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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 11, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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regarding himalayan or pink salt, and they often say that there is a lot of iron, pink, this pink tint is precisely due to iron, nothing like that, of course there is iron there, but there are such tiny quantities of it, so don’t be deceived, don’t overpay , it is much more expensive than normal purified salt, by the way, poisoning, and they often say that poisoning salt is more expensive, well, in my opinion, it’s not that serious, in my opinion, the prepayment is only... a ruble per year, it turns out to be an overpayment according to calculations , and the benefits are noticeably greater, because that our entire country is practically in the zone of iodine deficiency, and if you do not use iodized salt, then the risk of iodine deficiency in our diet is high, with it there are a large number of all sorts of consequences, not only for pregnant women and for children, but also for adults, well, well understandable, that is, the most important thing, as we understand, is to use normal salt, do not add salt during the cooking process. salt only
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during consumption, then you are guaranteed to eat less salt, good, but what to do with pickles, pickles and so on further, red caviar, yes, by the way, here is red caviar, thank you for remembering this wonderful product, there are 6 g of salt per 100 g, imagine, so don’t be overzealous when you eat caviar, it’s still salt, as for pickled cucumbers, if you don't eat these foods. and always taking into account existing diseases, then of course in small quantities these are quite useful products, if we are especially talking about such a product as sauerkraut, because sauerkraut, in my opinion, is generally an elixir, well, practically than these products are good if they are not pickled, just salted, first about the benefits, these are fermented products, fermented products for our body, these are products that...
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promote the production of substances, for example, short-chain fatty acids, so as not to overload anyone with biochemistry, so these substances are practically medicine for our intestines, and the large intestine is 80% of lymphoid tissue, that is, immune tissue, and this means that we immediately mean that our immune system is improving, and this this means that we get sick less from all sorts of viral, bacterial, infectious diseases, and many other things, including prevention... of diseases, because if our intestinal wall is not very healthy, then hormonal hormones can penetrate through these, say, damaged areas substances that should have been excreted and in no case should have ended up in the blood, so in terms of oncology, this is the mechanism here, which is why fermented foods are useful, including sauerkraut, well not only cabbage is fermented, they also ferment other foods, zucchini, cucumbers, and many others. others, there is another very important
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point that is often missed, there is such an important, important aspect - seasonality, yes, we cannot eat good ground tomatoes or cucumbers in december, they simply should not exist, they can be grown in greenhouses, but this is not at all what grows naturally in the summer, so fermentation in this regard is absolutely wonderful in replacing these seasonal products, our immune system the system in this... feels very good when we don’t eat strawberries in december, we give the opportunity to cleanse ourselves of various biological substances in the body upon the arrival of certain products, so pickled, fermented products are our everything, but don’t forget that that there is salt, yes, because salt is always added to such products, and what to do, you need to somehow rinse the sauerkraut from excess salt or something, well, it’s advisable not to overeat, adding it.
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it’s like taking it apart for parts, you know, that sugar was definitely added there. the deception of substances podcast is with you again, this is olesya nosova and zukhra pavlova. we discussed frying; there are also useful ways to prepare foods. of course, this is suvit, suvit is low-temperature cooking, so tell me, how can you simply suvit, what is it? many have not heard about this suvit, this suvit is a saucepan in which...
