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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 11, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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you need to do a project, before the project you need to do geology, and i think that when they did the geology, it was clearly visible that there was groundwater, there is a lot of earth in orct labor, why was it necessary to build a house on groundwater, for me personally this is not clear , here we see in the video, and the collapsed blind area, cracked walls and everything else, sasha, but look at the bailiffs here, right here on the face, yes, the bailiffs, they are inactive, do you understand? in general, there really is leverage over the administration, they could initiate also a criminal case for inaction and failure to comply with a court decision. naturally, the popular front will work, i have no doubt about it, i have no doubt at all. colleague, i have a big request to you, when the court decision is executed, i ask you, please, in terms of the execution of the court decision in favor of the owners, that is, everything is clear to the municipalities, they must carry out the apartments in favor of the owners. an examination
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, an independent conclusion, an assessment to make so that they are given compensation at market value, this is the first thing, please do not forget about compensation for the land plot, that is, which belongs, for moving, that is , these three components must be included in the examination and then paid to the owners, please follow up, i think that the popular front will cope, but if it will be necessary, and we will come. heavily with fists, there was a bruise here, alexey tiran, alexey is a drunk, and the new husband cannot protect her from her superiors, yuri vasilyevich, he is not a scandalous, non-conflict person, you know everything, i know from lyuba’s stories how you lived with his ex-wife, at first they lived in perfect harmony, then she began to cheat, she caught you more than once, even with her own sister, and you are not ashamed, what are you talking about, you beat her mercilessly, sometimes for cheating. i
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ran out and shouted, help, take off your shoes, take off your shoes, and you were drinking with him, i needed it to relieve stress, we have the next heroine, this is your stepdaughter, she’s also almost a prostitute, she’s already on her third man, right now we hear everything whether this is true or not. good evening, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today at president putin has a busy program. he will hold a meeting in person with members of the security council. he has a meeting planned with president lukashenko, at this moment he is holding meetings on the videoconferencing with the heads of regions that were affected by floods with the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations, that’s what the president said.
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dear colleagues, good afternoon, we have connections with kurgan, orenburg, tyumen, the topic is clear, floods, fighting them and providing assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult situation, we are in contact almost every day, but still however, the situation is changing hourly, so i would ask you to report, first of all, to the governor, how you assess it.
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roscosmos, everyone involved in this wonderful launch, well, all of us, in fact, all of humanity, because this is an important step in space exploration, an important step towards ensuring our space sovereignty,
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but from the east, plus a new automatic launch, this also, so to speak, a definite step forward, well, all our... deep space programs, starting with the new station, the moon, and further connected, of course, with this, with this rocket, so i also sincerely congratulate the employees of roscosmos and its leader borisov, with the fact that, after all, we had the same thing before, a bad start, a bad start, and then a pause for about six months. here, but borisov correctly explained that a series of tests have begun, this is basically a test launch, the rocket will fly with an astronaut, in my opinion, no earlier than in a year and a half, well, in any case, this is a big step, this is a big a step forward, our
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cosmonautics, well, our aerospace forces also distinguished themselves today, because there was just a massive blow was dealt to the entire energy system. we now see how a power plant is burning, not far from kiev, the largest in the kiev region, but the blow was struck not only there, arrivals at night, in the morning and now continue in kharkov in stri in the lviv region, in the zaporozhye region, odessa, nikolainsk, rivne, cherkassy , khmelnitsky, dnepropetrovsk, chernovidsk, and, apparently, they all achieve their goal. because the ukrainian air defense system seems to have stopped working. here is a statement from our ministry of defense. in response to attempts kiev regime to cause damage to the oil and gas industry and energy facilities of russia, tonight the armed forces of the russian federation launched a massive strike
