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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 9, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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not with her husband, but they fought with themselves and with their own terrible demons. i know what i'm talking about. this is a dead end that leads nowhere. i would really like this story to teach you, because this kind of jealousy is destructive, terrifying, it destroys not only marriage, the relationship between the mother and her own child. just be attentive to yourself. i agree with larisa. this is the fact that when a man gets married, his mother doesn’t go anywhere, she still remains his mother, it’s like a family, and the wife does not replace the mother, i have a question about this of a domestic nature, it means that you write that you want a general budget, but your entire salary goes only to you, how is that? no, it’s a little different here, but if there is a common budget, that is, there is a common piggy bank, my husband saves, i save. for some of
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my needs, that is, there are cosmetologists, and there, manicurists, makeup artists, i can take all this from my money, how much as a percentage goes into the general budget and how much remains for you, i have 30% left, the rest goes to the general budget, well, what is the budget, she says what her husband brings money into the house, he provides for the family, and her money is her money, i agree with this, you have an increased libido, but here we have a problem with it. i was also confused by this, by the way, your son is 2 years old, yes, but here i am, judging by what your habits are, you are such a very active mother, with whom does the child live, with my mother, with my grandmother, do you live with him and the child, or does he live with his mother, no, i live with him, that is, my mother and i have different housing. if i go to work, then i
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leave, i’m worried about something else now, you andrey is good, guys, you have a 20-year age difference, i understand, but here it is very important to understand the level of consciousness of a man, because it happens that you communicate with a man who is 30, but in terms of the level of consciousness, well, he is 18 years old, sometimes he is 52, that is, you will still sleep in 10 years with a man who is in his seventies, but there is money, there is money. it’s important for me that it’s not just money, because i’m already established as a person, i don’t need a man for show, i’m talking about physics, have you ever slept with an older man, no, no, not fits, it seems to me that he won’t choose her, because even because of this small moment, nothing in andrey bothers you, i’m a little embarrassed by his aggression, i felt it, because i’m a very gentle person, very calm, for it’s very important for me that this is also the case in a family, but do you know what passive is? it’s
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scarier than what andrey is waving his hands here, i just don’t know how to swear in principle at all, but i know about passive aggression, yes, you don’t have to swear, you can, you can suppress with your energy. mendelssohnchik, do you have some kind of test for our brides? of course, there is - rima is a small test of knowledge of the latin language, i tell you a medical term, and you tell me its meaning, bullshit, hernia. absolutely true, indeed, it’s a hernia, cordis, cordis, heart, well done, you’re basically ready, no, well, it’s a cool competition, of course, yes, it’s interesting, do you think she can handle it, by the way, i don’t know, i just know how my tattoo is deciphered in latin, by the way, show me the surprise, please, well, to come here, i will need the help of the groom, so you can help, take it, and can i have a piece of cake?
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herself as she really is. hello, we're live. time in the studio ekaterina andreeva, briefly about the main thing. floods in different regions, what is happening in the orenburg region, where almost 7.0 houses are flooded in orsk alone, where a lot of water is still flowing and where the situation is already improving.
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end of communication in six regions , attackers who helped ukrainian scammers to reach russians were detained. details criminal scheme. hit the vampire. our military destroyed a czech installation from which ukrainian militants fired into the belgorod region. and the latest data on the state of affairs in different areas of the special operation. new attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the fragments of the kamikaze drone fell on the roof of the power unit. kiev is not giving up attempts to arrange a nuclear disaster in europe. record catch for 30 years. fishermen's plans for the development of the industry. spotlight on the president. meeting in the kremlin with the head of the relevant federal agency. breakthrough scientific developments, support for agriculture and housing construction in the far east. the main meeting of the prime minister with his deputies. defeat cancer.
