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tv   Videli video  1TV  April 7, 2024 1:10pm-2:21pm MSK

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that you exist, thank you for this city for these emotions, thank you, you are wonderful, we also wish you to protect traditions and, of course, experiment, experiments give us a path to the future, which will definitely always be beautiful, well, it’s time for us to go home, bye-bye, so today the legendary st. petersburg donuts fought with the greek pita.
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go! alexander returns to st. petersburg, evgeny returns to moscow, but the food truck’s journey continues. happiness, this is home, this is loved one! family is a synonym for the word harmony, this is communication with children, their energy, i am charged with it, it’s very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: twins, take care of your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, and be an example to them, our main family values ​​are to speak we must tell each other the truth, always listen to each other, always understand, we were raised so that we would always help. our life is more comfortable
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because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you.
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this program saw the video, my name is nikolai drozdov. nikolai nikolaevich, thank you so much for coming today, you know, we always dreamed that our program would really become great, and it seems to me that the moment you came to us, don’t tell me, the whole audience is now watching us, all the viewers of our country think, yes, they really have just reached the highest point, thank you very much for coming to us today, these are the stories that await you today. the incredible play of a child with a baby cat, the dog patrick, for whom the support became the love of the new owners, here is the one we were looking for and a very serious conversation with a very serious person, therefore, accordingly, from you 1/3 for the rent, the children love.
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they were so carried away that sometimes i had to pull my daughter away by the flipper, it was the first time i had seen such contact between a person and a whale, my two most beloved creatures were playing together, although i myself had to return the stick to its place, because it is not decent to take other people’s toys with you. yesenia came to us from arkhangelsk, yes, hello, let’s talk about what’s happening in the video, where did you take the sperm whale? the cat was taken in the indian ocean, we travel, looking for them all over the oceans, this is my great passion, my great love, recently my daughter just shared this love with me, here is this moment in the video, how you decided to this is true, tell me, is it scary with the whales, not very much, just scary at first. yes, what did you
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play? mm, he blew bubbles, he blew bubbles, and i popped them. nikolai nikolaevich, are wallets dangerous for humans? of course yes. have there been cases where cochelots have something to do with people? they didn’t share it, and how could they? the fact is that the catfish hunts in the ocean, dives to a depth of up to a kilometer, and catches giant octopuses there, sometimes swims to the surface with them and finishes eating there, at this time it is clearly not worth taking away a lot of this food from it, then there are children's shows, of course they are good, but let's add to them our modern human ones. that the wallet got entangled in something, then they security how did they manage to start playing with a stick with the wallet? at first my mother thought they realized that he was playing, my mother was playing, that is , she was bringing him a stick, at the end my mother
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was dragging me somewhere by the flipper, and he was getting closer and closer to me, closer and closer, yes, because he was a teenage cochelot and he was very curious, i have been swimming with whales for about 5 years, and this will repeat, my great love, and i have never been under water with whales, but i understand that they are predators, you understand that we are not part of their diet, you don’t feel danger from them under water, because it’s only scary on the shore, it’s only scary in the boat, knowing all the theory, all the textbooks, everything encyclopedias and the program of the wonderful nikolai nikolaevich, who was the most dangerous for you on filming and in life in general, who was the most dangerous with? i saw this and dragged her out of there, but with the snake, if i had pulled myself together, i had to let her go, she would have snuck inside
