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tv   Taksi pod prikritiem  1TV  April 10, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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the left grip is who writes with the right hand, who, and whoever has the right grip writes with the left hand, the boy was supported by other hockey stars, they sent their video messages, soon you will be back for the flight, you will show everyone, i believe in you, i want to wish i wish you good health, and you are a real man, everything will be fine, we are very worried about you, you know that real men play hockey, and you are a real man, everything will pass, and we hope so... ilya’s native team also tried cheer him up. for one of his matches friends came out with stickers on their helmets: ilya, we are with you, and you are with us. doctors hope that his leg will recover soon, there will be no complications, and in a couple of months he will be able to return to the ice. i want to become a professional hockey player more than anything. my guys turned out to be real heroes. ilyusha showed truly masculine restraint, not for a second. i didn’t see fear in his eyes,
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so i can honestly say, a real athlete is growing up, i’m not afraid for him, on this festive day for the family i really want to leave all the pain and fears behind, and most importantly a cherished wish, it has already come true, everyone is alive, everyone is healthy, we are all together, this is the most important desire, that’s it, nothing else is needed, olga pautova, maria mortanova, renat goreev, nina khoreva and nika vishnyakova, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on it. in time, stay updated on the event, now on the air of the first channel, undercover taxi, new series, hey, beauty, come out here, quickly, or i’ll blow his head off now, olenka, why, why, you already got your fucking ? money, what else do you need,
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come out, come out, quickly, you will confirm! yes, it’s time, we’re leaving, it’s time, it’s time, we’re leaving, why didn’t you look at the number?
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attention, in addition to the orientation of the robbery at the mirandoo car dealership, three or four criminals are armed. we crossed romnenskaya street, we are moving towards the station, we urgently need help, i repeat. 1 minute.
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everything, everything is fine, i'm here!
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stand, stand, central, they left, olya, olya, how are you, everything is fine, but dad, how
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they took him away, while no one came out, they don’t tell us anything, well, well, well, well, everything is fine, maurice, everything is fine , it's clear. and after that they did you break up and leave right away? yes. we'll need all the cctv footage. it’s you solgo viktorovna who needs to talk, i’ll give her number. yes, comrade general, this will definitely be done. the taxi driver was found. what taxi driver? white polo, alive? dead body. i'll go and have a look. how much did they take? more? wow, that ’s so much, is this the normal daily income for the salon? no, today there was a big deal, a moscow company is opening a new branch in st. petersburg, they bought five cars at once, why nogan? i don't know, i'm just a cashier, you
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ask the director, or olga turbina, she is our senior manager. i need to call, i can go, yes, for now, go, thank you, like a pipe. on the family name? no, vyacheslav mikhailovich, this is the salon of trubin’s former father-in-law, and olga is turbina’s ex-wife. who found him? a man was walking his dog, came across him, called the police, as soon as i saw him, i immediately remembered his orientation, this is a taxi driver in a white polo shirt who is wanted, right? yeah, and just today. his car was used in an attack on a car dealership because of a man's wheels the bastards decided, well, let's call a corpse truck, yes, come on, wait, find witnesses, there are, i'm telling you, you have a cut,
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let me treat it, wait, be careful, come closer, in any case you'll have to heal, he's spinning, nothing do you notice? no, why is there no corpse smell, motherfucker, he’s alive, alive, hello, hello, doctor, how is he? don’t worry, everything is fine, he will live, there is no danger, your father has a soft tissue rupture, a slight concussion, a cranial hematoma, fortunately, there is no internal fracture bleeding too, so i think tomorrow or the day after tomorrow he will be able to go home, tell me, can i see him, okay, let's go, the patient is in serious condition, the wound
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on the head is such that you can expect anything, a lot of blood loss, i not to mention exhaustion, will survive, we will do everything possible, yes, as you can see, we have established. the hospital has 24-hour police surveillance, why? this is an extremely important witness for us. understood? and what are you doing here, dear, olya is tied up, she couldn’t reach you by phone, where were you, were you working, where do you work like that, until late, it’s not necessary.