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we will tell you how in st. petersburg they put on stream the most complex lung operations, which allow every second patient to recover. now unclassified, the ministry of defense has published unique documents about the crimean offensive operation, which began exactly 80 years ago. we are starting a flood situation program, the most difficult now in the orenburg region, in the second largest city in the region, orsk. the scale of the disaster is clearly visible on the map; there is a massive evacuation of residents from flooded houses. 2,500 people have already been taken out, including 700 children. orenburg itself is now moving along the ural river, the flood wave. they are preparing for a powerful flood in the kurgan region, an emergency situation has been introduced there, and evacuation is also underway. to help people, vladimir putin today ordered the creation of a special
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government commission. in the morning, the head of state heard reports on the situation from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as the governors of orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. filming crews are currently working in the disaster zone. groups of the first channel from the orenburg region, reporting by sergei ponomarev, from kurgan by andrey golderev. stanislavskogo street is the central part of tursk, on that side there are garages immediately behind them, a railway embankment, under it there is a drainage pipe, through this drainage pipe the day before water began to flow here, here you can still see from under the water heaps of stones, sand, and they tried to seal this pipe, but all attempts were in vain. here now, well, a little less than waist-deep water, boats are plying one after another, the day before no one was in a hurry to evacuate from high-rise buildings, today you can’t get out of the entrances without high fisherman’s suits, i screamed and threw out this flag, yesterday the police came
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to us at night, and i was out the window i looked out, but there was no water, i said, don’t flood us, it was so dry, they came twice, knocked, but we fools didn’t go, we didn’t believe it. where will we go? the rescuer goes around all the apartments, the eighth floor, they lowered them onto a mat, then they put them on a stretcher and here, yes, grandfather, everything, on land? your grandmother has arrived. more and more areas of orsk are going under water; today another section of the dam on the ural river broke, almost 700 houses have already been flooded, and the number is likely to increase. these are my townspeople, those with whom i live on the same street, in the same city, why shouldn’t i stay on the sidelines, and it’s not just men here, anna
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hasn’t gotten out of the water for two days, i myself have a car in a soviet one, i’m not there i know, she drowned, she didn’t drown, well, we bought them for brodniks, we had our own boats, we went, and you and who, your husband. i received a message from friends, that we need people with boats, anna and her husband, as lovers of fishing, had them, the desire to help others, he says, was mutual, we persuade some, at first no, no, then... arseny, he’s only 15, i’m coordinating actions, here we are groups on vkontakte where the addresses come in, i give them to the boats, the boats float, but for now here, where we can go in boots, well , we go in, help, take out packages to grandparents, we take them out, school is remotely able to barely keep up with homework, today he says he’s more needed here, he’s upset that his father doesn’t allow me to go into the water, and neither does he. here now i need to find somewhere closer for about 30 people, somewhere closer, where they
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can be accommodated for about 30 people and have hot meals, i, as a father, am glad that a normal man, a normal kid is growing up, more than 200 people have been evacuated, a big some are now in temporary accommodation centers, there are already 12 of them in the city, anastasia and her mother were evacuated in the morning, she says she was very scared when the water reached the train, i ’m afraid that all my toys will get wet, because i’m only worried about... them with only documents, but only clothes and documents, everything here has already been given out , bedding, washcloths, towels, if necessary, are placed together with the rescued pets, quietly richik richik, don’t be afraid , my dear, he’s just protecting it, out and food for the animals, eat everything you need, people are fed if necessary. gives out clothes, they are brought, as well as food, including activists of the popular front, which organizes collections
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for the victims. there are no problems with water in the city, it is distributed by volunteers, it is available in stores, prices are checked daily the prosecutor's office, in order to prevent a promotion, decided to help those who evacuated but refused to go to temporary accommodation centers and rented an apartment. the regional authorities will pay them 10,000 rubles a month for six months, and compensation for lost housing will also be paid. a difficult situation is now developing in neighboring novotroitsk, where they are urgently strengthening the dam near lake sazanyevo, people from nearby areas are being evacuated, and the peak of the flood is expected in orenburg. local authorities say that a sharp rise in water in the ural river is expected tonight. a difficult flood situation is developing in the kurgan region, where my colleague andrey goldarev works. this is how the morning began today in several settlements of the kurgan region. people are being urged to evacuate, more than sixty settlements may fall into the flood zone, in