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there and warmed up somewhere and lay down on my stomach like that, everything would have been fine, she i wouldn’t bite, it means i was distracted, i pulled her back, she decided that she had a boil. right on the way out i was hit here, my luck, it’s just that at this time there were just 3 days before june 1, and june 1 is the day of protection of children, so small, there is such a filatov children's hospital, and in this hospital lena malysheva held a meeting with sick children. and invited me, and i was in the garden at that time, i went, he told me where he went, that he was crazy, what, the neighbors came, he just got bitten by a snake 3 days ago, here i am arriving , she just saw, nikolai
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nikolavich, what is this, i say, well, a viper bite, when 3 days ago, come on, show me, i i roll up my sleeve, like this, and then i look here, here is white, here is red, blue, here is blue and blue, uh-huh, she says, you know, now you have this white, red, blue blue - this means, either tomorrow they’ll take your arm away, yeah, or the day after tomorrow, you’ll just die completely, when it gets to the lungs, paralysis of the lungs comes from this, so today, right now, we’re going to put you where you need to go to the department. chemical poisoning, this is where basically, i spent a month on a drip, drip from morning to evening they changed me so that all the blood, it was, it ’s very serious, nikolai nikola saved my life, it’s mona, thank you so much,
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it’s difficult to overestimate the benefits of her program, it’s really very clear, it speaks very correctly about important things, some of which even, thank you. something that scared me, because people are always scared by the unknown, for sure, and many people are scared by whales, when someone watches videos like this, they say, are you out of your mind, this is dangerous, but when you find yourself there in the water with them , you feel happy
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sometimes even safer than outside, because i don’t know, it seems to me that on some mental level, with animals, especially with large marine mammals, we have some kind of connection, maybe my romantic brain is making it all up, no i deny, but this eye-to-eye contact, when you look at keith and he allows you... swims next to you, allows you, without causing any sudden movements in your direction, just swims next to you, looks at you and says: okay, swim a little, i won’t leave you float away, that is, it slows down a little , it goes away, that’s when love began, which it seems to me will last, can last my whole life, i hope it will.
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who is this? these are dolphins. wow, is this some kind of training facility in dubai? and in st. petersburg? wow, there are 30 m there, well, any diver should train first, but this is for holding your breath, with a mermaid, and this mother seems to be a mermaid, but she didn’t recognize it, like in some fairy tale, yes, yes. we create a fairy tale for ourselves, well done in general, in short, all over
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the globe you plunged into bodies of water, let's just say, i think there are still places where you can get to know the underwater world, but this is extraordinary, south africa, dolphins and intriguing, although there are some good ones, and our fenguins. this is dangerous, this is a shark, already a shark, everything is quite dangerous in this life, everything is safe in this life, the main thing is to understand what rules there are in the water, the main thing is to understand the character of these animals, at least in part, yes, as far as we can this character understand, well, and not confuse the coasts, so let’s say, we are visiting them, and we must behave carefully, carefully, natalya, who are you education? in general, by profession i am a designer-engineer, wow, but a designer-engineer, i went into engineering only
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because there was a designer prefix, and there i understood that there would be many artistic disciplines, but i really wanted and always loved painting, drawing , so i went to the nearest profession, so to speak, similar to my dream, which was in my city, in the city of arkhangelsk, and since i always loved to draw and partly from this profession i took away a very... good artistic base, i i also decided in the future dedicate my life to creativity too, so basically i am an artist, teacher, and yes, these are my works, i really love them and love to combine them, and my two passions are ocean creativity, because if not watercolors, yes aqua from the word water, draw some kind of underwater worlds, it seems to me that this is so logically beautiful. it’s really very beautiful, you have a teacher here, excellent work, the only thing i can recommend is
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the shadow itself, that’s the shadow, yes, you need to draw a hot one, uh, the light is warm, and the halftone is cold, then there will be liveliness, liveliness, it will be like this, it feels like she really wants to take this fish with her hands, it seems to me that you might just not have looked at the picture, you need to look at it up close, because today you brought us your works, mastro.
