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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 10, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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but why get married, marriage should be easier, more interesting, more profitable for you in the end, why not, more satisfying, warmer, more fun, if not, why should you go there, especially at the age of 52, that’s who of these three we need to choose women today, you see, well, as a friend, not even as a girlfriend, no way, i have no values ​​with these women, not even one, i don’t even understand what he’s for... for
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my 52 years, this is you today you brought this baggage of yours in the form of fears, yes, you will now blow on the water because you got burned, no, no, absolutely, yes, each of them will make you go crazy, of course, for different reasons just, well, let’s just say, so as not to go crazy...
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then we don’t need anything, not money , if you want, i’ll open your eyes now, but once, maybe i reaped it later, look, you say that in a marriage, yes, in which we so passionately desired our wife, well, we didn’t love, maybe, but you you wanted to be with her and were jealous, at the same time you cheated on her, you were missing something, so what? they got it on
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the side, i want to tell you, having a lot acquaintances, friends and girlfriends, women cheat on men in marriage, the percentage is the highest, i don’t want to voice it even in my circle, very good decent women, whom no one would ever guess, cheat, nature does not tolerate emptiness, that’s what you didn’t get in the family and somewhere on the side, so to speak, they picked it up, and women too, each of these women... will cheat on you, so i don’t agree with larisa that she says that each of the women will cheat on him, i i wish i hadn’t cheated, i wonder where this comes from, well, yes, some kind, to be honest, it’s very biased, no, if you ’re initially with a man, it makes sense to cheat on him, we’re looking for yours, in my opinion, today you haven’t found yours here, but maybe i’m wrong, and my intellectual friend, the intellect will say its weighty thing, i’ll say , that none of you present in the judge...
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hello, on the air. time in the studio ekaterina andreeva, briefly about the main thing. the level is rising rapidly, and large waters have reached orenburg. and the scale of disasters in the kurgan region, impressive footage. with one blow our military, with the help
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lancet destroyed the french caesar howitzer. and a report on the capabilities of krasnopol guided munitions. for the third day in a row, kiev hits the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. moscow convenes an extraordinary session of the board of governors of the magat. support for participants in special operations, housing construction, and industrial development. what else did vladimir putin and the head of bashkiria radiy khabirov talk about in the kremlin? development of bilateral ties as a counterweight to pressure from the west. meetings in beijing between the russian foreign minister and the president of the people's republic of china and the head of the chinese diploma. cried when the monument to soviet soldiers was destroyed, helped those who speak russian, why they are going to deport pensioner valentina vatutina from lithuania, a new road frame in the south of the capital, how to build
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a highway that will relieve congestion on several highways at once, sergei sobyanin checked today. in the region, the water has come close to the ural federal highway, measures are being taken to prevent traffic from stopping where necessary, workers have made embankments. meanwhile, in orenburg itself , an emergency evacuation may be announced in the near future. in more than one and a half thousand houses have already been flooded in the city. the situation is under the president's control. the head of the ministry of emergency situations and the governors of three regions of the orenburg, kurgan, and tyumen regions again reported to vladimir putin about what is happening today. the president decided to send the minister of construction to the affected areas. housing and communal services. our film crews work in the orenburg and kurgan regions. watch the reports of svetlana kostina and andrey golderev. you can assess the extent of flooding in the very center orenburg. this embankment, you see, is completely in the water. this is a children's playground. there is
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a swing here, the water is almost waist-deep, and, in fact, she continues to stay. great water came to orenburg, the ural river flooded dozens of populated areas. the water came instantly, roughly speaking, i live there on the next street, it was 150 meters away from me, after 2 hours it was already at my house, my house was flooded, we live here with a neighbor, it’s very scary, it arrives, the house is flooded, but there is no one in the house yet, we hope that there won’t be, the whole area is floating, in flooded villages the electricity and gas have already been turned off, there are streets. where you can only travel by boat. ivan meets his mother from work. at first we were worried about my grandmother, who lives in orsk. yesterday i called and said: “hurray, my bathhouse has a roof.” can you imagine? now the heating threatens them themselves. one and a half meters, we are not yet afraid of water, our foundations are high, we seem to be free, well,
