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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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to improve as a lawyer, i can tell you that you have a chance, well, not 100%, there’s definitely 90 percent, but the fact that she doesn’t have any chance, that’s also for sure, thank you, vitali, from a psychological point of view, you have a chance to improve, i repeat, yes, what i said.
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he began to twitch his eyes, twitch one arm and one leg, i immediately called the doctors, left the house, left the child alone, and guardianship arrived, and the child was locked up at home with a dog, with exhaustion and bites, in the end now what happened in coma, cranial brain injury, she says, well, if she dies, there’s one more time, it’s all on conscience, guardianship, she’s slowly killing children, it’s all the doctors’ fault, what did you do to the child, what do i have to do with it, you hurt your own children, who? bit,
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she said, older, and the eldest is one and a half years old, three teeth for the whole year, whoever bit him, he was not bitten, and what is your relationship with your father, he beat me severely, sergei came to us and determined, let's call him, good afternoon, the big game is live.
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historian, journalist, member of parliament geneva, and the author is quite well known to specialists of the book, which is called west russia, the thousand-year war, the history of russophobia from charlemagne to the ukrainian crisis, so you see, we have already celebrated the anniversary of the thousand years, russophobia itself, mr. gemitan, you have just returned from.. . trips around donbass, here are your fresh sensations, impressions, what did you feel, what did you see? first of all, i want to thank you for the invitation, it is a great honor and great pleasure for me to be here with you today, to tell you about what i i saw it in donbass. in fact, i visited this region for the first time, i was in mariupol, donetsk, lugansk. and in principle
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, i visited all the regions, practically the two main republics, and that was it for me. the first time i saw azovstal, when i thought it was stalingrad, it
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reminded me of the book by vasily grosman. and for me it is. there was an absolutely terrible picture, 2-3 km from there, life is slowly being restored and buildings are gradually being restored, entire new neighborhoods are being built, i was able to visit a new school in mariupol, in college, fantastic building.
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they say that russia started the war, russia did not start the war, the war was started against those people who live there, who did not want to deal with the nazi regime in kiev, it is with it that the fight is now going on on the fronts of a special military operation ; boris aleksandrovich is watching the end of hostilities rozhen, our permanent military expert, boris aleksandrovich, good evening, the floor is yours, good evening, the past 24 hours have again shown signs of massive strikes.
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react regarding the situation at the front, then our troops retain the operational initiative, in the rabotinsky direction our enemy simply does not have time for them , the troops continued attacks to the north-west of verbovoy in the direction of the eastern outskirts of rabotin, here there are positional battles for now, on the vremevsky ledge our troops continue attacks in the old area .. major to the north of priyutnoye, here the initiative also belongs to our troops, in the ugledar direction our troops have already advanced to the western outskirts of novomikhailovka, there is also an advance south of novomikhailovka to north of the village, here ours are probably slowly moving forward, which means that in
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the marinsky direction our troops have advanced a little in georgievka again, a counter-powerful attack entered krasnogorovka, fighting is now taking place on the territory of the southern outskirts of the city - the enemy , despite the fact that he was undertaking counterattacks with the aim of again it was not possible to squeeze out our troops; our troops have already entrenched themselves in residential buildings and are pulling up reserves for further actions in the direction of the central districts of the city, and therefore in avdeevsky direction, our troops have made significant progress in the pervomaisky direction, the enemy has already retreated to the western outskirts of the village, and soon we can say that battles are beginning for netaylov, which is located west of pervomaisky, and our troops are also advancing in the direction of mansky, here the battles are not far away from the south-eastern outskirts, our troops have also made progress over the past 24 hours in berdychi, about 70-75% of the village already belongs to our troops, there is also some progress in semyonovka, there is also there was little progress in the novokalinov area, the enemy did not expect our attack there, and we were able
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to take away several important strongholds; in the artyomovsk direction, fighting continues on the outskirts of the yar clock, and our troops are also advancing to the south, to the southeast. chasyar and the clearing of the heights in the krasny area also continues, the enemy also maintains its presence in the south-south-eastern, south-western outskirts of bogdan. the enemy has not yet been completely cleared there and the control part of the heights has not yet been cleared, nevertheless, every day here there is progress, the enemy is slowly but surely rolling back to kalinovka and chasovyar, which means that on the northern ledge we have small movements in the vesely area, and there are also movements in the belogorovka area from the eastern part of the chalk quarry, which dominates the area, in krasnolimansky direction , the main battles continued near the eastern outskirts of the village of terny, well... thank you very much, boris
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aleksandrovich rozhents for the latest, as always accurate information about what is happening on the fronts of the special military operation. well and the main diplomatic news today came from beijing, where sergei viktorich lavrov, our minister of foreign affairs, visited, the purpose of the visit is generally clear, preparations. the president's visit, and i think it is no secret that china will be the first country that our president will visit after his inauguration as the newly elected president of our country. lavrov was also received by chinese president sidin ping, this is what the chinese leader said. to begin with, please convey my sincere greetings to the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. this year china and russia. celebrates the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. over the past time, our countries have embarked on a new
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path of peaceful coexistence of mutually beneficial cooperation between two major neighboring powers, which not only brought tangible benefits to the two countries and their people, but also played a constructive role in ensuring international justice and impartiality. in a telephone conversation with president putin in february, we outlined the main ways for the further development of everything complex of bilateral relations. we agreed to continue to maintain close contacts with...
