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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 13, 2024 4:45am-5:21am MSK

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hello, i'm physician-cosmonaut anton shkaplerov, this is a space stories podcast, today we'll talk. on space education, my guest is ilya ovchinnikov, a popularizer of astronautics, a former test engineer at rsc energia, now you are involved in space education. ilya, tell me, what is your work today? now i, together with a huge team of people, it seems to me, are creating such an ecosystem, one might say, when children and students can try themselves in space professions, while still at school, while still at the institute. satellites, we
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we do contests and competitions in astronautics so that kids can develop, improve their skills and become highly qualified engineers, specialists, scientists in the field of astronautics, that is , it turns out that this is quite a big age, i mean offerability, at what age, really? now everything is being done in such a way that yes... almost even first-graders can already engage in this topic, but we are more focused on the fact that these competitions there are olympiads - this is more starting there from the seventh grade, somehow the guys went to competitions, yes, so that they could already have a little understanding of physics, somewhere in chemistry, and they could already directly improve, improve every time with competitions among students, and there for the launching of satellites, prototypes of satellites . to
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the stratosphere, for example, yes, there are such competitions, students participate there, and somewhere there are mixed teams, where students are mentors for schoolchildren, we have such a very team of like-minded people in different cities, well, we do this, in general, but you are suitable for roscosmos, roscosmos this supports everything, but somewhere of course financially, somewhere organizationally, but often it’s like... some kind of direct initiative of some associations, some non-profit organizations that gather or private companies, now it’s very strong in private astronautics is included in space education, in fact they are starting, they are creating this foundation, somewhere there is purely something that roscosmos organizes and we help it, and somewhere there is, we organize, and roscosmos supports it, well, in addition to competitions there are also more shifts, space shifts in the camps, that is, children.
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can immerse themselves in the theme of space for several weeks, usually it’s 20 this is actually like this, if you imagine like this for a moment, yes, you, your, your daughters took part in this too, and how is this, that is, it helps the child, going on a space shift, to forget that, that he is a schoolboy, that he has a school, that he has household responsibilities there, he clearly, his parents, and no one bothers him, he has the opportunity to come and meet with a specialist. from the space industry, collect satellite, assemble a rocket, assemble some kind of robot, work intensively in a team, discuss all these problems, meet with astronauts, meet with specialists, understand whether you need to do this astronautics or not, these are the shifts like since they are focused on this, these are the federal space shifts that roscosmos organizes, they are in fact absolutely free, they are selective there too, i wouldn’t say. yes, to get on this shift,
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it’s not just something i want, i first have to pass competition, yes, some selection, and it’s not really difficult, you don’t have to be a genius to get on this shift, you just need to overcome yourself, and the parent needs to find this competition, the child needs to overcome, just some kind of banal laziness, prepare some , well, i don’t know, write an article or make a report, speak somewhere, do some kind of project, that is, start doing it, send it, communicate there with specialists, how this can be done there. some kind of feedback to get to artek, eaglet, the ocean in vladivostok, that is, now there are a lot of such shifts there is a lot where parents and students can find information about ongoing competitions, thanks to which you can get into space shifts, if we talk about space shifts, then there is such a portal called the key to start, it is supervised by the portal key to start, yes, it is supervised by the state corporation roscosmo, how to find it, space for kids, yes, firstly, the portal there is very interesting, there is knowledge for the teacher, for the child,
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for the parent, and there is news about the start of the selection of each shift, now the selection shifts of funnels, into the ocean, now well, they have passed, but well, there are still shifts and there are also, that is, they are not obligatory in the summer, they are not obligatory in the summer, even at the arte in artek, cosmic shifts take place in april, children go to school there in parallel, so that conditionally, the child understood that, well, after all, school, well, that is, he did not fall behind there, because there is still such a situation that when a child flies away to another reality in the form of these space shifts, yes, even here we are conducting a program there duty officer for... the planet, right now in khantamantiysk it was, and there are guys there who compete, assemble rovers, rockets, satellites, and then they work like this for 3 weeks, their devices fly into the stratosphere at 24 km, their rockets fly to a height of up to
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a kilometer, robots drive, overcome obstacles , and then they won, they won, they come back, and what next, here is the difficulty, here the difficulty is that he has gained experience. experience , the main thing here is that mentors, parents, and the child himself are not confused about what to do next, because he comes back to school, and not everyone there is like him, not everyone wants to go into astronautics or engineering, so we also help here in this regard, so that children feel like they are in the same atmosphere throughout the year, and in such programs, spaced out throughout the year with like-minded people, that is, online. chats, these are some kind of competitions, parallel ones, conferences, lectures, there we also try to do podcasts, some games, meetings for children, yes there, that is, we do everything so that children could feel that they are not the only ones who are so in love with space, because returning
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to school can be quite difficult, what specific programs can you tell us, we just said in general that there are, that there are competitions, there are camps, there are programs, maybe some.
