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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 15, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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after capturing the avdeevka defensive hub in the ssu, the russian army develops an offensive, shifting the front line further to the west. the day before, the ministry of defense confirmed the establishment of control over pervomaisky; earlier, the enemy was knocked out of petrovsky, tonenkiy, orlovka, severny, vodyanoy and lastochkin. our film crew visited this village immediately after liberation. the first of the journalists. and more details about everything in the report by gusein huseynov. the russian army completely controls lastochkin, from the village itself to the front line there are several more kilometers, but populated areas approach it under the constant sight of enemy artillery and drones, so you need to get there on foot. we are walking, accompanied by scouts from the fifty-fifth brigade of the center group of forces, they took part in the liberation of avdeevka, lastochkin, vodianova, now they continue to advance, the whole forest, the strip is simply saturated with the smell of corpses. here in almost every trench
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there are bodies of destroyed ukrainian militants, now our military is slowly evacuating them from here, we have orders to take everyone away and protect them forest regiments, trophies were found from two hundred ukrainians, chevrons, what kind of chevrons, ukrainian chevrons, it turns out, canadian chevrons, the presence of mercenaries in the ranks... nato caliber 762, here it is, in fact, lastochkino itself, the beginning, here the private sector begins , residential buildings, well, what ’s left of them, and this is a kindergarten behind me, right here in the courtyard of the kindergarten, the armed forces of ukraine organized for itself such a fortified area, look, dugouts, trenches, firing points,
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there’s even one lying there militant corpse, this was the first strongest supporter of the enemy in the village, here are the footage of the battles, which were filmed by the scouts of the fifty-fifth mountain brigade, they entered the village in several groups, bypassing the enemy from the flanks, our another group through the forest belt...
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diamond recalls one of the most difficult areas, an intersection that was held at gunpoint from both sides, a machine gunner, a sniper. i probably missed two days, but then our group approached, found him with grenade launchers, knocked them out of there, my mother was working, they supported our attack aircraft, large-caliber artillery aviation, judging by the camouflage net,
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a crater from a high-explosive aircraft bomb. speaking here in front of the house, such a huge one, that firing points were set up on almost every street, in every yard, the military is not exaggerating at all, machine gun belts, grenade shots and mortar shells are everywhere. school bus, school buses. shells were stored, another warehouse with ammunition was destroyed by a precise hit in the garage, many were foreign -made, well, this ags, american a bulldog, well, in my opinion, he calls him a bull, in swallow and now he is restless, in the ssu they are trying to reach the village with artillery and they receive in response, he arrived, he arrived, he is still flying here, yes, yes, he is still flying here, so i’ll probably go down hard , after
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the liberation of the swallow, the attack aircraft continued to develop their offensive; several more strategically important settlements in the avdeevsky direction came under the control of the russian army. first channel donetsk people's republic. next is our exclusive about the work of airborne forces snipers on artyomovsk direction. alexey kruchinin became convinced that our elite fighters can defeat both the enemy’s manpower and unclean forces. yellow-red spots. this is what enemies look like through a thermal imaging sight. having learned the route of the enemy on the front line near artyomovsk, the sniper group of the eighty-third airborne brigade is waiting for the right moment to open. fire from an ambush, we had already been waiting for them there for 5 days, when they finally came out, they acted as a group, the commander fired, fighters with the call signs severe frost and tiger covered, dad was in leshka, we were in secrets, the group the enemy, which advanced in our direction, well, most likely they did not expect
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to meet us there, the enemy shooter is also in the so-called leshka, only his head is barely visible through the sight, but one shot is enough for the commander of our group to win the next sniper duel, everything was destroyed. seven militants, four more, paralyzed by fear, surrendered, now the special services are working with them, details cannot be disclosed yet, but according to the first data, these are foreign mercenaries, that is, they are ready to kill anyone for the sake of this coin whatever, and it’s natural that they are afraid when fair retribution comes to them, when we approached, they immediately started screaming, well , again, i can’t quote the language, that they surrender, we are talking in the basement, suddenly active shooting starts upstairs,
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a copter arrives next with a release, a fragmentation grenade, a release, quietly, fortunately no one was hurt, having dropped the ammunition, the enemy tried to take the drone away, but the bird was shot down, it fell into a minefield, how many have we shot down now, personally the two of us, well, there are still guys there, he’s behind i worked my ear off, there's something there exploded, they probably hit something, and there , too, something exploded for the boys, and it happens every evening, and it happens every day, they ’ve stopped counting this, as the guys say, little thing, but sometimes they come across unique specimens, such as the american puma drone, for which the paratroopers had to fight an entire platoon of militants. for this operation, the group commander was presented with a high state award. of the new trophies, there are several kamikazes, also known as fpv drones, and four so-called baba yagas. these agrocopters are capable of flying up to 20 km,
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bypassing radio interference. good babayaga, dead babayaga. the enemy is increasingly using large agricultural drones. by the way, here is one of them, as a means of delivering small fpvs. thus, they... move on and cover a large territory, like any evil force, baba yaga carries out her dirty deeds at night, during the day such a large target is too noticeable, but the guys detect it even in complete darkness. here, here, here, here, i’m shining a candle on her, single, single, single, work, work, work, work, the guardsmen of the eighty-third airborne brigade are protecting civilians not only from ukrainian drones. this woman, we do not show her face, fled from the chachovo ditch. as best i could on the crossroads with two little sons, the same age egor and timur. in the zone already controlled by our troops, they came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. we lay down, the children on the cover with us, but still the older one was hit by a little
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shrapnel there. how is the elder feeling now? well, it’s much better, of course, he still won’t recover, he’s afraid of everything, but i think the rehabilitation will be successful. our sniper group, working in that area, pulled the family out from under the fire. thank you very much for ours, that we are alive and healthy , please say hello to your brother, and so that he gets well soon, we will definitely go to him too, check on him, we are here, we will not leave here and we will protect. new toys will distract the children a little from the terrible memories; the guards made a special trip to the neighboring rear city to get them. timur, who fortunately escaped with only scratches and bruises, promises to share gifts with his brother. the paratroopers took it. help for my ward recover from stress, recover, complete russian documents and get comfortable in a new place. alexey kruchanin, roman khrolenko, ruslan mishcheryakov and ruslan bashko. first channel donetsk people's republic. in response to attempts to attack russian energy facilities, our army continues to knock out the critical
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infrastructure of the enemy, who works for military needs. during the week, explosions thundered in odessa, lvov, nikolaev, kharkov and kiev regions. trypilska tesa was completely destroyed. in addition to the capital region of ukraine, it supplied electricity to neighboring cherkasy and zhytomyr regions. arrivals of attack drone missiles were recorded at the krivoy rog tes in the dnepropetrovsk region, and a substation was also hit in krivoy rog. the plant once again came under attack from our high-precision weapons, the largest underground gas storage facility in ukraine , one and a half dozen kilometers from the city of stryi , lviv region. ivan konovalov has the full picture. air strikes by russian forces on ukrainian critical infrastructure - in strategically, the key element of the demilitarization campaign is independence. the president of russia talks about this.
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energy facilities were forced to respond. the destruction of the energy system reduces the command capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine. in tactical terms, the movement of troops and the supply of weapons and ammunition is becoming more difficult, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to restore disabled equipment. it’s just that the whole power plant is on fire, it continues to explode, there has just been another arrival. the extreme effectiveness of russian air strikes has seriously weakened capabilities of the ukrainian air defense system. the enemy's air defense systems are ours. that the europeans do not want to give kiev the expensive patri system for nothing.
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minister kuleba desperately asked me during our last conversation for at least seven patriot batteries. western countries have about 100 patriot batteries, but we still cannot allocate seven of them to ukraine.
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here the remaining reserves, removing them from other sectors of the front. the rear reinforcements are sending less and less. zelensky and his entourage firmly believed that after the adoption of the new law on tightening mobilization, things will get better. the mobilizers will suddenly stop running away or resisting, but the development of events suggests the opposite. i have rights. rada deputy from the european solidarity party headed by ex-president poroshenko, victoria syumar, said that the mobilization law was adopted under severe pressure from zelensky’s office. the green buttons voted for what was given to them from above at the last moment, ignoring a month of sensible work by their colleagues in the committee. those who simply hid behind the green buttons who doesn't want to make unpopular decisions. reduced mobilization price. 27 to 25 years old, but in fact the new law obliges all
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men fit and conditionally fit for military service to register, they plan to begin general training, general military training, from the twenty-fifth year, in wartime up to 5 months, in peacetime up to 3 months, that is, a man over 18 years of age who has undergone training for 3 months can be perceived as suitable to be sent into the trenches. is now considered to have been served, even if the citizen did not receive it, even if he was not at the address recorded in the territorial recruitment center; the scandalous clause about the conscription of disabled people of the third group seemed to be excluded from the law, but this was included. recognized in accordance with the established procedure as people with disabilities or, according to a decision of the military medical commission, temporarily unfit for military service for health reasons for a period of 6 to 12 months , followed by passing a military medical commission. that is, it will come to disabled people. at best , once a year to prove your disability, but rather, given the prohibitive
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level of corruption in conscription commissions, buy the right to it, but all draconian measures are unlikely to help recruit the required number of recruits, there are fewer and fewer people, a german tv channel released a video report from luzanovka, cherkasy region, in which it reports, that in a village with a population of 400 people, all men were mobilized. if in our small village there are already so many missing dead, then what about throughout ukraine? the report also shows neighboring kamenko, where he delivers summonses chairman of the village council. lina is darling, well , yes, extremely, that’s already the limit, the limit has already been exhausted, there are only a few left that can still be taken, and then they will perform non-combat missions, the head of the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs igor klimenko added fuel to the oil truck, he told the ukrinform agency that the population has enough weapons in their hands for a new maidan. today we said how many weapons
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our citizens have in their hands, from a million to five, but a million is also a lot, but how many grenades are in the hands of our citizens? also a lot, according to a new york times study, the task replenishment of human resources for the armed forces of ukraine will not solve the attempts to return ukrainian refugees; refuseniks will be deprived of consular escort under the new law, but europe itself does not really want to return them, deputy director of the ukrainian state institute of demography and quality of life problems, alexander gladun, told the publication. in modern europe , the demographic situation is also not very good, so they are interested in ukrainian. and most likely in most countries there will be a policy aimed at leaving them, given the current active actions according to their adaptation, that is, they will keep for themselves, so to speak, for reproduction, such a detail of the general pragmatic western approach to what was once the country of ukraine. this is a center of human trafficking, this is a center of
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child trafficking, this is a center of drug trafficking, this is a center of arms trafficking. now we know about our biological laboratories. because victoria said that they were there, we always knew it, but you know, now this statement is public: huge amounts of money are flowing into this country, you ask yourself where this money is going, this money laundering, there are several people, i think one of them is someone from the ministry of defense, perhaps the secretary of defense or someone around him, they buy these giant houses for millions of dollars, so amazing tenacity, with which the biden administration is trying to shake out.
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“we have never given up on the peaceful resolution of disputes, moreover, we were inclined precisely to this, the president decided to recall all the stages of moscow’s unsuccessful attempts to stop the bloodshed. the first round of direct russian-ukrainian negotiations took place already on the fifth day of the special operation on february 28, 2022 in the gomel area. with
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the mediation of belarus, the parties then met twice on march 3 and 7, after another 3 weeks the russians and ukrainians." everything is spelled out, down to the units of military equipment and the personnel of the armed forces, this is the document, and it is initialed by the kiev delegation, it is signed, however , as you know, in the spring of 2022 the chance for peace was missed,
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let me remind you that then we were told that we could not sign documents that ukraine could not sign, allowing kiev to make peace with moscow in the spring . 2022, when we returned from istanbul, he came unexpectedly frankly and told how the west is not in kiev. boris johnson said, we will not sign anything with them at all, and let’s just fight, that’s what it is... from the draft peace agreement of the year 22 it follows that kiev wanted to retain the right to maintain 800 tanks and 2,400 armored fighting vehicles. after more than two years, ukraine has no special operation left at all. nothing special, the amount of destroyed ukrainian armed forces equipment of only the above types is more than 15,500 units. i think that they, well, in any case, the opposite
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country to a certain extent drove itself into a corner, well, yes, when it refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat on it. now they understand that this is impossible, but they refused to negotiate, and now... against this background, at the request of zelensky in june, switzerland convenes a so-called peace summit, they do not invite us there, moreover, they believe that we have nothing to do there, but at that at the same time they say that nothing can be solved without us, and since we are not going there, this already, in general, some ponopticon is saying that...
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a serious conversation with security guarantees for the russian federation. the swiss idea completely contradicts the russian concept. the organizers of the summit are inviting delegations from approximately hundreds of countries to discuss the so-called zelensky peace formula. essentially, a list of ultimatums to moscow that are divorced from reality, including, for example, a return to the borders of 1991. we are ready to work constructively, but there is no imposition on us of what whatever the position, not based on reality, of course.
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to ukraine, they will find it, they will find it from the military, oddly enough, i think that i feel that the moment is not far off when ukraine will come to its senses and understand where their happiness is, let them decide for themselves. konstantin panyushkin, boris kamenov, channel one. yes, expenses and this is sunday time, that’s what will happen next in the program. with particular cynicism, a wave of russophobia in the baltic states, a drinking incident that is being turned a blind eye to in europe. 10 years later, as ukraine, having declared anti-terrorism the donbass operation has turned into a terrorist state. the power of the angara and
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the new launch complex on the territory of russia, the historic launch of the eastern one, what prospects it opens up. and we'll continue after the commercial. lately we have been hearing the phrase “global majority” more and more often. who is included in it, what countries does it consist of and most importantly, who controls these states. we met at the presidential palace. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west now supports and promotes leaders like zelensky. these are people who say to everything: “yes, right, left, up, down, everything, answering yes, boss.” and my father never discussed my future with me. i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves. my children don't study politics; one wants to be
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a programmer. another engineer, you use social networks, is this interesting to you? before i became president, i headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company. new project of the first channel, global majority. assad is on the first next sunday. it's sunday time and we continue. russophobia on the march. the authorities of the baltic countries act with what is called special cynicism. it is customary to expel people from the country for tears at the graves of liberator soldiers, for a photo with the russian flag, or simply for the desire
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to speak their native language. regardless of old age, without even giving time to pack. our correspondent ivan blagoy knows many stories that for some reason do not touch supposedly civilized and democratic europe at all? i cried near the monument when they toppled the monument to the fallen soldiers at the brotherly cemetery, well, in general, they showed me so much, uh, that i , uh, i say, well, what if my... family suffered from the second world war, and after all, someone... he also recorded the tears of an elderly woman so that he could later use them against her. valentina vatutina was born in lithuania and lived her whole life. her problems started with the extension lithuanian residence permit, by filling out an application form. there is a question, whose crimea is. she wrote: “i don’t know, now vatotina is considered a threat to national security. she faces deportation, like valery ivanov, this is
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perhaps the most famous.” lithuanian dissident, he has been persecuted for his political views since the early nineties, since lithuania gained independence. at the beginning of december i went to the hospital, well, i’m not a young person anymore, i need to get checked, so they tell me, but we can’t serve you because you have no fears, only on january 13 from a response to a letter to the migration department, the chairman of the union of russian writers and artists, ivanov, learned that he allegedly posed a threat to the security of the republic of lithuania and his residence permit was revoked. at the same time, the period for appealing the decisions has already expired, the man continues to fight, that’s what concerns throwing and running, i don’t remember. ivanov was born in kaunas, his parents are buried in lithuania. russians in lithuania, latvia and estonia are not aliens, they are autochthons, the indigenous population, so that it is clear to everyone, cut it all down, who says that you are aliens here, that you have arrived, that you have come in large numbers, this is all a lie and...
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scoundrels from those people who are doing this. however, it is still legally difficult to expel ivanov from the country; he is accused in a criminal case for public approval of international crimes. in a video stream about the events of 1991, valery ivanov, according to investigators, begged for the meaning of the quote of soviet aggression. in lithuania , one cannot contradict the official version of the alleged atrocities of soviet soldiers during clashes at the vilnius television center. how the outcome of this trial is unknown. now everyone is being imprisoned in the literal sense of the word. even 2 years ago , journalist aleksey stefanov, the author of a telegram channel about life in the baltic countries, was embarrassed, talking about the persecution of latvian citizen elena kreili. she was detained on march 16 in riga at a protest against the march in memory of the waf legionnaires. for what? because she was wearing a leather coat and a beret with a scarlet flower with five petals, she resembled a red commissar. here is a statement about her on the police website. employees state police arrested the man who
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placed it in the windows. there are several items in his home, including flags of the russian federation, their imitations, as well as items similar to symbols of soviet power. and here are those windows, already broken, someone threw a brick with the inscription hymers. for installation with the tricolor, elena faces up to 5 years in prison. on april 4, the riga city court decided to place kreili in custody for 2 months. previously, she lost a similar case in court and received a year of probation. most likely she will now spend probably six months in prison until the end of the period when you can be held in custody, well, as if under a criminal article, because well, there’s nowhere else to go. the longest sentence of any of our political prisoners who served in my opinion.
