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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 8, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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some very strange thing, a doll of the heir tut on channel one, the head of the german federal intelligence service bruno kahl, on the day of the start of a specially... military operation , he was urgently evacuated, read, he fled as fast as he could from the territory of ukraine, and what was he actually doing there and in general, who is this person who knows how to adapt to the change of any government, germany, what methods of work are now used in germany to work against russia, let’s look into our program, heir tuti dolls right now, maria is with you butina, we're starting. if ukraine were
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forced to surrender, it would not quench russia's thirst for power. unless the west demonstrates a clear willingness to defend itself, russia will no longer have any reason not to attack nato. bruno kall, head of the german intelligence service, abbreviated bnd. kiev was covered one after the other before the start of hostilities. some say he was testing the latest surveillance systems for the russian military, others were preparing an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on donbass. german, citing sources, confirms that the countries' intelligence services are in close contact. official berlin provides ukraine with satellite images, data from radio intercepts and telephone conversations, but german intelligence, according to an official statement, knew nothing about the plans of terrorists in moscow. with such a level of contacts, how could they not know? in any case, kahl is probably aware of the terrorist threat to germany itself due to the huge flow of illegal refugees, both from ukraine and the middle east. international terrorism has been around for a long time.
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gil on germany, after the terrorist attacks in paris 2015 in brussels in 2016, plus following the leak in the ministry of defense of negotiations on strikes on the crimean bridge with taus, a crack appeared. blow, wrapped everything up in blaming russia in order to somehow wash off the reputational strengthening of espionage activities to the level of the cold war. an insider is one of the worst things that can happen to an intelligence service. the damage is enormous. but what is this, a real fact or an attempt to accuse the russian side of undermining the democratic system of germany? the bnd has already set its course towards expulsion of russian diplomats. with suspicions
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of espionage, although kahl himself admits to using such methods. he spies, apparently, in russia, eastern countries and asian countries, since after the scandal with wiretapping the phone of merkel and other european officials in favor of the americans, the germans were legally prohibited from spying in eu countries. the bnd's task is to secretly receive and analyze classified information that is not publicly available; in other words, espionage. we spy to gain an information advantage over others. but what in in reality can oppose the work of world intelligence such as kal is not a special service officer, not a career military man, did not participate in special operations around the world, was born in the sixty-second in essen, had a civilian education, studied law at the universities of bonn and lausanne, served in the field intelligence unit of the bundeswehr and was demobilized in rank of lieutenant colonel. later, as a clerical official, he began to build a career in the ministry of finance in the structure of the german ministry of internal affairs, in the office of his patron wolfgang scheu. due to flexibility and
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loyalty to his americans, apparently, he was agreed to an important position, hence the blatant mistakes and inability to adequately manage the potential of one of the once strongest world intelligence services. germany is not just a partner for the cia in cooperation, but also regions for operations, sometimes with the knowledge of german authorities, and sometimes without them, even when it violates german law, there are more than 100 cia employees working in germany, although the exact number is unknown. the us forces german intelligence kahl to act in the provat own interests, putting national ones aside, it would be naive to believe that brona will remain the only one in the boat of the german elite whom the united states has not made dependent; since the second world war, the power structures of germany have been occupied by the states, the stasi archives did not remain in the gdr, but were transferred cia. military experts claim that secret documents serve as leverage on scholz and other german politicians further down the list, namely...
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the federal chancellor coordinates the activities of the bnd and sets the vector, despite any secrecy, almost a year after his appointment, in 2016, kahl allowed himself to speak at the munich conference. in order to indicate to the whole world that russia is in the orbit of its main interests. the global political player russia has returned, it will remain an inconvenient neighbor, instead of a partner in european security, we have a greater chance of facing potential danger in russia. the head of the secret agency does not indulge in open russophobia and is quite restrained in his statements and suggests keeping the channels of communication with russia open. of course such a position should not be taken on faith, rather it is an attempt to play on... the largest nato exercises in history are located right at the borders of the union
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state, they are obviously preparing them right before the ninth of may, president of belarus lukashenko went to the ashmyany region and actually conducted them.