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that is, children are preparing a payload for a model rocket, in january they have a winter session at moscow state university, they come, they defend, schoolchildren, yes, yes, yes, they defend their projects, some pass, some don’t, they prove, that their payload is real works, there are all sorts of small projects of all sorts of satellites that transmit over a radio channel, that is, they provide data on temperature, pressure, well, everything that they themselves came up with, and then launch.
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that is, they won the selection and passed the big big satellite cubsad cupsad there it’s 10x10 by 10 cm or it’s 30 by 10 by 10 cm triyu , which is just launched by some group of schoolchildren or this one maybe, well, it’s sent to the team, that is, the team submits for the team, first of all, we need to create a team at school, i don’t know, there’s a club somewhere by the way before, let’s say, when i was studying even at the institute, we didn’t have this, but for example , maybe in my childhood it was, there used to be stations for young technicians, houses for young technicians, now they are no longer just like houses, they are technologists, yes they are now this is a fashionable word technopark, they are becoming technoparks with new good equipment with
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which you can do some things, well, bring at least a child closer to technological things, there are quantoriums, there are regional sirius centers modeled on the one in sochi, where are going. from all over the country, and there is, for example, the voronezh region, a regional center, everyone from the voronezh region, there is in novosibirsk, there is. in yamal nenets we spent a shift there, these technoparks, now they are in every city they are such collectors, they are somewhere together with the station of young technical schools somewhere separately, but now there are a lot of them and this is possible and this is all the main thing is that it’s all free, many, many parents think that oh yes, there they show us how children are they are collecting something there for someone, this is how much it costs, it’s nothing for the child, it’s like in soviet times there were so-called circles. free, free from studying, well, mostly time, children can after school, well
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, hopefully having done their homework, come to this club, there is everything necessary, i mean equipment, there is the most important thing, there is a mentor there, mentors who can teach you how to do something, well, that ’s all that matters, and you can imagine something of your own, and the most important thing is that if suddenly mentors, teachers are watching us, there are now a lot of opportunities to receive grants for the development of a project. there are opportunities, well, to really receive such a small, at least funding, support, and also, by the way, i forgot to say, this is so important, there are also space classes, this is a roscosmos project, this can be done at school, yes, that is, when they are given some... then additional classes according to a unified methodological program, that is, hours are added there so that the child can prepare for competitions during these hours, prepare, because for competitions points for the unified state exam is added, and most importantly, there is a national technological olympiad.