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it was not possible, and it’s not just about forcing a person to say something, as experts explain, then a protocol is signed, and this is a document that can subsequently be used, for example, for psychological pressure, blackmailing into cooperation with foreign intelligence, russophobia in countries
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in the baltics, of course, this is not news, but before the start of the svo, there were still no such stories; in february last year, the coordinator of the immortal regiment movement in estonia, sergei chiulin , was called to the police to pick up portraits seized during a search. at the time of deportation, chuulin had only a gray passport of a non-estonian citizen, he was simply pushed into russia, of which he was not a citizen, they were not allowed to take away his things, a jacket, it was winter, a compassionate border guard gave me, i was a stateless person. there is such a situation in estonia and latvia, these are two countries in europe, but by deporting a stateless person, they violated all their agreements on the situation of stateless persons
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in europe. intimidation, threats, persecution for political views, judging by numerous stories, this is the special atmosphere that now reigns in the democratic baltic republics, during the presidential elections in russia. at the polling station in ivangorod, where our citizens living in estonia voted, he remembers how he had to reassure people who asked whether the russian authorities would definitely not hand over talina lists of voters. one woman said , “tell me quietly, otherwise
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, god forbid, they hear me there” across the border, i say, who will hear? but there are probably microphones on the tower, can you imagine, they are so intimidated, they say: “quietly, quietly, show me where to go to vote.” and this week. there was another news from estonia. the head of the ministry of internal affairs said. given the current context, i, as the minister of internal affairs, have no choice but to propose that rikugu declare moscow. supposedly will not affect parishioners and will not lead to the closure of churches, but will sever ties with moscow. according to the estonian bureau of statistics, the orthodox church is the largest community of believers in the country. the train, of course, has been going downhill for a long time, since a year ago politician ivo petterson was taken into custody. he was not afraid to talk about taboo topics. smart politicians, smart states. always keeps the little back doors open, and we
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will be the future of this door, through which we will restore normal relations between the two states, through which we will restore the economy of estonia. quince and him according to investigators, comrades dmitry rotsi and andrei andronov tried to create a political association in estonia that supports the narratives of russian foreign policy. estonian citizens peterson and rodsey are accused of treason. punishment up to life imprisonment andronov, he has a russian passport in non-violent actions against the sovereignty of the republic up to 15 years in prison, shortly before his arrest peterson visited donetsk and mariupol, he came specifically to tell the truth, he went to donbass and came back to to tell the truth, it was he who was not allowed to do this. and again news from democratic latvia the state police reported the detention of two men who tore the ukrainian flag from a building. in the center of riga, the case was opened under articles of damaging
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someone else's property and inciting national hatred, and this means up to 3 years in prison. blogger roman samul was lucky, from the embrace of baltic democracy, he managed to escape to belarus. like tatyana andriets, samul is also involved in the case of anti-fascists in latvia. first of all, i want to address people who are there have humanity. and under no circumstances. janet helen visited the middle kingdom, chairman sijin ping
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never received her, and the chinese mit even pulled her back. elen promised business in china serious consequences for connections with russian partners. beijing immediately declared that pressure on chinese companies was unacceptable and demanded that cooperation between russia and china not be denigrated. the fact that it is strengthening in all directions was confirmed by the working visit of the head of our diplomacy. sergei lavrov, unlike american women were received very warmly at the highest level. i am glad to see you again and please pass it on. promotion of russian-chinese relations and vladimir putin: you are an experienced diplomat and a long-time friend of the chinese people, over many years you have done a lot of fruitful work on bilateral cooperation, i appreciate it very highly. i have the pleasure and honor of my sincere greetings to the president to convey to you the best greetings of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin, the re-election of president putin, of course, guarantees continuity in our relations, focus on... new development
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of these relations in all areas, my colleague and friend and i are trying to follow your example, and indeed today we held very, very useful negotiations. sergei lavrov spoke with chinese foreign minister wang yi for more than 2 hours; during the meeting, the ministers emphasized: western sanctions violate international law and contradict the interests of the world community. the brix and sco partners share this approach. diplomats also discussed ukraine. in the world as a whole. well, we’ll remind you why it all started
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began. 10 years ago, the kiev regime, which came to power through bloodshed, began direct military aggression in the donbass, against people who just wanted to speak their native language, honor their heroes and traditions. alley of angels, where children killed by the nazis are buried, as an eternal reminder and testimony. having announced an anti-terrorist operation, kiev itself switched to a policy of state terrorism. yuri lepatov, continue the topic. the blood shed on the maidan was not enough for aleksandruchinov and he turned to his maidan flock with '.
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the kharkov berkut is advancing, making way for its fellow countrymen, the position of the police does not suit the kiev regime, militants who went through the euromaidan are sent to fight the russian-speaking southeast of ukraine, in nikolaev they disperse the protesters with metal rods and bats. in
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zaporozhye, palm sunday, an authorized rally of a supporter of the federalization of the country. attacked by neo-nazis specially sent from dnepropetrovsk for this purpose. people respond to violence with protest, peaceful at first. now we are deciding the fate of us, this land, a referendum, referendum. on the reluctance to live in a bandera, neo-nazi ukraine.
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you are 16, 20, 25, 50 years old, we will come to everyone, there is enough bullet for everyone, the first maidan president is developing this terrorist thesis, we will have a job, they will have none , we will have pensions, they will have none, we will have a pension for pensioners , there will be children, they don’t have it, our children will go to school and to kindergartens, they will have stinks sitting in the basements, because the stink won’t smell anything.
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the bet is not on ukraine joining the eec in nato, not on limiting russia, on destroying russia, therefore, the west needed a war that would draw russia into itself, and they saw only a civil war as such.
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the fact that the first belarusian cosmonaut flew into space is only an external manifestation of our joint activities, although, of course, it is not limited to this activity, for you this is ordinary, for us this is big news, because the first girl astronaut, cosmonaut, turned out to be in space, the first belarusian cosmonaut, independent belarusian and our oleg, he was born near minsk. in the town his parents, his mother lives, we recently met there, this is symbolic, so i
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am very grateful to you for this flight, and the significant events of the week, the launch from the vostochny cosmodrome, the angara heavy rocket again, before that such launchers were launched only from plesetsk, now russia has two site, the angara is being replaced by a cargo proton, it is with its help that everything that is necessary to create a russian orbital station will be put into orbit, and the new one...
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still cannot help but touch, and this launch especially, on the first and second days start had to be postponed, it is now clear that there were errors in the software, and to
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successfully eliminate them it was not even necessary to remove the launch vehicle from the launch pad. the launch complex is new and first of all there was a test of the new launch complex, this launch complex is very highly automated, there is a very large number of sensors both on the launch vehicle and on the launch complex itself... the computer system detected not only problems, but some... then deviations from the specified parameters in the first and second cases. in as a result, the oxygen oxidizer tanks and ignition systems and, in general, all systems of the launch complex and launch vehicle worked well. after 3 minutes, the first stage separated, then the second, and then the arion upper stage entered, which, by the way, was also tested in action for the first time; it successfully launched the payload. thanks everyone for your work. i didn’t thank the entire combat crew today, it was only thanks to their efforts, they didn’t fold their arms, they thoughtfully worked to correct
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all situations, in the end... everyone had success today, we still have a lot to do work a lot on this rocket to ensure its reliability, and in the twenty- eighth year it will need to launch a manned spacecraft. now angara a5 primarily comes to replace our proton space truck, which can only be launched from baikanur, but now we are capable of conducting all types of launches from our territory, despite the fact that... the launches of european missions are now completely dependent on the location of the united states. now we need our own point from where we will start. russia is the largest country, it is a great power space, but of course, we must have our own and not ask anyone, not depend on anyone, when to launch, what to do
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on our territory. not only is the a5 hangar superior to the proton in every way, including the ability to carry a larger payload, but it is also much more environmentally friendly. the proton m rocket is already obsolete, it uses a fuel pair, heptyl and amyl, it is quite toxic, now it’s better to switch to a more environmentally friendly version of the rocket, that’s exactly what the angara a5 became, it’s heavy a rocket that can... another unique feature of the angara is its modular system; the family of these launch vehicles is based on a unified rocket module. imagine such a super-technological, but huge construction set. the lightest version of the rocket has one such module, here it is, the payload is up to three tons, but we take three unified
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rocket modules and get the a3 hangar. the payload is already. up to 14 tons. in the hangar again, accordingly, the mathematics is simple, there are already five rocket modules, and the payload is up to 24 so this is a promising development of the hangar a5v, here below almost everything is the same, but the third stage and upper stage run on hydrogen fuel, the power is higher, which means that up to 38 tons can already be sent into orbit. due to the universal design , upgrading is easier. in addition to the hydrogen version at the khrunichev space center , a modified angara a5 is already in production, the angara a5m launch vehicle is being manufactured, this is a modernized machine in which a number of new systems have already been used, and a machine with new already in terms of tactical and technical characteristics, the vehicle is becoming lighter, the payload output will be larger, there will be a new control system, and i want to note here that it is
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like in hangar a5, on a new element base, this is purely our russian one. no imports can be produced, not even the slightest detail. it is for the launch of angara rockets that a new russian orbital station is being developed. this applies to both the delivery of all its blocks into orbit and manned flights. most importantly, we we want it to fly for a long time, it is designed by design, so that when some module becomes outdated and becomes unnecessary, it’s simple. they will unfasten, well, undock, dispose of, a new one will come in its place, that is, this is a permanently operating station, talk, for example, about the world, that it will fly for 5 years or iss-15, there are not even such talks, that is, this a long-term station, in this sense, angara is a kind of embodiment of the dream of sergei korolev, back in the sixties he thought about the project super-heavy rocket n1 for the construction of an orbital station and flights to the moon.
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this space truck was supposed to use fuel steam, kerosene, and oxygen, just like the angara. now we have to launch a grandiose space construction project in orbit, and the main workhorses in this project will be launch vehicles, which for the first time were completely designed and built in modern russia, which means that every year more and more spectators will be able to watch such beautiful launches from the vostochny cosmodrome. pyotr deryagin, ekaterina belova, alexey labyshkin, anastasia berestenko, channel one. we wish everyone a wonderful spring day, yulia zemina and sergey babaev are with you today, good morning, on the calendar april 15, monday, wake up, we have grandiose plans ahead, well, for example, we ’ll talk about the fact that it’s time to go through the home first aid kit, suddenly there are already a lot of expired medications there, let’s remember the rules
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for the safe use of all mobile banking applications, and get ready. total dictation, by the way, is already 20 years old, congratulations, let's discuss what mineral cosmetics are different from usual, let's look into school, home and other chats, in general, we will have something to do today. all this requires strength , now we need to warm up, fitness instructor sergei blucher is already waiting for us. good morning. a fitness band can replace an entire gym, and takes up almost no space. i highly recommend it for home practice. today, with the help of espandar, we will strengthen our arm muscles. we get down on our right knee. we place the elastic band under the left foot, lean forward slightly, do not round the back, this is dangerous for the lower back, hold the body is straight, we try to bring the shoulder blades together, and we put the chest slightly forward, the left hand is on
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the belt, while exhaling we bend the right hand, move the elbow behind the back, while inhaling we relax, continue to exercise, do not move the hand to the side, the forearm always touches the waist. we change the position of the hands, if the exercise seems easy, we take the spander a little lower, so the resistance increases, and along with it the load on the arm muscles increases. exercise will help strengthen your arms, shoulders and even your back, of course, if you do it regularly, we can rightfully say that the summer
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season has opened almost throughout the entire territory of our country; of course, we need to prepare for it, yes, including checking the country first aid kit, at least renewing the supply of patches of all sorts of bactericidal agents, yes, because every need happens. came up, had to look for paracitamol, found it in a blister without primary packaging, the pharmacologist does not approve of such storage, because this foil is golden, this foil can be damaged, and if moisture gets into the tablet
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, it will cease to be a tablet, it will become narrower a tablet with water, it will interact with the body differently, it could lose the active substance, well , it will be a pacifier, without primary packaging, which means without instructions the same expiration date on the blister. poorly visible, delay at best will not have an effect, at worst it will do harm. another point, what if the medicine is needed urgently? and if we need to use a drug to treat an allergic condition, there are cases of allergies, then in sofia, then in veronica , it happens suddenly, the necessary pills were not found quickly. what do you think is wrong here? packaging? well, it's dirty, but i think it's poor storage. well done, we don’t store liquid medications with solid ones, obviously something spilled on the packaging, these are chemicals, they can interact, and naturally the drug will deteriorate,
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it’s better not to put allergy medications, especially in spring and summer, in the first aid kit, store them separately in an accessible place place, but difficult to reach for children, you know that they don’t play with pills, i know, and i know, at hand in an accessible place, and not just in the first aid kit, we store bandages, iodine and anti-burn means so that if... something happens, you won’t have to look for it for a long time. let's start analyzing the first aid kit. olga has a lot of the same medications, most of all antibiotics, she assures me that she took everything only by prescription. i used it and forgot to put it in the box. they put everything into groups, and sign it like in pharmacies, the children’s idea, mother’s, then everything was put into boxes in a box. and the pharmacist reminds us that we also need to collect absorbents and painkillers for the dacha, for treating wounds and dressings, for burns. we remember the main thing. the storage temperature for most drugs is up to 25°, summer the roast is ahead, and some drugs, especially syrup drops, are only in the refrigerator. anna obrosmova, alexander ivanovsky, channel one. for the sake of cheerfulness and a good mood,
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let's take a look at the global putin, what is so popular and interesting there, and yegor uspensky has already collected everything and will now show us. and our video journey today opens with a cat named. samurai, he lives and works in a vietnamese spa, gives visitors a relaxing massage, this is what the samurai became famous for on the internet, he has almost 50,000 subscribers, with every day their number only increases. if only this samurai did not one day decide to take a visitor to harakiri. how will the dogs respond? meet a dog named tommy, he helps his owner prepare his food, but he doesn’t just help, he strictly controls this process, takes samples all the time, in case something is not reported or done wrong. users really, really like it. well, a kind word, as they say, is pleasant for the cat, and here it is pleasant for the crocodile. our heroine knows this firsthand.
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the video, of course, became a hit, all this the current one, look, it makes a cup of tea, they stir everything, and 30 million well-deserved likes, money and scammers, are inseparable like a shore wave, like bees and honey, here is the housing and communal services sector, there are huge funds, naturally, right there, right here, right here, right here , swindlers, yes, they are trying to deceive you and me, they arrange some kind of fake checks, send out some kind of payments, fake ones, yes, let’s remember once again how...
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they don’t scare, they call on us to be vigilant, for example, don’t believe everything that is written on the open information boards at the entrance, scammers can operate there too, anyone posts here whatever they want, you see, here they can even stick it on top, here you go, meters, please, internet, please, water meters again, but this information is unofficial, of course you can’t trust it, one is better once you ask your management company for its telephone number, the numbers of the energy sales service, the water utility of the gas service, this will protect you from the false salesmen who go... from
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apartment to apartment, supposedly with a check, they even show their id, they came to sergei kukharev, the documents were provided, otherwise he’s not a fascist, i don’t know, that is, well , the man came with good intentions, he didn’t come to tell me, he says, we ’ll see, well, i say, come in, look, yes, very good, he starts telling, look , you have an old hose, so to speak, it’s already cracked, suddenly there will be a gas leak, they calculated the repairs at 10,000 rubles, we were ready right away. the pensioner refused to replace it, then he looked at how much it actually costs, all this is included in 1.00 rubles. when i contacted my management company, here they are for me they explained that this is, in principle, free, but it is part of the service system, for this we need numbers of different services, before letting us in, we call from our phone a verified number, we clarify if these are real employees will wait. another way of deception is through sms or... email,
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they send out a message about debts for housing and communal services, demanding urgent payment for the parcel, but as soon as you enter the card details, the scammers see them and withdraw all the money from the account, so the rule is something is unclear, please clarify management company, there is always time, especially since if you don’t pay there for one, 2-3 days, nothing will happen, but there, that is, penalties won’t start accruing, so you can go and clarify everything, another option in any unclear situation is to write to the chat at home, house eldest natalya dmitrichenko for 9 over the years, i’ve trained all of my people to come and offer to replace the electricity meter. a resident called me, i said, no, they’re scammers, the meters are replaced by mos energosbyt for free , i wrote in the general house chat about this so that people would know. now scammers are avoiding their house, if anything happens, everyone immediately calls or writes to the eldest in the house, and she always knows what to do. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia novokhatnya, andrey ivanov, channel one. now let's
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invite ourselves to visit the nanais and go to the far east. these wonderful people live along the banks of the amur, from ancient times, and mainly in the khabarovsk territory. ksenia yonkina will tell you how enthusiasts preserve and restore ancient nanai traditions and ancient nanai culture. arina is wearing a traditional nanai robe. starting with his great-grandmother, he moved from generation to generation. the family values ​​its own very much. a couple of years ago i decided to study my ancestors, started looking for music on the internet on...