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so give the northern one yourself, so that you shine just like you do here today, thank you, but i was just thinking about this picture of a new pony, thank you very much, it’s nice, damn nice, and about simple households, you ’re people, that’s all -in the end, that’s right, it’s not just the divers who you have yes, my cat motya lives with us at home, what a handsome guy, motya, what kind of breed
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is this, he is a bengal cat, a gorgeous cat and beautiful eyes, he even has my mitten. we have been friends since childhood, my mother and father bought me a cat, because they immediately knew that i really wanted a cat, because i asked them for a cat, yes, it was a passion, a cat’s, my mother didn’t take the lid out of the box, i was just driving with joy, because there was a little fluffy kitten, i’m bringing you a tiger, no, not a tiger, a leopard, here it is sincere joy, i also have an animal, what kind, that i have
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two parrots living at home, what are you talking about, kesha and finya. they are small parrots, budgies, they don’t chat yet, they can just wake you up in the morning, because there in the room, in the bedroom, you can directly hear them chirping, the worst thing is that, uh, at my grandmother’s, i go there often, she has - now it’s not two dogs, three dogs, wow, what’s grandma’s name, grandma’s name is grandma tanya, grandma tanya, is that? mom's mom, this is my dad's mom, because with my dad, my mother had a tragedy, he died, it happens, it happens, i’m sorry, but i know that you have plans for one of the grandmothers, that’s right, yes, yes, we have plans for grandma marina, but just the same, when i didn’t become
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a dad, i think we need to do something to keep this beautiful woman busy. she loved to swim, but like everyone else, she probably swam on top. i just suggested it to her once, i said, let me give you a mask, and you will see how it is, at first she didn’t really cope with this idea, but then she said: go ahead, i tried it too i fell in love, this childish delight in adult eyes, it seems to me, cannot be described by anything, and for the sake of such moments you understand that it’s worth persuading your parents to go somewhere, although most often they don’t want to, well done, it’s worth taking them somewhere, that’s it now we’ll take mom to dive with the purses, this means that there’s a chance that you’ll come back to us again, that’s it, grandma with such emotions, i saw, and what other immediate plans do you have? well, the immediate plans are whales, and i want see them in another corner of our earthly ball, so to speak, of humpback whales in
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the kingdom of tongo, there they are mothers with babies, but there is a place where mothers raise babies, they are not... not in a hurry, they are not in transit somewhere, they are just there they are just there, basking in the sun in shallow water, so i really want to get in touch with them, because it seems to me that some humpbacks are the most visually beautiful , they have very large rolling pectoral fins, so for now the plans are to see more whales, can i sing my song, my music, poetry folk,
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and maybe fish, well done, once lucky, thank you very much for coming to us today, thank you for. there is still snow in the fields. and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run and shine, and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, “spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when,
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the spring series of games, watch the time after the program. kiev propagandists distorted bulgakov's biography so much that they turned him into an enemy in an instant. ukraine since kiev is the mother of russian cities, these crazy ones people, they will refuse kyiv too. the sharikovs gave birth to offspring, now they are taking revenge on bulgakov, now he has been declared a ukrainophobe and they did the right thing, of course, because they finally started reading books. and also an exclusive in our studio, the fighters who captured the german marder, outdated equipment, sends here, as a write-off, they give the ukronazis a story about how ukrainian civilization appeared in the second millennium bc. antifake, prime minister. tomorrow on the first, this is my friend alyosha, just recently he had a completely my arm was paralyzed and didn’t work, and now, and
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now i can move it in different ways, and the kids at school like it, like this, it’s clear, now in all directions, a unique development of russian scientists, exoskeletons, and not only in the program, life is great , tomorrow on... first. we are again together with those who love good music with all their souls. volodya, you hooked me so much that i swam. singing swing in russian is another task, you know, the gears don’t always match. you were still a cop, boss, no, not a rumor.
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new season from april 14 on the first. i have two news, good and bad. the bad thing is that videos about animals in trouble don’t end there, but the good thing is that people who help them don’t end there either. let's watch the video. here, here is the one we were looking for. this is the kind of paw we have, volunteers found patrick’s very young dog in a depressing state in the bus depot, it turned out that when patrick was 5 months old, he was hiding from the sun
