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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 8, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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does it follow from this what the truth is? i think the truth, as always, is in the middle. firstly, the ukrainian regime certainly still has the resources, like its western allies, to continue hostilities. secondly, of course, ukraine, ukrainians are tired of resistance, tired of a hopeless attempt to defeat russia, which cannot be defeated. and people are becoming more and more convinced that this is an absolutely senseless idea.
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continue, they will continue with two hands: on the one hand, telling their people about that don’t worry, going abroad is a death sentence for this regime, so they will help, and in general we are achieving great success here at long distances, somewhere in the area of ​​ilabuga or somewhere else, we finally shot something , but the fact that the earth is burning under our feet and we are less and less able to resist on the battlefield is, well
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, not in favor of ukraine, or at least it will definitely not change significantly in favor of ukraine, so we need to look for some then pragmatic solutions, but there is another the point of view is that if you even want to achieve peace, then you need to go for further
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unilateral escalation, so let's listen to what the newspaper's editorial says about this. donald trump is capitalizing on republican dissatisfaction with president biden's ukraine policy and says he wants to negotiate an end to the war, but vladimir putin is not ready for that, unless on his own terms. trump will have more trump cards if ukraine strengthens its position this year, which means increasing supplies weapons are now in trump's political interests. i am of course touched that the editor.
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ogonyaya reich brought a good example, but the most interesting thing there was that soviet troops had already entered berlin, in hitler’s bunker people were fighting for who would be his heir,
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it was, as they say, intrigue, who would become himmler, goering, so to speak , when it would seem that everyone needs to pack their bags and run, no matter who ends up where, and yet...
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they call the regime in russia, so to speak, to remove putin and achieve the results
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they want, well, then with everyone corresponding conclusions, therefore, based on this, in general, apparently, to a certain extent, long-term military actions, they were not quite ready for this, they began to be drawn into this as the situation in general developed.
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most to ukraine. that is,
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the least they can do is not interfere . the united states will not send more weapons, in other words, the main idea is that yes, escalation may carry some risks, but these are risks. less than the risks if ukraine loses, so let’s not interfere ourselves for now, we’ll arm ukraine, and this will, as it were, allow...
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i think he already understands that russia cannot lose, well, it simply cannot, that is, strictly speaking, it is difficult, serious, lengthy, maybe an operation, i don’t know how it will unfold in the future , but it is already obvious that russia cannot lose this, it is destined, if you want, to ultimately win this, they cannot help but understand this, i would also add this point regarding the person, in my opinion, is stupid, but very cunning, these two qualities sometimes coincide, but sometimes they do not coincide, in in this case, it seems to me, does not coincide, but he certainly has, so to speak, cunning, he has, in my opinion, all his statements, because any political leader always, first of all, thinks, at
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least to a large extent, thinks about his fate , he can't help but think about his fate.
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a serious story, it seems to me that not all sides will present him with an account, from those who so actively supported him and those who lapped his hand in various audiences, including at film festivals, this publicity will be maintained there for some time , and it seems to me that he is earning this for himself to highlight as an additional, additional guarantee that he will sit, but on the other hand , he cannot help but understand that in ukraine itself, in ukraine itself, in ukraine, as we say, so to speak, well, he could be killed , most likely, that’s why he won’t be in this very ukraine, most likely, or he won’t be needed under american protection, in any case, he’s calculating this option, it seems to me, by the way, when he still has two goals: with on the one hand get a weapon, on the other hand
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on the other hand, it seems to me that now another goal is emerging, so he says, as it were... to his people, that if they don’t give us weapons, we have no other choice but to lose, and what does losing mean? and to lose means to capitulate, or in any case to find some kind of compromise with russia so that then he can blame his failures on the fact that the west didn’t give us weapons, the west didn’t help us, and as a result, we have no other choice, and it seems to me that it is quite logical that he... is counting several, including this option, well, you know, i want to remind everyone that he has one option that he can freely use, he is a person of jewish origin, and accordingly he has every right to go to israel and be there under the protection of israeli intelligence services, how effective they are today,
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this is another question, you know, israel, yes, of course, it protects on the principle of blood... such, such an option in which we agree, but explain this by the fact that they did not help us, this bad for him anyway an option, but that he, of course,
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has pro-ukrainian sentiments in europe, a willingness to help ukraine in america, and we are the authorities, so he will take advantage
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of zelensky’s need to be prepared for further provocations and some attempts to change the situation in his favor. we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in a few minutes. a month and a half ago, the parents of lieutenant alexei turbin were killed. from this moment on, we have many questions that still have no answer. we'll have to follow him in action. no one should be in management to know that we are dating. how do you manage to be the first to appear everywhere? investigators came to me today and asked me all sorts of nonsense. why are you on the phone? take it, i called you five times, now explain to me why you call him several times a day, including at night. undercover taxi, premiere. tomorrow after the program