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and he’s young, let me add, what do you think, it’ll work a second time, come on, come on, it won’t work, make me a printout of the calls , turbine, turbine? i said something incomprehensibly, a turbine, a printout for 2 months and
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don’t say anything, we continue our conversation with thomas bach, where he said that he would in every possible way interfere with our friendship games, which we hold in russia, by participating in the friendship games of the country take sides in the russian-ukrainian war, they take the side of russia, but we said...
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hands of the earth korolev said nonsense, and i want to say thank you that only in russian cabins there is a porthole, the architectural institute teaches a person how to organize space, how to organize space so that it is beautifully convenient and necessary, so you were instructed to develop symbolism, in america they signed, that this is a completely different artist, and you yourself dreamed of flying into space, well, you see, the time has come ... for such an occasion podcast lab on friday at
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the first chanson, this is not just for you, you need to do it. it was so festive and i wanted to go out dancing, but i couldn’t, i was attached to it.
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such counterfeits can only be recognized using an infrared detector, we have already registered more than 200 such banknotes, the batch has the ai series, the numbering begins with the number 09. sales agents drop counterfeits in residential areas, in kiosks, in markets, in
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small shops in the region, and also not they use counterfeit money to pay taxi drivers. therefore, we decided to involve you in the operation. we already have camera photos of the suspects. external surveillance. we also have a list of areas in which photos appear most often. in general, we will catch the traffickers using live bait, that is, you. did what i asked, yeah.
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it looks like it’s a dodge durango, confidently, i don’t know, but why aren’t there cameras, or what? no, no, there are children there, okay, in principle, everything is clear, markin maintains contact with his son vitalik, with his mother.
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refuses, so what happened, after all, and last night he invited two unfamiliar women home, drank and enjoyed life all night long, now he woke up and discovered that not only two beautiful strangers had disappeared from the apartment, but all the money and jewelry, what a sad and banal ending, parishan. hi, dad! new message about a hijacked ambulance from the old village street, the car was seen on surveillance cameras on kostromsky prospekt, an hour ago it turned onto
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pioneer street into the courtyards, 8:12, check the address, 812 accepted. stand, well, let's ride, where did you get the gurney, i'll ask, bye the abandoned ones, what abandoned ones, there, well, quickly, where, let's do this, i won't tell anyone about this, and you're busy with your homework do, agreed, yes, exactly, yes, let's do it.
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central 812 ambulance found a vacant lot at napionerskaya house 12. it’s clear, man, man, get up. you will have beer, i will, and who are you, who is needed, what are you
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doing here, i see how you ended up here, it was running, i took it for myself as payment for moral... i worked for 10 years, and they left the house yesterday kicked me out, that’s it, they kicked me in the ass, they’re drunk, and my wife is now my new home, i’ll live here now, i understand and i sympathize, but you’ll have to go with me, where? to the department, it is necessary, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, help, please,
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come on, what is this, now you’ll find out? do you often call the turbine? no,
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okay. what did i want to ask you? look, what is this? a printout of calls from vitalik's phone, and surveillance cameras saw his father calling him around 9 pm. but there is a problem, what? there is not a single call in the printout at this time, not a single one at all, how can this be? maybe he has two phones?
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no, but the pen saw that he always talks on one handset, maybe he has two sim cards in his phone? no too, checked handset for one sim card, what other options? hey! you 're like, i'm this freak, what a freak, i was here, his wife understands him, listen, maybe they can call an ambulance for you, but why call it, here it is, stop it, and when we arrived, there was no one here, only you. i understand, thank you for coming, wait, you, forgive me for that time
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at the funeral, everything, everything, everything is fine, you! “forgive me too, if something is wrong, let’s do it somehow, take care of yourself, okay, well, lunch, breakfast, work, come on, the gang calls a taxi, calling via the internet, so why then shouldn’t markinuk call me through what kind of program? well, for the purposes of conspiracy, such programs are practically impossible to track, to listen to, yes, our actions, but
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what if? the old fashioned way, what the old fashioned way, yura? put a bug in vitalik’s phone, like yes , it’s very simple, the main thing is to choose the right time at school, for example, no, at school is not an option, at school he probably won’t part with his phone, at the gym, he does karate, he’ll definitely leave his phone in the locker room, try it. what is the west up to against russia? about this called the friendship games, we call on the national olympic committees not to participate, these are not people who should lead, but should simply be treated in psychiatric hospitals. and what has our country prepared in response? they are using all means, and could an international scandal be the ruin of the president’s career? these confessions, in my opinion, became
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sensational because of the investigation. there should be an obvious revealing interview from the vavan and lexus pranksters. antifake, premiere tomorrow on the first. in the role chairman of the jury i feel out of place. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i 'd like to have lunch. please, this is pasadena only, we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role. role, is whoopi holbert a police officer? how do the local public perceive our films? they are expecting some other turn of russian cinema. are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell a story about trisa banks and the last seven days of laura palmer. are you laura palmer? matador on friday on
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the first. say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, welcome to the city where even the stones under your feet can be precious, hello yekaterinburg , emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately for us men, it’s just not the time to chop.