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in the shade of the bus under the wheel, the driver, not noticing the puppy, drove off, patrick received serious injuries, the clinic said, the case is inoperable, the dog will never be able to walk normally, but the volunteers did not give up and turned to other doctors, surgery, long rehabilitation and patrick with... sitting, leaning on his hind legs and even running, and most importantly, he stopped experiencing pain with every movement . now patrick lives in anticipation of a family who will love him, despite all his characteristics, and give him a home where he will be truly safe. today everyone is visiting us, please rise, polina, elena, svetlana and patrick and grisha visiting us today. everyone everyone come tell patrick's story. well, for us , patrick’s story began in september
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2019, when employees of one of the fleets called and asked us for help. patrick was, yes, yes, a teenager, still a puppy, a teenager, we arrived, so they showed us a huge territory of the car park in the farthest corner, so we went there. so, we made our way, one might say, and - that means, we found this miracle, which, well, one might say, was deeply disabled, that is, you can see how he moved, so, yes, it was just a story, as if with such a very sad connotation, after we took him, we turned to one of the leading neurosurgeons in moscow and examined him, examined him completely. it turned out that everything was fine with the spine, all sensations were preserved, and the problem was only orthopedic, so then the surgeon took care of us,
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a dog in which a lot of time and soul had been invested, so, of course, we decided that we were better off than him, well, not let's just meet somewhere, we'll go straight away - to a new place, which supposed, and there he was amazed that it was as if he lived there, that is, he came home, returned, and right away he approached everyone, svetlana, her daughters, hugs began, she said, i’m climbing onto the sofa, yes , yes, this sofa... is still patrick's sofa, add a little about our patrick, an amazing story happened to him, yes, it is tragic, but as they say, there would be no happiness among the people, but it wasn’t happiness that helped, the point is that when this happened to him, on that day there was already a family, then the family had already chosen him and i was going to pick him up that day, but when they found out about what happened, that he had been run over by a bus and that he would become disabled, they refused and didn’t come for him, that is
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, can you imagine, that’s all... happy, that in the end, in the end, like this, you see, everything worked out, that you met, finally, yes, you went through all these hardships for nothing in order to come to us and make us happy, in general, look for your four-legged friend, and definitely a two-legged one too how is he feeling now? he feels very well, he loves walks very much, he is active communicates on the street with dogs, we have a small community where we already have friends, girlfriends, we go out, walk, run, talk, there are no problems at all now, an ordinary dog, domestic, incredibly kind, affectionate, smart, handsome , well, that he was forever remembered when svetlana was already telling us that yes, we, well, when we had already
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left, that is, already... i remember everyone canceled all their business, they said, we’re taking it, patrick will be with us, now we we will adapt with him, all this is the most important phrase that we remember, that in our house love had fun, this story ended well, everything is fine, patrick got used to it, everything is fine with him, but you have the next story, so very resonant, yes, it’s... let’s say, really now, well , it turns out to be happy the end, this is now developing in development, here is the story with danai, it turns out to our fund, they contacted us from the krasnodar region, a woman simply wrote that this is how it is, my friends were just visiting the hunter and saw that he was in bad condition, so they asked the hunter,
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will you give it back, he said: yes, please, it’s of no use, so at first she tried it herself somehow, they turned to local doctors, but it’s clear that when there are complex cases, you need to go to moscow. that's how he was, right? it turns out in what conditions he lived then, right? yes, that is, these are changed paws, that is, here, that is, he needs surgery, that is, it is not just the healing of these bedsores that he developed due to incompetent advice, now he is already in college. there he is stabilized, he undergoes treatment, slowly, slowly but surely, he is healing, later, when his condition stabilizes, he will go to moscow, and we will restore the ability to walk normally, but
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how did it happen that he reached such a state, but most likely, like, well no one has found out the details, most likely , if, for example, poor nutrition, plus low mobility,
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well done, yes, well done, good, let's go, let's go, well, i wanted to say that you girls, you are doing such an important thing , such an amazing thing, i remembered oscar walt said that if an animal appears in your life, then you risk becoming a better person. as said, well said, that's for sure, yes, so someone who looks at danae now, yes, is in danger of becoming better in the near future.