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some the high water has already arrived, this is what the south beyond the urals looks like now, rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations are taking out those who did not have time to leave, more than twenty houses are flooded, but this is still the peak of the flood, according to specialists are still to come. we need to collect documents, personal belongings, food. the mound itself is at risk. now they continue to strengthen the dams within the city. they create earthworks like this and put sandbags. according to forecasts, the water level in the river may rise above 9 m. this means that it could potentially flood the airport, several microdistricts and more than 100 snt. not far from the city center on the tabola embankment, the coastline is currently being strengthened, with cadets from the military training center helping. water levels in local rivers and shimitabol may exceed the historical maximum by as much as 4 m. the leaders of the kurgan and tyumen regions reported on the situation by telephone. vladimir putin. presidential plenipotentiary envoy to the ural federal district, vladimir yakuzhev, arrived in kurgan. he personally inspected
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how the dams were being strengthened. at the same time, the authorities continue to urge the population to leave their homes in advance. today a state of emergency has been declared in the region. today, what we talked about with vladimir vladimirovich, the most important thing is preserving the lives and health of people. we will survive the damage. the most important thing is the appeal and what i mean asked the president, through the media, for people to leave the flooded areas. territory, do not wait for any additional warnings, this is their duty, more than 600 people have already been evacuated from possible flood zones, this is the picture now on the outskirts of kurgan, not far from the river, many local residents have already left here, the rest are in a hurry collecting their things and preparing for flood, the last thing is that the pills were left here yesterday, today we remembered that we still need to pick them up, what are the leftovers? and all the household appliances were taken out yesterday, however, there are also those who hope that the water will not reach their house, why didn’t they want
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to evacuate, no one here will stay under the house bypass, calling on the population to you, no, no, all up-to-date information about areas of possible flooding, the territory from which you need to evacuate can be found on the regional government website; more than 70 temporary accommodation points have already been deployed. conditions have been created for families with children, let’s make sure we stay there longer , now there are more than 100 people in them, they provided it in general, and hot tea, in bed, everything, everything is fine, thank you very much, we didn’t take any risks, immediately here, in the region, the emergency situations ministry employees continue to build up their group, additional forces are arriving in the region, they are bringing special equipment, the first wave of flood is expected in the wild this very night in the golovsky district, people are being urged to evacuate, high water may come to the mound in a couple of days, the peak flood
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in the tyumen region has not been passed, there was also an emergency situation there today, we are establishing a state of emergency. in advance, to everyone who is in an area of ​​probable flooding, you need to collect documents and valuables so that if you receive a signal, you can leave the emergency zone as quickly as possible. meanwhile, in some regions the water has begun to decline, in the southern urals it has left most villages, four houses of about eighty household plots remain flooded, the situation is improving in bashkiria in the samara region, the number of flooded houses per day has decreased from 300 to 50. in temporary accommodation centers there are 60 people. andrey guldrev, sergey ponovaryov, maxim trubnikov, yuri shotokhin, yulia khodorova and vladimir belyaev. channel one, orsk, kurgan. now about the fsb special operation, five people involved in the theft of billions of rubles from russians were detained. one of the links in the criminal scheme was ukrainian call centers. using
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special equipment, telephone numbers were changed from foreign to russian, so as not to arouse suspicion among those who were called.
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since 2022, attackers have ensured the operation of special equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones. scammers they presented themselves as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, after which they convinced russians to transfer savings and credit funds to so -called safe accounts. the operation was large-scale. searches took place in moscow, st. petersburg, yaroslavl, sochi, moskovskaya, leningradskaya. regions , servers, computers, devices for aggregating sim cards, money in rubles, foreign currency, and premium cars were seized, the scammers lived in grand style, at the moment five members of the criminal group have been detained, the door open, we'll start breaking, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest for all five,
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it turned out that the company through which money was stolen from citizens was registered abroad. she offered me a job in her company, they registered the company in turkey, we are working in ankara and will study information about the campaign related to ukrainian call centers, a turkish law enforcement source told rionovosti. similar operations take place regularly in our country; this footage shows last year’s arrest scammers who were also involved in spoofing phone numbers were assured that they were calling.
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specific and hypnotic influence and appropriate management of behavior, most often scammers introduce themselves as employees of the security service of banks or law enforcement agencies, and the fsb and sberbank, i understand, you transferred money to you, transferred how much 300 rubles, yes, or 3000, 3000, i went like stupid, i object and do it, deception schemes are constantly updated, scammers can say that they are calling on behalf of your
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boss, or they can synthesize your voice your friend, artificial intelligence technologies allow this; with the help of multi-stage calls they try to recreate the reality in which you live. you can try to pinch yourself in some way during this conversation, that is , return to...