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are they really trying to start world war iii? we are currently talking about the largest maneuvers, indeed the largest nato maneuvers over the past 30 years, which are being held directly at our borders, at the borders of the union state, these are exercise stadfast defender, but we are more interested in the german component of these exercises, this is quadriga 224. firstly, 12 thousand german troops who are involved in these exercises. secondly, in terms of timing, these teachings are divided into so-called stages: center, north and south, you know, some kind of allegorical names that evoke a very bad association for me, and more than phantom for some people out there.
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further, the most dangerous stage for us, the most unpleasant, is the grant quadrigo exercise, which is planned for may, this redeployment and deployment of the tenth. tank division bundosfera on the territory of lithuania near the suwalki corridor. let us remember that this is a corridor that connects belarus, kaliningrad, and, more simply put, the territory of russia. calling this defensive exercises, as they are trying to convince us, is beyond my control . a shock armored division is taking part in defensive exercises, this is something strange. in addition to all this, provocations are constantly being carried out against belarusian territory, aerial photographic reconnaissance and satellite reconnaissance are being carried out. nikolay, what is a provocation, what are they trying to do and how? well, let's start with the fact that reconnaissance, yes, is an anachronism, seeing as aerial photo reconnaissance, well, why conduct it in the 20th century? attempts to send drgs into the territory of belarus, but this is also very strange. i would note that a number of exercises are currently taking place
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to simultaneously develop the thoughts of my colleague, with which i naturally completely agree, because to this we add the arctic response with the participation of the swedish and even norwegian armed forces. which allows you to extend the training zone from the arctic to the black sea, if i also name a couple of exercises, including about provocation, the polish army is training in the kaliningrad region to force water obstacles, naturally under enemy fire and, accordingly, entering, as we understand, into the kaliningrad region, because the maneuver has a very clear focus and so to speak understanding, at the same time, the french relocated their arafales, shock troops... under the fetish of the regionalization in romania, and there, as we know, there are already f-16s, on which the germans just allocated more than $100 million to their budget to provide logistics, that is , the maintenance of these f-16s at a base in romania, that
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is, well, in the area adjacent to the ukrainian border, that is, all this proves the absolute direction of nato’s actions regarding us, they are preparing only for a large-scale provocations, just to the beginning. armed actions, and we knew about this, because we resurrected the first tank shock guards army, which had not existed since the forties, and which was formed again 5-6 years ago.
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this is a certain bureaucrat, a european bureaucrat, who has completely bureaucratized the already dependent intelligence service, at his core, this person, he is trying, you know, to create some kind of diplomatic interaction, he is not a professional, i would like to draw your attention to how he behaves, in -firstly, a closed pose, he will sit like this for the entire performance, only one hand will periodically be pulled out, and then it will return to its place again. his task here is not
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to give a little more information that his body gives out; he arrived on the eve of the start special military operation in kiev, knowing or not knowing the start date of the special military operation, but preparing for a different scenario, quite rightly, he flew to begin military operations, to be the initiator, to push kiev 2 weeks before the start. push towards what, an attack on donbass? of course, a week before the start of the special military operation, even two, shelling of the dpr and lpr began 10 times larger and stronger, any person who was there at that moment will tell you, practically preparations for war began there, and this was the reason one of the reasons for the start of a special military operation. listen, i’m getting goosebumps right now . it’s like this was led by a german general? but here it’s interesting, pay attention, the head of the cia did not fly to kiev. on the eve of this , six chapters did not arrive, they sent a german
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, whose intelligence service is in a subordinate position in relation to the intelligence services of england and the united states of america, that is, an additional conflict between germany, consider europe, with us, that’s why he was sent there, and he very inconvenient because i had to run away from there, why? arrived, it’s impossible to tell, so he’s fidgeting, that’s where the closed pose comes from, well, i’m completely. i don’t agree, kolya, i’m sorry, please, firstly, he knew very well that something would be prepared on our part, because at that time german intelligence had already received satellite data. things that related to the supply of german weapons, real armored vehicles and some other things, so he asked zelensky, if a war starts now, this is what you need from our side, what kind of support
