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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 12, 2024 2:25am-3:00am MSK

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somewhere you also think that it could have been done differently, you should have gotten a divorce earlier, i don’t know there, you should have done something bad, you acted wrongly, and you probably would have done it differently, it probably doesn’t matter, but it’s still there two adults, these two adults have not coped with what is called marriage, well, you have two, the child should just understand this, realize it, he will understand, well, 7 years is like the age when you, in my opinion, are minimal you’re injuring him, well, for sure, for now, but the longer you say correctly:
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yes, one of the obstacles, it’s on your part that you need to put it at stake if she’s ready to deprive andrei of his father, well , they married the wrong woman at all, what can i say, well, i hope that’s not the case, all you can do now is to invest your attention in the relationship with his mother, well, in the sense of talking, explaining, how to clarify all this, well, because tanya is asking you the right question, what is the legend? for andrey, why aren’t you around, it’s like you’re playing a game called we’ll save the family, we’ll save this illusion for andrei, but you’re lying to him? it feels like, you know, it seems that you feel very guilty before your ex-wife, as if this is her instrument of influence on you, so you cannot feel free and make the decisions that you consider necessary, more than me... and in front of the child,
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not the ex-spouses, but in front of the child, why? because i left, yes, i’m not spending time with him now, probably this is what’s eating me very much, genius tatyana's assumptions are that, feeling guilty before your first wife, you transfer it to the child, you did nothing to the child, you are from him...
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that he has stepbrothers, you said at the beginning that then you they couldn’t imagine, for some reason they couldn’t, for some reason they couldn’t imagine this cause-and-effect relationship, that if you have a relationship with violo, if you have other children, then as a result there will be difficulties with andrei, with his ex-wife , what is it that will raise this entire layer, is this the point, is this yours? yes and also including the fact that at that moment i was somehow even, well , deepened by new relationships, yes, by my new plans, building a new family, and i missed this moment, how it would be possible for them, how a child could react, because it only came later , the fact that yes, there really could be problems, it’s so interesting, you seem to be afraid all the time after. he will go, he may be there, well
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, he is walking through territory that is unknown to him, he understands that in this territory he can hurt his leg, get hurt there, yes, he has some kind of fear, so in order to overcome this, he must need confidence, in order to really step down this ladder, so that, well , some guarantees that this is the right decision, but there are no guarantees, but there are no guarantees of confidence, but there are no guarantees, then you know, not the amount of time spent with as a child.
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that it should have been different, it should have been wrong, that is, you will always come up with some kind of reality in which it is as if this event does not exist, but it does exist, there is already this boy, there are these two boys, as if , and
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this already exists, and it must be accepted as a fact, taking responsibility for what adults have done, then the feeling of guilt will not interfere with your communication with your children, then these children will have... well, either one of you will do it, and if you do it, then yes, you there is a risk that she will not allow him to communicate with you, you with him, and yes, it will be bad, but otherwise everyone else will suffer, it’s just that, unfortunately, that’s what will happen here. this lie has already gone so deep that you can unravel it one way or another with the responsibility of certain consequences, well, you can minimize them, that’s the point? roughly speaking, you need to prioritize either the child or the ex-spouse, right? i
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’ll make a very bold assumption that it would be great to sort out your relationship with your ex-wife before telling andrey, because the root is, in general, there, of course. to clear this relationship, to talk through all the grievances, expectations that she obviously may have, i talked thousands of times, tried to convince her, and through arguments, pressure, and well, not at all, just to convince her of something, to convince her that i need them to communicate, i really want them to your relationship, you and your ex -wife without children, she hasn’t gotten over your divorce yet, that’s the thing, i think, yes, so... this is tatyana talking about this, that you need to talk it out, she has a grudge very strong, and even against the new spouse, and this does not allow her to build her relationship, well , you both need this purity between you in order to move on, of course, and so that the child can live calmly in all this,
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the child will be able to cope with this, but only when he clearly understands that there is something, but he will not live in illusion, so if you are talking about the fact that your relationship is built only on... to improve andrei’s quality of life, then this, this is right there, not buying toys, there is medical maintenance, insurance, i don’t know, schools, education, it’s this cleanliness, why yes, i have this, i have, because my parents, they just categorically did not communicate, after the divorce i have them, even they have no communication, i understand that it was very bad, because it would it would be better if they communicated with each other, like my mother, and with my... father, they would do things more productively, and it would be better for us, for my brother, if they had some kind of communication, communication, they categorically did not want to communicate with each other, so against the background of this i would not want to repeat what