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as if there is an obligation there that you must pass the unified state exam well, then they will throw it at you from above, but in general it is almost one hundred percent admission, yes, because this is important , of course, that... he works there, went for a ride , it will be incredibly cool if the child comes here i had a ride and won everything, he met anton shkapler there somewhere else in the eagle and at the end he says guys everything is great , thank you, but i realized that i was... interesting anton told me there about sevastopol
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or about submarines and about underwater equipment, yes, i want to go there, it’s mine, even if it happens, it’s already cool, that is, even so that he doesn’t spend another 6 years of his life at the institute on that , that they are yes, that is, and he won’t go to work, so i was impressed by this guy, he won the olympics, the national technological olympiad, and he comes out like this and says, guys... great, i won the olympics based on big data, but i i realized that i don’t want to work big, i ’ve now worked with the team for 4 days and won it all, wrote physics and computer science well, i realized that i was interested in it, well, in this area, but a little bit different, in my opinion it’s cool, because the most important thing was decided, well, sometimes it’s a pity that the guys, naturally , they don’t go as lotters, but with such potential, in general, to participate in these competitions for... how prepared should a student be? now there is the internet, in fact, almost all competitions are held
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online, you solve problems on various platforms, you can draw a 3d model of something at home, you can program anything, that is, in principle, you received a task, then thanks to the internet you can develop yourself, assemble a team, by the way, yes, there are teams where they gather among themselves, there may be differences in different ways, but ultimately they do one thing and even that is catching up... someone is a programmer, someone is an engineer, someone assembles with their hands, someone is a 3d modeler, someone is a ballistician, so it turns out that it all gets along in one team, they each other, approximately how many people are in such teams, three or four, this is optino, yes, yes, yes, here we have for example, at the olympics, where one team really considers the ballistics of the satellite, its flight, interaction with ground points, and so on, the other, how old is this child, how old is the eighth, tenth?
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and there are geniuses, legends, but there is also just preparation, that is, we systematically give them tasks according to the level of difficulty, so that they try, dig deeper and then solve this problem. we continue the conversation about space education with ovchinnikov, i’m anton shkaplerov, for the little ones, yes, we said, this first classes, how to attract them to such events, specifically in space, let's do the same thing, assemble the satellite,
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unscrew it, say, you assembled the satellite, let him look at the map, accept the satellite, listen to the satellite, well... a photo from the satellite, yeah, show him, how this signal is received, just so that he sees this buzzing noise, which is interference, and there on the purity of ultra-short waves, where some kind of picture is transmitted, and so that he looks at how the picture appears, so that he collects some things with his hands mosaic, well, related to ships, designers, work equipment, through this he also sets a kind of cosmic binding, they understand that they are not just assembling a robot that rolls on the ground. and there they collect lunar soil or something else, we even have something like young professionals, and roscosmos also supports this direction, there is a space track, and there is a direction in general for kids, first grades, they are also there like satellites are collected, they are also there through all sorts of things, well, that is, there is special programming for children’s work technicians, that is, it’s all there
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too, well, as i understand it, it is necessary to interest, firstly, the parents, it is clear that the first one will not go, will not assemble a team. what’s really interesting is that parents participate until the sixth grade, so we tracked that up to the sixth or seventh grade , the parents are directly trying, they bring them in, but after the seventh they themselves help, and after the seventh grade the child becomes more independent , and there we even rejoice that a parent somewhere is not involved in the process, and it’s purely that we communicate only with children, well, that’s me, that’s me how's the teacher? i say that i like it when i communicate with a child, and he then communicates with the parent, well , he feels that they are communicating with him and that he is being given a task, so he knows that he needs to come in order to send it on time an assignment for an olympiad, a competition, and so on, this is such a story, that is, until the sixth grade, parents are headlong, then
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they move a little to the side, and this is correct , in fact, you need to do it yourself, the child grows, of course, yes , and what quantity?
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in space education, a child participating in a space competition after assembling satellites, you can program it, you can 3d model - these are engineering, bridges, cars, rockets, any equipment, if it...
