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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 14, 2024 2:25am-3:16am MSK

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because this is exactly what, for example, half of my friends have chronic fatigue, a 33-year-old woman, a feeling of exhaustion, daytime sleepiness, muscle pain, including in the chest, that is, she had chest pain, and knowing as breast cancer is common now, i imagine that the unfortunate woman was just making it up, which means she didn’t tolerate the cold well. which, strictly speaking, is also not such a rarity in our lifetime, but all these symptoms are not symptoms, direct symptoms osteochondrosis, again, just to make it up, 2 months of magnesium and everything started for her.
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such a shift is relatively, not necessarily absolute, and can be suspected, and of course, the bad thing is that the deficits do not have obvious manifestations, so that once everything, you understand, this is a magnesium deficiency, no, a huge number of complaints, they are not related to each other, well , some are more characteristic, some are less characteristic, there are cramps in the circumcnemius muscles, yes, but a little more characteristic or, say, if they are also combined with constipation, yes, then that is an even bigger plus. towards deficit
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magnesium, but basically, fatigue, apathy, there, increased fatigue, whatever, bend over, it didn’t help, we’ll save, come on, this is how children learn to do the heimlich maneuver, this is first aid for those who choked, you see, the balls flew, it turned out, how to save an adult child, even children can do this, we will tell you about many other, important and interesting things in the program to live healthy on monday on the first. kvn, major league. the third game of the season is next saturday on the first. we continue talking about magnesium. this is a substance deception podcast. my name is olesya nosova and with me is zukhra sharipovna pavlova. how can you doctors suspect? well, this is a culture where
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people eat exclusively plant foods and often try to replace the protein component with a plant component, they don’t eat animal protein, they don’t eat meat, but they do eat, say, mushrooms, nuts, and those same nuts have a lot of magnesium, but mushrooms won’t give you... magnesium, it must also be said that if you take a 100% healthy person, he has excellent intestines, excellent digestibility and he eats good food, then out of 100 units of magnesium eaten, in the best case . will be absorbed 30. if you wash down good, high-quality food, rich in magnesium with tea, coffee, ivan tea or any drink containing tannin, magnesium will not be absorbed, because 30% is already absorbed, and the whole tonin thing will also be associated. and it will be excreted, if you eat fast food, then it
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also does not give, firstly, it does not contain magnesium as such, and secondly, it also interferes with the absorption of magnesium, which also interferes with the absorption of magnesium, except for fast food mushrooms, this is fetic acid, then yes, if the nuts are not soaked, then magnesium will not be absorbed, if you drink alcohol, often and just a little something while eating, magnesium is not absorbed at lunch, and many people allow themselves, sweet carbonated drinks do not... do not contribute to the absorption of magnesium from the supplement, that is, when our food is rich in both healthy and not so , then the likelihood of absorbing magnesium decreases sharply, and another key point was made, you said for 2 months, for 2 months, all three were given for 2 months, this is a really important period of time, because in order to saturate the tissues of the body with magnesium, you need to consume there are at least two of them months, firstly, taking into account its low digestibility in general, and secondly, well, as
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a rule, we all have some restrictions, some diseases, including the gastrointestinal tract, so such a long period of time is required , well, here you are... that there are certain difficulties with its absorption, that is, you need to approach taking magnesium seriously, that is, you need to think about it, that if i take magnesium, then, relatively speaking, i don’t drink coffee right away, i don’t drink tea right away, i don’t eat the whole thing with a sweet bun, because you say that baking and so on and so forth, but how can we integrate all this into our normal life, well , it looks like it turns out that we need to take it at night, well, in general it is absorbed better in the morning, but... a reservation, in the morning you want a bun, in the morning you want a bun , and coffee, but with a caveat, if a person has a sleep disorder, and magnesium helps improve sleep, then of course it should be taken in the morning and evening, so you can alternate, there is another very important
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point, of course, magnesium and calcium are not very good combine because there is less then magnesium is absorbed, so if you have eaten cottage cheese and are even going to wash it down with water, not coffee. then it’s better to delay magnesium here, then it will be absorbed more, well , a counter question, there are dietary supplements that say magnesium plus calcium, plus probably something else, and so on, don’t manufacturers know that magnesium and calcium are poorly absorbed, well, i think that it’s not chinese literacy that they know, but that is , this is a well-known story, but still there are procedures when they separate incompatible... substances they, let’s say, are absorbed in different parts of the intestine at different times, and some of these capsules may be exposed to hydrochloric acid, it all starts in the stomach, and some easily pass through hydrochloric acid, this barrier in the stomach all begins only in the intestines, well,