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with long-range precision weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles on the facilities of the fuel and energy complex of ukraine. the objectives of the strike have been achieved. all objects are hit. as a result, the work of the ukrainian language was disrupted. on the kiev internet, there is now a frantic demand for electric generators, so they don’t give more than one generator to one person, and the prices took off several times, which means they really hit. isn't it boris alexandrovich, i am turning to boris alexandrovich rozhin, our permanent military expert. good evening, over to you. and good evening, well, of all the blows that were delivered at night, in the morning, during the day, literally right now during the broadcast these strikes continue to be delivered. the most
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effective strike was on the trypillian test, all four power units were hit there, the station was virtually completely disabled, it is not yet clear how much the enemy will need months or years for her. restoration, but the damage, well, is assessed as subek, as catastrophic, substations in kharkov are also seriously damaged, in kharkov today there have already been about eight or nine arrivals at substations, at military-industrial infrastructure facilities, air defense actually does not protect them in any way, literally 5 minutes before the broadcast , the tets in sumy was hit, adjustable aerial bombs arrived there due to the expansion of the radius of use of our bombs from the kabs’ cpc. we can now get much more deeper into the territory, well, the object is on enemy territory and air defense is actually powerless there, since the enemy does not have effective defense measures against the cubs and bombsuns, and of course we also note that two underground gas storage facilities were hit, for which
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hypersonic missiles were used, dagger, that is, again, the enemy was not able to seriously shoot down anything there, the ground infrastructure was hit, which destroys the plans of the nato countries to use underground ones. gas storage facilities in ukraine for its own oil and gas system, well, winter 24-25, then there were such plans, now they seem to be reset, just as plans to use ukraine’s generation to supply electricity to europe were reset, now everything is exactly the opposite, it is ukraine that is forced to receive electricity from europe in order to somehow compensate for the loss of energy generating capacity , but again this is not enough and... the enemy is already forced to standardize in a number of areas and set priorities, that is, part of the industry is transferred to saving mode, or is transferred to quite costly maintenance at the expense of generators, this , of course, affects the total volume of industrial production of the enemy, and again these attacks
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logically complement the situation at the front, since some air defenses that were removed from the defense of cities were destroyed by our aerospace forces and, accordingly, this weakens both the defense enemy at the front. here in the picture there is now a strike on the arsenal in the sumy region, and, accordingly, this also applies to covering troops, and if we talk about the front, then our troops continue... to act actively at work, there are now battles going on again in the center of the village, the enemy tried to counterattack, drive out our troops, but could not, our troops also continue attacks to the north-west of verbovoy, on the temporary ledge our troops advanced south of urozhayny gradually, approaching the outskirts of the settlement, in the ugledar direction, our troops have further advanced to novomikhailovka and have moved even more seriously to the south of novomikhailovka, the enemy cannot yet assess our here... movements in the marinsky direction, our troops advanced in krasnogorovka, the enemy
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counterattacked, tried to dislodge our troops from the city, but failed, accordingly, our troops gained a foothold there due to massive airstrikes and continue to expand the zone of control, in the avdeevsky direction, our troops have now reached the outskirts of umansky, and now we have also approached yasnobrodovka in the style of between nitaylovo and umansky, that is, gradually moving towards karlovka, an assault on nitaylovo is being prepared almost completely. semyonovka has been cleared, there is still a little work left, and somewhere around 75% of the berdychs are already under our control, soon we will also move forward here to the north, northeast of tumansky. in the artyomovsk direction, our troops continued to clear bogdanovka and vysot in the krasnoye area. we are also active on the outskirts of chasov yar, battles are taking place directly next to the outermost houses of the city, and intense attacks are also carried around the city. our troops will advance on the northern ledge.