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i had, my parents, while you go there in a different form, but you repeat the same story , you seem to be precisely because you lacked the communication of your mother and father in childhood to question? about your trauma, even though you said that there are none, and because mom and dad didn’t communicate, you now place communication with your first wife higher than the mental health of your child. because you are trying to save him, so that he does not see what you saw, acting out your trauma, you understand, it’s as if you are repairing the relationship between your parents, but how can i introduce him, how best to make the child react normally, and what i have children in different years, i think that this can be done in different ways, you can first show him two-year-old children, and then... say that they are his brothers, or you can first tell him that we will now go to your brothers and then show him, i think that
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this does not matter very much, i am for the second approach , bring, first communicate, so that they communicate, and then say what i don’t have, you can, i say both ways, tatyana, on the contrary, comes up for the second, let’s be honest, and since we’re talking about honesty, let’s not we will load andrey with additional, well, yes, additional suspicion, because this will result maybe that... he will still have the idea that when communicating with other people, there is always some kind of story that can unexpectedly come to light, so you need to be hyper-attentive, what this or that communication can lead to, so let's still , to be honest, i would first, and in this sense , the three of us would sit down and talk, you are his mother and andrey, and as if only when you two adults can say this, if mom is categorically no, well, come up with any convenient way, but tatyana is right that... you can first just tell him that we today we will go there, i want to introduce you to your brothers, and answer all his
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questions, he will have a lot of questions, it is important that you answer them, it is very important to talk to him, what you feel, what is happening to you now, what are you thinking about, what fears do you have, why are you worried, and what do you expect, after you introduce them, you will also need to spend time with him, he must understand that for him the world has not changed for him in the same way there is. dad has time where you two are alone and the same with him work through this situation, talk about what happened to you, how it was for you, how you liked it, didn’t like it, what you liked and what you didn’t, what would you like? tell me, will your ex-wife agree to go to a psychologist with you? i think, no, she will say that no, i don’t need it, this person is very stubborn, this is to try to convince her of something, no, she doesn’t need to be convinced, but... just conveying to her the fact, that you and her need to sort of clear this relationship, the two of you
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should just go to a psychologist, who will help you it will just show that you are not telling each other, for fear of disturbing this status quo, which each of you, as it were, now agreed to pretend, but you are pretending, because in this way you are trying to reconcile mom and dad, once upon a time, yes , in her heart, in her head, she, she has her own reasons for this there... we don’t know, but you maintain this very status quo, i don’t know, unstable, yes in this sense, i’m afraid to say something unnecessary, and the person who will work with you is a third person, a specialist, he will allow you to just walk each other across this thin bridge in order to come to an agreement, well, try to talk to her, yes talk, this will be the most convenient option, it seems to me, thank you very much, thank you very much for revealing the topic, and for..
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goals of the podcast triggers with you were its hosts tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan, we talked with leonid about how to integrate into life, the consciousness of an older child, the information that he has half-brothers. find all lab podcast projects on the first website channel
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this is a must-read podcast, yaglaibatnikova, today we are discussing gustov flaubert and his novel “madame bavari with actress alexandra revenko and oksana bondarenko, director of the moscow transport museum. it’s great luck that today our guest is the director of the moscow transport museum, because in the novel "madame bavari" meets this moment of a beggar, which foreshadows her tragic ending, in general, we can say that in this novel transport plays a huge role, and oksana, as an expert in french culture, is great at this understands and will tell us today the whole sociocultural background of this novel. oksana, you are a francophone, you lived in
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paris for 13 years, you probably represent the sociocultural context better than all of us. this novel, please tell us why it made such a big impression, why it, so to speak, shook the moral foundations, why flaubert was put on trial for this novel? i was always surprised by this moment, why did this novel so shake the moral foundations of that very beautiful france, i was always surprised by this moment, yes such a system of very interesting double standards, and a peculiar french society.
