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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 9, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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is it clear how the kernel is structured? an infinite amount is known about the nucleus, but unfortunately, we do not know the exact form of nuclear forces, that is , those forces that hold the nucleons, protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus hold together, we know everything about the second coulomb force, yes, but here about nuclear forces, we do not know their exact mathematical form, we only have nuclear models.
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exactly written equations, if we can solve them, we will get with you an absolutely correct solution, and if we perform an experiment, we will simply confirm it, that's nuclear physics unfortunately, it is not such a science, that is, we have learned to explain and predict very many things, but our capabilities are still limited by the knowledge about the nature of nuclear forces that we have, well, still , if without an equation formula, at the level metaphors core - i don’t know... a snowball, a brick wall, a drop, some kind of lattice, what is it? well, there is such a model, a liquid drop, yes, from the point of view of which the nucleus is a drop of very dense matter, a drop of such nuclear liquid, with rather sharply defined edges, in order to understand what density this formation is, then approximately if we had a hundred-liter barrel of nuclear matter, this liquid...
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if our nucleus had a size of 1 cm, then the atom would be 10,000 cm in size, yes, this is , well, 100 m, this is the ratio of sizes, and electrons are practically the same material particle particles, which in terms of mass , an electron is 2 thousand times less than neutrons and protons, that is, they are so light, it turns out in this sense that the entire mass. .. concentrated in
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a small core, everything else is emptiness. what is the laboratory of nuclear reactions working on now? when will you give new elements to the people? i hope that soon, i hope that soon, you talked about the factory of superheavy elements, but this is a new accelerator complex that was built quite recently, the first experiments were carried out at the end of 2020, what has been... done from a technical point of view , characteristics, we said that the breakthrough with the last five elements became possible after the characteristics were improved hundreds of times in the nineties, here it turned out that 20 years have passed, and after 20 years the experimental technology can be made dozens more, well, maybe up to 100 times better than 20 years ago, that is , a new accelerator has been built, more powerful, more efficient, new...
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and california with calcium, when merging with california we get element 118, which is already known, that is, we must move away from calcium to heavier bundles. and this, unfortunately, leads to the fact that the probability of synthesis decreases, according to predictions and according to the first experimental estimates say that the reduction can be from 10 to 100 times, this really creates difficulties in conducting experiments, precisely because a new experimental complex, a factory of superheavy elements, was built, that is, we technically gain a factor of about 30. in efficiency, this, we hope, will give us the opportunity to reach 119, 120 elements, the synthesis of which will be there, 30-40 times less likely than the synthesis of the elements that are already the heaviest known, but
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still, we can probably assume what those schoolchildren who entered the first grade this year, by the time they study chemistry, will see the periodic table a little longer than now, there will already be 119 120.
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a lot, yes, you can remember nuclear energy, yes, here is electricity, recently , probably a lot, such discoveries of fundamental nuclear science are used in medicine, these are medical pharmaceuticals, yes, radioactive isotopes, which are used for the diagnosis and treatment of the most serious diseases, oncological ones, first of all, which are created on... smaller copies of accelerators that were made for fundamental research, the same nuclear reactions and knowledge about nuclear reactions that were studied in order to do fundamental science are used, there are
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specialized accelerators for the treatment of oncological diseases, some methods are used registration, for example, there was such a method for registering particles.
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from nuclear science and is done using the technology that is used for fundamental science, if a little more broadly look at nuclear science, include particle physics in it, then we can remember the tomograph and medical ones, which are now in almost every clinic, this is also, in general, a product of the science of fundamental particle physics, the world wide web www yes.
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to do something useful, something that will enrich or improve our life, its goal is to understand the world around us, the laws of nature that govern this world, the boundaries of this world. and so on, these are all useful things, they come out as a kind of by-product, from what we talked about today, whether it is possible to make a bomb or not, you know, sometimes when they comment on the discovery of new elements, i have heard several times that, well, for example, this is a step towards the energy of the future or something else, you know, it is possible to make something out of the elements themselves if they are...
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scientists actually see one atom, well, two, well, sometimes maybe three, if they live for a long time, and studies them like this one by one, that is, they synthesized one atom , took a measurement, yes, then we got a second one, took measurements, but they do not accumulate in such quantities that it is possible to do something with it, as with a substance, well, the very idea of ​​your institute is precisely the bringing together of peoples through science, and not how...
