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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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wrote that the combined resources of eurasia are many times greater than the resources of any other center of power. eurasia is uniting. and a united eurasia, eurasia, located within the framework of this russian-chinese partnership. greater eurasia is absolutely invincible, so indeed the blocs that the united states is creating are destined for historic defeat. well now we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00, don't miss it. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. russians should receive all their benefits and payments as conveniently and simply as possible. this was discussed at a meeting between vladimir putin and the minister of labor and social protection anton katyakov. one of the most successful examples is
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the registration of maternity capital. parents just need to register their child with the registrar’s office and within a week the certificate will appear in their personal account on the unified state services portal. since the twentieth year, about 3 million documents have already been issued, it is important to translate other services into such a non-application format, while all regions should have equal opportunities. let's start our meeting with the events that you and the ministry are conducting. to achieve the goal of equalizing social support measures in different regions of the country. today, precisely on your instructions, we are working to provide social support measures in the simplest and most convenient format for our citizens throughout our country. we started our work at the federal level. we called this initiative the social treasury initiative, which introduces simple and understandable mechanisms for our citizens to receive various types of support. first of all, it must be said
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that such measures are provided either only upon an application from a citizen, which he has the opportunity to submit through a single portal of public services, or generally proactively when a particular life situation occurs for a citizen; we have a special situation today in new regions, the fact is that the introduction of the principles of social treasury there is still temporary difficult due to the fact that the databases are not digitized, we do not have uniform data formats for... now the floods in orenburg, the level of the ural river has exceeded 10 m, this is significantly higher than the critical level, and the water is rising, flooding roads, some areas, rescuers are actively volunteers and local residents are helping; those who may find themselves in the danger zone are urged to leave urgently. almost 900
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people have already been evacuated; in total, over 10 thousand houses remain flooded in the region. drinking water is delivered to residents of settlements cut off from the mainland. including the military, delivered about 40 tons per day. meanwhile, the situation in orsk is gradually stabilizing, the water level in the river has dropped by another 30 cm. next week it is planned to resume classes in schools for high school students. on the instructions of the president, the head of the ministry of construction, irek faizulin, arrived at the site, inspected the flooding area,
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all this will be organized for restoration, as you know, the ministry of construction is the coordinator of all work, the most important thing is the rapid organization of an inspection as the water rises, entry into housing, and this job will be organized by the municipality of orsk. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, checked today how preparations for floods in the tyumen region are being prepared, calling for monitoring the condition of protective dams and the operation of reservoirs, as well as promptly notifying the population. a state of emergency is in effect in the region, the rescue team has been strengthened, and road services are strengthening the coastline. in the coming days, the peak of the flood is expected in the kurgan region, the water level in the tobol river is rapidly rising, almost 700 people have already been removed from the possible flooding zone human. the vesti lugansk film crew came under fire from ukrainian militants today. the fire came from cannon artillery, and correspondent artyom yundos received a concussion. cameraman denis shum was wounded in the leg.
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from our ministry of defense, russian troops have improved the situation in the kupinsky, avdievsky and south donetsk directions and repelled about a dozen enemy attempts to counterattack. they took more advantageous positions in the donetsk sector, where the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 300 militants, two american armored personnel carriers were destroyed, as well as artillery guns from the usa, poland and great britain. in addition, drone assembly shops and a weapons and ammunition warehouse were hit. air defense systems shot down more than one and a half hundred enemy drones and intercepted three french air bombs. hamer and hymers missile system. in the dpr, in the vicinity of liberated avdievka, our sappers are clearing the territory step by step. while retreating, the militants left hundreds of mines on the roads in the fields. our military has in its arsenal the latest domestically produced developments that allow them to carry out
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tasks without risk to humans. about the rest assistant sappers, reporting by gusein huseynov. this means that these rods are used for trolling guy wires. cancellations of the ozm type, mon plows for trolling guy wires that are on the ground. the operator of the scorpion robotic complex shows his new assistant, small, mobile with high maneuverability. using this machine, you can not only clear stretch marks, but also examine hard-to-reach places. at the front of the rear are cameras that are height adjustable. and the robot can also the trolley to deliver the explosives will be replaced.