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that is, this can be technically divided, that is, they are arranged in such a way from a production point of view that different fractions of this one small tablet... in this way the land was enriched next
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year everything changed, this field was sown, and this one, on the contrary, rested, like this the quality of the products that were grown increased, yes. nutrient value, now, when everything can be fertilized with these nitrogen-containing fertilizers, and the volume of growing crops will be large, the nutritional value will be low, because this land does not have time to be enriched with all the necessary substances, and thus we get - food and vegetables or fruits, and then animals feed on the same thing, and there will also be less of all this. therefore, unfortunately, when we say that everything can be obtained from products, nowadays, the disease of civilization in our time does not always assume a truly complete composition of vegetables or fruits, so we need dietary supplements, medicines, but now
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we evaluate vegetables and fruits by slightly different qualities, whether they are tasty or tasteless, but it is convenient to deliver them to some part of the world, right here. we know that bananas are cut with green ones, because while they are floating there, they, they reach and so on, the fact that this does not happen under the sun, this is also a minus of some vitamins and so on, that is, we decide other problems than saturating us, so to speak, with vitamins and minerals in one window, yes, that is, we have to add all these necessary substances with the help of pharmaceuticals, i’m stating it correctly. the most important thing to say here is that despite the fact that magnesium is, well, most often, including baht, and it cannot be prescribed just like that, there are also contraindications, so we always seek the advice of a doctor; for some, 400 mg will be enough , some people need it, this is the daily
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dose for approximately an adult, some it will take significantly more depending on the initial level of symptoms, so keep busy. even with magnesium it’s not very good, well, you can probably say that, relatively speaking, people with kidney damage, they probably shouldn’t prescribe it to themselves, yeah. some such pronounced stages are definitely impossible when there is also a certain sensitivity , such increased sensitivity to the component and any pill, so for one patient the doctor will prescribe i don’t know, glycenate-free, for another citrate means magnesium, for a third with diabetes, they will try to understand whether there is sugar as a stabilizer or maybe there will be some other option, it’s a little complicated, but everything... well, that is, there are nuances everywhere, so it would be good
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to go to the doctor for advice, by the way, yes, it’s interesting, when do you go to the pharmacy , you see without without glycinate, yes, the complex word in chylate, citrate is all magnesium, why do we need so much magnesium or are they somehow absorbed differently, they are absorbed differently, they act differently, so if person. constipation syndrome, those same constipations, yes, then magnesium citrate is ideal for him, because it helps normalize stool, and a person kills two birds with one stone, so the doctor is exactly the person who will choose what is necessary for a particular person , at the same moment, if a person is inclined to diarrhea, give him citrate, he will not leave the house at all, he will suffer, cancel it all, say 2 months, but never in his life, it is simply impossible. okay, but - there are not just magnesium preparations, there are,
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for example, magnesium salt, they take baths with it, this is an unimportant replacement, this is, say, an addition to a magnet, this is a spa treatment, something like that, because a pleasant spa treatment, yes, magnesium is able to penetrate through the pores, and magnesium can penetrate through the hair folecules into the skin and further into the body, well... this is such a very small improvement from the level of increasing magnesium levels, so in addition, yes, besides , a warm bath is always such a pleasant relaxing moment, a person rests, calms down, well and finishes it well day, so as a supplement it’s absolutely wonderful, epsom salt as an option is not forbidden by anyone, unless there are contraindications to taking warm or hot baths in general. it is not recommended to prescribe magnesium for years, firstly, no one, so to speak, has systematically
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dealt with this, there are no studies on this matter, but it is believed that with nutrition and baby food, as a rule, takes into account the presence of this important microelement, but as for children over 6 years old, yes, there are already certain dosages here from 55 to 400 pi per day, for adults the average is... the average daily dose is 400-420 mg, but again, it all depends on the initial condition, there is another calculation formula: 10-30 mg per kilogram of body weight, so the doctor will decide what dosage you should take, who will examine you, interview you and look at the results of the examination, it is not superfluous to say that magnesium should be washed down only with water, because... well, it simply may not be absorbed in
