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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 10, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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preserving interethnic harmony. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. we connected, viewers of the first channel connected to us, hello, friends. well, our topic is still the same, it is absolutely impossible to make any other topic the main one in our program, then the situation with floods in russia, well, floods, of course. so to speak, the correct name, but it seems to me that it does not sufficiently reflect the whole drama of the situation of what is happening, and this is an extraordinary situation, this is somewhere a catastrophe in a literal sense i mean, in the orenburg region the water continues to remain, nadezhda and i said yesterday that there seemed to be some signs that the water was leaving, but no, it was coming, now the city of orenburg itself, the regional center, there is more than half a million population, is under threat, except in addition, the water is approaching the federal highway. the urals
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are coming to the city of kurgan, today we will talk, we will talk with local residents and with specialists, we will talk not only, but directly about the flood, about the dam, so to say that or who could have destroyed it, we’ll also talk about how the builder will be in direct communication with well-known and, so to speak , serious specialists, scientists, let’s talk about how it was necessary to build in these places, which are in the zone of regular flooding, or how it will be built, this is also very important.
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a month after her appointment, she went to kiev, these anti-russian sanctions, we will be with you as long as you need, someone has to carry this nonsense, a factory of populism at its worst in the sense of this word, to cover up those very dark things that are happening under this noise. mrs. mitsula is, in general, the morticians of european industry and european prosperity. the eurozone is in recession, and popular discontent is growing as real incomes have fallen to level two. thirteenth year, she is a performer, a very clear performer, leftovers of global elites, they hide behind, they don’t show their ears, roberta mitsola, europe and its maltese cross, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, arterial scale pressure from normal, which should be lower than 120.80, to pressure 180, when...
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a hypertensive crisis begins, what to do if this happens to you, how to prevent a stroke and paralysis of half the body, about this and many other important things and interesting, it’s great to live in the program, tomorrow at the first one, as the chairman of the jury i feel out of place, perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world were sitting at this table, i would like to have lunch, please,
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matador on friday at the first one, tell me , what do you want i like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, well, i’m different, different, evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was glorified by the roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family? evgeny steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive and interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country, and at the same time saved. yeah, it’s all in
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god’s providence, as god wills, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. did you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away from you for something? chanson, this is not just for you , you need to do it. let him go down different roads. it was so shalom.
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they are now driving earth dumps to cut off at least somehow the flood waters, at least to slow down their stay, take people out, now the water has already come close to multi-storey buildings, in orsk itself, you still remember, yesterday we showed you orsk, we talked to people, and so in in orsk
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, entire districts, entire villages are still flooded, now a resident of orsk is in touch with us, a house that still remains in the flood zone, this is marina, me, uh-huh, oh, marin, so, yes, come on now, yeah , the connection is lost, let's try now, i 'll just say that marina was evacuated together with her daughter, her husband works in moscow, so marina had to leave the house, so when she says that they have equipped the boys,
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these are the guys, volunteers, helping those who are evacuating, in one direction, in the other, volunteers are even guarding houses now, so that god forbid there is no radar, now not, well, the most important thing is that marina said that indeed... this morning i went to my street, walked to the beginning of the street in rubber boots, the guys from our street gave me a rubber compensator, allocated a boat with the guys from ours, from ours we floated down the street to the house, and because it
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was very blocky there, we opened the gate, naturally went into the yard, went up to the porch, and this is your video, we ’re watching it now, is that you? so i opened the house and what is now in my house at the moment, the water was about one and a half meters. 3:30 excuse me, the guys from the ministry of emergency situations said that we needed to evacuate, we collected the documents,
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took the cat in the car and went to a friend’s place, this is where we are now at the moment, it’s far from orsk, this is orsk itself, now i ’m in orsk where the water is, where the water is not i got there, but the water didn’t... here’s marin, but please tell me, excuse me, now, i ’m just looking at your house, my heart is bleeding, tell me, that’s how it is, well, it’s clear that the appliances are household, there’s probably furniture there partially, or maybe not partially, all this will have to be parted with, the house itself, what they say in general and as you yourself understand, well, the house, as if i looked at the outside, the house seems to be standing, has survived, the walls, the roof, everything seems to be in normal condition, well, thank god, but you have a basement, there is a foundation, i just
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i wonder how you build houses with a basement, on a large foundation? i have a very, yes, i have a very high foundation, about a meter, and what else saved my house is that i have a very high foundation, that is, my house is located just above even my garden, that is, my garden is going downhill, and there is already more water there, that is, there wasn’t even a fence there, apparently. marin, can i ask another question, you said that the guys gave you a rubber suit, i understand correctly that now the residents are helping each other, the authorities are helping, or are there any problems? basic? yes, now we have all gathered in a group, our guys, our village, we help each other, this is with water, with food, we are on duty, because we have things that are opened at home. because a lot of valuable things remain and the guys sail on boats at night, that is
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, through the streets and everyone is watching this, but as a patrol, it’s clear, listen, well, you’re all right, we hope that the authorities will definitely help you, and of course it’s surprising , that this is how people unite, i really bow to you for this, well, yes, thank you very much, marina, yes, she was with us, marina, marina, she was with us in direct communication from orsk, well, at least he stayed at home, listen, thank god, but now as for the house, i understand, as for the house and houses in general, and in general , let's talk to the builder now, okay, so i announced to you so to speak, this conversation, it seems to me very important, very interesting, look, in the orenburg region already, well, this is a fact, here is one of these illustrations just now in front of you, thousands of residential buildings have been damaged, the water continues to level off, from where- then it goes away, thank god, it goes down somewhere level, but somewhere on the contrary it comes, so... the question is, then, how will residential buildings damaged by the elements be restored, will they be restored, if
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it is possible to restore them, as it should have been or how it will be necessary to build them, in similar zones, let's ask, find out from the honored builder, doctor of technical sciences , professor azaria lapidus, azaria abramovich, hello, thank you for being with us, good afternoon, this is what, well, at least, worries me, i looked with such, so eagerly looked attentively at what... now we there marina showed her house, i think it’s interesting, i don’t know, it could just be re-plastered and lived in, or there are some changes there in connection with the flood, with this flooding, maybe not even visible to the eyes , but which will have to, which will force him, i don’t know, to demolish and build a new one, in general, tell us about it, well, of course, i’m actually not so traumatic in relation to buildings and structures that ended up in the zone...
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and the water will go away fairly quickly , then the biggest problem i see today is somehow here, we have a secondary attitude towards this, but in... the standards of other countries there is such a thing as dampness, this dampness, it gives mold, affects the quality of human life, but i hope that after all the water will drain quickly enough, then it will be necessary to look at the condition, well, first of all
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, of wooden, load-bearing structures, just like fencing, i think that in wooden, in fencing. directly we have this in sanitary and epidemiological standards, but from the point of view of construction we somehow have this topic we always kept this in mind a little to the side, because we didn’t have such a big phenomenon, although there is wetting, there is systemic wetting, of course the sanitary doctors
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look at dampness, but we as builders were quite calm according to our... standards regarding this, and maybe now we know that our minister vorsky, and he is a knowledgeable person, he is a designer, he is a professional builder, i think that he will probably pay attention, first of all, to these problems, uh-huh, okay, but zalic, you know , i actually have a question also with electrics, once my house was flooded, in addition to the dampness, which , to be honest, is impossible to dry, so you say, you are calm about dampness as builders, it’s impossible to dry it out, i don’t know. well, but communication, electricity, i don’t know, all the pipes, with these water intakes there are all sorts of structures and structures, you certainly touched on a very important point, i wanted to say in the second part that it will be necessary to do an audit of all engineering structures, and most importantly , probably, what could be terrible is problems with
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electrical, but judging by the fact that there was no message, at least... i didn’t see any fires in the press, maybe the services were able to turn off the supply transformers in a timely manner, so there were no short circuits as such, and repairs, of course, were repairs and maintenance all these systems have to be done, well, you and i know, we actually don’t have that many systems in houses like this, it’s definitely electrics, it’s water supply, sewerage. i can repaint the walls, i can re-glue the wallpaper, the most expensive thing in the house is actually communications, i'm just wondering, i have a private house, i was flooded, who will take care of it for me later, how will the state handle all the electrical work for me, or will i have to do it myself in the house, and you know, this is
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a very important question, so i'm in charge department, which is called the technology of organizing construction production in moscow...
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that this dam stood for 10 years, i would have complaints against the operating organizations, which, firstly, were supposed to carry out control; there is a whole method of control in the event of a rise. in case of suspected rising water, they have special wells through which they had to do this, this is the first, second, those zones where the dam itself is leaking, let's
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speak in simple everyday language, these zones could and should have been visually inspected, and it is necessary there was some way to carry out preventive measures, the nature of preventive measures is even spelled out in the regulations, you see, so it’s understandable. not again, without having examination documents, i would still be more inclined to believe that the exploiting the organization should have monitored this dam more closely, clearly, thank you, thank you very much, nazariy lapidus was in direct contact with us, but i think that it’s not an ideal question, here’s a state duma deputy, that’s who it should be addressed to, i think however, i ask andrei gennadvich, well , first of all, i would like to express: words of gratitude, many thanks to our volunteers who take an active part and help all the victims, they actually do very important, very
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fundamental work, as regards consequences, consequences, the damage, of course, will be colossal; now it is simply impossible to assess it, because this will be done in the next stage: the first, the first thing that is now necessary is to provide all possible assistance to the victims, this is one, the second is to wait for the water to go away and then begin . as they say, to the next stages, it is clear that the next stages will be the creation of a commission, for each object, for each house, for each, as they say, yeah, for each object decisions will be made, these are all the things that we just talked about everything, everything related to communication, everything related to finishing, foundations and so on, it will be the commission that makes a decision on a specific object, only after that we can, as they say, a little at least evaluate these consequences. because these are the next stages, as far as damba is concerned, a criminal case has been opened, and i think,
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i don’t think here, but i am sure that the investigative authorities , as part of the investigation of this criminal case, that is, will somehow come to a conclusion and will come to that final version, as they say, but what happened, why did it happen, a lot of questions arise, in particular, but for now this is what we...