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we will survive. attention, evacuation is in progress. in the evening it became known that the water level had risen sharply; as the mayor of orenburg reported, it was already 915. many residents of the suburb did not have time to leave, the water is coming quickly, this is already clear, someone is still hoping to save their property, but the ural river is unpredictable this year, if yesterday the level did not change, then this morning it went up sharply, the water rose in just 2 hours. yesterday the water stopped altogether,
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the scale was at 30, and we don’t even see 30 yet, but it has already sunk, and now at 6 am the water has already risen 10 cm. all-terrain trucks ply through the villages and carry out deliveries. the police also deliver everyone who wants it, they will patrol the streets to prevent looting; in orsk, where the situation has remained critical for the past few days, the water has finally begun to recede. within 2 hours the level in the ural river dropped. by 9 cm, but continues to remain dangerous, people are placed in local schools, they try to do everything possible for them, they were wonderfully accepted, we didn’t even expect it in principle, because we came, well , of course we were in shock, but then we immediately, that is, they placed us with psychologists and a doctor right away, well, that is, that is, there are no words at all, the whole country is very grateful to help the affected region, the young guard volunteers, united russia is delivering targeted water, food and medicine, 2 tons of drinking water have already been delivered, all the volunteers... they are in touch with the local residents of the flooded
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villages. military engineers of the yasninsky missile formation went to hard-to-reach areas. on floating conveyors they bring fuel for generators and clean and dry things. large corporations have stepped in to help. alpha group will transfer 1 billion rubles. for help victims of floods in the orenburg region. right now, one of the top priorities in flooded areas is clean water. the water utility takes samples several times a day. here they are doing everything to quickly establish a high-quality water supply. people are literally working their asses off, so we have attracted additional reserves from the group of companies from other water utilities. we have tyumen, voronezh, and omsk, so uh, everyone is concentrated in this area. a special laboratory has left omsk, which makes it possible to carry out water tests of more than 10 150 parameters so that we can quickly determine the quality of water at any point. on behalf of the russian president , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, flew to orenburg; he
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flew over the territory from the air and assessed the operational situation in order to determine how to proceed. together with the governor of the orenburg region, kurenkov visited one of the temporary accommodation centers. from orenburg kurenkov flew to the kurgan region, where a state of emergency has already been declared and the peak of the flood is still ahead. my colleague is monitoring the situation andrey goldarev. according to the forecast , more than 60 people may fall into the area of ​​possible flooding . talk about existing support measures, social payments, as well as how they
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can restore lost documents or get credit and mortgage holidays. now in the kurgan region more than twenty houses and over 100 household plots are flooded. the village of ust-uiska turned out to be cut off from the mainland; you can only get there by boat, and these are still images from the village of ozernaya. the water came within 24 hours; yesterday there was nothing. everything was flooded everywhere, disaster is approaching residential buildings, some of the streets here have already gone under water, where the signs are there, the road is just right there, give way and it’s standing, and if you give way the turn, this is what the road connecting the village of zverino-golovskaya now looks like, he’s there with other settlements, ozernaya, breakthrough, in some of them the water is already in residential buildings or is approaching them, but here the level of the tobol river is constantly approaching the critical level, this is over 8.5 m. at which large water will come here to residential houses. people living near the river quickly
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evacuate, the troman family and beekeepers take their most valuable things with them. we're transporting bees, we're lifting furniture, whatever we can, and we're hauling something onto the roof. now their area is already flooded, the water is rising rapidly. the very first one, it is no longer visible. uh, my husband sets up his chopsticks every hour and marks the time. walks around and looks at how much water has arrived, well , two meters, probably, and somewhere around three in an hour, it’s a pity, well, imagine, now we ’ve been living here for 20 years, for 20 years we’ve been making all this money, all at once all this cannot be removed, and naturally it will all just be thrown away later, it hasn’t been heated like this in 20 years, no, we came here in 2004, our water reached the woodshed, evacuation continues in the mound itself and areas of potential flooding, people are leaving from private houses located in the suburbs or they take away valuables...