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you're not hungry, no, you don't want to drink, no, you want chocolate, modern children don't want candy, we don't want to eat, we want to go under the circus big top, i'll assist you, come on dear, let me help, my god, what 's wrong, but i think it’s the best in cocktails. we need to laugh a lot there, we push in the back foot, pushing with the back foot, are you interested in something else, besides fictitiousness, of course, what is chess, when the cubes are taken from
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your hands, what are you doing, sitting and what are your fingers doing at this moment, i don’t know, and for how many years, you just put it together, yes, better than anyone, but... it fell, investigators came to me today, asked all sorts of nonsense, why don’t you pick up the phone, i called you five times, and now explain to me why you ’re calling him several times a day, including at night, undercover taxis,
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premiere, tomorrow after the program time, mole, cool, matador on friday on the first. tell me you
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like my hat? you don't have a hat, do you? i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. we saw the video, let's continue. grisha, what a story this is all about, i wasn’t mistaken, gregor, yes, this is grisha. i picked up about 10 dogs at least and there was a sester irish dane there was a schnauzer uh a lot now three i had all picked up there was a story one fantastic ex-wife ex i never told uh, i really wanted to, she wanted to go to america, but i didn’t. it’s clear why she took away the dog, the cat she picked up wrote to me: i
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know that you don’t love me, but you, i came to your cats and dogs, and i wilded him twice, here’s the same picked up one that ran over a bus, he was lost and didn’t even look through the newspaper one, they were looking for one, even an actor took part, once the porters found him from the kiev station, the second time two grandmothers picked him up, and that means i wrote as about a friend, “we will find you, we must find you, like sailors about sailors, because we are boys, we are guys we don’t leave our own, we found a home, she took her away for the third time, and i went to america, it was perestroika, so i came, and of course, to him, and he didn’t come to me, he was offended, i said, well, you knew it, that i will find you, this is how life turned out, live here, that’s all, i will write to you there, call you, and, in short, i had to leave.” i began to leave, he sat down on the porch and began to howl like a wolf, you look at the sky,
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i drove about three kilometers, we drove off with a friend, i came back, i hugged him again, again the tears flowed, and he howled, i left, and then i they sent a postcard where he advertises american food, he made puppies there, but i hugged him and said, you stay already, okay, and i’ll go back to russia, let’s talk about grisha, it turns out that he came from rostov-on-don , only we have volunteers in moscow friendly there, one of ours turns out to be what you can call it a branch, apparently because we are not in many regions and regions, and well, it turns out that she is a volunteer in rostov, she works as a caretaker, the dog was caught in a catch, like sterilization, vaccination. and after some time, quite quickly, she noticed that
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his head began to grow, it turns out, it began to grow so quickly that they already turned to our director that something was going on, moscow, save him, it turns out that we took him, at that time, he received another nickname, like i call him a tamed dragon, because gradually, until he was able to. pick up, he began to get nervous about his head, well, that is , something was getting tight, so he, of course, came a young man with character, so, but we very quickly found something in common for a piece of cheese language, that’s why i say, the lowest, the most gentle - comrade, here, here, because despite all his apparent severity, he , of course, in short, he was also awaiting an operation, yes, now he’s a little bit unique.
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they removed it, submitted these areas for examination, and found out that it is a malignant tumor; here is a malignant tumor; it already requires a series of chemotherapy; according to the x-ray , there were questionable places; they said that after the last chemotherapy, you need to go to the cat in about two to three weeks le. unfortunately, medicine has already done everything it could for him, he is now on a maintenance drug that... slows down the deteriorating process, but you can’t tell if you wait, that’s why we really hope that this will last for a long time. this is just rehabilitation, we’re in chemotherapy, we’re waiting for
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the drops to be given to us, so he really cares about everything, in fact, just like here, so that he’s not interested in any way. where they are being treated, everyone is leading quietly and quietly, and the cats and dogs are all sitting peacefully waiting , yeah, yeah, what fate awaits grisha next? well, if i say someone wants to be ready, that this situation will not last for many, many years, that’s how it will turn out. are there any approximate time frames for how successful this can be, what kind of forecasts do doctors generally give? well, the doctors say six months maximum, but we have had cases when we lived through these periods, but i really don’t even know what to advise our viewers, because he’s a charming dog, you can fall in love with him at first sight, and with every during the day this
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love and affection will grow, but it only lasts for six months, it’s like passion, probably more is possible, but a break in passion is always extremely painful and difficult. here is a beautiful dog, i hope it will find an owner, but the person who chooses such a dog must be the most conscious and preferably experienced person, because for a person who simply loves, this can turn out to be a very serious tragedy and test, that is, it requires a person who understands what a dog is, who preferably has owned dogs, and is ready to give this wonderful dog the rest of his life. live in happiness, pleasure, comfort, then experience it yourself. the lord sent a dog to man to show that there is such a concept as fidelity. from the point of view of the most terrible, most disgusting, vile, criminal, drunkard, from the point of view of people, for a dog, a saint, all the same, never, not
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a single dog has betrayed a person, this is its purpose, now, now they are about... therefore our big dream is when we can provide a happy life to everyone who turns to us, so that there is no such moment when we choose who to help and who to help. refuse, and let’s better dream that you don’t have any work to do at all, we can once again summarize that donai will soon finish rehabilitation, and if any of our viewers liked him, they can write to you, but also grigory, since he is also looking for a home.