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technical cooperation is actively developing, and given that in east asia the americans are actually starting a new
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format of an updated aucus, this is a trilateral project of the usa, great britain, australia, they are bringing japan, australia and so on there , in fact, russian, chinese, and russian-north korean, in general, russian-chinese in general, these strategic relations acquire an additional deterrent meaning, that is sidzinpin's message to putin and putin naturally during the visit, and sidzinpin will... mean that this three-dimensional, conditionally, of course, it can be even more multidimensional, volumetric structure, it is today in content, in fact , political, economically and in terms of security from the new, updated, very important structure of the multipolar world, an interesting formula was voiced during the meeting between lavrov and the chinese foreign minister wang yi and the americans. introduced this term double containment, but what will be the answer with
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our side? let's listen to sergei viktorovich, bilateral relations have reached an unprecedented high level and continue to develop dynamically in the context of a very difficult situation in the world. the issues that we are addressing in the field of economics, trade, investment, the introduction of new technologies, they directly... relate to the struggle for the establishment of a fair multipolar world order, where there is no place for dictatorship, where there is no place for hegemony, where there is no place for neo-colonials and colonies...
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and will respond, this is basically what is cast in diplomatic phrases sense, but the friendliness, warm atmosphere and serious preparation for the president’s visit to china shows us the failure, i would call it, of the stick diplomacy that the united states of america is now demonstrating, because in essence what was said by finance minister yelin, who, well, probably , not by chance, but maybe by chance, i had just visited the day before. arrival of sergei viktorovich lavrov, she spoke, understanding that the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation would come after her, and that she told china, she she said, you have excess capacity, you shouldn’t produce so much, what you produce shouldn’t cost so cheap, because otherwise we will be forced out of the markets, well, that is, on the one hand, this is
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stick diplomacy, because the americans have no more carrots they don’t offer, this is their arrogant... defiant tone, of course, well , not just any understanding, it can’t evoke anything other than the desire for double opposition to this very double containment, well, it must be said that elen actively insisted there on making china stopped any cooperation with russia, even in the trade and economic sphere, which continues to grow, but the chinese ministry of defense immediately answered her that she would have gone to hell, but wang yi also made an interesting statement about: china and russia are considering each other friend as a priority partner in the spirit of eternal good neighborliness and friendship, comprehensive strategic partnership, the countries have raised bilateral ties to the highest level of comprehensive partnership and
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strategic interaction in the new era: china and russia have created a standard for relations between two major neighboring powers, characterizing... russia and china are interested not only in our well-being, not only in our bilateral agenda being positive and
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high volumes of both material and humanitarian ties. russia and china and... 10-15 years, the chinese sometimes quite slowly go through the evolution of their ideological foundations, conceptual approaches, but now it has become quite obvious against the backdrop of a special military operation that the west wants not only limit our sovereignty, but he wants to limit our development, indeed
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during elen’s visit, this was already said, well, more directly than ever, limit production. we set limits for you, how you can, how you can develop, both russia and china are interested in each other’s development, and we are doing everything for this, if we are interested in the development of the rest of the world. the west, as far as one can judge, has reached the limits of its development possibilities, without being able to maintain its hegemony, well, in these more or less natural ways, the west is interested primarily in limiting others, this is the western position: we cannot grow any more, which means we will limit your growth, china and russia are absolutely clearly against this. speak out, we will grow, and we are interested in encouraging the growth of everyone else who is ready to participate in a fair order, well, indeed, the united states today cannot
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offer anyone anything positive, it’s just that there is nothing positive on their agenda, apart from threats and blackmail, but in reality this does not work, the majority of the world will naturally oppose this position and support russia rather than the united states of america. but the millennium of russophobia, it doesn’t go away so easily, and is it even possible to cure this disease, we’ll talk about that after the advertisement. one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence among us of certain people who call themselves the illuminati. they have been determining our destinies for more than 250 years.