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time. mole, cool. one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence of certain people among us. calling themselves the illuminati, they have been determining our destinies for more than 250 years, interfering in the course of development of humanity. weishaut, the creator of the illuminati, denial of god, denial of religion is at the forefront of everything, consider themselves people of demonic blood, part of the initiation rite is murder, i could not even imagine then that such an ordinary weekend saturday evening would end in the rubber of children, the organizers of the balls were, this icon represents an illuminati master. this is a militant organization, we are talking about establishing power over the world, power is based on the refusal of the traditional worldview and world order. an obstacle to
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full hegemony is, first of all , russia; from every sound it sounds that the west is arming itself under the pretext of fighting the unknown russian threat. not holiday illumination. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. navtiki on the first, on nerves all day, we worry all day, hello everyone, by the way, 18, 17, 16, 15, ignition, motorcycle, camera! call, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew, on saturday on
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the first. well, i'm different, different. evgeny steblov is one of the most unusual artists in russia, he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he truly awakened to his heroes. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life ? why was it not possible to avoid tragedy? all this is in god’s providence, as god directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov.
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i have made it clear to the international community that without the return of the hostages there will be no ceasefire, it simply will not happen, this is the policy of the israeli government, and i welcome the fact that the biden administration made clear on friday that it remains committed to the same position. i want to emphasize an important thing: israel does not interfere with the conclusion of the agreement, it is hamas that prevents it from being signed.
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we are a little lacking, our american colleagues, well, you know better than me how think tanks work, all sorts of situational rooms are there everywhere, and how long has this system been in operation, and that they always act according to a script, there are always many scenarios , good and bad , and different, and sometimes it seems when you look at what is happening there, and it seems that some kind of scenario b, there c, d, fifth, seventh, now it
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is being implemented, and it is being implemented in such a way that even those who seem to disagree with the americans go like this outwardly there is a dive, but it turns out that there are some rather cunning , out-of-the-box agreements, this concerns this dispute about, about the demands on the one hand of hamas, on the other hand of israel in relation to that dialogue, to that negotiation process, which... goes behind closed doors, we know what hamas proposed, back on the 2nd, he issued four demands to israel, uh, firstly, the return of internally displaced persons, these are not refugees, it is the return of internally displaced persons from the south to the north, secondly, the withdrawal of israeli troops, thirdly, this is a permanent ceasefire, permanent reconciliation, fourthly, this is the restoration of gas, to which israel refused, and
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in fact, hamas accuses, accused the israelis of having a very simplified formula, you release all our detainees, and we give you temporary a truce, this, of course, does not suit hamas, and in general the arabs are not happy with this, no one is happy, in fact, but the situation has changed a little, it changed yesterday, when, despite this, it would seem, that big deal, which could not find some way out or this... they began to announce that they were leaving gaza altogether, that they were evacuating their military personnel, as if they had made concessions to the same united states, not to mention russia, which has long stood by these demands, and the city in general is everywhere, so say, today
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they are written in the israeli press. in the arab press, too, that the israelis are leaving khan yunis, from the largest city in the south, gaza, near rafah, where not... netanyahu does not refuse a military operation, he did not refuse it, and apparently, he will be ready to prepare it be carried out, but nevertheless, this is the advertised departure of izhan yunis, his return to the fold of hamas under the control of hamas, this is perceived in some places in the middle east as some absolutely stunning, unusual scenario that is unexpectedly being realized allegedly under pressure from the americans. today it is beneficial for biden to show that his pressure on... has borne fruit, so he rules israel, not israel, as we generally say lately, but he still rules israel, he forced netanyahu to do something, there is progress in favor in fact , the palestinians, whether this is so or not, i don’t think
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this is so, but i think that some surprises are happening, and hamas is already claiming this as a victory, which is partly fair, because the pressure here is not so much american, sorry i'm seeing you for the first time. to assure that something happened, how many of them are there , one or one and a half or two left, but that there was a large deployment of, so to speak, modestly, if we say, israeli troops, and that hamas today is partly celebrating, partly a victory, but it has enough intelligence
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hamas leaders cannot help but shout everywhere that we won and so on, so as not to run into further escalation, but that israel has made some significant concession, and that apparently today they are wondering about... these 5 months of war, they did not bring victory to israel, hopes for this victory are very there are few, and there are also a lot of risks associated with the operation in rafah, i want to understand whether
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this means that there will be no israeli attack on rafah, i don’t think that there will definitely not be an attack, they are ready for an attack and maybe even planning it , they are easy... and quite rightly, the hamas people are doing that they are not shouting about it to the whole world, but plus we need to add another factor to this that influences bibi’s behavior, this is that
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they are trying to shift the center of gravity to iran , to the front of hezbollah and iran, well, actually, to the eastern front, where possible they are planning a real serious confrontation afterwards.
