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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 6, 2024 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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connected only with you, with you, with you, only with you! hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. mass evacuation in orsk, part of the city is rapidly going under water after a dam breaks. the fact is that water washes away everything not only here when the dam breaks, but in other areas it sometimes becomes simply dangerous to work.
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flood in other regions, we’ll tell you how they’re coping. enemy rszz vehicles were destroyed, such are the ukrainian terrorists who are attacking our territory. and new details of the attempt attack the belgorod region. the americans then took part in the sortie. washington cannot justify its ally. israel is hitting palestinian civilians, diplomatic missions and humanitarian convoys. europe is demanding an explanation; tehran is promising revenge. entrance. into the atmosphere, parachute release, landing in the kazakh steppe, everything was exactly on schedule, the cosmonauts returning from the iss were met on the ground. and at the beginning about the situation in orsk, the second largest city in the orenburg region is rapidly going under water, this has not happened for more than a century. the level in the ural river has risen so that the dam collapsed, a powerful stream poured into the floodplain, thousands of houses were flooded in the old city, many up to the roof. people barely had time to leave, the ministry of emergency situations is carrying out a mass evacuation. due to the abnormally warm spring and
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the sudden melting of snow, there is flooding in only 36 regions, in some places the flood has already subsided, from orsk, where the situation is the most difficult, report by sergei ponomarev. this is what the place of the breakthrough looks like now, a dam, a stormy stream that washes away everything in its path, even such huge boulders, at the moment we are at area that they managed to fill last day, and this day there is no equipment now, the specialists took a short technological break, it is necessary to... periodically assess the situation, the fact is that the water washes away everything not only here, after the dam breaks, but on other areas, sometimes it just becomes dangerous to work, you need to fill up, fill up new areas. the nearest microdistrict, the old city, began to go under water the day before. on most streets, houses are flooded to the roof, and some are even carried away by stormy storms. with the current. this footage was taken this morning, of someone's scab floating away. there are almost 2,500 houses and 400 farmsteads in the water. sections at the moment
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of the dam breakthrough on the ural river , eyewitnesses filmed it on a mobile phone camera, it was completely washed away, look, everything fell, everything, the water had been rising for several days, the snow was melting, there was a lot of it, powerful floods began, a protective embankment dam erected on 10 years ago in the area of ​​​​the city of orsk, she could hardly contain the pressure. the prosecutor's office has already found out during the inspection that the dam was not properly maintained all these years, the investigative committee opened a criminal case. during the preliminary investigation. a legal assessment will be given to the actions of officials responsible for the construction, maintenance and operation of the specified facility. behind me, an airmobile group of the russian ministry of emergency situations from perm is working, they are preparing boats for the evacuation of residents. they began to evacuate local residents from dangerous areas in advance, about 2.0 people have already been evacuated, temporary accommodation centers have been prepared for them, they are designed to accommodate 6,000, so far only three hundred flooded residents have arrived there.
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eight people were driving in a straight line, those who needed help, turned around, collected the gazelle, it was necessary, it stalled in the water, there were two people there, so they brought the guys, all the property, money, it will all be restored, yes, the most important thing is human life, therefore, thanks to the people who help, the flow of water does not weaken, the fate of other streets in the city depends on it, this year there is a very large flood, and i never remember anything like this, the water is above a critical level, a dangerous level.