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i like to read, listen carefully to my husband or my man, we remember that interesting scene by gustav flabert, when, already quite bored, being in a family relationship with charles bavarie, she decided in everything, madame bavarie, emma, ​​she decided to obey him in everything, to flow with him in everything, nod your head at everything, yes, listen to him, why not a quote visualized in the novel. becoming flaubert from the same teachings of jean-jacques ruso, who should a woman be, so she should raise him as a man while he is young and growing, she should honor him in his old age, when he, so to speak, grows up, i don’t agree with you, oksana, because this is with ruso’s zhanzhak, this not with me, well, with zhanzhak ruso, they found an excuse, it seems to me
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that emma, ​​emma bavarie also does not agree, because she... somehow has completely different ideas about how a woman should behave, how she should live , feel, and it just seems to me that her entire attention is immersed in inner world, into the world of experiences, she is the person who wants to make a novel out of her life, cool, by the way, very, very accurate, yes, yes, and it seems to me that just when i started working on the role... i read the novel, the last scenes were especially hard for me, as i later found out that the flaubert, just as when he wrote, probably experienced even more, changed handkerchiefs and cried, yes, that is , when he finished the novel, he burst into loud crying and said to madame bovary semmua , it's me, it's me, by the way, we'll raise this again topic, that is, how the flaber managed
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to embody this female psychology, but it seems to me, here’s alexander, when were you preparing and reading. what seemed convincing in general was the emotional picture of this role, well, that is , the beginning and the end, this is how it comes to it, this tragic end that comes, it is justified, it is understandable, this path, you can describe what happens to her in general, so she married this charles bavari doctor, when i picked up the novel, i had already begun to prepare for the role, and as they often do actors, and more often than not you stand for... you strangely disagree with being with the character and all you do is justify him, justify him, justify him, come up with why she acted
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this way, more logically you are also looking for these moves so that this fell on the emotional background, it was simple, but it was very, very difficult, because in our performance director andrei prikotenko brought forward the inner world of charles, everything is a little from the other side, the way he sees it... pompous ideas, he just accepts it
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this or accepts this world because he is the way he is, because he is, in fact, one of the players in that society, the mishchan society, which flaubert very beautifully, possessing almost poetic prose, maybe this is due to his romance with the poetess on that moment. you can read in the original language, so i want to tell you that in the original language this work really sounds - very colorful and musical, it also has its own rhythm, which i described very beautifully in sides, yes, that is, there are three sections, in each there are, or rather 13 sections, in each there are , in my opinion, 10 certain sonnets and so on, in general the symbol of the circle in the novel, firstly charles, and the ball, and on the side he is absolutely wonderful. a lecture on foreign literature, one of them is about madame bavarie’s novel, and it’s very interestingly described there about these circles, for example, weddings, the symbol of a circle, how
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the procession goes around, a round cake, then also the funeral of charles’s father, and burial place, yes, burial place of three coffins, in general, it’s all multi-layered, i think she was buried in three coffins. for him, well, in her appearance, but it turns out, well, maybe inside, she was a young girl who lived on a farm, airy, sublime with some dreams, dreams of
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a big city, reading novels, and her life together, reading novels , she had some kind of education, which she received in a monastery, and she read some completely, apparently low-grade literature, perhaps having a rich imagination, yes, that is, a lady who has... her imagination is really filled a global illusion, based on rather low-grade romantic literature, that is, having more inclinations than the society or the context of that society, the bourgeois society, in which she is brought up, grows up, lives, gets married and dreams, can allow her now, than actually that opportunity. the same education, a deeper education, which is systemic, which this society can allow her, again, it seems to me, a flaubert’s novel, this is a kind of
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quintessence or already the last one, as it were a drop, the cherry on the cake in the context in which french society found itself at that moment, and not at the time of the narration in the novel, but we understand what flaubert wrote there: in the fifties, and the narration takes place in the 19th century, but the narration in the novel , well, about ten to ten years earlier, the thirties, forties, but it was precisely at the end of the 19th century, in the sixties of the 19th century, that big problems arose, including problems associated with the transformation of family life in general. again as if
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such an ossified way of life, then this is again the bourgeois spirit of the era of napoleon ii, but we all remember these brilliant and black, fireworks-like times, and the first thing that affected the woman and the change in lifestyle was the appearance of the first, probably, feminist movement in this moment, this is just a necessity...