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thousands of sandbags lived, this is one of the bridges near the center of kurgan, traffic is now blocked here, although the level of the tobol river is not yet so high, but forecasts are constantly changing, now it’s still going snow, they promise rain, in the worst case scenario , the water here could rise above 11 m, which means that that right-bank part of the mound could go under water, now they continue to strengthen the coastline here, work
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is ongoing, the day before the authorities also called on residents to stock up on water, how much are you planning to take now? how much to stock up on one nineteen-liter bottle and two five-liter bottles throughout the region there is constant monitoring of the water level in rivers in areas of possible flooding , alarm sirens are periodically turned on, calling on residents in advance evacuate to a safe place. andrey golderev, svetlana kostina, maxim trubnikov, oleg matyusha, ninokhoreva and svetlana vedyashkina, channel one orenburg and kurgan regions. and the news marked lightning in one of the districts of the kurgan region, a forced evacuation was announced, and more. one urgent message: the water level in the ural river near orenburg has risen to 931 cm, thus exceeding the critical level. the difficult flood situation in the border regions of russia and kazakhstan was discussed by vladimir putin and kasym zhamar takaev by phone today. the president noted the close interaction between the relevant departments of the two countries, which together monitor the situation, make forecasts and
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take measures. they agreed to intensify this work. kazakhstan is going through things right now.
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so that this does not happen in the future. now about the special operation. our troops continue to improve their position in the donetsk, south donetsk and ovdeevsky directions. along the entire front, the enemy lost over 900 fighters and a lot of equipment, including nato equipment. air defense systems shot down a neptune five anti-ship missile hymers rockets. and this is the destruction of the french self-propelled gun caesar in the kherson direction. a powerful explosion, hit by lancet, apparently caused detonation of the ammunition. you know. in the footage, an air strike of a radar station behind enemy lines in the sumy region. in addition, the tas agency reported a missile attack on a train with ukrainian armed forces reinforcements in the konstantinovka area. this is the territory of the dpr, still under the control of kiev. and to continue the topic, another video from our ministry of defense. soldiers of the southern group of troops they destroy the positions of militants in the vicinity
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of the village of sporny in the dpr. the impact of the guided projectiles destroyed all designated targets. adjustable artillery. laser-guided krasnopol pass can do a lot. evgeny lyamin was convinced of this personally. we're ready, we 're ready. the orland 30 unmanned aerial vehicle is installed on the launch pad. next, the fighters of the troop center group begin to check all systems. in general, everything is the same as before the flight of a regular plane. checking the target equipment, attention, suspension. checking the board completely, that is, the entire systems, how floperons, that is, these flaps work, how the camera works at the moment. spinning is just being checked, that is, approaching, moving away, the laser itself is also being checked, the laser is for guiding high-precision ammunition, it takes a few minutes to check the drone, further from the propeller, take-off climb, there is a set watching, the eagle soars into the sky ahead of
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many hours flight at an altitude of several thousand meters, it flies off for reconnaissance or when it finds a target, it starts... the control guys start working, contact the artillery, they say that they load shells, those same high-precision krasnopol, this is a guided artillery shell, krasnopol, the krasnopol differs from a regular shell, both externally and naturally the filling is completely different, the principle of operation, here is krasnopol’s brains, here is its warhead, this the acceleration engine when fired, it fires after a few seconds, small wings open, it constantly taxis here like this. small wings open and taxi already when approaching the target, you can see how krasnopol, for example, when liberated the village of tonenko in the avdeevsky direction destroyed the enemy’s fortifications with precise hits, and this filming is already of an eagle, which illuminates the target of krasnopol and records the defeat. in this footage, fighters from the center group of forces destroy a ukrainian armed forces tank. our artillery crews are on standby
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waiting for the target coordinates and are ready to go to the firing position at any second. thanks to the new high-precision ammunition krasnopol m2, everything is much faster. the difference between the second krasnopol and the first is that its readiness time to fire was reduced by 10 times, even more, than 10 times. the scouts discover the target, then the artillery is specially activated. the ammunition remote control enters the settings, this is exactly what should not be shown, it takes less than a minute to prepare, then load the ammunition into the msta self-propelled artillery mount and go to the firing position. the eagle highlights this detected target. the first shot destroys the camouflaged american self-propelled artillery unit m109 paladin, the ammunition is triggered, the ammunition is blown up, the second is the sau-1 underground command post, the first is norway put ukraine there, then britain, italy, and then on. usa, from which the enemy can fire, among other things, nato high-precision excalibur shells, therefore the self-propelled gun is one of the priority targets. our krasnopol destroys equipment from the first