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operational search activities aimed at identifying and detaining other accomplices in the crime, both perpetrators of accomplices and organizers. the investigative committee is recreating the full picture of what happened, literally bit by bit, collecting the smallest evidence. at this time at the moment, 11 persons involved in the commission of this terrorist act were identified, all of them were charged and a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention. after the terrorist attacks, crocus cityholi, there are more and more people who want to conclude a contract with the ministry of defense, and so on throughout the country, for many, the barbaric attack on civilians who came to the concert became the decisive argument in favor of the stories
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of volunteers, valentina solovyova listened to the feeling that is not convey, this is also solidarity with people who are grieving here around these hooligans, well, and most likely a little bit of anger at what’s happening to these people who... out of male solidarity, as a result of the latest events in crocus, i saw how terrorists were attacking our country, i’m outraged by this, i’m ready to go defend homeland, beat this fascist wickedness, i recommend everyone to hold their homeland as best they can. so when asked why they decided to sign the contract, volunteers all over the country answer, i received normal money here, it’s a sin to complain, everything is fine, that is, that’s exactly the point.
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turns out to be a shooter of a motorized rifle platoon, on citizen nikolai alekseev from st. petersburg, music teacher, mikhail kolosov from krasnodar, nutrition consultant, decided to go into the artillery, his wife was very supportive, she said that you will succeed, you have a head, you know where you are going, you know why you are you go, that is, yes we go according to our conscience, and specifically there is a goal, and what to fight with whom, what evil, so yes, there is support, of course, there is understanding, victory will be ours, from moscow, candidate for master sports in judo, some experience of military service, well, so minimal there is some, not very significant, well, it doesn’t matter, they will teach you everything, the russian state will teach us everything, whether you want it or not,
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you will do everything, you are in a fighting mood, i see, well, yes, that, of course, you have sports experience, and igor came from belgorod, which is regularly shelled by militants, wants to serve on the border, how the family will react, they are afraid, but you made up your mind, anyway, yes, you made up your mind. i think everyone needs to get up and go. in general, many people clearly know which branch of the military they would like to join. master piloting skills drone, i can do it. each candidate must go through the offices of psychologists and doctors. regarding health, of course, we carry out selection, that is, we do not send people with viral diseases. if a person has some kind of conditional flat feet and he wishes, and we see that... they rose up not against the ukrainians, but against nazism, against this brown plague,
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which... considering the influx of volunteers at this moscow point over the week, their number has increased doubled, employees work without a break, why are you here today, and how in a different way, the partners are there, my cousin is there , and i should be there too, you have no doubt whether to go or not to go, no, no doubt, there are very young boys who are 20 years old, middle age, now the trend is like this, a lot is going on muscovites, i believe that everyone is a hero.
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with an operation in donetsk, avdeevsky and yuzhnodonetsk. along the entire front, the enemy lost over 900 militants, a large amount of equipment, including self-propelled guns paladin and krap, produced in the united states and poland, as well as american howitzers m-119 and m-777. and in these frames, the destruction of the czech vampire multiple launch rocket system, from which the ukrainian armed forces fired at the belgorod region. our city achieved its goal. the precise hit and detonation of the ammunition was recorded by a drone camera. zelensky’s criminal regime is not abandoning its attempts to provoke a nuclear disaster in europe. kiev again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant with kamikaze drones. anatoly lazarev is monitoring the reactions to the dangerous provocation in our country in the world. he will also remind you how russia responds to sabotage against its energy system. that's all that remains of the kamika drone of the ukrainian armed forces. it could have caused a nuclear disaster, but so far it has
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only done so. piles of scrap metal. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant has been attacked several times over the past 2 days, three people were injured. recently, attacks on the zaporozhye station by the ukrainian armed forces have become more frequent. three arrivals were recorded today. the arrival was recorded on the dome of block number six of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the arrivals may indicate that a provocation is being prepared towards the zaporozhye station by the ukrainian armed forces. no critical there is no damage to the nuclear power plant, the equipment is intact, the drone is not detonated. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is the largest in europe and the ukrainian armed forces are not abandoning attempts to destroy it, which could lead to catastrophic consequences. any nuclear power plant is designed with a safety margin, but no one expected that they would regularly try to blow up nuclear power plants. not a single project has considered these objects in any country in the world, out of all 450 there; as far as i know, there are currently operating reactors in the world, not one of them has been considered
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to ensure that... there are any military operations around it, and even more so on its territory, this is certainly dangerous, with dangerous consequences, both for the object itself and for the shiny territory, but potentially for the whole world, for all humanity . russia will raise the issue of attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant at one of the upcoming meetings of the un security council, said russia's permanent representative to this organization vasily nebendze. we call on the international community.