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a man who you can cling to and somehow get through, so that he can take you out of there, we are talking about charles, yes, we are talking about charles and about lere, about emma, ​​about emma, who is for her to get married, it was an opportunity to simply escape from the farm with hers and see something more, she was just waiting for a certain flight that did not happen, and this disappointment pushed her, she tried to raise her charles, a mid-level physician, into a great
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scientist medicine. but i really wanted to, in general, now i think so, that of course, the flabery novel is an amazing, amazingly beautifully and subtly described clash of the illusion of reality, i agree, the illusion of reality, this deep, inner, introvertive, illusory, no matter what books and literature emma was brought up on, this picture, yes, that is, when for some ideal,
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standard, beautiful... life is actually taken as a picture, not an internal core, yes, there is not an internal one, an internal reference , this is a beautiful external one, which i really don’t want to give up, let’s say, a simulacrum, yes, something that has no real basis is absolutely certain and a collision with the reality of life, with the reality of society, these are constant - throughout the entire novel they are so small accumulating collisions, including a failed operation - this is the last such powerful surge that leads to it. to what this novel is for, let's return to our first question, why this novel and flaubert along with it were so monstrously criticized by french society, and in fact one of them , including one global accusation in court about flaubert, about this novel, it sounded very funny, sarcastically, practically, why do you so beautifully describe the threshold of emma’s betrayal, of course, and
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in general this novel should be called: in a completely different way: the story of the married life of a provincial couple, something like that. this podcast is a must -read, i’m aglana badnikova, we’re discussing the novel by gustoy flaubert, madame bavari with actress alexandra rivenko and director of the moscow transport museum, art critic oksana bondarenko. you can find all episodes of the podcast as a must-read on the website of the first channel here.
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uh, melancholic or hippochondriacal, because for him, as it were, the meaning of his prose, in particular in madame bavaria, is an image actual modern society, obviously, as vulgar and disgusting,
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that is, it did not have any other terminology or even a different message to describe - the reality surrounding it, and there is so much humor and sarcasm in this, but it’s very interesting that in. .. at some point you understand that hmm, but a flaber, he does not give any evaluative opinions about his heroes, that is, he does not speak or condemn, bad, good, cunning, flatterer, madam bavari, vicious , absolutely not, but somehow he guides you through a work that turns each of the characters, well, emma in particular, into different sides and sides of this coin, the medal of this woman. for example, which ones? well, for example, at some point you really support her madly, at some point you think what a stupid, naive girl, at the third moment, hmm, how beautiful she plays, how playful and humorous she is, how beautifully she
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plays with this young leon, in her relationship with whom, it seems to me, she is taking the rap for all the resentment she received from her first lover, yes, this skilled heartthrob, on the other hand you think, my god, looking at this character through a strict prism, wow, what a strong woman, just like that , actually resist, jump headfirst into this, into this omot from the very beginning, it seems to me , she goes on her own, that is, as a feeder, but she is desperate, of course very brave, she runs through some fields in the morning, but she draws vital energy from this, she somehow for herself... came up with this philosophy of hers life, she sees in this the very real life, in her imagination, this is the only way a woman should live, okay, so emma has a moment, as it seems to me, of choice, that is, she is seduced by this rudolph, they
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live some beautiful story, stereotyped, vulgar, but nevertheless, for emma, ​​probably for the first time, like this to say, she had some kind of adventure, but she went through one that... in fact, when i was working on the role, and we talked a lot about it, how long she was actually sick, no one knows, and where she played, i it seems that even she herself could not understand, that is, perhaps she was playing some kind of game role, yes, of course, on the other hand, she also
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wanted to attract charlie’s attention, in fact, throughout the entire novel everyone wonders how charles didn’t see it like that, emma herself wanted him somehow, so that he would pay attention to her, this disease too, as possible one. to say that this is a point of choice, we can no longer say about her that she is naive, she did not know that it was so, that this happens, after this story with rudolf, she already understands that everything is not so.


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