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the duma clearly said that our colleagues there, on the spot, will look into it and, if necessary, , if there is such a need, we will quickly and promptly introduce amendments to the current law. a very important question, especially for residents, i can imagine, i have a house, who will pay ordinary people for everything, well, there will be some kind of compensation, i understand, if they pay me 10,000 rubles there, even 2000 rub, imagine attaching communication in the house, wait, wait, well, listen, i myself am stupid to say that the state don’t pay these people, don’t, let you do it yourself, well, this is stupid, on the other hand, listen, this is a natural disaster , well, actually, well , it’s like, or or your version of what everyone should build a new new one.
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katya asks, obviously, the state, of course, is obliged to pay compensation , pay, probably, but i’m not sure that, so to speak, that the state can simply physically pull it off, build a new one for everyone house, or how, who will we ask, so let's figure it out, so we started with the wiring, let's start with the wiring, yes, who to ask, the wiring where in the houses is old soviet, it most likely did not stand up, the wiring that was done by modern ... modern materials are of high quality according to the plans with normal waterproofing, but it will most likely work there somewhere ; it was done in an amateur way, but here it is usually done in an amateur way, hire someone there, to hell with them, that means with the standards, as long as there is electricity spend in room, yes, this is all to change too, can you imagine the costs, but we just took the expenses, who did it wisely, who did it wisely, but he suffered minimally, and he
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suffered minimally?
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should be double, because excuse me, this is private property, then the responsibility concerns the huge property of a large number of people, and if you simply take upon yourself that you are participating in privatization and seizing this property, this was most likely done by local officials, of course, yes,
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then this is it. that these are the ones who caused the damage, the ones who is responsible, i said about housing, this is also a very serious question, because was there at least one local deputy, mayor, some, i don’t know, head of a department at any level of the administration who would insist on what is needed to change the entire concept of housing construction in this in this zone in the sum of the regions, at least there was someone, now it would be nice to see documents, videos, audio recordings.
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as and so on, but in our legislation, unfortunately, now we see this, that to unfortunately, the so-called dacha amnesty, many houses were built without plans, many houses. without everything, because she built herself, she herself is to blame, and the very same tsepsochniks that you say, they are dispersing this panic, we are now, we are the tsepsochniks, we’ll talk about the tsepsochniks now, as for the tsepsochniks, it’s my own fault and i don’t like this concept either , like guys, it’s your own
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fault, but on the other hand, let’s be objective, let’s say yes, it won’t happen that it’s your own fault, the state will compensate and pay, question, question in price, the question of price will depend on it. due to those commissions, the results that these commissions will make, the fact that the federal budget will take an active part in this regarding compensation and restoration, there is no doubt about it, this is important, thank you for saying this, because for now this is from the authorities did not speak, and this is important, the authorities, the authorities have already said that a commission will be created, based on the results of which the damage will be determined, based on this there will already be payments, now there are one-time payments of 100 each. well, at least temporarily.
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“lord, my god, i say, and i’ll redesign it there, because it’s more beautiful, and now friends, to themselves, come on, look at each other, this has never happened, it has happened, yes, often, really, regularly enough, we all don’t care about this very thing, what they, lord, what will happen, a lot will happen, you know, what’s the matter, let’s also keep this in mind, this also sometimes happens here and there and with some people, and also happens natural disasters that we cannot do anything to counteract, this also happens sometimes. we can minimize losses, but just take and to cancel an earthquake or something like that, well, it’s impossible, to give a very important point, look, imagine some citizen of the orenburg region who foresaw in advance what would happen - such
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a flood, and he built his house, designed it so that the losses were minimal, that’s what i said, the second floor and the first floor are utility floors, the second second floor is residential, and i came to register this. and then the circles of hell began for this man, why? because, because it’s impossible, it’s impossible, you can’t live like this, at home, i ’m not above the garage, often, yes, it won’t solve this problem, because there will be a lot of technical complaints, what is the main problem, the problem is that the official doesn’t want to, listen, you just build yourself a two-story house, maybe.
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so to speak, we are discussing yes, because well, this is a big big problem for the country there to say, and a problem and a disaster and an emergency situation, but it would be a sin for the chicks not to warm their hands on this - so to speak, and not try to at least somehow take advantage of it, that means they have appeared in ukraine, listen, that means vacancies, vacancies have appeared for panic mongers, that means the ukrainian chick is looking for bots, which, well, bots are like, that is, it’s kind of like a person, but that’s his job. be a bot that will spread panic over floods in
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russian regions, they will spread panic in public forums, social networks, but the goal is clear, yes, look, in short, you need to spread panic in russian social networks and forums due to the flood , blame the authorities and personally putin, write comments from the spot that everything is terrible and the regime needs to be reset, we send detailed information, manuals personally, you need to download, disgusting, here they are downloading, like disgusting, no one, who doubted? i just want to say, there really was a lot of panic, in orsk, it’s a terrible nightmare, at the accommodation points, people have a nightmare of problems, for 3 days we have been calling local residents, contacting them, they say that there is amazing cohesion, amazing help from each other ministry of emergency situations, from everyone, from rescuers, from the administration, there is no panic, everything is fine, in the temporary dispersal centers, everything is fine, with bed linen, with everything, and what’s more, yesterday a local resident visited us, we asked, well, there’s a lot of information, a lot, so to speak, there are rumors about looters. he says, well, i tried to get into my house, and there he says on the streets, but there are national guardsmen there,
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you just can’t get there, so it’s like, well, you know, what’s the matter, they’re pumping, pumping, these vacancies are being filled, well, such a story, i would literally have a couple of fals here, well, the first thing in my opinion is this situation showed that the regional and municipal authorities, in my opinion, did not quickly, promptly begin to cover this topic and... fill in, yes, i just mean that if you compare the situation in the orenburg region in quotes with ukraine, they began, as it were, regions yes now the situation that is developing in the kurgan and tyumen regions in orenburg, let’s assume this was not the case. coverage, information, statements
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by officials, this is what concerns the kurgan and tyumen regions, at the level of the plenipotentiary, at the level of the governor, at the level of heads, and so on, at at the level of the ministry of emergency situations, the situation is clearly structured, the alert system, warning, evacuation and so on, that is, it is as if it was clearly structured, now if this were the case and suppose in the orenburg region, yes, it would work clearly, competently, correctly, in a timely manner , then we would n’t even... talk about this topic now, and because if all this lie, it wouldn’t, it wouldn’t, as they say, stick, here’s a little bit, in my opinion, we lost time, then and there that the official authorities, not in a timely manner, as they say, began to convey information to population, vasily georgievich, briefly, 40 seconds, your conclusion about developers, i also want to say, very briefly, yes, that means , where the houses are now unsuitable for living, new built houses, that’s where the developers should be asked, yes, logical , absolutely, friends, i wanted to say about this very chick, but the accepted formula is that they
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have no success at the front, that’s why they, and why they, and you know what’s the matter, they are not fighting with the russian army, let us already realize this, they are at war with russia, that ’s why the front is also here, that’s why this is the wrong formula, they have no success at the front, so to speak, that’s why they are here, it’s all a front for them, and they rode then, they didn’t say, so to speak, an armed muscovite in the military uniform, nagilyak, and muscovite in general, each of us, all of us, let's think about... about it, news on channel one, friends, thank you for your attention, hello, time for news on channel one, we'll tell you about the most important events right now . and at the beginning of the flood, the water in orsk gradually leaves, the situation is stabilizing, the ministry of emergency situations reported this. water level. rescuers and volunteers help residents, deliver
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food, medicine, generators to those who remain in the flood zone; more than 1,300 people, including 230 children, are currently in temporary accommodation centers. the head of the ministry of construction arrived at the site on the instructions of the president. irek faizulin inspected the flooded area and held meetings with regional authorities. the main topic is housing restoration and infrastructure, as well as helping people. all federal authorities will be involved. because there are also a lot of objects, today we have 268 apartment buildings, 6,200 individual houses, which means more than 30 social... cultural objects that will require restoration, roads, parks, squares, which means playgrounds, of course, all this will be organized for restoration, as you know, the ministry of construction is the coordinator of all work, the most important thing is the rapid organization of an inspection as the water rises,
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entry into housing, and this work will be organized by the municipality of the city of korsk, meanwhile, in orenburg it’s the other way around. the water is just rising, the level in the ural river, according to the latest data, has already exceeded 10 m, roads have been flooded, some areas, the embankment is unrecognizable . protective barriers are being built in the city, and local residents are actively helping rescuers. those who may find themselves in the danger zone are being urged to urgently leave their homes; almost 900 people have already been evacuated, but many do not agree to leave. i tried my best to persuade my parents to leave earlier, but they didn’t care, they took the dog, the most important thing, now we’ll take our parents too. the water has really risen, people are demanding help, but we cannot remain indifferent, so we joined a volunteer detachment to help, oren saved people, took a motor
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boat, the peak of the flood is expected in the kurgan region, the water level in the tobol river is growing rapidly, workers are strengthening the dam , in some areas they are carrying out preventive evacuation, almost 700 residents have already been taken out of the danger zone, and this is the tyumen region, to assess the situation, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov arrived there, the day before he was in orenburg and kurgan, there is a state of emergency in the region, a large rise in the ishim river is expected, road services are filling up the coastline, and the rescue team has been strengthened. a terrorist attack against our military personnel was prevented in the zaporozhye region. fsb officers detained a woman who was acting on... instructions from the ukrainian special services, she took explosives from a cache to hand them over to saboteurs, also bought components for molotov cocktails, and three tnt bombs were found at her home, and a criminal case was initiated. and footage of the special operation zone on on the right bank of the dnieper, our scouts discovered four minibuses with militants,