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guess what, two two grishas, ​​yes, i think that you need to communicate with children like with an adult, for example, questions such as which motorcycle is more powerful, blue or red, or whether mashed potatoes become tastier after the expiration date, it’s good that people on the internet they also understand this, look, my dear, listen to me carefully, you live here in 1/3 of the apartment, so accordingly you... 1/3 for quartzlat, okay, look, you and i eat soup together, but we only prepared it i, but it turns out that you also need to cook, yes, yes, come on, one day you, one day i, we’ll decide on the toilet, but you
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don’t go there yet, okay, you don’t have to wash, lie down, rest, divide, great family is visiting us today, anna alexander with her daughter alena, who is already ready for adult life, it seems how, now we’ll find out, now we’ll find out whether this way of talking with children is effective, as with adults, hello, thank you for coming, what’s in the video, how did you even decide to do this, well, in the sense of such conversations with a period, well, in general we we always talked to her, even when she was just born, she was very little, we still talked to her, then i noticed that at some point she began to answer, yes, no, like this... with her head first, now answers yes, no, and i decided to put the phone on and film it, so it turned out that it turned out, now this video is already gaining a lot of views, it’s even a little scary, to be honest, how many, what is the maximum number. is it generally effective
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to talk with children as with adults? naturally, of course, this helps a lot, she can now talk a lot, but so far she only speaks some parts of the words, at least there is the beginning, and yes, she and i constantly play such games, so who was this video filmed for? well, first for sasha, for her husband, but i wanted to show you, look how she answers, but then... it turns out, i posted it on the internet, i suggest watching some more videos that you shoot together with come on, hello, what do you have where you signed up, uh-huh, here, here, uh-huh, let's insert today's date, everything according - for an adult, there’s more here, well, you ’ve heated it, of course, you need to bring it right away, you don’t need to write it down here, why didn’t you bring it there? here, here you sign, okay, alenavna, let’s pay more attention to work, today
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that’s all, yes, that’s all, i’ll go, then i’ll drink tea, yeah, with me, oh, hello, my dear, i just popped in for a minute, quickly, can you do my makeup, it’s a very important event, oh, what a beauty, yes, i tell her, it’s not worth it, i bought a new cosmetic bag nearby, wow, you’re growing up, so stylish baby, in general , i really like it, and what is this leather, i’ll take one for myself, vapul, tell me about yourself, yes, and then what, are you serious, i always said, i can’t be trusted, uh-huh, oh, oh, mom, oh, it’s beautiful, oh, thank you, let’s all call the dialers, come on, i just got you dirty, sorry, that’s it
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bye, bye, bye, dear, this is beautiful, this is a culinary school, yes, you will teach me how to do all this here, we have a piece of dough, wait, are you the teacher or am i the teacher, let's decide which of us is the teacher, i'm you , and you, that’s it, you’re a teacher, it’s difficult, no, no, help, come on together and... and you’re done, come on, is your course expensive? yes, oh, how much, like that one, so many, well, wow, i understand, i’ll come when i’ve saved up, okay, yes, well, daughter, well, let me write it down, please, i want to tell people something useful, well, yes, i’ll tell you i'll tell you what, film it yourself, oh... let's put useful benefits where, well then tell me yourself, hello, she's filming it herself, next
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year, next year, that it's better than me, better than me, there's no one better than me, handsome, in general, well done, next, he’s the one with the headphones on, he’s the one with the headphones on trying to read lips, let’s get up, let’s get up with the parents. stars, parents, parents, until the end, but he held on, well done, i cut out another half, parents, stars, rock stars, parents, yes, yes, yes, seriously, yes.
