably, in some ways i’m a tough leader, because i i really don't like it when the theater turns into social welfare, firstly, and i really don’t categorically accept it when people sleep, eat, and so on in the theater, you know, such a false perception of the theater as a house, a theater as a house in a different
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sense, not in that there should be a bunch of things here, shabby cots with dirty... there, there is no extra ticket here, i remember, of course, my feeling, here are the tagankas, but it was just something completely fiery, although i will say a terrible thing, here then , in hindsight, reflecting on my impressions of the taganka, i got the impression that maybe this is some kind of stupidity, well, that’s what i feel, and that’s why i say that the taganka is such a cool hydraulic crew, that’s how
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it all holds together, that’s what they are as a group, in chorus they roll out on stage, they act out some kind of action, that’s all not all of them. nikolai lukyanovich left under lyubimov, they quarreled, and the director under lyubimov was his wife katalin, then when yeoriy petrovich left the theater valery sergeevich zolotukhin became the director, then vladimir natanovich fleisher came, so i replaced him at the natal theater, so after all manager, director, what difference does it make,
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how does this happen? i am a director, but with powers not prescribed by an artistic director. that is, you don’t have an artistic director in the theater, no, we don’t have an artistic director in the theater, we have a single beginning, i’m the director, but i form the entire repertoire, creative staff, personal or some kind of creative advice you have, i have there are several people with creative advice, but i have enough experience in my life, and, as practice shows, for these, well, let’s say, on taganka i since the fifteenth year, during these difficult 8 years, we managed to bring this theater to... a very good creative level, i’m bragging because it’s true, i’m really bragging because it was very hard, everyone remembers the taganka theater, that one from the eighties, the sixties, seventies, eighties, and then there was a very long failure for many years, no one went to the nataganka theater anymore, and there was still
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a split, there was a split, of course, which is still ongoing or not, the split ended with the departure - firstly of territorially, well you know, here’s where to go, and this is usually the case, i don’t want to offend, but 75 plus, that’s the kind of
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viewer with tickets starting from 100 rubles. and so on, and we spent a lot of time creating a new repertoire, new performances, because no matter how much people shout about the tradition of the beloved, the theater of the beloved and tradition cannot exist without the beloved. it can’t be in the theater, by the way, are there any lyubimov’s performances left? there are two performances left: the good man from suzanna, with whom the theater began, the taganka theater began in sixty-four, and we still have our anniversary this year, our sixtieth anniversary, and master margarita has two titles left, but of course it’s already such a, you know, museum, museum, museum, museum, that is, this kind man, who was incredibly avant-garde then, is now looks archaic. very archaic, very archaic. everything else, a new repertoire, a lot of performances, a lot of good artists came, but in the corps there were very good strong artists,
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different directors come to the theater all the time, i invite young, exclusively directors for the production, then you don’t have permanent directors, there are no permanent directors in the theater, there is one, one young talent, i invited him this year, twenty-five years old. simple in construction in form, to incredibly complex, to musical performances, to complex simply in terms of stage design, and so
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on. different forms, different directors, naturally, each director brings his own idea, his own form, his own genre, and so on, and also the visuals, well, i really fight for an interesting set design, we are all set designers, that is, everyone says that it is very beautiful. scenery in the taganka theater, well, in general, over the years, yes, it’s all very difficult all the time and the process, plus in the fifteenth year, when i came, they immediately created a director’s laboratory, this is when directors offer some kind of material, we agree on a few proposals, for one thing that hypothetically could be interesting for the theater to stage, a laboratory is set up , roles are assigned for a week, they rehearse with the artists a week, after a week they go on stage to the audience, so...