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and the vehicles were hit with a fagot anti-tank missile system. in the donetsk people's republic, our military defeated camouflaged artillery. step by step, the military clears the area, where it is difficult for a person to cope, robots come to the rescue, including those that were created taking into account the experience of the special operation. about the baptism of fire of the newest machines, report by gusein huseynov. this means that these rods are used for trolling stretch marks. type ozm, mon plows for trolling guy wires that are on the ground. the operator of the scorpio robotic complex
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shows his new assistant, small, mobile with high maneuverability. using this machine, you can not only clear stretch marks, but also examine hard-to-reach ones. places in the front part of the back part there are cameras that are adjustable in height, and the robot can also deliver explosives on a cart to mine an object, and this is just one of the developments. international mine action specialists center presented the latest equipment in their field, and this sapper will now be testing a new mine clearance vehicle for the first time, and not somewhere at a training ground, in close proximity to the front line. the new one didn't have time. vototechnical complex stalker drove into the field, when he had already come across several mines, which he had just cleared one of them, within an hour this complex, here’s another one, within an hour this complex can clear mines from a kilometer to five, it all depends on the ground, the territory around recently the liberated avdeevka, where specialists from the international mine action
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center are now working, is literally strewn with ammunition. under the robot's trawl, not only anti-personnel mines, but also anti-tank mines are undermined. the complex was developed and assembled by ural specialists on the basis of a caterpillar tractor, the body is reinforced with armor, equipped with video cameras, and a three-meter trawl is installed in front, which essentially plows the ground, destroying explosive finds. the machine is designed, it is unified, you can make a road, make passages, you can carry out continuous demining is humanitarian, here it depends on the tasks that... speed depending on... robotic technology, sappers presented anti-drone guns, protective suits, and even terrain and types of mines installed. besides
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the boots. some with a special high sole are able to withstand the explosion of a small ammunition, others are not quite similar in shape to classic shoes, but are designed to withstand a mine. we do not have a contact detonation of a mine under the foot itself, the detonation point is moved forward by the paws back and forth, and occurs during detonation. it’s just a break off of the legs of this weapon, some products are still undergoing combat testing, sappers say, others have been put into operation and are actively used. a special protected vehicle - patrun, designed to transport an engineering and sapper unit. it is designed in the form of armored capsules with a padded bottom, designed to explode under a min igranat vehicle. all new products were created taking into account the experience of a special military operation. everything has already been taken into account here. the nuances that we encountered in the first years of the start of the svo, today all this is being improved,
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we share experience, generalize and implement quickly. during the first special operation, the sapyurs had already cleared thousands of hectares of land and many socially significant objects. there is even more to come, so such developments will definitely be useful to them here. boris chuchupalov and anastasia slobodenyuk. first channel, donetsk folk. against the backdrop of failures in the ssu on the battlefield, the verkhovna rada today plans to consider in the second reading a scandalous law on tightening the rules of mobilization, in particular, those who evade service are now proposed to be deprived of driver's license, this is in addition to the seizure of accounts and the restriction of the right to travel abroad. in addition, according to the project, those who are already abroad, without military registration documents, will not be able to use consular services. those recognized as disabled will have to re-appear for... a medical examination. the bill causes a wave of indignation among residents of ukraine, so strong that some deputies even call it sabotage. let me remind you earlier that it was reported that
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the number of draft dodgers in ukraine has increased by 100,000 just since the beginning of the year and already reaches about million people. the peak of inflation in russia has passed, said the head of the central bank, elvira nabiulina. she delivered an annual report to the state duma, when the inflation rate slows down, the regulator will begin to reduce the key rate. the fact that it still remains high is significant. does not affect the development of the economy, while the situation plays into the hands of russians who have bank deposits at high interest rates, they have already earned almost a trillion rubles, the measures taken by the central bank also help to curb price increases if production lags behind very rapid growth in demand, then prices will go up, demand itself and consumer investment will increasingly shift to imports, imports require currency, and if exports, as in our case, do not grow. then increased demand inevitably leads to a weakening of the ruble, and
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we observed a situation where excess demand results in rising prices and a weakening of the ruble last summer, we responded to it by raising the key rate, we are already seeing the first results of our policy, the peak of inflation is behind us, and if we had not raised the key rate, inflation would have been much more than the 7.4% we received at the end of last year. the most modern laboratory sites for innovative production at 2000 km in the scientific valley of moscow state university in moscow, construction of a new engineering cluster has begun. it will house the offices of a company that works in the field of robotics, pharmaceuticals, and information technology. the construction was started by the rector of the university, viktor sadovnichy. the valley is a bridge between the faculties of moscow university and between others. graduates of other universities and companies in the valley that will be engaged in
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the creation of high technologies. i am sure that this is the future of our country, that campus, those buildings, those clusters in which our high technologies will be created. one of the main islamic holidays, today is raza bayram, it will last 3 days, the holy month of ramadan and the strict fasting of russian muslims ends. congratulated vladimir putin. a telegram published on the kremlin website says that muslim organizations make a great contribution to strengthening the cohesion of our people and saving interethnic harmony. they support special operation participants and veterans. in the morning , thousands of believers flocked to common prayer; in moscow, the largest number of people was at the cathedral mosque. eid al-fitr is also called the holiday of breaking the fast. today everyone will gather around the big table with their family. housewives have been preparing traditional dishes since the evening; it is also customary to help those in need. ramzan kirimov will tell you how the holiday is celebrated in different russian regions. these words are heard
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here in every home, muslims congratulate each other on eid al-fitr. a holiday that symbolizes the end of fasting, for the last 30 days they have strictly followed the rule: not to eat or drink from dawn to dusk, but today the tables are full of delicious food, the housewives start cooking the day before and do not sleep almost all night. we usually prepare a lot of varied food, since a lot of people come in, guests, everyone so that they can find something they like on the table, we, in turn , try for this, we can cook until late at night, not sleep, as for housewives, for muslim women are very important to...
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muslims believe that the koran was not sent down to the almighty precisely in ramadan, in this month the reward increases many times over for every good deed, the elderly orphans in the republic were helped financially, the children of the svo participants were invited to the entertainment center for rides, 20 families with disabled children received fully furnished apartments, as they say, turnkey from akhmat kadyrov foundation. i have two children, disabled, we could not dream of getting an apartment, everything is like in a fairy tale, this is a great gift for us in sacred revenge. this is footage from ufa, believers together at the holiday prayer, in moscow, thousands of muslims gathered for prayer in the cathedral mosque. it was a month of prayer. we prayed to grant peace, we prayed to grant success to our soldiers, the defenders of the fatherland, who today protect us all, protect our
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country. we continue to pray for peace, for victory, for the blessing of the almighty, i congratulate all of us on our holiday, eidal fittar eid al- fitr, the holiday of breaking the fast. eid al-fitr is one of the two main holidays in islam; all muslims celebrate it, one might say, with in scope. eid al-fitr will last 3 days, all of them are declared holidays in some. includes the chechen republic, during this time muslims will try to visit as many relatives as possible, and as they themselves do not say, they will look forward to the next month of ramadan. ramzan kirimov, ibragim amirkhanov, evgenia stefanchuk, sergey vaskoboynikov, channel one chechen republic. and that’s all for now, the program will continue to air on the first floor, time will tell. the information channel on the first
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continues to broadcast, program time will show. russian investigative committee svetlana said official representative petrenko. it was established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular an oil and gas company. operating on the territory of ukraine, over the past years have been used to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders, in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage. sources of income and further movement are checked funds amounting to several million us dollars. involvement of
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specific persons from among government officials. public and commercial organizations in western countries. in addition, through investigative operational means , connections between the direct perpetrators of terrorist acts and foreign curators, organizers and sponsors are worked out. but the americans naturally reject all accusations against them, but at one time, when a scandal broke out with the giving of bribes to biden’s son through the same company burism and americans also deny everything about ukrainian. joe biden has repeatedly denied knowing anything about son hunter's lucrative job on the board of ukrainian energy company burisma, yet an email obtained by the new york-post shows burisma's chief executive thanking hunter for the opportunity to meet joe biden just 12 months after hunter joined the burisma board of directors at a reported salary of
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$50,000 a month, on april 17, 2015. burisma's top manager vadim pozharsky wrote in an email: "dear hunter, thank you for the invitation to washington and the opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together. it is a great honor for me." pleasure. so, not only did joe biden have nothing to do with burisma, but he met with one of the company's most senior employees at the request of his son while he was vice president. less than 8 months after that meeting in december '15 joe biden flew to kiev and convinced the ukrainian government to fire chief prosecutor viktor shokin, who was investigating the burisma case on suspicion of corruption. so she lived, denying everything.