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see all episodes of the schöddinger's cat podcast on the website of the first channel and may the power of science be with you. hello, this is the podcast mount with fire and i, its host denis gorelov, with a story: no, not about tv series, as usual. about the oscars in 2024, which no longer really meets our
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interests, but due to inertia we watch it anyway, and today according to all information there is talk on the platforms that the oscars this time attracted an audience of 19.5 million, and this is a record for the last 4 years, a record for 4 years, of course, not the greatest achievement, unfortunately. gnu are reprinted by our news agencies, instead of looking into the history of the issue and just seeing how real this achievement is, which should be promoted. in 2020, the audience of the oscar ceremony reached 23 million people, then it was said for the first time that this is a huge disaster, that the people’s attention is quickly falling, and something is needed with the ceremony, literally a year later - the drop in interest reached its peak, at that moment less than 10 million people watched the oscars,
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in 2022 some growth began, now this growth continues, but even this year with 19.5 million, the american academy did not reach that a result that she considered a disaster in 2021, in 2021, when attention... land of nomads is about an elderly woman who hangs around america without work in her own trailer, critics then wrote that the international panorama won at the oscars, telling about the sad faces of ordinary new yorkers and residents of the american outback, and... this year, of course, the competition was much better; out of the ten films
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presented on the shortlist, four can be called quite high-level films, first of all, this is martin’s film scarceza is the killer of the flower moon, and the arthouse cinema of iorg lanthimos, the poor unfortunates, the zone of interest, the picture that won the competition. for best foreign film, it was also nominated for a major oscar, perhaps an american fiction, er, film that won this year, open gamer, i honestly don’t think it was a grandiose event; as a matter of fact, i don’t see any special genius in director christopher nolan, unlike so many and visitors to various film sites. the fact is that while making the movie, nolan refused to answer, perhaps, the most important question in the biography of the creator of
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the american atomic bomb, robert oppenheimer, the question: was there a great physicist? the creator of atomic weapons, the very first, robert oppenheimer, an informant for the ministry of state security and the ussr, the kgb did not exist then, the ministry was renamed in 1953, but there is every reason to believe that the great physicist worked quite seriously and quite consciously for our foreign intelligence; he spoke about this most directly at one time in his memoirs. a person more than others involved in the most secret state secrets, lieutenant general pal anton sudaplatov, he directly said that all the leaders of the atomic project worked for our intelligence and our nuclear industry, not only the exposed fuchs, but also oppenheimer, and scillar, and bohr and fermi, he
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said that
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two mysterious people came as informants on nuclear issues, one of his acquaintances, who asked him for 5 hours about his work with a fairly serious understanding of the problem, and bohr, more or less presenting, what kind of people are he, answered their questions for 5 hours, the head of the scientific and technical intelligence of the mgb, general vasilevsky, and his deputy for nuclear
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issues, colonel terletsky, talked to him, in general - it was impossible to fully call him a spy, but the fact that one of the most important creators of the bomb shared with us all his achievements was completely obvious, there is every reason to believe that oppenheimer did exactly the same thing, frankly speaking, if in the film oppenheimer it had sounded at least an echo that robert oppenheimer everything -after all, he was an informant for our intelligence service. christopher nolan's entire scheme would go to waste. in fact, today the film corresponds more or less precisely to the traditional agenda of the democratic party, whose nest has always been hollywood, which, and accordingly, the academy oscar. this is a movie about a levada professor, obsessed with the idea
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of ​​nuclear fission, by a man, about a man who was in his youth. led her to work for soviet intelligence, this makes the figure much brighter, more voluminous and interesting than the one played by oppenheimer, also an oscar winner. this year's honoree, kilion murphy. in any case, he is a more interesting figure, but completely unacceptable for the modern american public.
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thus, oscar once again focuses on internal american problems, again ceases to be, frankly speaking, a major world cinema award. if they slightly changed the plot, it would be on the other hand. the picture simply would not have made it into the top ten most interesting, they would not have allowed this, but for my part, i want to say that on the eve of the ceremony i with all my might and with all my heart wished martin scarceza to win, fortunately the picture of the killer of the flower moon, despite his eighty- one year old contender meets the highest standards, but this year scarzesa flew over like plywood paris, as he had done almost always for the previous 50 years. as a matter of fact
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, martin lucanovich’s relationship with oscar has always been bad. perhaps the very first great disaster of the film academy happened with the first of the great films.
