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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 7, 2024 4:20am-5:01am MSK

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while wars end in mutual attrition or one-sided victory, very few of them end peacefully through negotiations. for the foreseeable future, the most that can be hoped for is a frozen conflict. and then they will immediately be accepted into nato. the collective west is nato itself, constantly negotiating with itself. at the same time, she thinks within herself that she should send her troops into ukraine, but not to fight, but to pretend. a footstool for someone,
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in case someone decides that they are not saddle? the day ukraine officially joins nato will mark russia's final strategic defeat. that’s it, ukraine’s involvement in nato was the reason for the start of the northeast military district, and accordingly, its abandonment is a condition for its completion. they would like to tighten everything up so that everything is as before, but this is as before. no longer exists, the end of their world has already come, they must understand that the vampires' point is ending, however, goodbye, this was the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev, we continue, the middle east, tomorrow in cairo negotiations on ceasefire and hostage exchange in gaza, israel and hamas are involved. qatar as
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a mediator, as well as the united states, are in a difficult situation. approval of biden's support for israelis has dropped from 37% in october when it all started to 30% now. the white house is linking further assistance to the netanyahu government's position on humanitarian issues. and plus there is another problem. iran, enraged by israel's raid on its consulate general in damascus. kirill brainin, first things first. the dots are called mellow, nothing to do with marshmallows marshmallow, popular in a world without hunger. here, in the north of the gaza sector , there is another world in which wael and his daughters, having collected shoots, will walk through the ruined houses in search of wood for the fire so that the wife can cook something like soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. my daughters say: “dad, you feed us these leaves every day, we want to eat fish, chicken, canned food, at least something else. sometimes residents of the gas sector need to get something else.” they can only in a brutal fight for
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humanitarian aid, which is dropped from airplanes. those who did not die during bombings, people die when they go for flour or humanitarian aid, life here has become impossible, and this is not an exaggeration. here is footage from al jazeera. the same humanitarian aid by parachute, and then attempts to collect it, according to the authors of the material, under fire from the israeli army. several bullets hit one of the men when he was almost there. he tries to get up, but even, wounded, he is left alone with hungry dogs, but even the fear of death recedes before the threat die of hunger, and the un secretary general recognizes this prospect for the residents of the gas sector. more than half the population, more than a million people, suffers from catastrophic famine. today, children in the gaza strip are dying due to lack of food and water, this is incomprehensible and completely avoidable, nothing can justify the collective punishment of the palestinian people.
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usa, australia, poland, uk and canada. tel aviv defended itself for several days, calling the attack on the machines of the world central kitchen a tragic mistake. during the investigation there was found to be worldwide. the central kitchen
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coordinated everything with the guards in advance. misidentification and classification were the result of internal failures that resulted in critical information about the humanitarian operation not properly reaching the team level.