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the interests of the most dangerous man in the world, vladimir putin. alexander gernotovich, could there be such a strange double game of ukraine that they are deliberately drawing in and setting up the americans so that they cannot, in turn, completely screw them over, because well, they set them up, there are traces to burisma openly, there are, apparently evidence will be presented in court. you know, rusalon stanislovych, of course , this is a tribute to the person who developed such a version as a cunning plexus of logic, but in my opinion, everything is much simpler, ukrainians cannot have their own independent game, it does not exist and cannot exist , another thing is that yes, it’s wonderful that we are investigating
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the burisma case, but as colbert, the finance minister of the era of louis 14, said, the sea does not become saltier from this, that is, i will never admit my guilt, this is the first, secondly, burisma is given, i assure you, that they can also operate through french accounts, italian ones, let me remind you of history. at least with the death of muammar gaddafi, where the french, italians, americans worked at the same time, that is, this is a hydra, we tried to grab them by the hand, but firstly, they will never admit this in their lives, the law will be written by the one who the result will be the winner, because sorry the winners write, but what will they answer later, in a year, 2, 5, 10, when the facts are already clear, what will they say, they won’t say anything they will answer, moreover, i hope that they won’t even be there to answer us something, i would be very pleased that if... they didn’t exist at all as such, as a country and as a possible civilization, well these, as they say, are some kind of fantasies of mine, as far as the ukrainian game is concerned, it doesn’t exist, it’s more of a confrontation between two intelligence services,
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a tougher british line, which just frankly set the record straight about terrorism, they want to kill people here , i'm talking about mi-6, and about the americans who play for a long time to be absorbed into pieces, pan-regions, if you like, of the russian federation. but for you and me, forgive me, that spelled, that spelled, the difference is not very big, they together mean our death, so i wish them destruction, nothing else. nikita, well, the situation in america is really difficult now, god grant that this continues, but nevertheless, i want to understand, yes, this is the whole story around biden’s canters, and we have talked more than once on our broadcast, and before that different stories, and even american journalists themselves this was raised, this whole, i don’t know, story with...
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every american who is on the political agenda knows that this family received millions of dollars, they talk about this on various platforms, not mainstream ones, for example news and so on, but the fact that now burism may actually be connected, in fact, according to our investigation, with the perpetrators of terrorist acts, in general, it suggests that where there are interests of american business, they will always, among other things, promote their interests through, frankly speaking, terrorism. through some kind of sabotage, in other words, an even more significant precedent, why? because we see that it is not just american agents or british agents operating on the territory of different countries, creating sabotage,
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hiring terrorists, or even creating theoretical cells, major players in the american energy sector are involved in this, from the point of view of the election campaign, in my opinion, this information that we can theoretically share, for example, with investigative authorities in the united states of america, in my opinion...
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they are connected to boorism, directly connected to trump. it’s no secret, by the way, that the fabulous money that biden’s son received was for no reason, simply by being on the board of directors, as soon as trump became president, understanding what this could lead to, and the management of the burizma company immediately halved these payments, and by the way, the youngest one thought of not declaring some of his income, so i’m sure that if there is really one hundred percent proof, if trump becomes president,... the youngest one will definitely start to have
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problems, well, there are already big problems there now, ukraine also has problems, they are ready for the most desperate actions in general , apparently, because holding the front is becoming more and more difficult for them every day, in such a situation the ukrainian command places special hopes on foreign mercenaries, it’s just that the mercenaries themselves, and ordinary ukrainian soldiers , have less and less desire to fight lately, this is what one of the benefits said about this... in this war , you have to rely more on luck than on professionalism, there is a big problem with the quality of training and the quality of people who come to the armed forces of ukraine. the basic training that is carried out at the training grounds is at such a low level that people end up at the front a month after being drafted, sometimes they don’t know that they have a scope on their rifle, ukrainian soldiers have no motivation, everyone has been motivated for a long time in the cemetery, that’s the only thing that
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seems to be holding foreign mercenaries in ukraine now, this is, well, a complete free hand and complete impunity in general, yesterday on the body of an armed forces officer killed in the lugansk republic a phone was found with a whole series of child pornographic photographs, and it was all filmed in the territory occupied by kiev, what’s interesting is that on the back of one of the teenagers, there is this photograph, which means the motto of these american rangers was written.
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it came to the point of recruiting members of latin american drug cartels in american prisons, of course, to be sent as military aid to zelensky. the united states is resorting to increasingly desperate methods in its attempts to turn the tide in the ukrainian theater military operations, replenishing the ranks of demoralized ukrainian armed forces fighters with a multinational rabble with a penchant for armed violence. according to data received by the russian foreign intelligence service for this purpose , the american. under the leadership of the drug enforcement administration and the fbi of the united states , they began to recruit representatives of mexican and colombian drug cartels serving time in american prisons to participate in the ukrainian conflict on the side of the degrading kiev regime. alexander geronovich, well, you know firsthand - the reputation of certain categories of mercenaries, but they worked, encountered, studied, especially in nato, this is what is now going into the most outright rabble. pedophiles who
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film their crimes themselves and are not ashamed of it were exterminated, by the way, in the donbass. drug cartels in american prisons, this suggests that these are the last mercenaries who go to ukraine, after them only the regular troops of france, or another nato country. ruslan stanislavich, i completely subscribe to your logic, well, at least because zelensky announced that he 2000 soldiers are needed at the front, that... in the fall of last year, that by spring, so i say prematurely, because he probably did not know that they were going to leave him, or maybe i expected that... he would get out so easily this situation, so he promised at least 100,000 new troops, i even explained how he would cook in the winter, well, probably he didn’t get enough, that’s why they were withdrawn , and maybe for other reasons, but in this case, the united states decides right away i would say a double task, firstly, get rid of all the scum that prevents them from living,
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because their prisons are overcrowded, and let me remind you, they can send them anywhere, because the position of a prisoner in an american prison is that of a slave, this is not... the quality of training, even in drug cartels that even if they held weapons in their hands, it will be zero for the front, because the experience, relatively speaking, that they had in order to control some of their traffic in no way corresponds to the military experience of combat coherence, the work of artillery,
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uavs, etc. and so on, that is, they don’t know how, they don’t know, no one gives them such an opportunity and in fact they don’t decide anything, so only one thing can be said, in my opinion this is clearer than...
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men in ukraine, who, even from the point of view of their physical condition , would never have found themselves in front, i now mean directly disabled people, people who have amputations and so on, we see these cases when people with autism, with vision problems, as correctly
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written in the material, are immediately sent to the front after a few weeks, they there really are simply turning into bloody mince, one gets the impression that the point... is not that zelensky or syrsky, these butchers have some kind of plan, thanks to these new waves of mobilization, to hold the front, no, one gets the impression that it was their western masters and curators who said: we won’t send you any help or even mercenaries until you clean out all your, so to speak, bins, so show us your readiness to send everyone, show your readiness to commit genocide of your own population, only then, maybe , we let's start sending mercenaries, and then, look,
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the power
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of the europeans is also trying to benefit from everything about their european ambitions and sees this ukrainian conflict as a reason to strengthen their european means military . the united states clearly wants to shift the chief european diplomat here, said now all the financial time is on europe here is josep barel. the american defense umbrella that protected europe during the cold war may soon close, depending on who is in charge in washington. we can not rely on us support for the us's ability to protect us. we must increase our overall potential. we must develop our own responsibility and autonomy, our ability to act, to protect ourselves, to confront the challenges that matter most to us. of course, the nato alliance will be absolutely irreplaceable, but within nato we must build our own, and nato will exist. support, well, nato has a roof and under a roof, apparently not everything is in order, the british edition of the times here, which means
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it revealed some details, at the same time criticized the north atlantic an alliance where the americans have always played first fiddle, but according to the publication’s journalists , nato is now in such a mess that defeating russia is simply unrealistic. nato's command structure is a complete mess, weapons stocks are low, infrastructure is inadequate, logistics are weak, and the equipment itself... is outdated. the calculation of nato countries to defeat russia in a hypothetical military conflict has nothing to do with reality. in europe and the united states, they not only underestimate the capabilities of moscow, but also overestimate the capabilities west. this "let 's pretend to be" approach is based on outdated complacent thinking. any war will be short, just a week or two, because the west's technological superiority will allow it to deliver a crushing blow to russia, and fear of american nuclear weapons will prevent a retaliatory strike. nikita , why are they trying to convince us that nato has become very weak, or is this an internal game in
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order to get more money? nato understands perfectly well that fulfilling the goals of a special military operation in ukraine is not theirs yet a physical catastrophe, death, but from the point of view of the image, from the point of view of how they said that it is nato that brings security throughout the world, this is a mental death, but in order to prevent it, one gets the impression that they are trying to specially prepare the ground , they say, well, it’s clear why it happened, we just weren’t ready, we just don’t have enough of this, the fifth, the tenth, and ruslan, you’re absolutely right, this is a brilliant move, firstly, to increase your budgets, and accordingly those financially -industrial groups that stand behind the military-industrial complex, they are already rubbing their hands, they are now, even if you just look at the numbers, the institutions that study , among other things, the sale of weapons, the export of weapons, they are the main beneficiaries of this conflict, they do not want to stop it. the story about terrible russia, which after ukraine will come to the baltic states, and then immediately to poland, to germany and will reach lisbon, this is
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generally a universal story that will certainly work, but on the other hand, barel is really preparing a certain straw, why, because all they are very afraid of donald trump coming to the white house and they are afraid in a sense in the sense that of course trump will not dissolve nato, i am far from the idea that nato will end as soon as trump becomes president again, if he does again. but what trump will definitely say to do is to buy even more american weapons, not european ones, for example, this is already very worrying for the french, what trump will definitely say even more, provide your contingents yourself, where it is not profitable for us, we will not do it, further, america is tired of resolving issues in the middle east and other important regions with its own hands, because it now needs to focus , among other things, on the confrontation with china, in this sense, borel is exactly the same... called
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europe is a safe place, great for development, for education, for children, because we have an american security umbrella, this myth will simply collapse, and what will remain for europe, the deteriorating economy, huge problems in the social sphere, problems including interfaith ones, that the very terrorism that the americans, as... we know, can very well be used against europe, in this regard, barel, well, in general, is forced to say obvious things, although in my opinion, of course, he is an absolute clown, because if you listen to him phrases exactly a year ago that he spoke at meetings with well within the framework of the nato summit, he said that the alliance is stronger than ever, that they are ready to defeat russia with the hands of ukraine and so on, well, in general, the situation is which way the wind blows , more precisely, when the ukrainian counteroffensive fails, this changes barel's rhetoric is absolutely correct, alexander germanovich, but the north atlantic alliance was created as the core of the security
