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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 14, 2024 6:10am-6:56am MSK

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the water level in the ural river has dropped below the dangerous level of 7 m, where possible, people are returning to their homes, restoration work is being carried out, and as of monday , face-to-face classes are resuming in local schools that are not flooded or are not being used as temporary accommodation centers. that's all for now, see you later. now , quite serious systems have appeared in leading banks that prevent the transfer of cards that have been compromised, phones that have been compromised, etc., the bank preventively blocks, this is in particular, we must pay tribute to the regulator, he introduced such a three-level system of green, yellow , red traffic lights, when it means they have already been noticed.
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it is usually after two steps that withdrawal begins, so that it is easier to catch on the first step, so the more steps you take, diversifying your money, why is a step a transfer, a transfer to another bank, in this sense, we have identified a very serious danger in this sense , we also work collectively when they involve us in this...
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financing terrorism is completely, that is, you this is actually - you signed a blank sheet, that is, by giving your bank card and account details, you actually sign a blank sheet. where you can write anything you want, well, it’s an image and so on, then you with your signature below, and the card is yours, you opened a bank account, then, as they say, you will be tortured to prove that you are not you, the card is not yours, and where were you and who used it, by the way, when you are caught doing this, that you are an accomplice, then blackmailing, then you are drawn into other financial frauds, then there is this even before the law enforcement agencies present a claim against you, having identified you...
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unfortunately, at the second or third step of such involvement, you really become accomplices to more serious crimes, that’s it, people don’t seem to have a way back, they say , well, i’ll come and confess, and then all these accusations will be brought against me in the first steps, you know, this is a very serious thing, this also has a psychological effect on those who are not far-sighted, well, in an hour’s milk.
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convenient tool or deposit card, yes, accordingly, a payment card, you have an advantage, if you have opened internet banking and use it, then this, of course, provides you with a lot of conveniences, especially now you know that you can
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pay via phone, there with the press of one button you don’t even need to take out the card , but you must understand that if you lose your phone, you risk that you are already a criminal, yes, because. but if the phone has additional protection, then you should also take into account that the phone, for example, has this identification through the face, or through fingerprint, you must understand, this is a big advantage, until you identify it, you will not fail to make the payment, but there is another risk, and if it is necessary, they will identify you and they will forcefully present your phone number in front of you.
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or protection is important to you, if protection is important to you, then you say, let the sms come, i’ll enter it, it’s more reliable than just that.
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he will record for our audience three main rules from academician of the ran garigin
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nashotovich tasunyan. so, first: do not enter into any negotiations at all, as soon as they seemed suspicious to you. conversations, don’t rely on yourself, on your knowledge, experience, just stop, stop communicating, because one way or another, you give a reason to get hooked, to become a victim again of some sociological schemes. any other manipulations, just stop talking. thank you, leave your information and i will call you back. rule number two: if some kind of immediate benefit seems quick to you, this is especially true for our young audience, when they offer you 5-10 thousand for opening card and handed it over, nothing more, remember that in addition to the fact that you are becoming participants in a scheme to deceive people, because the card will not just be used. no one gives money just like that, you automatically become an accomplice
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in much more serious crimes, even criminally punishable, even with heavy sentences for example, if some transactions were carried out with this card in favor of prohibited organizations, you simply become accomplices of terrorists with the corresponding punishments and rule three: if something did happen, you were stupefied, you felt bad and succumbed... to a trick, you followed some commands from the scammers and you realized that you had done something wrong, immediately call the bank, you should have, like ambulance services, like gas, police and ambulance services, you should have digital coordinates, that is, telephone numbers of your banks, bank cards of which accounts you have open, and you should immediately call these numbers and tell them the situation real service...