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do you need, why didn’t you send it there minister of defense, because pistorius didn’t exist at that time, that’s why... it was built, first of all, but regarding this extraction operation of his, and removal from kiev, well, we know from leaks, in particular in western the press, in the french, in the british, that his polish, so to speak, colleagues from the polish special services took part in this, that is, he did not even have his own opportunities and using the tools of the bnd, somehow leave kiev, the poles helped him, in general they took him out ,
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so the story is that how would he be there himself somehow got there, that’s also not entirely true, well, as for the special operation, i absolutely agree that it’s really for sure... he had an idea that a special military operation could begin in one form or another, but he didn’t knew the exact date when this would happen, but at the same time the official position of germany at that time was that we were not expecting anything, we had agreed on everything and so on and so forth, so of course on february 24 many of them got into trouble and because that’s not what he’s saying, he’s saying: i let go plane, because he knew that something would start now, well, yes, that is, after the fact, he said that yes, i was ready for something like that, but you know again. he is lying about that operation, how did you let him go from kiev, and before all these events, after all , the official position of germany was that nothing would happen, in fact, we agreed on everything, macron called, in general everything was decided, and this just went against the position of mi6 and the cia at that time, so they of course got into trouble, and well, the last one moment related to why he appeared in kiev, and that’s why neither moore nor bill burns
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went there, and they really didn’t need to, and as we learned from a recent new york times report, the cia has 12 bases there was located. why would they send a director there if they had everything already built on the ground, and the germans once again participated in ukraine and tried to somehow participate, and at the highest level, the same situation was, by the way, on the maidan, yes, there there were american and british intelligence services, but the germans were also present, they did not play the main violin, but they wanted to participate in it, well, in this case, they of course fell under the distribution and there, by some miracle, the poles helped them get this man out of kiev, i’m not sure that if no matter how they helped them, he wouldn’t have been stuck there for many, many...
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american intelligence, they give them everything, in general they give everything, they, you know, are their executors, under the sun, i wish you good health, why didn’t schindler like it, because that schindler was independent, he did not suit schaubl, he did not suit anyone, he was independent, yes, they worked together, but they were independent, but bruno has other talents, you won’t believe it, he can read minds, he knows what we are thinking, let’s listen, in his speech in munich, kahl said the following: instead partners in matters of european security, in the person of russia we have a potential danger. russia has regained its role as a prominent actor on the international stage and will remain an inconvenient neighbor. russia is not primarily concerned about the territory of ukraine, it is concerned about declaring war on everything western, liberal and democratic world. that is
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, think about it, this general is now saying that russia intends to declare war. he is not a career general, mind you, he heads this special service, and this is the only german special service that has the right to work abroad. directly closes
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under the auspices of the bnd, and this structure , but look, and here even military intelligence, on the apparatus of the federal chancellor, if this one works abroad, then accordingly he is a person, he is a politician, he was at one time in ministry of internal affairs.
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the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, that means, myakisheva, where are you anyway, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time, stearnsman product lar group whiskey mankatcher product stellar group, сnop gin, product stellar group,
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monteshchoca cognac, product stellar group , rom castro, a product of the stellar group. in order to live and enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i cerremonimester, who is this? the man who connects hearts? i work on a crane in ferrous metals, i go to work with joy, i leave work with pride. study to become a heating engineer and you won’t regret it.
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recent scientific evidence suggests that people living under this protocol have a risk of myocardial infarction twice as high as everyone else. the program to live healthy was sorted out in detail, tomorrow is the first one. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table.