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this is approximately the same area, maybe they they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention on this particular area, but this is a deliberately false trail, the main thing is that they
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stole a taxi again, this means, myakisheva, myakisheva, where are you, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program.
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i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. you know what kind of guy he was. elena yurievna gagarina, eldest daughter. new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, the first time we saw yuri alekseevich in a hat, with a mustache in butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst
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into all the classes, gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, and he will not get caught in anything, in my life, as in all soviet houses... there was a portrait of alekseevich and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i was so i wanted to be yura, i came to my mother, i gave out such hysterics, i i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich, it was like a relative for our family, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a tradition, it is necessary to drink from the well from which yuri segarin himself drank, it is believed if you drink this water, you will definitely fly to koska on saturday. on the first. the best. new season. on sunday on the first.
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the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining, and shouting, they shout to all ends, spring it’s coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games. big game live, gemetan, famous historian and journalist, author of the book: west russia, the thousand-year war, the history of russophobia from charlemagne to the ukrainian.
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russophy began with charlemagne, because he was the first emperor who tried to revive the great roman empire, but which was aimed against the east, that is, it was the first clash between the west and the east even then, then it just happened split between the orthodox church and the catholic church. these are the religious, let’s say, foundations of this russophobia, it all happened a long time ago, of course, modern russia appeared later, and modern france appeared later, there was louis xv, there was napoleon, then britain, the usa and so on appeared, but i i would like to. something
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else to say about china. i think that what scares russophobes in europe in china is strategic friendship, right? real friendship and strategic partnership between russia and china. if you look, this is the first time in history that the eurasian continent cooperates on a voluntary basis, not within the framework there.
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it’s a huge country, the population there is 10 times larger than in russia, naturally, the religion there is also different, they have three, three teachings, as they say, but we don’t have that, there’s a lot of sinophobia there, although where -it may be present in some people, but at the official level it is definitely not there, and in china there is no russophobia either, although we have been neighbors for years...
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against china, against russia, against iran, and what we see now, so that's what russophobia becomes the ideological
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foundation on which propaganda is spread, and the west is trying to explain it a little in this way.
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will destroy them first with conventional weapons, because they truly pose a nuclear threat. the situation is the same with taurus missiles, if they are deployed, then you know, russia has admitted that they can be used to launch a nuclear strike. well, i must say that this is not just all horror stories, this is followed by some political steps, let’s listen now the president of poland andrze dugda. there was no real hot stuff during the cold war. i do not think that such a step will lead to a nuclear war, because it would mean the end of the world, so this will not happen, i
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also do not foresee the use of so -called tactical nuclear weapons against our country, translated into russian nu - this is give poland nuclear weapons , in fact, but at the same time nothing about...