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for this dam 7 m, here now 9.70, then there is, you understand, what a difference, almost 3 m. we will continue, uh, try to reduce uh. water outlet to the residential sector, to the city. all victims who have lost their homes will be provided with assistance. the governor of the orenburg region decided to double their payments. the emercom group working in orsk has been doubled. now there are almost 500 people and 200 pieces of special equipment. rescuers from moscow and perm arrived here the day before; now they are expecting more reinforcements from the capital with boats and special equipment. floods are now in 36 regions of russia only emergency situations ministry specialists rescuing people in the zone. there are currently no flooded residential buildings or garden plots. in the altai territory, which was one of the first to introduce a state
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of emergency, almost four hundred houses were freed from water. the main thing is that there is no risk of re-flooding, people can finally return back. the fire department asked for help. 51, and the reason is that the water began to rise very quickly, reached the very top of the floor, the guys arrived instantly, well done, thank you so much to them, just a huge thank you from souls, they helped, they arrived, they helped quickly, they got everything, they pulled everything out, while rescuers continue to monitor the situation from the air, water-filling dams have been installed where necessary, the situation is improving in the samara region, where they haven’t seen such large water for almost 35 years, it went away in a day out of more than three hundred houses there are almost 800 plots. now local authorities are helping to assess the damage and clear houses and roads of dirt and debris. sergey podmarev, yuriy shatoikhin, sergey suvorov, anastasia slobodenyuk, andrey mikhailov and sergey nashchokin, channel one. ukrainian terrorists today again fired at civilians in belgorod. the blow was
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struck early in the morning; on a day off , a czech-made vampire was attacked from the rszzo. the targets were residential high-rise buildings; 12 apartment buildings were damaged, windows were broken, and the façade was damaged. in addition, the building of the children's clinic was seriously damaged, the glazing was broken, and the sports complex was also damaged. and just today video footage arrived from kharkov, where russian troops are launching high-precision strikes, and there, apparently, ours managed to cover base where enemy rocket artillery was hiding. perhaps it was the vehicle destroyed that night that the enemy had previously used to terrorize civilians in the border areas. valentina solovyova, with details. in drone footage of the kharkov area, our scouts are driving two enemy combat vehicles at once. after an accurate hit, a powerful explosion detonated the ammunition. the launchers were loaded, that is, in full combat readiness. this is what the ministry of defense reported today about the destruction of targets in the kharkov area.
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operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of the armed forces of the russian federation near the city of kharkov destroyed two anti-aircraft missile launchers. and the ukrainian armed forces' personnel and military equipment were also defeated in 133 regions. residents of kharkov filmed such footage from their windows. yes, military equipment in full combat readiness in the armed forces of ukraine is placed next to residential buildings near the shopping and entertainment center. therefore, the attack on targets was carried out at night. and here is another video from kharkov. here one of the burnt combat vehicles, it is clearly visible in the footage taken. drone, this is a hurricane-type missile launcher, from which militants are hitting belgorod, in the photo published on the network there are visible fragments of shells, this is the picture shown to the ukrainian television viewer: precise strikes by the russian army on ukrainian armed forces equipment are passed off as shelling of peaceful neighborhoods, the same area, but from there is no longer a trace of the burnt military vehicle.
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stupid question, but we cleared this building. and today footage has appeared online confirming the participation of western mercenaries in attacks on the belgorod region. this video. on the helmet camera of one of them, it shows an attempt to advance through the village of kazinka on the border, together with ukrainian militants, english-speaking mercenaries discuss the approach plan, in the negotiations it is heard that one of the commanders was killed by a russian sniper on the spot, the owner of this camera, during an attempt to retreat from the village was also destroyed. and this is a video of the work of our fighters on the front line of the kherson direction, reconnaissance spotted a boat with saboteurs who were trying to get across to the other side, there are two of our drones in the sky, one... adjusted the fire, the second struck. and this is what else our scouts saw from the drone. the footage shows ukrainian armed forces militants on the right bank of the dnieper before loading into a boat. at some point, the two simply turn around and shoot their comrades. the bodies are loaded into the boat. they decided not to attack the russian bank of the dnieper. as the ministry of defense reported in
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its report, within 24 hours our troops occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction. 12 counterattacks were repelled at avdeevsky. these shots show the group at work. aerial bomb hammer made in france, as well as six hurricane missiles. fighting continues in the chasvyar. our attack aircraft are knocking out the enemy from fortified strongholds. russian aviation and artillery are working closely. valentina solovyova, tatyana bakulin, alexander kovalev, channel one. the accused of attempting to assassinate the governor of the murmansk region was placed under arrest for 2 months. the kirov city court chose the preventive measure. the offsite meeting was held at the local hospital where he is located. alexander bydanov. he was wounded during arrest when tried to resist. today he said he regrets what he did.