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we'll find change, yeah, that's it, come on!
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shut it up, otherwise i’ll call the cops,
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they gave me two of these in a month, two, you know, i had hemorrhoids, both in the store and in the bank, they called the cops on me, i’m on the money? i got it, forgive me, they threw it at me yesterday at the market, am i a moron, but i’m telling you honestly, shut your mouth, in short, i also want to earn money like this, what, what, what, i also want fakes, to push, to return normal, i don’t i understand,
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tomorrow, i will meet with him, have a bazaar, calmly, if i come to an agreement with him, then i will return all this money to him, now this is compensation for my moral damage, let’s call, or should i call these guys, wait, wait, wait, hello, ilya,
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you should definitely go to this meeting, i’ve already agreed with your boss. vyacheslav mikhailovich, the bug is working, audibility is excellent, although markin hasn’t called him yet. i'm done for today, i'm going home.
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goodbye, vyacheslav mikhailovich, bye, bye, bye.
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do you even understand what will happen to you for disclosing the secrets of the investigation to an outsider, you will go to trial, myakishevo, tomorrow at 9 in my office.
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the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. and his hairstyle he’s like this, a typical criminal, so they made this photographic test, this photographic test turned out to be, one might say, such a ticket to the stars, then georgy nikolaevich, where is he, let’s bring him here, the story, which was then told around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, but long ago before that, like this. artistic intonations were somehow internal,
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they were in the air. and then another actress appeared there, who by that time was completely unknown, it was inna chyurikova. bass and bulls are in high demand, all episodic roles, everything offered them. usually everyone tells danel’s version that shpalikov was supposed to submit the text, but disappeared. he said that he would shoot all his films one more time, except i’m walking around moscow. podcast lab. tomorrow. on the first. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yuryevna gagarina, alekseevich’s eldest daughter. new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat and a mustache in butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into all the classrooms, gagarin. space flew, hurray, there were also old women
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in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, but he won’t get caught there, there’s nothing, in my life, like in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came to my mother, threw out such hysterics, i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich - it was like a relative for our family. when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all your relatives, this is a tradition, be sure to drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich gogarin himself drank, it is believed that if you drink from this water, you will definitely fly to koska, on saturday, on the first, we are again together with those who love good music with all my soul, lilac fog, you hooked me so much that i swam, just don’t give in to your friendship,
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singing swing in russian is another task, you know, the gears don’t always match, you were still a boss, no, not hearing, no mind, everything goes in circles, just like that organic, the feeling that everything will end well someday, and it’s so cool, so fresh, guys, and the leg, there’s something in this, maybe, really, that’s enough already , this is all hip-hop, everything is there business, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first.