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looked confused and unhappy, light, you love me, i’m walking around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular
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sympathy for his heroes, but for a very long time i don’t understand. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, wake up the sleepy shore, they run and shine
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and... they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young spring, messengers, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first. "the federal intelligence service of the federal republic of germany is headed by a man in a civilian uniform, how is it possible, who put bruno kali in this position, in order to understand and figure it out, let's see where he came from, the personal file of bruno kali, the head of the german federal intelligence service, in office since july 1, 2016, a description of the head of
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the german federal intelligence service bruno." kalya is a member of the cdu party. a reserved, reserved, widower, two daughters, has a law degree, did an internship in sydney. career, which means we didn’t tell you all of it, but if you look carefully, even if you look at it as a whole, then there’s no there is absolutely no military university or military achievements here. i would note to maria that, oddly enough, i have two things in common with him; he is a journalist by training, by the way, too. at the same time , i graduated from a catholic institute in france, and he in bavaria, so it’s curious, especially since in fact he was very far from bavaria and munich from bonn, but nevertheless , somehow he managed, our shooter got everywhere to be there and there, and at the same time, is absolutely amazing, here’s how he could actually work in sydney, and he didn’t just do an internship there, he worked there as a lawyer, when in general in australia there is one historical law, in germany it is naturally completely different. by the way, this is a brilliant point, this is a completely
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different system of law. he did not have an american or english education that would have allowed him to build a bridge between the two seemingly realities. yes, he’s definitely right, he’s certainly not a military intelligence officer, but he’s an intelligence officer, that is, he’s an analyst and intelligence officer, but civil, roughly speaking, intelligence, civil service, as analysts, he also said that it was impossible to defeat russia in july of twenty-three, and this was heard, was replicated by absolutely all western media, russia can... play the long game, has ammunition and capabilities, but precisely because he is not a military man, returning to the moments of his biography and kiev specifically, and what he did there, it’s very curious, he was late, he was late, i know this information, i have it, he was late for the evacuation site, which was announced by the german embassy, ​​and at the same time had to be expelled, a decision was immediately made to have a special evacuation group, after all, german, not polish, which
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is engaged.
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the country is in the abyss of another brown dictatorship, they look at every career intelligence officer in exactly the same way, which is why in germany they are trying for positions as heads of departments such as departments. for the protection of the constitution, for example, yes or the german foreign intelligence bnd, and to put those figures who are not independent, who are not personnel and who, in general, will be largely dependent both on the office of the federal chancellor and on those people who also participate in nato exercises, please tell me, schäuble, but it was the minister of the interior, if i i’m not mistaken, just at the time when merkel was indignant about wiretapping, and... he was there, he had very serious political prospects, can you tell us a little more about him, who is this schäuble? in fact, this is one of the patriarchs of german politics, he really headed both the ministry of the interior, and the ministry of finance, was the president of the bundestag, one of the oldest politicians with enormous
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authority, indeed, and he tried to the best of his ability to place his proteges in key positions in the security apparatus in the bundestag apparatus, in various federal ministries, he died. in december last year he was indeed very old, but his legacy lives on, here is actually bruno kahl - one, one of his most significant creations, but you know, without his patron bruno kahl becomes a very dependent figure and is even more strongly tied to the office of the federal chancellor, that is, to consider him as an independent figure who can play his own game, i would not, this is really a person f, here i think that there are no two opinions i must... i want to thank you for the map that you have, actually behind your back, a very correct, modern map, thank you very much, colleagues, let’s still emphasize that this means this schäubli works with him our
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anti-hero kal, and in fact would have gone further up the career ladder, if not for one, very big, very big nuance in the car parking lot, remember what we are talking about, well, there was a big one of corruption. at the turn of the nineties, at that time volgban schäuble was, most likely, one of the most influential politicians from the christian democrats, many believed that he would go to the chancellor elections and be chancellor, so, but this did not happen, and therefore what happened like this lasting for many months corruption scandal, that’s when it turned out that he also received certain bribes, and he gave certain bribes when agreeing on a large military contract for the sale of german armored vehicles to countries. monarchy of the middle east, in particular , there was a figure of several million deutsche marks, well, at least 1 million deutsche marks, this is quite a large amount at that time, that is, half a million american dollars, so the scandal hit him, the scandal hit him apparatus, according to his