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193 they say that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they are lying, you can, the lives of your own, the premiere, today comes first, the eternal choice, city or village, why are you going with him, you need to wash, they will kill you pamper. they won’t take you outside, i won’t love you like that, i won’t feed you either, hedgehogs come to me, they love sausages, i’m surprised how much hedgehogs eat, i can’t feed them, my husband is a hedgehog. you are a florist, have you signed up for any courses? those eyes are so innocent, you can see everything in them can be forgiven. let's sing a song, let's sing. have you seen the video? watch with us! premiere, today on the first! bend over! did not
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help! we will save! let's! this is how children learn to do the heimlich maneuver! this is first aid for those who choked, you see, the balls flew, it turned out how to save an adult child, even children can do this, about many other important and interesting things, we will tell you in the “live” great program, tomorrow on the first, let's say a few words about the current situation in the banking system, well ... in turn, i would like to talk about the rate, i heard your opinion that the 16% rate is not only bad, but also good, why is this good? no, i usually focus more on the fact that this is unacceptable, double-digit interest rates, not only on deposits, on loans, especially the refinancing rate, this is generally a terrible
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thing, this is a necessary measure, we know that the consolidated forecast of entrepreneurs is 5 %, 5%.
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again, any phenomenon has two sides, like any coin, there is a positive side, that when we can all keep an eye on everyone, and cameras are hanging everywhere, and...
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if at all, users should be afraid, that who should be afraid more than the digital ruble, they are watching every step, or banks, that the banking institution will die out, as you said, it means that neither one nor the other has any basis some serious foundations for now, because through the digital ruble, firstly, the digital ruble is the third form.
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goes to zero, because you can, if you keep money in the digital ruble, then all your payments in the digital ruble through the central bank will be carried out, costs, here as for costs, i’ll say now that this is also a double-edged sword, because today it is declared that there will be no payments for settlements, but this is today, if the central bank monopolizes all this, where is the guarantee that tomorrow it will not say everything.
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you have taken out such and such volumes of funds from circulation, and this turnover is no longer included in the commercial credit circulation, credit
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banks still, when they lend, when they finance certain projects, taking into account the advantage that is still private the sector is subject to government control, state control is an important, necessary thing, but if...
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there is a logical position at the head of the organization, which monitors the very balance so that there are no distortions in either direction, well, further development. in any
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case, you should keep up with progress, but do not forget not only the opportunities, but also the risks that lie behind it and keep your ears open, and your brains in your right mind and sober memory. thank you very much, gorigi nashutovich, for coming and for telling us in detail. this is the podcast lungs money, and today we spoke together with the president of the association of russian banks , garigin tusunyan, about new and old types of fraud. e is present on the market, how banks are fighting this and how we can resist scammers, ordinary citizens, hello, this is a podcast of sitters from einstein and its leading film historians, natalya ryabchikova and stanislav didinsky. our podcast is about who
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and how... classic, beloved, little-known, forgotten soviet films, and today we will talk about the sixtieth anniversary, probably one of the most beloved soviet films is the film “i walk through moscow.” and today our guest is the actor who played one of the main roles in this film, evgeny steblov. hello, hello, hello, evgeniyvich, we will try to tell you what we know, ask you about what we don’t know. and... for example, we know that the story, which was later told in yashegaya in moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, well, long before that, and was told in the initial application, which was called buddies, about two guys, schoolchildren who meet in the morning line for beer, but to find this beer stall, one of them had to play
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detective. because he started looking for this line of roach skins that were scattered on the street, using these skins he actually went to the stall, well, that was shpalikov’s idea, from this story a new version of the script gradually, gradually grows, schoolchildren are replaced by, in general , adults, students, graduates, you can even say so, and a girl appears, new heroes appear and, in general, at some point at the end the fourth main character appears. the hero moscow, which we see on the screen and this film appears that we all know by heart today, but how it was created, probably, this is still not a question for us, yes, for you, yes, well, as far as i am concerned i know that gen was still a student, according to his script, khutsiev was filming the ilich outpost, or we are 20 years old, here he is - one day he went to