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of the united states, what is happening now, can it somehow break this core and... will the united states be able to restore order in nato now? clean up where? to nato? yes, you see, alesya, the fact is that nato is the only, by the way, planetary military bloc that exists on our earth, there is simply no other one, but nato was tailored for certain purposes, which changed during the course of the play, at first they seemed to be defensive until the year ninety-one, then they became offensive, this is a discrepancy. led to what is called complete chaos and the supposed impossibility of achieving any result, why supposedly i can say, but in my opinion, it will not be possible to restore order in nato for the simple reason that their main task, which they have set for themselves, is year
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, coping with russia is unattainable by definition, and therefore there will be no order. please note, nato. has a weapon by the way, they are of a very high level, starting from the gripin fighter, if we take the swedish ones, including the french caesar, or the trf-1, which is fighting in ukraine, and so on and so forth, they have everything, all these types of weapons in limited quantities, why? because they never initially had the task of waging a large-scale war, and it is physically impossible to make a tiger out of a cat, it is impossible to make something manageable out of this block, as the americans say , in order to be able to, well... make a match new tasks, with the americans, without one, even if the block is rebuilt 20 times. on the other hand, we should cope with nato, which could develop into an attack, again this is not the question, we do not have such a goal to cope with nato. nato will exist on its own territories, most likely it will then leave the pacific ocean region, because this was announced at the madrid conference in 2022
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in june, and our goal is not to clear the planet of them, our goal is to make them they didn’t meddle with... us and they’re unpopular, they’re not just meddling, they’re just asking for it, my unpopular point of view, which is somewhat different from most military observers, is that nato does not need to interfere with us any further, they have already achieved the goal for today that they have fixed for themselves, 80% of the territory of ukraine is under their control, unfortunately, they have at the forefront, of course, only profit, the american dollar, and without hesitation they already declare this, so... the statement of the united states secretary of defense floyd austin, head of the pentagon, is very interesting, by the way , he began to scold ukraine for hitting russian oil refineries, that's why? of course, ukrainian attacks on russian oil refineries could lead to a domino effect on the global
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energy situation. and frankly, i think it is better for ukraine to strike at tactical operational targets that can be directly attacked. prices on world markets, but nevertheless, ukraine does not listen, ukraine continues, does this mean that they are moving on to blackmailing the united states, openly, and, i think, which quite means, regarding blackmail, it is correctly noted, in terms of the situation, how it will develop, in my opinion, absolutely from a military point of view. hopeless, because they can no longer achieve results; from an economic point of view, they are broken, because they physically do not even have the ability to produce the required amount of fuel and lubricants in order to meet the needs of a large large-scale army, no matter as part of europe, the united states, or even more so europe without the usa, from the point of view of the dollar as such, we will not
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cope with this problem, of course i’m very i wanted it to happen as soon as possible, other than playing for the long haul, for that simple reason... and what’s more, all that i understood about this mechanism, i know that when any bank has offshore branches, they all have extensive branches, it is impossible to control what part of the profit was recorded offshore. because the jurisdiction of the us accounting chamber does not apply there, so if you want, you can draw any profit on the computer, you are an american company, and no accounting chamber will check you, especially you a company like booing, rayton or something similar, so we are dealing with the devil, who simply makes money out of thin air and nothing, there is only one way to cut such power: to interrupt the flow of material
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values, what we do is help african states, organizing brix, the sco itself and other serious organizations on the sly. they strongly recommend that ukraine not strike deep into our territory against oil refineries and storage facilities. this means areas of belgorod, but peaceful ones are possible. this does not affect oil prices, it is consumable for them. so, lloyd austin spoke officially, in ukraine this caused a flurry of indignation from criticism of how this was so. the white gentleman, well, not exactly white, but the gentleman, orders us not to attack inside russian territory. how is this possible, this is impossible, does this mean that ukraine is starting to rebel and get out of the control of lloyd austin, and he personally talks about this, or is this a double
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game by louis oistin, i warned you, they did not listen, about any rebellion there's no question maybe ukraine is not just a country under external control, it is simply a branch of the west, and we all understand perfectly well that those very attacks on our refineries are coordinated with the west. ukraine itself does not have such a technological capability , i know directions into the depths of russia are impossible with ukrainian technologies, of course, that is, indeed lloyd austin is trying to show that on the one hand we do not recommend that ukraine do this, it’s clear why, he works for his audience, there really is a dry statistics, income there, our big four oil and gas, even at the time of the strikes, due to the fact that there is a certain deficit in the market , increased by one and a half.
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in the information space, american assistance from the armed forces of ukraine, which are, in fact , their battering ram, is impossible, so strikes on belgorod are at least some kind of, well, i ’ll say so, confirmation, yes, which suggests that at least something else ukraine can do , therefore, in this case, austin’s lloyd is absolutely not disingenuous; for him, attacks on the refinery are bad, because it is falling on him criticism, although the americans themselves provide these coordinates and technologies, but at the same time, attacks on belgor are okay, because nothing else...
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with thomas bach, where he said that he would in every possible way interfere with our friendship games that we are holding in russia. participation in friendship games, countries take sides in the russian-ukrainian war, they take the side of russia, and we spoke on behalf of a certain african politician whom he wanted to win over to his side. if we can give the big bear something, a small piece of meat, we can calm him down for a while. and here bach shows that he has a clear political directive, he works it out when they say: don’t go to the friendship games, this is intimidation, this is blackmail, they should participate in the olympic
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games, that sanctions will begin against them there, they are all they are afraid of these sanctions, and after our position they say that we are a fascist organization for them now, we must ask ourselves one important question: do we need such an olympics? vavan and lexus show? a criminal, they did this photo test for him, this one , and this hairstyle suits him, typical the photographic test turned out to be, one might say, such a ticket to the stars, then georgy nikolaevich said where is he, let’s give him here, the story that was later told, i’m walking around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, but long before that.
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tomorrow on the first. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. let's go, you know? what kind of guy was he? elena yurievna gagarina, the eldest daughter of yuri alekseevich. new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat with a mustache batfortakh. our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into the whole class, gagarin flew into space, hurray! there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he would return, but where would he go? and he won't get caught on anything there? kosmotrom in my life, like in all
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soviet houses there was a portrait of iory alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came to my mother, gave out such hysterics, i want to be yura, yuri alexievich is was like a relative to our family when yuri alekseevich died, for the first time i saw my father’s tears, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a tradition, it is necessary to drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich gogal himself drank, it is considered to be food. if you drink this water, you will definitely fly to koska on saturday at the first one. chanson, this is not just for you, you need to do it. it was so festive, and i wanted to go out dancing, but i couldn’t, i was attached to it. feet were kissed. well, i
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would also like to say that even in such a company , anyone’s potential would open up, mom, mom, mom, i love gypsy, taechka, your voice knows no bounds at all, you are an amazing classical singer, but you can sing in any genre, when spring is very much a folk song. it seems to me that this is some kind of completely new reading, but i recognize my dear one by his gait, he wears trousers and riding breeches, and he wears a hat on his head, he wears boots for repairs, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, more
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the snow is white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run, they shine, and they gloat, they gloat in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. the team of the “we are alive” project and our colleague maryana naumova were able to reach the front-line village of stepovoe in the donetsk republic. the fact is that people there live under shelling, and these shellings united them, they became truly one big
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family, they hold... for their native land, they hold on to each other, they help each other, and with everything they also give advice to their fellow villagers who once left. finally, a year later, we were able to get to the village of stepnoye, we tried to get here, but due to the difficult situation, due to active hostilities, this was impossible, 136 people from us live here, i had three hits, i took my family to donetsk, and now i want to go home. that we can’t afford
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to rent an apartment now the prices have gone up in donetsk, if you rent an apartment for 2500 you have to pay no such wages and work where, well, in donetsk we work, well, there’s 20 thousand wages, well, choose either to pay for the apartment or in general, it’s very difficult to buy food. the first arrival, he was right in the barn, living there, yeah. the arrival was behind the hut, behind the house, right there, this is actually my parents’ house, my parents built everything here, i want it here, i went to school here.
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we live in the neighbor's house, because ours is broken, which my husband manages to fake so that at least it doesn't leak, due to the fact that the stove is destroyed, the roof, there are no windows, yeah, the roof of the house, there's a stove in the house, we live in the neighbor's house , we simply had nowhere to go.
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we haven’t seen our grandson for 2 years, the little one is growing, yes, we stayed here, because it’s a pity to leave everything that’s still ours, what survived, i would rather have it all end, is to meet with the children, so it became quiet, so that they would do something here for us, so that we could stay after all houses. we live, we live, thank god, little by little, normally, with god’s help, just don’t show it, i’m telling you, i’m so uncomfortable, they’ll say, what have you come to here,
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otherwise our people in donetsk will all look, they’re beautiful there that's it, right there, here we haven't seen a hairdresser for 2 years, we don't see anyone, i would like, of course, what more? that i would like such a world faster than the world, i would like light and gas, the most important thing is the children, so that they come, who are the ducks or who are the ducks? why did you stay? why should i leave my land? i’ve lived here for 61 years, i was already in my seventh decade and had no plans to leave; in ’22 i was beaten.
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tense situation, well, yes, birds are flying around us, ammunition is being dropped on us, we are afraid, we all live in fear here, there are no fences, we don’t know what kind of glass we are making anymore, and
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so everyone who lives here helps each other, supports each other, the priests from crimea helped a lot last year, they helped us a lot. almost every 2-3 weeks they brought us food brakes, if it were possible for us to bring water at least once a week or once a month, we would buy this water, but we had everything, but something like this is our ukrainian government made that they didn’t need us, they just started killing us, but because we are donbass, we are not nationalists, we are donbass, we are miners. we are collective farmers, we are people, we orthodox, i have grandchildren, and i want them to live, they came to this land to live, and not to fight, not to kill each other. where are your children and grandchildren? oh, who is scattered all over the place,
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in ukraine, in the czech republic, a granddaughter, a talented girl, she manages to get in touch, no need to get in touch, we have no connection here, well, let me take this opportunity to say hello to all my classmates, employees, children, grandchildren, i have a great-grandson, i say hello to all my fellow villagers, please don’t share.