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i didn’t really want to make these arrangements, because when you listen to the original, you were listening now, you had a smile on your face, mirgen is a girl or a boy, mirgen is a man, the nanais often use him as the main character, you transferred this story, this fairy tale, to the computer. transferred. ekaterina muratova is a student at the higher school of design and arts. there are no nanais in the family, but there is great interest in this culture. the result is a computer game based on a nanai fairy tale. this is a model of the world in which our wonderful character lives, our toy is made in the style of a runner, there is simply
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the main character, very joyfully, running towards his beloved. they sing pananai, think pananai, and cook food according to the recipes of their ancestors. nanai cuisine. the restaurant's cook , dmitry solovyov, learned on gastronomic expeditions around the khabarovsk territory how to prepare ferns, seaweed, and bensin dumplings stuffed with auhi fish. this is a predatory perch, it is found only in the amur river basin, that is , only here you can try this fish, when i met it, i immediately became a fan of it. for nanai people, fish is sacred, the project that designers tatyana vasilyeva and denis burlakov are working on, that’s what it’s called, it’s all about the fish, the dress will appear soon. with sterlid klachi made of fish skin, we really plan to work with it and make magnificent accessories, embroidery appliqués, because indeed natya has been making skins like this for a long time and sewing them from her clothes, and dressing gowns, the collection will also
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include unique embroidery, thread to thread, masterly transitions from color to color, denisa tatyana in search of craftsmen, those who inherited the ability to embroider in pananai style, ksenia and... very soon the total will take place dictation, this is a wonderful worldwide educational event, just think that last year half a million people from 43 countries took part in it, they even wrote in space, wow, the next total dictation will be held on april 20, there is time to prepare, by the way, this year total dictation, round date 20 years, it all started back in 2004. at novosibirsk state university. in the sea. our journey begins with the writing of a total dictation. in airplane. i hope my flight will be the most competent. let's take it even higher in space. good luck to everyone in the dictation. be careful. total dictation is already 20 years old. it
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has been written and written on all continents of the world. yes, even in antarctica. it all started in 2004. the idea of ​​students from the novosibirsk state. university, just to check literacy, no grades or reports were expected, it came 125 people, a full audience, and jokes were launched back and forth, they wrote a dictation from lecturer sergei kulikov, they chose a loud voice and humor, they read an excerpt from the novel “war peace” with elements of stand-up comedy. that’s it, this is some kind of breakdown of patterns, which made it funny, fun, that is, somehow i felt so relaxed, i liked it, so we’ll do it again. and now, years later, this is not just a dictation, a tradition throughout the country, for some even a date. the young man wrote that i actually came here with my girlfriend, i just want to be next to her, i feel so ok, thank you very much, yes, indeed boxing is not about literacy, but
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total dictation unites very different people. love has been participating in total dictation since 2017, it’s addictive. a five rating is, of course, especially nice. then they gave us medals, not only writes, but also checks how a volunteer, there is a romance here, sometimes they write there, please don’t judge strictly, good luck to you experts, well, there are some nice nice wishes, they write the cat is freezing, the cats on the assessment will, of course, not be affected, the most responsible ones are preparing, in fact, it’s possible online, but in face-to-face courses, pay attention on friday evening, all the places are occupied, i’m writing a dictation, probably already or... the text writer anna matveeva has prepared four options for different time zones.
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the task was to ensure that all four parts for different regions of our country were equal in complexity, so that it would not be the case that the far east would find it more difficult than moscow, and the urals easier than kaliningrad. anna has prepared another text for children, this is a new dictation format. other projects are born on the basis of total: testrut, those for for whom russian is a foreign language, or... the dictation is translated into the languages ​​of small nationalities. we try to talk about the russian language in a way that is not boring, but not boring. it's time to create a personal account on the website, two formats - online and offline. you can choose the place of the announcer, your teacher, your favorite actor, singer or athlete. anna popova, mikhail karasev, denis ponomarev, anna ryabova. first channel. we are happy to welcome everyone who is celebrating this spring day in the company of channel one. yulia zemina is with you and sergey babaev. good morning, april 15, monday on the calendar.
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floods continue in russia, the largest in the last 100 years. the water level in the ural river near orenburg is falling, but flooding continues. in general, the situation in the orenburg kurgan and tyumen regions remains extremely serious. thousands of people have been evacuated and the evacuation continues. in the kurgan region , a peak flood is predicted today. help is being given to those affected by this serious flooding. the whole country. flood in the orenburg region visible even from space. it seems like everyone is here now. dozens of vehicles from the ministry of emergency situations of the perm territory. the second week they evacuate people, carry the elderly, save animals, help with water, food and warmth. the unity of people, that everyone wants to help each other in this trouble, regardless of whether they know the person or not. his house was not caught in... flooding, but on the very first day he asked to take time off from work to be on duty. we were on duty in vrada for about, well, the night,
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roughly speaking, we walked around every hour to see when the water would come, to wait, to be ready, then the water began to rise. i left my phone number in the help chats, he goes out by boat every day. his neighbor saulya bashpayeva prepared a room for those who have nowhere to live. elena and her husband vacated the garage so that the victims could place their things there, and today the animals will be brought to her for foster care. from the point of view of the victims, they personally clarified with each one what feed was needed, for whom, and in what volume. the leash does not recede, the water
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is in the kurgan region, employees of the ministry of emergency situations of the yamalonets autonomous okrug went there and yamal-spas. they help strengthen the dam, evacuate people, there are people on duty here every day, including volunteers. evacuation from neighboring villages, every 3 hours groups of buses are waiting for people at gathering places. hepatitis a vaccination begins, vector, contaminated water. people all over the country are collecting help, this point in the nizhny novgorod region, what is needed now: water, clothing, bed linen, personal hygiene products, portable batteries, flashlights, then heat guns, generators will be needed. we have a soul, a soul such that we must help so as not to leave people in trouble. we repeat once again, do not neglect evacuation, collect documents, money, warm clothes, bed linen, personal hygiene products and leave. don't wait for water to come into your home. elizaveta nikishova, olga sazonova, nazir nagumada, victoria dinova,
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channel one. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running and shining, and they shout, they shout to all ends. spring is coming, spring is coming. young spring messengers, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on first, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but hell. come here, and you ’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens
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of people saw me, what are you lying about, why are you lumping everything in one heap, and we’ll get used to it, live separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, well, not us... but come up with something there. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want, together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live together in the next world. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity. yes, i’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving. in the end , she won’t be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i am for. themselves that they truly love each other, on len, it’s not a serious conversation, are they sure with suspicions, but i think that he only loves him with his hysterics, horoscopes, that you are ready for anything, life after life, wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello, the premiere of a serial film, coming soon
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first. experts say that almost every second person is at risk. region of our country, so everyone must be careful, extremely focused, please follow the messages of emergency services and do not ignore them under any circumstances, everything is very, very serious. yes, yes, if the need to evacuate is announced, evacuate immediately. our expert, senior rescuer osvod emercom of russia, osman dilibash, will tell you right now how to understand whether flooding threatens your area and how to evacuate correctly? how to find out if there is a threat flood to your home? we go to... the rosreestr website, open the cadastral maps, enter the address of your house in the search bar, here it is on the map, highlighted in yellow, to find out whether it is in danger of flooding, click on the layers icon at the top right and select the zone option with special conditions of use territories, these zones are highlighted
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in green, and we see that they pass through our area in order to... several information fields with this arrow, we need the zoit window, as you can see, this is a flood zone, click the more details button and we get the zone parameters, if you find out that your site is in a dangerous zone, there is no need to panic, first of all.
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sum, bread, maybe cookies, chocolate. be sure to follow the news, we must be aware of how the flood is progressing. if the water level rises slowly, we move material assets to the upper floors, be sure to charge the phone, and take a power bank. if the situation is critical, turn off the gas and electricity. we turn off the water supply, take documents, warm clothes, a supply of food and climb up the upper floors or roof of the house. and we call 112 - this is a single rescue service. now all you have to do is wait, they will definitely save you. what previously required you to select a bank can now be done directly on
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your mobile phone. many people know about this and actively use it. zholki also knows all about it. uses it perfectly, dreams of gaining access to our account, so it is extremely important to follow the same information security rules, we have no doubt that you know everything, everything is known to you, but as they say, repeat them it definitely won’t be superfluous, you’ve lost your phone, you have half an hour to block your sim card and bank accounts, that’s exactly how long it takes for attackers to crack an eight -character password, which is what alexander did when his smartphone was stolen in a bar, without being too upset, he asked me to call taxi and...
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transferred all my money in five tranches, i managed to find the card holder where the money went, well, what’s the point, he wasn’t the one who transferred the money, he wasn’t the one who withdrew the money, and that’s it. can't be found here anymore. experts warn that funds need to be protected as soon as the sim card is inserted into a smartphone. the first is to set a pin code on it, different from the application password. this will make it more difficult for a robber who will try to gain access to your funds using your sim card. the second is to introduce a withdrawal limit. to increase the amount, attackers will have to contact the bank. choose a comfortable amount that you are willing to spend per month, it will not give to an attacker. withdraw, reset the account completely. third, activate the device search function. here we have found our device, please, we have a point on the map where it is located. you can
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block the device or reset all settings if you know for sure that the device will not be returned to you; it has been stolen. fourth - do not install applications of all banks where you store money, use some the old fashioned way through offices. please take the exam, give it to the manager. and finally, basic safety rules, do not share codes with anyone.
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a mask with a picture of a cat is a truly lucky talisman for two-time olympic champion evgeny rylov. all began. cska moscow, three-time russian champion kirill nababkin, a famous dog lover, one of the most experienced players in the russian premier league, has four tailed pets,
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would have more, but there is not enough time yet. in addition, nababkin actively helps animals in shelters, delivering them food and necessary medicines. the famous tennis player svetlana kuznetsova, you yourself loved dogs very much as a child. the champion of two grand slam tournaments has adorable pets at home. dolcea and dunya. both dogs are breeds american bully. they look formidable only at first glance. in fact, bully is the kindest soul of a creature. in addition, these dogs are smart and quick-witted and love to attend various beauty procedures. and for figure skater victoria sinitsina, world and european champion in ice dancing, mars is responsible for positivity and shallowness. a miniature and charming pet of the breed. this is a decorative breed, half maltese, half toy poodle, you will see such a cheerful and artistic dog, the mood immediately improves, strength for
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incendiary performances are increasing. on channel one, please do not miss the continuation of the multi-part action-packed undercover taxi detective, the turbine police lieutenant, his partner, the faithful dog, loaf, are always in the thick of things. what if you are something? you missed it, or maybe you forgot something, maybe you got confused in the plot, now we’ll explain everything, we’ll unravel everything, come on, taxi driver, even on the way home you manage to find an adventure, an adventure literally at every step, because alexey turbin undercover operative, the attackers are not they see danger in an ordinary taxi driver and go into the hands of the police themselves, they are able to see in him an ally to whom they can say, come on, please, buddy, take me away from all my problems, the police have tasks. to catch a clown who scares passers-by, this clown is already annoying me, yesterday, for example, he scared a pensioner half to death in the literal sense of the word in the park, jumping out at her,
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unexpectedly, right from the bushes, he will look for the actor of the turbines during the day and at night helps colleagues from the criminal investigation department track down the attacker, he robs girls at night club, here’s a sketch of him, he looks like you, the turbine works alone without a partner, but he’ll go to a nightclub. name is india , i already have 80 roles under my belt, i found a common language with dmitry vlaskin from the first minute. if they entered the frame together, sometimes everything worked out absolutely on the first take. dogs are trained to work in films from the first months of life. trainers take over their film set so that the kids get used to the unusual environment and loud sounds. on a shooting day, the dog has 6-8 hours. if this is a trick shift, where there are a lot of difficult tricks, where the dog works
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for protection, then... less, around 4 hours. what reward do four-legged arttas receive? it’s like this, someone needs this wonderful thing, you see, i was immediately interested, someone needs something tasty, they should get pleasure from it. he's such a sweetheart, you just don't know him well. let's go. let's go. speed ​​is the key word here. the film has chases and stunts, stunning panoramic shots of st. petersburg. undercover taxi. this is a declaration of love to the city. at the age of 9, director stas shmelev made his first life journey from my native tula to st. petersburg. i saw this architecture, this special atmosphere, and returned home. and instead of sitting down to do my homework, i took a sheet of paper, a4, and a pencil began to write poems dedicated to st. petersburg. and at 30 he made a movie in this
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city and showed it. now we briefly give the floor to our colleagues from the information service of channel one. the time has come to find out what has happened in the country and in the world up to this hour. see you soon. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. double standards of the west and the inaction of the un security council is the reason for another escalation in the middle east. russia's envoy vasily ne benzya stated this at the security council. our country warned that the situation was heating up and the security council needed to respond. this was after israel struck the iranian consulate in damascus. and on the night of april 14, the answer came. pumped from outside.
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we call on all parties involved in the incident to exercise restraint in the tense situation on the ground in the middle east region and the obvious risks of expansion conflict to regional confrontation. the spiral of confrontation and bloodshed must be stopped. we consider it an urgent task for the entire international community to make all necessary efforts for de-escalation. situation, otherwise the region may be drawn into a vicious circle of mutual attacks of violence. we note tehran’s signal that it does not want to further escalate hostilities with israel. we strongly urge western jerusalem to follow its example and abandon the practice of provocative force shares in the middle east. now to the topic of svo. an armored group of tula paratroopers destroyed an entire detachment of ukrainian militants in a strong point in the northern direction and ensured
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their capture of the attack aircraft. on t-80 and bmd tanks, the fighters of the winged infantry quickly moved into the indicated square, immediately came into fire contact with the enemy, fired with direct fire from automatic guns, in short bursts. the enemy could not stand it; after a few minutes, our fighters burst into his location. and in the donetsk direction , crewed strike drones of the southern group of forces they definitely hit the personnel, the ammunition depot and the equipment of the armed forces of ukraine worked quickly and harmoniously. while the operator identifies the target, his assistant prepares the ammunition. starts the device and corrects the movement. in the zaporozhye direction, the crew of the mortar battery of the dnepr group with a quick shot disrupted the rotation of the enemy assault group, incapacitating its entire personnel, including those who especially distinguished themselves. at the headquarters of the moscow military district, certificates for the payment of funds were presented to the artillerymen of the west group of troops who destroyed the tanks leopard-2 on the kupinsky direction. and also about
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courage and professionalism. russian military personnel, senior sergeant natalya alekseeva, under heavy enemy fire, risking her life, carried two wounded from the battlefield, provided them with first aid, and organized evacuation to the rear. artilleryman private roman afanasyev received the coordinates of the enemy column, which went to break through our defensive lines, launched an accurate missile strike, destroyed five pieces of equipment and more than thirty militants. ukraine is preparing for a new wave of flight from mobilization. glad already took. strict rules for those who do not want to serve, although zelensky has not yet signed it, but ukrainians abroad have already stood in line at consulates, they are in a hurry to update their documents so as not to return to their homeland, where they are waiting...
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the samara region will additionally send people and equipment to the orenburg region to help eliminate the consequences of severe floods. according to the latest data, the water level in the ural river has begun to decline for the first time, however, over 1,400 residential buildings are still flooded. in those areas where the water... joined in the first place, this concerns orsk. work has already begun on cleaning and disinfecting the area. classes have also resumed in most schools. but in the kurgan region, the situation is still difficult; the water level in tobol is already above 6 m. rescuers are clearing the riverbed of debris to reduce
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the pressure on the dam. authorities are calling on residents of floodplain areas to evacuate. a number of roads that are already flooding had to be closed. the peak of the flood is expected in the near future; more than 60 settlements may be in the danger zone . and here are the shots from tomsk, there is water there the embankments near one of the bridges are being washed away; some of the concrete slabs have already collapsed. and dramatic footage of rescues during floods in the arabian peninsula. local residents use ropes to pull out stranded people who are being carried away by the current. in amana, which usually suffers from sandstorms, heavy tropical rains occurred, 12 people were killed and five were missing. students in the alghazal area were evacuated. involve the police, military, and rescue doctors, but most often help was needed by drivers who suddenly found themselves in the middle of the river. western media jealously watching the trip to china of german chancellor olaf schulz, did not
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ignore the fact that the german leader began his visit from the city of chongqing, where he was met only by the vice-mayor. despite the fact that scholzk was preparing for the trip, the day before he opened an account on the largest social network. and now, the suitcase flashed in this video. with important documents he will be taken from chongqing to shanghai only then to beijing, where the chairman of the people's republic of china xidzenping will finally talk to him. that's all for now, good morning to my colleagues. beautiful spring morning, we meet him today, yulia zemina and sergey bobaev on the calendar: april 15, monday, good morning, and more than 2.5 billion people around the world use instant messengers, and this number is growing and growing every day. eat. there to grow, because there are 8 billion on earth. well, where can we exchange photos, videos, contacts, all sorts of news, everything is there in chats, well, yes, by the way, about chats, their number in a single phone is also constantly growing, workers some family, friends, school, friends
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separately, these friends separately, in general, without of course, it’s already difficult to imagine our life today, i bet you don’t know how many chats you actually have, chat? our department, and our department’s chat without our leader, four brownies, a chat about furniture, a chat about repairs, another house chat, maria has 45 chats in two messengers, that’s how much time it takes to read messages and respond to each one, let’s try to count , today we are distracted by all the chats, several messages could arrive simultaneously in 15 seconds, you never know, this is important message or not, you are still distracted in some kind of eternal confusion, every minute i lower my eyes, because there are school and kindergarten chats here,
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alexey is the calmest of all, he has only seven chats, and those where his wife added, she has there are 40 of them, it’s impossible to relax, every time in order to get involved in a task you need to focus, pull up the context from memory. further make a decision, it turns out that if we switch from task to task, then we spend five times more energy, as a result , we perform the main task longer and worse, with phones we we come back again, again i explain what tasks we have there, how to mix colors, in an hour and a half olga received 152 messages to peter 46, alexey 50, valentina 400, to read a small sentence, on average it takes from...