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drink beer, you’re right. on the territory of vdnkh there was some kind of beer establishment, and there he saw this scene, which then, like this, entered the picture, when it began to rain, the weather was sunny and a young man, a girl was walking in front, he was riding a bicycle behind her and was carrying an umbrella over her, this is what i know he... wrote from this it began , this is the root of this mood, which led him to the script, i am walking around moscow. and by the way, maybe we can watch just this fragment now, because you appear in this fragment too, well, let’s clear it up, friend, and no, there’s his fiancee, and where is groom? sasha, sasha,
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he bought a suit, and his hairstyle suits him like that, a typical criminal. but you might not have been in this story at all, did you end up there completely by accident? yes, i accidentally, my classmate and i, unfortunately, viktor zazulin, an artist of the vakhtansky
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theater, who recently passed away, we... went to a mass film to wander around the corridors, so that someone would suddenly pay attention, notice, well, i we didn’t even have to wander around the corridors, we just passed the checkpoint, then... we met a student from the evening course and he said: what are you talking about, well, we they said, well, he says, well, it’s clear, and he told us, come into the group, i’m walking around moscow, the fourth floor from the elevator to the left, so i remembered, well, we came in, so first they gave us a script to read, i didn’t see anything in it i didn’t understand, but i really wanted to act then, so then we were shown to georgy nikolaevich at dana’s, there... there was this acting assistant, now it’s called a casting director, lee coron on overbach, so she showed us to georgy nikolaevich, and he uh ordered that vitya should make a photo test for him, and this
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she says don’t need me, but as likoronna overbach told me, she stuttered very much, and we called her in the picture with nikita lika stutterer, here she is... then she said that well , you you you you so - so - looked pitifully that i decided to do a photo test for you too, so they made this photo test, this photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a ticket to the stars, it’s really wonderful, it’s a photograph, in the groom’s suit, then georgy nikolaevich says where is he, give it here, and they started making it for me that means i had two photos, two screen tests. and the artist who was planned for this role, he was already approved, and then he had to be refused, and lekoronna said that i’m a woman, i can’t,
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you call, nikolaevich, egeriy nikolaevich called him, and he says, so he sent us to hell, he says , and he never hesitated, maybe we cured him, that’s how georgy nikolaevich’s chapter ends, that’s just right. on the topic of this situation, can we now reveal this secret, who was this actor? but i don’t know, because it’s a secret for me, but i asked him, i said, nikholavich, he told me why you need to know this, maybe he still has you, it means he has a negative attitude towards you, that you crossed his path, the documents also don’t have any assumptions about this, but it turns out you’ve already been tried the role of the groom right away, yes, they tried me for this role, yes, but you say that the students really wanted to act. but when we read the documents, we often see that it’s not very easy to always let them go, which is what the film crew needs, but they just banned them altogether, of course, but you knew that they would ban they went anyway, well, it wasn’t like
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they would ban it, how they could ban it, it’s just that at the mkhat studio school they were simply immediately expelled, at the shchukin school they were not immediately expelled, but in general this was also somehow not encouraged at all. well, the mikhalkovs forbade it, as far as i remember, yes, no, they didn’t forbid him anything, it’s just that boris evenievich zakhava, the people’s artist who played kutuzov in war and peace, i’m explaining this to the audience, he just told him, you go ahead or either study or act, well, in general, somehow choose one of two, well, then nikita went to the facility at the directing department, and an outstanding film director was born, whom we have the honor to know. “to be honest, we don’t see each other that often, but we, we, of course, are people of the same destiny, and we are so connected by destinies, because in the nineties i went to perform in rybensk, well, as is usually the case with this
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creative in the evening, i performed there for 3 hours in the city theater, stood, that is, answered questions, and then they showed me the grand duke to the great city of rybensk. in particular, i remembered photographs of the visit of the prince standing and two people in uniforms, meaning sergei vladimirovich mikhalkov, who was the leader of the nobility in rybensk, and pavel pavlovich steblov, who... and well, that means they also knew each other, you really got something almost cosmic friendship with nikita mikhalkov and on
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the screen that’s why it looks so natural and so alive, this is such a youthful friendship, it’s all very realistic, some kind of image of moscow, which now seems completely real to us, but... again, we know from memories, yes, that as if during the filming it was even necessary to wash the houses in order to create such an image of a bright moscow, a clean moscow, i don’t know, it’s unlikely.