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palestinians are paying with their lives for an ally that not only forced thousands to attack hamas militants this fall, but is also provoking a potential escalation of the conflict. the israeli air force struck the iranian consulate in damascus on monday, just in this series , high-ranking officers were killed as a result, including brigadier general of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, muhammad zahidi. attack on the diplomatic mission. condemned in various terms by the whole world, including western countries. tehran promised a tough response, and this is a new, major pain for the united states. in any case , new york times sources take the promise very seriously. us armed forces in the region are on high alert. according to the israeli official,
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israel also brought its military forces into state of increased combat readiness, canceled vacations of combat units, recalled some reservists from air defense units , blocked gps signals. two. their officials, who asked not to be named because they were not authorized to concede publicly, said iran had put its army on full alert and it had been decided that iran should respond directly to the attack in damascus to deter israel. experts tend to debate the scale of the iranian response, but one way or another, israeli intemperance threatens without precarious and very conditional balance in the middle east. and tel aviv's ability to turn even its allies against itself makes the situation even more explosive. the example of the gas sector, which has already reached the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe, quite clearly demonstrates the likely consequences, only for an unpredictably larger number of people. kirill brainin, dalia serazheddinova and oleg smolkov, channel one. and a new attack on
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the diplomatic mission, protected, like all others, by international law. ecuadorian police in armored cars entered the embassy mexico has taken away former ecuadorian vice-president jorge glas. now he is in prison. met the crew of the soyuz ms-24 ship. its entire journey to earth is in accordance with the schedule: undocking from the iss, braking, re-entry , parachute release and landing in the kazakhstan steppe. but on board is the first belarusian female cosmonaut, marina vasilevskaya. only 2 weeks in orbit, with
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a lot of experiments and a professional attitude towards the launch on the second attempt. dmitry tolmachev talks about the crew's return home in detail. we accompany you. feeling, feeling wonderful, altitude 1.580, so altitude 980, so we tightened the straps, 350, 200 m, keep the crew quiet, waiting for landing. at the last moment, in almost complete silence, only after the capsule of the descent module touched the ground, applause was heard in the central mission control room. 10:17 moscow time, landing took place in the kazakh steppe south-eastern zheskazgan cosmonauts from the module are carefully pulled out in their arms. it can be seen that all three are in a great mood, although a little tired marina vasilevskaya literally glows with
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happiness, for the first time a citizen of belarus has been in orbit, this first belarusian cosmonaut, a woman. everything is fine, everything is great, i feel great, emotions. a short medical examination, measuring the pressure of the oxygen level in the blood, the cosmonauts are helped out by gifts, flowers and nesting dolls, crew commander oleg novitsky leaves a memorable autograph on the capsule, thank you for your work, thank you to everyone who was waiting for us today, everyone who organized our work, very grateful, their a soft landing was ensured by dozens of specialists, each stage was described in seconds, everything could be seen online, the broadcast was carried out on the roscosmos website, at approximately 4 am.
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called newbies. thirty-three-year-old marina vasilevskaya was selected for this expedition from thousands of applicants. at the international
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space station she was engaged in research in the field of medicine and biology. their launch into orbit from the beykanur cosmodrome took place on march 23 on the second attempt. the first time the power system failed, 2 weeks later the crew returned safely to earth. and now the solemn meeting is already in moscow region, right here in the dispensary of the cosmonaut’s star town. from yaroslavl and his wife ekaterina were congratulated at the atom pavilion. gift, certificate for a trip to murmonsk. nuclear icebreakers,
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naval operations headquarters, the beauty of the russian north. a trip to the shores of the barin sea and the arctic ocean awaits them. very surprising, we didn’t even suspect until the last moment. this is very cool, of course, a very pleasant surprise. i’ve never been to the north, i can’t imagine what it’s like there. and i would really like to see it, especially this type of cola - this is generally just beyond the bounds of fantasy, something for us, let's go, we will visit this event with pleasure, it will be quite interesting, i think, to see what the country is proud of, people come several times with friends, families, whole classes go, how did it happen that the exhibition became so popular, the secret is that the whole country is doing this exhibition. all our visitors, we communicate a lot, we know what we like, what we would like
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to improve, it’s as if we have united the whole country , the whole country shows what we are proud of, we i really like this atmosphere of love and pride, because russia is like that, our people are like that, that’s the secret, it was planned that the forum would run until april, but the interest in the exhibition turned out to be so great that it was extended until july 8 and visitors are waiting every day except monday is... in russian history of the 19th century there were two pavlovichs. first alexander pavlovich, alexander i, then nikolai pavlovich, nicholas
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i, i would call them, you know, two political fluxes, on opposite sides, nikolai pavlovich was forced from the very first during the days of his reign, he prioritized internal affairs; this period, the period of the reign of alexander i, was such a peak of authority. russia in the international arena. yes, under alexander, according to pushkin from the tenth chapter of evgeniy anegin, we found ourselves in paris, and the russian tsar became the king of kings. hello, this is a story.