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with its criminal actions, ukraine, supported by the united states and its western satellites, essentially makes it clear that it has taken the path of nuclear terror. the task of the world community, as well as international organizations, primarily magatha, is to deprive kiev of the ability to carry out terrorist attacks on nuclear facilities. the world community, represented by, for example, the head of magath, stated that a situation had arisen where global nuclear security was under threat, and rafael grossi assessed the level of this threat as serious, recognizing.
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zaporozhye nuclear power plant and other russian energy facilities. in reply, the russian army carries out powerful and targeted strikes against targets in the energy and gas industry of ukraine, which are associated with the enemy’s military-industrial complex. agents who are intended for peaceful life, for generating energy, for a host of other things, and a direct strike on a nuclear power plant, well, this is naturally a crime. today, the russian ministry of defense published footage of the response, destruction by iskander missiles, warehouses of heavy drones and a workshop for their production in the city of zaporozhye. anatoly lazarev, nina khoreva, irina bliznyuk, stanislav opletin. first channel. a large batch of humanitarian
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aid was delivered to avdeevka by the popular front teams. warm clothes, food, generators, fuel and sim cards were brought to residents of the liberated city in the dpr. as the head of the executive committee, mikhail kuznetsov, said, volunteers help local residents. despite the changing tactical situation, every day here, every day with people, and they do everything to ensure that their peaceful life is affected, to allocate at least 300 from the national welfare fund billion rubles for the construction of a high-speed
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railway from moscow to st. petersburg, this order was given by the government of vladimir putin. another thing concerns uninterrupted communication on roads, primarily in international transport corridors. there should be no so-called blind spots on these routes. the president too. ordered to increase the daily allowance for truck drivers. this topic was discussed in february at a meeting of the head of state with the heads of logistics companies. significant figures: record catch for the last 30 years - 5.3000 tons of fish, modernization of the industry and an investment volume of 300 billion rubles. president vladimir putin discussed the development of the fishing industry with the head of the federal fisheries agency, ilya shestakov. there was talk about the construction of ships and...
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from the keel quota program, this is when an investor must build a processing plant or a fishing vessel at a russian shipyard, and the growing fishery gives him permission to fish, it is planned to build 105 ships, now 22 ships have been built with
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a small lag, well, as with a small one, we are moving somewhere with a big lag, but now the shipyard has already been rebuilt, there are factories in the country, there are investments, 300 billion, and this is only within the first stage, but construction.
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it is necessary to preserve fish stocks, and this is the task of fish hatcheries. last year , 3 billion 700 million fry were released throughout the country. from the sterlid we now see that the stock is se. has recovered, this is noted by fishermen, amateurs, and industrialists, and we are now carefully proposing to sterile this year in certain areas of the volga open for amateur fishing, which means, well , it’s clear with certain restrictions on the timing of catching by fishing gear, how do amateurs record that there are more fish, if fishing is prohibited, they catch it, they catch it, they are forced to release it, the topic was also touched upon at the meeting taxes. in
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the tax code, we increased the tax rates for the twenty-third year, we made changes to the fishermen, so the budget income is 10 times more than it was before, and most importantly, 80% of this goes to the regions, for example, the budget of the kamchatka territory received 800 million from bets collection, this year received 8 billion, that is , of course, this is a great help for the regions in order to develop their infrastructure , the region received the most of all other regions , right? in total volume, yes, kamchatka is our leader, but in proportion, other regions have increased quite well, it’s just very significant for kamchatka, because of course their economy is very much designed for the fishing industry. the head of the federal fisheries agency also told the president about one interesting scientific project that we are currently working on with our colleagues from african countries we want to do a large african survey to study fish stocks in african countries.
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the siberian ring photon source, or skif for short, is an installation that will soon be operational in the novosibirsk science city . the ring accelerates particles almost to the speed of light, they begin to emit radiation, which allows us to examine the structure of any matter, down to the atomic level; it is used in the fields of chemistry, biology, materials science and even in archaeology, it provides an opportunity to look inside the priceless artifact. there are no installations of such power in the world. such complexes belong to the international class. mega science, that is, they allow you to go beyond modern knowledge.