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let's listen. each of our neighbors in europe and each of our other partners must
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see how critical the need is ukraine's air defense is right here now. russian missiles and suicide bombers are hitting not only ukraine, but the determination of our partners. we need air defense and other defense support, not turning a blind eye and long discussions. well , as for ukrainian diplomacy, its head kuleba said that he is now moving to hard diplomacy. what is tough diplomacy as practiced by the ukrainian world? let's listen. ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba wants to receive additional unused resources from the west patriot batteries. and he will no longer ask politely. quiet diplomacy did not work, kuleba said. he hopes that a new style of diplomacy, involving tougher negotiating methods, will pave the way for him. yes, people may hate me and i may ruin relationships, but we 've tried everything and nothing works. his team found more than 100 available patriots. some neighboring countries have more than one battery guarding a port or
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airfield. ukraine needs 26 to create a complete air shield over ukraine, but kuleba will focus on getting a family first. “i feel like i’m banging my head against the wall,” says kuleba. i just don't understand why this isn't happening. that is, the tough tone of ukrainian diplomacy is banging your head against the wall even harder. yes, apparently - that's exactly it. is the idea, because if the kiev regime really decided to take its fate into its own hands, then it would naturally refuse all these western curators and try, well, i don’t know , talk to us, give up, well, something to do, but in fact the western curators told the kiev regime that the latter was needed.
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head, head against the wall, but you see, i don’t have any regrets about the kuleba’s head, and no matter what wall he hits, unfortunately, they break it. i don’t feel sorry for the walls, no, the walls, well, yes, i probably don’t feel sorry for the walls either, i’m very sorry for what’s happening to the ukrainian people, because before it comes to banging your head against the wall, figuratively, the last cry of despair, the actual extermination of the ukrainian
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people, and what the kiev regime is doing towards its own people will probably go down... in the annals of history, well , somewhere on the same level as genocide and the most cruel and barbaric practices, western politicians pay no attention to this they don’t pay attention, they need this orchestrated theatrical cry of despair in order to try to get some other means to fire this kiev regime, i literally just one minute they actually need all these kiev leaders to figure it out. in numbers kuleba wants 26 batteries, somewhere he found 100 more, zelensky wants 200, only about 100 were exported and 60 on the continent, where he found 100 batteries that no one needs, this is actually a mystery to me, therefore - they need to learn a little bit, well, besides, one thing costs
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a billion dollars, one battery costs a billion dollars, so don’t read the missiles there, well... the ukrainians continue the latter, they will simply throw people at what they cannot cover now from the air, but it's really just extermination in fact people, well, europe is egging on ukraine, macron today gathered representatives of the military-industrial complex, called for transferring the entire french economy to a war footing, i wonder how it will all look like for them, i’m even curious
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to see how they will succeed, so the germans have come up with a new way: ukrainian refugees in germany are recruited to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, and in exchange they are offered german citizenship. the contract is valid for 10 months. rates: 500 euros per month for service in the city, 3,000 euros for service on the front line. an attraction like no other generosity was opened on the instructions of the special services by the federal office for migration and refugees in the republic of germany. they offer to join the ranks. the german volunteer corps, part of the international legion of territorial defense of ukraine, will be sent to the front after a special course from american, polish and local instructors in exchange for german citizenship according to a simplified scheme, but only after the end of hostilities. the first group of refugees has already been sent to the german armed forces base in saxony, where ukrainians are being taught military the case is of members of the neo-nazi party third way,
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which since 2014 has been collaborating with the right sector, the nazis. i think no, the fact is that those who came to germany, those refugees, they integrate quite successfully, they receive quite significant benefits, the only problem is that without violating european laws, that is, without claims, the european courts , it is impossible to simply take and send ukrainian refugees, because they will immediately begin and it is even impossible to reduce their level of detention, and the current level of maintenance is approximately the same the money is worth it, that is, they, i think they get at least 500.