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grandmother catherine, who once said that i would get along very well, that in athens, that in sparta, somewhere two, two completely different poles, and the same thing happened with alexander pavlovich in his young years, he could spend the whole day in gatchina, doing, so to speak, marching and military affairs
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with his father, as for upbringing, you and i remember who raised him, this is the republican lagar.
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ekaterina alekseevna and, accordingly , and in childhood and then in youth between my grandmother and father pavel petrovich, because the poles are different, and we had to put on and take off different masks all the time, this is pretense or , according to pushkin, deceit, let’s talk about it, discuss, i think, it seems to me that it became a distinctive feature of alexander i, not by chance napoleon at one time called him a cunning byzantine, but there was such a thing as for his weakness, you understand how... things are, if, of course, we approach it, let’s say, this way, he did not punish to kill his father, he did not carry out necessary reforms in time, did not dare to undertake them, probably, he can be called weak, but on the other hand, well, listen, during the war of 1812 this same man showed character, that’s right, he did not sign
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peace with napoleon, even after doing so moscow, correctly, did not flee from st. petersburg.
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was independent at that time, had not yet fought with france, reacted very harshly to this, issued a diplomatic note, to which napoleon responded, so to speak, truly slapped simply, what if your imperial number knew that your father’s killer was a couple of kilometers away from your border, wouldn’t you have taken all measures to capture them, given that all of europe knew that the killer of alexander i’s father was in st. petersburg in its vicinity, so alexander, of course, then perhaps slid into position so mystical conservatism. sometimes some kind of completely rabid mysticism, because after all his conscience was gnawing, yes, because he knew that paul would not renounce, paul could only renounce with his life, well, in addition , about...
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not harshly , but he believed in some kind of divine providence, in his special mission, and stood very often and more than once this happened, under cannonballs, cannonballs fell next to him, they begged him to leave, he said no, he was also like a coward - then, well, you can’t be a coward, you can’t, you can’t, after all, if we talk about wickedness, then it has manifested itself, in my opinion, in the story with asperansky, which...
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but speaking of, the war happened in 1812, if before that you can find various other motives, because alexander there, he took on the obligation to protect someone there something, but here, well, there was telsit, but at first there was the telsit world, they kissed there on the raft, hugged , agreed on something, but at that moment... it was a meeting of unequal partners, because the winner was napoleon, after friedland definitely, after the fight, yes, yes, that’s why, and alexander i, of course, felt
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not feeling very comfortable, they smiled at him, smiled, kissed him in public, but the french troops stood on the border of russia, yes, yes, yes, in verfort, i have the impression that alexander behaved differently there, he already disagreed with many things . well , he is also famous for this phrase that if you scream there, because at some point napoleon threw his cocked hat there and almost started to trample on it, acted hysterical, well, acted hysterical, he’s actually cold-blooded there was a man, so no, it was a joke, but alexander to this he answered accordingly, if you continue like this, then, well, i’ll just leave, that ’s it...