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for several hours , what you put in it is cooked, meat, vegetables and so on, it is put in, it’s all in special vacuum-sealed bags, at one time i was very i was very interested in this, our whole family ate exclusively from sous vide, the most delicious, you know what the dish was in sous vide, you won’t believe it, boiled eggs, if the eggs are in and you, by the way, you don’t have to vacuum them, you can throw them in like that, it takes an hour and a half at a low temperature you put eggs and... this is an absolutely divine dish, absolutely, i haven’t tried it, but i’ll know, okay, and these products are cooked in their own juice, they turn out very tasty, like turkey, yes for many, or chicken breast, like as dry some kind of tasteless thing, amazingly tasty, you can immediately add
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these wonderful spices that we talked about and a little salt, or not, i will still adhere to the extreme position, you need to add salt before as it is. here - sous vide is absolutely not necessary to buy the unit itself, it is large enough, you can just organize it in a saucepan, in fact, just cook it, yes, it is a useful way of cooking, yes, there is also a big misconception about what to bake, here's how they say, no, i don’t fry cutlets, i bake them, in fact, everything the same happens, the same iron, baking sheet, yes, the temperature, which is there from top to bottom or whatever you like, well, that is, it’s still a frying process , so if you bake in... in a sleeve, or in foil, and at low temperatures up to 150°, then the amount of final gelatinization products is significantly reduced, and there is also a wonderful method : a double boiler, it does not take time, you put everything in, turned it on, it cooks, you work or mind your own business or
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you’re just relaxing, there’s also stewing, but as usual, we first fried it, well , that’s it, and then poured it with water, now the whole product is already spoiled, that is, we immediately pour it with water. cover it over low heat and simmer it, and what else do we have left? yes, we have a wonderful method of cooking, which few people actually think about as a useful method - this is a microwave, here is a microwave, poor shulma, who cares, there the temperature does not rise above 110°, accordingly less is formed here these end products are glycated, but they demonize the microwave, that there are some harmful ancogenic substances and so on, that all the vitamins are destroyed, well , actually, part of us... changes the balance of vitamins, we lose something, on the contrary, we gain something , so i wouldn’t demonize the microwave either, but it
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’s better to use it with water, yes, because the main effect is on water molecules, and people often say that food after the microwave is very dry, hard, hard to eat, adding. 25-30 is actually defrosting desserts are heated, so the microwave is an absolutely wonderful story, the main thing is to use it correctly, you also know what i wanted to focus on,
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people often say, you know, we are used to frying everything, if i now start cooking differently, no one will support me, no one will eat it, everything will just be thrown away or i have to cook separately for myself, this is a very... important point, remember how in the classic film we dig our own grave with a knife and fork, if this understanding, awareness, we we try to talk to you about everything simply, yes , so that people have this understanding, and you shouldn’t cling to this crust, shortening your life or spoiling family relationships, help your loved ones, support them in this initiative to cook correctly, and so do i, let’s say, when i transferred my family to porous cutlets, i deboned these cutlets. in paprika, then i covered them generously with fresh herbs, when these cutlets were ready, when they ate, i then just asked them if it was delicious, they said: oh, so tasty, everything is wonderful, juicy, everything, everything ok, i said pores, they said, it can’t be, maybe, so sometimes you can do this, and you show
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that everything is delicious, it’s just that stereotypes sometimes prevent people from giving up these harmful ones, yes, i have similar ones too stories, for example, i don’t fry anything at all, even if i cook. borscht, again, we talk about borscht all the time, it’s time to cook borscht, borscht absolutely does not need any frying before this at all, that’s all, well, an outdated story. what haven’t we talked about yet? probably still ignored shish kebab, there is also an opinion that in the caucasus everyone ate shashlik all their lives, but longevity does not in any way contradict, no, this is also not a very good cooking process, because it is an open fire, these are very high temperatures, these are a lot of advanced glycation end products, no matter what there was no meat there, but there is one nuance, of course, the meat is usually pre-processed, yes, it’s either lemon juice, there’s onion, which also contains substances that... contribute to this preparation, but even with this preparatory process - high
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temperature, this is charring, and there are parts of this meat, these are still high levels of final products of gelling, in my opinion - a myth that all caucasians have always eaten barbecue, no, more often they, by the way, eat boiled meat, so this is quite developed in culture, including, but i think there are a lot of long-livers, not only because they live in the highlands and breathe. good air, but there is a lot of meat in their diet, but more of it is boiled than fried or cooked there, so again i would like to point out, it is still marinated in in the good sense of the word, a large number of vegetables, again, this sulforophane, which we talked about, which is in broccoli, by the way , there is a very interesting fact about the microwave, and when i was collecting information about the harmfulness of the microwave, in order to pump myself up, so to speak, ... on this topic, i discovered such a terrible thing that broccoli, if