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shot. there was a case, we also went out, there were three targets, literally within an hour, there were three targets, three shells, everything was destroyed 100%. there was a tank, a self-propelled gun and a towed gun. krasnopol hits precisely and at the same time confuses the enemy during his counter-battery work. due to the fact that him. the ballistic property differs from an ordinary projectile due to its propulsion engine; the enemy does not detect its position from where we fire. therefore, for example, during a counter-battery fight , the enemy makes mistakes hundreds of meters, but of course, this is not a reason to hesitate; after completing a combat mission, destroying a target, he quickly leaves the firing position. evgeny lyabin, dmitry kashchyur niki sebastyanov, dmitry matyushin, channel one, donbass. kyiv. militants, in retaliation for failures at the front, hit civilians, as a result of artillery shelling by the ukrainian armed forces in the bryansk village of klimovo, a woman and a child were killed. a twelve-year-old
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boy was riding a bicycle at the time of the attack; he died on the spot from shrapnel wounds. five more people were injured, as the head of the region, alexander bahamas, clarified in his telegram channel; the blow hit the very center of the village. a residential building was on fire and several cars were damaged. not just another management session. the situation at the zaporozhye npp. in recent days, the station has been subject to constant attacks by ukrainian drones. kamikaze. for example, today it flew over the building where the world’s only reactor hall simulator is located. fortunately, no one was hurt, but if this continues, half of europe could suffer. valentina solovyova will continue the topic. photo of today's ukrainian drone attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, hitting the training center where it is located. the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator. we are located near the building of the training center, into the roof of which flew today drone the attack by the armed forces of ukraine occurred 10 minutes
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after magat employees drove past the training center, who were returning from a planned visit to an external radiation monitoring laboratory. just today the station was visited by first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko. the situation was reported to be calm during his visit. kiriyenko. discussed the state of the nuclear safety facility with zaes management. the situation is heating up, given that kiev has begun to attack the station drones literally every day. a direct threat to the safety of the station has been created. we are one step away from a possible nuclear disaster. all efforts of the station personnel are aimed at maintaining a safe operating mode. however, in addition to the protected power units, there are a number of facilities at the npp site, such as a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel and diesel. ensuring uninterrupted operation of the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, damage and destruction of which can lead to disaster.
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we call on the leadership of european states to immediately respond to direct threats to os security. these shots show the kamika drone shot down over the sixth power unit the day before. the drone did not detonate, the warhead was neutralized. on april 7, ukrainian armed forces drones attacked the station several times, tried to hit the power units, and were suppressed. russian electronic warfare systems. in addition, arrivals were recorded in the area of ​​the nitrogen-oxygen station, next to the cargo port near the canteen. three people, employees of the nuclear power plant, were injured. in 20 minutes before the strikes, magat experts carried out a routine walkthrough of this area. and here is the reaction of the international atomic energy agency to the new attack. zaporozhye nuclear power plant informed magat about today's drone attack on the training center adjacent to the plant. direct threat to nuclear safety.
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and there we will insist on the need to obtain direct, without any prevarication , assessments of the actions of the ukrainian regime. i think that this time we won’t be able to escape responsibility. there was an episode when employees magatha was allowed to climb onto the roof of the sixth nuclear reactor to see the consequences of the drone strike. in this moment.
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another drone was approaching them, which was successfully neutralized by russian military personnel, but i don’t know, it can’t be that the ukrainians didn’t see that on the roof of the reactor there were people in blue un uniforms, a uniform with the inscription un, that is , the un, today the same thing happened near the training center. the head of magathe, rafael grossi, did not answer the direct question the day before: will he be able to carry out the attack? on europe's largest nuclear power plant is located in ukraine, saying that it does not want to quote, get involved in a politicized discussion. at the same time, there is a threat to global nuclear security; none of the reactors were designed taking into account constant attempts to blow it up. the reaction from the united states to a series of ukrainian attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is indicative. we believe that russia is playing a very dangerous game by seizing the largest ukrainian nuclear power plant in europe by military means. and we continue to call on
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russia to withdraw. station and your military and civilian personnel return full control to the competent ukrainian authorities and refrain from any actions that could lead to a nuclear incident at the plant. this statement was commented on by the russian ambassador to the united states. even nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed against the russian federation. encouraging zelensky’s criminal regime is akin to walking on the edge of a knife. irresponsible kiev attacks threaten a radiation disaster. such actions undermine global security. it is extremely important to prevent so that
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its head, fsb director alexander bortnikov, spoke today about the fight against terrorism, including international terrorism, at a meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee. since the beginning of the year , 27 major terrorist attacks have been prevented in our country. the enemy targets transportation, energy, defense and enterprise facilities. under the leadership of western patrons, the kiev regime attracts militants from international terrorist groups to attack.