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the body if a person has some kind of inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative necratic, there is crohn's disease and so on further, if a person has a pathology of the parathyroid glands, if a person takes medications for a long time for cancer or for type 2 diabetes mellitus, then he has a high probability of severe magnesium deficiency, there is another class of drugs that are prescribed for gastric ulcers, for example, this drugs that block the synthesis of hydrochloric acid, it often happens that the course of therapy is completed, a person is stopped taking these drugs and he immediately begins to feel heartburn, either on his own or as prescribed by a doctor, restores the intake of these drugs, they are called proton pump inhibitors and takes these drugs for years, because without them this heartburn does not allow
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this person to live in peace, but if a person takes such drugs, he has a potentially high risk of magnesium deficiency, and this also needs to be compensated, but again on the recommendation of a doctor, if a person, now, unfortunately, there are a lot of patients with neurodegenerative diseases, for example, parkinson’s disease, and when using drugs that affect this disease there is also a need to separate magnesium preparations and these drugs, because magnesium will not allow this drug to be absorbed, but here it’s probably based on priorities, so, well, it’s clear, yes, then all this means that the doctor should prescribe this , the doctor should know , what you accept, how you accept, what lifestyle you will derive, and so on and so forth. three chords, new season, tomorrow after the evening news, with you again
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the podcast is a deception of substances, and can there be an overdose of magnesium or or is it rare disease, as he puts it, that's how? well, basically all overdoses are expressed approximately the same way, nausea, vomiting, depression of consciousness, is it possible to become too calm with an overdose of magnesium? when we talk about an overdose, then this is some kind of critical overdose, and if you become too calm, you can become calm, that’s it, but not with an overdose, but with replenishing a magnesium deficiency, here a person notes that he has become less irritable, his sleep returned to normal, he lost some tics, then the eyelids twitched, then some muscles on the arms and legs, this convulsive activity of the calf muscles disappeared,
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especially in sleep, memory became better and so on, for some people these chest pains disappeared, which. they are very frightening or more so in some muscles and vaguely remind you that the mammary gland hurts or something else, some constipation disappears, others have spastic pain, because magnesium deficiency also contributes to the formation of stones in the genitourinary system, because everything is always spasmodic and this is not only pain, and this is also a violation of the metabolism of certain substances and, all other things being equal, also... stones can form not only in the gall bladder, but in the kidneys, premenstrual syndrome, and young ladies and young women very often note that after starting to take magnesium , on the doctor’s recommendation, this one disappeared - pronounced discomfort before the start of the cycle, this is not only expressed in emotions, but negative emotions
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have decreased, but spasmodic pain in the abdomen, they are so truly pronounced that sometimes people call an ambulance. it’s difficult to divide him in half, but in both cases he plays a very important role, but he is an active participant in more than a hundred. different, well, that is, let’s imagine that we have a computer, it contains information, we have a printer on which we can print this information, we even have paper, everything is fine too, but if there is no magnesium, like ink, yes, if you compare, then the piece of paper will go into the printer, it will come out lukewarm, but nothing will be printed, lukewarm, well, that is
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, this will be an empty story, so unfortunately, people often suffer for a long time. somehow on their own, even tinnitus, this can also be a manifestation of magnesium, magnesium deficiency, and also very often nails, hair, yes, it’s the bones that become weak, this is a lack of magnesium, there is another interesting manifestation magnesium deficiency early gray hair, so... this is also surprising, but it turns out that with magnesium deficiency, gray hair can appear much earlier, although genetics plays a big role here, but magnesium can, well, probably if saturate yourself with magnesium sidenate back, in my opinion there is no turning back, yes, yes, this is , of course, a sad story, but there are probably unfortunate people who in two months are absolutely not enough to raise magnesium level, well, in case
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of severe deficiencies or in some such complex conditions, there is an intravenous infusion. yes, in general, many people in our country have some kind of feeling that if there were no ivs, as they call it, and in the common vein, then there was no treatment, so in my opinion, veins are once again better don’t touch it, and if everything works orally, then this is a wonderful way, and you won’t get anything extra at the same moment, you’ll get what you need, but when a person arrives in such a difficult condition, of course no one waits, special solutions are injected inside the vein to... magnesium, well, again, it’s the doctor who decides, well, naturally, of course, yes, it’s completely unconditional, where do we even get magnesium, if they might ask us, what’s this? eat to get enough magnesium, these are cereals, these are all kinds of legumes, there is a lot of magnesium,