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there is yuzgu, which makes satellites, there are laboratories there, even further, this is the st. petersburg polytechnic institute, this is now with satellites they are starting with
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the interim ones, the moscow institute of electronic technology, this is the military mech, this is the mazhaisky academy, this is the kazan aviation institute, the moscow aviation institute, now in every one of these universities they are all like this they seem to have changed and there are space directions there, many work with schoolchildren, well... we’ll get a grant now too, what organization do you work for, they ask me in vain where i work, now you have a whole list, but the list is just that plan, that i understand that
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there is a lot of very interesting things, there is such an opportunity by popularizing astronautics, that is, i do not leave teaching and hold events in korolev, for example, the moscow region, because i understand that that’s all that i do it at my main job, we are now testing this with children, with students at... at the university, we conduct shifts, we understand the feedback from children who participate in other shifts, for example, this is also very important, that’s why it’s very it turns out to be an interesting interweaving of works, they now ask me where cosmonauts are trained, in what university, i say that not a single university, there is no university that trains specifically for astronauts, there is no such direction, there is no such faculty, cosmonauts are trained, this is at the cosmonaut training center in the star town moscow region,
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rkk supplied energy to engineers and we had a small number who came to us as doctors, biologists, these are medical universities, so i can say they come to us. from various directions, there are, of course, stray people who think that this is some kind of show, to come, to be selected, because it’s an open competition, but in general, most importantly, a lot of motivated people come, and it doesn’t matter what their profession is, the main thing is that this is a higher education, a person was able to realize himself in this profession, work according to his education, well we even have a criterion of at least 3 years, and work, then he can already write an application, describe, at least in his autobiography, how he... distinguished himself in his work, so that by the way, maybe he will be considered a student if while studying at a university, you work at an enterprise, this will be considered, it is considered after university, because
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we believe that school, university is four to 6 years, and then another 3 years, in principle , the body has already formed, that’s where the main thing is to understand, because we do not select only in terms of intelligence, but in terms of health, so you need to understand that the body has developed so that the doctors select you for more than one flight, that is, it is considered two or three flights. this is the minimum, well , of course it’s better to have more, so that the person can work off the invested resources, so that he can devote his whole life to space, this is hard, but very interesting work, but i’m not only talking about astronauts, although they ask me as an astronaut, how to become one, in general , i’m talking about the space industry, which by the way, for me, this is the motivating factor for entering the moscow aviation institute, joining the rkk energy in the flight test department - this was the motivation to become an astronaut, that is, i was at school there... i also got into the same program in the star city, and alexander ivanovich lazutkin conducted a space shift at the cosmonaut training center. 10 days, i talked with the instructors, after that
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it motivated me, that is, to go to mine and i went to work on this energy, so i, unfortunately, for health reasons they were selected at the institute of medical and biological problems, i did a lot of things there, medicine there, everything took place there congenital, but the very fact of even trying to examine it at all. try yourself, how you understand engineering technology, this is a very interesting activity, and even those who will be selected, try to do it, because it’s, well , it’s cool, especially i imagined, i’m on energy , here you are flying into space, and we are also energy, many enterprises are preparing for this flight, and in two weeks, together with the soup, we are practicing the flight training of the soyuz spacecraft, i was just on the team, this business, i was a crew, a tester, a tester, a crew, i communicated with your own instructors, complex specialists, yes, who
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will then communicate directly with you. essentially, i worked out all the operations of the ship that does all the abnormalities, all the abnormalities, and we ourselves also created abnormalities, we are not as prepared as you, we come up with something ourselves, well, that is, with the soup, of course, there with the failure of systems, crew behavior, errors and so on, i was thinking, i seem to have gone through everything, i seem to have looked at everything, and i i understand, well, i didn’t pass due to my health, but it ’s still a layer of interesting work, so it’s not all in vain, even if you... manage to qualify for the selection, it will all only be a plus. we continue our conversation with the popularizer of astronautics ilya ovchinnikov, and i, anton shkaplerov. but everyone hears, of course, roscosmos, that is , the organization where people who are interested work, well, roscosmos is actually the top, it’s a unifying corporation, in general it now occupies only two floors in one small building and not many people