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to discuss may separately notifications that come from these chats, that is , unimportant ones, uh, do not go away, those that are warning are very important, they immediately appear on the screen. the main thing to remember is that any chat with more than six to eight people automatically turns into a booth. with on the other hand, the bystander syndrome is activated. everyone saw the request, but everyone relied on their neighbor. it is more effective to contact in person; the best chat is the one that has not been created. natalya leonova, dmitry likhachev, channel one.
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today is april 15, world culture day and international art day. congratulations to everyone. well, i’ll tell you culturally, according to the horoscope. april 15, the turning point of the seventh and eighth lunar days. twenty-seventh sunny day. very powerful, strong, energetic, athletic, resilient, and at the same time, let's just say that a diligent person, if he takes on something, will do everything in the best possible way, and will bring any task to the end. and his character is not bad, he is honest, fair, he has what is called spiritual generosity, if you need to mend relationships that have deteriorated a little or make strong friends with someone, this is your day, and he also has a nose for successful purchases , about the disadvantages: he is vulnerable, easily offended, can lose his temper, however, this quickly passes for him, he does not know how to accumulate grievances, on such days we often act not very thoughtfully, which is called under the influence moment, for aries this can complicate the day somewhat, you know, someone will mess everything up, and then you don’t know what
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to do with it, however, by the evening everything will somehow unravel, otherwise the day is very good, productive and profitable, and aries ladies today are simply charming. taurus, your motto is neatness, calmness, correctness, the day is not very smooth in terms of relationships, it is also somewhat nervous, but you understand, drive more carefully, feel free to make a date for the evening, the twins will have some news, revelations, and maybe even small discoveries, as far as work is concerned, get ready... up your sleeves, there will be a lot of things to do, however small and familiar, the evening is not bad for shopping, for crayfish things will go with a bang, especially for those who are employed in the service sector or, as they say, works with people, but in the personal sphere some experiences, grievances are not excluded, ladies can get upset for no reason, however, this is not all serious, the evening will definitely lift your spirits. the stars strongly advise leos to take care of their personal life, today is a great day for you to change it to for the best, however, the work will go well, the main thing is not to sort things out with colleagues and partners. virgos have a wonderful day for business
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meetings, negotiations, meetings and just to discuss something and agree on everything. if anyone needs a good analyst or consultant, call one of the virgos. it’s not a bad day for libra, although a little disheveled, when not everything goes according to plan, someone tries to distract you, suggests something handy, but you don’t get angry, by lunch everything will go back to normal. and try not to borrow for a long time. the scorpio luminaries promise a small profit or a gift, although you will have some expenses. is also looming, in general, the day is one of those when everything is done, but it takes a lot of energy, well, the evening will help you relax, a new feeling can completely cover sagittarius, how this will affect work, the stars don’t undertake to predict, however, what- then it tells them that you will succeed here and there, expect guests in the evening, capricorns in general are also having a good day, it will be possible to draw up important papers without unnecessary effort, achieve something from the authorities, get some necessary information or consultation, the evening seems to be preparing for you... something cultural and educational, aquarius is just
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having a good day, when everything works out well, all sorts of practical, short things will go well, from the category of started today, finished today, and if you have small children, pay more attention to them, the fish are having a good day, although there is a risk of being deceived in something, wishful thinking or simply overpaying for something, but if you are vigilant, everything will be fine, evening, oh, this evening, it's clearly something like that thought about it, good luck to you. lean sausages, they are made from vegetable protein, few people have such a strong appetite, sparkles in the eyes, yes, sometimes they say they are very tasty, the main thing is to choose them correctly, this is what vegetable protein looks like, in this case pea protein, popular soybean and wheat are also powders, and how to make sausages from them, but it’s more complicated than from... meat , first of all, water is mixed with those
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dry ingredients, we get just pea protein with fiber and spices. plant fiber is good for digestion. and something else is important to the manufacturer: this component absorbs water, swells and creates a more or less suitable consistency, but dyes are responsible for the appetizing color, it’s good if they are natural from plant materials. paprika extract or iron oxide can be added, they give just such an orange-red color, fermented rice is also used, it gives a beautiful red color, the taste and smell are the merit of aromatic additives, natural spices and food chemistry are used, after all. .. by oneself vegetable protein is almost neutral because it goes through many stages of purification, but this does not affect its beneficial properties. protein, it is protein, if we ultra-process it, it will become a mixture of amino acids and will always have the same properties, and accordingly the same biological effect. proteins are the main
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building material of the body, and also keep you full for a long time. in addition to them, lean sausages contain quite a lot of fats, also vegetable ones. it is better if it is... liquid oils such as sunflower and olive, and not margarine spreads, which contain harmful trans measurements, and preferably less than all the other ingredients in the composition. a combination of flavors, emulsifiers, dyes, like a cocktail, can cause allergic reactions. the effect is cumulative, so you shouldn’t eat too much often, plus experts advise supplementing such sausages with whole grain cereals and fresh vegetables. they will help.
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on this topic, we are at the production of mineral cosmetics in st. petersburg, the ingredients are natural, they come mainly from india and china, the base is natural mica, it is layered a mineral that is found in almost any rock, mica gives a glowing effect, the effect can be motivating, the second most important component is silicon dioxide, silicon dioxide is sand, and also calcium chalk. and carbonate, all this is crushed, processed, mixed in a meat grinder, in a blender and under a press, yes, it looks like a kitchen, and these spices in jars are pigments for color, these are iron oxides, iron oxides come in yellow, red, brown, these are the primary colors , as well as ultramarines, the white pigment is titanium dioxide, plus dioxide
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titanium in that it is a physical spf factor, sun protection is small, spf is about twenty, in the middle zone it will protect for... in the summer it is unlikely, but it is excellent for problem skin, it is important that it does not cure rashes, but does not provoke deterioration. minerals such as sulfur, zinc, magnesium silicon normalize the sebaceous glands and reduce inflammation; mineral cosmetics do not allow our glands to work at full strength, absorb all the fat themselves, and accordingly we remove one of the key factors in the development of acne. there are also hypoallergenic cosmetics... so what? surprisingly, it does not have an expiration date, but the composition is still worth studying, comparing it with the consistency, manufacturers can be tricky, if you see a creamy product that is called mineral, the composition is definitely not completely mineral, such as lip glosses or some other cream products,
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that is, minerals, they can only be in dry form, if this is not a dry form, then there are already some other impurities. honestly, professional makeup artists hardly work with such cosmetics, the price is higher than the product line below and is not suitable for everyone, people with dry skin will need to take care of moisturizing before applying, but in the meantime we have an experiment: we painted half of the face with ordinary decorative cosmetics , half with mineral ones. the mineral one is applied in a thinner layer, and where the regular one you can directly feel that it is sticking to the skin, after 10 minutes the mineral one begins to crumble all over the powder structure, which it emphasizes. they both apply easily, but the covering ability is, of course, better with conventional decorative cosmetics. advice and conclusion: for an ideal tone , ordinary decorative cosmetics are better, for every day, after all, mineral skin will be healthier. legia belyanskaya, angelina ivanova, pavel dis and leg uvalden, channel one. and everything
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follows the same pattern: a car pulls up, a girl gets into it, he stops in a quiet place, and picks it up. money, jewelry, throws the girl out of the car, well, he drives away, the man in the clown mask continues to scare the residents of the city, please help, quietly, quietly, quietly, police, police, calmly, her words,
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another engineer, you use social networks, this is interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a government organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company. new project of the first channel, the global majority. bashar assad on sunday on the first. you must agree, how great it would be
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to tidy up the park near the house, equip a children's playground, a pedestrian zone, these are the opportunities provided by the national housing and urban environment project. in recent years, 65,000 public spaces across the country have changed their appearance. at the same time, what is especially nice is that each of us can take part in voting in choosing the next one. morning exercises, table tennis tournaments, outdoor games and relay races, parks for the nomads of central asia and the city of shaganar, all sports, opened in february of this year, since then it has never been deserted here, this plot of land was empty, but was completely abandoned with garbage, now on the territory there are children's and sports grounds, recreation areas, a special pride of the locals, the sculpture of a steppe warrior is the largest in the republic of yurta. area 213 square meters, height more than 5 meters. when i came to the nomad park, the very first thing i saw was the beautiful yurta. i walked in and saw a beautiful
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conference room. for young people this is a very pleasant place to hold various conferences and various debates. meeting of active schoolchildren and students is already here carry out, together generate ideas, including for landscaping. some can be implemented thanks to the national project housing and urban environment. anastasia khakhlova. she knows this for sure: when she was a fourth-year architecture student, she created a new image of victory park in the city of chernyakhovsk. we looked at the territory and realized that it was very similar in outline, in its outline, to the border of the kaliningrad region. the park already had a transit path that perfectly overlapped the federal highway, and from it have already moved, according to real roads, rivers, paths, to twenty sites, twenty-two municipalities. the unusual idea was appreciated, the park was transformed, and the author, after defending his thesis , was offered a job in the city administration.
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in total, during the implementation of the national project, more than 65 thousand public spaces throughout the country changed their appearance. so that everyone could see how their neighbors can be inspired, the russian ministry of construction organized a marathon of achievements and voting for the best video about landscaping. 84 regions took part, a video was shot for each region. chechen republic, the winner was the chelyabinsk region. voting for already improved areas has ended, but now you can choose those that are yet to be repaired during the all-russian vote for improvement. eighth-grader nastya beryukova has been collecting votes for squares and parks in kursk for the second year. we represent several territories.
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in general, everything that is on the first one, you can watch on our website, smartphone, tablet, computer, tv, suddenly she has access to the internet, absolutely no matter on what device, at any time of the day and but... watch the first channel. the other day , people's artist of the ussr, writer, creator and permanent artistic director of the cats theater in moscow, yuri kuklachev, turned 75 years old. yuri dmitrievich, we congratulate you with all our hearts, we wish you more strength, health, of course, and full houses. nothing foreshadowed such an ending in the evening. on his birthday, he didn’t
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just accept congratulations, hosted the show, joked with the audience... performed tricks, got excited and his heart couldn’t stand it, the artist was taken away in an ambulance straight from the performance, he had a heart attack that same night and had surgery, today he’s feeling better, literally half an hour ago i talked to him, he gave me advice on how to change something in the program for the show continued, i told him: dad, calm down, relax, get well, everything will be fine, and the show, the kindest clown, the pearl thread of life, continued. stage for two weekends in a row, the whole kuklachev family, in this grandiose show performance we spent a very long time staging it, we thought and collected numbers, they were isolated from a huge number of our performances, among the participants were artists from different circuses of the country, more than 350 people, all genres of circus art and hits from different years, we asked larisa dolina
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to repeat her famous song about the hippopotamus cat. i’m singing this song, this is a song about yuri kuklachev himself, these shots with yuri dmitrievich were taken at a rehearsal, april 12, stand, stand, stand, stand, stand, like this, you see what a fine fellow, oh, and he grunts, hear, a cat grunts, which means she likes it, according to the people. artist: golden the rule is not to train animals, but to negotiate with them, he has stuck to it for 60 years since the very day when he accidentally brought home a stray cat, it climbed into the pan, pulled it out, and she came back, so the first issue was born, everything is built on love, so i you can’t call it a trainer, only a teacher, any teacher, this is a source of spiritual warmth, then anyone, this plant,
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animals, birds, feels everything. then more cats appeared, many, and 30 years ago there was a whole theater of cats, the only one in the world, the most a large purring troupe, more than 200 artists, fill the halls and wherever they have been on guest performances, the star clown and his pets are known all over the world, i was traveling through germany, he says, the name is visible in the dark, why, but because there are two e above the letter the cat's eyes are sparkling, sparkling in the audience this weekend. who still came to the anniversary performance, all funds raised will be directed to various charitable foundations, including to help the victims and families of those killed in crocus city hole. karina makaryan, yuri lebedev, alexey gubanov, channel one. many people have a sedentary job, here they are at the table, squinting in front of the computer, looking, looking, looking, of course, this will pass without leaving a trace, but they simply can’t. yes, first of all,
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health problems, of course, arise, how to protect the neck and spine? neurologist and manual therapist sergei dlin will tell you. when we sit at the computer for a long time, without noticing it ourselves, we pull our heads towards the monitor. look, in this position, in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra, muscle spasm occurs here, as a result, microcirculation of blood and lymph in this place is disrupted, and a fatty compaction is formed, also called: withers. the mound grows faster if you are overweight. to stop the process, you need gymnastics. we bring our bent arms together at the chest, spread our shoulder blades apart, and try to bring them together. now we reach for the ceiling. we bring our palms together and return to the starting position. we do the exercises in the morning, in the evening, before going to bed. and
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we get distracted for a few minutes of physical education. during the day, especially if you have a sedentary job. we rub the withers even more often with a massage brush. it is more convenient to work with a tool with a long handle. to enhance the effect , apply a warming compress once a week. we dilute camphor oil one to one with sunflower oil, apply it folded in four layers, and place a bandage on the neck. leave for about 20 minutes. the compress, like a massage, improves microcirculation. and most importantly, we try to keep our neck straight and not only during the day. the focus remains on the
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strongest spring rise in water in the last 100 years. the most serious situation is in three regions: orenburg, kurgan and tyumen and in total there are 39 regions of the country in the flood risk zone, so we all should not relax, please carefully monitor... emergency messages, do not ignore them, if the need to evacuate is announced, evacuate immediately. well, right now the news is on channel one. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. russia calls on iran and israel to show restraint, this is what we are talking about. permanent representative vasily nebenze told the un security council. he recalled the risk of uncontrolled escalation amid the conflict between israel and palestine, which has been going on for six months now. according to the diplomat, the iranian attack on the night of april 14,
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about which a council was convened, did not occur in a vacuum. it was a response to the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in damascus due to the inaction of the security council, despite all the warnings from our country. when israel hit a diplomatic facility contrary to all the foundations of international law. the west deliberately turned a blind eye to this. if western missions were under attack, you would not hesitate attacked with retaliatory measures and would prove in this room that they were right. because for you , everything that concerns western representatives of western citizens is sacred and must be protected. but when it comes to other states, their rights, including the right to self-defense. and their citizens, this is different, as you like to say, your favorite argument about lack of information, legal chicanery, and the like comes into play here. and today
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such a parade of hypocrisy and double standards is unfolding in the sbb, which is somehow even uncomfortable to watch. now to the topic of the northern military district in the donetsk direction , the attack drone crews of the southern group of forces accurately hit the personnel of the warehouse. ammunition and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine worked quickly, harmoniously, while the operator determines the target, his assistant prepares the ammunition, launches the device and corrects the movement. in the zaporozhye direction, the crew of the mortar battery of the dnepr group with a quick shot disrupted the rotation of the enemy assault group, incapacitating its entire personnel. meanwhile, at the headquarters of the moscow military district certificates for the payment of funds were presented to the artillerymen of the west group of forces, who destroyed leopard-2 tanks in the kupinsky direction. and as they themselves said, they hit with the first shot. we went to the position, stood up, aimed, with an accurate hit, hit the target, the very first shell, immediately put it down, it lit up like
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matches, satisfaction that we didn’t do our job in vain, now there’s one less leopard, it’s much easier on our infantry. more about the courage and professionalism of russian military personnel. senior sergeant natalya alekseeva, under heavy enemy fire, risking her life, carried two wounded from the battlefield, provided them with first aid, and organized evacuation to the rear. artilleryman, private roman afanasyev received the coordinates of the enemy column, which went to break through our defensive lines, launched an accurate missile strike, destroyed five pieces of equipment and more than thirty militants. seven civilians of the dpr suffered from shelling by ukrainian armed forces over the past 24 hours, as reported by the leadership of the republic. the enemy struck the area gorlovka residential area builder, used shells from a cluster warhead, as a result five women were wounded, one of them seriously, in aleksandrovka a ukrainian drone dropped ammunition on a
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city bus, two more residents were injured there, they are receiving the necessary medical care, a total of 12 artillery attacks were recorded attacks, 34 nato-caliber ammunition was fired. three regions: bashkartastan, tatarstan, samara region will additionally send people and equipment to the orenburg region to help eliminate consequences of a severe flood. according to the latest data, the water level in the ural river began to decline for the first time. however, over 14,000 residential buildings are still flooded in areas where the waters have receded. first of all, this concerns orsk. work has already begun on cleaning and disinfecting the area. classes have also resumed in most schools. but in the kurgan region the situation is still difficult. water level in tobol. already above 6 m, rescuers are clearing the riverbeds of debris to reduce the pressure on the dam. the authorities are calling residents of floodplain areas should evacuate. a number of roads that are already flooding had to be closed. peak flood. expected in the near
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future, more than sixty settlements may be in the danger zone. and here is footage from tomsk: there, water is eroding an embankment near one of the bridges; some of the concrete slabs have already collapsed. and dramatic footage of the rescue during the floods on the arabian peninsula, local residents using ropes to pull out stranded people who were being carried away by the current. in aman, those usually suffering from sand gourds passed heavy tropical rains, 12 people died, five were missing. to evacuate students in the al-ghazal area , it was necessary to involve the police, military, and rescue doctors, but most often help was needed by drivers who suddenly found themselves in the middle of the river. and finally, about the weather, according to weather forecasters, all this week in central russia it will be cloudy, windy, and rainy. a thunderstorm is expected in the capital this afternoon; a gale will rise with gusts of up to 20 m/s. deeptrans asks drivers to be careful while driving and not to park nearby trees and... structures over the week,
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according to meteorologists, moscow will be hit by a month's worth of precipitation, closer to the weekend at night it will be only 2-3° above zero, along with temperature jumps we will also experience sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, that same baric saw , all days the pressure will be below normal by about 10 units, and at the same time it will drop and rise even more; weather-dependent people need to especially carefully monitor their condition. and that's all for now. now a word to my colleagues, good morning, good morning to everyone who just came to us joined, sergey babaev and yulia zemina are with you today, it’s monday, april 15th. we can rightfully say that the summer season has opened almost throughout the entire territory of our country. of course, you need to prepare for it. yes, including conducting an audit of the country first aid kit, at least renewing the stock of plasters of all sorts of bactericidal agents. yes, because anything bad happens.