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did you join the army at that time, no before that i wanted before this, this is your meeting after the army, that is, you were waiting for him from the army, that’s right, from school, wow, this is love, well done, well done, bravo, bravo, bravo, ah, this is seriously your life, this is how many years you have been together, how you met, how you carried this whole story
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through the years, well, you started dancing in... in a school group, so to speak, my mother works as a school teacher in a theater club, she introduced us, one might say, she invited sasha to dance in pairs with me and that’s how we are, what a wise mother, and then we played the first role, i was babai ega, he was a devil and just like that we became 11 years together, charming, 11 years already together, it’s serious, yes, but the proposal, how it happened, what did anyone do for the new year, she i didn’t even expect this, but i called. i asked her father if it was okay if you came in, by the way, did you call your father? yes, yes, well, then, on new year’s eve, he proposed with his teeth and knees, well done, guys, this is how you raised such an adult child, it feels like she’s older than you, that’s what i think it seems that next year she will ask you a question: dad, mom, what do you want
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to become when you grow up, i also think that this will happen, you are all very correct. you do, you teach a little one, even such a little one, to take care of someone, and now she is already taking care of you, this is very valuable, we will meet after a short pause, don’t switch, we lived in a barn for 2 months, it’s interesting with cows in general , you can’t imagine what a thrill it is, i have a song for this occasion, but we remember cows, and remember there were the guys from st. petersburg came, they had a cat and a crow , they were so funny, they were there together. to the store for everything, yes, and i have a song about it, oh well, yes, we remember the crow, kar-kar kar-kar, and maybe the cat, meow-meow-meow, but the most amazing, the most incredible animal - this is a dog, after all, a dog, i also have a song about this, we remember the dog, woof-woof-woof-woof-woof-woof, or maybe dogs, or maybe we’ll sing on the air, or maybe
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on the air , come on, let's go on the air, of course, what does he say. it’s still white in the fields snow, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, they are running, shining, and they are shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring. she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, look after the program for the time. kiev propagandists distorted bulgakov's biography so much that they instantly turned him into an enemy of ukraine. since kiev is the mother
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of russian cities, these crazy people will abandon kiev.
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are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell the story of banks and the latter seven days of laura palmer, you are laura palmer, matodore on friday on the first, say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life.
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mom, mom, mom, i love the gypsy, taika, your voice knows no bounds, you! season from april 14 on the first, you are watching and saw the video, let's continue, guys, do you have animals in your house, yes, um,
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no, not yet, yes, who cat, dog, fish , dog, dog, sasha dreams about dobermanis with us, let's talk about flying ones, you came to us with yours, oh, let's remind ours who you have? the leader is our gosha, the parrot, he is the most important, here he is, he travels with us in the car, you can’t leave him anywhere at home, you can’t leave him because he gets offended, so wherever we go, he’s with us, like odushka, this time for the new year we went to the sea, it ’s winter, frosty outside, and we’re going, i see it’s already 9 pm, we need to look for where to stay for the night, i’m looking, look, and... i come up, i say , we need a number, she tells us this, but you don’t have any animals, i see everything is busy, this is one number left, one number, i say, no, we don’t have anyone, natasha distracts her,
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distracts her, and this passport tells her something, and i’m with a cage with this huge door, so i open it, she says, come on, i ’ll just jump in, quickly dive into the hole and sit there. well, that’s it, but we settled in, gosha started yelling, woke up the whole hotel, that means everything is like that, she opens the door, says: you said that you don’t have animals, so it was cold outside - 20°, and gosha says, gosha is a pretty bird, how long have you had it, by the way, well, we have it very many years, maybe i don’t know, maybe 28 years or more, we caught him on the street, here i am... natasha looked, it means the month of may, we look, yes, we look at the window, birds are flying, black crows, one white crow, they beat it, then he throws it out, natasha,