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in this class are synchrotrons and a reef on russky island and kisi kurchatov in moscow, and the peak reactor in gadchin. they were discussed today at a meeting between prime minister mishustin and his deputies. with their help, it will be possible to understand the structures and mechanisms of operation of substances and create new materials. on behalf of the head of state, we are extending it until the thirtieth year, planning send to these events. about 450 billion rubles. the funds are designed to create breakthrough technologies for the expansion and modernization of research infrastructure, which in its characteristics surpasses both existing and projected international sources of synchrotron and neutron radiation. in addition, the allocated amounts take into account grant support for projects, as well as training of scientific personnel in this area. we must do everything necessary to... quickly increase our own competence in critical industries and
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achieve technological sovereignty of our country. another topic of the meeting was the development of the agro-industrial complex. this is one of the strongest sectors of our economy . last year, the second record grain harvest in the modern history of russia was harvested, including thanks to state support, which was directed only within the framework of the state program. by more than 440 billion rubles. the president emphasized that the agro-industrial complex enterprise should have the opportunity attract borrowed funds in the required amount to complete current tasks. here is just one example of such lending: a dairy plant in the tver region, part of a large agricultural holding. it has a full cycle of production of dairy products, its own cows, laboratories for quality control of feed, milk and, of course, the most modern production lines. the products are in demand both in the region and in the capital, modernization is now being completed here, automation, robots at every
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step, they are already producing twice as much cottage cheese as before. modernization takes place in within the framework of the preferential lending program. the volume of investments under the program amounted to about 4 billion rubles. this program includes the purchase of high-tech equipment, which allows us to increase production volume several times. the head of government noted that agriculture is generally an area of ​​special attention of the government. expand the production of agricultural products, increase processing capacity, open advanced farms, build a storage facility, purchase all the necessary materials for sowing and provide for our consumers have a wide choice of products. the development of the far east is a systemic
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project aimed at creating new industries and comfortable living conditions in the region. one of the areas is the affordable rental housing program, which was launched last year. his government has allocated 87 billion rubles, thanks to which 1,000 apartments will be built. residents in chukotka, primorye and yakutia have already moved into the first apartments of the project. students, young professionals, qualified workers, participants in a special military operation. to ensure that their housing costs are lower than the market rate, part of the monthly payments will be financed from the budget.
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the head of our diplomacy, sergei lavrov, arrived on a working visit to beijing, the russian minister held a meeting with his chinese counterpart. mida official representative maria zakharova spoke about the details of the negotiations. today the first working meeting of the heads of the foreign ministries of the two countries took place . sergevich lavrov was warmly welcomed by his colleague, the minister of foreign affairs of china, mr. wang y. was. a lot of bilateral and multilateral issues were considered, well, in general, it was such a preparatory meeting before the main day tomorrow. meanwhile, beijing called on washington to stop interfering in russian-chinese relations, about the inadmissibility of attempts to denigrate
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cooperation between russia and china and put pressure on chinese companies, said the representative of the ministry of china, maoning. this is a reaction to threats from the secretary of the treasury of the united states. janet yelin promised a visit to china to the chinese businesses face serious consequences for connections with russian partners. emergency in the smolensk region in vyazma, a bridge across the railway collapsed. at that moment there were two cars on it, a passenger car and a truck. one person died, five were injured. the railway tracks were damaged, train traffic was suspended, because of this three swallows were detained, two from smolensk, moscow and one in the opposite direction. according to the ministry of emergency situations, passengers were transferred to buses. trains were allowed to bypass, repairs are being coordinated by the governor of the smolensk region, to establish the consequences of the incident , the railway track will be four vasily anokhin. the first all-russian rehabilitation train, on site all the work , a congress where modern technologies for maintaining health are discussed are held in