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normal shelf life. everything is in a pile in the first aid kit. olga korol, a mother of three children, assures her that it’s so comfortable for her. pharmacologist andrey kandrakhin doubts, suggests experiment. if something happened, you need to look for everything. some situation may have developed and you need to take an antipyretic drug. will be suitable for it, i had to look for paracitamol, i found it in a blister without primary packaging, the pharmacologist does not approve of such storage, because this golden foil can be charged, and if moisture gets into the tablet, it will cease to be a tablet, it will become a tablet with water , it will interact with the body differently, it could lose the active substance, well, it will be a dummy, without the primary packaging, which means without instructions the same expiration date. it’s hard to see on the blister; if it’s expired
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, at best it won’t work, and at worst it will do harm. another point, what if the medicine is needed urgently? and if we need to use a drug to treat an allergic condition, there are cases. both sofia and veronica have allergies suddenly; the necessary pills were not found quickly. what do you think is wrong with the packaging? well, it's dirty here, but i think it's bad. storage, well done, we don’t store liquid medicines with solid ones, obviously there’s something wrong with the packaging spilled, these are chemicals, they can interact, and naturally the drug will deteriorate, it is better not to put allergy medications, especially in spring and summer, in the first aid kit, store them separately in an accessible place, but difficult for children to reach. do you know that you can't play with pills? i know, and i know, at hand in an accessible place, and not just in the first aid kit, we keep a bandage, iodine and an anti-burn agent, that... so that if something happens, we don’t have
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to look for a long time. let's start analyzing the first aid kit. olga has many identical drugs, most of all antibiotics. she assures me that she took everything according to the prescription. i used it and forgot to put it in the box. they put everything into groups, and signed it like in a pharmacy, the children’s idea. mom then puts everything in boxes in a box. and the pharmacist reminds us that we also need to collect absorbents and painkillers for the dacha, for treating wounds and dressings, for burns. main. remember that the storage temperature for most medications is up to 25°. the hot summer is ahead, and some medications, especially syrups and drops, are only in the refrigerator. anna obrosmova, alexander ivanovsky, channel one. for the sake of cheerfulness and good mood. let’s take a look at the world wide web, what’s so popular and interesting there? and yegor uspensky has already collected everything and will now show us. and this opens our video journey today. a cat named samurai. he lives and works in
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a vietnamese spa salon, gives visitors a relaxing massage, this is what the samurai became famous for on the internet, he has almost 50,000 subscribers, their number only increases every day, murai once decided to give a visitor harakiri. with what will the dogs answer? meet the dog named tommy. he helps the housewife prepare food for him, but he doesn’t just help, he tightly controls this process. he takes samples all the time, in case they don’t report something or do something wrong. users really, really like it. well, a kind word, as they say, is pleasant for the cat, and here it is pleasant for the crocodile. the heroine of our next video knows this firsthand. manta bon, who works on a crocodile farm, you see, she has some kind of special, good relationship with reptiles, predators too they treat her with sympathy, warmth, if you can say that about predators, everyone is kind, while well-fed, well, finally, about beauty, look at the exquisite manicure this
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craftswoman did, it basically looks like a tea set, there is a teapot, and a sugar bowl, spoons, three cups and saucers, a roller of course. became a hit, everything works, look, it makes a cup of tea, stirs everything, and 30 million well-deserved likes. kvn, major league, third game of the season, on saturday on the first. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. steersman bourbon, a product of stellar. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, gin sheaf, a product of the stellar group. zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life, she has been doing what she loves, she
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creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite. this is a special attitude towards talents; she felt them right away. she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young man, i am unemployed i can’t do it at all, should i go somewhere, help someone? andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna , dedicated a poem to her: “stay bright, fleeting, incessant, i don’t reproach you for passing, i thank you for coming.” andrei generally had two priorities in life. this is his work and my mother’s hearts, andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only argument for the centenary of zoya
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boguslavskaya, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, money and scammers are inseparable, like a shore wave, like bees and honey, here housing and communal services sector, funds, of course, are right there, right here, right here, right here, scammers, yes, they are trying to deceive you and me, they arrange some kind of fake checks, send out some kind of payments, yes, let’s remember once again how not to to become a victim of scammers, the housing and communal services sector, a haven for scammers, but at least there are fake payments, and what about the boxes, here they are in the public domain, they give us fake receipts, and there, well, the difference may be in one number, but i don’t know, i say figuratively, in one letter, you are each. get these receipts, so when you see one like this receipt, then it is still advisable to see and compare it with the previous receipt, does everything match there? associate professor of the department of criminal law anastasia ragulina does not scare, she encourages you to be careful, for example, not to believe everything that is written on open information
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boards at the entrance, scammers can operate there too, anyone places here whatever they want, you see, they can stick it on top , here you go, meters, please, internet, please, meters again. water, but this information is unofficial and, of course, cannot be trusted. it’s better to ask your management company once about its telephone number, the energy sales numbers of the water utility and gas service, this will protect you from the fake salesmen who go from house to house, supposedly checking, they even show their id, they came to sergei kukharev with such a document, otherwise it’s not a fake, i don’t know, that is, well, the person came with good intentions, he didn’t come to change, he says, we’ll see, but...
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we need numbers of different services, before letting us in, we call from our phone on a verified number, we clarify if this real employees will wait, another way of deception via sms. and email, they send out a message about debts for housing and communal services, demanding urgent payment for the parcel, but as soon as you enter the card details, the scammers see them and withdraw all the money from the account, so the rule is that something is unclear, check with the management company, there is always time, especially , that if you don’t pay there for one, 2-3 days, nothing will happen, and there, that is, penalties won’t start accruing, so you can go and clarify everything, another option in any unclear situation write to the chat at home, the house eldest, natalya dmitrichenko, trained all her people in 9 years, they came and offered to replace the electricity meter, a resident called me, i
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said: no, these are scammers, the replacement of meters is carried out by mos energy sales for free, i wrote in the general house chat about it , so that people know that now scammers bypass their house, if anything happens, everyone immediately calls or writes to the eldest in the house, and she always knows what to do. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia novokhatnya, andrey ivanov, channel one. now let's let's invite ourselves to visit the nanai people and go to the far east. these wonderful people have lived along the banks of the amur since ancient times and mainly in the khabarovsk territory. ksenia yonkina will tell you how enthusiasts preserve and restore ancient nanai traditions and ancient nanai culture. arina is wearing a traditional nanai robe. starting with my great-grandmother, it passed from generation to generation. family is very important. his roots, musician sevrzanski half on naiad decided to study his
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ancestors a couple of years ago. i started looking for music in the open spaces on the internet, i found a bunch of contextless music on sites like download mp3 for free, that’s all, it didn’t suit me, i decided to do it myself and began communicating with ethnographers, traveling to villages, recording live voices, it turned out that naitsa was very musical, my own project . is mirgen a girl or a boy? mirgen is a man, often in naits, it is he who
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is used as the main character, you transferred this story, this fairy tale to the computer, transferred it. ekaterina muratova, student at the higher school of design and arts. there are no nanai in the family, but there is great interest to this culture. the result is a computer game based on the nanai fairy tale. this is a model of the world in which our wonderful character, our toy, lives. made in the style of a runner, there is simply the main character, very joyfully, running towards his beloved. pananai people sing in nanai language, think, and cook food according to the recipes of their ancestors. the chef of the restaurant, dmitry solovyov, mastered nanai cuisine during gastronomic expeditions around the khabarovsk territory, how to cook fern, seaweed , bensi dumplings stuffed with aukhi fish. it's predatory perch, it is found only in the amur river basin, that is, only here you can try this fish. i met her and immediately became her fan. for the nanais, fish is sacred, the project that designers
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tatyana vasilyeva and denis burlakov are working on, as they say, it’s all about the fish. a dress with sterlid and clutches made of fish skin will soon appear. we really plan to work with it to make some magnificent accessories, embroidery, and appliqués, because indeed, in naitsa , for a long time, they have been making skins like this and making clothes and robes from it. will be in the collection unique embroidery, thread to thread, masterly transitions from color to color. denisa tatyana is looking for craftswomen, those who inherited the ability to embroider in pananayski. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, stepan erofeev and evgeniy morinkov, khabarovsk channel one. why you had to go to a bank branch before, now you can do it right on your mobile phone. many people know about this and actively use it. zholki also knows all about it, great. uses, dreams of gaining access to our account, so it is extremely important to comply with the same
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information security rules, we have no doubt that you know everything, everything is known to you, but as they say, it definitely wouldn’t hurt to repeat them. you've lost your phone, you have half an hour to block your sim card and bank accounts, that's exactly how long it takes for attackers to crack an eight- character password. what did alexander do when his smartphone was stolen in the bar? without being too upset, he asked me to call a taxi and went home. i woke up the next day, i probably need to buy a new one, they give an error everywhere, there are 5 rubles 65 kopecks in my account, this is instead of 100,000, the bank later told how it happened. a certain person gained access to my sim card from my phone, sent 90 sms to a number, a short number, to receive information from the bank, he asked for a password to online banking, transferred all my money in five tranches, find the card holder, where the money went away, it was possible, well, what’s
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the point, it wasn’t he who transferred the money, it wasn’t him who withdrew the money either, and the ends here... can’t be found. experts warn that you need to protect the device as soon as you insert the sim card into smartphone. the first is to set a pin code on it, different from the application password. this will make it more difficult for a robber who will try to gain access to your funds using your sim card. the second is to introduce a withdrawal limit; in order to increase the amount of amounts, attackers will have to contact the bank. choose a comfortable amount that you are willing to spend per month, which will prevent an attacker from withdrawing it. you can block the device or reset all settings if you know for sure that the device will not be returned to you; it has been stolen. fourth - no install the application of all banks where you store money, use some the old fashioned way through offices. and finally, basic
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safety rules, do not share codes with anyone. first channel. and a special lesson begins on channel one. conversations about important things. today's topic is the 215th anniversary of the birth of nikolai vasilyevich gogol. our interlocutor, director of the moscow gogol house, vera vikulova. today vera vikulova, director of the moscow gogol house, speaks about something important.
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honored cultural worker, candidate of pedagogical sciences. this is the only museum the writer in which he lived, where he worked, where he burns dead souls. we have a lot of schoolchildren, and we talk about google simply, even as a living person, about his inclinations, about some interesting facts about him. what fact about gogol surprised you personally? for example, gogol. was a well-known fashionista, his hair was curled and raised quite high in front in the shape of a curl, as was worn then. later, after traveling abroad, google changed its image and became familiar to us, the hair becomes longer, a mustache appears. it must be said that gugol
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took care of his mustache hair very diligently, he went to the kaufer's hairdresser, he loved to dress. i like to pick out suits, his friend wrote from a peaceful dew: he had a gray hat, a light blue vest, and crimson pantaloons, like raspberries and cream. what else was the writer interested in? gogol drew very well, but had a passion for needlework, loved to embroider, knit, however, of course, he did not do this all the time, but this hobby of the nobles, like among men and women , was widespread at that time. because there were no televisions, there were no computers, and it’s like, well, as a way of spending leisure time , it was very, very accepted back then. why are films and plays based on his works ? google is without a doubt a classic writer. he is one of the five most read russian authors, his plays are staged in all countries of the world, this is the auditor, these are
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the players, and dead souls, just those ideas that... from this perspective, get to know nikolai vasilyevich gogol and return to his works. who could gogol be if he lived in our time? well, it's hard to say, because... the dynamics of life are completely different, to concentrate, and what nikolai vasilyevich did very well on the road, he loved to travel, concentrate on the text,
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concentrate on the literary idea, probably now at this time it would be quite difficult for us, but google could be an architect, it could be a translator, it could be an actor and could find other uses for its... total dictation will take place very soon, this is a wonderful worldwide educational event, just think about what happened last year half a million people from 43
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countries took part in it, they even wrote in space, wow, the next total dictation will take place on april 20, there is time to prepare, by the way, this year of the total dictation is a round date - 20 years, it all started back in 2004 in novosibirsk state university in the sea. our flight begins with writing a total dictation, on the plane, i hope my flight will be the most competent, we take it even higher in space. good luck to everyone in the dictation, be careful. total dictation is already 20, it wrote write on all continents of the world, yes, even in antarctica. it all started in 2004, the idea of ​​​​students of novosibirsk state university, just to test literacy, they did not expect any grades or reports. 125 people came, a full audience, and jokes were launched here and there, they wrote a dictation from the lecturer, sergei kulikov, they chose him for his voice, loudness and humor,
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he read an excerpt from the novel “war and peace” with elements of stand-up comedy. that’s it, there’s some kind of breakdown of patterns, everyone felt funny, happy, that is , somehow they started to feel relaxed, i liked it, so we’ll do it again. and now, years later, this is not just a dictation, it is a tradition throughout the country. for some. even on a date , a young man wrote that i actually came here with my beloved girl, i just want to be next to her, i feel so good, thank you very much, yes, boxing really is not about literacy, but total dictation unites very different people, love has been participating in total dictation since 2017, it’s addictive, the score is five, of course it’s nice, especially then they gave us medals, not only writes, but also checks how a volunteer... it has its own romance, sometimes they write there, please don’t judge strictly, good luck to you experts, well, there are some nice nice wishes, they write cats and draw them, cats
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of course won’t affect the assessment, the most responsible ones are getting ready, in fact you can do it online , but in full-time courses, pay attention on friday evening, all the places are taken, i’m writing a dictation, probably for the 13th or fourteenth time, i’ve never managed to write an a, write for the coveted a, here i am for now... only because that the russian language is cool, i love it when people write correctly. this year, the author of the text, writer anna matveeva, has prepared four options for different time zones. the task was to ensure that all four parts for different regions of our country were equal in complexity, so that it would not be the case that the far east would find it more difficult than moscow, and the urals easier than kaliningrad. anna has prepared another text for children, this is a new dictation format. other projects are born on the basis of total: testrut, for those for whom russian is a foreign language, or that language, dictation is translated into the language of small nationalities. we try
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to talk about the russian language without being boring or boring. it's time to create a personal account on the website, two formats - online and offline. you can choose the place of the announcer, your teacher, your favorite actor, singer or athlete. anna popova, mikhail karasev, denis ponomarev, anna ryabova, first. now we briefly give the floor to our colleagues from the information service of channel one, it’s time to find out what has happened in the country and in the world by this hour, see you soon, this is the news on channel one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, russia calls on iran and israel. our permanent representative vasily nebenzya expressed restraint about this to the un security council. he recalled the risk of uncontrolled escalation amid the conflict between israel and palestine, which has been going on for six months.
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according to the diplomat, the iranian attack is new.