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in asia in africa, everywhere, so, it means that another country wanted to fight, just like the soviet union was accused of aggressiveness after the end of the second world war immediately, yes, these are favorite horror stories that stalin wanted to capture everyone, but excuse me, the anglo-saxons have atomic weapons, the soviet union does not have atomic weapons, the anglo-saxons lost incomparably less compared to our people in the second world war, why the main thing is how simple it is. logically, someone may want to fight with this strong enemy with atomic weapons, so we constantly see changes from head to foot, as it is, and the birth of more and more new formulas, which also carry
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based on its russophobic character, for example, the latest article by the two british foreign ministers david cameron and stefanas journet in... and the article is about reviving the entente, let's listen, today the dark days have come again, russian aggression in ukraine. for the third year now, it has had a profound impact on european and euro-atlantic security; conflicts and instability continue in the middle east, the consequences of which directly affect our countries. it is very clear to both of us: ukraine must win, if ukraine loses, we all lose. if we don't support ukraine now, the price later will be much higher than if we rebuff putin. the world is watching us, and we will face the judgment of history if we fail. it is not only france that can solve these problems. and the uk, but together we will help rally others to
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join us in helping overcome these challenges. today it is no less important for us than for our predecessors, to put aside long-standing differences and establish a long-term the friendship that we celebrate today not only as a memory of cordial agreement, but also as a glimpse of the future entente. well, actually, the entente was historically cemented by russia, as you know, but that’s what the entente is without russia and vice versa against russia. what's this? the entente against russia does not make any sense; indeed, at the beginning of the 20th century in 1904 , agreements were signed that settled, in fact, centuries-old russian-british differences, after which russia actually entered into an alliance with these two, france and great britain. well, maybe at the beginning of the 20th century it
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made sense there for some reason, but all these rantings about the fact that they are reviving cordial agreement, that they are reviving the entente and some claims that it will become a world anti-russian entente , this is an absolute illusion, because firstly, there is no agreement between them, there is an absolute quarrel within this collective west, especially... between france and great britain, maybe they only have agreement that they are pressing together germany, that's right, take it apart there germany, they really are very afraid that they won’t snatch some of the pieces, but poland will snatch some of the pieces for itself, but it will win over itself, that’s the kind of agreement, but as for making the entente global, well, it’s just pointless, especially against the backdrop of sergei viktorovich’s visit lavrov in beijing, which shows on which side of the world... the majority from what positions russia and china act as the vanguard
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of this world this world majority from my point of view, this is in general some kind of this article, this is some kind of psychological training, this is a sect atlantic, now she no longer knows how else to boost herself, how to create some kind of inner optimism, well, they are turning to the anniversary of this pseudo-cordial agreement. well , there was no heartfelt agreement there, there was constant betrayal there, as you know, including the british and the french there, not to mention the fact that they betrayed russia simply for a sweet soul, but now they are all preparing for war, that’s just for some reason they believe that russia must definitely attack them, why should we attack them, it doesn’t matter, but barel, the supreme the commissioner for security policy of the european union... made another statement on this matter. the war in ukraine
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showed us all what the world really is like, and we don't want the world to be like that. with its actions, russia poses a threat to the european union, even though ukraine is not yet a member, so we cannot separate the fate of the ukrainian people from the fate of eu citizens, especially in the context of the fact that putin intends to destabilize the entire european union, and to destabilize does not only mean to bomb. at the next european elections, you yourself , according to...
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the election struggle in america, trump's victory will mean, in a sense , de-americanization, in a sense, the militarization of nato without an american component, that is, they are hostages of the presidential race in america, the asian vector for them means breaking this clown, well , not a clown, so to speak, nato into two parts, and it is also unclear where to direct more resources, the ukrainian front, the middle east, east asia, japan.
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expelled created a strong muslim zone to solve muslim problems within their country, they are proud to be number one christians and number one muslims, because they say: we are a christian state and we are a muslim state, unlike our allies, take for example easter and what is happening today in
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america, where it was declared a day of recognition of transgender people or something like that, this is actually world public opinion, which is quite possible... security council after advertising. this little white ball at the end of the laser is coagulated protein. this is how amazingly elegantly and beautifully you can coagulate hemorrhoids, saving a person.
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we tell you about unique technologies for a wide variety of health problems, solving these problems, in the “live healthy” program. tomorrow. on the first: in the role of chairman of the jury i feel out of place, perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world were sitting at this table, i would like to have lunch, please, only this is pasadena, we don’t have restaurants, how did you feel in the film, where all the actors played themselves and were you the only one who had a role? but is there a policeman in upi, how do the local public perceive our films? they are waiting.