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nikolai tishchenko. armor so that our soldiers are well protected. tishchenko agreed through irmak that they would sponsor the armed forces of ukraine, so that they would work in this market accordingly. and the organized criminal group drug cartel began supplying drugs to the front line. the restaurant system allows money to be legalized. and zelensky was his host. he was entirely responsible for entertaining zelensky. tishchenko received from the ukrainian president order of ukraine for merit, third degree. in addition to these restaurants. drugs and prostitutes, there is also a very interesting type of business, this is video filming, his task was to serve the american and british embassies very well, he collected a fairly large database of incriminating evidence
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on almost everyone, he passed it all on to his immediate boss, he has a roof inside kiev, and this roof also has a us roof, someone leaked all the incriminating evidence on mr. tishchenko into the network. people's deputies, the era of tischenok. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. and this hairstyle suits him too. typical criminal. this photographic test was made of him. this photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a stellar ticket. then georgy nikolaevich speaks. where is he? shall we give it here? the story that was later told, i am walking around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, but long before that, such internal artistic intonations
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were in the air, and then another actress appeared there, who by that time was completely unknown, it was inna chyurikova. bass and bulls are in high demand, everyone offered them episodic roles. usually everyone tells danel’s version that shpalikov had to submit the text. but disappeared, he said that he would shoot all his films one more time, except i’m walking around moscow. podcast lab, today on the first. hair dye, it turns out, is super awesome, dye examination and much more important and interesting in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, well, i’m different. various evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists russia, he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you
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love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? i didn’t love anyone before tanya, i loved her. he took me by the arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive and interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedy? all this is in god’s providence; as god directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away from you for something? best of all, new season, on sunday on the first. chanson, this
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is not just for you, you need to do it. it was so festive and... i wanted to go out and dance, but i couldn’t, i was attached to it. well, i would also like to say that even in such a company, anyone’s potential would open up. i love gypsy, your voice knows no boundaries at all. you're an amazing classical singer, but you can. he wears
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trousers and gorefe, and he wears a napan hat, he wears boots for repairs, three chords, a new season, on sunday at the first, a big game. live, today the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation issued a warning, quite unusual for our foreign ministry, the foreign ministry recommended that the russians not visit israel, palestine, lebanon and jordan. it is obvious that the situation there is heating up with every minute, religious holidays in iran are now ending and everyone is waiting to see what iran’s response to the attack will be.
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aircraft on its territory, israel continues to escalate, it struck regions in the south of the gaza strip, which was declared by the security council of the taboo organization for israel, and is ready to attack rafah, which will make israel completely an international pariah, in addition it was...
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a blow was struck against the family of hamas political leader ismail haniyeh, his three sons and grandchildren were killed. naturally, the sympathies of arab countries and muslim countries are completely on the side of hamas, a lot of condolences, including from turkey, that is, the escalation continues. as for the united states of america, then really a lot depends on them now, today biden made, in my opinion, a very responsible statement, let's listen: we want to draw attention to the iranian threat to send a signal that they threaten to deal a major blow to israel, as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to keeping israel safe from threats posed by iran and its proxies is unwavering, let me repeat, i am unwavering, we are going
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to do everything in our power to defend. security of israel. note that this position does not meet with the support of the overwhelming majority of democrats in the party that biden himself belongs to. and the americans take israel under their protection, proving that israel is not is accustomed to violating international humanitarian law, as lloyd austin spoke about in congress. in connection with the protests organized in the area, i would like to ask you, is israel committing genocide in gaza?
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component, and maybe somewhere, if you look today, perhaps at the american approach or what is being said in america, today, and in israel too, the problem is simple, what to do with netanyahu and what to do with biden, this is what needs to be done this way, in this way, from which end to start, either to start, so to speak, with netanyahu, or, by the way, with biden, and this is the situation, i think, maybe in the near foreseeable future it will be the most important and most
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serious. because it is absolutely obvious that it is precisely with the, i would even say , fantastic ineffectiveness of american foreign policy that the world is sliding and... precisely to the brink of a new serious war in the middle east, which, i would say, will no longer be able to be stopped, or at least , prevented by traditional methods, it can really become, i would even say, a prologue to world war, the fact that today the americans cannot do anything here, this once again emphasizes, well , maybe even the fact that they are really confused, they do not have a strategy for how to...