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this woman said yes: do not divide into your own and strangers, but there they are dividing and dividing, literally tomorrow, as far as i know, the verkhovna rada will begin voting on the scandalous bill on mobilization, a new one, changes are now being made, they will divide into friends and foes, look, i’m sure not one the son of an official and a big oligarch will not go to the front, and ordinary people, unfortunately, will be driven away. news. on the pen, hello, the news is live in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. and at the beginning , footage from the kremlin, which we received shortly before our release, vladimir putin held a working meeting with the minister of labor and social protection. anton kotyakov reported to the president.
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throughout our country, we began our work at the federal level, we called this initiative the social treasury initiative, which introduces simple and understandable mechanisms for our citizens to receive various types of support. first of all, it must be said that such measures are provided either only upon an application from a citizen, which he has the opportunity to submit through a single portal of public services, or generally proactively upon the occurrence of one or another life situation for a citizen. to date , at the federal level we have already transferred
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41 measures of federal support into this format of work and by the end of the twenty-fourth year we will transfer another 29 measures into this format, that is, in principle , at the federal level, by the end of the twenty -fourth year we will have completed the implementation of the principle of social welfare according to all measures of federal support, and a striking example of such a mechanism or the application of the social principle is just a single benefit for children under 17 years of age. pregnant women, today such benefits are assigned on the basis of a citizen’s application submitted on a single portal of public services, the social fund receives the application, collects all the necessary information through interdepartmental requests from interested departments, and i note that this is about 40 types of information that are provided, within 10 days in 99.5% of cases the appointment is made, but you need to understand that this measure is quite numerous in terms of
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payments, today we cover with this measure in our country has 11 million children, about 400 thousand pregnant women. regarding the situation with floods in the orenburg region: the water level in the ural river has already exceeded 10 m, which is above the critical level. an il-76 plane from the ministry of emergency situations delivered special water-filling dams to orenburg. evacuation continues. volunteers help the rescuers. hydrologists are warning of a peak... there may be more to come, well, there is mass vaccination against hepatitis a in clinics . our correspondent svetlana kustina works in the disaster zone, she talked with local residents. we are on the embankment of orenburg, in the center of the city, and here you can clearly see how the water is rising, for example, now i’m walking along the roadway, just yesterday this section was dry, and we parked a few meters from here, this children’s playground, which turned out to be completely it’s flooded, i can’t approach it anymore, there’s water there, probably up to my neck, i feel like the water has arrived
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somewhere more than a meter deep. an hour later , the skate park could not withstand the pressure of the water elements, the structure was carried downstream, the water level in the ural river exceeded critical mark. there is a warehouse of construction materials , a barricade of sandbags has already been erected, people hope to save the materials, uralskaya street, april 10, the water continues to flow rapidly and there is such a thick, thick fog, these gates were half in the water yesterday, today they are almost invisible,
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people trying to get to the flooded houses, it was a married couple who wanted to feed their cats, while they were swimming up, they damaged the boat with a fence , they found themselves in the water, let them hang... rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations constantly ply boats through the flooded village in search of those who help is needed. three people, the data was transferred to the operational one. 11 and three adults. no one thought that the area one and a half kilometers from the ural river would be flooded. it was dry, the water came from there, along the... well, there’s only about 10 centimeters left in the house , the water will already flow into the house, count it in september october, as soon as
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repairs can begin, make wallpaper , change until it all dries out, someone is trying to get their parents out, pensioners are refusing. leaving their homes and hiding in attics, just yesterday there was hope that the village would not be flooded, today it is completely under water, i tried to persuade my parents to leave earlier , but they didn’t do anything, they took the dog, the most important thing, and now we’ll take the parents too, because, because we finally got through to them and got through to them, volunteers are actively involved in the evacuation of residents, these are volunteers oren saved the search and rescue team, fishermen, hunters, they bring their boats, collect applications, help people leave the disaster zone, the water has risen sharply, and those people who... hoped that they would not have to evacuate are now forced contact 112, the water has really risen, people are demanding help, but we cannot remain indifferent, so we joined a volunteer detachment to help, oren saved people, took a motor boat, streams of dirty water are flowing into orenburg, people have already been urged to thoroughly boil the water in mass
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vaccination against hepatitis a has begun in the region's clinics, hydrologists warn that the peak of the flood may still be ahead, svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, vladimir belyaev, boris kamenov and anatoly mineev, channel one. to the orenburg region on the instructions of the president, the minister of construction and housing and communal services faizulin arrived, he inspected the flood zones, talked with residents, and held meetings with local officials. the main task for authorities at all levels is to quickly restore the affected areas, primarily houses and social facilities. all federal authorities will be involved, because there are also many facilities; today we have 268 apartment buildings. 6,200 individual houses, which means more than thirty socio-cultural objects that will require restoration, roads, parks, squares, which means children's playgrounds, of course all this will be organized for restoration, as you know, the ministry of construction is the coordinator of all work, the most
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important thing is the rapid organization of an inspection, as the water recedes, entry into housing, and this work will be organized. municipality of the city of orsk. residents who suffered from floods are being helped with loan repayments, said the head of the bank of russia, elvira nabeulina. she delivered an annual report to the state duma. russian financial organizations have received many more than 200 loan holidays have already been received from citizens. we hope that the law on credit holidays that you adopted last year will help people. hundreds of requests have already been received.
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at the vostochny cosmodrome, the launch of the angara heavy rocket was canceled again. at the last moment , the automation kicked in, reporting an error. the first attempt was supposed to take place the day before at noon, but 2 minutes before the launch problems appeared. the launch was postponed for another day. according to the head of roscosmos yuri borisov, irreversible processes requiring the dismantling of the rocket did not occur, these are the reasons he gave for canceling the launch. for developers canceling launches for technical reasons.
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the ukrainian armed forces' ceiling facilities in the sumy region managed to destroy a howitzer parking lot of ukrainian militants. footage has appeared online of a high-precision projectile, allegedly
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iskander hitting more than thirty soviet-made d-20 guns. several explosions occurred in odessa. it is reported that the railway bridge along with the train, as well as the power system facility, were damaged. several targets hit in nikolaevskaya areas. i will add that russian high-precision strikes, including on industrial infrastructure, are a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to attack ours. fsb officers in zaporozhye detained an agent of the ukrainian special services, a resident of the region, on the orders of curators from kiev, participated in the preparation of a terrorist attack against russian military personnel, the militants supplied her with explosives, which she was supposed to hand over to saboteurs through a cache; during searches, tratil bombs were found and confiscated from her home and components for making an incendiary mixture, solve the problem of strengthening the technological...
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yes, this can also be revived, when the president met with the academy, he said that our academy of sciences should become such a headquarters for the development of domestic science, i would like to hear how you evaluate the results of 2023, we have launched large such programs, they are called major scientific projects, from 24 to 26, 100 million for each work per year, this is very important, because it is where...
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and technology is formed. muslims today celebrate one of the two main holidays in islam - uraza bayram, which traditionally will last 3 days.
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this day marks the end of the holy month of ramadan. strict fasting, when believers were not allowed to drink or eat until sunset, was over. there are collective prayers in mosques all over russia. in moscow, tens of thousands of believers came to perform festive prayers at the cathedral mosque. this holiday, according to muslims, is a symbol of spiritual and moral renewal. he teaches mercy, kindness and mutual assistance. vladimir putin congratulated the believers. in a telegram published on the kremlin website, the president noted: muslims of russia carefully preserve the richest historical, cultural, religious. traditions of their ancestors, give priority to the education of youth, support participants and veterans of special operations, and make a great contribution to strengthening the cohesion of our people. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the “big game” program. good afternoon, the big game is live. first of all, i would like
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to congratulate all muslims on the holiday of eid al-adha. this is a holiday that is celebrated. in honor of the end of fasting in the month of ramadan, one of two main holidays in islam. today is also a very important anniversary, a heroic anniversary. exactly 80 years ago, on april 10 , 1944 , odessa was liberated from nazi occupation. the odessa offensive operation was carried out by the forces of the third ukrainian front, under the command of radion malinovsky, it ended in the complete defeat of the sixth german and third romanian armies, then soviet. completely liberated both the odessa and nikolaev regions, as well as a significant part of moldova, and odessa, so this beautiful russian city, the city of catherine the great, grigory potemkin, platon zubov and mikhail vorontsov will undoubtedly be liberated from nazism again. in the meantime , the kiev regime is committing more and more daring and savage war crimes; 3 days ago, let me remind you, it attacked the zaporozhye
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nuclear power plant, threatening not only europe. indeed, our enemy began to use chemical weapons, as you said, of this origin and various other things, which we cannot yet identify, because the guys are asking for gas masks, new gas masks samples, they are asking for new filters, because really, the chemical weapons that are now being used, we don’t even know what they are, they could be some kind of homemade poisons , or they are really american-made poisons, we
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receive guys who have been burned in the hospital with strong burns. guys with poisonings are performing, which we also cannot identify, that is, their lungs are burned out and we don’t really know how to deal with these poisonings, right now we are just here, my group has returned from bakhmata, and we went there along this new road, now i think that in the bi they will show this very road that leads to bakhmut, a road, yes, but there you know, the signs change all the time, there’s someone there it 's worth a sign. old bakhmut, now it has been replaced, artyomovsk is already written there by hand, you see our road, it really is getting worse and worse every day, because big equipment is coming, tanks are coming, tigers are coming, lenses are coming, in general, everything that brings soldiers, guns there, and from there takes our wounded to the mainland, that
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is, this is all our road of life, it’s really very difficult to drive along it, because it’s all... actually broken, but nevertheless we drive, right now, this is just a car, in which we were driving, the next day they flew into it in a beer and a car, well, thank god, no one was hurt, but in the car and there were some small losses, well, well , that’s what i want to say, we guys are still holding on , very steadfast, and our guys work in red, there are battles for the watch and we already have some advantages there, indeed the guys are holding up very well, the fighting spirit is excellent, now i wanted to show you a piece where we transfer, now it will probably show, yes, where we transfer equipment, and ivl and the fact that it was our friends, friends of donbass medicine, specifically sasha bogush, our friend who has been helping us more than once, who donated this ventilator to the hospital, bakhmut, and the guys are very
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happy, all doctors. because the equipment deteriorates, becomes unusable, then very many of our ivs are used in transport, when we take out the wounded, transport is also attacked, blpl, fpv, all these are drones, they, unfortunately, spoil our medical transport in large numbers, so i urge you to join our gathering again popular front, here we are working in the same mode, producing electronic warfare equipment, which we already talk about in each of our programs, specifically for vehicles, we have a huge order for medical transport, join us, thanks to everyone thank you very much, anastasia leonidovna, this is really extremely important, you yourself said that
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an fpv drone flew into the car in which you were driving, thank god, no one was hurt, but in order for such there were fewer cases, it is necessary to strengthen electronic warfare, because this is the most, not to say unique, most effective way to combat a drone.