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on friday on the first, say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like in the future to say that i did everything i could in my life, for cosmonautics day on the first, cogarine is a flash, a smile , communication, this was the face of the soviet union, which... suddenly seemed to the whole world, 400 seconds the flight was normal, they had been falling for a long time, the people there, he conveyed in a cheerful voice that the flight was normal, silence and darkness, and what will happen in the next second, you don’t understand, let’s go, the first man in space, the first woman in space, feeling great, first exit into... outer space, the first feature film shot in space, mommies, how cool , that
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we all gathered here today, on saturday at the first, well, i am different, different, evgeniy steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was famous for the video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in in these films, he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes, but for a very long time i did not understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and she hissed me like an electric shock. our exclusive and interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived through the station. 38 years old we have a son, our only solovetsky monk the monastery, what brought his loyalty to the end
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of his life, why it was not possible to avoid tragedy, all this is god’s providence, as god wills, it will be so. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? welcome to a city where even stones can be found under your feet. precious, hello, ekaterinburg, emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately, for us men, it’s just not the time to chop chop, eugene, the snow makes the filling unsurpassed juicy, the dumpling is a small universe, below me, how many meters are you saying, down 193, they say that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear. they're lying, is it possible? your own life! premieres on sunday on the first. i feel like a happy person
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when my loved ones are with me and when? everything is fine with them, and we spend our evenings together playing board games. many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, me the health of loved ones makes me happy, not only loved ones, but everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country. i laugh at her and wish everyone to find their happiness in her. big game
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live. interesting diplomatic battles are expected in the united nations security council. palestine has submitted a formal application to join the un. let's listen to the statement of riyad mansour, permanent observer of the state of palestine at the united nations. we just that they concluded an open meeting of the security council, at which the council unanimously referred for discussion the application of the state of palestine for admission to the standing committee. this is again a historical moment, when in 2011 our president abbas submitted our application for admission, it was sent to the security council through the un secretary general. it was a historical moment then, and now a historical moment has been reborn again, and we sincerely hope that 12 years since we changed our status to
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an observer state, the security council will reach the level. so far they have supported israel all the time, it was unconditional support, they have always interfered with the creation of a palestinian state, by all means, they supported israel in their opposition to the palestinian state, so they never wanted this
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creation of a state. the israeli government also opposed the creation of such a state, and today with such a request, with such an application, we can say that the united states is faced with a problem, because if it opposes this application of palestine, it will immediately show all the hypocrisy of the west, because so far the west has always managed to adhere to this policy of double standards. the west, because most countries in the world no longer accept this policy of double standards, neither africa, nor brix, nor arab countries, and we
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are slowly getting closer. you into the organization of the united nations, it seems like there are now two states, nothing will change on earth, after all, the full-fledged creation of a palestinian state is not only admission to the organization of the united nations nations, this is the transfer to the government of the palestinian authority, while in fact the government of the palestinian state has all the power and not only over the existing
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territories, but also the territories that they actually own. well, there is also the gas sector, among other things, which is now being destroyed, so william burns, the director of the cia, was now in egypt, there from there he brought peace proposals for the exchange of hostages, but this proposal was sent to hamas, hamas, naturally, rejected this proposal, now everything hangs in the air again, in these conditions, such a proposal is made, what do you think will happen, well, probably, it would be difficult to choose a better time for such a step, because now it is inconvenient for everyone, neither great britain, nor france, nor the united states of america, who could veto , they won’t do this now, there have been a number of statements from american western politicians that palestine should be created, and now it turns out that they are being held accountable for their own words, i think that the united states, namely biden
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will make a statement in the spirit of what is right and good, after which they will...
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nuclear weapons, listen to the statement of the president of shahid bishitri university, mahmoud riza agameri. now, according to the fetfa of the revolution, the construction of an atomic bomb is prohibited, but the question is whether it is difficult in principle to build an atomic bomb, it is not difficult to build an atomic bomb, if sharia norms change and the fatfa of the leader of the revolution is withdrawn, we have all the resources to build it, given our capabilities in the nuclear field, it is much easier for us to build atomic bomb than not building an atomic bomb.
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the same thing, the same model, but with different, of course, features, here is the answer, the answer to israel, and whether there is a war or not, we’ll see, as they say, it’s up to tehran to take revenge or respond adequately, but as for the nuclear project , it
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will absolutely definitely develop, yes, the answer may be truly asymmetrical, but the troubles of the west continued to multiply, today there was a statement from our investigative committee, let’s listen, it was established that funds were coming in through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine, over the past years, have been used to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders, in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage. investigation in cooperation with other intelligence services and financial intelligence. sources of income and further movement of funds in the amount of several million are checked us dollars, the involvement of specific individuals from among government officials, public and commercial organizations in
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western countries. in addition, through investigative operational means, connections between the direct perpetrators of terrorist acts and foreign curators, organizers and sponsors are worked out. burisma. burisma is biden, this is kwasniewski, the former president of poland, they will not wash themselves away, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00. hello, the evening news is on air in studio ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. a unique facility on the territory of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is under attack, and this is already the fifth.


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