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news by knockout, the film taxi driver was not very suitable for this, after all, the main character was not unconditionally positive, he was preparing an assassination attempt on an american senator and only an extreme accident forced him to make plans to become an american hero in a battle with brothel pimps, secondly, after all, he was a completely open bastard after the vietnam war, thirdly, trying to somehow glue... a young lady from the election headquarters, he took her to hard porn, which was then shown quite legally in the united states , but i’ll explain what the point was here,
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the fact is that the girl from the campaign headquarters was played by cybil shepard, in fact the dream of all american men of that time, and the fact is that she actually appeared for the first time in the entire history of the american screen on... there was absolutely nothing in peter bogdanovich’s film , the last screening, it was 1969, america was very slow in matters of nudity, europe and even the soviet union were very much ahead of it, since the film was aimed specifically at a teenage audience, talking about how it’s not good when you are drafted into vietnam, and what wonderful classmates you sometimes have, in particular the blonde sibelsherd, of course everyone fell in love with her. generation of american men right away like this freak taxi driver travis bickle, played by robert deniro, tried to take the beautiful girl of her dreams to hard porn. and of course, against this background
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, stalon’s sylvester, a little foolish, but certainly positive, a good family man, a winner and, in general, the center of the american dream, looked more presentable, so he actually won. it's still the same. podcast burn with fire and i am its host denis gorelov with a story about the main films of the american film academy oscar 2024. scorsese apparently decided that he is now in favor a boxing film about the famous heavyweight jake lamotta, raging bull. a wonderful movie, made in the style of the then glamorous photographs of life and look magazines. the film lost to the picture of ordinary people, at that moment reagan won, he was attentive to the ordinary ordinary person,
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the academy decided. finally, already in the 21st century, the film walks wall street, lost accordingly to the film 12 years a slave, it seems that all these films are significant, important and tdp, but if the films raging bull, taxi driver, casino, walks sol street, something they say and are known to any person who, at least yesterday, began to understand
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cinema. strangely enough, they shut him down now; he was nominated 10 times and did not receive a single statue. why is all this happening? but the fact is that scarcez’s main message was, in general, an awareness of how great, how pleasant, how sweet it is to be a complete son of a bitch in america. all his films are stories of success, ended by frosts,
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beaten moral monsters and... sometimes just not the most pleasant characters like a boxer lamotta or stand-up comedian ropert papkin in the film the king of comedy, well, there was also the exception of the success story of jesus christ in the film the last temptation of christ, and scorse then tried to cast his favorite robert denir in the main role, denir said: “marty seems to have gone crazy, also from me, of course, the beautiful christ, christ was played by william defoe. all the other films were dedicated to varying degrees of scoundrels, in which america did not want to recognize itself, it was such a beautiful distorting mirror, the same story happened this year, killer of the flower moon - this is a movie about how 100 years ago at the beginning of the 20th century, oil was found on the land of the asseiji tribe, as a result of which the tribe owned.
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or marry indians, after which the indians were found either shot in a ditch, or poisoned by some kind of burnt whiskey, while prohibition was raging, the whiskey was moonshine, or simply died from strange diseases, the osage tribe was literally attacked by a pestilence, until until finally, the central government sent
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to... this actually makes it clear that throughout and a huge 3 s2-hour film, by the end of it we, relatives, will kill, beat down, rob absolutely everyone who gets into the frame, which is actually what happens in the film, which is important, both heroes are real characters who, in the end still, they received a life sentence, but
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they got out quite safely... this is another academic failure, of which there were already enough in the overall oscar score, now a few words about other nominees since 2010, instead of five names in the shortlist there are 10, let's talk about the rest, area of ​​interest is a film about the commandant of the auschwitz concentration camp, which of course could not become... the main film of 2024 simply because a film about the commandant of the auschwitz concentration camp cannot be the main film. the film is very good, and it is good precisely because no atrocities occur in the frame, there are no ovens, no hundreds
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of people driven into crematoriums, there is such a wailing wall, the fence of this very commandant, in front of which phloxes grow, in front of which... mastiffs , the little kids of this same commandant are jumping, and some issues related to current life, in general, a normal lawn, however, sometimes thick black smoke comes from behind the fence, and somewhere in the distance people are screaming, but the residents of this bungalow are already accustomed to not noticing it, and even calmly and joyfully splash with their children in the pool , which is also on the territory of this dear household, perhaps, in contrast, the authors really achieve the greatest horror that is possible, and in the text of komsomolskaya pravda i said in advance that the film received an oscar
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for the best foreign film. guaranteed, so it happened, well, here i repeat, the victory is absolutely deserved, another picture, the film past lives, uh, well, allowed us to discuss at least something related to it, only because of the film academy’s open bending towards southeast asia , this was the only asian film in the top ten contenders, a movie about how korean lovers were separated in childhood, and as adults they meet in new york, squeezing out lines once an hour, that’s it. they are very worried about how they broke up, but again there is only a clear bias of the academy towards the region southeast asia allows us to discuss this film seriously, and the tilt is clearly
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towards korea, because america has already been at war with japan, most likely it will be with china, and now the film is about... a private school in the seventies, in which at christmas school, there remains a loser teacher and a loser student who was not taken away just in time for the christmas holidays, the film is wonderful, but monstrously burdened by the line of a black african-american priest whose son died in vietnam, in general this auntie was there is absolutely no point in the plot itself.