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hello, dear tv viewers, you watch the podcast triggers, we are with you, its host, psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist and psychotherapist, sergey nasebyan, and today our guest is leonid. hello, leonid, tell us what you came to us with? hello. i came to you with a request, problems, i have an eldest son, he is 7 years old, and my son doesn’t know that i live with another family, that i have two children, twins, he doesn’t know about your other family at all , he doesn’t know at all, yes, why, because i ’m afraid, well, to cause him psychological trauma, because i don’t live with him now, i love the child very much, so i’m trying to give him everything that is possible for my part, the younger ones don’t understand anything yet, 2 and 2 years old. here they are still growing, but in the future i understand that when they grow up, they will have to be friends, communicate and to whom they owe it, well, these are brothers, i would like. well, i would like to,
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because if you now claim that they should communicate, then you will cause the maximum injury to all three of them, well, yes, i would probably like to be more accurate, because that as it is in our family, so that relatives always communicate, we all always spend very friendly time there, so i don’t know what to do, introduce me now or some other time, when he has matured, because maybe, well some kind of... trauma may occur and a psychological one can affect the further development of the child, i came to your program with this question of the problem, where did you even get the idea that this could cause injury, where did you even get the idea that there are injuries where do you have any idea that this injury could affect his development? well , when an adult is growing up, he is always influenced by some childhood moments, yes, when there are some traumas,
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some cases they... there in the future shapes his character, shapes his personality, well, i even know from myself the fact that some moments happened, and they could have had a very strong influence on me, and then in the future, on my relatives, loved ones, that’s who i talked to, i watched, there was such a moment that really happened, then when he became an adult, due to these moments he behaved completely differently, yeah, but what kind of injury? for example, you probably have injuries as such, but how did you manage to survive without injury? well, there are probably all kinds of traumas, but those that influenced me specifically in childhood, then tell me, what kind of trauma did you see in another person? i have a relative, whatever you want, don’t call people, there’s just one guy, he has such and such an injury, that’s why he behaves this way, for example, yes, there was a situation, we all walked
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together. in the gardening community, what if the police, although we didn’t do anything, the police were behind us, they started driving, we got scared, ran, ran, ran, we were both older, my relative was younger, and when we realized that they were catching up with him, we stopped, but he was very scared, after that moment he was so very fearful and even it seems to me that at some moments he was standing very cautiously, afraid of something. this is one of the moments that i think had an impact. you said that there were some situations that affected you, okay, you don’t see the injury, but you can identify some situations, a situation, if it’s like this right away, i probably can’t, because oh, okay, a story happened, the police were coming for you, you
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stopped. the guy got scared, it somehow affected him, he became withdrawn because of it , i don’t know, fearful, cowardly, well , it doesn’t matter, careful, cautious, okay, but what kind of trauma in the same context as you what did you describe the reasons for the investigative connections, what kind of trauma are you afraid of inflicting on your eldest son, essentially introducing him to his brothers, well, i left him, i left him, i’m now with other children, spending time. because he loves me very much, that’s how i love him just madly, yeah, but that is, it’s a trauma that he’ll think that you abandoned him because of these children, but i think that maybe it’s super, but now tell me how you spend time with him now, i try to pick him up from school, take him to training, he goes to the pool almost every day, not every day, we live very far away, because...