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assistants, some went to trial there, so well, for him, of course, and for the christian democratic party, this was precisely a reputational blow, and they performed poorly in the upcoming elections, and schäublya, in general, refused to move forward in this very career. however, for him this was not the end of all participation in politics, yes, because he was president of the bundestag for some time under angela merkel, and as we see now, many of his apparatchiks, including our today's hero, ended up reached high positions. listen, kahl was with him, he was constantly with him and in the ministry of finance , including, and now the man who was associated with a huge corruption scandal for the purchase of weapons is being appointed head of the intelligence service. but do you know what else this schäuble distinguished himself with? i think kahl took this point from him, here is one of his last statements. let's see what he thinks about russia, what methods should be used to fight us. i
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believe that we must participate in the propaganda war. war is always a battle propaganda, there is nothing new in this, we just need to be more decisive and play a leading role, realize that there is no way without it. so, the person who put kal in... raised him, says that the main war is a war of propaganda, and intelligence can provide food for one propaganda or end up with food for another, so in this sense everything is absolutely logical, by the way , the appointment of brun kahl is very logical, even in the situation and thanks to the situation of this corruption scandal, well, look, the man gave bribes, in order to sell the products of the german military-industrial complex, the americans are perfectly hooked. on which he hangs, so i just think that in many ways this corruption scandal served as a kind of springboard, why this man became the head of german intelligence, then his typical work begins and his work is so
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dual, on the one hand he needs to work in the interests of germany, on the other hand, needs to work so that the interests of the united states are not infringed, and he succeeds very well, his famous phrase: not a single intelligence service in the world can... name those responsible for the explosion of the northern streams. let's listen to her. regarding nord stream 1 and nord stream 2, questions about who did it, i can't say much. there are facts to prove it. about a variety of directions, but not a single country in the world, not a single intelligence service in the world can now specifically indicate, say that this was done by this or that, or that it was not them, and that this or that can be excluded, wow, what a lot of verbiage, i think that when he crumples here, torn, doesn’t know how to gesticulate, here the specialists can see it better, he simply says in other words the following: i know what happened, but i can’t say it. that’s why he goes for expansion, well, so that i’m not the only fool, and
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not a single intelligence service in the world can, while he knows very well that only one intelligence service in the world has already told seimer hirsh everything, and seimar hirsh has told everyone else, that’s not a single intelligence service in the world , that is, he understands that he is lying, but he cannot do otherwise, dear colleagues, well, first a small epigraph, yes, if the head of intelligence of a state has no idea who is committing terrorism on the territory of his state, and in the maritime zone of germany? well, yes, this somehow says: i honestly have no idea and no one has, this is bad news, at least for intelligence, at most for the state, this is the first, second, well, in confirmation, probably, of our key thesis today yes, that he personally and the german bnd are subordinate to american intelligence, well, he’s not a fool, in this case, he’s great knows who did it, he knows, but he is afraid, it was said correctly here, he is afraid, he is gesticulating, he is afraid, he is afraid to voice, god forbid the customers, who did this, therefore.
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things are bad with personnel, well, let's see. old intelligence officers are retiring, and young spies are dreaming of a remote work schedule. in addition, potential employees refuse to part with their smartphones while working. no, no, well, look, i understand, a personnel voice, everything is clear, but, well, not from the head of the federal intelligence service such listen to things, i think he’s just there, he personally, not all german intelligence, here i don’t agree. in a subordinate position, and as for the personnel, he has
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such personnel sitting in the bnd, since the time of gehlen’s organization, oh, everything is very serious there, it’s a closed structure that is difficult to control, there are powerful revanchist nazi sentiments, he’s probably like that in a way, half-joke, half-something grotesque, well, what kind of ad is this, it’s probably trying, maybe, to push out those people who don’t want to be subordinate states, and they developed.