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and today, such a parade of hypocrisy and double standards is unfolding in the sbb, which is somehow even inconvenient to watch. now to the topic of the northern military district in the donetsk direction , the crews of the attack drones of the southern group of forces accurately hit the personnel, the warehouse ammunition and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, worked quickly in harmony, while the operator determines the target, his assistant prepares the ammunition, launches the device and corrects the movement. control, the crew of the mortar battery of the dnepr group with a single shot disrupted the rotation of the enemy assault group, incapacitating its entire personnel, and meanwhile, at the headquarters of the moscow military district, certificates for the payment of funds were presented to the artillerymen of the west group of troops, who destroyed leopard-2 tanks in the kupinsky direction , how they themselves said that they hit with the first shot. we drove to the position, stood up,
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aimed an accurate hit, and hit the target. the first shell was immediately laid down, it will light up like matches, satisfaction that they did their work not in vain, there is one less leopard, it is much easier on our infantry, more about the courage and professionalism of russian military personnel, senior sergeant natalya alekseeva under heavy enemy fire, risking her life, she carried two wounded from the battlefield, provided them with first aid, organized evacuation to the rear, artilleryman private... roman afanasyev received the coordinates of the enemy column, which went to break through our defensive lines. he launched an accurate missile strike, destroying five pieces of equipment and more than thirty militants. seven civilians of the dpr suffered from shelling by ukrainian armed forces over the past 24 hours. as the leadership of the republic reported, the enemy struck a residential area in the gorlovka area and used shells with a cluster warhead. as a result, five women were injured, one of them
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seriously. and in alexandrovka. ukrainian a drone dropped ammunition on a city bus, where two more residents were injured and are receiving the necessary medical care. a total of 12 artillery attacks were recorded, and 34 nato-caliber ammunition was fired. three regions, bashkartastan, tatarstan, samara region , will additionally send people and equipment to the orenburg region to help eliminate the consequences of severe floods. according to the latest data, the water level in the ural river behind... residential buildings are still flooded in those areas from where the water receded, first of all, this as for orsk, work has already begun to clean up and decontaminate the territory, classes have also resumed in most schools, in the kurgan region the situation is still difficult, the water level in tobol is already above 6 m, rescuers are clearing the riverbed of debris to reduce the pressure on the dam, the authorities are calling on residents floodplain areas should be evacuated; a number of roads
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are already flooded. had to be closed, the peak of the flood is expected in the near future, more than 60 settlements may be in the danger zone . and in tomsk, water erodes the embankment near one of the bridges, some of the concrete slabs have already collapsed, the dangerous water level in the city has been exceeded, and evacuation is in full swing. and dramatic footage of rescues during floods on the arabian peninsula. local residents use ropes to pull out stuck people who are being carried away by the current. in aman, usually those suffering from... but most often, help was needed by drivers who suddenly found themselves in the middle of the river. and finally, about the weather, according to weather forecasters, all this week in central russia it will be cloudy, windy, rainy, this afternoon in the capital a thunderstorm is expected, a gale will rise with gusts of up to 20 m/s. diprance asks for drivers.
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be careful while driving and do not park near trees and shaky structures; during the week, according to meteorologists, a month's worth of precipitation will fall on moscow; closer to the weekend at night it will be only 2-3° above zero , at the same time it will drop even more, then rise. and that's all for now. and now the floor goes to arina sharapova and roman budnikov. we are glad to welcome everyone who celebrates this spring day in the company of the first channel. yulia zemina and sergey babaev are with you. good morning, on the calendar, april 15, monday. floods continue in russia, the largest in the last 100 years. the water level in the ural river near orenburg is falling, but flooding continues; in general, the situation in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions remains extremely serious. thousands of people have been evacuated and the evacuation continues. in
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the kurgan region, a peak flood is predicted today. those affected by this serious flood are being helped throughout the country. flood in the orenburg region. visible even from space, it seems that everything is here now, dozens of vehicles from the ministry of emergency situations of the perm territory, for the second week they are evacuating people, carrying the elderly, rescuing animals, helping with water, food and warmth. the unity of people, that everyone wants to help each other in this trouble, regardless of whether they know the person or not. sergei romanov was lucky, his house did not fall into the flood zone, but on the very first day he asked to take time off from work to be on duty. we kept watch. in the enemy we have about, well, at night, roughly speaking, everyone walked an hour, they watched when the water would come to wait to be ready, then the water began to rise, he left his phone number in help chats, he goes out on boats every day, his neighbor saulya bashpayeva prepared a room for those who
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will have nowhere to live. elena and her husband vacated the garage so that the victims could place their things there, and today the animals will be brought to her for foster care. when the water began to flow, i collected the dogs and took them to the novotroitsky kennel. the leash does not recede, the water is in the kurgan region, employees of the ministry of emergency situations of the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug and yamal went there spas, helps strengthen the dam, evacuate people, there are people on duty here every day, including volunteers. evacuation from neighboring
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villages, every 3 hours, groups of buses are waiting for people at gathering places. hepatitis a vaccination begins, vector, contaminated water. people all over the country are collecting help, this point is in the nizhny novgorod region. what you need now: water, clothing, bed linen, personal hygiene products, portable batteries, flashlights, later you will need heat guns, generators. our soul is such that we must help so as not to give up of people. we repeat once again, do not neglect evacuation, collect documents, money, warm clothes, bed linen, personal hygiene products, leave, do not wait for water to come to your house. experts say that almost every second region of our country is at risk, so everyone should be attentive, extremely focused, please follow the messages of emergency services and do not ignore them under any circumstances, everything is very
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, very serious. yes, yes, if the need to evacuate is announced, evacuate immediately. our expert, senior rescuer osvod of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, osman dilibash, will tell you right now how to understand whether flooding threatens your area? and how to evacuate correctly, how to find out if a flood is threatening your home? go to the rosreestr website, open cadastral maps, enter the address of your house in the search bar, here it is on the map, highlighted in yellow, to find out whether it is in danger of flooding, click on the layers icon at the top right and select the zone option with special conditions for the use of territories. these zones are highlighted in green, and we see that they pass along our site. to find characteristics, close the search window and click on the green field. a new window appears, here you can
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select several information fields with this arrow. we need a zoid window, as you can see, this is a flood zone. click the more details button and get the zone parameters. if you find out that your area is in a dangerous zone, there is no need to panic; first of all , open the map application on your smartphone and take a screenshot of your coordinates. they offer to evacuate, don’t refuse, we are preparing documents, passport, certificate of ownership, money, take a first aid kit, prepare a supply of food for several days, drinking water, canned food with a ring, bread, maybe cookies, chocolate. be sure to follow the news, we must be aware of how
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the flood is progressing. in the case when the water level rises slowly, we transfer material assets to the upper floors, be sure to charge the phone, take a power bank, if the situation is critical, turn off the gas, electricity, turn off the water supply, take documents, warm clothes, food supplies and we raise. the same rules of information security, we have no doubt that you know everything, everything
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is known to you, but as they say, it definitely wouldn’t hurt to repeat them, we lost your phone for half an hour to block your sim card and bank accounts, that’s exactly how much the attackers need to hacking an eight -character password, what alexander did when his smartphone was stolen in a bar, not very upset, he asked me to call a taxi , went home, woke up the next day, i probably need to buy a new one, it gives an error everywhere...
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he wasn’t the one who transferred the money, he wasn’t the one who withdrew the money, and the money was successful, well, what’s the point, the money is a warning, you need to protect the funds as you can’t find ends here. the experts just inserted the sim card into the smartphone. the first is to set a pin code on it, different from the application password. this will make it more difficult for a robber who will try to gain access to your funds using your sim card. the second is to introduce a withdrawal limit to increase the size of the hacking amounts. you can block the device or reset all settings if you know for sure that the device will not be returned to you; it has been stolen. fourth - do not install applications of all banks where you store money, use some the old fashioned way. through the offices, please go into the hall, the manager will come. and finally, basic
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security rules, don’t tell anyone the codes, don’t store photos of passports on your phone, don’t use public wi-fi during transactions, and if the money has already started disappearing, ask the bank for a statement of tranches, you don’t confirm them, you’re not theirs the initiator and the amounts are sensitive for you, about this you must write a statement as confirmation, attach the first account statement, the second - a fact confirming the loss of your mobile phone. lost phone. children learn to do the heimlich maneuver, the first one didn’t help, let’s save, come on, this is how we help for those who choked, you see, the balls flew, it turned out how to save an adult, even children can do this, about many
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other important things and interesting, we will tell you in the program to live healthy, today on the first, lean sausages, they are made from vegetable squirrel, few people have such a strong appetite, sparkles in the eyes, and they say they are very tasty, the main thing is to choose them correctly. this is what vegetable protein looks like, in this case pea protein, popular soy and wheat powders too, and how to make sausages from them, yes, it’s more complicated than from meat, the next step is mixing water with all the dry ingredients, this is what we get: pea protein with fiber and spice. plant fiber is good for digestion, but another thing is important to the manufacturer: this component absorbs water, swells and creates a more or less suitable consistency, dyes are responsible for the appetizing color,
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it’s good if they are natural from plant materials, paprika extract or iron oxides can be added, they give just such an orange color. red color, fermented rice is also used, it gives a beautiful red color. the taste and smell are due to aromatic additives. the input is natural spices and food chemistry, because plant protein itself is almost neutral, because it goes through a lot stages of purification, but this does not affect its beneficial properties. protein, it is protein, if we ultra-process it, it will become a mixture of amino acids, it will always have the same properties, and, accordingly , the same protein. proteins are the main building material of the body, and also keep you full for a long time. in addition to them, lean sausages contain quite a lot of fats, also vegetable ones. it is better if these are liquid oils such as sunflower and olive, and not margarine spreads, which contain harmful trans-measurements, and preferably the least of all the rest of the food in the composition. a combination
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of flavors, emulsifiers, dyes, like a cocktail, can cause... will tell you which of our champions loves cats the most and who has charming dogs at home. a mask with a picture of a cat is a truly lucky talisman for two-time olympic champion evgeny rylov. it all started with the olympic games in tokyo, where our swimmer won two gold
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medals. then rylov appeared in this bright image at other competitions. it’s not surprising, because evgeniy simply adores warm and fluffy pets. at home the famous swimmer lives not too many, not less, 14 cats of different breeds. maine coons, nebelungs, scottish opel-eared cats, you name it, they’re all just right, affectionate, sociable and very fond of attention. and the cska moscow football player, three-time russian champion, kirill nababkin, a famous dog lover, one of the most experienced players in the russian premier league, has four tailed pets. i would start it more, but i don’t have time yet. lacks. in addition, nababkin actively helps animals in shelters, delivering them food and necessary supplies. medicines. the famous tennis player svetlana kuznetsova has been very fond of dogs since childhood. the champion of two grand slam tournaments has adorable pets dolcea and dunya living at home. both dogs are
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american bully breeds. they look formidable only at first glance. in fact, bully is the kindest soul of a creature. in addition, these dogs are distinguished by their intelligence. and with his intelligence , he loves to attend various beauty procedures, and for figure skater victoria senitsina, world and european champion in ice dancing, mars is responsible for positivity and melata, a miniature and charming pet of the maltipud breed, this is a decorative breed half maltese, half toy poodle, seeing such a cheerful and artistic dog, the mood immediately improves, strength for fiery performances... you must agree, how great it would be to tidy up the park near the house , to equip a children's playground, a pedestrian zone, these are the opportunities provided by the national housing and urban environment project. in recent years, 65 thousand public spaces across the country have changed their appearance, and what is especially nice is that each
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of us can take part in voting in choosing the next object. morning exercises, table tennis tournaments, games and relay races, all sports in the nomads park of central asia and the city of shaganar. they opened in february of this year, and since then it has never been deserted. this piece of land was empty and completely abandoned with garbage. now on the territory there are children's and sports grounds, recreation areas, a special pride of the locals, a sculpture of a steppe warrior and the largest in republic of yurta, area 213, height more than 5 meters. when i came. when i first entered nomad park, i saw a beautiful yurt, walked in, and saw a beautiful conference room. for young people this is a very pleasant place to hold various conferences and various debates. active schoolchildren and students are already holding meetings here, and together they are generating ideas, including for landscaping. some
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can be implemented thanks to the national project housing and urban environment. anastasia khakhlova knows this for sure. when i was a fourth year student architectural created a new image of victory park in the city of chernyakhovsk. we looked at the territory and realized that it was very similar in outline, in its outline, to the border of the kaliningrad region. i've already been to the park. a transit path that perfectly overlapped the federal highway, and from it , according to real roads, rivers, a path to twenty sites, twenty-two municipalities had already moved away. the unusual idea was appreciated, the park was transformed, and the author, after defending his thesis , was offered a job in the city administration. in total, during the implementation of the national project, more than 65 thousand public spaces throughout the country changed their appearance so that everyone could... 84 regions took part, a video was shot for each region, everyone participated very
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actively, our population coverage was more than 6 million people, 2.5 million people voted. the volgograd region took third place, the chechen republic took second place, and the chelyabinsk region won. voting for the already landscaped areas has ended. but now you can choose those that only to be repaired during the all-russian vote for improvement. eighth-grader nastya beryukova has been collecting votes for squares and parks in kursk for the second year. we have several territories for which you can vote, you can click on each, look at the description of the project, maybe some are located near your home. there are also more than 200,000 volunteers throughout the country. you can check the box not only on their tablet, but on the website we will decide together through the state services portal before april 30, there's still time. the other day
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, people's artist of the rsfsr, writer, creator and permanent artistic director of the cats theater in moscow, yuri kuklachev, turned 75 years old. and yuri dmitrievich, we congratulate you with all our hearts, we wish you more strength, health, of course, and a full house. nothing foreshadowed such an end to the evening. on his birthday, yuri kuklachev not only accepted congratulations, he hosted the show, joked with the audience, performed tricks, got excited, and his heart could not stand it, the artist was taken straight from the performance in an ambulance, heart attack, he underwent surgery that same night. today he is already feeling better, literally half an hour ago i talked to him, he gave me instructions on what to change in the program so that the show continues. i told him: “dad, calm down, relax, get well, everything will be fine.” and the show is the kindest clown, the pearl thread of life continued. on stage for two weekends in a row,
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the whole kuklachev family. in this grandiose show performance, we spent a very long time staging it, we thought, collected numbers, they were isolated from the huge number of our performances. among the participants are artists from different circuses of the country, more than 350 people, all genres of circus art and hits from different years.
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them, has been adhering to it for 60 years since the very day he has not trained animals since the day when he accidentally brought home a stray cat, it climbed into the pan, pulled it out, and she came back, so the first number was born, everything is built on love, so you can’t call me a trainer , only a teacher, any teacher, is a source. animals, birds, everyone feels kindness and warmth, then any plant, reciprocate. then more cats appeared, many, and 30 years ago a whole theater of cats, the only one in the world, the largest purring troupe, more than 200 artists, attracts full houses, and wherever they went on tour, the star clown and his pets are known all over the world , i was driving through germany, he said, names can be seen in the dark, why?
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on channel one, please do not miss the continuation of the multi-part action-packed undercover taxi detective, the turbine police lieutenant, his partner, the faithful dog, loaf, are always in the thick of things. what if you did you miss something? or maybe you forgot something, maybe you got confused in the plot? now we will explain everything and unravel everything. well, you give a taxi driver, even on the way home you manage to find an adventure, an adventure literally at every step, because alexey turbin, an undercover operative, attackers do not see danger in an ordinary taxi driver and themselves go into the hands of the police, they are able to see in him an ally who can say: come on, please, buddy, take me away from all my problems. the police have a task - to catch a clown who is scary passers-by this clown is already annoying me. yesterday,
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for example, he was half dead. in the literal sense of the word, he scared a pensioner in the park by jumping out at her, unexpectedly, right from the bushes. he will be looking for the turbine actor during the day, and at night he will help his colleagues from the criminal investigation department to track down the attacker, he is robbing girls in a nightclub. and here is a sketch of him that looks like you. turbin works alone without a partner, but will go to a nightclub with a loaf of bread. alexey quarreled with his neighbor, aunt tanya. she looked after his dog. now the dog is no longer with who to leave. what should i do now? baton is also a professional actor. his name is india , he already has 80 roles under his belt, he found a common language with dmitry vlaskin from the first minute. if they entered the frame together, sometimes everything worked out absolutely on the first take. dogs are trained to work in films from the first months of life. trainers take their film set so that the kids get used to the unusual environment and
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loud sounds. on a shooting day, the dog has 6-8 hours. if this. stunning panoramic shots of st. petersburg. undercover taxi is declaration of love to the city. at the age of 9, director stas shmilev made his first trip in his life from his native tola to st. petersburg. i saw this architecture, this special atmosphere. i returned home, instead of sitting down to do my homework, i took a piece of paper, a4, and
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began writing poetry with a pencil. dedicated to st. petersburg, at 30 he made a movie in this city, showed all the beauty of the northern capital, i’m a pro, channel one, undercover taxi, new series today. maria bronzova, victoria bolenskaya, ilya kuvaldin, channel one. now we give up the floor for a moment colleagues from the information service of the first channel. the time has come to find out what has happened in the country and in the world up to this hour. see you soon. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the double standards of the west and the inaction of the soviet union are the reason for another escalation in the middle east, russian permanent representative vasily nebenzya stated this at the security council, our country warned that the situation
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is heating up and the security council needs to react, this it was after the impact. according to the iranian consulate in damascus, on the night of april 14 followed tehran's response. nibendia recalled that the crisis in the middle east is being deliberately escalated from outside. we call on all parties involved in the incident to exercise restraint in the tense situation on the ground in the middle east region, with obvious risks of the conflict expanding into regional confrontation. the spiral of confrontation and bloodshed must be stopped. we consider everything urgent. we note tehran’s signal that it does not want to further escalate hostilities with israel. we strongly urge western jerusalem will follow his example and abandon the practice of provocative military actions in the middle east. now to the topic of the northern military district,
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the armored group of the tula paratroopers destroyed. ukrainian fighters in a strong point in the northern direction and ensured its capture by attack aircraft on t-80 and bmd tanks, the fighters of the winged infantry quickly moved into the indicated square, immediately came into fire contact with the enemy, hit with direct fire from automatic guns in short bursts, the enemy could not stand it , after a few minutes ours burst into his location. and in the donetsk direction, the crews of the attack drones of the southern group of forces accurately hit the personnel, the ammunition depot and the equipment of the armed forces of ukraine worked quickly, harmoniously, while the operator determines the target, his assistant prepares the ammunition, launches the device and corrects the movement. in the zaporozhye direction, a crew of a mortar battery of the dnepr group. with a well-aimed shot, he disrupted the rotation of the enemy assault group, incapacitating its entire personnel, these are those who especially distinguished themselves at the headquarters of the moscow military district, certificates for payment of funds was given to the artillerymen of the west group of forces,
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who destroyed leopard-2 tanks in the kupinsky direction. and more about the courage and professionalism of russian military personnel, senior sergeant natalya alekseeva, under heavy enemy fire, risking her life, carried two wounded from the battlefield and provided them with first aid. organized evacuation to the rear. artilleryman private roman afanasyev received the coordinates of the enemy column, which went to break through our defensive lines, launched an accurate missile strike, and destroyed five units equipment and more than thirty militants. ukraine is preparing for a new wave of flight from mobilization. the rada has already adopted a new law with strict rules for those who do not want to serve, although zelensky has not yet signed it. but ukrainians abroad have already queued up for the consulate.