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you put it in the microwave, at the fiftieth second it loses an enzyme, which then participates in the production of this sulforphan, which is wonderful an oncoprotective substance and so on and so forth, and i got a little tense, i said, here’s a microwave that’s good for everyone, this poor guy means it kills the enzyme. something else kills, but i started, as they say, to research further and found that regular cooking kills this enzyme in the same way, if you overcook, overcook broccoli, cook for more than 4 minutes, and i think 50 seconds on high power microwave is approximately equivalent to four minutes in boiling water, so to speak, so what should you do with broccoli, so as not to lose this wonderful one. you need to eat it as alive as possible, yes, yes, and before that, let me remind you, break it
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in order to get more of this enzyme, so if we cook it, then leave it, cut it and leave it so that there is more surface in contact with the air, and if we chew, then you can eat right away without any preparation, just chew thoroughly, because we produce myrosinase, this whole reaction happens, but i forgot the name of myrosinase, right? yes, it’s just that doctors have such a pro-deformation, they use aspirin they may forget, but they remember ocetylselicylic acid very well, yeah, that’s why there are a lot of misconceptions about preparation, it is also very important to say then about advanced glycation end products, the longer we store products, even in the refrigerator, the more advanced glycation end products are formed in them , so try to cook more often, but in small portions, yes, that is, well , maybe leave one. the only borscht that you can eat, it only becomes tastier, but also, well, yes, yes, because
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the end products of glycation are tasty, unfortunately, the reaction of the maer, this very cross-linking of proteins, it is also called a tasty reaction, but everything else was better cooked, eaten, but at the most the next morning, we cook again, although it’s understandable, in our crazy age, but the pace is so life is high, it’s not very convenient for us to cook often, well, there’s one that’s not obvious. for some it is a fact that if you want to be slim, healthy and young for as long as possible, then you must eat at home, you must understand what you are eating, in no case are these restaurants, even the most expensive ones, certainly not fast food, because your cook has completely different tasks, for the cook, what is important is that it tastes good for you, that you come in more often and eat more, so he achieves this in every possible way, and at home you can it's all a matter of control. therefore, we encourage everyone not to be lazy, to have fun, and
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this is a creative process, to cook deliciously ; it is a great pleasure to see how your household eats this healthy, tasty food and becomes healthier. and with you was the podcast deception of substances and the hosts, editor-in-chief komsomol truth olesya nosova , endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon, today the grooms are denis, ivan and alexander, and our bride is elena. elena is 42 years old, her ex- husband gave her expensive gifts, paid for her trip and threw the whole world at her feet, but unfortunately, only in his fantasies. elena is a catering employee, supervises school canteens, moved to st. petersburg from the city of shakhty 3 years ago, is proud that she was able to get divorced three times without scandals, dreams of traveling around the world in 180 days,
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admits that he cannot sleep until he visits marketplaces for shopping, warns that he does not eat baked goods and... does not accept comments while driving. elena will not be able to get along with a man who spends a lot of time in the bathroom every weekend and meets with friends; she will marry a sports theatergoer with big hands, an open heart and a stable salary. good afternoon, larisa, good afternoon, rose, i’m not empty-handed, but with fried pies. as you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and that’s what i have.
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i was already divorced, and i had a child 3 years, in fact, in a short period of time we decided to get married, he proposed to me, so we started discussing the wedding, that we should definitely have a luxurious wedding, i should be the queen there, well, in general, i’m already starting there, well, tell me, before that he already gave you an expensive fur coat, well, no, he made me a fur coat, he bought it for me. then he gave me this before the wedding, then, then he did my breasts, interesting lady, yes, interesting, i thought she would be younger, to be honest, the yellow dress suits me, by the way, good, and good, it’s nice to look at her bright eyes, it’s a classic, rose, don’t you know about it, how they first invest it in order to take it away later, everything, and you
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naturally believed him, yes, i rang the first bell for him, when, well, when... actually, the wedding didn’t work out, but there were just all these moments to which i closed my eyes, the fact that the wedding is cancelled, there won’t be, there won’t be any banquets there, because, because no money, men, in principle, are mostly storytellers, so it’s kind of normal, nothing i don’t see anything surprising, okay, the wedding didn’t take place, you got married and started living together, then he decided to give me a gift, as he told me, you need to rest, we’ll fly to italy, they buy tickets, he shows me, these trips are there everything is written down with my last name, him, my child, dates, i ’m taking a vacation that’s not according to plan, but we’re not flying anywhere, i behaved badly, yes, i behaved badly,