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moscow. the main topic is the concept of development of sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation after cancer treatment, since recovery after operations often occurs. no less important than surgery. at the congress they talk about the natural healing resources of russia, accompanying therapy and nutritional support for cancer patients. a round table will also be held on state policy in the field of resort business, since this issue is a priority for the country. in our science and oncology, which is fighting against cancer and cannot fight alone without rehabilitation, we also understand that our patients have begun to live, but it is necessary that they... with dignity, socially adapted, physically adapted in families, programs appear, very interesting programs, and i must say that we are very happy that this direction is also the topic is being developed, the report continues on the technologies that are used to
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treat cancer in st. petersburg, where now lung cancer is not a death sentence, every second patient returns to normal life. alena germanova also talked with the doctors. with patients, i was not afraid to undergo operations, i always understood that if there was some opportunity, it was necessary to use it, i didn’t really understand how difficult the situation really was, the doctors diagnosed him with cancer at 33, the tumor was removed along with part of the shoulder , metastases appeared in the lungs, in germany, where vyacheslav was undergoing chemotherapy, only 10 of them could be removed, but many times more would have remained; a master of sports in thai boxing, he got used to giving up and turned to the doctors at the petrov research center. here is the metastasis, here is the metastasis, here are these bunches of grapes. when they showed me these ct scans, i said, well , no, well, no. well, you understand that this is unrealistic, but still i changed my mind, the line of rationality is always pushed back, because the desire to help, it sometimes us, well, it is one thing,
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it is the engine. metastasis and surgeon evgeniy levchenko literally determined by hand centimeter by centimeter, probing the lungs; there were more dangerous lumps than 170 images, but even if all of them were removed , cancer cells invisible to the eye could remain, which means a recurrence in the future would all be in vain, then the doctors decided... use the method of isolated chemoperfusion. first , the lungs affected by metastases are simply switched off, then artificial circulation is started in them, they are literally washed with chemical drugs, and their concentration is hundreds of times higher than with conventional therapy, since the lungs isolated from the body are no longer dangerous for the patient, but are destructive, even for microscopic tumors. stage by stage, first the metastases were removed, then chemotherapy drugs were administered, dozens of hours at the operating table next to the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and nurses. this was a common victory for their team and the patient; between each operation, there were months of breaks so that vyacheslav had time to gain strength;
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a lot depended on his mood. the last time they operated, they said we didn’t see you here again. and doctors from st. petersburg vyacheslav learned by chance from an article that evgeniy levchenko also helped sixteen-year-old polina from the pskov region. the girl also had cancer and numerous metastases in the lungs; now, 15 years later, she is completely healthy. i feel great, no extraneous sensations. for 15 years now, i’ve been breathing deeply, when we removed 42 metastases from this girl, a doctor helped me, an oncologist who has been dealing with this problem all his life, he said, what are we doing, evgen, what are we doing, 42 metastases, but the operation is for evgen levchenko awarded the academician perelman foundation prize, the method of chemo-perfusion of the lungs has actually been known in the world since the seventies, but if in europe and the usa such interventions are not available for all centers at once. hundreds, then evgeny levchenko has already performed almost 400. this operation of last resort, as it is sometimes called, brought every
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second patient into complete remission. this is the meaning of our work, in general, yes, when you, you, you are useful, simply, with your work you help to snatch from bony hands, i may be rude when i say that it’s not for nothing that we trample the earth, that is, but this is what makes it worth living and working, vyacheslav has big plans for life, work, travel. wants to return, albeit to small, but sports loads, at the last kata of the lungs there were no signs of damage, the disease receded under the onslaught, if not a miracle, a friend of the courage of the levchenko brigade. alena germanova, andrey vetrov, vladimir smirnov, ksenia ugarova, shamil fabrikov, channel one, st. petersburg. the victorious breath of the crimean spring of forty-four is the name of a special section on the ministry of defense website, where presents classified early materials about the crimean offensive operation, as a result of which the peninsula was completely liberated from the nazis. this is an important date in russian history, today is exactly 80 years since the beginning of the battles that changed the course of the second world war, and today eyewitnesses of those distant events
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remember and tell our correspondent vitaly kachenko about the first moments of that already free crimean spring, it was such a joy, we came , we have a lot of military men in the yard, we kissed, fireworks started, antonina alexandrovna was when she dear...