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all greens, broccoli, our favorites, broccoli, our favorites, yes, cabbage, fruits, not only persimmons, yes, but also persimmons, fihua and many other useful things, melons contain a large amount of magnesium, dried fruits, dark chocolate, zohroshari , allow us all. take dark chocolate as a medicine, well , a piece of 5 g in the cheek and great, chicory, by the way, people love chicory, many people consume chicory, there is enough magnesium, and there is also mineral water enriched with magnesium, and several such types, so uh i use it, if a person likes mineral water, then please, often eat it enriched with magnesium, there are dietary supplements, there are medicines. means, well, that is, nuts, nuts, again, you don’t need to eat handfuls of nuts to get the required amount of magnesium, because nuts
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are also a very high-calorie substance, so in order not to overeat calories, a few nuts are enough, to compensate, again they need to be soaked , what we talked about, yes, yes, yes, this is necessary, well, or you know, when they are so dry, but dried, not fried, but dried, then this is the shell... it comes off easily, i pressed it a little with my fingers and it all went away, but what is chylate magnesium? they say that this is the best form, which is it, well again, if a person has constipation syndrome, weak intestinal motility, or very often there is torsion, bending, or bending of the gallbladder, this is always such fertile ground for stagnation, so here, probably, it’s still better not to be sickly. which is considered the most easily digestible, purified, without additional there with components, well, this is prepared magnesium with something, yes with amino acids, well, as an option
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, yes, which promotes its absorption, it’s better for people like this to take citrate magnesium rather than chylate, because they will get much more benefits this way and - figuratively speaking, they will immediately close the necessary windows, these are not organic, yes, an organic magnet. well, well, today we widely discussed the problem of magnesium, substantiated its necessity, talked about how it manifests itself and who should take it, always stipulating that any prescriptions are made by the doctor who examines you, and i hope that our viewers have no more questions about this element. thank you, this was a podcast deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda. and with me was the famous endocrinologist zuhra pavlova. you can watch all episodes of the podcast lapt project on the first channel website
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you are watching the precious history podcast. my name is ekaterina varkan. today i'm visiting. even before the birth of his own children, and he went all over the world, throughout our country, i always performed with this doll and loved her very much; at
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one time, everyone knew her very well. sergei vladimirovich headed the theater when he was 30 years old, but he was not only involved in organizing the theater, he staged performances, invented individual characters, made dolls, he had solo concerts, or he performed at concerts and even performed... romances with dolls , here was such an original , pretty doll, she performed a romance, come back, i’ll forgive everything, this doll was put on the head, living hands stuck through fabric, here there are also such variants of this doll, and two more variants. and on these hands of sergei vladimirovich there were rings, in general , grandfather had amazing hands, such
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plastic hands. i haven’t seen it at all, probably never, like his famous tyapa number, which is here on your screen, uh, no one can repeat it, because it’s an amazingly virtuosic work of hands, so that means this doll used these rings, and so that the shirt doesn’t get in the way, like accountants in the old days wore things like this, so the shirt was removed so that hands were exposed, so...
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it’s impossible to live, that there will be imagination, and he always said regarding his collection, which we will talk about later, this is what is necessary for the soul, without which i look at these things, i imagine , how a child played with this doll, how there are some ritual... and actions in this mask, this will be imagination, this gives rise to some ideas, and these things are necessary, i was called some time ago to the program " good morning to karina muromtseva,” and she and i talked about vessels in which, so to speak, some things, mainly boats, are made by such craftsmen, i said that i know one house where there is a vessel in which there is a thing that, in addition to beauty, also has practical value, this is a decanter, a cockerel, i did
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a lot of work, glass makers , they say: we don’t know the one that sergei vladimech had. what's the secret? the secret is that vodka was poured into this decanter, and part of this vodka ended up in the cockerel, in my opinion, 50 g. and so it was completely impossible to pour it out of the cockerel, only by the morning 50 g was dripped from there onto the aroma. we tried it with water, the same thing happens. then notice.
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another such nightingale, i know, is in trigorskoye, in the museum near proskovi, wulf, this is their estate, pushkin’s neighbors, which means, according to mikhailovsky, when i’m there, i also always try to listen to the nightingale singing, it feels like you feel like a chinese emperor, yes, that means, for whom the nightingales sang all your life, but so that the audience does not envy us, we can, in fact, put the audience now for a second in chinese...