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didn't prepare an attack. everything worked out. quote: spontaneously. let me remind you that on thursday evening in appatity, bydanov stabbed andrei chibis in the stomach as he was leaving a meeting with residents. the governor underwent emergency surgery and was then transferred to the regional hospital in murmansk. the official's condition is serious, but his life is not in danger. the crew will be met in the star city any minute. soyuz ms-24 ship. this is our cosmonaut oleg novitsky, nasa astronaut laurel akhara and the first belarusian flight participant marina vasilevskaya. the union with them on board undocked from the iss early in the morning, braking, re-entry, parachute release, everything was exactly on schedule. and finally, landing in the kazakhstan steppe. the landing went smoothly, the descent module was in place, and rescue doctors were already waiting. it is necessary to ensure that the crew's condition is normal. thanks to everyone who is with us. i was waiting today for everyone who organized our work, the crew is very
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grateful, everything is great, everything is fine, everything is fine, i feel great, emotions, incredible, space, of course, i now understand why they choose such a profession as an astronaut, because when i saw it all, i understood why they fly there, now everyone. for the mission, now the russians remain on the iss, oleg our cosmonaut, this was already the fourth kononenko, nikolai chup and alexander grebenkin, as well as four american astronauts. the israeli army launched new massive attacks on the gaza strip, a refugee camp is under fire, there is no data on casualties yet, but here are other figures, more than thirty people, in mostly children. have you died there recently not from bombings, but from hunger? according to un estimates,
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more than half a million gazans suffer from catastrophic food shortages. the organization called the current conflict the deadliest for the civilian population of the enclave. at the same time, israel, its main ally the united states, is more concerned not about this, but about the threat of a possible retaliatory strike from iran. kirill brainin with details. in english, these green leaves are called mellow, nothing to do with marshmallows. having collected the shoots , they will walk through the ruined houses in search of firewood for the fire so that the wife can cook something like soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. my daughters say: dad, you feed us these leaves every day, we want to eat fish, chicken, canned food, at least something else; residents of the gas sector can sometimes get something else only in a fierce battle for humanitarian aid. which is dropped from planes, those who did not die during the bombings die
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when they go for flour or humanitarian aid, life here has become impossible, and this is no exaggeration, here is the footage from the tv channel al-jazeera, the same humanitarian aid by parachute, and then attempts to collect it, according to the authors of the material, under fire from the israeli army, several bullets overtake one of the men, when he was almost at the target, he tries to rise, but even wounded ... is left alone with hungry dogs, but even the fear of death recedes before the threat of dying from hunger, and this is a prospect for the residents of the gas sector, the un secretary general recognizes. more than half the population, more than a million people, suffers from catastrophic famine. today children in the gaza strip are dying due to lack of food and water, this is incomprehensible, and it is completely avoidable, nothing can justify the collective punishment of the palestinian people, but some people still may not find it anyway. as of today, while we are talking, they have not found a single
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case of violation of international humanitarian law by the israelis. if you think we don't take this seriously, we don't. we are watching this in real time. over the past 5-6 months they have never did not violate international humanitarian law. the state department has reviewed previous cases but has not yet determined that any of these incidents violated international humanitarian law. the question was asked to mr. kirby not at all about the starving palestinians, but about the israeli air force attack on a convoy of an american humanitarian organization again. usa, australia, poland, uk and canada. tel aviv defended itself for several days, calling the attack on the machines of the world central kitchen a tragic mistake. during the investigation there was it was established that the world central kitchen agreed in advance with the idf. misidentifications and classifications were the result of internal failures that resulted in critical information about the humanitarian
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operation not properly reaching the command level. the soldiers struck without even suspecting that. i'm not going to preview any potential policy
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solutions, we want to see some real changes on the israeli side, if we don't see them there will be changes on ours side, but i won't. hamas, but also provokes a potential escalation of the conflict. the israeli air force strike on the iranian consulate in damascus on monday is just one of these series. as a result , high-ranking officers were killed, including brigadier general of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, muhammad zahidi. the attack on the diplomatic mission was condemned in various terms by the whole world, including the country. west, tehran promised a tough response, and this is a new, main pain for the united states. in any case , new york times sources refer to the promise in all seriousness. us armed forces in the region are on high alert. according to the israeli official, israel also put its armed forces on high alert, canceled vacations for combat units, recalled
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some reservists from air defense units and blocked gps signals. two iranian officials who asked not to be named because... not authorized to concede publicly, stated that iran had brought the army to full combat readiness and it was decided that iran must respond directly to the damascus attack to deter israel. experts tend to argue about the scale of the iranian response, but one way or another, israeli incontinence threatens the already precarious and very conditional balance in the middle east, tel aviv’s ability to turn even its allies against itself makes the situation even more explosive. an example of the gas sector, which is already behind...
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is being done by the whole country, it’s as if the whole country has united, the whole country is showing what we are. i think the secret is that this exhibition we are proud, we like this atmosphere
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of love and pride so much, because russia is like that, our people are like that, that’s the secret. to go on a party, but there is no blue dress, we can’t pay the case, there is no cute guy, in the garden flattery fell into the field for...


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