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the united states, its allies are confident that serious attacks on israeli military and government targets inevitable. a potential attack, possibly using precision-guided missiles, could occur in the coming days. according to one of the interlocutors, based on the assessments of american and israeli intelligence, it is more a matter of time than probability. us officials are helping israel with planning and sharing intelligence assessments. israel has told allies that this attack will likely happen before a ground offensive against hamas in rafah, though. it is unclear how soon this operation can begin? but the fact is that it seems to me that it is necessary to remind, after all, what was israel’s main goal when it launched this strike on damascus, and this
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was to humiliate and intimidate iran, of course, they wanted to kill the generals, this is certainly true say, the technical task was their intelligence, but still, the broader task is to intimidate... everyone around, so that they don’t get involved in this palestinian situation, so that they can end up in gaza with the same barbaric methods that they have been using in recent months, which we see in fact, he is afraid israel, now everyone understands that iran is in a stronger position, israel is noticeably scared, and moreover, such a very interesting international situation has developed, if only earlier , earlier... everyone was holding back iran, iran, but that’s okay, well i need something softer, maybe perhaps you will find other means, now everyone, even the americans, bloomberg writes this correctly in this article, everyone recognizes iran’s right to retaliate, and for israel this is horror,
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because not only is it afraid from a military-technical point of view view that a blow could be struck, the scary thing is that israel is indeed in international isolation, it is practically from... iran has the moral and, in general, legal right to strike back, then the israelis begin to turn to the americans, the americans occupy this dual position: on the one hand, they need to say that they will not abandon israel, on the other hand, they say that they need to inflict a strategic defeat on russia and a strategic defeat on china, and so they will devote all their strength to defending israel, just for that to provide in this situation. his survival, so israel found itself in an absolutely stalemate, in a broader context, it seems to me that this is a very good example of the fact that none of this western hegemon
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can actually do anything without us without china, so we just stopped for a limited amount of time to help the westerners, to cooperate with them in resolving complex world affairs, so the americans took it.
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writes that iran has almost created nuclear weapons. let's listen. iranian officials have begun to talk openly about achieving deterrence, implying that tehran now has everything it needs to build a bomb, although iran says it has no plans to build nuclear weapons, it has reserves of highly enriched uranium that can be converted into weapons fuel for both at least three bombs over a period of several days to several weeks. recently, iran has been trying to dilute some of its high. iran
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is slowly but surely moving forward, accumulating resources for future weapons. yes, this is true, because iran has reached a level of enrichment somewhere close to 90 to 90%. he has very little left, or maybe he has already achieved it, because they already produce centrifuges themselves, they have technology, they have everything, they did all this in their time... chile is from pakistan, so what they themselves really impose some kind of self-restrictions, it does not mean at all that in the current situation they will actually create nuclear weapons, regardless of whether the united states and the west want it or not . moreover, regarding a possible strike, their supreme ayatallah has already said too much for so to speak, nothing happened, so there will be some answer,
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whether it will be by the forces of hezbollah, this is the easiest option, but israel naturally counts and is afraid namely iran's strike, iran has a sufficient number of missiles with with a range of 2400 km, they easily reach all corners of israel, so if if. will go for a direct, so to speak, direct strike, and they threaten to strike israeli cities, then this, of course, is the forerunner of a very big war in the middle east, the united states understands that they will have to intervene, they have already begun to transfer refueling tanks 135, because the israeli planes simply won’t fly to iran without refueling, that is, it’s really going on. preparations for the start of real
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hostilities between israel and iran, well, of course, if this all starts, then the united states will, of course, have no time for ukraine, and no time for china, god forbid they can cope, all this is superimposed on this pre-selected situation, i, of course, do not envy the american administration, well, there’s more for israel there will be a problem, even if there is something to refuel, there will be a problem how to fly.