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cleared out and thus advance along the very southwestern outskirts of bogdanovka in the direction of kalinovka and grigoryevka, that is there is an attack on a wide front, we are immediately pulling up the flanks, so far it is actually going
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very well, taking into account the fact that our aviation is working very hard, a lot of bombs are being thrown, and hence this result in the vdeevsky sector, yesterday the enemy’s defense line was finally broken through and thrown back several kilometers , in fact, this is quite an exceptional case for... the front between umansk and minitai, in fact , here its defense crumbled, but taking into account the fact that there is no need to retreat far, there is a defile of two rivers, respectively, they are ours the troops will get there sooner or later, but nevertheless the success is very impressive, it is very important that yesterday we almost completely liberated berdychi and made significant progress in semyonovka, i hope that today, having completed the cleansing here, we will create a bridgehead for further movement to ocheretin, these are two main points. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich, keep us informed. well, it must be said that in the context of the rapidly deteriorating situation of the armed forces of ukraine at the front, zelensky is simply fantasizing about interviews with western media, every day, just every day, zelensky
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gives an interview to someone, this week he gave an interview to the german bilt, the american media group alex springer, in particular in bilt he said, in springer he also said that there is a plan for a new counter-offensive, which is necessary .
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will spend a lot of money to carry out this information attack, because newspapers and magazines, the same build where rybki says that the front is crumbling, there is no chance, then it comes out with such a contrast to zelensky that we are now developed a new plan, this is the plan that they demanded from zaluzhny, they said, how are we going to fight, this is the plan that last year failed, because the forces and funds spent in billions, they did not produce any results, we have now tripled our opportunities, if not increased fivefold. but they don’t have such capabilities, what kind of offensive plan can they even talk about, not a single sane person says that they don’t have the strength to hold the current line, we see how now the same azov brigade is refusing
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hours to come in, he says: that’s it, the city will fall, yeah, there’s no way to fight three-ton bombs that fall on your head, no dugouts can withstand it, in this situation, of course, he turns to the american senators, voting is now underway, he wants them now convince, give at least something, in fact this is already such a thing, well , there is a theatrical begging for money, now he is relying on technology, so russia is ahead of the west in technology, we are ahead in air defense, there are no technologies like we have in the west in terms of... planning capacity bombs, we are ahead of the west in their number, sensible experts say: wait a second, what kind of ukraine is it? in total, russia produces more tanks, shells and all types of weapons than the collective nato combined. the americans, with billions of dollars of investment in their military-industrial complex, reach the figure of 80,000 shells per year, this is when we are talking about the need for millions of pieces, or the germans order shells and say: by the year 1930 we will release 20 thousand. that's what
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we're talking about, and russia has crossed the three million threshold in all types, so he, of course, can talk for a long time, but real investors, real sensible strategies, of course, are beginning to slowly curtail their relationship with them. well, i completely agree with you, these are his statements that people don’t matter, technology matters - this is zelensky’s marketing strategy, give him money, but you said it absolutely correctly.
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he told me that he could not leave his country without such powerful weapons,” zelensky said, adding that he did not see this as logic. no missiles will protect a single person from nuclear strikes if, god forbid, a nuclear war breaks out. in the interview, zelensky criticized not only germany’s reluctance to send missiles, but also the fact that the united states is in no hurry to allow ukrainian troops to use f-16 fighter jets and atacoms missiles. i just don't understand the logic. for example, one of our partners has weapons that ukraine needs today in order to... survive
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and i don’t understand why they won’t present it to us. the logic is ironclad, but that’s really him doesn’t understand why they don’t provide him with weapons that someone has somewhere, yes, everything that someone has should naturally be transferred to zelensky according to his logic, well , i must say that this is that part of his interview , which concerned scholdz, it had already caused a very big scandal in germany, because scholtz gave a qualitatively different argument. refusal to provide taurus to ukraine, i remind you once again that scholz is today the main sponsor of the kiev regime, this is how you can comment on this, only very briefly, continuous rhetoric reminiscent of the reich, because the talk about the miracle weapon that hitler’s entourage conducted is exactly the same thing that zelensky says, as for his interview, where he frames scholz, this interview is aimed at a german audience, so it looks like blackmail in fact...
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the maltese roberto mizola, the president of the european parliament, has managed to do a lot of things, from corruption to obfuscation of criminal cases involving the murders of journalists. this is what i intend to do throughout my term as president. order of malta played a big role in its development. nevertheless , the mercenaries intercepted her. a month later , after her appointment, she went to kiev, these are the anti-russian sanctions. we will be by your side as long as you need it. someone has to carry it. a factory of populism in the
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worst sense of the word, to shut down those very dark things that are happening under this noise. mrs. mizollo are generally the funeral directors of european industry and european prosperity. the eurozone is in recession, popular discontent is growing due to that real incomes have fallen to the level of the twelfth or thirteenth year, she is a performer, a performer of very clear global elites, they are hiding behind, they are not showing their ears, roberto mizola, europe and its maltese cross. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. genie s...
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do we need such an olympics? the vawan show and we have to ask ourselves one important question: lexus, the premiere, is on the first today. for cosmonautics day on the first. kagarin is
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a flash, a smile, communication. this was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world.
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nationwide sympathy, but for a very long time i did not understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tania for 38 years ; we have a son, our only solovetsky monk.
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women probably love this emerald, everything is a beautiful stone, and i think that everything is unfortunate, for us men, just chop, it’s not time to slave, eugene, the snow makes the filling unsurpassably juicy, the dumpling is a small universe, how many meters are below me, you say down, 193, they say , that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they may be lying about the lives of their own! on sunday on the first. the best. new season. in sunday. on the first. the big
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game is on air. in the united states it is gaining momentum, and already at high speed. companies are very serious pressure on republicans. in particular, the speaker of the house of representatives michael johnson about finally making a decision and introducing a bill to allocate new money to ukraine, and this campaign is quite natural, because of the united states floyd austin, let's listen to what he said.
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global consequences, including for our national security. about 50 billion dollars of the allocated amount will be invested in our military-industrial complex. this will provide many jobs in thirty states, and our partners will receive assistance as soon as possible. notice that austin actually equated ukraine with the black lives matter movement, saying that... american media, that's what the washington post editorial said. perhaps this year russia will be broken through by the weakened defenses of ukraine. every day delays in the house of representatives complicate ukraine's fight and reduce the chances of a positive outcome of the conflict, even if us help ends will finally arrive, ukraine has no time left. house republicans must finally wake up to the reality of the situation, otherwise all that
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awaits them is disgrace. thirdly, pressure on johnson has already attracted financial market tycoons, the largest american executives, the largest american banking corporations, here is the ceo of jp morgan chace, yes, this is the largest american bank, jamie dimon wrote a letter to the shareholders of this week. financial holding company, let's hear what it is written in this letter. staying in the country during battles between autocracy and democracy, between dictatorship and freedom, is simply not an option for today's america. ukraine is the forefront of democracy, if the war turns out to be a failure for kiev, you will witness the destruction of the pax americana, which will be a disaster for the entire free world. ukraine's struggle is our struggle; our help in achieving victory is first and foremost the implementation of the america first approach. please note, ukraine is pax americana, yes, and if if ukraine fails, then pax
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americana, according to dimon, will also fail. well, fourthly , the former, the former prime minister, and today the minister of foreign affairs in great britain, david cameron, joined this company of pressure, he held a number of meetings in washington this week, but before that he went to see donald trump in maralaga and tried to convince put pressure on trump. an interesting conversation between senator eric schmit and secretary of defense austin. let's
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listen to this conversation. what does victory look like? for ukraine? how do you define victory? perhaps you heard my previous statements, senator? we said from the very beginning that we would like to see ukraine as a democratic and independent country so that it can defend its sovereign territory and repel aggression. that is, this means that crimea is part of ukraine. crimea is part of ukraine, but for the war to end, should ukraine control crimea, from the point of view of the changing situation, how it progresses, i would not want to predict what president zelensky will decide. with all due respect, i i think part of the problem is that this administration has not outlined an exit strategy, which to me is carte blanche for a war that will be endless without any clearly defined goals.
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johnson, the speaker of the lower house, cannot help but take some steps, although he clearly said that in general he does not really want to endure, let alone hay.