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roman, what is this? listen, you know, i ’m ready to support you, laugh at everyone, except bruno kahl, you can call him anything, anything, but bruno kahl is not the kind of person to lose anything just like that, you know, that’s all whatever, remain silent, don’t take the initiative, but lose bruno kahl - these things are incompatible, everyone else admits, of course, this one doesn’t, i would note in this case that the novel, in my opinion, most likely, being in a subordinate position, loses evenly exactly what he needs
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lose for some reason, i can illustrate this with a simple fact that i have already mentioned, and a person of this level of decision-making, maria, which is clearly not the first level, allows herself a statement about russia and this statement is replicated everywhere, but of course this there was some kind of coordinated reaction in order to put pressure on kiev, so that kiev would force the negotiations on the western scenario back in july-august last year, this, by the way, corresponded to the cia line. which recommended zelensky a long time ago back in ball of 2022 to begin some negotiations with russia, so bruno kall is an executive, and since he is really an official, moreover, an official is not... the usa, but the bnd does not have one, because it is not a service, they are in a subordinate position, they
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performers, because in the herald tribune tribun, back in 1989, it was written that nato, for that... hearings is a very interesting situation, because bruno kall lost these documents during the time about how his own intelligence failed and as for loss of documents, it was also predicted the fall of the kabul regime in in the twenty-first year of such a rapid, here these documents seem to appear, they are lost in general, the focus of attention of the discussion shifts in the other direction, so i am absolutely sure that... there was a pre-planned story, but well, i would like to say that after all we we don’t know everything about bruno cali as an intelligence officer, i wanted to remind you of the little-known fact that in fact, he became an intelligence officer back in the eighty-first year, when he served in the bundeswehr, there was still
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military service in the bundeswehr at that time, then he was in so called felt, cross corpses, this is field reconnaissance, which was engaged in... interrogating prisoners, prisoners at that time in the cold war, naturally he was engaged in the russians, that is, he then began to study russian, then, naturally, he became an official, but i’m sure , that since then the dossier on him was in the bnd and he was listed there, well, as in soviet times they said the active reserve of the dr, that’s why no one knew, that is, well, naturally it was not advertised when he was already taken into his quality very... bribery of those foreign officials on whom the decision to purchase this or that german equipment depended. schäubli was a very tough, very cunning politician. bruno call
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learned a lot from volgo schäubli, precisely as his patron, from the one who guided him through life. let me remind you that he has been with him since 1986. bruno kall, who heads german intelligence, is a servant of two masters, he needs to work in the interests of his country, on the other hand, remain loyal to the americans, look, he succeeds in this, in a situation where he says: we cannot find out who blew up the nordic streams, he plays into the hands of scholz, who can’t come out and say, it’s the united states that blew up the main gas pipeline supplying our economy, on the other hand, it’s beneficial for the americans that he covers them, the investigation didn’t lead to...