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ovdeevka, where specialists from the international mine action center now work, is literally strewn with ammunition. under the robot's trawl, not only anti-personnel mines, but also anti-tank mines are undermined. the complex was developed and assembled by ural specialists on the basis of a caterpillar tractor. the hull is reinforced with armor, equipped with video cameras, and... you can make a road, make passages, you can carry out complete humanitarian mine clearance, here it depends on the tasks that
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the unit faces, a complex task corrected, confirmed its characteristics, troll width is about 3 m. speed depending on the terrain and types of mines installed. in addition to robotic equipment, sappers presented anti-drone guns, protective suits and even boots. some with a special high sole are able to withstand the explosion of small ammunition. others, not quite similar in shape to classic shoes, are designed to withstand a mine. we do not have a contact detonation of a mine under the very foot. the detonation points are moved forward and backward by the paws. occurs when detonated it’s just a break off of the legs of this shoe, some products are still undergoing combat testing, say sappers, others have been put into operation and are actively used. a special protected patrol vehicle designed to transport an engineering unit.
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it is designed in the form of armored capsules with a padded bottom, designed to explode under a vehicle, mines and grenades. all new items were created taking into account the experience of the special military. channel one donetsk people's republic. and back to the topic of floods. loans for those affected by the flood are already being issued. holidays. deferred payments are granted in a simplified manner. the head of the central bank, elviralina, spoke about this. today she delivered her annual report to the state duma.
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among the main topics: reducing inflation, combating fraud, preferential mortgages, supporting citizens with low incomes. our correspondent dmitry kochitkov listened to the report together with the deputies. the bank promptly responded to the flood in the orenburg region. victims will be able to apply for a credit holiday in order to temporarily avoid paying debts to banks. to date more than 200 bank credit holidays. managed to complete it, we recommended that banks consider the application in a simplified manner, understanding that people now have no time to collect various certificates, we will closely monitor and control this, the central bank prepared very seriously for the report to the state duma, meetings were held with factions and specialized committees, but the deputies still had questions regarding preferential mortgages, some citizens bought from six to 40 apartments, including luxury ones, what measures can he propose?
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with such a mechanism, but it happened to us on the contrary, they began to build more housing, which is very good, but it has increased in price, so our task today, together with the central bank, the ministry of finance, and the government, is to do everything to ensure that housing is affordable for citizens. another problem that concerns deputies is telephone fraud; according to the central bank, last year citizens lost more than 15.5 billion rubles. nabiulina admitted that we have not yet been able to defeat the scammers; we are hitting their tails. we propose to increase
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the responsibility of banks to introduce administrative responsibility for banks, who do not pay enough attention to the security requirements of translations. of course, i agree with you, the bank’s responsibility needs to be increased so that money does not go to scammers. elderly people often fall for this scam. to legislate the so-called second-hand mechanism, when a person can... so these are questions for us, we need
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to talk, explain, and of course punish more harshly for this. macroeconomics, as nabiulina said, after the key rate increase, gross domestic the product continued to grow 3.6% last year. businesses are actively making plans to develop production and the work of the country's main bank is assessed positively by the majority of deputies. key result. this is that during the past year it was possible to minimize the impact of anti-russian sanctions on the domestic economy, the financial system, maintain macroeconomic stability, the forecasts of pessimists against double-digit inflation, but our economy is showing strong growth, and this is largely due to the actions of the central bank, but there is also a complaint about the work of the central bank, the ruble exchange rate does not suit us, we are not satisfied that... and due to the high key rate , our economy is not developing properly, we are categorically
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opponents of microfinance organizations. based on the results of the report, the duma adopted a resolution among the recommendations of deputies to the bank of russia, maintaining price stability, continuing work to protect citizens from fraudsters and building a system of international payments with friendly countries. dmitry kochitkov, nikolay sisoev, sergey zolotavin and olga gerosemenko, channel one. the most modern laboratory sites for innovative production at 20,000 km in the scientific distance of moscow state university in moscow, construction of a new engineering cluster has begun. it will house the offices of companies working in the field of robotics, pharmaceuticals, and information technology. the start of construction was given by the rector of the university, viktor sadovnichy. the valley is a bridge between the faculties of moscow university and between others. graduates of other universities and companies in the valley, who will be engaged in the creation of high
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technologies, i am sure that this is the future of our country, that campus, those buildings, those clusters in which our high technologies will be created. this concludes our episode, stay with us and keep up to date with the event, right now on the first channel the program let's get married. hockey motorist and metalluga continued their fight in the semi-finals of the gagarin cup. by the eighth minute magnitka was leading 3:0, but it was the home team. we managed to level out the situation. everything was decided by the third period, where 8 seconds before at the final siren, stepan khripunov brought the driver forward, and anatoly goloshev, hitting the already empty goal, put an end to the match. 5:3. the series score is now 2:2. evgeni malkin's pass helped pittsburgh open the game.


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