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israel, given its extremely limited resources, cannot afford a long war against iran, i will say this: we have now been fighting against hamas for several months, our economy is collapsing, the security situation in the country is getting out of control, we are not coping with the restoration of the army, we are losing hostages , we are missing... iran is in an alliance with china and russia. the trio set their sights on pushing the us and israel out of the middle east. so today the question is not even about iran’s resources, but about the resources of these global players. in such a situation , israel, tiny in terms of state resources, cannot even think about competition. what is happening now could become an existential crisis for israel. and therefore, in these conditions
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, the united states is also trying now not to threaten, as they usually do, but to try to find some way out of the situation, reuters writes about this. the american envoy to the middle east contacted the foreign ministers of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates of qatar. iraq and asked them to convey a message to iran calling on them to reduce tensions with israel, the source said. completely atypical for american diplomacy. statement, i completely agree with you that usually the united states is accustomed to the fact that it is a city on a hill that can actually tell everyone else how to live, what to do, where to go, where not to go, and even jannet yelin’s last visit to china also took place in such complete categorical tones, when she gave various valuable instructions, and here is probably the first sign
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that the states are taking a step back, at least in words, at least verbally, at the ambassadorial level, from their concept of exclusivity.
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so convincing, it’s normal, but - in this iran is already threatening the situation, it is not the united states that is threatening iran, but iran is threatening the united states of america, so let’s listen to the intercept. on monday night, iran conveyed to the biden administration that if it comes to israel's defense, tehran will consider u.s. targets as a legitimate target. this issue was discussed at a meeting of the national security council on tuesday, and one of the nss employees reported it there. to senior officials that the administration does not want to publicly demonstrate that it is conducting an official dialogue with tehran, with which the united states does not have formal diplomatic relations. in america, indeed, as i already said, this line can be continued, because it is very strange, its meaning is to
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really act as such an arbiter, the meaning is to oppose iran to israel, or at least to say that if israel... continues to act, then the united states of america may suddenly commit some kind of somersault and begin to support iran against israel, so so that the netanya government also has this component in mind, but it turns out a very interesting thing, because then it very much begins to be connected with the internal political situation in the united states of america, the powerful forces that stand and support the democratic party are alone... not at all are interested in the biden administration playing such games, you know, multiple, multi-vector, however, we know that before october 7, the administration was pushing for a settlement between israel and the arab countries, in particular, the establishment of diplomatic
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relations with saudi arabia, but at least before starting, as they say, almost taking a step towards diplomatic... recognition of israel, from iran, well, i think that american public opinion is not ready here yet , this is where the main trap for the biden administration may lie, this is how it will get out of this situation, i think today no one knows, even in general the most, as they say, intellectually developed or the greatest intellectuals who are responsible you saw the intellectuals responsible for national security there, in general there really is a problem. indeed, in the adequacy of the assessment of the situation by those who make the decision, i have serious doubts that intellectuals are in power there, but that’s exactly what we’ll talk about after the advertisement.
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i feel like a happy person. when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am with my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, the health of my loved ones makes me happy, not only my loved ones, everyone... me and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy , i love my country, i’m proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their happiness. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury; perhaps all the most famous
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actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch please, but this is pasadena, we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role? is whoopi goldbert a cop? how do the local public perceive our films? on the first day of cosmonautics day, we are on
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nerves all day, we worry all day, hello everyone, by the way, 18, 17, 16, 15, ignition. alekseevich’s eldest daughter, new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, the first time we saw yuri alekseevich in a hat, susami in
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butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into all classes, gagarin in space flew, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, but he won’t get caught on anything there, i dream of wearing a horn from the cosmodrome in my life. how in all soviet houses there was a portrait of yuri alekseevich and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came to my mother, gave out such hysterics, i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich - it was like a relative for our family , when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a tradition, you must drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich gagarin himself drank, it is believed that if you drink this water, you will definitely fly into the air. on saturday at the first, we are again together with those who love
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good music with all their souls, you hooked me so much that i swam, sing swing in russian, this is another task, the gears do not always coincide. this is all hip-hop, everything is there, three chords, new season, on sunday on
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the first. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. big game live. we said that a lot in the modern world depends on the adequacy of the elites, their ability to perceive reality, well, there was such a test for the perception of reality with western elites, there is margarita sinkas, deputy chairman of the european commission for the protection of the european way of life, culture of education, and thomas bach, president of the international olympic committee, the two of them were called into a video conference at the lexus advance. lexus pretended to be an african leader, placing behind him a bottle of vodka, a cheburashka and
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i talked to them, let's listen, today is a holiday in my country. we have something of a tradition, let me ask you to repeat my words after me, today is the feast of the saints vawan and lexus, these are the heroes of the continent, i turn to you, god, i turn to you, god, to help me, to help you, help you, to help me make the right decision, help me make the right decision.