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they made a cafe, filmed the scene, left, then, since they were filming very quickly, the workers could not free themselves and dismantle this scenery, when they arrived and began to dismantle, the residents of the neighboring houses began to say, why are you dismantling, they just made a cafe for us, we want this is a catering cafe in our area... to answer this question exactly, but i think it’s a legend, because well somehow, in soviet times, they didn’t improvise anything like that with the construction, it was all there, it’s all in the documents, that we will film it with the help, but it’s unlikely that they built real cafes for the picture , they just put up a few walls, well, maybe i can’t say, i- i remember that when they were filming this scene, when i come to nikita, i approach his house, this is in the arbat period... then this cafe was and it didn’t seem to me that it had just
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been built, the snow was still white in the fields, and the water was already in the spring they make noise, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run shine and shout, they shout in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she is us... words ahead, what, where, when, spring series of games, look after the program for the time. zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated. in many languages ​​for 100 years, this will definitely
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be written out of spite, especially the attitude towards talents, she felt them right instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna , illuminated the poem, stay bright, fleeting incessantly, i conquer that it has passed, thank you, that she came, andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother, an eclipse of the heart, andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel, for the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, the premiere was on tuesday on the first.
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“i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and admit that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land , and we will save you, russian speech, no russian word, very, very much, i love you, russia, you are the only one we have, magnificent , the best in the world, only here is my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, to all citizens our dear homeland, unity, a peaceful sky of unity, when the film came out, i was walking around moscow, right, they wrote that it was very much? many compared with the film marlen khutsyev,
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ilyach outpost, or i am 20 years old, they very often say that this film, lichav outpost was in many ways an event for that generation, your generation, and that everyone discussed it, said how revolutionary it was the method of filming, how pelikhina creates some completely unprecedented moscow, and that in many ways the film i walk through moscow is under aesthetic influence. khutsyev’s film, have you heard any stories about the work of shpalikov and khutsyev? well you you know, there mariana verchinskaya played the main female character...
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and such a multi-faceted lump, i would say, and i wouldn’t immediately pair him with pelikikha with all due respect to her, what is united is that this is shpalikov’s script, and then accordingly, there in the grain has the intonation of shpalikov, yeah, but this intonation, it is still turned into film classics, by the soul, consciousness and... daneli, the director who saw this, transposed it, the same andrei petrov, the composer, in general, you know, georgy nikolaevich somehow , shortly before his death, he gave me a book, he wrote wonderfully, he published several books, so i remember
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some interview with him, he said that he could make all his films one more time, except i’m walking around moscow, yeah. and i understand why, because i’m walking around moscow, it was the mood, it seemed like nothing, yes, just like that, and most importantly, i remember, gekolaevich, what you can’t ask is that it was a second-year student then, i switched to the second year , i had experience before this, i starred in an episode in the film the first trolleybus of the gorkov studio, that’s all my experience was, that’s what you can’t ask georgy nikolayevich, he slaps his lips like that, he says, but just like that, just like that, he didn’t really rehearse, they filmed it practically in one or two takes, that’s it, it was so relaxed and easy that you still come to the conclusion, especially with age, i, as a person who believes, that this is god’s providence, because otherwise it is impossible
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to explain, this is how all these people came together in this place on this topic, you see, it is difficult to explain. here is the french new wave, neorealism, they are like some influential movements in cinema, but they reached you, well, not i know, maybe someone from the film crew said, watch gadar’s new film with your last breath, it was all rumor, yes, they went, they went to the movie house to watch there, but honestly, i don’t think it was shpalikov and georgiy nikolaevich daneli . they were such independent artistic personalities, maybe they looked and saw a lot, but i don’t think they could shoot something like something, they were so natural, uh , talents, there was no imitation in them, they could know take into account
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this, but to do something to this, so to speak, in unison, is unlikely, well, listen, shpalikov, forgive me, please, shpalikov was a student. in fact, it’s as if he didn’t have a filmography yet, he’s still a geek, i’m walking around moscow with a film, defended my thesis, in fact, and to what extent in general your trust as an actor in shpalikov as a screenwriter was high, but what about this the legend took shape before your eyes, in general, usually the screenwriters don’t communicate with the actors, or it’s as if their work is completed at the moment when they put the last point in the document. into the script, they give it to the director, they go on to a new project, that’s how he influenced the film itself, well, he didn’t influence it at all, so deliberately, but the fact is that he was married to my classmate inna gulay, then they separated, already the kingdom of heaven is nigena no...


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