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it’s beneficial to make it, but to try to screw it up or still compromise with the democrats, this is very situational, maybe, it can be decided, apparently the main thing remains the line that the democrats are trying, even when we say democrats, this is essentially the deep state, they are trying to push, this was very well shown with quotes, that this will be a general defeat, that’s it, we will all lose,
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the republicans are trying to draw a line, no, not a general defeat, it will be a defeat for the democrats, to some extent they are even trying to come to an agreement with the deep state: throw off the democrats, now enter into a new political cycle in an alliance with the republicans, we will attribute the entire defeat to the democrats, so the democrats are trying to hold on, presenting this as a common cause, the republicans are trying to blame it on the democrats, and some republicans are directly trying to blame it on the deep state. but, although this issue has become very firmly in the millstone of domestic politics, i still want to emphasize that in the last week, and this i think will influence johnson, an element has appeared that is not related to domestic politics, all statements that have been heard over the past 10 days regarding the development of the situation , nuclear weapons were mentioned, salivan yesterday
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he said that if we don’t give weapons, it could lead to nuclear weapons. but i would like to note that you very correctly said that the issue of assistance to ukraine has become a plot of the american domestic political struggle, both democrats and republicans are primarily guided by domestic political considerations, here medjary taylor greene, a member of the house of representatives, found an additional argument, namely domestic political, why
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not give new money to ukraine, let's listen to her, let's talk about what this really is, this is a war on christianity, the ukrainian government is attacking christians, the ukrainian government is executing priests, russia is not doing that, they are not attacking christianity, in fact they seem to be defending it, and that is something that is clearly evident to many people who are watching closely. this is an extremely important argument for right-wing republicans, for evangelicals, why right-wing republicans fiercely hated the soviet union, we were atheists with them...
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nuclear war, because both countries use this term, people are afraid of nuclear war - this okay, so we won’t give weapons, there will be a nuclear war, one side says, we’ll give weapons, there will be a nuclear war, says the other, in the end, both use the same rhetoric, but what result will this give within the american political struggle, we will actually see, in the same way, this wonderful lady from the camp of extreme republicans, she uses religious preferences.
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but ukraine is simply running out of people, then even if it is given weapons, the only way not to lose the war is to send
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nato regular troops. let's listen to what edward lutwak writes. kiev is forced to retreat step by step not because of a lack of firepower, but because of a lack of soldiers. soon, nato parties will have to send soldiers to ukraine or accept a catastrophic defeat. england, france and the scandinavian countries are already slowly preparing for shipment. troops, both small elite units and logistics and supply units. the latter could play an important role by allowing their ukrainian colleagues to undergo retraining for performing combat missions. nato units could also free up ukrainians who are currently busy rebuilding and repairing damaged equipment and take over the technical portion of ongoing recruit training programs. if europe fails to send enough troops, russia will gain the upper hand on the battlefield. in the central one.
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one element, everything else is a complex effect, you can’t stop it, you didn’t get attack aircraft for your won air supremacy, ukraine lost all its battles, and we now we dominate in all types of directions, there are no air defense systems, they are not able to stop our attacks, they will... like mice in dugouts, but they will still retreat, because there is no possibility of responsibility, but lutvak calls for the fact that europe must bring in his people, he bases this
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on the fact that russia will not dare to launch powerful strikes, russia will not dare to strike nato here on the territory of ukraine, perhaps he has not read the articles of our military-political leadership, dmitry anatovich medvedev, who directly said that nato units on ukrainian territory would be a priority target. and here i remember 1956 kissinger, who came out with the theory of a limited nuclear war on the european continent, he said that if the strategic forces between the soviet union and the united states are such that mutual destruction, even an exchange of nuclear strikes on the european continent, will not develop into a big war, and indeed, the americans still rely on this concept, they are still accumulating tactical nuclear weapons in europe, understanding that it could come to this blow, but the point is... a hint for the united states to send its
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troops, and he writes there that the united states should not send, they have china, they have china, with china the europeans need to go forward, forward the united states of america, well, really, i completely agree, lutwak is wrong, because russia will indeed inflict very powerful blows on the french or any regular nato troops on the territory of ukraine, and if they dare to respond to this, then russia will already strike. on the territory of nato countries, there is absolutely no without any doubts. a little advertising, then we will continue. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. feeling out of place as chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i 'd like to have lunch. please, it's just pasadena. we don't have restaurants. how did you
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feel in the film? on friday at the first, say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, and this is his hairstyle he’s walking, a typical criminal, so they made this photo test, this photo test turned out to be, one might
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say, such a star ticket, then georgy nikolaevich says: where is he, let’s bring him here, the story that was later told, i’m walking around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov , but long before that, there were some kind of internal artistic intonations, they were in the air, then one actress appeared there, who by that time was completely unknown, it was inna chyurikova, basses and bulls - these are in great demand, all episodic some roles everyone offered them, usually everyone tells them: danel’s version that shpalikov was supposed to submit the text, but disappeared. he said that he would shoot all his films one more time, except i ’m walking around moscow. podcast lab. tomorrow on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. this year we celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of the world's first astronaut.
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yuri gogogarin. go! do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yurievna gagarina, the eldest daughter of yuri alekseevich. new year, the astronauts were musketeers. for the first time we saw yuri alekseevich in a hat, with a mustache batfortakh, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into all the classes, gagarin flew into space. hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, and he is there.
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dagalife trousers, and he wears a napanama hat , he wears nareman boots, three chords, a new season, on sunday on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, wake up the sleepy shore, they run and shine and... they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring
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series of games, sunday on the first. there's a big game on the air. in addition to fighting russia, the united states is rallying and cobbling together anti-chinese blocs in asia. today, joe biden is hosting japanese prime minister kishida at the white house. the biggest fundamental renewal since the sixties is expected to be proclaimed .
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came up with the so-called second pillar - aucus, which is broader in nature, this is how the japan times describes it. japan has become the first country that officially wants to join the implementation of projects the second pillar in developing the advanced military capabilities of the aucus pact, ahead of other us allies, including canada and new zealand. it is expected that japan will take part in the development of the introduction of advanced technologies in such areas as hypersound, anti-submarine defense, cyber weapons, and quantum. technology and artificial intelligence. an official invitation has already been issued to japan. this week there was a meeting of the defense ministers of the aucus countries, in fact, they decided to involve japan. and tomorrow he will join
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another member of the anti-chinese coalition under the auspices of the united states, the philippines. and there will be a trilateral summit: biden, fumio kishida, and ferdinand markers, nicknamed bong bong, who actually. will also come to the white house, ivan aleksevich, dmitry vyacheslavovich, you are very correct in raising this issue, because the way we see the development of these contours of american-centric security systems in asia, all this justifies the worst expectations and worst assumptions, because we have seen that in the previous 2 years they somehow such contours have been outlined, which means that the indo-pacific has been institutionalized, and the focus. created , they began to conduct other negotiations there, but they said that this is just a security system being created in asia, we see that the worst features are manifested, even worse than in europe, because nato is still formally
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all members are equal , and it happens that someone declares their special position, so we saw, for example, turkey, yes, which, therefore, did not let sweden in for a long time, hungary sometimes declares there. americans in asia are definitely already they won’t repeat anything like that, an anglo-saxon core has been created, three countries, although there are five letters, but three countries, the anglo-saxon core, it will make a decision, this one will make a decision, then all sorts of beautiful words, the second support, the third support the second circuit - these will be the performers who, for, yes, most likely, for some kind of compensation, japan for compensation, that they will promise it something from the robberies of china, and they will promise it a way out of thirty years of stagnation in
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the economy, but these will be the performers, in fact, mercenaries, and the anglo-saxon core will be in asia, so as not to share the decision-making system with anyone, no equality. an even worse american-centric security system is being created than in europe. i agree, and at the same time , yes, that is, the traditional, even during the period of the last cold war, policy of the united states is still being consolidated. in asia - these are spoke hubs, bilateral military alliances, now they are collecting everything under the auspices of aucus, where the anglo-saxon countries will be the center, but the tighter the united states squeezes this bloc fist, the more countries slip out, so let's listen to what the prominent american analyst walter russell mitt writes on precisely this topic. an annual survey of businessmen, politicians and members of the public, conducted for the first time this year by the singapore yusofak institute. showed that among the leaders of southeast asia
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, those who prefer china rather than the united states as a force capable of ensuring stability in the region predominate by a small margin. thailand, indonesia and malaysia were among the countries with the majority of the population in difficult situation, would choose china. these skeptical southeast asians have a point. the main cause of geopolitical instability in the region is america's failure to keep up with china's massive arms buildup, not a lack of diplomacy. just as on the eve of the first world war, and even during them, some countries
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switched from one side to the other, for example, finland, romania, we observed all this, now the united states of america is being formed, not even a small one, but from small club, forms a large one, for which purpose, so that all other countries in the region understand that they need to go over to the side of the united states of america, otherwise it will end badly, but in general , from the outcome of the struggle, from its beginning, from the process, how.. will proceed, the position of many states will certainly depend, we should not be deceived here by either sympathy or antipathy, neither in relation to china or anyone else, you will be strong, you will win, this applies to both russia and china, everyone will come, everyone they will want to be friends, everything will be wonderful, here we are what to answer, and we are already responding to the strengthening of the american bloc policy in both europe and asia, this is the consolidation of eurasia, this is very important, let's listen to what he said yesterday.
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we have a common focus on strengthening security in eurasia. for a long time , there was a structure of euro-atlantic security in the form of, well, nato, of course, but also the organization for security cooperation in europe, which simply deletes itself from... eurasia is many times greater than the resources of any
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other center of power. eurasia is uniting. and united eurasia. eurasia, which is within the framework of this russian-chinese partnership. greater eurasia is absolutely invincible. therefore, indeed, the blocs that the united states is creating are destined for historic defeat. well, we now turn over to the news and the big game returns at 5:00 p.m. do not miss. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. russians should receive all their benefits and payments as conveniently and simply as possible. this was discussed at the meeting of vladimir putin with the minister of labor and social protection.


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