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there is at least one black woman in the nation, and especially a fat woman, then it is she who will receive the oscar, this has already happened five times out of six, this year the situation was extremely complicated by the fact that three were competing for the oscar for best supporting actress black actresses and two of them were fat, it seemed to me that the aunt from the film the color purple has much more chances, because in this film... her heroine simply knocked out the white mayor of the city, and even sang a powerful song over his body such a black song of national freedom, it seemed to me that it was impossible to interrupt it, but here
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i was mistaken, the prize was given to the lady from the film left behind, and it was certainly in vain, she is no actress, it is clear that when she needs to play something in.. . a serious drama of the mother of a deceased son, the director films it from behind. everyone knows very well the situations in which directors have to do this.
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appeared in the times of enlightenment 350 years before the birth of forrest gump, and even more so the critic himself, and well, philosophical stories and candide from the film critical community, only older guys recognized it, and viktor eduardovich matezan, seryozha sachev, zelvensky there, for some reason you had to be a specialist of the old school in order to somehow. see some meanings more
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complex than forrest gump. alas, among today's critics, education ends with michel houellebique, while antlers for 10 people at once. as for the picture, of course, oscar, etc., lemy stone, for some reason the majority of the world's population is sure that they should play a weak-minded person, or a weak-minded person. this is the pinnacle of acting skill, in my opinion, this is not so, tom hanks did not show any acting skills in the performance of, for example, forrest gump, the usual, slightly gorotheque action associated with traditional antics, and of course emmy stone, you just need to take off your hat to her for constantly appearing naked on camera. this is, in general, a rather harsh outburst from an actress
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who had not previously allowed herself to do this, and who decided to agree only in the film of a big and serious arthouse director, but for the rest, perhaps, stone certainly lost the oscar to the indian lily gladstone from hillier's film flower moon, i'm very glad that most of the commentators here agree with me. what kind of main female oscar was the debate going on between actresses named stone and gladstone, my sympathies are on the side of the indian woman, although stone is also, in general, a fairly high-quality and high-level actress. maestra's film told about the suffering of the wife of the great leonard bernstein from cancer, frankly speaking, films of this kind have already been made about tchaikovsky, mainly as... of course, with that side, but the director, screenwriter bradley cooper,
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who also played the main role, was nominated for an oscar for all three of his roles, did not receive anything, frankly speaking, completely deservedly, but the fact is that when the director of a film puts the most gorgeous the twitchy urban overture to the film "the westside story", clearly written perfectly for the concrete jungle of a big city, superimposes it on the green lawn of the bernstein estate with a swimming pool and green bushes, it is clear that only a person with a complete lack of musical ability could do this taste, cooper apparently doesn’t have it, as far as our opinion is concerned, they are unpleasant to...
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and especially aggravated by the fact that conductor koussevitzky served for 11 years as a double bassist in the orchestra of the bolshoi theater, the same conductor koussevitzky who...
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to mass taste, it was difficult to expect that this movie comic would receive at least something at the oscars, it received an oscar for the best song, in my opinion, maybe for the music, it doesn’t matter, and on the other hand, the barbie film
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made its contribution to stories about the origins of the sexes. in barbie's opinion, it's not the woman was produced from a man’s rib, and the man was produced from a woman’s quirk, and it would have been better for him to remain there within the framework of this quirk. and finally, the last picture of the ten was, in general, a rather nice film, american fiction, the story of a black writer and teacher, whom no one wants to perceive as a black intellectual, it is clear that... such a paradoxical dark topic could not get into top, most often for such films the authors are given an oscar for best screenplay, because the script is considered the territory
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of clever people, always, as soon as a scarzez film wins on the horizon at the oscar academy... it would still indicate that america is not a completely finished country, in general it is still possible communicate, since he did not win, we see the usual oskar turnover, and a further
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decline in the planet’s interest in this ceremony can be predicted without any difficulty. it was a podcast called mount by fire and i am its host. denis gorelov with a story about the oscar ceremony 2024. hello, this is the podcast of ezenshtein's witnesses and his leading film historians natalya ryabchikova and stanislav didinsky. we talk about who and how. created watched cult, well-known, little-known, forgotten soviet films, this is a school of moviegoers, where we reveal the secrets of film archives and tell you why watch soviet cinema now, how to better understand it, how to find new meanings in it and get the most out of it .


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