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says, parrot, wife, yes, my wife, says, save him, says, save him, i jump out, i look, these are flying, they beat him, he, he from he fights off, flies away, flies away, flies away, i run after him, cars are moving, everything is moving, people are watching birds. flies and another bird flies, he perches on the house, window some kind of window there, the window opens, he goes in there, the window closed, i looked at this floors, looked at these floors, i go, go up to the landing, there is one apartment, i ring the doorbell, a completely new, huge apartment without furniture, renovated, and the worker is there, i say, where is the bird? he says, we don’t understand, i say, i say, there’s a bird, and, he says, in that room, i go into this room, take off my jacket, i look, a parrot, like that , walks back and forth on the floor, back and forth, i
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covered him with my jacket once, and he was the first to me once in my life i bit my finger, it hurt so much, like pliers, guys, that’s all, but he didn’t want to touch you, i did it, otherwise i would have bitten it off, i carry him, i carry him, and he hisses like a snake, by the way, eh... the first time i heard it, that’s how i carried it and brought it, we have a hostel, that’s it, we called him fedya, i say, you will, you will flint, but you will, you will, this is fedya, in short, in the morning at 4 am the sun came out, i’m sleeping, i hear very clearly, gosha is a pretty bird, gosha is a very nice bird, i say who it is, who is here anyway, and when i go out, the parrot is talking, so it turns out you are, you’re talking, we found out your name, and so on 20, already 20 years ago, he uh, interestingly, he helps raise children, uh, the children clean the cage, the children feed, that is, so
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that, well, not always, naturally, they clean, mostly i, who started it, cleans up, there may be some questions here, but uh, there is concern, well, some kind of thing, it’s never boring with him. he is a very cheerful, sociable bird, so leaving him with someone there is simply unrealistic, it’s simple, it’s like, i don’t know, leaving your close relative somewhere there, and he’s still and... well, okay, let's pay 200 rubles extra for the parrot, i say, it will do, but can i add, so i visit them often, and he also gets out, he has his own little one for sleeping, small, place yes , yes, it is closed if. closed, guests have arrived,
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he starts, he’s good, he’s good, let me out, you know, i start talking to him, which means, of course, he’s right there with a camera or a movie camera to show that there’s a conversation going on, so we’re filming there 20 minutes, about half an hour, at this time it means that the wife brings everything to them, that she feeds this and that, and suddenly he is so completely conscious, he sees that he is no longer his wife. natasha’s wife is tormenting him, yes natasha, he’s tired, i want to sleep, yes, yes, yes, what i said, i’m tired, i want to sleep, i want to sleep, i want to sleep, that’s it, he stops talking, and there he has a unique feature, that’s it like this, uh, so we sit down like this, well, we have this table, there are a lot of people, we let him out of the cage, he comes out of the cage and walks up the table like this, goes to the kindest one. it's
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surprising, but it's true, and he draws from you, you, he draws, steals a brush, we spread the paper on the paper like this, he just gives him the brush, and he twirls it, chews it into two parts, in general, a creative bird, modern to the last stage, like gregory, let's quickly let us remind you who you have, maybe someone appeared in that short period of time since you were not with us, because you are our frequent guest, and i have three dogs, cats and... they come handpicked, i also want to say, if you meet a stray dog ​​and you can’t take it in, you can’t hand over the kennel, put on a collar, if the dog is wearing a collar, it has a chance that it will not die, because it will think that it is still lost somewhere, sing, such luck if the owner is with you, always new year.
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always at the vaselya, if the owner is with him, but such melancholy and such torment, if the owner is not there, no one will give a piece of cookies, if the owner is not there, if the owner, owner, owner, owner, owner, owner, owner, if the owner. yes, yes, let everyone definitely have owners, in general, we have a wonderful couple today i was a guest, an excellent program, it turned out great, thank you very much for coming, thank you very much, and of course it’s great that you watched us, go to the site first, there you can watch everything, vote for everything, send us your videos so that we we'll definitely see you here again, bye!
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office somewhere 3 go there.
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it’s a bad meeting, everyone is working, and you, and i’m trying hard to make music. that means he’s been sent to us as repairmen, that’s good, you’ll be
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my right hand, i lost my 43m, how many locomotives do you have? one? eushkasyan also on visits, but he’s not ours, lezhnevsky, i ’ll take whichever one i’ll take, but you, oh, are written off as a driver, don’t sell the locomotive, i’ll go further, there’s nowhere else to go. there is now a contingent here, one might say,
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a traitor to the homeland, what, after the german camps and all sorts of other things that he has... even before the victory , they began to lead them from germany to the region for correction, we don’t keep guards, this is certainly not a camp, but don’t run strictly either, pull up, pull up!


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