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take place, you understand who we were dealing with, for a long time we thought that we should listen to the opinion there these people, some even firmly believed that we should just do exactly what they say, but they believe that they have every right to dictate to us what we need to do, these are inadequate people, they just write speeches leader, well, listen, now there was a meeting between biden and kishido, the japanese prime minister, let’s listen to biden. we are the same, japan and the united states, we may be separated by distance, but generation after generation we have fought together for common hopes and common values, we have fought for the same commitment to democracy, to freedom for all dignity. it’s clear, yes, that is, japan and the usa fought for common values ​​in the second world war, by the way, i agree, because japan was a super-nazi state,
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in general, hitler’s germany is resting.
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german germany, in fact, he pushed through his appointment as ambassador of london at one time, precisely because he was to be closer to these things, that is, in fact, it turns out that all all politics, all political words, all political declarations, it was this or that a performance for people who really in fact, they do business that proceed from completely different ideas, and hypocrisy, as oscar wilde said, is part of good education, this is absolutely true in relation to today's west. now the united states has little choice between, well, as they say, between ramolik and the paranoid, yes, it’s clear that the economy can also interfere in the dispute, so trump just made a new video in which he showed the successes of bidennomics, since then since biden came to power, gasoline prices have risen by 48%, housing price increased by 21%. uh, airfare has risen in price
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by 33%, food by 21. two points follow from this: the first is that before the biden administration today, i would say this, if prices for tabular goods rise, then the cost of bidonomics sharply decreases, it becomes a product that is difficult to sell, or at least a waste product. from this point of view, it may be clear that today it is necessary to move away from the achievements
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of the administration in the field of economics and transfer them. into some irrational category of the fight against trump, that is , the administration does not have great achievements, and this is due to the latest, maybe just the data that trump published, that... inflation has become the most important problem for americans today in the election year, but i want to say one very an important thing, the point is that this data created a situation in which panic arose in american business circles, firstly, indices fell, and secondly, the fed postponed, is now postponing the program of reducing interest rates to the end year, and the likelihood of a recession has sharply increased: just before the elections, yes, this is serious, but the united states is going to increase its military presence in east asia, in particular, by deploying medium- and short-range missiles,
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which were prohibited by the inf treaty, and what we will do in this situation, sergei ribkov gave the answer today. if the us plans are implemented , it will deploy the corresponding missiles in any region of the world, including the asia-pacific. european direction, one of the elements counteraction from russia will undoubtedly be a revision of the approach to the unilateral moratorium on the deployment of such systems announced by vladimir putin. then it was stated that the emergence of american-made medium- and shorter-range weapons in any region of the world would lead to corresponding retaliatory steps from our country. and as the corresponding american plans take on more and more concrete outlines, we are also gradually moving into the phase of practical determination of how we will do this to react. the intention of the united states is to acquire such a potential from...
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only to protect israel, if, of course, they decide to do this at all, but biden, i am sure, already in the pre-election period
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cannot retreat from this confrontational line, and this is a trap into which the united states has found itself, weakening with rising inflation, with a weakening military-industrial complex, which has drawn itself into the ukrainian conflict, now the middle east conflict and is also drawing itself into the conflict in the far east, but... what israel cannot imagine allowing serious wars is also possible, and the united states cannot afford this either, but our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's take the floor to the news, the big game returns at 11:00 p.m. hello, evening news is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio. this is the main topic. elimination of the consequences of floods is the main topic.


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