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there’s no money, we’re not flying, and you behaved badly, well, that’s how he explained it, they behaved badly, no, of course, yeah, when the bell rings... no longer it was just a bell, and a bell, when they realized that she had not yet become pregnant, had not yet given birth, had not yet gotten stuck with everyone there, well , there was such a case, this is final, when i realized, we were driving in a car that i had recently purchased on credit with my own money, yes, and we go, stop somewhere there, well , it doesn’t matter, i go to one of the internet groups, this car dealership, where we purchased this car. but i posted a general photo, well, when a car is purchased, there is an agent, a buyer, and, accordingly, i’m there was, and my husband is an agent, and uh, well, i see comments there that some girl or woman writes that i know this man, next to the girl, he is a swindler, a deceiver, and
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so on, so he took it from me laptop, money and neither laptop nor money, in short, hallelujah of the social network. after all, yes, there is a benefit, well , in fact, everything, then we got divorced, anything can happen, i, too, have seen all sorts of crooks in my life, and maybe worse than this, but damn, well, when this happens to a woman, well, for me , of course, this is more than, in other words, i wouldn’t call it something base, but we have larisa , the kind of bride who is looking for a husband based on everyday habits, what an adult woman has come, this is such a rarity, in general, look at what everyday habits are. habit, she doesn’t accept it, which means that if he takes a long time to take a bath, approximately how long, well , more than 30 minutes, if he sleeps in socks, and if he doesn’t flush the toilet well. well, for now everything is the same if he has girlfriends of the opposite sex, i absolutely agree, as long as i sign everything, what you say,
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yes, that means he shouldn’t react to the dirty dishes that you leave from evening to night, it happens to me that i’m tired or just good, don’t say that he should wash the dishes, but you’re still not very good mistress, unfortunately. spend more on all sorts of nonsense, are there any statistics on this? in fact, it is practically a type of gambling addiction. online shopping
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disorients people; they live in a virtual world and do not feel the materiality of the money they spend. for example, one three-year-old girl, while my parents were sleeping, i made a purchase for an excavator for almost one and a half million rubles. this is how you can sleep through an excavator. meet the first groom, hello, hello, lena, hello, my name is denis, i really hope that from our... you and i will grow wings and you and i will become high-flying birds, great, well, let's pass, it seems to me, he is very, very tall
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for her, i don’t know, i don’t know, i’m not sure that this is a suitable match for her, of course, i’m not sure, something confuses me about this whole thing. denis, 43 years old, electrical engineer at a construction company, lives in moscow, enjoys fitness swimming, and is proud of the fact that... he rode his bicycle all over finland, dreams of seeing china, india and japan, admits that he sleeps little, and warns that he has a negative attitude towards surgical interventions on the female body. denis found his wife too cold to maintain a marriage with her, and his mistress too hot to marry her; he hopes that he will be ideally compatible with elena. hello, hello, competition. small, well said in greeting, i, i probably can’t do that, but he’s creative, and it’s clear that he’s creative, look, your ex, as i
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understand it, was a snow maiden, so cold and not emotional, yes, yes, yes, yes, we had certain problems in our sexual life in terms of, he’s already a grown boy, so to call it, yes, but a man who doesn’t get enough in this sense in his family, he finds it on the side. as she explained this reluctance to be with you, well, together, no, she wanted to be together, she offered to sleep with you , she didn’t want to, but she didn’t want to sleep, but she wanted to live
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together, that is, i was completely satisfied as a partner, as a man, how you can, how you can love, separating one from the other, well, you can, you can, it’s called intimate life, it’s called duty, well, as if marital, there was some kind of self-interest in you, they earned a lot of money for... well, there was no child then, so potentially, yes, i think yes, well , they earned money, but there was no child, and you say that there was a child from the first wife, well, when we broke up with her, she was still was pregnant, this coldness appeared at the moment when she became pregnant, because that a huge percentage of marriages collapse during the wife’s pregnancy immediately after childbirth, you’re right, right? there is one, unfortunately, now look, if she was pregnant from you, that means she was no longer cold towards you, since she became pregnant, that means there was sex, but... she became
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cold towards you when she became pregnant, there was sex, but he was solely in order to have a child, okay, you, you ’re saying that now, it seems to me, well, maybe, maybe you don’t believe me, yes, when she became pregnant, many women have such a hormonal surge, some can’t stand the smell masculine, she is from this, well, it’s difficult for me to talk about this in the absence of a man, but well...