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his life will change in the context of communication with with your current wife, assuming you, he will spend more time with you , what you said, everything went well, how to spend it or less, he may, in time, most likely will not change, but he may have a resentment, here he is will begin to take offense at me, because he is a very sensitive child, he takes everything very close to his heart, so i think,
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wife, well then the problem is this, not the child, and also yes, probably, what a legend for your eldest son , and how do you explain to him why you are leaving and not living with him? to him, i explain that it is inconvenient for me to get
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far to work closer to where i live now, and supposedly there is not enough space to live, and his mother supports this legend, you agreed with her that you will tell him this, according to i definitely can’t support this. to say, this is my legend, what i try to explain to him when he asks, well, i think my mother most likely supports it, but how did you agree with his mother when you were breaking up, well, we’re on good terms with her, in a normal relationship, yes, she is still my mother child, i try to support her there as much as possible, and i treat her very well, this is still not a stranger there , yes, this is the person who is raising my children, my child, so i try to listen to her and... together resolve some issues, how did you agree, what will you say to the child? about the fact that he won’t communicate, she said no, you won’t, i don’t want him to be seen communicating with children, because it could traumatize him, including, yes, and what else,
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well , including she still has negative relationships, and you separated a long time ago, broke up, divorced for about two years, something like that, but did you break up? there are three left, yeah, and she has a negative relationship, because as i understand it, perhaps, yes, because i have a new family, and because the relationship with that woman may have arisen when you were still married, yes, that is she has reason to dislike that woman, yes, okay, i’ll tell you approximately how the whole story happened in our country, i lived in the north on yamal, that’s where we met my first wife, and we had a long relationship, andrei appeared there, and after 2 years we moved to moscow, but they were not in a relationship, and i was not happy, yes, there were
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relationships, like most families, and 80%, probably 90, live and live together , yes, but what i needed was a human partner, with whom i could make some plans, go hand in hand and develop together. here i am, when i had my first child, andrey, yes, for me it was just an unforgettable emotion, i’m right to the core, this is probably the best moment of my life, why because that well, when i lived before, i didn’t understand what children are, well, children, children, well, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, everyone is there at work to separate the children and you somehow don’t attach much importance to this, but then when... you appears, you understand what you are holding in your hands, this is your own blood, yes, he looks like you, it’s unforgettable, at that moment it was in my head that i wanted more children, that’s when i moved to moscow, we had
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difficulties in our relationship, against the background of this relationship viola appeared, yes, my new spouse, here i fell in love, i saw in this person not just a person... a future spouse, but i saw exactly a person, a partner’s wife, yes, with whom i can, with whom i want to develop, yes, she thought the same way like me, she also thought like me, yes, she too , these are all the ideas, really, really, well, like that, i probably never fell in love like that, because if there had been any, maybe there had been some kind of relationship, i wouldn’t have left , yes, but here i actually met a person who would radically influence, well, influence my life, so... against the backdrop of this , my wife and i tentatively started for the first time, the question was raised about divorce, we had already filed an application, or rather, i was the initiator, and then we agreed that
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we would try to fix everything, but nothing happened , it hasn’t changed, six months have passed, and i was really pestered, well, the question about more children, yes, i wanted to. she didn’t want any more children, she didn’t want children under any circumstances, but at that moment i realized that i needed to change my life. i understand that with this person i have the goals that i set for myself, what i want, he won’t be able to give it to me, here’s my new wife, with whom i live now, yes, i’ll be happy with her, and what’s more, she’s ready to give me what i need, yes, she’s ready to give me a family, including children , against the backdrop of all this, we got divorced from our first husband, so i got a new family, after some time...
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calm down, comrade, we’re coming to you, professor, this is the matter, cut off, cut off, you can say whatever comes into their head, anything, that you are painfully oppressing me, daddy, what kind of daddy am i to you, my god, i i’m only now starting to understand what could happen? from our ball, and now they understand what
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kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i go around people, well , i was married, i don’t care about azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought , heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov's story on saturday on the first, he is still dancing, dancing. you are watching the triggers with you podcast, hosted by tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan. when leonidas is our guest, we are discussing whether it is worth confessing to the eldest son from his first marriage about that he has half-brothers. what about andrey? you say i wanted new children, i wanted more children, but he? he also wanted him... to have brothers, for him to
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have brothers, for him to communicate with them, i understood that i would be with him, i would help him, but in reality, moment, you probably said correctly, there hasn’t been such an understanding yet, but that there are some investigative actions, well, that some depth may follow, that there may actually be problems, and then, what how can this affect, including... it may be unpleasant, but it’s her, how could she go to a psychologist, what’s your
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business, why did she even stop you, what did she say, absolutely not, i’ll lie down in front of the door and i won’t allow this, yes i won’t allow it, i don’t want them to communicate, and with a very serious scandal, but that’s the point, the scandal was so serious that it traumatized you, and not andrei, including, yes, yes, that is, andrei was four at that time, yes, approximately, that’s why i i say that you know something about injuries. but how to say, somehow very, well, as it should, in general, superficially, from the point of view of the formation in general, the occurrence of trauma, and, so to speak, its consequences and consequences in the formation of personality, some such words, and you seem to if they took it from another person, that it could be traumatic, and then you start from your story with your...


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