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dramatic footage of rescues during floods on the arabian peninsula, as locals pull out stranded people by rope as they are carried away by the current. those suffering from sandstorms experienced heavy tropical rains, 12 people died, five were missing according to the news, the police had to be involved to evacuate students in the al-ghazal area. westerners
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are jealously watching the trip to china of german chancellor olaf scholz. they did not ignore the fact that the german leader began his visit from the city of chongqing, where he was met only by the vice-mayor. while scholz was preparing for the trip, the day before he opened an account on the largest social network. and now the suitcase with important documents flashed in this video will be taken from chongqing to shanghai only then to beijing, where the chairman of the people's republic of china will finally talk to him sizenpin. it’s a beautiful spring morning, we are greeting it today with you, yulia zemina and sergey bobaev on the calendar: april 15, monday, good morning. more than 2.5 billion people around the world use instant messengers, and this number is growing and growing every day. there is room to grow, because there are 8 billion on earth. well, where can we exchange photos, videos, contacts, all sorts of news, everything is there in chats, well, yes, by the way, from chats, their number in a single phone is also constantly growing, what kind of workers - family, friends, school,
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friends separately, these friends separately, in general, without chats our life today is of course already difficult to imagine, i bet you don’t know how many chats you actually have, the chat of our department a... the chat of our department without our leader, four brownies, furniture chat, renovation chat, another house chat, maria has 45 chats in two messengers, how long is that? to read the message and respond to each one, let's try to count, today we are distracted by all the chats, it could have come in 30 seconds, in 15 seconds several messages at the same time, you never know whether this message is important or not, you are still distracted in some kind of eternal confusion, every minute i lower my eyes, because there are school and... dadov
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chats, alexey is the calmest of all, he has everything seven chats, and those where my wife added, she has 40 of them, it’s impossible to relax, every time, in order to get involved in a task, we need to focus, pull up the context from memory, then make a decision, it turns out that if we switch from task to task , then we spend five times more energy in as a result, we complete the main task longer and worse, we come back again with the phones, again i... explain what tasks we have there, how to mix colors, in an hour and a half, olga received 152 messages, peter 46, alexey 50, valentina 400. to it takes on average from three to 5 seconds to read a small sentence, with this number of messages up to half an hour at least, if you do not respond. first, you need to honestly admit to yourself whether all 32 chats are really important to me, and honestly admit to yourself that i come here to... to feel safe,
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then a question for yourself, and i will definitely feel unsafe if i miss this information. other tricks: maria with forty chats, remember, she divided them into two phones, urgent work in one, non-urgent in the second, plus all chats have different notification sounds. in the it department , there is generally only one work chat, in it everything is by topic, tasks separately, memes separately, discussion of may - notifications that come from these chats, that is, unimportant ones, do not pop up, those that are warning are very important, they immediately appear on the screen. the main thing to remember is that any chat with more than six to eight people automatically turns into a booth. on the other hand , the bystander syndrome kicks in, everyone saw the request, but everyone relied on their neighbor, it’s more effective to contact in person, the best chat turns out to be the one that wasn’t created. natalya leonova, dmitry likhachev.
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channel one, today is april 15, world culture day and international art day, congratulations to everyone, well, according to the culture , according to the horoscope, april 15, the turning point of the seventh and eighth lunar days, twenty seventh sunny day, very powerful, strong, energetic, athletic, hardy, and at the same time, let’s say, diligent, if he takes on something, he will do everything in the best possible way, and he will bring any task to the end, and he has a good character, he honest, fair, he has what is called spiritual generosity. if you need to mend a relationship that has deteriorated a little or make strong friends with someone, this is your day. he also has a nose for good purchases. on the downsides: he is vulnerable, easily offended, and can lose his temper. however, this passes quickly for him. save up he doesn't know how to take offense. on such days we often act not very thoughtfully, what is called under the influence of the moment. for aries, this can make the day a little more difficult. you know, sometimes someone takes it and messes everything up. and then you
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don’t know what to do with it, however, by the evening everything will somehow unravel, otherwise the day is very good, productive and profitable, and aries ladies are simply charming today. taurus, your motto is accuracy, calmness, correctness, the day is not very smooth in terms of relationships, it’s also somewhat nervous, but you got it, drive more carefully, feel free to make a date for the evening. gemini is in for some news, a revelation, and maybe even small discoveries. as for work, get ready to roll up your sleeves, there will be a lot to do. however, small and familiar, the evening is not bad for shopping. for cancers, things will just go with a bang, especially for those who are engaged in the service sector or, as they say, work with people, but in the personal sphere some experiences, grievances are not excluded, cancer ladies can become sad for no reason, however, that’s all not seriously, the evening will definitely cheer you up mood. the stars strongly advise leo to take care of his personal life. today is a great day for you to change it for the better. however, the work will go well, the main thing is not to sort things out with colleagues and... partners, virgos have a wonderful day for
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business meetings, negotiations, conferences and just to discuss something, to agree on everything, if someone needs a good analyst or consultant, call one of the virgins. a good day for libra, although a little disheveled, when not everything goes according to plan, someone tries to distract you, advises something a friend, but don’t be angry, by lunch everything will go back to normal, try not to take too long. the scorpio luminary promises a small profit or a gift, although some expenses also loom for you. overall the same day. shows that you will succeed here and there, expect guests in the evening. in general, capricorns also have a good day. it will be possible to fill out important papers without unnecessary hassle, get something from your superiors, or get some necessary information or advice. and the evening seems to be preparing something cultural and educational for you. in
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aquarius is just a good day when everything works out. all sorts of practical, short things will go great. started today and finished today. and if you have small children, give them more attention. and the fish are having a good day, although there is a risk of being deceived in something, wishful thinking or simply overpaying for something, but if you are vigilant, everything will be fine, evening, oh, this evening, he is clearly up to something like that , good luck to you, the voice is live, on friday, on the first. cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. rum. castra. product of steller group. vodka. veda, a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac.
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product of steller group. the snow is still white in the fields. and the waters are already noisy in the spring. they run and wake up the sleepy shore, they run shine and shout, they shout in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. do you know that in 1977 a real revolution took place in the beauty industry, so they say experts, a new term has appeared: mineral cosmetics, whatever that means?
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i don’t know, ordinary cosmetics are in no hurry to give up their positions, our correspondent ligia belyanskaya delved into this topic. we are producing mineral cosmetics in st. petersburg. the ingredients are natural, come mainly from india and china, the base is natural mica. this is a layered mineral that is found in almost any rock. mica gives a glowing effect, the effect can be motivating. the second most important component is silicon dioxide. silicon dioxide is sand. and also chalk, calcium and carbonate. all this is crushed, processed, mixed in a meat grinder, in a blender and under a press. yes, it looks like a kitchen, and these spices in jars are pigments for color, these are iron oxides, iron oxides are yellow, red, brown, these are the primary colors, as well as ultramarines, the white pigment is titanium dioxide, plus titanium dioxide, what is it physical spf factor.
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sun protection is small, spf is about twenty, in the middle zone it will protect at sea in the summer, it’s unlikely, but it’s great for problem skin, it’s important that it doesn’t cure rashes, but it doesn’t provoke them either. deterioration minerals such as sulfur, zinc, magnesium silicon normalize the sebaceous glands and reduce inflammation, mineral cosmetics do not allow our glands to work at full strength, absorb all the fat itself, and accordingly we remove one of the key factors in the development of acne. such cosmetics are also hypoallergenic and , surprisingly, have no expiration date, but the composition is still worth studying and comparing it with consistency. manufacturers can be tricky if you see a creamy product that they call it mineral, the composition is definitely not completely mineral, such as lip glosses or some other cream products, that is, minerals
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can only be in dry form, and if it is not a dry form, then there are some other ones there are impurities, which is interesting, professional makeup artists almost never work with such cosmetics, the price is higher , the product line is lower, it is not suitable for all people with dry skin, take care of moisturizing before applying, and in the meantime we are doing an experiment: we painted half of the face with ordinary decorative cosmetics, half mineral. the mineral one is applied in a thinner layer, but where the regular one is applied you can actually feel it sticking to the skin. after 10 minutes, the mineral powder structure began to crumble throughout the wine, which also emphasizes the unevenness. they both apply easily, but overlap. the ability, of course, is better than that of ordinary decorative cosmetics. advice and conclusion: for the ideal tone , ordinary decorative cosmetics are better; for every day, mineral skin will be healthier. ligia, angelina ivanova, pavel gits and ilya kuvalden, first channel. many people have a sedentary job, here
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they are at the table, squinting in front of the computer, looking, looking, of course, this will pass without leaving a trace, well, it just can’t, yes, first of all, health problems, of course, arise, how to protect the neck and spine, a neurologist will tell you and chiropractor sergei dlin. when we sit at the computer for a long time, without noticing it, we procrastinate. look, in this position, in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra, muscle spasm occurs here, as a result, microcirculation of blood and lymph in this place is disrupted and a fatty seal is formed, also called the withers. the mound grows faster when you are overweight. to stop the process, you need gymnastics. we connect our bent arms at the chest, spread our shoulder blades to the sides, try to bring them together,
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now we reach for the ceiling, join our palms, return to the starting position, perform the exercise in the morning in the evening before going to bed and distract ourselves for physical exercise minutes during the day, especially if you have a sedentary job, we rub the withers even more often with a massage brush. it is more convenient to work with a tool with a long with a pen, to enhance the effect, once a week we make a warming compress, dilute camphor oil one to one with sunflower oil, apply a screw folded in four layers, place it on the neck, leave for 20 minutes, the compress, just like a massage, improves microcirculation, and.. we try to keep our neck straight, not only during the day, but also at night. we sleep on an orthopedic
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pillow no more than 10 cm high. be healthy. now let's invite ourselves to visit the nanais and go to the far east. these wonderful people live along the banks amur, since ancient times and mainly in the khabarovsk territory. how do enthusiasts preserve and restore ancient nanai traditions? arina is wearing a traditional nanai robe, starting with her great-grandmother, it was passed down from generation to generation, the family values ​​​​its roots very much. a musician in sevo-luzhansk, half of naets, decided to study his ancestors a couple of years ago. i started looking for music on the internet and found a bunch of contextless ones.
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on gastronomic expeditions around the khabarovsk territory, i learned how to prepare ferns, seaweed, and bensim dumplings stuffed with aukhi fish. this a predatory perch, it is found only in the amur river basin, that is, only here you can try this fish, when i met it, i immediately became a fan of it. for nanai people, fish is sacred, the project that designers tatyana vasilyeva and denis burlakov are working on is called that, it’s all about the fish. a dress with sterlid clutches will appear soon. leather: we really plan to work with it beautifully and make accessories,
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embroidery, appliqués, because indeed on naitsa they have been making and sewing such skins for a long time. from it clothes, and dressing gowns, will be in collections and unique embroidery, thread to thread, masterly transitions from color to color. denisa tatyana is in search of craftsmen, those who inherited the ability to speak pananai style. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, stepan erofeev and evgeniy morinkov. khabarovsk, first channel. what previously required you to select a bank can now be done directly on your mobile phone. many people are very aware of this. they use it, the crooks also know all about it, they use it perfectly, they dream of gaining access to our account, therefore, it is extremely important to comply with the same rules of information security, we have no doubt that you know everything, everything is known to you, but as they say, it definitely wouldn’t hurt to repeat them, you lost your phone, you have half an hour to block your sim card and bank accounts, this is exactly how much it takes for attackers to crack an eight
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-character password, which is what alexander did when his smartphone was stolen in a bar, not very upset, he asked me to call a taxi , went home, woke up the next day, i probably need to buy a new one, it gives out everywhere error, there are 5 rubles in my account. 65 kop. instead of 100,000 in the bank, they later told how it happened. a certain person gained access to my sim card from my phone, sent 90 sms to the number, a short number, to receive information from the bank, he asked for a password. within five tranches of the card where the money went, it was possible, well , he transferred all my money, to find the holder , it wasn’t him who transferred the money, he wasn’t the one who withdrew the money, and you can’t find the ends here anymore, experts warn, you need to protect the money as soon as it’s inserted sim card in smartphone, the first thing is to set a pin code on it,
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different from the password for applications, this will complicate the task of the robber who uses your sim card. will try to gain access to your funds. the second is to introduce a withdrawal limit; in order to increase the amount of money, attackers will have to contact the bank. choose a comfortable amount that you are willing to spend per month, which will prevent an attacker from withdrawing or completely resetting the account. third, activate the device search function. now we have found our device, please, we have a point on the map, where it is located. you can block the device or reset all settings if you know for sure that the device is already. will not return, it is stolen. fourth - do not install the application of all banks where you store money, use some the old fashioned way through the office. please come into the hall, the manager will come. and finally, basic security rules: don’t tell anyone the codes, don’t store your passport photo in your phone, don’t use public wi-fi at the time of the transaction, and if money has already started to disappear, ask for a bank statement
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trenches. you do not confirm them, you are not their initiator, the amounts are sensitive to you, you must write a statement about this, etc. as confirmation , attach the first - an account statement, the second - a fact confirming the loss of your mobile phone. losing your phone is, yes, unpleasant, but not a disaster if you take precautions. dmitry kuzmin, iliyaved kazubov, alexander ignatov, dmitry gordienko, channel one. very soon there will be a total dictation, this is a wonderful worldwide educational event, only consider that last year half a million people from forty -three countries took part. they even wrote in space, wow, the next total dictation will be held on april 20, there is time to prepare, by the way, this year of the total dictation, the round date is 20 years, it all started back in 2004 at the novosibirsk state university, at sea, our voyage begins with writing a total dictation, on the plane, i hope my
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flight will be the most competent, let's take it even higher in space, good luck to everyone on the dictation, be, carefully, total dictation is already 20 years old, it was written and written on all continents of the world, yes, even in antarctica, it all started in 2004, the idea of ​​​​students of the novosibirsk state university, just to test literacy, no assessments or reports were expected, 125 people came, a full audience , and launched jokes here and there, wrote under the dictation of lecturer sergei kulikov, chose a loud voice and humor, read a fragment... from the novel "war and peace" with elements of stand-up comedy. that's it, this is some kind of breakdown of patterns, everyone started laughing, fun, that is, somehow i felt relaxed. we liked it, so we’ll do it again. and now, years later, this is not just a dictation, it is a tradition throughout the country. for some, even a date. the young man wrote that i actually came here with my girlfriend,
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i just want to be with her, i feel so good, thank you very much. yes, indeed, god bless her with gramo. but then they gave us medals, he not only writes, but also checks how a volunteer, there’s a romance here, sometimes they write there, please don’t judge strictly, good luck to you experts, well there are some nice, sweet wishes, they write cats and draw them, the cats certainly won’t affect the grade, the most responsible ones are preparing, in fact it’s possible online, but in face-to-face courses, pay attention on friday evening, all the places are occupied, i’m writing a dictation, probably already or... the fourteenth time, i have never been able to write for an a, to write for the coveted a, which i’m only dreaming about right now, because the russian language is cool, i love it when people write correctly.