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she loved too many other men besides me, it’s a very interesting situation that she, his wife tried, i think that she tried her best, plus she was still pregnant, and in my opinion, apparently this didn’t give her any peace, i didn’t understand why they had to get a divorce, look what i thought a man should have done , i admit that love passes, love can pass even at that moment, when the wife is pregnant that's all. but a man waits until his wife gives birth to a child from him, some time passes, helping in every possible way, even if, god forbid, he has a mistress on the side, but he behaves decently in the family until the woman gives birth to his child, this is so manly, humanly, but because the wife refuses intimacy during pregnancy, leaving her is low, for me, you know, i personally broke up
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with my wife. despite the fact that we also experienced, well, our cooling off happened earlier, i separated from my wife only then, when both children went to kindergarten, when she found a job, when she got back on her feet, i did this, denis’s act, you understand, now i can’t go there in a time machine, i can’t look into what was there, how it was, maybe , yes, there were some moments, even more so, denis, you continued to help her financially, of course, that’s it. if material assistance continued, if this support continued, but the person simply actually stopped living with it, the friend is directly harnessed because of him, just like that, as if the groom was on his own can’t say, it’s interesting, but the friend seemed to be holding a candle during all this, directly participated in this process, well, probably not a good relationship, they share everything with each other, friends, so you said that it’s not beautiful there, not like a man and so on, you are generally right, my entire
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community has told me this a million times. lived, work colleagues, friends there, all the relatives naturally said the same thing, that i’m doing there, just wait it out for less than six months, you’re right, but but i didn’t want to tell my wife about the mistress, there’s about all these things about dislike and so on, i didn’t want this, didn’t plan it, but she, as a person, is not stupid and quite sensitive, she understood it all, what was happening, she interrogated me every evening, what’s happening, what’s wrong with you, where are you, who are you with and so on, there is one.
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i wonder what kind of surprise there will be, although now i see a guitar on stage, a musical surprise, no need to remember, no need to lie, no need to believe, no need to wait, no need to fall, no need to hit, no need to cry, no need to live,
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natasha, you looked carefully, listened carefully, what you saw and heard, what do you think? denis, well, that’s an impression. well, the young man, well, he didn’t do it, he didn’t do him nobility, you said it wrong, this action of his, i added not an ounce, well, maybe he showed weakness, i don’t even know how to say, characterize it, but at the front , yes, yes, yes, it was definitely there, and, you recommend it, it means i’m lazy, i’m not...
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the corner, that is, with housing, it means he rents in moscow, he’s always lived on the woman’s territory, he’s registered in my parents' apartment village, but at the same time, as he himself stated. elena. of course, what else remains, really, meet the second groom, come on in, hello, hello, you know, they say that a wedding gives a man a girlfriend, a lifelong friend, i have two such gifts, and i am sure that the best gift awaits me, now i want to give you a gift, an exclusive gift
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for an exclusive woman, it's a green pepper, god thank you, i'm sure you'll have an incredible experience, thank you, let's go, let's go. ivan, 40 years old, chef, lives in st. petersburg, enjoys snowboarding, skis, billiards, dreams of opening a family restaurant, building a house with a vineyard, is proud of the fact that he opened a bakery, admits that he has difficulty getting rid of old things and spends a lot of money on professional equipment. ivan decided to divorce the moment when he realized that in a relationship with his wife, he was taking a parental position. he hopes that elena will be his woman. i think that they are completely unsuitable for each other, but only if she has youth playing somewhere in her soul, she wants something like that, you know, there a biker on a motorcycle with a guitar, which takes her to a fabulous adventure, if suddenly, but
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it seems to me that she is looking for another man, oh, it seems to me that all women, when they get married, dream of being, well, a little bit of a daughter to their husbands, i agree with you, larisa, by the way, you don’t mind being a little daddy, it ’s nice, well... what’s the matter then in your marriage, what went wrong, something definitely went wrong, yes, she was a complete doll , lyalechka, but she was younger than me, in my opinion, 8 years, listen, sometimes 8 years younger, and smarter, you know, many times over, age has nothing to do with it, age has nothing to do with it, then tell your story, ah, my story began with the fact that i had a difficult relationship before meeting my first wife, and i am very difficult experienced it. suddenly you meet someone in your restaurant, absolutely right, a cheerful, cheerful, red-haired, sunny woman is running around, and i’m walking around like this, black, busy, on my own, i don’t even understand what’s going on, here’s the sun, i see this , damn, here it is, class, and yes, we