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"chaliapin's son, his grandfather studied with him in vkhutimas, then chaliapin went to america, not in america, gave him two of these little crocodiles, who grew up to be huge, their names were." tatosha and kakosha later lived in the palace of the pioneers, in the theater they first lived in an apartment, then in the theater, and then they placed it, although the pool was built for them, yes, but they outgrew it, in the palace, but sergei vladimirovich would have been strange, he had a very large collection of toys, the puppeteer, it’s impossible without toys, it’s made of clay from wood , this is all clear, yes, but there were some things like that strange, made from corn cobs, from bamboo, from seeds, from bones, from washcloths, whole shelves are filled, which means all these toys, if we have them, we can show them, but if we talk about it, it seems to me that we’ll just drown somewhere, which means that’s why it seems to me
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that we can, uh, say about another great passion of sergei vladimirovich, he really loved masks, he has a huge collection of masks that hangs in the house, on the wall, and we ’ll say that these masks are not souvenirs, even the african institute was jealous of them, they came, they bought, that is, they belonged to the leaders, or sorcerers of some, so to speak, tribes of different countries, peoples bought, so to speak, in different places, so he was very proud, this means the first mask that he got , there it is in the corner, which means this collection began with. with the shells made a terrifying impression on me, it felt like this was a plague-ridden man, i kept thinking how he wasn’t afraid to live, to live with such a thing, well, in general, they carry
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some kind of load, these masks, he’s not he believed in no infernal things, he laughed a lot at them, he laughed especially when he was asked a question, in your doll museum... what happens at night, how the dolls move there, but it just made him laugh, he’s not into it he believed, and i believed in my youth, he also laughed at me, well , it’s still a strange feeling, especially over the drum, some strange sensations, and another one, also quite a strange mask, heavy for me, which he received as a gift from the great man mazin, but also scary. he was friends with mazina, this is known, this one famous story, when julietta mazina was asked what you liked most in moscow, she said samples, that was the answer, the girl
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katya had good taste, but other than that, it means, in general, these are completely personal, personal belongings, personal attachments, although what we will talk about next was also a personal interest, but ... there is, and also a wonderful panorama
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of nevsky prospekt in st. petersburg, this is the mid -thirties, the artist vasily sadovnikov, here we show fragments, that's it a huge roll, 16 m long, on these wooden things it rotates, and you can walk around...
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new attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, this is terrorism, this is terrorism in its purest form, terrorist attacks are perceived as an attack, and any attack, the people rally. who is to blame according to kiev? ukrainian regime? repeats itself, we heard something similar in 2022, it’s not us, it’s them themselves, classics, well, like ukraine, which supposedly invented everything in the world, offended france, and at the same time the entire world cinema, timchenko is the first person who filmed films on the territory of the russian empire, and ukraine is a state that in reality does not have its own history. antifake, premiere on monday on the first. we continue. conversation, today our guest is
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ekaterina obraztsova, granddaughter of sergei vladimirovich obraztsov, director, honored artist of russia and i, her interlocutor, ekaterina varkan. tell me, katyusha, are there any stories about how things come into the house? well, from what i know, this is how it came, a monkey orchestra, this is an absolutely amazing thing in some way institution, this monkey house concert was thrown into a landfill somewhere. they said that one of my friends called my grandfather, said, if you need it, seryozha, there is some strange thing lying there, he brought it home, realized that it was a very complex mechanism, called his friend, there was such a magnificent doll maker, the union of the cartoon, i also knew him very well, oleg masaynov, who began to understand this mechanism, brought these monkeys to life, they are amazing, they are
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extraordinary, but we can’t
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show one of them, we won’t show them all, but we can show even as if acting in sound form. this is a barrel organ made by a famous german master, i don’t remember now for my studio. here, but this is a very valuable barrel organ, but who would doubt it, so they showed how it was alive, katyusha, there was also this, the so-called napoleon table, the one that decorates the living room, and this girl found it somewhere in an antique store in st. petersburg, the table, it was all tattered, painted over with brown paint, like a leg, but grandfather liked the leg, i think... he took this table, looked at something, looked closely, saw that
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something was shining through, called an antique dealer, who, a restorer, or rather, a restorer, who somehow washed it all away, it turned out that there were portraits of the napoleonic army, and this was done in the old way, uh, like a decal, this is the story, and here is napoleon, here is josephine, the march.