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but it turned out that, since trade with great britain was extremely important for russia, well, in fact, the main trading partner, of course, therefore, at a certain at this stage, russia began to open the border, so to speak, one way or another, including british ships flying the american flag. come to russia, so for napoleon his choice is simple: either he abandons his entire policy of continental blockade, because the meaning is lost, or it was necessary to force russia to actually join this blockade, to study this blockade. both countries were preparing for war before the twelfth year, that is, russia was also preparing for war, it’s just that france managed to prepare first, napoleon, the first managed to recruit a great
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army, alexander was also ready for war without... war could not be done here, but here it is necessary add that there were other contradictions related to the eastern question, because since 806 there has been a war with turkey, it continues all this time. alexander's russia, led in this case by kutuzov, appointed commander of the russian army against the turks, let me remind you that before the war of the twelfth year, yes, it managed to defeat turak in the eleventh year in two battles, and napoleon then sadly stated that the turks had a talent for being beaten. yes, kutuzov ended the war in a month, peace was signed in may, and napoleon’s invasion of russia ended in a month, and although alexander did not treat kutuzov very well since the time of the australians, because then kutuzov warned alexander that there was no need to give battle to napoleon, it would end badly, well, i’m exaggerating, of course, but the meaning was this: alexander insisted, he still wanted the laurels, well, young blood was probably still playing, the laurels of the victor napoleon plus he had a numerical superiority in this battle of three
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emperors. the fact that there was, respectively, the austrian emperor, the russian emperor on one side of the barricades, and napoleon on the other, and kutuzov’s prediction was justified, so alexander did not like kutuzov, alexander did not like kutuzov, including because of that, because of the australian, first of all, yes, because he believed and rightly in my opinion believed that yes, he was young, inexperienced, but... kutuzov, instead of saying, he warned, of course, but very much so, but instead of saying clearly and clearly that it is impossible, he said, in the end, what if you please, now we need to remember, so to speak, about the main architects, in fact, of the final victory, well, there is here different versions, different names are called, but the most common version is that teleran, well, he
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also cunning.
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i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. this is a historical podcast, we continue to look into it. in the person of emperor alexander i. alexander’s victory, of course, also lay in the fact that napoleon waited near moscow, the keys to moscow, did not receive anything, then burned moscow. well, according to one version, napoleon, according to another version, accordingly, the muscovites themselves burned, that’s right, they burned everything there, and it was just chaos that also burned, riots, they were already burning by themselves, well, really, the kutuz ordered withdraw. burnt moscow was on one side of the scale, and alexander rode into paris on a white horse, which calincourt, the french ambassador, imprudently gave him at one time,
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there was enthusiastic applause from the parisians, he was showered with flowers, he did this not without effort, because the mood in the army were such that...
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over the years more than once - he showed his will when the allies , after another defeat, wanted to make peace with napoleon, to which alexander said, yes, that i cannot rush 400 leagues every time, yes, to help you , uh, and he, in fact, he continued this line in order to finish off napoleon, although immediately, as soon as the war ended and the pension congress was assembled, the allies immediately began to conspire against.
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the population of france, yes, that’s it, and then, in fact, the bourbon dynasty ended in 1830, when their policies eventually forced the french people to finally rid france of this dynasty. you mentioned the congress of vienna, because there are , as it were, two stages, separated by these 100 days, this historical episode, because here what’s interesting is that as soon as napoleon was defeated, after 100 days, you mean, even before 100 days, it means that alexander’s great authority immediately began to decline.
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not only war, but
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also peace can be a test, his former allies, so to speak, they could not stand the test of peace, that’s why first at the congress, while teleran was still in power, he defended the interests of france, and then he defended the interests of france himself alexander, because the prussians, for example, had an idea...
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stability defined in france came this proof of the effectiveness and resolution, including, so to speak , the effectiveness of russian policy in france at that time, so that after 100 days of napoleonic the situation seemed to turn upside down once again, russia found itself in a different situation, but nevertheless continued its authority, its power, continued to operate, well, at that moment it must be said that in general,
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we must give credit where credit is due, well, we can, of course, talk about the extent to which this met the interests of russia, if only alexander had behaved like this this way and not otherwise, then then, but in principle alexander demonstrated a certain moral strength, because at that time he could, to a certain extent, dictate terms to europe . the strongest army was russian, he even spoke in connection with poland, when all these conversations about the duke of warsaw began, he said: “i conquered the duchy , i have 480,000 soldiers to defend it, that is, he could act from a position of strength, he spoke. here, by the way, a big question arises: was it worth annexing poland? catherine ii in her time, during the partition poland, the polish territories themselves, populated en masse not only by ethnic ukrainians, belarusians under the polish landowners, did not annex the polish territories themselves,” fearing , among other things, an unstable source.


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