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structures have repeatedly stopped attempts by ukrainians to enter russian territory sabotage and reconnaissance formations. ukrainian neo-nazis, their western patrons , organize or are ready to actively support the commission of the most barbaric crimes on our territory, by participants in the international terrorist underground. evidence of this is the recent tragic events in krasnogorsk with numerous casualties. civilian population, in the current conditions , counter-terrorism actors are taking measures to strengthen the security of key facilities involved in ensuring special military operation and supply of new russian regions. and the investigative committee reported today that after an appeal from state duma deputies, a criminal case was opened regarding the financing of terrorism by officials of the united states and other countries based on
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the scheme that was uncovered. it was established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine. over recent years have been used to carry out terrorist acts in russian federation, as well as beyond its borders in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures causing economic damage. the investigation is checking the sources of income and further movement of funds in the amount of several million us dollars. involvement of specific individuals from among government officials, public, commercial organizations, countries. west. in addition, connections between the direct perpetrators of terrorist acts and foreign curators, organizers and sponsors. washington is actively using the digital environment to fight countries
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defending their own independence. this was stated by secretary of the russian security council nikolai patryshev. he noted that information technologies today have acquired not only economic, but also military and geopolitical dimensions. active promotion. media sphere, stereotypes, behavioral models, ideologies, worldviews of the modern west, leads to the erosion of traditional forms of social and spiritual life, loss identity and national self-awareness characteristic of certain states of peoples, this is a path of devolution, the most striking example is ukraine, in the struggle for its... world hegemony, the united states has identified russia as the main enemy, while the main efforts are aimed at destroying traditional russian spiritual- moral values ​​and multinational culture. in these conditions
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, the implementation of the goals of the tasks that are enshrined in the fundamentals of state policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional russian...
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at first they held the blow in the flint direction, then they took part in breaking through the enemy’s defenses, and therefore they were very combative. by your decree, unfortunately, we posthumously awarded the title of hero of russia to lieutenant colonel migunov, the battalion tank commander. the authorities of the republic of telecom are taking care of equipping the natives of the head.
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roads, that’s why it drives quickly, the region always finds the necessary funds for all this, investment projects that you would note a lot, you know, the advantage, of course, is that petrochemicals, bashkiria dopors are not often attracted large investors, but in recent years khabirov managed to reverse the trend, today a dozen
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business clusters are registered in the republic, the territory of rapid economic development has its own special economic zone, as a result, over 5 years , investment growth has been 52%, this is facilitated by the personal participation of the governor, what kind of watch is this for me? this is an investment watch for me. in the region, the problem of defrauded shareholders has been solved, it was such a bad wound in the republic, but 10,000 people, in our center in ufa there were boxes like this it’s just unraveling, i think there were also illegal things, we decided that out of 130 objects, we built half of them, half of them were paid accordingly. as for most regions, the real challenge for bashkiria is demography; the rate of decline in the birth rate
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has been reduced significantly. the growth in the number of large families is already obvious in the republic, but there is still a lot to be done. we need to pay attention, of course, to the number of emergency doctors , probably that is, we do not meet the indicator of the national project, we will definitely fulfill it, we have adopted a whole a number of measures and vladimirich’s work will definitely do this. radiy khabirov’s plans for the development of the region have a horizon of more than one year, but his term of office expires already this year. the bashkirs have to choose. if you have your trust, to continue this work, i would try to ensure the plans that we have, this pace of development of the republic, in general everything is working out, there are many plans, and the results are good, so for my part i will do everything to support you , but of course the choice will be up to the people, we need to work with people, especially during this period, more directly meet more often, listen. because you still can’t see or