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i don’t think that there is a system of any firm guarantees or in general that iran is ready today for a full-scale response, because iran, the iranian leadership, they still... despite all the ideologization of what they are doing, they pragmatists, they want to save the country, they value their country, their civilization, powerful, old, based today on the islamic component, on the islamic core, and take the risk of simply avenging even their generals, although they really want to do it, they can do it, it seems to me that they are not ready, or it’s not for nothing that they say that the answer is can.
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everyone is convinced that iran is the main thorn, the main obstacle to peace in
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the middle east, and so on. now, probably, the delay on iran’s part is due to the fact that they understand what game they are being drawn into, but on the other hand, it is difficult to expect that all this will go away without any answer, because this is fraught with loss of face, this is also for iran, for iran and this is also really serious serious damage that can hardly be afforded by those people who, as i said... in italy, want to preserve their civilization, want to maintain respect in their country for the capabilities of their country, and so on. this is indeed a very delicate situation, but israel does not demonstrate at all the desire to behave not like a bull in a china shop, some kind of subtle manipulator, if it delivers such blows. a large group of democratic congressmen have just written a strong letter.
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so: to biden’s reaction and understanding in israel that they are going too far and may lose the support of even their most loyal american friends. given this incident, we urge you to reconsider your recent decision to transfer a new package of weapons to israel and to refrain from this and any future transfers of offensive weapons until the investigation of the airstrike, if any, is completed. that the strike violated u.s. or international law, we
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urge you to withhold shipments until those responsible are brought to justice responsibility. we also call on you to suspend supplies if israel fails to sufficiently minimize harm to gaza civilians, including humanitarian workers, and if israel refuses or obstructs the transportation and delivery of humanitarian aid to the gaza strip. limit in production it’s hard to believe 50 years ago, and not once do i remember that on the eve of the elections, american congressmen allowed themselves to criticize israel, but on the other hand, i understand that 40 votes, well, in general, this is not what determines american politics, so i want to know your opinion, is this just
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an interesting phenomenon, or really some changes that can affect first american, and then...
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is rightly associated with the enormous sacrifices that this nation has suffered in general throughout its history, the peak is the holocaust, and the image of a jew is the image of a scientist, the image of an intellectual, the image of an artist, the image of an entrepreneurial person, but this is not an image at all a machine gunner who destroys children, but it does it, although many in israel like this image, well, maybe in israel...
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the jewish people as a whole and it is quite possible that some changes have taken place there, because you are right, before the elections i, too, so to speak, more or less follow american politics, it’s actually something like this, for 40 such major politicians to come up with such an initiative on...
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what’s happening in american politics, this is what the democrats fought for, that’s why pushed, they encouraged free immigration.
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in fact, against killing everything else, but if it comes to the extreme, there is no doubt about it, the choice here of the united states, israel, in this whole story, it is predetermined by all previous policies, in this sense, it does not seem to me that, apart from the maneuvers that connected with elections, with the desire to be better than they are in the eyes of their voters, these maneuvers are something serious... it will end, of course, netanyahu is causing irritation in the biden administration and among other american politicians, because he
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pits the united states against the rest of the arab world and the world in general, in this matter, it clashes, it cannot but irritate, but on the other hand, why is netanyahu still netanyahu, and because he turns out to have no alternative in this situation, in that number for the united states. let's go to advertising.