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a month and a half ago, the parents of lieutenant alexei turbin were killed. from this moment
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on, we have many questions that still have no answer. the raiders were just lucky. that they found a whole arsenal in the house of the parents of the turbine, or they knew about the trunks therefore, they decided to rob the house of not the richest turbens. further, the robbery of a construction company was by no means spontaneous, it was carefully planned, what follows from this? perhaps the bandits knew that by the time of the raid they would already have guns from the tours’ house. now there is a new robbery and again. all the threads lead to turbine, the victim, his ex, father-in-law, if we are practically sure that in mishan there is a person in the authorities, why don’t we assume that it is turbine, well, it’s unlikely, why, well it’s unlikely, but what if you fantasize? well, turbin
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separated from his ex-wife a few months ago. and came to his parents, perhaps this caused conflicts, it happens, and then bam they kill turbin’s parents, and turbin alebi, he was in the service, and what happens is that turbin’s parents are dead, and turbin becomes the sole owner of a country house, logically, relatives for the smaller ones are killed, quite rightly, not later than... yesterday the gang raided a car dealership, which belongs to the parents of turbin's ex-wife, with with whom he quarreled and separated several months ago, and his former father-in-law almost had his head broken and his ex-wife was almost killed, although there was no need for this at all, and maybe turbin
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asked them about it, for example, out of revenge, taking into account everything these facts, all the cause-and-effect relationships, the turbine needs to be carefully checked, it needs to be checked carefully. captain myakisheva, stay. do you even understand that if the turbine. gangs, then he is using you from the very beginning, vyacheslav mikhailovich, but i think why the bandits always take one step faster than us, you didn’t think about it, no, instead you started an affair with him, okay,
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this will remain between us, but i ask you, get a grip of it, turn your head on, because if you continue to communicate with him, i will be forced to remove you. do you understand me? now go.
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where or i'm busy, you're an asshole, now you 'll answer for everything, stand, clouds on the dashboard, hands on the steering wheel, on the ground, quickly! i’m kicking the ball, it’s fine, but what about my homework, or have i already done it, but no, i’ll do it in the evening, sure,
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you’re not fooling me, no, sure, dad, after dinner i’ll do everything, they asked me a little, but it won’t work out, like the last time when you forgot your homework, and then mom flew into the meeting, but no, honestly, dad, you want to ask mom, by the way, listen, there’s a new action movie in the movie , maybe we’ll go on sunday, the boys say it’s a blast, sorry, dear. it won’t work out now, there’s a lot to do, it’s a pity, son, i love you very much, now i’ll sort out my affairs and we’ll see each other more often, honestly, dear, by the way, how are you doing? you think they scared him off, but it’s unlikely, then he wouldn’t have called at all, why? it’s too much for him to shine, so it’s impossible to track him using this program, anyway, what’s the point in taking risks, or maybe he’s being cautious? they can call each other for weeks, postpone meetings and postpone them, but we can’t
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, maybe we were at his ex’s? yur, you know, just sit back and wait for the weather at sea, but what if we lure him out? son, i love you very much, now i’ll sort out my affairs and we’ll see each other more often. dear, by the way, how are you doing? you see, markin is simply 100% not indifferent to his son, he constantly he calls him, he is interested in his affairs and especially his successes in karting, we need to take advantage of this, how to use it, or maybe we can organize a karting competition, will my father want to?
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no, i was only a couple of times, i remember exactly, it was before the new year, we had demonstration performances, and vitalik took part in them, and the second time, the second time he was at certification in april, vitalik received the yellow train, when vitalik’s new train is planned, very soon, he still has to work and work before it, of course, but these demonstration performances or, well, i don’t know, an open lesson, a master... class of some kind, planned in the near future, no, perhaps this will suit? well,
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maybe a demonstration performance, we were just planning one for the summer, great, where can we find mazorov? what mazarov? i’m telling you that this bombshell took my money, extorted me, said that if i didn’t bring him 50,000, he would completely mutilate me, so i called my friends. to scare him a little, i’m actually a victim, you’re not a victim, but a detainee, this young the person was not a bomber, as you call him, but a policeman, and now you are facing another sentence for encroaching on the life of an employee in the line of duty, tell you how old this is, uh, what kind of encroachment are you talking about, even if it doesn’t go away, i will do everything to put you in prison for a long time, for a very long time, now listen to me carefully, now you will be detained, forgotten counterfeit bills,
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hello, hello, hello, you're like, well, nothing, like, thank you, but how's dad, but at work already, oh well, he’s already been discharged, yesterday he wasn’t home yet sits, wow, i thought it was a hospital. come to see him at work, he will be pleased, good, do that, take care of yourself,
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bye, bye. there is, of course, option b. you give us evidence against mazarov, tell us where he can be found, and with the help of the investigation you will get off with a slight fright. and if none, if. decide now. we continue our conversation with thomas bach, where he said that he would in every possible way interfere with our friendship games that we are holding in russia. participation in games.