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hear from the workers’ offices, you need to work closer with people, get feedback, but in general everything is fine, so i wish you good luck, thank you, konstantin panyushkin, olga mirkolov, alexander gornostaev, channel one. the russian economy is showing steady growth, mikhail mishustin announced this at a strategic session in the government. the prime minister particularly noted the quality of growth. the best performance in the manufacturing industry is growing consumer activity. our economy continues to grow confidently, according to the ministry of economic development, in january gdp grew by almost 5%, in february already by 7.7%. growth in industry has strengthened, about 8.5% in february. processing remains the driving force in 23, which is very important; our manufacturing industry is growing at a record pace. in the second month of the year it grew by 13.5%, this is the best
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monthly figure in at least several recent years; unemployment again reached a historical low, this is 2.8%. it is necessary to maintain this attitude, i am guided primarily by the national development program that the president outlined in his message to the federal assembly; by 2030, russia should enter the top four. the world's largest economy in terms of parity and purchasing power. a new dialogue on eurasian security and an invitation to like-minded states to it. russia and china are discussing future cooperation. the level of relations between our countries is unprecedentedly high, and this was noted at the negotiations held in beijing by our foreign minister sergei lavrov and chairman of the people's republic of china sidinping. the russian minister also held face-to-face negotiations with his colleague wang yi. it is interesting that at this meeting they discussed the visit of the united states treasury secretary. which, in the typical american manner, threatened the chinese for their connections
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with russia, and the response to these insinuations was given in a very biting form, and in diplomatic language in response to the threats, in the report of our own correspondent in china, natalya lyublinskaya, thanks for this opportunity. sidzenpin cordially welcomes sergei lavrov, calling the head of the russian foreign ministry friend of the chinese people. politeness is characteristic of the inhabitants of the celestial empire, but in this meeting one can also feel the personal attitude of the chairman. i am glad to see you again and ask you to convey my sincere greetings to president vladimir putin. you are an experienced diplomat and a long-time friend of the chinese people. over the years, you have done a lot of fruitful work to promote russian-chinese relations and bilateral cooperation. i appreciate it very much. it is no longer a secret that vladimir putin’s visit to beijing is planned for this year. friendship of leaders russia and china have brought the relationship between the two countries to an unprecedented high level. it is my pleasure and honor.
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consultations, because this year is also a significant date - 75 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations; since 1949, our country was the first to recognize the young people's republic of china. it is symbolic that beijing is now in the plum blossom season, and these delicate flowers against the backdrop of the state residence seem to emphasize the current blossoming in
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russian-chinese relations. and it was against this background that janat elin visited china. visit the american treasury secretary was remembered in a flash.
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including beijing’s peace initiatives in resolving the ukrainian conflict. the famous 12 points that china put forward last year clearly articulate the need, firstly, to take into account the root causes of this conflict, and secondly, in efforts to resolve it, to seek to eliminate these causes, primarily in the context of ensuring equal, indivisible security , including in europe, but in...
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it is replenished, you see the trade turnover, you see, i think, working here is colossal number of russian delegations. trade between russia and china is growing year by year, cross-years of cultures have been announced, and china itself is becoming more and more accessible to ordinary russians. in february, visa-free entry to the picturesque tropical island of hainan was simplified, which made many tourists happy on the eve of the summer holidays. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey shillin, evgenia stefanchuk, dmitry malyshev and yuri yarchenko, channel one. the construction of the first unit of the akuyu nuclear power plant in turkey, which is being built by atom, has reached the home stretch. began commissioning work, you need to configure all the equipment and carry out the necessary tests. the head of the state corporation, alexey likhachev, checked the work at the first nuclear power plant in the turkish republic. together with other specialists, he inspected
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the key facilities of the power unit and hydraulic structures on the shore. this year we will completely check everything. systems, both the primary circuit and hydraulic tests , we will load simulators directly into the reactor, we will do everything so that next year the first block of akuclear will become part of the energy system of the turkish republic, all our efforts are aimed at this, the work of turkish companies is aimed at this. the memory of 77 soviet soldiers executed by the nazis on april 9, 1942 was honored. netherlands. 77 candles were lit at 6:30 am. at this time, more than 80 years ago, the nazis cold-bloodedly shot prisoners of war. in total , about 900 red army soldiers are buried in the cemetery called the soviet field of glory. residents of the city of lezden carefully preserve their memory and even plan to open a museum here early next year. according to