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working in it. there is, let's say, a map of enterprises, there is a map of specialties, omsk flight, there are institutes, novosibirsk, krasnoyarsk essasytnevo, where they make satellites and will be involved in the project sphere, samara, by the way, i forgot to say about samara university, also generally a legendary university, they, by the way, they are doing a very cool competition called satellite, there are also kids from the fifth grade there, in
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and kb motor, who are just those who love huge moving things, cranes, there, service farms, these are them, well, and the institute of medical and biological problems, how many biologists are there and yes, there are doctors, there are scientists and, accordingly, who deal not only with astronauts, but also with plants and animals, there is also aerospace medicine, there is an enterprise there , by the way, a star, which, just like spacesuits for space, is this too... a separate area of ​​work for aviation, these are ejection seats, this is a protective helmet, in fact it turns out that you can try yourself in any profession, that is, you can stay as a rocket scientist, while launching rockets, i realized that it was not for me, well, that is, i started launching, i have more satellites and i liked manned astronautics, and i took energy in my second year, i realized that i was interested in this, i didn’t regret it, someone likes
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to work on antenna complexes, so it turns out... just the final pre-launch checks , that is, you had training, two training sessions, fittings and in the ship, and we climbed, first we checked the initial condition of the ship before your work, then you left, we checked again everything to give their own suggestions , that’s all, that is, of course, there are mainly baikanur guys there. we went there from the testing department, of course, it was, well , a feeling, especially when we tested the same ship in korolev, when there are no seats, when there is no equipment, and you lie at night during tests, and there are these clicks you listen to, he’s alive, he’s like a living ship, he communicates with you, and of course you’re a professional there, oops, you didn’t click, and it’s like, that means it’s necessary, that means you need to issue a remark, and it should turn on there
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relay, valve or? also my minimum, everything is actually done there by those who assemble, these are testers - this is generally a gigantic job, you worked there for 9 years, i worked there for 9 years, what was the most interesting, this is the testing of the ship, this is the escort, when you sit as a crew, and you stand out in command, communicate with the soup like an adult, i just for a moment, when you’re sitting there three o’clock in the morning, you just forget that you ’re on the ground, that was legendary with... accordingly, naturally, when you enter a warship, you everything was neatly done there, hop-hop, i climbed in, and most importantly, i’m big, but i realized that what’s mine, my flexibility, it knows no bounds, well , that is, i managed to climb in without breaking and somehow
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complete tasks, that’s also very important, so don’t be afraid, in short, there are no internal limitations of your own, that is, do what you like, in short, well, you have such a huge experience, you are a teacher, a mentor, what would you like to say to our young viewers, well , in order to they focused precisely on the cosmic orientation, so that they would not lost somewhere in cosmic myths? yes, that is, first of all, you need to learn to check information, this is generally for all parents and so on, because it happens that you post something, here’s an announcement of an event, it’s pouring in in the comments, but this is for the rich, there’s a price for it you need to pay money back and forth, don’t believe it, that is, take it... check, call, now there are social networks where you can ask any person in two handshakes, this is the first, second, i really want the children who are interested, we tried to talk with parents more often, explain what they want, even in terms of
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space, yes, not all parents may be clear about the prospect of astronautics, and to make this clear, let the children at school try it, talk to astronauts, talk to specialists , that is, they are not afraid of it. because often parents are very often hostages of thinking, children are hostages of parents’ thinking about certain things, and in the end the child cannot escape from this fist in order to work in space, that’s the most important thing to be very interested in a lot of information, participate, try, lose, well, no matter how trite it may sound, just even participate, be together, sit, how they are going to win.
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reproduction of resources, assistance to the population, something like this, probably, well, i hope that helping the earth more in terms of development , our today's conversation about space education will help the younger generation find themselves in the future to work for the benefit of their
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country in the space industry. today , ilya ovchinikov, a popularizer of astronautics and a former test engineer, talked to me. anton shkaplerov and this is the space stories podcast. you can watch all episodes of the podcast lab project on the website of the first channel hello, i am pilot cosmonaut anton shkablerov, this is a space stories podcast, today a wonderful person came to visit me, people’s artist of russia, actor-producer, evgeny mironov. hello!


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