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we met, and she was also an actress, she was just finishing her studies, and she needed to earn money for her vacation, she worked part-time in a restaurant, as an animator, no, as a waiter. and will you marry her? this girl, yes, i will marry her, well , we need to raise a little person, because she is talented, she knows how to work, she performs great, and she needs something of her own, in general, we did not want to open a business for her, we wanted, well, we thought about different options, then we thought, here’s ira, she has talent, she has abilities, acting, acting and organizational at the same time, and you are yakupsky? studio or theater? we will build this business, in short, you step on your own throat, you spit on your career, you work with your wife, well, you can say this, this is how men act on this bravo, right? it seems to me that he
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’s a good guy, in fact, but he, well, as they say, he acted like a man, unlike me, of course, there i am, i’m a complete goner, i’m a bastard, well he, he, he is a man, tell me, this is what you... having stepped on your own throat, you stopped living your life, and began to live the life of your wife, somehow affected your mood in general, behavior, this was precisely the beginning. so to speak, the end, because i turned on a dad who will help, always support, grow, save, and i stopped understanding my desires, stopped hearing, try as a cook, how would you evaluate our strapon, how it suddenly went out of your life - then it evaporated, well , it didn’t happen overnight, naturally i started staying late at work and again at work i met a girl, they said about her she’s kind of crazy, i
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wondered what was so crazy about the girl, that i apparently have a weakness, so, sorry to interesting personalities, it turned out, it turned out that this would be my second wife, as a result, they gave birth to children in the second, i was twice married, it’s a little strange that there are no children, children most often, if it’s...
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he quit his job and went to india, something like that , the only thing is that he, well, let’s say such an unpredictable time, quits his job , there’s this, and he can’t afford anything to anyone at home let me, well, the main thing is that he i haven’t done this in my family life , i get up very early at 5 at 7 in the morning, you seem to be the same, yes i am too , it’s early and you can do it, so in many ways you coincide, you see, everything makes you happy, really, everything makes you happy, now what kind of surprise will you show, so we’re all just here, judging by everything, he’s a chef, now there’ll be something culinary, i think so, most likely 99%, well, what can you say, he’s an interesting man, but i don’t think he’s mine, i need more stable,
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more stable, it’s not like yes, look at quitting your job somewhere in india, not yet wife, no children, nothing to anyone, listen, delicious pies, owes nothing to anyone, well , he picked it up, bought a ticket, went, and you think, well, maybe, but there’s also this moment that maybe i’m not as eccentric for him as this is a situation, after all, vanya is 40, children, children are needed. one guy, this saleswoman at a haberdashery store, a hydroperide blonde with orange lips, with all these things, he will rave about such love to the grave, honestly , something very sweet, sweet and sour, and milk, yeast, yes, yes , yes, yes, yeast, well, live yeast, not dry, but did you roast it? yes, well, in a lot of oil, i know what i noticed, here
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the brides and grooms come, when the cameras are rolling, everyone is so constrained and everyone is like that, as soon as there is a small pause, everyone somehow comes to life, why can’t you communicate like that, but i don’t know why, they take it off right away, maybe that’s why there’s some kind of charm right away, it’s like you have a completely different face, now i’ll relax. otherwise it’s like they swallowed a stake, i’m not like that, i’m waiting for the tram, let’s see the surprise, it means we have a surprise today is an octopus, wow, you need a bride, i would be pleased if she stood next to me and helped me, i once ate octopus in greece on rhodus, i tried osmenogo, this... i will never do this again in my life
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there is, but if vanya lets me try, i ’ll try with pleasure, i want you to arrange the flowers when we lay them out, and the gloves with tweezers, tweezers, these are thick, and then for me this decoration, now, and i already that's it, yes, now we'll just warm it up, yeah. gently gently in the oil, he it’s already ready, it’s already ready, it’s prepared using the sous-vide technology, now it’s going to start crackling, we’ll turn it over and make it. very tasty, by the way, and you can spread this cheese sauce beautifully, what on ta avan, i can, ivan, i never knew, tell me, does the octopus need to be boiled before putting it on the grill, and exactly an hour if it’s a moroccan octopus , and for you it is important that