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local activists, the country's government continues to fully support this project. the authorities of the baltic countries are looking for any reason to interfere with the lives of people who speak russian: they can be expelled from the country for tears at the burial site of soviet soldiers, for a photograph against the background of the russian flag, and it doesn’t matter that it was taken many years ago, because those expelled, allegedly because they are a threat to national security, are 75 years old or over 80, and are given very little time to gather and families are separated. this happened once before, the nazis were not very ceremonious about people's rights. ivan the good collected similar cases and they are all very sad. they wrote 40 times that i constitute aggression for lithuania. change this elderly woman, she is 75 years old in the european democratic state of lithuania, a member of the european union. i cried near the monument when
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they toppled the monument to the fallen soldiers at the brotherly cemetery. we are talking about a memorial at the burial site of soviet soldiers, in a cemetery in the city of ponevezh, that tears are now crimes, but that’s not all. i was presented with that my students took a photo against... the background of the russian flag. the photo, as the woman assures, was taken many years ago. previously, she headed the russian cultural center, it was closed five years ago, last summer, valentina vatutina went to renew her residence permit, for this she had to fill out a form. there is a question, whose crimea is. valentina was probably afraid of the consequences of a direct answer and wrote: i don’t know, the lithuanian department of state security considered that vatutina poses a threat to the national security and must leave. the country in which she was born and lived all her life. the woman is already preparing for her second trial. the story of pensioner borisa katkova from neighboring latvia shows that the ability
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to challenge a decision can be a luxury. so on january 10, kotkov received a letter from the ministry of internal affairs of the republic. the man was informed of the deprivation of his residence permit and deportation, as if he were a carbon copy, allegedly a threat to national security. katkov is 82 years old, despite the right to appeal within a month, after 2 days, as they say, they left for him, they gave me an hour to get ready. 13. and i don’t know what kind of system is in the republic of latvia, what kind of nationalism is being revived, for a quarter of a century kotkov has been supporting russian-speaking compatriots. it’s clear that the deportation of old people has arrived, is it possible to fall lower, lithuanian citizen valentina filyanova moved, if not fled, from the eu to
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russia, she says she was interrogated for an hour and a half at the latvian border. he points at the map and says: “say that ukraine will win.” he was just yelling at the whole office, he was waving his arms, i thought he was just yelling at me will pounce. valentina was still stubborn about the phrase that either the border guard or the special service officer demanded from her. never said it, the most important thing is that he began to threaten me that i would put you in prison if he insisted, when he, yes, tell me, he just told me the text that i had to say, were the threats a bluff, not fact, judging by what is now happening with another latvian citizen elena kreili, she was detained on march 16 during the nationalist march, better known as the march in memory of the ss legionnaires, a woman went to a protest wearing a leather coat and a beret with a red flower on it. how afraid one must be of the red star in order to arrange such a coat and beret with a flower
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were eventually confiscated, supposedly in them elena resembled a red commissar, and these are shots taken at her entrance before the nationalist march, the woman was under surveillance, a police car was cruising around the house . the footage was published by journalist alexey stefanov. elena is known in the republic for her pro-russian position. in total , five cases have been filed against him, if i'm not mistaken. criminal cases, in the first case. she has already received a sentence, a year in prison, suspended, the second case has just begun in court, on the very first day of the trial, when it was taking place, as she was leaving the courtroom she was detained and arrested again for 2 months, now she is in prison, the situation is so crazy , it’s even difficult to describe it, because well, in a normal country, for the fact that a person expresses his point of view and speaks exclusively about friendship between russia and latvia, they are not punished at all, elena placed a flag on her window russia together with the latvian flag, peace, friendship in the window.
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residents of gagauzia will now be able to use mir bank cards; the head of the autonomy , evgenia gutsul, and the chairman of promsvyazbank , pyotr frodkov, signed a cooperation agreement today in moscow. for gausi , which is traditionally oriented towards russia, access to our payment system is very important. 25 thousand public sector pensioners will open accounts in the russian bank. i would like to express my gratitude to the management of promsvyaz bank.
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pensioners could use all those banking products that the bank has at a high provides internationally. train traffic in the moscow-minsk direction, which was interrupted the day before due to the collapse of a bridge in the smolensk region, has been resumed. while the trains have only been launched along one track, the first sign has already passed along it; work on the second is almost completed; in the near future , railway communications will be fully restored. concerning?