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height 240 m, visibility in clear weather 12 km, everything is in full view, the germans were sure that sapun mountain was impregnable, but after massive artillery preparation on the morning of may 7, 1944, our troops launched an assault, the battle continued continuously for 9 hours, here... the leading edge. 3 weeks before the assault there were many more sorties,
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the information collected by the potuk detachment helped to carefully plan our attack. the fighting on the outskirts of sevastopol continued until may 12, when the remnants of the entire army were completely defeated at cape khersanez and captured. two hundred thousand enemy group on the peninsula. dozens of unique archival documents, photographs, maps about the preparation of the crimean offensive operation were declassified by the ministry of defense 80 years later, in encryption to comrade ivanov, in fact, to stalin himself, marshal vasilevsky, under the pseudonym alexandrov, explained the reasons for the postponement of the start of the operation from february to march to a later date due to the storm , the crossings were broken, the roads turned into an impassable swamp. april 8, 1944, the first day of the crimean
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offensive. operations on this canvas are unique dioramas, by the way, the largest on the peninsula, the artists depicted the capture by our troops, the armenian artillery preparation began early in the morning and lasted more than 2 and a half hours. a sudden main attack from the shore of sivash, from where the enemy was not expecting, became a key factor for the successful advance of our troops. the fifty-first army, having completed the melitopol operation, approached this one. area and crossing the sivazh on november 1 , 1943, took a bridgehead on the southern bank of the sevash. at the same time a blow was struck from an occupied bridgehead in the kerch region. our troops rapidly advanced daily at a distance of 20 to 65 km. during the retreat, the enemy used scorched earth tactics, destroying all strategic objects. archival materials contain facts of nazi atrocities,
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examples of personal and mass heroism of our soldiers. in honor of the feat of nine scouts, the crimean siloherois was named; they fought with an entire battalion for more than 2 hours. when the romanians asked them to surrender, they shot back to the last bullet. the romanians took them prisoner, but our scouts did not say a word, and even under torture they broke their arms and legs. after brutal torture, nine scouts were shot on the outskirts of the village. after the departure of the romanians, a local resident.
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undercover taxi, new series. and we came to the conclusion that you are unreliable partners. we will look for new ones. and who could it be? all of europe, with the exception of england, is already under the nazi boot. or do you think that america will suddenly give up everything and send its sons to die for old europe? you're a smart person, you understand that it's not britain, it's not the states are not going to truly fight nazism. take a day off to
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come back again. throw only hope, only hope, only hope, don’t lose it!
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57 08 alley house 29 kirovsky district, armed attack on a private house,
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the criminals were wearing masks, they were dangerously armed, they had bladed weapons with them, and during the attack they also took possession of the victim’s gun. was there anyone else in the house at that time besides you? yes, i live alone, they claim that
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they were wearing masks, wearing masks, well, i pulled the mask off one of them, knocked him out, the second one attacked me with he went with a knife, and then picked up the first one , and they ran away. so what car did they drive up in? we arrived by taxi, as i said, by taxi, just last night there were 18 episodes in the center alone, so an urgent request, during rush hour, flash near the shops more often, remind, so to speak, citizens of our existence, i flash, therefore i i exist. don’t be smart, gerashkin, he exists, you need to prove your existence to me with your deeds. further, yesterday evening in a private residential area, in the kirovsky district, a robbery was committed on
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an elderly man. the attackers were wearing baloklavs, but the victim, a former paratrooper, by the way, resisted and tore off the mask from one of the attackers. moreover, the victim was able to describe him in some detail. meet me. pyotr petrovich malkov, born in the nineties, a native of the city of kirovsk, malkov is wanted for a series of similar crimes in kirovsk, murmansk and severomorsk, his location in our city has not been established, again you and this skid of yours, i say, i haven’t been with he has nothing to do with him, neither in the colony nor on i don’t want to tell you about him, i don’t know anything about him, well... you should know something, after all, they were in the same cell, i don’t communicate with morons, well, understand, i would tell you everything with joy , i just don’t know anything about him,
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that is , you don’t want to give yourself a sentence for helping the investigation, it’s a pity, she seemed to have a girl, what kind of girl, she sent a letter, then she stopped, like goodbye love for... or tomatoes, that girl, you see, you know everything, of course, we know, she wrote letters to sam, but the letter that is being registered, ask her, they asked, she doesn’t know a damn thing further, then i don’t know anything, remember, remember, maybe he talked to someone else in the cell or in the detachment, but i don’t know, nothing, i say, i don’t know that we’re going around until the end, and you’re in a hurry somewhere, here i am too. i’m not in a hurry, so sit and remember, this is in your own interest, vyacheslav
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mikhailovich, here’s lieutenant colonel merenkovich, allow me to address you, please contact me, vyacheslav mikhailovich, i wanted to apologize, remember, you offered me to sit still, but i... i really then i'm tired. understood. good afternoon. what have you forgotten about us again?


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