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this year the author of the text is the writer anna matveeva, prepared four options for different time zones. the task was to ensure that all four parts for different regions of our country were the same in complexity, so that it would not be the case that the far east would find it more difficult than moscow, and the urals easier than... anna has prepared another text for children, this is a new format dictation other projects are being born on the basis of total: testrut, for those for whom russian is a foreign language, or that language, dictation is translated into the languages ​​of small nationalities. we try in russian the story is not boring, but not boring. it's time to create a personal account on the website, two formats: online offline. you can choose the place of the announcer, your teacher, your favorite actor. singer or athlete. anna popova, mikhail karasev, denis panomariov, anna ryabova. first channel. the focus remains on the strongest
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spring water rise in the last 100 years. the most serious situation is in three areas. orenburg, kurgan and tyumen. and in total there are 39 regions of the country in the flood risk zone, so we all don't relax. please pay close attention to emergency messages and do not ignore them if necessary. russia calls on iran and israel to show restraint, our permanent representative vasily nebenzya told the un security council, he recalled the risks of uncontrolled escalation. against the backdrop of the conflict between israel and palestine, which has been going on for six months. according to the diplomat, the iranian attack on the night of april 14 , about which a council was convened, did not occur in
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a vacuum; it was a response to the israeli a blow to the iranian consulate in damascus and the inaction of the security council, despite all the warnings from our country. when israel struck a diplomatic facility in defiance of all principles of international law, the west deliberately turned a blind eye. this is where your favorite argument about lack of information, legal chicanery, and the like comes into play. and today , such a parade of hypocrisy and
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double standards is unfolding in the sbb, which is somehow even inconvenient to watch. now to the topic of the northern military district, in the donetsk direction of calculating attack drones the southern group of troops accurately hit the personnel, ammunition depot and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, they worked quickly in harmony, until... the operator determines the target, his assistant prepares the ammunition, launches the device and corrects the movement. in the zaporozhye direction, the crew of the mortar battery, the dnepr group, with a slow shot disrupted the rotation of the enemy assault group, putting out all its personnel. meanwhile, at the headquarters of the moscow military district, certificates for the payment of funds were presented to the artillerymen of the west group of troops, who destroyed leopard-2 tanks in the kupinsky direction. as they themselves said, they hit with the first shot. thank you. we went to the position, stood up, aimed an accurate hit, hit the target, immediately fired the first shell, it lit up like matches, satisfaction that
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we didn’t do our job in vain, now there’s one less leopard, it’s much easier on our infantry, and also about the courage and professionalism of russian military personnel, senior sergeant natalya alekseeva, under heavy enemy fire, risking her life, carried her from the battlefield two. the wounded were given first aid and organized evacuation to the rear. artilleryman-private roman afanasyev received the coordinates of the enemy column, which went to break through our defensive lines, and launched an accurate missile. the strike destroyed five pieces of equipment and more than thirty militants. seven civilians of the dpr suffered from shelling by ukrainian armed forces over the past 24 hours, as the republic’s leadership reported, the enemy struck the stroitel residential area in the gorlovka area, used shells with a cluster warhead, as a result, five women were injured, one of them seriously. and in aleksandrovka, a ukrainian drone dropped ammunition on a city bus,
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two more residents were injured there and are being treated. necessary medical assistance. a total of 12 artillery attacks were recorded, and 34 nato-caliber ammunition was fired. three regions - bashkartastan, tatarstan, samara region will additionally send people and equipment to the orenburg region to help eliminate the consequences of severe floods. according to the latest data, the water level in the ural river is significantly decreased. however, over 14,000 residential buildings are still flooded in areas where the waters have receded. first of all, this concerns. orsk, work has already begun on cleaning and disinfecting the territory, classes have also resumed in most schools, in the krugansk region the situation is still difficult, the water level in tobol is already above 6 m, rescuers are clearing the riverbed of debris to reduce the pressure on the dam, the authorities are calling on residents of the floodplain areas were evacuated, a number of roads that were already flooding had to be closed, peak flooding is expected in the near future, more than 60 settlements may be in the danger zone
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, 88% of the dangerous water level in the city has been exceeded, evacuation is in full swing. and dramatic footage of rescues during floods in the arabian peninsula. local residents use ropes to pull out stranded people who are being carried away by the current. oman, which usually suffers from sandstorms, received heavy tropical rains. 12 people. died, five went missing to evacuate students in the algazal area, the police had to be involved. and finally about the weather, according to forecasters, is cloudy, windy and rainy all this week in central russia. a thunderstorm is expected in the capital this afternoon; a gale will rise with gusts of up to 20 m/s. deeprance asks drivers to be careful while driving and not to park near trees or rickety structures. in a week, according to meteorologists,
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a month's worth of precipitation will fall on moscow. closer to the weekend at night it will be only 2-3° above zero, along with temperature jumps we will also experience sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, and the most pressure saw, all days the pressure will be below normal by about 10 units, and at the same time, it will drop even more, then rise. and that's all for now. good morning to everyone who has just joined us, sergey baba is with you today. and yulia zemina came on monday , april 15th. we can rightfully say that the summer season has opened almost throughout the entire territory of our country. of course, you need to prepare for it. yes, including conducting an audit of the country first aid kit, well, at least renewing the stock of all kinds of bactericidal plasters funds. yes, because all kinds of damage happen, and wounds, abrasions, pliers bite, pitchforks and other cutting tools. in general,
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first aid kits. everything should be in order everything with a normal expiration date, everything is piled up in the medicine cabinet olga koror, mother of three children, assures her that it’s convenient for her, pharmacologist andrei kandrakhin doubts it, suggests an experiment, if something happened, you need to look for everything, some maybe the situation has developed and you need to take an antipyretic drug, this is how you will approach it, i had to look for paracitamol, i found it in blister without primary packaging. the formatologist does not approve of such storage, because this golden foil can be damaged, and if moisture gets into the tablet, it will cease to be a tablet, it will become a tablet with water, it will interact differently with the body, it could lose the active substance, well, it will be a pacifier, without primary packaging, which means without instructions the same expiration date on the blister is poorly visible, the expired date will not work at best, and
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will harm at worst. another moment, what if do you need medicine urgently? and if we need to use a drug to treat an allergic condition, there are cases where sofia or veronica have an allergy suddenly, and the necessary pills were not found quickly. what do you think is wrong with the packaging? well, it’s dirty here, but it seems to me that this is poor storage, well done, we don’t store liquid medicines with solid ones, obviously there’s something wrong with the packaging. these are chemicals, they can interact, and naturally the drug will deteriorate; it is better not to put allergy medications, especially in spring and summer, in the medicine cabinet, store separately in an accessible place, but difficult to access. for children, do you know that they don’t play with tablets? i know, and i know, we keep bandages, iodine and anti-burn agents at hand in an accessible place, and not just in first aid kits, so that if something happens we don’t have to search for a long time. let's start sorting out the first aid kit, olga has
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a lot of the same medications, most of all antibiotics, she assures me that she took everything only according to a prescription. i used it, put it in the box and forgot about it. they put everything into groups, and signed it like in a pharmacy - the children’s idea, then mother’s... everything is in boxes in a box, and the pharmacist reminds us that we also need to collect it for the dacha, for treatment of wounds and dressings, again absorbent and painkillers for burns. the main thing to remember is that the storage temperature for most drugs is up to 25°, summer is hot ahead, and some drugs, especially drop syrups, can only be put in the refrigerator. anna obrosmova, alexander ivanovsky, channel one. money and scammers are inseparable, like a wave on the shore, like bees. and honey, here is the housing and communal services sector, there are huge funds there, of course, right there, like here, here, like here, swindlers, yes, they are trying to us to deceive, arrange some fake checks, send out some kind of payments, yes, let’s remember once again how not to become
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victims of scammers, the housing and communal services sector is a haven for scammers, but at least there are fake payments, and what about the boxes, here they are in the public domain, they give us fake receipts, and there, well, there may be one difference. when you see such a receipt, it is still advisable to look and compare it with the previous receipt, does everything match there? associate professor of the department of criminal law anastasia ragulina does not scare, she encourages you to be vigilant, for example, not to believe everything that is written on open information boards at the entrance, scammers can operate there too, anyone places here whatever they want, you see, here they can even stick it on top, here you go, meters, please, internet, please , water meters again, but this information is unofficial and of course you can’t trust it, it’s better to once ask your management company for its telephone number, the numbers of energy sales, water supply and gas service, this will protect you from false traders who walk around
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apartments, supposedly with a check, they even show an id, they came to sergei kukharev, the document was provided, otherwise it’s not fake, i don’t know, that is, well, the person came with good intentions, he didn’t come to me... he says: we let's see, but i say, come in, look, yes, very good, he begins to talk, look, you have an old hose, it's the same thing, so to speak, already with cracks, suddenly there will be a gas leak, they calculated repairs for 10 thousand rubles, right away were ready to replace it, the pensioner refused, then he looked at how much it really was worth it, all this is included in 1,000 rubles. when i contacted my management company, they explained to me that this is, in principle , free, but... it is part of the service system, for this we need numbers of different services, before letting us in, we call from our phone to a verified number, we clarify, if these are real employees, they will wait. another way of deception is through sms and
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email, they send messages about debts for housing and communal services, demanding urgent payment for parcels, but as soon as you enter the card details, the scammers see them they withdraw all the money from the account, so the rule is unclear, please check with management. i wrote in the general chat about this so that people knew. now their house is avoided by scammers ; if anything happens, everyone immediately calls or writes to the senior person in the house, and she always knows what to do. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia novokhatnya, andrey ivanov, channel one. and
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a special lesson begins on channel one. conversations about important things. today's topic is the 215th anniversary of the birth of nikolai vasilyevich gogol. our interlocutor, director of the moscow gogol's houses, vera vikulova. today vera vikulova, director of the moscow gogol house, honored worker of culture, candidate of pedagogical sciences, speaks about something important. this is the only museum of the writer where he lived, where he worked, where he burns dead souls. we have a lot of schoolchildren, and we talk about google simply. even as a living person, about his inclinations, about some interesting facts about him. what fact about gogol surprised you personally? for example, gugol was
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a famous fashionista, his hair was curled and raised quite high in front, in the shape letters, as they wore then. later, after traveling abroad, gogol changed his image and became familiar to us. hair becomes longer and a mustache appears. it must be said that gugol took very diligent care of his mustache hair; he went to kaufer as a hairdresser. he... loved to dress, loved to choose suits, his friend wrote from a peaceful dew: he had a gray hat, a light blue vest and raspberry trousers, like raspberries and cream. what else was the writer interested in? gogol drew very well, but had a passion for needlework, loved to embroider, knit, however, of course, he didn’t do this all the time, but it was a hobby for nobles, just like for men and women. was common at that time, because
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there was no television, there were no computers, and this, as it were, as a way of spending leisure time , was then very, very accepted. why are films and plays based on his works ? gugol, without any doubt, is a classic writer, he is one of the five most read russian authors, his plays are staged in all countries of the world, these are auditors, these are players, and dead souls, simply.
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it would be quite difficult for him, but google could he could have been an architect, he could have been a translator, he could have been an actor and he could have found other uses for his talent, but i hope that, nevertheless, probably, writing would have turned the corner and this would have happened, but of course , nikolai vasilyevich gogol was a personality of his time, he sought the purity of the russian word. impeccability, he understood his talent, that he had this
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gift, and he worked every day, putting his stories on paper. floods continue in russia, the largest in the last 100 years. water level in the ural river near orenburg falls, but flooding continues. in general, the situation in the orenburg kurgan and tyumen regions remains extremely serious. thousands of people evacuated and evacuated. continues in the kurgan region today the peak of the flood is predicted, those who suffered from this serious flood are being helped throughout the country. the flood in the orenburg region is visible even from space. it seems like everyone is here now. dozens of vehicles from the ministry of emergency situations of the perm territory have been evacuating people for the second week, carrying the elderly, rescuing animals, helping with water, food and warmth. unity of people that... wants to help each other in this trouble,
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regardless of whether he knows the person or not. sergei romanov was lucky, his house did not fall into the flood zone, but on the very first day he asked to take time off from work to be on duty. we were on duty in our area, well, at night, roughly speaking, we walked every hour, watched when the water would come, to wait, to be ready, then the water began to rise, left a phone number in the help chats, every day his neighbor goes out by boat sauliya bashpayeva prepared a room for those who have nowhere to live. elena my husband and i vacated the garage so that the victims could place their things there, and today they will bring her animals for foster care. alexey pugachev, when the water began to flow, collected the dogs and took them to the novotroitsky kennel. my father brought me here when he was already crying, that when he gave this all his life, he doesn’t live anymore, so he was happy, this is still something sad, maybe he hasn’t realized yet that we are taking it back, there are now more than 150 dogs here, a quarter are owners they have already been taken from udmurtia to the orenburg region. we understand that this is
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needed right away yesterday, so put it off too far it’s definitely not possible, we contacted all the people from the point of view of the victims, we personally clarified with each one what pockets they have... vaccination against hepatitis a begins, carrier, contaminated water. people all over the country are collecting help. in the nizhny novgorod region, what is needed now: water, clothing, bed linen, personal hygiene products, portable batteries, flashlights, later we will need heat guns, generators, our soul is such that we must help so as not to leave people in trouble. we repeat once again, do not neglect evacuation, collect
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documents, money, warm clothes, bed linen, personal hygiene products, leave, do not wait for water to come to your house. elizabeth.
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is there a flood in your home? go to the rosreestr website, open the cadastral maps, enter the address of your house in the search bar, here it is on the map, highlighted in yellow, to find out whether it is in danger of flooding, click on the layers icon at the top right and select the zone option with special conditions for the use of territories, these zones are highlighted in green, and we see they... walks through our site to find the characteristics, close the search window, click on the green field, a new window appears, here you can select several information fields with this arrow, we need the zoit window, as you can see, this is a flood zone, click
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the more details button and get the zone parameters if you find out that your site is located in a dangerous zone, there is no need to panic, first of all , open the map application on your smartphone, take a screenshot of your coordinates, consider the option of evacuating the house before the arrival of high water. if employees of the ministry of emergency situations come to your house and offer to evacuate, don’t refuse, prepare documents, passport, certificate of ownership, money, take a first aid kit, prepare a supply of food for several days. drinking water, canned food with a ring, bread, maybe cookies, chocolate. be sure to follow the news, we must be aware of how the flood is progressing. in the case when the water level rises slowly, we transfer material assets to the upper floors,
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be sure to charge the phone, take a power bank, if the situation is critical, turn off the gas, electricity, turn off the water supply, we take documents, warm clothes, a supply of food and go up to the upper floors or the roof of the house, and call 112, this is the only rescue service, now you just have to wait, they will definitely save you. lean sausages are made from vegetable protein; few people experience such a strong sensation. sees sparks in the eyes, yes, sometimes they say they are very tasty, the main thing is to choose them correctly, this is what vegetable protein looks like, in this case pea protein, the popular soy wheat protein, also powders, and how to make sausages from them, yes, more complicated than from
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meat, first of all, water is mixed with all the dry ingredients, we get just pea protein with fiber and spice. plant fiber is useful for digestion, but another thing is important to the manufacturer: this component absorbs water, swells and creates a more or less suitable consistency, and dyes are responsible for the appetizing color. paprika extract or iron oxides can be added, they give just such an orange-red color, fermented rice is also used, it gives a red color beautiful color, taste, smell, thanks to aromatic additives, natural spices and food chemistry are used, because plant protein itself is almost neutral, because it goes through many stages of purification, but this does not affect its beneficial properties, protein is protein . if we ultra-process it, it will become a mixture of amino acids and will always have the same properties, and correspondingly the same
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biological effect. proteins are the main building material of the body, and also keep you full for a long time. besides them, in lean sausages includes quite a lot of fats, also vegetable ones. it is better if these are liquid oils such as sunflower and olive, and not margarine spreads, which contain harmful transmeasurements, and preferably less of all the other ingredients in the composition. a nation of flavors, emulsifiers, dyes, like a cocktail can cause allergic reactions, the effect is cumulative, so you shouldn’t eat too much often, plus experts advise supplementing such sausages with whole grain cereals and fresh vegetables, they will help you more effectively absorb all the useful things there is. yulia kozlova, mikhail karasev, igor kostyukov, tatyana yus, channel one. on channel one, please don’t miss the continuation of the multi-part action-packed detective undercover taxi, the turbine police lieutenant, his partner, the faithful dog,
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loaf, are always in the thick of things. what if you missed something? or maybe you forgot something, maybe you are confused in the plot, we will now explain everything and unravel everything. come on, taxi driver, even on the way home you manage to find adventure, adventure literally at every step, because alexey turbi. an undercover operative, the attackers do not see a danger in an ordinary taxi driver and go into the hands of the police themselves, they are able to see in him an ally to whom they can say: come on, please, buddy, take me away from all my problems. the police are on a mission to catch a clown who is scaring passers-by. this clown is already annoying me. yesterday, for example, he scared a pensioner half to death in the park, in the literal sense of the word, by jumping out at her, unexpectedly, right from the bushes. they will be looking for a turbine actor. during the day and at night helps colleagues from the criminal investigation department to track down the attacker, he robs girls in a nightclub, here is his identikit, he looks like you,
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the turbine works alone without a partner, but he will go to the nightclub with a loaf of bread, alexey quarreled with his neighbor aunt dani, she was looking after his dog, now a dog i have no one to leave with, and what should i do now, baton is also a professional actor, his name is india, he already has 80 roles under his belt. i found a common language with dmitry vlaskin from the first minute. if they entered the frame together, sometimes everything worked out absolutely on the first take. to work in cinema dogs are prepared from the first months of life. trainers take their film set so that the kids get used to the unusual environment and loud sounds. a dog's shooting day is 6-8 hours. if this is a trick shift, where there are a lot of difficult tricks, where the dog works for protection, then less, around 4 hours. what award does he receive? four-legged artists, how about this? someone needs this wonderful thing, you see, i was immediately interested,
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someone needs something tasty, they should get pleasure from it, you have him like that honey, oh, you just don’t know well, let’s go, let’s go, speed is the key word here, in the film there are chases, stunts, amazing panoramic shots of st. petersburg, an undercover taxi - this is a declaration of love to the city, at the age of 9.
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this is where our program ends, but a new spring day is just beginning; yulia zemina and sergey babaev greeted it with great pleasure. and we wish everyone a great mood, great weather and only good news. please stay with us on channel one. news. bye. this is news first. hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue. the shameful inaction of the west, which also became the reason for iran’s attack on israel. today , such a parade of hypocrisy and double standards is unfolding in the sbb, which is somehow even uncomfortable.


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