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your wife knows how to cook well, or that what you can do is enough, but what i can do is enough for me, but this is a nice bonus if the woman understands what... is happening in the kitchen, so now we are laying out the flowers, next to me i will put the pre-pickled one, what kind of flowers, there is sorrel, mainly this clove , well, while we were driving, it withered a little, but that’s okay, now i’ll post another mango marinated in yuzu sauce with honey, onions, shallots, it’s very... a wonderful combination with cheese sauce, it ’s worth a try, well, at the same time i ’ll see, maybe i’ll cook octopus sometime , i want to add a little smoke to this dish, you light it, and then i close it, that
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yes, everything is right, now he will smoke this thing a little, well, look how it is in his hands. well done, it seems perfect to me, take the plate, bring it here, i still retain my conviction that they are not a good couple at all, but the fact that they both work in catering, she turns out to be a cook there or something and he is a cook, and of course not much in common, well, probably... no, this is for you, and this, come here, come here, i’ll let this smoke smell come out, oh what a smell, thank you, go ahead, i’ll try it too, so with flowers, well, it should be delicious, well, soft, at least soft, so here we are too, well, now we’ve succeeded, well done,
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well done, delicious, but i see that he prepared it competently, look, ivan is not bad, if only he didn’t show the surprise or if he had shown a song there, sung another surprise, i wouldn’t have formed that opinion, that is, you can take him and make him, as they used to say, a person for re-education, he was just unlucky, wow, it was exciting, very exciting, i'm straight, but i got pleasure, pleasure and so it was a pleasure to work with her, team, we can create a team, she will serve, i will shoot, well, we think, okay, do we have another groom? come in, meet
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elena, hello, hello, i give you this bouquet in honor of your splendor and superiority, it is for you. it will suit you, thank you very much, it’s very nice, let’s go, alexander, 53 years old, entrepreneur, owner of a company for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, lives in moscow, goes in for sports, is proud that he was able to raise a business from scratch three times, admits that he leaves dirty dishes for night and does not wear slippers, warns that he cannot live without sweet coffee. alexandra's wife went on vacation with her friends, and returned again as her husband. he hopes that elena will give him only pleasant surprises. hello, hello, larisa, hello, rosa. yes, what an interesting guy, in fact, the fact that he has his own business is just respect. well, you are an original,
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of course. what country was your wife sent to? with girlfriend? the girlfriends lived in cyprus. never rested, but circumstances turned out that way, how long did she ask for time off - 2 weeks, for 2 weeks, well, you keep your finger on the pulse, you ’re kind of there, well, yeah, calls, video calls, everything else, yeah. an incomprehensible thoughtfulness appeared, which was not there before, uh, calls that stopped
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when i appeared, well - a terrible story, of course, that his wife changed, that she found herself a capriot, unfortunately, such stories happen, i also have an ex, like you know, she cheated on me with her boss , an azerbaijani, in the end, my things, and then they ended up in my office. who is first started talking about something wrong with us? as time passed, when i began to suspect more and more, i brought up this conversation myself, the first conversation basically didn’t take place, don’t worry, everything is fine, then a second one took place, the third time she finally confessed, we talked, he rather everything turned out to be more. in character than me, not the same, maybe tough, but you are tough, only in some moments, he rather
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wants to pretend to be more of himself than he really is, he wants to seem bigger, rougher, as if so strong, so cool, at the same time, well, it’s funny how she smiles, i like it, yes, how do you like elena, elena, beautiful, i thought it was just elena, it turns out beautiful, yes, look. you are 53 years old, you, apparently, have no bad habits, because you look very good, we are trying, and i look at the state you are in now, and you, you say, you went bankrupt three times, you are now in a position bankruptcy or already in a state of some kind of recovery, because i don’t really understand, you have a dream, maybe there ’s a typo here, to raise your son correctly and so that his business collapsed, developed, and developed. so that mine develops and has something to pass on to it, so what stage are you now?
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good development? at zero, in the sense of at if we talk about a house, are you at the level of the foundation pit or does the business already have a roof, the roof is there and it’s not leaking, okay, no, you think i’m interested in this, but i’m something, i’ll ask him now, he’s a little guy, he’ll quickly look at the government services and in general, everything that’s useful is from...
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training, it would be very nice to have a massage, yeah, that is, you will do it or you, i’ll do, i looked at the girl, so that the question, so as not to participate, he will tell me how best to do it correctly, because you don’t have much experience in this, you don’t know how, but you just want to, well, of course i saw elena, i just feel that miderson needs this, i think you’re about to break down from this question. let's figure it out, alexander, have you never had a massage and decided what's the best place to try?


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