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this is intimidation, this is blackmail, they should participate in the olympic games, whatever sanctions will begin against them, they are all afraid of these sanctions, and after our position they say that we are a fascist organization for them now, we must ask ourselves one important question: do we need such an olympics? van and lexus show, premiere, today at the first, well, i’m different, different, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was glorified by roles where he looked confused and unhappy, light, do you love me, i’m walking around moscow, for family reasons, in in these films, he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes, but for a very long time i did not i understood what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me, but how the relationship developed in the family of evgeniy steblov himself, i didn’t
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love anyone before tanya, i took her by the arm and it was like an electric shock. exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived in the camp for 38 years, we have a son, our only monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life, why was it not possible to avoid tragedy? all this is god’s providence, as god directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. you didn’t have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something. the snow is still white in the fields. and the waters are already noisy in the spring. they run and wake up the sleepy shore. they run, shine and shout. they shout all over the place. spring is coming. spring is coming. we are the young spring messengers. she sent us ahead. where,
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when the spring series of games, on sunday at the first, yes, can you imagine, the coach just called and said, exhibition performance, that means, yeah, like before the new year, remember, i remember, but there was no way to warn in advance, yes, but he wanted it to be a surprise, a great surprise, i don’t even know, well, dad, today i’ll show you how to break two boards immediately and a bunch of new things, i ’ve learned so much in these six months, you’ll be stunned, okay, tell your mom to write everything down on her phone, dad, what a mom, she doesn’t give a damn about karate, dad, don’t say you won’t come, vitalik , i really have my fill of things to do right now, well, dad, are you serious, i was talking to dimka,
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so not only their parents, but also their grandparents will come, dad! well, i ask you, okay, son, i don’t promise, but i ’ll try, what time does it start, at 60, please come, vyacheslav mikhailovich, did it really work, we’ll see. hi, hi, my shift is coming to an end, how are you today, maybe we can have dinner together or something else, listen, here’s the thing, we’re stuck here, today it probably won’t work out, in the next couple of days too, i understand, how are things going in general? i
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need to run, we have a planning meeting here. i'll call you back, bye. alexey, i have to let me know in just 5 minutes how you feel, i can’t wait, thank you for your concern, in a couple of weeks these stitches will be removed, everything will be fine, but you didn’t come to be interested in my health, so... let’s get down to business, you had more than 20 million at the box office, where did you get that much from? i already told this to your colleagues, i’ll have to do it again, excuse me, a moscow company is opening a branch in st. petersburg, they were interested in my
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cars, yeah, why did they pay in cash? and that there is something in this illegal? ok, how did clients contact you? through nikolai voskresensky, it was he who advised us to them, voskresensky? i know someone like this, his father is zhenya, or what? alexey, this is not relevant, just as our family affairs have nothing to do with you. the gang that attacked your salon killed my parents, so it has a lot to do with me. investigator zugro already told me about this incredible coincidence, and she also asked about you. about me. and what did she ask? i asked about your relationship with olviy, i asked why you separated, asked about our relationship with you, you know what, alexey, i told her the whole truth.
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hello, lesh. hello, i just came to you to feed you a loaf of bread, it’s eating for three now, well, nothing new, thank you, aunt tanya, listen, lesh, and the investigators came to me today, which investigators, well, some of yours asked all sorts of nonsense, about you, they asked what kind of relationship turbin had with his parents, did they quarrel or fight, and then asked if turbin’s parents complained about the turbine and were you going to?
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wife, ex-father-in-law, it was your idea, it’s not an idea, turbines, this is my job, yeah, maybe you can ask about me, my neighbors, ex- teachers, you want to interrogate, i’ll just say right away, did you have problems with the chemistry teacher in high school? the director was called at least once a month, look how the trail disappears, what is there you are not interrogating, even if you make a joke, wit, what do you suspect me of, and you yourself don’t guess, i don’t want to guess, ask directly, directly, okay, sit down, stand, sit down, say turbine t do you believe in coincidence? more likely no than yes. a month and a half ago, a gang kills your parents and steals your father’s hunting arsenal. and
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