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he’s experiencing problems , he believes, he did not say where this threat could come from, but nevertheless he said it, a man who just doesn’t say anything, as we found out, nothing, then for what do you think, well, i think that he is not exactly a servant of two masters, after all, he has the interests of germany they sit powerfully inside, and he is deeply worried that now germany is in such a subordinate position, once again, because how hard it was for him, we saw it, to say that well , no one... knows who blew up the northern streams, he position was forced to say this, inside he is like, you know, a descendant of his grandfathers who fought on the eastern front, in fact, who is he a descendant of, where did the bnd even come from, what are its historical roots, immediately after the advertisement, all
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the most interesting things, stay with us. nonsense, why don't you pick up the phone, i'll tell you i called five times, now explain to me why you call him several times a day, including at night, taxi under cover. premiere watch after the program time cool cool vodka veda
8:42 pm
product lar group cognac old barrel product lar group burbon stirsman. product of stellar group whiskey mancacher product of stellar group gin сnop product of stellar group. the first beplab in ukraine made from domestic components is sent into mass production. it is quite obvious that there is a russian serviceman, wearing our standard 6b-45 helmet. from ak-12. how russian drones were praised on air at the ukrainian marathon. is this the tenth? and now they have reached mayakovsky, calling him a ukrainian. we must see that he himself spoke the mentality
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of the ignorant peasantry and is only capable of appropriating the achievements of others in order to somehow rise. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i would like.
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friday on the first, tell me what you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, the challenge, the launch and landing of the first space film crew on saturday on the first. hello country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i love our small cities very much, i have passed through almost the entire golden ring of russia and... and the silver necklace of russia, i have a dream, i really want to go on a hike to lake baikal, i hope it will come true soon , to altai,
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by car across the whole country, to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot of things look, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of belaretsk, the republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors, i’m from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love... for its beauty, for its beautiful river , i love my country very much and am proud of it, premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first, we are again together with those who love good music with all their souls, lilac fog.
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this is so cool, this is so fresh, guys, and the leg, there is something in this, maybe really, enough already, this is all hip-hop, everything is there, three chords, new season from april 14 on the first, with you again. maria butina, this is a doll-heir. and tute, in the focus of our attention, bruno kahl, the head of the federal intelligence service of germany, they say, is a servant of two masters, then who isn’t he
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ceased to be interested in the military intelligence of many other western countries. we do not have the potential of russia and keep this knowledge up to date. since its founding, the only intelligence service in the world, which has always dealt with russian issues, according to our hero, is the bnd. how, exactly, were they founded and by whom? well, first of all, he frankly, honestly acknowledged the continuity. where does everything come from, where do the legs grow from, so now where did the bnd itself come from, well, this is a case when, probably, we can name one name that will give us the answer to many questions, this is reinhard gellin, this is a nazi lieutenant general, during the second world war, who headed, since 1942, if i'm not mistaken, the department of foreign armies
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east, that is, a person who was engaged in direct analytics. but he didn’t just give up, but took with him a very solid set of such dossiers in the form of small photographic documents, which he saved in film, he handed it all over to the american side in exchange for this information, but he bargained for himself no , not freedom, as we might think, not indulgence, the opportunity to continue our
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work against the soviet union, but dynazification, well, actually they say. international rules have established that nazis cannot hold positions, not for americans, not in this, this is not the case, this is not the case, because a specialist of this level, who fell into the hands of the americans, simply could not disappear, moreover, he is not alone worked, he was moved - to the territory of the state of virginia in the year forty-six, where the corresponding events were held, i will not delve into them, already in july of the year forty-six he returned to germany and headed the organization, which later received... the name or helena organization. great for yesterday's prisoner of war. and on the basis of this organization, which consisted exclusively of yesterday’s nazis. it all started with 350 officers, and ended with 4. the backbone is like this. in the fifty-sixth year , the bnd was created, the first chairman of which, the first director of which he was until the sixty-eighth year. and on may 9, 1955
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, germany became a member of nato. what interesting coincidences, but i can’t name this comrade, a former prisoner of war, who also had a partner in the bnd case. let's see small story. gerhard wessel, during the second world war , served as a lieutenant colonel in the twelfth directorate of the general staff of the wehrmacht, a foreign army of the east that collected intelligence information about the armed forces of the ussr. and as a matter of fact,