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it’s not just that no one remembered about them, grandfather wrote about them in his book, this story is simply not because i didn’t want to talk about it, but the subject itself didn’t exist, these soldiers didn’t exist. after death my uncle alexei sergeevich obraztsov, my brother, his great-grandson, found these soldiers at the dacha in one of the drawers of my uncle’s secretary, and the history of the soldiers described in the book is exemplary, my uncle is his son, it’s clear,
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yes, according to the steps of memory, here these soldiers were made by my uncle when he was little. when he was 19 years old, the war began, and he served in marikhodka in st. petersburg, he was sent straight from the marikhodka to the front, at the front he had a lot of all sorts of adventures, he crossed the laduga, was wounded, he was a sapper, their they sent sappers behind enemy lines so that they...
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then they came out in the wrong place where they were expected, and where they came out, of course, without documents, of course, it’s simply unknown who, they were sentenced to death, the funny man imprisoned them in some basement where they were waiting, executions were usually carried out in the morning, but luckily for them, a lieutenant from their unit was passing by, looking for: what, do you want to shoot, we gave them an award, for courage, they have medals, that means , you were released, and before that your grandfathers wrote that your son was missing, we hope that everything will end well for him,
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it was of course a big blow, but you understand, and the grandfather waited and believed that his son would return to...
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this boy came home and the first thing he did was go to his desk and take out soldiers, these ones, which he made in childhood, each soldier is painted in detail, that is, this is a boy, he began to play with his toy, apparently, he still continued to live that life of his, well, in general it’s... so as not to go down it's probably crazy that people have experienced so much at that age, then it is believed that there is such a version that two comrades served, the grandfather told the screenwriter this story, because there really is a civil war, but these two stories absolutely coincide, so my brother found it, now we
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take care of these soldiers who are described in the book, who were made by an uncle, here... who came almost played at two comrades, yes, well, that’s the story, but we have one more thing that was definitely played, at least on television, this, this thing, yes, she's from television, that's a thing, huh too, these are all the things that really remain for the soul, for our living ones, this is the hare tyopa, which... my mother played in the program good night, little ones, this is only, i remember the day when the good night kids program was formed. when my mother came home, she said: katya, there will be a new program, good night, kids, i
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was a little girl, this hare tyopa became an all-union favorite, he is charming, like this, and i remember, from the age of four i was always filming on television, i think i 'll be a screenwriter here, good night, kids, and even composed a poem dedicated, that is, as a script for good night, such a wonderful hare, but that day that you remember, the first broadcast, 1964, and my poems were very strange, dedicated, i can now i even remember them by heart, there lived a poor widow hen, her chicks hatched, they waited and waited, they waited for dad, dad didn’t return from the war, such stupid poems, under the impression of creating a new program. understandable, and my mother played this hare in the program, yes, but i remember this hare beautiful, when we are here, he is very charming, by the way, when in 2000
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, remember, when we erected a monument to the hare in mikhailovsky, who crossed the road to pushkin, who was going to st. petersburg, he would have ended up on senate square, but the hare ran across the road, and he stayed in mikhailovsky and thus escaped from siberia, so in 2000 a monument was erected, and this hare was invited there as an honored guest. and he sat there, it means, at the event and beat the drums with his paws, i remember well, and there are even photographs, so we are with this hare too we know him well, i love him very much, i remember, he sits in a prominent place in my house, we continue the conversation with the granddaughter of sergei vladimich obraztsov, ekaterina obraztsova, my name is ekaterina varkan, please tell me, there is another one, you told me, no one in family. i didn’t even know this story before my grandfather left, yes, and you and i recently met, you say, imagine, this is such
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an unexpected story, completely touching, romantic, connected with the grandmother, and the grandmother is quite young, died immediately after how she gave birth to your mother, and that was a great misfortune and tragedy, well, that’s really my grandfather’s first wife. in which he worked, the secretary was locked with a key, when grandfather was no longer there, we opened the secretary and there
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was a huge portrait of his first wife in full view, this means that he worked next to her all his life, here it is, and moreover, when the door opens, then from the side, if you go into the room, you can’t see this portrait, yes, i have one like this , i, who are at home, have the same portrait, but small, like this, and this is owl semyonovna, sonya, she’s wearing a necklace, as my mother said, this is the only thing i have left from my mother, this necklace, my mother gave it to me, and i gave it to my niece as a wedding gift, uh, sonya’s frame is already right, it’s not so valuable, in my opinion, aquamarine, most likely... these stones, but we didn’t have any diamonds in our family, we never had anything like that, in...


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