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prepare a specialist in such a way that he will be able to work with new sources of information throughout his professional life, analyze the results of his activities and achievements of their colleagues, it is precisely this approach with self-education and analytical skills that is the modern requirement for medical specialists, and of course, the medical specialty never... pays attention to practical skills, today we must prepare at home, for example , not a hospital doctor, a researcher doctor who will be engaged in new scientific directions, the introduction of new innovative approaches, the creation of new drugs, medical devices, equipment, this is the basic knowledge, the future a doctor-researcher must, of course, obtain it at a university, so approaches change,
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programs change. in the south of the capital , the construction of a large transport hub is in full swing, which will connect the moscow high-speed diameter with the solntsevo-butovo-varshavskoe highway . half of the work has already been completed and mayor sergei sabyanin came to check the level of readiness of the facility. the route will seriously change the situation for the better for residents of western byurulevo, southern and northern butovo, chertanovo. and in total these changes will affect almost 600 thousand people, and will significantly reduce the time. ways. about how construction is going in the report by anastasia kobuzeva. moscow high-speed diameter, finish line. the last section remains. its length will be 3.5 km in a straight line. we are talking about the section from 32 km of the moscow ring road to the main highway of new moscow - solntsevo, butovo-varshavskoe highway. and the entire speed diameter is almost 70 km. the northern direction has been fully introduced. along the first
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section of the southern direction from the enthusiasts highway. kada house in the warsaw district highway traffic was launched relatively recently in september last year, that is, a little more and the mega construction will be completely completed. the mayor of moscow checked today how work is going on the last section of an important transport artery. sergei sobyanin spoke about plans for the future. at the end of the twenty-fifth year, we are already planning to launch a connection with the moscow high-speed diameter with kaluga, with shosse, with kiev and minsk. hundreds of thousands of residents of moscow and the moscow region. the new connection is expected to help reduce travel time further than 20 minutes. in addition, the southern part of the moscow ring road and a number of large metropolitan streets will be relieved of congestion. all this will happen while construction is in full swing. road workers work around the clock.
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today more than 600 people work. seven units of equipment are working, i think that we will build it all in the schedule, this year you will connect the high-speed diameter with varshavka with the simferopol highway, is that correct, right? ok, thank you. safety, durability, comfort are the three main criteria in the work of builders. the highway is six lane now workers are laying asphalt, then they will apply markings, install road signs, noise barriers, but there will be no traffic lights. speedway. this section of diameter, as the builders say, hovers above the ground, that is, it consists of overpasses, there are four of them at once and one bridge over the bitsa river. on the last section of the moscow high-speed diameter there will be two tunnels, one of them is here, running directly under the moscow ring road, which is important, vehicular traffic will not be stopped during construction. there are still 80 km of utility lines to be rebuilt, build three treatment facilities and, at the very end, improve the surrounding area.
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already today , about 400,000 cars pass along the moscow diameter every day. this is the longest expressway without traffic lights in the country. thanks to this important artery , sections of the garden ring of third transport were relieved by 15%. it’s not like he was completely frostbitten, but he was always slightly frostbitten, that’s all and... what, and mishanya also boasted about his connections, what connections, in the mentorship, well, they say he has
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his own people among yours, who, if necessary, they will do everything for him, mishanya told everyone this, with whom he was in business or share, he got involved, well, so that no one would think about throwing him out or giving testimony, so... or maybe he was just showing off, i thought so too , only later i regretted it, then they offered me a deal that they would let me go, and i would rent it out to mishan, after all , mishan worked more, and i was there to help, in general, i agreed, they settled me in the ventovskaya apartment. you know perfectly well what it is, where this hut is, only their own people know, only the cops, that’s right, yes, that’s it only there they crippled me, broke my arm,
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legs, back, and also a concussion and a broken liver, in general, i survived, mishanya, i want him to die, but i don’t know anything, i have nothing to help you, but maybe you know yegor, this is a close friend of mishani, the city is there, yes, i heard what it is, what it is, i heard it, and you know, we saw it, his last name. markin, can you describe it? no, i just hear it, i talked to him on the phone a couple of times, his voice still
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sounds like it’s smoky. hello, let's go.
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