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australia will become a hub in which service personnel will be trained, those who will deal with the soviet union, where a lot of civilians from germany and austria will undergo special training, and no one
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cares that this is the country of kinguru, where the americans are trained british special intelligence officers, and this has been happening since 1949, and the preparation will be in 1959, when... usa, canada, great britain, for them australia - it was just a training ground, it is very important how they trained agents, two key points, the first is the agent flash drive, the second is agent whistle, so active, ready to simply do anything, including forceful cover, our hero is agent flash, he is a drive, they inserted the drive,
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he reported, took him out to standby, understand, this is the person, which now has a very important function on it, the function of a flash drive, and this flash drive sometimes it fails, he understands perfectly well what is really happening. yes, germany does not have access to the information that american intelligence services now have. i'll correct you, you said here that in america only nine intelligence agencies have the right to work abroad. you forgot another special service for arctic affairs. this is the tenth service that has been given the authority to work abroad, because they need the arctic. do you know that, for example, our character is very active in arctic affairs. do you know what he does? tries to reduce the role of influence. russia in the arctic region, what a moment here, we forgot to say a very important, important phrase or important words, talking about how this organization was born, it covered up war criminals, not just the nazis,
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but precisely war criminals, our allies, as it were, the key word is, as it were, they were covering up war criminals, and he, of course, is an intelligence officer, he is simply not a military intelligence officer, but certainly a professional one, by the way, it’s interesting that you mentioned ... the three most powerful ones intelligence services, yes, these are canada, great britain and the usa, and it’s interesting that this schäuble, the curator of our today’s character, bruno kalya, he was caught taking a bribe, to which country was he trying to sell there, to canada, he was selling a huge amount of weapons he took a bribe from there, so they put him on the hook there, they raised this, that is, an executive character, a flash, next to him. as our expert says, and then he was handed over to the little white hands. i would add to everything that has been said why, of course, i i sign with both hands that, in fact , on november 4, 1951, the us high commissioner for
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german affairs mccloy, entirely at the request of konrad adenaur, included nazi cadres in the new apparatus of the federal republic of germany, which contradicts what we did, because the apparatus of the gdr we created it from scratch, without using it, of course. nasys criminals, and germany from the very beginning followed the line, and according to the ideas of adenaur, who, it would seem, was in prison even in the era, that is, nazi germany for the fact that... he considers one of the most important rehabilitators of nazism about our kal, and you know what brun kal has, it seems that he has an ancestor, at least he is completely bruno, and he is kal, maybe a grandfather , which received oak leaves to the iron cross during the kursk bulge, and the armored, even anti-tank german regiment screamed ... shrank to the end, after which it surrendered
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as an american, very curious, because grandchildren are often named after their grandfathers, at least this version there is, well, dig we still have to go in this direction, well , as for war crimes, those who stood at the origins of german intelligence, this is an absolute fact, and even several of the eigsmann assistants at one time, in general, ended up working first in gelin’s organization, then in b&d, in general, after the fact in the nineties, they were convicted of being involved in the murder. 150,000 jews in france, so here this is an absolute fact, and this was, as it were, confirmed even after the fact by the time they were no longer alive, and we could talk about it calmly. as for our character today, we can argue for a long time about how subjective he is, not subjective, like germany as a whole, but we see all these endless scandals, for example, the thirteenth year, when it turns out that there are literally several b&d apparatchiks by order of the nsa they spy on the french, and at the same time on some german companies, in particular.
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gone, and there is literally about one year left before the big elections in germany. on them christian democrats will most likely win, well, i think that he will have the opportunity to serve another whole term, so we will still hear many interesting statements from him, unfortunately, about some russophobic statements regarding our country, well , of course, to watch such characters as bruno kahl stands very carefully, and indeed we will hear about him again, because it is obvious that we should dig even deeper into the biography of this character in the whole bnd, which... as they say,
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has always, always been against our country, with you were maria butina, the doll of tuti's heir, now the program is time. hello, it’s time on the air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. floods in different regions, what is happening in the orenburg region, where almost 7.0 houses are flooded in orvsk alone, where a lot of water is still flowing and where the situation is already improving.


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