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how do the local public perceive our films? do they expect some, some other round of russian cinema? are you from the clinic? are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell the story of tressy banks in the last seven days of lore palmer, you are laura palmer, matador on friday on the first. tell me you like my hat? you don't have a hat, do you? i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. call, broadcast of the launch and landing
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of the first space film crew. on saturday, on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running and shining, and they shout, they shout to all ends. spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us out. go ahead, what? where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday
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on the first, a big game is on the air, why - doing, uh, good without the preconditions of pre -concluded agreements does not always lead to the desired results, we knew about this for a long time, this is described in the excellent novel by the preserver sadon quixote, let's see, beat him, he's a detective, and you remember what a detective he is, he freed you, that's when it happened, since then he sold out, hey!
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i will give you freedom, this is about how donkekhod selflessly freed the katrobniks, yes, them the reaction instead of gratitude was the one you saw, they started throwing stones at him, when he reminded them that he had just taken them and just freed them, they told him, well , if you are such a fool, well, pay for it. now , if you freed one of us, it would be a personal duty, and if you freed everyone, but you are not one of us, we don’t like you, we will now show you, until you freed us, we were miserable captives, and you were a knight, and now you have freed us, the balance of power has changed, and you
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no one has anything to do with the history of russia? estonia, lithuania, poland, by the way, and there is something in the activities of the governments of these states that shows no gratitude for that.
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declared them non-citizens. 40% of the population of latvia at the initial stage and 30% of the population of estonia. this would be outright deception. and then this deception seemed to continue. and in the next stage, we had the impression here in moscow in the nineties that if latvia and estonia became part of nato or the european union, then of course europe
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would force them to cancel this shameful ethnocide or genocide. partheid in relation to the russian population, because it will be inconvenient in europe that such states, on the contrary, this european jury, paid for the russophobia of latvia and estonia by supporting these regimes and, as in such cases, the secondary enslavement of the russian population has already occurred within the european union of the nato bloc, which includes these states. it’s clear, well, what’s not very clear to me, academician naumkin, is that these are countries. in central asia, azerbaijan, they were also released, in general, also without any conditions, but it seems to me that they have a significantly more positive attitude towards russia, is this so, and if so, then how? well, it seems to me that so far there is no reason to blame them for not having
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a favorable enough attitude towards russia, although... in any of these countries there are certainly those groups of the population that can be considered nationalists, can be considered not necessarily russophobes, but in in any case , by those who are trying to make their own building. looked at the history of the russian empire and its relationship to our outskirts, i mean first of all, central asia and even some of those regions that today are
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part of the russian federation, if you look at the speech of nikita sergeevich khrushchev, some, then there are things there that you categorically cannot agree with, because the russian empire is considered there as a prison of nations . which offended everyone, oppressed everyone, and so on, today we categorically disagree with this, the narrative that is being imposed on us by the west today, that there was russian colonialism there and so on, this is categorically unacceptably very dangerous, and it seems to me that we need to work very actively with our friends, partners in central asia in order to refuse and not allow the spread of such... ah sentiments that undermine our attitude towards these to the people, to the peoples of these today new independent states, as they are often called, where is russia’s role in building their
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independence, it has already been accomplished, now it is difficult to say something different, so to speak, and it seems to me that russia’s role here is is very important here, another thing is that mistakes were made there, we know that boris nikolaevich yeltsin. he said what nonsense about the fact that you need to take as much sovereignty as you can fit into your pocket, but nevertheless, russia has done a lot, has always done, sometimes contrary to its national interests in order to build the national identity of those republics which are rapidly developing today. i want to ask you a question about the role of russia and mainly about the role of russia with these russophobic small states. considering that russia's philanthropy towards them clearly did not work, i have a simple question: we constantly emphasize at all levels that there are no aggressive plans against
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these baltic states, and this is correct, because there are no such plans and there should not be, but is it right that we do not emphasize the other side of the coin, that... this is a lack of plans, this is until they began to openly act against russia, if they start military actions against russia, or something like that, then they cannot count on the fact that russia will simply repulse them and then return to the current status quo, and that then the question may really arise about whether they are needed, whether they are advisable, whether their further statehood is permissible? well, it seems to me that now the official line is in relation to these countries.


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